The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 29, 1855, Image 3

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Fiom tV Journal & C*u r ie*’. LITER FROM OAL’.FiiliX'A ARRIVAL OF THE I)AMl- L WEBSTER. Politics it California. New Ojtleans, Juno 22. The steamship Daniel Webster has arrived with Califor nia dates td iho let inst. The steamer Sta.* of the Wert left San Juan for New Vo kon the lG.h, with 500 passengers and t7vo,ojo in fpecia. The markets were dull. There occurred a destructive firo in San I raneiseo, on the 1 *th u't. The rqiare fronting on Davis street and bounded by Commercial an f Sacramento, was burnt over. Los*, SIO,OOO (?) Tiv Branch Mint was in nil operation. Xhe State Centra! Committee of the various branches of the Democratic party in Ca ifornia find agreed to ignore pa?t mte*, forgi't their quart! , make friends, u i:e and call a convention for the lihh iiut., to nomLate a candidate for Governor. At tho municipal election in San Francisco, the Demo cr its elected their candidate for May or. The other offices were about equally divided between Know Nothings and Dernoi ruts. Important frcci Central America—Emney and Fabsns ProscribaJ. New Orleans, Ji no 22. By the arrival of the Daniel Wtbtter Item San Jian we have intetc-iing intelligence from Central Arneiica. ‘l’he civil war was about ending with the suppression of insurrection! U who were petitioning lor Irfedom. A decree has been isseed, announcing that Cos!. Kinney, cx Con. Fubens, and all other foreign emissaries, would ;c ----ceive no mercy, hut be executed immod.ateiy on capture.— Martial law had bean proclaimed. A nciproei y treaty had just been concluded between Ni caragua and theL‘nited States. i.MDOII FA NT FROM MEXICO. Progress cf the Revolution - Defeat cf the Gofornraent Troops. New Orleans, June 20. The steamship OrVibt, Wi ll dab* from the city of Mexico to the li) h inst., has arrived. IKr aUio<s are important, and give an account < f the progress of the revolution, and die pnecess of the msurg* nts. Gen. Santa Anna has returned to the epdul. The gove nrnetit papers report the defeat of several small panics of insurgents. G.*n. Alva <z defeated the Government tro ps near Meseito, vvi.h a loss of 500 men, and then j >imd Gen. Cometilort. Gen. Gomenforl an l Gen. Alvar z have taken Sonora, and were investing Morelia. Cotiununieation between Alonten y and San L m's Pot<*si Inis been pt*oh h t and. All the government opopß that can fv 1 spat cd. have been *>r*W* and to in U'ch to Nueva Leon, and attempt to i\ capture Monterey. Gen. Wool, Command r of tin* gov-prom nt troops, will and lend MaO’inoras to the l. st, b it he has only tiUO dk-u at his command in that c tv. Ilia Kcm val of Gov. F.eed r. i Dl P 1 K'l ME T OF StaTF, ) Washington, June 11. 18f5 ) Kir : lam directed 1 y the Pre-idet t to i.-.ft rrn you tiiat, I with the devehipnii nt- be* ore him in rebrencelo purchases 1 of Kan a-* halt meed re.-eivalio is made !v you io ttie Ter r t > V of K n a-, ami in which, as ton Ft. te Judge.-. John ston and Eliuoie, of die Supreme Court of the Tenth ry, ami Mi 1-aae-, the district attorney, pa tcipat. and, and m reference a! o to other speculations by \ou in lands of the teirito y, appa < nt'y in violation of acts <d otigress and of regulations of the department, ho (eel- embarrassed to see ho -v, consistently with his cot v cttons of duty he can allow the (ire-ens oihcial;elation to the te ritory of yourself or h her of the oilier gentlemen named to continue unless the imp es-ions which now test upon his mind Hull betuiuv- , cd ‘ y satisfactory exi Dntions. Tne Pre.-iDnt wll, however, be glad to receive and consi ler any expltu a ions which you may de?i e to nittke | i t tegarJ to the character aid <xtent of the tr enactions j ahov • ret* r cd to. and particularly the matters spoken of in ; the letter of G. W Clarke, Indian Agent, dated \lav 8, ; 1-455 ad aid e-sed to the Bupeti"tei and ait of In Ban At I hi r- lor Kansas. a copy of which was forwarded to you at Fa ton on the 5 h n>t 1 am, s.r, veiy respectfully, your ob’t. csrv’t. n . . .’ W. L. MARCY. lion. A 11. Boeder, care of John Coch ai, Smvi yor, &c., City of New York, Gov. Reeder to SC. L. Marry, Ts:j. h>in: Y oi r le'ter of the i I tit, postmarked iho 12th, was h-tnd.c! me between 10 and U o’clock la t n vh\ alter I intd m ideal! my arrangements to it avc lor Kansas at 6 o’clock this morning I could not r mmi at home to reply f liv to the com munication without gioss neglect >! my official duties, and ii is cquaiiy cl *.ar that i camu t give to the giave matters it co tains the define ate reply which they require while I am en route day and night. Nothing is ie t me. therefore, hut to pr<>ceru to thv Teiritory snd reply to your communica tiosi there. 