The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 28, 1855, Image 3

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Tne lafringemsat of tha Neutrality Laws. W/sHitfßfqif, 6ept. 26. The trial at PUiladvlpUia of the j>erßt>ns charged with ©misting a foreign legion, and the facta elicited which ini* plicate the British Minister, Mr. Crumpton in tha viola tion ot the Neutrality Laws, have exciied tlio solicitude (ff our Giyeinincnt, and it is believed that Mr. Crampton’s action in the matter will be subject to the serious cousitf eration of the Cabluet, COMMERCIAL. COTTtJN STATEMENTS. “H of (iw.i 4 igSif.-r ■ - c -i ®S if 2 ‘ § ! S ‘*s-:?S: I on. ‘ a! 35 2.:0'2. I ~ ! 3 | I hand week ?-%'£< : i|.o->a.g. :s - this ending ; s*r; r” a. 5 • j. ‘< 7 day. j lboL ’ ,2771 533 717 J280;'272! 113 385; 3066 j 1855. ’ ; 521 3536 3528 7058 1793 2410|.42Q3; 3279 j Columbus. Sept ft. ! COTTON.—We notice an active tnaiket, heavy re ceipt, and sales easily effected, at our tofmer quotations, v'z: Middlingsß to 8;, Good Middlings 8£ to B^.Middling Fair fc| cents. 0 Sa vannatt, Sept. 25. I COTTON—The sales to-day were 378 at the fol lowing particulars : 16 at Bf. 1 at BA, 8 at Bf, 8 at B|, 7 at B|, 171 at 9, 27 af9§, 114 at 9*. 18 at 94, 16 at 9 = and 8 bales at 9| cents. There has been a fair demand to-day. I . 1 New Yolk, Sept. 26. j 800 hales of Cotton were sold to-day at previous rates. \ Fiour is a siM* J<Wer, and 16.000 bbls of State were sold j at 87 81, and Southern at $8 68 per bbl. Win at is firm at 81 22 per bushel. Corn is un chi tig and. Groceries are dull. Extract from a letter recently receded from A. L Me - Williams, M 1).,n practicing Physician ofh ‘gh char acter,in Pulton, Miss., under date of December Ist 1854. Fulton, Mis?. Dee. Ist 1854. C. Williams, M.T)—Dear Sit: The object of this communication s-to procue a quautity of your valuable Expectorant, known as ** William.-’ Balsam of YVild Cher iy and Wood Naptha.” I must confess that it excels eve ry either article known to me as a puhnona’ y agent. Some weeks ago I had an* opportunity of testing its efficacy in a very bad case, in my own family, and its prompt energetic and eaiutaiy effect induced me. to solicit an agency. I find, upon an examination, that there is not a bottle jn,our town for sa'e. I will take great pleasure in doing all in sny power for you. Y ours truly, septfilrn A. L. Me WILLIAMS, M. D. Jtjj?'''Sold by all Druggist“ver/w here. See long ad vertisement in another column, As a Spring and Summer Medicine, Carter’s 1 Spanish Mixture stands pre-eminent above all others Its I singularly efficacious action on the blood; its strengthen ing and vivifying qualities; its tonic action on the Liver; its tendency to drive all humors to the suiiace, triarchy cleans ing the system according to Nature’s own proscription; its harmless, and at the same time extraordinary good effects, and the number of cures testified to by many of the moat respectable citizen* of Richmond, Va. and elsewhe-e, mast be conclusive evidence that theie is no humbug about it. The trial of a single bot’le will sat sly the most skeptical of Us benefits. For sale by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. ii. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, D\NFORTH & NAGLE, Sep t6—w&, tvv 2 m Columbus, Ga. ‘ McLane’s Worm Specific ! IST The following from a customer shows the demand which this great medicine has created wherever it has j been introduced: Blossburg,Tioga Cos. Fa., March 30,19‘0. j Gentlemen —ln consequence of the gieat consumption of your *‘Wi rm Spec tic” in this place and vicinity, we have entirely exhausted our stock We should feel oblig ed by your fT warding, via Corning, New York, 20 dozen with your bill, on the reception of which we will remit; you the money. From the wonderful effects of said Specific in this neigh borhood, there could be sold annually a large quantity, if t-be had, (wholsale and retail) from some local agent.