The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 02, 1855, Image 1

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7K I * volumi-t I THE T~ fgSSsifT LQhLsS & jL&iWELI ~<.1L13, ED ntma a>3 b*p*iktohs. Hiiu* <*• *; arrival. ’ •?££ s£“££* ■&*** * saaw*™* G;liiß on. iLaiuiolpli tie Office. Ctucjfe* v-KK ILY Ftra DuU*aHn oer .aumm. madvance. . 1 ,, 4 fi ‘ . v <j*ii.i.kA.a aw.ajßuiii?ittau'luHw ‘ u .i- tM eaouly mserttwi at uhk ‘’ rUU5 .tfst.aeeenaa, ad rrv .aaxator everj sub * Si vill be made for yearly advertlsementa. ... i ~,,1 kvYominiatratur-i. Executors, or aw'fl be hbUi o, he.trei Puesdaj t .wrnaufcjw pegay °- mmrs of rOII tn -he torw.onu.aml m tc* mouth. ■“** C( , ttrt Sn.uttintbeoouiitym whior. .n the ,c ttu atea tnusr be gt*i m* ;iroprtv >•* ’V “ aa to ue day >*f side, a ^ r p{ tf^Mua Property must be given at ‘"i'B- mußtbe pub “ Bfa ‘ i:n, piicauon w* be ~r , m , n ieuLiw -r ***"* muS be published eKiv 10, * ** vmt/u ; ir , „f Lirnimstraunu must, be published ! imnibsim. fwn vummistmUon. mmthty **> | y .nr Mismissti n tm.H liMarflianiditp/or' ‘Wy#. i l . a -wr poDlisbek r*or.f/u: , MB*.or^wl.wire.- '..ipvr>. f-rthrfuU <vc j lISCSE * -.nd ms the .taemmeL -**jW iS* S i,, I nun,i : i ; nn, to these, th. | ?; !;l,.nimment a .mii. ordered. iaro boos BuUHd Hxtnw, connected with or PHnriua Office. 4 tuii Jd L ?.mS- 1 -mnM.rofßouk Blmwrt I Id al added to .m s;rrr';rr:rsi^^^~-^, or Tf \T T t WORK. ot everv iesernmon, with or with | ouujrnmnff, ^of Lading Ac.,Jte. executed neatly auu P BLA-SKS. \ ijf -d untie r ot up with, accuracy ami dispatch. . -. T v ar t-. Hand Bill*. PsHtf*r<K Programme*, &•*&> printed id tne swor- j n* tie 1 ancfhwtte best style. . ts sitritta amt W*m#iiteta pu* up m every styxe o b 'tn,to tii kinds rebouna Columbus, April 15,1854. ~s — D2STIST, rti> fMI AD- STREET. u -4JiTTTr %VHiG retunrtKiUo>the .ary. with improved hH -ith , m . ,|w ’a aiiand to ins >u di.ishe.l s eL and ail tUer> ‘ ‘ •-** -•■■ ‘ , Jept. ca. Ifts4 wflfciwU. . - 1 - , ua. 1 STEWART, - jr.y.ViNG returned uC* Imnbus w*.uld reepectfliilynn nouuue i nat he has resuii-td h*t prac'.icus ol MoUicnu uul surgery. Commbus, <in., Dec. 7. 1654. w&twtf ROBEST BI HOWARD. attorney at law, COLUMBUS, GZCHGIA, rr Pifflcaln ho ct. M.trj’a 3auk Building, up Flairs. j£Z liilviS. ihs4 —twawii'. j ROBERT E. BLXON. ATTOHNEY A. T LAW, COZ DMB US, GEORGIA Office over E. Samara's & Co.’s Store April .I—wuvly J n | ■AMus U.VMILTQM. W.VI. F. PLADiJf ! H.VAIILTON & PLANE, AttQruay3 at Law, OoLUHIiUS, Gbu. ll praelieo in the-Courts althe adioinimr cnunties n ttnaatute .nd Alabama. decs—w&twth BESTOJ & pglires, attorneys at law. \\ B.C P aeticesn the iitlerent courts of RuetL county Amoatna. AQOitEai It. VVAPsOA’ UIINTOY, M. PHILIPS, Ui, erawfvrd ALa tseptiS, IW4. w&twly. AA DREWS, UIDtitYAY &, Ct>. STAPLE 6&OCSRSS, WKESv .LIQUORS, *£, l-€ I I'bwmS ?:t?trshV. SS” ; Columhub, Oct lj, ISoil.— twJacwri j. . ; : ; ir ” un ' ?, “ hv !ir evieont nt.. genera. GEOCHSLY 3ITSI2rZSS, al-Reold staud a. P M Rare,, st. constantly u , ilUiHl U Ui[. If t| Ali kino.3 of Groceries, , r „ . l ' ,r “note-. !a amt ~ , r %Z ,oli<at lhu P*i*iieoi uur :H,M, ,ud the public ~ .. P* hcLARuSi a, uL'Civ. .