The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 08, 1855, Image 3

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y °f Ju-j • tij [Transmitted for the Savannah Daily Morning News.] SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL 0F TIIIS STEAMSHIP AFRICA. V New York, June 6. The British mail steamship Africa, with Liverpool dates to the 26th ult., has arrived at Halifax. Liverpool Cotton Market. Messrs..Milligan’s cotton circular of the 25th ult. v reports extraordinary tales forjhe week amounting to 153,000 bales including 75,000 bales to speculators. The following are the official quotations: . Fair Orleans MiddJmg Orleans, 6*d. Fair Uplands, •• • • Middling Uplands, sa6d. The Cotton market closed buoyant, The advices from Manchester are more favorable to the trade. Breadstufls remain unchanged, the market closing dull. The weather is more favorable lor the crops. London Money Market. —The London Money market is easy, and United States stocks arc better. Consols closed at 911. having advanced i on Saturday. Political Intelligence, The Vienna Conferences are to be ro-opened on Monday ; The allies are preparing a secret expedition to enter the i Crimea. The seige of Sebastopol remains unchanged. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. IMPORTANT FROM CENTRAL AMERICA. Sailing of Walker’s Expedition* The Steamship Daniel Webster, Capt. Lucas, arrived at New Oileans on Wednesday morning from San Juan, with the California passengers, via the Nicaragua route.— The Daniel Webster brings California files of papers to ; May 9tli. The San Juan river is in navigable order, and boats pass ! and repass without grounding. Passengers crossed from . ocean to ocean in forty hours, including stoppages. No ! .prospects of the river being lower this season. The news from the interior of Central America is some- j what important. Gen. Coral is still at Minaqua with 3,000 troops, under j good discipline, but remains inactive for the present. Gen. Castillon is strongly fortified at Leon, awaiting the arrival of Walker, now on his way from San Francisco with an armed force on hoard a schooner. After his arrival hos tilities will commence and bloody work is expected, as they are all desperatewen selected for the occasion. Ctfl. Wheeler, the American Minister, was at Minaqua at last advices. Many persons are at Greytown expecting the arrival of Col. Kinney and party, and are ready to join him. It is supposed he will proceed immediately to the gold quartz imne3 of Chantalies, a distance of about twelve miles from the mouth of Indian river. Business throughout the coun try t is remarkably dull, especially at Greytown. There were no vessels in port when the Webster left. The following items of news we gather lrom our Cali- j fornia files: The Steamer, with the news of the stoppage of Page & Bacon, in St. Louis, arrived in San Francisco late in the afternoon of tlie Ist May. That day Page, Bacon & Cos., had shipped 5300,000 to New York. The next morning there was, of course, a heavy run on the house, and it is said that $400,000 were drawn out before noon, at which ■ ’ time the house was closed by *the Sheriff. It will be re~ j membered that on the previous stoppage of the house, ere- j ditors of the house holding claims to the amount of S4OO,- : 000 were induced to accept certificates payable j in 2, 4,6 and 8 months, guaranteed by a large number of I heavy business men in this city, by sub;criptions to the i amount oi $1,000,000. It is now currently reported and j generally believed, that the guarantors, held a meeting on ’ the sth, and, after having requested the eldest member of ! the firm present to execute to them a mortgage on his pro- i Krty in St. Louis, which he refused—thev passed a reso- I tion declaring that they were not legally nor morally i •bound, and that they woidd contest the matter at law. it > ds understood, however, that several of the guarantors ex- • press their determination to pay all they have subscribed.