— If you would compensate a person lor trouble and expense of vending, 1 think I could make it to your advantage to do so. Y ours res pec tfuil v, WM. M. MALLORY, Messrs. J. Kidd &. Cos. Per. W. Porter. I Purchasers will please be cfiretul to ask for HR.M’LANE’S j OKI Oil’it A T El) VERMIFUGE, and j take none else AH other ■ Vermifuges, in comparison,.are worthless. Dr. tM’Lanes gen- j uine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can i.ow j lie had at all respectable Diug Stores in the United States and j Canada* by all the Druggists in Columbus, and by one ! agent in every town sej>2s—wittwiiw. \ v MAlilMEi), On the evening of the 25th in-t, at the residence of j Robt. Simpson, Esq., by Rev. Thos. J. Mile, Mr. Ben. P. j Jenkins and Miss Mary R. Ferguson,all ot this county. | Tnbut of Kespect. At a called meeting of Oglethorpe Lodge, No. -17, A. Y Masons, held in Columbus Ga. Sept. 23, A. D. 1855, A. L. 5855, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Supreme Architect of the Universe has seen tit to remove from our midst our esteemed brother, DAVID J. BA USER, the W. Master of this Lodge, whose Masonic virrue- ha I endeared him to us, and whose profound knowledge and long experience renders hi* loss to us irreparable; spunk and >wn hi the pride of his manhood, and amid ;i course of use'ttlness, his fate is bat another evi dence that neither high statioi nor exalted virtue eats ex empt ustrom thatirrev ‘cable fate which, as mortals, must sooner or later overtake us, ‘ram that dread summons which reaches alike the W. M. on his seal and the hum- ! bie-t among the Brethren: Be it therefore Resolved, That in token of our respect j for the nit-mory of our departed brother, the lodge wear i the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days. ; That a copy of these resolutions bo furnished the family of | the deceased. That they bo spread upon the minutes of | the lodge, and published in the city papers. D. B."THOMPSON, See’y. i .1. li. HAMEL IS 111 WANT OF MONEY, AN l> tho e indebted to him me earnestly requeued to make immediate payment. sepi27—wuv3t • $59 REWARD, fRAN YWAY from tho subscriber, T ear Foit- RrortiJ r, Barbour Cos. Ala.,a Negr Jt/an named Hob, 21 veirsot vcighs a'tout 1 inipounds, 5% to 5 fVet 7 incihis hi_h,UarU complexions h s the peculiar sc eeuta ion oi toe low con -tiy He is si p iostd to have change i hi; mine, an 1 to be lurking about c< lumiius —p-ouaMy harbored by wmc one. He is dob less in posses sionof a pans as he is known to write a little, and may < n— d*:iv>r to make b s way North. if,taken up about Comm bus, hi cin be-asily recog dzed i y application at Greenwood Gr tu i’s Warehouse, where the reward v.i.l be pa and, or t*v. my septdT-wUU E. S. OTF. * DANCING ACADEMY. MR. €. 11. CLEVELAND, TMTOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens of ’ T Columbus, that he will commence the exercises ol his Dancing Academy the tir*t week in October. All the genteel and fashionable Dances of the day will l be taught during the session. Verms yt tuition made known hereafter by circulars. i Sept. 20-twtf. . - I m BMEIUIEIS lIOOMS. | THK Public am informed that’tbs new 1) AG. EKK it h A ROD 31 Anr thisd ty opened fo> the re cepitou of vis tors. These ununs were built xv le.-s’y tor tho Djwru:ir;ea Buinicss. and arc tiudoubt* ! W.the hxi,ri'we-t au jbn ai ronged in the eomitiy. DiPEW has just re turnqd from Ne>v York, with the {hiesf assorlmct.t of ftlst* and Fran; o’ evertr. kehtVQ Co*pinbo. 4 &!8 and res him *’ the New I'.igu rrran Dooms in ths bu'i ding rjensiy vwoedop Broad Street, next door h*low the Hank of ravamrah. *< pi27—twlf. _ ... _____ cossr WANXSD. vyß wi!! pav tV h'-ehesttna hpl price f>r Cot., o r old or n w crop, in th 1 quantity tr un 1 Euvhel to 1(W. p®piv6.*-wty*.t> VVIMDR’S PALACE M ILLS INSTKUCTI&N IN ROUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING. r IAHL undersigned intends opening a class in the above nun /^f.7. ra,,ch in the city or Columbus during the commence - H.. V, l!le ng month. Those who wish tp avail thenn elves T 1 avorab 1 e opportul l ity (go useful to every merchant, can do sg>by leaving their names with the subscriber as soon po%ible. & Terms ssso* lor one course of twelt e lessopp. Attfe ctoaeot which a thorough knowledge *s guarShtied or no pay ment ref|iiireu. i Orders left atthe Music Store of T IL VAN DEN RERG will receive prompt attention. E. F. VANDEN BERG. Columbus. Sept. go. *w tt FASHIONABLE DAGUERREAN SALOON. ‘piE proprietor of this pleasant, commodious, and firf class Paiocn of Pine Arts, lias again returned to resume his bu siness ior the season. Mr. Riddle has bad a practice of over eight years, which ranks him one of the most successful atorsin the profession; his pictures are char, white, hand some and admired by all. Call and judge for ) ourselves.