The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 29, 1855, Image 4

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IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMEJJTFOF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST/FOR CASH I BEING desirous of changing my X business, I now ofler my extensive W/’ /mx S'todk of School, Law, -4faS^)pi C al, Theological anil jiAAiiiliWticel laneous Books, anil Stationery at COST FOR. CASH* I have a large Stock of School Hooks, and it will be greatly to the advantageof Teacbecs and those in charge of Schools, to call immediately and-supply themselves. If you cannot com e, send your orders with the money, and I will send them to you. . , To any one wishing to go into the business, I would say, that 1 will sell them my entire stock upon the most favorable terms —both as to prices and payments. Call and see. . - JORDAN L. HOWELL. p>n. B. —I would most respectfully say, to all who are indebt ed to me, that 1 must have.the money. jPlcase let met hear from you without further notice. J.L. 11. Columbus Ga., April 14, 1855. wtwtf -v£~v T~iR gs> egry ./jTgy— INEZ, A Tale of the Alamo, is anew and popular work, just by the Harpers and for sale by umHirir j.w. pease. Also, a New Supply of Houth Side View of Slavery, by N. Adams. D. D.; Ruth Hall: Cap. Canot; I.ife and Beauties of Fanny Fern, &c. &c. Columbus, Feb.lK. w&twtf. LIME! LIME! rrMlEsubscriber is now nrepared to furuish JL of a superior quality from k-xik^s THE OTHO LIME KILN, at any point on tue Chattahoochee or Apalachicola rivers.— Persons wishing Lime can be supplied on the most reasona ble terms by addressing the undersigned at Otho Post Office, Henry County, Alabama. ap3o—wtf T. L. BOWEN & CO. HEAR BOTH SIDES. All the World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, 12mO„ CLOTH. WHo is Ruth Hall? Is Ruth Hall Fnnn Fern, or somebody else? and if Fanny Fern is not Until Hall ,wlio is Fanny Fern? THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN’ Is now before the public, and the world will be cnlighte Ami this book a strange tale unfolds. Tlie present Work is authentic in all its Those who have read the advance copy, pronounce it the wittiest, spiciest book of the season. It presents vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril limit Author of Fern Leaves and Ruth Hall, at her own fireside,in the Editor’s Sanctum, in the street, at Church, and everywhere, and in every position she is the samt fascinating woman. In th s volume, several of Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts appear for the first time in book form. The reader will find that they possess the same attractivi features which characterize all her productions. They arc alternately witty and pathetic, causticand soothing, sparkling and pensive. No other author has succeeded so well iu touching c Anil chords of the heart. Just received ami for s w le by fcb!s—w&twtf. VV. PEASE. DISSOLUTION. THE Firm of Ti'nax & V anden Berg was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist of April 1855. The undersigned having purchased of Air. J. L.Truax his in terest in the former firm, will continuethe MUSIC BUSINESS in all its branches at their old stand NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Where can always be found n large selection of rfßl PIANO FORTES fffff Fromthe lU'slMauufactoriosin the United States, ©fall Styles and PRICES. ALSO , Melodians, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamborines, Flutes, Flutinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Clarionetts, Flagcoletts and Fifes. Also, all kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BANOS, together with Bass and Tknor DRUMS. STRINGS of ALi. kinds, ami the Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC for all the above named instruments, that can he found South of Philadelphia. V&~ Second hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones. Second hand Pianos lor Sale or Rent. Pianos, Organs, Melodians, and all other kinds ©f Musical Instruments in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Ail orders left at our store will be promptly attended to. T. H . VAN DEN BERG, 76 Bro id Street, Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle. Columbus, May 5‘1855. w&twtf. NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. J FRENCH, English and American Prints. French Cambrics and Brilliants. Scotch and French Ginghams; all Styles. Bareges, Tissues and Light Colored Challeys. Light Summer Silks and Grenadines* A Choice Selection of Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, Collars, and Collars and Sleeves to match Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings and Bands. English and German Hosiery—of every description. Damask and Muslin Drapery. ALSO, A Superior lot of Irish Linens. 6-4 Pillow Case—Linen and Cotton. 10-4 11-4 & 12-4 Cotton and Linen Sheetings. 