The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, July 14, 1855, Image 5

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lloufo for tho bill, there was not one Northern Know Nothing. Bad, therefore, as a portion of the Northern Democrats are, (suoh men for instance, as I)ix, Van Bo ren C 0.,) justice to such of them as are true to the Constitution, requires it to be made known, that a ma jority of them in both Houses of Congress, including good and bad together, stood by the rights of the South on this great question. And if the Kansas Bill had been left to the Northern Democrats, only, including sound and un- j 6ound, the measure would have been carried in both j Houses of Congress without another vote either for or against it from the North or South. These are impor j tant facts for the South to be informed upon and to con sider well before they join any national party* one of whose main objects is to “crush out” and “put down ’ those men at the North vrho have proved themselves true, not only to the Union , but to the Constitution , and our rights under it, even if they do call themselves Democrats Parties should be characterized and known by their principles and not their names. Respectfully, Alexander 11. Stephens. P. S. Most of the seven Southern YVhigs who voted against the Kansas Bill, are Know Nothings and to the best of mv belief, every one of them are. Crawfordtille, Ga., July 12, 1850. rprom the Albany Patriot.] 2nd District Congressional Convention. Americas, Ga., July 11, 1855. The Convention convened at 1 o,clock. On motion of r rt l A \ Allen, of Decatur, Col. J. A. Tucker, of Stew art, was called to ihe Chair, and R. H. D. Sorrel requested to Col on taking the Chair, explained in a few ap propriate remarks, the object of the Convention, viz: F To make a nomination ot a suitable candidate to bear the banner of Democracy in triumph against the proscrip llV On P acah being madeoi the counties, the following eoun- J G. Sapp, Dr. John G. Slappey. Calhoun— B. G. Brown, Jeaw Gnffin. < i.\y—Simeon Tyner, J. K.^-anders. Chattahoochee — Hiram r. Sneed. , T , ‘ DE'. \tur —Col. A. A. Allen, J- D. Evan?, H. H. Me* j K Doolv—W F. Brown, .I.C. Royals, L. J . Crow. j Dotoherty— A. E. Harris, Col. VV. J Lawton, B. O. j Keaton, P. E Tarver, N. W. Collier, J. L. Dunham. j KmcmTo^NEE—D l^ 8 Harrell. J. S- McJunky, J. W. j B. Griffin, M-N. Bush, Smith, O. laggart.Dr, | J, J^E--J n (imcr, Win. Haynes G Kimbrough. | Macon— F. T. Sneed, W. H. Willis, J. A. Hunter, J. j W. Cunningham, M. E. English. Mariov. —J. L>. Matthews, M. L. Bievetis, T. o,iver,H. I —M. J. Wellborn, J. Hamilton, R. J. Mos es, A. J. Robison, J.B. Hicks. PuLASK,-Dr. C. E. Clark, Dr. M. I*. Fort. Randolph.—S. A. smith, /adock bav>e., and. v\ . Su viter Fj. R. Brown, W. B. Stewart, A. K. Lamar, Wm. Brady, H. M. Moore, H. Johnson. Stewart.-B. K. Harrison, J. G. Singer, W . H. House, J. A. Tucker, G. N. Phillips. „ T Worth —J. G. Brown, M. Simmons,b. P. Jones. On motion of A. A. Alien, of Decatur, a Committee ot five was appointed by tho chair to pormauen, otii cers for the Convention. The Chair appointed Col. A. A. Ai.en.oi Decatur, Col. W. J. Lawton of Dougherty, Dr. A. J. Robison, ot Mus cogee, Judge E. R Brown oi Sumter. Tho committee reported as permanent officers, Mon. M. J. Wellborn, as President, and R. H. D. borre., aa sec re fftTV. Tho Chair appointed the same committee to wait upon the President elect and notify him ot the same anu eecort him to tho Chair. „ , . r . u - ... Judge Wellborn addressed the Convention lor nan an hour, reminding the delegates of the repeated triumphs oi the Democracy in this district, and that in the presoni L'on it behooved the Democrats to put forth their stiengtn Is of old, and carry out their time honored principle* ot re licioustolerance. ~ , r „ l he Convention adjourned to attend the aadre*J °‘Coy. Johnson in another portion of the city, after which the Convention ** as to meet again tor selection oi a suitable candidate for Congress. , , T T • , Convention met at 5 o'clock: Col. VV. J. Lawton movsd that two thirds of the vote cast snouid be required to elect, and that each county be entitled to cast one vote tor each Senator, and two votes for each Representative, to wliien each county is entitled in the State Legislature, which was carried unanimously. F. T- Sneed of Macon, announced that Col. Samuel flail’s name having been spoken of as a candidate lor the nomination, he was instructed to with draw the name of Col. Hall. , T r ca \ On motion of Col. Lawton, Judge M. J. Crawford, be nominated by acclamation, which was earned unanimous ly and with much applause, the motion receiving tho hearty sanction of every member of the Convention. . On motion of Col Lawton, a Committee was appointed by the chair, to wait upon Judge Crawford, notitv him ot his nomination, and ask his acceptance