The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 23, 1855, Image 1

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the times & Sentinel, TRI-WEEKLY. VOLUME HI) T IE & 3.O3WELL ELLIS, ,~ZZZ <: iiiv TINES A SENTINEL £ • ‘•••’* v , y.• ijygxVA y and FRIDA T JUGHJY ’ 7}’ ‘tl/hIXI.TG. ■i * a riNES * SENTINEL. ■ * * ed ttVeJ7 TJESD.i Y MOR.YI.YG. j.xicu on- Baadoink £reet ’ °PP osite ** Po * t Office. I’EtIMS; ( . ,. ;vK ooti-ARs per annum, in advance. ,<J ‘ ‘•* ‘ per annum, in advance. ’ r v-i-riVaeuta oonqiicnousiy inserted at On* DoLLab F 'r’p -(. r he first inseslion, and fifty ccxTsfor every sub ’ unlit insertion. * jjrd doductiouwill be made for yearly advertisements. ‘-ionof Land and Vet'roe?, by Administrators, Executors, or ; •I'in-'tf.tro required by law 10 be held on the first Tuesday Ye t ninth. between the hours of ten in the forenoon and ’ * Y."\jr, rnomi,al the Court House in thecounty in which ronertv ’ ituate. Notices of these sales must be given in , ’ ~v- .ue- ’. rr ;/ days previous to the day of sale. YYI- ‘or tuY-aie 01 Personal Property must be given at - ore it tons to the day of saie. j , i> iu rs ;.nd Creditors aian Estate must be pnbash -v- application will be made to the Court of Ordinary j ail Candor Negroes, must be published weekly for . Y Letters of Administration must be published j ’■'rni llri-t or Dismission from Administration. monthly six ■_? (or- Dismission from Guardianship furry days. r *'ore'-!o a ure of Mortgage must be published monthly ,tr months -for estabii shins lost papers, for the full space at,rt/is— for compelling titles from Executors or Aomin- , ~r , :..rQ a ,oml has been given by the deceased, the full j •.iY-ation will always be continued according re hese.ihe j eg.|requirements,imiessotherwise ordered. j — ■—— BUSES ESS CARDS. ?RINTOI<3 AND BOOS BINDING. tj iVTMG connected with our Printing Office, a fid] il tnd complete assortment of Bbok Binders tools and and also aided to our Prit ting materials, we are now pared to execute, in good style and with despatch,every ; 01 worn in either branch of the business, on the best term -. ifly ic WO RK, of ever* description, with or with* ;,it .irmting, made to order, in the neatest manner. y * ?tHOI'NE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts, ’ oio, Biils of Lading, &c., &c., executed neatly and , - iTUitiv, uni bound in any desired style. 4YLU>\> AN L> STEA.SttiJ IT BLANKS, iU kinds got up.with accuracy and dispatch, till il'-ids, turds. Circulars. Hand Bills. Posters, I’ Jgnunmes. &c., &c. f printed in the ahor* est notice and in the best stvie. r gnrine and Pamphlets put up In every 3tyie o binding. 3oorco iiil kinds rebound strong!v and neativ. LOMAX & ELLIS. C !iimbus. April 15,1854. ] DeTt STEW AST, f HAVING returned to Ctlumbus would reenertfullv an nounce that he uas resumed his practice 01 Medicine ■ ciimhu?. La.. Dee.T. 1854. ROBERT N HOWARD. ATTOiINSY AT LAW. | COLUMBUS, GEOHGI*, *7” (3c jin the St. Mary 3 dank Building, up Stairs. ~^7 aiytli. 1854—iwdw ly. ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CO LU 313 US, GEORGIA Office over S. Barnard's & Co.’s Store AfPl s—wtwly a lisHAMILTON. WM. P, PLANE HAMILTON & PLANE, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Geo. 1 “cticu in the Courts of the adjoining counties .nd Alabama. dec5 —w&twtf. 03NXOX & PHILIPS. UTORNIT S AT LAW. VV L Pnictieein the different courts of Russell county, ■kiasama. ADDRESS tl ‘ r DENTON, JOHN M. PHILIPS, . f >m jus, Ga. Craioford, Ala Y. w&twly. t Y~ , ‘•'’•‘■lii.siULL. Jno. V.. Montqomsry, Job. ?.Hutuand :iU >. W MARSHALL & CO. mCRIVING AND FORWARDING U ERCHANTS. ‘ 3 Commerce and D2 Froni istrfets. M , , v MOBILE, ALA. a*. . ‘ to their care for the interior, will be re- j an, ~ r ., r ward*Hi with all possible despatch, and .tree-oi ~ivY’ and stotuge. - : YME3 B. CUNNINGHAM, • Air, engineer and soveyob. . a COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. V ‘ B.VL Desiens and Working Plans for Build* •*nu £ : * dniww’s work calculated: Surveys ol i i,i ‘f’ tnuiicsl plana furnished with accuracy, 1 n‘ii, ‘ *ii Vt ” r ’ ‘!• Holt’s Law Office. w&twrf. iibES! SHOES!f SHOESJH Now k Your Time. av •mir.. , ,' Ulßnniued ?0 change my busin***?. T offer ifeL ‘>T vYYY” A Uo( ' l( - il,,d Shoes at NEW YORK ■ 1 :u ,A’ , 1 ) ,Jlv e just received a lull supply <i ia . . l)K i j.,.’ ‘ummar suitable for Ladies” and ■ ■■■ ■„')'! r^- - rtment of everything in my v -4 live i„ m “'7 YY,' li lt in my line will give me a call i>rp. >:• ~ ,>.ll Tpf.j'jjffr„. r „ a!r,s Rian ihey hav ever had be •“ n -*> our';e’ ■'* ; d ever have again. Como soon ” ULU '* il. K.iLtfliß. V. it.—:-v No. 3.*, Bro.Nd sireet. ‘• p nsxksfo in i u -i n * ujhi auk “ “ o me on lasi * account. • x * n m,ntittte payment, as i want ue ._lkill.;’ “’-''.u. ‘jfji ia G. S. G, UV.JY,*ale. 3* ,-v ihe oniser;a,.’' r> ’ p _ ,]•“ 7 at preaeni occupied by -iven immediately. r car A , r b " ;R yjma. ODA7JHG TEH MS, *'!"nv •,-, F? a p- ° ie For particulars \Kf 177 —: rvtixn. s.2SmSIS. , ‘^i2Si e HS y negroes for „n -,w w-t ••-. i, • - Ul; > cooKn, watner* ana ron &PSX H * l “*y offer :or o**l or u ?t it McGfcHfclE. ~ ■— “ “ a{ * 8 * ilr&aci at., Columbus, Ga. Jusr Potatoes. u 5 ‘■7’- iier.> ?i r, n*'saiiei. barrel*, niuia *£* ‘ 3. C. VH..USH* TH E UN 10 N 0 F THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” RICHARD HOOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT. CfiATTAJN'OGHA, tenn. ‘'pßnnnri proinptly to the of COUNTRY May 13—twly orauy olher business entrusted to his care. YTno. antrobus, PORTRAIT FAINTER. Studio over J. H. Merry’s Clotinug- Store. Columbus,Ga., Nov. 15—twtf ~IN SOMERVILLE, M A Pleasant Residence for Rent. Possess ion given immediately. Appiv to cec 30twtf. D. b. WILLCGX, Ag-'t. TO HUNT. THE Store jn Broad Street, No 34, aext door oelow Mr ijugeris Shoe Store. Apply to dec-36-twtf T G HOLT, Special Notice. ALL nersc ns having claims aeainst Rock fslana Factory are requested .0 hand them to the Agent without delay ’ and notice is hereby given, that from this date no Sumfigafnst the company willbe allowed which have been th rom the Again. D. F wfSSx^dt twt ! ANOTHER LOT OF “THEM'’ FOE GOLD PENS! I ALSO SILVERWARE, AS FOLLOWS: Tea Setts, Pitchers, Goblet.