The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 02, 1855, Image 4

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BY AUTHORITY. . LAWS OF TIIE UNITED STATES. t ! - Public, No. 78. AN ACT to remodel the diplomatic and consular system of the United State*. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of ttie United States of America, tn Congress as sembied. That from nrul a ter t e thhtieth day of Jun- Uex , the Presid nl of the United S ate* shall, b r and with the advice and consent t)f the Bennie, app*i >t representa tives ot the grade of envoy* exiraordinary and miniatere plenipotentiary to the follnwit g countries, who sh 11 re ceive an annual oomoensatinri lor their *ervi es not exceed log the amount specified herein lor each : Great Britain, seventeen thousand five hnudreu cul.ars. Fra i •re, fifteen thousand dollars. Spam, twelve thousand do lars. Russia, twelve thousand dollars. Austria, twelve thousand and -lUrs. Prussia twel'e thousand dollars. Switzerland, seven ti oti*and five hundred debars. Rome seven thousand five hundred dollars Nai leu, seven thousand five hundred dollar*. Sardinia, seven thousand five hundred dollare. Belgium, seven thousand five hundred dollars. H (land, seven thousand five hundred dol ars. Portugal, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Denmark, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Sweden, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Turkey, nine thousand dollars. China, fifteen thousand dollars. Brazil, twelve thousand dollars. Peru, ten thousand dollars. Chil , nine thousand dollars- Argentine Republic, seven thousand five hundred dollars. New Granada, seven thousand five hundred dollar-. Bolivia, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Ecuador seven thousand five hundred and >llars. Vein zm-la. seven thonsand five hundred dollar*. Guatemala, seven thousand five hundred and liars. Ni aragua seven thousand five hundred dollars Mexico, twelve limn-a >d doll r*. Sec. S. And be it further enacted, That, from and af ter toe tnirtieth day ot Jin e next, the President of the Uni ted Slates shbli, by and with the advice and consent of the Senafs, apt mm secretaries of legation to the following countries, who shall receive an annual co** pen-aiion for their services not exoeedmg the amount specified herein for each: • Great Br tain, twenty-five hundred dollars. France, twenty two hundred and fifty dollars. Spain, twenty-two hundred and fitly dollars. Kn-sia, two thousand dollars. Austria, two thousand dollars. Prussia, two thousand dollar*. Swi z--rUnd, fifteen hundred dollars. R me. fifteen hundred dollars. Naples, fiiteen hundred dollars. Sardinia, fi tceii hun Ired do I r*. Belgium, fifteen hundred do 1 ir*. Hollain', fitteeH hundred d’ i ars. Port life i, fifteen hundred and l ars. Denmark, fifteen hundred d<>lla 6. S veden, fifteen hundred d< 1 ars. Brasil, two thou and tin lars. Peru, two thousand dol nr*. ('hilt, fiiteen till ltd'ed and lltrs. Arges'iue Rep ihlic, fiiteen hundred dollars. Now Granada, fifteen hund el dollars. B It via, fi t eit hundred do 1 ir*. Kelt tdor, sis een hundred dollar*. Veoez tea, sis ecu hundred dollars. Guatemala, fifteen hundred dollars. Nicaragua, fifteen hundred d<dlais, M- xico, two thousand do lare. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted That from and after the thirtieth day of June next, tn* P estdent of the United fctatrs shall by and wt;h ti e advice and consent of the Senate, appoint a commissioner to the Siidwirb i lands, who aha 1 receive an annual com|ieiisotn n for hie seivicea of six thousand dollars; art interpre'er to the ra-ssion irt Coma, who shall receive lor t is services two thousand five hundred and 11 irs |**r annum ; and a dragoman to toe tnis.-i >n to Turkey who shall receive for hi* services twenty-five hundred dollars ner annum. Sec. 4 And be it further enacted, That from an I af ter the fortieth day of June i.ex , the P.esifent of the United S ale* snail, by and w-th the adv iv aod consent of the Senate, appoint con ul* for tfie Uo ted States, t resale at ti e following places, wh > shall receive dining their con tißuance in office an annual compeiisadnii for their services, ft <t exeeedii g the amount specified liereio tor each, nod who shall not b- permitted to Transact, under the penally of being re<- 1 and an I fined in a sun not less than two thousand doi are. business a.(her in their own name or through the agency of others: GRF.AT BRITAIN. 1-on lon seven thousand five hundred dolltrs. Liverpool, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Glasgow, four toousand do;lars. Dundee, two thoUHaud dollars. Newcastl , fifteen liun Ired dollars. I eed*, fi men hundred dollars. Belfast two thomanil do lars. Hong K rig, three thousand d<> lirs. ('a cuua. iliree thousand five hundred dollar*. Halifax, two thousand dollar*. Melbourne, four ttmusnn 1 dollars. Nassau, two thousand dolla s. Kingston, (Jamaica,,’ two thousand dollars. HOLLaND. Rotterdam, two thousand dollira. Amsterdam, one tnousand dollars. PRUbSIA. Ait-la-Chapelle, twenty five hundred dollars. FRANCE. Paris, five'thousand dollars. Havre, five thousand d< l ars. Marseilles, two tfiousand five hundred dollars. B >rdeaux, two thousand and dlars. Lyons, one thousand dollars. La Rochelle, one th aisan l dollars. Nai.tis, one thousand dollar*. SPAIN. C*d'Z, fifteen hundred dollars. Malaga, fi:teen hundred dollar*. St Jag >de Cuba, two thousand dollars. Mai&nz**, three thousand dollars. St Johns, (P. R.) two thousand dollar*. Trinidad de Cuba, three thousan I dollars. Ponce, (P. R ,) fiiteen hundred dollars. Havana, sit thousand dollar*. PORTUGAL. . . Lisbon, fifteen hundred dollars. Funchal, fifteen hundred do.'ltrs. BELGIUM. Antwerp, two thousand fiva hundred dollars. RUSSIA. St Petersburg, two thousand five hundred dollars. DENMARK. St. Th nn*, four thousand dollars. Elsineur, fifteen hundred dollor*. AUSTRIA. Trieste, two thousand dollars. V.eona, one thousand d* ll trs. Saxony. Leipsic, fifteen hundred dollor*. BaVaßla. Munich, one thousand dt 1 ar*. Hanseatic and free cities. Bremen, two thousand doll tr*. Hamburg, two thousand dmla-8. FRA NKFvRT-ON TH F.