— I he paper oi Page, Bacon & Cos., is now selling atsoper •cent discount ancl less. So says the California Chronicle. j legislature of California adjourned at midnight on Monday the Bth ult. No Senator has been elected, and we understand that Governor Bigler Is in the field, and warmly pressed by his friends, as a candidate for that high office. Ihe Brig \esta, destined for Nicaragua, sneaked from tne harbor at oqe o'clock on the morning of the sth inst., having on board William Walter, ex-President of Sonora, and filly'live kindred spirits. They are ail fighting fellows, aimed to the teeth, for the purpose, as it is understood, of taiung pait m the internal troubles of Nicaragua. The vessel was in the hands of the sheriff at the time she left, ut they managed the keeper by threats, and set him on More at the entrance of the harbor. From (Jie N. O. Picayune: Non- Intercourse with. Massachusetts. “Massachusetts Nullification .” Under this head, the Bulletin of this morning called the attention ol its readers to an act recently passed by the Legislature of Massachusetts, called the Personal Liber- , ™}has been passed by the constitutional’ majomy notwithstanding tbie Governor's veto, and it now rnunimf l oft!w whole South to express their hi hi* A , U L °^V n ? niauner Which shall not only ofnitilr ’’l be I "^ t , also - Lei Southern sentiment be “ f’ r’ ! . merchants, shippers and importers of gcods from and into every Southern port at once hold pub pledge themselves that until the repeal of that nefarious law they will, in every and all ea . P ou , li d ot freight by any vessel belong ,r P t ort ln . Massachusetts, provided a vessel from any otnei poit can be had. Let them further pledge themselves not to buy a yard of i cotton or other manufactures made in Massachusetts,when j a similar aide can be had from any other State. I the Si , C ;- U ?? l)s 0 ,‘ 10 whole South abstain from entering j ® °‘. or paying one dollar for the I ot railroads oY hotels. T his, sir,jis a method of re- 1 i.oiation, legal in ajl its hearings, and one which will bring e mad fanatics of the North to their senses far sooner nan all tne political associations that can ever be devised, .bet it not be said this would be unfair, as confounding the gm ty with the honest. It will not. On the contrary, it wnl cause the honest |q§take'hold of their legislative al* airs, and consign the present infamous members ot the - assaciiuseUs Legislature to that oblivion from which they lave sprung: and will assuredly cause the law in question o e erased from the statute books of the once honored state of Massachusetts. ° ne i mr 'S>ne tint this cannot be carried out. I] i quite sure it can be, for 1 have conversed with many of 1 . ur merchants,and fill without an exception, agree that it ; 13 a niL ' asu re which .should at once be adopted, and you i may rest assured that New Orleans is ready to move. : xt ... ’ Union. I New Orleans,May 26, 1855. wli’n y ti!L a m up , a ciVicature. of Sam in New Orleans wineh the Mobile Register thus describes; - } “helh-t ‘^ am .’ *** two remarkable attitudes—first, ’ 1, -”I 8 **■ ° f . hB had .” ! skirts. | iis I J ,t out , eDr^s sacily, betweeit the ‘ muscular snd Kn . e . Uie coon but are firm and i , “ r ’ a, ‘V eivcased m a beautiful pair ofnatit* while his 1 pedal extremities are adorned whh i L-il idb ’ ?u ‘ with lar i. vu \” a hilling pair ot shoes I fotof an “old <n- “ l he is at the . , .{• oM tne, ip “the which” a lave ho’e an- Vrw.,f 1 S U !if. C h“ r !°" l f?!- 1 ' 1 Wlwe ° n *M i<*fc i that, and hw eutire-ap^ejosooeis noioted in the folh'v-Vfr f • nora °* tae Pwiured tail is pointeu iu me ioiiov.nig significant verse: Disguise or perfume him, “ * and } r UO what you will: •* 2?J anA . f cent ot the coon Vi ill stick to him still. ."dtfK Comini South -The Philadelphia Ledger describes a large gang of notorious and adroit buralan; pickpockets, &c., most ot whom are escaped convicts from Botany Bay, and wm, have seen traveling on the-raihoads between NcwYork, Pmladeiphta and lialumore. ‘i heir object can only be conjectnr. and. Ihe gang numbers iwenty-tv.o in eluding cbotTt filtt'en new members dot*so well'known to the Police Several ot them are eaia to reside “in the vi- Ciniiv of Brooklyn, where some have accumulated real estate and a large amount ot personal property” Th* kSgfer Ry yl?c*£ the public to be on tiieir guard. /'* •’ - :: ’ V ’ vt • ( X The Post Office in Columbus. The following note from the Postmaster of Columbus i should have appeared some days ago, but that it was mis | | ai a- The explanation he gives of the delay at Columbus j J f entirely satisfactory. The time allowed for the distribu tion of the mail is manifestly too short, and the Depart ment, we trust, will not hesitate to extend it: P. O. Columbus, Ga: ) j May 31st. 1855. f ; Editors Savannah Republican :— ; Sirs: —The explanation of the delay complained of in I the enclosed paragraph, from your paper ot the 19th, is j this: When the Eastern