The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 06, 1855, Image 4

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ABSTRACT Os the last Semi-Annua 1 Statement of the Affairs and \ Condition of THE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OI the City of New York, An exhibited on the first day of s Ba’anee of on 30th June , last as per Exhibit of the.t date $739,0/9 98** Subject to sundry losses the;! un adjusted, and estimated, at #49,* 915 31, a portion of which has since been paid. > Deduct Second Dividend I lth July, 8 per cent 40,000 00 -*690,079 0b INCOME. Amount ot Premiums on policies issued during the last 6 jns. £225,930 03 |$ Less Return Piemium on Cancelled Poli cies &Re-iu-uranee 3,729 72-222,260 31 Amount of iiitetcsi accrued and earned lor six months Irorn Ist July to l=t Jan 25,403 90-247,664 21 §937,744 19 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of losses paid during the past eix months , §148,935 02 Amount paid for expenses, inclu ding commission to Agents.. 41,459 83 Amount of Taxes paid dur’g the year... 4,971 47—195,365 32 §742,378 87 ASSETS. Cash, balance in Bank §20,032 78 Bonds and Mortgages, (being first lien on Real Estate.).... 447,000 00 Loans on Stocks, (payable on demand,) 153,000 00 Real Estate, No. 1 Wall Street, (the office,) 66,529 61 Notes received for Premiums on Inland Risk?, 15,949 57 Office Furniture and personal ef fects 00 00 Interest due and unpaid to Jan. 14,376 94 Balance in hands of Agents and in course of transmission from Agents • 22,899 17 Premiums due and uncollected on Policies is-ued at office... . 1,790 80 Total. ~” .. 7 §712,378 67 jgHf mit . LIABILITIES Amount of Losses incurred and in process of adjustment $32,154 39 Amount of Losses reported on which no action has been ta ken 35,07 G 49 Amount of Claims for Losses resisted by the Company 7,000 00 •dMfcl . | $74,230 83 CHAS. J. MARTIN, President. A. F. Willmartii, Secretary. flew York, April 1835 E. S. GREENWOOD, Agent, mayß—twlm. Columbus, Ga. THIRD .ANKVAIi STATEMENT GRANITE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NE W YORK. Giving a true statement of the standing, resources and lia bilities for the year ending December 31st, 1854, made pursu ant to section 22, chapter 465, Laws of , 1853, and sections 4 and 5, Laws of 1854. Stock Capital, January 1, 1854 $,130,500 00 Notes given for premiums on proper ty in this State 87,230 50 Notes given for premiums on proper ty in other States... 13,943 00 Amount of cash items on hand 3,057 ti3 “ ‘ s in banks 17,630 59 “ *•’ in hands 01 agents in thisfState 6,513 33 Amount of cash in the handsel agents in other States 8,765 40 Pills receivable for loans, etc -7,77*2 24 Due from other sources 1.8-9 01) interest accrued on Capitai 5,305 42 Personal property 1,500 (JO LIABILITIES. Losses incurred and in process of au ,j ustinent .\.. §14,994 93 Los-ies reported, on which no action has been taken 5,585 50 Losses resisted, on account of fraud. $8 630 00 I.oans, for which security has been given 13,000 00 All oiher claims against tlie'Company 2,8'0 00 Capital Stock §231.673 50 Purpius Assets in addition to Capital 52,469 75 $234,14.i 25 Slate of Now York, City and County of New York, os— .Tames R. Del Vecchio, President, ai d-L Francis Bates, Secre- j tary. of the Granite Insurance Company, being severally duly ‘ sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says that the lore- j going is a true and correct statement of the affairs of said cor poration, and that they are the above described officers thereof- ! Subscribed end sworn before me, this Isth day of February, i 1855. SYLVESTER LAY, Commissioner of Deeds, 18 Wall SSr-et. J AMES It. DEL VECCHIO, President. J. FRANCIS BATES, Secretary. GREENWOOD &c GRIME 3 , Agents, mayß—twlm. Columbus, Ga. “SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. tpilE Subscriber has received his stock ot SPRING AND JL SUMMER DRY GOODS—alarge and general assortment —comprising ail good and desirable styles, which the public are invited to examine. The goods were bought to sell—are for sale—and will sell to all In want—if examined—as they will be offered foi lower prices for CASH than the same styles and value were ever offered in this citv. aplO—wfctw2m ‘ C. MYGATT. Irish Potatoes. JUST received on consignment, tvveuty-flve barrels, inclu j ding a few ‘’Mercers.” ops H. C. FlloLPrf. i BRITISH PERIODICALS: EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to re-pubiish the following British Periodicals,.viz: 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative.) • 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render these publicationsunasually interestingduiingthe ibrthcom-’ mg year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, erud& speculations,and living rumors of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the jiving inteiest and excite* ment of the great political events of the time shall have pa-sed way. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well estab lished literary,scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are now permanently made for the receipt ot EARLY SHEETS from the Brittish Publish ers, by which we are enabled to place ALL OUR KU PRIN 1 S in tho hands ot subscribers, about as soon r.3 they can be furnished with foreign copies. Although this in volves a verv large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodical# at the same low* rates as heretofore, v *2; - , .. _ . Per arm. Tor any one ot the tour Reviews $3 ot) For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three Os the four Reviews 7 Qy For all four of the Reviews g qq For Blackwood’s Magazine ’ 3 qq For Blackwood and three Reviews 00 For Blackwood ana the four Reviews. 10 00 Fayments to be made in all cases in advance. Monet• current in the State where issued wiil be received a* par. CLUBBING. j A discount cf twenty live per cent, from the. above pri i cos will be allowed to Clubbs ordering four or more mp iesot any one or more ol tho above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, wiil be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood ior and so on. POSTAGE. In nil the principal cjpefc arid towns, the v works will be delivered, through agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sjnt by mail, the Postage toady part of the United States will be bat Twenty-Four Cents a year for “ Fhekwood,” and Fourteen Cents a year for eacu of the Reviews. Rem ttances and communications should always be ad* dressed, post-paki, to the Publicliers, n , LEONARD SCOTT & CO, jufr-twiift. m Gold street. New y^k. TRUSTEE SALE OP ME COATETA FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BY virtue of a trust reposed in up, t;Ar notice of de fault from the Bond holders, we will offer lor sale at the Market House in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in July next, during the usual hours of sale, the following property or so mOen thereoi'a3 may be necessary’ to pay the outstanding Bonds issued by said Company, to wit: All of those tracts ot land in the city of Columbus, county of Muscogee and State of Georgia, known and de signated as lot ft umber one of the Water Lot Company ot the city of Columbus survey, being all of said lot lying East of the Canal Wall on said lot and extending to lot? below and running nearly north and south, together with the Factory and improvements situated on said lot; also, a lot commencing on the north west corner of said Facto ry lot, No. 1, thence north one hundred ieet, thence East to a point at right angles with’the north west corner of the Factory lot, thence south one hundred feet, thence west to the point of beginning. Also, lot No. one hundred and ninety one, as designated in the plan ot the city of Colum bus, containing one hall acre more or less, being the same lot upon which is built the dwelling for the operatives of the Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company, together with all the right, members and appurtenances thereunto belong ing. And also the following personal property contained in the Factory building, on lot number one, to wit: Eigh teen Warp Fly Frames, of ninety six Spindles each; two Ring FellQwa Frames, of one hundred and thirty-two Spindles each; two Mules of two Hundred and fifty six Spindles each; two Dressers, Fifty Looms, and all the ap purtenances thereunto belonging; three Wool Cards and Wool Jacks, of one hundred Spindles, together with all and every part of the Machinery now’ in said building. K. J. MOSES, ) W. A. REDI), > Trustees. H.H. fTPING. ) Terms Cash. The bidder will be required to pay down at the sale one-third of the purchase money, or the proper ty will bo immediately resold on account of the first pur* chaser. mayl—tda. State of Georgia—Randolph County. Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1855. IT appearing to the Court, by the petition oi’ Jacob R. Shrop shire, that William Taylor, of said county, deceased, did m Itls life time execute to Richard Jacobs his bond conditioned to execute good and sufficient titles to said Richard Jacobs for lot of land number forty-five, in the fifth district of originally Lee, now Randolph county,—and it further appearing that s lid William Taylor departed tins life witout executing title for said land, or in any way providing the refor, and beiore the purchase money for said land was due: and It further appearing, that subsequently to the death of said Wm.Tay lor,the said Rieb’d Jacob , lor value received and by endorsement,transferred the said bond to one Delaware Morris, and afterward, on a certain day, in said petition mentioned, the said Delaware -Morris, in like manner transferred the said bond to the said Jacob B Shrop shire, and it further appearing that the said Jacob B. Shrop shire has fully paid the amount of the purchase money for said land with interest, to Henry L. Taylor, Administrator t dc bonis no it. on the estate of said William Taylor; and said Jacob B. Shropshire having petitioned this court to direct the raid Henry L.Taylor, administrator as aforesaid, to execute to him titles for said lot of land in conformity with said bond: It is therefore hereby ordered, That notice be given at, three or more public places in said county, and in the Columbus Times &. Seutiuelpbr 3 months, of such application; that all persons concerned may file objections in the said Ordinary’s office (ifany theyhave)why said Henry L.Taylor, adminstrator asaforesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land in conformity to said bond as -required by law A true extract from Use minutes of said court, this March 7tb 1855, marl? -w3m. CL P, BEALL, Ord. GEORGIA, TAYLOR COUNTY.