The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 28, 1855, Image 4

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V"-■ 1 - - JUI -m- * .J--,--- N.r. B (’.> DfcUlT AND OKEDirOH"*.—AH persrt. tvi if <U*m u> s iijut'ist tne Ute *’ uonurtl li* i *t. It o M Acogee eou i y, deceased, will present then. *** eTI o t*e <aw, aii t *-► i debts Ito said decease** will come K> -n -*.■- - <■- (IF.OR.IA. T ylr County—Whereas, Juu.eij H. WtuoiK I jul uinio r tor on the vnale * **-<eit •*. t ‘i* l * s u * w County, deceased, applies for letters of I'ism winn hrott. t* ad oinlrt-ato-n: H is ordered that all ners m* cone ..'tied * an lap icftr&i my office within the Um* prawribed by h*w.P> hoA cueif anyth* v have, wnv let*er-* of Dismission -*<’ t'd J‘HN BTURUIV tNT, Ordin y. dec‘2 rr.f> <>. ('I E‘ R IA Muscogee couniy.— V.hc.ue o.u—.. . . I an les for be l the |ro| * rtv m win VVil yB. Kc’or and Fran -e* B tetor. tnitio* children nn 14 yer ß of age. *Htfch ird Ector are en itled in tl.eir o* These ar'therefore tod*** ar>d adm-oiish all pers >ns c<- eeroed, ‘o s'owcauso, i any they hive, why said apphe ahnu and not b<* app-lnted i.u irdian as aloresai* , at the cm r Ordin ry to beh 1. in and lor end county on t<>eflrot Aloudi in A,-r I next. „ Givenun’er my hand this 27th Ftna y, If*>s. feb 7 -30dtw1t JOHN I*) N-t'N. Ordinary (1 na r lUn’M Sale.* Vi l ’*-’<> and tgreeanl t• an order I ne Court of * iroin iry ol E -ly o,on he isi Tuesday in M next, <elire the court hmse do rin nrt ! sainee. I’iay count three near o* vz: * woman named An i, about 20 y*-ar-< e:e, and b. r hdd about ax m mih* <d ‘ md til a a girl b 14 of age, 8 >'d an the proper! vo- M i-y Vic. Vie, a Lur.ati an l for h--r benefit. Terms on day >f * 1 ■ inarm s ‘HS -w 0d I ‘MRS M •*? \ n^rdmii (1 E>K I\, hattahnochee county —VV to reus. 4. I'. 1.0 I ap| 1 lo me nil t en* o* uni rd.anelip oi J- lin S. Bre* er, a min r under the age of I y-ar*. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish a5 perrons co cerned to be aidaj p -ar t in* otßc • wiflvn the time r-rescrib. by law. to hew cause (If any they have) *vny said iett* rs shonl not he g an’ed (iiy ti nnd rmy hand and official Iznature, in the town < Cnsseta. ti i M rch *th 1855 March 13 wt J.T MVtnnThV Georgia taylo i too *. * - ••u***>.*>. 4 ,.0.. eon applies t* the Court of > >rdina y of said county f an order t > compel ■'arah iiowden.adnii istratiix ol Jam* 1. Bowden, late <>f-aid county deceased, to make him t tie’ to 45 acres of laud in the north we.t corner ol |ot2i2o i the 3d District ot -a dco uity This application is found upon a bond for titles by said dec,d. in hi- life ime, marjf ’ Charles Grant, as igned by him t> John M Hohh , whoa sig icd the same to tie applicant. All objections to ti e-cutioil ot -uch titles must he m ide v/ithiu three iriont in*m the of this public*'turn. Given under my ha and February 31,1855. fei6-w3n. JOiiS S NJKDIV WT. OMinarr GRORftl M.irion County, t yourt of Ordinary for and cwntif —In vac ition, A vein er 2/, Hsl Present, E VV. MIuLEK, Oroinary. •lITHE-ti'. \S, .Vin V Black a l uinistrator upon the e-date V li l.arkui* dece-ned. petitions this Court for a d. B*l ai rum hig said adrainistrat on It ig, thcreiore, or teri-d I 7 *he Court, that ail person* cn ce eil, 8i iw cause. If any th< y have, whv Win N. Black ini'iis-ruior, a-* aforesaid, su ul ln >t bed scharged, otlu rw lett rso''lUmigelnn w 1 be granted petitioner at th* ‘ Trn 18 >5, • *1 O >ur , and ie ne “elu *■* • 1 rm hs lbibil as * ton oft rat ir as a'oresaid. E W. MII.LEu, ‘>r I * nary \ iru * ex‘ei ;* fr * n the in nuteso s-ii 0 -’iI*. 1 *. v v *•. v Nv. 7 v f'n vViilium *Vei , 1 >1 . ... ... ......i . , V-, I Court to CO-upel VIOM-g o M “*eß .bin a. Cx’r j Executor 01 the lad wl’ n (x lohu W. Well-% J te* a-uen of .lehn VVeUu, lat iaid C “i t>, dec a ed, a o Jo 11 \\ . Wi 1 p, to account to e.. p'uiian. for the a no'ii.t nth ir hand’ accruing to a .it u 1 tc t e lad wdl .nd todla.neut oi Joan W\l s, late Btid co m v.dcceas and. |T tapearing *0 the court ibnt the said M nos Jones rp* ; d 1 ocyoud t. ie j * m 1 ctioo of tnia co irt. i. >s ordered that 1 said i)efe>duit, *!o<e ones, a > e*r it the next tern *1 t : Court on th * fourth Mi ibv tn A igu-*- cex .andt ileal r dem to said Sin; an 1 it 1a further or ient •, th C nerviee o’ s.-nd ! be parfeute*! >n said vloang fones, bv p 1 l *ut o 1 of this nr< otic.*’ an > nh/or •’ *irn *it •■* tje*’ ire th,. ilgo ne pTblie ! zdie p ibl.gncd in th-’ ci y u Ciium 1 is. aatd .State. iy thaCoun. H ALC BR ‘NU I, 0 T CHS TV, Conplain Hit’s -olicpor \tr te strict from the minut-'s > r rr we her >p • C'irt *t E I.runty Tenn. 8- 5 T d-* 16th V reh !Ur s nt. r2*‘>— wm4m ia'M * \f> - M J . C e r (, (- 1 *1 > i'i I\. R 1 tnlph C-ni y.— Wh reas, lohn M-rkin I” ias apolle Ito m-for e:tir of Guardianship for 111 pe gong *.d p-“p r y >f Kioto-e JV” clio sand la o-j I*'. N-c i-ds. phans f Jaukso’.i ‘ Nic o!s, late •’ sai< conn y. deceased: \ii and *i ig il tr, hep rue.g 1 nteregted. ure tnerefo e he-e noilel o make theirohj c i ng known on or before the fl jf/oi l-yu \p - ! next, oth rttr r* wi! f> rant and t 1 ii- I *ll (3 -.'