-- Rooms on Broad Street, over C. MygattV Dry Good’s Store r , . A. J. RIDDLE, n . k c Proprietor and Principal Operator. Columbus, Sept. 25—-w&twtt. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! AVE ARE REQUESTED TO ANNOUNCE THAT JONAS SMEETON, return from Euanpg on <)r a ho U t the 6th October T v next, and will open at hta old stand, Broad st. Columbus An Extensive Stock of First Hate GOODS, COMPRISING English, French and Belgian Cloths, of the beat quality and latest 3 les, selected bv himself from the Emporiums 01 Fashion in the principal cities of Euroi e: besides a complete assortment wearing anik rel, such as 0 COATS, PINTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, BRIWERS, Ac, Wait and give him a call befoie paicbaoing eLewbere, Columbus, Ga., fcept. iis, w&twtf. Enquirer copy. NEW PALL GOODS. r I TAKE jleasure in announcing to their custom- r a”d the X pubi.c gem rally, tl attbej have just comi.iatd one ofthe most extuieive and choice atodis of , ST a RLE AND FANCY • DRY GOODS, For the FALL TIiADE, that has ever been exhibited in Columbus, many of the arncies being direcily imported by tnemeelves, giving them an opportuiity ot” offering to tfctit j customers, inducements hereteft re unkLOwn inCclumbue. JSsjassroasyss ! Os every description manufactured exprestly for .T. &.J. K. I Aliklndaot E I>l list Ol DI‘AI4J.K,S Citirt-Cu r r< m Faris. Rich and Beauiitui feSLKS ‘ do do no MANTILLAS &i CLOAKS of eery design, direct from F'aris. AI.SO, A WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF WOOLEN I> RE SS GOOD S, embracing every now and desirable style. .2 HEJ) V Y STOCK OF Uegro Blankets, Shoes, Hats & Kerseys, I Mid evqrv other article (in their Jiine at Ver y Reduced | Prices. t;all and examine. Columbus, Ga. [sepl2s—wtwtf ATTENTION EVER YBODY! ygfcz* I HAVE REVIOVED MY STOCK OF BOOKS, STA'i TONERY, &c. To the Auction Store of HAHRISON & McGEHEE, No. 69, west fide Broad Street, where I shall be pleased to see my tiiends and all who want to buy Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles O*AT COST, FOR IIS!!!..- Infill have a number of valuable BOOKS and a good lot of STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY, which I am very anxious to dispose 01, as I desire to quit the business. 1 have fitted up a part of the store expressly for my ac commodation, and the ladies are particularly invited lo cal! and examine my stoek. Come soon, it you want bar gains ! 1 am still acting as MAGISTR A TE , and will be plea sed to attend to the collection of claims and ail other bu siness connected with the Qfiice. ~ JORDAN L. HOWELL. Columbus, Sept. 25. w&nvit Blotico to Cotton Shippers, MFROM this date all applications for shipment of Cotton, must be the Depot, by the party making the application. Dray receipts required before shipping receipts will be given. B. E. WELLS, Supt. Office Muscogee Railroad, > Columbus Ga. Sept. 25,1855. $ twlm. TO TEE MUSICAL WGELD. THE undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Columbus that he has re ! I 21 * turned from the North and will resume his lesson® on, Monday Oct. Ist. He would be obliged to those who wish to avail themselves of iiis services, to make an early application as the number of his pupils will be limited. KEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC. The undersigned oilers for sale a large assortment of New and Fashionable Music. It has been selected bv himself, during his recent visit to the North, and forms the best assortment ever brought to this market.’ A large discount will be made to teachers oi music, and to Principals of Academies and “Colleges. Rooms over Merry’s Clothing Store. Broad St? Col un bus Ga. sep2stwtf H. S SARONL FOR~ SALE. A House anl Liot with % acre ground. The house has 4 rooms, double kin hen, brick amOke house, opnosi * thef'ourt Hoihm ccupied laA jenr by Mr. lorbert: Terms oin hall cash, the balance in one and two yea's, hear ng le cl hit rest. Apply to J. B. HICKS, Broad st. ai theTm Shop.