The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 03, 1855, Image 1

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Ilf ailes & Sentinel. VOLUME IHJ TUfj TIMES & SENTINEL. fLixkiil LOifiAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, r. D I TO RS *A N D V P ROPRIETORS. fHE nil-vVIiIiKLV, T£MKS <fc SKNTISKL g puoliihkl aVIjSkV *f 'E/f VFS tj.rt Y ami miDA Y JtiuhA lX(i and rUHDJI Y F.yEJYVjYG. Ttiid iVtdMidLLY I’iafij -sc. SffiiS TIN ISL published ev.erf TsJESf)AY JIIOIiXIXQ. Offico on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office. TttiCMS: TRf-WEEIvLYjFivK DollaUh per annum, in advance. VVEEK.U K, rwd DoSLARa per annum,in advance. , , r inserted at Oik Dollar pet-square, for the first insei lion, and fifty cents for every sub gequent insertion. ..ioeraldeductionwiiibe made for yearly advertisements. titles of Land atul N&jroes. by Administrators, Executors,or Guardians, are required “by law lo be held on the first Tuesday in the nouth. between the hours of ten in the forenoon and tniee iusthe itier.o-*n,at.tbo Court (louse in the county in which the property ‘ Mit.iato; -Notices o f these sales must be given in a public ’-i/.Mv fjrtv iays previous to tne day of sale. JVoti ‘s >. iev.h- of Personal Property must bo given at least D In./ previous lo the-day-otsale. U ■ - • .* Hors ai i Creditors of an Estate must be publish ed for t.l, .. V #ti- 4 be the Court o Ordinary for leave t ll .and r Negroes, must bo. published eeklyfor two ‘month >.. Citation-; r 1.0Ue!% of Administration must bo published thirty hys >r .tb uiiirsion rom Administration, monthly sir months —for >is ‘uronu Guardianship forty days. Rules'o* orcein ‘.(orfsage tnim be published monthly for four months Tor establishing lost papers, for ike full space of t.hrsr. nont.hs for - >rntelling titles from Executors or Admin- Ist-a-tors, where a ,)pn-i tias been given by tlie deceased, the full sip ice if three months Publication- willalways he continued according to these,th j. .•,) jnirp-ueoti o>less it.horw’se ordered BUSINESS CARDS. RRINTIiG^A^D^BOOKMiroiNG. H WING connected without Printing. Office, a full and complete, assortment of Book Binder’s tools and etocn.. and also added to our Frit ting materials, we are now prepared to execute, in good style and with despatch,every’ kind of work in either braueh of the business, on the best terms. ■* j” II Ij VNK ‘WORK, of overy description, with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. W VSIH HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts. Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &.c , executed neatly and promptly, and bouud in any desired stvio. * R VILRi) Vl> INI) STEAMBOAT BLANKS, of all kinds got up.witli accuracy and dispatch Bill # ffosifss,'Cards, Circulars, (land Bills, Posters, Programmes, &e., Ac., printed in the shor test notice and in the best style. Magazine and Pamphlets pm up in every stylo o binding. Bookao all kinds rebound strongly and neatly. LOMAX ELLIS. Colurnb S, Apfil 15,185-1. DR. T. STEWART, f HAVING returned toXJulumbua would reepectfullyun nounce that^ 1 -he has resumed hi* practice of Medicine and Surgery. Columbus,Ga., Dee. 7. 