.i inder my ha-i-l. at odl u', Fehruav 8 in ehf ■* >4 1 1 • ’ ‘ - Notlccto detnr and Cr nil ,0* . a, ,> n 1 iv: ig -I 11.1 ulHitg mist 1• Ks-a eof A m Cane lat. Dial 11 to;Ue* -u ity Ga. deceast-d, will then term o tn 1 Caw, aid th ise mleoted to aid deceased ** coin * ‘‘rw ir l 111 -aake o&ytne t. J 1 19 -v4 I! ’ , ’ ,T w ” • ’*"• Votice to debtors and creditor*. .. Is ir-.iguetii.iiil-i ogainnl Poll .ok ousmg. latent * U'Cov co 111 y deceased,a e here <y 11 ditled 11 fl e their cl drag on aut eui‘C ited within th ■ tune prescribed by taw. and 1 and bte 1 to said deceased a e requeg e • to make immediate . li s nent A N -3 ADA >S, Executrix *iu u *us ‘larch Sh, \&55. w4U.! GE KG I- , Earl y County: lAi. 1 s E 8 ‘tE ‘THO't’ K.. nav .ur made hs m p’ict on ‘me for e :era o* idminist ati*ui on the estate ot J.o II ithcock, late of sa.d c unity dec a>e*‘: All pergo is in er.-ste 1 a e hi r t>y n itifie-1 to HI-* their ohje- Mops. If'any tl-ey have In terms ot t e ‘aw. *ithei wise letters ad nud'ir itl >n ou the esta e *f said 1 eceas n will begr. 11 r. to sai lan dicant hi the y >erm ‘.ext of our ’<>urt o’ Ordinar Given under n y hind, at office, t -is ‘'arch. 7 h. 1855. m ir:6 wdOd. S. *4. ST\FF* Kli, Ord. MEDICINES. Jew David’s or Hebrew plaster, THE GREAT REMEDY, For Rheumatism , Gout, Pain in the Siile. Hip, Rack , I.imhs nv Joints, scrofula, A 'trig's Kvii, White dwellings. Hard Tumor.’ Stiff Joints md all hired Pains whatever, ‘there this Plash is ipplted, Pain cannot exist. IMI Si P.iAST -,R3 p is-es the advantage of being put up i lir-tighi boxes -hence il-cy retain th*ir full virtues tnal olim Ues. T 1 s ,;elwbr.ited Pa*n Extractor has been m extensiv* iy us*- by I’hysi ians and me peopl,; in gen r 1, o dh hi ilusc- untry an Ear p . t at it is i-lmo t aeeoles-. to gay any th ug abo 1 it. Vet acre in yfc • some who s a .and in need 01 its he*;.l nop -wer wh • nave not ye o dit. For their saaea we will simply Mat whatit hag and lorn thougando ot c&auts, and what it will do to tuem when tried. VOICE fROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physician. Gkktikmcn Y-.urHjirew PI ister hascured me of p-iing o which! have suffers ! ior iw*!vey're jiast. Duri.i tin non-. 1 Itbored 11.der an ffiiction oi my loins and side, and i rieuinan remedies that 11 yow me lien! expo ience suggested, but wiili’ ou .*bt iinHi - eiief At ength I used y nr Plaster, and am n<>v by it* good effect'entirei* cured I w ill recom ueud t e .lev. Ihtvid or He -rew PI sjerto all who ar ■. ‘Utferi ii irom c n rac jiono thd nusvl 8, or eut pins in the >ido- r back Hie p pe 01 Georgia 1 sve but to necouie acquainted wit Its vir.uos wieu they wil reso tto its use. Voura. r Uy, M iv. WALKER. M. D.. Forsyth, Vionroe Coai.iy, Ga. To Messrs. Scorilfe Mead, New * rleuns. La. JEW DAVID’S OR HEBREW PgASTER IN NORTH * lAR AN ‘. Messrs B:ovil&Meid: I nave beentrounlod with the chronic rhe.onit stu or ihel.'t tw* l*e sears * n the Uto. July, IS*9.. was so bad t.ial 1 c*nl • uot urn in* sell in bed, and the p-iin e sev.-re 1 hud not >1 p a w'nk r*>r s x .la a At th s t ine n y &Ueu ti ig,.hygic mi ore'C * *H©nrew- PI .st<-r. & i<t itacte* i*ke a chvrm; tep i lett me. aid Ish pt tie re ih n n..i .| tht mgh’ md nt r*e day* l was al-le to rule ‘-u. I consider lie ‘■lie 1 rew 1 last- r” the oesl remeoy ior a.lai rts <>f pui s ow it ÜBe o. W Jki’vllNN. HondersonvU e N. C., Aug 6, 1850. T ie ‘.>ll >w ng was handed us oy . r sp iotable Physician 1:1 Ge<*r ‘ia: Messrs. S*vil % M ad:—Gen’s: 1 have been us jig y-ur Liv erwort ml T rII dore -v I latter very exteustV* ly n u.y pncti . lor ihr eye sp si and itis with p etsur.-th 11 I'tale ni be;it* in the.r s-tp-J lorm **verl tt.t-r a'tic h which lam ac qua tiled, t ribepi p ses r which th y r-re*>n me ded.— Tiie leorew ‘1 si-r e-pec ally hu Pni.rr l*an<e; f r i-cal pd'is. 1 ave al •> f>und t a ni st -xcvllein sppli* atn-i. foi ;*pr dis and Itr .is*-s. ti gives uni*er.*a • Us m ‘ -11 w I erew vsed 8 t). < SL.N M I). Kn xville Ga , March 4 h. <853 *#* ewure I *tunl rfplts at and bp. !mst t org T e ‘en ine wi 1 n isture have the g-er.ainre a'E. Tt'lo’ o> the ae<lpi iv vt-d nthei 64 <*S tb- ’* p >l ec bo> . Pure 1 ‘e s are a v .edibata menu co tiler e t ol tHo rtici. i* n ex sienee. T e eu in -is sokl ody by ns, und bvorag.-n* ei p .in:**.’ .hr eiehtbe *muh ani, no is AiCowxp to sxi,i :t D•ir-md ‘ir ‘-H>e'>ge *r il are uti-m. and . gains toy lug of y but o r r g 1 r men tLerwigo ti e* widbe im po ed upon w; h a worth.css article, BCfiVIl i MEAD. 11l Chnrtre# New Orleans. B-ie ere* 1 Agents forth# fr.lob.-rn a tates. to wb* a all dera a ist invariabi* ’ ‘■ , ** “ SOLD ALSO BY IKwortb &. Vasli., J. 1. keesf, G'wnriife Bc*ok 4, Chatman, T. I. Hunt A* Cos.. VVhit*wvl R .aKRT (> artus. W fl. Hglt. Lump' >• J F VVoopar^’ Hamilton E. Willi* rtr Cos., Valhottna. V-.ttng CcPmha, Ga R. i. Mi Vista, Ahuacooiub -ii— - PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACT. DU. MOUSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL. A HIESOMESOH IN MED . NE! Health restored and Life Lengthened. Dr. Morse's Invigorating Elixir Cordial. r drst the properties attributed to Professor Morse ►limg V oraliuk Elixir 01 Gordiai were deemed fabulous. Ihe pa ~ ten deceivtd could i>ot believe the simple and sub! m. iths innounceu by te discoverer. But -acte, uudeniabt. ct, ttested by witi es*esot ihe highes’ class and cna act* 1 e now triumphinu overal doubts, lucreduhiy isoverthnrw a tuftsol estimonj which is perfectly irreeiatable. The Elixir remedies, in all cases, the dep orabU ev.han..m •in a tnißUßeoi the various organs, which make up the won rful machiu* called man. It restor. do full vigor every *eli u*fuuctio conuecte* wi'h tha- mysteriouscompoui eaffewr matter and mind, necessary to the re-productio* at e. Io pe.Boii'ot feeble mu culai ran.e, or deflcient 11 *|b •wer. it is recommei ded sr the only means oi q.i.municatin , at energy which is n cessary to the nr* per eigoymetii M m , e natural welt as the higher menta aUribuUis.