*STsa ssusks, t*W B. 2UJCX. * ,v. Baling Hb eauj Kueu. “| A A ?*'** rndia Ba^^lg. 1U V.i JiM Cods iic^e K M AUO by IiItEKX WOOD A. Cohunhws. siei.t 13, 1854—uvfcwu ‘i-UE FIE lEdT LUT~GF BAC <) \ H \\is Ever ulFereu in this market, fb r sale by A -VIA ALLEN, Columbus, eept 37—twAwtf street. EAsisitie ilrtmd Hr. ,onrrh \r \ Cl .‘i.riiic>® A H “ rk '’ H 8 HAVE.-onstamivoaiiandail u> n4U „r Monuments Tmmhm ami V ^‘ Itauax ami [jhsh .vigravinj tan nmvM onsumemue nanner: and *itu ‘r?J+T an ‘ iteWtifkaiiaeshoneti aouce. * 1 dp<ytt*nm, aOfivr S m4■p pv P.S,—Plaster., r Panrand Crnm_dwavr’LiEAL, m ■ ‘ ‘•>umhi Un i*• -u lor Utfsiae ami Lei for Sale, 7 N the *pm*r part of Satiny, win Sve m„ms w a n n-sy - n *— ** Sepi *M,i.a iIJLC3 4 ao^EY. THE jNIOSI QF THE STSTES AND THE SQVEHEISNTY OF THE STATES.” iiiCUAKD HOG PER, ? COMMISSION MERCHANT. C3ATTAXOGBA, TESTS. W pff£nr t^ d pronTptl Y to the nurebaee of COCNTttY *■ L’C CE, ur diiy other ousiuessentrusted to his cure, vl ay iJ—twly J.YO. A.NTROBIS, i PORTRAIT PAINTER. ; Studio over J. H. Clotiiiiig* Stars. <hd im*‘Us.We,. N,v. ifl.—twtf IN S'O MES? I LIE, Jljdk A Plejant Ke'tidenee for ftent. l ;;i ~rnn imiuediateiv. Apply ro eec—aotwtt: D. t\ WILLCOX, Agt. TO EEST. r pEJE Store on Broad Street, No 34, nest door below X Mr (oiger’4 abut Store. Apply to deciifj twif • ‘ TO HOLT. Special sctice. \ ‘ ’’ersi nh eiaiinsricaiust iLck Factorv are WA requested U band them to the Agent witboui ueia>,” aim is tterebt 4iven, that rom triisdate no aceouiitsagainst 1 Itßi.oatnanj w ihe tilnwed which have iwti toMractwi witt - •uta wiitu-n orrier rom the 4aenu D. K. WUJ.COS.Atii. 4nil. I, IHn-4, *wt ANOTHER LOT OF “TUti’ FINE COLD PENS! ALSO SILVERWARE, A3 FOLLOWS: Ta Setta. Pitcher?, Goblet*, frenm .Vfiigt*. ’ up a , nm bier'. ♦* otte, <mnp. Cake, f nnt.t iutnb, ieiiy, Pie and Gutter KnPes. 3titrr S .m.ns. It Statute, Pickle Knives tnd Forkn. Cant Cm-e*. Port Monntes made es silver, as good as silver coin, for at reasonable prices tor caau. -ALSO- Gold and Silver Watches, Diamond dings,Diamond Pins, Slc 3&~’ & ALSO. J welrv vis every rlescriplioTi. Spectacles with light Steel ‘rames.Ptatea Ware, ate., or aaiefr.r jaab or approved r^lii. A. U.JDeVYLTr. watch asp airing by a coraneteut worsman. Columbus* October !8. t^t CHICSESISG PIANO FC-ETES WILLIAiI E. CARTER fl a *AS ior sflle the above celenrated PTA NOS Nothing need be >aid in favor <JI J ii ] 1 them, ,is their reputattou is weii known thmuabout the country. Fron-.r-ers ami Amateurs are invited to call and see them. Rwtr..meats, ami also copies of ttie pnmerous metiais which havebeeu awaivud them by various societies. Also, Sheet MTisie iUtd a f esh supply of jfftsiCAi nrsTAuasfTS, that were selected with care ay him >s eif, and he ffitnks that his 0112 experience in the Music business has enabled nun to make a ood selection. Fiano Fortes to let, Timed and Repaired, and ail kinds of instruments in a neat manner and warranted. WILLIAM B. CARTER, No. 7’l Broad Street. Coiumbu?, Ga., November l-twtf 100,000 PGUNDS SAGS WATITZD, WE will pav cents per pound mrone hundred thousand - noii'ida clean LINEN -AND tjO' rTl >N RAGs, in quanti tiea ol tOtt pounds and over. JEFFERSON Jt. RAAIii.TON. Columbus. 