1854. wfclwtf DENTISTdY. J. FOBLE, D. D. 2. as--or iceon Randolph near Broad Street. nolnmbiq t ,jo!i; —1855. *&tf. ROBERT AT. HOWARD, ATTO It S E Y A T LA W , CRAWFORD, ALA Sepjtember%flßf). r . # _ —tw&\v;f. ROB ER F E. DIXON, ATTORNEY A T LAW, colvmbus , Georgia i Office over Is. Barnard’s & Co.’s Store Aprils*— ; JA,VI E 8 I! AM I VV M. F. PLA N E IJAMiLTON & PLANE, Att o rue y s at Law, Columbus, Geu. Will practice in the Courts of the adjoining counties n this State and Alabama. tiecn—w&twlf. DENrosr & PHILIPS, A T T o xys e y:,s at l a w . \X7 ILL Practice iiouie different courts of Riissell comity, 1 ’ Alabama. ADORES*"* R. WA rsOiV L)l\ N’TOX, JOHN M. PHILIPS, Columbus, Ga. Crawford, Ala Sept 15, 1854*. . w&.twiy. i PEYTON H. COLQUITT, V ‘I'T ORiN Es A T LA W , CO! I 3! a US, GA. | S>*” < Mice in SuMaryE Brnik Bffiiding. w.vtt.a'. J. M. liITSSKLL, ATTOIt X*. V A T Jj AVV > clffice at present. . i*h G E T'wnias, R?q.. over .) K CtUl & Cos j Bro.ul <ilire<st—€olumtms. Geor ‘h. G > i > -i. i wirtwtf | TEA, O* Vsi qualities on hand and for salelvv ai ! mi HVVrORi’M &. NAGU:. WOOL CARDED A N D VI A x\ 15 F A C T U R ED. W ( 40UOrandw 1 •; *>>ll <*r 10 cents per lb. Manufactured ini > la.s-*t;> umi ires of pile half, or ti>teen e* nts per vd. i Columbus, maj n. ’ WIN IKU FACTORY. j TUK FINEST LOT OF bacon in vi s Ever offered in this market, for sale by A. M ALLEN, _ , , ‘ 117 Broad street CVdiimhu*.sept 27—twi wtf UVuGIMI AM) BALK ROPE. “1 A A Bales India Bagging. JAR; 500 Cons iio>c. GREEN WOOD A GRIMES. Columbus, Sept 13, 1854—t\v& wtf BAGOEf & FLOUR. JUST RECEWRU i i iVAA POUNDS ! t:\ Si'S'iUU k B.HO:N, lUwSovv H’O Tenaessbe Fiour. 40 Bole. Howard Street Flour— a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted.S'opk ol GBOCUIUES which wi'lbe sold at thv 1 owe.-1 market price Bv ANDRE WS, RIDG WAY & CO. CojumbuK Ga.. May 29, 1855 wjctwtf. NOTICE. OUflftlcn<it auA patrons are hereby npuSed that citeum staacei make ft absolu'oty necessary that we should have a Lea on every hor. e boarded at our stable t>y the raomh or year, ” We tteerelbit, “herotiy give notice, that out right of‘lieu shall enter into and become a part of contract for tbe or boiird or fci ramth6 tight'e nrbree said Hc-b, ®lf, ntfbisa ; rj. “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 1855 RICHARD HOOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHATTANOGHA, TENN. WILL attend promptly to the purchase of COUNTRY PRODUCE, or auv other business entrusted to his care. May 13 —twly 100,000 POUNDS BAGS WANTED. WE will pay ‘2% cents per pound forone hundred thousand pounds clean LINEN AND COTTON RAGS, in quanti ties! ol 100 pounds and over. JEFFERSON Sl HAMILTON. Columbus; Ga. Feb. 15, 1855. LUMBER, LUMBER. THE undersigned are prepared to .furnish Oak, Hickory, Poplar, Ash, Beach and Pine Lumber from their Miliar market prices, delivered on Railroad or in Columbus. Per pons wishing lumber, will leave their bills at the Auction Room of Harrison, Austin & McGehee, w here they will be promptlv attend to. dec 23—twtf. BRO. DK. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE ;OVER MIiLLFORD’S OS BROAD STREET, COX.UX33U3, esoasiA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. J. A. FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office in St. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. Kefckences : T LfIMAX. KSQ., MANLEY & HODeES, PH “■ A STANFORD, K FATTEN. ColumhuA. (ct 7—tw I y WM. PERKY, ATTO RN E Y A T LA VV COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. \\TILL practice in this and adjoining counties, particu \ lar attention paid to tlie securing and collection ol j debts. Office with Col A. McDougald. deel4—tw lm. ROPE. FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Just received and foreale atthc Alabama Warehouse b} J. I. RIDGWAY. I Columbus,Ga., Muy 4—twtf NOTICE. OL'Rtitore was broken into on the night of the ;.'d iuat, and all our notes and papers taken therefrom. All persons who have executed any uolc-s payable to us oi to A. 8. Hays, or who may know the tact of our holding then notes or obiiastions, are heteby cautioned agait st paying them to any person except J. W. fcappingtoii or to us. iuly.