- ben* flciai effects are note rnSned toenher sex or toany xx* efeeb e.theai.in2wite.lhe listlegs. enervat and voulh. th e Worn man of business, th* victim cd nervou* depress.;i eindividua sufferinv from general debility, - 1 troni the weak *•*B of a single organ, will find miueoiaie and perrranei *. r* •f from the useofthis incomparable rcnovatoi T>tho ewi * ! ll prove a complete an* .tailing safeguard, against that terriht malary llu-r ar in* perhaps, who hav*- so trifled w'tli their con titutioir ton ey thinit thenfseives beyond the read 01 meoicine. lei ro on thea despair rhe Elixir deals with disease s it existr thout reference to causes, and v/ill uot on!> remove theui* REBUILI) THE BROKEN CONSTITUTION, i'hede.rau ‘emeui of the—ystem, leading to oervou* <iieust> and the forme ol nervous disease itself, are s<- nurnero* s that 1 >ald require a column to enumerate the maladies foi whir •is preparation is a speciflc A few, however, may he enuni* ted. viz : neuralgia, ti*. doiereaux beaiiache. incipient pare U6.palpitation <dth heart, spinal :ifi'**ction. n>us ulardel*!) . tremors, flatulencv a pricking sensation in the an, he. mental weakness of the wi-indlspositjon to move, ic*m ss after exercise broken sleep and terrifyii g dreams, inahlli to remain in one placeor one position weakness <t Ine pri mitive organs: sexua l incompetency.melanchidy.nioiiomani: ior albas, sinking a! the stomach,, tema e t reguian’ies ron c en ency to miscarriage, emaciation, a tid ailcomplnint owing out of a free indulgence o the passions, and a ibarr ssrhat does not procei and from organic causes, beyond tl ch of medicine Vhenev*-r the organs to be acted upon are free from eulfoi ition or etrtCiural dieeases. it ia averred that MORSE'S INVIGORATtNO ELIXIR. i!• replace wea. ness with strength,incapacity with efficiency egularity with uniform and natural activity, and this uoi on hout hazard or reaction, but with a happy effect on t’w ue> *1 nrganiza'ion Bear in mind tha all rnalat'iea. vrherev ■y begin, finish with the nervous system, ami that the p&r ition ot the nerv** ot motion and sensation is physical d-*3tl ar in mind.also, that for every kind of nervous disease 0 xir Cordial is the onl reliable preparation kn* wn. Cure rtf Nervous Diteases 4olanguage can convey an adequate id aof tho lmme*?iat ‘ limost mir& change whii h it occasions in the d:s dsbil tated and shattered no vows system, whether brok* .-ii by excess, weak by nsture, or impaired by sickness—l> .tr-ingami relaxed organisation is at once braced, re-virifi* bull up. she mental and physical ymp’oma of m-tr-vo aae vanish together under its influence. Nor lathe effe* iporary, on the contrary the relief ia permanent—for t! diai properties of the medicine reach the constitution itae l restore it to its normal condition. Loss of Memory ‘ •ufusion. riddiness. rush of blood n the head, niolHachniy.ri. ity.hi'teria wretchtddess. ’honghts of n. fei ns&n-ty. ’lysiiejisia. generalnrostraiig'i. irrita-iiiity. nervon v, inability to seep. diseases incident to femaiee, decay piopagatine tunctions, hysteria, monomanie, vagm t rror ipitatation ot the heart, impotency. constipation, &c.. f.-oi atever cause arising, it is, il there i any reliance to be plac* •mraan testimony, is absolately infallible. A Great Medicine for Females. he unpara-ieh-oeffects o this freat restorative, in ell coa tints incident to f males, mark anew era in the iismsls • dicine. i'bo-ißaiids of stimulants have been invented—‘.hoi ,ds of invigdfftrttsc ncocted—a I purporting to be specifl* •he various -lieeasesand lierangemetils, to whiei. the deiical laation ol woman render h* r liable. Every Woman of Sense m suffers from weakness. leraiigement.uervoßsnefis, tremor* insi tht hack, or any other disorder, whether peculiar to hi < or commoii in both sexes, to give the Invigor&tingCordifc riai. Married Persons. others, will 2nd ti*i’ Cordial,after they have tt&ed a botti • wo, a thorough regener* t**r of the system, in -ni directin’ • i.. he’oiin.l the appy parents of healthy ff.pring, wh mid not have been so but for this extra>rdinar* prepa'atioi id itis eqti illy potent ‘or the many diseases* for which it ‘.ommeiKle i. Thousands of voun men -ave been restored h ngii.aud not in a single instance has it failed to beiieflltheii Persons of Pale Complexion. consumptive halit. are restoreo by the use of a bottle o o to bloom ami vigor changing he ski from a pale, yellow •k!> colo. ,to a beautiftii florid comp'exion, To the Misguided. These aresome of the sad uid u hmclKdy effect® produced by ly habits ol youth, viz.: weakiess ot the back sud limbs his in the he ui,dimtie*9 of thesight, loss oi muscular power • ipitation ot the ieart, ilvspepsia. m-rvousirritability, derange out of the digestive fun lion., general debility, symptoms •• (■sumption. lentally. she earful effects on the mind are much to !>• ended. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depres ion n irits. evil lorebodmgs, aver-ion tn soci *iy, selfdistrU't, tov soiuude tiraidlty. &c.,are some ot the evi s produced. At us afflicted. Before Contemplating Marriage, amid reflect that a ao-iud mind and oody are tiie most necessa requisites to promote c mnubial happiness, indeed, withoi-. ese. the Journey throng’ life becomes a weary pilgrimage e prospect hourly darkensthe view ; the mind becomes shah with and fil ed with ei&ncholy t- flection tha ehappinessoi another becomes blighted w tb your own. Caution. or. Morse’- invigorating cordial has been counterfeited by me unprincip ed persons. in future at! tho genu ne 4’ordia! will have tho propriotor't -•-simile pasted over the cork oi each bottle, and the follow ini: •>rus blown on the glass : DR MORSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL. C. ti. RING, Proprietor, N w York. nr The Co-dial is put up, highly concentrated, in pimbot -ig- price 33 per bottle, two for $5. C. H. RING, Proprietoi, 192 Broadway, ew York Aoekts—s?oid by druggists throughout the TJniU-d States, anada and the West Indies. _ Bold n Columbus by yAP.TVk.. Augusta bv HAAII<AND. RIBI.LV &.CO. Montgomery by COXF, & H i TriiINGB, Savannah by 8. WON & CO. *f n rch ‘25 ttv& w 1 y GOOD MEDICINES, It Is estimated that .Ayer’s < he try Pectoral and Cs.thErt.c rls ha-*■ done tnoie to fn itoti n * j* l* • health than i y ‘her one cause. There can be no question that the ■ herry Sectoral I-ss b* its tluUMud or 1 l ottrei and cures ot * o ds, : -.ughs. Asthma. Croup, Infi lenza Bronchits &c , very muc.i •educed *he pr p -rtiou o’ deatns Irom consumptive (is ares in nis coui tty The Pill areas good as the Pectoral and wil ure more empt.-i ds . . Kveryi -dy needs mo e or less purging Puree the bio- and •om its imp iritifcs. Pu ge the Ho\*t-l. Liver and the whom isce al sysii m iron *>t>st- uctiotis. Pur.e oui the seasra -hich fasten on the body, to work itsuecay. B 6 <>r disea-e, ve shoul.i and e only of *.-d aee. Take antidotes ear y and th ust t out rom the syst* n l , bMtire it is yet too strong >o y eld Aver’s Pi Is do thrust out direase. tint only whi'e i’ is weak, •ut when it l-as tat en a str-'ng hill Read the astounding * atemeuts ot tho-e who have l eer cur*-d by tl-< m *n m diead* ol B, r duta. Dn-pey. U cers sku Di eas- s Rheumatism **'eu a'gia. D<spepsia, lidernal Pains, Billions rompiaints ; He*rt niri, Head si-he.Goui.>-r'd,rnnny lesr dangerous Mit still ureat * ing a 1-n-nts, such a-pimples on the -ace. Worms, Nervous rita'-Hi'v loss o appetite ar ties, l-izzine-s in -he lead, l'-* Ids Fevers. I>*sente y. and indeed every vr-ey of *>m!*<aiiii tor which a Pi rga'ive Remedy is rtq dred. Th scare n.r ndom sta'emen’s. but are authenticated by *or iiwi ne ghl or- a and jmtiw td-ytiriai s. T*y them once and you will never be without them. rriceS* cei is per Box—-** Boxes *or SIJ b. * enared by Dr. ! ‘. \y-*r. onem-st. Lo *ei 1, Mass, and sold by fc Nag'e. * ‘dunii-us Geo. T. •*, Brad He'd. West Po ut, VV. VV i sou. Talhotton. M It J. F VV r o >d- r*.Him It* n.“ ('haii'-cey K**v E-r. t'usKege*-, A a. sp7w&tw2m S le. \'’ill b e n.]<l at he Court Ronre do. r. n Randolph County at puhl c sale on , he fi -t Tuesday in ‘pril oxt the fi.llowing si ves heiong og to th- e-iate--I Wiliam T> yl* r ila’e.-is-id couniy) ! .ec’J to wit: n em man W’ sMi g o ajed 32 year-, \li erva ‘ge*! 3 and her child. F o\d *2ed I*2 years, Aaron • ged 10 . ilia 8 ami Georg s 4 year oi age, sold i-y o der t the Cm r’ of < hdii a;v of raid eountv ’ : >r h, r>* b't of ; f-e ereditois >t raid estate. Uh NRY L. TAY’ OR. j A din r de bonis nun. GEORGIA, fa ido’ph Cc.Hi tv. Cnutof'hd ary fsaid ounty, \i rl Twn, 1855. IT Riqiearitiir to thi- '--*nrt h t William Gi IF.u. A min ipt ab>r of tire e t tool a-rips Henoer-oi, late cf paid i cm ntv d*cea?*d hasf Jlyadrn t'i-tef^dsaid pstatpaidtar-h ----t Uy dis h-irged th t u-t epospd in him as admii-ist a or alore-aid: Aid having nwe application hr Inters of ■ h miseioni It is o de'pd by the Cm ri that a I parties ii tp. n ted,show c.ttipe to the eor tra y * n or hs?i-r@ tie neat ( >*-t* hej Term o t w.C>nrt. otherwvkt 8 and v* !l he then ad ih e dismi-seri G’v-- - derm> ihied Ap*il -h I W WZd~6&. i). f. &EALL, OtUiuAry. j its’ oprs rf* Op I ■ Ut. INTRODUCTION OF Professor James BlcClintock’s CLLI.BRATI 1) Family Medicines. This tJ to certify, thet I have placed in the hand of Messrs y i. t ushMunCi Cos . JH'tw > erk, the receipts of my “tarnily ut,e-u j .-ji.*i-,” toils my Jull authority to prepuis off ir than for pop Ui'tr use. i tn securing thc co operation of Mr. Jllexan&tr Cushman, ish< • ioa ihcrouuhly eoucuteii t kern is t end practical Apotk.rcu.ry <j ‘ many ytai A experience. lam enabled to a sure the public that \ •hey mill beprepat id tv. the best, purest and most perfect form. - ■toardl.ess of expense j„M; *-cC! INTOt K, M. D., Late Professor cl An ; atomy Surgery in tht* P il Uemhia * oinge n Mtdicin* j Li.ti Mcloig Pr- itssorot A idwih-r*: one of i e <! iiisultim i Piiytficans ol tl-e Pi dad- plnn II spltal. Rb-pck-j: laii me’uibi-rot tl.e Natioual -Vledic.l übs ciatioi.-: 5 mbei oi tin Phi ad. iphis Medh &i .*-<*ciel: ;tu*u:h*r it tl.t M dic-Clnr urg.Ci*l Oollege of Phi adeiphm; oriuerly ir. side >t am Prolesvor oi uato.r j ana Burg. ry in Castlet>ii Med-c Co*e *■ Verm >n*; ami also lute Prolessor ot Anatomy ai.*J Physiology tu Berkshire Medical Institution, Mass &c. U. r Important to ConßumptivG3, Ir.d all vho tire affic‘S ‘ rcith Bronchitis, or weakness of ik ungs Dh Mc lintock’s Pzct ral vki pm recommends* s one of th: bist and safest remedies ever used for Bronchitis, unsumpliun end all diseases cj He J unj/s aria .