The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 28, 1855, Image 4

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ivew j&obOKsJ IVew liooKs! ABBOTT’S Life of Napoleon, anew fvp- W,Truv&bjn Chinese Empire, by M. Hue, Bell Smith, Abroad; ‘7‘lie Conscript, by Dumas; Tr i-Co I ared Sketches in Pans; u Waiknfi: or Adveutureson the Aloequito _-liore, by bam- Euglish Orphans, or Home in the New VV orld, by Ma* Commonplace Book of Thoughts and I ancies, by Mrs. The “winkles: or the Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B Jone*. A Visit to the Cafnp before Sevastopol, by R.C. Mc- Cormick, Jr. of New York. CJeve Hall, by Mrs. Sewell"; The Iroquois: or the Bright Side of Indian Character, by Minnie Myrtle; Heiress of Huughton: or the Mother’s Secret, by the au thor of Aubrey; Sequel to Aubrey; Constance Herbert, by G K. Jewsbury; Missing Bride, by Mrs. Southworth, J uet received by J. W. PE ASM, aitelH—w&twtt’. 92 Broad Street. G'.OI’EKIES AND BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. INTENDING to close my btfsiaesa byfihe 13th September.! wtllseli my % Stock of Goods for <?< ST! t have Superior old JJrnaiHes, Gin, Hum, Whisky, Madeira,blter vy &Port ‘Wines. Most of these artichs have been on hand nearly two years.making them not only bettofon account otJ age, but they; cost much leas then ?t ban they won Id now.— 1 also offer fresh Porteiq Ah, Cl arret. Champagne, Sjrupsand Bitters; Cigars, tobacco, Tea, Cohce, Candies, Soap,Macker el, Salmon,r Pickled Pig, Pork, Lard. Oil,, Vinegar Pot Ash, &c., &c., all ot ihe be jt quality and for sale at cost on mndating terms. 1 wll also sell city lots,,Nos. 281,282,441, 401, 4GB, 598, 15. and a part of No. It), near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3, with a comfortable dwellii gaud outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, u uoost desirable location, beine convneient t<> the Female Academy, to the Fhurches and to business. Also fraction No. oil. containing’ about 10 acres, adjoining Wm. It. Mitchell ft!r. Comer, andtthe lands of Col. Jones, not more than on and a hah milts ironi town. Apply to P. A. CIiAT TON. N. B. —All who are indebted must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed in li e hands o* an officer. ang‘2—w &t wt f P. A. C. RAGS! RAGS! TII E ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS ABE paying lliree ami a Half cents cash per lb. for clean Linen and Cotton Rags, in qualities ol one” hun dred pounds and upwards, and 3 cents ior quantities under 10U lbs. Woolen llags not wanted. Office in front of PALACE MILLS. Columbus, Ga., Jl/ay ft, 1855. w&lwtf. BACON! ~ “ITTE will sell for CASHoron aCREIHT until the Fall or.end ▼ of the ye ir, the Best tonality of Tonnes, see Bacon! Call at R. A. Richards &. i:o’,s., James Ligon’s, Broad S;reet, Columbus Ga.,and at the store of O. Lanier, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mer clinritß. G. W. ALEXANDER, julyiy— w&twtl. J. R. JONES. WINTER FACTORY, Oolumtous, cs-au YARNS, LINSEYS, WRAPPING TWINE ’ SEWING THREAD, for sale. WOOL Carded at one fourth toll or ten cents per pound. LiNSLYS made up on shares, or 15c. per yard, ill Work done Promptly and Warranted. MOXTUO3I EfiYJM WORKS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines, Circular Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shafting or any description of MjICHIftKK J . Also Rich’s un rivalled Water WheeJs,tbe best in the world. Lynch, Page & Cos, Whittlesy & Cos., Woodruff & Goetchius,on 1 the Muscogee Rail Road,and numerous others, testify to cutting 1000 feet of Lumber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Saw Mills oi one Saw. , „ ‘ G. W. WINTER. PRICKS STILL LOWE!!. EXTRA FAMILY, per hbl.. $ ?> op Double Extr do. “ ior pastrv ... 10 py Superfine ‘ 8 00 I Genrsia superfine,... 7,y j Georgia Mills \ ’ ’ ’ y (1 y All including sacks. Usual discount when 20 harreiVaro taken at one tune. Our Extra Family and Double Extra cannot be surpassed Meal per bushel yy Sh -its, p< r hundred 1b5..., ..S 80 Brin “ § ,jy j .1)28 —wlm wtf WINTER’S PA LACE MILLS. ‘i HOY FACTORY WARE ROOMS. . c COLUMBUS, G A., JAN. Ist, 1854, Tj RDM and alter this date no goods will be sold at the .1 above establishment except for CASH ! janll— twtL WALTON K. HARRIS ! MEW SPRING GOODSJ JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. 1 cRIiNCII, English and American Prints; ’French osrnb icsujid BrilHants 1 . 8 ;otch sirci Fiencli Ginghams; all Styles. L uege, fissile sand Light* ototed Cballeys. Light S ttniner S.'