The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, July 11, 1855, Image 4

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SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY, (BY THE AUTHORITY OF TIIE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS R. To be drawn July 13, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! £tf*Aiid remember every Prize is drawn at euch drawing and paid when duo WITHOUT DEDUCTION. ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 1 PRIZE OF .; 2,000 o u “ 1,000 1 r 44 500 \\ 44 JOO 78 “ •> 120 “ 25 CW” Tickets S-l; Halves 82 50; Quarters 81 25. Bills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. . SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 28, —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. {T7“ All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. are some ot the prizes sold and cashed by John May, in the last drawing: 1 prize of SSOO, besides several of SSO and 825. In order to secure a prize in the next drawing of the above scheme, send in your orders early. By Authority of tho State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. subscriber having accented from the Commissioners JL tho Agency and Management ot the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the pm cipal Cfllce at Atlanta, Georgia, anc intends conducting tho Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military Academy lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY. 4=- fljf To he drawn duly 23d, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., when Prizes amounting to Sg Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! And remember every Prize is drawn at eacn Drawing, and paid when duo WITHOU i’ DEDUCTION! 1 PRIZE OF $15,000 I do 5.000 1 do 4,000 1 do 3,000 I do 2,000 J (lo 15.00 1 do 1,100 5 Prizes of 1,000 10 do _ 500 501 Prizes in all amounting to SBO,OOO ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! f EgJ r Tickets $lO ; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21 —td Atlanta. Georgia. BATHING TUBS* Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc, may 19- tw4m. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. LEGAL NGTICEb Stale of Georgia, Early Cotmtv: Court of Ordinary, May Term 1855. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of William Griffin, that Ma'ttiew Perryman, late of said county deceased,did inhislifotime execute to William G. Wood his bond, condi tioned to execute good and sufficient titles to said Will am G. Wood for lot of land No. 91, In tho 2Sih District of Eariy county; Audit, furthci appearing that said JUatthew Perryman departed this liie without executing tides for said land, or in any way pioviding therefor, and before the purchase money for said land was .due; And it further that said William G. Wood for value received and by endorsement transferred said Bond to the said William {Griffin, on a certain day, in said gpetition mentioned; And it further appearing that said William Griffin has fully paid the amount ot the pur chase money for said lot of land to Benjamin Collier, adminis trator on the estate of said Matthew Perryman deceased; And said William Giiffin having petitioned this Court to d'rect the t aid Benj imiu Collier, administrator as aforesaid, to execute to him titles for said lot of land in conformity with said bond. It is therefore hereby ordered, that notice be given at three or more public pi ices in said county, and in the Columbus Times &. Sentinel for three months of such application, that all per sons concerned may tile objeetious in the said Ordinary’s of fice (if any they have) why said Benjamin Collier, administra tor as aforesaid, should not execute titles to.taid lot ol land iu conformity to said Bond as required by law. A true extract Irom the minutes of saiil court, this May Otli, 1855. junlß--w3m 8. S. STAFFORD, Ord. e. c. Wm. 11. Jaillet. ) Meriwether Superior Court. vs. [• Wm. Irvine. y mortgage, & v. rr sent the Honrable Oville A. Dull , Judge of said Court. IT appearing to the Court,by the petition of vVilliam H. Jail let tnat on the 26th day ot July 1854, William Irivneof said county, made and delivered to the said Wm. 11. his certain promissory note, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, wberhythe said Will 3in Irvine promised oil the 25th day of .January next following the date if said note, to pay said Wm 11. or bearer, Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight Dollars, and Sev enty-Five Cents, for value received, and that afterwards, in the same day and year aforesaid, the said William Irvine,the better to secure the payment of said note, executed and delivered to your petitioner his certain Deed of Mortgage, whereby be con veyed to your petitioner the west half of lot Number 2, in the town ot Greenville, known as the Taylor’s Shop fronting the Public Square—front 30 feet—running