The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, July 25, 1855, Image 3

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■ u or ©rally through another member, and the quea ■, lb ill b*> decided by the Council. If a majority are in ■ ‘ n ro fgranting him an ‘honorable dismission, he shall n’ f]Vli the same in writiug, to be signed by the President ■fi countersigned by the Secretary. But until a niern ■'/tbus receiving an honorable dismission has actually ■ admitted to membership in another Council, he shall ■fu M subject to.the discipline of the Council from which ■ had received the dismission, to be dealt with by the ■ „ for any violation of the requirements of the Order. M r c being received in the Council, to which ha wishes ■ rstifer bis membership, he shall present said certificate I jiiorable dismission, and shall be received as new ■ ,rs , 0. —A pplioatlous for the Second Degree shall not ■ received except in Second Degree Council, and voted ■Second and Third Degree members only, and ap~ ■*• ons tor the Third Degree shall be received in H Degree Councils, and voted on by Third Degree Kpibers only. Article 11. ■ n h Subordinate Council shall fix on its own time I place for meeting : and shall meet at least onco a ■ tli. but where not very inconvenient, it is recommen* ■ that they meet once a week. Thirteen members I form a quorum for tho transaction of business.’ ■eial meetings may be called by the President, at any at the request of four members of the Order, m * Article 111, ■ sec. I.— The members of each Subordinate Couucil l ai | consist of a President, Vice President, Instructor, fcrelary, Treasurer, Marshal, Inside and Outside Sen’ Bel. and shall hold their offices for tho term of six ■ nth?, or until their successors are elected and installed. ■Sec. 2 —The officers of each Subordinate Council (ex ■p the sentinels, who shall be appointed by the Presi shall bo elected at tho first regular meeting in finuary and July, separately, and by ballot ; and each ■ill receive a majority of all the votes cast to entitle B i to an election. No member shall be elected to any of. 1,. unless lie be present and signify his assent thereto, B the time of’ his election. Any vacancy which may oo- l r by death, resignation or otherwise, shali be filled at i ■ n ext meeting thereafter, in the manner and form B ve described. I Sec. 3.—The President.—lt shall be the duty of tho president of each Subordinate Council to preside in the ■ ritieil and enforce a duo observance of tho Coustitu. |:,and rules of the Order, and a proper respect for the B a te Council, and the National Council—to have sole II exclusive charge of the Charter and the Constitu- I a nd Ritual of the Order, which he must always have Kth him when his Couucil is in session to see that all Ikerff perform their respective duties—to announce all lilotiugs to the Conncil —to decide all questions of or* Ir— to give the casting vote in all cases of a tie — to con- Ene special meetings when deemed expedient — to draw Lrrants on the Treasurer for all sums, tho payment of liich bordered by the Council, and to perform such |at;r duties as are demanded of him by tiio Constitutions Ij Ritual of the Order. [ Sec. 4. —The Vice President of each Subordinate r until shall assist the President in the discharge of his Lies whilst his Council is in session ; and in his ab- Lee shall perform all the duties of the President SEC. s. —The Instructor shall perform the duties of L President, in the absence of the President and Vice [resident, and shall under the direotiou of the President, lerlonn such duties as may bo assigned to him by the S Ritual. fmR *sl ! ■ Sec. 6.—The Secretary shall keep an accurate re- B rdof the proceedings of the Council. lie shall writo B communications, fill all notices, attest all warrants Brawn by the President for the payment of money •, he Bit ill keep a correct roll of all the members of the B'ouneil, together with their age, residence Bml occupation, in the Order in which they have been ad* Buttl'd ; ho shall, at the expiration of every three months, Intkc out a report of all work done during that time lihicli report he shall forward to the Secretary of the Is,ite Council; and when superseded in his office, shall Bieiiver all books, papers &c., in his hands, to his suc- Icesdor. I Sec. 7.—The Treasurer.shall hold all monies raised ex- I'liiMvely for the use of the State Council, which he shall buy over to the Secretary of the State Couucil at its reg ular sessions, or whenever called upon by the President I the State';Council. lie shall receive all monies for the use of the Subordinate Council and pay all amounts drawn lor on him by tho President of the Subordinate Council, if attested by the Secretary. Sec, B.—The Marshall shall perform such duties un* ,der tho direction of the President, as may be required ol jhim by the Ritual. , Sec. 9.