.ks and Grenadines’ •V Ciioice Suletilton of Embroideries. il tnJkerchiefs, Cos! t vs, and Collars.and Sleeves to maid Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings and Bands. Ltwhsh an i German Hosiery—ul every description Datuask and Musou Drapery. also a Superior lot of Irish Linens.’ 0-t Pillow Case - Linen and Cotton. It;—i ll—lac 12-4 Cotton and Linen Sheetings. 3 ply, Ingrain and Linen Carpeting. Every description of goods usually found in our line—all o’ which will be sold at the lowest, (’ash Price-, Columbus. March 3. H 55. w*. fwte OAT STRAW, * HPHE Rock Island Paper'Mills want to nurelmse. 100 L ton ot (LEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons ol OAT S'ERAW, for which will be paid $lO per ton be paid, delivered tn bales. Colinnbin8 t -Ga.. July 31. 1955 twA- wtf, THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ELEVENTH YEAR. 7 SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS AND PRIZES. T HE Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful publica -I oon^comnio ‘iice?,ou the 1/th day ol September next l na‘*Scientific American” is an illustrated periodical devoted chiefly to the promulgation of information relatino toth§ various Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Man” maetures, Agriculture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering Mid work, and all interests which the light of'practical science is calculated to advance. F Reports ot U. S. Patents granted are also published eve ry week, including Official Copies of all the Patent Claims U 1 ,iCWS *“ and in tonmilio:i upon thousands ol oth .lJ.ilV lh ? Scie,ltit * American are among ThJ lot ln '. !l n f beient,he a,ld practical men of the times” 1 he eddonal Department is universally acknowledged to be conducted w,threat ability, and to be disd.Sed ‘sionTbm lo'r le “ Ce a ” d L trL V of its'discus and falsi h wi/i leaßn f j W - ,th which el ' ror combatted ana ia.s. intones are exploded. t.,rrr- li V iniCS, 9" veuU * rs ’ Engineers, ChemUts, Mdnuiac l ife wdl'find a ,v people ln ever 5 r profession in Dih II had the bcientihc Ame-iean to great value wW.’T < T ANARUS! f"!"**. >,oiici| S ami , hundieds of dollars annually, beetles af o.duu them a continual soyred of knowledge, the expe i wfneii is beyond peeuuiaty estimate. n , American is published once a week; eve er contamaaght large quarto pages, forming an* “everil t,n°\ ni) i ete a . nd , spierxfiid - volume, illustrateci with several tiundreo original engravings. Specimen copies sent gratis. G —Single subscriptions $2 a year, or Si for ‘Vor f i ■ ?M V u COp,Oi ’ so / - s,x mrtnths i a year SB. 1 hli" b t^. a | ld, °r statement of the fourteen -HnerUan h liflzesoffdred !, - v thc publishers, sch.> Sdentitic otamps, tuaen at par tor suW.riptious. Letters should be directed (post paid) to MUNN &, m * 128 Fulton Street. New York. f*\ ti,' 1 e " rs ‘ !C have been, for many years, f ln : IS V n ; y 1, .‘ Utocuunp patents tor new inven n , ani wdi advise inventors, without regard * ,} n ‘"ti'y o’ sh-u improvement. aug2l wt”w —- GEORGIA, Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, July Term , 1855. rIAVTS Gay administrator on the estate of Erasmus Gay, J tateof sHi<l coufrty deeased. having petUloued this court 1 from said administration, and it appearing to 1 tbdtlie court-that he has fully completed the adminitlration ; of said estate: It is ordered, that all and singular tire parties I in erei-ted,show t-auee at the next January Term of this court, why he should not be dismissed, otherwise letters of dismis sion will then be granted. Given under my hand, at office, July sth, Tgss. ju!j6—w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, Earty county. Court of Ordinary for said county, June Term, 135t>. r pHOM AS Speight, administrator of Joses B. S. Holmes, de- A cease .having fnlly administered on the estate of said de ceased,lsrnl made a final return of his acts thereon, and peti tionededtbe court for lettersDismissory: It ordeied that all persons interested shew cause to the contary, if any; they have, or said be gran ted said applicant at the January Term next ot our court. A true extruei Horn the minutes of said Court, this June 15, 1855. juulß—wtim 8. SLSTAFFOKD, Ord. GEORGIA, Taylor county.