The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 30, 1855, Image 1

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-’ .. 1 “ TRI-WEEKIi ?T ■■ OLOIE mj __ 7 Si Iji£ j_ fc SENT DtEL . .; ::s~xi iohat * zdswell eiiis, i 7 r> • t':/ n 4 -** \ and into pttieto **. •r ‘l. V it-. -W V. ¥iKM T l SBS 4t ■* E !f Ts 71 H.L •’ •’ 1 :tW<BH,S I*’ Z£>.:VE.i£i.i rand IfafDJl TMORJT- Bx-t rf *T r ~& n?r if v~tucvjfii. wv*j.*a£iTC TiauE.* *. ?ks rissi* p Msvfcad uvery -if F JT'> - re, 1 i ‘ bruetv apposite th# ?wt <HBe. TFRuH> : re?K.F, FV.Prv-4 per annum. in advance* * M > DnfaA2- advance. - *risom(Vis<!<.a!|)-ciunly insert*)ft at <)*i Dor.!.** v - .iirtliM .nae? .on, uni ntrrr cj*tß for every tub aufiisent. Li ■: ~ i'r.uun. -rrwilibe nade for yearly adverisements. ‘id -.ii! up re. >y ‘dminisl rater*. KLCHcutorv,irr : u ->i -ij vu> •> bold >n Fie Aker Tuesday • n 1 n*. ; .1, ■■■>•’ * ***•) *h* hours if ten 11 the-fnmswoii anil —• t I ;if?ara*>n, at the Court Flou.-e m hecoontyin which ‘Wri *u Notices •’ uieso un'es must be given in and. :! !•'< r • ,ri 7 /■■ previous o ihq duf *• *le. .<>rt.iw ude of Femoral Property must be given it fits** u- 4 ■•.o'.rfmm to rtm- day of*nie • u> t •'unites inti fe’r*jtl9>rQfan Estate must be publish ed f.rrplt hi >**, -•.)>!• §■ Tnni't::; on- will be mndi*!o rho Court of Ordinary u:.. _.4uu mb uiuat o puuiiaiied weekly for m; a* >r fiettar* of A<imiuist ration must be published • ~/.■/ft>1* Diriiniaaun tfftm Administration, monthly six ] —for C mission from Guardianship f>rty <iayir., : . nr, ; •ntr.* -f mußt be published i tvnrhiy • .nr nm&&— ■. -‘f estniiiishlnir lost piipers. . for this ptil jparm <>•••>. •• r ‘npoilintr titi** from Eweutors nr A<lmin . v tero a vmu taa been .‘jiren by the deeeaaiHi. he full t Tar.c rrnatthtim. ).i(-"nons ▼ill odwn*'sße <tontinimd arrnnilny these, be u • ! -'tuirnjenr*,nniss nherorise ordered. BFSESKSS CARDS. r? srrSs’ asb book bisdesg. 7 T iVu'i Ir <:onneatetf with ;r Printing; Office, a itiii -i -tnd uomplo’e atstoftiucnt of Busjk. Binaer'a tools and i:hj x ■*>’ xiid-’d ) our 2te tmgmateriaie. we are now it;'.in *>oi and wtrii iespateii,every \ :i a .1 uitiutr aratiea ai tile business, on :ne oeat ISR \SHK W* *8 Tv. of tisery descrntifan. with or with irionn'r, marff* in te neatest manner. hi iiA* 45J r.i>-i-VTINfi ? Lteeeipfs, Drafts, if Fntr, &.• • executed neatly and ; uuj in ana desired stvie. U>JI7D sTE ADISN>AT BLISK9 t inti;: .ref uOi'Vith accuracy and dispatch. Head-. Ca.-is. Ci cuiars. Hand Biiie, ■ r*. F ••>'iK!*ai nes. &.C., dtc., printed in the shor test 0t tide and in die Best style. •’ tspvz..i: an i nut up in every style a bindings _ i.y. i a.i v.iitid ebrund nronirlv and neatly. u?.VLAX A, ELLIS. * <ir aimiios.. Ann! 15,.1854. ~~Z 2*. r STTWAST. ii.'f". :refi unhus v told oepectiailyan ■~ij it>)uu.m itiui in ■■T9 resnniel ns pniciice of Xediciae ami ursferyC; T%m*f BO BEET BT HOWABD, A r T(> WS BY AT JL AW r ; COLUMBUS. GEORGIA IV” nicy at uic -f. ilar'* Hank 3inlding. ip Atair*. . :;•? -i2, 1854—fwdtwij. j ROBERT E. DfXONE LTCO 3N LY AT LAW, | COLCXBUS./IzOKGLI tbilice ever L. Barnard’s A Co/s Store —wiwly ■ “■> n UELLT'D'L W\t. F. PLAJfE ‘ HMlim & PLANE, At p o r n : y 5 at Lit. CoLtBt.BUB r Geo. pr :t’ in tiifi C-iurti- o; lie oounnes i. <iecs—wAtwtt. Z i 'ES~ZBBS & PHILIPS. > : 1 V E V S AT LAW. •-.