The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 29, 1855, Image 1

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ftw limes & Seifiiei. VOLUME III] the times & sentinel. fiSNNEJjr LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. •lug rll I-W *1 IS K.L l TlltllfiS sjEMTIJfEL .oubHshed EVERY i aud t'KIIJA 1 Aft(A.A- Ttii S’i.>lKs & SENTINEL, ptiblWhed every T J USD A ¥ .VOR.YIXG. oaice on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. IS ! fRI-VVECKLY, 7tvf. DuLLAtts per anuura, in advance, tvli.i Ci.V, iwo Dollars per annum,id advance, f* ,dvenb'i>-;ni un'p'Cuou*!y ‘nserted at *>*e Hollas, pe r 4 tare, for the first iu<>eiU>n, and kifvy CKKTsfor ever; sub g eJ lent insertion. , . ~ * jerai io iu ‘ion will be made Tor yearly advertisement!,. Sale# of Land and Negroes *>y x.L-nmiatrat-rs. Rxecutore.or Ourdians ;rt rvqmred by law In be Held „n the first Tuesday n the month. r>.t*een the hours ol ten in the lorenoo,, ana ui.Cit ift the die moon, at the Court Mouse in the county in which tne property is situate. Notices o< these safes must he xiveu m t public yaaette fjrl.y Jays previous to toe day ot sale. Votlce* for the tale of Personal Property must heaven at {east ten day g previous to the day oftale. .... Notice lo lebtors and ‘Creditors ofau Estate rauet be publish 0(1 forty dry*. , , _ , , / >uc* that application will he made to the Oour O I ‘Hinary forloaveto soli Land or Negroos, most be publish* t m ,ekly tor xiro months. ~ . . ~, . . ,stations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty liys for Dismission from Administration, monthly su Month: -tor Dismisnim from Guardianship forty days. p, ( j .4 (K foreclosure of Mortqajc must be published mcninly for four months for establishing lost papers, for the full space ofthrrr norths—for cvitnelling titles from Executors or Admin isirators* vyhcw? & bond hhß ficivcn by the doc62<£u, tne full , ortoce of three, months. , ~ Publications will always he continued according to these, the j ego I require monts,unless otherwise ordered. j BUSINESS CARDS. PRINTING AND BOOK BINDING. STAVING connected with onr Printing Office, a full lx and complete assortment oi Hook Binder’s tools and sloe* and also added to our Pro ting materials, we are now prepared to execute,in good style and with despatch,every kind of work in either branch of the business, on the best terms. . . . . ... IJLVXK WORK, of every description, with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. W ARM MOUSE EMUS PING, Receipts, Draft*. Notes, Bills of Lading, Ac., &c., executed neatly and promptly, and bound in any desired style. It VI LUO YD A A l l> S I’M AMlfO AT BLANKS, oi all kinds got up with accuracy and dispatch. Hill Steads,\:ar Is, Circulars, Mam! Posters, Pro rraaimss, &c , &e., printed ia tne shor test node* and in the best style. MngaOue and Pamphlets pit* up in every style o bindii g. Books o all kinds rebound strongly anu neatly. LOMAX .A, ELLIS. Columbus, April 15,1834. DR. T STEWART, f HAVING returned to Oil urnbus would reepectfnllyan nouuco that ho lias resumed his practice of Medicine and Surgery. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 7. 1854. w&twtf ROBERT N. HOWARD, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.. CW” Office In the St. Mary’s Bank Building, up Stairs. ~40 July 22, 1854 —twAwl.v. ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA ’ Ollice over E. Barnard’s & Co.’s Store April s—wiw ly JAMES HAMILTON. VV.U. F. PLANE HAMILTON & PLANE, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Geo. Will practice in the Couits of the adjoining counties n tliisStateand Alabama. decs—vv&twtf. DEHTOX & PHILIPS, ATTOIiN E Y S AT L A AY. \V ILL Practice in the different courts of Russell county, ** Alabama. AD DUES*’ , R. NYATSfI.N DENTON, JOHN M PHILIPS, Columbus, Gu. Crawford, Ala Sept 15, 185*. w&twly. JAM KS 15. CUS NI N GIIA M, CIVIC EXGINEKU AM) yUItVI VOR. COLUMBUS, EGOKGIA. Architectural Pe*i and vYoHug pian* mr Buiw ings furnishn i. Artificer’s <rk crlcuu* ed; Surv*> oi j land made, and T >p ;> grapicat plans iur>sisbed with accuracy j ne.r.n -.ssc.r.d despatch tf#* Office over <’o . Holt’s Law Office. (’oiurnbtis, Feb. 21. wA-twtf. BOUNTY LANDS. WE have on hand a large lot of the Form’ to be need in obtaining BOUNTY L A YDS, suited to all ca -©s, that we will sell per quire, CAsII, Uohimbue, (ia. wAtwtf 1.0 M\X A. EI.LI ■. COPARTNERSHIP. undpvdgnoa bavng entered in n gei.era’^^^T?'’ yi2 OROCEHY BUSINESS, UM, ttU'ue old stand oi P. M Laron &. > 0.. w il<| keep constantiy oi. hand a full supt 1, oi All kinds of Groceries, lur wholesale and retail We solicit the patronageot our .ne'-its and the public g^n waiiy. p. McLaren luck. ‘ Pl£TE* MCLARKN, LUVI B. DUCK. C- luaibus. Oct7th. 1854 Oot 14—tw&wtf MARBLE WORKS, East side Broad St. nearthe Market COLUMIUJS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stonet Mmaments, Tombs and Tablets, of American Italian and Irish Marble. EngravingandcarvLadom on stoneinthe best possible ‘iianner; and allkinds oiGran ite Workattheshortest notice. JOIiM H. MA’Jt EN. P.S. —Plasterof Parii-and Cement.tiwavsunn md foi Pi.e. Oolnmbua. Jgn I.IOM lfis4 - DISSOLU ~ I ~- THE firm of II VLL A. M ‘Sf S was dissolved on tbe first of January, leo-5, by h- <v-mh of i. I. Mores. JIKRVEY HALL, Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. riNHE undersigned have entered into the H 4Hiif.jßj? I B UShYESS, under tbe firm at and name of H ALL, MObLB &CO. lIERVBY IT M.L, 18 \ A 5 I. MOSfIS, JACOB P HENRIGKS, YVIL .I tM A. BRACK. “hTs. saboni, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. jan.2o— tw ts COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” RrcriADD IIOOPEE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHATTANOGHA, TENN. WILL attend promptly to the purchase of COUNTRY 1 fiODLCh, or any other business entrusted tohisc&re May 13—twly IN SOME It V I L L 4&A A Pleasant Residence for Rent. Fos?es% JiliS. a 'on given immediately. Apply to cee—3otwtf. ‘ D. F. WJLLCOX, Ag’t. Special Notice. \I.T. *>er*< daim# against Stock island factory ave requested to ban 1 them to the Agent without delay, and notice >s hereby given, that *‘rom this date no accounts against thetlompnny wi ibe ‘.'lowed which have been contracted with out a written order rum the Agent. I). F. WILLCOX. Agt. fan. 21. |F5t. twt 100,000 POUNDS RAGS WANTED. U 7 E will t >% cent- per pound for one hundred t d pounds cJ-an LIM N AND OTT N K.\GA, in q ianti ties ot it) - p lu.uis an t over. TF.FFERSON & HAMILTON. Cos! i ml,us, r B, I>b. 15, !855. LUMBER, LUMBER. TIIR undersigned are prepared to fiirnhh Oak, Hickory, Poplar, Ah, Beach and Pine Lumhtr Com their Mil. at market prices, delivered on ILi road or in Colt nihus. IVr ons wirhme Imnbtr, will leave their hills at the Auciion Room of Harrison,"Aufctiu & MeCXhee, where they will Le pronip.ilv atiei and to. dec 23—twtf WIl ITTELSEY & BRO. DR. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE ;OVEB ffII'LIFORD’S (IN lII.OAD STREET, COX.UEIBUS. SSCESIA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. Drs. BROOKS & CARRIGER f HAVING associated themselves together in tne various branches ot their profession, tiioy will be enabled there by to give more general satisfaction to allvvho may favoi them with the'r confidence. Dr. Oarriger is fluty prepared and will jive special attention to all cases ol BUP.G Fit V entrusted to his care. |TgB” Office in Winter’s Bank Building. Oolurnbus, Jan. i t—twts J. A. EOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL nraetioe iu this and the adjoining counties. Office in dt. Maiyis’ Bank P>uiiding, Columbus, Ga. lifcFEKENCES : T LOMAX. KSQ . MANLEY & HODGES, PR <■’ A STANFORD. K PATTEN. Columbus, Get 7—iwly < WM PBRRY, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Y\T ILL practice in this and adjoining counties, particu * ktr attention paid to tiie securing and collection oi debts. Office with Col. A. McDougald. dec!4—tw4m. TROY FACTORY WAKE ROOMS. COLUM BUS, GA., JAN. Ist, 1854, FROM and after ibis date no goods will be sold ; t the above establishment except, for CASH ! janii—twtf. walton k. iiarris. ROPE. FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Justreceivedand forsale atthe Alabama Warehouse by J. I. R IDG WAY. Columbus. Ga., May 4—twtf FO n SAL F . * THE H >IJSE ANH !>< * T at present occupied ly the subscriber. Possession Liven iramedmtsh. H. k\ fiAi.L. I?"!l.'J, A p -ji 2:> lAl"—twtf _ Mil)Wi F E K Y . MRS.JAKE M'GINTY off era her professional servi- J c>*s to liiepeaplo e* Uununbus and vicini y. She has had j thirty yf*af ß uxjter utice in the business ami fia.Lrs h r-* 1 j that by strict ii'feiUoi! she will mods the public pUrot.age. She may be ‘bund, when not prioe-sioniiliy tiiuuged, m he* residence t.n Jackson street, just below t >e Alemodist Mis-ion Chinch. ftn ‘fl > —twfi axxiiEm m'TnsTJkance cuMm (IF I.O.MXiN. UNI TS STATES BRANCH OFFICE. 80, swfth Street, Philadelphia- AUTHORIZED CAPITA!. $lO 000,030. AV dlji; BLE CAPITAL $1284 300, TY7ILL taxe a y nd nil fair risks against loss or dam a. eby >Y Fir at a reusonab'e rate. Losses adjustd and pronap ly paid without reference to London. 1 Htferenccg in PhilndelphiF. Atwood &.’<>, John ’..rig.'. t vi'eishttnan, iMye.s, i-gh r i fcA’o John Faronm, < e<. H. Stewart, D in. Ah Kee t• o . “ hit *. •"devensat Cos. TKUSTi.ES. G o.H. B|ew’ r' John i\ V h ti, S’. li.tch'e and Btarr. Applications for risks m; y be ntadi to JOHN MI NN. Auent. Columbus Ga . April 28. ISIS, t’.vdm SUI.PIUJU A.ND MkDK’ATtD YT llltUi)KN&C! Y Y’N S)BUI.-VroilK. I'lli- 8 \ ‘H * wib r -lb-ve an i perm nent'y ati disea ft >.-s arisin* irom an impure tiae ft t!i • i>!< o!. Their efficacy have been fully and sucessfully tested in cd ron ! ic Diseases like th.e following To w t: S gi t hetim. Go it, > ainful and Di*eaed Eyes. Sure T treat I) seaws <> the Liver. Dyspepsia, o*t vet es.. Ri g Worms, Pituplud Face, Krys peias. Pa, sv, Neur l ia. Tiodolercuix, Nervous'rritabiiity, * bUtnaTe Glandular Aif.c tiotts, I><*. p<\, Asthma, •atarr'’, 1 ancer, < <e; n p non. P tbi jics, (Puinronary) Leprosy, Gravel, at and a’i < ntai.e iU* Dise..fu}s. mayt—tw tl TO THE LADIES. nAYING received a tuoavexteuslve and full of the latc-t French SPFvIHG MILIIiESY 6 DRESS GOODS for Ladies wear, 1 solicit a call from all. The Goods :re now opened, and th® selection com; ri-es an assor.tnent s-uperibraud richer than ever fftred beioie m ih.s market. Kespectiu.L, M t*'. 