The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 22, 1855, Image 3

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act justice fom the strongest, and do justice to the ea ** e<t; restraining, hv ail the power ot tne Gov r iment, all its citizens from interference with the internal conetri nations with whotn we are at peace. XIV This National * ouncil declare* that all thepnn ciples of the oider .hail he henceforward everywhere op euiv avowed: and that each “lemVr .hall be at liberty to make known the exi*tance ol the Order, and the Idt he himself is a member; and it recommend* that then to no concealment o! tue place ot meeting ol suuordmate Councils. K B. BARTLETT, of Kentucky. President of the National Convention. ■ C D DfcsaLEß, of New* Jersey, t'orre.-ponumg Secretary. ; M SrEPiitvs, ofM>itd. Kecorda* Secretary. j The majority report was adopted by ayes. j , :* w Yurk - District ol Columbia, ’ Nonh Carolina. Arka,iias Tennessee. tUra Kentucky,’ • fcoutn Carolina, Caiiformh, * ,on< ? a ’ Maryland. Louisiana, sosa . New Jersey, New Hampshire, C.. 10, Maine, *°* a , . Vermont, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticit, VVuconsm, Michigan, Minnesota. Among the latter the report had two votes from Penn sylvania, one from Maine, and ,two or three others from other Slates. It is generally coiicedoi here that Pennsyl vania was misrepresented, and that perhap? no State stands more securely on national giounds. Ths Bflt of ths Abolition Delegates—Separate Plat form. PiiiLAPELF. ia, June 14, 1855. There was a bolt this morning. The Northern delegates to the Council met at 3 o’clock, at the Girard House, f r the purpose of organizing a Northern Older. Hon. Hemy Wilson was called to the Chair, and H. M’Alien, of Ohio, j was appointed Secretary. Hun. J- VV. K r, of Mass ,'presented the Mlowing j platform, which, after having been read, was signed by the | Citizens oi the several states, as oelow. platform. to the: people of the united states. Th* undersigned citizens of the various States assembled at Philadeiehia 011 this 1-lth day ol Juno, 1855, feel con strained, under tire existing state 01 affairs, to affirm tne Joi lowing principles: _ , . , p, r -t_ I’he unconditional restoration ot tn<u time honor ed Compromise know* as the Missouri Prohibition, which wa*destroyed in utter d:sreg3id cf the popular wi„—a wrong no lapse of time can pall.ate, and no plea ur its con tinuance can justify; and that we will use all constitutional means to mamtaia the positive guarantee of its compact until the object for whkhit was enacted has oeen eonsum mated by the admission of Ivatisss and Nebras..a as fiee Second—That the rights of settlers'in Ter itories to the free and undisturbed exercise of the elective franchise guar anteed-to them by the laws under which they are organiz ed, should be promptly protected by the nutiona, executive whenever v olated or threatened, and that we cannot con act with those who will not aid us in the cor rection ot these national wrongs and will not even permit their lair consideration and lull discussion. Third —We further declare our continued and unaltera ble determination to use all honorable efforts to secure such a modification of the naturalization laws, aided by such el ev.itio i ol public sentim idt as shall preserve the true inter ests of the nation, and -hall guarantee these vital principles of a republican government—spiritual freedom and Bible schools—thereby promoting the great work ol Ainercaniz ing America. „ . , . Fourth—That we invoke the arm ot legi ration to arrest that growing evil, the deportation by foreign authorities of paupers and convicts to our shore?; and that, as our na tio ial constitution requites the chief executive ol our coun try to be of native birth, we deem i? equally necea-arv and important that our diplomatic representatives abroad should also posses-no luretg i prejudices to bias their judgment or influence their official action. >! s-ACBtJszrrs. cuio. 11 ;ary J. Gardner, Thomas H. Ford, Henry Wilson, L. N.Gids, J. \V. F osier, Joshua Martin, A. C. Carey, J K. Mariby, H. W.Rugg, Geo R Morton, James Buffington, A. McKay, Andrew A. Richmond, ii. M. McAllen, >uw Hampshire. John E. Rees. Anthony Colby, * jchtgan. Jesse Mann, Israel Cog hall, Stephen B. Sherman. Moses A. MeNaughton, VERMONT. ILLINOIS. Evelyn Fierpont, ~ W. YV T . Daneuhower, Joseph H. Barrett, W. H. Young, Hyland Fletcher, Henry S. Jennings, R. M. Guiltord, D. L. Eastman. Jo. D. Hatch. iowa. James Thorington, Louis 0 Cowan, YVm Loughridge. A.c. Richmond, RHODE ISLAND. B D. Peek, Jacob C. Knight, John L. Stevens, Nathaniel Green, John S. Say ward, Win, H. Sweet. Jo.