The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 10, 1855, Image 3

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Know Nolhingism is Civil War. The Atlanta Intelligmcer* gives the following mel uocholy uccount of a Know Nothing mass meetiug re cently held at Cartefsvillo, Ga.: We call again upon the people of Georgia to l# warned in time and to mark well that Know Notbingism is civil irai ’ **,'T** a l J ghted Irom the ears the very first sight iliat arrested oui attention was a man stabbed and dripping with gore § hcfrrid sight. With our own'eyes, while wait ing it>r the departure of our train, we saw five rencounters, and we were tOid by one well posted on the combats of the day that there were at least twenty fight 9 in Cartersviile \\ edneiday. A poor old fellow j who sang out that he was a <b Democrat, got his *a blow on the head and was walked over for lour hours by the crowd like a dead dog. YY'e saw twy men leap from a door, one literal ly wealing a mask oi blood, and the other with the top of ins head apparently knocked ir>. Ln an instant a pistol fired and down dropped a Herculean frame*as dead apparently as powder and lead could make any living flesh, vve have seen much of our country in all the phases of our society, from the Roanoke to the Brazfos, but never before have we witnessed such rage,such panting fora chance to do evil, such lawless and uncurbed outrages on the peace and lives of men as we witne YVednesday. Men with guns, mon with drawn sicurds, with side arms, with blugdeons, seemed to be possessed by the demon of slaughter and to ; be raving mad in their pursuit after blood. Dr. Miller ask- j ed from the stand, why was nil this violence in these latter ; days? and he seemed to wish to turn it to account for his J party. Xitfl blame is not with any old political organize- : tion that exists now, or ever did exist in this country be- ; fore. But it springs directly from this unholy war on men simply Irecause they dare to vote their own way and from ! this crusade against a religion that thousands of American | citizens profess. It all comes front the palpable, stunning ! fact, that Know Nothing ism is civil war. Savannah River Valley Railroad. —A convention of the stockholders of this road was held in Edgefield l last week, at which a proposition was made by the Au- i gusta delegates to subscribe $500,000 to the stock of the j company, and to furnish a graded road bed, along the j Augusta Canal to Dull Sluice, on condition that the hue I of road should cross the oavanati river, at or ab6ve Bull : Sluice, aud that there should be no connection with the j S.C. Railroad, at any point without the limits of Au gusta, 6c. —which proposition was rejected by the con vention, uho afterwards resolved that the surveys and location should be continued, and pledges were given that ihe present subscription to the stock should bo doubled ; and the road built any how. Whom do you Hid there after you get in ? —Many j Many Democrats are inveigled into the Know Nothing j order expecting to fiud its membeship composed of the honest politicians and patriotic men, who love their eouU’ l try, and sincerely want to inculcate political virture and j elevate the standard qualifications for official stations. We want simply to enquire of these credulous Democrats . what kind of men they find directing the affairs of ihe ! secret oath bound inquistorial oligarchy, alter they get in- | to it ? Are they not the same scheming demagogues, par ty hacks, and political gamblers, who have figured in all the conventions and caucuses of either party for years ? ■ By what process have they been changed into honest and patriotic politicians ?—Rome Southerner. Florida Railroad. Survey. —A correspondent of the Alligator Advertiser, under date of 31st duly, writes that the work of locating the Atlantic aud Gulf Central Rail road, is going on bravely and successfully. They had made a dietanoe.of 12£ miles at the time of his writing. Mr. L’Engle, the Chief, anticipated some delay in progress would occur at some of the large swamps they were about approaching, and also at the St. Mary’s River, as he would perhaps iiad it necessary to run several experimen tal lines at. those points. Agribultural Professorship. —The Board of Visitors at the University of Virginia, have signified to the com mittee ol the State Agricultural Society, their willingness to enter into an engagement for ihe endowment ot‘ an Agricultural Professorship at the University. The Know Nothings of New Jersey. — Trenton, August 1. —The State Council of Know Nothings met here to-day, 150 members being present. J. Y\'. Lyons, presided. After a lengthy discussion, resolutions were adopted protesting againt the twelfth section (slavery) of the Philadelphia platform, as not being a part of Ameri can principles. They also protested against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Murray County.