The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 01, 1855, Image 3

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Democratic and Anti-Know Nothing Nomina ting Convention. 1 ho people ot Maseogee County, without regard to old paity divisions, who approve of the Platform of principles adopted try the Democratic Party ol Georgia ‘at their late State Convention, and are opposed to the proscriptive prin ciples ol the Know Nothing Order, are respectfully invited to meet at the Court House, in Columbus, on WEDNESDAY, the sth SEPTEMBER, nt 12 o’clock, M., for the purpose of nominating Candi dates to represent Muscogeo County in the next Legisla ture. Doors wide open, ‘['lie PEOPLE are invited to attend. Come One, Come All ! Let the People Govern. E. Barnard, Joseph Jeller-on, P. Spenoer, Patrick Barry, F. A. Abbott, .1. Hamilton, John W. Hint, M. deSrallenreid, W. E. Jones, John Quitrn, .1. R. Jones, JarffesCotle, •I- •*. Boswell, W. s. Needham, R. .1. Moses, Michael M’Cahey A. 11. Cooper, .1. B. Corcoran, John McCarty, J. M. Mitchell, J. A. Strother, James Pilkinton, Warlmin .Cromwell, Malcom Persons, i ;V ,,1 .¥v James Estevez, VV. H. M. King, -Imm Code, ( ’ ,3 °- H Eugene A. Smith, Deo. 11.I 1 . Hart, O. P. Tilliughast Win. F. Plane, I). St. Ledger M. A. Clecklcy, P. Steinbae*ker, W. T. Brown, James Boulter, 11. M. Cleckley, Daniel Rodgers, Jno. Munii, F. Burrus, .1. B. Hicks, I). Wallbohrn, It. M. AJdwortii, Hugh Dolan, W\ E. Coleman, E. H. Calhoun, R. P. Spencer, M. APGobney, Geo. H. Sjienecr, ‘j'. Sheppard, Jos. W. Woollolk, 11. L. Mauretzen, W. Woollolk, T. O.’Douglass, Wm. O. Douglass, J. A. Frazer, B 11. Moses, Geo.G. Gullen, F\ A. Cairns, 11. V. Iverson, A l l '. Kroner, Thomas Livingston, ■ I'.Reiek, M.N. Clarke, A James F oran, W. S. Clarke, ■ P. Biehlcr, A. B. Ragan, wVm. C. F'ylTe, Samuel J. Hatcher, G. Strapper, Win. K. Schley, ■F. Bachle, Parham D. Redding, B \ Landon, David Dean, Landou, Peterson Thweatt, i 9n o liomas Brassill, “* Jno. D. Gray, HiH S. Harrisoh, Daniel Griffin, - Jiß R. Folsom, P.W. Pryor, US. .8. Mariner, J. G. Smith, S. Pryor, Alex. P. Pryor, Wi.. C. Forsyth, V. H. Cady. Livingston, Win. Burcti, tl. A. Tylor, C: M. Jordan, Jaa. J. Lovelace, J. H. Merry, C. T. Cue-liman, G. Merehent. G. Thomas, jr., Joseph F. Miller, John Kramer, Wnl. Fh Nance, John R. Daggers, Felix McArdle, T. W. Grimes, Alex J. Robinson, V. S. Townsley, M. Jacobe, S. G. Wilson, L. Rooney, A. B. Dafton, Jacob Lo won berg, John B. Dozier, Jacob Davis, Win. Deiguan, A. Mathieu, John W. Kelly. M. H. Dessau, F’. C. Ellison, B. Jackson, Chas. P. Dean, J. H.Happoldt, Stephen B. Dean, Samuel Koockogey, Charles J. Barrow, S. A. Billing, L. Spencer, * James T. F'lewellen, | J. Michel, R. B. Murdock, John W. Bowen, George Meredith Thomas \ r . Miller, Patrick Holyhan, Oliver Miller, John Durkin, Bennett Bass, Robert Thomas, Cullen Bass, William Owen, William 11. Bass, G. Salvo, W. W . McFarlan, John E. Ryckcly, James Wore, John (dark, VVilliani VVailing, L. Lockhart, F. A. Nelson, George Bandy, F. B. Nance, J. A. Tyler, A. G. Stanlurd, Benjamin Doles, H. P, Albrecht, U K. Jlill, Garret Ha lion beck, P. H. Colquitt, Michael Quinn, B. P. Jenkins, David Foley, * A. J. Howard, .John F. Llrasa ter, J. F\ Bozeman, Porter Ingram, Other lists are in circulation. As soon as they are rc* ! turned the names will be inserted. Columbus, Ga., August 28th, 1855. j [Loiter from lion. John Minor Lotts, of Virginia.] Richmond, Va., July 9th, 1835. Messrs. Win. S'. Deers & Cos., G< nts:— Consideration* of du- | ty to tlie afflicted alone prompt me to send you this voluntary j testimonial to the great value of “Carter's Spanish .Mixture,” J for that almost incurable disease, Scrofula. Without leitrdisposed or deeming it necessary to go into the particulars of the case, 1 can sav that the astonishing results that have been produced by lhc use of that medicine on a member of my own family, and under my own observation and superintendence,'-sifter the skill of the best physicians had been exhausted and all tlie usual remedies had failed, fully justify mein recommending its use to all who may be suffer- j ing from that dreadful malady. 