3 ply, Ingrain and Linen Carpeting. Every description of goods usually found iu our line—all ot which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Columbus, March 3, 1855. w&twtf, BRITISH PERIODICALS. EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to re-publish the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative.) 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig-.) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render these publicationsunasually interesting during the forthcom ing year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations,and flying rumors of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excite ment of the great political events of the time shall have parsed way. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well estab lished literary,scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are now permanently made for the receipt of EARLY SHEETS from the Brittish Publish ers, by which we are enabled to place ALL OUR RE PRINTS in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with foreign copies. Although this in volvesa verv large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low’ rates as heretofore viz:— Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews S3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 OO For any three of the four Reviews. 7 OO For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 For Bl tekwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Review - 10 00 Taymcnts to be made in all cases in%drancc. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above pri ces will bo allowed to Clubbs ordering four or more eop ies of any one- or more oftho above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood,or of one Review, will he sent to one address for $9; lour copies of the lour Reviews and Black >. e ud for S3O; and so on. ” POSTAGE. Jn alLth©principal cities and towns, these w-orks will be agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by tpaiL the Postage to any part of the United States will lie but Twenty v fc, our Cents a year for “Blackwood,” and Fourteen Cents linear tor eac.i of the Reviews. Remittance® and oonftlfpmvntionaahould always be ad- (..*&(• paid, to flu- .rnvhsbers. ; ‘ RD SCOTT &, CO. tautt—twith, M Guy Street, New Yotk. GEORGIA, Randolph County. Court of Ordinary ofsaid County, April Term, 1855. IT appearing to this Court that William Griffin, Admin istrator of the estate of James Henderson, late of said county deceased, has fully administered said estate and faith fully discharged the trust reposed in him as administrator aforesaid: And having made application for Letters of Dismission: It is ordered by the Court that all parties inte rcsted, show cause to the contrary on or before the next October Term of this Court, otherwise said Administrator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand April 2d, 1855. ap2d-6m. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Early county. Court of Ordinary, for said County March Term, 1855. THOMAS B. ANDREWS, administrator de bonisnon’on the estate of John Jones, deceased, having made final return of his acts as such and petitioned for letters dismissory: Itiserdered that all persons concerned,show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant at the October Term 1855, of our court. A true extract from the minutes, March 17th, 1855. mar26—w6m. S. S. STAFFORD, Ord. Administrator’s Sale.—Will be sold at the court house in Cusseta, Chattahoochee county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale: — Lotof land No. twohundred and seventeen (217) in the 6th district of originally Muscogee, now Chattahoochee county, sold as the property of Messy Nelson, late of said county de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. auglß—w4od. M. D. WALL, adm’r. Administrator’ Sale.—Agreeable to an order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee county, will be sold at the court house door in the town of Cusseta, in said county, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours ft I sale, 1250 acres of land, lying iu said coun ty, belonging lo the estate of John Brewer, lateo! said couuly deceased; well improved,with aboutfive hundred acrcsof op en land in a high state of cultivation, good dwelling house, out houses, giu house, giu and iscrew, lying on tue waters of the llichcty and Slaughter creeks,all rich oak and hickory land, and comprises one of the best settlements of land tor cotton in the county. Terms will be made known on the da j of sale. JAMES P.ELLIS, ) ... . july2f—wdtd R. H. BOON. Aum rs. fTtWOmonths after the publication of this notice, applica i tlon will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county for leave to sell part of lot No. 419 in the city of Co lumbus, being the North half of said j-lot with the improve ments thereon, as the property >of the estate ol Nancy Piggott, late of Muscogea county deceased, may 19—w2m KINCY L. DAVIS, Adm’r Georgia, Randolph county—Court of Ordinary June Term, 