*, Cream Jtfuer?, Cups, rum biers. Forks, Hpoon?, Cake, Fruit. Ciumb. Jelly, Pm and “Utter Raises. Sugar Spoons, Salt Stands. Pickle Knives and Forks. Card Cases. Port Monnies made of Silver, as good as yilver coin, for sale at reasonable prices lor cash. A. L S O Gold wl Silver Watches, Diamond Sings. Diamond ?ins * ft* ALSO. Jewelry of every description. Spectacles with light Fteel rames.i ated A are, stc., ior saielor cash or approved credit A. 11. DeWITiL “ WATCH REPAIRING ! colnmbus, October 18. ;wt*, 100,000 POUNDS RAGS WANTED. YTyE will pay -l% cents per pound Prone hundred ihousand >■ . P P^? ds 0161111 Li - AND COTTON RAGS, in quanti ties ol iUß.pouuds and over. „ . . JEFFERSON 4c HAMILTON, i Columbus, Ga. Feb. 25. 1855. - LLUOZ&. LUM3EE. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish Oak Jiickory,! oouui. nuc uuirinTi n</iirularflJiVrat ■ market prices,delivered on Railroad or in Columbus. Per sons wishing lumber, wiil leave their bills at the Auction j Room oi Harnson, Austin & MeGehee, where they will be promptly attend to. dec 23—twtf. WHITT ELS EY* & BRO. DR. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE ‘.OVEB FDLLFORD’S OS BROAD STREET. cox.t73isvs. snsnsiA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twiy. Br3. BROOKS & CAR EIGER. /i HAVlNGassociated themselves together in tue various branches 01 ‘heir profession, they wiil be enabled there- LM by to give more general satisfaction to ail who may favor GSk them with thew confidence. Dr. Oarriger is fully preparedand willgive special attention to all cases ot BURGEH Y entrusted to his care. OF* Office n Winter’s Bank Building. Columbus. J an. i 4—twtf H. S. SAEONI, PSOFESSOE OF MUSIC. jao.2o—nr If COLC'IBCS, GEORGIA. J. A. FOX-, attorney at law, WILL practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office in St. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. references: T LOMAX. ESQ., XANLET & HOrBES, DR =• A STAFFORD. R PATTXN. Columbus, Oct 7—twiy WM, PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. VL'ILL practice in this and adjoining counties, paiticu lar attention paid to the securing and collection ot j debts. Office with Col. A. MeDougald. deei.4—t\v4m. troy factory ware rooms. COLUMBUS, GA.., JAN. Ist. 1854. FROM and after this date no goods will be sold at the above establishment except for CASH l janll—twtf. WALTON K. HARRIS. NOTICE. CONTEMPLATING a change in our business, ail peisonsin de>tedto ua are hereby notified hat an early settlement ic oositiveiv required. dec3o-iwtf. J. 4J. KYLE. rope” five hundred coils fancy KENTUCKY BALE ROPE, Justreceivedaud for sale at the Alabama W axphousc bv J. L RIDGWAY. Columbus, Ga., May 4—twit MARBLE WORKS, £ astride Broad St. near the market House COLUMBUS, GA. j HAVE constantly on hand ail kinds of Grave Stones Monuments > Tombs and Tablets, of .Americas Italian and Ikisii Makslje. Engravangandoarvu g done on -donemthe best posable manner; and ailkindeo TGran ite Woraattheshortest aouce.^ r M Ab[ . EN ; P_g. Plasterof Paris and Cement, at wavs oah ma tor a ' 3 _ (Talrnnhae. Jan l.lftti 1854. ’ mSSGLUTIOBJ, THE drm of HALL & UfSFS ’was dissolved on the Irst af January. by the death oi i. 1. Moses. HEKVEY HALL. Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have entered s nto :ha_ n U& r JfESS* under the dim a? and name >t AALL, HF.RVEY tt*LL, ! * CU * IS A A-■ I. MOSKs*. JACOB P. HBMRICKB, VVLLiAAM A. USA* H. February 13. 1553. Southern Mutual Life Insurance. THE >'avorabia terms on which one may secure to his widow acd orphan children a oomtortaoJa support, [mate .