—We have cheering accounts from Murray County. Judge Lumpkin addressed a large concourse of people at Spring Place on Saturday last, and acquitted himself successfully. Good authority states that the Know Nothings have never numbered over two hundred in Murray. If the Democracy and unseduced Whigs will but stand firmly and patriotically by their principles and country, they will annihilate the secret, oath-bound political conclave in that county. We urge upon our friends there to be watchful and active. Push on the column and pour a little more grape into our po litical enemies, and wo will rout them horse, foot and dragoons. —Rome Southerner. Dr? Way land. —We learn from the Providence Journal that Dr. Wayland lias resigned the Presidency of Brown University. He lias filled the office since 1827. The Prohibition Cause. —The Prohibitionists are to hold a mass meeting at Atlanta on the 22d inst. Able speakers fwm different counties of the State.are expected to,be present, aud speak words of “Truth and Sober- U^SS.” In making this announcement, the proper organ of Mr. Overby expresses great indignation at the “baseless fabrication*” still going the rounds that the Prohibition candidate would not run the race out. It says Mr. Over by lias requested his friends everywhere to give the ru rnur an explicit denial. He has no such intention—nev er hid. He is nut of the tender-footed stock—-isn’t alraid of defeat in a good cause—he is a man and a pa triot, every inch of him.— Exchange. Death of Dr. J. C. Calhoun. —We regret to learu, ! says the Columbia Times, that Dr. John C. Calhoun, son I ot the late lion. J. C. Calhoun, died Tuesday morning j last, at the residence of Hon. J. 11. Rion, in Winnsboro, j where he had recently arrived trorn Florida, afflicted ; with that most insidious and deceptive enemy of man, i Consumption. His remains, accompanied by W. L. ‘ Calhoun, Esq., aud Maj. Rion, arrived in this city yes- •! terday afternoon by the Charlotte Road, destined to the j final resting place, Fort Hill, fc>. C., where the last sad ! duty ot burial will be performed at the family sepulchre. Charleston Mercury. Aisw Governor of Kansas. —Mr. Dawson, the new j Coventor of Kausas, was an elective member of the last Congress, and voted far the Nebraska Kansas bill. He is also kuown as a strenuous advocate of the policy of i giving homesteads to actual settlers and introduced a bill tor that purpose, which passed the House of Representa tives, but faded to obtain the sanction of the Senate. Hon .1 Miller. —This distinguished citizen of the old line whig school returning to his home in Augusta af* a short absence, found that he had been announced, with* out his consent, to address a meeting of the American (?) i 1 arty at Cartetsville ou the Ist inst The use of his name being wholly unauthorized, Mr. Miller has taken the lust opportunity to df&are that he has no connection j whatever with hie secret order, and that he agrees with j tne lion. A, H. Stephens almost* entirely in principle. The Kansas Legislature have passed a bill making it Si gUU '' > " lU ’ ,C,ri, ° r> '’ “" h * UM • A Kansas city.- The New Yolk settlement in Kansas named Council etty. has now about 1,51)0 inhabitants H saw- mill, port othey, Sabbath school, hundreds of acres in tps, and a genera, scene ot prosperity and perfeA healtj|. Cherokee Coant y.—M J. Camden, E t q„ has been nomi nateO tor the Mat,- Senate by the De.noc.ats of Cherokee co: uty, and Lawsoq Fields tor the House ot Represent? rives Ibis IS an excellent ticket, and can beat anythin c that Sam can start in that race.