The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 19, 1855, Image 3

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It will allow the poor as well as the rich to come and the waters?* of liberty freely. And it will re a wt criminals whom European • call fucn t a and send away from troubling their domin ,r, It will take by the hand other criminals besides John Mi o'n and (eel tor others in the piison houses and dun- n j “t l he Old V\ orld besides him who once was a ten -3t 0 i Olmutz. j; will jealousy guard against the Foreign influence i- iii'Mhously sent from Exeter Hall in Old England , lliamn Hall in New England, to invade America in nie ot an ‘'American” party ; and it will watch the • not the oppressed, abroad, as did“ VVashiogton, Jefferson, Madison and Jackson ; will detend the freedom and independence of the elec : v ancliise against the conspiracy which would bind vo* . yt< st oaths to reject men of a particular religious faith, >ied for proscription \ and which would not leave sul • a- bee to elect as to reject those whom the constitu* nd the law’s have made eligible to office. It will especially guard the office of Governor from the >wed intent to wield the appointing power eo as not to y the limitations of qualification for office fixed by tha I'titution, but to obey rules of appointment established ;v a i irresponsible and unauthorized Secret Oligarchy, tn.d to set up the Higher Law ot its own proscription k>r its own exclusive and selfish ends. It w 11 see that the oath itself ot the Governor’s office is : perverted by sectarian bigotry to set up a religious test as a qualification for office It will defend the General Government from the consoli dation which would establish itself on what is called the independence ol Congress. it will defend public policy from the faith of the Ameri- C iti system. Harbors, Rivers, and Pacific Railroads, and Protective Tariffs, and Internal improvements by the Gen eral Government, now again advanced by a Winchester Council ol the American party. It wdl defend the State against agrarianism, Freesoilism a r<i Abolitionism, now’ threatening to invade the South from Northern and non-slaveholding Councils of Know Noth , ;i?m. It will defend society against the demoralization ’a Cabal sworn to practice dis=immulation and perfidy b tween man and man. And will defend religion against tr,e demons of Anti-Christ! With perfect and abiding confidence in th£ power of Truth and Democracy— of a purified, exaited and trium p uit majority lor these impregnable positions, I gj home to Accomae, ar and await the polls ot the people. 1 cannot j. )F o without thankiig thousands, of the State through which I ■ ve passed, for their uni orm hospitality, kindness ;li .J r -'pect, and without saying that the chief gratification with which I part from a daily intercourse with the masses ot the poopte is, that I have endeavered to sow the seeds of t ruth only in the popular mind, and I trust that they will be ■ “jitful ot blessings to individuals, to the State and to the country. I atn, very truly and respectfully, your fellow citizen, ’ HENRY A.}WISE. ONE WEEK LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE PROMETHEUS. $300,000 Ea Route for New York—Revolution in Nicaragua, &c , &c-, &c-, New Orleans, May 14. The steamship Prometheus has arrived at this port from S.m Juan, Nicaragua, bringing California dates to the 24 h u!t. The steamship Northern Light lelt San Juan for New York o*i the night of the Bth inst., with 350 passengers and S3tXUH)O in treasure on freight. Another revolution broke out in Nicaragua on the 6th, occasioned by the accession to power of Gen. Munoz. Two rich copper mines had been discovered at Coota. There is but little news of interest from California. The IT. S. L ind Commissioners had con.,rmed the Weber claim to eleven square leagues of land on which the city of Stockton had been located. Two m re heavy failures had occurred in San Francis co viz: Jose Duneal for SSO,UOU, and Geo. B. Upton Jun , lor SIOO,OOO. S mders, the forger, had escaped in a vessel bound to Chin. Bu-nees continued very dull,and prices were much de pressed. There had been no arrivals of vessels irom Atlantic ports during the week preceding the departure of the steamer from San Francisco. The California papers teem with the usual details of crime, and numerous suicide are reported. Democratic Meeting in Savannah. Pursuant to notice, a large and respectable portion of the Democratic* party of Chatham eouutv assembled at the Exchange L*t eveuing. Oa motion, R >bert If. Griffin, Ksq , was vailed to the Chair, and Iliram H. Perry ap p uted SecTt tary. ihe Ci> *i m m stated that the object of the meeting -i up-- Miit delegates to the Gubernatorial Convention at •'./wide, and to select a suitable candidate for Con ti!'’ ••• for the First Congressional District. .hi motion of John Boston, Esq., a committee of thir : !i w:,s appointed to prepare business for the meeting, ‘.,ng ut the following gentlemen, viz: John Boston, 1 mas i’ursv, Richard Wayne, David B. Nichols, Alex- Dnsdale, Joseph Ganahl, John M. Millen, Isaac i .David Bell, Joseph Ltppman, Charles Van Horn, <■’ i Cass and Phillip J. Punch. t: Committee immediately withdrew for consultation ■ -mug room. In the meantime the meeting was vj by Capt. Bilbo, George A. Gordon, Esq., and b. I'. ilmi. ton, Esq , of this city, and Mr. Damele, of Atlanta. While Mr. Daniele was.speaking tlie Commit ! v m bus titcs retuvued and made the following re -1 •-C mrn'Uee of thirteen appointed by the Chairman 0 ,’ ‘■‘ l -' !n ' ,, 'ratic meeting to select five Delegates to at -1 - a;>pr I'.hing Gubernatorial Conventizn, Report, 1 ‘■ • have unanimously chosen the following gentle- KtfU ;.v Delegates : ’ I E. Ward, William H. Stilts, Liumas Purse, George A. Gordon, Philip J. Punch. il: , ’ -owsHg resolutions offered by John Boston and - u bv laomas Purse, are submitted to the meet n , I That the Democracy of Chatham county, ; f 11 rapport with cheerfulness the nominee of •--.jing Gubernatorial Convention, cannot refrain , - ‘-ie:t* decided preference for the renomi- * presort and stiugu shed incumbent of the gu* ‘'liMir, the lion. Hersehel V. Johnson. ei • That the Utn. Janies L. Seward has justly ,-Cnuiiuje °* the people of Savannah by his , : J ; advocacy of our rights on the floor , , n . ’ Representatives, and we do hereby re- j “ 11 ; 't reuomiuation for Congress from the fiist ! / - ‘jon.! District. j 1 t’• r* ,■ i •>, Committee was accepted, and the ! t iat ‘ ‘ aVl °S been twice read, on moth n, it resolved j Tl. ,C-r on e * r ndcptiou be taken separately.— Tl } . b'ca again read, and unanimously adopted. ]. “ ‘ Ua * as,J ‘‘gain read, and likewise unanimous* i Ij ;vr ‘ i m,u b at his liesure. appoint an Executive ! ( . r r . , L b- mmittee to serve for the term of one year, ] •; k_ . u " r s “‘- v ® SSurs are appointed. M “*** finished. Mr. John M. 1 ioii^ a,ie and tor, and addressed the meeting at I 1,.; Other gentlemen were also .g t. :rn Cl ! “V U ef nwing late, on motion the meet -1 tearty* cheers “t r .^" re doing so, however, they gave four DvtiKvrat.e “ e 1 Cautions and the success ot the ITiam H pJ 11. GRIFFIN, President, Return of Baker the Murderer of Pool.;'? ti v r lt . „ , New York, May 16. •1.. C, s;;. jj , * toM-iy, havtmT on k . ,; a P e fot returned to this city Th? Grtptshot arrived It pi? n,ur * lerer of Pogl ~ l lx arriv *d at that port f beVvUteen ,la - vs h lorfc C ° l again Arrested. CC K-nnev U Wn May 16. t- ih,t! • Ivi-S S'” H W,I . ,U , lhis and held to of| uulawlbl t xtjeditt. I, ClB v arged with fitting out lJ >’ {0 Coutaini: g hrn s *TI ,i€ ,Mid a Vt^! me a. fe Sand aminaintioQ ; , Q d 300 or Liberia —The b tHf ™ °® Sun; ty 13th for Liber <!*’ “ urwJ,am * left Norfolk rieg of the Protestant p. •. out .hree mission. Citb u pass-, ugtrs ,• u 1 erui r ! . N ‘ |o<i| Church, several other to one bundled and s'*x ‘’ aoioant ‘ n g in the whole from Keti uckv twn*. k <i J r, > the emigrants were Man Lml. h tew Vir s i oia , gj e , )mc . froro hrough private letter* received by the last European steamer, it appears that CabourNi bargain with England to furnish the ater wiih fifteen thousand Sardinian troops to be wasted and destroyed m the Crimea, proves so unpopular in the Sardinian army as already to have broken down bis (Caboui’s) ministry.— Maoy ot the troops to have been sent off refused to go,offi* eers and men shooting themselves to avoid this disgraceful n s. serv ’ ce ’ Sardinia would have received *"*’ .j- °f officers and men, for his majesty’s slaves thus so Id to disease and death. The bargain has but a sin jv® P p, , ® history of modern nations ; the sale by the Elector 011 Heste o| hie subjects to George 111. to fight the battles of England in our Revolutionary War. As in that case, these Sardinians have not the slightest interest in tne war, as neither their country’s honor, rights nor in terests are involve in it. A Presidential Teem. The party that rallies on the Poole platform, have made the following nominations fr the Presidency ; For President , GEN. JOSEPH HISS, of Massachusaetta. For Vice President, MRS. PATTERSON, of Boston. We did not before know that Hiss was a General Mrs. P., who will act as his Vice, if elected, has done cor poral service in the Bay State.