6a. Feb. 15, 1855. Linrsza. LTIOE2. THE nnder&igned are prepared to fitmisn Qak, Hickory, Poplar, A.~h, Beach and Pine Lumber from their Mill at markoLpricee,delivered on Railroad or in Columbus. Per sons wis-hma lumber, w ill leavelheir bills at the Auction Room of Harrison, Austin Ik. AlcGchee, wnere tnev will be urommiv attend to. dec ii3—twtf WHLTTELSEY & BRO. r>R. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE .OVER irLLFORD’S ON BROAD STREET, CO2*TT3SST:3. gsc^^za. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. Br3. BROOES & CA3.SIGO. * HAVLNGauaociated Uemseive'iocether ill tne various branches ol ‘heir profession. ne> w ii heetiabi**d ihere _fi( by t.< give more ieoorai autist’acnon to ail who may favor Lifc them wiiiitne’r cmitldtonce. Dr. Carrigeris futiy preparett tnd rivespeciai aiteationto ail asestit sUTUiEBV entrusted u his care, rr • JtSce a vVinterdank Building. Coiumbus.Jan. 1-I—twtf H. S. SAROM, PROFESSOR OF 3HTSIC. jan.3o—tw cf COLL 1818, GEORGIA. J. A. FOX.” ATTCHNSY AT LAW, .VTT.F. practice a, rhis amt ihe udjoinins counties. Office n srt. .vlaiys’ Bank Budilins, Columbus, Ga. UhFti.iKMh:.t ; T ti'SA.t. *<!.. ;A SLZT fc aoPBES, DR * STASSUD, a P.lTTi'f. (lolmnhue 1 c* ~ —*wv - WM. PERRY, ATTORNEY it Ll VV COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. • x-TLL practice in this and adjomttig counties, parricu ! ,ar attention paid U* Hie sveurine and collection of iehts. Otiice with Goi. A. McDoueaid. ueci i— tw4m. V TROY FACTORY WARE RCCM3. M COLU M BUS,GV, JAN. Ist, 1854. and after ’his date an goods wiii he stud at tne i above —tabiiihnietu txcept tor CASH jaull iwtt. WALTON* K. HARRIS. 3TOTICH. CONTFMPLAjEftt sehiincp a mr famine**- sil peu*mtn llSKJm uaawSSr-y ***** teal an -miy x rwfnimi. MMO. i. *■* S\ ** Com Meal f rs=P iwnfvmL, an >'oi*?.uueiu* “*i Bnsb**-. frern ,*[*££* and • # -h~-i-ry *i ; ~ 11 ———— EO?E. _ FIVE COILS FAFTCV KENTUCKY BALE KOFE. Justreceivedand foraaie at the As** CoinTnbnß, GA..May 4—twtf NEGROES FOR SALE. ‘T'HE uud* dgsed Wave twenty 3* Iteiy I m-a.atiitg. f hour- sbß'.. *r***® l '* __ skins:rb—.*, ana 1* hi U,nis. tße® t#dj a^ r _ f, ! T ,t - L apprnrt amltt. 5 Uiß BO!f. 4IJST J l * * M,rj "F.t us il— iwit Not an iiwi 81 Broan. CiduJßC-f. COLUM3US, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1855. MARINS A3TD FIRE INSURANCE RAYA* OF SAVAyyAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, ii ‘ TLLreceive Deposits—anuChecks -r iuieou New Yark T t Maconaml Bavanuah. April24—twtf RICELiRD PATT N. More New Eacon. TUSrRECEIVKD <• CONSIGN MENT,aud fbr ie. Fifij :‘I TUnmsttud P *unds Georgia ca eu.drv.and ; u tire order. m,:r!:t— tat:. ‘ H. C. PHrtI.PS. NOTICE. .laiabted t. a. c. Ftewellen 4t Cos. wilt piea*e C uiarvt- mmtKiiate payment. Their accmime mav be round he Bnk 4toreif i. L. Hi I WELL. Coiumbuh. Dec 30—cwatwtf JL Sait Pork. ErFGVFn, an i'ankitumi lit, h1,t,00 lb*. Pork now in ?