back to ,the street ad joining John Knight’s office on the east, and William Ragland’s w holcsale Grocery on the west, containing one fourth of an acre, more or leas, situated in the town ol Greenville, Meri wether county, and State of Georgia, conditioned that if the the said W illiam Irvine should pay off and discharge said note or cait:© it to be done, according to the tenor and effectthere oCthat then the said Deed of Mortgage and the said note should become null and void to all intents and purposes: An it fur tLcr appearing to tho Court that said nole remains unpaid: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that William Irvine do pay into court, by the first day ot the next term thereof, the princi pal and interest and costs due on said note, or show cause to the contrary, if any he has, and t hat on failure so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises be for ever thereat ter “.barred and foreclosed. Audit is further-or dered, That Lhts rule be published once a month for 4 months or a copy thereof be served on said William Irvine, oraspe cial agent or attorney,at least time months previous to the next term of said court. A true extract from the minutes'of Meriwether Superior Court,at February Term, 1853. This March 20th, 1855. an‘--wlm4m WM. A. ADAMS, Cl’k. State o( Georgia—Randolph County. Court of Ordinary, March Term , ]855. IT appearing to the Court, by the petition of Jacob B. Shrop shire, that William Taylor, of said county, deceased, did in his life time execute to Richard Jacobs his bond conditioned to execute good and sufllcicut titles to said Richard Jacobs for lot of land number forty-five, in the fifth districtof originally Lee, now Randolph county,—and it further appearing that said William Taylor departed this life witout executing title for said land, or in any way providing thtrefor, and before the purchase money for said land was due: and it further appearing, that subsequently to thedeath of said Wm.Taylor,the said Rich’d Jacobs, tor value received and by endorsement,transferred the said bond to one Delaware Morris, aud afterward, on a certain day,iu said petition mentioned, Ihe said Delaware A/oiris, in like manner transferred the said bond :o the said Jacob li Shrop shire, and it further appearing that. the said Jacob 11. Shrop shire has fully paid the amount of the purchase money for said land with interest, to Henry 1,. Taylor, Administrator bonis •non on the estate of said William Taylor; and said Jacob li. Shropshire having petitioned this court to direct the said Henry L.Taylor, administrator as aforesaid, to execute to him titles for 6aid lot of Jaad in conformity with said boud: It is therefore hereby ordered. That notice he given at three or more.public places m said county, and in the Columbus Times & concerned may file objections in the ssid Ordinary’s office (ilany they have) why said Henry L.Taylor, adminstrator as aforesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land in conformity to said bond as required by law. A true extract from the minutes of said court, this March 7tb 1855. mar 19 -w3m. O. P, BEALL, 04. ’VTOTICKTO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AII person .1.1 indebted to the estate of Joshua R. McCook, deceased r.r required to make immediate payment and those having de mauds are notified to present them within terms of the law apl4—w4.Wl 8. D. IIAKP, At H.J.KINO, Adra’rs. npWO months after date, application will he made to the 1 court of Ordinary ot E;.r y county,for leave io sell the lauds ht long ng to the estate of Matthew Perryman, deceased, for distribution. Blakely Ga.. June slh, 1855. RENJ. COI.LIF.H, Adm’r. / GEORGIA—EarIy County:—John J. Bird having made an ” T plication to me for l etters of Administration on the estate of Drayton Blackburn deceased: This is to notify ail persons interested that such letters will be granted to safj applicant at the August Terra next of our Court of Ordinary for said county, if no cause is shown to the contrary. Given under invband at office, this June Isth, 1855. .juunltS—w'JQd. * ‘ 8. 8. STAFFORD, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Pike county! The Petition of Robert Beatty, Stn'r, respectfully j shewetkto the Honorable the Supreme ( ourt of said County. RESPECTFULLY sheweth that heretofore, to wit, on the twenty-tilth day of December 1851, Johnston Thornton made and delivered to your petitioner his certain Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby said Johnson Thornton, amongotber things, conveyed to yovr petitioner the North of lot of land No 23, iu the Bth Dist. of originally Moutoe, then and now said county of Pike; also the South X of lot ol land No. five, in the third district, of orig inally Monroe, then and now said county of Pike, for the pur pose'ot securing to your petitioner the payment of a promisso ry note which tha said Johnston