The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 30, 1855, Image 4

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SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS R. . , „ To be. drawn Jay 13,1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN IRTZKS AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME!; remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and paid whendue WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS.** 1 PR-ZB OF .....Tl.s7,srft | j “ 5,000 ! 1 “ 2,000 2 “ J,(HK) 5 “ r OO 10 ** 2<Jt> 15 “ 100 7S “ 50 120 25 ITT Ticke’s $5; II Uvea 32 50 ; Q turters 25. It.ila ouhii i>iveiit tanks at par. AjJ communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign ol the Bion/cLion Mon'go'nery, Jure 28, tw*d JOHN MAY, Agent,flirard, Ala. P’s 1 ” All letters for immediate ansAer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga The-e are tome ot the pnz\ sold and cashed by John May, in the 1 i*t drawing: 1 priz * of SSJO, besides several ol SSJ and 82). In ortl >r o sec ire a prize in the next dr iw.nar of the move scheme, send in your orders early. By Authority of the State of Ceorgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber liavin? accepted ir >m the Onruimalonerf the Agency h>l Management ol the FOR T GAIN Kb ACADEMY < oTII RV, ha.* eetao i 1 ed ihe pn cipal : fllce al / tiania, l.eor.'in, aim intend* cu.diutimr lie I .otiery on tin same plan as that ol the Southern Military Academy Lottery., ol Alabmui. GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY. Oistssss €3. rr'Tj be drawn .1 •. 1 v 3<t, H 55, in the City of Atlanta, Ga.. when Prizes am >un iig to 2G£ &S> Will be disiri uted according to the following magnificent Hcheme! remember eve*y Pr.ze i* <1 awn at eacn D awl ig, and paid when duo Willi <Ul’ DEDUOI’IVN! I PR ZE OF $[2,000 l o<> s.l't i Id i 3.0 0 I do 2,000 I do 1,51:0 1 and ,2( 0 I do 1,10. 5 Pr Zcs 0f.... 1.000 Id 5(H* sil Prize- 1 ‘o all amounting to 350 0.0 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! 23?°Ticket8 $lO ; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2 50. Bills o i all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly contid ntial. S V.MUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21-—td Atlanta. Georgia. BA! 11ING TUBS 7 Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc, maylJ- tw4n. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. PUIiE AND REFRESHING” nr> 3 TO BE HAD AT BROOKS & CHAPMAN’S, DRUGGISTS, YT7E ar) pleaned to offer to our ftiends and patrons pure 1 V Sill) V WATER ns a enminer beverage. We have puremu-ed “N.choiJ’s Patent Combination S ,di Fountain,” by which vve are enabled to obtain the Carbonic Acid lor tne Water direct from pure ‘-English r*oda,’‘ in-it-a.l o ihe i'ar mnate of l.irne, Whiling, Chalk. &c., ashitbmo u*ed. T ic Water p-enar and by’ th-IC'lfou itaiu” is purer and freer m ill mi n era lor uoxions ingredients Ihe p wer ofthe apparatu is so giiiduattd, that five gal tons of Gas is dissolved in eact gam.n ,>| watc- —winch i* the Btanrtard < fiicinalof Soda Water, us approvi dby the befit Pnystcißiia and chemist 9. • > ir r* Y itUPS are made of the lieti 8 ignr, and freshest Friths, and we can. with rut I co, in our feda Water ami syr ups, ini to our friends to the coo hig, sparkling be\erage of our Fountain. may B—w&iwtf Stale cf (Georgia, Early County: Court of Ordinary , May Term 1855. IT ap rearing to the Court by the petition of W,l mm Griffin. taut Mathew Perryman, iaeoi j*id county deceased,d.d in bisMetune execute to william G. W o and his bond, condi tioned t > execute good and sutfleien.. titles to said IV id ain g. Wood lor lot of land No. 9.. lit the ?Hfh District of Eariy em.ty; Audit funnel appearing that said AVal the w Ferryman deputed tins ii e without executing ti les u>r said land, or in :t iy wav pio.idmrtiiertd'. r, and before the p rchnje money lor stid laud was due; And it m iner appearing that san Will am G. Wood tor value received and by endorsement transferred se and Hoad to tne said Will am .Gr.fii I, on a certain duy, in slid ,pe itioti mentioned; Anti it further appear! 1 t that said William Griffin has fulu p .id the amount ot the pur h;t*e tn mey ft r said l it of land to it j tmiu ollu r, s.lmims trtt'ir on the esta'e ofaaid Mati hew Perryman deceased; And stud VV’illiam GiitHu hrviiigp titiohed this uourt o tl'rect th raid I let ij unin Collier, administrator as aforesaid, to"execut> to h.iu.uiesfor said 1 >. ol lind.iiconf rmiiy with said bo* and. 1 ii there!’ re hereby order and, ihat notice be given atLarecor m >re pub.ic j 1 ces in said county, and m the C .Jumbiis Tirnet ** S satinet f.r three months of such t pplicat on, that all per son- concerned may li o objections in u e said ordinary’s oi fle • (11 any they have) vrfy said Benjamin Co.lier, admmbtia t. r at alor.stid, shqt.i 1 not .xeriite tales to said lot 01 land in eo lorin ty to said Bond a6 r< q tired by law. A sr.te extract irom the rainmes ofsa'd court, this May ‘Jih 18)5. junlrf- wlim S. 8. &TA KK Rt, Ord. e. c. W in. H. Jail ct. J ‘ Meriwether Superior Court. ve. Win. Irvine. S mortgage, &c. Fr sei,t the Hvnrable Oyille A. Bull. Judge of said Court. I T appearing 10 the Court, try iho petition of William H. !aii 1 it that on the-dm day ot >uly 18 >4. Willi un [jrivneol suit county, made and delivered to the said Wrn. 11. his ceitan promissory note, bearing date ihe day and y**r afon-saitl. wherbythe said vv ill am Irvmi promised tn Ihe 25th day o J mui y uet 10. losing the dale l said note, to pat said \Yi> 11. or wearer. Two Hundred :n and Filtt- ight Dollars, and Bev ! eoty-Five Cents, or value received, and ihtt afterwards, in th. sane and y and ye-raforesaid, the said Wil iam lrviiie.U.e l eUe to secure the p y.nent ot said note, ex* cuted and delivi red t< your p li iom r iiisceriain Dud of Mongoae. whereby l etou veyeu to ym petitioner the w st hs.l‘ ol lot Numiur 2, in th. t<>w:i*>i Greenvillo. known as the Tay or’s Shop !r nting th l'unl c square—front 50 eet— running bacs to * he -treet ao joining John’s ortice 011 ihecaet.nnd W il jam Rugiand’- v tiol-sale Groc ry ou ihe West, coins umg 01 e f.iurtu ol ai acre, more or le-a, si tQ: ted in tho town ol Greenville, Meri wether c.un y, amt Btate ot Georgia, conditioned that it th. tlte stid Ad am Irvine should pay oil and discharge sad not. j or can vit>o be done, according to the tenor and eff. ct tut r • i o tthat then thes dii l-ed of Mortgage atid ihe s id ulo ! b> come null and void to ail intent* and pu*po*es: An it n.r j t er api-earii-g to theConrt tljat said ii* tt- rt u.uin* unpaii : I i*tuereh,re ordered ny the Con. t, that William Irvine do pax ! > c >u t, by the ( dayo! the next >e tn thereo'.the pri.ici pa| and inteie*! and coat* due *n said note, or sho-.v cause to 1 the contra*}, it any he has and that on failure so to do, tin | equity 01 rude trip ion in and to said mortgage premises be fir i ever thereafter barre l end t.>reclm*ed. And it is Inr htr or- 1 dered, 1 oat this r ile he pobl'shed once a tnon'h for 4 month.- i or a copy thi-reol be served on said William Irvine, or a *p. -j cial agent or attorn* y. at least time months previous to tht i next term i stid court. A true extrsd fr.<ni the mbiutes “of Meriwether Superior ‘ February Term, 1855. This Varch 2tth, 1855 I ai.9 -vrlm4m WM A. AD A VS, OFk. Mate oi <4ownrm—Katidolph County. Court of Ordinary. March Term , 1553. IT to the court, by the petition .>j jacoo H. S’lron *h re, that W’illiam Taylor, of si,idc>>*mfv. de cased, 4iid in I hisfifo time execute to Uiriiard Jacobs his bond conditioned * to execute good ami suinc*ent titles to said Richard Jacob- f,r ! 1m of land number forty-five,ln the ill h diautetof oriianallv ! I. *e, now R.iiJ >lpi couny,—and it run her appearing that I Fi.d Aiiimni ravlor dep tri-d it.!* iife witout executing titie’ for * .id luad,or m any ws.y pr >vi;iii;g th. refur. and twvoro purchase money tor sai-l mud was dm: and't further a**pe subs. q tenUy to hedeath of said Wm.TayUr.thc mid Rici.'d’ j Jacob ,mrvaluer.!reivel endors. nent.transferred the 1 s::id bond to one Do’awjr .'lorris, and alt, rward, on a c-rtain 4 day, pet Uoamemioned, the said Delaware A/01 rin i n , like manner irattaferred the ssid herd to th, said Jacob b Shron. i sfttra. and it further appearing that the said Jacob B. Shroi- 8 Bhbe has fr.liy paid the amount of the purchase amn* y for s.dd ! lan-l with interest, *• Henry 1.. Taylor. Ad tain Ist rat., r drbjfi* ■ *<>; the etir.'*e rd - paid William Taylor; anti said Jacob! R Hhropebire having petiti<vned t-uis ootir to direct ;he raid > J! ’" r . U. r y:w, adniinistnilor ssaforesaid, to execute to him I titieefor smd lot of la din cc-nforraity with said bond: !; ja * .-.'•rsfore hereby ordered. Thut notice bo given at throe or 1 m >i‘e public p p.O'sin said county, end it: ihe GoJunrtWs Times i f*. ret: :oei f.ird *n o,Ui*.of such n ipliottion; that u) persons concerned ma, fßoobjections nhe said (irdirery'seffioo r'iiapv i they hav*) why said W.v G.Tsyior, admimsi nu>r 4 .du o a t exemj'-iuit'w to lot ot ktid:u eontbrediv to t SXKi bout! as rs'iuiK-dhy Jfcj?, ‘ ! \dr >***** f 4 ocQn, itdt Mxreh 7U) j V,f f t TRfSTEE SALE OF THE COWETA FALLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. I)Y virtue of a trust reposed in up, .under notice ot de- J fault fiom the Bond holder?, we will offer tor tale at the Market House in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Juiv next, during the usual hours of sale, the fdlpwing property or so much thereof as may lie necessary to pay the outstanding Bonds issued by eaid Company, 10 wit: All of those tracts ol la id in the city of Columbus, | countv of .Muscogee and State ol Georgia, known and de ! signaled as lot number one ofthe Water Lot Company ol the city ol Columbus survey, being ail of said lot lyinp East o! tile Canal Wall ou said lot and extending t) lot below and running nearly noith and south, together