-epilCoveli, CONNECTICUT. James M. Lincoln. David V. Booth, ikdiana. Thomas Clark, YVm. Cumhack, N. D. Speiry. Schuyler Colfax, Wisconsin. Uodiove S. Orth, D C. Wood, J. L. Haney, R Chandler, F. D, Alien, C. YV. Cook. Jas. K. Al. Brvant. Kaow Something National Convention —Gathering of . Abolitionists at Cleveland —A New Political Party j in the Field, &c.. Ac. Cleveland, <)., June 13 —A. M. The train? and boats within the last ‘24 hours have ‘ brought to this city a lares body of nun trom all parts of j the North and West. They are quartered at the Augier and Weddell hotels, and are evidently upon some polit- ! ieal bus ness. They ‘look like men of energy and ability, and represent a ! the old parties, and embrace some of the lea ding Know Nothings in the free States. Several slave States are represented—among them Virginia and Kentucky. It is rumored ab >ut town that a national convention of Kuow Somethings is to be holdtn to-day. Half Past Four O’clock, P. M. A national convention of Know Somethings, consist ing of delegates from all the Northern and W estern St t.s, is in ses ion in this city. lion. John W. Stebbins, of Rcchttl-r X. Y., is pres ident. The body met at Sons of Temperance Hail, and, in t consequence <*f the large attendance of delegates, had to I adjourn to a more spacious place. Their deliberations are j strictly private, it is rumored that the body is already ! quite powerful outside the slave States, and has entire ! iintrol of the free States. Seveia! slave States ate rep* I resented. Freedom and Protestantism, witbouLjregard P ar, y predilections, complexion, race or condition of life, id the gist of the platform. They are making the m >st out of the anticipated dis solution ot the know Nothing Convention in Ph:Sade' phut General Wilson and ex-Governor Boutwell, of Massachusetts, are expected heie. to-day. The best of harmony prevails. Massachbseits is largely represented. A platform will be construe id for the Presidential cam paign upon which it is believed the whole N„rth and West wd! rally. The Convention Ins appointed tb’6’ (or.ra tiers, each consisting ct one trom each State represei ted—the first to dra t a platform ot princijks. the set cud a ritujl, the third a coustiiu ion. The Committee on Platform have been hard at work al the afternoon, and my be ab!o to report this evening. There h s been considerable and scassion in the convent! n relative to the question ol tem Some desire to dike it a strung plsnk in the platform but the general feeling is that no specification on that point should be rrs ide in the national plat oim, except that it be recom mended as a v nue, and that it be left discretionary with the several States to depose of as they may deem” expe dfent. The ritual wiil be brief, errißraetng hot one dt jree. The body will organ ze as a confederation of State* and it is suggested that it will bear ihe name of the “Re juhlioan Party. * The report from i'e sever J States show that this new <rganiaaiion is p ogresting with rapd strides,and already has pocßcssioa of wheat five of the Northern, and two ol the Western S alts- Eight O’clock, P. M. j The news of the adoption of the pro- slavery platform ! * D >’ *| !t5 Know Nothing Convention at Pbilndi Iphia, w. s | received in the Convention this afternoon with much joy ; : it was considered the death knell of •‘Sam” in the Uniud S States and the beginning of Jonathan’s triumph. Among the leading spirits iu the Convention, are 11. Gii-wold,.J din Paul and J. C. Vaughn, of Ofro ; VVm. S. Diinrell, P. Ermry Aid rich, G. B. Wtaton, C. VV. Slack, E F. Jeaks and William Stowe, of Maesacbu fietts ; J. W.SteLbns, E. Seymour, 11. 