Tnornton had before that time (to wit, on theßth day < f March 1851,) made and delivered to your petitioner,whereby said Johnston Thoruion promised on or before the 25th any oi December 1852, to pay your petition er or bearer, Two Thousand Dollars for Value Received, with interest from said 6th day of March Idol, anl your petitioner avers that taid promissory note, principal and interest is still due and unpaid to amount of principal, and $453,60-100 dollars interest. Your petitioner prays your Honor to order that said Johnston Thornton may, on the first day of the next October term ot the eburt, bring and pay said money, principal and interest, at the Clerk’s office of tne Honorable court, and in default of such payment, the equity of Redemption of said Johnston Tnornton in and to the said Mortgaged premises, may be forever barred and foreclosed, and such other and further proceedings be had as are usual in cases ot foreclosing mortgages on Real Estate. BTUBCB n- HILL, Pl’ffs.Att’y. Robert Beasly, Sr. ) turns M si to foreclose moRT. yjj* ■. OAOK ON RKAL K STATE# Johnston Thornton. ) Pike Sup’r. Couit April Term 1854. Itappearing to the Court, on the affidavit of Robert Beasly, Sr., by petition in writing now filed in the clerk’s office ot this Court, that Johnston Thornton, heretofore to wit, on the 25th day of December 1851, made and delivered to said Robert Beasly, Sen’r., his Deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby said Johnstcn Thornton conveyed to said Robert Beasly Sr., among other things, the north half of lot of land No two hundred and twenty three in the eighth districtof originally Monroe, then and now said county of Pike, also the South half ot lot of land No. five, in the3d dis trictof originally Monroe, now said county ol Pike, for the bet ter securing the payment of a promissory note before that term,to wit, on the 6th day of JUareh 1851,madeand delivered to said Robert Beasly sen., by said Johnston Thornton, whereby said Thornton promised by the 25th dayof December 1852, to pay said Beasly or bearer, the sum ot Two Thousand Dollars with interest fiom said 6th and; y of March 1851, and it appearing to the Court, from the petition - aforesaid, that said promissory note is now due, principal and interest, and that the same is due on said Mortgage, to wit,the sum of two thousand dollars, principal, and the sum of four hundred and fifty three dollars and sixty cents, interest: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that said Johnston Thornton do pay into the Clerk’s offleo of this court, on or by the first day of the next October term of tnis Court, said sum of principal and interest so due, as aforesaid, and in default of such payment, that said Thornton then and there show cause, if any he lias, why this equity ot redemption in said mortgaged premises, should not be forever barred and foreclosed,and that this Rule be served personally or by publi cation once a month for four months iu one of the public ga zettes of this state before said term. By the Court. STUBBS & HILL, Pl’ffs Att’ys. The above and foregoing is a true exiract taken from the minutes of Pike Superior Court, April Term 1854. JOHN A. COOHR/tN, Clerk, Superior Court, Pike County. P.obert Beasly, Sen’r. 1 rule msi for foreclosure. vs. :>Pike Superior Court, April Term, Johnston Thornton. ) 1855. It being shown in the Court thatatlhe April Term 1854 ol this Court, a Rule Ni Si wa> duly obtained in the above stated case, and that the sa.ue has not been served upon defendant: Order ed that said Rule be enlarged, and ordered that service be per fected on said defenddent by publication once a month for four months iu the Columbus Times & Sentinel, a public gazette of this Stale or served personally on said defendent at least, three months before the first day of the next term of this Court. By the Court. STUBBS & HILL, Pl’ffs Att’y. The above is a true extract taken from the minutes of Pike Superior Court, ApiilTerm, 1855. JOHN A.COCHRAN, may2l—m4m. Clerk Superior Court. rrtWO months after the publication of this notice, applica- X tlon will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county for leave to sell part of lot No. 419 in the city of Co lumbus, beingj the North half of said JTot with the improve ments thereon, as ibe property >of the estate ot Nancy Piggott, laie of Muscogea county deceased. H mayl9—w2m KINOY L. DAVIS, Adm’r. Mary Maker 1 Bill for Discovery, Relief, and vs. > Injunction, returnable fto Chat- JVillis P. Baker,St. others .