The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, July 21, 1855, Image 3

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was inobed at Edmbu gh, Scotland, for some scat rneiits be publicly advanoed there in defence of the system o. African slavery as practised in this country. He died i. in New Orleans on the 27th nit., of disease of the heart Kentucky Know Nothings Coming Koith. The Louisville Democrat says that it is informed upon good authority, that the Know Nothing Council f r Gil* man’s and Ilarrodsburg precincts, (Ivy.,) have adopted a resolution in favor of repealing the Nebraska bill, and the restoration of the Missouri Compromise line—thus declar* ing for no more slave States north of that line. - We art not at all surpr sed at this ; (or without accusing the Know Nothing party. South, of being intentionally untrue to her interest, we do not sec what other course they can, under present circumstances, adopt. The Philadelphia Platform declares the preservation of the Union the paramount political good, all other consi derations arc to be sacrificed to it. The Northern Know Nothings call upon the South, for the safety ol the LJ nion, to yield up Kansas and Nebraska What caa the Southern Know Nothings do ? These brothers arc stronger than th- y. The peace of the Union must be preserved. How can they do otherwise than comply with the demands ol a m jority of their party, and restore the Missouri Compromise line. The true South* era rnen of the Kuo.v Nothings, will soon see the result ol tint policy which destroys the tree will of the individual, anu form s him to yield blind obedience to unprincipled aud deigning lead* rs ■ — Atlanta Intelligencer. Know Nothing Patriotism—Mutilation of the Declara* tion of Independence!! The Empire State, retering to the celebration of the* 4th of July in Griffin, G *., says, that the Declaration of In. dependence, or a part of it, was lead by lion. John J. h lowl. 1 hat part which, oh rges the King of Great Britain with ‘‘endeavoring to prevent the population of these Suites; for that purpose obstructing the laws for the natur ilizition of foreigners,” dec., was not read by Mr. Floyd. When, we ask, was it ever before found ne eessary or expedient, to omit this passage on reading the Declaration of In lep -ndenc** ? lias it come to this, that the great Magna Charter of American Liberty is to be niultiia'ed because certain portions of it eonfl ct with the interests of a party ! In the name of everything sacred, what is to b come of the country when such partisans rule the hour ! God save the Country from such hands! F:.d. Union. j Georgia Military Institute. The annual address before the literary societies of the Georgia Military Institute, was delivered on Tuesday even ing, by H. M. Law, Esq. The effort was of a high grade of excellence, one of the best we have ever heard on such an o< caesion. Wednesday was Commencement day, when the exercises took place in the following order: Music. PRAYER. Salutatory, Cadet F. 11. Combs. Music. Progress of America, Cadet M. M. Tweedell. —the"soutb*, ° l *” \ Cd “ C - M - *’<-"**• Music. Agricultural Science, Cadet R. S. Cramp. Music. Eloquence, Cadet W.T. Tatom. Spirit of the Age, Cadet J. G. Pepper. Music. Valedictory, i?; Cadet C. H. Way. j DEGREES CONEERRED. i Music. Address by Prof. Williams. ; Music. BENEDICTION. The number of applicants for admission is umi-uallylarge, and the friends of the Institi te regard it as established on a firm basis. The Cadets go into encampment for two weeks, after which the collegiate exere'ses will be resumed, and continued till the annual vacation which will be from 20th December to 20th Januaiy. A New Steamship Line. New Your, July 16—A letter from Matmms, states that Mr. Edward Jocks, is about to establish a line of Steamers between that port and Philadelphia. Mortality in New Orleans. New Orleans, July 16. — There were IST deaths in j this city last week, including 40 (rorn yellow fever. Courtship. Jenniesighed, and Robin squeezed her Pretty little trembling hand, Then with outstretched arm he seized her Half reluctant form, and and “Loose me!” but he clasped lit r tighter— “ Jennie, say, wilt thou he mine 1 ?” Then her bright face grew much brighter, And she whispered, “I am thine.” Then they clasped each other fondly, Close together as two bricks; And they kissed each other soundly, Ami I lett them in that fix. New York Dutchman. COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. jTg[i?=|| % j ? pock | ! ® g is. 8 £ T’c <5: !-S*£3 i on iS $2.1g2. 1r- p-g 1!? lit ! : !g*ig. 8- 1 thi. I ?r *-o. <c. . r \< ? ‘ day. j J las4. 