thereof. Iho Chair appointed, Col. Lawton of Dougherty , Col. lucker ot Stewart, and A. R. Lamar of Sumter. Col B. K. Harrison, offered the following resolutions, which wore unanimoiv-ly carried: . Resolved, Wo cordially approve of the platform of punv ciples as eet forth bv the Democratic Convention lately ruyff in Milledgeville, June sth. f R ‘.solved, We ratify the nomination of Hon. 11/ > • Johnson as our candidate for Governor and earnest/ re commend him to the voters of this District for re~etfction. The committee having returned. Col. Lawton introdu ced! Judge Crawford to the Convention, who, in a hand some and eloquent manuer, accepted the nomination, and then proceeded to mako a few remarks in relation to the duties to be performed by the Democracy ip this dis trict, promising to do his duty ; said that ho ‘would ex pect every true friend of the cause to do hisl Ilia re marks were received with rapturous applause and much enthusiasm. On motion of B. K. Harrison, the thanks ot‘ the Con* vention were tender* and to the President and Secretary. M. L. Evans, moved that the proceedings be publish ed in the Democratic papers of this district. The Convention then adjourned sine die. M.J. WELLBORN,President. R. H. D. Sorkkl, Sechr. Foreign Military Companies in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, July 13. General Sargent to*day made a formal demand on each of the military companies composing Irish battalions, to deliver up forthwith all the arms, appendages and accou trements in their possession. The order was obeyed by only one compiny, whereupon General Sagent served out writs of replevin, and the Sheriff took possession oi‘ the entire accoutrements of the other companies. A similar demand is to be made on the various German companies. The cause of this is the insubordination that was manifested on tho Fourth of July celebration. There is considerable excitement on the subject. Removal of Foreign School Teachers at Louisville. Louisville, July 13, 1855. The Board of School Trustees in this city, by a vote of •even to five, have dismissed several teachers in our public schools on account of their foreign birth and Catholic pro clivities. The affair oreates much feeling in our com munity. [rOR THE TIMES ASD SEHTIKBL.j Fairie Knowe.Julv l, 1855. ■Air. Lomax:— l see some ot the corps editorial (I do not know who.) say I cordially approve the resolutions passed in Miliedgovilie on the sth June. It is strange any one should have ventured such an assertion, when it is sta ted that 1 moved to strike out one of them, and I believe you know I moved in Committee to strikeout all about the Know .Nothings. is stated that I intended tdD move a postponement of the Convention and abandon it 1 in disgust alter 1 saw Mr. Holt’s letter. Not so. Before 1 got to MiUedgeville, 1 said I would move & postpone I inept, and l felt under some obligation to do so even after I found it would meet with no favor. When I saw Mrr- Jiolt’s letter 1 felt no longer under such an obligation, but i felt no disgust about it and certainly I -did not authorize any one to.feel disgusted for me. Please make room for this aud oblige Your Ob’t. Serv’t. JOHN’ A.JONTS. Hoofland'sGerman Bitter*,, prepared and sold ; by Dr. J ackson, at iboGerinau Medical Store. ISO Arch street, Philadelphia,lncrease So their wtell deserved celebrity, for tbo tre of an dmeas-.s arising irons derangement ©r tbe Liver.*- These Butera have, indeed, proved a blessing to the afflicted, who show their gramude by the ml flattering testimonial*.— Ifc ; a UHslfeiu* ha* eaiabiisoed o its6if a name that competi tors, bow#vr wily sciernes, or aeducilv a th*ir promisee, eaacct reach. Ujfdced me p ibhe couSdaacvr.y the immense beneSse that nave beeo derived t'ruia it, and wul aver maintain its position. Tfcli* invaluable medicine raav be ptncbaM'd cf aillba Drns ri*siuCal.inbat pf Dedlers aoccraily throughout the W tUte*. J* COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. “ CORRECTED BT E. BARNARD AND CO. BAGGlNG—Kentcky am Vlir( p __ ® _ . East India ! Ifi ® 18 BALEROPLKy j 111 12* i beaswax ZH i8 % 20 I (JANDLEfcf —Sperm 37 & 40 Star .W.Vlb 28 @ 30 rnrppp t>? a,low Iff 18 ® 20 i COFFEE—R IO y>lb: 13 @ 14 -java ijribi 16 @ 18 rrmv La Suira IP lb! 15 @ - Kv;;;'; bushel 90 ® 100 DOMESTIC GOODS— Cot Osnaburgs yd 11 ® 12 X I'ro Shirting.-p yd: 7*® 0 4-4 Bro Sheeting. Vyd 8 ® 10 r Mackerel No. 1 20 00 @.25 00 No. 2 15 00 @ 20 00 , No. 3 12 00 @ 15 00 P-Toitd 8d piecei ® V bbl: 10* @ 14 00 HFn^ V^ DER Vkeg 6 @ 650 HIDES—Dry tt> 8 @ lo Wet lb; IRON-Pig _ 1 _ English yi, 5 @ ~M p Vlbi ■ 8 5 - gallon, 45 @ 50 dLS—Linseeand J ra,n * •Pgatj 75 @ 100 ?P er . m $1,50® 2 50 PROVISIONS.” ** gKl ! S ‘£ 3 2 BEEF- Mess ae lb _ _ Prime ft! 15 @ 10 BACO.V- llama yibl 18 Vib; 12 @ 12* wnemdera f PORK- Mess * bbl! - ® - triKle IP bbl! ® - B VTTER— Goshen 1 30 @ 35 Country lb : 25 @ 30 CHEESE lbi 15 @ 16 POTATOES— Sweet bushel’ 75 @ 1 CO _ Irish 4Pbushel! 