1855, Ordered, by the court, that all and sin gular the parties interested show cause, on or before the firs Monday in September next, why Lewis Gay should not be di missed irom the Guardianship of William E Gay and Ann ££ Gay, otherwise letters of dismission will then be granted. A true extract lrom the minutes of Court, July sth, 1855. july6—w4od O.P. BEALL, Ord. * - TWO Months after date I shall apply to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Randolph County for leave to sell the Real Estate ot William Janes, deceased JOHN W. JANES, / „ DAVID 11. JANES. \ Executors. April 29th, 1855. may7—w2m Administrator’s Sale. I WILL sell at public auction at the Market House, in the City of Columbus. Muscogee county, Ga., on the Ist Tues day in October next, the following property to wit: Two and a half shares of ,the stock of the Muscogee Rail Road, and forty shares of the Stock ot the Howard Manufac turing Company in the City of Columbus, sold in obedience to a decree in Chancery from the Superior Court of Jl/uscogee County, and as the property of Martin J. Keudrick, late of said county deceased. Sold for Cash and for the benefit of-the heirs and creditors of said estate. WM. A. REDD, Adm’r. julylfi—wtillstoct of IM. J. Kendrick, de’e. Buchannan & Wade. i RULE NISI vs. >To foreclose ./Mortgage, &c., in Anthony Richie, > Early Sup. Court Ap. Term 1855, Pi esent Hon. Win. C. Perkins, Judge of said Court. XT appearing to the Court, by the Petition of James Buclian nan & John Al. Wade, merchant partners, using the firm &|styleor Buchannan & Wade, that on the 26th day of March, 1852, Anthony Richie made and delivered to said Buchannan & Wade, his five certain promissory notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the said Anthony Ritchie promis ed one day alter the date of said notes, to pay said Buchannan & Wade or beaTer, One Hundred and Forty 38-100 Dollars for value received; And that afterwards, on the same day and year aforesaid, the said Anthony Richie, the better to secure the payment of said notes, executed and delivered his deed ot Mortgage to said Buchannan & Wade, thereby conveying to them lotof land number one hundred and ninety five, lying in the 26 h District of Early county, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, conditioned that if said Anthony Richie should pay off and discharge said notes or cause it to be done, according io the tenor and effect thereof, then said mort gage and notes should become null and void to all intentsand purposes: And it further appearing that said notes remain unpaid: Itistherfore ordered, That the said Anthony Richie do pay into Court, by the fi-st day of the nextterm thereof, the principal,interest and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any he has; And that on failure of said An thony Richie so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises, be forever barred and forclosed. And is further ordered, that a copj of this Rule be served on the said Anthony Richie or his attorney, at least three mouths previous to the next term oi this Court, and that the same he published in the Columbus Times & Sentinel once a month for four months previous to the next term of this Court. This April 17, 1855. S. 3. STAFFORD, Pl’ffs. Att’y. A true extract from the minutes of Early Superior Court, April Term, 1855. i.,,123—wm4m. THOS. R. ANDREWS,CI’k. State of Georgia, Early County: Court of Ordinary, May Term 1855. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of William Griffin, that MaUhew Perryman, late of said county deceased,did in his lifetime execute to William G. Wood his bond, condi tioned to execute good and sufficient tides to ‘said Wili am G. Wood lor lot of land No. 91, in the 28th District of Eariy county; And it furthci appearing that said Jl/atthew Perryman departed this lite without executing titles for said land, or in any way pioviding therefor, and before the purchase money for said land was .due; And it further appearing that said William G. Woo'd for value received and by endorsement transferred said Bond to the said William (Griffin, on a certain day, in said (petition mentioned; And it further appearing that said William Griffin has fully paid the amount ol the pur chase money for said lot of land to Benjamin Collier, adminis trator on the estate of said Matthew Perryman deceased; And said William Griffin having petitioned this Courtto d'rect the -aid Beniamin Collier, administrator as aforesaid, to execute to him titles for said lot of land in conformity with said bond. It is therefore hereby ordered, that notice be given at three or more public places in said county, and in the Columbus Times & Sentinel for three months of such application, that all per sons concerned may file objections in the said Ordinary’s of fice (if any they have) why said Benjamin Collier, administra tor as aforesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land in conformity to said Bond as required by law. A true