The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 08, 1855, Image 3

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Remrnl of Judge Logi.laiure of Kan sub lias before it a resolution declaring the removal of •Judge Elmore by President Pierce to be a violation of l iw, and that it is the imperative duty of the legislature of t to territory to resist it as a flagrant usurpation of power. I Ins resolution passed the council. IV hat Charleston has Done. —The Charleston Mercury says that the Howard Association of that city has sent eight physicians, two medical students, one apothecary, and twelve nurses to Norfolk and Portsmouth —in all twenty three persons.- * Eke Grasshoppers in Utah. —The Salt Lake City News of .June 13, has further accounts of the ruvages By grasshoppers in that territory. Ife says : The farmers in the South part of tliis county had sev eral days of rejoicing last week, that the inveterate ene tny of their crops disappeared, many of them having sowed their fields for the third time ; hut on briday afe ternoon an innumerable multitude, a cloud of grasshop pers descended upon their farms, learning the proprie tors to speculate upon the fable of the fox and the swal low, while the more hungry swarm devoured the last re maining patches which had been left by the previous swarms, and the tender blade of the third sowing. Any people but the latter Day Saints would be discouraged.— The fourtli sowing has commenced ; seed very scarce. ►Some of the farmers are drilling the wheat, as seed has failed ulien sowed broadcast as usual. The same paper of the 27th says : On Saturday and Sunday the grasshoppers filled the sky for three miles deep, or as lar as they could be seen without the aid of telescopes, and somewhat resembling a snow storm, which latter would have been very accep table to the parched grass and cattle. Drought very vere—the creeks low arid the weather hot, the common house flics are very thick, and are as troublesome as they usually are in September. Amid all this wide destruction of crops and herdrange ope seldom saw a downcast or a gloomy countenance, nearly all appearing as cheerful as though they were sur rounded by the most favorable prospects, thus plainly de monstrating the strong confidence in the wise and just •dispensations of Providence, which pervades the m isses of our population, and that too, under circumstances which would pale the check and scatter the population, of any other community hut latter Day Saints. t XT As aSprlng and Siinimnr Medicine, Garter’s Spanish Mixture stands pre-eminent above all others. Its singularly efficacious action on the blood; its strengthen mgand vivifying qualities; its tonic action on the Liver; its tendency to drive all humors to the surface, thereby cleans ing the system according to Nature’s own proscription; its harmless, and at the same time extraordinary good effects, and the number of cures testified to by many of the most respectable citizens of Richmond, Va. and elsewhere, must be conclusive evidence that there is no.humbug about it. The trial of a single bottle will satisly the most skeptical of it* benefits. For sale by THOMAS M. TURNER &, CO. J AS. 11. CARTER, Savannah, (la. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, IMNFORTH & NAGLE, SepfG—w&.tw2m Columbus, (la. The Great Restorative. livtlt AND AC! VK Cll< KB BY l)ll m’LANK’s LIVER I'ILLH. rMr. Jonathan Jlougham, of West Union,Park Cos. Ill'Mois, writes to the proprietors that lie bad suffered great ly from a severe and protracted attack of Fever and Ague and was completely restored to health by the use of Liver Pills alone. These Pills unquestionably possess great ton ic properties, and can he taken with advantage for many diseases requiring invigorating remedies; but the Liver Pills eland pre-eminent as a means of restoring a disorganized liver to a healthy action; hence the great celebrity they have attained, The numerous formidable diseases arising i from a diseased Liver, which so long baffled the skill of j the most eminent physicians of the United States, arc now I rendered easy of cure, thanks to the study and persever- ! of the distinguished physician whose name this great inetfe ■ seine bears—a name which will descend to posterity as one j deserving of gratitude. This invaluable medicine should j •always he kept within reach; and on the appearance of I the earliest symptoms of diseased Liver, it can he sale l v I and usefully administered. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane’s fi kre.dkated Liver Pills, and take none else. There are j other PjlJs, purporting to he Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills, also Ins Celebrated Ver- j mifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in j the United States and Canada. CV"Sold by all the Druggists in Columbus, and by one ; ■agent fn every town “ept'—w&t wiiw. Extract from a letter recently received from A. L. Me- ! Williams. M. IJ.,n practicing Physician of high char acter,in Fulton, Miss., under date of December Ist, 1851. Fulton, Miss. Dec. Ist, 1854. C. Williams, M. f D.—Dear Sir: The object of this communication is to procure a quantity of your valuable Expectorant, known as“Williams’.Balsam of Wild Cher ry and Wood Naptha.” 1 must conicss that it excels eve ry other article known to me as a pulmonary agent. Some weeks ago 1 had an opportunity of testing its efficacy in a very bad case, in uiy own family, and its prompt energetic and salutaty effect induced me to solicit an agency. I • md, upon an examination, that there is not a bottle in our town tor sale. 1 will take great pleasure in doing all in my power for you. Y ours truly, septfilm A. L. MeW II,LI AMS, M. D. SiaeTiso'd by all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. Married. On the 6th inst., by Rev. W. W. Robison, Mr. James Rowe and Miss Jane Wynn, all of this city. DIED, In Milledgeville, on Tuesday, 28th ult., Mr. James W. Stubbs, in the 40th year of his age. In the same place, on the 31st ult., Dr. John J. Mitchell, the ia>: member of the family of the* late General D. B. Mitchell. i _ _ ‘ Tribute of liespec-t. City Light Guards’ Armory, > Cos lurnbus, Ga. Sept. 2d, 1855. j Soldiers!— l the dispensations of an All-wise Provi donee we are called upon to mourn the loss of a useful and energetic member ot this corps. Private James Mauon'i* i on. is no more lie departed this earthly existence yes- 1 tetdav, the 1-t instant. \\ c behold with a calm resignation the summoning of u war-woru vetorun from the bivouac of life. Him, who I havmg Iftuhtully served Ins day and generation,and draw- ! mg around huu the drapery ot his couch, the tattered bau ner,ot the battle-held ot life, and falls asleep we are ! proud to honor, with the -farewell shut” of the cUtaeu sol- ‘ of°the^-v£iS?us l , ?l! UUrt )? i df T b , e;Us l l ,e iuuoral ‘March no longer Ute the’ ever Sy | MM w™hS!iS :, ' U ' and “' Uh c “ ra e hil,i "- a ! 1J reS“ 1 ,.‘51l? r ? wi " g .”' c wiil that bodv to in I - rtbUn place m its mother earth—and we will reurpt ; that loss, long alter the symbols of bereavement with Wtuch > W "owd..,l, e our iimis,shall l.avu St” Companions in arms’ .tithe death of Private Mattel \ u can attest how truthtnljy we speak, when we sSy that ~oiwwK y li“ loßt T.°‘ * most efficient memhers m ihtarv exee “m the an ’ l ‘ J ! ed exce P l b >’ ‘“oral and ci ti/.eu-—the tmil^r n d tr , !l ,U ' ty J in u P riht * overly the amiable, geueious a, ! . ‘ affectionate brother— Pen thereimv ,‘Sved *Vu ° r ‘ hy °,nP™on of these, our heartfelt eond * W ° le , nde . r to eacil a,, d all leavement. ‘-ondolenee m this hour of their be ef our brother” and friend*to UnTgfave’J^ llow the remains tribute to tun, while JToaSh. & ~ayioS our clothe our i U l. me, . Mor y Nve clothe our Armor)- atid Anns lVrr S Men,or y w j m,-.or ;!,e ua.,l “>“">■ | to lit umil'v “'“.“SSill'S IhSS 9 ■ l ’ < ’ hauded S guested u> publish the same *’ b - tuy P a P er s t>e re-r A. THORNTON. ) 1 nv. \\ . E. ] tv;,. t <’ .'• a. 1 . ■’ MUM ALFRED IVERSON S w .re authorize.! toauuouucu Urn lU,. A | IM ‘| vw „ n T * ddrea6 '’'; <t Milica! fc,ses 0[ lh „ dsy, at wie following times and places: Greenville, Merriwether Cos , Wednesday, Sent 12th Butler, J uvlor, Cos., Saturday,.. 1 .. Cuthbert, Randolph Ccr.. I'uesdav, ‘ .. Blakely, £ar)y Cos, Thursday,.....-.. ** . *}**} •*- : atJtli. Th * reo;>!e, without respect to party, are respecVulh i„. vited to attend. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. AFTER Monday, 10th September, the Passenger and Freight Train will leave Girard at P. M.daily, (Sundays excep ted) connecting at Silver Run with a daily line of Stages to Villula, Glennville, Eufaula, FortGainea, and Marianna,Fla. And on Tuesdays, and Fridays, with the Stages for lichee, Olivet, Enon, Hardaway, Chunnenuggee, Midway, Perote gnd Union Springs. Heaving Silver Rim at A, M., daily, (Mondays excepted) arrive atGirard at SA. M., connecting with the Opdikaanu Muscogee Trains. Round trip 4 tickets good for four days can he purchased at Girard and Silver. Run, at less than the regular rate. R. A.IIARDA WAY. septS-w&twt f. Engineer. Enquirer copy. ROBERT N. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT “LAW, CRAWFORD, ALA. September 8, 1855. —twiwtf. NEW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS NAMELY, EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH. AND LON-* DON QUARTERLIES, AND BLACK WOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, (MONTHLY,) Commence with the North British for May, 1855, and the other Reviews and Blackwood for July, 1855. Terms of Subscription: Any one Review of Blackwood, $3 a year. Blackwood and one Review—or any two Reviews, $5. The four Reviews and Blackwood.* 10. Four copies to one address, S3O. Postage (which should be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews ami blaekwood to any post office in the Uni ted States, only 80 cents a year. Namely: 14 cents a year one each Review, and 24 cents a year on Blackwood. Address, L. SCOTT & CO., Publishers, w *ptß 54 Gold-st.corner Fulton, N. V'. OLIVER & CLEMENTS, ATTO II N EV S AT LA W, BUENA VISTA, MARION COUNTY, GA. W Il.l> practice in the couutles of Marion, Macon, Stewart, Taylor, Chattahoochee, Kincbafocnee, aud any ot the adjoiningcountieswheu their eer vices mat be requited. THADKUB OLIVER. p. \V. CLEMENTS. September 8. W |f Great Bargains! I AM offering for sale in Pike Coun- j iy Ala., ihiO'acres of good Oak and Hickory land I interspersed with long leafed pine. There is ! ‘J 300 acres of cleared laud. The place is in good ‘ ~nT*wi. condition, with two comfortable Iram’e dwellings, i tvo store Houses, (the storehouses form a portion of the vil lage of Monticello) gin house, etc. 1 will sell all together or in quantities to suit purchasers. f am also ottering tor sale24o acres of the same quality of land, three miles from Monticello, about sixty acres cleared.— For particulars address me at Monticello, Ala. seplß—wtf B. J. WEST. To Farmers. QOD ACKEB first rate land for sale, 2-JO acris fresh rpen —Ov land, that will produce Irom 1000 to 1200 lbs cotton per acre; well watered and perfectly healthy—four miles ;roin Glennville, Barbour countv, Ala. Enquire of sep(B—twtf BENJ. SCREWS. Cedar, Juniper, and China Wanted. WE wish t,o purchase quantities of Cedar, Juniper and Chi- i na.Apply at thelroy Factory Ware Rooms. Columbus, Ga. [septS—wtwtt] R*G. JEFFERSON &CO j Wanted A SITUATION, by a young man aged 17—a good penman, } accountant, and willing to make himself generally use’nl. I Address Box 170, P. O. septS—twtf. Teacher’s Notice. A GENTLEMAN who is a graduate of one of the first Col-! /V. leges of Georgia, and has had several years experience as j a teacher, both in that Suite and Alabama, desires to obtain a I j siiuationin some College, Male or Female. Satisfaclory ref j erences will be given. Address Box 9, Lock land, Ala. septß w3t ! ra two months after date application will be made to the i JL Court ->f Ordinary of Sumter county, for leave to sell the > real estate of Richard B. Iluff, late of said county, deceased. septS—wiim JOHN A. HUFF, Adm’r. TROY FACTORY WARE-ROOMS,! EAST SIDE BROAD ST. —NOS. U k :!(i. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. THE above establishment re-opened its Sale and Ware j with a full j comprising the following articles of recent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in prico from four to thirty dollars. CHAlßS—Cottage, Boston Rocking, Office, Writing, Nurse’s, Children’s, and Dining. | TUBS, BUCKETS,—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper | —brass and iron bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass : and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washstands, Tables. Besides many other articles for house furnishing t and do- ; mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G Jefferson &, Cos., irom country merchants and others, will . ! be promptly attended to. The Factory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, Pine, Ash, Poplar, China, &c., &c J RICHARD li. JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Sept. 1, 1855. w&tw6m. AGENCY Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, Til IS Company continues to insure Buddings, Merchandize, Household Farture, Factories, Machinery,,and Personal Property, generally, against loss and damage by Fire: also ou Marine and Inlaud navigation, Risks of Freight aud Cargo 1 only, ou favorable terms . 