—Whereas, Willis Alc- Lendou applies to me ior letters of administration on the estate of Mary McLendon, late of said county deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they have, in this office, on or before the next term of s;.id court, otherwise letters will be grauted to the said applicant. Given under my hand the 3d August, 1855. August.6—w4Qd. JOHN. STURDIVANT,,Ord. Executor’s Sale. WILL besold at the Market House, in the city of Columbus vl/uscogee county, Ga, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale: The plantation be longing to the eslate of Richard Dozier, late of said county deceased—containing two hundred sixty-two and a half acres, more, or le*-; situated in the 9th district of said county, whereon said deceased resided at the time of his death. Said Plantation is in a high state of cultivation, having all the usual buildings i necessary for dwelling and farming purposes. Sold by virtue i of authority in ine vested, by the last will and testimony ot said df-r<-a/ and. JNO. B. DOZIER, Kx’r. i vIAKY M. POWELL, l i.ibel for Divorce in Randolph vs. [-Superior Court, April Term, IENDERSON POWELL. S 185,'). if appearing to the Court, Ify the return oLthe Sheriff, that the said Henderson Powell, defendant, does not reside in i tins county, and it further ai pearing that the said Defendant | does not reside in lhi3 State. It is therefore, on motion of j Counsel for the 1 said Mary Powell, Plaintiff, ordered by the j Conn, that the said Defendant appear and answer at thc next ; Term <d this Court, or that said cause be considered in default, j and that said Libellant be allowed to proceed, and that this | order be published in the Columbus Times and Sentinel, one I °f the gazettes of this State, once a month for four months, | previous to the next term of this Court. WILLIAM C. PERKIN?, J.S.C. S. W. C. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. D. JORDAN. June 5, 18.'i5. m4m State of Georgia, Early County: Court of Ordinary, May Term 1855. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of William Griffin, that MaUhew Perryman, late of said county deceased,did in bis lifetime execute to William G. Wood his bond, condi tioned to execute good and sufficient titles to said William G. j Wood for lot of land No. 91. in the 28th District, of Eariy j county: Audit furthci appearing that said jWatthcw Perryman j departed this liie without executing titles for said land, or in j any way pioviding therefor, and before the purchase money ) for said land was due; And it further appearing that said William G. Wood for value received and by endorsement transferred said Bond to the said William ,Griffin, on a certain day, in said (petition mentioned; And it further appearing that said William Griffin has fully paid the amount of the pur chase money for said lot of land to Benjamin Collier, adminis trator on the estate of said Matthew Perryman deceased; And said William Griffin having pttßioned this Court to direct the -aid Benjamin Collier, administrator as aforesaid, to “execute to him titles for said lot of land in conformity with said boi and. It is therefore hereby ordered, that notice be given at three or more public places in said county, and in the Columbus Times & Sentinel for three mouths of such application, that all per sons concerned may file objections in the said Ordinary’s of fice (if any they have) why said Benjamin Collier, administra tor as aforesaid, should.not execute titles to said lot ol land in conformity to said Bond as required by law. A true extract from the minutes of said court, this May 9th, thv- iniin- w!>m -J STAFFORD. Ord v. c. GEORGIA Muscogee county: Court of Ordinary , May Term, 1855. I> RLE NI Sl.—Levicy Lowe, Administratrix on the es \j late of Wm. Lowe, deceased, having applied for letters of Dismission: Gn motion, it is Ordered, that all persons concerned show ftanse, if any they have, why said administratrix may not be lisinissed fu til said administration at the Courtof Ordinary to be held in and for said conuty eu the first Monday in December next. A true transcript from the minutes of said Court, Jlfay. 2isf, 1855. umv2lwHm J<*HN JOHNSON.Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. I WILL sell at public auction at the Murket House, in the City of Columbus. Muscogee county, the Ist Tucs day in October next, the following property to wit: Two ami a half shares of the stock ol the Muscogee Rail Road, and forty shares of the Stock ot the liov ard Manufac turing Company in the City of ‘Jolumbu?, sold in obedience to a decree in Chancery from the Superior Court of A/uscogee County, and as the property of Martin J. Kendrick, late of said county deceased. Sold for Cash and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. WM. A. REDD, Adm’r. | ” jnlvlU—wt.iltatoct. of M. .T. Kendrick, de’e. j Administrator’s |Sale.