0 -SAt , 1 S 1 rsau . ’.re • NOTICE IN order that mv custom* rs rumti* c scccnrts mav know the terms on which ! trade, 1 deem it advisabio to pub isb thne. h or purchasing on r n*e i yu ti-f is it quit* and tw cea year, on the tirstof July and first of January, a*, which t me the bi I- wil. oispr sented. DE ; B*l T . Anri! 7, 1P57 waitw3ra. ILWGiNG AND BALE ROPE. i Bales India Bapsiu?. LU W 500 Cons Ro;e. ‘ For sale by ORE IN WOOD vV GRIMES. Columbus, Set t 13. Ihst—twA wtf ~'rUE~i’IXEST _ LOT OF~ BACON lIAMS Evr offered iq this market, for sale by A. M. ALLEN, 117 Broad street. Columbus, sept 27—tw&wtf COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1855 TRI-WEEKLT. Salt Fork. RECF.TVED, on ronsignmeut, 20,000 lbs. Pork now in Sail and re.adv for curing. f„> a twt f’ Ts. o. VHRT fS. EAGLE MANUFACTUEING CO. COLUMBUS, GA. npilE Factory, now being in full operation, i* able to I supply (on their usual term-) promptly as ordered, the various style* of their Manufacutures, which conei-ts ol the following variety: YARNS, OSNABURGS, 4 4 SHEETINGS * SIHRT IN i,Utton S'ripes, of great varietv of Pattern; COTTONAms , embiacing many new sttyles; Kerseys Ar J*me Knot Plains; Planters’ Casimeres, Track for Trowsers. Sewing Thread. Shop Twine, Matirinsas, Batting ,&e. To Cash purchasers inducement* will be offered de2B—twtf J. R BROWNE. Ag’t LINCH’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC POWDERS. Wf-ND! RFUI.I Y LFFIOACMRiS IN For the above Diseases, a S>fe Speedy, and R and cal cure 7S found in “i.uicHN Anli-RiieuniHt c Pw ---(|h ■ >'>’— the ur a'e-t’ Remedy now known, for Rheu matism. in any of its forms. ti t ‘U ii.uii; no- r .ns o ibe day. so lauded e* oitrp’ nr Hh nmut.a a, mitie have ever y*-i been discover u to Ue jji)ise>std o hall the curative powers of these powders. L.t those flii ieil ttlioden er .i el from aufliriuv, bntp-o cu*e a Box o, iwo o t ese invaiiiabie po vders, and ioi <>w strictly the directions, at and their mayic itfcct will soon Le fell in a total dbsenct oi pun. jyTui up in Tin Boxes of sixty (6 ) Powders each—Dree tiousar unu the B< x By ariangeinent Dr. .T. G Gibion, their Dis’ovrrer, the-e PoWuer* wid here* fi r be manuiaciurcd and so and by B VV Adams, ol E uonton, Putnam Conn y, Ga. Ordt ri Ui>-ec t-u to nun ,ill meet w ilt, prompt atteidion, pro vided the t at-h accompaoit s the order, i’rtce .f5 p r box. fckdc by BROOKS & CHAPMAN, June ‘t. 1 8 5, ;,'r> t’olumbos. Ca MUXIAL NOTICE. IN order that our customers may understand the term* on which we Uade, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as follow 7 *: For all purchaso on time, payments wili bo required twice a year; Miy ]*• May and Ist J nuarv. On all amounts unpa'd at ti e tinn * specified, we shall claim and expect ud< rc-t uritil paid. E. BARNARD, & CO Columbus. Jan. 1 t.’55. janll—w&twtf. HOTICB. OUR friends and patr.ins are htreby notified that c'rctnn dtnuces make itabsoiu e y necessary that we should have a iii-uou every horse boarded at our stable tiy the month or year. Vv T e, theieiore, hereby give notice, that our right of lien shah enter into and become a part of every contract for tiie keep or hoard o; horse* at our inables, and that in all cases we ren-rvethe right to n orce said iien.eif access ry. !