1 do not mean to say that it is adapted to all constitutions, or that it will afford the same relief in all cases; for, of course, 1 know nothing about that—but from what I have seenot'theef- : feds, 1 would not hesitate t > use it, in any and every case of ! Scrotula, with persons for whom 1 felt an interest, or over whom 1 could exercise influence or control. Very respecttullv, JOHN M. NOTTS. THOMAS M. TURN HR & CO. J AS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS & CHAPM AN, i D A IN FORTH & NAGLE, july2o—wtwlilJstSept Columbus, Ga. DIED. in this city ou (he Ist inst., Mr. James Magonigal. i 1 he friends ol the family are invited to attend tbo funeral at 3 o’clock to-morrow evening at the residence of John B. Strupper, Broad street. Attention Light Guards! Appear at the armory to morrow at 2* P. M , for buriaf of private James Magoniga], armed and equipped as the by laws direct, for funeral parade.- It AGENCY j BA X K O F SAVA VA A 11, Office Discount and Deposit, is re-opeued, and the usual facilities will be offered to customers. — No. Jt> Columbus, Ueorgln, , augustU l twit. A <; E N C Y Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, fTMPS Coiupttiy continues to insure buddings, Merchandize, j 1 Household Farture, factories, .Vachinery, tand Personal 1 Property, generally, against loss and damage by Fire: also on Marine and Inland navigation, Risks of Freight and Cargo i only, ou favorable terms. 11.11. F.Pl* IN G, Agent. IF” Oflice at the Agency of the Union Hnk, Columbus, 1 G i , where tSignt Checks oil New York, Charleston, Savannah, .Montgomery, Mobde and/New Orleans, may at all times be purchased at current rates. septltwlm. City papers copy. • Early Sheriff Sales, “VAT” ILL be sold before the Court bouswdoor in the town of Blakely on the first Tuesday in October next, betwee.u the lesal hours of sale, the following property, to w it: Lot number seven, in the 28th district of Early county, lev ied on to satisfy one 11 la from Early Superior court,* E. D. Bumb, vs Elij. h Bush. ilso. lot. No. 330, in the 26th dip'ridof Early, to satisfy one fits from Early Superior couit, .Voscs Warren, v. Jess B. Marly. \Bo, the s’ ore house and lot known as the Corbett & Smith store house, on the west side of the Public square, iu the town of P lakely; a lot of 250 acres, in the 28th district, (number not recollected l it being the lot sold by R. Prichett and said Cor bett &. Sindh; and lot number 113 In the 28th district of Larly eouuty , alt levied mto satisfy two fl fas from Early Superior court, F. J. OoutiriT & Holies v>. Corbett & Smith, and Catlin, f*ea’ ut a Co.,vs said Corbett & Bmith. lot number 10., iu the'-Bth district of Early county, to satisfy two fl ta-wsued from a justice's court of Maker county, Samuel H. right vs Andrew Reyn*dds—lew made and return ed to me by * constable. ecprt—wLl . E. E. STRICKLAND,Sh’ff. ‘Uarly Mortgiaee Sale. b *-o!d before the Court House door m the tow nos Vv R fik-HV, f arty coumv, Ga on tbe let Tuesdav in Nov ember next, to atie y one mortgage. fi fa, issued out o’ the In ferior oourt of karly county, \V £ J L&mpkinva NH Wood, o Negre* s -, tow it: Mu/h. a boy about twenty veers of age. and Pdlt,a w oo.ti'i about d>,eeu years oi age,tald* uvawce pointed out teeaid g fa. op ‘- w2m E. B. PTop:KI..;ND, Ph’ff. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Milledgeville, Ga., August 25,1855. f To the Sheriff of Muscogee Countv or his Lawful Depu ty, Greceting: \V hereas, at the July Term of Muscogee Cos. Sup. Court 1851, John” 1. Boyd was duly tVied and found guilty ol the crime ot Murder in the Second Degree, upon the Indict ment against one David Wright, Principal,! ll the First Degree, and the said John TANARUS., Principal in the Second De cree,lor the Murder ol Alexander M. Robinson, upon which verdict of guilty he was, by the Jhdgement of said Court, sentenced to be hung on the 7th day of September proximo ; and whereas, it appears, by the exemplification oi the testimony and verdict in-said case, that the Jury who tried the said John T. unanimously “recommended him to mercy;’ - and wheroas, two of the Jurors, viz: Julius R. Clapp, and E. C. Bellamy, represent upon oath, duly ad ministered by L. T. Downing, Notary Public, that they desired to render a verdict of guilty ofmansjatightef onlyfas to said Bovd, hut being instructed by tlie Court, that the Bill of Indictment, as drawn, contained no charge, in law, of the crime of Manslaughter as to Boyd, and that the Jury were obliged either to convictjiim of Murder or acquit him altogether, they reluctantly acquiesced in the Verdict as rendered in preference only to a total acquittal; and whereas, James Johnson arid Marshall J. Wellborn, members of the Columbus Bar, certify that they were “pre-’ sent and heard the decision of the Supreme Court overrul ing the motion for anew trial made by John T. Bovd, and heard the Court announce verbally from the Bench,” in the case, that the Court below who tried it, mistook the law and erred in holding that