•riee n tiie dii!en>nf courts of SLaaeeil county, ‘ ‘ iuuu ADDRESS n. u . .7VTO.V, JOTI-V Tt. PHILIF4, us, t'-U Criiwf’>ri, Am ** wliwlc r.)*ES D. CC-tNTN'GELt-Vf. ■ tv : % k.ESt \MI SITB VETUB. COLLM6FS. EGO&GIA i ‘ - 7; “T iIL D>s:?n* and Working ?'an*_ ‘or 3mld .\ •• .. irrs.7 uxiiear’s work aUealMed; Murreys oi .. . .uni T .omr-ipicui pious furtushed with acfiracy. ... -ness* m*l despatch. yy— ( j; .. ,t. tloifi Law Oißre. 7i>P E.TVERSHIP. • ‘•TV 7 •:• v MU ?pf T**in :: --J ’ C--.3CZ?.T 3U3ITESS. aji ’ • > . ar-: C .. wii| ep constantly -*o mind a ‘ail -Ripply ot All kinds of Groceries, r vlioi-.-.-aie ruid email. , , • .-nriur’ f jar frinada and be. public jen* - ‘ 2. ihiLASE:* a. UCUS. , •: .t , i . T J .ViiaN, ‘ ■ avi 3. Btrmt. : “Li, 1.7 ; i Oct I*4—lwJfcwtf rrssciTTTori. ’T ,, ‘S ‘rm lit Ltj. 111 irifcll ••’*# eo ‘he Hr* of I -'■ •• ”• •••- u* .reath of J.L Sbw*9. Li£ltVE¥ LULL* snr*L*nn: Partner. 307 A ~ XKEHSB2F 3TQTICZ. I n - WJttM j unit r tiie ‘inn surf r !nrr f HA4-0. JiutLtLS * ‘Fieri K?, . vimULOL A. BLAOIL^ ! “• ‘*n ci. MmrrmHrantn. Jos.PJ6t*M* 3H’ N W. MARSHALL & CO. - £.LEi x ’ LAG AND FOR WAKDIN G 3 Z rl R GRANTS. ■ titiiiutrrir n.iti ?’I 77vm£ ifr MOBIL E. AIA. ■• uwirnfKj ■.. iinr cars .'orthe xnttsKor, ill be re* *a,; ,n* <nul w-:! ail u.iwOhle despatch. ami k ire*?J< i -nse tar commiaaion uni -itinaire ■anttr ;r—okiiiß M AR£FE WORKS. ••-5 - Broad neartk*? SarkecHdii<? COfXTIBrS. 6A. J A Oe-mi.”.tally on handall kinds <*f Gr*ne inane* .CJS- - : *ff •• : ..i. F-'mii* and Xladieto,. of Acsssaß ; .u ‘.a.v! Marios. Saaravinszaadcarncaione ■ ‘ :HMn ■ s- sftM* i>i>aabtu aaaner; and silkindsa fcraa * v¥ riL*tthsba rtest no uue. 10®£ H. MADE E3f. * • —A;,:.-.'. P mu CuinouE.aiwav*Ofitt >mt :ur *• ‘OnlautbsiH. lan t. -tic LSS4. *•£ UHIOV OF THE STATES AN 0 THE SOVE3EIGVTY CF THE STATES.” RICKARD HOOPER COMMISSION MERCHANT, chattan'oghli, Tz.yy. WJLL ittend. primptly the purchase COLNTRY FH.OOCCE, or my other huanese entrusted ‘o us -ar- H.IV 13 —vm 1 y J.XO. A.\TROBuk P 0 R I R A 11 p . \ I x I E lb . Studio 075 r J. ii. Kerry s Clothing Store. Column us. Sov, i,j—r.vif fN SOMERVILLE, A P*paint, Residence for Ren?. F -se-a bon ”v.;n immeuiahny Apply cee—ofltwxE ‘ D. F. WELLEGX, Air' 1 .. TO RUDTT THE Store on Broad Street, No 34. aest door beiuw Tfr Gatcer * Shoe Store. Appl y .u dec'iii—t-.vti t G HOLT Special Notice. \LL personaharmi;eiaiinanaainat Rock Island Factor? ire renuestmi to hand liem Go the Agent wuhuur deiav ‘ and trotice iwhereby given, that from this date no xerountsagamst he Company wilbe allowed which lave been cantracteu vih out a wrtienorder-.'oai .ue ‘aent. D, F. WILL, . X. .r ----4an. ii, 1854. ‘ ‘ Vl POinrDs bags waited W -S cent* per pound or <n humired iiousanu P*uad dean LiN cJST AND CCXT.N HALB. n xuanti :es or t Isl pounds xnd O’-er. rKFFERt- 7 t HA.MTLTC^. Coin Ga. Feb. *•>, 1855. LTKBjEB, litkber. THE uuaersigned are prepared *o feraish Ouu, tiickor;, Popiar Aatt, Beach and Pina Lumber r >m theirifiil it marketpnees. leiivoreu on Railroad or mCournibue. F r sona wisuing mmber. will Leave ‘heir tails at the Auction Room of Harrison. Austin it MoGehee, where ‘her will : Jt prompt . ‘ a ‘tend ia . dec. S3—twti. TV MITTELSEY A. HR IDPw.T. S. TUGGLE, OL7ICE ;0f ER KUVW'S (13 Sa™ ITBEJET, COiU3KSU3. SSC3SIA. Ctilumuug, January U)th. 1855. twl o Dn. ERuGXS i CARRIGZR. HAVlNGiiseociauet bemsteiresrogeTher n me various nranches of *aeir pndessnm. they v ii -jh “imbiad here 1M by to give more general sauaiaction to ail wno may favor Um them with ihmrcimhdence. Dr Carriger is hilly preparmi uni wiligi vespecial attention to ail eases o f SAttG-EBY entrusted i hiscare. cr Otflce u Winter’s Sank Snildmg. .oiumbus. Jau* 14—'ovn M. S. SAEONI. PROF £9S 0 E OF MUSIC • an to—.-v -f CO LUMB 7S. GEG S.G \. J. A. FOX. ATTORNEY AT 1A T WILL practice ;n this and lie adjoining counties. Office n St. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Gi. RSSEaBtiCES : t Wiua. SSU-, MA.4I.iSZ it. noon ix> * i sTAtfFORn. a r.vrrs . Columbus. Oet 7—iw I v “wm7 perhy, ATTORNEY K T L VW COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. VT'ILL practice in -;hs mu ad.-, ining •• unties, par cu ? Lar attention paid to the aecuniiii and au, cation >t iebts. OtSce with Col. A. McDouga.d. dec 1 i-—tw4m THOY FACTO FT VTAAE HOC MS. COLL MBUS, G A*JAN. Ist, 1854. FROM and after this tare no roods wiii be .rod ai .ie above ? .ibLisiimeut eacept ‘br CASH •anil—twi. WALTON K. H ARE IS. rroTicu. Ct)fBTEMPLA a change in our buaness. ah per/rons.n debtedte i are hereby notified -aai an -ary auiUenten ;& positively required. -iecJM—wf. ii. 3LYL.S. ROFS. FTTE HUDTURED COILS FAUCT - JfiBBTCCKT BALE ROPE. lust for sale at tlie Xzaza:* t W* tim-.-rs-y v S I. K.ILGVTAT. CoiumbuH,Ga., May 4—twtf SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!f:“ N jtf is Tour Time. * _ 2.%VdiSdetermined ‘* thangn xr-xu- re- . ‘ Still my earn if Boots mu Bhoe* it SEW VORS sWI gDfi FOB. CASH. I jav* pm re*: a bid Minni' - V*of Sprnff xutl Summer -bne. ontablc or ~aib Ceut'a T-ar. xml ai-o x **< t a-s**r*tneiu if evta;- thing n ai line. Cf those needing anj'lhng nmy line w-i! rri ne -til i I will gj T ANARUS“ hem he'ter bsrpiin i"n iiey an- e over hail >e fore. r in all probability wiß ever xavo again. Vme n.-<*u unLmaha vour saiecrions. C. G. >r >CK. s*!. 32. Bread street. wUl’plaw aid nl make mmediare payment. ;ia ware ae money. . . !,r * Columbus. Aar hi. orx FOR SAFE. tSE S<'CSH LOT at preseai lacnpu-.i jj the lubscrber. Powseseion -i; aa mmadisuety. £t 3 S’ EE. T. H ■ -i-1 31. tSss—■••¥-:• FOR SALE, os ACCCMarodarare tshai.?. A Omfortsri* Hoaae aa i Lot. : . In a healthy nar of the Ctr. For particular? aooi* to SARRIaO A, AUSTEN A 2tL • iEHE r . VOrcii K,HB3. _ n F >LGROE> FOIL SAFE. rEEsnnferutfaed bavw not? 1~- .Hfr -r an*.oonaisdiie u a.m arrant. v -. Tables* i —ss=nr rts&s* jsyrvfcsar ” i?.uFW No-VJand 51 Broad..4..w,inmu•. -u ASTBIFMS B'iETaStt COJIPASI uF L'^DOX UNITED STATES 3JLASC3 GiFCZ. §♦>, s*ntk AUTSOHI2EI3 CAPTTA33 31- -ICC OCO. AVAILABLE CAPITAL SL2o4 3CC. it* i ruid aaiy ;nt ait !iur nates ouamrt oas -r *HHBgs *l’ ?f Fire at a njaswnao/t 1 rata- r , Lonea anjtiatea amt promptly paid Leiadu". Re;ferelkC(4 t* piuladflp^*- lru.>l k. Ca.. J*>Ln Sfcag, at o wnaJii. M--r. t :!eidiora*.C't> John Fvasa, s -o. ct. - • 1 ~ Atb. tloEae it €<*.. Vvh;te. =ta**9as it Co.j TRt*TEEf Siewart. Jonu T. V’Chste. TANARUS, SiMchiard svmrr. %noUtistxons tor nnss atay oc ti.uit ist Ut ‘t ‘"i. v :-‘i a CdituitSiur *a.. \nr-t JS. ‘*M COLUMBUS GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY :V>. 