>'—tf. HATCHER fc PITTS. SOMETHING NEW. JUST RECEIVED HO OUT EAGLE TRIPOLI, FOR POLISHING. A NEWLY” discovered substitute for Crocus, Rotten Slope. u \ Rou.e, Also, Mures Ale, LondonPortei'i Clnrret,’ 3ladelra, Shurry, Champagne Wine, Sparkling Ilot-L, superior Brandy, for Medical Purposes, Wolff s Schnapps, &e. &-c. Also, a Geneaai Assortment of fJQ UOhs, TOBACCO, U\ D s r G v RS, winch I will sell at a .small advance on cost i)j tne retao, and at cosi by llie wtiolesale. P. A. CLAYTON. maysth—twtf Broad Sir ~et. Colunibus Ga. WISfBE FASfOEY, CoITS-mfous, C3r.a. YARNS, LIvSEYS, WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, for sale. WOOL Card'-d at one fourth toll or ten cents per pound. LINSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. per yard. Ail Work close Proiaptiy anil WarraDtcd- MONTGOMERY IRON WORKS, MONTGOMERY, A S.A. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY OTEAM Engines,Circular Faw Mills, Grin Mills, Shafting, k y or any desci iption of JItACHIN /R 1 • Also tiich’a un rivailed Water YM'.eels.the best in the v s- ti. Ly neb. paae & 'o. VVhittleey & Cos., Woodruff & Got tchinp,on the* Muscogee Rati Road,and nutinrous ethers, testily to c-vtting 100 Tfeet, of Lumber per hour; each using tno ot our Paient Circu ar Saw M.lls oi out Saw. G. VV. WINTER. m:irl2 BEITISH PEPaOBIGALL marly copies secured. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to re publish the following: British Fetiod.cals, viz: t. The in Quarterly (Con.-ervative ) 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal.) 5. Clack wo d's Edinburgh Magazine (TeryO The present critical >t tte t>f Kur-pean affur will render these on.>lica ion uuasually interest ? ig during the forthcom n,j y, jj . ’| b y will occupy a middle gr ’uud bet.vt,en the hastily written news iteiiw,ciude apeculalions.and Hying rutmns efth * daily Journal and the poudeou-; Tome oi the future iii-t •tian, Written alter tne living into;eat ami esuite* men! ol the great pol tieal events of tlm ume >hail have pa -ed way. li i’ to these Periodicals that readers must ! r„ o k tor the only r*a 1. intelligible sM reliable history oi i current events, amt as -uch. m addition t > tln ir well estab lished !)ie arv,scientific, and theological cha;act r,we a;ge them upon the consideration oi iho reading public. Ar angeimen’s are now permanently made for the receipt of EARLY .SHEETS iiom the Publish ers, i>.’ which we ate enabled to jiiace ALLoLR Kb* PRIM I' s in the hands of subscribers, afco it a so >n as they can bes irn'slied with foreign copies. Although this in voices a ver> la outlay on our part, we -hal! continue to nsh the Penodicais at the same low tales as h< retofore, viz:— Pe !,r :! ’ For anv one of the four Reviews £3 00 For any two olths lour R ; --views 5 t;0 PNir any thive of the {our Review.- 7 00 For all fur ot the Reviews 00 For !ilackwo<d’s Vlagazme... 