The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 18, 1855, Image 3

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COMMERCIAL, COTTON STATEMENT*?- ■ f [s2, rr A *co ® 2 2. on . £ ,J. O a: a! ii 5 £ =5 c <r> S"=c2 -2. band p-g Bl’ : iS 8. it § ~ t'liJß L'tv \ : r ? j day iJSbd/ Ll 276 71231171558 64061614 6.3263: 6339 lHof). ’ 2771 7J365026 68510 ~959 66095 67054 1440 M. J. CUAWFORU’S APPOINTMENTS. At or near Hanahatchee P. O, August 25th. Cuthfjert, Monday “ 27th. Dover, Tuesday “ 28fb. StarkolvilJe, ‘Thursday “ Warwick, Saturday Sept’r. Ist. Albany, Monday * *^l. Newton, Tuesday.’ “ Bainbridge, Thuraday ‘ 6th. Blakely, Saturday Morgan, Monday 4 JOth. “ Fort Gaines, Wednesday “ 12th. * Eighth Diet. Randolph co. Thurs. “ 13th. Columbus, August 6th, 1855. From the Ret). />. IP. Jfarris, a Minister of the Metho dist Episcopal Church. Dii. Charles Williams —Sir: 1 accidentally got hold of your“Pttlmoni; Balsam of VVliild Cherry,” and have no hesitatmicy in pronouncing it the heat expectorant I have ever used, and have tried nearly all the far-fained ex pectorants of the day, as I have been laboring under pul monic affection for nine vear-. I received a fetter from my brother-in-law, the Rev. James Wallis, a lew days ago, and he and Ins Wife were both using the “Pulmonic Bal sam.” and were perfectly delighted with it. fife wile, two weeks before, had lost ell hope of recovery, but was aston ishingly improved. Your obedient servant, B W. HARRIS. Oourtlaud, Ala., belt. 21. 1843. SGiF’Soid by all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. augl4lm. Dr. fil’l.nnr** Vermifuge.—— During it practice of more than twenty years. Dr, McLano bad attended innumera ble patients afflicted wit It every form of worm disease, and was induced to applj all the energies of bis mind to the discov ery of a vermifuge, or worm destroyer, certain in its effects; tlm result of hjs labors is the American Worm Specific, now before the public,- which is perfectly safe, and maybe given alike to childen of the most tendei age, or to the aged adultj it purges mildly and subdues tever,and destroys worms with invariable success. It is easy of administration, and as it iloes not contain mercury in any form whatever, no restrictions arc necessary with regard to drinking cold water, nor is it ea pable. of doing the least injury to the teuderest infant. An in credible number of worms )iavo been expelled by this great Vermifuge. Purchasers’ will please be careful to ask for DR. M’LANE’S <.'KLERKATI*.I) V ERMIFI ’GK, aiidj take none else. All other Vermifuges, hi comparison, are worthless. Dr. M’Lancs gen uine] Vermifuge, also jhis Celebrated Liver Pills, can now bo bad at nil respectable Drugstores in the United states and < ’anuria* resold by nil the Druggists in Columbus, and by one agent in every town. aug7—w&tw2w. [Letter Prom Don. John Minor Butts, of Virginia.] Richmond, Vst., July 9lb, 1835. ,\fr . ven. ll m, x. Beers A,, (Jr-at*:— Considerations of dti *v to the afflicted alone prompt me send you this voluntary to; timonial to the great value of ‘•'Carla ‘s “Spanish Mixture.?’ tor that, almost incurable disease, Scrofula. Without boingdisposed or deeming it necessary to go into t,,<l particulars ol the case, I can sav ttiat the astonishing results t hat hare, been produced by the use of that medicine on a member of my ow it family, and under my own observation and superintendence,after the skill of the’best physicians had been exhausted and all the usual remedies had failed, fully justify mein recommending its use to all who may be suffer ing from that dreadful malady. I do not mean to say that it is adapted to all constitutions,or that it will afford the same relief in all cases; for, of course, 1 Jr in i w nothing about that—hut from what l have seen of the ef fects, I would not hesitate to use it, in any and every case of H.-rnfuK, with persons for whom I felt an interest, or over ‘v bo in I could exercise influence or control. Very respecttully, JOHN M. ROTTS. THOMAS M. TURNER 6c CO. JAS. ii. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS A. CHAPMAN, I)\N FORTH & NAGLE, july'2o—wtwtii let Sept Columbus, Ga. HuoflamlNGvnnan Bitters, prepared and sold b’ Dr. Jackson, at the Gcrmuu Medical Store, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, increase in their well deserved celebrity, for the cure of aH diseases arising from derangement of the Liver. — I best* Ritters have, indeed, proved a blessing to the afflicted, who show their gratitude by the most fluttering testimonials. — This medicine has established tor itself a name that compel!