11.11. EPPING, Agent. £Js>“~ Office at the Agency of the Union Bank, Columbus, Ga., where Sight Checks on New York, Charleston, Savannah, .Montgomery, Mobile aud New Orleans, may at all times he i purchased at current rates. septltwlnw City papers coj.y. LAND FOR SALE, In Barbour County, Alabama 1 OFFER t*>r -ale two Plantations lying j Clayton, in ILubour county, Ala. p|l| , ! One plantation contains 1500 hundred 1 : - 1 ! j acres of laud, and is as well improved as any place in the ! county. The growing crop will show the quality of the j land. Priue $7 per acre. The other place contains 900 acres ot good land; 140 in i cultivation, ou which are 60 acres of corn that some ol my neighbors say will average from 40 to 75 bushels per acre. There is on this place a good location for a mill—with a dam airead made. Price §G per acre. Persons wishing to purchase bargains are respectfully in vited to call and examine the land. For further particu j Jars address JOHN 11. MILLER, aug3l—wtwlui. , Clayton, Ala. TO PLANTERS. P LINSEYS! LINSEY’S!! VRt-£ call attention to the iaet that our Linseys are wi \\ def, by 2- or 0 inches, than those usually sold here that they are made of prime Georgia Wool, and weigh tuil 10 ounces to the yard. If Planters consult their in terest they will buv oi our goods. They’ are the best in Georgia. augJlwtwtl WIN PER FACTORY. - FXCTJSE MB FOR A FEW DAtS! THE undersigned will be absent from for a short time, but will not close his Daguerrean Rooms thi- year he did lact, but will leave them in the charge oi hi-Assistant, Master GILES WILLIAMS, [a young lad] who will no doubt please any and all wdio may Daguerreotypes. Try nun, and if they do not suit you. you need not take them. Respectfully, A. J. RIDDLE. Proprietor and Principal Operator. , } Columbus, Aug. 24 w&twtf. H HATS & CAPS, n, AT THE NOW in Store and for Sale, tbe greatest and best VARIETY OF HATS & CAPS ever offered in Columbus. They are of every shape, qual ity, size, material, fashion and price, and the head that we cannot cover will have to go bare. Let every body call and see us, for we are bound to suit every body. Our Fall Fashions of Silk Hats are very beautiful, and are selling rapidly. We can fit you all—call and see. Avery Choice Lot of Walking canes and Umbrellas, . also, for sale at any price. Manufacturing and Repairing as usual. J&. B THE HAT STORE, Vi Broad St., is the place. aug3l—w&tw3w F. LANDON. jfSk MRS. BRICE WILL re-open her School on the first YspjprMonday in October next. September 4,1855. twtf. # DR. NEISLER’S SCHOOL Will re-open on tthe 2d Monday (tbe JOlh) in September at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Enqurercopy. aug2s—wtwtd A CARD. HAVING disposed of my entire stock of Drugs Med icines, &c., to Messrs. J. S. Pemberton, A Cos., J cheerfully recommend them to my old fiiends and custom ers. ‘I hankful tor the patronage bestowed upon me, 1 would respectfully solicit a continuauco ot the same to my successors. R. CARTER. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24 1855—w&tw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., &c. J.S. PEMBERTON k CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, AT THE SIGN OF THE BEUE MORTAR, COLUMBUS, (iA. f WE have purchased the entire Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, of ROBERT CAK-4E35* TER, and will continue the business at his old \jStT Stand. We are now receiving a full assortment £9k ot Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, In struments, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac., suited alike to the taste of the city and wants of the country; which will he sold at prices that, will not fail to give satis faction, We respectfully invite our friends and the publicto give us a call, and w e pledge ourselves to make it lo the intcr terest of all who may favor us with their patronage. From our long experince as Druggists, and with close attention to bu- i siness,we trust that we shall not fail to give entire satisfaction ! to all who may honor us with a call. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24. w&twtf New Books! New Books! a ’ABBOTT’S Life of Napoleon, anew suji- Travelsin Chinese Empire, by M. Hue; Bell Smith, Abroad;! cript, by Dumas; Tri-Colored Sketches in Paris; Waikna: or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, by Sam uel A. Bard; English Orphans,~or Home in the New World, by Ma- I ry J. Holmes; Commonplace Book of Thoughts and Fancies, by Mrs. Jameson; The Winkles: ortho Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B. Jones. A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by R. G. Me- ! Corinick, Jr. of New York. Cievo Hall, by Mrs, Sewell; The Iroquois: or the Bright Side of Indian Character, by j Minnie Myrtte; Heiress of Haughton: or the Mother’s Secret, by the au t thor of Aubrey; Sequel to Aubrey; Constance Herbert, by G. E. Jewsbury; Missing Bride, by Mrs. Southworth, Just received by j. W. PEASE, auglS—w&twtf. 22 Broad Street. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND NO. 4. Mitscooke Rail Road Office, ) Columbus, Ga., Aug. 11. 1855. j The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend j of four per ent for the past six months, from the nett earnings ! of the Road, payable on and after the 15th of September next at the office ol the Company at Columbus and Savannah. D. ADAMS, Sec'y and Treasur. Enquirer and Corner Stone please Copy. tdd. OAT STRAW, THE Rock Island Paper’Mills want to purchase 100 tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons of OAT STRAW, for which will be paid $lO per ton be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga.,July 31, 1855—tw&wtf. CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CRAWFORD STRETT, Doors below Rankin's Corner. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand the finest HA VANA CIGARS, and offers them for sale at the lowest trices, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of American Cigars. Also, every varie y of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes,Snullj and all the articles usual ly found in an establishment of tliis kind. \ All goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free i from defects of any kind. Orders from the country care fully and promptly attended to. augll—w&twly JAMES ESTEVEZ. Partnership Dissolved. THE late firm of K. 31. Altl worth A Cos. is this! day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts duo ! the linn must be paid to R. M. Aldworth. R. M. ALDWORTII & CO. | Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31,1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R.M. ALDWORTH v\7ILL continue to carry on the business at the old stand j ’ ’ on Randolph Street. Work done in the best style j and at the shortest notice. R. M. ALDWORTH. j Columbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. tw6m. NEGROES WANTED. I WISH to hire by the mouth 20 or 30 able bodied Negro men j ang2* J —tw3t. JOHrs D. GKA.Y; r |'HE Jasper Connty lottery .Draw* on Jfeudaj ; 4 „ ex t. Love hte* several prizes unsold, call early before! the> arca‘l gone. W. E. LO V E, -ig't. aug2B—.\v3t 61 Broad Street. ] A* HARD. i \ rpHIS Paper is raanufncluml sit Kock Ij'imd Paper Mins, 1 Columbus Ga. Three aud a half cents per lb, will be paid for Clean Linen aud Cotton RAGS. Print ng and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Colu us, Ga. July 17. w&twtf DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the Arm of Harrison, Austin A McGehee, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Persons bolding claims against the concern are requested to present them without delay, and those iudebted to if will please make immediate payment. C. S. HAKBISON, \VM. AUSTIN, Columbus, Ga., July :sl—wtw-w A. C. McGEHEE. COPARTNERSHIP. r T'HE undersigned having purchased the interest of Mr. \VM. -*• AUSTIN, iu the tirui oi Harrison, Austin & McGehee, will continue the Auction & Commission, Negro Brokerage, & For warding Business. under the name aud style of HARRISON &. McGEHIiE, at tM? oidstaud. Nos. 59 aud 61, Broad Street, aud respectfully so licit the patronage ot their frieuds aud the public. CH VS. S. HARRISON, •Tuiy.3o,— wttwtf. ALLEN C. McGEHEJS. “VTolice to Debtors and Creditors.