—Will be sold on the first ’ ‘ ‘ Ttlesaut in October next, at the court house door in Cus- I seta, Chattahoochee county, Ga., the West half of lot. of land j number live-in the 6th district of said county, containing 100 i >4 acres. Sold as the properly of Aaron Piemen, late of said • county deceased, by order of the Ordinary. aiiglO— w4od ROBT, K. PICK REN, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Early county. Court of Ordinary /for said County March Term, 1355. I'HIOMAS L>. ANDREWS, administrator de bonis non on the _ ‘estate of John Jones, deceased, having made final return of his acts as such and petitioned for letters djsipissorj: Disordered that ail persons concerned, show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant at the October Term 1855, of onr court. w • A true extract from the minutes, March 17th, 1855. marSfi—wfim. 8. S. STAFFORD, Ord. A dmlnistrator’s Sale.--By virtue of ah nrderof the Court of Ordinary of Early county, will be sold on the Ist Tuesday in November next, before the Court House in Blakily. the Plantation belonging to the estate ol Matthew Perrjinau, deceased, containing twelve .hundred and tweuty eight | 4 acres; of which thr*\c hundred a.iii thirty acres are open and in cultivation; with water-vin and good improve, menls thereon, t-aid plantation consists of pots N05.299, 302- 341, 377,384,and pari of Nos 378,*383, 39? and 399, all lying and being in the Fifth District of Early county. Lots Nos. 2t9 and 302 will besold separately. Persons desirous of ex amining die premises before sate will cail on M. T Parrvinan, on the place. fcUid tor distribution, and tern.smade known on day of sale, by BLNJ. COLLIER, Blakely, sept 7, 1555 Adm’r of M. Perryman, deceased. .w-!0d GEORGIA. Early County: Court of Ordinary,. August Term, 1855. I T>tileNi Si. —Thomas B. Andrew?, administrator on the i XV es'ute of bner W. Jones, dej’d, having made a din u l re turn and applied tor Letters Dismissorj: It is ordered, That all persons concerned show cause, it any they have, why said letters may not be grunted said adminis i trator at the March term next of the Court of Ordinary ior said ! county. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, August 7th, 1855. septl—wtkn S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. DISSOLUTION. THU Firm of Truai Si, Vanden Berg was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist pf April 1855.* The undersigned having purchased of Alt. J. L.Trusxhis in : terest in the former Arm, will continuethe MUSIC BUSINESS I mall its branches at their old stand | NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Where can always be found a large selection of Mffli raimjfrnt , Front the Manufactories in the United States, ofall Styles 1. and PPJCES. ALSO , Melodianss, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamlmvlncs, Flutes, Flutinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Cinrionetts, Flagcoletts and Fifes. Also, xill kinds of BRASS I.VSTRU'MEIVTS for BAM BS, together with Bass and Tknou 1), Uts:. rtfRINOS of am. kin’hs. and the Largest Assort inent ; of SHEET MUSIC for sll the above named instruments that can he found South of Philadelphia. 8 cond hand Pianos taken in exchange when new oner are .bought, and the highest prices “allowed tor old ones, i J3*“ Second hand Pianos ior Saloor Rent. Pianos. Organs, Melodlans, and all-Uher Winds o, Musical Instruments in the best manucr, and at tin shortest notice, and warr iutedlo give 1 entire satisfaction. All orders leii at our store will he promptlj attended io. T. H VANDEN BHKjI, 78 Broid Street,Siam of the Mammoth Fiddle, i Colombue, May 5*1855. w&twtf. m w • • AND NEWS fAPER. OF ALL SIZES QUALITIES, IFOR &j. LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS, TFRSfS CASH. jur.l6—vv&twtf STARTLING, BUT TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to year in that pitiable condition as not even for one day to feel the happy acd exhilarating influ ence incident to the enjoyment of health. THE BLOOMING BRIDE, But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the iinprese of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health a3 connected with tho mar riage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often BEESBITAEY COMPLAINTS UPON THE CHILDREN “ D.NTO the third and fourtijl generation,” Transmitting CONSUMPTION’, SCROFULA, HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT. KINO’S EVIL, and other and worse Diseases, aa a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENTS. lt And must thia continue? Must this be? Is there no remedy? No relief? No hope?” The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. These are pointed out in THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY Bit. A. SI. SIAURICE.