} tahoochee Superior Court,Nov. Term, 1855. IT appearing to me on the affidavit of the Complainant, in the above Bill, Mary Baker, that one of the Defendants therein, Willis P. Baker, resides beyond the limits of this State, It is or dered that the said Willis P. appear and . plead, ansv er or de mur, to said Bill at the next term of the said court, “and that publication of this order be made, as service of said bill on said WilisP., in one of the public gazettes of the city of Columbus, once u month for four months. Witness my official signature, this the 30th day of May. 1855. junlß—wm4m, EDMUND H. WORRILL, j. s.c. c. c. TWO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee county, for leave to sell all the lands be'oning to the estate oi Joshua R. McCook, late of said county deceased. June 5, J 855. SAMUEL D. HARP, < Ad , juneßw2m & HENRY J. KING. , Aam rs * The Great Purifier of the Blood. Vj^. CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King’s E\il. Kheu mutism, Obstinais Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils , Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or TeVer, Scald Head, Enlarge ment. and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ul cers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago,Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confi dence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certificates, selected from a large number, are, how ever, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors; and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and ot the highest respectability, many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. F. BoyJer, Esq., ofthe Exchange Hotel, Riohmond, known every where, says he has seen the medicine called Carter’s Span ish Mixture adtuir istered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, w ith the most aston ishingly good resuits, lie says it is the mostextraordinarymed icine he has ever seen. Aoi k asp Fkvkr—Grkat Cure—l hereby certify that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent descrip tion. 1 had several physicians, took large quantities of Quinine Mercury, aud believe all the tonics advertised, but all without any permanent relief. At last l tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me, aud lam happy to say 1 have had neither chills or fevers since. 1 consider it the best tonic in the world, and the only medicine that ever leached my case. John Longden. Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va. C. B. Luck. Esq., now in the city of Richmond, ami for many yaars in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that he has bought up wards 0150 bottles, which he has given to the afflicted. Mr l.uck says he hasnever known itto fail w hen taken according to directions. SALT RHEUM OF 20 YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Richmond, we cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish A/ixture of Sau Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which all the physi cians ofthe city could not cure. Mr.Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure .s most remarkable. Win. A. Matthews, of Richmond,had a servant cured of Syph ilis. iu the worst form, by Carter's Spanish Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medi cine. Richard E. West, ot Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and whatphysicians calk dconfirmed Consumption, by three botties of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, commissioner of the revenue, 'says he ha? seen the good effects of Carter’s Spanish Mixture in a number ol Syphilitic cases,and say sit is & perfect cure ter thathorribledis ease. Wra.G. Harwood.of Richmond, cured of Old Sores and Ul cers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles ol Carter’s Spanish .Mixture, and was’enabled to w alk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE &. C0.,N0.83, Maid en Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT & SONS,No. 132, North 2d street,Philadel phia. BENNETT it BEERS, No. 125, Main street, Richmond, V a. THOS. M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga GESNER &. PEABODY, DANFORTH & NAGEL, Columbus, G a nd by drug fi strand country merchants every where. APrice SI ; eixhottlepfor $5. June 17, 1851—w&twlv INTRODUCTION OF j Professor James McClintock’s CELEBRATED Family Medicines. ‘t&p.Thie is to certify , that 1 have placed in the hand of Messrs A. Cushman &. Cos , Mew York , the receipts of my “Family Med icines,” with my full authority toprepate and off er them for pop- In securing the co-operation of Mr. Alexander Cushman , who j is a thoroughly educated Chemist and practical Apothecary oj many years'experience, lam enabled to assure the public that they will be prepared in the best, purest and most pcrject form, regardless of expense. , , . .1 AMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late Professor of An atomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia College of Medicine and Acting Prolessor of Midwifery; one of the Consulting Physicians of the Philadelphia Hospital. Bloeckly; late member of the National 51 edical association: Menibet of the Philadelphia Medical Society: member of the Medico-Chir urgical College of Philadelphia; formerly President and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Casfleton Medical Codece Vermont; and also late Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in Berkshire Medical Institution, Mass &c.