The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 17, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME IITj THE TIMES & SENTINEL. TENNEST LOMAX & BOSWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. T IIK TIU-VVUEKLY TIMES <k SENTINKt % ;>'ihii-lieu Ei I.‘i\ H h.Jj.\ h.51 ).7 I and tlilljji 1 AtOJiX t,Va and s.rrVHHAY V.VKXIXG. XHK VVUKKiiV TI3IJKS A SENTINEL published every TtIKHIJAi JUOHXJ'J^TG. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS: TR|.VVEEKI.V,Eivk Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEK LV,Two Dom.aß* per annum,in advance. sr'gr” \dvor>Dements conspicuously inserted at On* Dollar nersquare, for the firt insertion, and firry cents for every sub sequent insertion. MboraldetUictionwillbe made for yearly advertisements. Sales off.and and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, or Ouardians, are required by law to tie held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and th/ee in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette jJrt.y days previous to the day of sale. JVotice# for the sale of Personal Property must be given at least fen days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors ofan Estate mnat be publish ed forty days. Notlcethat application will be roadeto the Court o ’.Ordinary for leave to sell Land of Negroes, must be published * eekly for two months. , . , ..... Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days —for Dismission from Administration, monthly six months— lor Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months— for establishing lost papers, for the full space pT three months —for compelling lilies from Executors or Admin -I*l rators, where a bond lias been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the 1 e ;aI requirements,unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CARDS. PRINTIiG^AND^OOKBINDING. HAVING connected with our Printing Office, a full and complete assortmenl of Book Binder’s tools and stock, and also added to our Frit ting materials, we arenow prepared to execute, in good style and with despatch,every bind of work in either branch of the business, on the best terms. BLANK WORK, of every description, with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WARM HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Lading, &<*.., &c.., executed neatly and promptly, and bound in any desired style. RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT BLANKS, of all kinds got upwith accuracy and dispatch. Rill Heads, Cards, Circulars, Hand Kills, Rosters, Programmes, &c., &c., printed in the shor test notice and in the best style. Magazine and Pamphlets put up in every style o binding. Books o all kinds rebound strongly and neatly. LOMAX A ELLIS. Columbus, April lb, 1854. DR. TANARUS, STEWART, tM WING returned to Columbus would rccjKirlfullvati “nounce that be has resumed hie practice of Medicine and Surgery. Columbus,Ga., Dec. 7, 1834. wfctwtf ROBEZIT AT. HOWARD, A TTOE NK Y A T LA W , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Office lu the St. Mary’s Hank building, up Stairs. .fniy ‘2B, ‘ 1851—tw&wTyT i feOBBRT K. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COL tJ MB US, GEO KG 1A i Otliee over E. Co.’s .Store April s—wtwly j .1 AM IS&H AMI ETON. WM. F. PLANE ! HAMILTON & PLANE, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Cko. Will practice in the Courts of the adjoining counties! ti ibis State and Alabama. deco—w&twtf. ; DENTON & PHILIPS, A T T O K N .10 V S AT L A W . UMLI. Fraclieein thodiflerent courts of Russell county, Alabama. ADDRESS H. WATSON DENTON, JOHN M. PHILIPS, Columbus, Ga. Crawford, Ala Sept Jo, 1851. wAtwly. JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. COLUM BUS, EGORGIA. \ROHITF.CTURAL Designs and Working Plan* for Build- j tugs furnished. Artificer’s work calculated: Survey* ot j laud made, and Tapograpical plans furnished with accuracy, 1 neatness and despatch. tj?” Office over Got. Holt’s Law Office. Columbus, Feb. 