- Atlanta J„t c m S cnctr,Ut. A Court House Struck by Lizhtninx—One t /w jtnd many injured -Or. the 23d pit.; the cupm* Q Vthe Court housj m I aylor county, \ a., was .Luck hyjifihtni a while the court hi session, and a large number of ar eons vvj’b n i to building. One man was iastam!y kilted and t* v#r.ti others proetiMt*d,tn>me of whom \v#r eevet^”"’ A Northern Measure* The Courier und Enquirer knowingly utters what is not true when it asserts that “the Missouri Compromise” was “repealed by Southern votes. The repeal of the Missouri line was first proposed in Northern newspapers, was advocated by Northern men and passed by Northern votes. No Southern press sug gested or demanded it, till Northern statesmen had laid down the rule of national policy under which its repeal was demanded and effected. The effort of the editor of the Courier to make believe that “the South”—u mi nority of both Houses of Congress—brought about the abrogation of that mischievous sectional line drawn across toe face of the country, will be fru Hess. The honor (or infamy, if the Courier pleases,) belongs to the National Democracy of the North—to D-OUglaa? Cass, Dodge, and othtr Democrats. To them be'al! honor. The day will coine when those who sustained the repeal of that geo graphical boundary, drawn across our common country, will he fawned upon by the dernogogues who defame them now! —Netc York Daily News. Withdrawals Irom the Order m Pike County. We find, in the Empire State, cards of withdrawals from the Know Nothings signed hy A. M. Stokes and 10 others. They were member of Star Council No. 11, at Bartlesville, Ga. YY iTiiiiHAWALs from the Okder in Stkwart County. Stewart County, Ga., Aug. 4, 1855. The undersigned, citizens of Green Hill and vicinity, take occasion to State to the public that we were induced by insidious appeals to join the Know Nothing organiza tion. YY e were informed that there was nothing in the order which would interfere with our principles and that its object and tendency was to advance sound and conservative principles, and to put down demagogueiem. A fair trial of the order has satisfied us that no man who claims to be a freeman can be a Know Nothing, without a surrender of his rights and privileges. Know Nothingism is at war with the spirit of republicanism and virtually distroys the use of the ballot box. We have, for these reasons, withdrawn from the order, and earnestly warn our friends against being caught in a snare so dangerous to social and religious liberty.— Many of us have been denounced for withdrawing from the association, but we do not care for it: we ibteod to be freemen and do our duty as such. JAMES ADAMS. B. S. GUMMING, THOMAS WALL, T. CUMMING, SAMUEL PATTON, RICHARD SHIPP, JAMES CUMMING, H. HOLLOWAY. COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. “ jsglgwfSp! s 3 !s- & i “ g ii.o g- I-S-H on : 3 ® i 2.; ©2. 1 ~ 11 : o !3 ® hand .!?•§! “S’ i: .. lie-jag. jgSL this pr i j .i. jS’ day. | 43| 27671239,71558. 649 64614 65263,6339 1855. ’ 2771 71365026 68510; 959 66095:67054 1449 GOV. JOHNSON’S APPOINTMENTS. Gov. Johnson will address the people on the political uestions of the day at the following times and places : Oglethorpe, Wednesday, August Bth. Buena Vista, Friday, August 10th. Hard Money, Saturday,-August 11th. Webster, Monday, August 13th. Other appointments will be made of which tiraely notice will be given. CONGRESSIONAL CANVASS. Messrs. CRAWFORD and HAWKINS, Candidates for Congress in the Second District, will discuss the polit ical questions of the day at the following places: At Cusseta August 7th “ Richland “ Bth * Mclntosh “ 9th “ Friendship “ 11th “ Drayton “ 13th “ Lanier “ 15th “ Tazweli “ 17th AH are invited to bo present and hear what the candi dates have to say in supporting their respective positions. M. J. CRAWFORD’S APPOINTMENTS. At or near Hanahatchee P. O , August 25th. “ Cuthbert, Monday “ 27th. Dover, Tuesday “ 28th. Starkcsville, Thursday “ 30th. “ Warwick, Saturday Sept’r. let. Albany, Monday “ 3d. Newton, Tuesday “ 4th. “ Bainbridge, Thursday “ 6th. “. Blakely, Saturday “ Bth. “ Morgan, Monday “ 10th. “ Fort Gaines, Wednesday “ 12th. “ Eighth Dist. Randolph co. Thurs, ** 13th. Columbus, August 6th, 1855. Married. In Oxford,Ga., on the 31st ultimo, by the Rev. George YV. YV. Stone, Mr. T. Lee Scott, of Cusseta, Ala., and Miss India L. Murrell, of the former place. On Sunday sth instant, m Clay County, Ga., by Q. L C. Franklin, Esq., Mr. E.” Killingsworth and Miss Amanda Y\ r est, daughter of John YY'est, Esq., all of Clay county. On the 7,th instant, bv the Rev. Dr. Davis, Mr. James T. Gardner and Miss Martha E. Harris, both of Augusta, In this city, on the evening of the 7th, by Rev. E. W Speer, Dr. Samuel A. Billing and Mrs. A. E. McDougald, all of this city. Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge.—During a practice of more thtn twenty years, Dr, Me Lane had attended innumera ble patients afflicted with every lorm of worm disease, and was induced to applj all the energies ot his mind to the discov ery of a vermifuge, or worm destroyer, certain in its effects; the result of his labors is the American Worm Specific, now before the public, which is perfectly safe, and maybe given alike to childeu of the most tender age, or to the aged adult, it purges mildly and subdues lever,and destroys worms with invariable success. It is easy of administration, and as it does not contain mercury in any form whatever, no restrictions are necessary with regard to driuking cold water, nor is it ea pable of doing the least injury to the tenderest infant. An In credible nnmber of worms have been expelled by this great Vermifuge. Purchasers’will please be careful to ask for DR. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, andj take none else. All other Vermifuges, iu comparison, are worthless. Dr. M’Lanes gen uine Vermifuge, also |his Celebrated Liver Pills, can low be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and i Canada. by ail the Druggists in Columbus, and by one agent in every town. aug~—wttwiw. [Letter from Hon. John Minor Bolts, of Virginia.] ] Richmond, Va., July 9tli, 1855. Messrs. Wm , S. Beers & Cos., Gents:— Considerations of du- j ty to the afflicted alone prompt me to send you this voluntary testimonial to the great value of “Carter's Spanish Mixture.” for that almost incurable disease, Scrofula. Without being disposed or deeming it necessary to go into the particulars of the case, 1 can sav that the astonishing results that have been produced by the use of that medicine on a member of my own family, ard under my own observation and superintendence, after the skill of the best physicians had been exhausted and all the usual remedies had failed, fully justify mein recommending its use to all wbomav be suffer ing from that dreadful malady. 1 do not mean to say that it is adapted to all constitutions,or that it will afford the same relief in all cases; for, <*f course, I know nothing about that—but irorn what l have seen of the ef fects, I would not hesitate to use it, in ary and every rare of Scrofula, with persons for whom 1 felt au interest, or over whom I could exercise influence or control. Verv respecttully, JOHN M. BC/TTS. THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. 11. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS A CHAPMAN. DAN FORTH & NAGLE, jtiySO—wtwullstSepl _ Columbus, On. Booflaad'sGrrmoit Bitters, * prep*fed ad sold by Dr. Jacksou, at the German Med cal (Jtw, i & ArA street, Philadelphia,increase in their weii d3**rvod for toe eure of iH dis a*tains?from down* ament o: the TbOeO Biitore tottvo, ;r %]***!, proved a 1 teas Ij ue afflict**!* wboiirow th* r grau Bile by the mo J f *tle+ g i* im miaif.-j ----h** ;i>rasn>U ft VIM *& a J*“* “oi* however wily their schemes, or seductive their promises, caunot reach. It gained the public confidence py the immense benefits that have befcn derived fromit, and will ever maintain its position. Tljiv invaluable medicine mat be puichased of alithe Imig frists in Columbus land of Dealers generally throughout the United States. julyU—wtw'-'w FOR SALE. A FIRST RATE SADDLE HORSE- Apply to augß—tf LOMAX 6c ELLIS. SADDLE HORSE FOR sale, young, handsome, spirited ; suitable lor a youug lady; Apply to Col. R. J. Moses or Dr. I Ticknor. Aug. B—twtf. NO. 2592. THIS number drew the Capital prize of .?12,0C0 last week These are no ‘Know Nothing’ figures, but from actual know lege, I have a few more ot the same sort to sell. Lottery Draw. August I3lh. LOVE’S LUCKY OFFICE,s jalySl—twt4 it Broad Sireefc. ! GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. INTENDING to close my business by the I3ih September, 1 will sell my Stock of Goods for C< e?T! I have superior old Brandies, Gin, Rum, Whisky, Madeira, Mier. ry & Port Wines. Most of these articles have been on hand nearly two years,making them not only better on account of age, hut they cost much less then than they would .now.— I alsooffer fresh Porter, Ale, Clarret, Champagne, Syrupsand Bitters; Cigars, Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, Candies, Soap, Macker el, Salmon, Pickled Pig, Pork, Lard. Oil, Vinezar, Pot Ash, fcc., &c., all ot the best quality and for sale at cotton accom modating terms. I will also sell city lots, ,Nos. 281, 282,441, 466, ‘468, 598, ‘ls, and a part of No. 19, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3. with a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, a most desirable location, being ‘convenient to the Female Academy, to the Churches and to business. Also fraction No. 06, containing about 10 acres, adjoining Win. B. Mitchell, Mr, Comer, and the lands of Col. Jones, not more than one and a half miles from town. Apply to P. A. CLAYTON. N. B.