The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 11, 1855, Image 3

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Terrible Tragedy in Wisconsin.—On the n*£ht of the ‘i3d ultimo, according to the Chicago Tiibirtie*a respeeta citizen *of Beloit, Wisconsin, was awakened by the /ream* 0 { |,j s w ite. who sw si inau in the house. The ‘•Vl sand u- he sprang from his bed, was fired upon by."the •rintder who mis.-x'd his aim. ‘1 he husband then snatched “|ju own musket,fired, and the intruder fell dead. Doth occupants thereupon fled to tin* house nt a neighbor, ’ dd what had occurred, and, in company with several per • .u,-. returned, when the father and mother were horrified to recomn/o in the mangled body of the dead robber their ■ m sort’ It appears he had descended from Ins own room ;. v means of si rope ladder, and entered the room,wnere he \vas? shot, through®. window. The house Iwd previously ht-eu robbed, very mysteriously,* el two gold watches. “sale of a Coal Nine Interest.— The Chattanooga Ad- V. ti-- i learns that a sale of one sixth of si coal mine be ioluring to the prohiinent stockholders in the East Tenner 1-ou Manufacturing Company of that city transpired a ’■NV li , - Move for trie routii sum of 825,Uf0. This sale Mas made bv 11. Cravens. Esq., to Mr. Boyce et Charles t-.n S. This Company hold extensive mineral iamb in East Tcnneasee, but the sale i t question is of a mitte iti iLteeoon momitain—a mine of vast extent. COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. —K *o’ < % r? * J <Jr on v I < i 52. r~ ? - 5-5 = r hand r- \ ® o i. •* 2.2 =z. this • < x day. ‘YijV ’ 4:t 312 69867 70222 125 60426 60553 3715 2771 141,62526;65740 3216f>759;61680 4055 1 Columbus, May 10. C< >TTOX —M e have no change to notice iu our mar i s'liccour l;tti repoit. aud continue to quote principal Males !> to 6 cents. Savannah, May 9. COTTON . Hie inquiry yesterday was good and the rales reached 053 halts, viz:—3 at 6s, 13 at 9, 26 at y£, v .-jn at *c}, ~}6 at 9 5-10, and 40 at tcents Holders are ! v. rv firm, and lull prices are received. JIAURIEI). In Mobile, on the 25th u!t., by the Rev. Mr. Massy, Mr. j (iiotuas J. Ooldsby. of Dallas county, to Miss Agnes,! laughter ot Gov. Winston. On the 29th April, near Geneva, at the residence ol Jno. i the Rev. .Mr. Ilubbaid, Dr. Guy Thompson, i and Miss Ziruah, eldest daughter, of John McCrary. Etq. DIED, Fell asleep in Jesus, at Greenville C. 11., S C.,on Sat ur.’uv morning, the 2Hh February, Miss Alary lane ; 6ru th, oldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Whitefoord Smith, in the 20th year oi her age. Consres*ioiial Convention, ‘2<J District. We suggest that the Democratic Congressional Conven-, Con for the Second District be held at Americas, oti Wed n- -day, Uth July next. The Supreme Court will be in scs-iou at that lime in Americas. What say our Demo cratic con in; oraries to this suggestion] The time and place, ought to lie agreed upon at once. wtwtd. Deinocrnuc Convention iu Muscogee. Th 1 Gurnet a fie Party ot Muscogee county will meet ~i Convention at the Court House at 12 o’clock M., c-n . AVednesdny, 23d May? for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Gubernatorial do Congressional Convec tions. wtwtd. “V.;s'” ■ ■■■'“ — 1 - RAGS: RAGS ! THE ROCK ISL AN D PAF E R M ILLS i lit", paying three umt n half rents cash per ,Ib. t’ -rck.o! Linen and i.'otton Kays, in qualities of one hun dred pounds and upwards. VYoohn Hags not wanted. ‘Xlice in ffojil.o: PALACE MILLS. j O-ibtmbus.G— .Vay 9, __ w&twtf. TO XIIEPUBLIOT Mauhos Springs, April 30,1H55. Having learned with dep regret, the death of Dr. Saul P. Keed.of lleaui -rt, s. c. who whs to he mteiested with me n the le iseoi the Madison Springs, I would now take ihis method, of inlormiDg ihe Doctor’s intends, as well as rav • >'vn, and ihepublic generaffy, that ihe Hotel will be opened as i advertised :n our Circular, oi pril Ist, having made other and : sde arrangements to carry on the business myself. Theim- ■ j-roveinent.-. spoken ot in oar circular are going on to compie t ton, and wifi all !