— Albany Atlas. COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. _ IS 21 Epo fl SO o 3 aa j® (Stock “g 11.8 | B ¥ <£ fH on “ ill lis i hand I— • i£. Q -i2E-Q. —i this 1854. 43 312 69867 7022*2 125 60428 60553; 9715 1855. * 2771i 4416252865740 321 60759 61Q8o| 4655 Columbus, May 19. COTTON—We have nothing new to report since onr last notice of the market. Sales have been readily effect ed at lull prices, and buyers continue eager to operate. M e quote principal salts S£ to cents with cn upward tendency. Savannah, May 18. COTTON—The sales yesterday were 316 bales, at former prices, viz ; —22 at 9*, 36 at 9f, 11 at 91, 82 at 10, 12 * at lo§, 27 at C u . r . e °f Rheumatism. —The Editors of the Richmond Republican, of Dec. 24th, 185*2, say that Car ter’s Spanish Mixture is no quack niedicide. They had a man in their press room who was afflicted with violent mercurial rheumatism, who was continually complaining of misery in the back, limbs and joints his eyes had become feverish and mattery, neck swollen,throat sore, and all the symptoms of rheumatism, combined with Scrofula. Two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture cur ed him, and, in an editorial notice as above, they bear tes timony to its wonderful effects, and say their only regret is, that all suffering with diseases of the blood are not aware of the existence of such a medicine. They cheer fully recommend it. See their certificate, and notice in full around the bottle. ma J’ s w&twlm M'Lane's Liver Fills.— Have now become the great Specific for Hepatis or derangement of the liver,in its most complicated lorms. I his medicine has doue an immense amount ot good in curing this fearful disease, so common throughout the United States, and as evidence of its effica cy, we will state that it is superceding every other remedy. The demand for this certain cure is unprecedented. Orders tor it are coming in from all quarters, and every mail brings something of the following tenor. „ Cambridge, Ohio, Jan. 1851. Messrs. J. Kidd &, Co.—We are nearly out of M’Lane’s Fills, it would beiwell to keep us supplied, as there is a great demand for them in our place. . t OGLER k CLARK. This invaluable medicine may be purchased at all the Druggists in Columbus, and of Dealers generally through out the United States. mayl2—2w Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, are justly reckoned amongst our most valuable medicines, in cases of dyspepsia, it acts like magic, strengthening the tone of the stomach, stimulating the di gestive powers, and giving ruddy health to the cheek and brightness to the eye. ‘1 here are thousands in this commu nity who can testily to their virtues, and thousands will hereafter add their testimony. For sale by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street, Phila., and by Danforth &. Nagle, Robert Carter, Brooks & Chap man, Columbus Ga.; and by O. Lanier &, Cos , Girard, Ala. may 12—*2w BATHING TUBS. Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, f And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc. ; may 19- twira. R. M. ALDWORTH k CO. STOVES & TIN WARE. W r E have on hand a fine assortment of COOKI*VQ STO FES TLY- WARE, tor sale Cheap. Roofing andGutterlng promptly attended to ard W arrauted. niayl9—tw4m. R. M. ALDWORTH, & ‘ O. CONCERT HALL ! MR. A. T. M ORTON, Has the honor of statin*? OrUphas kindly conserted to remain ONE NIGHT longer for the occasion of his FIRST BENEFIT. MR.MORTOST trusts the Extraordinary Attrac tions, comprising the varied performances ot the J RAMA MUSIC t SINGING and 20 ELEGANT PRESENTS, Consisting of Gold Watches, Silver Ssrvice, Stiver Card B ts kets, Rings Pincit Cases, Card Cases, etc. etc. etc., will be deem ed worthy of public patronage. The articles were purchased at .Ur. UeWitt’s, where they can be seen iu his window. Valued at $225. .Vonday Evening, May 21st. tirat time in this city, tneelegant cornedy in two Acts, entitled THE BARRACK ROOM, Colonel Ferrier MR. A. T.MOETJX, Bernard, (anold soldier ( II.CRISP. and his nurse) i * ‘ ! . . ... A/arquisdeCruzac W. H. CHIPPENDALE* Captain Vainiout. t • REA, Clarissa Dj Cruzac MRS.W • H. CRISP. MUSICAL OLIO, In which .Mrs. Frank Rea, Miss Jesse Crisp, and yr. Frank Rea,will appear. 