The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 15, 1855, Image 3

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Ispertas: fine tie Sis 6nads, ANOTHER OUTBREAK IN MEXICO. Tae Co~iM Christ. YaMef and AJrertzser, io*c neeeir •d,eos£*ias tae j’/iswisj aspertanc duo mxn a ktatr received a: the ci of tae ** Valley 4 Advertiser”’ Treat a leadisg eifsita of Lsredo. Tfcaaewsfirum Mexico is asopertas? sod exsrtJßjj. J; ‘ appear- Jim orders from SocU Aaaa were ntce-vv-i to * rest aol witaost cerensocf, some or the leading ci:- ; izecs ot Moswßf and Lanipasar—oncag them*Don - Santiago Vidian, tale ISeerefoiy of S‘ate of N—ea Leoo 1 and a raaa of greet in (herre- The ex&tenee of 1 ▼ate orders leaked ost, a *2 D-:a Santiago Yidcun do paaabai a eossier to Lampasas with the oewe, and whs Gen. Manchaca, Santa Area's onuarT.arrived, he met by two hu-aired arsed erlitets and forced :o *men- • <Jer. H fife oFasapered ils of the maalr pow t?oo be aseerned, sekaowedgaig that tii orders To syne eight of “he feadrag titozeas of *sd ‘ tint had m the aEsisty. the occerf of Ms aspen- rs wool-j fce ‘ iaspitefov obeyed. He did hoi as* hss ihe.oV his scs-i- ; - ort wotd cot beiieTeba! he had so id his er-tsasud> g! empcair*, wao Is trail know- by car informact “was l l~** *• jKohahiutj a that sLtoir f Mann? writ save eira. - j The news at these sna&-rto as **aa sersai thraersitow: ; wrrccnargcoaatry. t Saasea had ids LaoSm * mu'SWsam.asd’ mtdoe josoea at Ydle i baa* &&’**, dee .oy a fore* to I/tC men ’ 1 Ttowwi*** ; beinj a'aras aed v ‘ ;J - ■ ,? - F Git spiTenc . -~’t Nwva Le'•!! , t C~il'' , ¥S VJ o j . j L-e-ta-eri-*-. ***>- _ of Mo-niareyi who rested ? see ■wus*. VK?tiZ —’ “ ? 3 ’ ‘ , '- i zn Ji - He oasoiao Jet-, cCi. u .aKtr.j-. Wat be loegh-ir oeart wh . r 'iT noremecc or -uccreak, a entirely ahead of Cam- : ;a. s ;-u.z t for tae people were prep-inag for ta is- * •ae, use */ ot trie case has fcramkd foe master. , /m X* # / lFci ; i ?- fo *'-C. Cos. atlvatereeapr-oMaisfoßg ar.i k 7 feanrr to as by the pstKistaefa. tit-peas cuiia a cenat of the Waafeiostae toiy nra-r onprcrtao.y, of she rtty ZTii-dy a pride oa . mac of ir* d#- ! *KsdS. fc: eaaad.i to tkt g.orv end i ths Father et‘ kis Cuwatsy to*£ru.e hi* * m to f Wiftuua and Hertoarn, s* eJiweare Xoras&n *&£?• ♦ .- feudal service lo a liisfe p p of Dorfeam * Th- e*-- ? mafcgy er the name arises tr:ra the exchange hv Hen- ‘ earn of foe Tillage which he held ia -=~ rro’ ?li^'B : ah*p ferfoe manor and Tillage of W-ssngtoe. firoas whence “ae mo tiers cr tne inaMf is cert Ted. ■'■'■? Totßine Mings down foe erss,a of Waaasstos ? s fiie ja ‘ the sampler es ITTS. t*’ tfcjs BHBtner is wEieb the ?Kv2T2c-aer*s task Is is erser respects fu’al’ed, eaaac4 *peaJk m texms e£ too hxh eoauneedatica. In the eareful and jodkiets *lec t",Q *:t tile s>as, sassfe naicriaia tt> h:S3, is C3SB&106& Ci’ tlnHiU *-ies isllii h'-Ctl *’ •ad in a Just *i iaaptatral estissaj* of Lla hn/j ebar •, be baa anted a.: ifce eoad&cca ebien tie onper taa .e < t ■...•'■ sno-:c-. ca..od -ce. fre-m the pcrtk>r o’ the work DC before es, it *s tine rcrk%: testimoaisl that has as set bees erected to mesKfrr. ihe esjcwHi portra..: the present votame, ’ is .?sc trie cr.2;n;!i pictare in the possess;*ju uc Gaaries Asjastis Diva. t!t.s eitv. is has an espressfoa cf sod efeeerfslaesß which meet cf the other likenesses tsa; ve *eea tranu—AVer iVi 3t. Omiy still a Candidate. ! c^r y* Aagasta Ccartitatiocafitt] frenj the ••: -- ’- w:n S paragripa nx tce^ Atlanta. Mep’s&ta r# c-l’ the 7th aMtr taas yxe caz is o ailed to the n-ist, an-i ‘na: M* Overtsy an: his theeds intend to me battle w.tcom diiicsin.i no til the people declare wco is Tieter ir.c UTtroy are in ne:d. ‘•s no coeses neit! j • ’ ui the Fhiia&lpniaSecret CeoU of Know Nothings an Tthin j to ray oo the subjeetf . 1 r • i -' i it h. —W e see .that a sort of peevish, remark *“ ■ - ■ •'•'•* - 7 ~'-t pmecss?c-rto tr.e street that he woci-i ad Wr.Uvrby u ectne dovra unless the hnecds of Tim* ! peri":- m : A .a 2. re a sac re Liberal suoco?t ;o the temper ance press, a lic.