with the Factory and improvements situated on said lot; also, a lot commencing on the north wvst corner ot said r acto | ry lot, No. 1 thence north one hundred teet, thence Easi ! to a point at right angles with the north weal corner of the j Factory lot, thence south one hundred feet, thence west to ! the point of beginning. Also, lot No. one hundred ano I ninety one, as designated in the plan of the city oi Coluni • bus,containing one hail acre more or lea*, beinJ the sam* j lot upon which is built the dwelling for the operatives o - I the Coweta Falls Manufacturing Company, together witl i all the right, membeis* and appurtenances thereunto belong I ing. And also the following personal piopeiiy cont-.mei I in the Factory building, on lot number one. to wit: Eigh \ teen Warp Fly Fr .mes, of “inety.-ix rfpiridles each; tw. j King Fellows Fiames. oi one hundred r n>i thirty -tw* : Spindles each; two Mules of two Hundred and hfty si> j Spindles each; two Dressers. Filly Looms, ar and ail the ap j purtenance* thereunto belonging; three Wool Ca:d* and i Wool Jacks, of one hundred Spindles, together wiih ali I and every part of the Mschineiv nr*v.* in said building. K. J. MOSES, ; \V. A. REDD, > Trustees. H. H. EFFING. ) f l'eimsCa*h. The bidu r will 1.0 ixq .ired to pay down at the sale one-third of the p irehase money, or the | ro| er ty will be immediately remlJ on account of ’bo fir*i chaser. . rnayl—tds. .UAUY M. F#vV’LLL, ) i.ibe, for O,voice in Randolpt vs. > Superior uOLrt, Aj rii Term. HESPERON POVVRIjL. > .855. If appearing to ti e Court, ) the return ol tl e Fheriff, t)\a the said 11-u iereon l’owel •, defendant, d*>e n tr* side i> Luis count}, atm it Tun her u. peaji/ifi that the euid Licf-ndan toes not reside in this Stale, it is therefoie. t*n motion o Oounsi 1 for the s id Mary Fo el!, F.aintifl. ordered by th* Cuuri. that the said Deftndant ap[ ei raid answer at the nex IVrin ol thie Cos irt, or that sud cause be considered in default and that said l.ibrimi t r.e a.lowed to proceed, and that thi: >rder ue published in the Columbus Times and S mine!, on of the g z tti-so this -Oate. h ni m h for lour mouths previous to the next term of thi* Court. WIL.LIAM C. FERKIVH, J.B.C.S. W.C. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. D. JORDAN. •Tune 5, 1855. m4m Vdinlrtittiralor’* suit.— ~ .it i e eoiu on t e firs lues-lay in July next, at me coi rt h use door io t'uub bet, Kan lolpti couutv, the ollowii g slave* in longing to tin estate of Wrn. Taylor, late of said county, d*c:ased,towil.— vSinerva, aged 56. ami her in ant child—Floyd, 10, \aron 8 u'ia, fi,Georgia. 3. Was dug on. 35, Ai drt w JP: bold by or der of the Ordinary of said c iuity. inaySS)—twl’wtd. nfMRVT T'W.’ R >w’ T n’r. p EUKtiIA, Randolph county.—W hereas, Thomas J. vx Cos ram ha-’ applied to me tor letters o! admini-Jratio! .>ll the e- tate of Willi, m M. Coram, late ot !aid county de ceased. These are, theioioie, to cite and admonish ali an . -ingu'ar the kindied and creditors of said deceased to til heir objections, if any they have, in thi* office, on or betbi he first Monday in .1 uly next, otheiwY-e letters will be gran ..ed to thesaid applicant. Given under my hand the 29 h May, 1355. j*me*2-w4od. O P. BEALL, Ordinary. NOTUKTO DKBTOHS AND CRKltlTf R J .— All ludebl -d to the estate o; Joshua R. McCook,deceased, at required to make immediate pa\nient and those having d> n ‘mlsare notified to pr-Rent ihorn within tpre-a of ti e h w. an’ t-wA ’-l 8 D IT A I<P. Ar H..? KING. Adm’rs. Thd Great Purifier of the Blood. CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. HOT .4 PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula. King's Evil. Jiheu mutism *Obstinats Cutaneous Eruptions , Pimples ot Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils. Son Eyes, Kins Worm or TeVer, Scald Head, Enlarge mint and Pain of the Bone* and Joints, Stubborn Ul ccrs , Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago,Spinal Complaints and all Diseases arising from an injudicious vst 01 Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. v This valuable medicine, which hue become celebrated for th. uumber of ex raordinary c ires effected through its agency, h; induced ti e pr. p-ietors, at the urgent requestor their friend o offer it to the public, which they do v. it!* the utmost con! ience m its virtues and wonderful curative jroptrtie?. U following certificates, selected troin a k rje n tinber, are, hov j .ver, stronger testimony t'-an the imreword ofthe i roj r ind are a'l irom gen 1 -men well known in their localities, and ( t'ae highest respectauiliiy, nini y of them residing in ihe city Richmond, Vn. F. B< y ler, Ksq., ofthe F,xchr.n"e Tlotel. Richmond, know •very where, s-iys he has seen 1 1-e medicine cal.ed < erterVSpai sli Mixture adini’ istered in ov* r a hundred cases, in nearly al he diseases tor which it is recommended, w ith the mre: shingly go and results. He says it is the mjstextraordinaiymed cine he has ever seen. Ague amd Fiver—Great Ci be-I hereby c r Ify that so hree years I had Ague ami Fever of the most vi 1-i.t descrii ion. I had |)h\s;cians, took large quant lies of Quinin \! rcury.and believe ail the tonics advertised, but allwiiho i my permanent relief. At last l tried Cart* r’s Spanish Mixtun wit Dottles of which effectual y cured me, and lam happy t .