\U, PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OP WOOIEV. One Hundredth Edition, (000,000), lSwo., pp. 250. [ON FINK PAFKU, EXTRA BINDINO, $1.00.] A standard work of established reputation, found classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales in New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal booksellers in tho United States. It was first published in 1847, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, attesting the high estimation in which it ia held as a re liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE tho anthor having devoted his exclusive attention to the treatment of compiaints peculiar to females, in respect to which he is yearly consulted by thousands both in person and by letter. Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her own symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and tho proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of instruction and advice of tho utmost importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such in struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. How many are suturing from obstructions or irregular ities peculiar to tho female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Many suffering from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or from Jlmr albus Weakness, debility* &c.) Many are in constant agony for many months preceding confine ment. Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hazarded daring such time, will each find in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully the various flubjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly in tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a lather? a wife or a mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you lov at heart! Prove your sincerity, and lose no time in learning what causes interfere with their health and hap piness not less than your own. It will avoid to you and yonrs, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting those means for medical attendance, mediciuAii and advertised nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining years, the infirmities of age and tho proper education of your children. In consequence of the universal popularity of the work, am evidenced by its extraordinary jsale, various imposi tions have been attempted, as well on booksellers as o a the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and deceptions, it has been found cece-ssftry, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless the words’ “Dr. A. M. Maukickac, 129 Liberty Street, N. Y.,” is on (and ihe entry in the Clerk’s Office on tho back of) the title page ; and buy only of respectable .and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. ii. Mauriceau. Upon receipt of One Dollar “ THE MAR RIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION” is sent (mailed free) to any part of the United Siates, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters mast be post-paid, and addressed to Dr, A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, New-York City Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New* York. AGENTS FOR GEORGIA. L E Welch, Albany—E J White Jl/illedgeville—Tiojal fc Fears, McDonough—C Youngblood, Oglethorpe-WiuKay, At lanta-TbosT Christian, Dalton—Jones and Blakely and Richards, Lagrange—W A ScandicU, Gtffln—J B Cubbtidge, Savannah. *J:m. 22 1855. vI v Administrator’s Sale. —Will be sold at the court house in Cusseta, Chattahoochee county, (la., on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale:— Lot of land No. two hundred and seventeen in the tith district of originally Muscogee, now Chattahoochee county, sold as the property of .Jessy Nelson, late oT said county de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors cf said dec’ll. auglß—w4od. M. D. WALL, admV. GEORGIA, Early county: Court of Ordinary, August Term, 1855. i T7> ule 3H Si.—Reuben McCprquadale, administrator bn the I XV estate of John McCorquadale deceased, having aplied lor j Letters Dissmissory: I ft. is ordered, that ajl we rsons c nterned show cause, if any ‘ : they have, why said letters may not be granted said ad minis* j ; trator, at the March term next of the court oj, ordinary of said ■ ■ county. A times. transcript from the minutes of said court, August 7th 1 1855. auglO—wfini ts. 8. STAFFORD,Ord. ; j GEORGIA, Early county: Court of Ordinary, August YVrw,JSSS. Rule JY i Si.