84. w&twtf. ; PEYTON H. COLQUITT, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , COLUMBUS, GA. nr Office in St. Mary’s Bank Building, tnnyhi w&twtf. J. M. RUSSELL, ATTO HX K Y A T LAYV , <>ffice&t present, with G E Thomas. Esq., over J R Kfdd & Cos llroad Street—Columbus. G corgi a. Columbus, April U, 1855. Iw&twtf A. F. OWEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TALBOTTON, GA. WILT, prepare Declarations for persons entitled tobonn < y-1-amls anil pensions, and will attend to the prosecutiou of all claims ot that nature. ap3o—wtf * S.s. STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAV, BLAKELY,‘EARLY COUNTY, GA. * *5? . wtf. R. A. TURNIPSEED, ATT O U N E Y A T LA W, C’£/ r Nii TA, CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY, GA. “WTILL promptly attend to all badness committed to Vl hi-* dlmrsrc. April 21, 183o—wly SEALS & COX, Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery. a'U ?, .J the four;* of *lUrhour, Henrv ami Pike, in V V the roll m the North. ttye-ial aueution given to busings in the] t’h&ucery ami Probate Courts ot Barbour an 1 Macon cammi* [t. M. Sr'AijS,Claxtou, Alt. MOSi> COX, Tusk ogee’ Ala. October, 10—w l y THE FINEST LOT OF PAC O N II AM 8 Ever offtired m thu ouikel, lor sale by A. V,. ALLEN. Jl7 Bread street. Columbus’. pf wAtr ts “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ 1 RICHARD • HOOPER. COMMISSION MERCHANT, CIIATTANOGHA, TENN. promptly to the purchase of COUNTRY .o v&, or any other business entrusted to hie care. May Id—tvvly 100,000 POUNDS RAGS WANTED^ WE will pay B,\r cents per pound for one hundred thousand pounds clean LINEN AND COTTON HAGS, ( , UHUt j. ties ot 100 pounds and over. 1 j _ , JEFFERSON & HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Feb. 13, 1855. LUMBER, LUMBER. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish Oak, Hickory, 1 oplar, Ash, Beach and Fine Lumber from their Mill at market prices, delivered on Railroad or in Columbus. Per sons wishing lumber, will leave their hills at the Auction Room of Harrison, Austin & McGehee, where they will be promptly attend to. dee. 33—twtt: WHITTELSEY & BRO. UK- T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE ’OVER MLLFORD’S OX BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. tvvly. Drs. BROOKS & CARRIGER. fll AVlNGassociated themselves together in the various branches of their profession, they will be enabled there by to give more general satisfaction to allw ho may favor them with their confidence. Dr.Carriger is fully prepared ami willgi vespecial attention to all cases ot BURG Lit y entrusted to biscare. Office io Winter’s Bank Building. Columbus, Jan. 14—twtf J. A. FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W1j.,1, practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office in St. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. references : T LOMAX. KSQ., MANT.KT & HODOKS, UR ‘ A STANFORD. R PATTKN. Columbus, Oct 7—tw I y WM. PERRY, ATTORN K Y AT LA W COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Yy ILL practice in this and adjoining counties, particu lar attention paid to the securing and collection of debts. Office with Col. A. McDougaid. decll—tw4m. TROY FACTORY WARS ROOMS. COLUMBUS, GA., JAN. Ist, 1854, IT'ROM and after this date no goods will be sold at the above establishment except for CASH ! janl I—twtf. WALTON K. HARRIS. ROPE* FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Justroceivedand for sale at the Alabama Warehouse by J. I. RIDGWAY. Columbus, Ga., May 4—twtf ’ O I * M A JLa TT - MTfIE HOUSE AND EOT at, present occupied by the subscriber. Possession given immediately. H. T. HALL. April 20, 1855—twtf MID WIF K R Y. MRS. .TANK JPGINTY offers her professional servi- ! ces to the people of Columbus ami vicinity. Bhe has bad thirty years experience in the business and flatters herselt i that by strict attention she will merit the public patronage. Bhe may be found, when not professionally engaged, a’ her j residence on