2 75 @ 3 00 8 A LT ¥ sack! @ 2 00 SALTPETRE li. 12*® 20 I SHOT bap | 2,25 @ 250 SPIRITS—Brandy, Cognac 225 @ 800 American 65 @ 75 Peach .. - • ga! © I 50 Glia—Holland gaii 125 @ 250 American ‘p’gab 65 @ 75 Rnm—.lamaica gab 200 @ 3 00 New England 65 @ 75 Whiskey—Rectified gal; 55 @ 60 gal! @ Monongahela Vca: : 75 © 150 SPIRITS TURPENTINE aptai © 100 STEEL-Piow .V ft! ® 10 Cast fti © 22 German sp> t* @ 15 American Blister tjg ft j lo English Blister.... ft! @ 18 SUGAR—New-Orleans ft : 7*@ 10 I-oaf, <im n j 12*@ Crushed vft 11 (g 12* Pulverized. 12*® TALLOVS r !#- ft! 10 @ 12* TKUS 83 @ 200 TOBACCO—Common ibj 12*® 15 Fair lb! 20 @ 30 Choice sp lb! 50 @ 75 TWINE n? lb 25 @ VINEGAR—AppIe p bb! 650 @ 750 WHITE LEAD tpit] 2 50 @ 3 00 WINES—Port a’ : 150 @ 300 Madeira t* gar 150 @ 300 Claret vp gal 300 @ 500 Champagne Bask. 1 00 ©2O 00 WOOL bl! 15 ® 23 Uiseaaes oT the Liver.—When the celebrattxl Dr. Rush uecl red drunkenness was a disease, beenunciaiod a truth which tins experience and observation of medical men is eve ry day confirming. The many apparently insane excesses of those who Indulge in the use of spirituous liquors, ma; be bus accounted lor. Tbo true cause of conduct, which is taken for infatuation* is very frequently a diseased state of the Liver. No organ of the system, when deranged, produces a more frightful catalogue of diseases. And if, instead of applying remedies to the manifestations of disease, as is to olten the case, physicians would prescribe with a view *o tho original cause, fewer deaths would result from diseases induced by a deranged stato of the Liver. Three fourths of the diseases enumerated under the head of Consumption, have their seat in a diseased Liver. fSee Dr. Gunn* great works.) Purchasers will please bo careiu! to ask for DR. M’LANE'S CELEBRATED LI VER PILLb, and take none else. There are other Pills, purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M’L&nes Liver Pills, also his Celebrated Veriuifuge.cau tow bo had at all respectable Drugstores in the United .States and Canada. by ail the Druggists in Columbus, and by one agent in every town. julyli—w&tw2w. For Bronchitis, Throat Diseases, Hacking Cough and the effects of imprudent use of Mercury,no medicinehae ever beeu discovered which has effected such cures as Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Throat Disease? produced by salivation. Hacking Cough, Bronchial Affections, Liver Disease, Neuralgia and Rheuma tism, have all been relieved and cured in a wonderful manner, by the great purifier of the blood. Carter’s Spanish Mixture. The case of Mr. T. H. Ramsey alone should satisfy any; who doubt. Call on the Agent and procure a pamphlet containing cures, which will astound you THOMAS M. TURNER & GO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DAN FORTH & NAGLE, /juivß—wtwlm Colmbus, Ga. BY AUTHORITY. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXL AN ACT for the Liquidation of tha Penitentinry Indebted ness. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the United States of America in Congress as eemblcdyTUni the sure of seven thousand one hundred and eighty six dollars and ninety two eents is hereby appropri ated out of any moneys in tbo treasury not otherwise ap propriated to enable the Secretary of the Interior to liqui date tha piesent indebtedness of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia. Approved, Jan. 3, 1855. CHAPTER CXII. AN ACT authorizing the construction of a Line of'Tele graph from the Mississippi or Missouri Rivers to the Pacific Ocean. Be it enacted by thegSenate and House of hepresen tatives of the United States of America in Congress as sembled, That Hiram X). Alrien and James Eddy, their as sue tales and assigns, are hereby authorized and empower ed to construct at thtftT own expense, a line of telegrugh, from such point on She Mississippi or Missouri River as they may hereafter srMjict, through the puoiic i.iru.s oolong ing to the United States, over which lands the right way twoihundred feet frLwh&Ji for that purpose is hereby granted, to San Francisco, ifFo&ibrnia, in as direct a line as prac* And be it That all voluntary or intentional injuries to sanfiline of telegraph, or to any nroiierty thereto belonging, within the territories of the U States, ehallfbe deemed, and are hereby declared to wilful aud malieious>tregpasses, and shall be pumsiieti as *uch ; and United States now in force many territory thereof, or which may hereafter be enacted for the ■ better'iweurtty and protection of property, and applicant? 