The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 29, 1855, Image 4

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SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS R. To be drawn Ju'y 13.1835, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO O’ Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCI! E M E ! r**Aiid remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing ; anu paid when due WITHOLT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 1 FR'ZB OF , . 5,000 : j u 2,(100 I u 1,000 ‘ r u ?,no lu *4 200 r. u 100 w “ “ 12a • t~iT TicWe's s■'; H lives $2 50; Qiurters $L 25. ltiils on ail solvent banks sit par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 28,—twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. Cj.'r- All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga r ~ The*e are some ol the prizes sold and cashed by John May, in the 1 ist drawing: 1 prizt of SSOO, besides several of SSO and §23. In order o secure a prize in the next dr i wmg of the above scheme, send in your orders early. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. Tllfi subscriber having accepted Irom the Commissioners the Agency ami Management <>l the FORT GAIN Kb A'-ADEMY I OTTLRV, has estaoli bed the pri. cipalt filceat A tianta, Georgia, am intends conducting ti e Lottery on the game plan as that Os the Southern Military Academy Lottery, ol Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY. C/Xc&£s£s O be drawn 3H, 1*55, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., when Prizes amoun'ing to Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Hclieme! remember every Prze is d.nwn at each Druwi nr, and paid when duo Will! U l’ DLDLCII'.N! 1 PU ZE OF SIC,O(Kj I no s.mi 1 and 3.0 0 1 do 000 I do l.- r >oo 1 IS < 0 I do I.o’ 5 Pr z-is 0f..... 1-000 in do • r >< 501 Prizes ‘ti all amounting to SSO 00 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $lO ; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. . S vMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21—-id Atlanta. Georgia. BA'iiILVG TUBS* Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc, may 13- tv. In. R. .M. ALDWORTH & CO. PURE AND REFRESHING G&Lm EK? 9 TO BE HAD AT BROOKS & CHAPMAN’S, DRUGGISTS. YI7E ars pleased to offer to our friends and patrons pure Y SOD 1 WAT’Jill an a summer beverage. We have purcoitf-ed “Nichod’s Patent Combination S do Fountain,” by which wo are enabled to obtain the Carbonic Acid lor the Waterdirect from pure “English. Soda,” iusien loi ihe Car innate of Lime, Whiling, Chalk. &c., aa hitherto used Tip Water p epar and by thi, “Fountain” is purer and freer ol till mineral or noxious ingredients ‘! he p wer of the appuraiu is SO giadtiau-d, that live gal ons of Gas is dissolved in each gallon of water—which is the standard flicinaiof coda Water, as appmvt and by the nest Physicians and Chemists. Our SYRUPS are made of the best 8 igar, and freshest Frub<. and we can, with lull toi fldence in our Soda Water and ryr ups. iu-ite our friends to the coo iug, sparkling beverage of our Fountain. rn ay B—w Aiw t i State ci’ Georgia, Farly County: Court vs Ordinary, May Term 1855. IT ap rearing to the Court by the petition of VViLiara Griffin. t.iat ila tnew Perryman, lamoi said county deceased,dni iu In* l letune execute t‘ vViliiam G. vVo and lus bond, condi tioned to execute good and sufUuiem. tnleato ?aid V\ i,l uni l. Wood lor tot of land No. iL.m the -JBth District of Lariy con ity; Audit furihoi appearing that taidJtfaithew Perryman depu tod th.* li e without executing ti-les tor said land, or ii. any way pi therefor, und before Use p rohaso money lor a lid laud was due; Ar.d it uirther appearing that sam Will bin G. Wood tor value received amt by endorse mem transfetred ss and bond to the ssiJ Will am J.r.fii i,on a certain and iv, iu said ,po ition mentioned; And it further nppeariniu that said William Grifliu has full* pad the amount ol the pur chase iu iney for sa.dlotof land to a njauiin * oil's* r, adminis trator on the estate of said Matthew Perryman deceased; And Paul Wiliiatn Gufiin brvingp* titioned this Cnurt’o ci'rect the taid Uen.j tmin Collier, administrator as aforesaid, to execute to Inin iiiles for said lot >f hud inconf rmuy with said ho'd. 1 and thoref re hereby order and, ihat mtice be given at three cr m re pubiic pi ces in said county, and sn the C dumbus Times &. Santinel f.r three months of such upplicat on, ihat uli par son- concerned may li e objections in ti e said Ordinary’s ol* fie - {.if any ihev have) why said Benjamiu Co.lier, adnunistru tor hi alores lid, siioul I not xecuto titles to said lot of land ill CQi-lonn ty to said Bond as r* 4'iired by law. A true extract from the minutes of said court, this Mry 9th 18ia. juDld* worn S. ri. feTAFK Ru,Ord. k. c. Win. [{.Jail et. 1 Meriwether Superior Court. vs. :• Wm. Irvine. ? mortgage, &c. Pr sent the Uonriible Gville A. BuU. Judge of said Court. IT appearing i*> the Court,by the petition of