— All persons tflAi indebted to the estate of Walter J. Colquitt, late of Mus cogee Conyty.deceaSed, ere requested to make immediate patciiul, and heving demand® against said estate will pre-~ut them properly sttested. A H COiiQT T ITT, jJ>‘r- 1 sept® - w4tM II• M. COLQUITT, Ex’x U GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. INTENDING to close my business by|the I3vh September,l will sell my j Stock of Goods for OUST! I have superior old Brandies, Gin, Rum, Whliky, Madeira,Sher ry dt Port Wines. Most of these articles have been on hand nearly twoyearsjnakiug them not only betteron account Os! age, but they! cost much less then fthanthey would now.— I also offer fresh Porter, Ale, Clarret, Champagne, Syrups and Bitters: Cigars, j Tobacco, Tea, Coflee, Canaies, Soap,Macker el. Salmon,| Pickled Pig, Pork, I.ard. Oil, Vinegar Pot Ash, &c., itc., all ot the best quality and for sale at cost on accom modating terms. 11 will also sell city lots, jNos. 281,282,441, 466, 468, 598, 15, andj a part of No. 19, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3, with a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, a most desirable location, being convneient to the Female Academy, to the Churches and to business. Also fraction'No. 56, containing about 10 acres, adjoining VVm. B. MitchelPMr. Comer, and|the lauds of Col. Jones, not more than on and a half miles from town. Apply to P. A, CLAYTON. N. B.—All who are indebted must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed in the hands ol au aug2—wfetwif P. A. C. Manufacturers’ & Mechanics’ Bank, 1 * Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. J spills Institution having been re-organized under new Di- A rectorsand Office is, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive depositee and furnish exchange on New Y'ork, Savannah, 4outgomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take puper for collection. E.T.TAY'LOR, President. J.H. Fonda, Cashier. juue3U—wt&wtf WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER. OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, ;for S ale at Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS, TERMS CASH. junel6—w&twtf fegßSinj MUSICAL U • M. SARONI would respect-**Hf U* 1 fully inform his friends and the “citizens ot Columbus that he i will return to his duties cn or about the JJOtlv of Sept'r. He would also add that he will bring with him a large and i splendid assortment of New and Fashionable MU&I(£ Vocal as well as Instrumental. aug2B—twtf WARM SPRINGS, M MERIWETHER COUNTY, GA. Til 18 delightful Watering Place is now open for the reception of visitors. Juue2l—twtf. J. L. MUSTI AN, Proprietor. Montgnoniery Journal copy. MFOR KENT. THE house near the Market in Columbus, j known us the CITY HOTEL. Apply to Pn. Gittenger 1 or M. Burshall, nugl4—twtf. Enquirer and Corner Stone copy. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD OFFICE. \ Columbus, Ga., August 13, 1855. $ A MEETING of’ the Stockholders of the iMuscogee R. i R. Company, will be hold at this office on Monday j the third day of September next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. lor i the purpose of electing a President and Directors, as pro- ; vided for in the law ot Feb. 1854. D. ADAMS, Sec. augustl4 twtd r. j All city papers copy until the day of election. - * SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY.! (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) j Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS U. | To he drawn Sept. 13, 1855, in the city of Montgomery, j WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 519309000 Will lie distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! jgF’And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and paid whendue WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 1 PRIZE OF $7,500 { 1 “ 5,000 ! 1 “ 2,000 ! 2 “ 1,000 i 5 “ 500 10 200 15 “ 100 78 “ 50 120 “ 25 i ry Tickets $5; Halves $2 50; Quarters $L 25. Bills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign of the Bronze Lion j Montgomery, June 28, —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. &y All letters for immediate answor must be addressed ‘ to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted Irom the Commissioners j the Agency and Management of the FORT GAINES; ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the pm cipal Office at , Atlanta, Georgia, and intends conducting the Lottery on the , same plan as that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, of I Alabama. - GRAND SCHEME FOR SEPT. Class 7. GT to be drawn Sept. 21, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., 1 when Prizes amounting to s{i6oooo Will be distributed according to the following magnificent j Scheme! £-jf“And remember every Prize is drawn at each | Drawing, and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! I PRIZE OF ~.......515,000 ! I do 5,000 ! 