20 PRESENTATIONS. Tickets sl,to be had at Hotels. Book Stores of Messrs Pease fc Howell, A. H. DsWitt’a, Concert Hail, aud at thisoflice. may!9 twU * NOTICE. ITTIT.LIAM LlGON,fmy Bather) is hereby appointed and W autho'ized to accept Drafts drawn on me lor Consign ments and otherwise, and to do all other business tor me in mv name during my absence from the city— as fully m taw as though 1 had doue it personally. JAMES elgon. Columbus Ga., May lb. SETTLE UP. A LL persons indebted totbc Iste firm of pehGUSOJY, are hereby notitie 1 that unless their Notes and Accounts are settled before the first oi June, they will nave to settle with someone else. mayli—w&twtt ITT anted to Hire— Twenty able bodied negro men, to V\ be employed in making Brick, near Pensacola Fla. It most Hbemf NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. FRENCH, English and American PriDts. Freuch Cambrics and Brilliants. Scotch and Fiench Ginghams: ah *-h** Bareges, Tissues and Light Colored Lhalleys. Light g tniiuer Silks and Grenadines \ Choice Stdecuon of Embroideries. Handkerchiefs Collars,and Collars and Sleeves ,o ma..b. Jsckonet and Swiss Trimmings and Banos. English and German Hosiery—ot every desert, uon. liamask and Muslin Drapery. ALSO, A Superior lot of Irish Linens. Pitiow Case —L;nen and Cotton. iO-4 11—4 & U-4 Cotton aud Linen bbeeting*. EveS’ d^riptt n onHf good* nsualiy found in our line-all oi which w ill be sold at UeJ loveeat Cash 1 rice*. . . fft£ Columbus, March 3, Jri3s NOTICE. ALL partie* indebted to J. H. DANIEL, are earn eetly requested to make immediate settlement. may 15 wfttwZw *2OO A MONTH—WHO WANTS IT? AGENTS wanted in every part of the State to aeli Hollinga wortb’s Patent Washing Machines. An active man can make W2to per month. For particulars address _ WASHING MACHINE COMPANY, Enq. cop. [roayß—wtwtfl Columbns Ga. puheYnd refreshing esS3C>nr.gx Inartßrer^ TO BE HAD AT BROOKS & CHAPMAN’S, DRUGGISTS. WE are pleased to rffer to our friends and patrons pure SODA WATER as a summer beverage. We have purchased ‘•Nicholl’s Patent Combination Soda Fountain,” by which we are enabled to obtain the Carbonic Acid for the Water direct from pure “English Boda,” instead of the Carbonate of Lime, Whiting, Chalk, tic-, as hitherto used. The Water prepar and by this “Fountain” (is purer and freer of all mineral or noxious ingredients. The piwer of the apparatus is so graduated, that five gallons of Gas is dissolved in each gallon ot water—which is the standard officinal of Soda Water, as approved bv the best Physicians and Chemists. Our S\ RUPS are made of the best Sugar, aa<l freshest Frulta, and we can, with full confidence in our Soda Water and Syr ups, invite our friends to the coo ing, sparkling beverage of our Fountain. mayß wA iwtf COMMISSION AND GROCERY HOUSE. THE undersigued has the pleasure of announcing to the public that be has just received and will continue to re ceive during the season a good supply of F AHIL Y GROCERIES, consisting or SUQ.IR, COFFEE , MOLASSES , SALT, BACO.Y, COR.V, PEAS, CHEESE, ti TEAS , Fine [Scgari and Tobacco, Ac>, which he offers very low lor CASH and CASH only. The public are respectfully ryitdd to call and examine his Stock. None but Genuine an A Fresh Articles will be offer ed; and all goods sold warranted to be as good as the best, at the old stand of D, P. Ellis A Cos., No. 14, Broad street, Co lumbus, Ga. A. S. H A Y3. Enquirer oopy, ap!9—wtwtf, BACON fc FLOUR. 40,000 u L D u s „d TENKESSEE BAto'i luO Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbls. Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. 75 Bushels Choice Seed Peas For sale at the lowest market price for Cash. By ANDREWS, RIDGWAY k CO. Columbus Ga.. May 7, 1855 w&twtf. HOLLINGSWORTH’S PATENT WASHING MACHINE. Operated with Floating Balls. THE GREATEST WASHING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. Every Family Otis;lit 10 Have One. ONE of these Machines will do a week’s washing of an ordi nary sized family before Breakfast, and leave uuim paired. They are perfectly simple, not easily put out of order, and can be repaired by any plantation carpenter. We now ad vertise them for the first time. They are being generally used in Columbus and give universal satisfaction. The Machines can b® seen'on Broad st., at W. K. Harris, agent,Tioy Factory. Persons wishing them must send in their (orders ahead, as we cannot'manufacture them fast enough to supply the demand. Orders from the country enclosing 20 Dollars, will meet with attention