—The Inside Sentinel shall have charge of the inner door, nnd act under the directions of the President, lie shall admit no person, unless he can prove himself a member of this Order, and ol the same degree in which the Council is opened, or by order of the President, or is satisfactorily vouched for. Sec. 10.--Tiie Outside Sentinel shall have chargs of the outer door, and act iu accordance with the ordere of the President. He shall permit no person to enter the outer door unless he give the password of the Degree in which the Council is at work, or is properly vouched for. .jA l*r. -■ v Sue. 11.—The Secretary, Treasurer, and Sentinels shall receive such compensation as tho Subordinate Coun cils nuty each conclude Wallow. Skc. 12.—Each Subordinate Council may levy its own fjes for initiation, to pay its dues to tbe State Council, nnd to defray its own expenses. Each Council may, al so, at its discretion, initiate w ithout ‘charging the usual fee those it eousiders’unaTSte to pay the same. Sf.c. 13. The President shall keep in his possession the Constitution and Ritual of the Order, lie shall not suffer the same to go out of his possession under any pre tence whatever, unless in case of absence, when he may put them in tho hands of the Vice President or Instrue* tor, or whilst the Council is iu session, for the information of a member wishing to see it, for the purpose of initia tion, or conferring of Degrees. Article IV. Each Subordinate Council shall have power to adopt such By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations for its own gov ernment, as it may think proper, not inconsistent with the Constitutions of the National aud State Coun cils. _ They Decline the Honor Hon. R. A. Chapman, of Mass,, appointed by Governor Gardner a Com* j inissioner on behalf of the “ Personal Liberty” act of the ; J-Uo Hiss Legislature, declines the honor of serving tiio btate in that capacity. James M. Banker, of Nantucket, does the same thing. In the able letter of Mr. Chapman to the Governor, he says :—“I am under the obligation of ;i . n oa th to support the constitution of the United States and tiie constitution of Massachusetts, and this act (nullifying itie fugitive slave law, and making obedience to it in Mas* sachusetts a criminal offence,) palpably and grossly violates ° 0, 1i.” Well said. Perjury is a bitter dose for an honest man to swallow, even though it be sugar coated with ne- i gro philanthropy. We hope that the Chapmans and Bun- j kerswill tnr\ke themselve* neard in Massachusetts, to some purpose, before they are don* with this personal liberty bill. Kansas Legislature. —The Kansas Legislature met on the 21at ult. Thomas Johnsos, of the Methodist Mission, was elected President of the Council,and Richard R.Pease, I resident pro tem; J. A. HoMerman, Secretary; Mr. Gro ver. Assistant hecretary ; Daniel S. Stringlellow, Speaker ol the House,; Mr. Lile was chosen Clerk, and Mr. Martin, Assistant Clerk. All the members were admited to their seats upon certificates from the Governor. It was supposed the Legislature would adjourn to the Methodist Mission on the 7th inst. / The Lexington (M 0.,) Convention. St. Louis, July 18, 1855. | During the evening session, on the second day of tho Convention at Lexington, Mo , great confusion prevailed on the subject of President Shannon's address. Finally,the thanks of the Conventionwere tendered him, and a eopy of the address requested lor publication, amidst tremendous excitement, during which the President threw down his mallet and threatend to leave his *t. On the third day, there was also a stormy session. Col. Young, of Booae county, charged .Maj. Rollins, of the fame county, with writting a letter advising the whig dele gates to withdraw. The charge was investigated, and pro nounced unfounded. A platform was then adopted to the. following effect:— That tho agitation of the slavery question in Congress, or in tho several States, must finally result in a dissolution of the Union ; that the resolution oi non-slaveholding State not to admit another slave State, ie a declaration ot boetility to the constitution-, that the diffusion of slavery tends to ameliorate the condition of the slave and maintain the equilibuum agaio6t the non siaveholding majority; that the Kansas!- act and Fugitive Slave law are cordially approved ; that the incorporation of monied associations tor the purpose of colonization in Kansas, is unprecedented m history, and is an attempt to thwart the purposes of the constitution and the enactments of Congress, that these councils will necessarily lead to resistance, and while they disclaim any intention to interfere with actual settlers, they will protect themselves and property. Eighteen bordor counties m Missouri contain 50,000 slaves, which will be valueless it Kansas becomes the abode of abolition fanatics; that they appeal to thegood sense of the North to put down fanatical aggressions and emigrant aid associations, and leave Kansas to a natural settlement. A committee of five was appointed to publish an address to the people or the United