1855. MAJUTTE ADTU FLHZ UTSUILAS’CE SA.VK OF SAVAyyAE. AGEBTCT AT COLUMBUS IT -.-dre -- op, - .—uuiChecks for sit e a New y-j>p| *r H aeon and Savannah. VanE24— vtf StCHAHI- PU t. More New Bacon. ru *7 RECISIVTO • /tv CCH*SIG> VENT, aid for wtie. F ; fty r* Vv-neana Bounds Georur a Cared, trv.ami in fne order. nar<::~a. f. H. C. PHELPS. Salt Park. f>£ TTITD, on Cbnsininaiu,.aß,atMJ Lite. Pork aew -a salt Ij and ready for ■’urmg. t'eb-3d—wtf.’ ?. iL PiTgLES. EAGIZ MANTZACTTEING CO COLUMBUS, GA. TD;TE Factory, aow King in lull apemianr,. aotc A supul-y hi their uaial teirais:, pnimptiy as ordered, bio v.-inouH styles, ofi dieir Maauiacutures, which, cousiaa ot • lie ‘in ./wbur vanetv: YARTS 5. OENAST. LLG3. 4- 4 BU£ETLN T GS ? SHIRT- ‘ i/* - Fortin* Vn ps% t ireat vanetv <>l Pattern; .IDES. <*rnhracinu many aew *njv f es : >etrr>KersevM die Pine XMt Plain-; Plantsa Caaimeres, Tricit fer Try-Tv^era. ■fe wa z Thread, Sh Twtat, Sattmi4, Batting ,A. To f.ish purchasers nuucernents will be offered. jerAß—-wtrl J. R.SROWIN'E. Ag-. HZXET C. PHELPS, COMMISSION 4 PRODUCE MERCHANT. H lit 32841 ST322T- MtOBUS SI. TiSMDFRS hi* rerv-ceato pablie fbrthe purebaee sale’ of Merehandiae amt Produce, and aa a Gen lie ha >n land Bacon, L.inl. ?’ck!et Pork tmi leof, Orel Beef. Pork Touynes. Smar. uoflbe, Salt, Flour. Mo !as*. Vinegar. Pepper. :?pic, Ginger, Can*iip, * Sono, Star-.i. Eobacco, Dned Peaches, md Apples. Beane.Crunber-’e*. Uhaese. Sutter, 5 oples and Oronges. Jtc.. Sre. ‘•id vuMtimtiy rereiwng W*rtni Prta and. Pruvi .o*;! • aid le erniinu articles at Grinse rie*. 1,1 o; which he vIP SELL LO W FOR CASH. OR COXTDTTRY PRODUCE. Uolumbus. C.u. February iA i.B"a. twtf.. y E’D ~CALm STORE AGO€T.~ ‘T’H Z subecri’xM',.- Vrntit ofW. 8. Gnon. New Carpet Store JL Savannah. Giu^who ion Uwnyson hand Carpeting Oil Clor,ii3, Hearth Stuji. Druggets. Cable azid Piano Covers. WDuiow Shades. Lace and YDisliii C^rtazas. C irtaui Sinnfb, Samples and oncesof all qualities of Carpeting and Oil Cloth may oeseen .it my sti*re. 82 Bread street. Columbus,Ga.. and any of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpets :ut to- loins re;; if :harce, and mode, ‘f desired, fbr a -mallcompensation. an expertet;t.l hand in Savannah, v ;1 xe reg’Uariyaugp i Led with new putt era a for .becoming U3 ° n - P. A. CLaTT'-N, ~'f 3r,ad iirceu CoiumiiuF. Ft ay 3—tw-.; IffiD’G MY FOR THE cR- -£T . 33. RA Wf n ’T'HE gubißicriherp/ypecthiily announcesro lupatrons and i. -he public, that he will re-open his store on tile 2tKh OF J* KPTUMMEK,. with lie fresh Tmportarions-hkl manutneturos or the pres ent aeoson- embraema the *inest assortment ot CLOTHS, CASSDCEBES, •mduii arxcf’s aniwriunins to gentlemen's wearng an >are; -;v.-r -dire:u to rile auuoe. They w vmti persouai.- v stuectffli fron® the .in st distTnijuished Emuoriuma-m the country-and .ire ‘varram-ni ;o he of a very superior luality. Cali and oe- them. J _S ME ETON'. Columbus ?ept 13—-vh Eaipurnr copy gsbatlaciiement : i To zlao X=n.xdolic. DO you know riwt? Everybody dasirtnsr vn Purehase liie- ; .ike and Endumic oiienosres jf their W : ves. iffiahands. ‘fhiiarea, Brothers, .reevs md F retius, ire making i Grand rash, to bv hr the Jest. %nd only place in Columbus, where Likanesses, which seem to hraathe and Live, can be got up, ir dxort notice, in Endiees vnre / oi’ jr? ? c, ana possessing ffia- E-dmesa .