•-..y I have had neit-ht r ciiiiL or ’evers sii ce. I consider it th j uest ton e in the world, and the on y medicine that ever leache ny case. John Longobn. ! Be ver Dam, nepr Richmond, Va. G. B. I.uck, Usq.. now in the city of Richmond, and for man . oars in the Post * Slice, has such confidence in ibe astotdshin •tticacy of Garter’s 8 anish Mixture, tiiat he has bought ui .vards ois* bottles, which he has given to .he affiir.ted. Luck says he hasuever known it to fail w hen tskeusccordia;. to directions. Dr Minae,a practicing physician, and formerly of the Clt’ Motel, in the city of Richmond, say? he hr.?, v. Guessed in a nnm *er ot instanct's’the effects of Carter’s Spanish whir vere most truly surprising. He says in ot Consumptioi loi'cndentou tho Liver, the good effect? were wonderful indeed Samuel M. Drinker, ofthe firm f Drinker*. Morris, Riel ■nond, was cured of Liver • omplaint of three years standing .y the use of tw< bottler- ol Carter's Spanish Mix'm-e Gr.KiT l Tre of s CRO y.n. A _Theeditors of the Richmond Be publican had a servant employed in their press cured o violent Scrofula,combined with Rheumatism, which entire] lisabied liim from work. Two bottles ol Carter’s Spanish Mix tnre made a perfect cure of him. and the editors, in r. pubii. lotice. say they “cheerfully recommend itto allwho areaffiictei with any disease ot the btood ’’ xttll ANOTtisR Cph* or Sceofpla—l had a very valuabli boy cured of Scrofula bvOrters Spanish Mixture. Icousidei it trul) a valuabk medicine. James M.Taylor. Condifctor on theß. F. & P. R.. Cos., Ricniaopd Ya. SALT RHEUM OF 20 YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. John Thompson, residing ir. the- city of Kiel mend,we rured by thr,e bottles of ( arfer’s Spanish .Mixture of Sai ivheum, wh ch be had nearly 20 years, and which ali the phvsi cians ol tlie city could not cure. ,**sr Thompson i a w ell knowi merchant In the city of Richmond, Ya., and h ; cure .s aoti remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond,had a servant cured ol Bypf. ili*. in the worst form, by Carter’s Spanish Mixture He says h. cheerfully recommends it,ana considers it sti icvaiaable medi cine. Richard E. West. oJ Richmond, w&s cured of< what physician.- caffe.i •.ontirraed Consumption, by three bcHt.e: ol Carter’s?parish Mixture. Edwin Rurton, cotnnv.ssioner of the reverue/says hehn?seei the good effects ot 1 arter's epanish Mixture in a number o Syphilitic cases, and say sills a period cure fer that horrible die ease. Wm.G. Harwood.of Richmond, erred of Old seres and V cers, which disabled him trout walking. I'cok a tew bottles o Carter’s Spanish J/lxture, and was'enabled to walk without 1 crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots st M. WARD, <'LOSE & CO., Vo. 83, Maid en Igvnc, New York. T. W. DYOTT&. SONP,NTo. IJ2, North 9d Hreei.Phiiaiei ph’a. - * bENUETTt BEERS, No. 125, Miln eireet, RkbmoQd.V* TIKXS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. li. CARTER, Savjmu&fe, Ga GESNER -t PEABODY, DAN FORTH & NAGEL, Co;uinbr.s.Ga A'To by dfngKiPtfienS couainf y* tatt- Pnrtt * ail myDifafrir $5. 17, iMiir— 6 INTRODUCTION OF Professor James McClintock’s CELEBRATED Family Medicines. tTJi- This la to certify, that 1 have placed In ike hand of Messrs A. Cushman it Cos , Me.a York, the receipts of my “Family Med• icfnttp icit/i my full authority to prepare and offer them for pop ular use. In securing the co operation of Mr. Alexander Cushman, who is a thoroughly educated Chemist and practical Apothecary oj many years’ experience, lam enabled to a.-eure the public that they Kill be prepared in the best, purest and most perfect form, regardless of erpeme. JAMES McCLINTOOK, M. D., Late Professor of An atomy r nd Surgery in the Pntiadelphia College of Medicine and .-Acting Pr.deseor of Midwifery: one of tne Consulting Physicians of the Philadelphia II >spltal, Bloeckiy; laie member oi the National Medical association: M* mbei of the Philadvljihia Medical society; member ofthe Medic* *-€hir urgical College of Phii&delphia; torreerly l reside it and Professor ot Anatomy and Surgery in Caetleton Medical Cos ie Vermont: and also lute Protessor of Anatomy and Physiology in Berkshire Medical Institution, Mass Kc.6lc. Important to Consumptives, And ail vho arc afflicted with Bronchitis, or weakness es thi La ngg. Dr. MoClistock’s Pkctoral CYRt’P is recsnimcndea is one of the best mil safest remedies ever used for Bronchitis, lo* sumption and all diseases of the J.uvgs and Ait Passages For any of these forms of disease skewing themselves in ( ough. Pickling ofthe 7 krvo.t, Sense of Tightness in the Throat or Chest. Spitting cf PJood, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness or Loss of Voice, hectic Fever, Might Sweats, &c., this SYRUP tae bean used with unbounded success for many years; it eon ‘bins no opium, morphine or avi : :-ony, which inf or ins drug.