The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 17, 1855, Image 3

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or they shall, on conviction,suffer death without benefit of clergy : nevertheless, on such proof of trans portation, such offender or offenders charged as aforesaid, shall not be debarred the right of trial by jury, and shall be allowed every right of evidence to counteract such proof. Yellow Fever at Hampton. Richsloni), August 10. j Passengers per steamer Curtis Peck report three cases of yellow fever at Hampton. Harry’s Row, Norfolk, was burnedJast night. Congressmen from Tennessee. Ist District—Taylor, K N, “nd “ Sneed, K. N. 3rd “ Smith, Dem. Ith *’ Savage, Dem. sth “ Ready, Whig. fth “ Jones, Dem. 7th “ Wright, Dem. Bt.h “ Zollicoffer, K. N. 9th “ Etheredge, K. N. 10th “ Rivers, K. N. Same number of Democrats as in the last Congress. Kentucky Elections. Louisville, Aug. 10. Eighty counties heard from, giving Morehead a major [ ity of 9,461. The twenty-three counties to hear from i gave Pierce 1,226. The 2d,’3d, 7th, 9th and 10th districts have gone for the Americans. The Ist, sth and 6th have gone for the Democrats —the 4th is doubtful. — Nashville 11 hig. Return of Mr. Buchanan. Washington, Aug. 12, 1855. Mr. Huchauau, our Minister to London, will leave that city on tin oth ol October, for the United States. Ihe Yellow Fever. New Orleans, August 12. The deaths in the last week in the hospital in this city from yellow fever were 125, the eases being mostly early in the week. The cured cases amount to 109. It is hoped the warm weather will abate the disease. Telegraphic Extension. The Boston and Cape Cod Telegraph Company have determined to extend their wires, by a stroug submarine cable, of the same size as that now being laid down bo* tween Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, to Holmes’ Hole l Martha’s Vineyard,) Edgarton and Nantucket;*and we learn that contracts were made on Friday last binding | the Company to have the liue completed on the Ist of ? November. This enterprise will prove of great value to I the shipping interests of Boston, arid the points that are I thus to be connected. Fanaticism of Lord Brougham. Lord Brougham has memorialized the British House of Lords, lor the removal of the Lord High Commissioner, on the ground that he owns an extensive plantation and slaves in Dutch Guiana. He lias also spoken on the treatment of free negroes, British subjects, by the State of South Carolina. Lord Clareudon’s reply, however, held out no promise of improvements in. this regard He very considerately thought the affair too delicate to be meddled with by the English government. Western & Atlantic Railroad. Lhe earnings of this Ho ld r for July were as follows, viz: Freights. Pass. Mails. Total. duly ’55—549,340,59 $10,391,80 $1,895,83 $67,628,22 jHly ’54—20,553.83 15,303,15 1,166,66 37,023,64 lucrease’s2o,7S6,76 $1,088,65 $729,17 L $30,604,58 Tremendous influx of People from the Seaboard. Richmond, August 10. The steamer Curtis Peek, Captain John Davis, arrived at quarantine, below the city, this afternoon, with four hundred passengers, all from Norfolk. They were ex amined by the quarantine physician, and no fever being manifest, all were permitted to come up to Rocketts and land. Governor Reeder. —As many of the Northern papers are teeming with a story in their Washington correspon dence, alleging that the President offered to Governor Reeder, as inducement for that gentleman to resign, first, the mission to China, and then that to the Court of St. .lames, soon to be made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Buchanan, we have to say that we are satisfied that the story, in each and every one of its particulars and varia tions, is false—false from beginning to end. No such of fer or offers were made to him, the public may rely on it. The story is merely made up by some enemy ot the Presi dent, who lacks truth on which to hang a fair plea of wrong doing on his (the President's) part, as the basis of invidious comments on his administration. When, as alleged, Governor Reeder was offered the Chinese mission, that was not vacant; nor had Mr. Me- Lane made up his mind to resign.