—twtf It. F. I'LLIS &. CO. VV’eekly Enquirer and Corner Stone <-.opy t wice. Drs. BROOKS & OARRIGER. f HAVING associated iic.-sscd ves together in tee various branches of their proses -ion, they will be onabled there by to give more general sati daction to all who may favor them with the’r confidence. Dr. Oarriger is fully prepared and willgive special attentionto alicasesot SURGERY entrusted to his care. Office in Winter’s Rank Building*. Columbus, Jan. M—twtf EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO. COLUMBUS, GA. The f nctorv, now being in full operation, is able to supply (on their usual terms) promptly a ordered, the various styles ol their Manufacutures, which consists ol the following variety: YARNS,OSN’ABURGS,4-t SHEETINGS I SIHRT ING, Cotton S’ripes, of great variety of Pattern; COTTO \A BKS, embra cine many new sttvles; \e§rro Kerseys & Pine Knot Plains; Planters’ Casimeres, Truck for Trowsers, Sewing Thread, Shop Twine, Mattressaa, Batting ,&c. fry**” To Cash purchasers inducements will bo obreed dec2B—twtf. J. R.BROWNE, Ag’t. @£Ep|i MUSICAL. sif 3 M. SAR ONI w ould respect-J ”!f U fully fufoim his friends and the “citizens n- C-lumbus that lie wiHAeiiirn Cos ins duties rn or about the 30tli of Scpt’r. lie would also add that he will bring with him a large and splendid assortment of New and Fashionable MUSIC, Vocal as well as Instrumental. aug-B—twtf WARM SPRINGS, fa* MERIWETHER COUNTT, GA. jjp ~ | THIS deligi.tful Watering Place is now open for the reception of visitor?. .Tune2l—tw’f. J. L. MUST!AN, Proprietor. Mjntgnotriery Jnurmd copy. FOR RENT. THE house near the Market in Columbus, known* as the CITY HOTEL. Apply to Pn. Gittenger or M. Barshall. augl l—tvvti. Enquirer and Corner Stone eonv. for sale. / THE HOUSE formerly occupied by MR. ft. H. jjJo-a SAMMISAvith 5 Rooms, Kitchen, &e., on reason able terms. Inquireof _ auff3l — twlm. SAM MIS ROONL\ . WANTED, I-v M PLOY VI ENT by a Book Keeper, fully competent-, j having had 7 years oxperieuco. Apply at <ms office, j or bv ietter to Box 265. P. O, Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1855—twtt. THE HOWARD FACT BUY Is now selling Domestics and tarns,; Atths Usual Rites, 10 Per Cent off, j FOE CASH. OVdjimihm?. Ga Pebrua: y A v “ f "_ CHARTER OAR LIFE IN URI.NCE COMPANY. Capita’ andSurpus $400,000 Takes risks on Lives on vtry moderate lermj Cos ju y 9—twf-m J 1 HN H ■'S, Ai !• CAUTION. 4 LL r.ersous are hereby cautioned from tradi’ j, bujitig, rr A negoinuinsr in an\ manner, lor any real or ptroi al pio n . tv iroin G. W. ae tbe real or personal property uve - which he may assume control, is in fact my own, and held in my own name, ami no> otherwise. * ^-* C r>r? Girar i, Ua , July Vi-twlm „ FKANU & WACA^lfv. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, WILL receive Deposite-sad Checks tor eale od hvw Y ork Vtaconand tavanbah. April*!—twtf RICHARD PATTEN. ‘OLD TOM r SIK. IJJ ST received a Superior article qf **rLD T/>H,’ GIN’ in Poltle-e—e daUelou beve-ige, and a most >ceJißta*tiele ; for raoiifa! purpvsee Vlsi. h Puuenor arficte of Po*asJf in??D i (.'kh'. TUI-WEEKLY. KIDDLE’3 Fashionable Dapnerrean Gallery. ! E Prt p’iet< r >n ho largest neatest, and most fr>hioua | 1- bly arranged OA L I>K 1( Y tor the Art in theStaU He uses thebest mat-Tia), and allows nothing but flr-t class | Pictures Jo leave his Boon. ®. | So forget not, ye levers of ! he Fine Arte, when ye e -Uv forth to obtain those imperishable gems, to call on RIDDLE. Hewili give you a Handsome Picture and a Good As for lakhnr children,famfiy groups, Storiscqpes, out door views, fcc., he defies any Artist in the country to surpass him. Rooms on Croad Street, over C. Mygatt’s Dry Store. Columbus, *. a. uiar3l—twOm. FOE SALE. AB&sAi HAVING removed to my plantation l offer for §!