‘lit P * sages or any of these forms oj disease showing themselves in > vugh. ickling of the ’ Vhr out, dense of ‘lightness tn the Throat or kest. Spitting of Blond, f tifficulty oj Breathing, Hoarseness or .css oj Voice, hectic Fever, j\ight rweals, ac-, this SYBI l ai been used with unbounded success for many years; ii com tilt* no opium, morphine or antimiivt,, vhich ivjuri us drugs ,rm the basis of almost all the quack remedies or lung c-m taints. The Great Peculiarity / Dr McClintock's Pectoral syrup, is that in all chronic dis ises of the throat und luvgs, it may be lakcti by the most dtlicmt utitnt with perfect sajete . h contains vo ivjur-t ns di up.', like ie. common remedies used for pectoral complaints. It is pie s nt to the palate,produces no nausea or debility, but may b• token retly an< con stun II , with the cer ain result of purifying tht i od. strengemng the stomach, and renovating the entire system hits Healing and soothing the irritated ergaus, and producing rau v ally a per J act cure. Price m pint bottles §1 ,* six bottles for §5 Fall directions as •mpahijivg each bottle. KsCUatcck’a cold and eeugh Mixture. * olds and recent ( ought, especially if accompanied by fever or if animator y excitement, require arnnedy different in chat ac er -om the Pectoral yrup. which it, so valuable in chronic cam hunts. the Cold and Cough Mixture is precisely the cure jor uch resent cm ghe, cold emu irritation oj tht tin out ana lungs, t is especially ralvetbu Jor children; vcfamily in our changeable iinate, should he without this efficient reu edy. which if taken on efirst symptoms oj cold, would prevent many an ait -k oj ronikitis, ana a fatal issue in consumption. jVo l.audanum or preparation cf Upturn, in any shape in this qr-jp. price per bottle Icents. Fuiifying die . lood. The following, from the v etc York Tribune, mill doubtless be ery seasonable to ail who seek not. only to presen'r. their health, ut to guard'against ail possible c, r.tmgences whiuh threaten to ■stray it : “ li t would cal! special attention to the importance of purifying is blood. Nothing is so prevail tns a gross and sluggish statu f the blood. We hive no hes it ition ia recommending to those r.ho mould preserve tht ir health, u free use oj the best, purifying asaisiut known to modern ntidicai science viz; 3r„ McCliatoek"s Tome A teralive Syrup* This remeiiy is not only dt liph Jut to the taste but perfectly •■afe andrapm in its effect’s. I st muluirs the liver an a o her ■lands to natural action, gives tone uv.d new - igor lo ail the June ion*, anti cnxjics them to tiiruio off all ettorb-.d and unhealthy c.c ----u in ulation s.” During ihc extensive practice cf Professor Mcdin.lock, cue f the must ce.fibrated Physicians in Philadelphia, thuv.vur.ils of as, rcf Scrofula Erysipelas, ‘curve;:. . heurn, I'ettrr, kit diseases vj’ till kinds, Ulcir.-, lancers. Pimples, Boils and iheumatism, ogitherwth syphilitic and Aurr.nnnl diseases in U binges were- cured by the free useof /1 r t JicClzntock's i'nuic ssl “T alive !>yrvp. bar children it is perfectly a.ife, r.nd trots its easmit be easily giver.. I hose who troubled with ny of the above coir plain, s. should inks ti regulariy, opr rig and all. trice $ m large battles. Six bottles §5. TREATMENT OF DYSPEPSIA. Our National Disease. Feeble or igestion or Dyspepsia, in come of Us •irms, is truly the National Disease of ji merit a. It ceases, i~ irecily, threi-fourths of the sickness common to this cl-waie. i! ■u ses impure lit, od, irritations an acrid Humors m the •''turn ch, i :vr, i oviels and (Hands, and the system thus poisoned br umes ap ty.oan endless train of evil symptoms, of which the allow*vg ore a few, viz: Headache, tsiddints.t. Nervousness, otr ‘pints, Dimness oj Vis with Mote, Speck cr Webs be ar r the Eyes, licking of tl Nest ds, Dullness of hearing, and. . ingmg or ramming ir the Hi •*, Bad taste in the jhouik, Tightness or Weightubon iht * neat. Difficulty of Breathing, of vffoeation inlying auvs or tzsr.c tiding stairs, Palpi te.- ’ion or unca.-y feeiing about th* Henri, Irngidar or deficient gjp oetitc, of sinking at the hra r 'i, sinking c.t. the c*t >n uch,Jic idtiy, Heartburn, pain or fullness in the . . bdomen, Costiveucss, &.C Some cf these symptoms alway appear in Dyspepsia 7'my ire often mistaken for. and treated, cs other diseases. Their ■ncin cent and source, however, is the Stomach, and a deranged 6 -dttion of the digestive functions. ‘lovutt end overt those iyznptozns radically, and restore perfect health and vi or to th sysii JM, a sufs and certain remedy is found combining at! hit most ; coluable i-grrdimtts offered bv the vegetable hr iiet.DlNTOi A'’- / I PFPUC *. I IXIR. Hv daily use \ would be a blessing to thousands who suffer from the cf \ weakness, sss the prescription of a leading physician, ii can ie j used with confidence by all. Price in !arg< Cottles, sl. Au Universal Pill. Dr. McClintock** Vegetable Purgative PiUs, though ne* tour- ! ranted to cure alt diseasi s, are a specific against the numerous j disorders that arise frew Costivmest, or- * o. hreness is the bare i of life to thousands: giving rive as it does to Headache, Jippo- j pIcTV. Impure Blood. Nervousness, turn spirits. /, Pains ; mike Bowels and else is hi re, and otkei spmptoms to numerous to j mention < osiiceness v ill cause or aggravate alm mt ev ry km-vm disease , ihvrtfore the Pth best adapt- diu cure this danger- ! ou* habit is entitled to the boasted nams of Hi Universal Pill — j Those who'-re willing to tr* a scientific, medicine, safe, certain, | mild and thorough in its action, yet operating without pair., should ‘ nsr freely Dr. Met lintock's Vegetable Purgative Pills. Price \ twenty five centsper box. —— Eheumatiem and Neuralgia. These excruciating diseases are radically cured by taking Dr. j Me Clin tick's RHE UMdl'l iU MIX U) I in doses of a *ra- ! spoonfut three times a day We haze S‘ enths worstcases cilii ord i oy it in t:s niv-tou r hours. Fur external use ice h ave nenr.