11. Thompson, J. van V<>orhiß and Wm. Richardson, < f New York; Riwson Vaile, Schuyler Calfax and ii. W. Clatk of In d.ana : N. C. Gere and E P. Ferry, of 1,1 mois ; Fi. Smith Hobart, A. M. Buakerand 11. G. Bliss, of Micbi gau ; 11. C. Johnson, and others, of Pennsylvania : ,J. M. Burgtss, of Wisconsin, and others. Nearly ail the States represented have a delegation equal to the number to which they are severally entitled in the lower house of Congress. The demonstration is large and enthusiastic, and is locked upon as one that will have a most important bearing upon the ensuing Presidential contest. * 0 From Washington City. Will Governor Reeder return to Kansas—His assc dates in official speculation to be removed, <$ c. Washingtion, June Iff. There appears ti be a g?neral anxiety, both North ard South, to learn whether Governor Reeder will return to Kansas, To sati-fy those who are troubled on this point, I would say that it was solemnly determined by President Pierce yesterday that the Governor would not return. He has been requested to resign, which, if he declines, be will be at once remaned, and with him bis associates is; officii 1 speculation—Judges .Johnson and Ellmore and District Attorney Isaacs. There was a meeting of various influen tial Pennsylvania gentlemen at the President’s house yes terday, 3nd the President laid before them ali the docu ments touching the subject of speculation by the t’edtral officers in Kansas, and the conclusion arrived at was, that the public interests not only required Reader's removal, but the removal also of his associates. Charleston Stan dard. Appointment. Washington, June 16, 1855. Daniel 11. Stewart was to-day appointed United States Marshall for the D strict of Georgia, vice J. R. Johnson, resign ed. Railroad Accident. Philadelphia, June 17, 1355. A ioeosnot'vc and tend r ran off the track, and fell down an embankment last evening, on the Camden and Atlantic Rail o id. The engineer, William llammond, was scalded in n dreadful manner. American Diplomats. Hon. A. D >dge, United Slates Minister to Spain and several American officers, were received by the E nperor of France on the 26th of May. They were introduced hv the Hon. John Y. Mason, our Minister. Messrs. Cass, B 1 nont, Siebels and O’Su! ivan, American diplomats, are also in Paris, with a large number of American vis; 0 B. Tit End of Them .— I'iie career o the Knew Noth ings, it i- mt diff eu t o ore?< e. is and sf iv and to be ;■§ si ort as it is sh me’ul. II ving in t the s ighu-t foui da in in prir ciple—he! lif get eriy no more ’ eliable tie ti an ‘‘the cohtsive p< wer of pu he plu> and •r,’* hey can only live ty “victories,” and mu-t die wi h the fi st blow of deft at. — Like other pred;tory bands, th y wilt cease to x!st, in an organized body, the morr ent the ol j et of ass-cu.ti< n fails by a failure ot spoils. The s* v* rai stages in the de cay of the ‘ l ,American” patty will be found in the end to compare with the grammatical degrees of ctmparison, thus ; Positive know nothing ; comparative, gtt nothing; superlative, be nothing Boston Post. LATER FROM MEXICO. Mcnterey Captured by Frcnunciadcs. By the arrival of the Nautilus, at New Orleans, on Wednesday, the papers oi that city have important intelli gence from Mex co and the Rio Grande. A party of pnmuneiados, it appears, commanded by ; Don Santiago V dauri, attacked Menterev on ‘he 27th ; uit., at half-past eleven A. M., and took he city and the j Black Fort next morning, m iking prism e *ot the Gov ernor Get er ii Cardona and sixty-se* ea offic r. They also took a large quantity of munitions of war and twenty* ; six pieces < f artillery. j Ii cons* quenc • of thes it vents, LusintES was entirely i suspended ou Uie frontier. Carvajal cr.>s e ! the river near Rio Grande City on the sth instant, and Caftjstran crossed with n five leagus or Matamoras on the b h,aud immediately had an encounter : withs party of Government troops. The Mexican war steamer Sar,ts Anna was b’ !E g off the mouth of the R o Grande. Crime in Ailanta. —Ctinn C stiy, only 1 * yea's om. ; was convicted at Alanta, a few days ago, of the murder of ; James S. Kent. On Thursday list, in the vicinity of a drinking saloon in Atlanta, a difficulty occurred between James Martin Had Daniel Dougherty, which resulted in the death of the ; latter. COMMERcIaIa. COTTON STATEMENTS. ! • , iStoeK ; Z.K * <2 <3; on is s, 9 ~'i. r* ’s’s 3;t hand this ; r jva, <1 a • r •< x a ay. j I # j 43. 77 71058 71178 287 63339 64226^6996 1855. ~ViTTI 20664820,66797 847 65248 66075: 1685 C3?