the Bill of* Indictment did not contain a charge, in Ufw.of Manslaughter, but as the evi dence delivered to the Jury,in the opinion of the Supreme Court, applied exclusively to the proof of the crime o Murder, so far as the same tended to show the defendan guiltyof any crime at all, the Court below did right in intf structing the Jury that they must either convict the defend ant of the crime of Murder or acquit him altogether;” and whereas, C. D. Finley makes affidavit before E. C. Gran nies, “that he was near the scene of action on the 27th of February, 18:>4, at the “Pleasant Hour House”—said John Boyd standing two or three doors above, and after rehear- ; sing a short conversation between himself and Boyd, says 1 he “went into the house and after remaining for a tew mo- ; rnents started out’—that before “he reached the door he ! heard the repoit of a pistol on the side walk near the door —that there was but one pistol fired— that he immediately went out and saw A. M. Robinson falling,—David Wright j running and two or three persons running after him, and ! firing pistols at him—that several shots were fired at that. 1 time—that during this time John Boyd walked off* towards : the river; he was not running and there was no person in ! pursuit of him;” and whereas, Eleazer Morrell makes afli- ; davit before Jordan Howell, J. P., that he “was present at i the rime Mr. Alexander M. Robinson was killed in the eitv j of Columbus—that he was in a position where he could I see all the parties, and that he saw David Wright draw his I hand from his pocket, arid saw the flash of a pistol as if! in the hands oi Wright, and saw Robinson fall immediate- I ly—that at the time Wright fired at Robinson, he, depo-I nent, saw John T. Boyd, run off and be did not see him (Boyd) shoot at Robiuson—that lie did not hear but two shots at the time Robinson was killed, and one of them j was from a pistol in the hands of David Wright, and the ! other from a pistol in the bands of Zachariah Gammell, j who shot at W right as he ran off; there was another shot ! fired by deponent at Wright some four or five minutes af- i ter the first shots were fired—Boyd ran to the West, and ! Wright to the East—that be. denonent, did not see a pis- i tol in the hands of John T. Boyd at the time of the killing —that ho could see Boyd distinctly at the time of the kill ing, and that he, Morrell, was one of the City Guard at the i time, and engaged in arresting the parties;” and whereas, Alexander P. Prior, makes affidavit before Jordan L. How ell, J. P., “that at the time of the killing lie, Prior, was standing withiu three feet ot David Wright and JohnT. Boyd, when Robiuson approached and arrested Wright and Boyd—at that moment deponent heard the report of a pistol and saw Robinson stagger back—David Wright immediately rau off into the middle of the street and guard ran after him; during this time Boyd was standing near de ponent’s door, and deponent saw him until the firing com menced across ihe street, when he, Boyd, went off; De ponent states that he did not hear but one pistol at the time Robinson appeared to be shot, or make any resistance whatever; at the time, deponent heard first pistol fired, j Wright made a demonstration to resist the officer Robin- j son, but Boyd did not make any demonstration to resist; | Deponent further statos that he did not inform M. 1. Well- ! born, Esq., Counsel for Bovd, of any of the facts above j stated; and whereas, John E. Code makes affidavit before : Jordan L. Howell, J. P.,“that he was present at the lime ; Alexander M. Robinson was killed in the city of Colum- : bus, and =aw the difficulty, and that he saw David Wright j shoot at Robinson, and saw Robinson fall, and that he did not hear but. one report of a pistol at the time Robinson fell, j and did not hear a second report until Wright started to run j off; he further says he did not_see John T. Boyd shoot at ; Robinson or attempt to do so; witness says that he was 1 , standing about ten or twelve steps from the parties when j the difficulty occurred, and thinks that he could have heard the report and seen the Hash of the pistol if Boyd had shot; Deponent further says that he was a witness on the part ot the State in Wright’s case, but was not a witness in Bovd’s case— that the deponent did not know Boyd at the time the difficulty occurred;” and whereas, it appears from the ex emplification of the testimony adduced on the trial, that the aforesaid F'inley, Morrell and Code, were not sworn : on the trial of the said John T. Boyd, and by the affidavit j of Marshall J. Wellborn, the