— Washington Star The Old Line Whigs of Maryland. —The subjoin ed letter from Leonardtown, St. Mary's county, Mary land, appeals in the Baltimore Sun of yesterday. The old line whigs of Maryland are nobly emulating the ex ample set by their brethren throughout the eutire South : “The whig convention of this County assembled in i'i this town on yesterday, and nominated Kdmund J. Plowden aud Richard H. Reeder, esq3., for the house of delegates. Mr. Plowden was a member of the house of delegates in 1849, and is one of the most extensive plan ters in this section. Mr. Reader is at present a judge ot the orphans’ court. Both gentlemen are men of abil ity and deservedly popular. The convention that nomi nated them le-affirmed the stroug anti Know Nothing resolutions heretofore passed by the whigs of this county, and both Messrs. Plowden and Reeder, in their speeches before the convention accepting their nominations, pledg ed themselves, if elected, to co-operate in good faith with the Democratic or any other party in the Legislature, if they found no whig party there,in opposition to lv. Noth ingisni, aud m that contingency, it necessary to defeat the Know Nothings, to vote for a Democratic United States Senator, or any other officer for whom their votes might be required in their legislative capacity.” Wild Hunt after Office.— lt is said that Dr. V. M. Miller, the loudest- gun ol Know Nothiugism in Chero kee, professed to be a democrat down to a late period— that he was a candidate for nomination before the Con vention ol the fifth district that nominated Judge Lump kill toi Codgress ; and that, disgusted with his failure ‘fin the wild hunt after office,” lie joined the Know Nothings the day offer his defeat, and has since that time been one of the*warmest and loudest denouncers of the ungrateful democracy.— Sav. Geo , I*2. Kuoio Nothiugism nr the North. —We learn from ! the New York Herald of the 9th iust., that at a mass ; meeting of the so-called American party, which was held j at Pittsburg on the 4th lost., resolution's denunciatory of ‘ Southern slavery,-the Fugitive Slave Law, the Nebraska Act. and the platform ol the Council at Philadelphia in relation to slavery, were passed. One of the resolutions assert that Congress has the constitutional right to reiuse the adm'ssion of any new Brate which tolerates slavery. Savannah Georgian. . * ‘ }frc U ilkdrawals. —Sever tl gent!emeu,‘haviug with drawn from the Dark Lantern Order, have sent us a communication giving their reasons for so doing, which we are unable to insert this week, but will cheerfully pub* Pali them iu oar next issue. They were members of the K. N. Council at ZeuUloii. J here name* arc— Jo in J. Chapman ! John M. Osburn, 4 , E. L. Conually, I G. W. Fowler, R. L. Anderson, ! James Parks, Thus Howard,. ! Janies Powell, Jobu fcweet, I State. Seat of Canadian Government.— l he Quebec Mercury , udera'Uudt that an order has been issued to the public de yr. tnient ft* p’rflj*£!'*’ for a rotnovaf to the Utb ( fi t • d)r Havana Plan Lottery.- The following are the num bers/nat.drew the Capitals on the 13th Aug. at Conceit Hall, Macon, Ga. No. 3787, SB,OOO, Macon Ga. No. 3198, $5,000, Deadfall, Ala. No. 9399, $2,000, Richmond, \a. No. 655, SI,OOO, Charleston, S. C. No. 3368, SI,OOO I Nashville, Tenn. passed through Macon last week.— vv A . and - v ’ * ,,rn — ,)e was so changed for the worse. YV e t lought of him as we saw him last 1 His new beaver, cocked smartly on one side of h is head-his glossy coat— l, rami*,*, veM-hk, knowing look-hi.jubLnt voice-- X ": Ate • they wore nil inni.hed ; Hi. ’ s nocked in his coat was torn—his look despon* T 7: lm VV l 0 e “pect rueful ill the extreme. He was ard. times personified. He was fit for nothing except to point a moral or adorn a tale.” Render, do you recognize the portrait ? It was the unfortunate Bam !— Geo. Telegraph , 14 t/i. uir* ’ lext f or the Chaplain of the Knoic Nothinvs It a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ve%hall not vex him, “But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shall love him as thyself: tor yc were strangers in the land of Egypt. ] am the Lord your God.” —Leviticus xix, 33, 44/ ii Cat ! lollc female teachers of public scl.oo’s in Low ell, Massachusetts, have been dismissed by the commit tee. A proposition to call a public meeting in Philadelphia on the case of Passmore Wil'iamson, has fallen through tor the present. Oregon. The people of Oregon have voted against a convention to form a State government. The matter was defeated by the people of Jackson county, who defeated it at a previous election, from a hope, it is said, that anew territory may one day be made up of the Southern coum* ties of Oregon and the Northern counties of California. COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. ‘§ 2 H:PC P3 ! ; .-Cl: 5£7\% n t £. : S’BT| ®~r \ S.IJ ; g _ a !2. a ! ST i -e -<. 2. !-o 73 ; Dll 3A2.!3 2. : r* ■S5i 2i§ i3 ® ! hand <* i !