The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 05, 1855, Image 3

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Letter from Mr. Stephens—Know Nothings will vote for an Abolitionist sooner than for him!! Crawfordsville,.Ju!j 30, 1853. Di Jeter, Buena VNta: 1->kar Sir : Your letter of lliO 25tli inst. was received yesterday on my reaching home. In anew* r, I regret to f*ay I cannot make any appointment in your section of the State during the canvass. The “Know Nothings” are moving heaven and earth to defeat me. The Presi dent of the Council in Augusta declared not long since that there were four or live hundred men in Augusta that would vote for an Abolitionist before they wou’d vote for me. This shows what some of these Southern Know Nothings are np to. It is indeed one of t lie most mis chievous organizations ever started in a free country.— Their object is proscription, and 1 am not surprised to hear of a great many quitting the order, as they tee more of its hideous deformities exposed. A. 11. STEPHENS. The Selma (Ala.) Sentin ?/ of the 10th inst. says that Messrs. Leach and Donohoo have taken tlie contract for laying the iron on the Alabama and Tennessee Hiver Railroad, from the present terminus to Columbiana, and that they will commence the work immediately. JIM Counly. —The American patty of Bibb county has nominated J. T. Hardeman for the Senate, and Elisha J)avis and Win. D. Williams, for the House. Caper Mills Burnt. —Whiteman’s paper mills near Nashville, were burnt on the 22d inst. Loss s4o,ooo—in surance $13,000. Senator Gunn —Senator Gwin is stumping the State of California in favor oi Undemocratic ticket,and is everywhere received with hearty, enthusiastic welcome. No Demo crat in the Union is truer to his party, and his friends than Dr. Gwin, the able and faithful Senator from the golden State. Kentucky Election. —The official returns give More head (K. N.) 4,226 majority for Governor. r Georgia State Road —The Superintendent of the State Road [laid into the State Treasury, on Tuesday, $20,000. ‘ 1 ■ ■ . 1 ■ i . j . ■ Democratic and Anti-Know Nothing Nomina- ting Convention. The people of Muscogee County, without regard to old party divisions, who approve of Platform of principles adopted by the Democratic Party ol Georgia ;at their fate State Convention, and are opposed to the proscriptive prin ciples of the Know Nothing Order, are respectfully invited to meet at the Court House, in Columbus, on WEDNESDAY, tiie sth SEPTEMBER, at 12 o’clock, M., for the purpose of nominating Candi dates to represent Muscogee. County in the next Legisla ture. Doors wide open. The PEOPLE are invited to attend. Conn: One, Como All! Let the People Govern. E. Barnard, Joseph Jefferson, P. Spencer, Patrick Barry, F. J. Abbott, J. Hamilton, John W.llutt, M. deGrafienreid, W, E. Jones, John Quinn, J. R. Jones, James Code, J. J. Boswell, W. S. Needham, R. .1. Moses, Michael M’Cahey, A. 11. Cooper, J. B. Corcoran, John McCarty, J. M. Mitchell, .1. A. Strother, James Pilkinton, Warhiim Cromwell, Maleom Persons, T. Lomax, James Estevez, W. H. iVI. King, John Code, Geo. Ih Miller, Eugene A. Smith, Geo. T. llmt, O. P. Tillinghast, Win. F. Plane, D. St. Ledger, M. A.Cleckley, P. Steinbackor, W. T. Brown, James Boulter, H. M. Cleckley, Daniel Rodgers, Jno. Munu, F Burrus, J. B. llicks, D. Wallbohm, R. JVI. Aldwortli, Hugh Dolan, W. E. Coleman, E. H. Calhoun, R. P. Spencer, M. M'Gobney, Geo. H. Spencer, T. Sheppard, Jos. W. Woolfblk, 11. L. Mauretzen, W. Woolfblk, T. O. Douglass, Win. (). Douglass, J. A. trazer, I l. Moses, Geo. G. Gullon, F. A. Cairns, B. V. Iverson, F. Kroner, Thomas Livingston, F.Rciek, M. N. Clarke, JamesFortin, W. S.Clarke, P. Bidder, A. B. Ragan, Win. C. Fyfle, Samuel J. Hatcher, J. G. Strapper, Win. K. Schley, F. Baehle, Pat ham 1). Redding, F. Landon, David Dean, G Landon, Peterson Thvveatt, ‘l’homas Brasyll, Jno. D. Gray, C. S. Harrison, Daniel Griffin, B. R. Folsom, P. W. Pryor, A. S. Mariner, J. G. Smith, C. S. Pryor, Alex. P. Pryor, R. C. Forsyth, V. 