vViliiam H. fail 1 a ttiat on the ittitti day ot >uly irf >4, William Irivn eot said county, made and delivered to the acid \\ ru. 11. hi a certain promissory note, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, wherhythe said V\ ill am It vine promised in the -oil) day m J unify ne*t following tt*e date, i said note, to pay said Wn 11. or nearer. Two Hundred at.d Filly-bight Hollars. andSev enty-Five Cents, lor value received, and that afterwards, in lh same d.y and yer aforesaid, the said William Irviue-the bettei to secure the p ymeut of said note, executed a:id delivered to jour p -tiiiom r nis certain Detd of Mortgage. whereby lie ton veyeu to you • petitioner the we st lit 1< ol lot Number V, in tin tmviioi Greenville, known as tlie Taylor's Shop fronting the Put. 1 c fquare—front 58 feet—running baeKlojjthe -treet ad joining John Kniuhi’a office tm the east, and Wii.iam Ragland’.- vhd sale Gmc ry on the west, containing one fourth of at acre, more or le-s. situ ited in the town ot Greenville, Meri wether conn y, and State of Georgia, conditioned that if the the slid Uil.iatu Irvine should pay off and discharge sad note or can e it io be done* according to tenor and etf ct tm r • o :that then the s dd Heed of Mortgage and the s id noiesh-uhi beemne null nnel void to ail intents and puip e-et: An it tur (tier appearing t< the Court that said nte remain* unptm : [ U therefore ordered by the Com t, taut William Irvine do pay into c iu-t, by the fiist day of the next >e in thereof the princi pal and intoie-t and costs due on sa.d note, or show can*e to the contrary, it any he has and that on lailur ; so to do, tin equity of reetemp-ton in and to said mortgage premise* bo fir ever thereat ter barred and foreclosed. Ami it is tur.her or dereel, T eat this r tie be published once a month tor 4 month* or a copy thereol be served on said William Irvine, orsp. - ciitl agent or attorn, y at least thrte months previous to the next terra ot siicl court. A true extract fn.-rj the minutes “of M‘riwether Superior €oi r February Terra, ifcjj. ‘ibis ‘’arch 2r>th, 1855. a-t 9 w im4tn WM A. ADA Mr'. Ol’k. State ol tieorgm—Jtmuiolph County. Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1855. IT to the Court, by the petition ..t Jacob R. Shrop shire, that William Taylor, of said county, de- eased, did tu hts life time execute to Hicliard Jacobs his bond conditioned to execute good and sufficient titles to said Richard Jacob* ibr lot of laud number tort}-five, in the tlbh distuctof originally I.m, now Rmd Jjih c.oun y,—ami it further appearing that suid vViliiam Taylor depirtrd this life writout executing ;it;e tor s lid laud,or in auv way providing tin relor, and before th purchase money for said land *ns dm: and't turther uppa j-.m?, that subsequently to hodea'hof said Wm.Taylor.the siiid Ilicii'd Jacob, rar value received and by endors. neut.transferred the said nond to one Delaware Morris, and afterward, on a certain day,in aid pet tion metnioned, the said Delaware Mot* is, in like manner transferred the said bond to th* said >acoh p. Shrop shire. and it further jftipearing that the said Jacob B. Shrop sh.i e has fully wild the amount of the purchase aon> y ior said land with interest, to Hemy 1.. Taylor, Administrator dc bonis Kim on the estate of said William Taylor; and said Jacob K Rhropehire bnving petitioned tais cour to direct the raid I! jnr. L.T syior, administrator &9 aforesaid, to execute to him titles f r said lot of la uin conformity with said bond; It is therefore hereby ordered. That notice be given at three or ra >re public plaesin said county, aul in the Columbus Tunc* At Sen luel for 3 months,of snob aopboation; that alt persons concerned may die objections in the said Ordinary Voffios (ii any they have) why said Henry L.Taylor, adminstfafor as aforesaid, should n l execute titles to said lot ot land in coolbrraitv to 6iiid bond as required bv law. A true extract born the tnimues of ratiJ court, this March ?tb uari> w3m. O.T, BEALL, Ord. TRUSTEE SALE OF THE COWETA FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BY virtue of a trust reposed in up, under notice oi de fault liom the Bond holder?, we will offer tor *ale at the Market House in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Julv next, during the usual hours of ™le,tne following property or so much tnereol as may be to pay the outstanding Bonds issued by paid Company, to All of those tracts of land in the city of Columbus, countv of Muscogee and State oi Georgia, known ana de signated a? lot number one of the W ater Lot Company o the city of Colutnbue survey, being allot said !<>t lying. 