® ! 2.® i • !® ‘.£ :a ■ this J , ~ •r s ®- | : P 7 ;•< ‘ J 1 June* 30 ‘ 43 i 276 | 71239 71558; 649 64614 65263: 6339 _ 185r> ; 277 1 723,65026 68510 959166095;67054j 1449 Democratic Jleeting. There wilFbea meeting of the Democratic party or Chatta hoochee county at the Court house on .Saturday the IBth of .Au gust next, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the next Legislature. Each District is requested to seud live Dele gates. _JJusseta, July 9. 1855. M. J. CRAWFORD’S APPOINTMENTS. At or near Hanahatchee I*. O August 25th. Cuthbert, Monday “ 27th. Dover, Tuesday “ 28th. Starkesville, Thursday “ 30 th. Warwick, Saturday Sept’r. Ist. Albany, Monday “ 3d. Newton, Tuesday “ 4th. Bainbridge, Thursday “ 6th. ** Blakely, Saturday “ Bth. Morgan, Monday “ lOth. Fort Gaines, Wednesday 12th. Eighth Dist. Randolph co. Thurs. “ 13th. Columbus, August 6th, 1855. DIED, In this city, on Sunday August sth, Mrs. Sarah A. Ing ram, consort of Porter Ingrain. Obituary notice hereafter. From the Rev. B. U r . Harris, a Minister o f the Metho dist Episcopal Church. Dr. Charles Williams— Sir: I accidentally got hold of your'“Pulmonic'Balsam of Whild Cherry,” and have no hesitataney in pronouncing it the best expectorant I have ever used, and have tried nearly all the far-famed ex pectorants of the day, aa I have been lain,, r „l. monic a flection for nine years. I received a letter from my brother-in-law, the Rev. James Waliis, a few days ago, and lie and his wife were both using the “Pulmonic Bal sam,” and were perfectly delighted with it. His wife, two weeks before, had lost all hope of recovery, but was aston ishingly improved. Your obedient servant, 8.-W. HARRIS. Courtland, Ala., Feb. 21, 1849. by all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. augl4lm. Dr. M’linnc’s Vermifuge.——During a practice of more thr.n twenty years, Dr, McLaue had attended innumera ble patients afflicted with every form of worm disease, and was induced to applj all the energies of his mind to the discov ery of a vermifuge, or worm destroyer, certain in its effects; the result of his labors is the American Worm Specific, now before the public, which is perfectly safe, and maybe given alike to cliildeu of the most tender age, or to the aged adultj it purges mildly and subdues lever,and destroys worms with iuvariable success. It is easy of administration, and as It does not contain mercury in any form whatever, no restrictions are necessary with regard to drinking cold water, nor is it eu pable of doingthe least injury to the tenderest infant. An in credible unmber of worms have been expelled by this great Vermifuge. Purchasers’ will please be carelul to ask for DR. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, andj takenone else. All other Vermifuges, iu comparison, are worthless. Dr. M’Lanes gen uine Vermifuge, also Ibis Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. by all the Druggists in Columbus, and by one agent in every town. aug7—w&tw2w. [better from Hon. John Minor Botts, of Virginia.] Bichmonp, Va., July 9th, 1833. Messrs. tVm , S. Beers &. Cos., Gents: —Considerations of du ty to the afflicted alone prompt iue to send you this voluntary testimonial to the great value of “ Carter's Spanish Mixture lor that almost incurable disease, Scrofula. Without being disposed or deeming it necessary to go into the particulars of the case, 1 can sav that the astonishing results that have been produced by the use of that medicine on a member of my own family, and under my own observation and superintendence, after the skill of the “ best physicians had been exhausted and all the usual remedies had failed, fully justify mein recommending us use to all who may be suffer ing from that dreadful malady. 1 do not mean to say that it is adapted to all constitutions,or that it will afford the same relief in all cases; for, *t course, I know nothing about that—but from what l have seen of the ef fects, I would not hesitate to use it, in'any and every case of Scrofula, with persons lor whom 1 felt, an interest, or over whom 1 couid exercise influence or control. Verv respectfully, JOHN M. ROTTS. THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. 11. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DANFORTH & NAGLE, julySO—wtwtillstSept Columbus, Ga. Hooflandb German Hitters, prepared and sold bv Hr. Jackson, at the German Medical Store, I*2o Arch street, Philadelphia,increase in their well deserved celebrity, for the cure of ail diseases arising from derangement of the Liver. — These Bitters have, indeed. pr<>\ed a blessing to the afflicted, who show their gratitude by the most flattering testimonials.