-i known : so powerful and penetrating an application ns 1 r. McCith lock's hH UM-i Tll LIND*, f.NT Bur swelled limbs, bruises, interna! pains, cramps chilblains, stiff joints, t> oth ache, end oth- j cr p inf til complaints, where we luv seen it tried it ads with ‘ magical effect. 7 'hts< remedies arc sold at 50 cer.s,j per bottle. Have you tha Ague! If so do rot injurs your Constitution try resorting to the cum- ; ■men cures in use. veil very learned physicians arc in the habit of prescribing Quinine, Arsenic, Blue Pills, and other powerful drugs, which often do mure, harm than good, even if they stop the c-’iiis On Ihr contrary, the more and oft ncr you tak I* it Me mntock’s FkVKR AMD er* rstiFic, the stronger will your constitution become, andthr. better your appetite and ike. viger of the. whole syst w It is eminently an article that CAN B I T ll INW 77 HOU 7 FLA ! and Kiiha! it has never fail ed t cure all forme of Fever anl Ague Int rmittent lever, Ril j lions Ffver. Panama or Chagres fiver, Dumb digue, &c. Price j i une J-oilurper B-dt e. Whooping Conga Cured. This distressing .i thoroughly and quie.kly cured by D> Met Unlock's uTiiJSi and W hoo?ing oi gh Remei y It con tains no up um ad can be. given tv children with u safety, ■i ffit drops nt bed time quiet :hr cough all night, and a few du sts cure eniirtly Instant Belief f om Pain. •Vo person need suffer from Toothache, Headache. Neuralgia or Hkevmat cpcins. Colic, •hilbluns , Pleurisy or'fetches “tx the ! * idr , Pen: in the Pack. side, limbs, bowels bladder, or in cm ! part of the body, inks will apply to l r. V< tin toe IPs ~„V 1) \ JV/ j MIX 7 Vft l . Its effect is like magic—pr dueng immediate east and quiet, refreshing slee , renm eases f the must ercruri-itenr suffering. I very ami/v should be provided uith a buttle , Frio : Fifty ( ents Dysentery and Dmrhsa These severe diseases ore now private* t m verious p irts of th< | country. They may be ido ly prevented, and in the beginning : promptly eheckrd, by hr. ’ ct'l “dock's D/ffR HCe.ff Cf‘ - l) l.i 1.. an ■of Hit must astonishing specif c* f rail Bevel (pm plaints v r discovered 7 hulls lids of eu rs h-oe been made du ly a the post summer, and Trfiny lives -lived i y this medicine —<. s-ixple. and cAt -p that so ry family tan p ocure it. Pr ce twenty five, cents ands sty cents per buttle B** rt i•* ■1 m iuiily :Bfr KT CARTER and by !oca!agww.. i r iu bo>i ** ** of G* o gia. A.''lT® M >.N. ft ( ()., S T ;• Pr T’f'e f r<*f Prof. IrC ir.tock ? B Ksm y d>rir -? 2 - iDm ff EOItGI , Ratidolpb <'out&>y. I>un es W i -1 io i ad tußißtr ti nda benio non >n;b- estaty of Ca rife) S<ai> 1 <c- r.f ir) couiitv. ri*< *. • T a e r zo cuspid &dm n s t 1 and ftWuruW tt\ k.n nxl a..<'creditor* o e ikJ t< Ble t’*lr o >.(wm .n !ii3 >t2ce, nor b ort the nvt ini.* Tt-rmo* lbe &*t n . <hrEuan, of *sd o uot w .o>tcrl- liters util b si tht ,rr Si *~a*d jfr s’ ‘* tn in> sair’ p i Given unde ffi j utud a. Xli- *JOth and y of Ax> l 1F55 pl*~*4ttd .* i^wuj. SPRING CLOTHING, 1 READY MADE AND TO ORDER. J. ts. DANIEL, & THOMAS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL SUPPLY OF THEIR FASHIONABLY CUT AND WELL AIADE CLOTHING ? HATS, CAPS, THINKS, CAIiPhT BAGS, VALISi S, AC. ALiSOjr A WELL SELEO FED S LOOK OF SALLY c£l which wil! he Maim fat* ureii to order from the shears an under the pa sjt-vision of CGS-lE®:®® M3SL- JHIJEfnL"29Ei9 who will continue to use threat exertions to please Ins old patrons ami as many new ones as will favor them *\ itli a call. Mg M Columbus, Ga., April ii, 1855. j!v\<Nl\\tl. J. 11. DANIEL desirous of closin'* In oi l hoo'> i's.-mediutefv, would respectfully iufom all indebted to him, itit a prompt setl*irei't of their aceounts is requested new ciTornsNO! [AT 111 E OLD STAND OF JD. WILLIFORD &. CO.j Have just received one or the largest stocks of READY AIADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOYS AND YOUTHS! EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. It i? impossible to eniunrx rate the diff* r nt articles, therefore, would invite as! ’Siofp v ho wish to purchase goods made in the verv best at and most la.-hionable fctjle, to give tbs m a caii. CLOTHING73ADE TO ORDER In tins department will be found a great variety of FINE FRENCH i: LOTUS, CASSIMKRS AND \ ESTINCS, selected hv themselves, and cannot be surpassed in point ct quality and et\le. ‘ffijT 3 DANIEL ROW E will give his entire attention to all orders entrust*, dto us. Ali jar* nta \v arrant* and to give satislaction. I. A BLOK AW. DANIEL ROWE. Cos limbus, Nuv. 22 —tvv&vvtf The Great Purifier of the Blood. K \ iff W&^ih^dhAi j CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. ! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN It i | An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King’s Evil. Rhn- I matism Obsti-ats Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples • j Pustules on the Fare, Blotches, Boils Chrome Soi, trues, Rina Worm or Tet*-*r, Scald Head, Enlarge j merit and Pam vj the ii tinea and Joints, Stubborn Ul j cers, Syphilitic Disorders lumbago,Spinal Complaints and all Disc iges arising from an ini a din ns use of Mercury, Imprudence in Lite, or Impurity oj the libtod. This valuable medicine, which In 3 become celebrated f nr Ih j nn hi r i t-x caord iisiy c-m 8• ff cleG tl rough llts ag.-nty, <as ! indue, tl !• ep! p ieiots, id ti t* erifei t request tin >r ti<ends ;to >te. ritto tl e guhlic. which lie d*- itl* lb* inmost c.mli i dence m its v••suesa and #, nde-lul eern ive } ropt rlies. Hu i foliow-iac ctf t'flcftte*, wiei tt-r- r Hi r. s rue n -mber, ire, how ! ever, etr ngcr teshnnny t an tl e tin re v>ord 01 the t ro. r* t r-: j e.nd are a i r >m a< n 1 men v.e'l known in theji localities, and o f.e highest tesutcia ah y srm y oft! eti residing in die city . tv chu oi and, Vn. • £'. Bi y ie'-, K -q., oi'tbe Exchange Hotel. Richmond knowi ev- rv wuere s v~ heha- pucii ii e medicine c;.i ed i siterVSp- n isli Mixture ndtni isiered m nvi r a hundred < a*es, in nearly 1 ih<> diseases or which tit r> commended with the most a-toi isiwngy g dr mid. He says it isti.t ra su*xtrat>rlina>y med icine li> has ev r s*~ n. Aove ato ivi.r—Oru at CrRB I hen by c r T'y that to. ti reejarr 1 had Ague mid Fever nt the most vi 1-,.t <le*< ri i-uii. i had eev r * nb-s eians, took mr... quant de.ioiQuiniiu M r iir.v.aiid beoeveal I <vt ntca aderti-eit, but >ll wi ii < t am p •nnanent r be. -u s is! f Tried Cnri, r’s Spanish ‘.is'iirt ;wo o -tiles ot w nicb efiec-Mi;'y cnri and me. and lain haj jy i. dy | have had neither cfii!lor eversiice 1 consider ii tl b**s t uc in the world, end tee on y medicine ! hi t ever cache Biyc-w. John (otigdin he ver Darn, near Kfchtnond, Va. u. U. .nek. risq.. now in thecitj ot Richmond. &ml*>r man< yoars in *he Post ffio, has such couSdeec* in he istoi.iehiii efficacy of Harter’* S anish Mixture, toai he has huiiabt uj wanls os' oottlea. whic ■ he has given to he aifl -ted. \i Luck nays he has never known it to fail when iskdi accordie to directions. Dr Minge.a practicing physician, aijd formerly of *hr *Tii f jotel, in the city ot Richmond, says Vo hasw i amm ■*er ol inata* cePtbe *ffecte <>l UarteUs e>, a !.i>!i JMixt* re wh i wre most >ru!> surpining He -ay> in sense i Cot sumptioi •iepfeiident on the Liver, ihe go>d efifeetr w ere wonder u iodeer M Orim-er, ofthe firm <4 Drinker &. Viorris. Rici rnond. was cured of Liver ompiaim of three years standing ‘>y the use of two bottles ot Barter’s Spanish Mixture Great cse o? j crof,ila —The editors of the Richmond hi ■ publican ha< a servnnt employed in their press -•oi.i cured vfolen* S-.roVaia.combined witii Rheurnnti-m. which entir I disabled him from work Two hoitler ol Carter’s -panish ‘i> lure made a perfect cure of him. and U e evlilors. in a iiub'i icfice. say ‘iit-y “cheerfully wmmetsJ if to all who aieafilicte vi'h r.ny disei'S* o : tbe btood v •N'Titt.* another ‘ ‘cre nv Scßofitla —1 bud £ very valuabh ho\ cured ot ‘cn> ula bv Farter’s Spanish Mix ure. I couaidi it truly a valuafcl* medicine. Jvitrn M. Taylor Conductor on th> R. F. X F. ..Co,, Ricnroop/ /.. ( HALT HU BUM OF 40 YE AUo STANDING CURKI*. | Vlr. John Thompson, rcpi.iii g i? the city ol > !c n o<-d wi ured.’ y tbr- i b>>ti es f !oie>Fp ni>h -* ixlur. 01 1 th. uin, h c'n he had nearly in ea * and which all ‘he t.h>- | cisn> o the city could not cure. Mr fho-upsoe is a well Itiio • merchant in the city of Richmond, Va.. and his cure .s n.o remarkable VVm. A. vi at thews o‘ Richmond.hada servant cured o* Fyni >ls. in the wor ‘ r m,by ‘'arter’s Spanish Mixture He 3ayl heerfully recommends it.and consider* ii an invaluably n ed ••m Richard R. West of Richmond, r/as cured of Scrofula,ai • hat ihvdcian> ea)'p>’ *nnlrmed f’onsun ption. by gbiei bolt t ! Cnrt-*rN pari?’ Mixlnrp Edw in Murtnn.comm ssloner of th reverue, sa>> hi hs* see ,e?ood effects oi •*r , er’s -panisb Mix ure in a enrol er vphil tic case*.and says t i? aper.eci curt* c tha’ horrihledi* HR? Wm.G. Harwood of Richino? and cur* and of OJn g res and 1’ •rs whfc> disabled hin rout waiktn? Took abw *>o}f]e> • •’arterV.Spß AHxti r-.a:.d was enahied to walk without rrdch. in a short tin e perrr-rreritlv ctiri and. Principat Ders'ts r.t M. WAAH, ‘ Id)?E 4 CO.. v o 3. M.dd • l.ano. N<-w Vork TANARUS, \V. f>V<>TT* S'*NP Vo. 13*2, Vorth *2d street Phiiade hie BSNIJ2TT&. BEERf*. No ISo. Main street. Richmond, Vs. THOS, M. TURNER i CO JAS H.CARTER. Ga GFRNFR * PEABODY, DAN FORTH i NAGEL Columbus. Ga \b<J by dmjHripi> and country merchacu d’/©ry whore. Price si ; eix hottlcu. tor i£s. Jirna VI, -854*—w<vt The SontEeni Man. I I'HERey. Wni If. A ilbum, recti.liy Utliveted a Uclun be , I mretlif Au* \ oth d.ti call tin filiaty diniibl.i lel “'ibe j ■'outheij. Aia:..” Vv eaunex e> ineextrav ts v.hitl. L>tl h.ilLut ddeltty anu utauty rtau wni u.un tl. i V\ pyre the leligil.ei fr iltm u.lo nil e col in u< us j uionUiß, w i.eil-tt.e uay le u ticu Ur Riv, tl * nql.itva ui • m ny, I -lie S'ouU.eri glow eup a i.< b e .**}eiiiiti ol tl jl ysußl 1 nan, ciiuowi-o willt nvivoi.s yiality, loii t is act i sii i. . t mm , its earlit-hi years to tl.t mohi a,;v tveiciM fr. ei gay. t u ai.lie | -itiletic sj.orl II t o!