1 lar-t of the Canal Wall on said lot and extending t r InU. below and running nearly north and south, togetner with the Factory and improvements situated on sau. jot, a;so, a lot commencing on the north west corner o said r acto ry lot, No. 1 thence north one hundred leet, thence F > to a point at right angles with the north west corner ot t >e Factory lot, thence south one hundred fee., thence west to the point of beginning. Also, lot No. ® ne ninety one, as designated in the plan of the city oi Colum- j bus containing one halt acre more or beuis the lot upon which is built the dwelling for the operatives oi the Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company, together with all the right, rr.embei? and appurtenances thereunto belong ing And also the foliowing personal property coutmwk. i in” he Factory building, on lot number one. to wit: bigh teen Warp Fly Fr_mes, of ninety six Spindles each; tw< j I>;rjcr Fellows Frame?, of one hundred and thirty-tw< ! Spindles each; two Mules of two Hundred and nity ?i> i Spindles each; two Dresser?, b dty Looms, and all the ap^ I purtenances thereunto belonging; three Wool Caras and Wool Jacks, oi’one hundred Spindles, together vvun aiJ I and every part of the M .•clune'v now in said building, j K. J. MOSES, ) W. A. REDD, [ Trustees. H.H. EFFING. ) Terms Cah. The bidd. r wilt be required i. pay down at the sale one-third of the purchase money, or thy t ro| er ty will be immediately resold on account of ’he pur* chaser. mayl—tds. MARY M. POWELL, i oibei tot Divorce in Uamiolp vs. L Superior court, Aj ril Term. HENDERSON POWELL. } 1855. If appearing to the Court,. > the return oi tie Sheriff, tna the said 11< niJenson Poweli, defendant, does n t r< side n tuia county, aim it further a ( peering that the said Detyiidan does not reside in this State, it is therefore, on motion o Counsel for the sod fdary Powell, PiaintiS. ordered by tin Court. that the said Defendant appei r aid answer attnenex Term <>l this Court, or thatsa and cause be considered in default and that said Liboliant he allowed t<> proceed, and that the order ne published in the Columbus Times and 8 mine;, on* or tlieg .z ties o’ this state, once h month for tour mouths previous to the next term ot this Court. WILLIAM C. PERKIVP, J. g.C. 8. W. C. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. D. JORDAN. June 5, 1855. . ro4nl Vd ml uia tra tor’s oe soiu on t e firs l uosday in July next, at ihe coin h use door in imh bet, Randolph Counts, the tollowiiig Haves hi longing to tin estate of Wm. Taylor, late of said county, and. c .-ased, to wn - dinerva, aged 36. and her in ant child— flojd. 10, Xarnn. 8 n ia, 6, Georgia. H, Was ling on. 35, Ai drew 18: *oSd by or der of the Ordinary of said county. mi V 29— twl’wtd. DF.VRVL T'VV R. r/m’r. GEOiit.lA, Randolph county.— V\ hoivas,Thomas J. Coram ha- applied to mo for letters o! administrate on the e-tate of Willn.m M. Coram, late of said county and ceased, ‘l'heso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all sm singu'ar the kindred and creditors ot said deceased to til heir objections, if any they have, in this < slice, on or be;oi die first Monday in Juiyiiext,ottieivvi;-e letters will be gran ud to thesaid applicant. (Bven under my iiand the 29 h May, 1855. june2-w4OJ. O F. BEALL, Ordinary. debtors AND CREDIT R"*.— All pcrsoi mdebt -d to the estate o Joshua R. McCook,deceased, nr -equired to make immediate pswnent arid those having d> nm ts are notified to pr “>ent them within tern? “ r •** ,J-y ----nn'4_w4n.t 8 n H iI?P. Hr It I KTXR. AdmTS. The Great Purifier of the Blood. spSish NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil Rheu matism Obsiinats Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples oi Rust ales on the Face, Blotches, .Boils, Cos conic Son Eyes, Ring Worm or Teller, Scald Head, Enlarge ment and Pain of the Sonet, and Joints, Stubborn Ll cers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago,Spinal. Complaints and ail Diseases arising from an injudicious use oj Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity oj the Tninvaluable medicine, which hsa become celebrated for th, number of extraordinary cures i-fL-cted through its agency, hr. induced the prop-ietorsj at the urgent request of their friend; to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost conh ienctj in its virtues and wonderful curative I roptrliee. Ih* following certificates, selected from a I; rae n nuber, are, how iVvcr, stronger testimony D an the in* re word of the t-roj riet-u-.- md are ad from gentlemen well known in their localities, and o t*v.e highest respectability, mat y of (Lein residing in the c.ty <- Richmond, Va. . , , , F. Boy.ter, Esq., ofllie Exchange Hotel, Ricunion*!, know every where, gays he has seen ihe medicine cubed < arter’s Bnai 8 h Mixture adtni* istered in over a hundred cases, in nearly a) he diseases tor which it is recommended, with the most avm ability go ;d results. He says it is the mosiextraordinary wed cine he has ever seen. ... - r Aoi k and FkVKR-GREAT Cip.s— l nereby c<r ! ify that so shree y*-ars l had Ague and Fever of the most vi lent descri | ion. I bad several phisiciaus, took ianre quant iies of Qninin Mercury,and believe ail the tonics advertised, but allwuhoo anv pormaneut ro'.iet. At last l tried Carl, r’s Spanish Mixtur* two oottles of which effectual y cured me. and lam happy i sj.y l have had neither chilli or ‘evers sii ce. 1 consider it lb Ixw; tonic in ttio world, and the on y medicine < hat ever teache my case. Jo Loxodkx. Beaver Dam, near Richmond, \ a. C. B. I,uck, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and for man cosrs in the Post office, has euch confidence in ihe astor.ighin efficacy of Carter’s S.