mail, [due at 84 A. M., does not arrive at that hour, we have net time to distribute the whole mail and deliver it to the Contractors on the Wes tern line at 9 o’clock A. M. The schedule gives us but half an hour at best, and when that time is lessened to ten or fifteen r minutes>, it is impossible to connect the paper mails; the letter mail, of course, having the preference. I J beg that you will say thus much in your journal, for I | have taken much pride in the knowledge, that fewer mis takes have occurred at this point than at any other, per haps, in tn:s section of country, considering the amount of work done. Very respectfully yours, R. C. FORSYTH, P. M. (Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.) The new Guano Island Discovered by Americans’. The new guano island which I mentioned the other day f as having fallen into American hands, is not the Bird Island which is claimed by Capt. Fhelton, in opposition to the adverse claim of the State of Venezuela. I referred to the new island which is now nameless, and the location of which is a secret at present, and which was brought to the notice of the Farmers’ Club of New York, very recently by Mr. A. G. Benson. I have now further information in regard to this newly discovered island, and am assured that the deposits of guano arc richer and more abundant than those of the Cbineha islands. The island is a recent discovery by Americans, and by them Is now actually possessed. It is not laid down no any chart. It i belongs, and is claimed by no organized government. It is uninhabited, and may be considered as a derelict. The quantity of guano upon it is estimated at over two millions of tons, and it can be brought to our ports and sold at S2O I a ton —or less than half the price of the Peruvian guano, | to which it is equal in every respect as a fertilizer. The American owners have made arrangements to ac quaint the Government, confidentially, with the value and locality of the Island, and solicit adequate government pro* feet ion. University of Georgia. With the advice of the President of the Senate and Spea ker of the House of Representatives, Governor Johnson has appointed the following gentlemen, a Board of Visitors to attend the final examinations of the Senior Class of the University of Georgia, to commence on the 19th of June : Hon. Joseph E. Brown, of Cherokee, Col. A. A. Gaulding, of Spalding, Dr. M. A. Franklin, of Bibb, Hon. John N. Williamson, of Newton, “ Alex. Pope, of Wilkes, Mr. Charles C. Jones, jr-, of Chatham, Rev. George Clark, of “ Col. Samuel Hall, of Macon, “ Henry H. Gumming, of Richmond, “ Thomas W. T honias, of Elbert, “ Robert McMillan, of Habersham, “ Thos. P. Saflbld, of Morgan, “ Thos. R. R. Cobb, of Clarke, Hon. James Jackson, of * “ Dr. Henry Hull, of “ Is Doesticks Dead I —Touching the rumor of his death, at Ann Arbor, the New York Post says: ‘/ YVe are sorry to say that it is obviously a vulgar man’s trick to draw attention to a book which is just announced from the pen of Doesticks. We do not know who is re sponsible for its publication, but we trust that neither the author nor the publisher have had any thing to do with it. It it is the work of any of their friends, the less they are in debted to such friends the better for them.” COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS?” ■ § 9i ET?3 ir a i “■?!§.* S l s ‘f!3#!fs on ; 3 S-1 32. jo 2. .“ 1 :S ® 2 !3 ® ; hand u iix ;: ‘IA lIiSS, tu. 2o ra :•< p. | : r l r< j day. 1854. 1 43; 83 70407 70533 1103 61162 62265| 8312 May 19. ; j ‘ j 1 ! The Planter’s Bank of Savannah has declared a dividend of six per cent, for the last six months, besides an extra divi dend of four per cent, from reserved profits. &T* Great Cure of Rheumatism. —The Editors of the Richmond Republican, of Dec. 24th, 1852, say that Car ter’s Spanish Mixture is no quack medieide. • They had a man in their press room who was afflicted with violent mercurial rheumatism, who was continually complaining of misery in the back, limbs and joints ; —iiis eyes had become feverish and mattery, neck swollen,throat sore, and all the symptoms of rheumatism, combined with Scrofula. Two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture cur ed him, and, in an editorial notice as above, they bear tes timony to its wonderful effects, and say their only regret is, that all suffering with diseases oi tne blood are not aware of the existence of such a medicine. They cheer fully recommend it. See their certificate, and notice in full sround the bottle, may 5 __ w&twlm M*Lane's Worm Vermifuge. —The following order shows at once the demand for and the excellence of this great medicine. Certificates have been so multiplied in fa vor of this Vermifuge, that we consider it unnecessary to add any more. Boonville, Ind. June 3, 1851. Messrs. J. Kidd & Co.