1 ’ j 43 276 71239 71553 649 64614 65263 6339 _ J 185 530, 12771 713 65026 Democratic Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Democratic party of Chatta hoochee county at the Court house on Saturday the IBth of Au gust nevt, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the text legislature. ich District is requested to send five Dele g tes. Cuaseta, Ju'y 9. 1855. _ j 16—w3t GOV. JOHNSON’S APPOINTMENTS. Gov. Johnson will address the people on the political questions of the day at the following times and places: Fort Games, Monday, July 16tb. Blakely,Tuesday, July 17th. Bainbridge,Thursday, July 19th. Newtou,Saturday, July 21st. Albany, Monday, July 23d. Isabella, Tuesday, July 24th. Vienna, Thursday, July 26th. Perry, Tuesday, August 7th. Oglethorpe, Wednesday, August Sth. Buena Vista, Friday, August 10th. Hard Money, Saturday, August 11th. Webster, Monday, August 13th. Other appointments will he made of which timely notice will be given. M. J. CRAWFORD’S APPOINTMENTS. Hon. Martin J. Crawford will address the citizens of Pulaski County, at Ilawkinsville, on Saturday the 4th day of August next. [.Letter from Hon. John Minor Botts, ot’ Virginia. 1 Richmond, Va.,Ju'y 9th, 1835. Messrs. It'm, S.Brer-- At t (it nts: —Consideration!* of du ty to the alone prompt me to scud you this voluntary testimonial to the great value of “Carter’s Spanish Mixture ” (or that almost incurable disease, Scrofula. Without being disposed or deeming it necessary to go into the particulars of the ca-eO cud s&v that the astonishing results that have been produced by the use of that medicine on a member of my own family, and under uiy own observation and super. ntenduuca, after the skill of the best physicians had been < xbausted and all the usual remedies had failed, fully justify me in recommending its use to ali who may be suffer ing from that dreadful malady. i do not mean to say that it is adapted to all constitutions,or that it will .fiord the same relief in ad cases; for, *’ course, I know nothing about that—but trout what l have eeeuut’ the ef fects. J would not heM'ate O use it, in hi y and every case of Scrofula, with persona for whom l telt an iutorest, or over whom 1 could exercise it fluence or coutrol. Very respecuully, joiin m. botts. THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. C ARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS At CHAPMAN, DaNFOKTII &NAGLE, jj,V2o—wtwUllstSept Columbus, Ga. a* b* 4 ® When tho celebrated Dr, u* u re< * was a disease, he enunciated a truth which Me experience and 01 nervation of medical men is eve -1 y day confirm mg. The many apparently insane excesses o r 1 hose who Indulge in the use of spirituous liquors, inaj be hus accounted Jor. The true cause of conduct, which is takon lor in.atuation, is very frequently a diseased state of the Liver. r P Pwhen deranged, produces a more rrighttui catalogue of diseases. And if, instead of applying remedies to the manifestations of disease, as is to olten the case, physicians would prescribe with a view ‘o the original cause, t ewer deaths would result from diseases induced by a deranged state of the Liver. Three fourths of the diseases etumerated under the head of Consumption, have their seat m a diseased Liver. (See Ur. Gunn’s great works.) please be careiui to ask for DR. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, and takenone else There are n fui ***’ P u rP° rtin K h>be Liver Pills, now before the public. *' r * M Lanes Liver Pills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge.can cow be had at all respectable Diug Stores in the United States aud Canada. by all the Druggists in Columbus, and bv one agent in every town. juiy 14—w&tw2w. Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared and sold by Dr. Jackson, at the German Medical Store. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, increase in their well deserved celebrity, (or the cure of all diseases arising from derangement of the Liver.— These Bitters have, indeed, proved a blessing to the afflicted, who show their gratitude by the most flattering testimonials.— This medicine has established or itself a name that competi sjoi. however wily their sci ernes, or seductive tneir promises, cannot reach. It gained the public coi licence py the Imu en-e benefits that have been derived from it, and wi // ever maintain its position. Th is invaluable medicine mav be of alithe Drug gists in Columbus |and of Dealers throughout the I nited States. juiy 14—wtw2w Married. In Newton County, Ga., on the 19‘h in?t.,at ihe resi dence of Iverson L. Grave**, E-q , by the Rev. Bi.-hop Fierce, Mr James J Slade, of Columbus, and Miss Ann G. Graham, of Newton. COLUMBUS BRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED BY E. BARNAR AND CO. I BAGGlNG—Kentcky.............varo: @ —. East India *— ! 