1 wrote to me President yesterday Loin Easton,, and m ist express my regret that your communication was not made at an earlier day. Y try respect!Lilly, \ our obedient servant. A. li. REEDER. Hon t, S.rte Her . — Ino Montgomery Mail publishes tho following : Montgomery, Ala., June 12, 1555. Fir:—l had tha honor to receive the appointment of C om-ais-io ier of D eds, &c., for the htato of A'a-sachu-etts rom your | redecessor. Since rnv appointment, certain legislative enactment-have pas ed the Legislature of Mas sachusetts which 1 deem contrary t<> the constit ,t.on and Itws of our country. 1 therefore return to you my c<-tn niHsio i, not wishing to hold an appointment from a Ma'e that does njt iccoguize tl.o constitution and laws oi our country. Wry respectfully, To Ilia Excellleney, the Governor of Ma*l. $ ARRISON ’ Know Nothing Declensions. Tj the Editors of the Georgia Journal and Messen - I ger : Gentiamsn The tin Warned having been r<o„m j mended through the columns .{ your j lU rtiii! and oth ; 01 . lh, ‘ <* a candidate U Confess in’ the Thitd j i)ian-t, detms it p oper, in view of the m,ptu.-u-h ng I li.>m nation,-find to secure united action in the C-nv.t tion, thus pubiiely to announce, that under no uireumstan tea call he consent to be a canddite. n| n _. T WASHINGTON POE. Macon, 221, June, 1553. To the Editors of the Journal ,$• Messenger; Gis.vri.KMeN :-a numb-r u pemp tVv . pie; s q\ t,. >p.u ol me in c an CUun wuh a enud d.-.ey to, die Kx cu.ive elm rot the S ate ot Georgia. W'dh many th inks ter their kind and il Itering purposes towards aJow me, through ymr e u mis, tnyt. them an I to all e >!ie rn -d. tliat lr. sp yt-u y \vi hi.old the Use oj my name, iu that onn ciion. V. ur hi. id, E. a. Nlsßiir. . Gov Johnson’s Letter. L st week we said that G..v, J ,!,ns .n seemed to un derstand the Gem crime platform . jjivii g lati ude t* wait tor another trial at east- K.ii.s;? si,. u!d be r.petro by the next Congress ,n a eoum of 5;. IV , iy. To 1 y w publish 1 is letter to Cap?, Lomax, iu whi, h he s ts b tn glf fully right upon tha* sufj ei—we will | lt ,t moot th q estion w: eth r wecon-trued ha reply to M j ,r Ji,, w i,rl ton strictly—or ton lio. ;* y— it is snffici at that • tb;s letter te em s down squnely to h s w: r, Tli.-r is in uno hi nkuio of die q u-siinti. I: is a?q i r<, op, 1,. Dimly avowal “t what he mends t > do. lie leaves n )<o n f. r cavil or doubt up n dt • sir j-< t, and shat is th \vav for a mm to talk who ie seeking to b<* iuteri t-iei with die ryhts and into rests of a e u.itfy. Tnat is tin wty we w'ant our S ut tern movement people to ta k, aim jt is ‘he wry tiny tuuat in li, tut/, bu.vje they c.ia do any ibh'ff* , _ . , - . \y#tha!l lovk to tb# tMaeira.u? pepfi* ©* Gwrgm A t’l great interest for the n-xt week or two. We cm,. iTt* ‘- 1 “ i ‘ ! ‘ H utii us t* elk w rotne .f tfj. Old |,a ks Who I ave adt P „ and the Geo, git, pla form 11 v an s!an t e, will be jfficttd by a p ospect of so pr.*mp’ a f.tfug op the mus'e. We hope they will staid up. If tiny will stand boidiy aid squately up to .L bn ’ !U ‘“is d< clrnati, n, it wili a- nine to help and pf i ii™ ,h ' ir :ri,Hi ' n Dun ctatie bruhten, than all ’ lo.mng on to them and going into con wntiona wit h Uie n t'ia: they could do from now till doomsdav.—Cor ner Stone. 1 !<c Great Southern Moil —The Savannah RopubU. can says: **We learn with pleasure tint the contract f r transposing the great Northern mail through Ge, r /ia has been awarded to the Wavn-’, S-u h western an! Muscogee Railroads. That is on the arrival of the mail m Augu-ta, it will be sent < ver ihe Waymsboio’ and Eentral (loads to Macon, and thence to Columbus by the uiliwe-tern and Muscogee Roads, and on to Moptgom ’ ■ Fho ioute hetetofop * has been from Au?us'a to At b'lda. and tlnm-eto West Point, Montgomery. Are Ti e f ,e; *t Via'! from the Southwest will euur the State at Co lumbus and leave it at August!. Manufacturer’s Eank cf Macoa. This bank has just decla-ed ad vfdend of five per cert for the la thx months. The iMe-.-enger of Mac* n pro te>:s against the cour.-e of tho-e who cl t -s it with the *WiIJ tat ionr? which, <n at ived u-ri*r Matte- ol Geor a are own. dby r ; ri jes out ol the Stat *a id have their prin ciple circulation in the Wet, That paper says: . ■* be IM.mutact’ r r-> Bank of Ma- on ’ has no connec tion whatever wuh the We t. Its circulation is coi-fii ed to our own Sta’e—its Mock, with the , x -e| lion of live t how and dollar-, is owned a> and controlled in Geogia, and among l liose who Indd it, are a number of our beM bu-i ----ness nn ri It is managed by err own citizens, and vveven ?uie to add, with as iiincli safety to the public and as tnu.