-—Your agent, when here, left with us 12 dozen bottles M’Lanes. Vermifuge, which is nearly all sold. Please send quickly 12 dozen more, as we do not want to get out of it; for we consider it the best Vermifuge ever used in this part of the country. G. r. & J. B. HUDSPETH. This invaluable medicine may be purchased at all the Druggists in Columbus, and of Dealers generally through out the United States. junes—2w “The whole press of Philadelphia are out in favor of Hoofland’s Gorman Bitters,as they are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. We are glad to record the success oi this valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, as we believe it supplies a desideratum in the medical world long needed. The wretched imitators and counterfeiters have withdrawn their nostrums from the market, and the public are spared from the danger of swallowing poisonous mixtures in iieu of the real Bitters.” — Herald. For sale by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street, Phila., and by Danforth & Nagle, Robert Carter, Brooks & Chap man, Columbus Ga.; and by O. Lanier &o Cos., Girard, Ala. • juneo—2w Married. In Harris County, Georgia, on the morning of the sth inst., by the Rev. Jacob W. David, Mr. A. B. Seals and Miss Georgia E., daughter ot Isaae Almand, Esq. CONCERT HALL ! TWO SHOWERS OF GOLD ! Last two Nights of the Great Magician MACALLIBTER, Oa Saturday & Monday Events, June 9 Xr 11. On which occasions,in addition to the splendid performan ces of the famed Necromancer 80 VEEY ELEGANT GIFTS will be presented free to the audience, including £ Gold I and 4 Silver Watches. FORTY GOLDEN FAVORS EACH EVENING. j 4 GOLD & 2 SILVER WATCHES ON SATURDAY, r The Same Number aud Amount on Monday. VALUED LTOGETHER AT $650. Purchased at the. Store of Mr. Purple, where the elegant presents may be Seen. Tickets sl. roije had at the ho ; lels a,id at the dosr. Concert Hall openWt 71. Peiiorm ance commence? utjfr junot-twlty AUCTION. | ft. T 11 o’clock on Saturday next, the 9ih inst., we will A sell in front ot our Stores, to pay advance and ex pen j ses 1 I.urge Peddliug YVagou and Harness. Tne j wagon is in good running order. TERMS CASH. HARRISON, AUSTIN & McGEHEE. | Columbus, June 7 twit. S. J. piivc-ksrd, p-Cr- Just Received and for Sale Cheap A LOT OF BIRD CAGES, june7—tw2m R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. WANTED, A FIEST HATE TIH PLATE WOBKEE. None other need apply. june7—tw2m. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. $lO Reward. LOST in the streets of Columbus, about the Ist January last,a heavy California Gold lllug, with the initials'"B, W.” eDgraved on the back. I will give the above reward for the delivery of the Ring to mo in Girard, Ala., oral the Times & Sentinel office. B. WHITEHURST. june7 tw3t. “CORN FOR SALE AT PALACE MILLS.” A SMALL LOT OF CORN ON CONSIGNMENT, __at f LSO per bushel. juns—twtf. GREENWOOD ACADEMY, * Near Troy Factory, Harris Comity, Georgia. #The Second Session of this Institution will commence on the Ist Monday in July Parents and Guardians having eons or wards whom they are desirous of sending to the country to escape the oppressive heat of the city, would do well to enter them, during the months of July, August and September, at my school. In such cases the pupil will'be charged for only the time of attendance. Young men can be prepared in my school for high stand ing in the Freshman and Sophomore Classes ot any of our State Universities.. My plan of instruction, especially in the Latin and Greek : Languages, is thorough aad comprehensive, adopting for my motto, “Non Quam inultum, sed quam bene.” Board can be obtained in respectable private families for $9 per month including washing. My address is Mountain Hill, llarri3 County, Ga. A. B. SEALS, Principal. References:—Hon. .Tames Johnson, Messrs. Lomax & Ellis, Col. R. C. Forsyth, James Hamilton, Esq. jun 2 w2t&tw3t. A CARD. AINGMIRE, late with S. B. Purple, takes this method • of informing his friends and the public, that he can now be found at A. H. DeWitt’s Jewelry Store, on hand to do any kind of Jewelry Jobblw, also Engraving done in the neatest style. june2-twtf. OSNABURGS AND YARNS FROM the Flint River Manufacturing Company, for sale by RUSE, PATTEN &. CO. june 2-tw3t. Agents. Negro Man for Sale or Hire. MV 3on, Alfred Iverson Jr„ has left with me a valuable Ne?ro Man, whom I will sell for cash or credit, and would like to hire him out by the month until sold. _ may29—twtf. ALFRED IVERSON. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age, is AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. THEY don’t help complaints but they cure them. One Box has cured Dyspepsia . Three Boxes have cured the worst eases of Scrofula. Two Boxes have cured Erysipelas. One Box always cures the Jaundice. Three Boxes are sure to cleanse the system from Boils; often less than one does it. Two Boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcers on the legs. Small doses seldom fail to cure the Piles. One dose cures the headache arising from a foul stomach. Strong doses often repeated expel every worm from the body. They should be given to children who are always more or less affected tvith this scourge. Asa gentle physic they have no equal. One Box cures derangement of the Liver. Half a Box cures a Cold. They purity the blood, and thus strike at the foundation of every disease. Asa Dinner Pill there is not their equal in the world. They are purely Vegetable, and can do no harm, but do accomplish an unaccountable amount of good. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Low ell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and Dealers iu Medi cine through this section. juns—w&tw3m. FOR HIRE. TWO Likely Voung Negro jMen ami one young Woman, ac customed to bouse work. Apply to ma>3—twtf . D. A. RIDGEWAY. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE’STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS P. To be drawn June 2, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN FRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SC H E M E ! E3F"And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and paid whendue WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 1 LRIZE OF S[S‘COO I do 5,000 I do 4.000 1 do 3,0ft0 1 do 2,000 1 do 1,500 1 do 1,100 5 do 1,000 501 prizes in all, amounting to $60,000’ Tickets A‘lo. Halves $3. Quarters S2AO. Bills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Bronze Lion Montgomery, May 18,— twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. tCT” All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY", Columbus, Ga. By Authority of tlia Stats of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners the Agency and Management ol the fORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the prii cipal t ftke at Atlanta, Georgia, anc intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military JJcademy I.ottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR JUNE. Class £2. be drawn June 13tb, 1855,*in the City of Atlanta, Ga., when Prizes amounting to Will be distributed according to the following magnificen Scheme! remember every Prize is diawn at eacn Drawing, and paid when due WITHOUi’ DEDUCTION! I PRIZE OF §7,500 j “ 5,000 1 “ 2,000 o “ 1,000 5 “ 500 10 “ 200 15 “ 100 78 “ 50 120 “ 25 Tickets $5; Halves §2 50 ; Quarters Si 25. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! £3^Tickets $lO ; Halves §5 ; Quarters §2 50. Bitis oa all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia. Just Received on Consignment, AAA LBS. Tennessee New Bacon; Hog roan,. 1000 Eos. Feathers. 5 ) KegsFrime Fresh Lsrd. 95 Boxes, X Boxes aid Boxes bed Virginia Tobacco. 100 C Yards Teiessee -Jeans, Cheap for Cash, mariri-tt HULL, FRIERSON fc UO. SUN DRIED APPLES INORTY BUSHELS pealed, mce and sweet, just re . ceived on consignment and for tale hy April 21st., 1355—w&twtf. H. C. PfIELPS. HIDES WANTED. twill pay cash lor 10,000 lbs Flint Hides. April ll C. PH El *B, BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. lAA AAA POUNDS TENNESSEE JBACOfI. JA/vNUUU lUO Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbls. Howard Street Flour —a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted Stock ol GROC CRIES wffiich will be sold at the lowest market price By ANDREWS, RIDGWAY& CO. j Columbus Ga., May 29, 1855. w&twtt. j DISSOLUTION. rpHE copartnership heretofore existing under tho name of ; A Ayeri/ Wilkins is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The name of the firm will only ffie used m closing the business. All persons indebted will please call and setttle. mav24 —til Ist iune. AYER & WILKINS. CHEAP HOUSE FOOD? tups have a LITTLE GI ANTICORN MILL in op \Y erationonour premises, and will grind Horse and Cow ; feed for customers for the usual toll. Persons having their com and cobs ground will make a sa- I ving of one third in their expenses for feeding stock. BROWN’S FOUNDRY, Columbus, may2l—twtf. Near the Bridge. STOVES & TIN WARE. YTATE have on hand a fine assortment of COOKIXQ TT STOVES AXD TIX-WARE, for sale Cheap. Roofing and Guttering promptly attended to and Warranted. iuayl9—tw4ra. R. M. ALDWORTH, & CO. BATHING TUlisT Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Ziuc. may 19—tw4m. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. HEAR BOTH SIDES. All the World will Bead this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, 12M0.. CLOTH. Wlio is Ruth Halil Is Ruth Hall Fann Fern, or somebody else? and if Fanny I Fern is not Ruth Hall who is Fanny Fern! | THE LIFE AND BEAITIES OF FANNY FERN! ‘ Is now before the public, and the world will be enlightened. And this book a strange tale unfolds. Tlie -present Work is authentic in all Its j Those who have read the advance copy, pronounce it the i wittiest, spiciest book of the season. It presents vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril liant Author of Fern Leaves and Ruth Hall, at her own fireside, in the Editor’s Sanctum, in the street, at i Church, and everywhere, and iu every position she is the same fascinating woman. In th s volume, several of Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts appear ‘ forthe first time in book form. The reader will find .that they possess the same , features which characterize all he? productions. They are alternately witty and pathetic, causticand sooffiing, sparkling and pensive. No other author hassucceedadso well in touching e fine! I chords of the heart. Just received and for sale by febla—w&twtf. W. PEASS. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, AT T ORNEY A T LA W , COLUMBUS, GA. ttW” Office in St. Mary’s Bank Building. may2G w&twtf. WOOL CARDED ANDBIANUFAC T U R E D. WOOL Carded at toll or 10 cents’ per lb. Manufactured into Liusey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents p*ryd. Columbus, may 26. WINTER FACTORY. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land! THE undersigned having associated themselves together for the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress heretofore pased, are now prepared to make application for alt who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, under a recent aetof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of l,and, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary in formation. We are also p repared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. F;om our long experience and gen eral success, w e can with confidence say, lhat a’l claims entrus ted to our caro, will be promptly and speedily adjusted One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the bus mess his personal attention there. Office ove r Guuby &. Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, fel>24.. jv&twif. A. It. RAGAN. PURE AND REFRESHING TO BE HAD AT BROOKS & CHAPMAN’S, DRUGGISTS. Y\7 F are pleased to offer to our friends and patrons pure YY SODA WATER as a summer beverage. We have purchased “Nicholl’s Patent Combination Soda Fountain,” by which we are enabled to obtain tho Carbonic Acid for the Water direct from pure “English Soda,” instead of the Carbonate of Lime, Whiting, Chalk, &.C., os hitherto used. The Water prepar and by this “Fountain” ;is purer and freer of all mineral or noxious ingredients. The power of the apparatus is so graduated, that five galtous of Gas is dissolved m each gallon of water —which is tho standard officinal of Soda Water, as approved by tlie best Physicians and Chemists. | Our SYRUPS are made of the best Sugar, and freshest Fruits, i and we can, with full confidence in our Soda Water and Syr ! ups, invite our friends to the coo ung, sparkling beverage of our Fountain. may B—w&twtf HOLLINGSWORTH'S ~ PATENT WASHING MACHINE. Operated with Floating* Balls. THE GREATEST WASHING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. Every Family Ought to Have One. ONF. of these Machines will do a week’s washing of an ordi nary sized family before Breakfast, And .leave clothes unim paired. They are perfectly simple, not easily put out of order, , andean be repaired by any plantation carpenter. Wennw ad vertise them ior the first lime. They are being generally used ’ in Columbus and give universal satisfaction. The Machines i can be seeiffon Broad st., at W. K. Harris, agent,Tiny Factory. Persons wishing them must send in their ahead, as j we cannot ‘manufacture them fast enough to supply the ! demand. Orders from the country eaciosing 2d Dollars, will meet with attention if directed to the WASHING MACHINE CO. Columbus, Ga. fjP*’ County Right* for Sale. N. R We now Zinc all of our Machines and charge the etxra cost of Zinc lining, as it makes a much better machine. The , price for these Machines is $22, purchaser paying cost of trans portation. Enquirer please copy. niay3—w&twtf IMPOBTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS . Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! . BEING desirous of changing my ‘’ / business, l now offer my extensive ft&s Stock oi Scliool, Law, Mrdi- • Theological and Wiiki'Ur v-r ce ;j ancons Books, and Stationery at COST FOR CASH* Stationery at COST FOR CASH* I have a large Stock of Schoolbooks, and it will be greatly to the advantage of Teachecs and those in charge of Schools, to call immediately and supply themselves. It you cannot come, send your orders with the money, end I will send them to you. To any oue wishing to go into the business, I would say, that I will sell them my entire stock upon the most favorable terms —both as to prices and payments. Call and see. ■JORDAN L. HOWELL. N. 8.,—1 would most respectfully say, to ail who ere indebt ed to me, that 1 mart-have.the money. [Please let met hear from you without fnril tr notice. * J.L. 11. Columbus Ga., April 14, 1655. wtwtf Excitement Increases! SEEP COOL! ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! 11l WE on hand,and receive daily enough to supply ell the People of Cieorgi*. and Alabama, which l v. nisei) at .V Y STORE O.V IJiO.iD S Til EL T. at ‘>ig cents per pound. ~ A All orders from the country fori ee will be racked wuh care and forwarded immeoiately t v T. M. HO ; AN; F ~ Q maj2t—wtwtt * ‘ President of the Icettomjmuy. SETTLE UP. ALL persons indebted to the Kte Snn of WIT. I T IMS &- FEHG are hereby notified that unless their Notes and Amounts ure settled before the first of June, they will he. ve & 6?nle with someone else. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) H A VING made arrangements at Washington City,by which all business entrusted to them will be promptly intended I to, they are enabled to procure Bounty Land XV nr ; rants, Pensions, &c., and prosecute Claims against | the United States either before Ccvgrta or theseveral Dt i partment*. I are also prepared to purchase Claims, kc., against ! the United .-states. I .Vo Pay required until the Land Warrants, Claims, itc. i are procured. JAMKS HAMILTON. \VM. T. PLAN*. April 7th. 1855. w&twtf. WRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE | At Rock Island Paper Mills Office, In front of Palace Mills, and at Mylford’s Store. June 2d. 1855. , w&twtf HYDRANT WATER. IaHE cit izens ol Columhns a e respectfully informed that tho . works by which the Hydrant water is supplied belong to : the undersigned, and that the Hydrants are private property ‘ and not intended for public use. Any person or family that may desire to obtain a supply of water, can be allowed to do so from the Hydrants at Pitts &. [ Hatcher’s, .Woit & Mustian’s, and A. GammelFs Livery Sta bles, by making an arrangement with me. Those persons who : are in the habit offending for water at the places mentioned, i without my permission, a--e requested to discontinue the prse j tiee, and are informed that their servants [iu luturo will be i published for the trespaes. i mav?9—twtf. ALFRED IVERSON. $3 PER BUSHEL FOR WHEAT. I’UHE Montgomery Mills, at Montgomery Ala., and the Palace : A Mills, at Columbus Ga., (limiting their entire purchases : to 20,000 bushels) will pay for Choice White Wheat, Georgia j and Alabama raised [wheat, of the new crop, the following ’ pi ices,cash. Delivered at either mill, previouslo the 15th May S3 00 Bushel. i Previous to the 20th, 275 “ “ “ “ 30th, 250 “ “ “ “ 15tn June 2 25 “ “ “ “ Ist July 200 “ “ Choice Red 25 cents per bushel less. Sixty pouuds to the bushel. Papers in Alabama, between Eufaula and West P-rint, and in Western Georgia, north of Americus, will please insert one dollars worth. Georgia papers will be ] aid by Palace Vjfi ls, and Alabama papers by Montgomery Mills. Montgomery. April 28, 1855. may l—twtf. Enquirer copy. Situation Wanted, BY a Young Woman in are?pectable family, to do general house work, or to take charge