—Sarah Hays, administratrix bn the estate of I John Hays, deceased, having applied for Letters Dis- j | missory: It is Ordered, That, all persons concerned, show cause, if : any they have, why said administratrix may not be dismissed ! from said administration at the Court o£ Oj dinary to be held | in and for said county on the first Monday in March next. A true transcript from the minutes, of said court, August 7th, | 1855. an‘oo—w*n S. S, STAFFORD, Ord. GEORGIA, Early County: Court of Ordinary, April Tam, 1855. Rule Nisi, —Benjamin L. Wolf, administrator ontfcees ■ tate of Ann Ward, deceased, having made a final return and petitioned the Court for Letters Disnnssorj: It is ordered, That all persons interested show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he granie 1 to said ap plicant at the November Term next, of the Court of ( rdinary tor said county A true transcript from the minute? of said Court, April 3d, 1855. septl—wfuu. S-S. STAFFORD,Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale.—Agreeably io an. order of the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee County, will be sold at the Market House, in the city of Columbus,ou the first Tuesday in November next, a negro girl named Ara minta, L3 years old; also the House and Lot. containing about one acre, where Wm. A. Lynn, dec'd resided in his lifetime, being situated near the North Common of Co lumbus, on the road leading to Hamilton. Also will be -old on the premises where said deceased resided, on Sat urday, the 4th day of November, the household and kitch en furnitSVe of said deceased. Terms for the house and Lot and Negro, made known ; on the day .of sale. For the household and kitchen furni- [ lure,cash. NANCY M. LVNN,Adm’x. Sept. IS, 1555. twltwtd. * Mary Baker ) Bill for Discovery, Relief, and i vs. > Injunction, returnable fto Chat- I Wftiis P. Baker, it others, j tahooebee SuperibrjC’onrt,Nov. I Terra, 1855. rTappeariogtomeon the affidavit of ibe Complaioant, in the X above-Bill, that one of the Defendants therein Willis P. Baker, resides beyond the limits of this State, If is or.* uered thatthe§aid WilKsuP < sppear and’plead, answer Sr’ ee ■nur,t®aa>4 Bill a* the next term of ths -aid* court, asd that, mblication of thisorder be made, as ser’Mce of saVf bfli on vV!HsP n In one oPthe public gazettes of tire city-of CclnmbuV u:ce a month for four mecthJ. , Witness rcy official signature, this the 30tj> day ofiMay. 1855 i junli—wm4m. EDMUND H, WORTULL. i. rd.■ ,r. I READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHING TO ORDER & GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS! J. 8® HilllS, ft fBO-MAS, ASS 9 iBS r JC. iV - ‘ ■ * • ** HAVE now in Store a large well assorted ami carefully selected Stock of Boy’s South's and Gentlemen's | Fashionably Cut and Well Made Clothing, of their own Manufacture. A Beautiful Assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, &C. jAJL.S€>, AN EXCEEDINGLY LARGE STOCK OF | Which (havings upplied themselves with the best mechanics that can be commanded in the i City of New York,) they are prepared to manufacture in a style of cut and finish, never before ! known in this city. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 23 1855 r, w&twtf. *l. * ‘ * ; FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKAW &CO., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to their interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as DMIEL ROWE AND GEO. H. BETZ Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. | A Takes this method of informing his friends that he is now permanent! v located at | i. a® smosftw ft eo s. : Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attention toall who may desire i ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. w&twtf Is now put up in the Largest Sized, Rattles, and is acknovl- ; i edged to be the. best Sarsaparilla made , as is certified by the icon 's derful cures it has performed, the original copies of which are \ nt. the possession of the Proprietor. Remember, this is the only j i true and original article. f Scrofula, Syphillis, Mercnlial Complaints, Cancer, Gangrene j ] Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other diseases are speedily I ; perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. Read the following Certificate : Tallapoosa Cos., Ala.,Jan. 2, 1852. j j D*ar Sir:— l send you this to certify to you that your Ex-j ] tract of Yeilow Dock and Sarsaparilla* lias performed one of { i the most ’vonderful cures on me that has ever been effected on i ’ m m. I have been afflicted for forty year* wild eruptions on my j | legs and feet: in 184s they got so bad that 1 rad to go on • j crutches, and In 1849 i had one leg amputated above the knee, j In about nine months after my other leg .broke out in large f : eatingaud running sores from my knee to my foot, and dis- i j charged a great deal of offensive matter. My groin broke ; : out in large biles, #hich