Jackson street, just below the Methodist Mission ; Church. [tnarls—twtf. j ANTIIEMDM IKSURANChi COMPANY ! OP LONDON. UNITED STATES BRANCH OFFICE. H(), South street, Philadelphia* AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $10,000,000. AVAILABLE CAPITAL $1.284 300, IvyiLL take any and att fair risks again*!, loss or damage by j \ f l’ire at a reasonable rate. Losses adjusted and promptly paid without reference to i London. References in Philadelphia. Atwood & > :0., John Grigg, Powers & Weightmau, Myers,Gleghorn &Cos John Farumn, Geo. H. Stewart, Win. McKee &• Cos.. White, Stevens & Cos. TRUSTEES. Geo.ll. Stewart, John T. White, T. Batchford Starr. Applications for risks may be made to JOHN MUXN, Agent. Columbus Ga.. April SB, 1855. tw3m SULPHUR AND MEDICATED Vapor Baths. AT BKOOKS & CHAPMAN’S DRUG-STORK. THESE BATHS will relieve aud permanently cure all disea ses arising from an impure state of the blood. Their efficacy have been fully and *ucesetully tested in Chron ic Diseases like the following to wit: 8 t!t Kheurn. Gout, Rheuin&t'mm, Fainful ami Diseased Lyes, Sore Throat, Diseases >t the Liver, Dyspepsia, Co&ti\eness, Uii'tr Worms, Pimpled Face, Erysipelas, Daisy, Neuralgia, Ticdolereaux, Nervous Irritability, Obstinate Glandular Afirc tions. Dropsy, Deafness, Asthma, Catarrh, Cancer, Consump tion, I’hthiiics, (Pulmonary) Leprosy, Gravel, and all Cutane ous Diseases. may.) twtf MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH . AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, j YTTI I. L receive Deposit*—and Checks for saleou New York AprlCM—twtl ß RICHARD FATT N. EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO. COLUMBUS, GA. THE Factory, now beiug in full operation, L able to supply (on their usual terms) promptly as ordered, the various styles ot’ their Manulacutures, winch com-ists ol j the following variety: YARNS.OSNABURGS,4-4 SHEETINGSY SHIRT LN(i,Cottii S’ripetii, of great variety ot 1 attern; COTTONADKS, embracing many new sttyles; Negro Kerseys A Pine Knot Plains: Planters’ Casimeres, Truck for Trowsers, stwiitrr Thread, Shop Twine, Slattressgs, Hatting To Cash purchasers inducements will be offered, j J&-WU-. J. R.BROWNB. Atft To Hire By *hdav reck, or month, lor remainder of the>cfi r LiueiV Negro Men. A LP I > Jo j junei3—twit MARBLK WORKS, Broad St. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HA VV. e on*: a nth on hand 811 kinds of Grarr Nfowc* . Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of I Italian ami Irish Masblv. Eagrarmgandearvn- gdone : .onstoneiuthe bestportablemanner; sue allkindeolGran* ! iteWorkHttheshortestnotice. „„ *1 JOHs: IV MADJ FN. P.S.— Flsstenif Farisand tnd lot 1 ?a e. Columbu?, Jan 1, KHi 1851- COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1855 TRI-WEEKLY. Just Received and for Sale Cheap A LO T O F BIRD CM G E Si. * juiicT—tw2m U. M. ALP WORTH CO. GREAT EXCITEMENT FT To tlie I^ulDlxo. DO you know that? Everybody desiring to Purchase life-like and Enduring likenesses of their B ives, Husbands, Children, Brothers, listers and Friends, are making a Grand rush, to by far the best, A nd only place in Columbus, where Likenesses, which seem to breathe and Live, can be got up, at short notice, in Endless variety ot style, and possessing that Richness ot finish, which has never A et been equalled or approached, at any Other establishment in the State of Georgia. Forget it not, and whenever you want a Gem of a Picture,call at C. I. DEPEW’S Excelsior Gallery—Wpodbridge’s old stand, Many thousands of Pictures, in Columbus, Npeak for themselves, and testily to the above. March 31,1855. ’ twtf. RIDDLE’S Fashionable Dagnerrean Gallery. THE Proprietor lias the largest, neatest, and most fashiona bly arranged GAI.LEHY fortbe Art in the State, lie uses the best material; and allows nothing but first cla Pictures to leave his Booms. So forget not, ye lovers of the Fine A i ts, when ve sally fori li to obtain those imperishablcigems, to cat! on UIDDLE. Be will