- Great Cure of Rheumatism. — Ihe Editors ot the Richmond Republican, of Dee.24th, 1852, say mat Car ter’s Spanish Mixture is no quack medicine. They had a man in their press room who was afflicted with violent mercurial rheumatism, who was continually complaining of misery in the back, limbs and joint? :--m? eyes had become teveiish and mattery, neck swollen,tiir -at sore, and ail the symptoms of rheuontum, combined with Scrofula. Two bottles of Carters Spanish Mixture cur ed him. and, in an editorial notice as above, they near tes timony to its wondenul effects, and ?av they oiny regiet is, that all suffering with diseases of the blood are not aware of the existence of seen a medicine. 1 nev cheer fully recommend it. . . - See their certificate, and notice in full around the bou.e. , c w&ivvlm may 5 -The whole press of Philadelphia are out in favor of Hoofland’s German Bitters, as they are prepares oy l>r.L. M. Jackson. We are glad to record the success ot pus valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, as we believe n supp : > a desideratum in the medical world long neeot and. Ft.e wretched imitator.- and counterleiter;? have withdrawn the.r ! nostrums from the market, and the po'o ic are spared trom \ he danger ot swallowing poisonous mixtures in oi toe i “iSSttM Jackson, HO Arch et.PhSla , and bv Uanlorth A Naelc, KobMtCarler, Brook. & <-hap I man, Columbus G> ; and by O. Lame. & Ala. • j .Worm Vermifuge—The fol'owing order ahol-fat once Ibe demand lor and the excel cnee ot ihu T, r^a t rntdicine Certificates have been so multiplied n ta- . Verna Huge, that we consider U unnecessary to , add’any more. Boomnm Ind. June .3,1351 . ’ Messrs J. Kidd A: Co—Your agent, wlu-u heie. leu with us 12 dozen Iwllles M’Lanea nearly ail sold. Please send qu.ckly 12 dozen do not want to get out ot it; tor c ° lis ’ ‘ * “ i_ Vermifuge ever iu j ‘hU&PETH. This invaluable medicine may be purenased at al* G-® Druggists in CN lumbus, and oi Dealer- generally thnu,gh oul the United States. jufivo Consumption and Spitting Bio-id— See the cer tificate of Mr. Turner H tor many years proprie mr of the Farmer* Hotel, Fcdru-ksburg, Va., and late of the City Hotel, of Richmond, V a . _ . , „ Dr John Minge, of ’.h® city ot Kichmoad, though * ** e^ ular physician, and of co'iße opposed to what he called quack medicines, wa- obliged to say that its good effects iu tb.Eca-e of Mr. Ramsey, were wonderful indeed He had been given 1 P by several physicians; had tried roost ot ihe quack m> di.-iues, and was on thevergv ot de ?pntr,as well as the gra/e, when he tried Carter’s Spanish M ixture. We refer the public to his fill and F-ngthy certificate arouud the bottle stating his cure THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, S ivann&h, Ga. BROOKB CHAP.M \V, D.\NFORTH & NAGLE, juneS—wtwlrn Colmbus, C>&. Democratic ?leettng. There will be t meeting u! ihe Dc no-ratic Party u hoocher County at the C >ur j Friday, the 29. h inst A fall attendance is solicited on that day. junetS COLUMBUS GUARDS, Cos lump, us Ga., June 15th, 1355. > ORDERS t So. 17 \ THE Com nan y will assemble at the Armory far Dress Par A ade or. Saturday i:3d just, at 4o'clock, in theafuruoon. Tie m -m iers of ihe Company are hereby notified toatteid a Dnil oi iheOompai yin un-dress at the Warehouse of Ruse. Paiten <v Cos ,on Monday afternoon, the 18th inst, and on Sat urday afternoon of each week thereafter at % past 5 o’clock, except when warned for oiher dutv ou tre-ame day. By order of Captain * . PAUL J. SE MMRS. John Peabody, Ist. ferg’t. C. G. ‘ jan!9—twvt. o•♦$12,000*; SALES Tickets clouts, Friday Ev ’Unmg, at 10 o’clock. JOHN MAY, Ag’t. u 71 and y* jjH WARM SPUiXGS, MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. p|i[ THI3 dtlig! tful ‘Catering Place - s now op?n for the reception of visitors. Nnoegl-tw-f j. L . MUST!AN, Proprietcr. >1 ‘'numemery Jnurrai copy. Wood Wanted. THE P.ock island Pape- Mills want to con'raet for -2’ 0 Cords .. of Uood Pine \\ ood, to be dtl.vp red at the Faeioiy. Thr deiivtry to begiu at once ui,d continue atl'ne rated ieuc< rds pt.r week. Persons living in Georg a can crc-ss at theupocr briuge at a low rate of toss. Appl, immediate!