extract from the minutes of said court, this May 9th, 1855. jttnlS- w3m S. S. STAFFORD. Ord. e. e. GEORGIA, Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1855. LEWIS Gay administrator on the estate of Erasmus Gay, late of said county deeased, having petitioned this court for dismission from said administration, and it appearing to the the court that he has fully completed the administration of said estate: it is ordered, that all and singular the parties iu ’crested, show cause at the next January Term of this court, why he should not be dismissed, otherwise letters of dismis sion will then be granted. Given under my hand, at office, July sth. 1855. julv6—wlim O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. MARY M. POWELL, I Libel for Divorce in Randolph ve. > Superior Court, April Term, MENDERSON POWELL. ) 1855, IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that Vbe said Henderson Powell, defendant, does not reside in this county, and it further appearing that the said Defendant does not reside in this State. It is therefore, on motion of Counsel for the said Mary Powell, Plaintiff, ordered by the Court, that the said Defendant appear and answer at the next Term of this Court, or that said cause be considered in default, and that said Libellant be allowed to proceed, and that this order be published in the Columbus Times and Sentinel, one of the gazettes of this State, once a month for four months, previous to the next term of this Court. WILLIAM C. PERKINS, J.S.C.S. W. C. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. D. JORDAN. June 5, 1855. m4m STATE OF GEORGIA, Early county. Court of Ordinary for said county, June Term, 1855. r pHOMAS Speightjadministrator of Joses B. S. Holmes,de cease .having fully administered on the estate of said de ceased, and made a final return of his acts thereon, and peti tioneded the court for letters Dismissory: It isl there fore ordeied that all persons interested shew cause to the contary, if anvj they have, or said |letters wili be gran ted said applicant at the January Term next ot our court. A true extract Horn the minutes of said Court, this June 15, 1855. junlß w6m S. S. STAFFORI), Ord. GEORGIA, Taylor county.—Whereas, Willis Mc- Lendon applies to me lor letters of administration on the estate of Mary .McLendon, late of said county deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they have, in this oflice, on or before the next term of said court, otherwise letters will be granted to the said applicant. * Given under my hand the 3d August, 1555. August 6—w4otl. JOHN STURDIVANT, Ord. GEORGIA, Karly county: Court of Ordinary,'August Term, 1855. I> ule Nt S*i.—Sarah Hays, administratrix on the estate of JL\> John Hays, deceased, having applied .for Letters Dis missory: It isOrdcTed, That all persons concerned, show cause, if any they have, why said administratrix may not he dismissed trom said administration at the Court of Oidinary to be held ttt and tor said county on the first Monday in March next. A true transcript troui the minutes of said court, Angus', 7lb, euiilO —wtotii 8.8. STAFFORD, Ord. STARTLING, BUT TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to year in that pitiable condition as not even for one day to feel the nappy and exhilarating influ ence incident to the enjoyment of health. THE BLOOMING BRIDE, Bat a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar riage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often HEREDITARY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN “ UNTO TUE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATION,” Transmitting CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, iiyPocHoNoHia, Insanity, gout, KING’S EVIL, and other and worse Diseases, ns a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENTS. “ And must this continue ? Must this be ? Is there no remedy? No relief? No hope?” The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. These are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY Dlt. A. M. MAUPJCEAU, PROFESSOR OF DISEASJS OF WOMEN’. One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 18no., pp. 250. [OX FIXE PAPER, EXTRA BIXDIXO, $1.00.] A standard work of established reputation, found classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales in New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal booksellers in the United States. It was first published in 1847, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a re liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person and by letter. Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her own 6ymptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her future health, In respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such in struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. How many are suffering from obstructions or irregular ities peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which tlieir delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Many suffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of tho womb), oF from Jluor alius (weakness, debility, &c.) Many are in constant agony for many months preceding confine ment. Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in its pages the of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly in tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a fether? a wife or a mother ? Have you the sincere welfare of those you love at heart! Prove your sincerity, and lose no time in learning what causes interfere with their health and hap piness not less than your owg. It will avoid to you and yours, gs it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting those means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining years, the infirmities of age and the proper education of your children. In consequence of tho universal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various imposi tions have been attempted, as well on booksellers as on the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and deceptions, it has been found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless the words “Dr. A. M. Maurickac, 129 liberty Street, N. Y.,” is on (and the entry in tho Clerk’s Office on the hack of) the title page ; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. fpg- Upon receipt of One Dollar “ THE MAR RIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION” is sent ( mailed free) to any part of the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, New-York City Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New* York. AGENTS FOR GEORGIA. L E Welch, Albany— E J White Jl/illedlgeville— Doyal & Fears, McDouough—C Youngblood, Oglethorpe—WmlCay, At lanta— ThosT Christian, Dalton—Jones and Blakely and Richards, Lagrange—W A Scandrett, Grffln—J B Cubbedge, Savannah. Jan. 22 1855. wly The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age, is AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. THEY don’t help complaints but they cure them. One Box has cured Dyspepsia. Three Boxes have cured the worst cases of Scrofula. Two Boxes have cured Erysipelas. One Box always cures the Jaundice. Three Boxes are sure to cleanse the system from Boils; often less than one does it. Two Boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcers on the legs. Small doses seldom fail to cure the Piles. One dose cures the headache arising from a foul stomach. Strong doses often repeated expel every worm lrom the body. They should be given to children who are always more or less affected with this scourge. Asa gentle physic they have no equal. One Box cures derangement of the Liver. Half a Box cures a Cold. They purify the blood, and thus strike at the foundation of everv disease. Asa Dinner Pill there is not their equal in the world. They are purely Vegetable, and can do no harm, but do accomplish an unaccountable amount of good. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Low ell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi cine through this section. juns—w&tw3m. SETTLE UP. ALL persons indebted to the Hte firm of WILLI BMS & FERO f/o'OJY.are hereby notified that unless their Notes and Accounts are settled before the first of June, they willhave to settle with someone else. inavl7—w&twtf Notice to debtors and creditors,— All persons indebted to the esta'e of John Peterson, late of said county deceased,?are required to make immediate payment and those having demands are notified to present them within terms of the law. julySl—w4od. P/ERCE, Adm’r. MARBLE WORKS, Eastside Broad St. near the MarkctHouse COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carvi eg done on stonein the best possible manner; and allkind? olGran ite Workattheshortest notice. JOHfj H. MAD! EN. P.S.—Plasterof Parisand Cement,alwaysonh ind for sale. Columbus, Jan I,lotl 1854. BATHING TUBs7 Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc, may 19—tw4tn. It. M. ALDWORTH &, CO. Gs EORGIA, Taylor county.— Whereas, William f Miller appliesto me lor letters of Administration on the Estate of Benjamin Miller, late of said county, dec’d: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credito-s of said deceased to be and appear at my office and file their objections in terms of the law, if any they have, otherwise letters will be granted. Given under rav hand and official signature, this 3d day of July. 1855 1 july9—w3od JOHN STURDIVANT, 0:d. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKAW & CO., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to their interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as DANIEL ROWE AND GEO. 11. BETZ Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. A CAR3D^^ Takes this method of informing his friends that he is now permanently located at I* A. Hit* MM & i®B, . Where he will be happy to sec them, and pledges himself to give his entire attention toall who may desire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. wfctwtf J. H. DANIEL & THOMAS, 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Arc in constant receipt of the Latest Styles oi Fashionable Ready Made Clothing, OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. THEY ALSO HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT Cents. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Valises, <scc., &c. XXXX A Together with a large Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERSAND VESTINGS, Which they are prepared to Manufacture to order, in the most fashionable and ap proved styles. In this branch of their business they owe an apology to those of their patrons whom they have recently unavoidably disappointed, but, as the cause has been remo ved. they feel confident, with the assistance of the well-known cutter, F. A. FAIRCHILD, Whose character for faithfulness, courtesy and promptitude is so well established, that in future their patrons will meet with that courtesy and despatch which shall atone or all past disappointments. May 26th, 1855—w&twtf. Is now put up in the Largest Sized Buttles, and is acknowl edged to be the best Snr sapor ill a made , as is certified by the won der/ul cures it has perf untied, the original copies of which are in the possession of the Prop lictor. Remember, this is the only true and original article . Scrofula, Syphillis, Merculial Complaints, Cancer, Gangrene Rheumatism, ami a vast variety of other diseasesare speedily and perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. Read the following Certificate : Tallapoosa Cos., Ala., Jan. 2, 1852. DkarSir: — l send you this to certify to you that your Ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has performed one of the most wonderful cures ou me that has ever been effected on men. 1 have been afflicted for forty .years with eruptions on my legs and feet; in JB4B they got so bad that 1 Pad to go on crutches, ami in 1842 i had one leg amputated above the knee. In about nine months alter tny other Jegibroke out in large eatingaud running sores from my knee to my loot, and dis charged a great deal of offensive matter. My groin aLo broke out in large biles, .vhich discharged much offensive matter,and at tnesarae time my left hand broke out iu large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery that I have suffered for the last two years I can not desetibe to you. 1 was iu such agony that 1 never rested day or night. In October last my son brought me one of your bottle wrap pers; I read it, and found record of some wonderful cures performed by your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsapari 11a” I sent and got two bottles of it. and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to ray great astonishment, my sores all became ea sy, and I could sleep all night, a thing 1 had not done lor two years- When I had taken six bottles, my sores had nearly all healed. My sores got well as if by enchantment. I have now used in all eight bottles of your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and now consider myself well. 1 entreat all of the afficited to try this medicine, fori believe it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside all prejudice* and just try it, and proclaim fits great worth to suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. Jily case is well known in a large portion of South Carolina, Georgia and Alab tma, and if any should doubt the above cure, I invite them to fcall on me, and I will show them the scars. I can be .found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, one mile from Stoe’s Ferry. RENAJAH HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for females of delicate health, resulting from irregularity of men strual discharges, and other dieases peculiar to their sex, — The proprietor has in his possession fa great number of cer tificates of cures, performed of the above description. We assure the aftPcted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott’s Ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will gtacc regulate those difficulties and renew the natural U P in quart bottles—price SI pe^ultle. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Scovill & Meead, Chartres Street, N. 0. General Agents for the Southern States, to ‘whom all orders must be addressed. ALSO SOLD BY David Young, J. T. Reese, Greenville, Brooks &, Chapman, “ “T. .T. Hunt &Cos Whitesville Danforth & Nagle, “ “B. H. Head Lumpkin, Ga. Robert Carter, “ “E. Willis &. Cos., Talbotton, J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton, G. J. Briggs, Buena Vista,Ga june2B w&twtf LINCH’S ANTI-RIIEUMATIC POWDERS. WONDERFULLY EFFICACIOUS IN Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout &, Sciatica. For the above Diseases, a Safe, Speedy, and Radical cure is found in “Linch’s Anti-Rheumatic Row tiers”—the greatest Remedy now known, for Rheu • mutism in any of its forms. A MONO the many nostrums of the day, so lauded