16 @ ]8 BALE ROPi. Ky qr 1L II © 12 y. Northern R, _ @ “ | BEABWAN Jb 18 © 20 1 -ANDLES —Bperra q*’ lb 37 @ 10 Star fib 28 @ 30 Tallow fib 18 © yo oOtFLE—Rio flbj 13 © 11 •Java fib 10 @ 18 enpv La?uira ‘Tib 15 © _ DOMESTIC GOODS—Cot Osnaburgs .. fyd 11 © 12 ro Shirting, fyd 7_J><@ 9 4-4 Bro Sheeting, f ydi 8 © 10 Wollen Kerseys.f yd 24 @ 28 F F ATH ERS ... .f lb 35 @ 45 FISH— Mackerel No. 1 | 20 00 © 25 00 No. 2 15 00 © 20 00 , No. 3 12 00 © 15 00 GUNPOWDER V” keg 6 @ 6 50 HIDES—Dry fft 8 @ 10 Wet flb © IRON-Pig ffo - © - English sf? ft- 5 @ - Swedes %>>lbi 6 @ o’^ , Sheet ‘Tlbl 8 @ ...t! . • V bushel 50 @ 75 MOLASSES gallon 45 © 50 NAILS Vlb G @ OlLS—Linseed gfT $H.25 © 150 Train f ga’ 75 @ 1 00 Sperm gal $1,50 @ 250 Lard 4- gal; $1,25 @ 1,50 PROVISIONS. @ BEEF— Mess lb © Prime s>* lb 15 © 16 8.1 CO A* — Hams (gs lb i 1 @ 16 Sides ip lbi 12 © 12>f Shoulders lb; 10 iIV POll A—Mess w bbf; © * Prime %p bbl @ LARD fr tb: 11 y. © 15 B UTTER— Goshen <Plb 30 © 35 Country sp lb 25 @ 30 CHEESE lbi 15 © 16 POTATOES— Sweet >p bushel 75 @ 1(0 Irish ip bushel) 2 75 © 3 00 SALT... spsack © 2 00 SALTPETRE sp II SHOT ip bat: 2,25 © 250 SPIRITS —Brandy,Cognac .SP’ga; 225 @8 00 American <p gal 65 @ 75 Peach.. ga!; @ 1 50 Gin—Holland (p gal! 125 @ 2 50 American 65 © 75 Rum—Jamaica ?p gal 200 @ 300 New England ipga!; 65 @ 75 Whiskey—Rectified sp gal 55 © 60 C0mm0n....--• ...sp gal © Monongahela BPgt;i 75 @l5O SPIRITS TURPENTItsE >p gal © 100 STEEL—PIow tp lb @ 10 Cast sp lb © 22 German tp © 15 American Blister tp !h © 10 1 English Blister.... *p fb © 18 SUGAR—New-Orleans tp Jbj 10 Loaf, ip ft — Crushed lb 11 (3 12)^ Pulverized.. tpio TALLOW <p t! 10 @ 12>/ TEAS sp lb : 80 © 2 1)0 TOBACCO—Common sp lb Fair ip lbi 20 @ 30 Choice lbi 50 @ 75 TWINE lb 25 ® VINRGAR—AppIe bbl; 650 © 750 VVHITELEAD W H 250 @ 300 WINES—Port <P ga 150 @ 3 00 Madeira P gal! 150 © 300 Claret sp gab 3< 0 © 5 00 Champagne Bast 100 @2O 00 WOOL tp hi 15 @ 23 A Bargain ! j&Sir THE subscriber offers his Plantation for sale—situa si!|sfeted about 6 mites north-east of Columbus, and contain- acres—being three lots according to the original survey, lving in a column oxtei ding from within one mile o’ the Hamilton and 3)£ miles of the Talbotton roads. There are two settlements on the place with good Dwelling and outhouses, and gin house and press, good i pple, peach and pluin orchards; good wells at each place, and oibe’wise well watered. There are about 460 acres iu cultivation, the balance woodland. Parchas-ers would do well to call while the crop is growing that they may ihe better judge ot the qual ’v if the larid. Pay ment, one-half cash; the other lJ months, credit with srood se curity. july2lw3m DAV.DDEAN. \Toticeto debtors and creditors,••All persons IN indented to the estate ot Juiin Peterson, late of said county deceased, are required to make immediate pajtuent a. and hose havingdeuiandsare notified io prese t them within terms of th law’. julv2l—w4bd. TIILOPHOLIS PIERCE,Adm’r. Administrator’ Sale Agreeable to an order of the iion. raoie ihe Court ot (irdiiiarv of Chattahoochee county, will b sold at the court house door m the town of ( usseta, in said county, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours *f sale, IZSO acres of land, lying in said coun tv, belonging lo the estate Os John Brewer, lateol said deceased; well improved, with aboutflve hundred acres of op en land in a high state ot cultivation, good dwelling house, out house*, tin house, gin and screw, hiug on the waters of the Hichety and Slaughter creeks, all rich oak and hickory land, and comprises one of the best settlements of land tor cotton In the county. Terms will be made known on the daj of sale. J AM iSP. ELLIS, Udm’rs. : july2f--wdtd R.H. BOO'. i Lost Note. LOST by the subscriber on the 18th inst., a r note on Thos. J. Woolfolk, made payable to me or bearer, for Four Him ! dr and Dollars, and dated some time in January last, and due 25th December next. All persons are notified not to trade for said aud the maker is heieby notified not to pay the same to any one but myself. C. XV. JONES. Columbus,Ga., July J2I COLUMBUS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. THE Ninth installment, of one dollar .per share, is payable on Saturday next, 2lst inst. The monthly meeting of the Association will be held at Concert Hall on that ereniDg, at 8 o’clock. iul> 19— 1855.—tw-it. STERLING F. GRIMEB, Treas, Athemeum Insurance Society oi’ London. C. S. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILL take Risks on Dwellings and othe< property in town and count,y. upon very jre&souabie terras. Loss from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MI NN, Agent. Oflicm over the Store of Messrs. E. .Barnard, & Cos., Colum bus, Ga july ID—twdm NOTICE. THE Annual Meetiug of the Muscogee Building t Loan Association will be held at Concert Hall on Saturday even ing, August 4th, atwbiebtime the election ot oinceis lor the ensuing vear will take placa, aoda general rejcrt oi the busi ness and present couciition of the Association wid be made.