if directed to the WASHING MACHINE CO. Culumbus, Ga. EjT County Rights for Sale. Enquirer please copy. niay3— w&twtf Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! npHE undersigned having associated themselves together for ; X the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress heretofore passd, are now prepared to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War- ; rants, are, under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi- i tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can gel ail the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims ■ against the United States. From our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a*l claims emrus- ! ted to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted One of the parties being constantly in Washington city, will ; give the business his personal attention there. Office over Gunby 4v Daniels’ Btore, Columbus, Georgia. MICHAEL. N. CLARK, feb24.. wActwtf. A. B. RAGAN. $3 PER BUSHEL FOR WHEAT. f EHE Montgomery Mills, at Montgomery Ala., and the Palace Mills, at Columbus Ga., (limiting their enure purchases to 20,000 bushels) will pay for Choice White Wheat, Georgia and Alabama raised heat, of the new crop, the following piices,cash. Delivered at either mill, previous o the 15th May £3 00 V Bu-hei. Previous to the 20th, 2 75 ** “ “ “ 3bth, 2 50 “ “ “ “ 15th June 2 25 “ “ “ “ Ist July 200 •* “ Choice Red 25 cents per bushel less. Sixty pounds to the bushel. Papers in Alabama, between Eufaula and West Point, and in Western Georgia, north of Americus, will please insert one dollars worth. Georgia papers will be paid by Palace Mills, and Alabama papers by Montgomery Mills. Montgomery, April 2, 1855. inayl—twtf. Enquirer copy. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan, CLASS P. To ie drawn June 2, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN IRIZES AMOUNTING TO 609000 ■Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! OT And remember every Prize ik drawn at each drawing and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 1 LRIZE OF 415HW30 I do 5,000 I do 4.000 l do 3.090 1 do 2,000 l do 1.500 l do IJOO 5 do 1,000 soi prizes in all, amounting to $60,000 Tickets jCIO. Halves $5. Quarters Bills on all solvent banks at par. Ail communications strict'y confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign of the BtonzeLion Montgomery, May 13,-twid JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. £fcy All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Ceorgia, FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted irom the Commissionera the Agency snd Management ol the FORT GAINED ACADEMY LOTTERY, has establi-hed the prii cipal <_ ffice at Atlanta, Georgia, anc intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military .i cade my Lottery, ot Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR MAY. ty To be drawn May 24tb, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., w hen Prizes amounting to S6OOOO Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! ADd remember every Prize is drawn at etc n Drawing, and paid when due WITHOUT DEDICTICN! 1 PRIZE OF ■•IS/WO I do * a.OiO 1 do -LOOO 1 do 3,0- 0 1 do * 2,000 I do I.oOG 1 do L**’ 5 Pr zes of 1,000 10 do 300 501 Prizes iu ait amounting to ..£OO 000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets SlO f Halves $5 ; Quarters $2 50. Duls on all solvent Banks at par. AH communications stfiefly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Ajent and Manager, April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia, BEILS AND CALL BELLS. ‘T'HE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of Coluro- A bus, they will remain here for a few days on'y. and would tender their services to Repair and Hang belle. Old bells repaired ana put in good order. Earlv orders are solici ted, which may be left at the store of R. m! Aldworth.fc Cos., next’dooi to I. G. Strapper’s, Randolph street. N. A. NUNGEZEJt, Columbus, May 12—twtf C, 11. DICKSON. SULPHUR AS I) MEDICATED Vapor Batlis. AT BROOKS A CH APM AN’S URCO.STORE. THESE BATHS will relieve and permanently cure all disea ses arising from an impure state of the blood. Tbeir efficacy have been fully and sueessfuliy tested in Chron ic Diseases like the following to wit: Sait ttheum. Gout, Rheumatism, i'&infui and Diseased Eyes, Sore Throat, Diseases of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Costiven'ess, Ring Worms, Pimpled Face, Erysipelas, Palsy, Neuralgia, Ticdolereaux, Nervous irritability,’ Obstinate Glandular Affec tions, Dropsy, Deafness, Asthma, Catarrh, Cancer, Consump tion, Phtbisics, (Pulmonary ) Leprosy, Gravel, and all Cutane ous Diseases. * “ may.!