give you a Handsome Picture and a Good Daguerreo ripe. As for taking children, family group*. fcHeriscopes,out door views, &c., he defies any Artist in the country to surpass him. Rooms on Broad Street, over C. Mysatt’s” Dry Goods Store.Columbus.Ga. ‘ martU—twßm. FOft SALE. HAVING removed to my plantation I offer for ■J® safe my late residence, just south of my lather’s (Major John H, Howard’s) and east of the Musco- gee Bail Road Depot. It is one of tin nio*t desir able homes in or about Columbus. Mr.Goetchlur will show Hie premses to those who wish to purchase. Communications addressed to me at Lufaula, Ala. .junft—t- vt f. K R. IfQWA BD. lEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. Til B subscriber is Agent of W. H. Gut on. New Carpet Store 8h vannah, Ga., who ija* ahvayson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rags, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Bods, &c. Samples and priccsof all qualities of Carpeting and Oilcloth may be seen at my store, 88 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., and any of the above articles ordered without, delay. Carpets cut to rooms free of charge, and made, ifdesired, for stnallcompenfation,-by an experienced hand in Savannah. Jwill be regularly supplied with new patterns for the coining season. P. A. CLAYTON, 88 Broad Street. Columbus, May 3—twtf BRITISH PJEfiinnicA-te. EA&TrcOPIKS SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT &, CO., New York, continue to re-publish the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative) 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical slate of European affairs will render these publieationsunasually interesting during the forthcom ing year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations,and flying rumors of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome ol the future historian, written after the living interest and excite, ment of the great political events of the time shall have passed way. Tt is to these Periodicals that readers must look for tlie only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well estab lished literary,scientific, and theological character, we urgo them upon the consideration ol ihe reading public. rST Arrangements are now permanently mauc for the receipt of EARLY SHEETS from the Brittkh Publish ers, bv which we are enabled to place ALLOUB. KL PRINTS in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with foreign copies. Although this in volves a verv large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore v j z; Per aim. For any one of the lour Reviews For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews < 00 For ail four ot the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine •> 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 0 00 For Blackwood ana the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at Par ’ CLUBBING. A discount cf twentv-five per cent, from the above pri ! ces will be allowed to'Clubbs ordering four or more top ics of any one or more ol the above works. ‘J bus: Pour copies of Blackwood, or of oue Review, will be sent to one address for S9; four copies of the tour Reviews and Black wood tor S3O; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered, through agents, FREE OF POSTAGE.. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United btates will be but Twenty-Four Cents a year lor “Blackwood,” and Fourteen Cents a year for eaeu ot the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always be ad dressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, 1 1 LEONARD SCOTT & CO. jflj'jt) tw Im. 54 Gold fetreet. New Y ork. , WANTED, A FIRST RATE TIN PLATE WORKER. None other need apply. junc7—tw2m. R. M. ALDM ORTH. HEAR BOTH HIDES. All the World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAU TI E S OF FANNY FERN, IN’ ONE VOLUME, 12]H0.. CLOTH. Who U Ruth Halit Is Rath 11*11 Fnn Peru, or somebody else! and Iff anny Pern is not Ruth Hall .wlio U La it ny Fern? THE LIFE AJiD BEATTIES OF FANNY FEIN ’ Is now before the public, and the :world will be eulighte And this book a s', ranee nd** unfolds. ... The present Work is authentic in all 1 t i-Uetails* Those who have read the advance copy, pronounce it tb wittiest, spiciest book *•. the season. _ .... 