— Possession given immediately. If not sold will be round sept 20 t lit. FOR RENT, S*pagL THAT large and commodious Brick §Bs^s' a ij A Budding on Oglethorpe street, opposite the fjjpfcf | | Oglethorpe Hous<-. will be tor rent on the Ist Oct. next. For a private Boarding House, there is not a more convenient or eligible situation in the ehy, having ail eonveoieneie* suit able for such use. Apply m R- A. WARE. Enquirer “copy. • septlS— *twtf. NOTICE^ ALL persons indebted to the late llrm of Alley Sc Will helm, in the Ga Fitting Business, will tint! their ac counts in the hands of D B. Thompson Sc Cos., to whom all payments must be made P ‘ JERF.MIAH. wiLlhelm, WILLIAM ALLEY. Columbus, Sept. 18. *■ , tw3\v HEW VOLUMES OF JT HE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS NAMELY, EDINBURGH. NORTH BRITISH. AND LON DON QUARTERLIES. AND BLACK WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, (MONTHLY.) Commence with the Nortk Atuy, 1955. and th* other JitcuiDs and Blackwood for July, 1855. * Terjsis of Suhscrlptlom Any rtne of Blackwood, a>* ir. Blsckwoudand one Review -or acv iw Reviews, *5 f'r.o four Reviews and StO. Rear covtcsto cne address. §lO. j post age (which sh< ne paid qgart* rly in an bticf-'ur S. views and black wood to any potu. :a tr I tecS a es, only s0 cents & year. Narue! v : 14 cents a year cn tcaca Review; and 21 cents a -e'arcu RV,-Two-V Address, j • _ . •!,. <r4TT tk P-ih*;.sbe?v v i ssptS 54 Gecorner Fuiton. !%■ T. CLAYTON Sc WILKIN S, Auction, Commission, JUceiving V AND FO R W AUDI N G MERCU ANT S. r PHE undersigra-d, having formed* a Copartnership tr> do -* a general Auction, .Commission, Receiving and For warding jlusmess at the old eland of AVER & WILKINS, NN ;I1 give their personal aUention to ail business entrusted to their care! We are prepared to make liberal advances upon all articles of Prodpee and other Goods consigned to us. * * Special attention paid to tho sale of REAL ES TATE, NEGROES, etc , at Auction. I’ A CLAYTON. F. G. WILKINS. Columbus. BY ’ HARRISON & McGEHp. REAL ESTATE AND NEGROES, % AT auction. AT ll o’clock on the first Tuesday in October next, wo will sell at the Market House, city lot No. 6U7, and improvements, situated on the corner ot M re. ; and Fulton streets. On the premises are a dwelling wn-t four rooms, a good stable and crib. The place is well incl >scu n strong Knee and beautifully shaded. ‘Terms One-third cash, one-third 12 months, balance two years, wuh notes and approved security. e *ALSO, 5 or 6 likely negroes, men and women. 1 good two horse Robkaway and harness. 1 good buggy and harness. 1 new two horse dray—and a large lot of FURNITURE, GRuCERIES, &c. &c. ! E. J. PINCKARD, Auctioneer. Sent. 15. 1855. wA*twfds. MORE OF THE HIoTORY JBQg7s'£mr Napoleon Bonaparte, by J. s 5 . G. Abb<tt. The Hidden rath, by Marion llarland, author Clove Hall, by M iss tewe’i; Mae, t r the Human Oomotiy, by John E-sien Cooke. T te Eao-iped Nun, or Disclosures of Convent Life; Oiie, or the old West It mm, by L. M. M.; and Darkness, a Story of Fa*hio}iable Life; The Adventures of Amyos L< ish, by Cl aries Kii gsleyr The VVinkles,or the Merry Monomaniacs; ("new supply.) A Vi nit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by Richard L'. Me C< r nick, r., (new supply.) Christie lohnsou, by t.:har'es Tirade; Sehoiil of Life, fy Vnna Vlar> H >witt: Leaves from a family Journal,! y Emily Loaveatre; Maud and otfu.r Poems, by Al'rcd Tenryaon: Ensrlish Orphans, r>y Mary J. II mes: New Hope, or ti e Besctie. a laie of Kmawlia; Chemistry of Common Li'e by lohnson; l.and. Labor and Go'd, by William Howett; Sociology for the Houth by George Fitshu gh; Henry V r ion,Or the Deram; by a Georgian. Jus- R ceived by * J. W’. TEASE. _" ,>T l!4 ~ wAtr'w ‘ (j> Rroad stree*. #FIItE GROVE ACADEMY. j 71IE Exercises of this Institution will be resu med tho Ist Monday in October next. JOHN ISH AM. Sept. 25 tw&Wtocl. COLUMBUS FEMALE ACADEMY THE Exorcises of thjs Institution wilt be re-u ----|v‘J^#r-rae,l on Tuesday Oct. 2d,and continued till -July 1556. Tuition §3B and $lO. imPm* C. W. CHAPMAN. Sept, 25—w2tw 34> Yaft's academy is fine grove. tTHE next scholastic ye.<.r of this Academy wil - “fpen Monday Oct. <st, and close the last week Y; in June. Tuition, * ti. H. TAFT, Proprietor. YeanklinF college. THE exercises in Franklin College, University fflwß -of Ga., will be resumed on the first A/ondoy October next. The Agricultural Lectures 01 Dr. Lee, w ifi, also, be resumed at that ti me, and a full course will be 'given duiingthe ensuing six J months. These Lectures are free to all who wish ? to attend them. Siudents will be examined for admission on the first day ot the term, and H is dosirtd that ail, it possible, be present at the opening of the ttrrn. sept 22 wlt&tw3t tfSs, Education. MR. TA MI SJ. BLADE’S Male School will open October Ist and close June 30th, 1858. SejJ.7. * * w3t&tw2t