— lti*. very desirable that- very stockholder should be present, either iupers.nor by written proxy. .... jalyiu—iwtUlMaug. WSI. C.l'RAi. rres i. 40 Shares Mobile & Girard Railioad Stock FOR SALE, AT AUCTION. I WILL SELL at the Market House in tbe City of Columbus on the first. Tuesday iu August next, si B o’clock, l ortv Bnaree of the Mobile & Girard R. R. Stock. Bale poeiuve aud without limit. julylD—wiwtd F. G.WTLKiNS, -due r. Andrew .Female College. Cuthbert, Juno 28, 1855. I ho Board of Visitors invited to attend the examination exercises of the pupils of this Institution, which closed on the 27th inst, take pleasure in submitting to the public iho following plain and unvarnished report: Aware, in this age of show and parade, undeserving praise and fulsorn llattery are too much the order ot the day, and that the public look upon such reports more as a matter ot compliment than otherwise, we would remain s vf n U ‘ vere i* uot tor the fact that truth and candor to tho able Fresident and Faculty, as well as tfie interest of the people generally imperatively demand, that parents should know, not merely where their daughters may be sent to college, but where they may be educated ; not merely where they may’ acquire a smattering knowledge of their text books, but where they may be taught to draw from those great truths aud principles which constitute the very essence of educatiou, and fit them to act well their part m the great “drama ot human existence” Such, although in its infancy, is Andrew Female College. In our opinion, the young ladies throughout their rigid and protracted ex amination, sustained themselves with marked ability and credit. Especially, do we congratulate the patrons ot the Institution aud the public generally, upon the success with which the Frimary Department, under the superintendence ot Miss Ann E. Alden, assisted by Miss Margaret Buchannan, is conducted. We look upon it as unim portant appendage to the institution, without which the Benefit derived from a Collegiate course would be material ly lessened. No where have we seen this department car ried on with more signal system, order, and success. We might specify all the various Colicgiate classes, but ii is unnecessary, where all did so well. We cannot retiain, however, from a not ce of the Senior Class, who acquitted themselves so handsomely; who jxhihned such a thorough acquaintance with their several studies, and mastered,with much ease, the severer branches of Mathematics, Men tal and Moral Science. Indeed, they grasped and explain ed them with a readiness and laci.ity that elicited our ad miration; indented our contid nee in the utility ol the In stiiuiion, and afforded a higher encomium upon its Faculty and the young ladies, than anytningw’e can say. We feel assured tnat ihe members of the Graduating Class would not suffer by a comparison with graduates in like branch es horn any of our Male Colleges On Sunday the 24th inst., tne Commencement sermon wae preached by Rev. Walter Knox, to a large audience. It was a sound practical discourse, vindicating in an able manner the cause ol education. ‘I he Board of Visitors were highly pleased with the Musical Entertainments. Prof. Lignoski and his accom plished assistant are evidently well skilled in their depart ment. The correctness and effect with which several diffi cult pieces of music were performed during the examin ation exercises as well as the interesting and amusing Con cert, in which all the young ladies participated, speak in unequivocal terms of the efficiency aud faithfulness with which that department is conducted. Fortunate,indeed, lor ihe Institution and its palror.s, that the sei vices of eueh thorough and experienced teachers have been secured. Randolph Harmonica Band also deserve great credit, and did receive much applause for their skill and ability displayed in imparting interest to the musical entertain ments. Un Wednesday, Commencement day, the Graduating Class read Compositions before a large and attentive auclf dience. The style was neat and elegant; the matter cha racteristic of minds well taught, and concentration rarely witnessed in young ladies of their age. Diplomas were awarded by President Alden, acompanied with an able, ; practical aud eloquent address, replete with inva ! uable ad vice and instruction—such as emanate alone from a wise head and pure heart. The Board of Trustrees, by their representative Prof. Foster, then conferred the honorary degree of Mistress of Arts on Miss Ann E. Alden. ‘1 his was an honor well deserved and cheerfully bestowed, not only on account of her remarkable success in and devotion to her