—twtf DISSOLUTION. THE Firm ofTruax& Vandenßerg was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist of April 1855. The undersigned having purchased of Mr. J. L.Trnaxhis in terest in the former firm, will continuethe MUSIC BUSINESS in all its branches at their old stand NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET. Where can always be found a large selection of FORTES fffpf! Fromthe Best Manufactories In the United States, ofall Styles and PRICES.. ALSO , Melodians, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins. Banjos, Tamborlnes, Flutes, Flutinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Clarlonetts, and Fifes. Also, all kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BANOS, together with Bass and Tenor DkUmS. STRINGS of all kinds, and the Largest Assort men t of SHEET MUSIC forall the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. tjr s econd hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones, rr Second hand Pianos tor Sale or Rent. Pianos, Organs, Melodians, and all other kinds f Musical Instruments repaired in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will be promptly attended to. T. H . VAN DEN BERG, 76 Bro id Street,Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle. Columbus. May 5,1855. wAtwtf. TO THE LAEIES. HAVING received a most extensive and full supply of the latest French SPRING MILINERY & DRESS GOODS for Ladies wear, I solicit a call from all. The Goods are now opened, and the selection comprises au assortment superior and richer than ever offered before in this market. Respectfully, MRS. DESSAU, 108 Broad Street. NOTICE IN order that my customers running accounts may know the terms on which I trade, I deem itadvisable to publish them. For purchasing on time payment is requind twice a year, on tbe tlrstof July and first of January,at which time the bills will be presented. MRS. DESSAU. April 7, 1855 w&tw3m. ABSTRACT Os the last Semi-Annual Statement of the Affairs and Condition of THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Os the City of New York, As exhibited on the first day of January, 1855. Balance of Assets on 30th June last as per Exhibit of that date $730,079 98 Subject to sundry losses then un adjusted, and estimated at $40,- 915 34, a portion of which has since beeu paid. Deduct Second Dividend 11th July, 8 per cent 40,000 00—5690,079 98 INCOME. Amount of Premiums on policies issued during the last 6 ms. $225,990 03 Less Return Pieniium on Cancelled Poli cies & Re-insurance 3,729 72-222,260 31 Amount of interest accrued and earned ior six months lroni Ist July to Ist Jan 25,403 90 —247,664 21 $937,744 19 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of losses paid during the past six months $115,935 02 Amount paid for expenses, inclu ding commission to Agents.. 41,458 83 Amount of Taxes paid dur*g the year 4,971 47—195,365 32 $742,378 87 ASSETS. Cash, balance in Bank $20,032 78 Bonds and Mortgages, (being first lien on Real Estate,).... 447,C00 00 Loans on Stocks, (payable on demand,) 153,000 00 Real Estate, No. 1 Wall Street, (the office,) 66,529 61 Notes received for Premiums on Inland Risks, • 15,949 57 Office Furniture and personal ef fects 800 00 Interest due and unpaid to Jan. 14,376 94 Balance in hands of Agents and in course of transmission lroni Agents 22,899 17 Premiums due and uueollected on Policies issued at office.... 1,790 80 Total $742,378 67 LIABILITIES Amount of Losses incurred and in process of adjustment $32,154 39 Amount of Losses reported on which no action has been ta ken 35,076 49 Amount of Claims for Losses tesisted by the Company 7,000 00 $74,230 88 CHAS. J. MARTIN, President. A. F. Wii.lmartk, Secretary. Actc York , April 1855 E. S. GREENWOOD, Agent, ma>8 —twlm. Columbus, Ga. THIRD .ANNUAL STATEMENT or THI GRANITE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Giving a true statement of the standing, resources ami lia bilities for the year ending December 3l?t, 1854, made pursu ant to section 22, chapter 465, Laws of 1853, and sections 4 and 5, Law? of 1654. assets. Stock Capita!, January 1, 1854 $1,130,500 00 Notes given for premiums on proper ty in this Slate 87,230 50 Note# given for premiums on proper ty in other Slates 13,943 00 Amount of cash items on hand 3,057 03 ** “ in banks 17,630 59 “ “ in hands oi agents in this State 6,519 39 Amount of cash in the hands ot agents in ,ther States fi.765 40 Bills receivable for loans, etc 7.i <2 24 Due from other sources 1,8c9 00 Interest accrued on Capital 5,3*15 42 Personal property 1,500 o*l LIABILITIES. Losses n -urred and in process of ad justment $14,594 93 Losses reported, on which no action has been taken .. 