3 {) 0 F*r B ackwopd and tiiree Reviews 0 00 For Biackwuod ann th> sot-r Review 10 00 Payments io be made in all cases m advance . it loney current in the State where issued will be received at CLUBBING. A discount r.f twenty-five per cent, irom the above pri ces will be allowed to Cluhbs o dertng four or more •op ies of any one or more of tho above works. Thu?: Four copies ot Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address fir *9; four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood tor s3h; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered, through agents, FREE OK POSTAGE When sent by mad. the Postage to any part ol the United State wii! be but Twenty Four Ccnis a year for ‘‘Bi ickwood,” and Fourteen Gents a year tor eaca of the Reviews. Remittances and communicationssbould always be ad dreesed,post-paid,to the Pubiisheis, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. i a9—twlm. 54 Goid Street, New York. GREENWOOD & GRIMES, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. XT J’ILL give their particular attention to the storage.and V sale of cotton, and other produce, which may be con signed to them. They are prepared to make liberal ad vances on cotton iu store. Prompt attention will be given to the RECEIVING ani FOR WAR DIN G BUSIN ESS. E. S. GREENWOOD. STERLING F. GRIMES! Columbus. Sept. 5,1854 —wiSrtwlv J. V. RUSE, J. 11. DAVIS, W. H. I.OING. ’ “ruse; DAVIS"& LONG,"” COMMISSION MERCHANTS S 111 PrIK G AGV.N T 8 , SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WILL purchase codon and other produce on con nission. and itrictly attandto forwardinggoods and tilling o tors trom the country. Ruse. Patten fc Go*, agents Columbus, by whom liberal a< vances will be mad eon consignments either to or through uk t our friends in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf I fiClvh'l l & SNISLLINGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the of COTTON and all kinds < PRODUCE Strict attention given to Receiving and Fo> warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, H. D. SNELLINGS Savannah, Ga., Pept 1, 1854 tw&wly HUIXsON, FLEMING & CO. ? SAVANNAH, GA. HOPKINS, HUDSON Sc CO., CHARLESTON, S. C, FACTORS AN!) COMMISSION M K R C II A NTS. F.NEW an offer of tbir services to Planters, Merchants am ; V Dealers ii> the saie of Colton and al< other country produce Strict a?tt> ution will be given to business, and liberal ca9h ad vauces and facilities afforded customers when required. JNO - • HUD9,)N l Savannah. . W. 11. FLEMING, S L. HOPKINS, Augusta. John j. cohen, Charleston. Aug 4 —♦wft-wtf COPA in N ERSIIIi\ THE undersigned having this day formed aCopartnerehipun der the name and style of HARRISON, AUSTIN & M’GEIIEE, for the purpose of transacting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING.. AND! NEGRO business, at the old stand of C . S . II A R RISON, pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed tptneircaro. They will give their personal attention to the saie of Real and Personal Property, Merchandize and Produce Having ample facilities at their command, they are prepared to make liberal cash advances on Negroes and Merchandize o\ every description. The patronage of their friends and the public generally is solicited. C. S. HARRISFON, WILLIAM AUSTIN, A. C, McGEIIEE. Columbus, Ga.,Scpt. 1, 1854. SeptlG-ivv&,wtf ANDREWS, RIDGWAY & CO. DEALERS IN STA PL E i) R ¥ GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &C., &C (Four Doors below Hill & Dawson’s old Corner) ti sWii) STREET, COIJ/JJim.iS, A. Columbus, Oct i5, 1853.—tw&wtf MARINE AND FIRS INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, iTTH.I receive Deposits—and Checks for sale on New Yorl VV .Viacom nil Savannah. A nri'24—twt ’ RTCTTATM* PAIT X. J. M. BUSSELL, ATTO IS X Y A T 1. AW , Office at nres”> t. with fi F. T l, omas. Fn.. over -I R <• dd & Cos IS road Street—Col ml>n a. Geuri’n. Onhi-;i >•>. \j>-i t , i*.V>. w ■ twtf BACON & Fi-OUxi. JUST RFXEIVF.D. iAA AAA P'*um>6 ! t. \ % i.ssFf; n\f ca. XUV/S'-JwU 11 0 Sacks Tennessee Fiour. 