noble call- j ing, but for her superior attainments in the arts aud scion ces. Aiter which, Col. Alexander A Aileu, of Bainbridge, ; favored the audience with a short but appropriate address, i Although unexpectedly called upon, he acquitted hanself! with much credit. We find the Institution in a flourishing condition, num- j boring one hundred and thirty students. By the next ses sion it is expected that the buildings will be entirely com pleted; the College furnished with a good Philosophical aadChemical Apparatus,and that all the facilities lor an education, can be furnished here that any similar institution in the State affords. Under the superintendence ot Piot. Alden and the able Faculty, we are confident that it will prosper; and to those who wish to educate their daughters: to those who wish to fit them for the active and important duties of coming fife: to those who whish to make them bright and shining lights in society: to those who wi.hto pro pare them lorfuture usefulness, we cheerfully aud confidently recommend Andrew Female College, as a suitable place to lav the toundation. Walter Knox, l Appointed by the the Ga* John B. McGehee, S Conference. W. 11. Potter, 1 John A. Grant, j A. L. O’Brien 1 Arthur liood, J. Cuthbert. David Kiddoo, { E. L. Douglas, | Geo. L. Barry, Geo. S. Robinson, j A. A. Allen, f Bainbridge, Dr. E. E. Dußose, Glennviile, Ala. r.A.SUoW?”’ 1 America.,. i Lumpkin. John G. Slappey, S Baker County, Flermning Law, J Fort Gaines. NOTICE, ACCOUNTS made ON account of the “Union Dray Compa n V’ruutst be made by myselt or order, otherwise in no case will he acknowledged. J. W. 11UVVARD, Ag’t. julyl9—tw4t Union Dray Company EXHIBIT OK THE CONDITION OF THE SPRINGFIELD FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF SPRINGFIELD, Condensed from the Quarterly Rep itt to 31 st May 1855. Capital $150,000. AS SETS AS FOLLO WS, VIZ : 757 Shares Batik stock within the Common . talth..s77,Col 00 4*o “ Rtfl RoaO St >cks 34.453 75 Rail Road Bonds 7s aid 8s 5.720 06 Loans on lmoroved Real Estate 83,401 98 Loans on ;oliateral and Personal Security, (Amply Secured.) 24,300 00 Cash on hand $J,584 34 Cash in course of transm ssion 15,790 14-18.3.4 48 Other available assets 2,173 28 $245,424 44 Outstanding Claims $10,54? 46 Office of the Spritofield F. fc M. Ins. Cos., ( Springtiald, Ist July, 1855. i VM.CONNER, Jr.. Secretary. Risks taken by JOHN MUNN, Ag’t., Columbur, Ga. Office over E Barnard &. Co’s Store. julyl'J—twlm. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capita! andSurpTus $400,000 Takes risks on Lives on very moderate terms, Columbus, ju'y 19—tw3m JOHN MUNN, Ag’t. BACON! TTTE will sell for CASH or on a CREDIT until the Fall oreDd W of the year, the Best Quality of Tennes see Bacon! Call at B. A. Richards & Co’s., James Ligon’s, Broad Street, Columbus Ga.,and at the store of ,0. Lanier, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mer chants. 4L Y\ . ALEXANDER, julyl'J—w&twtf. J.R. JuNE3 IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENT^’ Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOE CASH ! BEING desirous of changing my business, I now offer my extensive Btockof School, Law, 3ledi | Theological and Mis-gg3gf|gggjg| Lti ceilaneons Books, and"***** ; Stationery at COST FOR. CASH* I have a large Stock of School rfooks, and it will be greatly ! to the advantage of Teachecs and those in charge of Schools, Ito call immediately and supply tbem&clves. If you cannot ! come, send your orders with the money, and I will send them : to vou. To any one wishing to go into the busmens, I would say, that I will sell them my entire stock upon the most favorable terms —both as to prices and pa ’ meet s. Gall and see. p v * JORDAN L. HOWELL. B.—I would most respectfully eay,to all who are indebt ed to me, that 1 must have the money. .Please let met hear from you without turther Botice. J.L. U. Columbu* Ga., April 14, 18oL GEORGlA—Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, June Term , 1855. ORDERLD, 1 bat all and siuguiar the parties inle'ested.sbew cause on or before the next January Term ot this court, whv Allen James, aom’r., and Sarah Butts, adm’x-, ou tbees late of Snvrus Butts, dec'd, should not be dismissed from their said administration, otherwise they will then be dismissed. Given under uiv band the fifth day of July, 1855. julyT—wGm 9. P. BEALL, Ordinary. A CARD. THIS Paper is manufactured at Rock Island Paper Mills, Coliim* us Ga. Three and a half cents per lit. will be pa and lor Clean Linen and Cotton RAGS. Printin g and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Colu ÜB,Ga. July 17. w&twtf FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT At Reduced Prices. A SPLENDID ARTICLE. EXTRA FAMILY, per bbt SIO,V Double Extra do. “ for pastry 12 