-t.— a great deal ox secret joy, pcbKely _Mp-eetf, amoajr css ta:a po-iitical parties. Allow ns to r'^p l - rc ' ; . hut B. H. Overby a cot oce o: the pucA.i.g -ut i: id. Vv iea 50 ,; get sired a nap on* to battle fie wiii either recins bearing his shield or apoa it.."’ COT Ji: J. M. Srans, Preskent of the Know Nothhj v-tste Council ot Vermont, has addressed 1 letter to the mermens 0? the order si a junsikCoQ, ia which iw repa- Cites me charge tnat the Amer.can Order is ® the least w.ta pco-elavery docti' bet he ges ms eretaren to.ino 4 w-u to the stability of the Union. lit - tQe . -7 Uonetuution. He savs that Ceosress ear ■ ot p*™** w *'h slavery rn me htatea, but h- protect* SSJS Pal ar iai:atiJc. Y- 7“ J3 * w N Potass ig-nast me Uedteti Americana, •-U Jme atur au Dying to gtt mem ;•> abandon their *S. t De^ o* the chapters, under ot <** K* ‘ the’ same, rth.”..b!r BS>. tor raldoig. * ~? lc ’ -■- !■-'* ua 65thtw Ihe Kw Noth- Tbs Jefca* cr tba shotitioaiits in the tLectZcn he * -- *?“ 011 “* •■* tfe erect t- S uKsuvefy ca as that regies ‘a.aci £ 53 eof ‘** rnt '-*y. iccoroirg Rrthe ‘*ll ceaev recurvic. Gad droiced rohrics and •? — ,~7t, •’ w iciTj oeeccatiocft Li \ */ ’ ‘ . afea ■-’ * cl sheem ** a -**• fit aeikta *** z**roi ru-hc afton* w— K:.I LT*r ffild*: 1 • •- liflildl terras. Sg*® “ OFtiOS _*l. .• • ■ , —* .- : SifOitic* nave jsotae tneea Sa *‘* waalteawtt gJ a tea | s£ renwi*,. 7 Court, *s \>rk. ‘* < aTV >,^ e, ‘ 3CC ' :G - ** L\ gecai nensw,Q Gcl^Nr-^V^ 2 ’^ :al es * a sxtecsiu*i T corned oc ~r„, ■'*- rea^* t? sav. - c *- — ; .'.: tff- ••**■'•• Mta .‘ a : -i- c:tr. Tfca: as ■;o^AS^iS , a SE*?J£; SSs* ?**“*** vr'taeda? p-1 w !?-l* ‘T* phifcusttaoptato t - ‘?.,. t*--?™* **“- --2* On*i Jary u irrigate -as u die ascac rgic cfasracter. ; : * 5 reY-I ‘M ! “' A ' : Pf a ici- wak-a. wtii be earned *.. *_■ ;*7* .f* - -LA otS& Caroiiaana, in resara to Illirriair^-tr^ * *~ f ’ “Ts JgSdes: legal the inadtathx* of warmgq. i. iT is; Sn To prs-efe* sacreci the rela -roe?s chi’tree; *r.d 3d: Ti.. J-, *•“” u = use Rareuk rays, oT - :n<*- *aistaacs w.; ..d a..:. *-*~ w * “ &*P*Xie** fc tehiiijgscce of the disc©- j _to. to • p •''-* !l - ? '* °* ac _*xttsagiv-? estsritoh- L :, V :,. At! u ipplemeass fcr ; * * jC 4 •' l -“* w -~ ‘i®4 is a house uader • SS"fisttr- • -■• .■*-*. oeStaea states fo* ; ?“ Bk *f Onto. Back c- Fort l E£ Al£ <*. Bin* of IS!- , io* ciM into Wetkan’ tor _=- • bT tre rT.e oi Caldwel . Sd to- Vss? A ““ i ■ arwss** as t.-w n *-„ ~ 7 Persons, r thn old aba. 40106 01 ! Tl*e TO* bady of readers will harm „ ! Csiitorru fcoroe* wbtive to the Crcscws Col *"* i h/v* been wrwtiy exsisad hj the rec****^t wUr 7f at ? 7 ’ wfc --‘ i2 f ed Xe ****** S£T 3 i to pp*ey, rt aeasss®Sd*T, asaibbS 2! M kb cUsatc ! ■qtsr* or iactf. ‘ * as * j lise Siptsu ecart. Tfc* 5- -tM Court i* sow ia m rtrr j e* Lcrapkia. Seasons asd Starnes :a the T p<!eaii to see their Hoeors sa 2-xsd ceal : fc o.i twpspect be*ore them of ask-c Übottooa sestoT- 1_ Toer-? are hot cases oa toe socket.— * A aaarriare tv, k dUc>? a: V/jsahsctoo or Mosday af ter-? >: to Si J&e&'-m Cariaeise Chared, tie partis r wen .'l* G Secwtarr to tbs Fro-b aad M.a- Ses*-\ Garfhwr o’ C-L T>. w*3 Hart Beaton, of Mcn. A spa adid ent*rta. : w- arss siren ths party at the sts&kroe* f Col. J. S- FHWtBA - On‘.break ia Xexieo. ‘ Gjr P a * Ctrdti brings iate%ec* of • them Temper, in ooeorqoeace of foe amral iflere os an mwrnigj of njarata Anna wifo^r 4 *-, -i,, , foefeadiog eitix-ns. “ *” ” u '’’ The whole eooatry waa ia arms, and a aa attempt woaid be made tmt foe Mcoterrr “ The Gvtotktt of Kwtj Leia had fied. n . . Nsw Os Liars, Jas* 3 By *a arms! a: New (Hus Mafarv.