* rah sale my late residence, jest’ south of toy father’s Hjjag (Major John 11. Howard’s) and cast of the Musco- RdU Road Depot. It is one of lh < most desir j able homes in or about Columbus. Mr.Goetchiui ! will show the place to thof-c who wish to purchase. Conmiuuicitiousaddressed to meat Eufaula, Ala. iuiiD —twit li r i HOWARD. F OB .SALE. THE HOUSE AND LOT at present occupied by the subscriber. Possession given immediately. IsSi U. T. iiALL. w- JjjJ April 20. 1855—twtf KEW CAIII'ET STOKE AGENCY. rHE subscriber is Agent of VV. 11. Gu.on. New Carpet Store Savannah.‘Ga., who has alwayson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, &c. Samples anti pricesof all qiulittW of Carpeting and Oil Cloth •ia> by seen at my store, 82 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., and my of the above articles ordered without delay Carpets cut to rooms free of charge, and made, if deal red, for small compensation, by an experienced hand in -savannah, will be regularly supplied with new patterns for the coming -easoa. V. A. CLAYTON, 82 Broad Street. Cohnnbue.iVTay 3—twtf Athenaeum Insurance oeiety of London, u. s. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPIa AL T£N MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILL lake Ris*s on Dw r e4ingn and otho property iu town and count, y. up n very reas.-nablo terms. from Fire try Lightning made good. JttUS’ MUNN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Durmtrd, & Cos., Coium bus, Ga juryio—tw3m -MIDWIFERY. MRS. dr A\K M’GINTY. offers her proleaefonui servi ces to tliepeople oi Co/Utubus ami vicinity, fcbe lias had thirty years experience in the business and Halters her sell thatby'strict attentioushe will merit the public patronage. Sbo ina> be found, when not professionally engaged, at her residence ou Jackson street, just below tho Methodist Mission Church. [maria—twtf. OAT STRAW, HTHE Rock Island Paper Mills want to purchase 100 J_ tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons ol OATg STRAW, for which will be paid S? 10 per ton be paid, delivered in bale?. Columbus, Ga., July 31,1855 —tw&wlf. DISSOLUTION, THE firm of HALL&. MDSES was dissolved on the first ol January, 1855, by .lie death of J. 1. Moses. HERVEY HALL, Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP notice. THE undersign-, and have entered into the IfARD-IVjIRE R tJSJXES&i under the firm at and name of HALL, MOSES it co. neu v f; y hall, ISAAC I MOSES, J ACOB P IIGNRIf'KS, VVILi.IAM A. BEACH. FebrvK.rv I*l. 1855. w&twif s p KiJFTNOTi c ip. IN order that customers may understand the terms on which >e uad ,we have.thought it advisable to publish them. TANARUS” % are as follows: For all purchases on time, payment . he required twice a year; say Ist May and ist J mur On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, wo shah an and expect interest until paid. E. BARNARD, 6c CO. Columbus,Jan. Ft ’55. janll—w&twth A&L 110 WANTS TWO Plar.tatiwiis? one on L-patoie, seven IS aa a miles F, >1 Columbus, containing 500 acres,” with 2-0 c overseer, negro arid gin houses screw, fee : the other lour miles uori oast of Col imbu ,conm magthre* hundred acres, with one hundred and fi-ty cleared; well-impi: ved, orchard, garden, good large dwelling, outhouses, sood Water, —well and spring. Also my house and lot lu tlm city. Furniture, Superior Pi