—All who are indebted must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed in tLe hands of an officer. aug2—w&twtf. P. A. C. WANTED, EMPLOYMENT by a Book-Keeper, fully competent, having had 7 years experience. Apply at this office, or by letter to Box 268, P. O, Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1855—twtf. EXHIBIT Or TtlE CONDITION OK TTl* SPRINGFIELD FIRE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF SPRINGFIELD, Condensed from the Quarterly Repfwt to 3Df May 1855. Capita! $150,000. ASSETS AS FOLLOWS, VIZ : 757 Shares Bank Stock within the Commonwealth.. $77,60! 00 440 “ Kail Road Stocks 34.453 75 Rail Road Bonds 7s and 8s 5,720 00 Loans on Improved Real Estate 83,401 98 Loanson Collateral and Personal Security, (Amply Secured.) 24,300 00 Cash on hand f A,584 34 Cash in course of transm'ssion 15,790 14-18,374 48 Other available assets 2,173 28 $245,424 44 Outstanding Claims #10,541 46 Office of the Spritofibmj F. &. M. Ins. Cos., I Springflald, Ist July, 1855. ( WM.CONNER, -Tr.. Secretary. Risks taken by JOHN MUNN, Ag’t., Columbus, Ga. Office over E. Barnard & Co’s Store. iulyl9—twlm. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus $400,000 Takes risks on Lives on very moderate terms, Columbus, julyl9—tw3m JOHN MUNN, Ag’t. WARM SPRINGS, M Meriwether county, ga. THIS delightful Watering Place is now open for the reception of visitors. June2l—twlf. J. L. MUBTIAN, Proprietor. Montgnoinery J ournal copy. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned from trading, buying, or negotiating in any manner, for any real or personal pro perty from G. W. Wacaser, as the real or personal property over which he may assume control, is in fact my owu, and held in mv own name, and not otherwise. Girard, Ala., July 24—twlm FRANCES WACA&ER. Athenaeum Insurance Society of London, u. s. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WTLL take Risks on Dwellings and other property in town and count, y. upon very reasonable terms. Loss from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MUNN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, k Cos., Colum bus, Ga july!9—tw3m HENRY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION k PRODUCE MERCHANT, NO. US, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS GA. HAS IN STORE AND FOR SALE ok AAA LBS. Choice Bacon, Sides, Hams and Shoulders. iiOsWO 2000 lbs. Leaf Lard, in Tin Cans. . 7 300 Bushels Corn, Shelled and in ear. 50 Superior Corn .Weal. 50 -SacksNo. 1 Flour. ALSO, A few Boxes of Oranges and Lemons. 25 Bbls. Irish Po.aloes of the New Crop. 50 Heads Large Cabbage. June 28—twtf. “OLD TOM” GIN. JUST received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN in Bottles—a delicious beverage, and a most excellent article for medical purposes Also a Superior articled Potash in'tin cans. jun!2—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. NOTICE. } OUR Store was broken into on the night of the 2d inst, and , all our notes and papers taken therefrom. All persons who have executed any notes payable to us or to A. 8. Hays, or who may know the fret of our holding their notes or obligations, are heteby cautioned agaicst paying them to any person except J. W.SappiDgton or to us. jtily3—twtf D. P. ELLIS & 00. Weekly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy twice. Manufacturers’ &■ Mechanics’ Hank, ) Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. $ npHIS Instittution having been re-organized under new Di- A rectors and Officers, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposit 6 and furnish exchange on New York, Savannah, dontgomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E.T. TAYLOR, President. J.H. Fonda, Cashier. june3o wt&wtf Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. r [By Authority of the State of Georgia.] Macon, 6a. *23 CLA S S C. WILL be distributed according to the following grand and i unprecedented scheme, in public, at t’-oncert Hall, Macon,Ga., i under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nisbet, Esq. , The Manager announces his determination to make this the roost popular Lottery in the world, and challenges comparison as to the chance* to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize isdrawn at each drawing, and paid : when due in fuff without any reduction. TO BE JDRAWN AUGUST 13, 1855. 