-anish Mixture, that he has housjhtu wards'ots' bottles, which he has given to ihe affl'eted. Mr t.uck say’ he has never known it to fail when takes accordini to direction*. ... , . , . ~ Dr Minge,a practicing physician, and !orrr,oriv oi the < it’ Hoi el, in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in & num er ot instances the effects ot Carter’s Spanish JHjxtiire wh;c were most truly am prising. He says in sense of Consumptioi ieoendent on the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed Samuel .M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Morris, Rich mond, whs cured of Liver * omplalnt of three years standing ■n ihe use of two bottles o! Carter’s Spanish Mixture. “(irfat *’t re o j*crof.u A—The editors of the Richmond Re publican had a servant employed in their pres- -pom cured o violent Scrottua,combined wtth Rheumatism, wmen entire!.’ lisained him from work. Two bottles ot Carter’s Spanish Mix ture made a perfect cure of h ;m. and the editors, in a publb lotice.say they “cheerfully recommend 1 1to allwho tirearfioctef wiih any disease otthe blood ’’ ... Still another Cvrk or Srp.orvLA—T bad a very vaiiisbii boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish Mixture, icoosidei it trulv a valuable medicine. * 1. \f TiYt.AT) U : i Ul] U *<* —iv _ _ _ _ Jams*M. Taylor. Conductor on tbeß. F. &. P. If ..Co., Richmond it. S ALT RHEUM OF 2t) YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Kiel mond, we cured i y three bottles of carter's Spanish .Mixture of Hat Rheum, winch he had nearly 20 years, and which aJithephysi clans oi the city could not euro. Mr Thompson is a weii know! merchant iu the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure e mott remarkable. ... . . .. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond,had a servant cured of. yph* Hi*, in the worst form, by Carter's Spanish Mixture Hr say- h, cheerfully recommends it,and considers it an invaluable utedi Richard K. West, ot Richmond, was cured of wha?physicianscabed -ondruled Consumption,by ol Carter’s.'panish Mixture. . Edwin Burton,commissioner ot the revenue, says behs=seei the good effects ot loner's rpanish Mixture in a number o Syphilitic cases, and say sit is a perfect cure for that horrible die ei \Vm.G. Harwood.of Richmond, cured of Old Sores and U 1 cers, which disabled him irom walking. Took slew bottles o Carter’s Spanish .Mixture, and was* enabled to walk without: crutch in a short time permanently cured.- Principal Depots at M. WAJtt\GLGSE> CO., Vo. S3, Maid en Lane, New York. , . T. W. DYOTT& S<>NS,No. 132, North 2d street,Philedel P BENNETT k. BEERP, No. W 5, Main street, Richmond, Va TIIOS. M. TURNER A CO. J AS. H. CARTER, v „ Savannah, Ga GESNER & PEABODY, DANFORTH & NAGEL, Cohimbcs.Gs And by druggis-taasui county maichamt every wbe. Piino $i ; scxhottlftsfor Sd. Jnne 17, ‘Bsi-”w6rtwJy INTRODUCTION OF Professor James McClintoek’s CELEBRATED Family Medicines. *&.Thisis to certify , (Ac t I hateplcced in the hand of Messrs A. Cushmanb. Cu . Mew York, the receipts oj my family Med icines,''’ with my full authority t* prepare and oj;cri,.enijorpop liic.T VS to In seevrin*tht eo operation of Mr. uiltxQndir Cyshiiu :w, v:ho is a thoroughly educated Chemist and practicel fjpothecary oj many years' 1 experience, I<m enabled to asry.rc tne public that they'vii lbe prepared in the but, purest an.d most perject form, revardlfis of expense. _ , , JAMES .VkCLLNTOCK, M. D., Late Proiess-or of An atomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia College ot Medicine and Acting Prolesaor of Midwifery; one of Me Consulting Physicians of the Philadelphia Hospital. Bloodily; laie member of the National Medical association: Membei of the phiiadtlphia Medical Society ;tnttnber of the Medico-Chir urgieal College of Philadelphia; formerly 1 and ProttKScr ot Anatomy aud Surgery in Castteton Medical Oodeve Vermont; and also late Proiesaor of Anatomy and Physiology iu Berkshire Medical Institution, Mas? fcc.ine. Important to Consumptives, And all who are nj tided mth Bronchitis , or weakness of the Ltmvj. Dk.McCustock’s Pectoral SvrlTm recommended IS OKC of the best u and safest remedies ever used fur Bronchitis, Consumption and all diseases of the Lungs and Jiii Passages. For any of these forms of disease showing themselves in Cough, Tickling of the Threat, Sense of in the Throat er Chest, Spitting es Blood, Difficulty of Breathing , Hoarseness or 1 *ss of ('vice, hectic Fever, Might Sweats, &c., this SYRUP kai been used with unbounded success for many years; it con tains no opium, morphine or antimony, *chick injurious orugs form the basis of almost all the quack remedies lor lung com jlaints. The Great Peculiarity ,f Or. Me Clin took’s Pectoral Syrup, is that in all chronic dis J asC D v s the throat end lungs, it :nay be taken by the most delicate patient with perfect safety. _ It contains no injurious he common remedies used for pectoral cor’ pimuis. It is pleis mt to the palate, produces no nausea or seiiiiuy. but may be taken freely end cojiatanth, with the cerhii.