- ■'orm the basis of ai most all the quack remedies tor lung corn j/aints. The Great Peculiarity f Dr. McCiintock's Pectoral Syrup, is that iv. all chronic dis :ases of the throat anu lungs, it me.y be taken by the most delicate patient with perfect safety. It contains no injurious drugs,like he. common used for pectoral complain Is. li is pleas int to tke palate, produces no nausea or debility, but may be taken (reply and can stand 1, with the eer-civ result cf purifying the il cd. strengening the stomach, and rev orating the entire system ■chile leading and soothing the irritated organs, and producing ■trodually a perfact cure. Price in pint bottles SI; six bottles for $5. Full directions ac zovepanying each bottle. McCiintock’s cold and cough Mixture. Colds and recent ( oughs, especially if accompanied by fever or inf.ammaiory excitement, require a remedy different in charades j from, the Pectoral f-yrup, which in so valuable in. chrome com j > taints. The Cold 4tnd Cough Mixture is precisely the cure for such recent coughs, cold and irritation ofthe throat and lungs It is especially valuable for children; vo family in our ehangeabh •Jimate, should be. without this efficient remedy, which if taken on thefirsi symptoms of cold, would prevent many an attack oj Bronchitis , and a fatal issue in consumption. No Laudanum or preparation of Opium, in any shave in thi . syrup. Price per bottle 25 cents, Purifying the Blood. The following, from, the New York Tribune, will doubtless hi very seasonable to all who seek not only to preserve, their health, but to guard against ell possible cur.tingences which threaten t, les troy 1 1 : “ We toould call special attention to the importance of purifying ihe bleed. Nothing is so prevalent as c gross and sluggish slat• if the blood. IVe have no hesitation in recommending to tho*. who would preserve their health, a free use of the best purifying medicine known to modern medical science, viz; Dr. McCiintock’s Tonic Alterative Syrup* This remedy is not only delightful to th* taste out perfectly safe and rapid in its effects. It stimulates the liver end 01 ha glands to natgral action, gives tone and me vigor to ell thefunc tions, and enables them to throw off all morbid and u nhealthy a.c cumulations.” During the extensive practice of Professor MeClintock, ow< of the most celebrated Physicians in Philadelphia, thousands tij cases of Serif/Ja Erysipelas, Scarecy, Salt Pheuvt, Tettet Skin diseases of all kinds, Ulcers, Cancers. Pimples, Boils am Rheumatism , together with Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases ii ill Mages were cured by the free use of IJ r t .M cCI in tock's lonic oil terative Syrup. For children it. is perfectly safe, oral from it. decs cut- taste can be easily given. Those who are troubled witl, my of the above complaints, should take ii regularly, spring ant. Pali. Price $1 in large bottles. ..Six bottles $5. TREATMENT OF DYSPEPSIA. Our National Disease. Foible &f half rfeet Digestion or Dyspepsia, irt some of iU forms, is truly the National Disease of America, It causes, in lirecUy, thru-fourth 3 of the sickness com mon to this climate, h causes impure Blood, irritations an l acrid Humors in the Mom ich, Liver, Bowels and Glavus, end the system thus poisoned be •ones a prey to an endless train of evil symptorys, of which th, ■'Mowing are a few, viz: Headache, Giddiness, Nervousness Low Spirits, Dimness of Vision, with Mete, t>peck or Hi cs be tore the Eyes, Itching of the Nostrils, Dullness of hearing, am. Hinging or 1 rv.mming in the Furs, Bad taste in the Mouth, lightness or H'eight abort the Chest, Difficulty of Breathing, ■ie.-nse of Suffocation in lying down or ascending stairs. Palpita ‘ion or uneasy feeling about the Heart, Irregular or deficient Ap oetitc, sense of sinking at the kea-'t, sinking at the Sstomeek, Ac ‘idity, Heartburn, pom or fullness in the .'tbaovun, Costiveness He. Some of these symptoms alway appear in Dyspepsia. The\ ire es ten mistaken for, and trialed as other diseases. The j* sain seat and source, however, is ike Stomach, and a derangei audition of the digestive functions. To meet and overcome tkos, ■■y-Apioras radically, and restore perfect health, and vigor to th tystim, a. safe and certain remedy is found combining all the mos miuable ingredients offered by the. vegetable Kingdom, in Dr Me CL IN 7'O CK'S L> Y* PEPTIC ELIXIR, its daily us, could be a blessing to thousands who suffer from the bene cj oeakness. As the prescription of a leading physician, it can bt used with confidence by all. Price in large bottles, SI. An Universal Pill. Dr.Mcdintoek f s Vegetable Purgative Pills, though not tea? •anted, to cure ail diseases, are a specific against