-M AINE. Indodi g the Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt, ti e Electorair of He* e Ca.-M-i, the Duchy of Nassau, aod the L n‘graviate of HrMeHuiuhnurg, two lliotuaud dol.ars. WURTEMBURG. Surtgardt, one thousand dollars. BADEN. Carlsrue, one thousand d-Uar*. SvA riZh-KLAND. Basle, fifteen bundled dol ais. Zorich, fiiieeii buodred do.Ur*. Geneva, ti teen hundred dollar*. BAR DIN A. Genoa, one ihmsand five hundred dollars. T US..ANY. Leghorn, fifteen hundred dollars. KINGDOM OF HE TWO SICILIES, Naihs. fifteen hundred dollars, f ateimo, fitleen hundred dollar*. Mdseu.a, one thousand dollars. TUivKiSri DOMINIONS. ron-tantin | l**, two thousand five hundred dtllart. Btnvriin, two thousand dollar?. Beirut, two mmsaiui and Mar*. Jo-u-.. ihU,OLHt tliuU.-AUU MU lars. Aumtunut, three tumuaul five hundred dollar*. BARBARY STATi 8. Tangier*, two thousand five hundred do’lars. Trlpidi, two thousand five hundred d-dlar*. Tunis, two thousand five hundred dollars. CHINA. Canton, three thousand dollor*. Shanghai, three thousand dollar*. Amoy, twenty-five hundred dollars. Fouchow, two thousand five liui dred dollars. Ningpo, two thousand five hundred dollars. JAPAN. Simoda. Hakodadi. BORNEO. Bruni. SANDWICH ISLANDS. Honolulu, four thousand dollar*. HAYTI. Port-au-Prince, two thousand dollars. City ol St. Domingo, fifteen hundred dollars. MEXICO. Vera Crnz, three thousand five hundred dollars. Acapulco, two thousand do lars. CENTRAL AMERICA. Pan Juan del Norte, two thousand dollars. ‘ San Juan del Sur, two thousand dollars. NEW GRANADA. Panama, three thousand five hundred dollars. A-pinwall, two thousand five hundred dollars. VENEZUELA. Laguayra, fifteen hundred dollars. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro, six thousand dollars. Pernambuco, two thousand and dlars. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Bueno* Ayres, two thousand do lira. PERU. * Callao, three thousand five hundred dollars. CHILI. Valparaiso, three thousand dollar*. Sec 5 And be it further enacted. That from and after the. thirtieth <lay ol June next, ttie President of the United States shall, by and with the advice and consent ot the senate, appoint consul* amt comrnetcial agents fort! e Uni ted States to reside at the following piaers, who shail re reive durinit their continuance in • ffice, an a inial c •mpen nation for th. ir services not exceeding the amount specified herein for each, and who shall be at liberty to transact business: GREAT BRITAIN. Soiphampton, one thousand dollar*. Bristo’, one thousand dollars. Leith, on < thousand dnlla *. Dublin, one thousand and > lars. Cork, one thou-an I dollars. Galwav, one thousand dollars. B mbay, one thousand dollars. Singapore one th< u>a and dollar*. Gibraltar, ►even hundred and fifty dollars. Island of Malta, one thousand dollars. Gajie Town, one thousand dollar*. Port Louis, one thousand dollars. >t. John’s. (N B,> one thmi and dollars. Pictou, one thousand dollars thousand dollars. Sutoey, one thousand dollars. Falkland Islands, one thousand dollars. Hobart Town, one thousand dollars. Bermuda, one thousand dollars Tu k’* Island, one thousand dollars. Barbados*, otie thousand dollars. Island o| Trinidad, one thousand dollars. St. Helena, one th* usand dollars. S'. Ctir stopher, one thousand dollars. Autigtu, one thousand dollars. Ceylon, one thousand dollar*. RUSSIA, Odessa, fifteen hundred dollars. Calatza, one thousand dollars. FRaN<E. Mirtiriique, evcn hundred and fifty dollars. Miquelon, *even hundred aod fitly dol ar*. SPAIN. Barcelona, seven hundred and fifty dollars. Manilla, seven hundred and fifty dollar*. ♦PORTUGAL. Macao, one thousand dollar*. M ztuib qoe, seven hundred and fifty dollars. &t. Jago C a e Verd, seven hundred and fi'ty dollars. IUNOVER AND BRUNSWICK. llmover, five hun Ired dollars. ECKLENBURG-SG IWER.N AND MECKLEN* BERG-STRELIIZ. Schwerin, five hundred dollars. OLDENBURG. Oldenburg, five hundred dollar*. DANISH DOMINIONS. Santa Cruz, seven hnudred and fi ty dt.llirs. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Gothenburg, seven hundred and fifty dol ars. AUSTRIA, Venice, seven hundred aad fifty dollars. S \RDINIA. Spezz'a, seven hundred an I fifty dollars. GREECE. Athens, one thousand dollars. TURKEY. Candia, one thousand dollars. Cyprus, one thousand dollars. IONIAN ISLANDS. Zante, one thousand dollar*. AFRICA. Monrovia, one th insand dollars. Zanzibar, one thou-and doliara. NEW ZEALAND. Bay Islands, one thousand dollars. HAYTI. Care Hytien,one thousand dollar*. Aux Cayes, five huuured dollar*. MEXICO. Mexico, one thousand dollars. Raw) del None, five hundred dollar*. Tampico, one thousand dollar*. IMaiamora-j, one thousand dollars. Tabasco, five hundred do lirs. Mazatlan, five humired dollar*. Tehuantepec, one thousand dollars. Manatitlan, one thousand dollar*. CENTRAL AMERICA. Otnoa an l Truxill . one thousand dollars. Sui Jose, five hundred dollars. NEW GRANADA. Cartagena, five hundred do lars. Sabanilln, five hundred dollars. VENEZUELA, Ciudad Bolivar, seven hund ed and fifty dollars. Puerto CaM'c, stven hundred and titty doliars. Maracaibo, set an huadred and finy dol.ars. ECUADOR. Guayaquil, seven hundred ami fifty dollars. BRAZIL. Maranham In’and, -even hundred and fifty dollars. Kio Grande, one th"U and dollars. Barns, one. thousand dollars. Para, one thou a id dollars. URUGUAY. Montevideo, one th tusaiid dollars. CHILI. Talcahuano, one thousand dollars. PERU. Paita, five hundred doll*r*. TumbtZ, five hundred dollar*. SANDWICH ISLANDS. Lahaina, one tnousand dollars. Hilo, one thoii.