-r hniah. which has never Y ;t ueen -yiuailed oraporoached, it any f'nher Aahiisnmy'i si he ‘Ate h <>< rj-a F -ryot t trot, and whenever you want i kernel i Picture, call at C- l. DEPEWS Exceisire- G;u ~; r y—W .‘odbedsps's aid stand. H.inv th'-usands if Picture-*, ;u CRumbue. Spnak *or aanseives, and usaiv ra the abv. YT.iirh 31. 1855. KIDDLE 5 Fashionable Z-ig-isrvs-Ag Gallery. h.-ia-'ne largest. aeat.e-*t. xnh mom Casiuona -1 urramsed GALLERY or no Ar* u oe ae uses he hesx mawruL and xilowa aotiuug but sirst dass Plcinrea so eaveins Booms • . .. -v lover%at che “’ ae Ir*.*. when y • iijirun mn*r-■uabie,gem-. ■ hit -a R2PCLR. •re t ii s- --i v<jn a Handsome P’eiura and a.G.>oa _-agu-;rre*- t; je. *As for Liking children, family group*, ateriaeopeg.oni i’uhr .sic., he xeties iay Ar:-; nae asuntryru inrpaae ii m. Raorne >o Broad Si rwen. o’-er . Vfygatt’ * Dry ‘Ahhls St*.-v.'-olirmbua. -a. TinrPt—• wlm. 1%21 i recwpt ‘x urge ip n. ?>f hatwm ns cpeuae i e hmury hi x <>HiJiern :i: na-e. Ui. ami w.i ’urntsh t~ r-eap is •Tir'. it ho I j '-h B*oo n nr j chore lad teen co"i. ‘■*- ‘ Y U. ..inn is :-.t. A.phi •*. ~ v : * - G. D iCETCJLLF &. CC CCWISSKA 4 FOSWAFMMS VSROFAHTi at pnYDSAs >TREFT. .’GW OjLLZ AYR Iz7Tii r:—W. H. Y an? Ear,., Cohimhus.Georgia. * Cc,. J inn Earns?. •* £L H. Epp>n:. frei. * J L. Muttan. £>!■* ‘ “ Pure it Adams, rerq. ** Dec an her W v ,ir ” • VP BOSCiSQRYTCOTEf. mami'bv t'li & T me o f .m.* xv TL. rn'on. vuicli nt owner ran b“ -xy ®® n ? -d lintm iSrss. —twtf MIU^iFERT II&S.JAYE H GISTY >®sre her profeail* >mi sereA || •‘aqfQ -ac-veepie us Col'nnbuaand rr-nuy. Sia him nad h r-r —nf* xper*Sßc.- f n *he xumuesa sad iat*ers beneff that x itrre ttaantHMi me vnl na -—. the public p^renage. sue xia•* xe ‘hand, when n*>t jfjteSßDiiMij cngagint. a’, her remdeuee xn .ackaon itreet. t-eiam me Sothodisi Mismw :iardr- /narL* v;. ULOUH “ FIiCUH f Tt'W m nnx for mle Seventy** F|v Buwh, % Ww 1. Pirma-o inn aw t ua.*r—V v-.w *• e PSil-FG. GREENWOOD & GRIMED WAREHOUSE AID COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CGIiOIBUS, GEO RGT I S’.ye their pardontar m&antiun no -he acnnm”. ;rt ▼ ? sale of .potton. ami other produce, which aarV eon* Si&ed to them. Thev irt prepared to mako libera. aa wances tn cotton m stem. Prompt attention will ie to the RECEIVING and FORWARDING BUSINESS, s. >. wsiacrwucn. -rracafi e uanrEK Columhce, iept. 5, 1354—w irvly WELLS vHc VERSTIITI. F A C TORS ISD COMMISSION’ MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, Ga., t Prmnpf attention pa.u to forwarding Merchamtifo to foe interior. June 9—twJtwly A. K. kYFIT. F. <i. ’VTT, It r\fo AYER A WILKINS, Arcno.v. commission Receiving” ajiii Forwarding Merchants. V. tit Broad Street. j€b>l imtms. Ga- Cn lambus -Gu., Sept, PH— v wrf r. C. RCSE, f. H. SAVES* W. 3, LOfoG. RUSE, DATES & LONG. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND shipping agents. savannah. GEORGIA. WTLC purcliaw ami soil cotton and nther proditca-on ’.urn tusojdu. and strictly attend to fi>rwardinggondH anti ailing ip ■iere .rem the aountry. Ruse. Pntten s; nrenta Coinmbns. by whom lifters! ad vances *:U >e nadem e>mitremenl*eithttrf.o or through us .o our ‘trends in Liverpool or the Sorh. l ily 3. 