•ho st* •.entiott of St who are not rich* nougfi to pnmoe tor .flf. -m* ,ly without heirowu personal exert-ons. . For farther Inftwnatttenapjry u> aow w COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 23, 1855. MAHINTI AJJTD FERE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS ITTILL receive Deposits—and Checks for sale on New York ” * vi aeon and Sagjmnah, April24—twtf RICH.YSD PATT N. j More New Bacon. •T T 2L rREO ? ,VB ®.°N CONSIGNMENT, awl for sale. Fifty i ” 1 lousaisU Pounds Georgia Cured, drv.and in One order. marl3-ifrif, * H. C. PHELPS. Sait Pork. £> ECFIVED, on Consignment, AO.dOiJ lbs. Pork aow in Salt L and reaiiy for curing. tHD-2 *—iwii B. a. PHMT-FS. EAGLE MANTTACTTrR,rNG CO. COLUMBUS, GA. THE factory, now being in full operation, is able to supply .on their usual terms) promptly as ordered, the various styles ot their Manuiacutures, which eousista of I the loilowins variety: YARNS, OSNASURGS, 4-4 SHEETINGS f SIIIRT INf., Cotton Stripes* ot great variety 01 Pattern- CDTTON ADtS,emhracmgmany : iew.-ttvies; Negro Kerseys & pine Knot Plain*: Planters Casimsrsa. Track for Trcwsera, i Sewing reread. Shop Twine, llattressns, .. Batting ,dtc. To Cash purchasers iuuucements will be offered. dec-28— twtf. J. R. BROWNE, Ag t. HENEY C. PHELPS, , COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, : SO. rn, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS GA. ; TENDERS his services to the paolic lor the purcha a e j~4-jpland sale oi Merchanaise and Produce, and aa a Geu^ Agent. He has on hand Bacon, 1 art!. Pickled Pork and Beef. Dried Beef, Pork Tongues, Sug tr, Coffee. Sait, Flour, Mo iasses. V-negcr. Pepper, Spice, Ginger,Candles, Soap, Starcli, Tobacco, LAried Peacbes, and appies. Beans. Cranberries, Cheese. Butter, App es and Oranges. Ate.. Sir.. And is constantly receiving Western Protloee and Fro-visiona. and he .eauing articlesof Groceries. Aii of whicn he will SELL LOW FOR CASHjOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Columbus. Ga.. February il?. iB?S. twtf. NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. THE subscriber is Agent of W. H. Gu on, New Carpet Store j Savannah. Ga., who has alwayson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloriis. Hearth. Rugs, Brugge ts, Table and Piano Covers, Window Snades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stufs, Stair Hods. &c. Samples and pricesof all qurlities of Carpeting and OilCloih may be seen at my store, 82 Broad street,. Goiumous, Ga., and any of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpets cut to rooms tree of charge, anil made, if desired, for a small compensation, by an experienced hand in Savannah. [ will be regtiiarlysuppiied with aew patterns or the coming season. P, A. CLAYTON, Columbus, May 3—twtf OPENING MY FOR THE THE sub?cnber respectfully announces to ;iis patrons and the public, that he will re-open his store on the 20th OF SEPTEMBER. with his fresh importations ana manufactures or the pres ent season, emtiracing the hnest assortment 01 CLOTHS. CASSIMEBES, and all articles appertaimns to Hentlemen’s wearing ap parel ever offered to the public. They havebetapersonai iv selected from che most distinguished Empoiiums in the country, and are warranted to be of a very superior quality. Call and see them. J. SMEETON. Columbus, Sept 13—twtf Enquirer copy j GREAT. EXCITEMENT!! To tHe