*lt I h ana r;--dv lor curing. fetal —twtf’ H. O. PHKLF.S. EAGLE MANJjTACTURIN G Ca COLTJMBUS, GA. THE Factory, now 3e:ng in full operation, is able to snppiv (on their u=ual term promptly os ordered, the various rtvier- oi tiieir MauutucMures, ‘*hicn consirta ol the ioilowitig variety: YARNS, OSN ABURGS, 4 4 SHEETINGS t IN l, t . tUn S’rtpes, o| jr>*at variety ol Pattern; Cd HO ‘ A I>> emiitai tna many new -uyles; NVgro Kersey* & Pine knot Plane; Planters’ C itim?re3. Trick for Trcw3er3. *ewing Thread* ‘h**n Twine, ilatrressaa, Batting c. . To Cash purenasets luuuceniente %vdl be otferr'd dec®—twtf. J. EL. BROWNE, Ag’t. Usenet c. phelps, COMISSiON k PRODCUE MERCHANT, *O. las, BHOID STREET. CBLH3BCS tii. TEN DKB3 his services o the pabiicfacU 1 © purchase - f-J: land oaie oi .Vleicbandise aim Produce, and. ua a (ieu -tvLtfev. *- ra t Agt nt. de has on hand Bacon, I art. P ck'e i and Beef, Dried B.ef. Pork Tonguen 3ug v, Goltee Sait, Hour, Mo Ins-es. V negar. Peppir. Spire, Du ger.> audles, 3<)>ip. Starch. T- >haeco. Ur?e- Poaches, und Apples. B'mnbw-ie-.,Cheese. Butter. ‘•pas and. < ironges At ’..fir. Ind • cwntr.ntly , *ereiving Western Print"fe and Prtivisians. mu ihe leadingaxUCi,a ol Groceries. Ail m wtiicti 10 will SELL LOW FOR CASH. OR COCN FRY PRODUCE. Columbus, Ga., February i‘. t 8 5. twtf. NE-Y CARPET STORE AGOCY. rll 3 Agent of W. H. 6a on, New Carpet Store Savannah. Ga.. who hiis aiwayson hand Carpetiag. Oil Clctlis, Hearti. Dmraata, a able and Piano Covers, Window Snades. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Studs, Stair Rods, &c. Samples md prieeeof all qnt I.lien at Carpedng and <>il Cloth ma\ he seen at :nv store, wvi Bmad'tree*. Ooiiunbas. Ga., and any ,1 ‘uj aoove art. 4 ciei* ooiert-u > ithit da .ay Carpels cut u moms tree oiclmiv. tfid. ;nale, if desired, ’hr a smatioointienaetton. by in expeneiu-iel hand 11 -avnnuan. I wiil oe'nguiarij suppiiea with new patterns fur the coming season. P. A. CLAYTON, 82 3rod S^roet. Columiiup, May 3—t w LU__ “opening day FR THE r=Ki.A^_ THE announces ro hi? patrons and the public, that he will re-open his store on the 20th OF .SEPTEMBER, with his fresh importation? and manufacture o for the pres ent season, embracing the Sliest assortment of CLOTHS., and ail articles appertaining to jentiemen’g wem-inc ap parel ever offered to the public. They have net np ?rswial- r v selected from the most distinguished Empi iium° m the country, and are wairunted to be of a very auperzur quality. Call and see them. „„„„„ J. SMEETON. Columnu?, Sept 13—twtf Enquirer copy Tiinß. W. )Lasiu£L. ,no. .1. MoNTonincaT, Jux P. SlrruND TilOS. W. MARSHALL & CO. RECEIVING AND FORWARDING NI E K CHANTS. 93 Commerce and 32 Front Air- cis, MOBILE, ALA All goods consigned to their care Tor the inter’or. #ill be re ceived and forwarded with all noasihle despatch, and .tree ol ativ etiarre for et*mmisuiui -md slot age. N>ven ber 18—twiwfim beiTish periodicals. EAELY COPIES SECURED. LEON ARD'SCOTT At. CO., New York, continue to re publish the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quahterlt ( Conservative.) ± The Edinbuhsh Review (\Vh 1 <r) 3. The Nosth Bfirnsa Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westministeh Review Libera!.) 5. Blackwq- d's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory ) The present enm-ai -tate of European affii’P* wiii render these puuiicationrutlaeuaily interesting during the forthcom ing ‘] hey will occupy t middle or-uud between the mtsiiiy written new.