11. Cady. Lewis Livingston, Win. Burch, H. A. Tyler, C: M. Jordan, Jas. J. Lovelace, J. H. Merry, C, r P. Cushman, G. Merc bent. E- Thomas, jr., Joseph F. Miller, John Kramer, Wm. E. Nance, John R. Daggers, Felix McArdle, T. W. Grimes, Alex J. Robinson, V. S. Townsley, M. Jacobe, S. G. Wilson, L. Rooney, A. B. Dayton, Jacob Lowenberg, John B. Dozier, Jacob Davis, Wm. Deignan, A. Mathieu, John W. Kelly, M.H, Dessau, F. C. Ellison, B. Jackson, Chas. P. Dean, J. tt.ilappoldt, Stephen B. Deau, Samuel Koockogey, Chailes J. Barrow, S. A. Billing, L. Spencer, James T. Flewellen, J . Michel, R. B. Murdock, John W. Bowen, George Meredith Thomas V. Miller, Patrick Uolyhau, Oliver Miller, John Durkin, Bennett Bass, Robert Thomas, Cullen Bass, William Owen, William 11. Bass, C. Salvo, W. W. McFarlan, John E. Ryckely, James W are, John Clark, William Walling, L Lock bait., I'. A. Nelson, George Bandy, F. B. Nance, J. A. Tylor, A. G Stanlord, Benjamin Doles, II P. Albrechl, li B. Hill, Garret Halleubeck, P. H. Colquitt, Michael Quinn, B. P. Jenkins, David Foley, A. J. Howard, John F. Lissater, J. F. Bozeman, Valentine Bye, Sterling S SJcnkins, Asa. Linch, Edmond Jenkins, Will. D. Lynch, Johnathan 11. Jenkins, C. Cv Brooks, James J. Hunter, Thomas Davis, Stokely Lambert, James Davis, Benjamin Sanboin, F. M. Mires, G. W. Smith, J. B. Redding, Jas. Pattillo, H. Dunn, C W. Smith, Wells Jourdan, James Keller, Wm Howard, R. 1). Heard, Robert Falkenberry, E. L. DeGrafienreid, N-, ’• Putnam. Porter Ingram, John W hitesides, John Smith, I lumras Harrison, Roswell Ellis, i v ‘i> • Moi>r r- M.J. Wellborn, r ?• P' ,r, ,T n -. il ; un ’ Robert Bozeman, John M l atncfo, John Yates, {if n - r a trick, John Massey, Wm. A. Bozeman, Henry Carter. Other lists are in circulation. As soon as they are ro turned the names will be inserted. Colmrbus, Ga., August 28th, 1355. From the tier. S. W. Harris, a Minister of the Metho dist Episcopal Churr.h . P* ( ‘ W| ’ r ' UVB -ir: l accidentally got hold ot wour’lnlmouic Bai-atn ot Vyhiid Cherry” and have no hesitatmey iu pronouncing the best expectorant I bawevei used, and have tried nearly all the tar-lame| ex pectotanls i the J nave been laborin ‘ under pul monic !itlo, ii.n tor nine t ears. I teetdved a letter irorn my liiVtln r-u-la\v. the ltev. James Wallis, u few days a<*o and ho Mint tils wife wore both using the “Pulmonic Bab eat!}/’ and were perfectly delighted with it. He, wife two weeks before, had lost all hope ot recovery, but was aston ioidugly improved. Your obedient eervant, B W. HARRIS, Court land, Ain., Feb. 21. 184'J. yy Sold bv all Diuggiats-everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. augl4lm. HARRIED, 1 At the residence of R. T. Davis, Esq., on the morning of the 16th ult, bv the Rev. Wm. C. Wilke-, President of Monroe Female University, Gen. Elias 11. Beall, of Ham ilton, and Mrs. EI.G. Ashurst, of Eatonton, Ga. DIED. Gn the 28th August, in Henry County, Ala., of cholera after a short illness, Ella, infant daughter of Washington and Sarah A. Toney, aged 1 year, 1 month and seven days. #MRS. BRIDE WILL re-open her School on the first Monday in October next. September 4,1W5. twtf. TROY FACTORY WARE-ROOfiS, EAST SIDE BROAD ST.—SOS. 34 & .Jg. E. G. JEFFERSON & CO. THE above establishment has room, with a full asssort ment comprising the following articles of rceent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from tour to thirty dollars. CHAlßS—Cottage, Boston Rocking, Oflice, Writing, Nurse s, Children’s, and Dining. 