the nunifrout lisorders that- arise from Costietncss, and ( oi-tivencss is the ban, f life to thousands; giving rise as it does to Headache, Appo ilexy, Impure Blood. Nervousness,]aw Spirits. Lassitude, Paint n the Bowels and elsewhere, and other symptoms to numerous ti mention. < osiiveness will cause or aggravate almost evcri known disease, thorrfore the Pill best adapted to cure this danger me habit is entitled to the boasted name of an Universal Pill t hose who nre willing to tn, a scientific medicine, safe, certain nild nnd thorough iv. its ectiov, yet operating without pain, shouh tse freely Dr. Aictlintock's Vegetable Purgative Pills. Pric < ‘s eeuty five cents per box. Rheumatism and Neuralgia. These excruciating diseases arc ■radically cvrsd by taking Dr Mr. Clin lock's RHEUMATIC MIX / U'J'F. in doses cf a tea poonful three times a day. IVe have seen tht- worst cases nlitve: •y it in twenty-four hours. For external use tee have never knowi 0 powerful and penetrating an application as Dr. MeCHntoekß KHF.UMATIGJANIMF.NT. For sw-riltd limbs, huisf* nternal pains, cramps, ehilblcinr, stiff joints, toothache, end olh ■r p laful complaints, where ice have seen it tried, it acts wit! ARgical effect. These remedies arc sold at HO cents per bottle. Have yon the Ague? If so do not injure your Constitution by resorting tc- the com non cures in use. I va.t very physicians a-e in the habit f prescribing Quinine, Arsenic, Blue Pilia, ard other patcerfi, Irugs, which often do more ham ihcr. good, even if they stop Ikt •.kills. On the contrary, the more and oftoner you take. >r Mc<'untock’h Fxvtea axs Ague r-PEtmc, the stronger : nill your constitution become, and the better your appetite and tht ’ igor of the whole sysUw. It is eminently an article that ’IE Tj, KIN WITHOUT FF.A / cud withal it has never fail dtn cure ai! forms of Fever end Ague Intermittent lever, Eil inns Fever, Panama or CAagres Fever, Dumb Ague, &c. Priet Jnc Dollar per Bottle. Y/hcoping Cough Cured* This distressing disease it thoroughly and quickly cured by Di McCiintock's Asthma and VYhoofing • ot gh it eon aim no op k;.s and can be given to children wiih perfect safety I few crops oi lid time quiet the cough, all night, arc a few do cs cure euiirely. Instant Relief from Pain. No person need suffer from Toothache, Headache. Neuralgia a Iheumat'Cpains, Colic, Chilblains, pleurisy or Stitches in thi side. Pain irt the Beck, ride, limbs, bowels, blrdder, or - am. •art ofthe body, who will apply to Dr. Mat hillock's A NOD INI VUXTUHF. Its effect is like magic—producing immediate cast ■nd quiet, r.-Jpeshijig sice; , eren in case t of the most excruciating offering. Every family should be provided with a bottle, Priet Fifty Cents. Dysentery and Biarrhosa. Theseswcere diseases are note prevalent in various parts of ihe fiw.try. They nwy be wholly prevented, end in the br.?in.nivg ronptiy checked, by Dr. McCi : ittack's DI AR H HCF.A COr )IAI., ere of I he .Host asionishirg f> r all. Bowel Csm- Idints ‘V-r discovered. Thousands of cures have been made du irgtke pis’ iurwier, end many lives saved by this medicine—eo 0 pie atid cheap fiat et, ryfentity can procure it. Pncs twenty ‘ire cents and fifty cents per botile Sold in Cninmts’.H by ROB CRT CARTER, ana by local agents aroughout the State of Georgia. A. CUSHMAN. L. CO., !2d Fulton street. N. Y. Pole Proprie *r* of Prof. MeClintock’e Family Medicine?. vW2—tw3m. ’"TEXAS” .veal Batata, Brokerage, Collecting and Land AGENCY. RAYMOND, FREEMAN i CO. b.c. rßx:x‘S, jr. n. c.ratkonu. a. k. rUiKAF. j Attorneys at law, CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. Homes in Texas Sf Im vestments obtained through this Agencv FIDELITY TO TK INTERESTS nv SO!I-REUl>ENT8. Registersof Lhuo for sale, in ail par.? of the State; fullex-j ibus of title and curate description*, alsoregixtei# oi town i nd city kite ! ends located booths android. Jiaim% sjjainv, the feaiedr individual* collected and adjusted nd r miituncefi uyulo by JRnge on New Orleans, or any ot be Northern Cities, if de:ired. A thorough and intimate l rvjwledffe of -Ac country, arid the • md system. iagmeseUfKTior location’ and the best tisle,**. Stranger* looting ?,t, may always have some leading j en.-sand useful hints at the office of this Agency. Registers open for exam bullion. ‘ffi con CoHa'reeg \ventH. de"23—wly. THE HOWARiI FACTORY j r s dow selling Domestics and Yarns,! Att&s Usual Kates, 10 Fer Cent off, FOS ££SH, ilh *if “ FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 a. A. BUCK A W &€#., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to the inteiest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. Wo are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as l> ANI Eid ISO WE AIVD GKO. IS. 1513 T Z Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. A esa-Tarsia :MAa:o Take3 this method of informing his friends that he is now permanently located at Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attentior toall who may desire KLEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 20, 1855. wfctwtf ’ J. H. DANIEL & THOMAS, 123 llroad Street? Columbus? Ga. Arc in constant receipt of the Latest Styles of | Fashionable Ready Made Clothing, . OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. THEY ALSO HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT Gents. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Fags, Umbrellas, Valises, &c., Sc c. 3 JIESJIIS XXXX 3 j Together with a large Stock of CLOT fl S, CASSI MEIt S A N I.) VESTI NG S, Which they are prepared to Manufacture to order, in the mo t fashionable and ap proved styles. SdiT” In this branch of their business they owe an apology to those of their patrons whom they have recently unavoidably disappointed, but, as ih - cause ha.-> been remo ved, they fed confident, with the assistance of the well known cutter, F. J&L. Whose character for faithfulness, courtesy and prompliimb is so wdl cstabli.'hcd, that in future their patrons will meet with that courtesy and despatch which shall atone for all past disappointments. “ May both, 18oo— w&twtf. A CUBE FOR ALL!! Its t% \ jor i h yb • \ A v■w. 1% -y.v - ,<l V*; AXXt- AA ’WvJ o- ; .- o’ V, fers< i ‘JifT V-riV Afr V •: • . ‘ ?,.xX v -hV. * h X V •# amv j .■ wf a *'*■?> - yM W ■ f . -"G V>. . • *. s * h - ‘ ~ ‘ V .<...-.*-* •**•***- Til E AM E RICAN’S FRIEND ! ! HOLLO WAYS PILLS. // OL L O W A Y* S O / A 7’ M E A T. Citizens of the Union— You imve done me the honcr a* with ore voice, from on® iDd oi tPe Union to the o?her. t< b‘ <:.{ she ebarar er ot i:j liniment with your approbation. L *•< reeij two years rine l made ii known anions you, air u it has obtained rnoit ;eiehriiy than m x oil or “nudicsl > m °© .Lon a p r: and. IiIOMAS HOhi.uVVAY, 3P Corner oi Ann and Nassau streets, New York. Astonishing cine of Sore Legs, after nine years standing Copy oflettfr from Mr. VV.J. Langley, of Huntsville Yadkin county, North Carolina, U S.,oa?ed Nov. I, 1c53 it LAD HIS OWN WOLDS, so Profeasor Iloiloway. Sir—ii is not my wirii to become notorioa*. neither L this let er written Sort <e. sake of writin?, but t<> s; y. y> urUiin iitsiit cared n oof the most dreadful outai.eoiib dis?>es Urn tosh is heir to, and v-iiich v ar c<*->id red b\ all wl o ki ew me b entirely beyond the reach of tnedicin**. is rune jes r .vns afßioted with one o! ii e mor! j ainiui m and troublesome sor oks that cv< r fell t > ft e 10l oi mnn ; and alter try I: >4 every men Ciae 1 had ever heard of, I resinned to derp?ii: h!i S ode 011>* in> air. and ; Out a friend brought me a couple 01 laree polsof you Ointment, v.lsich caufi and tlm* sous on n*v he- to leal, and 1 iiilirely rvc;; ified my health tom\ .ys?re< able surprise ind to the uMor'i-hme* i of mv irit-fids. [Signed] * W J. I.ANGLLY. AN BXTRAOr.DINARY CURE OF A BAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Utter from Mr. R. Durant, flew Orleans, November 9;h, 1853. | To Professor Holloway, 23 Corner of Ann and Nassau N. Y. i Dear Fir—lt i with heartleit xtatmuie 1 have to inn rm y.l ! hat by th use 01 your Oit muitaiui Pills? the lit*, o. i y y, ! raw bt ?n sated. F< r seven .7 ers she had a bad breat t, wnh tel unnii gw m.ds, snot ©i csmcerc-ug 1 atute.) Iv.; * t-dd tha •ething couX i tare he-; she wtMth.n indue* and to tse y mrOint n? ntand Pi U, whin in tb*> siu rt i are of ihi-.-e months ti e t.ctid a per'eet the atm i.-hn t-nt < 1 ai; vho knev is. IV© otstaino.’ y.*ur medicii rir ra .Messrs Wticrht. & <’o. f char*re stre-.-t. New Orleans. 1 send thru from 4 Hoiel de ’r'acrs.” Paris, alttioui-ii 5 t>.n:i written ii at New * -rb *, i><- ore we nf-t ”y leli, at ihattime, ns.t, known.g jour fd;.‘rea ’few York. feigned) R. IiUKANT. The Piiis Ehonld be used c< Ljuintly with tLe ttinttaent ii n*>?t of the following ca-M's: ds.i <>>iftracted Bad braiuts. Bunions, Horn-, Otiiiblains. Chs pped hand., tnla. Gout, Glandular Swellings, Pile®, Rio-urnati-m. Hal; ! Rheum, Reside, re Nippies. Skin d;rea®e. Hearty,Sort j heads, l iters, Wounds. • *,ASoM at the Establishment of Professor Tlolloway, No. ! “Ml M AiDE.iLiKs, New Y>rk, and 24-i Htrand. j and by ail re-specie Me dntgpirt r.i.d dealer 1 ? r.f medicintf j throughout the Ctiited States, in Pots arid Boxes at 25 ient: tM n? cent;, and $1 Id each. There i .’considerab e saving bytabine thdarger sizes. N . 3.— Directions for the uidaiipe ofparentsin every Usorder are affixed to each Pot. .hw 17 — \\f%v lY] t ETO DEBT GL3 AND CREDITOKr*.-—Ah perio,,® * % ha\ : demand j against the estate ot. Richard DnzU-r, late 01 M ir. -oaiec county, Ga.. deceased, v/ill present them in torts* of tr.e law, and those indebted to said deceased will come for wardand make pavment. —ir4 f vl ‘ JOHV R m/rPR. Ev.; Cn tor. William WeUs, j Rtil in Meriwether S iperior vn, I Coart to compel .