-*. ‘, M*y. been ** T Z l** 1 ** Mexican gcvceacrect tnps were p.eoar -r Maramcrs* with g-. Qr „ r - p te eaTe -• ts, i*2±g- “tg * • Tie Ot aiiMte, to i . rebti r Bailrsod Iros for Florlii. r. W * ®*c* caed rne dsv- *:,' *•*■— r- t> ’* New Ywfe ro. T -*r i* G vU ' J '’ Got. Broomr was srssssr-r z rf ,'_;. , ■T“* r ‘" ,ca *••= tbe \t, York tt *“ fo. tie d.,>er, ,f S; ta n.'or-iWiO n W *h : 3gt.> emnpocdeat of foe New Ec*r,-tjn,.c;.,-n.T Col. Gree&e, of foe Beatoo ! “ sscces,r of Mr Bschaasn. *Lo, is y hie ir. a .. & to EfigLtiifo ■ o-^ 7 * e/AlcnMtMi.—Tbe >*• Rxnmond Repacljcii.of Dec. Sfe, c “;; * 1 <i ,j ack ntadjeafe.’ t ney nxa a mac ia ‘ne-r cress ro-w wea w-t- , “* ' ic HWfjmtftetedclfeSsS ! •tsdutecvee feverish and seek swollen ;am** *piijtc ms of ifesmtisa, ccmblned wkh Two o.*tuea of Carters Mixr-Z mm. and, in an edacriti notice as shore, foe? bc3''^s i t*T 7 V 4 rftds. ana aay S.‘r ca^^- js. out: aa Htenoc with dwetjes of foe a : sS^o^3^~ c! ’ “- h r y *^: i node* o &!1 aw=d the hottie. JSZSVi™* I**** 1 **** c?*SF i -ti!*.z ££md~s*e tae err t--r"©f p,L* -?S r n h*®*?- { br rr.asT rears preprie- V., aad late -; “’H-tci, ot RicSEtaca, Vj. : foe hy ofßldsraoad, fooagh m. ? c/as^ la ?* * iia ojse opposed to what re -a 2-t q; : aex medic a=s w i? ebhged to aay foot it* :’ lr * ‘‘ i:ase r • w ®* woaderfol iadecd. lie naa oeec given up &y oererxi phyr?c-t; -, - . n :J ,i s!f; o: ae tW s medicines, and was on of dj 3?xi” We “ i3t;W ?riT? ’ Mtried .Cxpeft ispafoso gu. ’fod a -i kngfoy c-rfo. . x.te*iaa the oeuie tSatin* aia ear* * THOMAS M TURNER A CO JAS- H. CARTER, BROOKS i CHApIa” J D A N FORTH 4 N A LiLE* * u^3 - Ca. M\Lz Ties IFen* Ferwii/a**..—Tfce ibilcwir* c -> f -r Shows at cnee toeaem and tor and rbe tfS medrai. Cert.icates nave beers so maiu-plied in £,. : e V hus we consider:; ÜBnecessarv to aojr S'/f?, Booynui*,lad. Jane 2 ISSI. _.4ears_J., up Co.—’Veer sgeox, when hers ieri wits os m “cc bottles M Lanes Vsrrniiige, which is nearly a.i so.c. I .easeaeac qcidriy 12 doze- mere, a- *‘X o not was? So set oet oi it; tor w- consider :: the -beat *ern„:uge ever used 19 iiua part of ih* eecntry T ANARUS, . f . G.P.i J.B. HUDSPETH Fma raflC4iri medicice may be purchased at ail the Oreggists ,n Colasabus, aad of Dealers faswady tfcr-.v-jk ,u: *• 1 n: -* jm&i — 2w ._.e waofe p.easier Philadelphia am out in fitor of Hoofiaiul s Cerrnan Bitters, as t.hev are prepar-e ; v £ M. We are giad to record tbe'auceees of *his wituobe remedy tor Dyspepsia, as we pftkve it suoc es a cesideraiiaß in me medical world long seeded. Tb wretebed imitator; anc cccntenesters have wijfedriswo their aostrams arem th market, and the public are spared trim the danger ot j*a..owing 3 c-isoccos mixtures in of * ! real Rttera. “ — Hermid. Far sale by Dr. C M. Jacksoa. 120 Arch street, ? - A and by Danforth it Nagle, Robert Carter, Breaks 4 Chap-’ mao,Coiutßbtas Ga.; and by 0. Lamer ct Cos, Girard, jusec—*dw COM MERCIAL, COTTON STATEMENTS. ~ 3 £ g SB 1?= “5 f2I *X # ScocT * S h o S’ s 6’ <sl -=-“n oa Sf 12.£ 2. .- ?1 :2 35. hand P-i 5* As ; *=-*.£. 3 this r r a < a - : ■? * day. May 20 1 and Inin. 2771 SO&6tS9DjCiR77 347 5524* 6t0(75j 16*55 COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. BAGGISG —Ken%riy yard jt, Eaaf ffia. - SALS RC*?L K* ¥ic II * IS SortKera Vlt ® BEAS7VAX.. ¥ .0 IS m 25 -a,.—.- ’ ;;;;;;;;;;J 1? S S Tali:* Tic 15 ®. i*i : CCFFCS—Sio ...Tic Id & : t Java......................T 15 :jl It Lsziir* ~.T-b 2i i— ■ COBS’ w ooshei. :•£- I *0 I DOXESHC GO JOS—(to; t>nai urge... T J-* ‘# S lw %i r’ r > SKi mr.s.. T? and 73% 5 4- 4 Rro Sheeting. T Jd lO W-.-Hea Kerseys. Tyd 24 3, &f rrATHESS Tits 35 3). 4o Flail—Maci-rel N l . I. 2£* 4) 25 CO N-3. 2 15 00 © 38 *ili ?*. 3 12 CO 15 Q 0 T r.-’*e ,r PT.OIH Tosrf !*}£ ®i4 sn GIIfPoWDEE... - T key 7 i-. 536 ail)£3—Dry T ? ® 10 Wet Tto S— *RGS—PIz T 2 4S- - EExi:?ii f S 3 tg- Twe-1ee.............. Tic *j Tib 5 LOCK .T o-.*aei s*f B 72 MOLASSES... f?*3 45 @ s** SAILS - Tfc £ :& 6.H tilLS—Lln.*ee*i f ft: *L2S -<g; 1 s*i Train Tra 15 .*. I 06 Srsersi spl St’mi- . 2•' lair: & gal a .