1 to such offariecs, shall be, and they are hereby extended, ’ for the : ell the ter#OrsSitelongWg to, and under the jurisdiction of, i the United StbteSjhrough which the same may be con structed rand Ul\pl. v proc esg and proceedings % the detection and punfclitfiunt of the aloresaid offences siiall be within the jurisdiction of the courts, and shah be issued and executed by the proper law officers m the states or or ganized territories?... ■ Approved, Feb. l i **T*lßss. \ _ CHAPTER CXVII. AN ACT to the Office of Surveyor-General of grant Land for School and University ‘W*. “Nf —*J?e itetibeifd by t!te Senate and House of litpresen tativesoffWtkitcd States of Americafn Congress as - That tfiWPresident, bv and with the auvico and comrm of shall and he is hereby, amhor -1 ied to anpoint sen.ral for Utah whose annual salary shall be three thousand dollars, and whose power. ; authority, and duties, shall be the same, as those provided ! by law to the surveyor general ot Oregon p. tor to the a,. : of Jn'y seventeen, eighteen hundred and n.ty four : and he i shall locate hjs office from t m- to urns at such place* as ! may be directed by the President of the Lntteo . teles. . Sbc. 2. .And t-e it further enacted, That ‘■'hsn the i lands in said tt-rritory eha 1 bs Mtrveved under the direc tion of the govornraent of ihe U lited St ties, preparatory to bringing the same into narket, section* numbered sixteen and thirty six in ea h n wnship t 1 tall territory E *^ i and the same are hereby, reeervnd for t ie purpose o. bum*? applied torchoojsin said territory, ten jin the Stales ar,d territories her-after to be create! rut a” the same, i Site. 3 rind hs it further Tbs! TVfc** the lands in said territory shall be surveyed, as aforesaid, n quantity of land equal to townships shall be, and the same is hereby, reserved for tho establishment of a university in raid terriiory, and in tho State hereafter to be created out of the same, to be selected under the direction of the legislature, in legal subdivisions of not less than one half section, and to be disposed of as said legislature may di rect.J Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That full petver and authority are hereby given to the Secretary of the In terior to issue all needful rules and regulations for fuilyj carrying into effect the several provisions of this act. f Approved, Feburary 21, 1855. Jf COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. \= 2 1 ET?o fl P3 ! !&cr;li 00 !=r ! S to °k. =-£;*ri!.s 11 ijfjlitfs! o ~ !s•£ ©5 (3 2 hand f?*§ ! §.5 Is : : 1.5.ii.1 IgS-l thia jui i, > i r ; | day. * 43 276 71239 71558: 649 64614 65262 6329 12771; 7136502668310 959 66095 67054 j 1449 New York, July 11. Cotton has advanced i to !c. Sales to-day of 1,000 bales. Flour unchanged. Rio Coffee is quoted at 11c.— Rice quiet at 6ie. Charleston, July 12. COTTON.—SaIes of the week 4,906 bale?, a decline of ito lc, the past week. Good Middling is quoted at 10 a lOi-c. Receipts for the week amount to 2,500 baiea.— Stock on hand exclusive of what ia on shipboard, 8.400 bales. The stock of Rico on hand is very light. Democratic Meeting. There wlll'be a meeting of the Democratic party of Chatta hoochee county “at the Court* house on Saturday the IBth of Au gust next, for the purpose of nominating , candidates for the next Legislature. |Eaeh District te requested to send five Dele gates. Cusseta, July 9, 1855. . JIG —wtlt GOV. JOHNSON’S APPOINTMENTS. Gov. Johnson will address the people on the political questions *f the day at the following times and places: Fort Gaines, Monday, July 16th. Blakely, Tuesday, July 17 th. Bainbridge, Thursday, July 19th. Newton, Saturday, July 21st. Albany, Monday, July 23d. Isabella, Tuesday, July 24th. Vienna, Thursday, July 26ih. Perry, Tuesday, August 7th. Oglethorpe, Wednesday, August Btb. Buena Vista, Friday, August !oth. Hard Money, Saturday, August 11th. Webster, Monday, August 13th. Other appointments will bo made of which timely notice will be giveu. M. J. CRAWFORD’S APPOINTMENTS. lion. Martin J. Crawford will address the citizens of Pulaski County, at Hawkinsville, on Saturday the 4h day of August next. Change of Schedule ON THE aaßßSii mm afS-’Cgl MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD! OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT HEW YORK;AND NEW ORLEANS MAIL! On and after July 18th, THERE will be Two Daily Mail Train* between Columbus and Macon —arrival and departure as follows : Arrive at Cotumbua a. m. and 10* p. m. Leave 4* and 2*’ p. t. Arrive at Macon 10;\I a. in. ami 85up. m. Leave do 2.10 a.m. and 3* p. m. DOTH TRAINS Making a complete connection between Montgomery, Ala., anti Axigusta, Kingsville, Wilmington and'Charleston: aio, with Central Rail Road to Savannah, and Milledgeville. and with the Macon and Western Trains to Atlan'a, Chattanooga, Nashville and Kuoxvilie. Also, connecting at Columbus w ith the Girard At ‘JWbbile Railroad, for Eufaulu. Out one change of Cars between Montgom ery and Augusta, between which places are running careful Baggage Masters under heavy bonds, who will check baggage and follow it through. B. E WELLS, Columbus,Muly 17—tw&wtf Engineer and Sup’t CHANGE OF SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OPELIKA BRANCH Montgomery & West Point Rail Road. On and after the 16th July rpR AINS will leave Girard at 8.40 a. in. Arrive at Monlgom* I ery p. m. Arrive at West Point at 11 ;V AM. Leave p. rc. Arrive at Montgomery 7hi a. tn. Arrive at- West Point 2l£ p. M. Leave Montgomery 5 ! * a. ui Leave West Point. oa. m.