&c. Important to Consumptives, And all who are afflicted with Bronchitis, or weakness of the Lungs. Dr. McClintock’s Pectoral Syrup is recommended as one of the best and safest remedies ever used fur Bronchitis, Consumption and all diseases of the Lungs and Air Passages, For any of these forms of disease showing themselves hr Cough, Tickling of the Throat, Sense of Tightness in the. Throat or Chest, Spitting of Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness or Loss of Voice, Hectic Fever, Might Sweats, &c., this SI HUP has been used with unbounded success for many years; it con tains no opium, morphine or antimony , which injurious drugs form thebasis of almost all the quack remedies for lung com pluints. The Great Peculiarity of Dr. McClintoch's Pectoral Syrup, is that in all chronic dis eases of the throat and lungs , it may be taken by the most delicate patient with perfect safety. It contains no injurious drugs, like the common remedies used for pectoral complaints. It is pleas ant to the palate, produces no nausea or debility, but. may betaken freely and constantly, with the certain result of purifying the bl od, strevgening the stomach, and renovating the entire system while Healing and soothing the irritated organs, and producing gradually a perfact cure. ” Priceinpint bottles $1; six bottles for $5. Full directions ac companying each bottle. McClintock’s cold and cough Mixture. Colds and recent C oughs, especially if accompanied by fever or inflammatory excitement, require aremedy different in character from, the Pectoral Syrup, which is so valuable in chronic com plaints. The Cold and Cough Mixture is precisely the cure for such recent coughs, cold and irritation of the throat and lungs. It is especially valuable for children; no family in our changeable climate, should be without this efficient remedy, which if taken oh the first symptoms of cold, would prevent many an attack of Bronchitis, and a fatal issue in consumption. Mo Laudanum or preparation of Opium, in any shape in this syrup. Price per bottled cents. Purifying the Blood. The following, from the Mew York Tribune, will doubtless be very seasonable to all who seek not only to preserve their health, but to guard against all possible cuntivgcnces which threaten to destroy it : “We would call special attention to the importance of purifying the blood. Mothivg is so prevalent as a gross and sluggish state of the blood. We have no hesitation in recommending to those who would preserve their health, a free use of the best purifying medicine known to modern medical science, viz; Dr. McClintock’s Tonic Alterative Syrup* This remedy is not. only delightful to the taste, but perfectly safe and rapid in its effects. It stimulates the liver and other glands to natural action, gives tone and new vigor to all the func tions, and enables them to throw off all morbid and unhealthy ac cumulations.' I'’ 1 '’ During the extensive, practice of Professor McClintock, one of the most celebrated Physicians in Philadelphia, thousands of cases of Scrofula. Erysipelas, Scurvey, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Skin diseases of all kinds, Ulcers, Cancers. Pimples, Boils and Rheumatism, together with Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases in all stages were cured by the free use of Dr\McClintock's Tonic Al terative Syrup. Fur children it is perfectly safe, and from its pleasant taste can be easily given. Those who are troubled with tny of the above complaints , should take it regularly, Spring and Fall. Price in large bottles. Six bottles $5. TREATMENT OF DYSPEPSIA. Our National Disease. Feeble or hnberfect Digestion or Dyspepsia, in some of its forms, is truly the Mational Disease of America. It caases, in directly, three-fourths of the sickness common to this climate. It causes impure Blood, irritations and acrid Humors in the Stom ach, Liver, Bowels and Glands, and the system thus poisoned be comes a prey to an endless train of evil symptoms, of which the following arc a few, viz: Headache, Giddiness, Mervousness, Low Spirits, Dimness of Vision, with Mote, Speck or Webs be fore the Eyes, Itching of the Nostrils, Dullness of hearing, and Ringing or L ramming in the Ears, Bad taste in the Mouth, Tightness or Weight about the Chest, Difficulty of Breathing, Sense-of Suffocation hi lying down nr ascending stairs, Palpita tion or uneasy feeling about the Heart , Irregular or deficient Ap petite, sense of sinking at the hca-t, sinking at the Stomach, Ac ridity, Heartburn, pain or fullness in the Abdomen, Costiveness, icc. Some of these symptoms alway< appear in Dyspepsia. They are often mistaken for, and treated as other