- Heme, etude and rfvmg ruiuore of the daily Journal and the umideou- Turn* <d the future hi-t *r:n. written ader file iivma inte*esi and excite ment ol the great pur.ueai * vent? of th time -hail have p -ed way It Ie to These Periodical ‘hat reader* mu.-t ok. forth* onlv rea l* mreiluah'e and reiianie history <d current -ventii, ami a? -uch. tu addition t” their >veil eetah iiehed I inn arv, .-i-iennfie, and theoi.iguari character, ’hem limn the eonaideraiion . i die leading public. Arrangements* are now permanently made forth® receipt of EARLY SHEETS irom the Bntti.-n Puulisn ers. b* which we a - e enabled to place ALL <>L K KE PRiN T-in the hands at suosenbere, about as soon as they cun be u nv-fied with foreign copies. Although tin? in a verv aure omlav on our nart, we mail continue io lurmsn the P.-rjotiicais at the same uw rates as heretofore, viz : Pe r i’-n. Fur anv one of ne our Reviews. $3 00 For any two of the our Review.-,............. 5 00 For any three of the four T 00 For ail tour of the ELeview5............... ... 3 bO For Blackwood's >iagnzme. ......... .. 300 lh*rß uekwood and three Review 5........... 9 00 For Blackwuod ana the tour tL-views. .. .... 10 >9O Pailmmts tn be made in ail cm*e9 tti aninance. Munett current .0 the Stale icuere issued wul be received ai CLUBBING. A discount cftw~ary-tive pe* cent, from the above pri ce- wul be allowed to Cktbhs o dernig lou* or mom • p- I its dany tueormom oTtho above w-.rk* Tbiuf-: Fuur •1 c ipiesoi or ofoue Review, willbesent Jooue adtln-a-for fd; four copies of-he tour Reviews dad Black woou for }3b; aud on. POSTAGE. In all the principal e.nea and uw,a, ;he— works will he delivered, through ageut-. FREE Gt* r'->riT -E Whm sent by mad.the Po.-aget” *cy part ot the C oted >LDe -aril! be but rwemy-Eo ir Cant? a rtac tor “B! cfewood,’’ f anti Fourteen C**m.~ a year tor @aeo.ot the ev.ew-. lcm*Dauce and com mu icaii’>nsaauma ai way* De art - dressed, poai paid, to ihe Fubll-tiaie. 1e0n.4 a o scott i a >. ;aa 3—swim. 34 Cold Street, New Yam, GREAT EXCITEMENT!! To tiie Public. DO you know that’ > v*-no‘dy JGurmg to Purchase IHe-Lke ami Enduring likent-s es o) their H ive, flttsfamda, *. iniueu, Brothers*, Sitters ami French, are aiuKUig a Grand rush, to by far the jest. And only plane in Uuiuiiit u~, where lakene-e*v which seem to breathe and l.ive, eau be got up. at short notice- in Euuless vaneiv. .t -tyie. and possesi-iug that Rlfcuness ol fim-a, wri e:i has never Yet been equalled arapf.-nmchecf, at any Other establishment in the irtafe f (Georgia. Forget :t not, and whenever you want a Gent ot a Picture,nai; at C. I. BFPEWS Fxce'Stnr Gallery—W lodbiuig*-*.-old stand. o?.:nv thousands of Picture- in Columbus, Npeak t<*r themselves, and te-uiv tu me above. March 31, ißss# twtf. BIDDLE’S Fashionable Baguerrean Gallery. I'll Pr* p rwlw !!•>, -r ucate-). anti note! ,r h uua b y arj angr-u GALLS b T or Die 1 1 1 in fie St ,-ric. He tinea theOesi lu iti ruu. unU a..oa n t. ing Uui diet Pictures to leave ton Ho. ms. So ortret not. ye it \<rs of tbeFine tap, shm y- - ■ ‘v f rt h to obtain thn-e unpenatiabie-CtHns, to c?