4j i> list ilowad Street Fi<ur—a Superior Article. To jet hr w i h a Well as.-or ed Sock ot O iH>* 5. £t I F.s which wiliheottid at in. lowv.-tm rket price Bv AN DRB\V S, Ui DO V\ AYcV ‘O. CoiumbU3 Ga , May 2A, louo wA twit. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to A. C. Fiewellen & Cos. wil pka.-i i make 1 , nvnediate payment. Their accounts may be ioum si tie Book .Storeof J. L. HuW KL.L. rYillfi) tins. l>ec 10—t.w&vrtf RAGS! RAGS! TUB ROCK ISLAND PAP F. R M ILLF \R!’ p;ynt: thre and a Half cents calliper 11: i<>r c.eoi ’ i ea and mton Raus, in q lauties o: one him dr et p< uin a and upwards, aid ti cents tor quantities uncei i 0 •is. VV'oin Ravs noi wanted, t tffise in fro: tof PALACE M 11.1.5. r 1 Mr.’ 1| ‘-SI . t'nv 0. w. t*C ” STOVES & TIN WARE. \TTF. have ou hand a fine assortment of < 00K1NQ- W .9 , '>VF.< 1V > 7Y.V- r V.IR *t. mr sal Cntap Ronfing flunSGnttcilug iromj.ily attended to am Wai ran ed. u.kj.9 t*4:n. P. M. A Lit WORTH, h O. KE V\Tc AKPETSTORE AGENCY^ rllF. subscriber is Vgent of VC. 11. Gu on. New Carpet Ston Savannah. Ga., who has aiwayson hand Carpeting*, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rtisfs. Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, &c. Samples and pricesof all quti.ti sos Carpeiins and Oi)C’ may be seen at my store, 82 Broad street, • oiumbus,Ga. any of the above article# ordered without delay Carpets cut to rooms free of charue. and made. ifde? ? a small compensation, by r experienced hand in l will be regularly supplied with new patterns for t* season. P. A. CLAY 82 B Colnmbns.May 3—twtf Rail Road Stock for Muscogee ana Mobile & Gi for s- le. App yto j i uji —4i Change of Schedule lin MUSCOGEE ItATL ROAD! On and after February 20th, PABSENGFR Trains will leave Columbus daily at 2-15 P. M., arrive at Macon 7** P. M. Leave Macon daily it? 3 A. M, arrive ai Columbus 8-50 A. M. taking :t completec<> traction between Montgounry. 4 la., and Vueusta. Kingsville. Wilmington: also with t mitral Pali Road > Savannah, and Milledcevilk-, aid with the N acon and Vestern Trains to Atlau’a, Chattanooga ut>d Nashville. Also, connect ing at Columbus with the Girard K .Mobile I ail mad, for F.uiaula. B. K. WKI.I 8, Columbus. Feb. *JO—tw,V wtl Fngineer and Sup’t ~ CIL\N(iE OF SCHEDULE MOBIIR AIJD GIRARD RAIL ROAD. TT, &s£gm*3& VKIEK .Monday, sth March, the Passenger and Freight Train will leave Girard at 3P. M. daily, (Sundays excep od) connecting t Silver Run with a daily line of Mages i Glei.nvilh , Kulaida, Fort Gaines, and Marianna, Fla. And i Tuesdays, ami Fridays, with the Mages for Uchee, Olivet, nop, ( hut ennuggee. Mi way and >t rings. Leaving Silver Run at ft 10, A. M .daily. (Mondaysexcepted) ie ’ rs wi I reach Girard in time to connect with tht Op'lika hi M ifcogee Trains. Hound tri p tickets good fortwo days can he purchased t the office at Silver Run, at lets than the regular rate. U. A. HARD AW AY. •n <*re-*- r.