1 ÜBS, BUCKE rs,' —Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper —brass and iron bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washstands, Tables. Besides many other articles for house furnishing v and do-’ mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G Jefferson A, Cos., from country merchants and others, will ! bc^ promptly attended to. Ihe Factory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, 1 me, Ash, Poplar, China, &c., &e. RICHARD G JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, (4a. Sept. 1,1855. w&tw6m. AGE N C Y Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, THIS Company continues to insure Ru.tilings, Merchandize, Household Farture, Factories, Machinery, t and Personal Property, generally, against loss and damage bv Fire; also on Marine and Inland navigation, Risks of Freight and Cargo only, on favorable terms. H. 11. EPPING, Agent. “ _ £3*'° Oflice at the Agency of the Union Rank, Columbus, Ga., where Sight Checks on New York, Charleston, Savannah, .Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, may at ail times be purchased at current rates. septltwlm. City papers copy. LAND Toll SALE, In Barbo y Alabama. I OFFER for sale two Plantations lying s||P|£near Clayton, in Batbour county, Ala.^ One plantation contains 1500 hundred. IH I” 1 acres of land, and is as well improved as any place in the county. The growing crop will show the quality of the land. Price $7 per acre. The other place contains 900 acres of good land; 140 in cultivation, on which are 60 acres of corn that some of my neighbors say will average from 40 to 75 bushels per acre. There is on this place a good location for a mill—with a dam alread made. Price $6 per-acre. Persons wishing to purchase bargains are respectfully in vited to call and examine the land. For further particu lars address JOIIN 11. MILLER, aug3l—wtwlin. Clayton, Ala. AGENCY />* AN K O F BAVA-N A r AH , Office Discount anil Deposit, is re-opened, and the nsua! facilities will be offered to customers.— No. ? 9 Columbus, Georgia, augu still tw4t. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS! LINSEYS !! VTTE call attention to the fact that our Linseys are wi | VV der, by 2or 3 inches, than those usually sold here that they are made of prime Georgia Wool, and weigh luil 10 ounces to the yard. If Planters consult their in terest they will buy of our goods. They are the best in Georgia. aug3lwtwtf WINTER FACTORY. EXCUSE ME FOR A FEW DA'S? S ! THE undersigned will be absent from the city for a short time, but will not close his Daguerrean Rooms this year as lie did last, but will leave them in the charge of his Assistant, Master GILES WILLIAMS, [a young , lad] who will no doubt please any and all who may sit for j Daguerreotypes. Try him, and if they do not suit you, you need not take them. Respectfully, A. J. RIDDLE. Proprietor and Principal Operator. Columbus, Aug. 24—w&twtf. LIST OF LETTERS. 4 LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office j Yy at Columbus Ga. Sept. 1, 1855, which, if nottaken ; out by Oct. 1, 1855, will be sent to the Dead Letter office. A | Ayer, A K Allen,.Tohn Adams, Thos H | Arington, Syntha Acre.Wm A Allen, D E Adams, G \V B Benton, Nelson Berry, Bartlv Barksdale, Wm II Barndon, W G Brown, Rolla Boland, Hamilton Brownig, A J Bartlett, Wm Prannen, Wm H Barton, Harriet Broadvelt, B Blair, Mrs Bush, A II Bird, Daniel B Blakely, Wm Brooks, J & W B Burton, Wm C Calaghan, Marg Clark, 11 N Carlen, Robert Cameron, Wm Courton, Janies Cox, Miss M A Cooper, Eliza F Clark, Ann Crews, James F I) Daniel, John I. Delbridge, James Dill, A A Dwight. James Daniel, Nancy H Dolton, P W Davis, Susan P Davis, Mary, A 3 Da vis, Harriet Dean, Seaborn Dozier, Martha A Dickson, Harriet E F Ellis, A C Forrester, Chas A2 Grdfin, Marth.u Evans, Mrs S Furstenheim, II Gibbs, James (J Eubank, J L Folds, Samantha AGarrett, Nancy Freeman. John W Foster, Ludtvell Gibson, SA E Foster, John J Fowler, V V II H alien beck, G 2 Hatcher, Harriet Harrison, Wm M Hanks, G M Hathcox, John Hicky, Ann G Haight., A K Hunt, Henry Henry, Lilly Ann Holland, W L Hays, Geo W Humphreys, E J J A K .Tones, Oliver Jones, J K Kelly, John Jackson, Mary S King, Mr Abi Kennedy, Julia A Jones, WashingtonKeinau, John Kemble, Ann Jenkins, Sterlin King, E J Kelly, W Jenkins, Anna Kemp, James Jj Lewis, Anna Livingston, A J 2 Lester, M V* JH 1 Means R A Morris, II M McDaniel, Ellen 3 ! Metis, Adolphus May, W T MeAvale, Mary Myers, Francis Moore, Louisa McArdle, Bridget i Moise. Abraham