discharged much offensive matter, and ; at the same time my left baud broke out in large running sores ; nearly to my elbow. The misery that l have suffered for tho last two years I can ! uot desciibe to you. 1 was in such agony that I never rested i day or night. i In October last my sou brought me one of your bottle wrap j pers; I read it, and found record of some wonderful cures ; performed by your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla” I I sent and got two bottles of it. and commenced taking it. In | two weeks, to toy great, astonishment, my son c all became en i fry, and I could sleep all night, u tiling I had uot done for two : years’ When I had taken six bottles, tny sores had nearly all ; healed. My sores got well as if by enchantment, I have now j used in all eight bottles ol your “Extract of Yellow Dock and j Sarsaparilla,” and now consider myself well. 1 entreat all of the afficited to try this medicine, tori believe ! it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside alt ‘prejudice and just try it, and proclaim fits great worth to i suffering mankind and entreat them to take it,Tor it will cure | them. My case is well known in a large portion of South Carolina, j Georgia and Alabama, and it any should doubt the above | cure,l iuvite them to call oh nte, and! will show them the j scars, i can be found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, one ; mile from S toe’s Ferry. RENAJAH HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for I females of delicate health, resulting from irregularity of men ! strual discharges, and other dieases peculiar to their sex, — j The proprietor basin his possession es a great number of cer i tifleates of cures, performed of the above description. We j assure the atTFcted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guy sett's Ex | tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate j those difficulties aud renew the natural energies. up in quart bottle—price B>l per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Scovill & Meead, Chartres Street, N. 0. General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. ALSO SOLD BY David Young, ColnmbutoGa.. J T. Reese, Greenville, Brooks* & Chapman, “ “T. J. Hunt &Cos Whitesville Danfortii &, Nagle, “ “B. H. Head Lumpkin. Ga. Robert Carter, “ “E. Willis &, Cos., Taibotton, J. F. Woodbury,Hamilton, G. J. Briggs, Buena Vista,Ga june2B w&twtl LINCH’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC POWDERS. WONDERFULLY EFFICACIOUS IN Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout & Sciatica. For the above Diseases, a Safe, Speedy, and Radical cure is found, in “Linch’s Anti-Rheumatic Pow- ders”— the greatest Remedy now known , for Rheu> ; mutism in any of its forms. A MONO the many nostrums of the day, so lauded as cures VX tor Rheumatism, none have ever yet been discovered to be possessed <>f half the curative powers of these powders. 1 Let those atllicted who desire relifet from suffering, but pro cure a Box or two of these invaluable powders, and follow strictly the directions, and their magic effect will soon be felt in a total absence of pain. t3TTnt up in Tin Boxes of sixty (6tD Powders each—Dircc tions around the Box Byariangement with Dr. .T. G. Gibson, their Discoverer, these Powders will hereaft’ r he manufactured ami sold by B. IV. Adams, of Kaforton, Putnarn County, Ga. ; Orders directed to lilm .vilJ meet with prompt attention, pro i vided the Cash accompanies the order. [ Price ?optr box. t-ohd bv ■ ‘ BBOUKS&CHAPMAN, ! 5. 181-5, sui Columbus, G:t. STOVES & TIN WARE. have no hand a line assortment of coc/v/vo .v “Or f ;.v ,t.vo T/V-rr.l/iK, for sale Cheap * ‘ If oofliiK*n* Guttering promptly attended to and 1 Warranted. - ‘ . maylSl—tw4fn. R. M. AI.DWr>RTIi. h O. BATHING TUBS? Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, ! And made to'ord*r of Copper, Tin or Zlgc. majrl9~tw4m. R. M. ALDWORTH <fe CO. ‘ JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVII, ENGINEER AM) SURVEY OH. COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. j \ RCHITECTURALJtegieng and Working Plans for Build i I\. iiigs furnished. Artificer’s work calculated, Surveys f : land made, and Topograpical plans furnished with accuracy, ’ neatness and despatch ■ fjf” Office over Go!, llelt’e Law Office | Columbus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. ; GEORGIA —Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, June Term, 1855. ORDERED* That all and singular the parties intcrested,?hew cause on or before the next January Term of tliis Court, I why Allen James, adm’r , and Parah Butts, adn.'x., on