of a child; or would have no objection to go North with any respectable ,family, i Apply at this Office. ’ may22—twtf S'iWIXG MACHIEES. GROVER, BAKER & CO’S. PATENT. THE simplest and best in use, and the only Machine adapted to general use. Can stitch a shirt bosom, or sew htteen I thicknesses of Osnaburgs with equal ease. Can be managed ! by a negro; is not liable to get out of order, and the sewing will | outlast the material. Can be run by hand, foot or water pow | er. Every one should have them. They will do the work of | a day in au hour, with ease. Call and them. COWDRY & CO., Agents, apl4—twtf Columbus, Georgia. A CAJU>. | \ | HAVING understood that reports ! i Jss&ggjaahave been industriously circulated I the etlect that we had nq Lighi Draft Boats, and consequent ! ly no facilities for shipping goods during the low stage of the ■ Rivers, we take pleasure in informing the Public that tliefol ; lowing is a complete list of Independent Steamboats now run ! ning tne Alabama aad Bigbcc rivers: | Ben Lee, Azile, Orion, Advance, Emma Watts, Ariel, Bloomer, Madison, .! The above are all Substantial and of the very lm.est draught, i having accommodations and facilities for conveying passen* ‘ gers unequalled by any other Boats or line of Boats, now ply* | in on the Alabama and Bigbce rivers. ; They are all commanded by able and experienced comman- I ders who will use every exertion to secure the comfort and . safety of tlie passengers. ; For freight or passage applv on board, or to ’ T.VV. MARSHALL, & CO., Ageats of Independent Steamers, uiay2ti—w&tw3m Mobile, Alabama. ! COMMISSION AND GROCERY HOUSE. ripHE undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to the | A public that he has just received and will continue to rc- ceive during the season a good supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, CONSISTING OK SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, SALT, > i! A COX, CORX, PEAS, CHEESE, fc TEAS, i Fine [Segar* and Tobacco, &c>, which he offers very low for CASH and CASH only. Tho i public are respectfully ir.Tited to call and examine his Stock. \ None but Genuine and Fresh Articles will be offer : and; and all goods soid warranted to be as good as the best, at , the old stand of D. P. Ellis & Cos., No. 14, Broad street, Co lumbus, Ga. A. S. HAYS. ] Enquirer copy. apl2—wtwtf, SBOO A MONTH—WKO WANTS IT? ! \ GENTS wanted in every part of tho State to sell llollings- JaL worth’s Patent Washing Machines. An active man can ’ make S2CO per month. For particulars address ! WASHING MACHINE COMPANY, Enq. cop. [mayß—wtwtf] Columbus Ga. S3TCB> OBCSXSDIIS.a /‘-j—l P 0 Pu l a r work, just by the Harpers (•Egr?and for sale by wmaßmsr j.w. pease. Also, a Hew Supply of South Side View of Slavery, by'N. Adams, D. D.; Ruth Hall; Cap. Oanot; Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern, &.C.&C. - Columbus, Feb. 22. w&tw'f. NEW SPRIIB BOOBS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. IriRCNCH, English and American Prints. Vrefich Cambrics and Brilliants. Scotch and Fiench Ginghams; all Styles. Bareges, Tissues and Light Colored Challeys. Liglit Summer Silks and Grenadines’ A Choice Selection of Emtjroideries. Handkerchiefs, Collars, and Collars and Sleeves to match Jackonet artd Swiss Trimmings and Bands. Englishandfiermaa Hosiery— of every description. Damask and Musiin Drapery. also A Superior lot oi Irish cinens/ 6—4 Pdlow Case—Linen and Cotton. 11-4 A 12-4 Cotton aad Linen Sheetings, opiy, ingrain and Linen Carpeting. Every description ol goods usually found incur line—allot which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices C.dumbus, March 3, 1e55. ‘ v. &iwtf Muscogee Baiiroad Stock for Sale. Shares Muscogee Railroad Stock fo.-alo by H “ E,SON - AUBT,X *■*'**>**. RAGS! RAGS ! T [IF. ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILL S ARE paying tbsree and a Half cents each per lb foLfilean Linen and C-otton Rags, La quanties of .me huu’ dred pomos and upwards, and 3 cents lor quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office in front of p\ \ \c.\- \j 1 F 1 -t Columbus, Ga., A/ay 9, 1855. w&tVtL IF resit Ciroimil. DOUBLE Extra Family Flour, from White Wheat a abeautiiul article, per barrel ‘ Extra Family, “ “ 12 Superfine, * “ 10 50 Double Extra is equal to Hiram Smith. We have or iv a small lot of it. ‘ ap7—v.-&twt£ WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. J, M. RUSSELL, ATTitR NL. X A T I, A\V , Ofilee at oresepi, with G E Esq.,over J R k dd * Cos