- s.t‘>i, howei er wily their set ernes, or seductive their promises, cannot reach, It gained the public.confidencepy the Immense benefit ? that have been derived froinit,and will ever maintain its position. Thi.v invalnabic medicine mav be purchased of allthe Drug gists in Columbus fund of Dealers generally throughout the United States. July 14—wtw2w Divine Service. Rev. If. 11. TUCKER, ol LaGrange, Ga., will preach at the Baptist church in this city at 1(H o’clock A. M., on Sunday, I'Jtli iust. Book Keeper Wanted. r A COMPETENT MAN, capable ol attending al- L so to safes in a respectable business, SIOOO salary will b - paid. Address “P. 1).” Post Office. auglß—3ttw Columbus Guards! % Tmcai: will bean election of Ith Lieutenant at the n| Armory room, at the next regular meeting ol the Com ti pany (Monday evening September Bd,) to fill the vacan cy occasioned by the resignation of Lieut. Andrews. Eve ry member is particularly lequested to be present. By order of the Company, Columbus, Aug. 18 —twtd G. E. GAGER, Sec. New Books! New Books! ABBOTT’S Life of Napoleon, anew ?ujt* W Travels in Chinese Empire, by M. Hue; Cfclßell Smith, Abroad;J The Conteripl, l)y Dumas; Tri-Colored Sketches in Baris; Waikua: or Adventures ou the Mosquito Shore,by Sam uel A. Bard; English Orphans, or Home in the New World, by Ma ry J. Holmes; Commonplace Book ol Thoughts and Faucies, by Mrs. Jameson; The Wiuklea: or the Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B. Jene?. A Visit t<> the Camp before Sevastopol, by K.C. Mc- Cormick, Jr. ol New \ ork. Cievo Hall, by Mrs. Sewell; The Iroquois: or the Bright Side of Indian Character, by Alinme Myrtle; Heireea of Haughtou: ortho Mother's Secret, by the au thor of Aubrey; Sequel to Aubrey; Constance Herbert, by G. E. Jewsbury; Missing Bnde, by Mrs. Southworih. Just received by J - M . TEASE, auglH—vv&.t’wtf. ID Broad Street. SIOO .REWARD. x<%ts STRAYED or Stolen from the neighbor hood of the Rock island Paper Mills, on fskpit&lSr’ the night ol Monday 13th August, 1M O LES, one a mare, dark roan, about 3 years old, and the other a horse mule, light brown color. \\uh white nose, about same age, both closely trimmed and broken to harness. The above reward will be paid lor the recovery of the pro|*rty, with proot to convict the hJefTetblen, lor the Mules alone. C dur hi ( a. “UNION DRAY LINE.” X 8-twli.. . Per J. H. Howard, Ag’t. OLEN XVI Lb E FEMA L E COLE EG E. Barbour County, Ala. #TIIE next Collegiate year will open Mon day Setit. dish. For further particulars see Catalougu which wid bo lurnifiied on application. I>. S. I’. DOI’GL YSS, aaglS—\v6m Pieiuent. Stolen I “'ROM th - friable of the uudersigued, on. Saturday night, the Titl iu? ~ a large sorrel fIUIHS'G, thin in flesh ami the hair „, OfQ off iu to ham* I ** Re b**a littlewhite *n the right fore ft>°t go ! tar ‘a the }re s, **tl. hinoelt KUiR #hit*drtr m, A |!hfr*| nward will be pUd. v-nhc nr it and ihlet elt nr of !diT u, ttog‘s Jit HW.L&VO, FONTAINE WARE-HOUSE,’ BY HUGHES & DANIEL. having taken the new FireSYYVW m. 7. ” are-llo'uec now being erectedimme-frWjLAgj lately in the rear of Messrs. Tbreewitts. t Cos., aUjoiniDg the Alabama Warehouse, arej now prepar- n * CONSIGNMENTS at their office at t.uubj A. Daniel’s, mm Iby the Hirst ol September w ill be ready to recive COTTON. They will do |a general Commission, Storage k Forwarding Business. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Cotton snd o.her produce. The usual facilities will be afforded and care rm attention giren to all business entrusted to their care. A hand UPPIj . Ba ßS ln ß> Hope and Salt, .always on Wm. M. 11l OHKS, Wm. DxrflKL. Formerly of Apalachicola. Lolurabus Aug. 18. W (j in TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE AMERICAN ‘INSTITUTEOF TIIE CITY OF NEW .YORK, npilh Managers- aurraunce that they have made arrange- I men Is to bold this exhibition in t tie CRYSTAL PAL ti’K commencing oh Wednesday, the 3d of October next ‘ “ ’ This mag/nfleent and spacious building will bo opened for tlvereepti/m of articles from Thursday th27th of Seniember HutilTuesday the 2d of Uetober, Heavy machinery and arti’ cleslrom adt stance can be stored in the Palace from the 15th ol fceptember. * reSS”,"oia;;?ciS-" eU! °'’ F ° ni " h S,re for 11,0 Prenmtms consisting of Gold and Silver medals, Cups and inploroas, will be uwardetlon the recommendation ofcontne tent judges. ! rtr T, . le .yVanugors would impress upon Exhibitors the. necessity ol giving immediate ,totice of the space required for the proper display of the articles they intend to exhibit. Circulars,containing the full particulars, can behadonen plication ai the office of the Institute, N0.351 Rroadwsv. Communications addressed to VV f. B. Leonard, Correspond ing Secretary, will meet with immediate attention. By order of the Managers. EDWIN SMU H, Ch’n. Jno. W. C'H*MBKR,Sec. auglH— w ?t Plantation for Sale. a l offer for sale oue of the most desirable places in •Muscogee county, 7 miles east of Columbus on the Macon road, containing 12 1 8 acres, 300 in cultna tionjwilh good improvements; also a good saw and grist mills on the premises. And, making it still more valua ble, the Muscogee Railroad runs through the place, with a per manent, station on it, and in half a mile of the mills. The place is invariably healthy, with ihe best water. There is t-wo creeks running through the farm affording plenty ol water during the excessive drought we have had. The socielyfgood-churches and schools convenient. auglß— wot* BENJAMIN DOLE. 1 ?. Art ministra-tor’s 8r l v,--v\ 111 t>e sold at the. court house in Cusseta, Chattahoochee county, Ga., on theflrt Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours ofsale:— Lot of laud No. two hundred and seventeen (217) in the 6th district of originally Muscogee, now Chattahoochee county sold as the properly off Jessy Nelson, late of said countv de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’ll. auglß—w-lOd. M.D. WALL, adm'r. NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby warned not to trade for the follow ing described promissory notes given bv me to Tillman Hudson or bearer, dated April 7th, 1855. Cue note for Ffty Dollars, and oue note for Twenty Five ‘Dollars, each due Dec ember 25th 1855; and one note for Eighty Dollars or eighty ty dollars and twenty five cents, due December 25th 1856. - Said notes were giveu for lot of land number 229 in the 13th districtot originally Muscogee, timv Taylor county, and l have reason to believe that M>e titles are not good,fes another per son holds titles to the same lot and claims it. If the said Hud son will return to me said no Us and receive the land he sold me he wlit oblige me. DAVID P. M. BRAND. ouglß—w 3t Near Reynolds, Taylor Cos. Ca. Sale of Factory Slaves, ON the Ist Monday jin October Next, will bo sold at. Arcadia, Santa Rosa Cos. Fla., Tscntj-Five slaves, mostly females, from 17 to 25 years of age, ami all thorouhly trained to a Cotton Factory, being the share of said slaves be longing to the estate of the late Joseph Forsyth, the sale will be on a credit of oue y ear, with joint note of the purchaser and tw o good sureties. Eight per cent, off for cash. At the time appointed torthe above sale, from thirty to for ty other slaves ot like description will be also offered* if not previously disposed of at private sale. E. E. SIMPSON, l E , B.D. WRIGHT, S bx rs Pemisaeola, Fla. August 11. auglß..w4w. SSO REWARD. A STOLEN from [my Kiucbafoonee jD--|YV county, on the night of the 6th instant, a Bright ( \ AN Bay nicked tail Carriage Horse. He ha.s the marks *’ °f harness, is badly string halt and is remarkable u bumps on bis forehead resembling incipient horns. I will give Fifty Dolla*-s reward for the thiet and horse, with proof 10 convti i, and a reasonaoie reward tor me nurse or iu tormation thereof directed to me at Richland P. O. Ga. auglß—wlm SOLOMON HARRELL. Executor’s Sale. VITILL be sold at the Market House, in the city of Columbus V\ Afuscogee county, Ga on the drst„Tinnday fin October next, between the usual hours of sale: The plantation be longing to the estate of Richard Dozier, late of said county deceased —containing tw> hundred sixty-two and a half acres, more or less; situated in the 9th district of.said county, whereon said deceased resided at thetimeof his death, fitaid Plantation is in a high slate of cultivation, having all the usual buildings necessary for dwelling and farming purposes. Sold by virtue of authority in mo vested, by the will and testimony ol said deceased. auglHwtds JNO. B. DOZIER, Ex’r. S2O Reward. . LEFT my plantation about the Inst of June, my ne- I’ftta gro hoy Abram, about 20 years of age, five loot three or lour inches high, dark complexion, a slight scar over right eye: no other marks recollected. B*aid boy may have been apprehcndeil and giteu a wrong name to himself or owner (as lie has done before.) The above reward will be given torjthe delivery of vaid boy tome or his lodgment in any sate jail so that 1 can , get him. My residence is nerGenova,Talbotcouuty,Ga. nugusllS—wGl WELLBORN J. DA\ iE. LIST"OF LETTERS. % LIST or LETTERS remaining in the I’oet Office a; Columbus Ga. Augustin, ) which, if nut taken out by Oct. I, 18i>5, will be scut lu the Dead Letter ofiicc. A Allen, JW Aylett, I)r P A Arinton.