Superfine 0 00 Mtperflue, Bto Georgia k MiUs 7 00 Corn per bushel 1.00 Meal per bushel -SI CO Shotts, per hundred lbs $1.30 llran “ “ Sl.Ol) Usual Discount made to Merchants, j uly 17—twtf PALACE MILLS. PRICES REDUCED. COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” july 11-wtwtf. WINTER FACTORY. REFORMED PRACTICE. DR. VVM. T. BROWX, n HAVING permanently located in Columbus, Ga., can #3/say to the ttfil cted that he i- prepared to treat al forms Yj|f ot disease both acute and chronic. He would partciularly call the attention of those lanoriug under es ron c dis ease? of every character as his success in the treatmentot this class of diseases has been ucli as Vo warrant him in sayiugihat he can give relief in almost every case. His tieatment for Consumption and other pulmonary diseases cannot be surpas sed. Those desiring bis seri ices may be sure of receiving on ly Sanative Medication, as he is thoiouithly convinced that the long list o f poisons used as medicinal agents do more to en gender disease than to cureit. An assortment of valuable medicines on hand, such as Anti-Billioup, Anti-Dyspeptic and Ague and Fever Fills. Also his Specifics lor Corn rrhcoaand Syphilis, which he will war rant to cure in a very short time. * Office over E. Barnard & Co’s Store. Dr. Ilrowu can be found at night at the Oglethorpe House. jnly/4wtw3m. 20,000 Men were not Killed before Sevastopol, Hut LOVE expects to distribute S:<iO,UOO to those who buy Tickets In the JASPER COUNTY LOTTERY. Call before the 2!£d Inst. july 12 Manufacturers’ & 31eclianics’ liunk, ) Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. j THIS Instittution having been re-organized under new Di- J rectors and Office is, as a local Bauk of Georgia, is prepar- , ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New Yoik, Savannah, dontgomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E.T. TAYLOR, President. 1 J.H. Fonpa, Cashier. j ine30 —wt&wtf “fTne green teas; | Marked “Pekin Tea Company,” New York, Put up in \i, and 1 lb. Packages, in a superior as to preserve their fine flavor, and much more conven ient lor retailing than large Packages. Young Hyson, Gut pow der, ImppiariaFSiiver Leaf, Golden Chop and Hyson, o iong. Plantation—Delicious —Ne Plus Ultra Eu.lish Breakfist. Houqua’s A/ixture. \Ve invite orders for the above Teas. A lew pounds of each may be had to try j them, or we ran refer to many merchants in Virginia, North : Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, who have used these Teas for years. JAMES CASSIDY” Ac CO. joskph and., | 150 Front S reet, N. V. JAHKB CASSIDY. ( j'l!v9—w4t LAND WARRANTS WANTED, I WISH to purenase One Thousand Land War rants, and am prepared to pay the VERY HIgHIST ; PRICE tor them. Office on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office. july G-wtwtr. S- R. HoN’XE/t. j “BONNER’S MAP OF GEORGIA. A GENTS wanted in ail parts of’the State to sell BON- j NER’S large MAP of GEORGIA, embracing every ; county in the State, every Post Office, Railroad completed ; and contemplated, &c. , Apply at my Land Office, Randolph street, opposite the , Post Office, Cotumbus, Ga. july 11-wtwtf. S. R. BONNER. For Bent. MA Pleasant Summer Residence can be had for the Summer months or longer, on very reasonable terms. — For further particulars apply to Charles J. Williams, Colum bus. julyfi—twfit To Hire BY the day, week, or month, for remainder of the yea r 3 Likely Negro Men. Apply to juneSJA—twtf H.C. PHELPS. j “OLD TOM” GIN. JUST received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN in Bottles—a delicious beverage, and a most excellent article for medical purposes Also a Superior article oI Potash in'tin cans. junl‘2—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. NOTICE. OUR Store was broken into on the night of the 2d inst, and ail our notes and papers taken therefrom. All persons who have executed any notes payable to us or to A. 3. Hays, or who may know the tact of our holding their notes or obligations, are heieby cautioned agairst paying them to auv person except J. VV.Sapph.gtou or to us. j .lyTi—twtf li. P. ELLIS it CO. Weekly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy twice. I HENBY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, ? M. M, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS GA. HAS IN STORE AJ\D FOR SALE AAt 1 LH3. Choice Bacon, Side?. Hams and Shoulders. 2 thO lbs. Leaf Lard, in Tin Cans., 7 3U Bushels Corn. Shelled and iu ear. 50 “ Superior Corn ./Weal. 50 Sacks No. I Flour. A LS O , A few Boxes of Oranges and Lemons. 