• ft ;.i tl I Hill l tie neiG ; ut-eu to il.t j. i jfcn ai c lit r jn.Bi.t. tit i!tn | ret in every mount. il * r< is a t tg it i to laertivi t ei rj mil gto i tiose who ui.uerfcibiit no! tl t i bet iol hit-nil) t. ii t vliitl yd j njuirib tlev ree in ease, oggrateiulefi-gas it. rareiy j h*m ind j ve- , i,-> an inlibbltt.l !Oi >. vti. n. m ill ol clili it in ihe iois , giormpb liin i.iiiitb. sw ii v li.xurit i.‘ly ii. Ms ..niino. It. hi- in bait t- otiitii us aiifr, 1 i i;i < i . auif ! will (it all ; ley have on ty> cheek tin n arkt* <i Inr i-rigit . at t lit tan is ■oil told that Iqe liver id tl t soiitlftri n :-i isaltogi ill i tut of mer. I ins i> a 100. 1 n,bLMtii;;i i h i i.m t 11 • iiiti wbnii ti in ialed by thi (•u-t-kt* win. tirade tl e worn “n eiai cl uiy, v winch e-ana, by eiyuiuiug;,*’a jblack cris r* ii‘ Ivn VVci’uliy iigt'i-e v> iiK 111* gnuo autl iiolil ta 1 1 • i xtract.t t and .e hajtjty to call if e aliei ;i< i of lf.< > iav;i i t him i-m < livt r, ’ him oi those disease) m con n* ii tt> ii ‘i-Mlt ii cliiii.ti.lo Ifitmpion’a \ egeiahle iii nan ti t gnat invigt n i t i il e I i-.-L'Ui; by la liac all sufferiiik fr in iasbiii di Ms vmhm 1 o nn-.k rohubi and fall of ene gy. we ofiei Leh.v sin i oillt un* j iciit ii leAi!) oi j. Wasiunoton. Jih iy 17, 1d53. vtKssaa. Mortimbk & VnwBSAY.- fiei.ticn ei - I avui l *-•& lliCtei.l vvilli les er t vmplaivt uj tin ymrt eti.vihiif;, I i.ciily i >r the benefil oi the afHicWd, Utki ~rt at pui.-Mm n at l•■• >. :i 2 nut after using a lev. bottler 1 ayoui lanj it 1 1 1> non .I ■< i-. <! t had accfuapiishi and a per lei! Cum. 1 I; v * imi a t *l it 1 1 1. to icine lr< 11 tiu.e 10 tin 1. tin I aieiu vt 1 bet 1 id h l. an* 111 n 1 ny appiitent good ; an<l II is u bless.l g to r irieki ; Iln >; ay ■hat. fAut medicini it*‘ouml wficl ptsms.-nr t/.t uunoirjvt ; i.a t? if prolonging human life. The many curt * i lab wiiuvld ir p. ufficiein uqraniei 01 the beiiebcifa-rttuilt wl ii 1 nayln ex icrieiued fron. its u>e. Yours rebpectiullj, J. ft. HAY. LIVEH UOA/P7 AIN’T DFHIJ m . i I'.xtracl fr< in James liarris, Leo’s Litm. Aloaidiia. Mi* . -iina.j f After speaking u! the woj>derliit cures 01 I>inii h. I e s;.y vr-.H.has been sullerli g w 11b ti e Liver i u plaii.l ui and vi h (.ability, consiai liy ct 11 | laitoi g n< n. vtikns. liri’.tl lr •vhole sysiem S*ht nt-w ei joys belli 1 f.eaiil tl ai •< 1tl.• .. ears,being,eiitirely region and by” tin utt oi liamj’.onb Vegeta! e Tincture. *ynct Will vat pervtll to 1:11s, 1 hvvdnde of otfnre ns C i o. V . oodrich, rapt 1 homes t anot. Lt l-m ( tun. Jiim fnyih, uri and of Rht nn alisn . ■i *>li 1 Per vail F. A.GriSit...lohi I uki Itev. V f-'skndpi. I’. *. N., ant! t ol I et: cured oi I>t st ej.fria. Fcrt 11 1: * 01 ■, f, .ivei UuinpiHiiitb. r*roi chilis, st Vitus’ ! ai.ct. he. Mertls? ou to your own cilizt i'S <‘lL 01 tbn Delicate s emaier s:nd 1 Imdren will find th* To citir. su it and is. I their < ist-ases, b* tie n.i and acthu ■ 1 1§ t Mini cl I .tninl !ie Kidneys, will cine Dyt-ieisa. < ugl , Asil n j Ittict .: 1 no l.m.g .Vff ctioi s, lain-in ih. P-- <k. ‘i e. 2.1 <1 Preasb umptfo: . scroi -iln. frl.t ifn aiisi . 1 . u . Nei-ralgu . 1 i P llt towel Cotoplaii ls. of ms. Nt.rv 011 ebilily. vv ill tlidisein * rising rom Impure bio< igthegraitsi* f.tciciit ver known t - ITSP Oallon A vents and got Pam p!i lets gratis, wit) certificatf’ ■i cun sail’ history *>l Hf dyset v. ry For sa-t- ! y KOBEKI CAItTE/c, DAN I-OF 111 & NAGI E. Ctdumbus. ROBEIiT UAKTFF A Cos Savannah V COXb & hmilM t Montgt.niery Ala. .il'.Tohn* ir.av *2O. — wA-tw) i , ■ .. watch 1 si watches!! BY ’ll AIL JAMES M. EAS2 WOOD, jaO VVOUI Ir< ftpeclluiit nfnrni the C'lCzt ns of thig place ui" l *iciu Jto and the 1 nbiic * i.t rai y. 1! a: I • Ij, u*'. *—i r tufria'tl ittJtii Lnroj-e. w itt. a utxd at.< s 1. idio"tv *£••-* <>*■ m u>f Watches, Jewelry and Silver-Ware, *>ich 1 eoilers >or sale ai te< next, prices, mo rs • 1 1: j : .,ny ii tl e.UnM>. 111 twd-r il. t per t.ns r sitbifc jit : i.isu 1c j i-f.t nave j ccesst* h ; s s 1 p-r 111 co.'ectioi ,f e las i'-; d< ar i.getntnlß. to lofu r by ni.iqtoany olthe UniUii j iwits, ee oi chartv. y qua> t.iv oi w atci t-s (r j wtby. H • >*t). k c-nsisia |;ri;\ 01 uqgin r/ee ype atcl.e ,r< *SO ti jpwi P. cket ■ him >m- er , rota... <nt io\h> Figlii day VNatcies 12 lo *.od l.itdie ’ Em met \v>ir e :i n. ( n • nd’efr’3 In no 1 and Widcl *•... ‘i 1 -in M g> >Vi. hes .... . 75 u> 150 tm and Hii f 1 g t 1 v r*>. 1* k O il jew e ed 35 f 1 Lev tr . * pen need, ful ji we • and vt> • o and I t j.n s . “-2 v r Lev. rs. ‘uH jr* c* ed .. IS Sdvef ep nea .. * •. I’ F h sod Vr’ f'l S'lK> 4 to 5b Go and Pen*. Si ver boler?... .. ...... ..... Ik- 2 ole Pmci'e 4 to 6 \ lor er* bon-,* *>.. ep{ in e riv, accon partied witii tl t prico the an e’e desired-and addr. ssti to J. M E FT ’ Oin , “ 7 vrtr I; 1- ! ah. *> P O I - OGGI', Rat dolph Unity. W heteas Vose? G. Renew applies *<• tnP for 1 eMfr-r* ol J . i:ini ba!ivn *n e e-tat-l of Notley ]Viobl Viaß “f paid U! *>’ drc. S*l and. Hand ijrija ihe kn dr> dat and t* ! *dium of ile*aid di^ ens •I. are, tl er. to e,beieh> n.* sic-d to file iheii r*Tje< li IIP t ! n 1 they havi )on o'l e*‘fe fi e fir t Moiclav s Mav reX’, ,v leit rs will be fht n a'd t!'H*re ymt to fhi up* pllcaat. , .v 1 > nrdeimy habd,thb,29 n dav of Vmt-b, 1T 55 apL-woOd, u. L. Li.ALL, OidUiUiy