SITUATION WANTED, I> Y a man well acquainted with the mercantile business J Address T. W., Columbus P. O. septlßtwtf To Farmers. OQA ACRES first rate land fi>r sale, 2i*o acris tre-h epen iiOU land, that will pr oduce from ltiU'J to 12D0 lbs cotton per acre; well watered and perfectly healthy—four miles .join Glennvllie. Barbour coumv, Ala. Enquire of septS— twtf BENJ. •S.CREWS. Are You Sick? THEN you can’t be cured too soon. Don’t delay until your complaint is incurable, and then mourn when it is too late. Four fifths of ail the diseases which people the emirch yards,might be cured by Ayer’s C*at!tvrtic JPills, if taken in season. Don’t be dragging through she Spring, taint, sleeoy and listless, because your ulood !• loaded wi.h bile.— Don’t wear-the hsad-achc, heart-burn, and their kindred dis orders, because your stomach Is foul. Don’t parade vo ireelf around the world, covered with Pimples, Blotches, Dicers, Sores, and all or any of .he unclean disease, of the skin, be cause your system wants cleansing. Doi.’i, show yourself abouVlean, haga-d, all caved in, because jour stomach and bowels need strengthening into healthy faction. Ayer’s Pills bet these things ri chi, as surely as water quenches fire. They purity the body and hiooif,- and restore their iunctions into healthv activity, which you can i\ei ss quick as they are ta ken. Tueyure th’ one great medical wouder of this coguizedby a'l who knovr their virtufs. and (many thousands know them.. T ike the Cher-y Pectoral for a Cough, and the Pills for a:l derangements requirin’ a Purgative medicine. Prepared by Dr. !.< ’. Ayer, Cnemjst, Lowell, Mass, and sold by Daniorth &. Nagle, Columbus, Geo. T.S. BradfieJdi W T 4st Peint, W. W. v’ 71 son, Talbotton, “ Dr: J.F. Woodbury,Hamilton, -‘ 4 , hn , i r '<-(v Fowler. Tusk'-gee, A'-s. ?Pptispiwfetwini TROY FACTOIiY WARE-ROOMS, EAST SIDE ‘BSOAD-ST.—SOS- 34 & 36, E. G. JEFFESSON & CO, THE above establishment “ re opened its Sale and Ware room, with a full asssoriment conpriritfg’the loliowing articles oi rceeut manufacture and of the very hdst materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from-four to thi ty dollar?. CHAIRS— Cottage, Boston Rocking, Office, Writing, Nurse’s, Children's, and Dining. TUBS, BUCKETS,—Common Pin?, Cedar ana Jumper —brass and iron bound ol various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, ‘brass and iron bound, oi various size?. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washstands, Tables, Be-ide? manyother articles for house iurmshing „at‘d d-y ----mt-stie purposes. - Ail orders left at the W are-room or directed to G Jefferson Sc Cos., Irom c ountry-mei'chauts and other?, will Be promptly a’.tended to. The Factory la situated in a section vrn ch afford? an nhimdant supply oT Oak, Hickory, Beacn, W ainut, <.4um, Pine, A>h, Poplar, China, <fec-, See- RICKARD. G JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Sept. I. 1855. vcAnythin. Cedar, Juniper, and China Wanted. wish to purcha-e quantities of 1 odor. Jurigtrani Cui .YV na. Applv at thol roy J'rctory Ware Rooms. ri>l'iiiibiu. j'^otjl' - —wtwt<] R.G . -I i.FFRRS* >X te CO REFORMRB PRACTICE. Dll. WM. T. BROWN, /> HAVING permanent’y its Cu!tubus, fss., can sa.T*toThe aSFctcri that he Is prepared to treat aDJorins Yfj ofiiisess'j.both ac ite ijadohroatc.Hfwou4d partcivlarly cali*the attention of tho?*= Ivooripg undir •Jir easesofe^er v character, ftshis -/orctssin thg treatment ct tuie oiass ofdiseaaosbas been *nch as to warrant him m ay:t pibat he relief in almost every ca. Hit tieatme-st for Consumption ar-d other polinooltdiaeatea cannot be rt rpas eeti. Those desiring bit geryicct msy be sure of receiviirr on ly at native Medioanon, as he * thoroughly eonvlncod tbr* the *!bog lislbTpoiftOiitruseda*'uiwaiciaat agents do mor* it>ea •gender d'.seate Gie to An assortment of raluabia med cinet on band, sueb a* Arti-dSilUone, and Acv* and.Fever Idlle. Also bis Spec flesjor GocorVhnea and Ss-pbjns, whicb be will war rtut to cur in 2 C'JS't® over E. harvard -fc Go's. Store. Dr- Brown cfn be Ounii st Hikfcta- Hose* 1 july^Tv-twina. Sulphur Medicated Vapor Baths, NO| %'A Broad-nt. Opposite to Union Bank, COLUMBUS ro A. T'”° #E Vapor ar*- now to be bed as above. •*-. Tbey have been tested in IV.ris tar 4<> years;, >n ana >o* York for many years, cud are highly eatoemod by the medics! faculty, tor theatre of various diseae>e*>ofHHoVtlnute native, such