diseases. Their main seat and source, however, is the Stomach , and a deranged condition of the digestive functions. To meet and overcome those, symptoms radically, and restore perfect health and vigor to the system, a safe and certain remedy is found combining all the most valuable ingredients offered by the vegetable Kingdom, in Dr. McCLIMTOCICS DY> PEPTIC ELIXIR. Its daily use would be a blessing to thousands who suffer from the bane of weakness. As the prescription of a leading physician, it can be used with confidence by all. Price in large bottles, sl. An Universal Fill. Dr. McClintock’s Vegetable Purgative Pills, though not. war ranted to care all diseases, ore a specific against the numerous disorders that urise from Costiveness, and Costiveness is the bane of life to thousands; giving rise as it dues to Headache, Appo plexy, Impure Blood. j\ ervousuess,Low Spirits. Lassitude, Pains in the Bowels and elsewhere, and other symptoms to numerous to mention. Costiveness w ill cause or aggravate almost every known disease, thvrefore the Pill best adapted to cure this danger ous habit is entitled to the boosted name of an Universal Pill Those who are willing to try a scientific medicine, safe, certain , mild and thorough in its action, yet operating without pain, should use freely Dr. McClintock's Vegetable Purgative Pills. Price twenty five cents per box. Rheumatism and Neuralgia. These excruciating diseases are radically cvrsd by taking Dr. McClintoch's RHEUMATIC MIXTUTE in doses of a tca spoonful three times a. day. We have seen the worst cases relieved by it in twenty-four hours. For external vse we havenever known so powerful and penetrating an application as Dr. McClintoch's RHEUMATIC LIMIMEMT. For swelled limbs, bruises, internal pains, cramps , chilblains, stiff joints, toot/iuche, and oth er pain f ill complaints, where we have seen it tried, it acts with magical effect. T/iesercmedics arc sold at 50 cents per bottle. Have you the Ague 1 ? If so do not injure your Constitution by resorting to the com mon cures in use. F.ven very learned physicians are hi the habit of prescribing Quinine, Arsenic, Blue Pills, and other powerful drugs, which often do more harm than good, even if they stop the chills. On the contrary, the more and oftener you take. Dr. McClintock’s Fever and Ague Specific, the stronger willyour constitution become, andthe better your appetite and the vigor of the whole system. It. is eminently an article that CAM BE TaKEM WITHOUT FEAR! and withal it has never fail ed to cure all forms of Fever end Ague, Inter mittent Fever, Bil lions Fever, Panama or Chagres Fever, Dumb Ague, &.c. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Whooping Cough Cured. This distressing disease is thoroughly and quickly cured by Dr McClintock's Asthma and Whooping Cough Remedy. It, con tains no op um andean he given lo children with perfect safety. A few drops at bed time quiet the cough all night, and a few do ses cure entirely. Instant Eelief from Fain. Mo person need suffer from Toothache, Headache, Menrclgia nr Rheumatic pains, Colic, Chilblains , Pleurisy or Stitches in the Side, Pain in the Back , side, limbs, bowels, bladder , or in any part of the body, who will apply to Dr. MoChntock's AMOD YME MIXTURE. Its effect is like, magic—producing immediate ease and quiet, refreshing sleep, even in cases of the most excruciating suffering. Every family should be provided with a bottle, Price Fifty Cents. Dysentery and Diarrhcea. These severe diseases are now prevalent in various parts of the country. They may be zcholly prevented , and in the beginning promptly checked, by Dr. McClintoch's DIARR H(F.A COR DIAL, one of the most astonishing specifics for all Bowel Com plaints ever discovered. Thousands of cures have been made du ring the past summer, and many lives saved by this medicine —so simple and cheap that every family can procure it. Price twenty fire cents and fifty cents per botile. Sold in Columbus by ROBERT CARTER, and by localagents throughout the State of Georgia. A. CUSHMAN, & CO., 122 Fulton street, N. Y. Sole Proprie tors of Prof. McClintock’s Family Medicines. dec2)—tw3in. GEORGIA, TAYLOR COUNTY'.—Gideon New som administrator of Stephen Johnson, late, of said county, deceased, and Daniel W. Miller administrator of John Charles,late of Alabama, deceased, apply for dismis sion from their respective administrations. Orders for cita tion have been granted. All persons concerned are required to appear at the Court of Ordinary for said county, on the first Monday in August next, and make objection, if they have any ; otherwise the applicants will be dismissed. Given under rav hand, at Office, January 27th, 1855. jan3o—w6m ‘ JOHN STURDIVANT, Ordinary. NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. FRENCH, English and American Prints. French Cambrics and Brilliants. Scotch and Ftench Ginghams; all Styles. Bareges. Tissues and Light Colored Ch&lleys. Light Summer Silks and Grenadines* A Choice Selection of Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, Collars, and Collars ai.d Sleeves to match Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings and Bauds. English and German Hosiery—of every descrijtiou. Damask and Mustin Drape rv. r ALSO, A Superior lot of Irish Linens. 