States, setting faith a history of the Kansas excitement. A copy of the same and the reso lutions ot thq convention were ordered to be forwarded to the executive of every State in the Union. Resolutions were also adopted calling on the Missouri legislature to pass acts within the constitation against tho Sroducts and merchandise of Massachusetts, and those iorthern States practically nullifying the Fugitive Slave Jaw; and that the welfare of elaveholding States and the in • terests ot the Union require the enactment of a law in said j States suppressing abolition [and free soil publications and opinions. The convention adjourned sine die. Democratic Meeting. There wilTbe a meeting of the Democratic party of Chatta hoochee county at the Court house on Saturday the IBth of Au i gust next, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the | next Legislature. Each District is requested to send five Dele gates. Cnsseta, July 9,1855. jifi—w3t GOV. JOHNSON’S APPOINTMENTS. Gov. Johnson will address the people on the political uestions of the day at the following times and places: Vienna, Thursday, July 26th. Perry, Tuesday, August 7th. Oglethorpe, Wednesday, August Bth. Buena Vista, Friday, August 1 Oth. Hard Money, Saturday, August 11th. Webster, Monday, August 13th. Other appointments will be made of which timely notice v/ill bo given. M. J. CRAWFORD’S APPOINTMENTS. ~ lion. Martin J. Crawford will address the citizens of Pulaski County, at Hawkinsvillo, on Saturday the* 4th day of August next. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED BY E. BARNARD AND CO. BAGGlNG—Kentcky . ...H? > yard’ © East India *— | 16 © 18 BALL ROPE Ky lb 11 © 12;/ Northern lb : © —’ BEAHVVAX sp” lb! 18 © 20 CANDLES—Sperm HPlb : 37 @ 40 Star HP>lbj 28 © 30 Tallow #*11)1 18 @ 20 COFFEE—Rio HP lb 1 13 © .H Java lb 16 @ 18 Laguira HP lb; 15 @ CORN 90 @ 1 00 DOMESTIC GOODS —Cot Osnaburgs.. .HP yd 11 @ 12 % Hro Shirting. .HPyd; 7%©, 9 4-1 Bro Sheeting.HP yd; 8 © 10 Wollen Kerseys.HP ydj 24 @ 28 FEATHERS HP lb; 35 © 45 FISH —Mackerel No. 1 ; 20 00 ©25 00 No. 2 1 15 00 @ 20 00 No. 3 12 00 @ls 00 Shad piece! @ FLOUR HP bbl 10>£ @l4 00 GUNPOWDER keg{ G @ 650 HIDES—Dry HP li> 8 @ 10 Wet HP lbi @ IRON—Pig HP tb © English HP lb: 5 @ Swedes HP lb; 6 @ Sheet HP lb 8 © LIME HP bushel 50 @ 75 MOL ASSES gallon: 45 @ 50 NAILS HP IE; 6 © 6^ OlLS—Linseed HP gal! 51,25 © 150 Train HP gal: 75 © 1 00 Sperm gal’ $1,50© 2 50 Card §gal j $1,25 @ 1,50 PROVISIONS. @ BEEF- —Mess HP lb © Prime..... HP Ife 15 © 16 BA CO-V—Hams HP lb Sides HP lb 12 © 12X Shoulders HPibi 10 \\}s PORK —Mess HP bbll © Prime HP bbl © LARD HP lb 11 ’3 @ 15 BUTTER— Goshen HP lb 30 @ 35 Count ry H* lb 25 @ 30 CHEESE HP lb 15 © IG POTATO ES —Sweet H 3 * bushel; 75 © 1 60 Irish HP bushel! 2 75 @ 3 00 SALT.... HP sack 1 @ 2 00 SALTPETRE HP lb 20 PHOT bag 2,25 © 250 SPIRITS —Brandy, Cognac HP gal ! 225 @ 800 American HP gal 65 © 75 Peach..-- HP gal @ 1 50 Gin—Holland HP gal, 125 © 250 American HPgal 65 @ 75 Rum —Jamaica HP gal; 2 00 © 3 00 New England ‘P’gul 65 © 75 Whiskey—Rectified gall 55 @ 60 C0mm0n....---...HP gall , © Monongahela HP gi| 75 © 150 SPIRITS TURPENTINE HP gal © 1 00 STEEL—PIow HP Ibj © 1° Cast HP It* © 22 German HP ft © 15 American Blister HP lb @ 10 English Blister.... HP lb! © 18 j SUGAR—New-Orleans HP lbi 7>/@ 10 Loaf, HP lb 12>6@ Crushed HP H*i 11 Os 12)tf Pulverized.,..- 12>/@ TALLOW HP Ibj 10 @ 12^ TE AS H 3 ’ lb> 80 © 2 00 TOBACCO—Common HP lb| 12#© 15 Fair HP lb’ 20 © 30 Choice HP lb 50 © 75 TWINE ....HP Ibj 25 @ VINEGAR—AppIe H* bbl! 6 50 @ 7 50 WHITELEAD HP lbi 250 © 300 WINES—Port HP gak 1 50 © 300 Madeira HP gab 1 50 © 300 Claret HP gal: 3 (SO © 500 Champagne Bask} 1 00 @ 20 00 WOOL I HP bl 15 © 23 COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. I=Sl£s!iso j- s? .Ipli W. | Stock ;S- ;-3 ,h 3 1 on i ffi >s S jo'®, r- 1 ; ®"S j3 ® j h.'ind iP-fI ; i l|£jl tus i 7T, a- 1-< p- • j?* ‘t* l aj ! day. J lßd4. l ’ 43; 276 71239 71558; 649 64614 65263 6339 J 185 530, 2771 71365026 68510 959,66095 670541 1449 New’ Orleans, .July 20. “’"’COTTON —Under the steamer's news, has declined ■\c. 2500 bales were sold to-day at from 9} to 9*e. for Middling. The sales during the week comprised 7500 hales. The receipts are 184,000 bales less than last year. Th* stock is 45,000 bales. Exchange on London rules at from a 1(H percent, premium. New Orleans, July 21. Cotton is unchanged, and the sales were limited to**day to 350 bales, buyers demanding a further reduction. New Orleans, July 22. The New Orleans Cotton market is easier, but not quota bly lower. The sales of to-day were only 650 bales.— Flour is considerably lower. [Letter from Hon. Johu Minor Botts, of Virginia.] Richmond, Va., July 9th, 1855. Vf<sr ,. tCw * S.Beers & Cos., Gent.*:— Considerations of du- j I ix'tp Ihe afflicted alone prompt me to send you this voluntary i tLtimoniaJ to the great Value of “Carter's Spanish Mature” 1 for that almost Incurable disease, Scrofula. . 