—Gideon New som administrator of Stephen Johnson, late of said county, deceased, and Daniel W. Miller administrator of John Charles,late of Alabama, deceased, apply for dismis sion from their respective administrations. Orders for cita tion have been granted. All persons concerned are required to appear at the Court of Ordinary for said county, on the first Monday in August next, and make objection, if they have any ; otherwise the applicants will be dismissed. Given under my hand, at Office, January 27th, 1855. jan3o—w6m- ‘ JOHN STURDIVANT, Ordinary. Guardian’s Sale. TTTILL be soldat Cuthbert, Randolph County, on the first W Tuesday in Juno next, to the highest bidder, Lots ol Land Nos. 125, 126, &142, in the 6th district of said county. Sold by an order from the honorable the court of Ordinary of said county as tha property of my minor ct iidren. apl4—2Bss—w4od SEPII COTTON, Guard. HP WO Months after date I shall apply to the Hon. the X Court of Ordinary of Randolph County for leave to sell the Real Estate of William Janes, deceased JOHN W. JANES, / , DAVID 11. JAN ES. \ Lxecutors -‘ April 29th, 1855. mav7—w2m GEORGIA, Pike county: The Petition of Robert Bcasly, Sen'r, respectfully sheicethto the Honorable the Supreme Couit of said County. RESPECTFULLY shewetb that heretofore, to wit, on the twenty-filth day of December 1851, Johnston Thcntou made and delivered to your petitioner Lis certain Retd ci -Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby said Johnson Thornton, among other things, conveyed to yo*. r petitioner the North %of lot of land No 23, in the Bih Dig', of originally Monioe, then and now said county of Pike; also the South %of lot ot land No. five, in the third district,-of orig inally M inroo, then and now said county of Pike, for the pur pose of securing to your petitioner the payment of a promisso ry note which tha said Johnston Taornton had before that time (to wit, on the 6th day 1 f March 1851,) made and delivered to your petitioner, whereby said Johnston Thornion promised on or before the 25th oay 01 December 1852, to pay your petition er or bearer, Two Thousand Dollars for Va.ue Received, with interest from said 6th day of March 1851, and your petitioner avers that said promissory note, principal and interest is still due and unpaid to amount of {52093 principal, and s4£3,tiO-iOO dollars interest. Your petitioner prays your Honor to order that said Johnston Thornton may, on the first day of the next October term of the Court, bring and pay said money, principal and interest, at the Clerk's oliice of me Honorable court, and in delault of such payment, the equity of Kedemp ion of said Johnston Thornton in and to the said Mortgaged premises, may be-iorever barred and foreclosed, and such other and further proceedings be had as are usual in cases of foreclosing mortgages on Real Estate. STUBBS & HILL, Pi’lfs.Att’y. Robert Be&sly, Sr. >ri le ni si to foreclose mort VS* *. CiOE ON REAL KSTAT 3. Johnston Thornton. ) Pike Suj/r. Couit April Teim 1854. Itappearing-to the Court, on the affidavit of Robert Beaslv, Sr., by petition in writing now sited in the ci#rk’s office of this Court, that Johnston'l horuton, heretofore to wit, on the 251 h day of December 1851, made and delivered to said Robert Beasly, Sen'r., his Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforessid, whereby said Johustyi Thornton conveyed to said Robert Beasly Sr., among other things, the north halt of lot of land No. two hundred and twenty three in tho eighth dhtrictof origtnaliy Monroe, tneu and now acid county ot Pike, also the South half oi lot 01 land No. five, in the3d dis trict of originally Monroe, now* said county o! Pike, for tho bet ter securing the payment of a promissory note before that,wit, on the 6th day of .4/arch 1851,made and delivered to said Robert tieasly sen., by said Johnston Thornton, whereby said Thornton promised i;y the 25i.