-Snytli Adarne, Stephen Alien, D E Ayers, A3l IS Brownen, Perry Butler, i’ J Binn, CII 3 Brown, Cornelius’ Boatwright*& Bar-Berry, Hanot Brauham, Rev J value, Brown, Jack Brauham, G W orßimi, Sarah boroum, m W B c Clark, Miss L Cauierou, WtA2 Clem, Mai ilia Cross, H L) Canmiel, I> A Clem, Jane Cramell, Nancy Cameron, John D Clark, Ann Carnline, Barbary Chaffin, J J Cordal, 0 Crowshaw, Johu’n D Dodd. Wm C Day, S T Davis, .Mary J Denig G cA Soti3 E I’ AG Averett, L C Foster, Robert Gibson, Kobt Fletcher, Delila I'attar, S M t j ipson, Isabella Finley, 31a tv Gamniel, Thomas Gordy, Noah I H ’ Hallowell, Win Heath, J P Hawkings, Barney Hammock, Lewie Hilliard, Joseph Horn, A.) llariridge, A S Humphries, E.T Hall, Thomas ; Harris, Barbara Hall, Mrs All llarkness, L C S Hesuey,T L Hopkins, Susan J AK ; Johnson, Franklin Jones, G C Ivenningtoti, Duke ! Jacob, R Johnson, D lvelier, Joint | Johuson&PartridgeKent, Columbus King, Elizabeth J J Lloyd, Sidney Lisenby, Anthony Lareuce, Hester M Lewis, Jacob Lebourean, John LLowery, Lewis Lawience,Geo Lane, Win B Lewis, John “ Lockhart, Jas M Martin, Robt McCoy, J M McKinalv, J R Mills, Charies .McCoy, Eliza XlcCoru A, Cos Morris, Henry 31 NAO Newberry, Jenete Owens, .Martha E O'Connor, Mrs II i Patillp, Jatnes Pitts, Martha Phillips, .\D I‘erry, Martha A Parker, Lowiza Peabody, Peter Pelts, Lewiza Plautets Jt. Jlech'sl’ate, Jaa K B Phillips, T 31 N Bank, Reese, John F , Robert?, Griffith Bherling, Chatle- Smith, Jo j Bmtth, Madaon Skinner, -Bcnager in .’Pucker, Martha Thornton, Green Tetrv, Ja? M Thomas, Beuj A II 1 willy, Janet ‘Wright M’ William?’Mary M Wi'-korwu, M A Wym om, W m Walton, **3 J Warden, Wm Wallis, Beni Young, R H Yours, MreEllea Persons c slims fur auv of :h on ***** “ill p) sca tyj* f• j H* lf 4 4wi i ll, r M ColtiudSu*,. l*a. Aiiji'ißi K pY.'-V Wanted Immediately, A ° t 0 A T> c : PAIMTMR. Fair wars, and -TV steady work given. Apply ito F.fc A. LEHMAN. la,I a,i S‘ wtalm Cuthbert, Randolph county Ga. FOR RENT. iiAj. I’IIE house near the Market in Columbus, known as ihc CITY HOTEL. Apply to Pn. liiltencer or M. JBarshall. ‘ augli-twti! • Lnquirer and Corner Stone copy. CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CRAWFORD STRETT. tW T ico Doors below Hankin’s Corner. r TDE sultscriber keeps constantly on hand the finest II A- X \AN A CIGARS, and offers them for safe at the lowest TRICES, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of American Cigars. Also, everv variety of Chewing and bmoking I obacco, Pipes, SnuiT, and all the articles usual ly found in an establishment of this kind. All goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free trom defects ot any kind. Orders from the country care lullyand promptly attended to. augll—w&twly JAMES ESTEVEZ MUSCOGEE RAILROAD OFFICE, \ Columbus, Ga., August lu, 180.7. S ! A BELTING of the Stockholders of the Muscogee R. j fV R. Company, will he held at this office on Mmiday ; the third day ot September next, at ]0 o’clock, A. M. lor i “I® purpose of electing a President and Directors, as pro ; vided for in the law of Feb. 1851. D. ADAMS, See. august M twtd ■ KT* All city papers copy until the day of election. FOR SALe7 \ FIRST RATE SADDLE IIORSK. Apply -t\. to augß—tf LOMAX Sc ELLIS OAT STRAW, THE Rock Island Paper'Mills want to purchase 10 ( ) tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons of OAT STRAW, for which will he paid §lO per ton be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1853—tw&wtf. WANTED, by a Book-Keeper, fully competent, i j having had 7 years experience. Apply at this office, or by letter to Box 268, P. O, Columbus, Ga., July 31*, 1833—twtf. EXHIBIT OF THE CONDITION OF Tlt E SPRINGFIELD FIRE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF SPRINGFIELD, Condensed from the Quarterly Report to 3fe/ May 1855. Capital f 150,000. ASSETS AS FOLLOWS, VIZ : 757 Shares Bank Stock within the Commonwealth...s77,('ol (Ml 140 “ Hail Ror<l Stocks 34.453 75 Hail Road Bonds 7 and 8s 5,720 00 Loans on Improved Heal Estate 83,401 98 Loan son Collateral and Personal Security, (Amply Secured.) 24,000 00 Cash on hand .