-Di : 5 i^‘. movie iOS3. £££F— v aa. T c Prune. ? £ 15 & 14 B.tCO.V—Ham* To £■ U~ 7<fci —.......... T 3>* I- & i 5*fe05i*ier..................T -O* 1# i? FORK— 3Ce— - - T b:> rrisK. ..... ..T fc-V, M - .... .T i iI.V 3 to j- ft J~T£ —G.r*C*-i1■.............. T ... .-I ro Ccun:r7 T S $ 3; CHISit- T Ji # !5 ?GTJ TO itS —3wi T biaehel- 7i 3 l •*} 1ri5e5...........-Tc-isaai. a Sr r; ■-•? SALT... T* - 2 06 SALTPETRE ..?&! Ps.V# ■ gH >T T a®? ® 2.^0 aPlSUti— Bnadj.Coasae Ti 3 - 2 55 7 03 Aaaercaa .•?*&! g 5 @4 75 fVaei.. .Timi 1 50 61a— Hoiiaasd.... ....?ii 125 250 Agierinm ...Tai 65 © 73 Saa —Jamaica.... T fail 1* ® 300 New .T n 65 3 75 WMwfeij lirlWilf T *3i ji S 8 Cmswm ---...T isb —3 lloaoagMei*.. . T S 3 - 73 .£■ 150 TTTRITS TtWENTI>E- T f*b ® S 0 ♦* l5 Aajerkwn Bi ster *-T *• © BagSefi Bliatae T - ® 1£ 3ECAX-V*47isr* Ti -iS * i L.:af, Ti !234f - Cratect -T 5 11 f itott . ... T-- TALLOW T 7 10 * 12X : tew * *:• e> 2 to | TOBAeCO-re**c*El -TI , 1Z%3 F*i>* T~ k - 2 # Cb.:;.*. W K # l r.T?5f ’l v 15 i NINCGAE—Arc* .Tbbi 6to * 730 wvm&n t m 3 ‘ IflSES—Fact ¥zz 130 # 3€9 Vratef-a t ** r © 3 Osne. ypl 3*6 S 5 *7 ‘ teaupegrae feu Ito sh 29 6 i WO't ... Phli T 5 FLOCB—PBICSS REDUCED. f CCPESnSS ELdUB, per bfc!.... .f!^'-* \ 4 -? Ctfir.i* J6tl3,Bwytjstac,.. S. I (meicdosr tack*. Fits'percent, ai-ctixs.: :c d-a?-r*. M-a’S Com,*.a-i H- ay. p*- bjail f!.*9 S%itt,priodraf At.... #i.S Bros “ *• - fits i Fioir from New White Wljeat, „ a SPLENDID ARTICLE. 2IT3A PAMELV. per bbl.. ...f H Do-okais Bert do. ** ........... ~ ... 13 i ieel*— .if -pAUcßitui. COLUXBCS Brn.DI.VG ASD LOAN’ A3SOCIATIOS. THE e:yteh iatane, of *ae daliar ar m is payable c*a aasamlay ter, 15ta uwc. B.wskty ziceiia? cf tij Aoc-Atin will be MSI et*.. His: w-oat engaißai. is - t/zi&ck. STE2LISG F. GRIMES. Tree*. N 0 T TC E. A P** l * s2 * h-Tssiad- irsaf.Cktuhooth t* **<HipamU,3io. A, I. O. O. A’., an wrtiCed ?** : y **> wdei,t|prsttit Ike bkc* t> foe mdera fc 7 -jj* fo^aju. jin.-t-tw* JAKES A. GIEDSEH. Sec. OIJ) TOM * GIN. 1 Superior article f “OLD TOJT* GIS is y Mficfows fewentf?, asd a woet axeaLeatart 2e :-?r siedwai p-orp ■•. A i&: a arrscie pI Potash in tia :-ai-- T d * ‘ p.A.GLArr>S. NOTICE. ‘X’HF Ab! wtcteod *.■* S-.orkMF.u-rr- of K'>btl*A _ - -ria Read tlooipaßjF, iriiS b* he La a: foe o-dfere of . T Li-mpazij is Girard. ;_ n AihJn n-i ----i***“*‘WALT ’Sr.BA SRi. se: T y. COM34ISSIOS A.VD GEOCERT HOCSE f I ’Ft. ‘t me the psci.4*rr es v> foe _ ?‘■ -- ai -•£ fea*Jaat rteceiired and will cmttla-.* t<r r aii’r cariag foe 4ea..ioa. a 4spp lj *f FAULT GROCERIES. crrsisTts® <tr SUGAR*. COFFEE, SALT. 8.1C0.V, COA.V, PEAS. CHEESE. te T£A.i. Fia |tg®r* and Tbaec, Ae* f wt. ca fcesfeji rery iow fcr CASH aah CArH #iily. yv p*a-care r-wpeerriilj ‘ rrded wcall *od traaij* aaStork - y-- - ci &enalnr n i Prtih Articles will b*c*tr- a.l ,£’o4! *c and dß<zrr-z i mt£d*9 z-<& Tj<gg aj ■ vne _ai<* .-.r fi. P. Eilis 4c C, y.% I, grig kre-tV Co toroDat, Gs. A- 5* H AY? Eagairy- ec? j. apl3—wtw’tf. J&gTs'fas ****** 4. Tile 9 hie Alaraov , * n*w aad Jggnr&p pcpaLar wori, b/ ihe Harper* Also, a New Sapply cf S.r*fc Svie Vtt of els. very, bj Adas aD. D.; ?:-•,*■ 5.;,. Cp. CAaac; Lifcaad BeasJhes af Fanagr Fem, tuuSMi. rta.2X. *irt'* •’ PEYTOH H. COLaum, ATTO RX E Y A T LA W , Cr ‘ .3 Sc.Mifv’g 3a Ti Bn -imr * ~ wAtw f i HEAR BOTH SIDES. All the World will Read this Bock. TEE LIFE AND BEAUTIES FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, 1*2m0., CLOTH. Wi&ola Rath 14*11? Ii Rath Hail Fann Ffira, *r *<>uaebody else? and if fanar f*era is not hath Hall wh® i* Faany Fern? 7 . tbs use ub TetrFEsTr rat: li-cw before ze pcbtic. end the world wLi be And this beo& a strana* tale an/oiefs. Tho present. Work is anthentie In all its ,Details. Three wbo hareread'tie adraa-*e copy, it ;a wnateet. sgTctest tenok cf tie geas>?fi-. ti present# wnd,ltfe bkepLrtanwoCdse cKinainfaed kfi* 1 w Author of Fern Leaves andßath Hall, it her own Srs:<ie.ta the Editor * isanetWß, la the a**eeL at CLarei. scxteverywhe. i=l ia every poaitioashe if the ose Cmci eating 7oaia. Is th 3 Tclsase. seven! cf Fanny Fsea’s earliesc eSfcrts 2.