6—4 Pillow Case— and Cotton. 10-4 It—4 &l 12-4 Cotton and Linen Sheetings, 3 ply, Ingrain and Linen Carpeting. Evei jde scription of goods usually found in out liue--al! of which wilt be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Coiumbus, March 3, 1r55. wfctwtf, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKAW &CO., & Have now in Store a Complete Assortment oi SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to t h interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our lino with despatch, as DANIEL ROWE AND GEO. 11. BETZ Will give their entire attention to tlie work entrusted to them. <3j£k.3F1.30 Takes this his friends that he is now permanently located at s. jl lats&w. * mm, ! Where lie will be happy to see them, and pledges himselt to give his entire attention toall who may desire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. J. H. DANIEL & THOMAS, 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Arc in constant receipt of the Latest Styles oi Fashionable Ready Made Clothing, OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. THEY ALSO HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD ASSOItTMEN F Gents. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, r lrunks, Carpet Logs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c., &c. % Jill Jill XXXX ]ft. Together with a large Stock ot CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTI IN GS, Which they are prepared to Manufacture to order, in the mo_t fashionable and ap proved styles. . . jjggpjn this branch of their business they owe an apology to those oi t neir patrons whom they have recently unavoidably disappointed, but, as the cause has been remo ved, they feel confident, with the assistance of the well-known cutter, jSI. Whose character for faithfulness, courtesy and promptitude is so well established, that n future their patrons will meet with that courtesy and despatch which shall atone or all past disappointments. a y - () th ; !Sus w&twtf. A CUBE FOB ALL!! 4(l 5 ,M Wmitf Mulftv THE AMERICAN’S FRIEND ! ! HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. HO L L O W A ¥’ S O IN TM E N T. Citizens of the ! Union — You have done me the honor as with one voice, from one end ot the Union to the other, to stamp the character of my Ointment with your approbation, it scarcely two years since 1 made it known among you, and already it. has obtained more celebrity than any other medicihe in so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner ot Ann and Nassau streets, New York. Astonishing cure of Sore Legs , after nine years standing l Copy ofletter from Mr. W. J. Langley, of Huntsville, Yatlkin county, North Carolina, U. S., dated Nov. 1,1853. READ HIS OWN WORDS. To Professor Holloway, Sir—lt is not my wish to become notorious, neither is this let ter written for the sake of writing, but to say, that your Oint ment cured me of the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that tlesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine year* I was afflicted’ with one of the most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying every med icine 1 had ever heard of, I resigned to despair all bode ol being cured ; but a friend brought me a couple of large pots of your Ointment, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, and 1 entirely regained my health to my agreeable surprise anddelight, aud to the astonishment of my friends. [Signed] W J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A BAD ERE AST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a letter from Mr. R. Durant , New Orleans , November 9th, 1853. To Professor Holloway, 38 Coiner of Ann and Nassau streets, N. Y. Dear Sir—Tt is with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved. For seven years she had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not of a cancerous nature.) 1 was told that nothing could save her; she was then induced to use your Oint ment and Pills, when in the short space of three months they effected a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us. We obtained your medicines from Messrs. Wright, & Go., of Chartres street, New Orleans. 1 send this from “Hotel des Princes,” Paris, although I had written it at New Orleans, be fore we finally leit, at that time, not knowing your address at New York. (Signed) R. DUR ANT. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most, of the following cases: Bad Leg, Contracted and Stiff Joints, Lumbago, Sore Throats, Bad breasts. Bunions, Burns, Chilblains, Chapped hands, Fis tulas, Gout, Glandular Swellings, Piles, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds, Sore Nipples, Skin disease, Scurvy, Sore heads, Ulcers, Wounds. **Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, No. 80 M Aid knL an K. New York, aud 214 Strand, London, and by all respectable druggist and dealers of medicines throughout the United States, in Pots and Boxes at 25 ents 02% cents, and $1 (JO each. There is considerable saving by taking thelarger sizes. N. B.—Directions fortheguidanceofparentsiu everydisorder are affixed to each Pot. June 17—wly. PRICES REDUCED. FEED THE PEOPLE. OUPERFTNE ELOUR, per bbl. (including sacks.) 8 9,00 Georgia Superfine, 8-bO Georgia Mills 7,00 Meal per bushel 6120 Shoits, per hundred lbs .$1.30 Brau “ “ u SLOO Flour from New White Wheat, A SPLENDID ARTICLE. EXTRA FAMILY, per bbl Sl2 Double Extr i do. “ 13 junel4—twtf PALACE MILLS. STOVES & TIN WARE. tTTE have ou hand a fine assortment of COOKIXG- W STORES JljVO TIJf- WAR E, lor sale Cheap. Hoofing and Guttering promptly attended to and Warranted. may!9—tw4m. R. M. ALDWORTH, fc i.O, TO THE PATRONS OF PEKRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIfl KILLER. OWING to the large amount of Counterfeit Pain Kille) put up and sold as genuine by unprincipled men, we have been obliged to resort to very expensive measures to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public from great injury, by buying and using their worthless counterfeits. Tne compar ative plain and simple style in which our Fain Killer has beeh put up, has made it very ea*-y for those di.-posed, to im itate it very successfully, as far as its external app- arance, in style of bottle, label, and color of the article; but we need not say that the compound is a miserable, filthy production, and calculated to do great injury to those who might use it with the confidence they have been accustomed to use the genuine Pain Killer. Parties whose business it is to counter feit valuable preparations, do it in such a secret manner,that It is almost uselessto attempt to punish them by legal meas ures, as it is difficult, end wc might say impossible to bring the proof home to them. Considering the great difficulty in protecting ourselves and the public by prosecuting parties, we have been to a very great expense in getting up a ; finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LABEL, or our bottles. We also attach to our bottles a Steel. Engra ved note of hand, which we issue as our obligation and th‘ e counterfeit which is held to he forgery by the laws of the United States, and which parties will not dare attempt to do. The great expense attending the getting up and priming of these labels, will prevent the attempt to counterfeit us se feuring to the public that the article they purchase isthe gen uine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, manufactured by Perry Davis & Son, Sole Proprieiors, The Pain Killer will be put up in anew styie of Jpanel bot tle. with the words DAVIS’ VEGET ABLE PAIN KILLER, blown in the Glass. We have discontinued the use of the 37% cent bottles and now put up only four oizes. viz—12% cents, 25 cents, 50 cents,and sl, per bottle. We have also a very fine Engraving on stone, for the Box labels, specifying the contents of the box, where and by whom manufactured, &c. We have also added to our Pam p’netof directions and certificates, a cover beautifully finish ed, presenting on the first page a very excellent likeness of Perry JJavis, the original inventor of the Pain Killer. The bottle labels, and one label on each box, has also a correct likeness of Perry Davis, wi.ich it will be impossible to coun terfeit successfully. We have been to this expense, that the public might have perfect confidence that they were getting the genuine article when they buy a bottle above described. To these who have so long used and proved the merits of out article, we would say that we shali continue to prepare our Pain Killer of the best and purest materials, and (fiat it be every way worthy of their approbation as a family medicine. PERRY DAVIS SON, Providence, R. 1. Manufacturers and Proprietors, f f'9 ll w.*tw3m. NEW CARPET’stOKE AGENCY. THE subscriber is Agent Guinn. New Carpet Store Savannah, Ga., who has alwayson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Bugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Bods, &c. Samples and pricesof all quzlitirs of Carpeting and oil ( ‘loth may be seen at my store, 82 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., and any of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpetscut torooms free of charge, and made, it desired, >t a sroallcoinpensation, by au experienced hand in ?avnnuaj. I will be regularly supplied with new pattern? for the coming Se&Bon ’ P. A CLAYTON, 82 Bros'i Street. Columbus, May 3 twtf