*i day of December 1852, to pay said Beaslv or bearer, the sum oi Two Thousand Dollars with interest liom said 6th day of March 1851, and it appearing to the Court, from the petition aforesaid, that said promissory note is now due, principal and interest, and that the tame is due on said Mortgage,to wit, the sum of two thousand collars, principal, and the sum of four hundred and fifty three dollars and sixty cents, interest: it is therefore ordered by the Court, th;,t said Johnstou Thornton do pay into the c fork’s office of t .is court, on or by the first day of the next October term of tnis Court, said sum of principal and interest so due, as aforesaid, and in default of such payment, that said Thornton then and there show cause, if any he lias, why this equity ot redemption in said mortgaged premises, should not be forever buri ed and foreclosed, aad that this Rale be served personally or by publi cation once a mouth for four months in one of the public ga ze.tes oi this state before said term. By the Court. STUBBS & HILL, Pl’ffs Att’ys, The above and foregoing is a true extract taken from the mimiiesof Pike Superior Court, April Term its;.4. JOHN A. COOHRaN, Clerk, Superior Court, Pike County. Robert Beasly, Sen’r. l rule ni si for foreclosure. VS. J- Pike Superior Court, April Term, Johnston Thornton. ) 1855. It being shown io the Court that at the April Term 1854 oi this Court, a Rule NiSi wa* duly obtained in the above stated case, and that the sa.,ie has not been served upon defendant: Order ed that said Rule be enlarged, and ordered that service be per fected on said defenddent by publication once a month for lour months in the Columbus Times & Sentinel, a public gazette ol this State or served personally on said _defendent p.t least three months before the first dav of tho next term of this Court. By the Court. * STUBBS & HILL, Pl’ffs Att’y. The above is a true extract taken from the minutes of Pike 3i pr or Court, ApiiiTerm, 1855. JOHN a.i OOHRAN, iuay2l—m4m. Clerk Superior Court. ‘VTOTICETO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AH person it indebted to the estate of Joshua R. McCook, deceased, ar required to make immediate ps.jmt nt and those having de munds are notified to pr -sent them within terms of the law. ap:4-fw4od 8. D. HARP, &. H. J.KING, Adm'rs. nEORGIA, Randolph County.—Daniel Smith VX having applied tome for letters of administration Js £<>/.■>- non on the estate of GnbriejSmitii I tte of said county, deo'd: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, t> file tfce’r objections in this office, on or before the nexfJune Term of theeuirt of Ordinary county, otherwise, letters will be at the term aioiesaid, granted to the said applicant. GEen under my baud at office, this'lOth day of \pn 1855. api 4—w*4oij o P. BE f.. Oral na* y. A Sale.—Will be sojtl on lie first j ix luesday in July next, at the court h use door in Cnth-1 lest. Randolph county; the following slaves belostgiug to iuo ■ estate ot \\ m. Taylor, late of said county, deceased, to wit: — I Minerva, eged 36, end ffer infant rh:lc*-7’ jCj and, 10, A 2 roc, 8 ; ! _t?:ia, 6,Georgia, 3. WaabhiSloc, 35, Ardrcw Ift Sold by or* { uer oI tne Oh!-car, of s*id ountp. I UJtTfUVL TAYI-CU, sdeV- ‘ : : THE; FEGF Ls fl| - INTRODUCTION OF Professor James McClintock’s CEI-.EBHATED Family Medicines. This is to certify , that 1 have placed in the hand cf Messrs Ji. Cushman k. Cos., Mew York , the receipts of my “Family Med icines!’ with my full authority to prepare and offer them for pop ular use. In securing the co operation of Mr. .3lezandtr Cushman , who is a thoroughly educattd Chemist and practical Apothecary of many years’ experience, I am. enabled to assure the public that they wiil beprepared in the best, purest arid most perfect form, regardless of expense. JAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late Professor of An atomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia College of Medicine and Acting Professor of Midwifery; one of the Consulting Physicians of the Philadelphia Hospital, Bloeckly; late member of the National Medical association: Membei of the Phiiadtlpbia Medical Society; member of the Medico*Chir urgical College of Philadelphia; formerly President and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Castieton Medical College Vermont; and also late Professor of Anatomy and Physiology iu Berkshire Medical Institution, Mass Atc.itc. Important to Consumptives, And all who are afflicted with Bronchitis, or weakness of the Lungs. I)r. McClintock’s Pectoral Syrup is recommended as one of the best and safest remedies ever used for Bronchitis, Consumption and all diseases of the Bungs and Air Passages . Fur cny of these forms of disease showing themselves in Cough, Ticking of the Throat, Sense of Tightness in the Throat or Chest, Spitting of Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness or Loss of Voice, Hectic Fever, Might Sweats, &c., this SYRUP has been used with unbounded success for many years; it con tains no opium, morphine or antimony , which injurious drugs farm the basis of almost all the quack remedies lor lung com plaints. The Great Peculiarity of Dr. McClintock's Pectoral Syrup, is that in all chronic dis eases of the throat and lungs, it may be taken by the most delicate patient with perfect safety. It contains no injurious drugs, like the. common remedies used for pectoral complaints. It is pleas ant to the palate, produces no nausea or debility, but may be taken freely and constantly, with the certain result of purifying the blood , strengening the stomach, and renovating the entire system while tiealmg and soothing the irritated organs, and