McGee, Nancy MeGiuly, Jane Murray, Ptl McCoy, J M Mcßenny, Joshua • Mullen, Mr McKee, O McGee, DK I Maize, T A McGehee, Jacob MeNeal.Cora 1 Molten Mary A McEotyre, John Mcßae, DA N AO Norman, Paralec Nutter, J A Nash, Barton &Cos Pitts,Martha H Parr, Florida A Parnell. Larry Pride, Wm Peeples, A C Pruett. Martha 2 Porter,'Edward Phillips,D 1 itman, Martha Reid,Elisha Rainey, Mollie Rodgers, Adaline Rogers, Levinia Rosson, *1 homas Stroud, M Shippv, Mary A RSmitli.Goo. \v Svke, John Sadbury, Samuel St. Ledger, D S'hahisr, M A Smith. Amanda Simpson, Benj SaiGrd, Wm b Shaw, Charley Stephenson, A M Sinclair. R D bmith. benj ! Smith A J Snow, I. L >nidh. Ad \ 2 Shippv. J J 2 Simpson, G W Steinbeeker, b Terry, Mary Turner. Wm. J Thornton, Mrs AII Thomas, Wm II Turrenline, Hanot Thompson, Louisa Taylor. Elijah 1 Thompson, J b W Wilson,M 3 Wordswonh, A Wilcox, F B Watson, Wm Whitten, J W S W illiams, Elijah Wratt, Hannah Wynn, Amanda dlctt, baran Watkins, Wash 3 Welb>. J 11 Y Yeung,RH Young, Wm R Young, Ellen percent*calling jar any letters on th>- list ‘vil pjeme ask f"r. adverr>sad loiters. R. C. FORSY 1 H,p. m Columbus, Ga Sept. 1, 1855. G HATS & CAPS, SI AT TIIE NOW in Store and for Sale, the greatest and best VARIETY OF HATS A CAPS ever offered in Columbus. They are of everv shape, qual ity, size, material, fashion and price, and the head that we cannot cover will have to go hare. Let every body call and see us, for we are bound to suit every body. Our I* all Fashions of Silk Hats are very beautiful, and are selling rapidly. We can fit you all—call and see. Avery Choice Lot of -4, Walking canes and Umbrellas, also, for sale at any price. Manufacturing and Repairing as usual. THE HAT STOKE, 42 llroad St., is the place. aug3l—w&tw3w F. LANDON. DR. NEISLER’S SCHOOL Will re-open on tthe 2d Monday (the 10th) in September at Odd Fellows’ Unit. Enqurer copy. wtwtd A CARD. HAVING disposed of my entire stock of Diu'js Med n ines, &c., to Messrs. J. S. Pemberton, & Cos., 1 clieerlully recommend them to my old tiiends and custom* I hankful for tiie patronage bestowed upon me, I I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same to my successors. R. CARTER. ! Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24 1855—w&tw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &e., &c. J.S. PEMBERTON & CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS,! AT THE SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, COLUMBUS, GA. fWE have purchased the entire Stock of Drugs, n : Medicines, Chemicals, &c., of ROBERT OAK-6TT2 TER, and will continue the business at his old j Btaud. We are now receiving a full assortment ot choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, In struments, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &>c., ! suited alike to the taste of the city anil wants ot the country; which will be sold at prices that will not Jail to give satis taction. We respectfully invite our friends and the public to give us a call, and we pledge ourselves to make it to the inter terest of all who may favor us with their patronage. From our long experince as Druggists, and with close attention to bu- i siness, we trust that we shall not fail togive entire satisfaction to all who may honor us with a call. Columbus. Ga.. Aug. 24. w&twtf New Books! New Books! HjHOT’ r F , S Life of Napoleon, anew sup- Yfey Travels in Chinese Empire, by M. Hue; Bell Smith, Abroad;g The Conscript, by Dumas; Tri'Colored Sketches in Paris; YVaikna: or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, bv Sam uel A. Bard; English Orphans, or Home in the New World, by Ma- ry J. Holmes; Commonplace Book of Thoughts arid Fancies, by Mrs. Jameson; 1 lie Winkles: or the* Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B. Jones. A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by R. C. Mc- Cormick, Jr. of New York. Cleve Hall, by Mrs. Sewell; J he Iroquois: or the Bright Side of Indian Character, bv Minnie Myrtle; Heiress oI Haughtop; or the Mother’s Secret, by the au thor of Aubrey ; Sequel to Aubrey; Constance Herbert, by G. E. Jewsbury; Missing Bride, by Mrs. Southwortli, Just received by J. W. PEASE. . auglß—w&twtf. 92 Broad Street. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND NO. 4. Muscoobe Rail Roau Office, ) Columbus, Ga., Aug. 11.1855. j The Roard of Directors have Ihis day declared n dividend of four per < enl for the past six months, from the nett earnings of the Road, payable on and afler the 15th of September next at the office bl the Company at Columbus and Savannah. 1). ADAMS, Sec’y and Troasur. Enquirer and Corner Stone please Copy. * tdd. OAT STRAW, THE Rock Island Paper ’Mills want to purchase 100 tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons ol OAT STRAW, for which will be paid $lO per ton be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga.,.July 31, 1855—tw&wtf. WOOL CARDED AND M A N U F A C T U R E D. WOOD Carded at % toll or 10 cents per lb. Manufactured into Dinsey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents per yd. Columbus, may 20. WINTER FACTORY. CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CRAWFORD STRETT, ftjgFTico Doors below Rankins Corner.j&A r |MIE subscriber keeps constantly on hand the finest HA JL VANA CIGARS, and offers them lor sale at the lowest Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of American Cigars. Also, every variety of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, and all the articles usual ly lound in an establishment of this kind. All goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free from defects of any kind. Orders from the country care fully and promptly attended to. aug!4—w&twly JAMES ESTEVEZ. Partnership Dissolved. rpllE late firm of R. M. Ahlivorth A- Cos. is this L day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts duo the firm must be paid to R. M. Aldwortli. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R. M. ALDWORTH YU’ILL continue to carry on the business at the old stand ’ ’ on Randolph Street. Work done in the best style and at the shortest notice. R. M. ALD WORTH. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. twGm. FOR SALS. A-;JL THE HOUSE formerly occupied by MR. R. 11. SAM.VILS, with 5 Rooms, Kitchen, &e., on reason able terms, inquire of aug3l—twlin. SAM MIS &. ROONEY. NEGROES V/ANTED. I WISH to hire by the mouth 20or3'Jable boilied Negro men ang2 J —tw3t. JOIIA D. GRAY: THE Jasper County I.ottery Draws on J/onday uext. Dove has several prizes unsold, call early belore they are all gone. VV. E. Dt)\ E aug2B—.-w3t 64 Broad Street. A CAK D . r T’IIIS Paper is manufactured at Rock Claud Paper Mills, i < olumbus Ga. Three und p half cents per lb. will be paid for Clean i.iiieu and Cotton It VoS. Print ng and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Colu us, Ga. July 17. w&Lwtf DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under Use firm of Harrison, Austin & McCJeliec, is this day di s-*;\ed ly mutual consent. Persons bolding claims aeaintt the concern are requested to present tbctu without delay, and those indebted to it wiil please make immedui.e payment. C 8. HAKUIBUN, WM. AUSTIN, Columbus, Ga., -TuTy 29 wtw2w A. C. McCDHEC. COPARTNERSHIP. ’IMIF, nndersigued ba\ iug purchased the interest of Mr. WM. X AUSTIN,’!) the fl-un of LDtriLou, Austin t McGehee, will continue the t • Auction & Commission, Negro Broke age, & For warding Business. under thoiissne and style of lIAHRISt’N & McUF-tiEF, a? the old stand. Nos. sup bl. Broad r?*reet. and leapeeUuPy so- UeU the p®f’onaae ot theii fr'endij and the public. CI4AB. a. HARK! SUN, Ju'y 30, -w&twtf. ALLEN t. McGF.HI E. GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOE SALE. INTENDING to cloe my busiw byjthe I3th feptcmbcrJ will sell my ißtock of Goods for I have superior 01l Brandies, Gin, Hum, Whisky, Madeira,Sher ry & Port Wines. Most of these articles have been on band nearly twoyears.maklng tliem not only bettsron account ol'J age, but they} cost much less then Mian they would now.