} t„ R. L. MCT T. or „ G. W. WINTER, £nqu rer copy. jai e*-l—twtr*. Special Notice- A Ts meeting of the F.uX TAS liC - he'd at v 'antastic A rmo -lY rj, *’ednesilay evening, the foilowing officers were elect ed. i.l'OY Si’>NE. Captain. PHILANDER Q.C. DOESTIi KS.O S. MAC 1R ‘'vi, Lead*r of .he Orchestra. P.LL GARLIC. Surgeon. Parade *to-day. “ iine22 Notice* I AM au*horiz°d by his Honor, the Hon. ‘£. H. WorrThto say that the State Docket wiil le Ci Ijl on Monday next in connection with the Aj heal Docki i. Juu*Jg-twit. ‘ JACK BROWN, Fot.Gen’l. WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALIFIES, FOR LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office. IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. junel6-w&twtf. SITUATION WANTED. BY 4 yourg lady in a j rivate family. She is a good ream stress and house servant. Address through the Post l— lice Mi<s*-M.G.” ’ j'in.e-tw2t. ~ HENRY Commission & Forward’g Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TeFE RE N C ES: Hon.. John \V. Vndervon, Sivannali, Ca. Messrs II dcombe, lohnsun & G'o. * IG>n. Henry W. Hiliiard. Mo tgomery, Aia. Al tj. luhn H. Howard, G> iambus, on. ]>r 11-nrv Lockha'-t, “ k * E. B. Yeung, tsq , ! ufauia, Ala. funlSwtjvtf “ FLGII fi—PRICSS REDUCED OUPERFINF. FLOUR, per bbl 810,00 O .eoruia -V-IK Miperdne, y.-'J (tncludivg sacks ) Five per cent, discount to dealers. Meal, Cor 1. an I Hominy, per bushel -0 “holts, per hundred lbs B**6o Bran “ 14 4 * ✓- Sio ° Flour from New While V, heat, A SPLENDID ARTICLE. EXTIA PA VIILY, per bbl • Sj® Double Ex: r do. * 4 ;/•**••;• j iael4—l’AbAOti allijLj^ COLUMBUS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. THE eighth installment, of one djliar per share, is pavabieon Saturday r.c-x\ 16th i?L The monthly meeting oi the Association will he he.a at Concert llill on that evening, si H o clock. juuel3— .355.—tw-Jt. STERLING F. GRIMES, Treas. NOT I C E. 4 LI. ne r sons havirg demands against C tva< taliooo tree A Encampment, Xo. 4, I A), tl, F., rs mttined if they des re t have toem e tied, to the same to the “HtuSS** ““ 9 * l ‘ “ i! " L J AMES A. GIRDNEU, Sec. •‘OLD TOM ‘ GIN. rrj.-T received a Superior article of “OLD TOM GIN in •J Bottles —a delicious beverage, and a most excel.eiv article for medical purp ses. Also a superior artio eoi Potash ill tin cans. juuid —twtf. P.A i.'LAVf J.N. PEYTON H. COiaUITT, ATTOII NE Y A T LA W , COF I MIJLS, GA. reT iu St.M try’s 3a ik Building. mar C-u yAtwtf - COMMISSION AND GROCERY HOUSE. nMIE undersigned ha? the pleasure of announcing to the I public that he has just received and will coti-iiius to rt— ceivt during the s-..ason a go. and supj ly of family groceries, COSSISTI.SG O? SL(iiR% COFFEE. .MOI.iSSEs, SJjt.T, EJCOX, COti.V, PE.IS. CHEESE, *- TF..I S, Fine and Tobacco, dtc*, which he offers very low f>r C \3H ani CAt-11 only. The nubile are respemtully u rite l io cMI and examine bn- Stock. Sone but Genuine an i Presli Articles wi.i oeoffer ed; and all so and warranted\o he J a u.t tts r. at ihe old stand ot D. P. Ldr & -'• Br-.-ad street, to lumbus, ia. A - V A ‘T',. Enqtiirer copy. ___ “-‘NIL. Museogee Railroad Stock for Sale. •e A Shares Muscogee Kaiir a i Stock fole by ‘Y\| liAßlitS* , Ag?Tl> & J/cGEIIEB. WRAPPING PAPPR FOR SALE At Rock Island PaiM-r Mills Offce, In font f Palace Miil?, and a 1 - Mulfuid’a Store. June 21. 1555. w&twrit NOTICE. PERSONS indebted t - A. 0- Flewellen & Cos. will please make mmediatopayment. Their accounts may be iound a: he B(vv ot Ln. HOWfcLL, Of’.HDthfji. lU."* lA—t xsr rzvrj- To Rect, 4 HOUSE on the South east coraer of Ea- dofph ard Tor [ J\_ T rh streets.— carriaue house and stanleson them, lor i further mlorma-Son call si the boure or spiky to i ijovSU— twits wIL it. IA, GCEIv BIU B. WANTED, A FISST RATE TIN PLATE WOKKER. None other need a-p'y. junt-7— iwtfm. * ‘ R. \T. ALDWORTH & CO. Kail Road Stock for Sale. Muscogee ana Jfobiie fc Girard l£ . K. Stock for a. la. App yto juneS—4i T o A'U.KINP. FOR SALE. II VVIVQ removed to my plantation I offer \v !* 5 j |? f-a a *"j 1 1 er.Bdi w. jw! h>u h tn\ lath, r\- tlss ( u “j" r John ii H •waru’?) & and east o* lbe Mum o s® 6- ,<a * f Fepot. itisoneoi th in > t desir ab ! e homes in or about Columbus >'r G. etcLiu; will show the premises to those who wish n pu chase. Comm mic toons addressed to meat Eulaula, * a . jnnt*— wM\ tt P H ‘VART>. A CARD. HAVING uud-rsto-d that n ports t _ jjv?* *b have been indus r.ously circulueit the effect that we had no Eight Graft Boats, am, c..ns. q tol ly no h-cilitieiforsh pping goods dur mr the aw sutge <>t ,h hi vers, we tike -’eu-ure in informing the PuUie that the lot lowing is a complete list of Itidependei.t S.eamt,. a s ik>vi run mug ti e Alabama and Bigbtc river : Ben Lee, Azile, Orion, Advance, Emma Watts, Ariel, Bloomer, Madison, The above are all Substantial and of the ve'y iiwr-est drauatn, having accommodations and iacitnies for conveyin’ pissen* a*ers unequalled 1 y ai y oti er Ibatsnr line of m’a s, now p v in on the Alabama and Highee rivers. They are ad commanded 1 j able and experienced comman ders wh > v/ili use every exertion to secure the comfort aud safety of the pass', tigers. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ’ T.W'.M \RS I ALL. A CO., Agents of independent Steamers, mvsd—wAtw3m Mobile. Alabama. Excitement Increases! KEEP COOL! ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! IIFWE on hand.and receive daily K’E enoinrh to sup- i> ah the People of Georgia and Alabama, which l wid seil at ,tl Yf> TORE O.V ii n o.j D *TkRR 1, at 2J£ cents per pound. • Al orders from the country tor ice will be nacked with care and forwarded immediately by T. M. HOGAN. E Q., m *v2d -wtw Tt President o’ the ‘ceC •mnanv. SETTLE UP. ALT. persons indebted to the l°-te firm of fl'j T.j.f *„vs &c FR HGU sO.V are hereby notified that unless their Notes and Accounts are settled before the firstol June, they will have to s°tll-“ with someone eUe. *x 17—w* tw ts S2OO A MONTH—WHO WANTS nT” AGEN'i’s wanted in every part of the £ ate to sell Hollings worth's Patent Washing Machines. An active man can make 0 ner month. For particulars address WASHING MACHINE COMPANY, Enq. cep. [inayß—wtwti] Columbus Ga. J. M. RUSSELL, ATTOIi 51 I, Y A T I. AXV , Office at nresent. with G F Thomas, Esq., over J R • (id Sc Ce Broad Street--Columbus. Gcor: u. Colmn >us,,April D, Ips~*. w&twtf IMPORTANr TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE Sc COMPLETE ASSORTMENT”OF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! . BEING desirous of changing my /. business. 1 now ofl-r mv <‘v,iive /£i v ‘ W. Mi *t->ckot School, Law.Mrdl cal. Theological and Mb - gjjgj .v-f- cenaiitu'.is Hooks, autl nrotiTf (T Stationery at COST FOR. CASH -1 have a lar_e Stock ot School nooks, and it will be greatly to the advainage ’! Teaehecs and those in char.e of Schools, to call iaimed ately and eui piy theme* i>. =. If you caimor come, send jour orders with the money, and I will send them to you. i o any one wishing to go into the busiress, T would scy, that I will sell ihem my entire s.tock upon’.he most favorafilj terms —bota as t-’ p>. lets and pajments. < all and see. JfuDAN L. HOWELF-. N. B.—l would most reapert'u’Jy ?aj,to all wh.. are indebt ed to me, ihat I must have the money. Please let met hear from you without .ur :fu r notice. J.j.11. I’ommhu® la., April 11, 18.75. wiwtf BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED, ii aaa pi'Unds !i;\% p:*<r.E u\ro\. lUVNUUU 1* 0 Sacks Tennessee Fiour. 4J Rois Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted S oek oHiKOt'KHiGS which will be sold at th, lmvu.-t market price Bv ANDREWS, RiUGWAY & CO. Columbus Oa., ?•]ay *2J, 1855 _____ wA twit’ WOOL CARDED A N D M A N LT F A C T U R E D. TITOOL Carded at >*’ toil tr 10 cents p<r lb. Man'i'acnmd V V into Lm-ey on shares us one half, or fi teen c nt& per yd. Columbus, may 2d. WIN IEK FACT* RY. 110LLINGS WORTH’S PATENT WASHING MACHINE. Operated with Floating Balls. THE GREATEST WASHING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. Every Family Have One. /’ |\'K of these Machines will do a week's washing of anordi nary sized family beore Breakfast, and leave clothe.. uuim pa red. * i tmy are perfectly simple, not easily put out ot order, andean be repaired by any plantatmn carpenter. \\ e now ad vertise them .or the first tune. They are being generally us. and in Columbu . and aive universa satisfaction. Toe can be seeu'on Broad st., a! VV. K. Harris, agent,T oj Fact. r.. Peisms wish ng them must sendi.i their orders ahead, as ve cannot manufacture them last enough to supply the demand Orders from tne country enclosing 22 Dollars, will meet with attention if directed to the WASHING M ACHINE CO. Cuiumbus, Ga. County lllghts for Sale. N. B We no* Zinc ah ol cur M and charge ‘he e‘*ra cost of Zinc lining, r-s it makes a much better machine Tut price for these Machines is $22, purchaser p y.r.g cost ol trans portation. Enquirer please ror.v. ma*3 —w%.twif RAGS! RAGS! THK ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS VREprving three and a Half cents cash per ib. for c.ean t.ii eu and < ottou Rars, m qualities 01 one hun dred pounds nml upwards, and It cents tor quantities under ItO lbs. WooSrii Rags not wanted. uffiee in fro. l of PALACE MILLS. C ilumbus, fu., A/ay 9,1b>5. w-Jitwtf. INEZ. A Tate of the Alamo, is anew ard JjjgjkfgtL popular work, just by tie Harpers Also, a New Supply cf South Sid-View of.