Public. DO you know hat’’ Fverybodv destring to Purchase iiie-hke and Enduring likenesses of their Wives, Husbands, Childten, Brothers, Sisters and Fr onds, are making a Grand rush, to by far the best. And only place :n Columbus, where Likenesses, which seem to breathe ana Live, can be got up, at short notice, in Endless variety of style, and possessing that Richness of finish, which has never Yet been equalled or approached, at any Other establishment in the State of Georgia. Forget it not, and whenever you want a Oem oi a Picture,call at CL !. DEPEWS Exceisior Gallery—Woodbridge's oid stand. -Many thousands of Pictures, in Columbus, Speak <or themselves, and testify to the aoove, March 31, 1855. twtf. j RIDDLSS Fashionable Daguerreaa Gallery, TUB Proprietor has the largest, neatest, and mnsi frshiona- P y arranged €rAIl.®JkY lor’.he Art n the state. He uses ihebest material, and allows notbing out first class Pictures o leave his Rooms. 80 forget not, ye lovers of :ae Fine Arts, wnen ye sad 7 locra to obtain thosir impenshableigem?, to call on iUDDLIE. He will give vou a Handsome Ptctureand a Good tjpe. As for 41k inv children, fam iy groups, dtcriseopes. out door view.*. &c.. hedede? any-Artist hi ihe country 10 surpnss him. Roomsou Broad Street, over C. ury Goods Store folnmbus. -a. marJl -JsT -MEH m I AM in receipt of 3 large supply of that most nuiispensa ble luxurvin asoutbiro dirnaie. ICE. will furnish t j as cheap as dn at the Ice House. Send in your orders and keep cooi. Y. -4. iiOG AN. i‘s Lontm* Ga April 5. I 3. D. METCALF. ZIZZZ—Z 3. D. METCALF, A CO, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS 34 POYDSAS STREET, NEW ObiLEANS. RsfsrTO —W..H. Young, Efeq,, Columbus, Georgia. “ Col. Joha Bank?, “ H. H. Epping, Esq , “ “ “ J. L. Morton, £^c., “ Patrick Adams, Esq, December2o. ? w-6m. FOUND. V PROMISSORY NOTE, made by Dill & Long to Joimson, liiornton. which the owner can nave uy tailing- at thus office. VPB-tWtf. ] MIDWIFERY. IfKUtJC x-vurar Ota, _\L cos uj the people 01 Cotumbui ana yiciuPy. She has had thirty years experience'in the business and laiters htrseit . that oy strict mention she —ill merit the public .patronage. 31 ma. oe amnd, when not profr'sionaily sauaged. t, her residence on JacA-en street, just below the Methodist Mission Church. ‘ -I maria—twtf. FLCXJR ‘ FLOUH ; JUST receded on consagnmens and for saTot- -Suwenvye Five Barrel*! A/Sa I* Porc aae and trr mzriT— w-vivui; 2. ~?tiCi.?3. GREENWOOD & GRIMES. WAREHOUSE AID COMMISSION MERCHANTS. | COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, j TTTILL give rheir particular attention to the storage.and y ▼ sale of cotton, and other produce, which inay tie con signed to them. They are prepared to make liberal ad vances on cotton in store. Prompt attentioi. will be given to the RECEIVING and FORWARDING BUSINESS. E. S. GREENWOOD. STtgthlNG F. GRIMES? Columbus, Sept. 5,1854 —w&twly WELLS & VERSTILLeT FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. | Sa VANS AH, Ga„ GT Prompt attention paid to i'orNarding ilerciiamllze to j the imerior. Jnnf*o—!wAw!y. A. K. AYSH. F. G. WELKINS, AVER & WILKINS, AUCTION, COMMISSION, Receiving’ and Forwarding Merchants, No. lit Broad Street,j.Coinmims, Ga. Columbia -Ga., Sept 26 w wif J. C. RUSE, J. H. DAVIS, W. H. LONG. RtTSS, DAVIS & LONG,"” CO MISSION MERCHAN TS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WILL mircbaae and sell couon and other produce on oora niseion, and strictly attend ,o ;ar warding goo da anu rilling or* | uers irnm the country., Patten & Co..agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vance? wiil e madeon consignmentseitherio or nrouga as to our friends In Liverpool or the Sonh. * j July-9,. 