— This medicine has established lor itself a name that competi sjoj, however wily their schemes, or seductive their promises, cannot reach. It gained the public confidence py the Immense benefit* that have been derived from it, and will ever maintain its position. Thi.v invaluable mediciue mav be purchased of all the Drug gists in Columbus |aud of Dealers generally throughout the United States. jul\M—wtwtlw MF OIS0 IS RENT. THE house near the Market in Columbus, known as the CITY HOTEL. Apply to Pn. Gittenger I or M. Barshall. augli—twtL Enquirer and Corner Stone copy. CIG A LI MAMFACrO R V , CRAWFORD STRETT, FsTT mo Doors below Rankin's Comer.^^2 * r |MIE subscriber keeps constantly on hand the’ finest HA ! JL VANA CIGARS, and offers them for sale, at the i.owiii’ tricks, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of j American Cigar.*. Also, every vane y ot Chewing and , Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snun’, and all the articles usual ly found in an establish moot of this kind. All good-sold bv mu are warranted genuine and free from detects of any kind. from the country care full v and promptly attended to. augif—wAtwly .T \ MUS URTEVEZ. A CARD. THE pressing necessities of the poor, and the difficulty in procuring work for them, render it very important that some means should be adopted immediately to remedy the evil. It is respectfully submitted to those who leel lor this class, that a society is about to be organized by which they may be provided with work and also promptly paid their wages. t • KJ * To this end, contributions in money or dry goods, ofders or work, purchasers of ready made clothing, and active personal assistance in cutting, arranging, supervising and nnisiung; and also in givng instructions in the art of sew ing are earnest py solicited. All persons feeling an interest in this matter, will please testify it by coming or sending to the -ehool house in the * , Ph r °!i * ,e Episcopal church, on the afternoon of every l hursday, or by applying to the ladies of the Episcopal jewing Society. augll-tw3t MUSCOGEE RAILROAD OFFICE, ) Columbus, Ga., August 13, 1855. j ! A MEETING ol the Stockholders of the Muscogee R. i -£X R.-Company, will be held at this office on Monday : the third day of September next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. for the purpose of electing a President and Directors, as pro vided for in the law ol Feb. 1854. D. ADAMS Sec august 14 twtd Aii city papers copy until the day of election. COLUMBUS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. THE Tenth installment, of one dollar per share, is payable on Saturday next, 18th inst. The monthly meeting of the Association will be held at Concert Hall on that, evening, at 8 o’clock. augll—lßss. t,w2t. STERLING F.GRIMES.Treas. For Sale, Igf o ‘Vy te sl T dencr > Rose Hill, lor sale. It adjoins YV. K. lu?du, or, James R. Jones,in the Northern Liber ties. It also adjoins the city corporation. The place con- twenty-nine acres,o’ e-half woodland. I will give pos session any time after thehrst October next. As lam de termined to sell to remove to my plantation, 1 will sell a bargain to suit a purchaser. aug!4— twltwtf SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. SADDLE HORSE I?OR sale, young, handsome, spirited ; suitable ior a . young lady. Apply to Col. R. J. Moses or Dr. Tieknor. Aug. B—twtf. FOR SALeT 4 FIRST RATE SADDLE HORSE. Apply augS-tC __ LOMAX & ELLIS. ‘ TEA, OF the best qualities on hand and for sale bv augl I— tw3tw3m DAN FUR ft! & NAGLE. Potash- J AAA POUNDS PRIME POTASH IN CASKS. tUUU Lard Oil Winter Strained. Sperm Oil “ Vegetable Oil for Roof Painting. Also, Blake’s Fire Proof Paint. On hand, and sold at whulesele and retail, bv augll— tw3tw3m DAN FORTH Ac NAGLE. EDUCATIONAL #MRS. TOOKE’S School will com imence on the first Monday in September, two squares east of the Court House, on the corner of Thomas and Forsyth Streets. Terms: Spelling, Reading Writing and Arithmetic, per quarter $4 00 The above with Grammar and 600 j “ “ History, Philosophy and Botany, 10 00 Vocal Music gratis. Patronage solicited. auglOtwSt | OAT STRAW, TIIE liock Island Paper ’Mills want to purchase 100 I tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons of! OAT STRAW, for which will be paid $lO per ton ■ be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1855—tw&wtf. WANTED, EMPLOYMENT by a Book-Keeper, fully competent, : having had 7 years experience. Apply at this oflice, or by letter to Box 268, P. O, Columbus, Ga., July 3], 1855—twtf. EXHIBIT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SPRINGFIELD FIRE MURINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF SPRINGFIELD, Condensed from the Quarterly Report to 3 1st May 1855. ! Capital $150,000. ASSETS AS FOLLOWS, VIZ : 757 Shares Bank Stock within the Commonwealth. .