-Moses Jones M >®es Jones. T.x'r f Executor of the !nd will and 4t John \V. Wells, J te->’am*of John Well?, inter#’ s-.fd coantv, dec. a?e<l, and Jo‘ n W. >Vl!s. t sccoti-i io ‘ m plainar.t f*r tha amount in thrlr hanjjs acerulrfto comj laint an* nnie*-1 *e In®* will and testaiaeut Os John VVtllg, late ol ss’d cons’ v. deceas. and. I T appearing to the court'that the f,vd M J®-ms res'do? a teyo? and t h v. j iriadiction of this court. It i-; ordered that th rt'l lefend© r :i. (ones, appear at the next te-m oi this court on the fourth M - oAxi to August next.and plead or riemu to said HiH; and it is fnrlher ordered, that service of said fit 1 be peifccte-l on said Moses Jones, by p U i | cat.on of ibi- or.?# r ©nee a month for four months before the next term c>* ?h?er©nr in some puhjic Gi#-ife published in the city or rhti.mhns h •aid rveu?. hy tbs Court, I?A I.L hrr vnum, ’ ’ nOT r GJIEfTY, Coroplfttriant’* rti/Rcl’orfc. A trae^atr* fn'.st* if.c ~f A r^foi Cwur* Af L bfuArji ifta. fi,i* Ifdh kereh. Just Kfodved and for tale Cheap A 1# O T o F b ’ It l!1 I> €Ar; E Hi. I juneT-—lw2m R. Al. ALDVVOiITH &. CO. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! I tl2.e Pufclic. 4 O you know that? < Lvtrj i'ody desin: g to I lire) ase ii’e-like v:l I 1 uduriiig likenesse;? oi thoir \\ ive.=, Husbands,l'-hildieni BrotiiPr.'’, i Si-tors aml sto making a rush, to by far the h. rt, / nd oniv plate in I’ lluittbu?. wbt-ie uliii h k t-m to l r aihe and Live, can Pc got up. at shoit iu lice, in 1 -'ltd leas variety ! * tyie, :u and posse sting that itic-hneAS oi iini-ii, which ha.- never 1 rt keen equalled or apt roaehed, at any Other eslahlitKmerit in the State of Leorgia. Forget it not, ar.d witeiiever you want a f'ern of a Picture,caii at C. f. DIiPIAV’S i xcelsior Gallery—*’oodbridge’s'oJd Mand. M any ihous.nde! of Fictare?, in Con tnbus, hj tvk for themselves, and testify to the above. March 31. 1855. twtf. KIDDLE’S Fashionable Eagnericrn Cailcry. pHKPr. p itt. r i ht#?* e I<’y. n. neate>t, ami most fr?h ©La -1 Ii y atmiiiitu GA LLE I Y or 11-e Ait in the Htaie He uses tliebesi niai. nai. ana al 4 ovs n. Ii ii g Lut fij.-t ciasij P.ctun-H t© l-hve hi In. mi s . Ho ferret not. ye 1. \. rs 1 f if e Fire Aits, v hen y* -pliv f>r*h <> oi tadi those ftiipeirsl ahh *een s, to c>ll n lUUELK. •t 5 .Si ive you a rtamiM me P c’"rehi and a (.? <ul I a*!.# nco P Aivtortakin rhiutri !-, fan# ly gun p,. Hieiic.-i. s<■>, t • i usr views,&.<*., hedfie-* anv Artist c< ui H t<> i.p isa um. Ko < sou Broad S.rett, Over L . My^at,’s L-y 1.1 OGB vore • olumbus, a. rn.r !1 - u.9m. $3 PIE BUSHIL FCE WETAT. pFIF. Von; orufciy Mil]-, al M#.i ttorrury Ala , n and tl* ra’jsre M !ls. at Ooluinbus <ia.. (iimiti'g -iir <l. in pun ia.ts ‘>2 >,OOO bushels) will ; ayf, - . Uicr. ntu e II hut', 1 . rpia ind Alabama raised wheat, ot li e new nop, iLe lolowksf j ices. cao. Delivered at ti’.her lorlL, previous o the i.>tl A’ev $3 Bu-hel. Previourto lit- 20th, 15 •* .. “ “ iJU'h, it, i> . K ,o u li “ Jstt. June 2 25 ” “ is: July 200 4i * Oholce ID d25 ceais per bushel less. Flxtj po:n*ds to the rnshei. , % g Paporj |n Alabama, 1?e ween Eufaula nrl Wes ind ,n /Vstern Georeis. north of Americus, w t p.en.e is #ert *ne dollars worth. Georgia raters will be ad fcj fa.ace >ii ls. and Alabamaprpprs by Moutgcmcrv Mills. M-ntgomery. Arrilsfc, ;855.‘* ’ may i—twtf. F.nquirtr c# py. GEORGIA Mrscngee inunlyt Court of Ur(l nary. ay Term, 1855. L>ULE Nil Sl. Lev:#-., >. we, Adimiiisirainx on the em II tjfeoi Wm. Luwe, deceased, having a, plitd hr l,tter if D : -mi=a!C!i: t o motion, it is ‘.ndervd, that ail persons p-onrerrud si-ow if.j-jil sny hroe. why said administratrix may i-ot i e aismispod h in saiitmdrninislriti©*! m the eourtef Ordii-arv to icxt lii 5U &n<i tGr Sa;d 60 ou lDe firsl Mi.udi> lu December _A true transcript from the minutrf> r said o©ur, A.'av slet 1 ‘ nvv2lw m j. lfV jnpVHOK.Oniiiwry. L(iK(x]A, I AYLOR G( >1 N'l Y.—Gideon New* aJ adminLtnitor of Stephen Johnson, iate of .-aid county,,deceased, and Dann l W. Miiler acimi>.trator of •Kin Char es,late of A ; abama, deceased, apply lor difmie “ion irom their respective administrations. Orders for cita tion nave been granted. jP er -* connewied are required to appear at the Court cl Ordinary for said comity, on the first Monday in August next, and make objection, if they have any ; otherwise the applicants v. iil be dismissed. Given under my hand, at Office. January 27th, 1855. jan3o—v.Gm JOHN STURDIVANT, Ordinary. GLORGIA. Randolph Ccunty. _ Cont ot * b dinarv of said * o-unty. April Term, 1855. IT appearing to this Court that William Griffin, Admin i.t!ator of thp estate of James Henrerser, lete 1 1 said county deceawd. has fuilv admini-lercd .-aid estate* l and taiih b'ilv cii=i l barged the t>u-t reposed in him as administrator aforesaid: A and having mare a| plication l< r I ettere of DismisFtou: Jt is ordeifd by the Ci;i ri that ad l snirt icte '**ted,phor caoee to the contrary ip or leior® ih^ 1 Rfit October Tettn of shia Court, otherwise nu-l AetT.iL©>t<a;o* wU! be thon a''d iii"(e di-mise/d Olj>Tit ntitidj jay v47d Aplii fed. 1855, Pj&pN&a, 0. ?• ilii&Lisj Oi&tHUy