1 do 4,000 1 do 3,000 I do 2,000 I do * 15,00 ! 1 do 1,100 i 5 Prize- of 1,000 ! 50 do 500 j 101 Prizes in all amounting to $60,000 | Tickets $lO ; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Bills ou all solvent Banks at par. All conmiuuicatious i strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21 —td Atlanta, Georgia. , Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. t [By Authority of the State of Georgia .] Macon, 6a. 93 II s CD CD CD CLA S S D. WILL be distributed according to the following grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at tJoncert Hall, Macon, Ua., 1 under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Niebet, Esq. The Manager announces bis determination to make this the most popular Letter) in the world, and challenges comparison as to the chances to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize isdrawu at each drawing, and paid when due in fujl without auj reduction. TO BE DRAWN SEPT. 3, 1855. 1 LRIZE OF * 312,000 I do 5,000 I do 3.000 1 do 2,000 1 do 1,500 I do I,^oo 1 do wM.#.'. 1,100 5 do 1,000 403 prizes in all, amounting to 350,000 Ticket* 38. Halves 34. Quarters 32 TENTHOUSAND NUMBERS. The chances to gain the Capital Prize in the old coxnbiuatioß plan Is J in'?6,076, in this l in 10,000. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. AU orders, rely on it, strictly confidential. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. Registered money letters at my risk, Prizes paid wbeu due without discount. Address ’ j AMEB F. WIJffER, Manager, July24—wfl Macon, Ga. \ BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS. GEO. j (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard's Store.). HAVING made arrangements at Washington Cffjqby which all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to,they are enabled to procure Bounty Earnl War* rant., Pensions, Ac., and prosecute Claim*againt*l the United States either bt'lore Congress or theseveral Ue partmrvts. are also prepared to purchase Claims, Ac., against the United States. Vo Pay required until the Land Warrants, Claims, tic. are procured. JAMES HAMILTON. WM. V. PLANE. April 7th. 1855. w&twtf. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! THE undersigned having associated themselves together for the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Ikuigress heretofore passd. arc now prepared ; to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War i rants, are, under a recent actof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. F:om our long experience and gen eral success, we can w ith coufidence say, that a'l claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted Oue of the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business his personal attention there. Offlceover Gunby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus,Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK. feh2f..wfetwtf. A. B. RAGAN. LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, POR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ES TA T E OF ALLiDESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON RANDOLPH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. IHA VEdetermined to devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, from my knowledge of th* i lands in Georgia, to be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may entrust me with business. I urn prepared to either buy or soil, perhaps to better advantage than any other peraou ! in Western or .South-Western Georgia. If you have lands to sell, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will And you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for I have many valuable lots and settlements of land to sell. From my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, 1 am prepar ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of land in the State. If you wi c li to have your land valued, you may rely upon correct information, upon reasonable terms. Heed*, mortgages,and other instruments,drawn ccr ; redly and at low rales. Agents wanted to sell Bonner's large map of Georgia high per cent.given. One thing is certain,! am paying New York and Washino ton Citv Pricks for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Having also made an arrangement w ith oueof the best firms in Washington, I am prepared to apply for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion—to be paid for when the warrant arrives. I ring iu your claims soon. As I intend to makethiea permanent business, and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, I hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from inv friends and the community generally. 