♦ ts. F. nsi neer. SCHEDULE OPELIKA BRANCH vlonigomcry & West Point Kail Hoad. PA ‘-SENG* R TRAIN every day: Leaves Girard at 9% A M, Arrives at Opelika at II A. M. Leaves < pelikat II.V A. M. Arrives at Girard at PM. FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Girard .iioudajr, Wednesday, and riday ai 3P. M. Leav<4 4)peFka Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at fi A. M. Com s must be m the depot before 2 p. m.on the day the oitfiit triin leaves—he plainly marked with the owner’s name, nd station at which they are to be delivered. Shipper’s dray okeig must accompany each toad, and the freight paid in ad ,ini.i to all poiits except Monte* mery. ma 8.. wXrtwtf. R G. -10 s F.S,’r. k Flip. SAYGOOD’S HACK LINES. Till WEEKLY. LEAVES Silver Run Tuesdays, Thurs days and Fridays, on the arrival oflihe ■ -ars trom Columbus, by Olivet,* Knnn, Hardaway, Chunennuggee, to Union pnngs and X.idwiy, Ala. Tue II ick to Panuiort and Uchee, leaves Silver Run,on the ar rival oi tlie cars, Mondays and Wednesdaystreturns same day to ; ilver Itun in time for ilit? ears next day. I eaves Cbiineiinu-gee, Tuesday 8, Thursdays and Saturdays, tt iO A. M., —leaves Midway at noon of ihe same dayr—meet it I non, and read) tiilvi r Run in Cine for the cars on Wediies tays. Fridavs, and Sundays. oiarVf *Ws—wif ‘ A. H AYGOOP,Driver. Just Keceived on Consignment, vr’i An i~\ LBS. Tennesee New Bacon; Hog 50 Kegs Prime Fresh Lard. 75 Boxes, Boxes and X Boxes be t Virginir Tobacco. lotHi YardsTenessee Jeans. Cheap tor Cash. mar2l—tf HULL. FBI KBS’ FV & CTL _ A CARD. AINGMIRE, late with S. LL i’urple, takes this method • of informing his friends and the public, that he can ,ow be found at A. H. I)eWin’s Jewelry Store,on hand to Jo any kind of Jewelry Jobbing, also Engraving done in die neatest style. jnne2-t\vtf. iO THE PATRONS ut PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLEPAIN KILLER. ( AW INC to the large araou. t of Counterfeit Pain Killet put t / up and aoi j a 1 - re note by unprincipled men, w e have .een nitUged t > resort to very expensive measuie* to } rotert urselvep pecuniarily, fnd tie public licm gieat iijmy, by uyii g a.iu u-ing their worth ess cnunW-ifeiig. Ti e cemjar uve plain aid simple nty’c in w inch our Tain KPhr ha* •eh |ut up lias made it very ca y for those disposed,to m ute i* very mice ssful’y, as far as its *xierna! app ■ranee, ty le of bn:tic, late), and color of the article: but we need nt ->\\ sh it ihe compound is a miserable, filthy .production, •id calculated to do ••'•eat it jury to those who might use it ith the confidence they have *een accustomed to use the enuim P. tu Kii'er. Parties whose business it is to counter •ii valua!! • D'eparaiions. do it in sucli a secret manner,that t is ahno-t useless to a’lernpi to punish th-. rn by legal metis res, as it is di*ficu!t. and wA migh, say impossible to bring ie pr -of home to tlum. Cotisiderin ‘ tha gred. (LfiluiUv in protecting ourselves and a public by p*o*eoutiag Dirties, we have be nto a very real expe'i-e u getting up a finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LABEL, r cur . bottles. tVealso attach to our bottles a Fteel Fngra •-d iioV of li Did, which we issuo as our obligation and the • tuaterfi/it which if held to he fogrery by the laws of the Jnited Ftatcs. and whic’ srties will not dare attempt to do. be greet expense attp s he getttng up and i riming of hese labels, will* row “inpt to counterfeit us se curii 2 to the public* hev purchase istbe gen t ii. F’er y Davis’ P ‘ured by Perry Davis i f*on. r>o!e pr, p The P titi Kißer ! e of [panel bot le. with ihe wc BAVib’ LER, >'own in * o of he s. •z— IV; W’e i at eh [NUMBER 77