1; presents vivid, life life picture* of the charming and bill Author of Fern T#eaves and Ruth Hall, at her own fireside,in the Editor e canetutn, in the street, a Church, and every* here, aud in every position “he is the sani fascinating woman. _ _ _ - in th s volume.several of Fanny Fens scarcest efforts err*-*** lor the first tune in book form - The reader will find that the* poeewa Urn same aUr&ctix features which char"Citr!re all her production*. They are alternately witty and pathetic, caustic&nd sparkling and pensive. . . .. No other author basiM'ceed jdo well m tonefcirg e flnti chord* of Jthe heart# i Just receded ami for e*U h? i teblS—wAtwlf. H . FF.APF. HENRY W. YERSTJLLE, Commission & Forward’g Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, REFERE N C E hT Hon. John \\ . Ynderi*on, Savannah, Ga. Messrs. Hole*cube, Johnson &.Co. * k Hon. Henry W. flitiiard, Montgomery, Ala. Maj. John it. Howard, Columbus. Ga. I i>r. Henry Lockhart, 4 * | . P-. It. Young, Ksq , Eufaula, Ala. junlSwtwU GREENWOOD & GRIMES, j WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MESCH ANTS. W COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ILL give their particular attention to the storage,and sale of cotton, and otherproduce, which may be con* signed to them. They are prepared to make liberal ad vances on cotton in store. Prompt attention will be given to the RECEIVING and FORWARDING BUSINESS. E. S. GREENWOOD. STERLING F. GRIMES: Columbus, Sept. 5,1854—w&twly J. C. RUSE, J. 11. DAVIS, tV. 11. LONG. “ruse; DAW & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SIF IP PIN G AGEN TS , w SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. tv ILT. purchase and sell cotton and other produce on com mission, and strictly attend to forwardinggoodg and tilling or- I derstroin Hie country. Ruse, Patten & Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be made on consignments either to or t hrough us to i our triends iu Liverpool or the North, July 9, 1853—w&twtf LOCKETT & SWELLINGS, | GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, HA., ; WILL attend to the polling of COTTON and all kindso PRODUCE. Strict attention given to Kcceivthg and Par i war dins: Goods. E. LOCKETT, i 0 H. D. SPELLINGS. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 1, 1851 tw&wly HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., SAV-ANNAH, GA. HOPKINS, HUDSON &. CO., CIIART.KSTON, 8. C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION - At Elt C 11 A. N ‘J’ S . TANARUS) l',N FAV an offer of tbir services to Planters, Merchants and * V Dealers in the sale of Cotton and all other country produce-. Sirict’atttenuon will be given to business, and liberal cash ad* vancee aud facilities afforded customers when required. o 1.*.,.. > uarannan. w. H. FLEMING, ) l. hotkans, Augusta. john j. coiien, Charleston. Aug.,4—lw&.wlf COI’ARTN ERsTIFl 1 . THE undersigned having this day tormed a Copartnersbipun- | tier the name and style of HARRISON, AUSTIN & M'GEHEE, for the purpose of transacting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION, j RECEIVING m FORWARDING, AND* NEGRO business, at the old stand of C. S. HARRISON , | pledge IhemsClvt s to h prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to thjdr care. They will give their personal j attention .to the sale of i Real and Personal Property, Merchandize and Produce. ! Having'-amide facilities at their command, they are prepared to’ . make liberal cash advances on Negroes and Merchandize of 1 every description. j The patronage of their frienda- and the public generally is : solicited. C. S. HAIIRISSON, WILLIAM AUSTIN, A. C. McGEIJEE. j Columbus, Ga., Sept. 1, 1854. SeptJ6-tw&wtf I COPARTNERSHIP. ’ THE