$77,001 00 440 “ Rail Road Stocks 34,453 75 Rail Road Bonds 7s and 8s 5,720 00 Loans on Improved Real Estate 83,401 98 Loanson Collateral and Personal Security, (Amply Secured.) “ 24,300 00 Cash on hand $2,534 34 Cash iu course of transm’ssion 15,790 14-18,374 48 Other available assets 2,173 28 j $245,424 44 j Outstanding Claims $10,543 40 Offxck okthe SPKiTGKiKLn F. & M. Ins. Cos., i ypringfiald, Ist Julv, 1855. ) NYM.CONNER, Jr.. Secretary, j Risks taken by JOHN MUNN, Ag’t., Columbus, Ga. Oflice ‘ over E. Barnard Ac Co’s Store. - july 19—twlm. m 1 FOR RENT. THE stores at present occupied by L. Spencer and Andrews, ‘ Ridgeway & Cos., on Broad street, from Ist October next. i Apply to auglOtwlm JOHN SMITH. Manufacturers’ & Mechanics’ Ranh, ) j Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. $ i THIS lustittutionhaving been re-organized under new Di- j rectorsand Officers, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar- I ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New York, i Savannah, dontgomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E. T. TAYL( >R, President. J.H. Fo spa, Cashier. . june3o — wt&wtf ! - —i CAUTION A LL persons arc hereby cautioned from trading, buying, or negotiating in any manner, for any real or personal pro- : perty from G. W. Wacaser, as tlie real or personal property over which he may assun o control, is in fact my own, and held in my own name, and no. otherwise. Girard, Ala., July 24—twlm FRANCES WACASER. Athenaeum Insurance Society of London. U. s. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILL take Risks on Dwellings and other property in town and count, y. upon very reasonable terms. Lo- from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MUNN. Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, & Cos., Colum bus, Ga j uly 19—tw3m HENRY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, XB. 155, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS fit. HAS IN STORE AND FOR SALE •) Hi IB LBS. Choice Bacon, Sides. Hams and Shoulder?. *2OOO lbs. Leaf Lard, in Tin Cans., 300 Bushels Corn. Shelled and in ear. 50 “ Superior Corn .Veal. 50 Sacks No. I Flour. ALSO, A few Boxes of Oranges and Lemons. 25 Bbls. Irish Potatoes of theNew Crop. 50 Heads Large Cabbage. June 28— twtf. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capita* and Surplus $400,000 Takes risks on Lives on very moderate terms, Columbus, julyl'J—tw3ui JOHN MUNN, Ac’j. “bathing tubs* Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc, may 19—twlm. R. M. ALP WORTH A CO. Medical Card. DR. M. E. LAZARUS. FORMERLY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CA.„ 1 PROPOBE3 to locate in SCdlumbus for the practice ol Modiciue. He is at present residing with R. J. Mosee* Lfi Esq., and will receive at Mr. Moses’ office iu Columbus, feSs* any medical calls orcyuunuiiicitions addressed to him- Dr, Laaarus is agraduase of the New York University, who has embraced the Homaopathic principle; not confining himself, however to the ad mi nisi &tioc ot cniploy io *, inappropriate cs‘s, ‘be varied procedure? es Electro. UlngnetUm <aid of the Water-cure, i'ltfAi * iwlf LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF ALL CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON RANnoffH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. IpAVEcfiStermiiitdto devote n,y time exclusively to the LAND BuslMiOt, anil hope, ftjom my knowledge of the lands in Georgia, • to be able to give entire satisfaction to all why may entrust me with business. I am prepared to either buy or sell, perhaps to better advantage than any other person in Westerner -South-Western Georgia. It’ you have 1 tnds to sell, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for i 1 have many valuable lots and settlements of land to sell. From i my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, 1 ain prepar- I ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of land 1 in the State. If you wish to have your land” valued, you pnav relv upon correct Information, upon reasonable terms. Deed*, M ortgages, and other instruments, drawn cor- ! rectlyand at low rates. wanted to sell Bonner’s large map of Georgia