producing gradually a perfact cure. Price in pint bottles SI; six bottles for $5. Full directions ac companying each bottle. McClintock’s cold and cough Mixture. Colds and recent Coughs, especially if accompanied by fever or inf.ammatory excitement, require a remedy different in character from the Pectoral Syrup, which is so valuable in chronic com plaints. The Cold and Cough Mixture is precisely the cure for such recent coughs, cold and irritation of the throat and lungs. It is especially valuable for children; no family in our changeable climate, should be without this efficient remedy, which if taken on the first symptoms of cold, would prevent many an attack of Bronchitis, and a fatal issue in consumption. Mo Laudanum or preparation of Opium, in any shape in this syrv.p. Price per bottle 25 cents. Purifying tho Blood. The following, from the Mew York Tribune , will doubtless be very seasonable to all who seek not only to preserve their health, but to guard against all possible contingenccs which threaten to destroy it : “ fie would call special attention to the importance of purifying the blood. Mothing is so prevalent us a gross and sluggish slate of the blood. IVe have no hesitation in recommending to those who would preserve their health, a free use of the best purifying medicine known to modern medical science, viz; Dr. McClintock’s Tonic Alterative Syrup* This remedy is not. only delightful to the taste, but perfectly safe and rapid in its effects. It stimulates the liver and other glands to natural action, gives tone and new vigor to all the func tions, and enables them to throw off all morbid and unhealthy ac cumulations During the extensive practice of Professor McClintock , one of the most celebrated Physicians in Philadelphia, thousands of cases of Scrofula, Erysipelas, Scurvey, Salt Rheum, Tetter , Skin diseases of all kinds, Ulcers, Cancers . Pimples, Boils and Rheumatism, together with Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases in all stages were cured by the free use of Dr\McClintock's I'onic Al terative Syrup. For children it is perfectly safe, and from its pleasan t taste can be easily given. Those who are troubled with any of the above complaints, should take it regularly , Spring and Fail. Price in large bottles. Six bottles §5. TREATMENT OF DYSPEPSIA. Our National Disease. Feeble or Imbcrfcct Digestion or Dyspepsia , in some of its > forms, is truly the National Disease of America. It causes, in | directly, three-fourths of the sickness common to tkis climate. It j causes impure Blood, irritations and. acrid Humors in the Stom ach, Liver, Bowels and Glands, and the system thus poisoned he 's conies a prey to an endless train of evil symptoms, of which the i following are a few, viz: Headache, Giddiness, Nervousness, Low Spirits, Dimness of Vision, with Mote, Speck or Webs be fore the Lyes, licking of the N vstrils, Dullness of hearing, and Binging or L rum min g in the Ears, Bad taste in the Mouth, Tightness or Weight about the Chest, Difficulty of Breathing, Sense of Svjj'ocation in lying down or ascending stairs, Palpita tion or uneasy feeling about the Heart, Irregular or deficient Ap j petite, sense of sinking at the hea-t, sinking at the Stomach, Ac i ridity, Heartburn, pain or fullness in the Abdomen, Costiveness, ; Be. Some of these symptoms alicay - appear in Dyspepsia. They | are often mistaken for, and treated as other diseases. Their i main scat, and source, however, is the Stomach, and a deranged j condition of the digestive functions. ‘To meet and overeomethose symptoms radically, and restore perfect health and vigor to the system, a safe and, certain remedy is found combining all the most valuable ingredients offered by the vegetable Kingdom, in Dr. Me CLINT O DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. Its daily use would be a blessing to thousands who suffer from the bane of weakness. As the prescription of a leading physicianit can be used with confidence by all. Price in large bottles, sl. An Universal Pill. Dr. McClintock’s Vegetable Purgative Pills, though not war ranted to cure ait diseases, are a specific against the numerous disorders that arise from Costioeness , and Costiveness is the bane of life to thousands; giving rise as it does to Headache, Appo plezy, impure Blood. Nervousness, J.ow Spirits, Lassitude, Paine in the Bowels and elsewhere, and other spmptoms to numerous to mention. (os liven ess vill cause or aggravate almost every knvthn disease, ihorefore the Pill best adapted to cure this danger ous habit is entitled to the boasted name of an Universal Pill - Those who ore willing to try a scientific medicine, safe, certain, mild and thorough in its action, yet operating without pain, should use freely Dr. McClintock's Vegetable Purgative Pills. Price twenty five cents per box. Rheumatism and Neuralgia. These excruciating diseases are radically cursd by taking Dr. McClintock's RHEUMATIC MIXTUTE in doses of a tea spoonful three times a day. JVe have seen the worst cases relieved by it in twenty-four hours. For