undeuigne<i having entered in a general^pjp.jT) GROCEEY BUSINESS, SSt. atthe old stand of I’. McLaren & Cos., wiilj keep constantly on ! hand a full supply of All kinds of Groceries, for wholesale and retail. ; We solicit Che patronage of our friends and the public gen erally. f. McLaren duck. PJCTKR Hf LAP.KN, : I.KVI B. nri.'K. ■ Columbus, Oct 7th, 1851 Oct 14—tw&wtf ! WINTER FACTORY, o<oTo_:ra:AJ3TLiJs, G-&,. YARNS, LINSKYS, WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, for sale. IWOOL Carded at oue fourth toll or ten. cents per pound. i LIVSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. ]>er yard. All AVork done Promptly and Warranted. MONTGOMERY IRON WORKS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. WILL -FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines,Circular Saw Mills, r Grist Mills, Shafting, or any ylesciiptiou of Jt.iCII ftfEJ! Y Also 11 ich’s un rivalled Water Wheels,the best in the world. Lynch, Pago &. Cos, Whittlesy &. Cos., Woodruff fe Goetchius,on the Muscogee Kail Road,anti numerous others, testify to cutting 1000 feet of Lumberper hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Saw Mills oloneSaw. G. W. WINTER, marl2—v&twtf Agent, Columbus Georgia. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to A. C. Flewelien fc Cos. will please utakei remediate payment. Their accounts may befound utlhe Book Store of- 3. L. HOWELL. Columbns, Dec 30—tw&.wtf PRICES REDUCED. COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.’’ July ll- v wtf. WINTER FACTORY. SPECIAL NOTICK. IN order that oar customers may understand the terms or which wc Dade, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time, paymeuts will be required twice a year; say Ist May aud Ist Januafv. On all amounts unpaid ‘at the timet specified, we shall claim and expect interest until paid. E. BARNARD, & CO.’ I Columbus, Jan. 1;t,’55. janll—w&hvtl, DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. ! MONTGOMERY, WEST POINT k OPELIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. On anti after the 16th July ’ lMt\J*Son Ups fond %\ili beTn"’ eril 4iy the following A sciiKDrrTi:: - .* DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery ft', a. iu. Arrive a! Columbus If .>0 ;>. m. Arrive at \Ve3tfPoint * tl I'jji.m. Leave f ofutnljus * ...*....P.10 . in. Arrive at Montg< nn-r\ v •_> ,4tt p. nj. Arrive at West Point’ 11.45 a. in. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery B.r>o p. m. Arrive at Columbus r. 2.4; a. ir. “ West Point..’ 2.30a. m. Leave Columbus 11.30 p. iu. Arrive at Montgomery 7.30 a. m. *’ West Point 2.3tXp_nj. VW” Double Daily Connections are goutinmd from Wert ; Point to Atlanta and Nashville.and daily lb Knoxville, Tenu. I Daily connections are continued from Montgomery-to ,l/o ----! bile by stages and steamboats. Passengers taking the Night Train from Colninbus, are re quested to purchase tickets ot the agent at the PERRY HOUSE between the hour#of 10 and II o'clock p in. iul hi. .w&twtf. ’ g. G. JONES, Enq?f. fa Sup. Change of Schedule ON THE MU8COCItO^I)! OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT KEW YORK; AND NEW ORLEANS .MAIL! On and after July 16th, THERE will be Two I>ailv Mail Txtniits between Columbus and Macon —arrival and departure a* follows : Arrive atColuftibus 7, l .| ioc p. in. heltvc 41., a.’ir. and ‘z}-- p. in. Arrive at Macon lu, ; , a. in. and B.swp. m. Leave do 2.10 a.m. and p. m. lIOTII TRAINS Making a complete connection between Montgomery, Ala., and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington and Chat lesion: also, with Central Rail Road to Savannah, and Miliedgevillc, and with the Macon and Western ‘trains to Atlan’a, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. .<> Also, connecting at Columbus with the Girard &'.Mobile Railroad, for Lufanta. Rutonc change of Cars hcl ivecn Montgoni* cry anti Augusta, between which places arc running careful baggage Masters under heavy'bonds, who will check .baggage and follow'it through. !’