high per cent.given. One thing is certain,! am paying Nrw York and Washino- 1 ton City Prices for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small I commission. Having also made an arrangement with one of the best firms in V\ ashington, 1 am prepared to appiy for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge hut Five Dollars for each appiica tion—to be paid for when the warrant arrives. I ring in vour claims soon. As I intend to make this a permanent business, and give it my ; undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction*, 1 * hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from mv friends ! and the community gent rally. s. r, BANN ER, - luly3l wfctw *.V ’l.and Office, Columbus. GROCERIES TND REALTsTATE FOR SALE. INTENDING to close my business byjthe 13th September.! wilt sell my of Goodsfor COST! I have superior o'd J{rft !n e ’ 1 ’ Gin, Rum, YVliislcy, Madeira,Shtr ry Sc Fort. YY lues. Most of these articles have been on hand nearly twoyears,making them not only betteron account oil age, but they! cost much less then fthanthey would now.— l alsoofler fresh Porter, Ale, Clarret, Champagne, Syrups and Bitters; Cigars,, Tobacco, Tea, Coflee, Candies, Soap. Macke rel, Salmon,! Pickled Pig, Pork, Lard, Oil, Vinegar Pot Ash, &0., &e., allot the best quality and for sale at cost oh accom modating terms. Ij will also sell city lots, ,Nos. 281, 282,441, 4tio, 46?S 50S, 15. andj a part of No. ID, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3,Ndth a comtortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Feibale /’ c ,4d™ l 3 T square, a most desirable location, being convneient i to the female Academy, to the Churches and to business. Also tiaction No. sti, containing about 10 acres, adjoining Win. B. MitchCll’Mr. Comer, and|the lands of Col. Jones, not more than on and a half miles from town. Apply to „ , r. A. CLAYTON. N. B.—All who are indebted must call and settle their ac couuts or they w ill be placed in the hands ol an officer.! augti—w&twtf p. a. C. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA..) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS T. lo he drawn*Aug. 1855, in the city of Montgomery . WHEN FRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will bo distribute*] according to this following M A G N I FI CENT SCI! EM E ! And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 1 PRIZE OU $15,000 • do 5,000 I do 4,000 1 do 3,000 I do 0,000 1 do 15.00 1 do 1,100 to Prized of 1,000 5 ( l do 500 01 Prizes in all amounting to SOO 000 Rills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 28, —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. VT” Ail letters Tor immediate answer must be addressed TAIIM M A A.L. . L By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners the Agency and Management of the FORT CAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the principal Cftlceat Atlanta, Georgia, and intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR AUG. Class 5L KTTo be drawn Aug. 13, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Cn., ; when Prizes amounting to ta?iS Will be distributed according to the following magnificent j Scheme! And remember every Prize is drawn at each j Drawing, and paid when duo WITHOUT DEDUCTION! 1 PRIZE OP $7,500 l “ 5,000 , 1 “ 2,000 i 2 “ 1,000 ‘ 5 11 500 i 10 “ 20U 15 “ JOO 78 “ 50 120 “ 25 Tickets .“►5; Halves 50; Quarters $1 25. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS'! Bills on ail solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21 —td Atlanta, Georgia^ NOTICE. OUR Store was broken into on the night of the 2d iust, and all our notes and papers taken therefrom. All persona who have executed any notes payable to us or to A. S. Hays, or wh<i may know the fact of our holding their notes or obligations, are hereby cautioned agaicst paying them to anv person except J. W. Sappington or to us. July.s—twtf D. P. ELLIS & CO. W eekly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy twice. WOOL CARDED ANDMANUFA C T IT R E D. Carded at % toll or 10 cents per 11>. Manufactured V v into Linsey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents pervd. Columbus, may 26. SVINTER FACTORY. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Harrison, Austin & McGfeliec, is this day di* skived by mutual consent. Persons holding claims against ihe concern arc requested to preset them without delay, and those indebted to it will please make immediate payment. P. 8. HARRISON, IYM. AUSTIN, Columbus, G&., July 29—wtw2w A. C. McGEHEE. COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having purchased the interest of Mr. WM. 1 AUSTIN, in the firm of Harrison, Austin ic MeGebee, will continue the Auction k Commission, Aegro Brokerage, k For* ) warding Business. ; under the name and style of- HARRISON &. McGEHEE, at the old stand, Nos. 59and 61, Broad Street, and respectfully so* licit the patronage of their friends and the public. CU \S. S. HARRISON, July :<O. -wfctwtf. ALLENC.McGF.HF.K. i rOR SALE AjkA Th.c House nnd Lot oi* ‘'Possum flMU'l Ridge ” lately occupied by. Jobu A. Deßlois, de ll 9 ga® ceased. £ One of the most beautiful and desirable places in OT*“■**' Columbus. Apply to july2B—wfc'wtm RICHARD ‘PATTEN. BACON & FLOUR. JI\ST RECEIVED. lAA AAA POUNDS TENNESSKKtB VCON. lvUvJvU 100 Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbis. Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well aborted Stock ol GROCERIES v Uicn v, ill to sold at the lowest market price By ANDREWS, RIPGWAY & CO. CelumfefW Ga , May 29, 1855. wAtwt/ j BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. h HAMILTON & PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS.* GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over fc. Barnard’s Store.) LXA VlNGjnade arrangements at W 'afftivgten City,by which J-JL U business entrusted to them will be proritpuy attended fo,they are enabled to procure Bounty Lnnil YVar vants, Pensions, &c., and prosecute Claims against tlte { mud States either before Congreve or thesiveral l e ; partmevU. are also prepared to purchase Claims, &c, against the United States. ( Ftiy'required until the Land H'arrantf, Claim#, Sift i are procured . * j JAMES HAMILTON. WM. F. PLANK, April 7th, 1855. w&twtf. Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! npHE undersigned having ass>ciated themselves together for 1 the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress heretofore pussd, are now prepared to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War i rants, are, under a recent aetof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all i the necessary information. Weare also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United S ates. F:om our long experience and gen i eral success, we cau with confidence say, that aU claims eutrus ; ted to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted One of the parties being constantly in Washington city, will business bis personal attention there. Office over Gunby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. „ MICHAEL N. CLARK. feh24..wfatwtf. A. K. RAGAN. WARM SPRINGS, M MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. 1 HlB delight fill Watering Place is now open for the reception of visitors. June2l twit. J. L. SIUSTIAN, Proprietor. Montgnomery Journal copy. “OLD TOM” GIN. JUST received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN in Bottles—a delicious beverage, and a most excellent article for medical purposes Also a Superior article ol Potash in'! iu cans. juul2—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. PRICKS STILL LOWER. EXTRA FAMILY,'per bid., $ jj no Double Extra .do. “ for pr.stry jy on Superfine ‘ 7 , - Georgia] Superfine, 7 h Georgia Mills ti 00 Ali including sacks. Usual discount when 20 barrels are taken at ope time. Our Extra Family and Double Extra cannot be surpassed. Meal per bushel no Shoj ts, per hundred lb* si no Bran “ . .j -a, j uly 28 —vv 1 ratw t f WINTER’S PA LACE MILLS. RAGS! RAGS ! TII F, ROCK 18 LA N D PAP K R M ILLS ARE paying three and half cents cash per lb* rv for clean Linen and Cotton Rags, In qualities ol one hun dred pounds and upwards, and 3 cents for quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office in front of PALACE MH.LS. Cidumbus, Ga., May 0, 1855. w&twtf. WRAFJWniD NEWS PAFEII OF ALL SIZES AND. QUALITIES, FOR S£ LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TFIJJIS CASH. june 16—w&twtf . A oardT THIS Paper is manufactured at Rock Island Paper Mills, Columbus Ga. Three anti a half rents per lb. will be paid lor Clean Linen and Cotton RAGB. Print ng and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. (join os, Ga..lnly 17. *&twtf BACON! LTTE will sell for CAST! or on aCREDIT until the Fall or end \ V of the year, the Best Quality of Tennes see Bacon! Call at 11. A. Richards & Go’s., James Ligon’s, Broad Street, Columbus Ga., and at the store of O. Lanier, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price-will be made iu favor of Mer chants. G. W. ALEXANDER, TIIIS Medicine is prepared by a regular hrttl Southern phy sician w Do lias practiced his profession