- ;ear fortfee first time la to® s tors. The reader whi find that they ooseeea tke fess atiractiv* features widen characterise ad her praciuctiooa. They arealt*raa:.ely witij arai pametic, eaantieaad yy hina, spwrk&sg&r.d pestsiva. No ocher aaohor baasaec@ed*d*o veil is Vr-n.Ar? e in- T chords cf :ae near:. Just received sad fer sals bj ferl5 —wktwtf, ‘ w. PEASE. Just Received on Consignment, 20,000 5! Kean Pr <5 ‘ T ee, -. Boies aa>* jt Ssin I'itse Tia-";iaTenei'aee iaa-s. Ct-*a- £*Cash.♦—tf Hr LL. FSi F. it f>o. LINC H ’ S AMI-RHEUMATIC POWDERS. WONDE&fTLLY HUCACiOCS IN Rheumatism) Rheumatic Goat <fc £titUs. for Lie 40cye pieecM*, & Safe, Speedy, ajtd Radical r&re j.? in ‘’Liiscis’s Anil-RT*riaaio Fon der**'—zhe gride* > Remedy mx Foswa, kr Rie z* mutism, in an? of it* forms. AUQSG she raaay noafruas of :fee day. *o Lta.i*d as etires ter Etamraanaai, aorar hatre ever yet been oiseoTeresi -j be r *;jessed r-- half the ettntivs powers cf these powder*. Le? t -*se who desire re.;*;: *ram riu. be: pro cure 3 cot brtwo -jf -base lavai-aisie sowiers. and foTeiw strictlj -he dtrectiose. and their atp® fifes; will jooe he fed ?n & total -v . ?a:s. I#Tut ip Is Tia Be hj c-f sit:/ £■■; Pnwderseach—Dirac* tio-e ar: ia: ;de Box fey arta*..,*emeE4 viih D*. J. G. Gibers, their Inscpvefer. torse Ptewuers will hereafLr be .nan : ;ac:are4 and slid b * £. W. Adams. 3f Emcmc-m Putnam C ,cn:v, Ga. Orders clrseted to him will sees with ptesspt alieail-ca. pro vided the Cash accompanies the erder. Price §5 per box. Sold by SROOKh kCSAPMAN, June 5. 5m Colassa-as. 6s. Tto GrtiXi>3Z Gle-iicuL j.’ if the Jx t, u ATIR'S CATHARTIC PILLS. TH £ V don't ke:p ccccclilatibot toej One B>s tuu cured Dyspepsia. Thro b*sseshare eared toe worn cases c; Scsofs'a. Eoaes hare cared Eijratpeisaw Oae B‘. i ii vi’ars csrse the iaunedae Three Be ass are sure to c.&iag* toe syacan fro m Be to; otto- less taaa one dce Two Boxes aare cctcpleieij cured the wers :-f nicer* on toe 10-gr. Ssoai. urees selicn: bii to cere the Piles. One dnee ceres hieheacachearstna *rom s :dT ftomaca. Strong dotes cf;=a repeated eapt; e'ery worm irocs the hc-ty. They shoci-i be paw to caikiicc who w always sore or less siJketed wita tbsaeeorap. Asa g€c:.o physic they car*bo ecu-aT. - Ob? Box earasderaßeaseat of use Lber. Half a Box a Cede. _ They the to tod. soi toesriic it the fewaebtdae of evrry _ _ • Asa Dinner Pill then to not ;otr enunl la the world. They are purely ATce-'icto. ac-d can tie no harm, bet do accompdsn an naaccooctahto amcau? or r*>'d. •* by Dr. J.C. AYcIK, Pfaeticai Chenxbc, Low ell, Mass., ar.d by a- ana *g Me 4 cine thr- -cgh trris <ectsr*c. yraS—* A Bounty Land! Bossty Land! Bounty Land J TS£ ixfiif i*da'£C ■• a r -cti2er ier the ponwe procuring BOUNTY LAND ned^r T he ss~eceJ acr* cf herte-uso* - pa=rc. are ac-w prepared to niaSe apyttcasws® for *1 who *so are *2:l'jti. Psrcr 550 feare hemo£;d'Boc3ty La~d VT*- raGt*, ar. 33 tier ± 0 ;-C: yc-es, to *3 ddi tiwnl B.- n-ryof Lar-' 1 . at - J caiSrf a c-iar cfic* cur. all the accessary Bawcaaheo- Weif also rrspared ‘? tmeett 1 . * fw#i 2 ar-b ettsr rms£i t~c ITtotsc ersrie- e- ™b -'> irinoe srp- I —eure usd ric era_ ronw, we can w Tta o>r.idrace ;ay, sar ah eta?® eacras tai u, snr cars, will he prompt 7 and spsethSx ar, ww Obu of the sam -s re=eritiy hi Wash toxica c. 17. will :aa hratossa hla aertus*! anensoa there. ’ o*csTer Gnnhy * Z>3-~to ? roce, Coiam^sftworja. niCHAELy. CLjfik. : *&*k 4UBt4 A. KSJICAy. WASTED, A FIRST RATE TIE PLATE WORKER. ft N other arirfy. I JoaeT-rwfai. R. M ALDWORTH &. CO. Bail Road Stock for Sale. M *•*••• •* HobU# 4 Girard R R. ’stock tor k lu. Apay to • * { T G, WILKIN?. Broosht to Jail, Tslbetlct*.Til-oc coen-y, CJa. on ‘he ifo iE*x£:. boy ey .oe r3m-r ci ■* xx— , wfcu At \S, **• ai.