1853—w&twtt’ LOCKETT & SPELLINGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the selling oi COTTON and ail kinds o PRODUCE. Strict attention given to Receiving and For carding Goods. E. LOCKETT, „ H. D. SPELLINGS. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 1, 1854 tw&wlv HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., SAVANNAS, GA. AND FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RENEW an offer of tbir service? to Planter?, Merchants and Dealers iu ibevaieof Couon and all other country produce strict amentum will be given to business. and liberal cash ad vances and facilities afforded customers when required. JWO. R. HUDSON, ) a , ’ / savannah. W. H. FLEMING, S L. HOPKINS, Augusta. John J. cghen, Charleston. Aug. 4—• COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having this day iormed a Copartnership un der the name and style of HARRISON, AUSTIN k 3TGEHEE, for the purpose of transacting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION RECEIVING AND FORWARDING, AM), SEGRO business, at the old stand of G . S . HARRISON ~ pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention *o all business committed to meir care. They will give their personal the sale of Real and Personal Property, jierchandize and Produce. Having ample facilities at their command, hey are prepared to snake liberal cash advances on Negroes ana Mercnundize of every description. The patronage of their friends and he public generally is solicited. C. 3. HARRISSON, WILLLN.M AUSTIN, A. C. NIeGEHEE. Columbus. Gq.. Sept. L 1854. Septifi-twcL-vtf NOTICE. OUR friends anu patrons arc- hereby notified hat dream _ stances make it absolutely necessary that we should Lave i lien on every horse boarded at our -table by the month or year. We, there lore, hereby give notice, that our right;of ten ?hall enter into and become a par- of every contract or ‘be keep or board 01 horse? at our stables, and nat in ail cases we reserve the right to a:orce said lien, >;if necessary, api ts. H IT-'HER Ac MTTA NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to A. C. F’ewellen fe Cos, -v ; l3please niakei mmediate payment. Their accounts may he -uua ntihe Bool; Store of J. L. HOVV r JL.u. Columbus. Dec 111—twiivif COPARTNERSHIP, undesigned having entered in a general GSOCESY BVSISSSS, ■ at the old stand oi ?. McLaren Jt Cos., wills keep constantly r, hand afuil supply ol AH kinds of Groceries. for wnolesala and retail. We solicit: he patronage oi our friends snd- he public gen* eraily. P. at DUCK. ?STSE >lf La A HU. LUVI 3. DUCS. Columbus. I'-ci 7th. A'* n er 1-i—fwfcwtf THS “FINEST LOT OF BACON H AMS Ever oHeredm his mant-et, .or sale by A, >L ALLEN, LIT Broad ‘■dreet. Columbus, pept 27—tw&wtf Com Meal JUST received. on Consignment, st? UusheK Ire--? armtstf f eb. nary —H.. PH ELF” 5 . BAGGING AND BALE ROPE: 4 A A Bales India Bagging. lU*j bdO Coils Ro'j.3. For