. E. WELLS, Columbus,\July]l7—tw&wtt Engineer and Sup’t CHANGE OF SCHEDULE AKB^ GIRARD BAIL ROAD * FTER Monday, lliih July, the Passenger and Freight JnL Train will leave Cirard a: 3V p. M.daily, (.Sundaysexcep ted) connecting at Silver Hun with a daily line <>f blags* to Glonnvillc, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, npd Marianna, Fla. And on Tuesdays, 3ndFridays, with the .stages lor Fein--, ciivet. an<! Bluscogee Trains. Round tri p tickets good for Iwo days can be purchased at the office-at Silver Run, at less than the regular Lite. R. A. HARDAWAY, July Hi-vv&twt f. T.ugineer. ANDREWS, KIDGWAY & CO. BEARERS IN ST A PL E D R Y GOO 1) S, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &C., &C. (Four Doors below Hill & Dawson’s old Corner) BROAD STREET, ’COF.FMBPS. OA. Colmribt.w*, Oct 10..150R. —twifewtf TO THE PATRONS UE PEEHY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE TAIN KILLER. OWING to the large amount of Counterfeit Pain Killet put up and sold asgei uiuc by unprincipled men, w e-have beer, obliged t;> resort to very expensive measures to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public from great injury, by buying and using their-worth’esß counterfeits. Tr.e compar ative plain and simple style in which our Pain Kiiler has l>eeh put up, has made it very ea*y for those disposed,id’iiu ilate it very successfully, as far as its external appearance, in style of bottle, label, and color of Ibe article; but we need not say that the compound is a miserable, filthy production and calculated to do ereat injury to those who might use it with the confidence they have been accustomed to use the eenuine Pain Kilter. Parties whose businees it is ta counter feit valuable preparations, do it in such a secret manner,that It is almost u-mlessto attempt to punish tin m by legal meas ures, as it is difficult, and we might say impossible to bring the proof home to them. Considering the great difficulty in protecting ourselves and the public by prosecuting parties, we have be. nto a very great expense in getting up a finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LABEL, for our bottles. We also atLch to our bot .lcs a .Steel Engra ved note of baud, which we is=ue as our obligation and the counterfeit which is held forgery by Ibe laws <>f the United States, aDd which partiep.wßl not dare attempt to do. The great expense attending the getttng up and printing of thete labels, willpreventthe attempt to counterfeitthus c ---scuriug to the public that tbe article they purchase ietbe gen uine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, maculactured by Pv—y lav> &. Bon, Bale Proprietors, ‘ t The Pain “Killer will be put up in anew styie of panel bo tie,wit* the words DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, blown in the Glass. We have discontinued the use of l the 37ja cent bottles attd n<>w put up only four vi cents, v’o cents, ot cents, and SI, per bottle, j We have also a very fine Engraving on Stone, lor the Box i labels, specifying tluf contents of the box, where and by whom manufactured, fee. We have also added to our Pant plietof directions and Certificates, a cover beautifully fiobh ed, presenting on the first page a very excellent likeness of ■ Perry Davisy tbe original inventor of the rain Killer. The ; bottle label?, and oue label n each box, has ape a correct j likeness,.of Perry Davis, which it will be impossible to coun terfeit successfully. Wc have been io this expense, that the public might perfect confidence that they were getting the. genuine article I when they buy a bottle‘as above'desorihed. To those who j have so long used and proved tin* merit* of our article, we j would say that we shall continue to prepare our pain Killer l of thj hesi ami purest joaterijds, “end that it siudl be. every i wav wortbv of their approbation as h t&ral'v medicine. PKBKV DAVIS 6l SON, ! Providence, R. 1. >;*i (t ;biciirers and ropr.ctoi*. i maySff. ’ wttwJtu, [NUMBER IS