>e in readiness in due season, and will, I feel : liinomed in sa\icg. present one of the most be; utiiul and de- • lic.dfti! Summer retreats now known in the country; and 1 w ould m >si respectfully ask all tnose who leave their* homes, - <■:’ her For heath or pleasure, to give me a caii. Several Families are expeclcd oarh ia ituit. K. TYNER. ‘"u3 ‘ m9—lt. j S2OO A MONTH—WHO WANTS IT? . VCF.NTA wanted in every part or the State to sell Rollings- i worth’s Patent Washing Machines. Au active man can make s2> <• per month. t\r particulars address WASHING M Atilt IN*L COMPANY, j l.nq.C’ p. mays—wtwtlj Columbus Ga. ABSTRACT (>f the last Semi-Annual Statement of the Affairs and 1 Condition of THE HOKE INSURANCE COMPANY, OI the City of .New York, .4s* r-'hivited on the fust dan of January, 1855, Balance u! Assets ou 30th June hist as per Exhibit of that date $730,079 98 Fi,:>ject to sundry losses then un adjusted, and estimato3 at SK>,- 915 3 J, a portion of which lias since been paid. Deduct Second Dividend 11th July, S per cent 40,000 00—5630,079 9b INCOME. Amount of Premiums on policies issued during the last 6 ms. $225,990 03 Less Return Piemium on Cancel led Fol,- vies iJcRe-iusurance 3,729 72-222,260 31 Amoaut oi interest accrued and earned lor six months trora Lt Juiv to Lt Jan 25,403 90 —247,664 21 $937,744 1 9 disbursements. Amount ol losses paid the past six month? $l4B 935 02 Amoaut paid tor expenses, mclu drug commission to Agents.. 41,453 83 Amount of i axes paid dur'g tho ycar 4,971 47—195,365 32 $712 378 67 Cam oamuco in Bank $20.C32 73 Bonds and Mortgages, (.ijeing first lieu on Real ErtateJ.... 447,009 00 oil B,oecys, (payable on demand/... 153,0tX> 00 Real f.sta! No. I\s ail Street, ;ihe otf ee, 66,529 61 NoUs reee.’ved ior Premiums on lui-jHd Uiiieo i* urmuiie and ei- i touts... 800 00 I.iterest due and unpaid toJao. 14 37C 21 iiaijnee in uatids ol Averts s>,-l in < trmnemisatoa hie in Aarints . 22,629 17 Piomiuma due and uncollected w vi.ct ..j tc. tuiKv. ■.. 1.790 60 ST42.S7SS? I.iAOiUilEi A iiount of'tj>*ses incuued aui. hi tuvce<s * t 4i.uii *02,151 Si Am ai*t us L varied on v. inch no acU a bas* been l.;- |ion- 35,070 40 Amoam **t l bums i <r Lo-.-es !,r l*v ilw (.\xi>s any ..... 7,003 CO §74.030 CHA I'. 3 MAKTJ A x Fre^dect A P 7Viy,XAMS, See fetal V. JVtir Fnr.’’ /t*r I 1^55 L % GREEN WCOD, A&?c<, rn* P tv. 1m Cefcmbu*. Ga. PURE AND REFRESHING W*>:*ryV A \ TO BE HAD AT BROOKS k CHAPMAN'S* DR^GaiSTS, V\7 *• n mP-r to our fiiends and pat rocs pure i \l r ,)A WATK Raw a summer beverage. Poi.n*o- a \ft* ,urc * ‘‘•'•rcboll’s Patent Combination 8 nla Ac and if ‘ I k b :.F htch , we ar enabled to obtain the Carbonic i/ j, lhe u aterdirect from pure “EngttshSoda,”’iitetealot , ‘ tT, R®°, nat( ‘ nf Ll,ne ’ Whiting, Chalk. &c„ as hitherto u-,-d >ll !,'i„ at , er Dpar dby thiC-Fountain” is purer and freer of 1 N J V.r I* ? r I' 0 ?' 0 "? ingrediems. The pvwer of the apparatus ; r.’ ,lhr j‘ gallous *>f Gas is dtssolved in each w "® r ~ w,l,6h “ eiendard cHicii.a! of 6oda Water, as approved bv Use best Physicians and Chemists. bur st Ki Ps are madeoF the best Bigti-, and freshes? Fruit* and we can, with tull coaftdence in our Soda Water ands vr- Fountah, ° W Intodst:,tht Coblftig, sparkling beverage of our —” mays—w&twtf Third ANNUAL STATEMENT or Ttia GRANITE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. . iu.’- vi,,g . a t , rue statement of the stai d’ ng, resources and lia bilities ior the year ending December Hist, lsjg. made pursu ant to section -2g, chapter 4da, Laws of Fe9J, aad ectio.i> 4 and o, Laws of lead. , ASSET!*, r. toctc Capital, January !, 1854.. *1,1307.00 00 Notes given For premiums oh proper ty in this State b 7,230 50 Notes given for premiums on proper ly in other States 1?,045 o*i Amount of cash items on hand ;i,57 03 *• in banks.... 17,0<*0 o'9 “ *’ in hands o agents iu this State 0.319 30 Amount of cash in the hands ot agents in o'her S’ates £,7t53 40 Bills receivable for loans, etc 7.77 C g 4 Due from other sources ) .*.-0 (a? Icteres! accrued on Capital 5,305 42 Fenoual property 1,5110 (Ml LIVBILniKS. Losses in-urred and in process ut ad justment 514,99493 Losses reported, on which 1,0 action has been taken 5,585 50 | Losses resisted, on account of Fraud 050 00 Loans, For which security has been B i Y tn ;-: ... 