sale hv GREENWOOD A GRIMES. Columbus, Sept 13 1834—pv.t .vi ANDREWS. ill DG WAY & CO. DSALZaS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, SC., &C ?oun Doges Bffiatv Hill & Daw-cits <*ia Cokshs, BftOAD STREET, COL CLUB 5.3* i, Coiunuius, Gc; 15,1853, —tw&wtf Change of Sciiotlule | MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD! Cn and after February 2Qtii, PASSENGER Trains will leave Columbus daily at2-ISP. 31.. arrive at Macon P. M. Leave Maeon daily. at 3 A. M. arrive at Columbus S-20 A. M. ♦taking a completeco nection between Monttnumry, via.. amt I Auensta. Kingsville. Wilmington; wto with central Bail Road |tn Savannah, and Milledgeville a and with the JVlacan and Western Trains to ulan>a. Chattanooga and Nashville. Also, nonnesting at Columbus with the Girard at .Uooila • Railroad, for Kuiauia. 8. E. VYETSL3, Columbus..? sb. h©—tw&wtf Engineer andSup’L CDAYGE OF SCHEDULE* _K OBILk AND GIP.ABD 2AII SCAD. 4-ri ~W--~T|UWH A FTSR Monday, fiih Vlarch. the Pu?-encer and Freittitt - c Tram wiil leave Girard at 3P. M. daily, Sundays nrcep- J ted’ connecting At Silver Rim with a daily line of tagea to G lemiville, Eufaula, SRirt Gaine?, and Marianna. F!a. \nd on Tuesdays, and Friuays, with the >*agt-s Tor Cchee.. Olivet, Enon, Chunenmufgee. Midway and Union Snrins?. Leaving Silver Hun at 6 Ml. A. M , dally, Mondays excepted) the rs wi.l reach Giraru ultimo to coune:? with theOp.-lika ano 31uscogee Trains, j Bound tri p rickets good for two days ran be purchased at the office t Silver Run. at -ban the regular rate. R. A. HARDAWAY. marlO-w&twtf. Engineer.* SCH3DUL2 OPSLIKA. BRANCH Montgomery & West Point Rail Road. PASSENGER TRAIN every day: Leaves Girard at 9J;. A ff, Arri res at Opei ikaAt II A. M. ].eaves < pelikul !i A’ A. M. Arrives at Girard at I2H PM. FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Girard .Monday, Wednesday, and! I Friday ui 3P. M. Leaves <'>pellka Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at S A. M. Gooes must be in the depot before ti p. nr. on- the day iho freight tr tin leaves —be plainly marked with the owners name, and station at which they are to be delivered. Shipper’s dray j tickets must acct-mpany earn ioati, and the freight paid In ad i vance to ail poii ta except Montgomer?. maiß.. wdbtwif. and. G. 4GN E3, Eng r r. & Sup. SEWING MCIJIEES.” GEOVES, BAKER & CO’S. PATENT. THE simplest and best in use.and the only Machine adapted o general use. Can -iicn a shirt bosoin, > r sew fifteen : thicknesses of csnaburgs wiih equal ease. < an be managed !-y a ueoro; is not naiiie to gel mu of order,and the sewing will outlast the material. Can be run hv hand, foot or water pow ; er. Every one*hou ! d-have them. They wiil do the work of a day in un hour, with ease. Call and see them. COW DRY 6l CO., Agents. j apL4—uwtf ueorgia. j ~MTHOJ:Gi IJSCRANCE COlPiiit OF LONDON. UNIT ED STATES BRANCH OFFICE. j* AUT3OHIZELD CAPITAL $lO 000.000. CAPITAL $1234 31:0, take any and all fair risks against loss or damage by wr Fire at a reasouab'e rate. , Losses adjusted and promptly paui without reference to London. Rtfereaces In. PUiladelphla. Atwood it Cos., John Grigg, Powers at Weightman, Myers,Cleghorn &Cos John Farnum. Geo. it. Stewart. Wm, McKee At <o . White, Stevens 6c. Cos. ■ trustess. Geo. 11. Stewart, John T. V\ hue, T. Rauihford Starr. Applications for risks any oe auuie to JOHN MCNBF, Agent. Columbus Ga., April 28, 855. iwdm HEAR BOTH SITES. AH die World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BE, AJJ TIE S OF FANNY FBHWy m ONE VOLUME. 