25 Bbls. Irish Potatoes of the New Crop. 5o Heads Large Cabbage. June 28—twtf. WARM SPRINGS, JA MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. TH IS delightful Watering Place is now open for the i-J*reception of visitors. June-21—twif. J. L. MUSTIAN, Proprietor. M.intgnomery Journal copy. WOOL CARDED A N D M A N U F A C T U R E D. WOOL Carded at >4 toll or 10 cents per lb. Manufactured into Liusey on shares of one half, or titieen cents per yd. Columbus, may 26. WINTER FACTORY. Medical Card. DP. M. E. LAZABUS, (FORMERLY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CA.J ,7 PROPOSES to locate in ?Columbus for the practice o tfSl# Medicine. I lei? at present residing with R. J. Moses, lyu Esq., and will receive at Mr. Moses’ rffico iu Columbns, any- medical calls or communications addressed to him Dr, Lazarus is agradttase of the New York University, who has embraced the Homteopathic principle; not confining himseii, however to the adminisiiaiion 01 drugs, but employ ing, in appropriate cases, the varied procedures of Klectvb- Magnetism and of the iVater-cnre. jui.e2G twtf FOR SALE, a The House and Lot on the cornerof Craw ford and rorsytuSts., iatel v occupied by Mi. J Miller. Lot N0.551, corner Baldwin and Mclntosh sis., with the buidings thereon. Apply to _jnly6—twoawJw R.R. MURDfV’K. RAGS! RAGS! THE ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS ARE paying three and a half cents cashper ib forcleuu Linen and Cotton Rags, In quanties el one hun dred pounds and upwards, and 3 cents tor quantities under 100 Iba. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office iu front of PALACE MILL?. Cdumbns.Ga„ Mav 9, 1055. wfetwtf. WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR SA LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. junel6—w&lwtl BOUNTY-LAND WABBANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON k PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangements at l Vat hi mg ton City, by which all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to.they are em bled to procure Bounty Land ’lVar rants, Pensions, &c., and prosecute Claims against 1 the (/’mnd MatM eithtf beiore Congress or theaeveial 1 c— ‘ partmcnts. are also prepared to purchase Claims, kc., against | the United States. j 13*^Afi* Pay required until the Lund IVarrants, Claims, ks. j arr procured. JAMES HAMILTON. W.M. F. VLAMK. A pri I 7th. 1K55. w& t w ls. “land office and agency. I HAVE opened air office on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office, Columbus Ga., for the purchase and sale of Lands, in this State and Alabama, on my own ac- I count, or on Commission. ’ Person having Lands to sell will do well to call upon me, | as I have numerous orders lor Lands, particularly in the | lower counties, and those wishing to purchase, would like- I wise find it to their interest to call, as I have t e means of ascertaining the owner and value ol almost every vacant I i°t ol land m the State of Georgia. DEPAYS and MORTGAGES drawn upon reasonable i terms. I am paying more for Land Warrants than any other person in tins part of the country Having made an arrange ment with one of the best Banking Houses in W ashingtoil City, lam prepared to do so, and can purchase any num ber offekkp. Call and see. S. R. BONNER. july 11—twwtf Land Office. Columbus, Ga. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! IMIE undersigned having associated lh mselves toeether for . the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress hereiolore passd, are now prepared to make application feral who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, under a recent actof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary information. Weare also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claim? against the United S.ates. Mom our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a 1 ! claims entrus ted to our cure, will be prompt y and speedily adjusted One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business his personal attention there. Office over Gunby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, ffti?4.. wAr twtf. A. IS. RAGAN. WANTED, A FIRST RATE TIN PLATE WORKER. None other need apply. june7—twYm. K.M. ALDWGRTH. TO THE PATRONS OF PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER. OWING to the large amouut of Counterfeit Pain Killei put up and sold uageiuinc by uuprincipled men, we have been obliged to resort to very expensive measures to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public from great injury, by buying and using their wortb’ess counterfeits. Tne compar ative plain and simple style in which our Pain Killer has beeh put up, lias made itveryea-y for those disposed,to im itate it very succ esfullv, as far as its external app arance, in style of bottle, label, and color of the article; but we need not say that the compound is a miserable, filthy production, and calculated to do great injury to those who might use it with the confidence they have been accustomed to