-tt on a IDHI.E, it ■ * ii jive von a Mamlis me P‘c"oeat and a Good Lagimrreo i p -*. As tor takiii •li :;lr u. an. \y if***. p.. St.e- i-oopes <mt • io.<r view*. at he tit il •’ iiiv Artiel io ifo f ll;>lrs “ tp -a hint. Ko-i -ou 3.reel. Ootr t.'i Hy ..toils 3 ‘rp ** r j-U *l*l jilcz: [AM in receipt ol ala ge supply ’ rh;,t most indispensa ble luxury in a siutin r rliirve. fC£, uni WtH ;i:r iiah o as cheap m. il ral the Ice Kutue Send in join md* :a and k-**p o <1 T. M 1106 \N. < id mini’ trrt April a. t vt.l. GRH NWOOL* A GKlMt>. WAREHOUSE AND rOMIISSMW MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, GEt >RGIA. Y ITILL gGe their particular attention to the stontge.ard V T aaieod'eottini, and otiier produce, whieh may be eon* signed to them. They are prepared to make liuerai ad vancer on cotton in store Prompt attention will oe given to the RECEIVING ana FO LLW ARU LVG BUSIN ESS. E. S GhkENWuOD. STERLING P. GR MESt Cnltimhu.'*, Sf'jt 5. 1854—w&twly M B ROT IIERS Removed to ISa 13 John St, N. Y., (EOUMEOLX NO. 2 NASSAU STttEKT. N. V.) SUGCESSuSS TO TLLH.2R F.XJLMR, msm MTT, IMPOSTERS AND DEALERS I ? Yj FIXE WATCHES, JEWELRY, OF ALL . KINDS, AND OF THE LATEST £* A r T dKiHS, -ALSO— Dtamemts tn Rings, Pms, Silver Ware, dkg. All ot which will he warranted. JSI P. S.— The best workmen oalv employed m Repairs New York, may d—*'■* ifcwly. WELLS & VERSTLLLL, FACTORS AAD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga., Prompt attention paid ;o forwaruiug Slerchandlze to the intenor. I mil.!)—: w*i w i v A. El. At EU. E ti. WULKINsj. AVER & WU.KINS, ACCTION! COMiSSIOV. EeceiTLitg 1 and Forwarding- 3l2rciiant3, No. Hi Brond Stn*ef,jLolinuaii, Ga. Columouß .a.. .**d:T ii - w wf J. C. RUSE, J. 11. DAVIS, W. If. LON 6. ROTE, DAVIS‘ & LONG* COMMISSION MERCHANTS A$D SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH-, GEORGIA. WILL purchase andsed enitou auu other urt*luciMn *om ■lutssuiu. and strictly attend to torwardini'gooda and Siling ar tlerßtroin .he country. Ruse. Parten Sl r<, atentt Codirahms hy whmn iiherrd ad vance!* vdl oe uukdeon aon'taimejiteiiiierta-ur througn at A) our nendi* in Liverpool or :he Nonh. July 9, 1853—w vtwtf LOCKL rr Sl smh.u ng>, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA-, WTLL attend, to the selling of COTTON and a.l kinds < PRODUCE Strict attention given to hece.mogaod F>r curUiitu Good*. E. LOCKETT, It D. SN ELLLNGS. Savannali. Ga., Sept 1, 1554 twifew lv HI D % ON, FLEMING Nu CU., S YY ANN A tl, GA. fiofkixs. x & co„ CH \RLtESTOV. 3. C FACTORS AND 0-viMISSION M ERCH A NTS. RETFEW an user U thir service- to Ptantcr*. M'p'-rrmrns and Driers it. ‘h*-**tieof Cotton anti .du>:her ainmry pm luce -Ir ; ci aitO-ntkn w'll he ui nuaines*. and ?hfmi ;ash ad vaacea andiacditiee oflltrdtsi customers wnen rtmuir^d. jso. a. HrD-'Hjy, } , > Savannah. W. H. FLE31136, V L. HOPKINS, AdgUSLU j. coiis>', CliarifSton. V ittl 4— A. rt JBKTC*? P. | it. a s • . G. D, MSTCALF & CO, amassmu & rjuwardwg /mown Zt Pt>¥DiCAS STRUT, NEW u ujIEANS. RirntTo—W H Toung. Esq Gblumbis, Georgia. ** Cos! John Panae, “ “ *‘ H. H. Eppit g. EL-<i, “ “ “ J L M;rt<m. E=q . “ “ Patrick Adams, “ “ t fi^r Irish. Pota3ces. ree*lvd cat ctdita gain two, iUftsaiy-M** r>arr*a, in* *u