1353—wiftfrwrr LOCKETT A S.\ELLL\GS. GENERAL CCHSb’SIOy MERC EASTS, SiIAJS-tH, GA.. ATLL inend to ‘he toi'ing of COTTON and all kinds a PRi?OcL*E. ytr<: r ircnnon avail -n tLecmmnq -md far wnrdin q Gmds. E. LOCS3TT. E. D. SPELLINGS. .■? irannaxi, Ga.. Sept. 1, 1854 -vL-v ly IILDSONA FLENIING CoT SAVANNAH, GA HOPKINA jre CHARLESTON, s. c. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RES EW .an offer of rhir service* to Planter*. Merchants and Dealers n he one n* Cotton and ail'otiier connur produce- will >e ii ‘a ui purines*. anti liberal caau air T ances andihciiities iifcrdnd customers when required. LTD. 3. HTCDMOfo, } , f : Savannaa. w. n. flemiifg. s l. noPßLirf*. Augusta. juhly j. coa£s. Charleston. * air; *—cw fcnri COPARTNERS KIF.” T*UZ utderrigned. having his lay tinned iCopartnership un ter ne lame anil style of HATAISON. AUSTIN k HGEKEE. tor the purpose of ransoming t general AUCTION AND COMMISSION. lEcmiM m ib; mm liusinesii, at Lite ‘ dd -Hand of C . S . HARRISON. pledge ifiir; selves to a prompt anil bli til fill attention to ill mainese aummittart w mar rare. They will give fouirseraoinu mention, to at -ale of Real ‘ind F•’trmnaJL. a - roper'ir Jlermand m Tnd Produce. ITavinsr unpieStc ii os at .heircommand, they ire prepared * make iberal ;ah ;d”aucea in Sajccoes tad Merehandize of ®vrv deser’ption. Fhepatrunageof ‘heir fnomb- and he pnbliu jenenliy ii vilicileti. C. 5. FEASJCrSEON. WILLLVM AUSTIN A. C. McGEHEE. Columbus, ‘"a. Sect. I, 1354. >^entl'hwx v~• BAGGLVG AND BALR ROPE. ii u\ Bales. Ind hi oaagi ag. tin- 50*> Coil-i K-; ie. ’ Far --ite “ G RJSEBfW ? D A GUI3LSS. C i diuoue. aen C 135 i— w 4 w*. f ANDREWS. RLDGWAY Ot C'U. I za STAPLE DRY GOODS, G .i)’ ELIES. ‘VISES, UQUOSS. AC. xC jn D<Krar-’ zzr.> v Kirnt 4 ica Cavstss. STXE£T. COUMCS. GA. C • ■ nminiH, Oct 15 1853. —ywAwtr ?rot:cz. OCH. friends anil parr-ms are hereby nm.iled hat cirmai _ nances nuke i in an line if ana, wry bat we shiuua iari a lltn on every burse ’juar'ied at tar Habie if foe month :i r ’ear. VCe. hereiore. hereby aotice. that oar rurhi J*o .en dial! enter into an<x hec’itne t par* tT every mntract ri>r ‘he i>r board (M taresu aabiw. xnd aat nail >ases ve reeereet-he rant to arorca atd den. eif aecereary. Tub-’ C HAT*;HER fc ?TTS. NOTICE. Pjrjjjio -gw adob•*•! o C. TT>-tweilHi i. Cfl. w l I sifiaun muVe nmeißai ’ payment. Their account* may be Ynaad at fie Store of J. L. EuWSLt. Coitnnfm*. De hi—cwJtwtf IHL FrN"EST LOT OF BAC O N II A\l 8 E’-ar adereif in .lie u.-übtet, !Lr sale, bv A. 34. ALGEN, j HJPIStoai street- i €*■>■ iimbm. ept 57—$w A -v*:’ NOTICE. IN itonT utat nr eigs wners aw? nmlaecmd the terns ea vmch we liewe uiauaiit a idyssalne ■ m nifoi.Lrr tnere. te • •V.srs; Far:d| -iv ttmn_pa.vrjgHte wt; 1 ’ ‘.m .reatnreu twv* i tK? say Let Miw aai: da.inaar". On aii onwmnts anpi;a die tune? aw'.