*h lb e alitv to the community m wiiich n is located, as any batik in the State F lhe Cholera in New Orleans. New Ok lea ex, Jruie 25. There were 48 deaths by ch.l< ra in this city last week. /.n Heir to the Fiench Ihrono. T’he Engli.-h papers received by the St. L. ui- mention a repoit.-a dto be founded on good authority, that the Em press Eiigeu e is exp. cted to soon give an heir to the im peual throne of F.anee. Gov. Jchnccn’s /ppeinfmen s. Gv. Jolinson vviti address the people on the political questions of tlio day at the foilo.ving times and places: Columbus, S iturday. July ? h. Talbofton, Monday, July 9 h. Amerieus, Wednesday, J dy lltb. L'lmplt n, Frillav, Ju’y 111 h. Cuthb rt, Saturdsiy, Ju’y 14 b. F. rt Giincs, Monday, July lOch. ]>!akely, Tuesday, Ju’y ! B iinbr dge, Thursday, .July 19 h. Newt dl, S iturday, Ju’y 21st. Albany, Monday. .July 231. Other appoin. meats w.ll be made of which timely notice will be given. ■■ - —-no-o.’ —. Celebration cf 4th July. After the usual military parade a procession viill mar h to Temp-r nice II 1, at w hich place tl.e Declaration of lidpen denes v/iii h* teci by P.ivate M. {l.nEdt t Ar’FHNR.Etr), or the t o umhus Ciiai'og. at dan raiion dedvered hy P ivat * J. A Fi_X, of the City Light Guards. Ihe Addoss will be deliver ed at (<> o’clock. A. M. Tie Uni in R ! fl is and the several Fire Companies arc pa”ti> ularly invited ti j >iti theGeiehratijiiof the day. Thj citiz.ns gen ra y are invited to a'tet and Dtmccratlc Jlertirg. There wij.' be a meeting o* the Democmtic Party G f batta hoocher bounty at the 0 >ur: Uouaa on Friday, the 2f) h inst A Ju 1 attendance is solicited on that day. junclS Consumption and Sui ting Blood —See the cer titieate of Mr. ‘i u i or FI. Rauis* y. t< r many years propne I*-r of the Farmer-’ Hotel, Fidncktbuig, Va., and late of the City Hotel, of hici.mond, Va D r . John Mtnge. ol of Richmond, though a reg ular physician, and of * 0 rse oppo.-td 1* wliat he called quark medicines, was obliged to say that its good effects in Ujtjca e of Mr, Ramsey, were wonderful indeed. fie had been gi v!! 1 P by several pn>siciuHs; had tiied mo.-t of ihe quack medicines and was on the verge, of tie spatr, as well us tlse grave, when he tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture. VVe refer the public to his full and lengthy, certificate arou..d the bottle stating his cute THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. ii., Savannah, Ga. BROOKS A CHAPM AN, D visrOitTii a. NaglTti, juncS —wtwlni Civ.mbits, Ga. Worms! V\ orms!* t greit many learned treatises have ut-oti ivrittisi, exp.u j.iiig tiio oiiam of, and c’assiijing the woraij gener-ioti to ttio human sjjdtem Scarcely any topic oi tnedic o sci.-nce hair oiicittd more acute observation j and pro ot'iJ r,s-carclq and yetpb^siciaiis ar \* ry much tlivi d.d tu opinion on tne subject. It o-Ust bo admitted, however, inac,alter ad, a mode os expe bug Uiese worius, and purity iu tius body from tuoir p eseiice, is ot mo e lii-us tnati the v isest i diyquitioiis as to Die origin. The i xpchiiig *gci-.t l as at engih | boon lound— Lr Ai’J aiu ’is Venn aue is Die tnu a sous hi aj* i tei spec fie, ana has a.ready supeiceded ail otin-r worm tned \ tom u, its Hicucy being universally acUiiOwledyed by medical ’ j’jici ki io sic i Purchasers wi.l pleas* he c: rend to a*.k for 1 R. M LANE 8 ; Cbbc-BiliS ibn \ L.iA It I Gil, and take none else Aliotner Ver i itures, in o unparisou are worthies*. l)r. m’Lanes aen uiue Vein) iua<. aito Ii s 1 ebbuted Liter Pills, can iow be hail at an restieciablo Inug Mores in the e nileti * aies and i | jT -old by all t'r 3 D.-u ‘gists in Oolemhus, and by one agent in every town. Ju,ie-Jd— v,&t •-> iw. I'fT The best evidence that can be adduct and in favor 01 the t fii sac. o ilootl .uu's ‘ .omi-n iiilters, prep.u c i by Or. O. •i.Ja;\3*i i-thb a (precedent demand lor ihcm ,r i.i. ptrsof mo (In on an 1 aitno.un there may be many c. m pomds prepared and repreieuied as being ufi by ei a itoerai j patronage,} et we tVo. c maim no tlO remarii, th it .he vast mm* j oer o test m >iiaU #.ta min the w iruiy rosier has been , h mo. cd oy persons 01 t’.ie niabeyt character a,d re P c.abi - j it.y w 1 bo mi Li, noe<s ry to i.avereco ir.-et-* tits pre,.aiat.-.n, istesti amy s nr.cient y r ciuuve, that t m >ro eSe ..ualjcui edy for tae aonoit smm lie o, muse alii oied wuu that dirotul maia l>, dysp-ysi t, haa never nee t d.covered. I rms oiva 11 inie medicine ma* b. p itchas <i o ! f.l.tbe I rng- j gi'ts 1 1 lunku aid of Ur-tiers e e. era y u me minted SU.Us. J ll * c 8 —vvtw~A’ For Uroiie iiii U, i'iho hUi eases, U .cfeiiigCouch | and the 1 Heels to < tup ament u*c • 1 a ‘ rc *•’ Lu - ‘ I *’ *‘a j ever b lice,, ve.reo wnieb lias ell-C.ed siicii cues us v>a, iti s ; Spams:, .vlixture. „ , . , j fiir.nt |> sea .e# pr lined by salt van •*. lltekin; Cough. Br. *c Afu .w l.iver t> Near. I.i. and hhs.rn.a- , tism, I; ire an o j 1 ret eVr 1 .1 id c ire-i ml•* > l irrmi m i mar. j by tne jntt p !i to. tin mood, Gart-r’s spam.