1 Without beinr disposed or deeming it necessary to go into j th particulars of the case, I can sav that the astonishing results that have been produced by the use of that medicine on a member ot my own family, end under mr own observatkm and superintendence, after the skill of the best physlc ans had been exhausted and all the usual remedies had failed, fully Justify mein recommending its use to all who may be suffer ‘7a. P ,ed <a all conetitu'ions,or that it will-ifford the same relief in ad cases; tor, f course, l know nothing abouUhat-but from what l have seenot the ef fects, I would not hesitate to use it, in any and every case oC ftcrofula, with persons for whom l felt an interest, or over whom I could exercise Influence or control. Very reepeettallj, jQj{y M THOMAS M. TURNER &• CO. JAS. H. CARTER, OSVAtIO&Dj BROOKS vV CHAP M AN, D aNFORTH Sl NAGLb, julyaO—wtwtUlftSept Columbus, Ga. t> Liver.—When the celebrated Dr, uusn declared drunkenness was a disease, he enunciated a truth which the experience and observation of medical men is eve ry day confirming. The many apparently insane excesses of those who Indulge in the use of spirituous liquors, ma; be hus accounted for. The true cause of conduct, which is taken tor mtatuation, is very frequently a diseased state of the Liver, iv? °l tne system, when deranged, produces a more irightful catalogue of diseases. And if, instead of applying emedießto the manifestations of disease, as is to often the case, physicians would prescribe with a view to the original cause,fewer deaths would result from diseases induced by a eranged state of the Liver. Three fourths of the diseases enumerated under the head of Consumption, have their seat in a diseased Liver. Dr. Gunn’s great works.) wiH P leas be caretul to ask for DR. M’LANE’S ntwDin kiy ER PILLS, and take none else. There are r. PrP ort *n? to be Liver Pills,now public. k r *K, anes ver Fills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge.can now Canada 1 res P ecta^e Drug Stores in the Uni tad-States and tyjSold by all the Druggists in Columbus,stand by one agent in every town. julyl4-w&t w2w. Hoofland’s German Bitters, | prepared and sold by “ r. Jackson, at the German Medical Store, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, increase in their well deserved ceiebritv, for the cure of all diseases arising from derangement of the “Liver.— , These Bitters have, indeed, proved a blessing to the afflicted, who show their gratitude by the most flattering testimonials.— This medicine has established foritselt a name that competi -Biot, however wily their schemes, or seductive their promises, cannot reach. It gained the public confidence py the immense benefits that have been derived fromit,and will ever maintain ! its position. Thi# invaluable medicine may be purchased of all the Drug- j gists in Columbus |and of Dealers generally throughout the : United States. julyl4—wtw2w RATES OF HOARD AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. M BOARD, including ths use of Baths per ‘mouth $30,00 • Board per week 10,no Board per flay 2,00 july24—tw3t C. H. MILLER. Manager. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned from trading, buying, or negotiating in auy manner, for any real or personal pro perty from G. W. Wacaser, as the real or personal property over which he may assume control, is in fact my own, and held in mv own name, and not otherwise. Girard, Ala., July 24—twlm FRANCES WACASER. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY-! LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. [By Authority of the State of Georgia.'] Macon, Ga. a s,a> a> co o CL A s s a WILL be distributed according to tbe following grnud and unprecedented scheme, in public, at Concert Hall, Macon,Ga., under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan anil James A. Nisbet, Esq. The Manager announces his determination to make this the most popular l.ottery in the world, ana challenges comparison as to the chances to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when due iu fml without any reduction. TO BE [DRAWN AUGUST 13, 1855. 1 PRIZE OF 8,000 t “ 2,000 5 of 500 2,500 20 of 100 2,000 120 of 25 3,000 1 Prize of 5,000 2 ot 1000 2,000 10of 200 .*....2,000 78 of 50 3,900 18 Approx’n 000 356 Prizes in all amounting to SBI,OOO TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. The chances to gain the Ci pital Prize iu the old combination plan is 1 iu 76,076, in this 1 in 10,000. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. All orders, rely on it, strictly confidential. Bills on all solvent Ranks taken at par. Registered money letters at my risk. Prizes paid when due without discount . Whole Tickets $5; Halves s2#; Quarters sl#. Address JAyxES F. WINTER, Manager, july24—wtf Macon, Ga. Great Bargain! A PLANTATION FOR SAJ.E, lying in Russell jragjsjkcoimty Ala., five miles east of Enon, and foui south of Mobile Railroad; Jcontaining 880 acres—between 4 fA L and 590 in a high state of cultivation. The [land lies level, is well watered with sprir js and never failing streams— healthy and productive—contiguous to schools and churches— and is supplied with all necessary plantation improvements, such as cottages a newly trained gin house, negro houses, &c. Purchasers are invited to call and examine the premises, if desirous of securing a bargain. The overseer twill at anytime show the place to those who may desire to look at it. For fur ther particulars apply to John H. Butt, Columbus Ga.: or to Dr. Harvey King,or myself at Midway, Barbour countv, Ala. july23—tw2twtf. ‘ R. L. BUTT. Atliemeum Insurance Society of London. U. 8. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OP DOLLARS. WILT, take Risks on Dwellings and other property in town and count, y. upon very {reasonable terms. Loss from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MUNN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, & Cos., Colum bus, Ga July 19—tw3m NOTICE, ACCOUNTS made ox account of the “Union Dray Compa ii/,’’must be made by myselt or orukr, otherwise in no case will be acknowledged. J. W. HOWARD, Ag’t. julylO—tw4t Union Dray Oorapany_ EXHIBIT OF TIIX CONDITION OF TIIF. SPRINGFIELD FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY,. OF SPRINGFIELD, Condensed from the Quarterly Report to 31sf May 1855. Capital $150,000. ASSETS AS FOLLOWS, VIZ : 757 Bharesßank Stock within the Commonwealth..s77,ool 00 440 “ Rail Road Stocks 34,453 75 Rail Road Bonds 7s and 8s 5,720 00 Loans on Improved Real Estate 83,401 98 Loans on Collateral and Personal Security, (Amply Secured.) 24,300 00 Cash on baud $2,584 34 Cash in course of transin’ssion 15,790 14-18,374 48 Other available assets 2,173 28 $245,421 44 Outstanding Claims $10,54? 46 Offick ofthk Spritgfield F. & M. Ins. Cos., 1 tfpringfiald, Ist July, 1855. i VVM.CONNER, Jr., Secretary. Risks taken hy JOHN MUNN, Ag’t., Columbus, Ga. Office over E. Barnard &. Co’s Store. julylO—twim. CHARTER OAR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY* Capital and Surplus $400,000- Takes risks on Lives on very moderate terms, Columbus, july 19 —tw3m JOHN MUXN.Ae’t. For Rent. ■fejiv A Pleasant Summer Residence can be had for tlie liiliSa Summer months or longer, on very reasonable terms. — For further particulars apply to Charles J. Williams, Colum bus. julyC—tw6t FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT At Reduced Prices. A SPLENDID ARTICLE. EXTRA FAMILY, per bbl slo# Double Extra ,do. “ for pastry 12 Superfine 9 00 ~Georgia| Superfine, 8 00 Georgia jMi 11s 7 CO Corn per bushel LOO Meal per bushel sl*oo yhoits, per hundred lbs §1.30 Bran “ “ §I.OO Usual Discount made to Merchants. j Ql yl7—twtf PALACE MILLS. 40 Shares Mobile & Girard Railroad Stock FOR SALE, AT AUCTION. I WILL SELL at the Market House in the City of Columbus on the first Tuesday in August next, at II o'clock, Forty Shares of the Mobile & Girard R. R. Stock. Sale positive and without limit. jutylO—wtwtd _F. G. WILKINS, Auc'r. BACON! WTE will sell for CASH or on a CREDIT until thcFnll or end VY of the vear, the Beat Quality ot Ttnne. gee BaconJ ‘Call at B. A. Richards k Go’s.,JamesLigon's, Broad Street, Columbus Ga.,and -it the store of .O. Lanier, Gi rard. Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mer _ ?.^&ig. ASDER ’ WARM SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. THiS delightful Watering Flace> is now open for the Jt=A*LreceptioD of visitors. June2l—twif. J, L. MUUTIAN, Proprietor. | M>n tguomery Journal copy. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & PLANE, ATTORIf Ey S AT LAW, COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. Gi, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangements at Washington Cify,by which all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to,they are enabled to procure Bounty Land War rants, Pensions, &c, and prosecute Claims against the United States either before Congress or theseveraf De partment*. Onrhej are also prepared to purchase Claims, against the United States. cr-.vo Pay required until the Land Warrants, Claims, tie. ! are procured. Jambs Hamilton, wm. r. plane, April 7th, 1855. w&twif. LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY. I HAVE opened an office on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office, Columbus Ga., for the purchase and sale of LANDS, in this State and Alabama, on my own ac count, or on Commission. ijkPerson having Lands to sell will do well to call upon me, at I have numerous orders tor Lands, particularly in the lower counties, and those wishing to purchase, would like wise find it to their interest to call, as 1 have the means of ascertaining the owner and value of almost every vacant lot of land in the Stale of Georgia. DEEDS and MORTGAGES drawn upon reasonable terms. I am paying more lor Land Warrants than any other j person in tins part ot the country. Having made an arrange ment with one of the best Banking Houses in Washington City, lam prepared to do so, and can purchase any num ber offered. Call and see. S. R. BONNER, july 11-twwtt. Land Office, Columbus, Ga. Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! TUE undersigned having associated themselves together for ! the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under I the several acts of Congress heretofore passd. are now prepared to make application lor all who who are entitled. j Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War- i rants, are, uuder a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. F:om our long experience and gen eral success, we eau with confidence say, that a'l claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly aud speedily adjusted One ot the parties being coustautly in Washington citv, will give the business his personal attention there. Officeover Gunby &. Darnels’ Store, Columbus,Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, feb‘J4..w&twtf, A. B. RAGAN. BONNER’S MAP OF GEORGIA. A GENTS wanted in all parts of the State to sell BON NER’S large MAP of GEORGIA, embracing every county in the State, every Post Cilice, Railroad completed and contemplated, &c. Apply at my Land Office, Randolph street, opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. july 11-wtwtf. S. R. BONNER. RAGS! RAGS ! THE ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS ARE paying three and a half cents cash per lb. for clean Linen and Cotton Rags, In qualities ot one hun dred pounds and upwards, and A cents tor quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rags not wanted. Oflice in front of PALACE MILLS. Columbus, Ga., Jl/ay 9, 1853. w&twtf. WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR Si. LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. junelG—w&twtf REFORMED PRACTICE. DR. WM. T. BROWN, n HAVING permanently located in Columbus, Ga., can tfEßy say to the afflicted that he is prepared to treat all forms Yjffl of disease, both acute and chronic. He would partciularly call the attention of those laboring under chronic dis eases of every character, as tiis successin the treatment of this class of diseases has been such as to warrant him in saying that he can give relief in almost every ; case. His tieatment for Consumption and other pulmonary diseases cannot be surpas sed. Those desiring his services may be sure of receiving .on ly Sanative Medication, as he is thoroughly convinced that the long list of poisons used as medicinal agents do more to en gender disease than to cure it. An assortment of valuable medicines on hand, such as Anti-Billious, Anti-Dyspeptic and Ague and Fever Pills. Also his Specifics tor Gonorrhieaand Syphilis, which he will war rant to cure in a very short time. * Office over E. Barnard &. Co’s. Store. Dr. Brown can be found at night at the Oglethorpe House. july/4wtw3m. jHanuiactureiV fc Mechanics’ Hank, ) Columbus, GA.,.Tune Ist, 1855. $ rpillS Instittution having been re-organized under new I)i ----rectors and Officers, ns a local Hank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New York, Savannah, dontgomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E. T.TAYLOR. President. J.H. Fonpa, Cashier. jniieSO—' wt&wtf A cardT THIS Paper is manufactured at Rock Island Paper Mills, Columbus Ga. Three mac?- a Half cents per 11a. will be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton HAGS. Print ng and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICKS. Coin us, Ga. July 17. w&lwtf FOR SALE, r . Tlie House anil Lot on the corner of Craw— ford and Forsyth Sts., lalelv occupied by Mi.J Miller. .ML. Lot N0.581, corner Baldwin and Mclntosh sts., with the bindings thereon. Apply to jul}6—twoawlw R.B. MURDOCK. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS’ Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, EOPv CASH ! BEING desirous of changing my Af business,! now offer my exte.irive Stock of School, Law, Moili- Theological ami ®ssaa® ce ,ij,s, eoils Boolcs, and“™sSi Stationery at COST FOR CASH* I have a large Stock of School Books, and it will be greatly to the advantage of Teachecs and those in charge of Schools, to call immediately and supply themselves. If you cannot come, send your orders with the mouey, and I will send them to you. To any one wishing to go into the business, I would say, that I will sell them my entire stock upon the most favorable terms —belli as to prices and payments. Call and see. -i JORDAN L. HOWELL. 