13,1X9 00 All o her claim* against the Company 2,8 0 06 S3G 390 49 Capital Stock. . $231,073 50 ’ tsarpius Aseeta in addition to Capital 52,469 75 , 0 . . $.’84,144 25 . Slate of New York, City and County of New York, ss— .;ames R. Del Vecchio, President, and 4. Francis Bates, Secre tary, oi the Gr mite Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each tor himself ssy<, that the tore goini: isa true and correct statement of tne affairs of said cor poration, and that they are iue above described officers thereof. Subscribed tnd sworn before me, this Isth day of rebruarv, SYLVJLSTEtt LAY, * : Commissioner of Deeds, trt Wall Street. tonx- _. „ JTMKSH. President. J. I BATES, Secretary. GBEEN WOOD fc GRIME Agents, mayS twlm. Columbus, Ga. Y\! rau to llire--Twen'y a'la bodied uecro men, to J * be etiiployetl in vuakii a brick, near Pensacola Fia. ll j is as healthy as any portion of Georgia or Alabama, and tho most liberal wagespaitland good treatment warranted. Apply L 1 D'Utys, AYER te Wi KINS. BACON k FLOUR. | A AAA FOUNDS TENNESSEE BACON, ‘IVMJUU l log Round ItiO Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbis. Howard Street Flour—a Su;x;rior Article. 75 Bushels Cnoiee Seed Peas For sale at the lowe.-t market price for Cash. Bv AN DR E WS, RIDGW AY A CO. Cohimlu- Ga.. \fav 7.1555. w&twtf. ■ HOLLINGSWORTH’S PATENT WASHING MACHINE. Operated with Floating Balls. THE GREATEST WASHING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. Every Family Ought to Have One. ONE of these Machines will do a week’s washing of anordi nary sized family before Breakta-t, and leave clotiiej tiuim ; paired. They are perfectly simple, not easily put out of order, i andean be repaired by any plantation carpenter. We now ad- ! vertise them t\r the first time. They are being generally ustd , in Columbu-, aul give uni versa* satisfaction. The Machines ! can be seon'on broad s‘„ at W. K. Harris, agent,Tioy Factory. . Persms wish ng them must send in their ahead, as : we caunot'manufacture them fast enough to supply the j demand Orders from the country enclosing 20 Dollars, will meet with attention if directed t*>th WASHING MACHINE CO. Culumbus, Ga. 13*” County Rights Cor Sale. Enquirer please copy. Tnayff—w&tw.? DISSOLUTION. TIIE Finn of Truax *L * nmlfn Berg was dissolved by mutual consent ou the Ist 01 April itvo. The undersigned having purchased ot „Vr. J. L.Tmsx his in terest in the former tirm, will continue the MUSIC BUSINESS iual- its t ranches at theiroid aland NO. 76 EAST SIDS OF BROAD STREET. Where can always be found a large selection of iff??™ mmflTHi From the Best Manufactories iu the United States, olall Styles and PRICES. ALSO, Melodians, Guitars, Viollncellos, Violins, 1 * Banjos, Tantlioriues, Elnttn, Elutlnas, Accordeoits, .Music Boxes, Clarionetts, ami Fifes. 1 Aho, f rall kinds tof BRASS I3SSTRI JIEXTS ft-r BANOS, together with Bass aud Tenor D L t :.S. STRINGS of all kinps, and the Largest Assort ment of SHEET MUSIC forali the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. {•’gr S.-cond hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones. .second hand Pianos for Sale or Rent. Pianos, Organs, Melotlians, and all other kinds el Musical Instruments repaired in the best manner, and at the ’ shortest notice, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Ul orders left at out store w ill he promptly attended to. „T. H . VAN DEN BERG. 7*3 Broad Street,Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle. Oo’nrTsbus, May 5,1855. ‘ wAtwt f. TO THE LAD IE . HAYING received a most extensive and full supply of the latest French SPRING MI LINER Y & DFvESS GOODS for Ladies wear, I solicit a call from nil. are now opened, and the selection comprises an as--rttueut>uperioraud richer than ever offered beofre iu thismarket. Respectfully, MR'. DEFSAU, Dl3 Broad Street. NOTICE. IN order that my customers running accounts may know the terms on w hich l trade, 1 destn ivadvisabie to publish them. For purchasing on time payment is reqtimd twicea ye-*r,on the tl ret of July aud first of Januarv,al which time the bills will be presented. I'LSSAU. April 7, Inss ws:tw3:n. mlw COMMISSION AND GROCERY HOUSE. THE undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to the public that just received and will continue to re ceive during the season a good supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, or $ UG. i /, COFFEE, JUOL.iSSES, X.ILT, JJJCOX, CORX, PK.I s, CHEESE, & TE.IS, pine Negßl'S and Tobacco. Jtc>, which h i Offers very low for CASH and CASH only. The nublic are respe**.tiuiiv irvitol to cah and examine i'*? J>.ock. None bu* Ueunlne and Fresh Articles will be offer ed; &nu all nootih fcO>d nted to be s? r^’> f ? { * c 3 the Ota stand of D. I’. Lil; k Co* No. 11. Broadstrcet. to lutui. is. Gs. Enquirer cope. -*;■ - w. f, Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! I'H-'.u.ider igoci bavin*-ussnei Med tbtwsclves toertln rfor the purpose **f procuring BOUMTY LAND under •he sclera) set * of O'tnrrv*? t.v't'.nnwo paste, fc now prepared ; to mske *f p c,-i?7. and tor ;?