-ijs w* gb:m and expect mnussi anal paith * __ E. 3ARNA&D, 4 €*> CoituniWß, Jan. Ist. 55. wdctwtt. Hom ami Lot for Sale, IN the aimer aar ?f me city, wart bve rooms *n>i ail ae ger? am juiitiings wirii me a* -t wal at waier a *fl *;tv. aatit yv .udaes. Eaqaire of BA3PO 4 R‘^£Y. Ce ffidrae. seut lU—w-k-tf i( MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD! Cn sad aftar FtTjmazy -Ctn Trains w l! b n sTi'!umbi* duiixnt 5-r3F. S’.. um jjj at Yfacnn m P. Mv Leavt) Muimn dai v u • Y. YL ir— *al r*ti}> ■. ‘duklnc a compujw •rumwtnm btilweea Munty*mifr. and V:HfUHt;w ‘thius •'*. V- fonisettnu u w ,h t;.antral Bail B**a n> 3avaiinuh Mi.iudirc''lie, and wi:h the Mac;>u nu VV**ct*ra Tram* to Attanla, Chattannoira aun f*asb’ ; lte. ‘Tonnecrlßgat with Bn* Wiuni &. -Wifoi Hailrond. nr Saiania. T. E. W£U.i. Ctiiuiiiijns. Fed), it)—iwstw.; Engim**randAen T T. CBLLV6E OF SCHEDULE XOsILS JJT CZ3J.3D RAH SOAD. \PTIISI Mondu™ bb March, he f*u -rniapr and Freiaht Imn will leave <Vi rant it 1?. SC. tmiy. iStnuthyn e*.ep - : *nt ©inneetimr at 31 brer Biui with a daily line *if Stugu-i to iVlennville. EaltuiLu Fart fiami I .*. uia liurimmi.n. Pn. And •’a r’Bssdnys. ind Friday*, will foe .matrre <hr T foee. Uli .*jt. Einin. c'Sunennuggea, Midway ana Cmou bpnmts- Leaving ki|r >r dan at i DM. i. St. <fhfJ’ , ”4unda; axoi’pied ; foe < are wid mnrnGirerl a :me n aufUttcfi viih t,h (> pdifea Wit vfuscogee rrain*. Bonml nx p tMik-t.* -good Sir'wo &rv* can be parebared u foe iißca at Silver Run* so. te*s .ban fot regular rata. EL A. SAAED.-UFAF. inurro-w-atrwf f. Eh innerr SCHEINinS C?Z ZZZuL ENA-SCH Mftaipoiery & West Poian Sail Stent* PY'drEN’’ 2H HI every .Jay: Lea;.;9 Giranlat T** A Jt, A rrrves at 1 >pd ku at LT A. M. Leavenfjpei'kat Ua A. YL Arrive* at •!, -ini at ’ i\ P if. •'3.BIGHT TE.YER onvea GlrandL JCondax, ‘ *iaentu". aid Friday at ;! P. M. Leave* Opelika Tucadny.Thnrwlay and Btrdawf *IA. Sf. dmwl mnsi be in foerdeput be dire i p. rrr. oa that Inj the reisbr. train leaves —be plainly marked wuii he owner** nanui. and nation at which they are ?o be <|>Hvti rmt •jluppvrG dray ticker* numaccumpaity each loud, and Lie freight paid a ad raate to all points eseept MimtC'.merv. mm3, .wdtiw’f. 3. ti... ; > 7.i t ”ng*r. it. Sup. Irish. p3tasoe. TL'FT r<*enve*i on eonmgrunear, v.-nty-li'u hnrreis. nciu ■ liiuga apa * SI CMHBBFS. Cora JCsal JUST received, on ‘fonsluument. j*i Suahele, firesh aremnd ■ Fehrnary 12.—nvtf. ET. L. PHEL.P3. StIPHTK ASDXEDKAIED Vapor Eatlis. AT BSDOSS A CH-iPSUN D!?CG-3TOR£. “TTi FSE 3 LTIIS rl! relieve ind pemanenHy •mre ail Jisoa i Tea arising from an impure state of .foe blood, fholr etSirm y bn v* been uflv mu sueessftiilV viaied aCßcotr ie Diseases like the tolluwing ro wit: SHlt_ 4hjijai to *ai r y l iLsF WYtc IlT’efy trjfroefoAifc* eiie*)*. ilinu Worms*, Pimpled Face. Erysipelas. Palsy. Jienralica, Tcdolereans. Jurous uretanility. oH.nure fflanduiar A .Tec dons. dropsy. Dvu nes-> Asia :na. Ca arH, i.'ancer. fonwuni)- dun. Pbihiouta. i P'ihnunury Leprosy, Iravei. and all Gutane jus Diseases. atayd—tw:f HEAR BOTH SIDES. AH the World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES of FA2TNT FB2JS. CN 05E VOLUME. CLOTir. Wfct Is* Eath Halil I* Rati Kill Fa Pecw, or MBMkudy Js*S *mt if Fenny Fura b a*t R.r,t Hall wYat* Finny FeraE m ini mslemtS"oi fibi imi fs tuw before ‘he public, anti he iworlti w ll be enlighiened. Aid hi 1 * buoua strange biie tininhis. Tlm presvar. Work i*. aatheatic Db all it Thuomiw nave reint foe iiivuneo copy, proa—uca ‘he wittiest. sfcn*st btetlc u'diie tijasun. It-presents iv-ii, life-like p.ctares of foe rhamihg and bni liaut Amfllor of Fsra nndSstk Hall, at her awn forest de, a*, foe Aurors dancfim. n the streeu at ‘.hurrh. ind sverywhert, uui-in every pusdii ashe afoe saate hmeinating wumaa. in “h s voiiune, several if Fanny Tern’s earliest Tirnear turtiie srst time in book .ortn. The reader wlllltnd that iiey’ pussefi the same attxattSmz features which cnarecti’rrse all her productions. Thew areaiternuteiy w ity ind paiiietic. :u vra'bing, STr’c;nig imi oemrre. So other author baMoeceedid ** w jil ut Jkmciung e 3nv choris of foe heart, dust recei ad and for suie by fento—w i... w’f. W. PEAJS. BSITISH PERIODICALS. EARLY COPIES SECfTBEBt LEDNARD BCOTT it C*>. New Fork, eantiuuc to •vi-puL’i : h Lie uiiowuio Britisn , eri<-ifies^k r .TiZL Jt. Th3 Lojfdoit Q'f.tsTEULT (Conwjr'uHv? ‘ ± Tat Er- r ~p**i;ii Ratie'v (W lmg.} T as North Batttsh Rsratw JTEiiCiurch.j -k Th--: WssrarsiHTHßC (Liaera-:.) J. i a ,3oHGH Hxsxzrxz (Tory. The preseii r oritiea. state of Laropmui arfiur* wiii render thea bu uiicafegganasuai t f mLireatißjiduniiirdMf ftirtiiciwn- wear. Tdcv vr l >ecupF x middle- artiond aeraraen the ansdiv wrtren oesrs rraße - : aediAiiirau*foad tfytn^- rumors if foe daily Journal aadfoe ponderous Tomefof tbe hirure-raster an. w-tten ader din avian .nterest and ex-fore meat f dietgjeitt aotincu. *anfa r* tiie time •diaL -iav passed way. It Is -tiese rthat remiers must Luok :'or foe only really into and -roiabie liiattiry of current events, ind as audit, aiiiidna to thiur weii esrau- Lfoi’d iihsrhrv. sasamiie. .;ad theefejerjea. uiracuar. -we u - ; asm ijned ‘he dOTSHinanffioa >f U?e rrtatiinu pom e. Arrangsiro axs ure low permanentiv ramie r the reyeipt li EARJ*Y SHKETiiirom the •rs, ;ir wosen we am enabieifito place ALL OCR RE PHLNT?m .ae hands at mcacrbers. aia—t astsoon as :a.;y can be mraished wate loreuct ef-res~ Aithoaah :iv :u ----v’> ore a were area-outlay aa our part, we shall unmans to fur- sn foe Bfer limeali ttfoesame! w-rues as nesetokue. ■rsz Per ran. Fpr aar one oi foa-feur Renews .... >3 t)0 Farag cwn ot me aur ‘Lvcws... . . ~. .5 Q*J F >r my araa oi* osatwir Reviews— .‘T *JO for Li.lodffef ibe RVriewiv............. * W rBI aekwoor* JLagazine - - . .7. .. ‘4 W For Biaek-vicd and, there ILscteun* ...... 4 00 For 35ack vui-d amt tiie kmw Revur-v 10 ! W Tvsmmt* in ae mttrlr tv til case* m adcftnce. Jfonr’i I < &Uu* waer*im>tfit weiiibe rearmed t? 7 nr. CL r B B IN G. A flEscomtt cf'ovmtv-nv per emit. from ‘insPaS*?*** prre eea wuL beoilowed <aaienßT :uur or mum eoyy esit any one or ranee 4^dua aSaae warkat Thus your ■topics o BfaekwoMt * ‘ me y. wilhe smt to ** * aifeitw-s si>r “Sd*. &MHS*tojiureaf the uar Revx-w-s aad Btadir • wotpu ur pLi: anu -* wn_- POSTJIG Z . luaL ‘henrmmnn. aOxa mnitawns, w-U h f ietivered, thr'.'iifoi -uients, FREE * *8 PGIs . baL W ion I -matt, iwr mm! .the Pore-rgy- , uav rr-nX et foe Crrmst JfeaiES ’ will he put rwwi(y-B iir C• ms a year ‘*;r “ 3la**k.w<M* .** | uni X‘ purteen Ceui - i year nir cacti ** die Rov-tr •<. aLrmktao.res and c mmuiuoAitonsshcui'i always .ae ni | Jifcwed. aflst-piudjtu the Pfojlisaers. [ “ £E’ ‘"N ASD SCOTT L Cu. • aaJ—iwi-u. It ( h iiioef >. nw T-n 1 [NiUVtBER