-:avery, by N. Adams. I). I).: Hath Uall; Cap. Ganot; Life and Beauties oi Fam y Fein, fcc fee. cotnmbns F.-b. 22. wfetw f f. 7he Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age, is AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. THEY don't he ! p complaints but they cure them. | vine Box has cured Dyspepsia. Three B xts have cured the word cases of Scrofula. Two Boxes have cured Eiy.-ipela?. Ont Box always cures the Jaundice. Three Boxes are sure to cleanse the system from Boils; often less than one does it Two Boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcers on the less. “Sinai 1 doses seldom fail to care the Piles. One dose cures the headache arisinfftroni a foul stomach. Strong dose= oSien repeated extxi every worm fro.n the bodv. ’1 hey should be given to children who are always mote or less affected with in sstoorae. Asa get die physic they have no equal. One Box cures derangement of the L.ver. Haifa Box cures a Cold. They purify the blood, and thus strike at the foundation of disease. ... Ass E>oner Pal tneig j rot inoir eqnru in the world. They rre partly Vegetable, and can do no harm, but do accomplish an u iaccountable amount oi good. Prepared by Dr J.C. AYf.K, Practiol Chemist, Low ell, Mas-., a'-d sold by ai] Druggists and Dealer- in Vledi tin® through thus®.Lon. juns—wLwSaa. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON .N PLANE, ATTORNEYS? A T LA W , COLUMBUS GEO. (Oflice, Xo. 67, Broad Ftreef, over E. Barnard’s Siote ) UAVING m::de ar'T.iurt meats at lt'a*li*g%+n < tfw, Iy bit h an basin, entrusted to ii in wH p>it | M iiiodid n-e e? • t lot J< procure Bounty 1 ami \V nr rants, Pensions, &c , and po s. cute i ltim s jqait st Lmt and Uitta elth. i . e oit Ctifiof (t tLesstcial 1 c paritnenia fST i fi. y are also prepared to purchase Claims, A.c,. against he Unit* a J'tat- s. -Vo P*f required until tit Rend Warrants, Claims, fcr. are procured JAMES IIAMII Toil. V\ a. y. PLAL*. April Tin Ir. Vi. w&twtf- Just Received and ior Sale Cheap A I, O T O P 1U MI) CAG KS . jimeT— tw-2m R. M. ALDWORTH &CO. slO Reward. fO'T in the strea*s of Columbia, abo t the Ist January j last.a heavy CalitorniaGlu K nf, with ft e -r. t; ■*!. W. ” engraved o*u tlie back. I will eive the above reward or the uclive y ol the Ring to me in Girard. A’-., n :;i i! e Times & Sentinel ottice. If. U lilTiHl KST. i , "'7 t:tt. A CARD. A INGMIRE, Fate wi,li r> H. Purj 10. take®th smethod £\ • ot iafomiintr h-s Iriei ds and the j üblic, that he can > ow be fund at A. 11. lXrWiuV Jewel y Siore.on hitn4 o do any kind ol Jewkj.rv Jobbln j , also Engiavoio dine m the c, atest slyle. jtim-2- wtf ~GKEAT “EXCITEMENT iT To tlxo I>o you know uhat’ r* body desirii g to Purchase !de-I ke and I-nduruig liketivs-es ol their M ives, Husbands, Chiiuien, Brother?, Sisters and Frtnd?, aie making a (-rand rush, toby far the best, And only place m Colnm! u-=, wheie J-ikenes.-es which seem to 1 r> athe and l.ive. can tx? got up. at shnit notice, in I.ndinss variety >t style, at and possesrinjj that Richness of fini-h, winch ha - never Yet been equalled or approached, at any Other establishment in the State -M Gtorfiia. Forget it m*t, and whenever you wont a Gem of a Picture,cali at C- I. DFPKU ’S I'xcelsior Gallery—Woodbridste’sold stand. Many thou'.-.nds of Pictures, in Columbus, Npeak tor iiicrnselves, aud testily to the above. March 31. 185r>. tvvtf. HIDDLB’S Fashionable Daguerrean Gallery. r rMIL Pr* p ieb r ha-,the t^rn.. r.e&test, and most Irth eua- F b y arranged G A LLE I* Y :orthe Ait in the Stale. FFe u-es the best material, and allows Lut first class Pictures t<> leave his En< ms. So forget not. ye levtrsof iheFiue Aits, when ye s-illv to obtain those impenhablu<gems, to call cn KIDDLE. He will give you a Handsome F'cturoand a Good liauti-neo i p?. As for takiu/children, gro* ps. Steri-copes. out door views, he defies an v A nist iuth* countrj to -ntp-iss him. Roo csou Broad Si reel, over c. Mygati’s 11-y (hods S:ore. < mi.rU~t.9m. OPENING DAY FOR THE r l *IIE subscriber respectfully announces to his patrons and L the public, that he will re-o|)en his store on the 20tU OF with his fresh importations and manufactures for the pres ent season, embracing the finest assortment of CLOTHS, CASSmERES, and all articles appertaining to gentlemen's wparing ap panl ever ofieied to the public. ’1 liev have lei al ly selected from the most dirtuigubiied r mi-oiiu.iH in the country, and are warranted to be oi a very superior quality. Call and see them. J. SMEETOX. Columbus. Fept 13—twtf Enquirer copy KE\\ r CARPET STORE AGENCY. rHF. subscriber is Agent of W. H. Gu on. New Garpet Store B;iV>nn:ib. (fa . wh ha>* slwny.