only surviving Counsel for ! the accused, that “the existence of their evidence was un- ; known to him until after the trial of said case, and after the opportunity to move for anew trial had passed; and whereas, upon a careful examination of the testimony, and i especially the affidavits herein substantially recited, it is, to say the least, extremely doubtful whether the said Boyd fired a pistol at the “time of the difficulty, it is therefore deemed a proper case for F3xecutive interposition, so far as j to allow the Legislature, in its wisdown, to pass upon the j guilt or innocence of the said John T. Boyd: Therefore, by virtue of authority vested in me by the ; Constitution of this State, 1, IIERSCHEL V. JOHN- j SON, Governor of Georgia, do, by these presents, respite ! the execution of said sentence of death against the said I John T. Boyd, at the lime aforesaid, and to the end that Ii may be able to make report thereof to the next General! Assembly, in pursuance of Constitutional obligation, 1 do I by these presents, stay the execution of said Judgment, of ! said Court, upon said John T. Boyd, until die twenty-third day of November next, between the hours specified in said j Judgement and command you, and each of you, to with hold and desist from the execution thereof until the clay 1 and between the hours aforesaid, to the end that the Legis- , lature may pass upon the ease, as the same shall be report- j ed by me to that body. J Given under my hand and Seal of the Executive De partment, at the Capitol, in Milledgeville, on the day and above written. y HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS ‘ LINSBYS!! I T attention to the fact that our Linseys arc wi VV dor, by 2or 3 inches, than those usually sold here ; that they are made of prime Georgia Wool, and weigh lull 10 ounces to the yard. If Planters consult their in- : terest they will buy of our goods. They are the best in Georgia. aug3l wtwtf WINTER I ACTORY. Partnership Dissolved. THE late firm of R. M. Aldwortli Ac Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual eonseut. All accounts due tho lirrn must be paid to R. M. Aldwortli. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R.M. ALDWORTH W/IEL continue to carry on the business at the old stand on Randolph Street. Work done in the. best style and at the shortest notice. K. M. ALDWORTH. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. t\v6m. FOR SALE. MTHE HOUSE formerly occupied by MR. R. 11. SAM MIS, w ith 5 Rooms, Kitchen, &e., on reason able terms. Inquire of ..... aug3l—twlrn. SAMMIS & KOONP\ . NEGROES WANTFD. IIVTF'I to hire by the month 20 or 30 able United Negro men ang2-—tw3t. * JOHN D. GRAY: -IMIK .lasiicr Comity Lottery I>ni! i -Womla, ’ ‘idßrJdßu.ol. Columbus Guards! M Tkbre will bean election of ith Lieuler-ani at tbe ft Armory room, at the next regular meeting of the Com i, pjr.v Monday eveoing September 3d, to - J the vacan cy occasioned by the resignation of Lieyt Andrews. e jy v r equerte r J to be pr^ c o f >t. By order of the Company, Colnrnbu . Aug. 18—twtd G. L . GAGER >■-©. 4 HATS & CAPS, m AT THE NOW in Store and for Sale, the greatest and best VARIETY OF HATS & CAPS : ever offered in Columbus. They are of every shape, qual ; Ky, size, material, fashiou and price,and the head that we ; cannot cover will have to go bare. Let every body call and see us, lor we are bound to suit every body. ; Our F'all Fashions of Silk Hats are very beautiful, and 1 are selling rapidiy. W e can fit you all — call and see. _ Avery Choice Lot of canes and Umbrellas,^rg: also, for sale at any price. tW* Manufacturing and Repairing as usual. JJgB THE HAT STORE, 42 Broad St., is the plSe. auggl—w&tw3w F\ LANDON. i LAND FOR SALE, In Barbour County, Alabama. jgSßp 1 OFF’ER for sale two Plantations lying nearClavton. in Baibour county, Ala. ‘ ||£sT .... jL- One plantation contains ]S(X) hundred acres of land, and is as well improved as any place in the • county. The growing crop will show the qualily of the ■ land. Prise $7 per acre. The other place contains9oo acres of good land; 140 in cultivation, on which are 60 acres of corn that sume of my ! neighbors say will average from 40 to 75 bushels per acre, i There is on this place a good location for a mill—with a ! dam alread made. Price §6 per acre. Persons wishing lo purchase bargains are respectfully in- ‘ vited to call and examine the land. For further particu lars address JOHN H. MILLER, aug3l—wtwlm. Clayton, Ain. jgSgplg MUSICAL aTu ” m, SARONI would respect- $? iJ V j fully inform his friends l and the “citizens of Columbus that he