— Arrive at Girard If .50 A M. Leave Montgomery B'.< p.m. Leave West Point UK Arrive tit Girard 2,K a. ir. FREIGHT TRAIN DAILY Leaves Girard 5% a. in. Arrives at Ciiraid 0)4 p. m. Goods intended for Freight Train tn>iat be in the Ware house before 5 p. m. the evening previous to departure of Train,and the freight be prepaid to ail points except Montgomery, jul 17. .w&twtf. B. G. JONF.ri, Lug’r. & Blip. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. A FIER Monday, sth March, the Passenger and Freight J\. Train will leave Girard at 3P. M. daily, (Sundays excep ted) connecting at Silver Run with a daily line of Stages to Glenr.viHc, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, and Marianna, Fia. And on Tuesdays, and Fridays, vnth the .Stages for Lchee, Olivet, Enon, Chuneunuggee. Midway and Union .Springs. Leaving Silver IlunSat 5, A.M., daily. (Mondays excepted) the Curs will reach Girard in time to connect with the Opo’ika ano Muscogee Trains. Pound tri p tickets good for two days can be purchased at the office at Silver Run. at loss than the regular rate. E. A. HARDAWAY. nißrlO-w&iwtf. F.ngiceer. A UAR D. rnmi* Paper is manufactured at Rock Island Paper Nulls, JL Columbus Ga. Three and a half cents per lTt. wiii be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton RAGS. Printing and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Columbus, Ga. July 17. w&lwtt FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT At Reduced Prices. A SPLENDID ARTICLE. | EXTRA FAMILY, per bbl ... ‘^Vi- Double Extra do. “ for pastry 1* S SupertiDC ®J® Georgia] ruperflne, ® i Georgia t-Mills ‘ , C 7 J . ■ tdorn per bushel i Meal per bushel li'-i | Shcuts, per hundred lbs j Bran ‘ “ ‘ l - 00 1 Usual Discount made to Merchants. , j julylT—twtf PALACE MILLS. Stewart Conntv Lands for Sale. * DESIRING to move west I now offer for sale -ggai splendid body cf lauds lying immediately gSaß* jro&Knu the Stage Iload, 11 imlcs north of Lump k . u .j! and *AS south of Columbus, fcdj >imng!auds L i. to David Bassv.Col. Berj.Cltavelnud, and oibers.S.y r arm con tains A3O acres,2oo of which are in a lugb state o! cu!ti vat ton, with good fencing that may be eo arranges, as to each field supplied with water for stock. Sc- Ou the premier? are a go -d substantial log dwelling, gin bouse, screw, and cl other necessary buildings appertaining to larming, ihe heaiiu and sociniv of my place and neighborhood ora unsurpataeci by that of any other locality in eoaW wse?it Georgia, being ccs venient to ch* rches, schools, *c. , I cordially Invite asy person in want or t.ucc a farm, to ca*. aad examine mice, as the growing cr p ob Ui= lie beet recom meDdauon. For parUcaiar apphf to M-y. A or Dr. George J. Phillips, livlno re sv t-Uoe-C* ecveoM on tha premier. joiyw-wL* tnc ;hsillallln. / PRICES REDUCED. y COTTON YARNS FOR SALE Ay 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” j ll-wtwtf. WINTER FACTORY. TrEPORME iTpRAC TICE. / DR. WM. T. BROWN, n HAVING permanently locatsd in Columbus, Ga.. can &3SM say to the afflicted that he is prepared to treat al I forms Ik ot disease, both acute aud chrouic. He.would parteiularly JSkc&ll the attention of those laboring under chrome dis eases of every character, as bis success in the treatment of this class of diseases has been such as to warrant him ?u saying that he can give reliefin almost every case. His Heat meat for Consumption and other pulmonary diseases cannot be surpas sed. Those desiring his eery ices may be sure of receiving on ;y Sanative Medication, as he is thoroughly convinced that the ; ;ong lisiof poisons ueedr.s medicinal agents do more to en gender disease than to cure it. An assortment of valuable medicines on hand, such as ; Anti-Diliious, Anti-Dyspeptic and Ague and Fever Pills. Also | his Fpenties lor Gonorrhoea and Syphilis, which hewiW war rant to cure in a very snort time. Office over B. Barnard & Co’s. Store. Dr. Brown can be found at night at the Oglethorpe House. julyi4wtw3m. 20,000 Men were not Killed before Sevastopol, Bat LOVE expects to distribute $‘40,000 to thoiie who bny Tickets In the JASPER COUNTY LOTTERY. Call before the 2!id lust. julvl2 Manufacturers’ fc Mechanics’ Bnnfc, . ? Columbus, Ga., June let, 1855. $ r pHIS Instittutlon having been re-organized under new Di ■L rectorsand Offi;eis,as a local Bank of Georgia, i prepar ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New’ York, Savannah, dontgomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E. T.TAYLOR. President. .T.H. Pohpa, Oshier. jnne3o—wtfcwtf FINE GREEN TEAST’ Marked “Pekin Tea Company,” Hew York, Put up in ?, ys, and 1 ib. Packages, in a superior manner,so as to pre?erve their tine flavor, and much more conven ient tor retailing than large Packages. Touug Hyson, Gur pow der, tmpoarial Silver Loaf, Golden Chop and” Hyson, Co long, Plantation—DMifcjous—Ne Pius Ultra English Breakfast, Honqim’s vbixture.. We invite orders for the above Telis. A-fewSLpoundftof each may be bad to try them, or we can refer to many merchants in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, who have used these Teas.for.yehre. JAMES CASSIDY* fcCO. Joseph n. cvans. ) 150 Front S:reet, N. V. j james Cassidy, ( july9—w It LAND WARRANTS WANTED, I WISH to purcuase One Thousand Land War rants, and am prepared tc> pay tho VERY’ HIGHEST PRICE for them. Office on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office. juiy G-wtwtf. ‘ S. It. BONN EL*. ! Sner^mapl^seigia, 4 GENTS wanted in all parts of the Suit*', to sell BON- 1 NER’S large MAP of GEORGIA, embracing every county in the State, every Post Office) Railroad completed and contemplated, <fcc. Apply at my Land Olfice, Randolph Weet, opposite the Post Otlice, Cotumbus, Ga. juiy 11-wtwtf. __ _ S. R. BONNEIL__ Iverson’a Rescue Grass Seed for Sale. r jPHE undersigned has a few bushels of Iverson’s Rescue ! X. Grass seed for sale. Price S2O per bushel’.’ _ July 11—twtf. F. G. WILKINS. __ For Bent A Pleasant Summer Residence can be had for the Jj&ji&Bammer months or longer, on very reasonable terms.— For further particulars apply to Charles J. Williams, Colum bus. juiy 6—twbt WANTED, A FIKST RATE TIN PLATE WORKER. None other need apply. June? —tw‘2m. R. M. ALDWORTH. To Hire I>V tho day, week, or month, for remainder of the yea* S > Likely Negro Men. Apply to junetiH—twtf 13. C. PIUVLPB. “OLD TOM” GM. JUFT received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN iii Bottles —a delicious beverage, and a most excellent. for medical purposes Also a Superior article ol Potash In’ifh, cans. juul2—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. . NOTICE. OUR Store was broken into on the night of the 2d Inst, and all our notes and papers taken therefrom. All persons who have executed any notes payable to us or to A. S. Hays, or who may know the tact of our holding their notes or obligations, are heieby cautioned agait st paying them i to any person except J. W.Sappingtou or t o us. julyli—twtf I). P. ELLIS & CO. | Weekly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy tw ice. HENBY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION k PRODUCE MERCHANT,; HO. m, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS GA. HAS IN STORE AND FOR SALE nr AAA LBS. Choice Bacon, Sides. Hams and Shoulders. aObvUI ‘ 2COO lbs. Leaf Lard, in Tin Cans. 3ijo Bushels Corn, Shellcd’and in ear. * j 50 “ Superior Corn .Meal. 50 Sacks No. I Flour. A L SO, A few Boxes of Oranges and Lemons. 25 Bbl@. Irish Potatoes of the New Crop. 50 Heads Large Cabbage. Jtme 28—twtf. WARM SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. Ijjjisgj THIS delightful Watering Place i$ now open for the JOd-reception of visitors. Juno‘2l—twtf. J. L. MUSTIAN, Proprietor. Montgnomefy Journal copy. StaleSof Georgia, Early County: Court of Ordinary, May Term 1855. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of William Griflin, that Ma'thcw Perryman, late of said county deceased,did in his lifetime execute to William G. Wood his bond, condi tioned to execute good and sufficient lilies to ‘said William G. Wood for lot of land No. hi, in the 2feth District of Early county; Audit lurtfcoi appearing that said wWalthew Pern man departed this lire without executing lilies for said land, or in any way providing therefor, and before the purchase money for said land was .due; And it further appearing that said William G. Woo’d for value received and by endorsement transferred said Bond to the said William JGriflln,on a certain day, in -aid jpetition mentioned; And it further appearing that said William Griliin has fully paid the amount of the pur chase money for said lot of land to Benjamin Collier, adminis trator ou the estate of said Matthew Perryman deceased; And said William Griffin haying petitioned this Court to direct the said Benjamin Collier, administrator as aforesaid, to execute tv.* him title* for said lot of land in conformity with said bond. It Is therefore hereby ordered, that notice be given at three or more public plices in said county, and in the C dumbos Times & Sentinel for three mouibs of such application,.that all per sons concerned may file objections in the said Ordinary’s of fice (if any they have > why said Benjamin Collier, administra tor as aforesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land in conformity to said Bond as required by law. A true extract, from the minutes of said court, this May 9th, junlH- w3m 8. 