1 PRIZE OF B,Of 10 ; i•• .2,000 j sos 500 2,500 i £0 of 100 -‘,OOO I 120 ot 25 3,0( 0 lPnzeof 5,000 2 ot 1000 2.000 10 of 200 2,000 78 ot 50 3,900 18 Approx’ ll - 600 i 356 Prizes lu all amounting to 531,000 TKNTHOUSAND NUMBERS. The chances to gain theCap’tal Prize in the old combination j plan is l in 76,076, in this t in 10,000. J Drawings sent to sll ordering tickets. All orders, rely on it, strictly poufldontial. i Bills on all solvent Banks taken a? par. Registered money let*era at iny risk. Prise* paid when due without discount. Whole Ticket <•& P*lv** *2*; Qu*r:er* Addre** ‘ iACBF, WlXTfch, Manager. . SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATg OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. , , CLASS T. lobe drairn Aug. ‘Pi. 1855, in the city of Montgonu . WHEN HAZES AMOUNTING TO 9 000 Will be distribute'! according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! m tdr And remember every Prize is drawn at each draw ing Sand paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS./ 1 PRIZE OF SIS,UOn I do .... 5,000 l do {.. 4,000 1 do :unk* I do 2,000 1 do 15,00 : 1 do 1 1,100 15 Prizes of 1,000 $0 do 500 01 Prizes in rdl amounting to. * st>o OUO rF* Tickets $lO ; Halv es *5 j Quarters $2 50. Hills on all solvent banks at par, j All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Age fit and Manager. Sign oi the Bronze Lion , Montgomery, June 28, twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. ftT“ All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of tha State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners the Agency and Management ot the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the principal Ofllccat Atlanta, Georgia, and intends Conducting the Lottery on the ; same plan as that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR AUG. Class S- E3TTo be drawn Aug. 13, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., - when Prizes amounting to Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! t3F"Acd remember every Prize is drawn at cacti i Drawing, and paid when due WITHOU f DEDUCTION! 1 PRIZE OF s7,s<lU * “ 5.000 1 “ < 2,000 : - “ 1.000 a k ‘ 500 10 “ 200 15 “ JUO . 78 “ 50 1 120 “ o 5 1 ISP* Ticket* fa; Halves f2 50; Quarters ft 25. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS ! Bills on all solvent Banks at par. Ail communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21—td _ Atlanta, Georgia, j LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE -AND AGENCY, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE | OF ALL .DESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON KANDOEFH STREET, Opposite the Post Oiiice, •Columbus, Ga. I HAVE determined tr devote my time exclusively to the.. LAND BUSINESS, and hope, from ray knowledge of the “j lands in Georgia, > to be able to give entire satisfaction’ to all who may entrust me with business. I am prepared to either i buy or sell, perhaps to better advantage than any other person in Western or .South-Western Geoigia. If you have lands £o sell, call upon me; if Ido not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for I have fhaiiy valuable lots and settlements of land to sell. From my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, i am prepar- ; ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of land 1 in the State. If you wish to have your land v alued, you [may rely upon correct information, upon reasonable terms. Deeds, Mortgages, and otker,instruments, drawn cer rectlvand at low rates. wanted to sell Bonner’s large map of Georgia— high per cent, given. One tiling is certain,! am paving New York and Washing ton City Pricks for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Having also made an arrangement with one of the best firms in Washington, I am prepared to appiy for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion —to be ppitl for when the warrant arrives. 1 ring in y , i claims soon. As I intend to makelliis a permanent business, and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, I hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from my friends and the community generally. S. R. BONNER, (nly.3l—wfctwly Land Office, Columbus. OAT STRAW, THE Kock Island Paper'Mills want to purchase 100 tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons of OAT STRAW, for which will be paid Slu per ton he paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1855—tw&wtf. New County Notice. fp HERE will be a Public Meeting at Upatoie on the JL third SATURDAY , 18th day of August next, of the citizens of the corner of Harris, Talbot, Marion, Chatta hoochee and Muscogee counties, for the purpose ol making arrangements lor petitioning the Legislature for anew county. JAMES WIMBERLY, DARIUS COX, JOSEPH HENRY, DANIEL C.ORDERY, July 31, 1855 —wtd. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. # SEVENTH YEAR. THE flrst.Term of the seventn scholastic year will commence on Monday August 27th. Tuis is the most advantageous period at which a pupil can enter College. Ample provision is made or instruction in every department. French I is taught by a native French lady, fn the School of Design ev- j ery variety of Painting and Drawing is taught. The department of Music ‘furnishes areat facilities both in vocal and instrumental music. R. D. MALL ARY, Madison, Ga. july2B—wlm Secretary of Faculty, ‘ Lost Note. LOST by the subscriber on the 18th inst., a note on Tbos. J. j Woolfolk, made payable to me or bearer, for Four Hun dred Dollars, and dated some tiry in January last, and due 25th December next. All persons are nodded uot to trade for said note, and the maker is hereby notified not to pay the same to any one but mvselt. C. W. JONES. Col umbufl,f?a.. July 2i w3t WOOL CARDED ANDMANUF A C T U R E D. WOOT. Carded at V toll or 10 cents per lb. Manufactured into Linsey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents per jd. Columbus, may 26. WINTER FACTORY. DISSOLUTION. TIIU Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Harrison, Austin & McGehee, is this day dia- : solved by mutual consent. Persons holding claims again-t the concern are requested !o prese t them without delay, and those indebted to it will please make immediate payment. C. S. HARRISON, WM. AUSTIN, Columbus La , July 29—wtw2w A. C. McGEHEE. COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE undersigned h iving purchased the interest ofMr. WM. A AUSTIN, in the. firm of Harrison, Austin At McGehee, will continue the Auction k Commission, Nejrro Brokerage, k For warding Business. under the Dsme aud style of HA hit I.SON & MeGEHEE, a: tpe old stand, Nos. 59and01, Broad street, and respectfully so licit the patronage ot tbeir friends audtbe public. CH \S. S.HARRISON, Ju!t 30, -wActwtf. ALLEN C. Mel. EH I K. rOR SALE- JpA The House and tot on “Pottyum Til Rtdge,” lately occupied b> John A. J>e Bio, jS I ItSS ceased. If.Uiagg One of the most beagtffa! and desirable i D Columbus. Apply vo fHCILWID PATItiN, ¥ JBOUNTY-LAJND wakkawts. Pension Claims, &c. m HAMILTON & PLANE; ATTORNEYS A T LA W , COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangements at City,by which all business entrusted to them win hi- promptly attended to,they are ehsbled'to procure Bounty Land War • rants, Pensions, &c., and prde cute Clai him against the United states either beiore Cvngrits or thesevcial J t part ments. t3P*Thry are also prepared to purchase Claims, lecspagaiiiot • the United States. fuy nytiired until the I.uud It arrunts, Claims, k.c. urr procured. * JAMES HAMILTON. HM. F. FLAKE. April 7th, 1c55. w&lwlf. Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! THE undersigned having associated themselves together for the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts off ’ongross heretofore passd, are now prepared to make application for alt who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Laud War rants, are, under a recent aclof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Laud, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. F:om our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say. that a'l claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted. One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business his personal attention there. Ofliceover Guuby &. Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, feh24. .wfctwtf. A. K. KAGAN . PRICES STILL LOWER! EXTRA FAMILY, per bbl * 9 Ml Double Extri do. “ for pastry lit (Mi Superfine 7 y,,- Georgia. l Superfine, 7 cu Georgia Mills ...... OO All including sacks. Usual discount when 20 barrels are taken at one time. Our Extra .Family and Double Extra cauno't be surpassed. Meal per bushel Hunts, per hundred lbs SI W Bran “ “ $ ti julj’2B—wlintwtf WINTER’S PA LACK MILLS. RAGS ! RAGS! THE ROCK ISLAND PAPE R MIL L S VRE paying three and a half cents cash per lb. for clean .Linen and Cotton Rags, In qualities of one hun dred pounds and upwards, and 3 cents for quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office in front of PA LAGE 5H LLS. Columbus, Ga., .Vay fi, 1855. w&twtf. WRAPPING Am NEWS. PAPER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR Si- LB AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office? IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. junelfi —wAtwtl A CARD. rpHIH Paper is manufactured at Rock Island, Vapty: Mil's, A Columbus Ga. Three and a half e lb will be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton RACrH Print ng and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Coin us, Ga.