-and oollar*. NaVIGA'IORS ISLANDS. Apia, one thousand dollars. SuCiEI Y ISLANDB. Tahiti, one thousand dol*. r*.. fejee inland*. Laulimla, one thousan.l dollar*. HOLLAND. Batavia, one tl.oa-an l do,tar*. (Commercial agent ) FrJuarl>o 4 five liUnujr*J (Coat jkjrcio] dgv.l J Padang. five hundred dollars (Commercial agent ) St. Martin, five hundred dollars. (Commercial agent.) Cnraco *, fi, e hut dred dollur*. (Commercial See 6 And be it farther enacted, That no envoy ex trrordinary and. minister plenipotentiary.c mmis*iotier,src .etarv of legation, dragoman, interpreter, consul, or com mercial agent, who shall, after the thirtieth Pay of June next, be appointed to any of the countries or places herein named* be entitled to compensation until be slihil have reached his t* st and entered utsm hi* official duties. Skc. 7. And be it farther enacted, That the compensa tion ot every envoy extraordinary and minister i lenipn en tiary, commissioner,secretary of legation, drag’ man, inter preter, consul, and commercial agent, who shall, acer the thirtieth day of June next, be appointed to any of the conn tries or places herein named,shall cease on the day that his succesor shall ente* mam the dune* of his office. Sec 8 And be it further enacted. That no envoy ex tramdinary arid minist r plenipotei i ary, comm ssioner, se cretary ol legation, dragoman, interpreter, consul, or com mercial agent, shall him*ell from the country to which he is accredited, or from hi* consular district, for a longer period than ten Vavs without-having previously ob tained leave from the President the United S;ates, and that during hi* absence for any per od longer than that time, either with or without leave, his salary shall not be allowed him. , „ Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Presi dent shad a point .10 other than citzens of the Untied Slates, who are residents thereof, or win shall be abroad in the employment of the government at the time of their appointment, as envoys extraordinary and ministers plen'po tentiary, commissioners, secretarien of legation, dragoman*, interpreter*, consuls, or commercial agents, nor shall other t h an i itizens of the United States be employed either a* vice-consul, nr consular agents, or as clerks in the offices of either, and have access to the archives therein deposi ted. Seo. 10. And be it further enacted, That envoys extraor dinary an l ministers plenipotentiary, ami consul , shuli be tt-qni.ed to locate their legation* and consulates, in the pla ces in which they are established, in rs central api siii><n as can be i oiivernently procured, and keep them open da 1, from ten o’clock in the morning until four o’emck in the afternoun ; Sundays, other holiday*, and anniversaries ex cepted. Sec.. 11. And be it further enacted, That as soon ns a consul or commercial agent shall be officially notitie I oi hi* appointment,die shall execu’e a b >nd with two sureties, in a sum of n *t less than one thousand nor more than ten thousand dollar*, for the faithful discharge of eveiyduty relating to hi* office ; w hieh bond slia'l be sutLlanorv t the United S a es district attoinev for the district in which the appointed consul resides, anil be transmitted to the Sec retary ot S ate for his approval li the consul is not in the United (States at the time he is cou.mi*sionel, as soon a* be is apprized of the fact lie shall sign, arid transmit by the ino*t exited it ions conveyance, a bond the aforesai i which slia* 1 afterwards he undersigned by two sureties w ho are permanent resident* of the United St tea, and appn v, <i by the Departmen . Where there is a United Mia e* legation in a coumrv to which a consul shall he app- inted, application shall be made through jt to the government ;or an ext qoa'er; but where there is none, the appln anon ►haii i w made d'reci to the proper department Sec ‘ f/. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of coiimilk and commercial agents to cha ge the fo| ow trig fees for performing the services specified, for which under the penalty of being removed from office, they shal account to the government at the expiration of every inon'hs ami hotel the proceeds subject to its drafts: For receiving and delivering ships’ paper?, half cent on every ton, registered o easurctueut, of the vessel for w hich the *ervi<v is performed. For everv seam; n who may he discharged or shipped at the consulate or commereial agency, or in the port in which they are located, one dollar; w hich shall be paid by the master of the vessel. For every other certificate, except passport®—the signing and verification of winch shall b free—iwd< liars. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That in capital* where a legation of the Lini.e<l Sta ►s is established, con suls and cnmnercial agents shall only be permitted to grant and verify passports hi the absence of tfie United S att-s diplomatic representative. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That no commie-ion shall in future tie cnargeu oy c >usuii> or commercial ag nl lor receiving or dishorning die wages or txtra wages tow hicS seamen may be entitled who are discharged by ihe master* of vessel* in foreign countries, or for m ine.* advanced n such as may lie found hi distress, seeking relief from tin consulate or commercial agency; nor slia l any consul o. commercial agent he di e tly or indirectly interested ii any profits derived Irom clothing, boarding, or sending home *tn-h seamen. Sec. l'A. And be it further enacted, Th t no consul o commercial age-ni oi rlie United >ia‘es *h til discharge am mariner, being a ert zen of the United S ates. in a toreig port without requiring the payment of the two m n th-’ wa gs to which said mariner is entiiled under ilie- provisions of the act of February twenty eight, eighteen hundred end three, unless, upon due investigation into the circuit!* an ce* under which the master and manner 1 ate j lintly ap plied for such discharge, and on a private examination oi such mariner by the consul or commercial agent, separate and apart from all officers of the ves-el, >he consul or com mercial agent shall be satisfied that it is fur the interest am welfare ol such mariner to be so discharged ; nor shall any consul or commercial agent discharge any mirinera* aft re said without squiring the full amount of three intmihs’ wa ge*, as p-ovided by the above-named act, lire ess under sue!, circumstance- aaw i 1, in liis judgment, secure the U. Siam from all liabil.ty to expense on account of such mariner: Provided, That ii the cases of stro tided vessel®, or vessel condemned as u <fit tar service, no payment of extra wag— shall be required; and where any mariner, after his dis charge, shall have incurred expense at the port of discharge, before shipping again, such expense shall be paid out ot the two mouth*’ wages aforesaid, and the balance only delivered to him. Sec 16. And be it further enacted, That every consul and commercial agent oi the United suites shall keep a detailed list of ail mariners discharged by them, respective ly, specifying their names and the names of the vessel* irom which they were discharged, and the payments, if any, afterwards made on account of each, and shall mtke official returns of said lists halt-yearly to the Treasury De partment. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted. That every omit and commercial agent of the United State* shall mtke an official entry of every discharge which they may grc.nt. respectively, on the list oflhe crew and shipping article* ol the vessel from which such discharge shall he made, spec ifying the payment, if any, which has been required in each case; and if they shall have remitted the payment of the two months’ wage* to which the mariner i® enti led, they shall Iso certify on said shipping list and artii les that they have allowed the remission, upon the joint appli cation of them star and mariner therefor, after a separate examination of the mariner, af era due in vestigation of all the circumstances, and after being satisfied that the dis charge so allowed, without said payment, ts for the inter est and we tare of the mariner; and if they shall have re nutted the ptymeii’ of the one month’s wages to which ttie Un ted State- is entitled, they shall certify that they have allowed the remitu-ion altera due investigation of hi; the circumstnice*, and after being satisfied that, they are such a* will, in their judgm-nt, secure tue Unit.-d State* irom all lian lity to expense on account of such mariner; and a copy nfaijtiucti entries and certificate* *hall be annually ransmitted to the Treasury Depar ment by the proper *f ficers of the custom* in the several ports of the United S ate*. Sue. 18. And be it further enacted, Tmt if any con - til or commercial agent ol the United Sate*, upon di* charging a mariner without requiring the payment of the one month’s wag-!® tu which the United Slates is entitled, shall neg'er t to certify in the man er required in such case hy the p eceding section ot this act, he shall he a<-c<>unta ble to the Treasury De;aart>nent for the sum so remitted And in any action brought by a mariner to rec ver the extra wage* to which he h entitled under the act of Fehru ary twenty-eieht. eighteen hun Ired and three, the defence that the payment of such wage* was duly reraitt-d shall not be sustained without the production of the certificate in surh cse required hy this act, or hen its non produc tion is accounted for by the production of a certified copy thereof, an . the iruth us the facts certified to, and the pro priety of the rein Mum, shall be still open to investigvion Sec 19. And be it further enacted. That if, upon the appj catioii of any mariner, it shall a<*i>ear to the c >n*ul or commercial ag-nt that he i* entitled to h s discha ge tinder any act of Congress, or according to the general pritu-iple* of the n;a i ime law as recognised in the United S ate*, he shall and scharge such mariner, and shall require of the mister the payment ot three month’s wage*, as provided ii the art of F b nary twenty-eighth, e ghteen h mdred and hree, and htli not remit the same, nr any part there of, except in the cases mentioned in the proviso of the ninth clause oi the first sectio i of the act of July twentieth, eigh teen humired and forty, to the following effect; If th - con sul or other commercial agent shall be satisfied the ro itraci has expired, or ttie voyage been protracted by circi<ns;an ce* beyond the control of the mister, and without any de sign on his part to