8. STAFFORD. Ord. s. c. Wo. H. Jaiilet. ) Meriwether Superior Court. vs. Wm. Irvine. mortgage, Stc. i'r er.t the Uonrahlc Ocillc A. Bull. Judge of said Court. IT appearing to the Court,by the petition of William H. Jail let that on the 261 b day oi July 1854, William Irivn eof said county, made and delivered to the said Wm. H. Lis certain promissory note, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, wherbythc said Will am Irvine promised on the 25th day oi January next following the dateef said uote, to pay said Wm H. or bearer, Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight Dollars, and Sev enty-Five Cents, for value received, and that afterwards, in tho same day and year aforesaid, the said William Irvine,the better to secure the payment of said note, executed and delivered to your petitioner his certain Deed of Mortgage, whereby be con veyed to your petitioner luewert half of Jot Number 2, in toe town of Greenville, known as the Tayior’s Shop fronting the Pubbc Square—front 30 feet—running back to ‘the street ad joining John Knight’s office ou the east, and William Ragland’s v holcsaie Grocery ou the west, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less*, situated in the town of Greenville, Meri wether county, and State of Georgia, conditioned that if the the said William Irvine should pay off and discharge said note or cau:e it to be done, according to the tenor aud effect .here oi'.tbat tbt-n the said De*xl of Mortgage and the said uoteshonld become null and void to all intents and purposes: An it for ther appearing to the Court that said note remains unpaid: It isthefeibre ordered by the Court, that William Irviueao pay into court, by the tire'.dayo! the next, icm thereof, tfca princi - pal and Intorest and costs due on raid note, or stow cause to the contrary, tt any he has, and that on failure so t_o do, tee equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises ba for ever thereafter barred aud foreclosed. Aud it is further or dered, That thi* rule be published once a month for 4 mouths or a copy thereof be servedcn said WFlura Irvine, ora spe cial ageot or attorney, at least tbne months previous to the nxt term of said court. A true extract from the minutes *cf Meriweibt 1 ‘jpertor Court. at February Terns. 1855. This March. 20;h,1a55# W)i A M3, fit’k. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &o. HAMILTON k PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangements at fFiuAing'ron City, by which all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to.tbiy are enabled to procure Bounty Land War rants, Pensions, fcc., and prosecute Claims against the United State* either bciore Congress or thestveral Ls partmculs. larThey are alsoprepared to purchase Claims, lie*, against the United States. &TA'o Pay required until the Land Warrants, Claims, Stx. are procured. JAMES HAMIT,TOX. WM. t. PLANS. April 7th. 1855. w&twtf. __ LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY. I HAVE opened an office on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office, Columbus Ga., for the purchase and sale of LANDS, in this State and Alabama, on my own ac count, or on Commission. Person having Lands to sell will do well to call upon me, as I have numerous orders for Lands, particularly in the lower counties, and those wishing to purchase, would like wise find it to their interest to call, as I have the means o£ ascertaining the owner and value of almost every vacant lot ot land tu the State of Georgia. DEEDS and MORTGAGES drawn upon reasouable terms. I am paying more tor Lund Warrants than any other person in tins part of the country. Having tirade an arrange ment with one of the best Banking Houses in Washington City, lam prepared to do so, and can purchase any num ber offered. Call and see. S. R. BONNER, juiy 11-twwtL Land Office, Columbus, Ga. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! THE undersigned having associated theineOTfes together for tho purpose of procuring BO U NT Y LAND under the several acts of Congress heretofore passd, are now prepared to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, under a recent net of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. F:ota our loug experience and gen eral success, we can w ith confidence say, that a*l claims entrus ted to our care, v.ill bepromptiy and speedily adjusted Otie ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business bis personal attention there. Office over Gunby ci Daniels’ Store, Columbus,Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, fel>24.. wjfetwtf. * A. H. RAGAN. A CARD. i .jl-w?r j ** HAVING understood that reports 1 Ji* rhSffiis&ash have been industriously circulated toa^feVi-- ;yj£c. tho effect that wo bad no Light Draft Boats, and