-Inly 17. w&lwtti . BACON! ! TXTE will sell lor CASH or on a-CREDIT until the Fall or end YY of the year, the Best. Quality of Tennes see Bacon! Call at B. A. Richards &. Go’s., James Ligon'n, ! Broad Street, Columbus Ga.,and at the store of O. Lanier, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mer chants. G. W. ALEXANDER, jniyid—w&twtf. • .1. tl Junes. AT A GREAT BARGAIN. i 1 OFFER FOR SALE my plantation on thcGlenn- road, seven miles from Columbus, containing acres, about 160 of which i cleared and incul -1 i,vat ion. There isan abundant supply of excellent wa ter on the place in the dryest time. The {improvements fare, a : frame dweil-ng, with four rooms, kitchen, smoke house,Store room, cabins stables, cribs. &c. 1 will ; sell this jiL.ce ve ry low toft cash purchaser,*or will give time on a part of the money if desired. Persons to purchase can examine the place and tor terms call on the subscriber in Columbus. June 12—wtilllstjan* It. B. COLEMAN. ALABAMA LAND FOR SAiE. tl OFFER my Plantation for sale, lying 7 miles south west of Columbus, Ga., in Russell County, Ala., containing 480 acres, with about 300 acres nd all under good fence, and a good framed Dwel ling with 5 rooms, outhouses, and in good order, a good trained Gin house and Screw. The plantation is well wa tered, and a well of water which up to this time has not failed in the least. I will make the terms easy. Any person who may want to buy the place will be shown by D. A. Mcßea, on the place or C. F Alims, of Columbus, i or I can be seen pt my residence. DRURY MIMS. Cusseta, Ga., May 22, ’ss—wtf ] GOOD PROPERTY FOR SALE! MI WILL sell the Hotel comer known as the BALD HILL HOUSE; the House w nearly all new, with 11 rooms, and is doing a fair business, and if desired 1 will sell 100 acres ol good Pine land with the Hotel. Also, anew opposite the Hotel, now occupied by J. W . Hevvett & Go., and a good Tan Yard, now doing a tine business, and a good stock on i hand which can be had with the yard. For the Tanning ; business there is not a better stand in the {State ; all the . Shoes can be sold in the shop. I I will sell the above property all together or I may be required, and it not sold by the Ist Tuesday in Oe 'l tober next, it will be sold at public sale. The terms can ibe made easy. This property is as desirable as any village property in the State ; it is anew place and is improving as i last asit should for the times; the country around is good I and the society ; we have as good a school as any in the ! State, under the management of Mr. J. B. Hull. My rea- son for selling is on the account of my wile’s health. I don’t think ol leaving the county as I regard it as on© of the best little counties in the State. T. A. BRANNON. Cusscta, Ga., May 22, 1855. wtf. SCOTT’S ■ LITTLE GIANT CORN AND COB MILL ! Patented May 10tl, 1854. THE attention of Planters, Farmers and Stock Feeders in general, is respectfully-called to this Mill, as the most im portant article of Ihbkind now in use; not only well adapted f>r grinding Cobb Meal for Stock, but grits or tine Hominy for the table, and especial.y Bread Meal from Corn not fully ripe or dry iii the Fall. In setting this Mill no mechanic?or .frame work is wanted, only requiring to be fastened to a floor or platform. Easily adjusted and used by any body, even a child. The LITTLE GIANT has recei ed the first premiums at the late Agricultural Fairs of Missouri, Kentucky.,Maryland, ami other States; and that in the most complimentary manner; as well as the most ready commendations from the thousand witnessing its performance. , These Superior Mills are for sale by HALL* MOSES, &>CO. j mays—tw2twtf (."dumbo;, Gn. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. aftitre6 Muscogee Railroad Btock forale by O'J HARRISON, AUSTIN & A/cGEHKE. feb3. .wd-twtf. BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. fAA AAA POUNDS TENNESSEE |BACOS. 1 vvwUl/ lUO Sacks Tennessee Flour. 10 Bbls. Howard Street Flour—a Sujierior Article. __ Together with a well assorted Stock ot’GROC ERIKS which will be sold at thv lowest market price By ANDREWS, RLDGWAY & C‘ >. Columbus Ga., May 29, 1855: w&twtb BATHING TI F.S. Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sa’e, And made to order of Copper, Tm or Zio 1 ?. j BHtyiS—t\v4ni. R. YJ. ALUWORTH &. CO.