violate the articles of shipment, then he inav, if lie deem* it ju*t, discharge the rrariner wit’icut exacting the three months’ a nay.” f'EC 20. And bi it further enacted . That every e rsn and commercial agen l , ior any tiegied tn per arm ihr dtl lie* ei j.fined upon him h- this an*, shall he liable to an) injured person for ail and images occasioned thereby; and, for any viulition of tha provisions of the fifteenth and nineteenth Section* of this an, shall also be liah etoin dirtruent. and to a penal y. in ine manner provided by the eighteenth clause of the first section of the act of Juiy twentieth, eighteen hundred an f forty. ► icc 2i. And be it further the act of April iourteeii b, seventeen hundred add ninety-two,c *n errning conn s, die , i* hereby *o anmnd-d that it any American citizen ymg abroad zhall, by will or any ot er wruiog, leave special dircctiuuj ivr ibe aianigeaieiii auj settlement by the consul of the personal or other property v\hn-li he may die possessed of in ihe country where he may die, it shall be the doty of the consul, where tl e laws ot permit, strictly n observe the directions so givfcr\\'by the deceased Or, if such citizen so dying shall, by will or any other writing, have appo tiled any ottie.r person than the consul to take charge of and settle his af fairs, io that ca e it shall be the doiy of the consul, when and so often as required hy ihe so-appointed agent or tin** tee of the deceased, to give his official aid in \\ hatever way may be necessary to facilitate the ofie.ra ions of such trus tee or agent, ami, where the law* ot the country peim t, to protect ihe property of the deceased fr> m anv interference of the local authorities of the country in which he may have died ; and to th s end it shall also he the duty ot the consul to place his official seal on all or any portions of >he pr- perty of the deceased as may be requited by the said agent or trustee; and t > break and remove the same seal when required hy the agent or trustee,ami not otherwise; he, the said consul or commercial agent, receiving therefor two dollars for each seal, winch, like all other fees for con •ular service, including all charges for extension of protest, as also sui-li commissions as are allowed by existing laws on setiforient of estat sos American citizens by con-mis arid commeu'i&l agents, shall he reported to the Treasury j Department, and held subject to its order Sec 22. And be it further enacted , That the follow ing record-bo< kvsnuil tie prov ided lor and k<-p in each con subtle and commercial agency : A letter book. into which shall be copied, in the English languag-*, alt offi iul let era and notes in order ot their dates, winch are written by the consul or commercial agent; a honk lor the entry of pro tests, and in which all other official consular acts likewise shall he recorded j and at seaports, a book w lierei . shall he recorded the list of crew, and the age, tonnage, owner or owners, name and place to which she belongs of every American vessel wf icli arrive*. Consuls aim commercial agenda shall make quaite ly returns to their government, specifying the amount of fe* s received, the number of v>s* gels, and the am >unt oi the r mintage, w hich have arrived and departed ; the number of seamen, and what portion us them ar- | roiecteh ; and-as n-arlv as possih e, the nature and value of their cargoes, nnd wher- produced. Sec. 23. And be it further enicted, Tnatassom as a consul or c. mutercial a<rin slot i.liave received his exequa tur, or been provisionally recoguis tl, he shall apply to his prederO-sor for the archives ol ihe consul ite or commer c al ag-ncv.fcnd make an inventory of the piih-r-, ami such other arii* 1-s as they imv contain, for which lie shall pass a receipt and transmit a copy thereof to the State Depart ment. Sec. 2*. And be it further mated. That the Secre tary of State Ue a id lie is hereby, authorized to prescribe such addil;On& ! regulations for I tie k-*epn g of the consular b s k-tand *eeords, and iusu ing pro,,er re urns, as the pub- I c iu ere-t in ty req-n-e Skc 25. A< dbe it further enacted That the President •f h- United S ties be, and lie is hereby, antlicc zed to he ti w the title of consul-gene-al upon anv United States con nil in Asia or Africa, when in his opinion such title w>l p oinote Ihe i tih ic interest. Sec 26. And be it further enacted, Thai all arts and arts oi ac.rt an liofizi g al aches io any of our legations, oi the payment o ministers and consul- oi lie United State son sis or infits, or salaries lorcle k hire and offi. e reni, e nnd the same are h-'reb/, recea'e f. Sec. 7. And be it further enaclel, Tie irovisionao the a t to take < fieri, irom ami afi*-r ihe ilurti th oi June next ; any law nr ta.vs of ihe United States lu the contrary and I withstand i g Approved, March 1, 1 55. [ Public 65 ] AN ACT making appropriations for the ‘err ice of th * Post Office D partment during the fiscal year endi- g the thirtioui of June, one mou&aud eight huud.ed and ti ty etx. Beit enacte / by the Semite and flnus? of Rcpresen talices of the United Stales of America in Cungicsi as sembled, That t! e folk .wing sums he, aril the saute are nerehy, appropriated lot the s-e vice ot the Post Office Do oaitment tor the year ending the thirtieth ot June, oe thou sand eight hundred aid titty six, out ol any moneys in the treasury arising from the revenues ot tue .-aid department, al conlorinity to the act ot the secoud of July, oue thousa id eight bundled and thirty-six : For transportation ol the mails, five million nine hundred ind eighty oue thou.