-i resale oj purifying the ‘>i od, strcHjfciting the sioir.c. h. end renovating the entire system •chile dealing end seething the irritated organs, and producing gradually a perfaet cure. Price in pint botiies $1; six bottles for jC. al directions ac cowpanying each bottle. McClintock’s cold and cough Mixture. Colds end reeint toughs, especially if accompanied by jeeeror inflammatory excitement, require a. remedy different in character from the Pectoral Py rup, which ir so valuable in chronic coin nlaints. The Cold and Cough Mixture is precisely the cure for such recent coughs, cold and irritation of the throat and lungs. It is especially valuable for children; n family in our changeable dimate, should be without this efficient remedy, which if taken on the first symptoms of cold, would prevent many an attack oj Bronchitis, end c fatal issue in consumption . Mo Laudanum cr preparation of Opium, in any shape in this syrup. Price per bottle ‘25 rents. Purifying the Blood. The following, from the M'ew York Tribune, w.-ll doubtless bi cerv seasonable, to all who seek not only to preserve their health, but to guard, against all possible which threaten t. destroy it: . “He would call special attention to tin importance of purifying ‘he blood. Nothing is so prevalent c.s a gross and sluggish slat. >f the blood. tYe have no hesitation in vcc.omnicnd.iug to thus-. who would vreeerre their health, a free use of the best purijyini medicine knoicv to modern medical science , viz; Br. MeClintock’s Tonic Alterative Syrup* This remedy is not only dcligh Jul to the taste but perfectly safe end rapid in its effects. It stimulates the liver usd ethei : glands to natural action, gives tone and new vigor to all tkefu/ic tioH*, and enables them to thm<ic off ail morbid and unhealthy ac cumulations .” During the extensive practice of Professor McCTir.tock , on< of the most cc!A-rated Physicians in Philadelphia, thousands oj cases of Scrofula Erysipelas, Scv.rvey, Suit i.heum, TctU/r Skin diseases of ell kinds, Ulcers, Cancers. Pimples, Boils am Rheumatism, togethermtk Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases h ill Mages were cured by tkefree use of D r t Mc Cl iniock'tt ionic .xl terativt Syrup. For children it is perfectly safe, und from it. please nt taste can be easily given. ‘Those who are troubled wit/, nny of the above complaints, should take it regularly, Spring ana Tali.’ Price sf in large bottles. Six battles #5. TREATMENT OF DYSPEPSIA. Our National Disease. Feeble or Imberfcct Digestion or Dyspepsia, in some of it: forms, is truly the National Disease of America. It causes, in lireclly, three-fourths of the sickness common to this climate. J. causes’ impure Blood, irritation* an! acrid Hunters in the Stem ■ cb, lAver, Bowels and Glands, end the system thus poisoned be • apteyto an endless train of aril symptoms, of which tk ■ following ere a few, viz: Headache, Giddiness, Nervousness Low Spirits, Dimiteas of Vision, with Mote, speck or IVebs be fore the Eyes, hexing of the Nostrils, Dullness of hearing, one Ringing or £ rurnming in the Ears, Bad taste in ihe Mouth. Tightness or IT eight about the Chest, Difficulty of Breathing. Sense of Suffocation inlying down cr ascending stairs, Palpita tian or unec-sy feeling about the Heart. Irregular or deficient j}p oetiic, sense, of sinking at the heart, sinking c.t the Stomach, Ac ridity, Heartburn, pain, or fullness in the Abdomen, Costivcnrss See. Some pf these symptoms aheay appear in Dyspepsia, The } ire often mistaken for, and treated as other diseases. The it main sec! and source, however, is the Stomach, end a derangev audition of ihe digestive functions. To mat and overcome thvsi symptoms radically, and restore perfect health and vigor to lit . ii/sttm, a safe and certain remedy is found combining all the most valuable ingredients offered by ike vegetable Kingdom, in Dr Me CL INTO ClffS DY’ PEPTIC ELIXIR. Its daily us< •could be a blessing to thousands who suffer from the bane cj •eeakness. As the prescription of a leading physician, it. can It used icith confidence by all. Price zn large bottles, sl. An UniYerfe&l Pill. Dr. ,WcCltnto(k*a Vegetable Purgative Bills, though not war -anted to cure eU diseases, are a specific against the r-.umerou: Reorders that arise from Costivc-ness, una Cos liven css is the baiii >f life to thousands; giving rise as it dots to Headache, Appo Uczii, Impure Bicod. Nervousness,Lav> Spirits. Lassitude, Pa-im ?t the Bowels and elsewhere, and other symptoms to