5,585 50 Losses resisted, on account of fraud $8 610 o*l Loan#, for which security ba3 been given J3,OfG 00 All o her claims against tbe'Companv 2.8 0 06 ■ $36,390 49 Capital Stock $231,673 50 Surpius Assets in &.i<lillou to Capita! 52,469 75 $264.14-1 25 State of Sew York, City and Coun'y of New York, ss James R. Del Yecchic, President, ar d4. Francis Bates, secre tary. of the Urauite Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, and f*ose and say, and each for himself says, that the fore going is a true ir>d correct statement of,the affairs of said cor poration, and that they are the above described officers thereof. e*ub:criled and sworn before me, this Isth day of february, 1655. SYLVESTER LAY, Commissioner of Deeds, l.- 1 Wail Street. J AMES R. DEL VEOcUIO, President. J. FRANCIS B ATES, Secretary. GREENWOOD & GRIME *, Agents, mayS—fwlct Colombue, La, BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON k PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, QEO. 1 • * r mSk | (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangements at Washington City, by which all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended j to, they are enabled to procure Bounty Land War : rants, Pensions, Jkc., and prosecute Claimsagaiunt ! the United states either beiore Congress or lb eseveral De partments. are also prepared to purchase Claims, &c., against the United States. ty*JV> Pay required until the I.and Warrants , Claims , k., are procured. ‘ JAMES HAMItTOK. WM. T. FLAKE. April 7th. 1855. w A twtf. RAGS! RAGS ! THE ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS 4 RE paying three and a half cents cash per lb. for clean Linen and Cotton Rags, in qualities ot one hun dred pounds and upwards. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office iu front of PALACE MILLS. Columbus. Ga.. .tfav 9. 1335. wtetwtf. TRESTEE SHE OF THE COWETA FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BY virtue of a trust reposed in u, under notice of de fault from the Bond holders, we will offer tor sale at the Market House in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in July next, during the usual hours of sale, the following property or so much thereofas may be necessary to pay the outstanding Bonds issued by said Company, to wit: All of those tracts of land in the city of Columbus, countv of Muscogee and State ol Georgia, known and de signated as lot number one of the Water Lot Company of the city of Columbus survey, being allot said lot lying East oi the Canal Wall ou said lot and extending 1 1 lots below and running nearly north and south, together with the Factory and improvements situated on said lot; also, a lot commencing on the noith west corner of said Facto ry lot, No. 1. thence north one hundred feet, thence East to a point at right angles with the north west corner of the Factory lot, thence south one hundred feet, thence west to the point of beginning. Also, lot No. one hundred and ninety one, as designated in the plan of the city of Colum bus, containing one half acre more or less, being the same lot upon which is built the dwelling for the operatives of the Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company, together with all the right, members and appurtenances thereunto belong ing. And also the following personal property contained in the Factory building, on lot number one. to wit: Eigh teen Warp Fly Frames, of ninety six Spindles each; two Ring Fellow’s Frames, of one hundred and thirty-two Spindles each; two Mules of two Hundred and fifty six Spindles each; two Dressers, Fifty Looms, and all the ap purtenances thereunto belonging; three Wool Cards and VVool Jacks, of one hundred Spindles, together with all and every part of the M achinerv now in said building. K. J. MOSES, ) W. A. REDD, > Trustees. H. H. EPPING. ) Terms Cash. The bidder will be required to pay down at the sale one-third of the purchase money, or the proper ty will be immediately resold on account of the first pur chaser mayl—ids. FOR HIRE. TWO Likely Voung Negro and one youag Woman, Bc customed to house work. Apply to mat3—twtf D. A. RIDGEWAY. Fresh Ground. DOUBLE Extra Family Flour, from White Wheat, a a beautiful article, per barrel sl3 Extra Family, “ “ 12 Superfine, “ “ - 10 50 Double Extra is equal to Hiram Smith. We have only a small lot of it. ap7—w&twtf. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. BOUNTY LANDS. WE have on hand a large lot of the Forms to be used ill obtaining BOUNTY LANDS, suited to ail cases, that we will sell atsl per quire, CASH. Columbus. Ga. w&twtf LOMAX & ELLIS. J. M. RUSSELL, ATTO RX BY AT lu A\X , Office at present, with G E Thomas, Esq., over J R Kdd St Cos Broad Street— CoiumbuM. Georg’ a. Columbus, April 9, 1c55. wfctwtf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE Subscriber has received his stock ot SPRING AND SUMMER DKY GOODS —a large and general assortment —comprising all good and desirable styles, which the public are invited to examine. The goods were bought to sell — are for sale—and will sell to all in want—lT examined— as they will be offered lot lower prices for CASH than the same style* and value were ever offered in this city. SplO—whtvhn C. MVGATT. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. ** A Shares Muscogee Railroad Stock forale by OU HARRISON, AUSTIN & -VcGRIJEE. fobS.. wdtwtf. ■’ publhTnotice. New Grand Dnchy of Baden Lottery Loan. CAPITAL 14,000.000 FLORINS. THIS LOAN is guaranteed by the Government, and drawn in different prizes as follows: 14 50,000 Fls. | 54 of 40,000 Fl. 12 of 35,000 Fls, 23 of 15,000 Fls. 2ot 12,000 FI-. 5o“ 10,000 •* 40 “ 5.000 - 2 “ 4,900 “ 58 “ 4,000 * 366 “ 2,000 “ 1944 “ 1,000 “ The lowest prize being 42 Fl*. 12 Fls. are equal to 5 Dollars. The next drawing takes place at t'arlgmhe, under the rifrec tion of the Baden Gosemment on the 31st May, 1855, when every drewn number must obtain one of the above men tioned Prizes, whicn will be paid in Cash, at the offices of the undersigned. Those fortunate Shareholders not residing on the spot, will have their smount of Prizes trained paid to them snrough an established Bank. The Lists of ihe result will be sent to each shareholder, and the successful numbers published in the Newspapers. The price of one Ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given by taking * number of Tickets, viz:— 11 Tickets cost on!v S2O j 50 Tickets cost only SBO 23 “ “40 | 100 “ “ 159 The Price of Tickets can be sent in Bank Notes or Drafts, payable in any of the commercial towns of GennaDy, Holland, France. England, Scotland or Ireland. For Tickets and Pro-pact uses apply to the undersigned Bank ing house, which isappointed for the sale of Tickets: MORIZ STIEBF.L SONS, Banker*. j FRAN KFORT-ON-THt-M AIN E, Germany# N. 8... Letters to be directed “per Steamer, via Liverpool,” j to Moriz Stiebel Bons, Bankers, in Fraufcfort-on-the-Matne. Remittances which arrive a.ter the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in th3 next Drawing, at the option of the sender. The Prospectus of this Distribution can be inspected at the Office of this paper. ap2.L.semi-wtii3i3traay. SUN DRIED APPLES FORTY BUSHELS pealed, nice and sweet, just re ceived on consignment anti tor sale by April 21st., 1355—w&twtf. H. C. I'HELPS. HIDES WANTED. I will pay cash tor 10,000 lbs Flint Hides. Apnl 21=t.—w&twtf H. C. PHEI n S. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, i Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. ! A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENT'OF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! BEING desirous of changing my ’ •• -f 7i business, I now o3cr my expensive /ys/, W. School, LiW| Mrili* Tlieologlcul ami MBiMEcdlantQuii Books, aiirt T~i ,r kM h> ■ Stationery t COST FOR. CASH- I have a large Stock of School Hooks, and it will be greatly to the advantage of Teaebecs and those in charge of School*, ;to call immed ately and supply themselves, if you cannot j come, send jour orders w ith the money, and I will ’ send them ; to you. io any one w ishing to go into the buMress, I would sty, that • I will sell them my entire stock upon ihe most favorable terms —both a* tv prices and payments, ‘--all and see. JORDAN L. HOWELI.. j N. B. —I would most respectfully -ay,to ail who ere indebt ed to me, that 1 mvet have the money. {Please let met hear irom you without further notice. J. L. 11. I Cnlumho* G*.. April 14. 1855. wtwtf IXKZ. A Ta'e *>f the Alamo, is anew and j|Lpopular work. bv tLe Harp#r J stml for sale by Also, a New Supply of South Side View of Slavery, by N. Adams. D. D.; Ruth Hall; Cap. Canot;Xif< and Beauties of Fanny Fern, fce.kc. Columbus, Feb. 2- _ wkdw’f,