as RhenmaticAffoctiom, Dyspepsia,, Eradication ,°* y™ I Priory Irom Errysipelas, roesumption, limn chiti?. Diseasesi of the gfein. Neuralgia, Swellings tc. Numerous testimonials here and relerencrs. ol the highest character, can be bed from persons who hare taken these baths, to be seen at the mom up stabs. septl^-twtf NEW DRUG STORE. f 711 Li under- gne<l, having associated theiuseves / ! together ior the purpose of transacting a fT.. 1 Wholesale and Relail iff I DRUG BUSINESS, Would annonnee to their friends and the public generaily.that they have have taken tho eligible and .commodious Store on Broad street, a! prenioccupied b\ REDD & JOBNsUN.where oa the first of October, they will open a large and varied stook of Bnigs, Medicines,Paints, Oils & Dyestuff*, together with all such articltsas perti sti to the Drug Business. ! fvIVLIN, THOM AS UO. a. C.KIVLIB. JOS. W. THOMA?. T. B.TI. OBU, Columbaa, Ga. August 24. twGtwto. Wheat Wanted! THK Palace Millswfil pav|i§> per bushel for Prime White Wheat and $1.25 for Prime Red. UUg-Js W'twtf Partnership Dissolved. UpIIE late firm of R. 31. Altlwmlli & Cn. is this L day dissolved by mutual consent. Ali accounts due the firm must be paid to R. M. Aldworth. „ , , . R M. ALDWORTH &. CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. It. M. ALDWORTH WILL cdhtinueto carry on (he business at the old stand on Randolph Street. Work done in the best style and at the shortest notice. R. M. ALDWORTH. < oluinbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. tw6m. By Karrison, & McGehee, Auctioneers. PLANTATION FOR SALE THE undersigned will sell a bargain in his Plantation lying 7 mi es south east of Columbus, on the St M arys’ road, containing 455 acre? of Pine Land—l7o cleared and under excellent fences; every field watered with never tailing ttteams. On the premises are anew framed gin house and screw o( tiie first order; a good dwelling and all necessary outhouses, ail in good repair, with two wells ot water. Apply to G. C. Benton on the place, or to Har riso.o & McGehee, at Columbus. Terms accommodating. Sept 17 twtf # MRS. BRICE WILL re-open her .School on the hr at Wp Monday In October next. September 4, 1855. twtf. Wanted \ SITUATION, by a youug man aged 17—a good penman, gjL accountant,’ and willing to make himself generally use ul. Address box 179, I’. O. sepiS—twtf. ~ SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS V, ; To be drawn Oct. 9th, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN I BIZ P.B AMOUNTING TO SISSO^OOO Will be distributed according to the following M A G K I F I 0 E N T S C H E M E ! FT* And remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing I ami paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. CAPITALS.... $12,000 “ 5.000 “ ■ 3,000 “ 2,000 “ 1,500 “ 1,2(10 “■ l.ioo ! “ 5 of 1,000 j “ 10 of 400 ! In all prizes amounting to $59,000 j Whole Tickets §8; Halves $4; Quarters S3. Bills on rdl advent banks r.t par. Ail communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. , Sign ol the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 38, —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. 05T* All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY. Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Ceorgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners JL the Agency ami Management of the FORT -GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has csjabii-hed (he prh cipal Cilice at Atlanta, Georgia, arm intends conducting .the Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, oi’ Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR OCT. Class ©. be drawn Oct. it, LBi>s, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., when Prizes amounting to Will be distributed according to the following TRarnificent Scheme! OP* And remember every Prize is drawn so each Drawing, and paid When due VYIIHOU l’ DEDL GTI'?N! * 1 PRIZE OF s7,Abb j - 5,0011 2 ti ‘ *’ y.oeo -i * I,MK) 5 .'.OO jp * 200 J 5 tt , ton 7a 4 * !.'!! ■ 120 25 Tickets .f5; Halves §2 50; Quarters $ 25. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Aprii £l—td Atlanta, Georgia. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. .r Authority of the State of Georgia.! • Macon, Ga. GB CD* CD CD CD * CL A S S F. WILL be distributed according to the Sollowing grand and unprecedented scheme, in pub l to, <• ‘--nceri Hall. Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence of CpJ. George Td. Logan awl Janies A,Nisbet, Lsq. The Manage# announces his determination ’o make tins the most popular Lottery in the world, and challenges comparison as to the ehances to draw Prizes w: .u any .other Lottery. Remember, every-prize i-drawn at each drawing, and paid wiion due in fu.l without any reduction. TO BE DRAWN OCT. 35, 1855.; ] PRIZE OF $15,000 1 do* V 5.010 l do LOIO 1 d* 3,000 I <]o 2,000 I du 15.00 1 do : *• L'OO 5 Priisa of 1,000 50 do ‘ . 5 00 101 Prizes :n all amounting t 0.... OtO Tickets 310; Halves $3; Quarters 82 50. TENTHOUSAND NUMBERS. The chances to gain ibeCLpiud Rrua irgthe old coasbiaiticn plan is l in 75,076, in ibis 1 in’ 10.05 C-. ’ Drawingsse'.it tdfiTl ordering tickets. * AH orders,-idyou it, strictly fcoifidaaifa! Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. Registered money letters at my risk, prizes pa.d *i’gpn due “ jtbout diftctrcrd. Address IAMBS F. WINTER, Manager, }uly9i-ad M&con, Ga. F BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. I T - Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & PLANE, ATTORNE Y S AT LAW, COLUMBUS GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangements at It a#ki*gtcn City,by which all business entrusted -to them will be promptly attended to,they are enabled to proenre Bounty knuil War rants, Pmatoua, Ac., und prosecute Cl a Inis against the i'n/tfd States eillttr bCiore CU.? l grass or theseveiai 1-r ----partM* h(. fjU'fkey are plsoprepared to purchase Claims, Ac*, against the United. Slates. * • - * £0 Pug required until tAe Land Warrants, Clcim.*,ke. are procured. r JiKSS, n 4MILT U 5. VVH. F. PLANE. April 7th, 1855. w&twif. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! TM BR undersigned Staving associated themselves together for the purpose of procnrijjg BOUNTY LAND under the several acta of Congress Wuetuion pass'd, are now prepared to make application for all whowbo are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War* rams, aro, under a recent act of Congees, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office cun get all the necessary.information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension am! other claims against the United S'.ates. r :ora our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a>l claims entrus ted to our care, will be prompt *y aud speedily adjusted One qt the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give thdjmsine-ts his personal attention there. Office over Umihy k. Daniels’ Store. Columbus, Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, fel>24.. w&twtf. A. B. RAGAN. LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, -TOR THK PURCHASE ANI S A LE O F REAL ES T A T E OF ALL .DESCRIPTIONS. &c., &c., ON UANDOIim STREET, Opposite Hie Post Office, Colnrahus, On. I HAVE determined to devote my time exclusively to the LAND 1H SIN l>r : , and hope, trom my knowledge of tint lands in Georgia, to be able to give entire aalisiaction to all who may entrust me with business. 1 am prepared 10 either buy or sell, perhaps to better advantage than any othei person in Western or South- Western Georgia. If you have lauda to sell, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call uUo, tor L have mat. y valuable lotsand settlements of lauu to sell, t rom my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, i am prepar edto ascertain the owner-of almost every vacant Jot of land in the State. If you wil to have your land valued, you may rely upon correct information, upon reasonable terms. Deeds, Mrtgagfs,and other instruments, drawn err rggtlyand at low rates. wanted to sell Bonner’s large map of Georgia high per cent.given. One thing is certain,! am paying New Yon# and Washing ton Uity Prices for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Having also made an arrangement with oneof the best firms in Washington, 1 am prepared to apply lor Bounty Land Warrants, of ail sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion—to be paid for win u the wairuut arrives. 