— f also offer fresh Porter, Ale, Clarret. Champagne, Syrups and Bitters; Cigars,) Tobacco, Tea, Col Tee, Candies, Soap. Macke rel, Salmon,! Pickled Pig, Pork, Lard. Oil, Vinerar Pot Ash, &.C., tec..allot the best quality and for sale at cost on accvtn uindating terms. I will also ?. il city lots, ,Nos. 28T, 282,441, 466, 468, 508, |5, and; a part of Vo. I*J, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3, with a comlortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the* Pt>*ale- Academy square, a most desirable location, beinc convneient to the Female Academy, to I tie Churches and to business. A Iso fraction No. 56. containing about 10 acres, adjoining Wm. 11. MitchcU’Mr. Comer, nml(the lands of Col. Jones, not more than on and a half miles from town. Apply to • P. A. CLAYTON. N. B.—All who are indebted must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed in the hands ol an officer.! aug2—wtetwtf P. A.C. Manufacturers’ & Mechanics’ llenk, ) Columbus, (la., June Ist, 1855. \ THUS Instillation having been re-organized under now Hi x rectors and Office is, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New Yoik, Savannah. Montgomery and other poiuls, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. E. T. TAYLOR, President. J.H. Fonda, Cashier. june3o wt&wtf WRAPPING AND NEWS PA PER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, ‘FOR Si LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. junelG—w&twtl MUSICAL. u BUr M. SAKONI would respect- “ “ t/“ billy inform his friends and the “citizens ot Columbus that he wiD return to his duties cn or about the SOth of Sepl’r. Be would also add that he will bring with him a large and splendid assortment of New and Fashionable MUSIC, Vocal as well as Instrumental. atig-28—twtf WARM SPRINGS, 4 -a MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. Til 18 delightful Watering Place is now opeu for the JLJUL reception of visitors. JunoS I—twtf. J. L. MUST!AN, Proprietor. Montgnomery Journal copy. jS* FOR RENT. .li.. THE house near the Market in Columbus, known as the CITY HOTEL. Apply to Pn. Gittenger or M. Batshail. aug!4 — twtf. Enquirer and Corner Stone copy. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD OFFICE, j Columbus, (la., August 13,1855. j AMEETING of the Stockholders of the Muscogee R. R. Company, will be held at this ofliee on Monday the thud day of September next, at JO o’clock, A. M. for the purpose of electing a President and Directors, as pro vided lor in the law ot Feb. 1854. D. ADAMS, Sec. augusll4 tvvtd E3T All cty papers copy until the day of election. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS U. To be drawn Sept. 13,1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following M A G N- IFICEN T S C H E M E I BSTAnd remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 1 TRIZE OF $7,500 I “ 5,000 1 “ 2,000 2 “ 1,000 5 “ 500 10 “ 200 15 “ JOO 78 k * 50 120 “ 25 Tickets $5; Halves $2 50; Quarters $1 25. Bills onall solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 28, —twtd JOH N MA Y, Agent, Girard, Ala. ftT” All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FOXIT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners the Agency and Management of the FORT CAINES ACA DEMY COTTEIt Y, has esta'oii bed the prii cipal Office at Atlanta, Georgia, and intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR SEPT. Class “Z. To be drawn Sept. 2 1, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., when Prizes amounting to Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! gijjf’And remember every Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! 1 PRIZE OF $15,000 t do - 5,000 I do 4,000 1 do II,"00 I do 2,000 i do 15,00 l do 1,100 5 Prizes or l,"ou 50 do _ 500 101 Prizes in all amounting to SOO,OOO %jgT Tickets $lO ; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21 —td Atlanta, Georgia. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. [Cu Authority of the Stole of Georgia.] Nacon, Ga. LL 9 QJ LD CD a CL A S S D. WILL be distributed according to the following grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at ‘Concert Hall, Macon,Ga,, 1 under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nisbet, Lsq. The Manager anuouncesbis determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, and challenges comparison a- to the chances to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. K •Tueml er, every prize isdrawa at each drawing, and paid | when due in sud without any reduction. TO HE DRAWN SEPT, 3, 1855, I 1 LRIZE OF /. €12,000 I 1 do •••’— • 5,000 I do 3.<to j I do 2,000 ! { do I I do L’ JW 5 do ..LOCO 40d prze3 iu ail, amounting to $50,000 Tickets Halves SL quarter*. |8 TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. The chancest gain DieC:pital Prize iu the eld combination p!.?u is 1 ii Td,o7-5. in this liu 10.U00. Drawings sen: to all ordering ticket.;. AM orders. re?yon it, strictly conildatj'.al. BUI; on all solvent Banks taken a* par. Registered money letter? at my risk. Prize* paid when due without discount. Address JAEB F. VTINTL3, Manager, july24 wit Macon, Ga. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON k PLANE, ATTOIt NE Y S AT*L AW , COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. 87, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) n’AYING made arrangements at II ashingUm City, by which . all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to.they me enabled to procure Bounty Land \Vnr rants, Pensions, tee., and prosecute Claims against the Unttrd States eithtr before Congress or thesevciai De part merits. are also prepared to purchase Claims, tec., against the United Stales. AT) Fay riqmired unlit Ike Lund II arrants, Claims, ter. arc prarurrd. ■ JAMICS II AMII. TON. VVM.F. FLAKE. April 7:h. 1835. tlttvtf. Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! ‘TMIE undersigned having associated themselves together for L the purpose of procuring BO UN T Y LAND under the several acts of Congress heretolore pa? and, are now prepared to make application for all who who arc entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all Ihe necessary information. Woare also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. From our long.experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that ah claims entrus ted to our care, will bo promptly and speedily adjusted One of tin* parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business bis personal attention there. Oflicoovor Gunby te Daniels’ Store, Columbus,Georgia. MICIIAEI. N. CLARK. s*o24..wtetwtf. A. B. RAGAN. LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, FOR lUK PURCHASE AM* SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF ALL CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON KANDOKFHSTREET, Opposite Hie Post Ofiicc, Columbus, Ga. 11l AVEdetermined U* devote tny lime exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, iront my knowledge of the lands in Georgia, to ho able to give enbre satisfaction to all who may entrust me with business. I am prepared In either buy or sell, perhaps to. better advantage than any oilier person in Western or .South-Western Geoigia. If you have landstosell, call upon me; if 1 do not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for 1 have many valuable lots and settlements of land tosell. from my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, 1 am profit - ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of land in the State. If you wish to have your land valued, you may rely upon correct information, upon reasonable terms. Deeds, Mortgages, and other instruments, drawn cor rectly and at low rates. Agents wanted to sell Bonner's large map of Georgia— high per cent.given. One thing is certain,! am paying New York and Wvmhno ton City Prices for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Having also made an arrangement with oncof the best firms in Washington, I am prepared to appiy for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applies - lion—to be paid for when the warrant arrives. ! ring in your claims soon. As I intend to make this a permanent business, and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, 1 hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from mytrieuds and the community generally. 