-on h--iad Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Snades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, &c. Samples aud prices ot utl qm 1 ins ol Carpeting aud Oil Cloth maj besi*en at mj store. Brad v'oliimbus.Ga., and ai\ ofti.eabove article.- without delay Carpetscui tor-mms freed charge,and made, Ifle?led, for asmaheompem&imu. b) an experiei ted hand in Savannah. I will be regaiarljsupp ied with new patterns for the coming season. P. A. CLAYTGN, 62 Brosd Street. Columbus,May 3—tw ts SUN DRIED APPLES lAORTY BUSHKI S i*ea!ed, nice and sweet, just re . ceived on consignment and for sale by Aj>ril 21-?.. ISN3 —wdctwtf H. C. PHELPS. Just Received on Consignment, i)H i iAA LBS. Tenne ,,i ee. New Bacon; liog rou u ... ZLMJIRJ lOCHjlbs. Feall -i 5.1 Kegs Prime Fresh I.rrJ. 75 B -xas. X II ‘xesa-id M Boxes be t Virgin!** Tobacco, i Mi>> Yards Teuer-ste Jetus. Cheap for Cash, roari*—lf Hl’l.f.. FKi FSX * rn. $3 PER BUSHEL FOR WKFAT. ‘T’HE Montgomery .Mills, at M >i tgomery Aia , ti and Ihe Pa’ece m M Hi. at Columbus Ga.. (iimifp g ihtir hi Ire purel jh to2>,COU bushels) will iay fs<r t hoice Hhi e H htat. i e< rgia and Alabama raised w heat, of the new trop, the lot owing pi Delivered at either mill, previous o the ]stl Vrv 63 0 1 # Bu-hel. Previous to he 20th, a 15 4 4 * 4 ‘ * 3!ih, 250 “ “ “ “ 15tn Jane 2 25 •* u “ “ Ist July 2 o*l •* “ Choice Rid 25 con s per bushel less. Fixty pounds to the bushet. I’gT Papers io Alabama.he ween F.ufaula and Wes PMnt, and in Western Georgia. north of A meriens. w 1 piea-e insert one dollars worth. Georgia rarer- v ill be *a cl by Pa ace Mi I*. and Alabama papers by Montgomery Mills. M *jitg raery. Aj ril 2r, ;S >5.” ’ mayl—twtf. Enquirer c< f.y ’ ituatio.i Warned, r>V a Young W :niu in aio p viable fan ily, to do cpprral > hiru-e work,or to take charge m a child; “raoaid Lr.'.ei o oijt'tlion To in* North with any re. p c able lamily. A | p yat this: ffc-i. If SEWING MACIIIEES. GROVER, BAKER & CO S. PATENT. I - 'HE simplest and best in use. ai dll e only Machine adapted to general use. Ccn stitcri asi iit bosom, * r sew tittten thicknesses of <snab‘ r-C* with equal ease. an bf na* ty a n-.-,r ;is r.ot iialic to urt u U(rd-r,and lhe sewing will outlast she matt rial. ‘an be run by hard,! ot < r water pow er. Every rne shu and have them. They will do the work of a dry in an hour, with eui*. Call rod see ihem. OOWDRY fe. CO., Agents. apl4— twi : i Vd'imbu*. < tore ia. STOVES & TIN WAKE. VVTE have >a hand h fine merit of ( OOKIXG- N > JiVf TJ.Y-iVjIRK.Iot**. D Cnvap Roofing aiKlGuttfciing i romp Hr attended to and Warra'iitd. u:aH. M. ALDWORTH, & O. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Boimty Land! L'llEa idersigned havir g a-s<'c:st-d th rr-rlve- to -ther for the purpose ol procuring BOUNTY LAND ui.d r th@-several acts of Congrrs* heie..p*vie s a->O, gie uus prepared to uuike sq p ieistir n fur; 1 who who ere * idmtd. Persons wbo have heretotoro received Boi nty landWar rams, are. under a recent act of Congrea-, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Laud, and by cailn g at oar -. fficu cun get all cbe accessary id rmarioa. Wea*e jr?d ro prosecute Pension and other claims leanest the ITnifeti 8 ates. i- i-'.m *ur !•>;• erp-riet-eo and cen— -rai eue- - e;-s, we ear* itl) c*mfidrw e sy. tns ! . •! e aims entrus ed to our will be; r unpt y and p--edih Uaa ot tfe - parties be':n = constantly io Washington c.iy, irlU ;ive the bos ut—a his pers mat atientiosi there. ’ oaSceovnr Gaubjr St Daniels’ S.ore. LMI-imbus.Georgia. MltflAKl. CLARK, febSU..*jrtwsf. 4 R. iris' I *. pwo month- aittnivie appdeat on will be made to Fir court * and Ordin*.rf f Fer ! * coumy * r IcKve toseil ri;t Uuds bt loacjnt to the t ot Willaai Hairell, dc:-ad by BURLEuL K.OBI BT', Ad’ni. Hail,.’ county, Lurch 2j, Ici-L —wk’uj.