• who who are • uf'lel. Persons wo > have liwflcww rece ‘. < and b'-ecty .and *\sr * re, under a r.*cei>t actof Cong-es-', ent7. r *jlto an addi tlorM Uo’HitT of Laud, and by csiii~g a* our i tacc can get all ;ii?n?rrs>sn’ lof'Tiwuloß, \V3£ r * a'*' l pr%piroi so prosecute P*r*-! , "‘n #r-d * ms •gainst **• Uoi'cn 5 stvs. r**.qi our iorg eiptTOHKe and iir<c- vrerau witbc-ntid*oce ay. th-it a’lt ants entrus ted to our car*s w iil b# prompt y and tpeed;t\ sdioated On” ot ibe pjrtit ? b*:rgeOßsun’.h la c.;ry, will | boi!!e**hi* pwre.’On’ s'i'vinon the?’®. ttakanrw Ounby A fuiueb” S;of. Gohiiabu*. Georgia. MlCH.i£u N. CLABK, feb24., Wfctßff. A. B. It A® AN, SOMETHING NEW. JUST RECEIVED MOUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI, FOR POLiaIILNG. \ NEWLY discovered substitute lor Crocus, Rotten S.e-ne, Kou,e, Ai.c. Also, Mures Ale, I.outlon Porter, Clarrct,* Madeira, Sherry, champagne Wine, Sparkling Hock, superior Brandy, for Medical Purposes, Wolff s Schnapps, &c. &c< Also, a Gjneaai Assortment of L.JQUohS, TOfLICCO. .l.\/r -sfc ft.\Us, which l w.ll sell at a small advance on eosl bj the retail, and at eosi by the wholesale. P. A. CLAYtOM. majsth—twtf 82 Broad Slfcei, L’dlUmbus Ga. JEWELRY AT COST. JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF VfRY FINE JEWELRY, consisting of Watches, Guard Chains, Breast Pins & Finger Bings, which will be sold at Wholesale New York (.ost for Cash, may I—ts. AYER ft. W LkIXS. TRtSTKE SALK OF THE COWETA FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BY virtue of a trust reposed in us, under notice of de fault irom the Bond holders, we will oiler lor faie at the Market House in the city ol Columbus, on the first Tuesday in July next, during the usual hours ot’ sale, the billow ing property or so much thereof as may he necessary to pay the outstanding- Bunds issued by said Company, to wit: Ail of those tracts ot land in the city of Columbus, cottnty ot Muscogee aud Stats ol Georgia, known and de signated as lot number one of the Water Lot Company of the city ofColumbus survey, being allot’ said lot lying Cast ol the Canal Wall on said lot and extending t> lots ieiow and running nearly north and south, together with the Factory and improvements situated ou said lot; also, a lot commencing on the noith west corner of said Facto ry lot, Xo. I, thence north one hundred teet, thence Fast to a point at light angles with the north west corner of the Factory Jot, thence south one hundred feet, thence west to the point of beginning. Also, lot No. one hundred and ninety one; as designated in the plan of the city of Colum bus, containing one half acre more or less, being the same Jot upon which is built the dwelling for the operatives of | the Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company, together with all the right, members and appurtenances thereuuto belong tng. And also the following personal property contained in the Factory building, on lot number one. to wit: Eigh teen Warp Fly Frames, of ninety six Spindles each; two | Ring Fellows Frames, of one hundred and thirty-two Spindles each; two Mules of two Hundred aud fifty six Spindles each; two Dressers, Fifty Looms, and all the ap purtenances thereunto belonging; three Wool Cards and! Wool Jacks, of one hundred Spindles, together with all : and every part of the Machinery now in said building. R. J. MOSES, i W. A. REDD, > Trustees. 11. 11. EFFING. ) Terms Cash. The bidder will be required to pay down ‘ at the sale one-third of the purchase money, or the proper ty will be immediately resold ou account of the first pur chaser. may I—tds. SUN DRIED APPLRS. IT'ORTY BUSHELS pealed, nice and sweet, just re . ceived on consignment and for sale by April 21st., 1853—w&twtf. HV. _F HELPS. JFresii Ground. DOUBLE Extra Family Flour, from White Wheat, a a beautiful article, per barrel sl3 Extra Family, “ “ 12 Superfine, “ 10 50 Double Extra is equal to Hiram Smith. We have only a small jot of it. ap7—w&twtf. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. BOUNTY LANDS. WE have on hand a large lot of the Form- to be used iu obtaining BOUNTY LANDS, suited to ail ease-, that we will sell atl per quire, CASH. Columbus, Ga. w&twtf LOMAX &. ELLIS. J. M. ItUSSELL, ATTO RV L Y A T I, ANY , Office at present,with G E Tb r 'innj, Esq., over J R Rsdd & Cos Broad Street— Columbns. Gvorr a. Columous, April 9. 