will return to Jus duties rn or about the tiOtli of Sept ’r. j He would also add that he will bring with him a large ami j splendid assortment oi New and Fashionable MUBIC, Vocal ’ as well as Instrumental. augi:B—twtf EXCUSE ME FOR A FEW DAYS! j Till 1 ) undersigned will be absent from the eity for a | short time, but will not close his Daguerrean Rooms this year as he did last, but will leave them in the charge ! of his Assistant, Master GILES WILLIAMS, [a young j lad] who will no doubt please any and all who may sit tor Daguerreotypes. Try him, and if they do not suit you, j you need not take them. Respectfully, A. J. RIDDLE. Proprietor and Principal Operator. } Columbus, Aug. 24 —w&twtf. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND NO. 4. Mcscogke Rail Road On iric, > j j Columbus, Ga., Aug. 11. 1b55. ) The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend i of four per cut for Ihe past six mouths, fri*u the nett earnings j of the Road, payable on and after the 15th of September uext at the office of the Company at Columbus and Favannah. 1). ADAMS, See’y and Trcasur. Enquirer and Corner Stone please Copy. tdd. \ fDE. NEISLER’S SCHOOL i?* Will re-open on tthe 2d Monday (the llltli) in ! ‘.September at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Knqurer copy. augiiS—wtwtd [ To Tax Payers. I AM now ready to receive the Stale and County Taxes, for i the present year. THUS. CHAFFIN, T. C. ! aug26— w&tw3t. ! New Books! New Books! . ABBOTT’S Life of Napoleon, anew sup- j ply; )Sgg)||£g£9 Travels in Chinese Empire, by M. Hue; | Bell Smith, Abroad;J The Conscript, by Dumas; i TrLColored Sketches in Paris; Waikna: or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, by Sain- i uel A. Bard; j English Orphans, or Home in the New World, by Ma- j ry J. Holmes; Commonplace Book of Thoughts and Fancies, by Mrs. Jameson; The Winkles: or the Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B. Jones. A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by R. C. Mc- Cormick, Jr. of New York. Cleve Hall, by Mrs. Sewell; The Iroquois: or the Bright Side of Indian Character, by Minnie Myrtte; Heiress of Haught'ui: or the Mother’s Secret, by the au thor of Aubrey; Sequel to Aubrey; Constance Herbert, by G. E. .Tewsbury; Missing Bride, by Mrs. Soulhworth, • Just received by J. W. PEASFI, j aug!B—w&twtf. 92 Broad Street. ( WARM SPRINGS, ~ “ j aHERIWETHEE COUNTY, GA. THIS delightful Watering Place is now open for the reception of visitors. June2l—twtf. J. L. MUST! AN, Proprietor. Montgnomery Journal copy. M for rest. THE bouse near the Market in Columbus, J known as the CITY HOTEL. Apply to Pu. Gittenger • or M. Barshall. augll—twtf. I Enquirer and Corner Stone copy. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD OFFICE, t j Columbus, Ga., August 13,1855. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Muscogee R. I R. Company, will be held at this office on Monday j the third day of September next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. for j the purpose of electing a President and Directors, as pro- I vided tor in the law ot Feb. 1854. D. ADAMS, Sec. j august 14 twtd ESP All city papers copy until the day of election. A CARD. HAVING disposed of my entire stock of Drugs Med icines, &c., to Messrs. J. S. Pemberton, &, Cos., I cheerfully recommend them to my old friends and custom ers. ‘1 hankful for the patronage bestowed upon me, I would respectfully solicit a continuance ut the same to my successors. R. CARTER. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24 1855—w&tw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &Ci, stCi -U. PEMBERTON & CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, AT THE SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAIi, COLUMBUS, GA. fWE have purchased trie entire Stock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, &c., of ROBERT TER. and will continue the business at his old ijfe Stand. Wo are now receiving a full assortment mi choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, In struments, Perfumery, Fancy” Articles, &.C., suited alike to the tasteof the city and wants of the country; which will be sold at prices that will not fail to give satis faction, We respectfully invite our friends and the public to give us a call, and we pledge ourselves to make it to the iuter terest of all who may favor us with their patronage. From our long experince as Druggists, and with close attention to bu siness, we trust that we shall not fail to give entire satisfaction to all who may honor us with a call. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24. w&twtf WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER. OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, ‘FOR Si- LE AT * Rock Island Paper Mill OAke, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. juttel6—w&twtf BACON! \\TE will sell for CABK oronaOREDIT until the Fall orevd of the year, the Best Huallty of Tennes see Bacon! Cal! at B. A. Richard; & Co’s.,James Liron’s, Broad Street. Columbus fir.., and at the store of O. Lanier, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mur chants, G. VV. ALEXANDER/ julylS—w&twtf. J. R. JUNES. WANTED^ F'MFLOV MEN I by a BookrKeeper f fully coijjpdifcnt, _ j having had Vyars.experience. Api>!y at this o the*. or by letter to Box 2GB, P. O, * ‘ Cqluinbua, Ga , July h), 1 <55 -twff. GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. INTENDING to close my business by Ithe 13 th September,l will sell iny j Stuck of Goods for C< >8 C 4 I have superior old Brandies, Clin, Hum, ry * Port Wines. Most of these articles have been on hand nearly them not only betteron account ora age, but tkeyf cost much less then fthan they would now.— I nlsooffer fresh Porter, Ale, Olarret, Champagne, Syrups and Bitters; Cigars, j tobacco, Tea, Coffee, Candies, Soap,Macker el, Salmon,! Pickled Pig, Pork, Lard. Oil, Vinegar Pot Ash, &0., &c., all ot the best quality and lor sale at cost on accom modating terms. 1: tvili also sell city lots, Xos. 281, 282, ill, 466, 468, 598, 15, andj a part of No. 19, near the Bridge. Also Jot No. 3, with a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, a most desirable location, being convneient to the Female Academy, to the Oburches and to business. Also fraction N0.,36, containing about 10 acres, adjoining VV'm. H. MitcbelPMr. Comer, andjthe lands of Col. Jones, not more than on and a half miles from town. Apply to P. A. CLAYTON. N. B. —All who are indebted must call and settle their ao counts or they will be placed in the hands ot an officer, j aug2-‘-w&.t\vtf P. A.C. Wanted Immediately, A fiOOD C.iIiRFAOK I'JUXTF.R. Fair wages and jTa. steady work given. Apply to F.& A. LEHMAN, auglfj—wtw Im Cuthbert, Randolph county Ca. OAT STRAW, THE Rock Island Paper ‘Mills want to purchase 100 tons ot CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons of OAT STRAW, lor which will he paid $lO j*or ton be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga.,Ju!y 31, 1855—tw&wtf. WOOL CARDED ANDMANITF A C T U R K D. WOOL Carded at 101 lor 10 cents per lb. Manufactured into Liusey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents pervd. Columbus, may 26. WINTER FACTORY*. DISSOLUTION. TllECopartncrship heretofore existing under the firm of Harrison, Austin & Mcth-Uee, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Persons holding claims against the concern arc requested to preset t them without delay, and those indebted to it wlil please make immediate pay ment. O. S. HAltßlriON, VYM. AUSTIN, Columbus, Ca., July 29—wtw2w A.C. McGEUEE. COPARTNERSHIP. rpilE undersigned having purchased the interest of Mr. \VM. AUSTIN, in tho firm of Harrison, Austin &. MeGehee, will continue the Auction .& Commission, Negro Brokerage, k For warding Business. tinder the name and style of HARRISON & MoGEHEE, at the old stand, Nos. 59 and 61, Broad Street, and respectfully so licit the patronage ot their friends and the public. till \S. S.HARRISON, July 30,—w&twtf. Ai.LENC. McGEHEE. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPMY- Capital and Surplus $400,000- Takes risks onLlvesou very moderate terms, Columbus, july 19—tw3m JOHN MUNN,Ag’p “OLD TON” GIN. JUBT received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN in Bottles—a delicious beverage, and a most excellent article for medical purposes Also a Superior article of Potash in’tin cans. junta—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. ,[By Authority of the State of Georgia .] Macon, Ga. B (X)CDCDo CL A S S I). WILL be distributed according to the following grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan ami James A. Nisbet, Esq. Tho Manager announces his determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, and challenges comparison as to the chances to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize is drawn at each drawing, and paid when due in sud without any reduction. TO BE DRAWN SEPT. 3, 1855. 1 LRIY.E OF $12,1100 1 do 5,000 I do 3.000 1 do 2,000 J do 1,500 1 do 1,200 1 do 1,100 5 do 1,000 408 prizes in all, amounting to .$50,000 Tickets SB. Halves $4. Quarters $2 TEN THOU.SAN n NUMBERS*. The chances to gain the Capital Prize in the old combination plan is 1 in 76,076, in this 1 in 10,000. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. • All orders, rely on it, strictly confidential. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. Registered money letters at ray risk. Prizes paid when due without discount. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, july24—wtf _ Macon, Ga. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) ! Conducted on the Havana jtlatt. CLASS T. To be drawn Aug. 22, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. ; WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO ass g 9 Will be distributed according to the following M A G N I F I C E NT S C 11 E ME!; 83^And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. I PRIZE OF $15,000 I do 5,060 , 1 do .’ 4,0!)0 ! l do 3,000 I do 2,000 I do 15,00 1 do 1,100 ! • Prizes ol l,ootl 59 do 500 101 Prizes in all amounting to 800 000 i ZW* Tickets $lO ; Halves $5 ; Quarters $2 50. Bills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign of the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 28, —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. fry All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Ceorgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted irom the Oommis-ioners 1 the Agency and Management ot the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the prir cipal Office at Atlanta, Georgia, ana intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military .academy Lottery, of i Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR AUG. Class 6. rr"T‘ be drawn Port. 1, 1P35, in the City of Attauta, Ga-, when F’rizes amounting m VV ill be distributed according to the following magn'.ffr‘til Scheme! |3^*Aud reutoinber every prize is drawn at••acii Drawing, and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION ! CAPITALS $12,600 2,¥ “ 1,500 * 1.100 * °U l,00i) 10 Os a 4IHJ Iti all p: is*.-s amouatinc to. t oqjj Whole Tickets Sb; Halves f4; Quartcre $9. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Bills on all solvent Banks at par All communication*-- strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. . J TAMILTON & PLANE, ATTOIt NE Y S A T LA W , # 4 COLUMBUS. GflO. COflice, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangement* at Washington < ,fy,by which all Business entrusted to them will bn promptly attended to,they are enabled to procure Bounty Lnn<l War rants, Pensions, &c>, and prosecute ClalniSHgaint the. {jotted States either before Congress or tbesevcrul l r part ments. are also prepared to purchase Claims, Ac., against the United Slates. tay required until th> Land Warrants , Claims, Ac. are procured. JAM its HAMILTON. WM. F.,PLANE. April 7th. 1855. w&twlf. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! r TMIE undersigned having associated themselves together for 1 the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress heretofore pa-sd, are now prepart <1 to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty I.and War rants, are. under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United Plate*. F:om our long experience mid gen eral success, we can with confidence say. that ad claims entrus ted to our care, w ill bepromptly and speedily adjusted One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business his personal attention there. Office over Gunby A. Daniels’ Store. Columbus,Georgia. MICH AEL N. CLARK. feh24..w&twlf. a. It. RACAK. LAND WARRANTS, land office and agency, FOH TIIK rmnUBK ANP 8A L E O F RE A L EST AT E OF ALL DEBCKIPTK >NB. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., OX KANDOKFH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. I HAVE determined to devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, Irom my knowledge of the lands in Georgia, to be able to give etdire satisfaction lo all who may entrust me with business. 1 am prepared to either buy or sell, perhaps to better advantage than any other person in Western or South-Western Georgia. It you have lands to sell, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will find you a purchaser, if you wish to buy, call nlo. for I have many valuable lots and settlements of land to sell. From my extensive knowledge of the owners of lauds, I am prepar ed to nHcertaip tho owner of almost every vacant lot of laud in the State. It you wNh to have your land valued, you ,iuay rely uponcorreet information, upon reasonable terms. Deeds, Mortgages,and other instruments,drawn cor- ‘ rectly and at low rates. A gents wanted to sell Bonner’s large map ot Georgia high per cent.given. One