for the lasi eiehi een years in the Stale pi Alabama. It will be found upon a JirrV"trial to be the most prompt and effectual- remedy for all diseases of the Chkst and Lungs ever discovered, and when every other leinedy laiis tbisis sure to give-relief. The greatest care has been taken in its preparation, being compounded on tbe most scientific principles. lint’ composi tion is embraced a combination of the most rnhiabU and rffc*- lire Expectorants* Jinodvnes and Sedatives which are known to possess the h : ghrsl repute with all intelligent members oi the Jilt a icol Profit si on. No fact can be self evident than that this preparation has already acquired high reputation and great popularity wherever it has been introduced. Assuming no extraordina ry pretensions, but relying solely upon its own intrinsic virtue*, this valuable medicine, invented and prepared by an experi enced. Southern Physician after many years ‘of practical inves tigation and application,fhas at length secuied the most un limited confidence, wherever it has been introduced, a* acer. lain remedial agent in all diseases of the respiratory organs. If the unsolicited testimony of skillful physicians, profound lawyers, and eminent divines, together with others of high character, learning and discrimination, can be any evidence o’ its intrinsic superiority, certainly it hasa claim upon the gen erous confidence of an enlightened and discriminating com munity. A train of diseases so desolating, so withering, sy general and fatal in their results, ha:- at length met with a rem edy that n*ver fails to crus, unless by lone and criminal neglect or injudicious tr> atmenttlic disease lias completely un dermined the Constitution, and nothing has been lett to rear the fair .abric of health upon, but its ruined and desolaled frag ments. A remedy therefore I ha* can be relied upon, - that will VIKLB IMMEDIATE RKLISF, Til AT WILLeCRK B2YOND A M>L* i ibe directions are laithhrfly followed, is priceless, forheallh is paramount to all earthly considerations, and by far the most inestimable treasure this world can afford. Dr- boon, a dis tinguished physician of Macon, (la., *fys ‘‘that in every in ; stance he has found this preparation a safe and prompt reme dy for all pulmonar-'[diseases, and takes pleasure in recoip -1 mending it as a reliable anodyne expectorant.'’ Dr.* Tennant, of Marietta, Ha., a physician of {decidedly high reputation as an able and experienced practitioner, enterta.n; and expresses the same opinion, and recommends it extensively in his pr*>-. tice. Dr. P.M.Cohen, of char eston, 8. U., the senior partner in the exter sivc Wholesale and Importing Dik Hon-e of P. M.Cohen &. Uo., recommendsit in the highest terras,and says this preparation has the highest character in that city,and that be usesi’ altogether in his family with invariable success. Dr. W. A. Booth,of Memphis, Tetiu., expresses the most exalted opinion of its efficacy. Dr. J. If. Ellis, of Ripley., Afiss.. re | commends ithighi -,and prescribes it extensively in In addition to the above, the inventor and proprietor of this Medicine has an almost innumerable number of testimonials of its efiScacy and high character, and is daily receiving mote. Sold by all wholesale and retail Druggists everywhere, and in Columbus by Messrs Brooks & Chapman; Danforth & Nagle; Robt. Carter; Ftoberl A, Ware, and David Young. Price GueDollarper Bottle, or .Six Dottles for Five Dollar*. • rjr** Airriox. —None genuine, unless there is a fine steel on graving on the outside, with the fac-flbnilc of CH.iS. If IA- Ef.I.WS. *.V. 1).. engraved thereon—also, bis name .and the i name of the medicine are blown in the glass. Be sure to ask for Dr.C Williams’ Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, snd let no other bo palmedaipou you as your life may depend upon your caution in this particular. | AH orders tor Ibis valuable medicine should be addressed to ! to Messrs. Wilkiuson &-Duryee, Hunts vibe, Ala., who are my \ general agents for tbo Southern States. C. WILLIAMS, M.D.. august 14—w&twly Tuscutnbia,-i'a. GEORGIA, Enrly county: Court of Ottfiiwry, August Term. 1855. Knle XI Si.—Reuben MeCorquadale, adminielral< r<*n the > estate of John McCorquadaic deceased, having apli.ed tor j Letters DissmisN'ry: It is ordered, that all persons c -neemed ‘how cause, l! any I they have, wbv said leUers may not be granted said adminis trator, at the March term nest of tbo court oi ordinary said COUll'? A true transcript from tbo inicute? of sad cony*, \ngvist on !?55. SuglO-w?m a t . L’TAF l OElqOrd,