$J,584 34 Cash in course of tr&nsw’ssion 15,790 14-18,374 48 Other available assets 2,173 28 $245,424 41 ! Outstanding G’laims $10,543 16 OrrK K OF THE SpRTTOFtELD F. fn. Xt. Ins. Go., 1 Bpring6sld, let July, 1835. \ WM.CONNER, Jr., Serreterv. Risks taken by JOHN MUNN, Ag’t., Columbus, <lh. office 1 over E Barnard Co’s Store. julylO—twlm. FOR RENT. THE stores at present occupied by L.Spencer and Andrews, Ridgewav & Go., on Broad street, from Ist October m-xt. Apply to * auglOtwlm JOHN SMITH. MHUUlacturcrs’ Mechonics’ Itmik, ) Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. j ‘piIUS Instittution having been re-organizod under new Di rectors and Officers, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive drposites and furnish exchange on New York. Savannah, dontgomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E.T. TAYLOR, President. J. H. Fonda, Cashier. juue3o wtfewtf CAUTION. A LL persons arc hereby cautioueil from tradiug, buying, or -A negotiating in any manner, for any real oriiersonal pro- I'tll.’ nwin O. W.IU . *l-- -„.,1 I —. <>ver which he may assume control, is in fact my own, atul held in my own name, and not otherwise. Girard, Ala., July 24—twlm FRANCES WACASKR. Athenaeum Insurance Society of London. U- s. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILL take Risks on Dwellings and other property in town and count.y. upon very reasonable terms. Loss from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MI’NN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, &.<'<>., Colum bus, Ga. July 19—tw3m HENRY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, NO. 155, BROAD STREET, COMBES (SA. HAS IS STORM, AND FOR SALE *) *■’ I W W l Choice Bacon, Hides. l!am and Shoulders. ‘U 2000 lbs. Lea! Lard, in Tin Cans., 3uo Bushels Corn. Shelled and in ear. 50 “ Superior Corn A/eal. 50 Sacks No. I Flour. ALS O , A few Boxes of Oranges and Lemons. 25 Bids. Irish Po.atoesof the New Crop. 50 llenrls Large Cabbage. June 28 twtf. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY- Capita’ and Surplus $400,000 Takes risks on Lives on very modern te terms, Columbus, ju!y!9—tw3m JOHN MUNN.Ag’i. BATHING TUBS, Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc, j may 19—twlm. It. M. ALDWOIITH 6c CO. Medical Card. D&. M. E. LAZARUS, FORMERLY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CA.,) f j PROPOSES to lo'-ate in‘Columbus for the practice ol 9 Medicine. Ilci?al present residing with It. J. Monies, f Esq., and will receive at .Wr. Mos*-’ ofiice in Columbus, i any tncdical calls or comniunications addressed to him Dr, Lazarus is a gradua9e of ibe New York University, who lias embraced the Homoeopathic principle; not confining himacif, however to the adiuinisltalion of drvj-t, hut ompluY inr, inappropriate cases, the ‘ aried procedures ol Electro -3lagnettsiu and of The \Vtfr-curr. jio.rfiti twtf LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, rOR THK PURCHASE AJs'B SA L E O r RE A L ES T A l’ E OF ALT, .DESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c„ &c„ OS RANUOIirH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Oa. IH A VEdeterrasßed to devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS*, and hope, from my knowledge of the laud- in Georgia, > to be able to give cn'ire satisfaction t(> all who may entrust me with business. I aui prepared to cither buy or sell, perhaps to better advantage than any other person in Western or south-Westem Georgia. If you have landalosell, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will tirnl you a purchaser. It you wish to buy, call also, for I have many valuable lot? and settlements ui laud to sell. From my extensive knowledge of the owner, of lands, I am prepar ed to ascertain the ow nor of almost every vacant lot of Laud In the If you w ih to have your laud valued, you {iusi reh upon correct information, upon reasonable term*. Deeds, 31 ortgngc , and other instruineuts, drawu c<. r rectlv and at low rates. |£y*Ageuts wanted to sell Bouucr's large map of Georgia high por cent-given. One thing is certain,l am paying New York and Wssui- o rox City Pf.hc? lor LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. ‘ Having :<lso made an arrangement with one of the best firm? in Washington, 1 am prepared to appiy for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but l ive Dollars for e-’cb applies lion —to be paid for when the warreut arrives 1 riug iu your - claims soon. \. i intend to make tbtsa permaut nt bueincss. aud give it m> nudtvided attention. l if h a deter none up u to give satisfaction, I hope to recelv*. liberal of pr-tronete, from my friends r.