11-5. Y. wfttwtf SPRING AND SUMMEE GOODS. THF, Subscriber hns received his slock ot SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS —alartreaml general a-3 >nment —coinpr ising all good and desirable styles, which ihepublic are invited to examine. The goods were bought to sell— arc for sale—and will sell to all In want— ls examined—as they will be offered lot lower prices for LAPIi than me same styles and value were ever offered in this City. p!o—w&tw'.’m O. ‘IYG ATT. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana jdan. GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL. CLASS O. To le drawn May 12, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO \\ ill be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! £3 f ”Anil remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing ano paid when due \\ 11 HOLT DEDUCTION! 1 PRIZE OF 57.5< 1 •• 5.000 1 “ / 2.000 •J “ 1,000 5 ” . 4k) 10 ’■ 200 15 “ 100 73 - 50 ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. Tickets $5; Halves 82 50; Quarters Si 25. twits on all solvent banks at par. ill communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign of the Bronze Lion Montgomery, April 21 —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Aia. AU letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. __ By Authority of the State of Georgia. FOBT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners the Agency end Management ot the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LuTTFRY, has estaoH bed the pri. cipal ( fHcc at Atlauta, Georgia, am. intends conducting the l ottery no the same plan as that of the Souther/i .Military .Iciidnr.’j Latttry, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR M-\Y. Class 1. fjf"To be drawn May 21th. 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., when IT.zes amounting to Will be distribute*! according to the following magnificent Scheme! |3jrAd remember every Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when due \VItHuU i DLDUCTIV.N ! I PF.ZE OF SIq.OOo I do 5.W0 i do 4.0U0 1 do 3.0: 0 I do V.*a>* j do 1,500 1 do 1,100 5 rr*zrs of 10 do 500 501 Prizes in ail amyunUug to s'jo,o*Xl O.NLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Hills on all solvent Baok? at par. All communications slnctly coufidentif.l. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia. HlOtlS WANTED. Ivvili rav cash for 10,000 i‘>s KLnt Hti^. April ‘2Ut.~w&twt’ H. C PHEI °S. Railroad Stock for Balo. wx-k g, arcs MujcogevKiMr*.*. $ >ek fv-ale br OU HAERierV, AO* ns fc jfcGE IEE. wf'.rrtC $3 PER BUSHEL FOR WHEAT. “I'll L Voutaonjery Mills, at M r tgomery Ala., and the Palact * Mil’s, at ColutaiuiH r; a ., (Hunting tbeir cn Ire purchase toffj.Ou) bushels.) will nay Lt Ik ice White Wheat, Georgia and Alabama raised _w heat, of Le new crop, the fol oaiuj. pi ices, east). Delivered at either unit. prcti'nJs o the 15lb Mat • .ft tTi iaU'be!. Previous !o the 20lh, it 75 - 301 h, 2 <V> •* •• 15th June 2 25 “ *• •* Ist July - 00 “ Choice Red 25 cents per bushel less. Sixty pound * to the bushel. fj?” I’apcr? ia Alabama,between E-jf&ula and VWs IV-int. and in \v t - a iern Geers ia, north of Amerieus, will please insert one dollars worth. Georgia papers will be t aid by Palace Mills, and Alabama papers by Montgomery Mills. Montgomery, April 2sq 1*55. mayl—twtf. Euquitef cop*. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD, IVFSiTED the Grave Yard this morning, and found that tome scoundrel had spit tobacco juice over the tombs of my wife and children, an t had also broken off the ears and Otherwise mutilated three marble latnbs pia.ed upon their tombs. 1 w ill give one hundred do;lare to know who did it, and wdl also pledge m honor to cut their tare off close to their head. F. K. BbNS f R. Columbus May 3 1555. tw3v FOR HIRE, TWO Likely Young Negro Men and one youag Woman, ac custoined to house work. Applv to ina'3—twtf I). A. RIDGEWAY. SULPHUR A SI) MEDICATED Vapor Batns. AT JIROOKS&CJIAPMAX’S DRUG-STORE. THESE BAT H3 will relieve and permanently cure all disea ses arising irorn an impure state of the blood. Their etticaCy bate been fully and successfully tested in Chron ic Diseases like the followiugto will Salt riheuin, Gout, Rheumati-m, Painful ami Diseased Ilyes, Sore Tnroat, Diseases of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Riig Worms, Pimpled Face, Erysipelas, Palsy, Neuralgia, Ticdolereaux, Nervous Irritability. Obstinate Glandular Affec