aiE£iiw“;defrwra.” aps IL a. ■n. r.p- Change oi! k^iTTSST Ca and after February lOti, P ‘SSr.NG- R Trail.h will ‘eajC> lambus daiyal 2-!SP. M„ P, *t. Leave Macau daily at T \ 5L arrived! ■ / Itlniniiu>/*-i'll* A. i*. ‘iak.iuf lete c m iieriimi ur’wrtMi Sbntg- n, re\ *> ► and \tiuusa:i SViimii;Kti>i,: aai with ? tuiUvl t af Read •• 3-tvauuah,. nd 5&l( ledum die, Hint with ?be ‘si-on uitl Tmti** to stn-*. '3ait**o..iia a&dkbarbvsUe. ‘■ -v cunt ctumat * olumbus will dtt* & J’ bile B. S. WHKI S. • ninnhHK. F*-h.2B—twwft hmdhttei w d>ep r t GUNGE ('F EOJEDI'LE STGSIIiS Am ftre.ATt.-p SAIL EGAD. S mmm VFC’U Monday, oih March, tie Prissenrer aim Irv idu Trim -aril !etvu Himni at :i P. M „dtily>. remmlai A snap e?i'> cmiiec imr at tMiver ‘Run with a ithfhr Hoe or’ ‘■taac* ’nftlr’iiiviir, CttlaidH. Kurt <-h ne*. ami. Yturiai w, Fin. ltd •a Toes-tav*. awt Fridrya withthu —mr.a i. r Cctie*?. t liver. Boon, < himenni o s. ‘•nlway and I’n an v ~riii£-.. H.en\ inn Sover Kuu at AT JUiA. SL. dudy. til nda; a exrrpti and) ‘he fa wi t:•chHirurdlu iunotn connect with. lit. GpcdJia um 51 -Mraee ’Emins it ton int in p nefcets sood v*rtwo d;y ran he purrhcsed at the nSce at l>er iiun. ai iers t! a trtf larrate. U. A. IIARBA'A A V~. nwrpr-w®?wtf. Entrim-er. SCH3.CUL,£I OFELIXA BHASCH Jsf & West 1 (jilt Rail Road. r> a Tl Ar? every day a Leaves Girard at t*** A W, £ i fives at ope ka .t !! A. W. leaver, i p likat \. 5f Arrives at Glrtird at- PM. PttfcßSHT !'R,\ IN ia*v* a iLrard Atoiiiisyr, W<dlM-sca?, and Friday a> SP W. Le:gfe*r'pe* ka Tae-day. Thureuby and Fattirdry at i M. M. G**m. • ai jbe in depot btdore 2 u, m. .m m- !ayi tl.e ftoeah! rim -Hies —be pih.uis naiked with the oon.e ’* name, and-Kauuu at w.nch ! hev are to he clenveied; Biir|>i-i'> .tray tickets inn-la n nipany i act’ ‘mol, in and itie fre-ghi paid ill ud iiuim t” ul p*i t vxcey.l VlbntKi'iinjn. ma d..wAuwf. t. <i. w EP, Kmi!r. k. Pop. II.ULNOEi’S tXPIiESi tiFFIC a Ui *t li OOLFU ‘trert. V\ r ß.especllully bmr idave to inn nndiie clUzettr -oiunibu* f V anu un vicinity. Uiat we Have cuiicmdeu our arranaen.eMa vrittt Uie Central. Pouth-Vk ; esteru and RadBNKS, anti are now roniiiua aiessenae rs dully rum feoiun Bua u i aeon tneiice tu tvajman. Übo. ‘ontardiiik; s ods iaily over the Vuscoiree and Ponth vVesverri Railioau to Fort Vaiiey. biftwbwpr atm Macon, fience o >i.HeitLcevi'. a Pavaiaiaii am all .uu-rniftiiait placr Alan, to Soiuftumery, Ata. t’ e wouhi also sev., that our Ex •jresrte- i>y !he-ufcaujer> Ui New York ami Rbiiadinpltiireuahje ue to Forward ever*. Jesnnptlon ut mnehuHtitt and aaitoabior. Notes, (trafta. and BilltHiuiiecied inevery uen in the .ad Eastern a'tuie> ; also, to California auu Eumpe. OFFICES AND AIiKiTS. P. EL R’!L dandftuti iret. Coiumnur; P. O. Poits. Mtcoo ; 51:. iL-Hini. Purr ;:S. S_cfieuiii. 1 trieti *rjie ; 153 Bay -treeU Ptivannait: 74’ Broadway, JYew York ; 43 mid 43 South-Third, ‘’hiiadeiptoa ; p* Court -treet. Bristol,; F.xciiangu T'ree? Phovidencws Moimromarv -treeu 3 an Francisco. nr Arric’e. to he forwardert. called for at any part ot he ally reemexpense, bv leavmcirderson the iate at he office. L.lVTN4i*{f, WiaKJH/'STRH ai CO. Onfanihiiß. April 13, !Ba4.