12m0.. CLOTIT. Wlxo is RnA Hall? Js Kntli Hall Fanny Fern, or snmtfiody else? and. If Fanny je'ern ts not ltuui Hall wba is Fauay Feral the life m mrnmrn mw feb.t: Ta-now before the public, aad ibe world will be enlightened. And this book a strange tal- ui.-loids. The present *York in aat.hentic In all Its Those who have rend the ad--' copy, pronounce it the wittiest, spiciest ook of lie season. it presents vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril liant Aaibor fF*rn Leaves audßntlt Hall, -it her own the Editor’s sanctum. in the street, at Church, and everywhere, and iu every position jhe is The same fascinating woman. ;u ;b i volume, several >f Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts appear sordid tir-t time in book form. The -eader will find that they possess *he same attractive eaturov wnich diaroct<-r:3e ail le? productions. Thev are alternately witty and pathetie, causticand stM> r htDg, spAr&iißg and pensive. No other author has succeed.-iso well la touching ofisul chords of the heart. •lust received and fer sale by ffebio—WfrLtwtf. W. P?ABE. .SPECIAL NOTICE* IN order that dur customers may understand ‘tie terms on which we yade, wo have thought it advisohlt) to publish them. They are-as follows: Fur ail purchases on time, payments will, he required twice a year; say Im May and Ist J.-auar”. On ait amounts unpaid at dte imes speciaed, we -naif claim and expect imer-'-’ until paid. L. BARNARD, CO. Columbus, Jan. Ist. ’55. pin 11—wAtwtL House and Lot for Sale, the upper part of the city, with five rooms aod all u*- ces*ary outbuildings with the best weii of walur in the city, -to said bv judges. Enquire of 3A.MMI3 Sl ROONEY. Columbus, Sept 30—tweewtr SELPHLii AND MEDICATED \Tapor Bat LT BSOUfiji & CHAPI iys DRK^TORE. THESE BA : 118 will relieve and permanently cure all disea -es arising trout an impure state of fit, biiod. Their etfievey have oeea uiily and sucesstally tested in Chron ic D>eu?e Ukuihe following j wtt: -S.i : hftttn. Gout, U.lic--i:Jfc4ii?m. *ainfhl and DL-caw ‘ Eyes, s i'rs T r-.iai. I):rii64n w. Lie Liver. Dy.-pep?ia, Uo-tivenesg, K; x Worms, r’impled Face. &rv~ pelk~. Paisv, Neuralgia, Ticu*St-resrx* N-rvoue irritability: b-tinate Giarainiar A3eo* Dropsja Oe,-tineas. Asthma, Catarrh, vaiicer, orrsump • ton. ?Yd.; itesg , x ?tiimoiiary •• Leprosy, Gravel, aud all Caituie oua O - -e>. m:>yt—wtf DHI3D APPLi- S I DUTY BUSHELS pealed, nice and sweet, just re Jt* eexved on and “or =uie bv Apni 21a., 183a—wdr .w’i. H. C. PHELPS. HIDSS WANTED. Iwii! pay cast lor lOGOO lbs Flint Hides. _ Auru 21.-*.—>v-jpt s .vtt H. C. PliCil f~ ’ EBRGIA, St-an an Coanty*— Whereas. Joseph Os s*es*t<ua api<ile|h.k*r letters ot luminiatraitian ontheeautte I at Lien Hudson. ist€ of =uid pauy. dew-ased. Tiese are, cite au-i uunKMiiah :fto kin red and I creditors <t said deesatrd io show caiue, within :ho urn*- pre | -cjribetl. by iaw, ira\ said uticrec: ad:i>iu:*irsiloa idoiLd ac; • ae grsmea. I Given uitilar my hand n Jifiye. April 57. loih. April 24—wi* EL. : V GraiaaiT # * [NUMBER 61