thees- I fate of Spyrns Butts, Oec’d, should not be dismissed in m their 1 said administration, otherwise they tv ill then be dismissed. Given under m\ hand the fifth day of July, Ibao. july7-wfm t). Pi BFALL. Ordinary. SETTLE U?, A LL persons indebted to the late hrin of 1t'11.1.19 fits ft FKKGtUSOJf. are hereby notified that unless their Notes r and Accounts are settled before the first of June, they will have to settle with someone else. may 17—w&twtf TIJIS Medicine is prepared by a regular bred Southern Phy sician who lias practiced hie precession for the last einht i een years in the State of Alabama. It will be tound upon a 1 fair trial to be the most, prow/it and effectual remedy for nil diseases ot the i’hkst and Li nos ever discovered,and when every other lemedy tails this is sure to give relief. The greatest care has ben taken in its preparation, being compounded on the most scientific principles. in it* composi tion is embraced a combination of the mist <- •< -tie and •fire• j live Rjprclurdnls , Anodynes and Scdotires which tfre known to j possess the highest repute with all intelligent menders e>l the ! Meoieal Profession. Nofact can be more, self evident than that this preparation has already acquired high reputation and great popularity wherever it has been introduced. Assuming no extra* rdina } ry pretensions, but rtlyingsi lelyupon its own intrinsic virtues, | this valuable medicine, invented and pieparetl by an expiri enced Southern Phynician alter many years of practical invos ; tigation-andapplication, has at length seemed the mod nn* , limited confidence, w herever it has been infroduced, as acer taiu remedial agent jn alt diseases ot the respiratory orfsi.?. j If the unsolicited testimony of skillful physicians, profound I lawyers.and eminent divines, together with others ot high ! character, learning and discrimination, ca be any evidence o f j its intrinsic superiority, certainly it bus a claim open the geti i erous confidence of an enlightened and discriminating c< in* | rannity. A train of diseases so desolating, so withering, so j general and tata! in their results, lies at length wet with a n-m ----: edythat nivir fails to cork, unless by long and criminrl neglect or injudicious tr. atmenttbe disease lias c< mpl tely un : derinined theconstituiion, aud nothing has been lelt to unr the fair labric of health upon, but its ruinedai ddcsolated fig ments. A remedy therefore that can be relied (upon, £thatwii.l YlKf.r. IMMEDIATE RELIIfr. THAT WILL CORK TtETOKP A DOfßT.if the directions are faithfully followed, is priceless, lorhealth is paramount to all earthly consideralinns, and by far the most inestimable treasure this world can hfford. Dr Peon, a dis ; tinguished physician of Macon, Ga., says, “that in every iu j stance he has found this preparation a safe and prompt rV ire dy for all pnlmonnrv diseases, and tal:Ts pleasure in recom mending it as a reliable anodyne expectorant,” Dr. Tennant, of Marietta, Ga., a physician of r decidedly high reputation a J an abie and experienced practitioner, enterta.ns and txpmrrs the same opinion, and recommends it extecsive yin I,i~ yrac tice. Dr. P.M.Cohen, of Char e.-ton. £- G., the senior partner in the extet sive Wholesale and Importing Drue House of P. M.Cohen & Co.,recommend sit in the 1 igheaf t'rins.aiu! says this preparation IrasAhe highest characterln that city.and that altogether in liis family with invariable success. Pr. W. A. Booth, ot Memphis, T.eun., ex pi esses ’be mo si exaliul opinion of its efii.'acy. Dr.J. B. l.Ui- of Hi ploy .Fits., re commends it high!and prescribes!* n trsprncticr. In addition to the Above, the iuvtnlorsnd proprietor ot if is Medicine has an almost inuumeaable number of tv-trmoms!; es its efficacy and high character,and is daily receiv me moie. Sold-bynll wholesale and retail Druggists everywhere. nd iuColutpbas by Messrs Brooks & Chapman; linnfnrth Ac Nay ! <; Robt. Carter; Robert A. Ware, ard ItevH Yoiji g. Price One D* liar per Bottle, or ,hix Dotter forFi'e Dollais- I3P*•: , AOTtoK.—Montxgenuine. unless! here i i a Ti c vice I on- ? graving on the outside, with the fac-eimile of ('//. II ’■ ‘ LLiMS, M. T> . engrave*! tberoB —al J o, tiva uam*- f ‘ w ’ ,r ‘ name of the medicine are Mown hi the glass. ~ He inre tr* O r Dr C Witpams’ P*;lmo>ec Belsam J Cherry arm Wood Naptha, ted other bed “P°® • ’ - i3 your life rn ay depend upon your caution In ‘!)•-> par'icuar All orders tor this valuable medicine should he addresfC - : 1 to Messrs. Wilkinson fc Duryeo. BcatsviPe, Ala., who srfc b ? g r tera! Effeafsfor tbs Eaitlferc Sister. C. ’VI! I.IA Mr 3 , M T —w4*swly Tnaruu.bie,