-a id hundred and thirty-eight uol | l.trs. For the transportation of the United States mail over the vlichtgan Central lailroad, (rive hundred and eighteen .rules.) t om the ninth us June, eighteen hundred and orty ly nine, to the twen y eighth November, ot ihe same year ive thon and oue huudred and seventy seven dollars and sixty cents. For com. ensation to potmasters, two million one bund ed and fifty ihou-iand dollars For ship, steamboat, and way letters, twe ity thousand Jo ar~-. For wrapping pajier, forty eight thotnand dollars. Fr office furniture in the pool offices, six thousand five iu die t dollars. For advertising, one hundred thousand dollars. For mad bars, fi ty tour th msai.d dollars. For hlai ks, eigmy thousand dollars. For mail lock , keys, and stamps, fifteen thousand dol lars. For mail depredations and special agents, fifty eight thou sand dollars. For clerk? in the offices of postn-.a ters, six hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. For potage stamps and stamped envelopes, seventy thou sand dollars. For miscellaneous items, one hundied and sixty thousand dol!a;s. -For compensation to William M. F. Magraw, for carry ing the mail on route number eight thousand nine hundied and eleven, from Independence, Missouri, to Gieat Fait Laks C.ty, Utah Territory, monthly, each way, accotdmg to the t oatract under which said service is now being per lormed ; the sum of thirty-six thousand dollars per annum, commencing with the eighteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and continuing one year, and in iieu of the compensation therein stipulated ; Prodded, That the l'o-tmaster General with the assent ol the contractor-, be, and he is hereby authorized to annul said contract, Ai so for compensation to Jacob Hale for eariying the ‘nail on route number eight thousand nine hundied and twelve, from Independence, Missouri, to tsmta Fe, Territory oi New Mexic< , monthly, each way, accoidmg to the con tract under which said service is now being perlortned, the sum of twenty-two thousand dollars per annum lor one year from the eighteenth day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty lour: Provided, That the Postmaster General, with the assent of the contractors, be, and he is hereby au thorized to annul said contract. For compensation to George fi. Giddings for carrying the mail on route number twelve thou>aud tune huud.ed, from Santa Fe New Mexico, to Ban Antonio, Texas month ly, each way, according to the contract under which sa'd aervice is now being pertormed, the sum ot thirty three thou sand five hundred dollars per annum, commencing with the eigh eenth day of August, eighteen huudred and fifiy-tour, continuing one year, and in lieu of tne compensation there in stipulated : Promded, That the Postmaster General with the a-sent ol the contiactors, be and he is hereny au thcr.zed to annual said contract Ami that each conirac tor engaged or to he engaged in car ying nulls th ough any ol the Territories, west ot the Mis lssippi. shall have the privilege of occupying s'ations at the rate of not moiethan one for every twenty miles ot the route on winch he carries a mail, and ehui have a pre-emptive right therein, when ihe same shill be brought into market, to the extent ot mx hundred and loity aert s to be tahe i eot.tiguou ly,and to in clude his iinpiovenients, but no such p e rinptivo right shall extend to a iy i ass in a mountain or othei dehle C'EC. 2 And be it further enacted,. That ihe fourth sec tion ot the act ol Congie s, app.oved hfth August eighteen hundred and ritty-f ur, entitle! “An act making appro priat oi s for the i-eivice cl ti e Po.-t Office Deparimei t, during ihe tLc< 1 jearei ding die thi telh of June, one thou sand eight bund *d and lifty five,” be, and the same is here by, con inued for one year irom Augu.-t hfth eig ‘teen hund red and filiy-five, and tnai the allowance g anted by -aid sec ion to t .e deputy post master al VV ash in _ ton city. Dis trict ot Columbia, of one in ill per pound u; on Ihe aggro gate weight of puoi.c document*- i r nted by order ot n. n- and and po.-red in i e ffi.e ot the said po -l:ua-tei lu he mailed, s i.tll he so construed a to comm nee ou the fifth of Augu.-i, e gtitet-n hundred aim silty Sec. 3 And be it enacted, That tl o Postma ter General le, a.,d lie is he.coy, autuonz and to estab.i h put in opt ration a terni monthly mail r y sea from Sa * Francisco, the State of Caiforma, to Olympia, in the Ter ritory Wartl ngton, toucning at tiumbmt Bay, Tiimdad, and Cr6.~ceut City, m ti e S ate of California, Orfurd, (Jar diner City or Umpq ia. and AMona.iii the ‘IV-ri orv oi Ore gon; Shoal Water Bay, Foit Townsend, m tae'Pe.-r.tory of Washington, and at such other points as th til he desig nated by the Postmaster Gt-neral: Provided, Tnat the con tract tor the said service t>e auve.iiSed t.y the Poama-ter General in ; ot exi ting law< ana let to the lo west bidder: An i provided further, 1 hat the whole cost oi said servu e hall not exceed the sum of one hundred arid twenty ti ousund dollars per annum : Prodded further, Th it th 1 1 ost.naster General may, if he shall deem it foi the public merest, contract tor said se.vice with the lowest bidder a* aforesaid, under the advertised pioposals hereto lor * made or mail service betw en the points aforesaid. Sec 4. And be it further enacted, That the right to frmk l -t'eroand documents now* allowed by law to the Vice Pr eident be continued to those who have neietofore or *ha 1 herea ter, bold that office, during hie. S,c 5. Ahdbe it further tnactr and, Phut ait hook?, maps and cnaito, or other publicationa entered tor copyright ana wmeli. unier the act of Augu-t tenth, eighteen t'undred and t Ti) -s x, are req .ired lo f>e deposited in the Liorary ol grecsei; nd jd SmahcHi.nao may be bent hr ug’i t : e imed of p > -tip t Oi. iu.tß.cr CtbcraJ may prescribe. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Postman I General be, amt lie is hereby, autfionzed, in iht- Kit .., e ;! I of the accounts ot ihela e pottma.-tcr at VVaieivilfo, .\; a - - I to allow such Miq, in addition to the comtmsMoi iwh I accrued at his t ffiee during his term ot vice, as wii tll ‘ 51 his conqiensation equal to one hundred and Seventy sty- ,j ! lars per quarter, and cover all such necessary ittmsof dental expenses as have been usually h curnd and allowed * | in a post office of this class: Provided, hcioeitr ‘fo, the whole compensation and expem-es shall not exceed son! 1 hundred and twenty five doilats per quarter. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted. That the First Conin troller of the ‘i reasurv be instructed to examine the c! ,i‘ ’ I ot William R. Glover and Thomas W. .Mather ai.d ih-l,’ i associates, and ascertain at and alloAv such damages as tf ev 1 are entitled to in justice and equity, in consequence ot ihe 1 refusal of the Postma-ter General to carry into efiect th> contract entered into between William R. Glover in j 9 Thomas W. Mather and the Po tmaster General, in ei-h- teen hundred and fifty three, lor the transportation ot I mails on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and tha. such dam- I ages be paid to the said William R. Glover and Thon as 1 I W. Mather and their associates, out of auy money in the I I treasury not otherwise appropriated : Pr tided. The si.rn \ allowed shall not exceed the sum of two huudred thousand I dollars. Sec 8. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster I General be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to Uriah T | Monroe, his lepresentatives or as igns, as pav in full lor i ! t a mail serviee on the mail route liom Sacramento to Sha.-ta, in the Stale of L ahforoia, commencing October ti e I first, A. D eighteen hundred and fifty one, and enumg .iuiv 1 the fifteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty two. the sum ol tiv u f thousand five hundred and dollars and sixty cents. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the proper > comp - rollerof the t easury, under m.-tructioiis <>f the Attor ney General, inquire whether the contract nude 1 y the j Postma-ter General with William L B’anchard lor e. iiy. ing the Uniti-d Stales mail on route number five thousand 5 and sixty sx, in the vear eighteen hundred and fifty iintt*, | was violated by ihe Postmaster General without l-gal aid ] adequate cause given by said Blanchard ; and it n was so 4 violated, then to a-ceftain and allow such damages as he | is entitled to in equity and ju-tice, hy reason • t sui-fi viola- I lion, and that such damages be paid lo ?aid Blancliaid out “ of any in mey in the lea-urv not otherwise apjropi luted. Approved, March 3. The Southern Man. THE Rev. Wm. H. .Vilbum, recsi.tly delivered a tectun be a ioretbeNe# \ orh.Ueicanutv fiibiai\ Asm tiMu i uu-'Ji,. 1 Southern Mari.” U e annex suineextracts w fuel, bull tvn il. iif I ddehty and beauty win be read will. Where the summer lenglfiei s listli into nine coMiruruj I months, w tiere the da) ia delicious aul the uifc.i t totisi i m,-, j ihe ciouthern uian giow up an b e quu.ii oi tltjljs.ti] I man, endowed with nervous vitality, loi i.e is uu an u , I ins earl lesi years to the into! ex ere 1 ms. ei piste uuuiifj f I athletic spdrta oi youth oi. lon ai.O horat n tl. , j I and the Held ; used to the pisto; arc tl t r.lit. and tl id i;-, _ f Vet in every motion then is adu.u iol,eur| ruiu to I .hose who undersiam. not the efiect o) cliri.e, and wfi.i U! I tmparts a detree ol ease, ot graceiu 1 elegance, rarely poibicod I uxcepi by an iuhabitui.t oi a warn soonm. clin ale. In the loll:, glorious noontides, swiigum luxuriously in t , I iammo, k, tie inhales eieJicn us uns, hiiiaoe 1 .aias ! w ill (ittil; I . -.iiey have on his cheek the narks en his origin, ai dI) t tau L I ■uHUi told that tqe liver ot tl e soull.eM ean is altogethe r<ut c 1 •rder. ’ This isa most iiiat l.iiieai t b.i t tl-< inci wasci i{ by t lie Greeks w lie. made tl e werd “nelai cl oiy, v vi.* r . S •leaus, by etymology,“a black oruisorceru. I We iuby agree v i.h the gifted ain hoi oi tl <al <\ ex tract, rax) I tre happy to call tie attentnu ol tlst 1 j.v;i j. a diseasu ;i\tr, I >r any ot those diseas.-u so cni morn to a hoi lien I jto Hampton’s Vegetable Tinctm* ti e gnat inviroian i olds j j -ystem ; by Its use all suffering from lassitude hi o v tali tst It- I :omeH robust and full ol ene gy, w e offer Lelov. seri.t oi lit un tolicited testimony. Washington, .May 17,1H53. Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray.—t.ent.en en- fiavn t Um ‘ iffJiCted with Liver Complaint often years gUntdiVfj, 1 beret) or the benefit ot the affiicied, lake great pleasure in annual ui,s! ! that after using a few bottles olyour flan | te.n Tii e-n.r*, I inund j ii had accomplished a perteei cure, I have us< i. oifii ml r. td icine Irom time to tin e. but Ir ve nevr r beer t(>aern.itt<r iny apparent good; audit is a blessing loMriifn li.u-M.rty that, fAflf medicine whit! possesses th ucnt!rrji.i piun of prolonging human life. The many cures it lias wroutltie s> sufficient uarantee ot the beneCca. results w LitL u.i.y he tx perieuced from its u.