—twfcw CUi , ARTNERSnU > . THE ‘inderviinuitl having thn> day tonned aC p.irtuership un dt rifle name and siy:e of lIARRISO3, AI'SIIX Ss 3TGEBEE, (or the purpose of tnuisactiiiK a attction and com^hssion, REfflVO’U l.'iD FORffiSßtvS. C\D. XEiiE business, ai <he old simul of C . S . II AaRIS 0N , plettee l bemwdves to a protrpt and fauhtui attect'mi *o all busiiifs- committed to itieircaie. They w;,i 41 v tUc.i personal auenliou to the sa:e ol Real and Personal Property, Merchandize and Produce. Uavim; ample f icilities at their command; th< y are proper and so inuivt; llrterci cash atl’- onces an Neitroes .inu Merctmmiize of every ‘le->. rtpiion. The patronage of liieir irittuds aiuithe public temrai y Is aoilcited. | C. S. HARRIFSON, WILLLY.M AUSTIN. A. Cl MeGKHEE. Coinmhus, “’a., Fept. I, 1854, FLOTJH P FLOUR ! Jl’S” tt< ; ved m flomienmem and .or sale , t T aly— Five 3arris. A. 50. I. Put chase and try ,1 m-.ru7—w,.iti. H. C. PM’ I.FP FOE SALE. - TH K IT IJPE AND’ 1.1 >C ;*t present occnmeu ly w.™’ the suoaertb-r. Fmctsaaion r .ven imnir-linteiy. 11. P. HALL. . p jl -2 * r-ii"—rwtf for s.m: r ON TEEM® A ComfortaMe House and iof. |=§S| lad heaiiiiy parroi tl,a City. For particul 13 tfppiy tn H ARRISON, AHrSTLN i MvG> IfVE. vt areii 3>, lHn.3 w lw ‘An. NOTICS. r \Urt Trends and patrons aie htr-by notified that c rctnn- V / stances maae it übeeiu e y iiec-aury that we hioulu i.ave a a. n on <r.. lion*-- board* and at ‘nr atalde y the m*miti ,*ryer. VA, in, ir or. here v trtvo nolica. Ural ot.r rttn- ,01 ,eu Miail enter into aim meson.e t psrt of ev-eey conbrdS ior me • efi **r hoi r t o horse ai our smbies. and hut u cases we r— r tSie nutu : o a arce su-d lien, eif nere-w ry. .ni ti Hvb Eli % PITT?*. liSSfii Ukb'i'” i'V ‘ i I “isggsu “*■ i ll X T r N (x # J’l? K -uhrcr her. differ an erp rienee of several years lath* *■ pri cipi.l c;ties oi.- taropeu,.*! .am* rca,; engages to exe cute a l k.i,Oj- oi Sense, Sign. andSecoratiTe Baiatinaf *•’ ii 11 a’ ts* -*• ‘etuA-ch. Willi and Grained . Hm bled or Frtsea'if, *ii 1 . *J S 1 V Uie ■* !ra,.ed. u.uMUX hditA’ vF.D T- JUNG. ZPW* Yoie a Broad S reet. next and. or to l. H 3-oj ner'* amis M ap3 -tarlinwh.* 4TD W L F £ R \ f \WK Tl'GiiJlT'S’ itfeiS net proftssii nni se*-v : - .▼I t-* f u.c, e-po o c.Muoidue and viciui y SfceUa#ha*i • r;y year** r one.? 10 ti e auo *# aim fia n *■* h< re? It JtU J. wr uie n<-> >sao r l an. ?ae p i die 0 ur**oaej. 3if ilia, te “Oil ot. e'len uut p-ile-woiJUiy • :it*e .. e he •MilriTß, a iacksmatrn-.;. iuoitni .w the and reo?n * iiurch. ‘<n <ris two FCUJ3D. V PWOMTS* RV NOTE, unule Oy D V at fWt o Jobnwri** I v ThuriUm, wiieh the owner can naie 1 y iso!*u< ai tinea flj . ‘elre-twH. | , ! MtOßlel A, fidly eOM r r. a art oi OtiUuary, tor said County March Term, IS-5. ’ |"Tl r isl V" B VNO {H W 4. a?iiui “ißntf rOe :*on- au mil i e 1 eacde us ioho d.Hms ierec-ed. h*v me in*:i thi-i n turn I a n-war s assurbaipt petitfosHl *r entes ■t noir*n : It ie ar.iond owt ell per-mns couaarm><i,slMw amre it any | .**s have. t j -aid U?‘’en siooisri ,o* He gnmna> dLa[>pUuo ! i;be Octotar T -zn of ourcuuu. A irio uxitaiH iroiii Utc aimtie, A_andt rZ. a A uuuii—alia. and. a. 41Exr l 3-iLD } OruL frvkv* R &