numerous u mention, i ostiveness will cause or aggravate almost evert known disease, therefore the Pill best adapted to cure this danger ■tus habit is entitled to the boasted name of on Universal Fill -- Those who are willing to try a scientific medicine, safe, certain ■itiid and thorough in its action, yet operating without- pain, shout ■ise freely Dr. McClintofk's Tractable Purgative Pills. Trie• •tseniy five <entoper box. Bheumatishi aud Sfeuralgia. There excruciating diseases are radically car ad It; taking J)r McClintock's RHEUMATIC MIX l-VI'E in doses of a tea spoonful three times a day. IVc seen the worst cases nlievea ,■}> it in twenty-four hours. For external use tee have never knoau f o powerful and penetrating cn application as Ur. JUeClintoek't KHF.UMATIC UIX'IMTM'T. For swelled limbs, tnvises, nlernr.l pains, cramps, chilblains, stiff joints, toothache, and oik •r p ’infill complaints, where we have seen iricu., it outs with aagiccl effect. These remedies arc sold at 50 cents per holds. Have you the Aguel If so da not in jure your Constitution by resorting to the com non cures in use. 1 ven very learned physicians are in the habit f prescribing Quinine, Arsenic, Blue Pills, and other powerful brags,which often do marc harm than good, even if they stop the ■■hills. On the contrary, the more and oftener you take >r Met i.intock’s Fever and Ague Nrecific, the strong// rill your constitution become, and the better your appetite and tht Hgor of ike whole systevs. It is eminently an article that C.lJ\ HE TnKF.Y WITHOUT FEASi! and witkai it has never fail and to cure all forms of Fever end Ague, Intermittent Fever, liil lavs Fever, Panama or Chagres Fever, J>u'.ib Ague, Su. Prict Jnc Uollurper Bottle. Whooping- Cough Cured. This distressing disease is thoroughly and quickly cored by Di r[c Clin lock's Asthma and Whooping t'oruH Remedy, it eon tins no up urn andean be riven, to children isiik perfect safety / few crops ot bed time quiet;'he cough, all night, and a few do /es cure entirely. Instant Relief from Pain. .Vo person it ad suffer from Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia or Xheumat/cpains. Colic, Chilblains, Pleurisy or Flitches in ihi ,ide, Pain in the Back, side, limbs, bowels, bladder, or ; n any i art of the body, toko is ill apply to Dr. MoCt i n tick's AJ\'V I) j . >’/. \HXTUUF.~ Its effect is like magic—producing immediate east ■ad quiet, refreshing slew, even in cases of ike most excruciating ■uff>ring. Every family should be provided with a bottle, Prict Fifty Cents, Pysentery aud Riarrhaia. These sere- m e diseases are new prevalent in various ports of the unit try. T.xeymvybe wholly prevented, cod in the few; living roo-.otiu checked, by Ur. MeCT.ntock's DIAB ft in if.d (.(* h ’) I.4L,’on* cf the meet astonishing specifics f> r all Bowel Com laintJ ever discovered. Thcv.sar.Js of cures have beer: made da irg the p isi sum./ter, end many lives seven by this medicine—so ■irsplc and cheap that every family can procure ii. Price twenty 'ire cents and fifty e.sxts per botiie Sold i Columbus by ROBERT CARTER, and by localttgests hroiii’hout the State of Georgia. A. * USHMAN. &c CO., IS’ Fulton street, N. Y. r-ole Proprie .rs of Prof. McCiintock’s Famllv Medicines. dec2—tw3m. T‘3El^j®L^ leal Estate, Brokerage, Collecting and Band agency. RAYMOND, FREEMAN i CO. B. C. rhEESAX, JP-. 5, C. EiTXOSD. O. R. r'UEKMAN. Attorneys at Law, CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. r Tomes in Texas and Safe Investments obtained Li through this Agencv rtDRt-ITY TO Tit- INTKaXST? OF NON-RKSIDEXTS. Register* of Laeq lor sale, in all parif of the Flute; full ex •ibitaof title and atcurate descriptions, altoregicterg ot town nd city iols l ands located bought and void. Gla ms against the State yr individuals collected and adjusted nd remittances made byexf jangeonNew Orleans, or any ot he Northern Cities, if desired. A thorough aud intimate knowledge of the country, and the ind system, insutes supermr lc*catioot and the best titles. Stranger- looks rig at Texas, may always have some leading ‘ectr and useful hints at the office of this Agency. Resistors open for examination. S -con Comrress Avenue- dec23 —wly. THE HOWARD FACTORY Isdowselling Domestics and Yarns, AttHs Usual Rates, 10 Per Cent off, FOR CASK. Columbus. Os February 13. w tt. fashionable clothing. i I. A. BROKAW & €©., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment ot SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find - S reat b t 0 tlie interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as DANIEL HOWE AND GEO. 11. BETZ. Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. Jrk. GAHD. os-RSUo , THr , !s®s* Takes this method of informing liis friends that he is now permanently located at s. & urn aft AW & mm* Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges birnseU to give his entire attentioi toall who may detire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. “ &t\vtf J. H. DANIEL & THOMAS, 120 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Are in constant receipt of the Latest Styles oi Fashionable Heady Made Clothing, OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. THEY ALSO HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT Gents. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, r I ranks, Carpet Fags, Umbrellas, Valises, &e., &c. 1. hhmm Jill JESS XXXX 34. Together with a large of CLOT 11 S, C ASSI Miu U S AN I> VESTI NG S, Which they are prepared to Manufacture- to --rdcr, m the mo t iasmoiumle and up proved styles. _ . this branch of their business they owe ‘an apology to those oi their patrons whom they have recently unavoidably disappointed, but, ns tin- uuse uas been remo ved, they feel conlident, with the assistance of the well known cutter, IY 3 . A. PAIUCHIIaD, Whose character for faithfulness, courtesy and promputaide lssg \v< it voiaabsced, that in future their patrons will meet with that courtesy and despatch wSpeh shall atone for all past disappointments. -day iMhh. Is. u—w&twti. A CUBE FOB ALL!! |.dd, fe4W.v-’b i&'t-'K-i lb V‘:-i , Tv. JV.t ?<r£: Le-” - - J * V.A Y i-’ ’ A* S* J ¥1 ■&s - ‘4k v — f T’s- •. eg -r-1 j s a *‘*- < - -..-. AT ’ ,• * v / / • ::.;i -• ‘ J u ?- *■’ - v . >■ i. \W* y’•’ . • -Ui ikßeadidXp Ad p, • ‘ ‘p; . • ” V v-;. ;U THE AMERICAN’S FRIEND ! ! no Lid} W A Y’S FILLS. 11 OL L O W A Y’ S U / A TM E A T. Citizens of the Union — VouliMve done nm the horn r as wi;h m e voice, from one and oil lie Union to the oilier, to s?. in) the charac. er oi my hntmer.t wild your approbation, i . sci red.v two years since ! made it knowu igiioirj; you, and air no* it lots obtained more celebrity than ant oil er ivstdicihe in ?*’ short a pern <!. THOMAS HOLLOW AY, 3?, Corner of Ann and Nassau streets, New York. Astonishing, cute of Sure Uegs y after nine years standing Copy of letter from Mr. W.J. Langley, of Huntsville, Yadkin county, North Carolina, U. S., dated Nov. 1, lt3. READ LIS OWN WORDS. To Professor Holloway. Sir —It is not my wi-:ii to become notorious, neither tins let ter written for toe sake of writing, but to soy, trial yn.ur (-but iiont c.irttt n e of Use most dreadful cutaneous d'.stases that le&h is heir to, and which was consult red bt all wto knew me. obe entire!) beyond the reach of medicine For nine yetri I .vo, afflicted’ whit one of ti e most paintul and troublesome sor eKS that evt r fell to the lot o! mail ; and after trying every med cine 1 had ever heard of, i r< signed to despair all 1 ode 01 beinc :un and ; but a friend brought me a couple o! larce polsofyoui Ointment, tthich caust and the soies on itiv i<gs to heal, and I julireiy regained sny healtr. tom\ aareiable surprise fiLddelight, tnd to the asonifhme' t of my friends. [Signed] Vv J. LANGLF.Y. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A BAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a letter from Mr. R. Durant , iVeio Orleans , November ( Jih y 1553. To Professor Ilollow-ay, 3S Corner of Ann and Nas-au ?treft% N. Y. Dear sir—-It is with hearth!? gratitude 1 have to in: rm y>i hut by the use ul your Oiu mentaud Fills, the iite o. n y win *>s been saved. F r seyen y ars she had a bad brciu-t, with tei runniiig w< unds, (not f>t cancerous i aiuie.} 3 told tin. lOthiiig coni 1 save he r ; ihe was ti. n indue* <1 to toe y -.nrOin? n-. nt and Pi 1,, h.-i! in liu* shf.rt Si-ace of three months ti e; il ‘Cts and a perfect cure, to the a to? ishn ent < l ?.ii * ho knev is. We obtainco your medicines !r *in Messrs Wiicht, t<:. >f chartro* reel. Lew Orleans. I send tins from‘*l!otel de. t’rinces,” Pari aititouah ! had written it at New £ . a; s, )>, ore v*e Hsu Hy left, a? ihattime, not knowing yrur r-ddres-* a Vc-v York. ’ Deigned) H. DU k A NT. The Pills should Le used c. njvintiy with the Ointment ii oust of the following cases: dsd i .eg. Contracted and .Joints, Lumbago, Fere Throats Bad breasts. Bunions, Born-', Chilblains. Chepped band*, Fi> tolas, Gout, (tlandnlar SwehiDfcß, Pileu Rlieutnaiiitn. Rhoam, Fc-.i i?, MoreNinples, rfkia disease. Scurvy,Bor; head?, Ulcer?, Woutule. %*Fold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, No. M aide ‘A L a k. New York, and 244 Strand, London, nod by all respectable druggist and dealers of medicines throughout the I billed States, in Pots and Boxes at -■> eiUt (52 V cent-, and %1 <■?> each. Therel considerab e saving by trking thelarger siies. N. B.—Directions for otpr.rccts ia tvery disorder are affixed to each Pot. r .{tine IT—w ! V Vp'Th ETO DEBT )itS AN U UttEOlTtms.