as cures £jL lor Rheumatism, none have ever yet been discovered to be possessed of half the curative powers of these powders. Let those afflicted who desire relief from suffering, but pro cure a Box or two of these invaiuabie powders, and follow strictly the directions, and their magic effect will soon be felt in a total absence of pain. tjfTut up in Tin Boxes of sixty (60) Powders each—Direc tions around the Box By anangement with Dr. J. G. Gibson, their Discoverer, these Powders will hereafter be manufactured and sold by b! W. Adams, of Eatonlon, PutnamConnly, Ga. Orders directed to him #i 11 meet with prompt attention, pro vided the Cash accompanies the order. Price S3 per box. Isold by BROOKS & CHAPMAN, June 5, 1835, 5m Columbus, Ga. “STOVES & TIN WARE. \TT K have or * ha,wl a flne assortment of COOKING >\ STarm Jjrn TIAf- fV.iH F., for Cheap. Roofiii# and Guttering promptly attended to and Warranted. auy!tf—tw4m. E, M. ALDWORTH, k (.0. TO THE PATRONS OP PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE BAIN KILLEE. OWING to the large amount of Counterfeit Pain Killei put up and sold as genuine by unprincipled men, wehayo been obliged to resort to very expensive measures to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public from great injury, by buying and using their worthless counterfeits. Tne compar ative plain and simple style in which our Pain Killer has beeh put up, has made it very for those im itate it very successfully, as far as its external app< a ranee, in style of bottle, label, and color of the article; but we need not say that the compound is a miserable, filthy production, and calculated to do great injury to those who might use it with the confidence they have been accustomed to ur*- the genuine Pain Killer. Parties whose business it is to counter feit valuable preparations, do it in such a secret manner,that It is almost useless to attempt to punish them by legal meas ures, as it is difficult, and we might say impossible to bring the proof home to them. Considering the great difficulty in protecting ourselves and the public by prosecuting parties, we have been to a very great expeuse in getting up a finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LA EEL, or o,ir bottles. We also attach to our bottles a Steel Engra ved note of hand, which we issue as our obligation and the counterfeit which is held to be forgery by the lavs of the United States, and which parties will not dare attempt to do. The great expense attending the getttng up and printing of these labels, will prevent the attempt to counterfeit thus re scuing to the public that the article thev purchase isthe gen uine Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, manufactured by Pe'-y Da\i Son, Sole Proprietors, The Pain Killer willbe put up in anew styie of panel bo tie, with the words DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, b!own_ in the Glass. We have discontinued the usu of the 37X cent bottles and now put up only lour sizes, viz—cents, 25 cents, 50 ccntp, and §l, per bottle. We have also a very fine Engraving on Stone, for the r>ox labels, specifying the cor tents of the box, where and hv whom manufactured, &c. W e have also added to onr Pam phetof directions and certificates, a cover beautifully finhl.- ed, presenting on the first page a very excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the original inventor of the Pain Kii'er. The bottle labels, and one label on each box, lias also a correct likeness of Perry Davis, which it will be impossible to coun terfeit successfully. We have been to this expense, that the public might have perfect confidence that they were getting the genuine article when the} bay a bottle above described. To th<‘ec who have so long used and proved the merits ot our arlice, we would say that we shali continue to prepare our Pain Killer ot the best and purest materials, and that it shall be every way worthy of their approbation as a family medicine PERRY DA Vis ft SON, Providence, R. I. Manufacturers and Proprietors. may 29. w&twfim. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons are hereby notified that circum stances make it absolutely necessary that we should bine a lien on every horse boarded at our stable by the month or year. We, therefore, hereby give notice, that our right of ti. n shall enter into and become a part of every contract for the keep or board ot horses at our stables, and that in all cases we reserve the right u> niorcc said lien, eif necessary, apo— ts. HATCHEK fc TITTS. GEORGlA—Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, June Term, lSh’. ORDERED, That all and singular intones < < .si < w cause on or before the next January Term ot lots -ouii, why Allen James, adm'r . and Sarah But's, J "Mn > ’ f ll 1 fate of Spyrus Butts, dec’d, should nr L>< di mi—> • ‘heir said administration, otherwise they will then he di: misted. Given under wi band the filth t!. 1 ” *-'• )nty7~ja O. p. ULAU.. Urdumry. I