3PN. B. —I would most respectfully say,to all who are indebt ed to me, that 1 must have the money. let met hear from you without further notice. J. j,. FI. Co!umbu a Ga., April 14, 1855. wtwtf Medical Card. DR. M. E. LAZARUS, (FORMERLY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CA.,) f PROPOSES to locate in f Columbus for the practice o Medicine. Ileisat present residing wiih R. J. Moses, Esq., and wili receive at -Mr. Moses’ office in Columbus, any medical calls orcommunieations addressed to him. Dr, Lazarus is a graduase of the New York University, who has embraced the Ilomceopathic principle; not confining himscif, however to the administration oi drugs, but employ ing, inappropriate cases, the varied Electro- Magnetism and of the \Vater-cure. ju;.e26 twlf “OLD TOU” GIN. ~ JUST received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN in Bottles—a delicious beverage, and a most excellent article for medical purposes Also a Superior article ol Potash in’tin cans. junl2—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. NOTICE. OUR Store was broken intoon the night of the -2d inst, and all our notes and papers taker, therefrom. All persons who have executed any notes payable to ns or to A.S. Hays, or who may know the tact of our holding their notes or obligations, are hereby cautioned agaicst pacing them to any person except J. W.Sappington or to us. julyo—twtf I*, p. ELLIS L. CO. eekly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy twice. LAND WARRANTS WANTED, I WISH to purccase One Thousand Land War rants. and am prepare I to pay the VERY JIIGHItST FRIGS for them oaceon Randolph street, opposite the F<>st Office. ju?y G-wtw ts. S. R. BONNE/?. PRICES REDUCED. COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” july 11-wtwtff WINTER FACTORY. WOOL CARDED ‘ A N DMANUFACTURE D. WOOL Carded at toll or 10 cents per lb. Manufactured into Linsey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents per yd. Columbus, may gti. WINTER FACTORY. GEORGlA—Randolph County: O Court of Ordinary, June Term, 1855. RDFRED, That all and singular the parties interested,shew cause on or before the next January Term of this Court, why Allen James,ndm’r., and i?arah Butts, adm’x., on tbeee tat j ot Spyrus Butts, dec'd, should not be dismissed from their said administration, otherwise thev will then be dismissed.- Given uuder my hand the fifth day of July, 1855. july7—wl'un O. P. BEALL. Ordinary . GEORGIA, Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1855. IEVVIS Gay administrator on the estate of Erasmus Gay, J late of said county deeased, having petitioned this court for dismission from said administration, and it appearing to the the court that be has fully completed the administration ot said eitate: It is ordered, that alt and singular the parties m‘erested,show cause at the next January Term of this court, why he should not be dismissed, otherwise letters of dismis sion will then be granted. Given under my hand, at office, July sth. 1855. julyb—w6m o. p. BEALL, Ordinary. A Bargain ! “j UJf subscriber offers his Plantation for sale—situa wjlSgatea about 0 mlies north-east of Columbus, and contain- acres—being three lots according to the original survey, lying in a column extending from within one the Hamilton and miles of the Talbotion roads. 1 nere are i w o settlements on the place with good Dwelling and oulhouses, and gin house and press, good apple, peach and plum orchards; good w'elJs at each place, and otherwise well watered. There areabout 400ncres in cultivation, the balance woodland. Purchasers would do well to call while the crop is growing that they may the better judge of the quality of the laud. Pay ment, oue-balt cash; the other 12 mouths,*credit with good se curity. july2lw3m DAVID DEAN. NOTICE. THE first Annual Meeting of the Sluscogee Building & Loan Association will be held at Concert Hall on Saturday even ing, August 4th, at which time the election ot office]s for the eusuing year wilt take place, and a general report of the busi ncisand present condition oftho Association will be made. — It L \ ery desirable that every Stockholder should be present, either in person or by written proxy, julyly—twUllstaug. WM. C.GRAY. Pros’t. HENRY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, NO. 151, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS GA. HAS IN STORE AND FOR SALE ‘)X ADA LBS. Choice Bacon, Sides, Hams aud Shoulder*. at/sDUU “0(H) lbs. Leaf Lard, in Tin Cans., 3uo Bushels Corn, Shelled and in car. 50 “ Superior Corn Jf/eai. 50 Sacks No. I Flour. A LS O, A few Boxes of Oranges and Lemons. 25 Bbis. Irish Po,aloes of theNewCrop. 50 Heads Large Cabbage. Juno 28 —twtf. STRAY MULE. CAME to the plantation of Mrs. Ann 0. Cook* ’ 7 two miles above Columbus, in the month of May’ a yellow Bay A/are Mule very mischievous, about twelve or fourteen years of age. The owner can have her by applying at the plantation. julyO—wf*t. J Q IJVCH CIRCULAR SA hS, for sale bv ±0 HALL, MOSES & CO., july9—wtf Colmnbus, Ga., Orders for any of the above aticles left at the store oftiail, Moses & Cos., will receive prompt attention. GA IN MAKER’S CASTINGS, manufactured and for sale at IT BROWN’S FOUNDRY, july9 —wtf Columbus, Ga. CHUNNENUGGEE fl’he next Session of tills Institution willcoaimence'on theTIIIUD MONDAY OF JAN* feu ARY, under the Presidency’ ot the Kev. Wm. H. Ellison, D. D. P aided by an able and experienced corps ol instruc tors in every Department. Dr. Ellison is well known throughout the country as ono of the ripest scholars and best instructors in the South, and (has, during the pa3t year, been offered the Presidency of five differ ent colleges, several of them among the Imost nourishing and popular institutions in the country. The course| of study is a full and thorough asin any school of equal grade, and the Trus tees do, with great confidence, lecominend it to the favorable consideration of Parents and Guardians. Board can be h id in several of our best familiesat $lO per month, including washing, fuel, light, &c. janß—wtf R. 11. POWELL, Pres’t Board. &c. AUBURN MASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE. AUBURN, MACON COUNTY, ALA. THE Fourth collegiate year of this institution, will begin Monday, October 2d. 1854. FACULTY: John Darby, A. M., President and Professor of Physical Science. llev. G. W. F. Price, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and intellectual Philosophy. Rev. W. O. Flannaford, A. M., Professor of English Literature and Belles Letters. Mrs. G. C. Dillard, Principal of the Music Department. Miss Julia A. Darby, Assistant in Music Department. The blanks in the Faculty will he filled by persons of thorough competency,prior to October. Ample arrangements have been made with the best fami lies in the place, to accomodate any number of pupils with board. For further particulars, address the President or J. W. W. DRAKE, Sec’y. Board #f Directors, Auburn, Ala , Sept. 5, 1854. wtf CrEOItCrIA Muscogee county: Court of Ordinary , May Term, 1855. RUL33 NI Sl.—Levicy Lowe, Administratrix on the es tate of Win. Lowe, deceased, having applied for letters of Dismission: On motion, it is Ordered, that all persons concerned show cause, if any they have, why said administratrix rnay not be dismissed ficm said administration at theCourtof Ordinary to be held in aud for 3aid county on the first Monday ia December next. A true transcript from the'minutesof said Court, A/ay. 21etA 1855. may2lw6m JOHN JOHNSON,Ordinary. Wm. H. Jaillet. ) Meriuoethcr Superior Court. vs. Wm. Irvine. S mortgage. See. Pr sent the Honrable Ocille A. Bull . Judge of said Court. IT appearing to the Court, by the petit ion of William H. Jail let that on the 20th day ut July i854, William Irivneof said county, made and delivered to the said Wm. 11. his certain promissory note, hearing date the day and year aforesaid, wherbythe said Irvine promised on the 25th day of January next following the date of said note, to pay said Wm H. or bearer, Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight Dollars, andßev euty-Five Cents, for value received, and that afterwerdg, in the same day aud year aforesaid, the said William Irvine,tbe better to secure the payment of said note, executed and delivered to your petitioner his certain Deed of Mortgage, whereby be con veyed to your petitioner the west halt of lot Number 2, in the town of Greenville, known as the Taylor's Shop frolitiug the Public Square—front 30 feet —running back to .the street ad joining John Kniaht’s office on the east, ami William Ragland’s w bolcsaie Grocery on the west, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less, situated in the town of Greenville, Meri wether county, aud State ot Georgia, conditioned that if the the said 45 ilifam Irvine should payoff and discharge said note or came it to be done, according to the tenor and effect there* o(:that then the said Deed of Mortgage and the said note should become null aud void to all intents and purposes: An it fur ther appearing to the Court that said note remains unpaid: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that William Irvine do pay into court, by the first day of the next term thereof, the princi pal and interest and costs due on said note, or show cause to the contrary, if any he has, and that on failure so to do, *tbe equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises be for ever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further or dered, Tbßt this rule be published once a month for 4 months or a copy thereof be served on said William IrviDe, ora spe cial ageut or attorney, at least thrte months previous to the next term of said court. A true extract from the minutes sos Meriwether Superior Court,at February Term, 1855. This March 20th, 1855. aD9—wlm4m WM. A. ADAME. Cl’k, TWO months alter the publication of this notice, applica tion will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee connty for leave to sell part of lot No. 419 in the city ofCo lumbui£,eingi the North half of said Slot with the improve ments thereon, as the property ‘.of the estate ot Nancy Piggott, late of Muscoged count v deceased, may 19—w2m KINCY L. DAVJB, Adm’r. Lost Note. LOST by the subscriber on tho 18tb inst., a fnote on Tbos. J. Woolfolk, made payable to me or bearer, for Pour'Hun* | dr-d Dollars, and dated some time iu January last, and due 25th December next. Ail persons are notified uet to trade for said Dote, aud tbe maker is hereby uotifled not io pay the same to any one bti* tnvfclL C, W. JUNE?. Columbus, Ga,, July ;5I