8. R. B ANNER, july3J—w&twly Land Office, Columbus. RAGS! RAGS ! TH E ROCK ISLAND PAP B R M ILLS VUE paying three anti a *alf centh cash per lb. forcloan Linen ami Cotton Ruga, lu qualities .ot one hun dred pounds and upwards, and 3 cents tor quantities under IUO Ilia. Woolen Hags not wan tec’. Office in front of PALACE M ILLS. Columbus, Ga., A/ay 9, 1855. w&lwU. Wanted Immediately, A GOOD CARRIAGE FA INTER. Fair wage* and steady work given. Apply to F. & A. LEHMAN. auglH—wtx* lin Culhbert, Randolpli county Ga. BACON! \\TE will sell tor CASH or on a CREDIT until the Fall orend VV of the year, llic Best Huailty of Tennes see- Bacon! Call at H. A. Kiolin nls &, Go’s., James Ligoii's, ltroadStreet, Columbus Ga.,and at tbe store of o. Lanier, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of i\ler chants. VV. ALEXANDER, julylO—wactwtf. J. H. JONES. WANTED, IT'MPLOYJVIENT by a Book-Keeper, fully competent, having had 7 years experience. Apply at this office, or by letter to Box 268. P. O, Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1855—twlf. ~ PRICES STILL LOWER. EXTRA FAMILY,'per bid $ 0 (10 Double. Extra do. “ for pastry 10 Oil Huperllue 7 % Georgia Superfine, 7 00 Georgia Mills t> 00 All including sacks. Usual discount- when U 0 barrels are taken at onetime. Our Extra .Family and Double Extra cannot bo surpassed. Meal per bushel SI 00 Shoits, per hundred lbs $ 80 Bran “ “ - § 00 july2B—wlmtwtf WINTER'S PALACE MILLS. Wheat Wanted! The Pni ace DJillswiil pav per bushel Cash for Prime White Wheat and 5i.35 for Prime Red. aug2s wtwtf THE HOW AID FACTORY Is now selling Domestics and Yarns, Atthß Usual Rates, 10 Per Cent off, FOE CASH. Columbus, Ga February 10. wtf. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons are hereby notified that circum stances make it absolutely necessary that we ehould have a lien on et ery horse boarded at our stable by the month or year. Wc, therefore, hereby give notice, that our right of iien shall enter into and become a part of every contract for the keep or board of horses at our stables, end that in all cases we reservethe right to nlorce said lien, eif necessary, apj-tf. HATCHER & PITTA. FOR RENT. rrxHE stores at present occupied by L.Fpencer and Andrews, I. Ridgeway &. Cos., on Broad street, troua Ist October next. Apply to auglOtwlm JOHN SMITH. CAUTION. A LL persons ate hereby cautioned from trading, buying, or /\ negotiating in any manner, for any real or personal pro pert v from G. \V. VVacaser, as the real or personal property over which lie may assume control, is iu fact my own, and held in my own name, anil not otherwise. Girard, Ala., July 24—twlm FRANCKS WACABER. Athensum Insurance Society of London. IJ. s. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILL take Ris'*s on Dwellings and other property in town and count, y. upon very reasonable terms. Loss from Fire by Lightning made good. J<>HN VENN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, & Cos., Colum bus, Ga julyl9-tw:im BACOIM & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. lAA AAA POUNDS TENNESSEE jBACON. |l M *v fUI; BiO Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbls. Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted Stock ol LROCLRILS which will be sold at the lowest market price Ly ANDREWS, il IDG WAY & GO. Columbus Ga., May 29, 1855. w&twlt. FOR SALE. A FIRST R ATE SADDLE HORSE. Apply Ato augß—if LOMAX & ELLIS.^ CHARTER OAR LIFE MSI'RANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus $400,000 Takes risks on Lives on very moderate terms, Columbus, jalyl9 —tw3m Jt.HNMLNN.Ag j. ‘Told toet gin. JUFT received a Superior article of “OLD TOM*’ GJN In Bottle*--'a delicious leverage, and a most excellent article for medical pmp >** Also a Superior arUcteol Poasb iu tin I j—iwtl. P A* CLAY TUN.