-h viixm.-o. I fae o.ts • o SI .i’ tl. tiaaoy ao is shouiu ►at 9 y any v. ho | ! .t mbv. 0;t I 01 me U's;n a .and pr <care a .1 1 10.1tunn.1g cu es, whica vv i. astound jou. ’ j me-3 -wtw tm. HEN AY C. PHELPS, COMMISSiU.N & PKUIUCe MtliCllASr, NO. 155, BROAD STREET, lOLIAiBL'S Gl. HAS /lV 810 HE AM) l ot: SALE w An, ~, .j. eiilol e tiac-o. eo tialus anv. Uidtri. ~ OUU ; J and IK) Las Lea. L rd, in I’m Oai.s. . o u ii..oi.cis i in n. Si euev. a.i -near. :1 S iperior corn .Ueal. • 0 Sachs No . 1 .oil* ALSO, A few Boxes of Oran&va a..u t, < mcr3. 2 : '• is Irish P I, at e? 01 the d>e i v Urop. . r }.> He.sda o rge C..b.a e. JcnetS tt!. To Hire Bv 1.1k0,y Aegro3ien. .>. S. t* ju o —'M. n.O. PHPI.PS. NOTICE. VIX p?riMi’ he r eS) cautioiud from t'adins for a note miJe y Pa rick V t ua. m Ke or M rc 1 l.3.4,taya ■i.j lOlisa iJ.r uned. o uni .uni o’ th ee hundred anu dsree din ars,as ib < tutn waa wr ::visiily p tcurrd irota h>y liOi- wiioß utui i irom oie \v i'.bis'u my C’UiSbi.t, , wlrard, A.a., and aue 3t t d.tX.lo o 4 -WsilS., PRICES BEOUCED. FETD THS PEOPIjS. OUPERPINE Eh ITper bhl. (inci.rU s&c'ta.) ...$ Cu e*r<ia -up. r.dne 8. ** G uTtir Mill* U Meat ps r o-ishel $ -2 i r-h at-, per hu idred lb* S MO fcrua •• -• •• ioU Flour from New Wlii'c Wheat, A -PLENDJD ARTICLE. EXT 1A FAUI-Y, per b o i sl2 Double Ix r do. •* II j meU— t*Mf I’t AIK MILLS Tx n-'-eputu iit fie I. i.r #•!,•> si z - ( Btt/n, au.l i* acinovl rdir -d to be lhe be t Sir* lotrilfa mad •- is c ruf.r-l, y the <> - <* rr'ul ru •-, i t h t p -rs r , t!t ■ urpjrittl c>teg of which nre. m tie p 9*-ssion < r th Pr.>p i :tor. Renumber , this is the only true and 0/ igint-l a tide. j u- Syphii!--s, M *rcnl : a! Pornp’aii fs. rniicer. c mr rere Lhesirn t<isna ni l a vast variety o’ other d 1 soasesare speecli y a..d ly ctred by the u-*o of this ni -die ne. Read the fcllcwirg Ccitifcale : Taliapihis. ro.. Vla.Jan ‘2, 1F52 !>•: ut ‘-ir: t -;eni! yon tli is to certify to jr >*i ttiat your F.x- D” ‘ct oi Ve 1 iw Dock and Ba*sipariifa las p -rform- and <-!ie o* ttie moct voiiderit 1 cures on me that l asevcr been e.Tjctc 1 on m i). I have been afil c'ed for forty yev s wiih e-uptions on my !e/s end ie< t; in 184s they gt -o bad that 1 ad to to on crutches, and In IB4U [ bad one amputated above the knee, in about nine months afiermy other leg t-roke out iti larire ♦..'stngand ruiniing sores from my knee to tnv to t, aid ilis cbarged a great deal of offensive matter. .My gro-n also broke, out in large bile-, which discharged mucii offemive a.! tne same time my left hand orokeout in large running sores nearly to rny elbow. have suffired for the last two year-1 can hot ilescibe to you. 1 was m surli ag >ny tnat I ue\errested di y or nigh*. hi O Sober last my son brousht tne one of your bottle wrap pers; trend it, and found rec -rd of rotne wonle ini cures per ormed !>y >our**E>ctract of Yellow D -ck and Sarsup iriila'* I set t and got two bot 1--8 ot it. and commenced toking it. In two we* ks, to my gieat astonishment, r; y sorer a'l t>ec me ea ■y.and i couhi sleep a 1 night, a thing l had not done lor two ’ ears’ When ! had taxen -ix hoiiles, my seres had nearly ail hea'ed My sores g->t weu as if by enchan moot [ have now iMe*i in a ! eight bottles o y..ur “Extract o*‘ Yellow Dock and 8 Li’s par lla.” and now coti-ider myself 11. I eni ea ad of the afficited to t y his medicine, fori believe it wi 1 cure any known disea e in the w> rid. Day aside all Irj id ice, and j ist try it, and procl.i'm “its great wo-*.h to snfi- ring mankind and entreat them to Dike it, for it wid cure them. .>/> case is weil known in a lar-e portion of South a*-olina, fJ'eor oa unl A abtma, and it aity should doubt the above cure,l invite them to call on no-, and l wi 1 show them the scar.-* ■ can b j found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, one mile from ttoe’s Ferry. NEVA ! AH FUGUE?. The Yellow Dock and f-'arsapsriPa is p c iliarlv adapted f< r feinves of drli-ute health resubii g irom iriegulari'y o- men slriial ili'schrr es, and other dieases peculiar totleirsex.— D*e proprietor tuts in his p )sessioti *f agieat number ol cer nfiiates of < 51-es. perf ini doi the above description VVe assure the r fll cteo, that a Lottie <*rtwoo‘ J.r Giy- ti’s E.x ----t-act o* Veoow Dock and irarsap*riMa will retu.ate ‘h j e ! Ih it es 11 ire tew the n utral energies. ZHt Fut up in q tart bolties price $ p r bottle, Sold A uolesale and lie tail by G me al ‘ee i's for the Southern S ales, to vriiom ail orders must Le addressed. J LSO SOLD BY David Young, Colimibu.