thing is certain,! am paying New York and VYamiim,- ton City Pricks for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Has ing also made an arrangement with oneof the best firms in Washington, 1 am prepared to appiy for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars lor each applica tion—to be paid for when the warrant arrives. J ring in your claims soon. As I intend lo makethis a permanent business, and give it'im undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, 1 hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from my triends find the community gem rally. S. R. BONNER, july3l—w&twly Land Office, Columbus. PRICES STILL LOWER. EXTRA FAMILY,'per bid £ fl 00 Double Extra do. “ for pastry 10 Ot> Superflue 1 7 .Georgia Supertine, 7 ( Georgia Mills twoo All including sacks. Usual discount when ill) barrels are taken at onetime. Our Extra Famih and Double Extra cannot be surpassed. Meal per bushel §1 00 Bhoits, per hundred lbs *. r>u Bran “ “ £ tin july2B—wlmtwtf WINTER’S FALACEMILLS. Wheat Wanted ! THE Palace Wills will puv $1.50 per bushel Cash for Prime White Wheat and 81.;i5 for Prime Red: atigSS— wlwtf HAGS! RAGS ! TH E It OCK ISL AN D PAP E R M ILLS ARE paying three and a half cents cnuli per lh. forclean Linen and Cotton Rags, iu qualities,ot one hun dred pounds and upwards, and II cents for quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rag 6 not wanted. Office in front of PALACE MILLS. Columbus, Oa., Jl/ay 0, 1855. w&twtf. THE HOWARD FACTORY • Is now selling Domes tics and Yarns, At the Usual Rates, 10 Per Cent off, TOR CASK. Columbus, Ga February HI. w ts. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons air hereby notified that circum stances make it absolutely necessary that we should have a lien on every horse boarded at our stable by the month or year. We, therefore, hereby give notice,'that our right ol lien shall enter into and become a pert of every contract for the keep or board oi horses at our stables, and that In all eases we reservethc right to morce said lien, eif necessary. p5-tf. HATCHER & PITTB. Manufacturer* 9 & Mechanics’ Bniik, ) Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. } HUMS Instillation having been re-organized under new Di reetorsand Officeiß, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposited and furnish exchange on New Yotk, Savannah, Montgomery and other points, at the* usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E.T.TAYLt>E, President. J. 11. Fonda, Cashier. j‘inc30 —wt&wtf A CARD. THIS Paper is manufactured at Rork Island Paper Mills, Columbus Ca. Three aisd a hulf <fii(s perllr. will be paid fort-lean Linen and Cotton RAGt'. > Print ng and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Colu us, Ga. July 17. ttfctwtf FOR RENT. THE stores at present occupied l>y L.Spencer and Andrews, Ridgeway 6c Cos., on Broad street, from Ist October next. Apply to auglbtwlm JOHN SMITH. CAUTION VLL persons are hereby cautioned from trading, buying, it negotiating in any manner, for any real or person?!! pio perty from G. W. Wacaser, as the real or personal property over which he may assume control, is in fact my own, and heid in tny own name, aud not otherwise. Girard, Ala , July —twin) FRANCES WACASKK. Athemeum Insurance Society of London. U. 8. BRANDI OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILL take Risks on Dwellings and other property in tor. n and count, y. upon very reasonable terms. Lo-s from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MUNN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, fc Cos., jColum bus, Ga julylb—twAm BACON k FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. i A/| AAA POUNDS TT-:\NESSEE lB V(<>N. Ll_/v/V/'/v* UK) Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbis. Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted Stock ol GKOC’EIU ES which wilt be sold at the lowest market price Uv ANDREWS, RIUGWAY &’ CO. Columbus Ga., May ‘29, 1855. w&twtf. FOR SALE. V FIRST RATE SADDLE HORSE. Apply to au^B —f LOMAX & ELLIS CIGAR 3VIANUFACTORv’ CRAWFORD STR£TT. tsr Two Door.s be loir Ranke's r T'HB fultscriber. keeps -<>n.-lant!y on band the fineti HA JL VAN A CIGARS, and oilers them lor tale at the ; lowlst trices, by Wholesale lit tail- A good lot <t American Cigars. Also/ ev jf y V arK yof Chewing and j Smoking Tobacco. Pipes. and all the articles usual ly lound in an estahliebir pf this kind. All aoods sold by m 4 H r\ warranted gennine and !ree from ciefa'ts of any 1 j.J O r dfc r .■ <Vom tbe COTDtrv ■'are fuUy and promptly ’ #j-r>c ! ed to. a g!4—w&twl>’ TAMES ESTEVEZ