8. R. BONNER, july3l—w&twly Land Office, Columbus. RAGS! RAGS ! TIIR ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS ARE paying tlree nnd a lnlf cent* cash per lb. for clean Linen *nd Cotton Rugs, tu qualities ol one hun dred pounds and upwards, and 3 cents for quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office in front of PALACE MILLS. Columbus, Ga., A/ay 9, 1855. w&twtf. FOR SALE. /-A * THE HOUSE formerly occupied by MR. R. H. SAMiVfIS, with 5 Rooms, Kitchen, Ate., on reason able terms. Inquire of aug3l—twlm. SAMMIS & ROONEY. BACON! TTTE will sell for CASH or ou a CREDIT until the Fall oretd Vv of the year, tike Best. (Quality of Tennes see Bacon! Call at B. A. Richards & Co’s., James Ligon’s, , Broad Street, Columbus Ga.,and at the store of O. Lamer, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mer -1 chants. G. W. ALEXANDER, julyl9—w&twtf. J. R. JONES. WANTED, EMPLOYMENT by a Book-Keeper, fully competent, having had 7 years experience. Apply at this office, or by letter to Box 268, P. O, i Columbus, Ga., July 3], 1855—twtf. ; PRICES STILL LOWER. ‘ EXTRA FAMlLY','per bbl $ !) (K) Double Extra do. “ for pastry 10 00 Superfine 7 }>: Georgia Superfine, 7 00 Georgia Mills 6 00 All including sacks. Usual discount when 20 barrels arc taken at onetime. Our Extra Family and Double Extra cannot be surpassed. Meal per bushel $1 no Phoits, per hundred lbs . 80 july&@—wlmtwtf ’ # WINTER’S PA RACE MILLS. Wheat Wanted! TIIK Palace Mills wiil pny! per bushel Cash for Prime White Wheat and $1.25 for Prime Red. aug2s wtwlf THE HOWARD FACTORY Is now selling Domestics and Yarns, At the Usual Rates, 10 Per Cent off, FOR CASH. Columbus, Ga February 19. wtf. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons are hereby notified that circum stances make it absolutely necessary that we should have a i lieu on every horse boarded at our stable by the month or year, i We, therefore, hereby give notice, that our right of lien i shall enter into and become a part of every contract for the j keep or board of horses at our stables, and that in all cases we reserve the right to nlorce said lien,eif necessary. ! aps-tf. HATCHER & PITTS. FOR RENtT” THE stores at present occupied by L. Spencer and Andrews, Ridgeway & Cos., on Broad street, from Ist October next. I Apply to auglOtwlm JOHN SMITH. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned from trading, buying, or negotiating in any manner, for any real or personal pro perty Iroin G. YV. Wacaser, as the real or personal property over which he may assume control, is in fact my own, and held in mv own name, and not otherwise. Girard, Ala., July 24—twlm FRANCES YVACASER. Athemeum Insurance Society of London. U. S. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. iWILL take Risks on Dwellings and other property In town and count; y. upou very reasonable terms. Loss from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MUNN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, .& Cos., Colum i bus, Ga. julyl9—tw3m BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. lAA AAA POUNDS TENNESSEE IBACON. lUUjIUUU 100 Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbld. Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted Stock ol GROCERIES i which will be sold at the lowest market price By ANDREWS, RIDGWAY & CO. Columbus Ga., May 29, 1855. w&twtl. FOIfsALE. A FIRST RATE SADDLE HORSE. Apply to au 2 8-ts LOMAX A ULUS. ’ CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPART | Capital and Surplus $400,000- I Take* risks on Lives on very moderate terms, i Columbus, julyl9—tw3m JOHN MUNN, j “OLD TOM” CUN. JUST received a Superior article of “OLD TOM” GIN in Bottles —a delicious t*verasr* v id a most xcel!estartic!e for medical rorposea Also a superior article of Potaeb la'tfn cans. j*u!2--twtf. P. A. CLAYTON.