1 ring in your claims soon. As I'intcnd to makaildsa permanent business,and give it tny undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaclioc, T hope to receiver, liberal “hare of patronage, from mytrieuda and the community gom rally. H. R. BONNER, July3l—witwly Land Office, Columbus. CIGAR 51 ANUFACTOR V, ~ CRAWFORD BTRETT, tW’ Two Doot s below Rankin's Corner. keeps constantly on hand the finest HA JL VAN A CtGARS, and offers them* lor sale at the lowest pit ice's, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of American Cigars. Also* every vario y of Chewing and Smoking Toltaeco, I’ipes, Snuff, and all the articles usual ly iomid in au establishment of this kind. All goods sold by mo are warranted genuine and free from defects of any kind. Order3 from the country care fully and promptly attended to. ausrM —wAtwly JAMES ESTEVEZ. Manufacturers’ At Mechanics’ Ueitk, ) Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. $ rj'lll!-’ Instillation having be*: re-organized under new Dl -*■ rectors and Office ib,.as a local Bank •>! Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposit’ sand furnish exchange on New Yoik. Savannah. Mont gomery and other points, at the usual rates, and will take paper for collection. 11. T. TAYL< >tf. President. J.II. Fokua, Cashier. jnnettO—wt&wtf A CARD. HAVING disposed of tny entire stock of Drugs Med i(iues,iVc., to Messrs. J. 8. Pemberton, &, Cos., I cheerfully recommend them to inv *>id friends and cudoni ers. ‘i hankful lor the patronage liestowed upon nte, I would respect Killy solicit a continuance of the same to tny sdecessors*. R. GARTER. Columbus,’Ga., A*g. 21 1855 w&tw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &e., &c. J.L PEMBERTON &CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL L RUG GISTS, AT THE SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, COLLMISI S, GA. WF. have purchased.the entire .-tookm’ Urugs, rp Itffilicim■*. • htunicidß, &.c., of IKiMEUT YW TEK, and *Lj eortimH* tin- at iu* d'l la Si;iiui \Ye arc now rcct i^vii g a mil n&s<-nnHUit E2sk ot choice PniaX) Gtemlcaiij li drumruit. Perfumery, Fancy Ariiclcs, A>v* suited ali kei( he tasu-oi'thedity and wants ol the touiliy; which will betsold-sit.'price’ ihar wih tit.i iuii !< give satis faction. We r.-snectiulij i;oite< t.rimics :■ i ifce nublicto givens a call, ana we pledge in.r-.oDe- - o make Ut' the inter • crest 01 atiwbo uiay iax-r u* with* tlnnr rt>tia -.<:. I rom our long e:i;e ;•. l;ri.c-git*. yt-d wiihcioe aucnHon to bn site.'-. j , wo 11 t ’h: - -vc ti a!i no: i;<i! ioiive envi.'e atisfactlou to all who may hotner ns * Ul* a ciii. GolnTfibn.4. fin .. \ng. g 4. v Sitw’tf land” for sue, In Barbour County, Alabama f** 10l FUR lor -ale i’luntation- lying J? ieaf Clayton, in Baihmtr comity, Ala. Ka||[ One pfaVitatioii contaitw 1500 hundred M~i" : l acres of land, and i~ well iopr* v. and any pUceiu the county. The growing crop wi!i sitow toe o-.aiiiy of the land. Price, -9* t> r acre. 1 The ether jiLuv -i*utaiitj’ 9(k) ;:cr< “ of good land; 140 in cultivation,* <u which arc 60 yen - -i corn that t -me of my neighbor’- pay wiP average Rom 4U to 75 hush-.-L per acre. There is ou this place a good ioeahi-.i fr*r a tmli—with a dam airead made. Price pe.r acr<. Persons wishing io purchase bargains are respectfully in vited to cull and examine the ianth ior further particu lars address JOHN 11. MILLER, auaSl—wtvvlm. Clayton, Ala. TO PLANTERS. LIXSEYS! LINSEYS!! \ \TE call at'’ tition :r, the fact that our wi VV tier, by 2or inehe?, than usually sold here that they are mace of prime Georcia Woo!, and weigh luii 10 ouljccs to the yard. If Planter* consult their in terest th-'y will buv ot our good*. They bre the best in Georgia. aucSlwtwtf WINTER FAGTORY. dissolution” npHEC-jpartfier-hin faereto‘cre Xf-'Miij? under the firmer X. barrlsott) Arutin &> >1 cCJeJii-e, is title duv dis consent. I'er=on“ hcVliny c!e.inr>!at:aiij;t Jlie eOnc-.Tii are requested f*> pre-e> t them without relay, a<l tbo^eindebted to it will pieasti reak j it imediate pstmetit. a. s. H \hi:i j 'N, WM. AI MI v'. Columbus Crh July iM--w'v2w A.(*. Sfr.SFHIJE. • COPARTNERSHIP. f jpH E nnderjiined haTiiig-parcbaao l the imerest of Mr. WM. *• AUSTIN,Ia tue firm ot Harrison, Austiu 6c. McGebee, willeontißuetUe Auction l Commission. Xc?rro Brokerage, & For warding Business. ’under tbs name and style of HARRISON t McGEFIKK, *t the old s;and, Nos. 59and til, Ilro&d rh.rt:eU tind rta-ptcuudy sr - licit the patronage ot their friends amithe p;:blje. OH M.S.IiARRISTN, Jfa’y wf T;f. AI.LF.\C,Mcr.KMI K- A CARP. THjS Payer itimaon'metured at JioeM. Ts'smi Paper Jin#, Colantbagfei.. Three ahelfetnt# yer'lg. win be paid for Ujeau Ltueu £’-d \ a4kcn R WiS, Ptiift n% and Ut-*PP : ,#£ Parer for Sale AT i OV T 1/RICFS. Oolu usCa July IJ, •* WfctwV