-d the ornmnniD r. R. poNNCn, jufySi— wltU* Jy ’Luid Ofißcsi, 1 ulumbtw. GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. to close Hiy busiues* byltht; 13th September,! will nell my i Stock of Goods tor i’OST! I have superior <*:<| **! a? t, efl! Gin, Hum, Whisky, Madeira,bhr ---“■ *■ or t A\ lues, Alo*!, of these articles have been oo band nearly two years, making them not only betteron account oil age, but they) cost much less then |(ban they w ould now.— I alsoofler fresh Porter, Ale, Chirret, Chamnagne, Bvrups and Bitters; CigarM t'obaecoUTea, Coffee, Candies, Soap, Macker el, Salmon,! Pickled Pig, Pork, Lard. Oil, Vinegar Pot Ash, 4tc.. ice., allot the best qualitv and for sale at cost on accom modating terms. I! will also sel’ city lots, ,\o. 281, 282, 441,, 4fiß, MB, 13. amlj a part of No. l'J, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3. Xih a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, a most desirable location, being convenient to the Female Academy, to the Churches and to business. Also fraction No. 3ti, containing about 10 acres, adjoining Wm. B. MitchellVMr. Comet, and |tlie lauds of Col. Jones, not more than on and a hull miles lrotu tow n. Applvto P. A. CLAYTON. K. K - —All who are iudebted must call and settle iheir ac counts or they w ill be placed in the bands ot an officer. < aug2—wfctwlf p A c SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Co/iiiacted on the Havana plan. CLASS T. 10 be i/rawii Aitc;. 22, 1833, in the citu of Montgomery. WHEN IRI/.ES AMOUNTING TO M ill be distributed according to the following Nl A G N l F I C E N T S 0 H Ji M E J 13?” \nd remember every Prixe i- drawn at each drawing and paid wheudue WITHOUT DF.DUUTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. } PlttY.E OF .$15,000 I do ,<HW J do :S,(MIC | d° • 2,000 do 13,H0 ] „ do 1,100 •’ Prizes of ] •’*” do .MHI Hd Prizes in all amounting to .-kfiO tx.’U Tickets SlO ; Halves $5; Quarters $2 f>o. Bills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strict! \ confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign ot the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 28, —lwtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. TpHI. subscriber hat ing accepted irom the Unintni**looers .1. the Agency and Management ot the -KURT GAINES ACADLUn LOTTLI’Y, baa established the principal <-fllce at Atlanta, Georgia, and intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan tisthatoi the Htnithcrn. Military .1 ca.dctu if /.otteru , of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR AUG. Class rrio be drawn Sept. I, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Gh., when Prize* amounting to Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! OTAnd remember every Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when due WITIIUU L’ DEDUCTION ! CAPITALS $ j 2,000 “ 3,000 “ 2.000 “ 1,500 “ 1,200 “ 1,100 “ 5 of 1,000 “ 10 of 400 In all pi tees Amounting to $50,000 Whole Tickets $8; Halves $1; Quarters $2. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia. navttiia, riau la/uoi). LOTTERY! LOTTERY! LOTTERY! •Jasper County Academy Lottery. , [By Authority of the State of Georgia. J Macon, Ga. C L A S S I). WILL be distributed according to the following grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., and uder the sworn .superintendence of Got. George M. Logan and James A. Niebet, Esq. The Manager announces his determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, and challenges comparison ns to the chances to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize isdrawn at each drawing, and paid w hen due in fu.l w ithout any reduction. TO BE DRAWN SEPT. 3, 1855. 1 J.RIZE OF $12,000 1 do 5,C00 1 do 3.000 1 do 2,000 1 do 1.500 I do QHtO l do 1,100 5 do 1,000 403 prizes in all, amounting to $50,000 Tickets ss. Halves $4. Quarters $2 TKN THOUSAND NUMBERS. The chance* to gain the Capital Prize in the old comb!nation plan i 1 in 76,076, in Ibis l in 10,000. Drawing?sent to al!ordering ticket?. All orders, rely on it, strictly confidi-mial. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. Registered money letter at my risk. Prizes paid when due without discount. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, july24—wtf Macon, Ga. NOTICE. OUR Store ws* broken into *n the night of tin- ’d ji@t, and all our notes and papers taken therefrom. All persons who Lave executed any notes pat able to us or to A.S. Hays, of who may know the fact <>(’ our holding their uotfes or obligations, are heteby cautioned against paving them to any person except J. VV. Sappir.gton or In us. inlyS—twtf It, p. EI.LIS tCU. Week ly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy twice. WOOL CARDED ANDMANUF A C T U R E D. \JiTOOL Carded at 74 toll or 10 cent* j>er lb. Manufactured * t into Kinsey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents per vd. lolumbiis may L Jb. WINTER FACTORV. DISSOLUTION. r J''llECopartnership heretofore existing the firm 01 1 llarrlson, Austin A, ?lcichcc, is thU da> dis solved t>y mutual consent. Persons holding claims againd Uie concern are requested to preset t them without delav, and those indebted to it. will please make immediate payment. C. S. HARRISt?N. WM. AUSTIN. Columbus, Ga., July ‘Jit—vtw‘2 w A.C. McGEHEK. COPARTNERSHIP. r |Ml E midersigued having purchased the interest ot Mr. W.M. AUSI'IS, in the iirm of Harrison, Austin ic .McGcheo, will continue the Auction & Commission, Ae?ro Brokerage, For * warding Business. | under the name and style of IIA PRISON fc McGEHEK, at 1 the old stand. No*. ot pud 61, Broad .-street, and respectfully so licit the patronage ol their friend* and the public. Cli \S. S. H ARRI vt>N, J u’y :W,—w&twtf. A ELEN C. MciiEUl.K. FOH SALE llc House and J.ot on ♦‘Possum ULlg*,” lately occupied by John A. Ueßlots, dr ill I g-Sffi ceased. One of the most beau iful and desirable places in Columbus. Apply to julyiS-wttwim RICHARD ]FATTEN . BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. dikn Al W \ FOUNDS TEN NE.SNEI’ |HA< O.N. l\JUv-"UU KD Sacks rcnucativc Flour. JO Bbb. Howard Street I'lour—a Superior Article. T>sethcr with a well assorted Slock ol(>ttO( EltlES which will be sold at the lowest mark*? prii*p R v - ANDREWS, RiDOWAY A CO. CelutnVor 0a , May 1*55. wAt-vti. j BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & FLANK, ATTOII NE Y S a T LA W , COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’* .Store.) HAVING wade ;irr;mg< Hesk/njrtn (nty % by which all business entrusted to them wilt In- promptly attended to.they are enabled n> procure Bounty I.niicl Wnr rantg, Prnttion*, Aie., and prosecute C 1 aI m n against the Limited State* either before <or press i>r / * - /'Urtiiirutt. nrTher are also prepared to j>urch*e Claim*, Sic, against the United State?. I3?“-Vo t'ay until the /.and Warrants, Claims, A c. are procured. JAMES IIA MU.TON. M. I. April 7th, 1855. fAtVtt Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! “pHE undersigned having associated themselves together for I the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts ot Congress heretofore pßssd, are now prepared to make application lor all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Roi.uty l and War rants, are. under a recent actof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and t>\ calling at our office cun get ail Ibe necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension ami other chums against the United Suite*. Ftom our long experience ami g;. eral success, we can with confidence say, ihy,t aH claims entrus ted to our care, will beprotuptly andspeeuil) adjusted One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business hi* personal attention there. Office over Guuby Daniels’ Store, Uolurnbus, Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK. felr-M w&iwtf. 4. B. HAGAN*. WARM springs; M MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. rU IS delight tut \Y attiring Place is now opeu for the reception of visitors. June.*!— twtf. J. L. MUFTI AN* Proprietor. Montgnomery Journal copy. “OLD TOM” GIN. I received a Superior article ot “OLD TOM” GIN m Bottle? — a dehclou? beverage, hj<J n most excellent article for medical purposes Also a Superior article of Potash in’; in cans. juul2—twtf. P. A. CLA YTUN. PRICES STILL LOWER. EXTRA FAMILY,‘per bbi 5 ft pn Double Extra .ilo. •* for pastry 10 (to Superttiiu !!. .. 7 v, Georgia Superfine, 7 To Georgia Mills t, q ( i All including sticks. Usual discount when 20 barrel* Hre taken at one time. Our Extra .Family and .Double Extra cannot, be surpassed.. Meal per bushel $1 (,n Bhot t?, per hundred lb* $t eo Bran “ “ $ r u julj2B—w 1 mtwtf WINTLIUB PALACE MILUi* RAGS ! RAGS ! TII E ROCK IS LA N D P A PE R M ILLS A RE paying three nnl a lialfcents ensh p<-r lb. 2-Y lor clean Linen and Cotton Rags, In qualities ot one hun dred pound* and upwards, and 3 cents lor quantities under 100 lb*. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office in front of PALACE MILLS. Columbus,Ga., May 9 , 1855. w&twtf. WRAPPING AND NKWS TAIT.!;. OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR S/LE AT Rock Island I'aper Mill Office, . IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TEftMK GASH, junelfi—wtjyjf A CARD. Paper i* manufactured at liock Island J’nper Mills, i < olumbuß Gu. Three and . linlf will be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton RAGS. and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOYV PRICES. Coiu ns, Ga. July 17. w&twt( BACON! T XT* F. will *Ol for CASH nr on a CREDIT until l tic Fall or red TV of the year, I lie Bct (funlity of ‘Pen 11 rs aee Ilnc'on! Cali at B. A, Richards &. t o’s.,.lames Ligon’s, Broad Street, Columbii* Gh., ami at the store of u. Lanier, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mcr ’iidvln- *- Y. iY. .id>x ITi. ’ * 1 ‘TO THE PATRONS OF PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLED. OWING t” the largo amount of Counterfeit Fain Killet put up and sold as genuine by unprincipled men. we have been obliged to resort to very expensive measures to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and Hie public from great injury, by buying cud using tbeir worthless counterfeits. Tin* compar ative plain and simple style in which our Pain Killer hr* booh put up, hat made it very for those disposed-,to im itate it verv successfully, as far as its external app-aram*-, in tyte oi’ bottle, label, and color of the article; but we mo and not say that the compound is a miserable, filthy production, and calculated to do great injury to thoc who might 10.1 t with the confidence they hav e been accustomed to us- th*> genuine Pain Kilter. Parties whose business it is to counter feit valuable preparation*, do it in such a m cri t’ it is almost useless to attempt to punish them hy legal meas ures, is difficult, and we niigh! say impop-ible to bring the proof hon e to tiiem. Considering the great difficulty in protecting ourselves and the public by prosecuting parties, we have been to a very great expense iu getting up a fim lv executed STEEL ENGRAVED LABEL, for our bottle*. We also attach to our bottles n tstcel Knurr ved note of hand, which we issue a? our obligation Btid the counterfeit which is held to be foigery by the laws of the United s-tat-s, and whiq£ parties will not dare attempt to do. The great expense attending the getting up and priming of these labels, will prevent the attempt to counterfeit thus ee scuring to the public that the article they purchase iiithe gen uine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, manulacturcd by Perry Invi t tson. Sole Proprietors, t The Fain Killer willbe put up in anew s.iyie of panel bo tie,with tbe words DAVIS’ VEGETABLE FAIN KILLER, b'own in the Glas*. We have discontinued tbe use o{ the 3>< cent bottle* and now put u<> only four eii'-.. ri 7. — l-j< cents, go cents, at) cent®, and sl, perbnufe. We have also a very flue Engraving on’rtone, for tlie R'>x labels, spcci ying ti:e oorte;!'.* ~f , y, box, win re and by whom manufactured, fcc. Wo Lave also added j,o our Fato phetof directions and certificate*, a cover beautifully /Ini-b ----ed, presenting on the tin* page a very excellent likene** of Perry Dari*, the original inventor of the Paiti Kiih-r. The bottle label*, and one label on each box, has :.!■>?. corr.ct likeness ot Perry Davis, w tiieh it will be impossible tt> coun terfeit successful ly. Wo have been to tbi* expense, Ihnt the public might !>: -.<• perfect confidence that they were getting the genuiiw* rtn ‘* when they buy c bottle *a* abovyi describe*!, To those who have so long us*-d and proved the merits of our srtie'e. ■<=, would say that we shall continue to prepare our Tain K:U-r of the best and purest materials, anti that it shall be evety wav worthy of their approbation as a tandHTtrediciue. PKRKV DAVES A. KGS, Providence, R. I. Manufacturers and Proprietor tnay™i. wAtwSm. GEORGIA) Early county; Court nj Ordinary. August Term. 1355. T > nlc NT s>t, —Kcuhcti .'-tcGorquadale, adiniin* : r&ii:ro.n the Ik. tsafate of John MeCorquadale deceased, baviDg spited for Letters Ifijamo-su: j: it is ordered, tb u all persons c'neerned show cau r *', if any they have, whvaaui letter-. may not he granted s.tul aelmiu’*- . tmtor. at- the March term ut:t of me court ot ordinary oi said j couidy. A true tfi, , * r 'lp* ir* sJi tfe* n’-ipuie-r i-t ? Aojrnt T*Si j l?si. pujld--aOfu y. s.PLV*iURU,Q.I.