- Gu , Biooks- & Chapman, “ *• I a*ito ti A Nagle, *f “• Robe t Ca't* r. “ “ .1 F Woodburv. Hamil’on, Ga. J T Rees-, Greenvill*, Gu *s’. J H u t vV Cos , Whitesv lie, Ga. B II Head, l.umi ‘-in. (in. E. Wiijis Sl, Cos., Tiillutt’on. Ga. G J. Br gg-*, Buenu \'ista, Ga. jnne2B w&twtf Mid’.cal Card. BF. M. E. LAZAETJS, (FORMERLY < F VTLVIINGTON, NORTH CA ,) ! R •{* > -FO ,j I mate in ‘Colt; nbus fo r tie pr ictice o v!e .oi m. Ho mat present residing ;;h U J. Moses. Lit Ivq.amt wii ivee ve at >i r Mine ’ fit *in tvdumbu , u y me lies I c .tl rcotnnsun’eaUoiis ad r. s-ed to him la, i..*z;.r is is air nlu *** ot the New Yi"A tJn*\*r-it>, w (to has em r ic-1 toe Hoiiueop itli c procipl : not c-afinxg huii-ei>, l ov.e ir to tiie ailmnns j i iot; o ung* % but m -b \ i-1 r. in-p >i rotte cases, the ‘a‘-id t*ri-ce-inrts ufifilecstr J Mngm ism mid of the iVater-cure. gti twlf NOTICE. T/ERSONB employing our draymen to dray Furniture L do -o at their twn risk, as we will not i>e accouuta id - lor damages, unless the agreement is made with my* s*.lf. ‘ J. W HOWARD. Agent. ‘ Union Dray Company ” Columbu-', Jure 27—tw4t. OR)HY""tX)LLKG k. f F'HE order of exe-cises at the approaching commence j. meiit of thi- Institution vviil he ns so l-.w: Siruday, Jn ! y 15;h Commencement Scimon by the Rev, A. 1. I* Git en, D D . , , , Monday. ADe ii gos the Board of T ru-tees at 9 o’clock A. iVI. At night Sophontoie piize declamation. Tuesday. Ju’ii-r I xhibiti.ui at 9 o'clock, A. M , t**l lowed by ai address tiom Hon W. C. Duw.-on.oipe tenting the p izes to lhe B<.| homore and. claim* rs. At 4 p. M-Tiidtire.-tes beloie the Alumni Society Hy 4 01. R. W. VlcCu ie. At night, ad iress before the Palladia.) Society by G. Wi to.i, of Savant ar. Wednesday. Commk- cement Day. Address before the Liteia.y Societies at 4 F. Ai. GUSTAVES J. OR it. jnne 2C-w&.tw2t. Sc-c'y Faculty. FORI 1 MITCHELL Plantation for Sale. „,<s THE 11 mtatiou con p-ms flilo lui die - acres. H which is r ver l.tnu, well mpiov*d. A gain may had as the owner is UMerrnintd to scii. For particu.ars : poly to ‘ F. J. Wll K N■?. HCUTfi AND COiSVi-YANCB TO WHITE Sl'Ll'ill’ll H’HLNGS. ffTT THE Proprie’rr has made a r nge fe-'A ne) Is to lave iron) tour n> six iiaCid li css every cs.) at the l aGrau-.c and. p t -u ***-<- -1 u.av desire to go to the Sp lugs. ‘I ak - tl.e * peiika cr- at Uoiinnbusat 9A. M,and me Hacks at I arrange m- i’ 51 > and y>n w.h t.-e sit V-. n.e tu phui m tmic tu cet u batu a..u be ready f. r tea It. T. M \RX Proprietor. Messrs. Hatch* r & Pius will furnish innvtyai c* to any who <le iie to g up-. in tltmiiioi*, at ai* lioursn'tue j >i.v3 ivIL WARM STRINGS, MESIV/ETHEK COUNTY, GA. TUlsiitlig tiul Water, ng Place is n.i# ip;a lor t e JLJLImL reception of visiters. J'ine-I— tv. T f. J. L. MU3II AN, Propiieicr. M .i tgn> me y Jr>urr &’ copy. Wood Wanted. { o*"<j.ood p n . v\ ood. to bed. 1v- ivd a* the Fncioiy. Ti.r <!. 1 v. r, io beirln al once a and loath ue ntihe r.iieot nuc. rds p r week. Peron> 1 ving in 1 -eorir can cross ut • the upper un gc at a low r-tj of toil. Ap, !j lrunn and tely t • R 1. i>lf TT or w. W. W i'T It. f'rq’i cory. .iu c-1 —vwt . SITUATION WANTED. TTY V von- g *ady in a j r vate fa oily. Sue is a gord leam ’) si ress ai it h. > nse servant. Ad lres to rough jt m Pool *.- ace ah s-M.G ” in 6 l2t. notTc k. \],l, np>:AN h<ivi c r’ pg iirs* C b a* t ah ooc li ee t itcampment, So. 4, S. and. P , i mi.u.ui o thev (leo re .•> -lave 1 em -o .ed, 10 present ine ssn.e to ll.t uiunr- giic-t ty the'.o.l; instant. j i.u-t.v-2L JAM S V. GIRO'S ER. Peo. OJ^cs>L^i o iess/*lm 1-* LZ, A Tft'e *i .he A auio. is anew aid ar *ir, just fjmbl.thevi i.j tl l,; r, ii •-■ w ■ * -i.vl r sa.e by J. VY. PtASK. Also, a Nqw Supply cf South Fide View of livery, t;y V, Ada vis. £). It.; Ri;;h Halt Lip Cano;; I.ift and* vi i’ua.y k rn, &e. t. xd.uatous, >iS>rF*f. FOR SALE. H Wl’iG re-vovad to my p’antationf rff.r'n. i * *‘ l r ’“J 1 1 e ivaid i c<. j ”*i sou h*’ my uil.. r’s i, ‘ l (vluj r J.-liu II II .wan,’?) ad emd o the ?*sa ge-~ i.aii no id lii i.nt It is one ol lit iu >->t de*ir able homes in Or about Co!umbtls VrGt.eUji.iuf w 1’ show ihe prem Res to ‘hose who wish 10 pu cha*e. t otnm inicauous advl£e?seil .o moat Email!