tions, Dropsy, Deafness, Asthma, Catarrh, Cancer, Coirsump lion, Phtbiucs, (Pulmonary) Leprosy, Gravel, and all Cutane ous Diseases. may 3—twtf BEWING MACIIIEES. GKOVER, BAKER & CO S. PATENT. THE simplest and best in use,and the only Machine adapted > to general use. Can stitch a shirt bosom, or sc Mr tiitcen thicknesses of Osnaburgs with e<jual ease. lan be managed 1 by a negro; is not liable to get out of order,and the sewing will outlast the material. Can be run by hand, foot or water pow er. Every one should have them. They will do the work of a day in ah hour, with case. Call and see them. COWDRY & CO., Agents, j apll—twtf Columbus, Georgia. AXTIIEm’M IS SUItAN CE COMPANY OF LONDON. UNITED STATES BRANCH OFFICE. 80, South Street, Philadelphia. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $10,000,000, AVAILABLE CAPITAL $1,284,300, \T7H,L take any and all fair risks against loss or damage by Fire at a reasonable rate. Losses adjusted and promptly paid without reference to Loudon. References In Pliiladelplil n. Atwood So Cos., John Grigg, Powers it Weighttnan, Myers, Cleghorn he Cos John Faruum, Geo. H. Stewart, Wm. McKee fc co , White, Stevens & Co.’ TRUSTEES. Geo.H. Stewart, John T. VV bite, T. Ilatchford Starr. Applications for risks may be made to JOHN MUNN, Agent. Columbus Ga., April £B, 1855. tw3m PUBLIC NOTICE. Sew Grand Duchy of Baden Lottery Loan. CAPITAL 14,000,000 FLORINS. THIS LOAN is guaranteed by the Government, and will be drawn in different p.izes as follows: 14 of 5 0,000 Fls. | 54 of 40,000 Fl*. 12 of 3.5,000 Fis, 23 of 1,5,000 Fis. 2ot 12,000 Fls. 5.5“ 10,000 “ 40 “ 5,000 *• 2” 4,000 “ 58 “ 4,000 “ 3 tie “ 2,000 “ 1914 “ 1,000 u The lowest prize being 42 Fls. 12 Fls. are equal to 5 Hollars. The next drawing takes place at t'arhrnbe, under the diree- ; tton of the Baden Uo\ eminent on tlie 31st May, 1855, j when every dr;.wn number must obtain one of the above men- . tioued Prizes, wbicn will be paid in Cash, r,t the offices of the undersigned. Those fortunate Shareholders not residing on ; the spot, wilt have their ‘•mount of Prizes gained paid to them j u.rough an established Bank. The Lists of ihe result will be j sent to each shareholder, and the successful numbers published ! in the Newspapers. The price ot one Ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given ly taking a number of Tickets, viz;— 11 ‘Pickets cost only S2O ! 50 Tickets cost only SSO i g3 “ “ ‘ 40 j 100 “ ’ 150 The Price of Tickets can be -ent in Rank Notes or Drafts, payable in any of the commercial towns of Get many, Holland, France. England. Scotland or Ireland. For T;cket3 and Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Bank ing house, which isaooointed for the sale of Tickets: MORI if. STIEBEL SONS, Hankers, FKANKFORT-ON-TH E-MAIN E. Germany. X. 8... Letters to be directed “per Steamer, via Liverpool,” , to Moriz Ftiebel Sons, Bankers, in Frankfort-cn-the-Maine. Remittances which arriveatter the Day of Drawing, willbe returned, or invested in ih? next Drawing, at tlie option of the sender. The Prosp-tctas of this Distribution can bo inspected at the Office of this paper. rp2 L .semi-v> uhHsUnay. SHOES! SHOESTFSHOES!!!~ Now is Your Time. jk_ II WING determined to change my busin**?#. T offer my entire stock of Boots and .Shoes at NEW YORK • v COST FOR CASH. I have just received a full supply Vof 8[ ring and Summer Shoes, suitable for Ladles’and Gent's wear, and also a good assortment of everything in my line. If those needing anything in my line will give me a call [ will give them better bargains than they lia\o ever had be fore. or iu all probability will ever have again. Come soon and make vonr selection.-, G. F<. GAGER. No. 32, Broad street. N. |{,—Those that are indebted to me on last year’s account will please call and make immediate payment, as I want the money. U. E. G. Columbus, Ga., April 20, 1855.—twtf NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. I FRENCH, English and American Prints. F French Cambrics and Brilliants. S otch and Fiench GinghaUto; all Styles. 1 Bareges, Tissues and t.ighrTtolored Challeys. Light Summer Silks and Grenadines* A Choice Selection of Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, collars,and Coliars and Sleeves to match. Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings and Bands. English and German Hosiery—of every description. Damask and Muslin L'raperv. ALSO, A Superior lot of Linen.-. •j—t Pillow Case— Linen and Cotton. 10-4 11-4 4t 12-1 Cotton and Linen Sheetings. 