external use we have never known so powerful and penetrating an application as Dr. McClintock's RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. For swelled limbs, bruises, internal pains, cramps, chilblains, stiff joints, toothache, and oth er pninfulcomplaints, where we have seen it tried, it acts with magical effect. These remedies are sold at 30 cents per bottle. Have you the Ague! If so do not injure your Constitution by resorting to the com mon cures in use. I veil very learned physicians are in the habit of prescribing Quinine, Arsenic , Blue Pills, and other powerful drugs, which often do more harm than good, even if they stop the ch ills. On the contrary, the more and ofltner you take Da. McClintock’s Fever and Ague Specific, the stronger willyour constitution become, and the better your appetite and the vigor of the whole systew, it is eminently an article that CAN BE TAKEN WITHOUT FEAR! and withal it has never fail ed to cure all forms of Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Bil lions Fever, Panama or Chagres Fever, Dumb Ague, itc. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Whooping Cough Cured. This distressing disease is thoroughly and quickly cured by D* McClintock's Asthma axd Whooping CoroH Remedy. It con tains no op um and can be given to children with perfect safety. A few drops at bed time quiet <he cough all night, and a few do ses cure entirely. Instant Belief from Pain. No pertn>n need suffer from Toothache, Headache. Neuralgia or Rheumatic pains, Colic, Chilblains, Pleurisy or Stitches in the Side, Pain in the Back, side, limbs, bowels, bladder, or in any part of the body, who will apply to Dr. MoC Unlock's ANOD YNE • MIXTURE. Its effect is like magic—producing immediate ease and quiet, refreshing sleep, eveii in cases of the most excruciating suffering. Every J amity should be provided with a bottle, Price Fifty Cents. Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Thesesevere diseases are new prevalent in various parts of the country. They mvy be wholly prevented, and in the beginning promo try checked, by Dr. McClintock's DIARRHCEA C(*h 'DIAL, one of the most astonishing specifics ft r all Bowel Com plaints •• per discovered. Thousands of cures have been made du ring the past summer, and many lives saved by this medicine—so simple and -heap that every family can procure it. Price twenty five certs and fifty cents per botile. Sold in Columbus by ROBERT CARTER, and by local agents throughout (he State of Georgia. A. CUSHM AN. & CO.. I2i Fulton street, N. Y. Sole Proprie tors of Prof,McClintock’s Fi milv Medicines. dec2 i—tw3m. GEORGIA Muscogee county: i Court of Ordinary. Man Term, 1855. X>C r T.E AI Sl.—Levicy L -wc/Adm -istratrix on the es- Ib l *.te of U'm. Lowe, deceased, having ij piled for latter: of Dismission: On motion, 5’ is Ordered, that all persons concerned show cause, if any they have, why said administratrix may not be dismissed fico said administration at the Court cf Ordinary to he held ta and icr euid oouaiy ou the Srsi Monday is December uevt. A tra* transcript from ihs* tnientwof asid Qrnrt. Bj e ?, Bvjr?#wCs* 8 J. H. DANIEL & THOMAS, 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Ca. Are in constant receipt oi’ the Latest Styles oi Fashionable Ready Made Clothing, OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. im mmm imiiiwum ‘ i min ’ ‘ nr'm ~~ n TIIEV ALSO HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD r ASSORTMENT Gents. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Ininas, Cuipet Lags, Umbrellas, Valises, &c., &c. % MMJSM XXXX & Together with a large Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERSA NI) VESTI 7\ GS, Which they are prepared to Manufacture to order, in tuo ilo t fashionable r J ap proved styles. £^ v ln this branch of their business they owe an apology to thoseot their patrons whom they have recently unavoidably disappointed, but, as the cause has been remo ved, they feel confident, with the assistance of the well-known cutter, IP. .A.. FAIRCHILD, Whose character for faithfulness, courtesy and promptitude is so well established, that in future their patrons will meet with that courtesy and despatch which shah atone for all past disappointments. May 23th, 1850 w&twlL FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKAW & CO., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment oi SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to the interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO OKDEK. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as DANIEL ROWE AND GEO. H. BETZ Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. A OA3EI.3E>* K-1H33®0 81. Takes this method of informing his friends that he is now permanently located at E® A® B*osaw & 00*8. Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attention toall who may desire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. tw&wft The Southern Man. THE Rev. Wm. H. Wilburn, recently delivered a lecture be fore the Now York A/eicantile Library Association©!! “The Southern Man.” We annex someextracts which both fortheir fidelity and beauty will be read with interest. Where the summer lengthens itself into nine continuous months, where the day is delicious and the night cooland spicy, the Southern man grows up a noble specimen of the physical man, endowed with nervous vitality, for he is accustomed from hiß earliesiye&rs to the most active exercises, engaged in all the athletic sports of youth on loot and horseback, in the forest and and the field; used to the pistol and the rifle, and the chase. — Yet in every motion there is a degree oflassitudc,surprising to those who understand not the effect of his clime, and which yet imparts a degree of ease, of graceful elegance, rarely possessed except by an inhabitant of a warm southern climate. In the loner, glorious noontides, swinging luxuriously in his hammock, he inhales delicious airs, but laden,alas ! with death; they have on his cheek the marks of his origin, and the tale is soon told thactqe liver of the southern man is altogether out of order. This is a most maghifleant hint,and the fact wascontera plated by the Greeks who made the word “melancholy,” which means, by etymology, “a black or disordered liver.” We fullyagree w ith thegifted author of theaboveextract,and are happy to call the attention of those having a diseased liver, or any of those diseased so commom to a Southern climate, to to Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture the great invigorator of the system; by its use all suffering from lassitude and weakness be comesrobust and fullof energy, we offer below some ofthc un solicited testimony, Washington, A/ay 17,1853. Mxssrs. Mortimer & Mowbray. —Gentlemen—Having been afflicted with Liver Complaint of ten years standing, I hereby for the benefit of the afflicted, take great pleasure in announcing that after using a few bottles ofyour Hampton Tincture, I found it had accomplished a perfect cure, 1 have used a different med icine from time to time, but have never been able to account for any apparent good; and It is a blessing to Stricken humanity that, that medicine is found which possesses the wonderful powei of prolonging human life. The many cures it has wrought is a sufficient guarantee of the beneficial results which may ba[ex perienced from its use. Yours respectfully, J. C. HAY. LIVER CO A/PLAINT DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris, Esq’s Letter, Alexandria, Vir ginia.] After speaking of the wonderful cures on himself, he says— H. has been suffering with the Liver Complaint and with inability, constantly complaining from weakness through her whole system. Bhe now enjoys better health than for thirty years,being entirely restored by the useof Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thomas Canot, Robert Gault, James Smyth, cured of Rheumatism. John Pervail, 8. A. Griffin, John Luke,Rev. Y. Eskridge, U. S.N., and thousands otherscured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula. Cough, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, St. Vitus’ Dance, Jcc. Woreier you to your own citizens Call on them. Delicate Females and Children will find the Tincture suited to aii their diseases, by its mild action on the Stomach, Liver and the Kidneys, will cure Dyspepsia, Cough, Aslhma, Bronchial and Lung Affections. Pain? in the Back, Side, and Breast, Con sumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Gout,Neuralgia, Fistula,Piles, BoweiComplaints, Worms, N?rvous Debility, with *ll diseases arising from lmpureblood,aud is the graiest Female Medicine ever known. Os Call on Agents and get Pamphletsgratis, withcertiflcatee of cures and history of its discovery. For sale by ROBERT CARTE/*, DANFORTH Sc NAGLE, Columbus. ROBERT CARTER & Cos. Savannah COXE & HUCHING3, Montgomery Ala. Columbus, may 20, — w&twl GOOD MEDICINES. It is estimated that Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and Cathartic Pi II3 have done more to promote tr e public health than any other one cause. There can be no question that the Cherry Pectoral has by its thousand on thousand cures of Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Croup, Influenza. Bronchits &c., very much reduced the proportion of deaths from consumptive diseases in this country. The Pills are as good as the Pectoral and will cure more complaints. Everybody needs more or less purging Purge the blood from its impurities. Purge the Bowels. Liver and the whole visceial system from obstructions, Purge out the diseases ivbich fasten on the body, to work r its decay. But for disease, we should die only of oid age. Take antidotes ‘early agui thrust it out from the system, before it is yet too strong to yield. Ayer’s Pills do thrust out disease, not only while it is weak, but when it has taken a strong bold. Bead the astounding statements of those who have been cured by them from dread ul Scrofula, Dropsy, Ulcers. Skin Diteases. Rheumatism. Eeu silgia, Dyspepsia, internal Pains, Billious Complaints. Heart burn, Head-ache. Gout, and many lessdangerous but still threat aning ailments, such as pimples or. the face, Worms, Nervous ‘Stability, jogs of appetite Irregularities, Dizziness in the lezd, Colds, Fevers. Dysentery, and indeed every variety cf complaint for which a Purgative Remedy is required. These are no random statements, bat are authenticated by >ur own neighbors and your own physicians. Try them once, ami you will never be without them. Price 2.1 cents per Box—s Boses tor *I,OO. Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer. Chemist, Lowell, Maes, and scud by Danforth iz Nasrle, Columbus, Geo, TANARUS, f*. BradSeld, West roint, “ W, W. vt-llaon, Taibotton, ** Dr. 5. F. Wo©nbury-,Hsnilliaa t M *£**? i A CURE FOR ALL! I I Tl ‘* I? ‘i\- , ■ *;} Jpg. ‘•jfiZf&p rs, :sj-£ .. ; , •- . J THE AMERICAN’S FRIEND !! HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. HOLLO W A Y’N 0 1 A T M ENT. Citizens of the Union — You have done me the honor as w ith ore voice, from orio end oi the Union to the other, to stamp the character ot my Ointment with your approbation. It scarcely two years since 1 made it known among you, and already it has obtained uioio celebrity than anv otLer medicihe in so shoit a p rn and. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau streets, New York. \ Astonishing cure of Sore Legs, after nine years standing J Copy of letter from Mr. W. J. Langley, of Huntsville, Y adkin county, North Carolina, U. S., dated Nov. 1,1853. READ HIS OWN WOKDS. To Professor Holloway, Sir—lt is cot my wish to become notorious, neither is this let ter written lor the sake of writing, but to say, that your Oint ment cured me of the ir.o3t dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all wio knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine je:ri 1 was afflicted with one of the most painful aitd troublesome soro legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying every med icine 1 had ever heard of. I resigned to despair aii l ede oi being curid ; but a friend brought me a couple of large potsol your Ointment, which caused the sores on my legs to fits), and I entirely regained my health torn’ agreeable surprise am. deiight, and to the astonishment of my friends. [Signed] W J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A BAD BREAST, TV HEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a letter from Mr. R. Durant , A ew Orleans , November 9 th, 1853. To Professor Holloway, 38 Coiner of Ann and Nassau street?, N. Y. Dear Sir—lt is with heartfelt gratitude J have to inlt /m you thatby the use of your Ointment and Piiis, the life os nv wife has been saved. For seven years she had a bad breast, wish ten running wounds, (not of a cancerous nature.) I vr s told that nothing could save her; she was then induced to use your Oil.t ment and Pills, wheu in the short space of three months ti ey effected a perfect cure, to the atonishment (tall ■ ho knew us. We obtained your medicines trom Messrs. Wright, &. t 0., of Chartres street. New Orleans. 1 send this from “Hotel ties Princes,” Paris, although J had written it at New Orleans, be fore we finally left, at that time, not knowing your address at New York. (Signed) R. DURANT. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases: Bad Leg, Contracted and Stiff Joints, Lumbago, Fore Throats, Bad breasts,Bunions, Burns, Chilblains. Chopped hands, Fis tulas, Gout, Glandular Swellings, Piles, Rnoun aiitm. Fait Rheum, Scalds, Fore Nipples, Skin disease, Scurvy, Sore heads, Uicers, Wounds. ***Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, No. 80 M aid e nLa e , New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable druggist and dealers of medicines throughout the Lnited States, in Pots and Eoxes at 25 tents 62X cents, and SI < 0 each, there is considerable saving by taking thelarger sizes. N. ft.—Directions fortheguidance ofparenteiu ever* disorder are affixed to each Pot. June 17—wly. ’M'OTICETO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AII persons i T having demands against the estate of Richard Dozier, late of Muscogee couniy, Ga., deceased, will present them in lerms of the law, and those indebted to said deceased will come for ward and make payment. marltfi—w4od JOHN B. DOZIER, Evtcutor. TWO months afterdate application will be made to the court of Ordinary of Early county lor leave to sell the lands be longing to the estate of William'Harrell. dtccas< and. by BURRELL ROBI RTs*, Ad’m. Early county, March 20, 1f55. mai26—wVm. GEORGIA. Randolph County. Court of Ordinary of said County, April Term, 1555. II appearing to this Court that William Griffin, Admin istrator oi the estate of .lames Henderson, late -rs said county deceased, ha3 fully administered said estate and faith iully discharged the trust reposed in him as administrator aforesaid: And having made application for Letters of Dismission: It re ordered by the Court that all parties inte rested, show cause to the contrary id or before the next October Term of this Court, 01 her wise said Administrator will be then and there dismissed Given under- pv hand April *d, 1 R 65 ap&LSm, * F, JBFAU-, ©rfinwr