consequent ly no facilities for shipping goods during the Sow stage f tho Livers, we take pleasure in informing tue Public that tho fol lowing is;; complete tin of Independent Steamboats now run ning tno Alabama.and Bigliee rivers: Ben Lee, Azile, Orion, Advance, v : Emma Watts, Ariel, Bloomer, Madison, The above are all Substantial and of the very draught, having accommodations and facilities for conveying passes* gers unequalled by any other Boats or line of Boats, now ply in on the Alabama and Bigbee rivers. They are all commanded by able and experienced comman ders who will use every exertion to secure the comfort and safety of the passengers. A ■ For freight or passage apply on ofami, or to T. W. MARSHALL, A CO., Agents of Independent Steamers, mayiW—■w&tw3m Mobile, Alabama. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENT'OF Stationery & Fancy Articles, \ AT COST, FOR CASH ! . • ‘*?>.- \ BEING desirous of changing tny . , ‘ 74. business, 1 now V>Ber tny exe,siv.e Vv' : - W^’C.Vj£L. *1 > Theological ami Mis feia: jiiii'ee iian e ous Hooks, and ,*4*|o e X at COST FOR CASH *’ I have ala Stock of School Books, and it will be greatly YrMhe advantdfe of Teachecs and those in charge of Schools, to call iinuiediwejy and supply themselves. If you cannot come, tend yorders with the money, and 1 will” eend them To any one ufching to go into the business, I would say, that i will sell theraxgy entire stock upon the most favorable terms —both as to pritßmand payments. Call and see.jj % JORDAN L. HOWELL. B. —I woukmost respectfully say, to all who are indebt ed to me, that J n/jm have the money. let met hear fritu you without bwthcr notice. J. L. 11. wQurabh* Ga., April 14, 1855. wtwtf WAPPMi mTNEW^PAPERi OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR Si LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill OJlice, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TEIOIS CASH. juoe!6— w&twtf WOOL CARDED A N D M A N U F A C T U R E D. W OOL Carded at A toll or 10 cenU p< r lb. Knnufaclure<l W into Linsey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents per yd. Columbus, may 2li. WINTER FACTORY. ROLLING S'W ORTH’S PATENT WASHING MACHINE. Operated with. Floating Balls. THE GREATEST WASHING MACHINE IN TIIE WORLD. Kveiy family Onghlfto Have Otie. ON II of the*e Mticbims will do a week's washing of an ordi nary sized family before Breakfast, and leave clothes unim paired. The y are perfectly simple, not easily put out of order, andean here-paired by any plantation carpenter. We now ad vertise them for the first time. They are being generally used in Columbus and'give universal satisfaction. The Machines can be seen’on Broad st., at W. K. Harris, agent,Tioy Factory, Persons wishing them must send in tneir ,ordera ahead, as we cannot’ manufacture them last enough to supply the demand. Orders from the country enclosing 22 Dollars, v Hi meet with attention if directed to the WASHING MACHINE CO. < ulumbus, Ga. f'/” County Bights for Sale. X. B We now Zinc all of our Machines and charge theetxra cost of Zinc lining, as it makes a much better machine. The price for these Machines is $22, purchaser paying cost of trans portation. Enquirer please copy. ruay3—wfctw’lf Medical Card. DR. M. S. LAZARUS, (FORMERLY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAv PROPOSES to locate in {Colnrabua for the practice o GZJ-A Medicine. Heisat present residing with R. J. Moses, T rif Esq.. and will receive at Mr. Moses’office in Columbus, medical calls or communications addressed toiiim. i Dr, Lazarus is a graduase of the New York University, who | has embraced the Hommonathic principle; not confining himseil, however to the administiation of drugs, but employ ing, inappropriate cases, the varied procedures of Electro* Magnetism aud of the Water-cure. junt2i> twtf j, OR g ALE r— - p_. , The House and Lot on ttie cornerof Craw ford and Forsyth Sts., lateh occupied bv Mi. J Miller. ALSO Au’Jfcri. Lot N0.581, corner Baldwin and Mclntosh sts-, with the buidings thereon. Apply to ju!v6—twoawtw R.B. MURDOCK. S2OO A MONTH—WHO WANTS IT? ,4 GENT ‘ wanted in every pari of tbu State to sell Holling?- X*. worth’s Patent Washing Machines. An active man can make S2CO per month. For particulars address WASHING MACHINE COMPANY. Enq. cop. [nm8 —wtwtl] Columbus Ga. RAGS ! RAGS ! THE ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS A RE paying three and a half cents cash per lb. rV for clean Llnea and ‘Jottco Rags, tn qualities of one hue j deed pound* and upwards, and 3 ceo's for quantiites under Ibb lue. Woolen Raes not wanted. Office in frort of ‘ PALACE MILLS. CMnrabus.C.a.. .Wav 9,18A5. TWO months ■ f-er publiratl m of this notice application will be made to tbCoiri-'>t Ordinary of Murcogee omn ty for teave to oil ?!! tbs ieal n t perw>GAl profsrtyoi Wm A. Lynn, late of w-?d county, de }*i NANCY M.LVhh, A^*-