use the srenuine Pain Killer. Parties whose business it is to counter feit valuable preparations, do it in such a secret manner,that It is almost useless to attempt to punish thi m by legal meas ures, as it is difficult, and we might say impossible to bring the proof borne to them. Considering the great difficulty in protecting ourselves and the public by prosecuting parties, we have been to a very’ great expense in getting up a finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LABEL, for our bottle?. We algo attach to our bottles a Steel Engra ved note of hand, which we issue as our obligation and the counterfeit which is held to be lcrgery by the laws of the United States, and which parlies will not dare attempt to do. The great expense attending the getttng up and printing of these labels, w ill prevent the attempt to counterfeit tlius se scuring to thepublic that the article they purchase isthe gen uine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, manufactured by Per-y Davis & Son, Sole Proprietors, The Pain Killer will be put up in anew styie ofjpanel bot tle. with the words DAVIS’ VEUET4BLE FAIN KILLER, blown in the Glass. We have discontinued the use of the cent bottles and now put up only four oizes. viz— 12 Lf cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, and SI, per bo tle We have also a very fine Engraving on etone, for the Box labels, speci’\ing the cortents of the box. where and by w hom manufactured, &c. We have also added to our Pam phetof directions ami certifiertes. a cover beautifully finish ed, presenting on the first page a very excellent likeßess of Perry Davis, the original inventor of the Pain Killer. The bottle labels, and one label on each box, has also a correct likeness of Perry Davis, w hich it will be impossible to coun terfeit successfully. We have beeD to this expense, that the public might have perfect confidence that they we r e getting tiie genuine article when they buy a bott e “as above described. To those who have so long used and proved the nit rits of ou’ nrtic e, wo would say that we shall continue to prepare our Pain Killer of the be*st and purest materials, and that it shall he every way worthy of their approbation a? a tamiiy medicine PEHRY DAVI-t t SON, Providence, R. I. Manufacturers and Proprietors, may 29. w&twthn. GEORGIA, Randolph County; Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1855. LEWIS Gay administrator on the estate of Erasmus Gay, lateof said county deeased, having petHloned this court for dismiss'on from said administration, and it apr*aring to the the court that he has fully completed the administration of said estate: it is ordered, that all and s’ntruiar the parties in'ere-ted, show cause at the next January Term of this court, why he should not be dismissed, otherwise letters of dismis sion will then be granted. Given under my hand, at office, Ju'y sth, ’Soo. julyG—w6m O. P. ISRAEL, Ordinary. GEORGIA Talbot county: \\J HERE A: 5 , Julius .Sanders cpplies to me for Letter? of VV Guardianship of Louisa F. Kolins and Samuel A. Rol lins, orphans of Bamuel Hollins, late of said county deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singularUhe indred and ot’-ers feeling an interest In the Guardianship othho persons or properly of said orphans, to be and appear at iny office, within the time prescribed by law r , then and there to shew cause, if any they have,why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature 22d day. 103 5. may 29. .w4fd MARION BETH UN E, Ordinary. GEORGIA Jluscogee county: Court of Ordinary , May Term, 1855. RULE X 1 Sl.— -Levicy L-we. Administratrix on the ea tflte of VVm. Lowe, deceased, having applied for letters of Dismission: Ou motion, it ia Ordered, that all persons concerned show vause, if any they have, why said administratrix may not be lisnaissed ft cm said administration at the Court of Ordinary to j Ue held in and lor said eounty ou the first Monday ia December next. A true transcript from the minute*of said Court, A/ay. 21et, 1855. may2lwtun JOHN JOHNSON.Ordinary. GEORGIA, Early county. Court of Ordinary, for said County March Term, 1855. THOMAS B. ANDREWS, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John Jones, deceased, having made finul return of his acts as such and petitioned for letters disinissorj: It is ordered that all persons concerned, show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant at the October Term 1d.55, of our court. ” A true extract from the minutes, March 17th, 1855. mar2o—worn. S. S. STAFFORD, Ord. TWO months at er publication of this notice appl catio will be made o the Court o Ordinary of Muscogee cor n ty or leave to el all the re; l ;nd personal proj erty ot \\ m. A. Lyon, late of na and county, deceased, jon !8 —w*m NANCY M. LYNN, Adrn’x.