3 p ! y. Ingrain and Linen Carpeting. Every description of goods usually found in our line —ail of which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Columbus, March 3, 1*55. w&twtf WINTER FACTORY, i ColLimlaus, Ga. YARNS, LINSEYS, WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, for sale, i WOOL Carded at one fourth toll or ten cents per ponnd. LINSEYS made tip on shares, or 15c. per yard. Ail Work done Promptly and Warranted. MONTGOMERY"IRON WORKS, MOXTCiOMERV, ALi. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY OTP AM Engines, Circular Saw Mills.'Grisl Mills, Shafting, O or any description of V> I :)'. Aiso Rich’s uu riva'ietl Water Wheels,the best in the world. Lynch, Page &-’ ‘. M hittlesy i- Cos., V\ oodruff he. Goetcbimym ‘the Muscogee Ua 1 Road,and numerous others, testify to c VUiug 1000 feet of Lumber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Mills ol uacww. G. W. WINTER. mar!2—wt twtf Aged, Columbus Georgia. DISSOLUTION, of HALL & MCSES bras ffi-vffvod out! e firs; o’ A January, 1F55, by tin death of J. 1. Mose*. HtRV’BY HALL, JSurvivrrrgFsrtncr. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THH B undersigned bar? entered iu<o ihe HAR&- ts sp £ I A BCiiff'ESS, under bc ffrsiard r-arreef HALL. MutTF & CO. HBSYLY HAT.L, ‘* ISAAC I. 5105£5, JACOB P. HEVaiCKS, r . WILLIAM A, BEACH r*fefu*'f 13, llov wfcts-L I BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c, HAMILTON A PLANE, ATTOU NE Y S V T LA W * COLUMBUS GEO. (Oiiiee. No. 67, Broad Street, over K. Barnard’s Store HAYING mi 4_■ arrangements at Washington Lty, 1 v which all business entrusted to them wilt b- promptly s-rieMird to,tlxy eu-d-lett to procure Botint }* Land M or* rants, Pensions, Ac. r and prnsicute C’luims again-: the (',f< d States either Le.ure t orgrrte or the several I,< par Intents. be y are also prepared to purchase Claims, Ic. i the I nited States. ViT Xo rag rejuirtei unfit the f.nml It arroutt, i lumis, arc procurni. JkHZS HAMILTON. WM. F. PLANS. April 7th.!835. wkt*tf ISfCZ. A Ta'e ts the Alamo, is anew and popular work, just by tbeHtrprrs —rs” s*. and for sale bv A, j. w. peam:. Also, a New Supply cf South Side View of Slavery, by N. Adams, D. D.: Ruth Malt; Cap. Canot; Life and Beauties oi Fanny Fern, &c. the. Columbus, Feb. 22 wfctw'f. Southern Mutual Life Insurance. TIIE favorable terms on which one may secure to bis widow acd orphan children a comfortable sep|ort, invite the at tention of all who are not rich < Dough to provide for their fam ily w ithout their own personal exertions. For further information apply to feb24 —w&tw3m. A. POND, A gent. Just Received on Consignment, AAA LBS. Tennersea New Bacon; Hog r utul; 1000 lbs. Feathers. 5:1 Kegs Prime Fresh l.ard. 75 Boxes, Boxes and 4 Boxes tm t Virginia Tobacco. I'M** Yards Tenessee Jeans. Cheap lor Cash. mar24—tf HELL. FRIERSON At in. JAMES 13. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL, ENGINEER AM) SURVEYOR. COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. 4 RCHITECTURAL Designs atid Workittg Platts lor Ruild ings furnished. Artificer's work c.vlcnia’eJ; tsurveys <>f laud made, and Topograpical plans furnished with accuracy, neatness and despatch or Office over Col. Holt’s Law Office. Columbus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. HEAR BOTH SIDES. All the World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEA UTI E S os- FANNY FERN, IN’ ONE VOLUME, 12.410.. CLOTII. Who is Ruth IlallT Is Rttllt Hall Faulty Fern, or somebody else? ait/1 ts Fanny- Fern is not KutU Hall vvlio is Fanny- Fern T THE LIFE AM) BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN l Is now before the public, and the world will be enlightened. And this book a strange tal“ unfolds. Tlie present Work is nutlientlc in all its Those who have read the advance copy, j rotmunce it the wittiest, spiciest book of the season. It presents vivid, life like pictures of tho charming and bril liant Author of Fern Leaves nudKutli Hall, at her own fireside,in the Editors Sanctum, in the *tre-t, at Church, suideverywhere, and in every position site is the same fascinating woman. In th s volume, several of Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts appear fnrihe Cr-t time in book torm. The reader will find that they possess the same attractive features which characterize ail her productions. They are aliernately witty and pathetic, caustic and foo'hing, sparkling ami pensive. No other author has *ueceed;d so well in touching e ilmt chords of the heart. Just received and for sale bv feblo—w&twtf. * W. PF.ASE. SPECIAL XOTICS3. IN order that otr customers may uncfrstand the terms on which wo Uade,\ve have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as folio we: For all purchan-s on time, payments wiil be required twice a year; say Is? .May and Ist J.muarv. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shall claim and expect iutere-t until paid. E. RAIINARD, Ai CO Columbus,Jan. l-t,’os. janll—w&twih IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORT.MENT*OF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! BRING desirous of changing my y.:.. a business. I now offer my extensive /Iff ‘ ‘/fast ot Sciiool, Law, 3lecH- Thcologit-al and artiteiatiKi. cel laneoix Hooks, ad^ rr i “ Stationery at COST FOR CASH- I have a large Flock of School Hooks, and it will be creat:-,- lo the advantage ot Teachecs and those in char.-e <*f Schools, to call immediately and supply themstlves. If you cannot come, send your orders with tbe money, and I w ill send litem to you. To anyone wishing to go into the business, I would say, that I will sell them tuy entire stock upon the most favorable terms —both as to prices and payments. Gail and see. JORDAN L. HOWELL. N. B.—l would mo-t respectfully say, to all who are indebt ed to me, that 1 must have the money. .Please let :net hear from you without lurthtr notice. J.L.11. L’olumbu*Ga., April 14, li-55. wtwtf BY AUTHORITY. L4IYS OF TIIF, U Nli’Fl) STATES. Public No. 98. AN ACT makiog appropriations for the current and con tingjnt expenses of the Indian depariment, and for fulfill ing treaty stipulations with various Indian tribe?, for the year ending June thirtieth, ous thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and for other purpo-*®-. Re it tttneied ly ihe Senate tn> { House of Representa tives of the United States of America, in Congress o*- semhled, That the follow ing sums be. and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not other wise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, acd fulfilling treaiy stipulations with the various Indian tribes. For the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, viz: For the pay of superintendents of Indian afiairs, per acts ot fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty, twenty-seventh February, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and third March, eighteen hundred and fifty two, twelve thousand five hund-’ i red dollars. For the pay of the several Indian agents, per act? of fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty, twenty-seventh February eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and thirty first July, eiafi teen hundred and fifty-four, forty three thousand seven hun dred and fifty dollars For the pay of the several Indian agents, per act of thirty first July,eighteen hundred and fifiv-four,and for anvar.-N - ol pay to one in the State ot New'York, one at Gre*>n Bay, ! Wisconsin, one lor the -Seminole? west ol Arkansas, arid one tor the Indian tribes in Utah, fifteen thousand three hundred and eisriny-tw o dollars and seventy nine cent-, and the Secretary of the Int rior is authorized hereafter to cm - ploy one agent lor the Indian-- in the Stale ol New Y< rk : one for those at (Jieeu Day, Wisconsin for the Seiui noles we-t of Arkansas; and one lor the tuia-s in tlie Ter ritory ol Utah, at the rate of one thousand doliats ptr an num each. CfIEIIOKEES. For the payment of this sum doe to the Cherokees. on account ot interest, between the l.rd Mav eighteen hundred and forty five, and first of May,eight**en hundred arid fortv ?ix,on t locks ot the State of .Michigan, htdd m trust bv the Secretary of the Interior, under the treaty ot eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and the supplement of March eigh teen hundred and thirty six, twenty dollars and nine-tv.stv*- n ■ cents. CHIPPEWAS OF .MISSIES J FIT AND LAKE SUKE DIOR. - For nineteenth f * twenty iiistalmor.tjin- nfotfoy. m. ! cord article to**'} twentjr-nitidi July, jughieew huwiierFa tl Ui"fy-e?ven, ome tlrousaud five Hfiftd/c-t dpJhirs.-. For mseieenth of twentyffnstalaicrfJs ior prchj'Vr-r j provt3on r , p-?r rccon-i article treaty .twtdfy-rqmh Julv. i eighteen hundredar.d tlriftT-etvej. two j For nfoeteer-th of foi- t*-,. purcEr ~; • Tob&c£U,p?r>eorf art->> tr#§y l teen hundred a. and i*j jrtj4 a } a ? j \onntrnued r-r? lag* Page ’