*. ‘ a. j-iiih iwii. U K II WARD. WOOL CARDED A N D M A N U F A C T URED. TTTOOL Crr led a! H toll rr 10 cent* p’ r 11. Yann'nc’nrf and \V into l.msey on shares f one ha!?, < r ti teen c nts per yd. • o’ l mbits. mat 20. \V IN i Elt r A< I* •h Y. UrntTw/vmt i ukT Commission & Forward’g Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, REFERENCES: lion John \V. \ndenson, Sivamiah, Ca. A ess'-a 11, lohroou ai <>*• ** I’oii II i,ry W. tiiliiard. Mo tgomcry, A'.a. M j. uhn H. Howard, C< 1 m -us, i<a. l r U/tin l.ockh-ft, ** *’ E. 1> Y\.ung, i sq , lufaula, A!a. junlPwtwtf PEYTON H. COLQUITT, ATI'O UN E Y A T LA W , roi tj.uiius, ca. nmy-Id witwtf. ~w±i COMMISSION AND GROCERY HOUSE. T I ‘ME undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to the !_ public that he has just received aud will continue to re ceive during the &. ason a go.,d sup] ly of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting ok SUGAR, COFFF.E , MOLASSES , SALT , HACOjV, CO tt A’, PEAS, CfIF.ESF, & TF.AS, Fine Srgars an.l Tobacco, &c*, which he offers vey low fir 0 VSH and only. The public are resp*‘C mil} l Tile lio .:?II and exnmn.e his S nek. None but Ger.iiinc'aii I Fresh Articles will be offer ed; and all good.’ so and warranted io be as pood as (he best at the old stand ot D. P. Eilis at Cos., No. 14, Broad street, Co lumbus, Ga. A. P. H AY S. Enquirer copy. apl2—wtwtf, Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. K A Shares Muscogee K iilr a ; Stock fo.ale tv OU HARIt.SON, AUSTIN & ,1/cGEIIEE. t'ebk. .w.< twtf. Rl-AI.KSIATKjiiiUOKKIKS,^:., AT AUCTION. A T 10 o’clock, on th - first T u*s lay in ui'y next, f will sell, /\ witho ure<--rve, the lot mi which I no.v .eskte, being part oi lot number 74 situated <n the r.-t bide oi Front Sireet, containing six y s x h e< s x inches r •ut,and ruui i ?g back si *- ly tour ieet ( h the f>r m ses an a gj* dt o Steiy house, w ilh two large Store R eras in the 1 we; and light M i nis in u.e upper story, suiiu 1: !>•.. a family, a kitchen with Uo ro>m-, stable, carrii ge house, cow h uses, a g< i-d well ot water, ami good lei.ces, a!, new and in g >od repair. A i.SU. My entire <0 ck of GROCErtII S-it DRY GOODS, consisting in part, or Brandy, Whir key, ton, R tu, ~ugar, “h ?, Tobac o. < off e. < itars, Mat kerel. liar Fix-uns, i,a..oui s, S.irui.g-, Jdusi.ns, tu.d a let of < !. ihug. AIAO. A ! i>-ge lot of Household anJ K tuheu Furniti ru. I r o >•) llnrsa and Muggy, i Fra l!ae ilchCowand t’alf. S e el k pc on .In p-anises. TF.R 8 c/gll ler ous wis igtoexani ne tl e House aid l.oi w..l pease call on meorMeosi • Hafiis^i, Aumiii t 5 i • el *i. ME A.lidi IIOT.RV. IT rr s n. Vustin & Me Gel e.3. Auciiom ers. j n 2:i*twtd WKAITIMJ AND M:\YS IMPEB, IF ALL SIZES AND QUALIFIES, FOR S. LR AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PAL \CE MILLS. Tppujs ( AMI. j TneG - vvNtwtf liohuxuswoin it’d I’ATKNT WASHING MACIIIXL Operated with Heating Bal's. THE CREATED’ WASHING MACHINE IN THE WCIII.D. Lveiy I’aniily Have One. ONE of these Machnes will do a week’s waohii got anordi nary s zed family be ore Break'art, end leaveci<-tne.. pa red. lin y are p< r ec'l.v simp e, iud easily |ui nut ot orner, and can be rep tired n> any ptaut-it *n carpenter, t eiovv. d vertise them lor ihe first tune. They are being gener diy us. and in < V.uinuu , ;,n l give mu versa satisfaction. T e Michuis can beseen'nn i\*:nt si., ai W. R lo r is, agent,T u, Facti r . Pers >us wi-'li ug them must send ii their orders ahead, as we cannot manutaciur them last fin-ugh to nipp y the demand ‘ r lers from the count*y enclosing Dollars, will meet wiluattention ii directed Hi the WASHING M VCHINF.CO. < ulmnbus, G.a. FiT County IHgiitu foi* Sale. N. B We ho.i Zincui. o! oui M aid charge he e*ra cos o'* lining, as it makes a much better nitcl ine T e p Ice for li.ese A i9 ?J~, pui chutei p y ng cest oi trans p irUiHon. I'i qii r.o-plense *-rry. ma\3 -wtr*tf •‘OEB TOM” GIBJ. rf T-- T received a Superior ait c e of “ J.:> TOM” fIN in Mol'ies —a delicious beverage, and a inosi e>c-.dien sr. cle for med cat pitip s 3 Also a cuperior artic eOl Pm ash in tin cans. jiit l wtf. P. A I'I.AVT <N Ihe Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age, is AYRR’3 CATHARTIC FILLS, r i"*'IIEY don’t he ‘p complaints hut th y cure than. X One Box haseured Dvrqepsia. ‘I hree Boxes haw, cured the worst caies of Scrofula. Two Boxes have cured Liysipela*. One Box alwavs cores the Jaundice. Three Boxes are sure to cleanse the system f.ovn Boiis; (.f en less than one does it- Two Boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcer* on the legs. Small doses seldom fail to cure the Piles. One dose cures the headache arising tront a foul stomach. Strong doses often repeated exp. 1 every worm ho.u the body. ‘1 hey should be given to children who are alway3 mote or less aflected with ih s-coargc. Asa gentle physic they have no equal, One Box cures derangement ot the L.ver. Half a Box cures a Cold. They pur.iy the blood, and thus strike at the foundation of every disease. Asa Dinner Pill there is rot their equal in the world. They are purely Vegetable, and can do no ha.m, but do accomplish an u .accountable amount ot good. Pr- pared by Dr J.O., Pro-tic; i Chemist, Low ell, Mas-., a: and sold by all Druggists and Dealt r* in VJedi* me thrugh thisse turn. juns—witw3,n. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A HRGB& COMPLETE ASSORTMENT - OF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! LEINC desirous <i chanzing my /f .T busine I -<>w oft r ~v x o School, Law. Mi di* , Thcmogi, ai mid Ml • fe^an^riiS ct , iaiiton u>)i.k, and Sta.iouny at COST FO <T CASH* I have a Dr.t stioc* oi £ ;hooi < ks,aiid it wiil be greatly <o the advantage oi leauiecsand tho-e u* char t- of Fcto-ole. t call in*m.-d ately and ru p> theius-L-s 1: you can ot, rttu\i jour usder witn tii* money, and I wi.i send them to you. i o any one wishiii? tog*, into the hunt es. I would s* y. -la I \\i Isi ii ih.iu mi entire Mock U{ t-si tie iuo-t favoiai 1 teiai -bob* ast pica -nd payments. 1 ail a 1 -i-e. lur.Dt.N L 1! nVfl.i . X. R.— l would mo*, respect uly *aj,t<>ll *b •• r<-i..rieh' eitoi- e. ;hat 1 must hare th* money. Please i t att heat from y>u wiihoui ur t* r notice. J. i . H. ■ ’im h * r r! 1 -t. ‘* - *’ Exeiament ii tmiMh! 2EE? COCL! ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! 11l ,yo o n d u • rec< v ’ d-!tv I E **• n-srh to sup Ja! I the Psojilf of Georgia and Alabama. *i| i * -. i ; -c.i hi .u f t/.‘ . au.Li c> Ji,t.F. < , ai sjnt® p r pound. 1 *; -1 <“•* ‘r on ths c vi’ t y! >r Ice will be nickel with car* -n l f o-w tWJ iianidUl§}y o'j T. vl JJ > 5 J. n Q , vySJ-Wl*tl P.vsiJcut C. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. II.\MJ ETON k PLANE, ATTOIt xN KY S AT LAW, COLUMBUS GEO. (OfTlce, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store ) n WING made arbangi-ments at H tithington ( Hy, I y whiib ati business entrusted to il er- wol b> p n puy him e.d to, Ih. y **e ei. 11. 1 j. procure ltout> 1 War rantb, P nslmis, Jkc , und pr.t-icute 4 laima xgau st h - L mtd \ tAea i-iilur i>e. ore ft i.tfitrs ir lLttt>t-ifcl 1 e~ prrtnuvle £ sr IL. y are aisoprepared to purchase Citims, Ac, the ('nit. u Siat. . £Mo Pay r'quired until the Land Ifarrcnts, l iairts , Itc. ure procured jahes Hamilton. m. r. mil. April 7th. lew. w&twlf. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! I'IIK. u ul*. rbianed having ahsocisted th* n>h )vr. ton fin r for the purpose 01 pricurii:g BOUiNTY LAND udr the severalaciof heie.o.wie |i#vil, an. luv> to nuike a) p ie:d;< nU r i.l whow ho are 11 tilled. Persons who have heretofore reccivid Bm nty londWsr rants, are, tinder a recent act o.f Congress, entitled to rii *ddi tiona* Bounty of Land, aid by caiiiigatour ffiee cui-kct all the necessary inf r nation. We a e also pr p red io f rogecute Pension and other rlrdirß against the Unireo S aUs. r:om .ir :<.ne experiei ce and gtr - eral success, we t an w ith c-mfideiu e s.-y, thai a'l c anus el trus ted to our .nr*, will be j rotnpt y andsp edit’ adjusted /•tie or 1 lie p-.rti. s tfen.gconstantly io U ashinglcu ci:y, will bus.iie->his personal attenttoi. there. Orticeover Gunliy At Daniels’ S.ore, Coiurobus.Georgia. MK'iiAKl. N. CI.AI.K, feh-4..wHrtwlf. A. It. RAGAN. A CA Rl>. j U-?” > II VVIVG midersto *d that r< I .vc been indus r oi.sty cucidiu-o the 1 flee 1 that we lad no light D li. ats, Lm c. ns. q ei t ly • o l. c litiesti r ah pping f ones di.r ng ti e n w g age < 1 ( hu Kivers, we tike . ea-ure in intoin.iig the FuMn tf.ui il.eiot -1 >w:iig is a con pt* te Tst oi Ii dep ndei.t S exiub. a.s now inn* n tig ti e Alab. nuaud IJigbte r.\er_: Ben Lee, Azile, Orion, Advance, Emma Watts, Ariel, Bloomer, Madison, The above are rll S ibstuntialand of the ve y lig. e-t draught, having accomm dutionsand iaciluie9 for cm veyitig p-issen* gera m equ 1 . and Iyai y oti r It. fits or Jinc id boa s, now py in on Ihe Alai ania aid IGgl ee rvi r>. , Th y are a1 c< mmand*d I y al l and experienced coniman der-wh w and u-eeie y exetu m to Sicnie the cenilori and safety of tl.e passi.iigers. For Ireighl 01 pa&sagi. apply rn board. < r to T. W.M \R3 1 ALL. A CO., ot liidej enrient Stean*eri, maySG— w& tv 3tn A'ob.le, A lain ma. S2OO A MONTH—WHO WANTS IT? GKNT j wanted in every part of the Siate to sell Hollings r\ w i-th’s Washing Machines. An active man cm: 0 pir m mth Fr p trticulars ad.liess WASHING MACHINt. < OVPANY, F’-q c p fm-’vi 8 —v twill Cnlimihn, ‘ WANTED. A FIRST RATE TIN PLATE WORKER. In o e o'her need ai p'y. jm.t7—iwzm R. M. ALDWORTM & CO. DISSOLUTIOH. r l'llßFirm of Trul& aiiln. ling was di99olvtd i u y u.u mil cot.tem < u in* Isi 01 April .r.,0. The um.eife jiueo having 1 ur- hused 01 J\,r I..Trunx hi 9 in tcr-M mi* e 1 rnu-r firm, wil c nitiM ethe >. UsSIG I.UsIN t.