*>a. nf cvriitt: r. Afohaaao. “■ 12-* cw*er a r¥*Tieatetl f n:- pj* b,-* —i. r : r* - ••-*•. ty pay. cha-'i-es sad foM fa a irrr, at I *iruii fo alnci*. w-t G. . GAMAt.tJa 1 *r. FOR SALE. HAVTSCrmenJ® ay p'aafotjca l .-*-r to* {)! fi— > Eiy its*rwid-ice, j-wc scarh of mj fefoer'f : *A* f H. Bk>wari*aV el i eaut of -he Knaco aa actaea is or ajx-as Cblaanx;* Xr.lWtrtliii w 4 v. fo;r foe pnofoee to fo.Tse who wi iie porefcaae. CtewmJciawi a*idressei .0 se si E-xStala. Aia. _ ;-ar.i>— R. R. HOVVAR.D. A CARD. i H ASTXS aadcsstood fox? r>--■-?:> t U^nr 5 * ’ !l ~ - - beea iad®s<*riet4ly ctrcsioU-hl tke eJfec; that we Corf ao Draft and ctrooeq .cbl ly no hi-;. ‘.. f. r *h:E :-” t sT-:<*dur “... foe row * ,u- ‘ ‘ • s we take pleas we : in.trmiex foe Pa.-dtc foi- ti* •‘♦ wi a<ss a. complete ;-s ladep-sdent *5. fnstt-;a 4 -.; w ri3 _ a ry toe- Aia'oaaia and § rN-e r v - Ben Lee, Azile. Orion, Advance, Emma Watts, Ariel. Bicomer. , , Madison. Tc- l.v# are il. i'-iosaa;:*! aa-1 es foe Teryli*i.wsdnue£fcL an ~ n r acco —’ll anl m r~* for ri- ;■ --y rn fijifet* - *rs sneqsal ed by av:y otter 3- ai* .;r itae w R,-a a, aow b y r i- oe foe Alabama and Sisbee- r . The y are a!commanded ry able Al -sper.escad eneaniaa. 1 *en sit wit sse zi*rj enertloa so wcare foe et-iß*aK tod : iafes y of foe paetHiopera. For rrekhS or ptnjsa.7? ap tij ca c, arsi. rr T.W. M ABSIALL. .4 CO.. _. . „ Agea-j* ei liicepeadeat a^aißef*, at tyUft—w A • w ?na J •’ c; p. A lab 1 ma. Eseitemeat laereasf;! KEEP COOL! ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! IHWEsa bard.aa-: receive ia. i,y D's ec.? to •nrrly a’; the People of Georgia and Alabama, wh a l w; ili sell as .HE STORE o.M’ skJ.rD &TXE-. T. a: i .tL:e •> - p.taad. A',teeds Sra* foeoniry tj.r i<ie will he nicked with care &z<i feewazded laaated.areiy cy T. M P :iA3f, iv- <4^ gl . : ~wl w,t P-trefoeio. ctffoe a-*a r . SETTLE BP. A Lh pterjfl.tiiadetsted fotfce Te frtrt es WII.IA ?.lr < £ A FZc.Scat.V, ice hereby ecSi2ed foaicolees tie.* N’txee •inti AKeearj on aeaisti before foe Sra! of ia n. t *ey w: ; Pit* ‘lit 4e;:ie with •• r-e i-ae ele. my!l wA;wnf *2OO A JfOTTH—WHO WASTsiTT” Ati?.b TA waatesi ia ewecy part es foe State to ja ffoßlaa.-*- ^*fo' Pa 1 -.-at WaabitiE ilacist3*s. An aetr.'e sax caa anake wtftri per soc-th. For addre-a WAdMiSG liACKISL COTtPAST. Lttq.c ‘p. Effigy?—wtwff] C,F . 2'. ;* t-i. J. M. BUSSELL, AITORJII AT tA” , : 0-±re at cremecr. wlcfe G E TIi •*•*, J R *1 ACc Broad ?trtft—Columbai, Gs *r J a. Ce>tim ■>s, >> A prii a, le-53. wktwrf raPOETANT TO TEACSEBS, Cusstry Mnehuds, and Evenbody El : e. A LARGE A COMPLETE ASSORT ME liTNJF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST. FOR CASH l BEls6(i*sre(rf ebaasrry sty > . fcxsiaeaß, f bow #iersiy “jtka school, Law, Jf e riU- Thoieglca! -andl **i i cel uaeoai Book*, (3 d 15*41^?®itn* Stationery at COST FOR, CASH- I have i ‘urceS- ci f School <-••**.• ie. sr,d ; b- greatly to ’-he ad van-axe <*f Teaxhecs aad • :e-e ia f .-.{ -cisoole to ctS!TO#la:e!y 5-:l ?i f ?i; tae*a.lf joV d'ic • *&a** ja*r briers v.:& money, aad 1 w. 7 4*4 Sc y*c. 10 an; - ®ee wiaia ey ;a'a x bis;n--ie, I via’4 icy -ijj* I wGI tell them ray sc..’ r a.•-:& epoa •he x -c ’avoratfe feraia —se’n as 7j ricij asd -ayraen;*. t'a!* a-d *>, „ „ T Jt NDAN IOWELL. y* *•—* *•? ;:d toil se-.-a ill %'v ere ‘ eaK * ;S3 i 1 ; - re *;• .PU.-X? ia*. sc; bear i frcojma untboas tarttor reilee. 3„i_ if %jPT;ydgi~,A, April ,4. 4d&j. v,,YJ BACON Si FLCUH. JUST RECEIVED. 100,000 foS ,h '^ ir ' R L.-£'i. IJoward Street } . —x s* y* -\r • Togsrner %•::* a *' r aborted GKOC Winch wui be 30:d at tnr lowest •aars-t pre*e E v ANDRE r -Vg. RIDO Vv AY A CO. Cot-: ~ ;ea Gx- Ma? >ri 5 . w-i twtf. WOOL CARDED AXDMAXCF A C T L R E D. VAT’GO'L Car-i't i a; cats rr IB -ten's oer ;b. M; ~aci.rrrd * * taso LLssej an shares >t’ oae ealiior i’ -ntj sesfi® *, -yd Cobaeba?. xay 2s. WINTER r \ .TOR’S 5 . RAGS! RAGS ’ Tar. SOCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS \FE sif:s three and a half cents ca*h per 18. .