—All perso.,? is having demands against tho estate ot Richard Dozier, late of Muscogee county. G.a., deceased, will present them in terms of the and those indebted to said deceased iil come for ward ami make payment. rr jrmiv n r>-*ZtFR. Ev,;cntor. William Welle, ] Bill m Meriwether gjperior YS ! Court to com pel Moses -'one’ Mires Jones. Ext f Executor of the lav will and & John W. Wells, J testamenof John Wells, late o’ said county, dec* ased, and John Vv’. W * Its. to account to com plainaot for the amount in their hands accruing to comilaiu? ant un lee t e Lst will and testanieui of John Wtlls, iate of Ss. : d coro*v.rlecae* and. IT -appearing to the court that the said Moses Jones reside? Peyond the jurisdiction of this court. It is ordered ;b&t the -ai.i Defendent. Moes lone?, appear at the mu: lerm oi this court or. the fourth Monday in Aueust next, end plead or dema*- to wda Ri 15; arid it is further ordered, that service of said Bi and be perfected on said Moses Jones, by put 5 cation of ’his order once a month for four months before the next Ic-rm of thlscour’ in some public Gazette published in the city of Columhus, it said State. By the Court. HALL * BP ‘ NUM, DOrGEENTY. Complainant’s Holicifors. A true“xtr%ct from ‘the minutes of Vrriwether HupcriOf Cffnrt a: F brnary Tenn, looA. This IfHh March. 1®55. uxorild—wm4in. WM. A ADAMS, Clerk. Just Ht Cvivcil and for Sale t-heap A Jj O T OF; It IliO AGE s. jurtec—tvv2ni R. W. ALDWOR IH <!L CO. G Yn,; A 'r “i:xgiTEMKNT 11 3?c> tIOLG LO you know lhatl .1 very body <Je. u irir.u to i aici: ai-e iiie-i.ko a v;d I ndurinjr likenesees ol their ive?, Huabamis, 1 lit'ditn, Brother. o , inters ;u.d Fr end?, ate making a < rand rudi, to ivy far tin- h*>t, A r.d cm.iy place m OoSumhus, wliete I.ikenesiet s , which seem t > Lr athe and Live, C-i.i be pot up, at ,-hoil m lice, in End lees variety •!’ rtyie. a; and |.ospeesing that Jichiie?s of fiei>h, which has never Yet l ctri er; jaiied or approached, at any Other establishment in the Btat-‘ of Georgia, i ’oigejt it not, and whenever you want a (Join of a Ficture,eali at C. I. DFHAV’S L xcelbior Gallery—Woodbritige’s oid stand. 31 any thousands of Pictures, in Columbus, eak for themselves, and testily to the above. Mareii bl. 1855. twtf. RIDDLE’S Faßhionable Baguerrean Gallery. r ?'ilEPr< p ietc r hastFe lrg ?t. neatest, arnl most lrsh.ona- Jl by arranged GALLEI* V ior the Ait in the State. He uses the best materia!, anti alious g tut first class Pictures to leave bis Hex res. So forget not, ye levtrsof the Fine Ait?, when ye sally forth ’< obtain those imperis! ableigtiT?, to call on KIDDLE* lie will give you a Handsome P ctnreai.d a ttood t p. As for taking children, lam ly grot p*, Steritcopea. out* luor views, tc., he defies any Artist inti* country to auipan ‘em. Hoi <sou Broad Street, over C. Mygatt’s Djy Goods Suire. > oluinbu, a. mar3[—twPm. $3 FIE. BESKIL ICE WE EAT. Pt!F. Voul omen Mills. ut M.i U< nr* r\ Ala . ti and ihe Pa-ace 1 Mills, at Ca.! (uniting ‘ltir m he pur.-la-ts o 2 i.OOO bushels) will iayfi r Ai.jc Hhi e i\ ‘mat. ( n ryia mil Alabama raised wheal, of the eew erop, the ioiown.g ji ices. cash. Delivered at either mil), previous o the 15tl May S3 0043 Bu-hel. Previou? to he 20th, v ‘5 *• “ *■ 30. It, 2 511 ■ “ 44 44 June 2 95 “ “ “ “ Ist July 2 o.) * 4 “ Choice Rtd 25 cen.s per bnshellesa. Fixty pounds to the ■ushei. g Papers in Alabama, he weer F.ufaula aid Wes P. int, tud in VViAern teorgis. north of Americas, w ! p.est>e ii pert uie dollars worth. Georgia 1 mer* v ill be a>d by Pa ace >ii it. slid Alabama paper* by MomgtHar,. SHIN, is htg< rnery. April ;655. may!— twtf. Enquirer c< py GEOhCIIA Muscogee county: Court of (JrU nary, .b ay fei m, 1855. F)T3!.X2 3XI Sl.—l.evicy 1. we, Ad; .istiisirat; xod the es t- 1!■•! of Wm. bo#?, deceased, having a, kr It-Utr* >f Dismission: On motion, It is Ordered, that all person?, concent, and slow ■•.y.ise, i; sny they ha. e, why snid administratrix may rot !e iismiesed k m said ruministration ur the t eurt e.t ‘rd i ary to held in and ior snid oouuiy oa the first Monday in December tex*. A true transcript from the minye=o r rsaid Court. JJ.'ay. Sisk} *■**?. msv?lw m .!• HV JOHN S. rpu.firdinary. / 1 EORGIA, TAYhUR LN’i Y.—Gideon New vJT som administrator and Stephen Johnson, late of said county,deceased, and Daniel \V.'Miller administrator us John Charles,late of Alabama, deceased, apply for demis sion from their respective administrations. Orders for cita tion have been granted. AH persons concerned are required to appear at the Court of Ordinary for said county, on the first .Monday in Augu-t n.? 4, and make objection, if they have any ; otherwise the applicant* will be dismissed. Given under my hand, at Office, January 27th, 1855. jan3o—w6m JOHN STURDIVANT, Ordirary. GEORGIA, Randolph County. Court of Ordinary of said County, April Term, 1855. IF appealing to this Court that William Griffin, Admin istrator of the estate of James Henderson, iete t l said county deceased, has fullyadministered said esiateard faith fully disi harged the fust reposed in him as administrator aforesaid: Aid having made a? plication for l etters of Dismission: It is ordered bv the Court that all parties intc •ested, show cause to the ccntiaiy to or beiore the next October Term of this Court, otherwise said Administrator wnlt be then and there dismissed Given under ray baad Apiii 2d, 1855. ap24-6m. O. P. RDALI# 4 Ordinary