&d in i l its lr:cl e ai tl eii o and Mai and LG. 76 LAST SIDE Os BROAD STREET. vi uerecan always t>, found i. 1 urge sdeciion ol PilM) FORTES 1n in 13 dost M mufactoriesin the United States, otalU-tylk* ami Piilt GH. A I. S O . DltlrdlAns, <"irlf n; . Virlh cellrr, Vicltnr, Bai jos, 1 sii bAili.>. I into, Fluiti he, ACioidmio, Muiic B* jce, ( iuih nut., Flafc ifoeiii ti il Fives. A l-o. t!l kTndrt 01 BtiASS I > STItCSIEXTS fc r BAN i)J>, ‘og. ih- rv. ,iI. I>aS r.i (• TANARUS Mr. Ji U. H SUIN’ Hm aii. KiMie, mid th. I.iu geti Assortment if .qikE I ftll'MC ler .- li II e:t on iihDiio ii.Eir.-it e.!*, ti at c*n ‘-e found oi Phila. il. h:n. S coisd hand Pimior >k> u in exchange when new ods are hough?, and ;lie highest pr'C 8 alJowed tor o!U out .. f7- r -Vecoi and ban 1 Patios o!-. w aleor Rm t. Pianos, Organs. K elodfans, auda l other kinds of Mum-a instrum-n >r p i.rui ■!. the list n.a;.iir. aid at the shorre>*t notice, aid warr tided to give entire atisiacticn. All O'd.TR left av our sior n- protv j. My ab ntied o. T. II VAN HEN BF.RG, 7(> Bro id Street,£ign oi the .'..ainiuoth Fiddle. Cn'iimbni'. Atsy ?. IHS. wfctwtf. TIE Alt BOTH SIDES. All the World will Read this Book. THE L 1 F E AND 11 E A UTI E S OF FANNY EEEN, TN ONE VO!,I MF,, 12M0., CLOTH. Wlio is l<utl IlollT I*s Ruth I'cll Farn lr e r si, or mmebtitly rbtl Kuril if Fenny Fun is not Eutli IJall uho is Fa. ny Frs nl THE LIFE AM! BEAUTIES CP FABT FEES! Is no* be’ore the ptiblu, iif it..- *ur J u, be eiiLghu ned. A Mil l!ne l fii.l. h:r;:> ?<■ I: 1 UD'olds. 1 lie pitfecwi \Vnsi is aiiilientlc in all its Retails. Those -a ho have ref;d tl*c- advance coj y, jrenounce It the wittiest, spiciest book o’ the eeas-i n. It presents vivid, life like plcniiee of the charming and bril liant Antlmr of Fei n Leavrt aiidßnth 11 all, at her own tii etude, in the l-dit**r’s £aocuiui, in the street, At Chinch, and every whtr*,aud in ever, position she istl.e same fascinating woman. in th * volume, several of Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts a] pear fortht- tir.-t time in book tortn. The reader will find tiiat they possess the same attractive features which char**ct r z ail her productions. !h*-> are *lierna'.e ! y witty an J pathetic, causti* and >-oe*Lirg, -p irklii garni jiensive No other author haaiucceedsdso well iu touching e find chords oj the heart. Just received and fer sale by febln —w&twtf. W. PEABB. HEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. FRENCH, f-nglisti and American I rims. French Cambrics and brilliants. S oicti and Kiench (J ins; an Styles. B-*rege<, fi>sue and colored Cballeys. Ldgni 8 iinmei Srk* and Erei iutines a Choice Selection of F.mbroideries. Handkeiciiieis, (oi ar*.and Coliarsand Sleeves to match. Jack.met and Swss Irimmiugs amt Bands. English an i German Hosiery—ol every description. Damask and 1 raperv. ALSO, A Superior let oflriek i .ueiir. 6-4 P iinv Case— Linen and Cotton. i(>-4 tl—i Zi. Ij-4 Cotiouand i.iueu Sheetinzs. Spy, luzrain and Linen Carpetiuz. Fa erj and -sciption of gooes usually found in our line—all ot which will bes >*d at the lowest Cash Prices, itoliimbiiw. March 3. 1 !iS. wttwtf nAKM SI’KLNGS FOR SALE. 111 t unders'-gt el wishing to relieve him c elf anaiiiuily lroju theeiroand burden ot this *,*• ;f 9 P^*j|’ a blixli'i id,'.s:nouc*d to • ffer the entire prop, ■t Sjgjsffifc riy,cons Btmg of Hit 0 acres ot Lands: tba bed -435852S i ig, buiisvliohi and kitchen turn.tore, Horses, \l‘iic,'-■’ * II H-, j>a's, Pouury, mid stock of P-ovisions; a plenti u. s.o * elt se. ct and M< ci; oi Ho el aid lar loim **t ores - j st r. Him* id i ar.L in laci. in- y ariicie ec*s e-y Kira first c.its- II •:**'. for sal oi 1.-aec-N I.itiLRALTLhMr-. V ‘ult ii.w tunisn or the prese. t summer, a uipenorlot ot II net Si vaiiis. if desired su h class Cos. ks, Hurkg i,* * m ml gner. 1 Hotel Wait* r, o lan,b r M.iius, \\s‘en* aid Iro. ers, .c .a-tficiei t oi ilo-* da’u-n *1 iOi t-!*r.s. pr- p rty is wII Lv< rs-bly ki *v i, am iscoi s-Cer ‘ti tbo ti ot >u r r beMiiumer r* soft >-* Uib. b bet, ti ose vi have r ;V* Id all ui .it is: yi g ibet i; is the most *ai.!e Wat- ru j. P ace n> the U.S .or Em* p :Hipo mos va'n*-. cis tie; it lie loos’ va ua e pmitity i ever .wi;eL The o kioi lie il .it v i 1 - how n pr- fit oi CO .o .* 0 per cent, p r iiiHiu* lor i> e <t' s ; > stars. r'.r u: her a,* ire ai V-aim Fpriips, cr O lie Kile* e. J. sri AN, j t 4—v. 3,11 I‘rn-irVnr. tVvV > months a tir data at-pMca ion 1 te ms e'e it. th L tai hi ir liu ry oi • r.s.tmb*-* the* c- ui ly. u.r Ittvtio iet! a!: trie sin Is uo oumj to the Brian o: Joslma R. Aicvoot, 4W ot *au cwhi.t> bvCtfasvS. Jm-eo ’6*s. j kt.UP.i li. HAFP, j . . . k HE.NkT J. KWw. , Adp,