■if cie'in toce.i srai fJat&in Racs. ia •; aantles of ene hic dred pounds xi-i apwardis. and 3 cesca :■■-. .* araaer - l£f> I fee. VVoafes rap net waare<. oce infra: t ot PA L ACE MILLS. GA —T.bns.Gi.. 9, :55. wfctvif. : I WRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE At Rock Eland Paper .Mills Ofee, hk Jr.-c? MLb* and a: M: ,:‘>rd s S'-. re. J-1 Cr? rati, i ‘?^ r 5, nr f K ew~sfeTnTT o~ods’~ JT7ST RICZIV2D BY MANLEY vV HODGES. FTAHV-'ti. Enri sS sad Aaserl-taa Primj. ; r-a ::- f in.c r c.e a_d iriilrantj. and 2 lench G ayaaa*; ail Styles. - TLssnej aad Li-zti € ; I- re-i <_ iiaSay®. U:: ;.5 im s*: ;-fs- and Gsraadines* A ftriecu >a af Eaat-roidefiea. Exsdiercarefs. G;i a-*, sad Colton sad to awe. 3*cka*e? -'•.d r--:- T.-.xnidr! And Ea-di. sai L-tttna* Bossy—every ■leaerij.’ .ja. rcrtcii aid 3# =12,: * E v rape~y. ALSO, A SaperiCF b * 0: Irjia 1. aet.-. “ —tSiie —Lcc.ea cud C>:i -C—4 I—4 Ac :i—4 C;'..ta Lda*a 3haetisie. 3 ply, sail Linen C”pe;.c£, - Every ae.f.;ripf.icapr~c-rd cssaliv tetmd la *>xr Lae— l lat cb vi. be t- Id %•: ifee *e®i Csaa Price*. Uiaaea, B*rrh 2, i-55. Modcogte Eailroad Stock for Sale. b A iasres Hxse-rfs- J£a:lbt i-j-ck fi-.-ai- j? •A*, HASi3u5, ACSTIX Jt jfcGEHEE. K.-C- a . . HOLLINGSWOBTIfs ” PATENT WASHING MACHINE. * Operated with Plsatlag Baili TSS GEEIIEST WIjCTO SICIMn IB WHO. Every Fasnilr Oafkt to Haxe One. 05E et ihws Kaea ; 2.- wtil de iveet'j wa*&TS!f <sf aat<rci aarysrred. h uily BrsasJfct. iJ k*r ee ?ae. pa;-ec. ir?y a. = perfec• lj cc eswi .7 pa; 3 it of creer. adc2£ se?teaffK hy irr piaa --. cn carpenter. U e sow ae! Tasrae for ‘he stk sae. They are mnah 2 *,T is O- ;mr - n.aa-t :.tb aIT-rsa >1;^: sto I- TviV can r Sread .at sC. i• irr;*. 22^*1. T -T■■ J taeai sxa eaurgh to rj D pto -T d-®xa-.. * T-urs from cooa-y eocke ±* rto ,-. w. 2 v taHar,*i if tottoe “ “ “ a - W A3HI3EC 34ACHI5 E CT Cwaaty Rights for *l e . >. 3- e cow 2rac-_ a*d he * .-1 ’ u-aoa i*Wsir#-.w *j T „,. rf bouhty-land warrants. Pension Claims, ice. UAMILTOS A PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLBMBUS. GEO. : {OSes, N&. 6T, Brood Street, ewer E. Binurd's Store * [ ITAVHG a*de umtsjkmtate *t W4s*r*gz* whfck -T a : haaEaew ;*tf wi he pr> tpt.y -*ar>:-d *A.tkey a-e enabled t*> pccrare Baty Land \V tr rants. Ptai,at, *e., aad pew— cots C lain# ui'ta tar Uwtrtd ozxttm CJSbM'faeie-re Cew,—ra cr foeecietai /••- r ptf—- wests. ire aiea prepared parr it ice Claims,. Ac-, lj* tae jTy-ted States, rr*-v- Pzj rtf\*-*£ wwtil Si Lewd Wtme* f.% Ct.w. Ar. *r* ■•-•■ red. iuus suwr. x. *■ rust. Vre r Tth. I?®s. wA^wtf. Jsm Received asi for Sale fteap A LOT OF 111 R D CAGES. ,;grg7—twgfa R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. $lO Reward. # rWT is ‘ foe streecs *>f Cols—We ti'-i Ibe !■< Jnrt.-j T l ,easzrsswj ® the back. I will ii-e foe itrti reward rrfoe yaf tfee Riay le- —e ia Girard. Ala-, eras :ke T =-3 A ,a*l office. B. ‘VVBiT£Hr&sT. t*3t. A CAUL. \ INGM IRE LaiwndS B. Purple, rakes :h:merh3d uA of m:. rta.r-r h*s tir- ‘dj and the cub..o, that ~a cao nnw be icond at A H. BfWst'j Jewelry h*nd to do any of Jiwzla.7 J>S3 jio t aiao Ergrxvi -r <Jow* 3 the Easiest tfrk. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BT TEE A’-THORITTOF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted -iit tie I£x-;&<s piew. CLASS Q. To ie crate a June -3,1355, :• far ni v •>/ Jfsssfyp’—ery. WHEN FRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will b foMri tasted aervHrdlag so ’foe fellow re^ MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! QTAmi rramerafc-r every Prize ia draws a; ea-d draw -x msa. pa.-i wheadae WITHOI I DEWMS Al ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. J LEIZE OF 1 sjem i d? *, i d* 2t)UO I do >,.> Ida ..................................... ),*W 5 dc? !,*£*} 4wr prises ia all, p ia TLcketa Sr. Halve** $4. Q;iart*?n 5 le on all eplveaktra&be a: par. A:: SAMUEL SWAN, A *es t a 2*i M xnx ger. Sign 01 the Brcnz* Llb Meritedsserr, Mir IS, —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent. G;nrJ t Ala. CT Ail letters foe imsxtfiste acawer >y iddtescM ’ JOHN MAY, B? Asttoisy cf ti* SfAfe cf Cesrfii. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. ‘'THE subscriber hav;mrserep•;e-i runs, ;ie 1. tb* .* PEitcy aa-i Hira;,ae3! ot .he FORT G.hINLS ACADEMY I O'! 11EV, bar estakifeced the ;cit dpai iket; a bamez, Cfesrsia, ia>. taiei-c* oadarting L. uery 00 the ■*ame p-iea as tba; of ;he iaa&fe.-v .?/:■ ■-:? ~J .icz-Lrmy o* ’ Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FORJENE. Class Q. t3f“T> &e draws Jnne 13t&. IAIS. in ;hs €1 :j es l;!raia, Gfe waea Prie-i im-> :a;,az t® Will be disuibittai ar to toe f: totni&*ea £eaerae£ raeruLe>* every Erie I: : I*-’ 1: .t 1..-. Drawto*. and paid when iue f DEi l ITIdS’ I PS Z S OF **\* -: I ” SJtffi l “ 5 ** ....... 5-mJ i‘l “ 200 id • ....... .......................... S5 IT 1 Tlefei'a $5; Halvess: SO; QLifters 5- ‘-5- ONLY TEX THOUSAND NCAIBERS fiO ; Halves IS; Qtfarters .$5 s®. fc:; Is oa a-.i Beaks ar. pay. Ail era&rßunieatioQs ifrictl.7 ccEiii'iefital. SAMUEL SVVAX, Aged aod Msoiger, Li - — i Atiinu, Ge^rgit. SUN DRXED APPLY & FORT YBL SHE L3 pea,cd, zl< e uiii s wee?, ytrst rs• eeived ca efr-*tsr.raeflt and tor sale by Apr.: Slit., I3—wdtnatf. H. C. FHELPS TWOmcsftf after daze ar p ’ lea*:-;a will te siade ;o the Aaart es Ordlcaxy &f Cba: ahocybee co'-.nty. fer les*ve* sell ail tie toraia bed-atox -o the eata;e of E. KtCMI, ~a; : said eooniy decaaaed. Jane 5. l*.io. A VUEI D. HAF.P, , , Jaae-wim Sl BESSY 3. KING. , A-mf^* NOTICE. P ££!*-• Yd indebted -0 A. C’. FlewslVe It Cos. wI. pica*# o.iai aardiii pjymefit. Tbei* aeceax:.® i? 5* f®at4 ittb* B ‘<-i s;<>?e of J. L. Et WELL. - COd-mhi*. Dec 30—twkwsf HYDRANT WATER. TEE eliineaeot CoStambvs a e rwpcSfS,y !e.urmed tfeat *2s work* by wh:Y toe B;dnm water .* sa: piled beioas ; rfcenEifewtfsed. ir-d ‘A.a; ixie *■ jdnta are private proper' 7 araiae? ;otaE-d4 for pa:;lie a*e. Any pe o*o3 or firaliy Uat may desire to obtain a sttrolv :f water, caa be a lowed :o and *c rr;m toe Hydrant? a: pu.;* fc Katoryr ? *. dlo. ; t M esfia. I ’’*. and A. Gaarae Te l.ive'y Jj. 1 b!ee. by raak:cf an ar angeraest With ate. T?.-:se pencl,* ii --Ia the hifertofaeraires far ware.* as thepfaeee aaer.ti. c-d, ’ witaoa*. my perp- veios, a-e reov**ei :♦> dis>-r.a'Ene ;h- pra-:- ! Are. *.ad afeiniv-rtsedi me; fiear semtie in j~ .re w 1 !f fee , pnhiehe i toe ‘he tresprass. ’ it-13— :w-y. ALIE ED* ITFB c,y. $3 PEE BUSHEL FOB WHEAT. •T'fiE MLfcroaiejy N *:■*, as Msntf&raery Aia, aadtie Pa ase * %!:?*. as .• sasri u- .ner.-.rf dr er fry carrhaaew i :*J2.V® oxshei* W':! fiiyfir C.Lni&s :-j Ge*.-r3ts arai rsiae-i .■* s-as. es :r.e new crop, .fee feLowfaj p* ;re.rasn. Dwiiv-r?t *s fciherrail!, pr-Tiot.- c she 15sh V* <3 CC # Ba.--bl. Frwvi:a* ‘.e he if ‘. S *5 -* *- “ * s*. SSB ** ** 1 ,>■*. • 5 * *# tsJtl*** 2 -?rY w * ih •** . Tu- 7 5 •* ** Ccsr? p:T —lily r OiG*ij V'* fea€t. vr rapsra la - —i ’ one dshSsrs worsn. Gei-fp; pacer- win ‘_e iz'-i --- p- .. . : Kills, tad k r ._- —-*l 7 , Apr Li —r, x<is. p. _ , r y .- - - En-inirer copy. * Situation Waste-1, fcc, *“ w-.r*. or to Saseeharn* *t a emit; w-uasd harm ■ togs SEeeshwith family. 4 * t a^* ©Cfcir. iay? k —?-r SEVISG MACUIEE& ” GEOVEE, BASER 4 CO S. PATENT. T? Stf? 1 **• **“ ••=•> m kkuk i ttpanlur. -33 tia sshin *e- tiL* jcwaitea. *s w . ,5- sj -7 a aeur*? is acs .aisa ro t ®at cir, ;d rjr . iiasewss* wi •; -re zzaz*r,si. Caw be run hy kiad. ;cc r w it-r n, . w . er. f Tft f -~~ tier'd rti* • 21. Tt>-i w.;l do toe w->r . a day -.i —u rr rr. witheasa. C-aM 3. ad ■- - be^n*, ~ , COW oa Y k. CO, -. as 1. - w r -* • .-: rat‘n. STOVES s TIN WARE, ‘ \Yi ?*.y r r .tor I-,'?’ ..vrT-’- .or f -oßww. * * ‘< *£> -*A r.'-v -ar.itiF., cr aai Cfcea& W.Trf:fw’“‘ < *-“" 1 “* 1 - twig;. B. ML XLi:Wflr>{. t BATHING Tl : k7 • Hip, Sponge, and Shower Battoj, fbr Ssle. And made te =rd of Copper, Tlo cr Zlne *W4. E. v, ALDwoara *. ca