-e. Yours respectfully, J. 0. HAY. LIVER CO.MPI.AINT DFBH.n V. Extract from James Harris, Esq’s Letter, Ahxaidrla, Vii ginia.] After speaking ofthe wonderful cures or himsef, be sa\— l\jr.-. iJ.has been suffering with the l.iver frui.plaint ar and w iih .liability, constantly complainirg In m wckits.- tlr<x.g 1 t-. r whole sysieuu. h'he now enjoys letter lealib than for'y ears, being entirely restored by the use ot Hamj.ton’s \'egtta!e Tincture. Space unit not permit to vami hundreds of others ns Ceo. W. Goodrich, (Japt. Thomas Canot, LeLut Cauit, in uh, cured ot Kheianatism. John Pervaii. S. A. Griffin. -lohn 1 uke.lit-v. V. Tskridpe, I T . d.N., ami thousands oil er.-cured ol Dyspepsia. Fcrotuli .Cough, l.iver Complaints, Bronchitis, .st. ViiUa’ bar.ce, &c. Weret ir you to your own citizens Ci 11 on them. Delicate females and children will find the Tincture suited to all their oiseases, by its mi.'d hdioii entt e Men ret, l.ive i the Kidneys, will cure Dys|e|S>a, Cough, Asil n a, Bioi ciml and L.ung AfT- ctions. Pains in the Back, side, and Breast, Con sumption, Scrofula. Hheumatisn , (tout,Neuralgia, l is'Ula. Pilo>, I’ Bowel Complaints, Worms, Nervous Debility, will, dldisesm arising irom impure blood, and is the gratest female Meditiie ever known. Cali on Aeentsand get Pamphlets gratis, with certificate! j of cure sand history of its discovery. ; For sale by ROBERT CARTER, DANFORTII & NAGLE. Columbus. ROBERT CARTER & Cos. Savannah COXE fc HUCfIIKGS, Montgomery- Ala. Columbus, may 20,—w&twl Jew David’s or Hebrew piaster, THE GREAT REMEDY, 1 For Rheumatism , Govt, Pain in the Side. Hip , Bad Limit nvi ! Joints, Scrofula, King's Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tunin'!, Stiff Joints and all Fixed Paius whatever. It here this Plaster I is applied, Pain cannot exist. IE Sfi PI.ASTERS possess the advantage of being put up in air-tight boxes—hence they retain thtir lull virttus in all ! eibnates. j Tnih celebrated Pain Extractor has been so extensively used ! by Physicians and the people in gem ral, ln>!h in this c ualiy • ud i Eur‘ pe, t at it is i.lmo t ne-edles- to any ai yih ng aboil it.— Yet there may be some who sm and m nted oi ns tie; 1 ngp w< r, who have not yet triud it. For theirsaßes we w ill simply oite what it has doceiu thousands of ca?es, and what it wilt ilo lor them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA.^ Read the following testimony from a Physician. Gentlemen - Your'iWfrew ri oter has cured me ofp-iinso which I have suffered lor iwelve y-ar6 past. Dutim tin perud 1 labored under ansffliclion ol n y loins •. nd side, m-d iriu. mail) remedies that n y ow. medico! expe r iem e suggested, bin w i li on! obtaining relief- At ength I used y .r Plas er, and am m w by its good effects enure ) cured I w ill ■< coinmeuel t e -h-w David or Heorew PI stei to all who ar j fufferiii!: irom c- n lion of the muscles, or ent piiiis in ihe fide < r bacs The people of Georgia l ave but io become acquainted with its virtues when they wil r-o tto its u-ie. Yours, r i y, M. . vni kTR. m. n.. Forsyth, Monroe 6a. To Messrs. Scovlldc Mead, New (Means, La. JEW DAVID’S OR lIEPREW PL.ASTER JN NORTH CAROI.IN Messrs Scovil & Mead : I nave been tmu 1 lod with the cl n i. c rheurnat sn or tbel mt twf Ive ye r-*. 1 n the Is! oi July. WJi > was so bud that 1 coul l not turn mvs ll in bed, ami the pall severe that I had nos .-1 pi a wink firsx las. At th:s time u ) atien ling physician piece the*l toe -‘Pe-!.rew PI ister,”and it aco and tike ach trrn; t*>e p n left me, aid Isopino re than hall ot ;! <; nigh', and n t r.-e day-* 1 was al le to ri< e <>u:. 1 consider !e ‘•Hebrew I last,r” the opal remit y lor a ls< rl f paii siow m (j.MT. M’MINN, Hondersonvil e. N. C . Aug 1850. Tne was handed us hy a respectable Physician in Georgia : f Messrs. Scovil %. Mad Cei Is: l have been ns ng your IH erwort; nd Tar Hebrew Flatter very exleiinv, ly nr j pr. ri: e for three ye trsp st and it f* wllh p eusi re that 1 ,taie- m lea f m their sups lorily over a1 • tt, r a lie e->. vihwli, I. In. ;.c ----<1 lamed, t-r'he purp s e s i- 1 which lh y re re-* nme d,d.— The Hebrew 11 .snr e'pec ally >s an I'ni .er-; 1 Pai a- ea |. r e jal paiiis, I lave al-o found it a m*-st excellent ippliciitu > hr sprains and Bruises, ll gives univerta. satis s t<n wI * river PB £ d - ... S. S. OSL N AI D. Knoxville Ga , Alan h 4 h. 1853. eware of , Tne genuine will ’n tuture have the signature ot E. TtUor on the steel plate c-ngr ved <.n the Lit el ot ihe t< p ot e::ch box. Purchase sare advisedthata meaj co liter et ol tlisarli-Ie is in existence. ven line is sojd only by us, and by our agent-- ai p onted thriiugh the South—and no pkdlar ip allowed to sell it Dealers and Purchaser-gent r 11, are cautioned agains’ ! i y- Ingofanybut our regol r agents, otherwise they will he im posed upon with a worthless article. ltl _ SCOVIL &. MEAD. 111 Chartres Street, New Orleans. Sole <>eue*al Agent.-, for the Southern Spites, to whom all ders must invariable bo xdrir-K><-<l SOLD ALSO BY Dxnforth Sc Nagle, J. Reese, Greenville. Brooks Sc Chapman, T. J. Hint Sc Cos.. Whiteevl Robert Carter, \V. H. Holt, Lumpkin. J. K. Woodbcrt, Hamilton E. Willis & Cos., islliotioff. Davtd Young. Coi’mbs, Ga R. I. Priggs,F mna V r jsta. •V.lnmnns. Sept -Js—w(r tw4m NCI- 78 TO DEBT >iSAN CRcall- R J .—All p r-3 in i jbt ,and toth * s* itio J vh’ia R. Mo -evs.-*l, er r-Njto ofake Imni list,- nv) merit nnd thogu having uo iDrn Is are n >U3oJ to p/ ‘*’> * in wilMa lernm of the ! w. *pli-w4Jd S. D. U .kP, t il. J. KING, Adm-r*