ano, China, Oil Glass,and Silver Ware, all supetidr (juaiity and will be sold \ ery low. Terms easy. sept 20 —W &t w 2 1, PHILIP T. SL LI LEY'. BE if IS H PEE IQ BIG ALI EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEON ARD SCOTT sfc CO., Nev York, coutiuue to rc-publith the following British Pesiudieals, viz: 1. Tnii London Quarterly (Conservative ) ‘J. The Edinburgh Review (Whig) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs w ill reader these publicaiionsunasually interestingduringth'efortbeom ; ing year. They will occupy a middle ground between the* hastily written hews items, crude speculations,and Hying rumor? of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome of the miure historian, written alter the Jiving interest and excite* 1 meut of the great political events of the time shall havo i pa-sed way. It is to these Periodicals that readers must | look for the only really intelligible and reliable history oi ! current events, and as such, in audition to their well es’tab lishcd literary,scientific, and theological character,we urge them upon the consideration oi the reading public. Arrangements arc now permanently made f r the I receipt of EARLY SHEETS from the Brittich Publish j ers, bv which we are enabled to place ALL OUR RE* ; PRINTS in tho hands of subscribers, about as soon as they I can be furnished with toreign copies. Althoagh this in volvesa verv larrte outlay on our part, we shali continue to ! furnish the Period ieiis at the si me low rates as heretofore . viz:— Per arm. For anv one of the four Reviews £3 00 For any two oi the fourßevi w 5 00 For any threeiof the four Reviews 7 00 For ail four df the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 I For Blackwood and three Reviews .0 00 ! For Blackwood ana the four Review s ....10 00 Payments ta be made iu all cases in adtance. Money i torrent in the State where issued icill be received at CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cenf. from the above pn coo will b& allow ed to Clubbs ordering four or more <op ies of any one or more works. Thus: Four comes of Blackwood, or ol one Review, will be sent to one address for four copies of the four Revidwa-jiad Black* wood for S3O: and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered, through agents, I RLE OF POSTAGE When cetft by mail, tiio Postage to any part of tho Unued"State. < - veil! be but Twenty-Four Ceuta a year for “Blackwood/ and FourteeuCents a year tor eaco of Rot iows. RentHtcocds and conmiunica^ocsshould always bo ad* dve rod, pcA-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT CO. iau9 —twlm- 54 Gold Street , Nsv/ York. HENRY W. Y ERST] LIE, Commission & Forward’g Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. R C F E R E NCES: Kou.John \V. \nderson. Savannah, Ga. Messrs. U dcotube, Johnson fit Cos. •* Hoh.Henry W.Hiliiard. Mo: tgomery, Ala. M ij. John 11. Howard, Columbus, Ga. Dr. Henry Lockhart, • * E. B. Young, Lsq , Eufaula, Ala. juultiwtwlt J. C. RUBE, J. 11. DAVIS, W. If. LONG. RUSE; DAVIS*’& LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WlLLpurcbuso and sell cotton and other produce ou com mission, and etrictly attend to torwardiuggoods and lining or ders from the country. Ruse, Patten & Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be madeou consignments either lo or through us to our friends in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf LOCKETT &, SNELLINGS, i GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, CA-5 | WILL attend to the selling of COTTON and all kinds o j PRODUCE Strict attention given to Receiving and Fur I warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, H. D. SNELLINGS. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 1, 1854 tw&wlv HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., SAVANNAH, GA. HOPKINS, HUDSON &, CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RENEW an offer ot thir service*to Planters, Merchants *and Dealers in thesaieof Cut ton aud all other country produce Rrict'nttteution will be given to business, and liberal cash ad vauces and facilities afforded customers when required. JNOi E. HUDSON, ) o . ’ [• savannah. W. IL. FLEMING, || L. HOPKINS, Augusta. jdiin j. coiien, Charleston. Aug. t—twitwif RI DG WAY & CO. DEALERS IN STA PL E D R V GOO DS, GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS, &C., SC, (Four, Doors nri.otv Dawson’s ot.d Corkrr) BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS. GA. Columhua. Opt 15,1853. —tw&wti Are You Sick ? f TM-IEN you can’t be cured too soon. Don't delay until your JL- complaint is incurable,and then aura when it is too late. Four fifths of fttrthe ilipea? s \vh ! ch people the -entire!, vsrds.might be cured by Ayer’s f tliartlc Pills, i taken in season. Don’t be dragging th. ugh the ripnng, mint, sleeby and listless, because your blood is loaded wi.h biie.— Don't wear the head-ache, heart burn, an . their kindred dis orders, because your stomach is foul. Don’t parade yo irselt around the world, covered with Pimples Riutches,* Ulcers, Sorts, and all or any ot .he uncle n disease of the skin, be cause your system wants cleansing. Don’t.-mow yourself about, lean, huara-d, all caved in, because j in Stomach and bowels r.eed strengthen!, ginto iieelKy “action Ayer’s Pills set these tilings ri ht, ns surely as v/ater quen- r . fire. They purity the body and blood, and restore rhei. actions into healthy activity, which you can fc-el as quick they are ta ken. Taey are th one great medical wonder oQpmis cognized by nil who know their virtu*a, and .many thousands know them. Tike th<#€hcrry Pectoral fora Cough, and the Pills for ali derangements requirin’ a Purgative medicine. Prepared by Dr. <3.C. Ayer, Chemist, Lowell, Mass, and sold by Danfortb & Nagle, < mlurnbus, Geo. T.S. Bradfleld, West Point, “ W. W. w ilson, Talbot ton, “ Dr. J. F. Wqpdbury,Hamilton, u Chauncgy Fowler,Tuskegce, Ala. feoplL.p7wk.tw2in Use tlie Magic Impression Paper. [OR WRITING WITHOUT TEN OR INK. tiQPYIND Loaves, Plants, Flowers, Pictures, for ) embroidery, marking linen indelibly, and manifold wri ting. This article is absolutely the best portable inkstand in tne known world—for a small quantity folded and placed in the pocket, constitutes a traveling inkstaud that cannot be broken. No pen is needed, lor any stick (sharpened to n point, writes equally as well as the best gold pen in the universe.— For drawing it is indispensable, it is indeed the whole art ot drawing and painting—taught in one lesson. Any leal, plant, or flower, dan be transferred to the pages of an “album with i mmuto and distinct resemblance t f nature. With equal facil ity pictures and embroidery patterns are taken, and have re ceived the highest eulognTus of the fair sex; and indeed a more tasteful present for a lady could not be produced. Tnis magic paper will al*o mark linen and other articles so as to remain perfectly iudeliible. All the washing in the world fails to bring it out. Any child can use it wth perfect ease. With this magic paper, one or four cope:? of every letter written can be secured without any additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient article extant. It; a used to * great advantage by reporters of the public press, telegraphic operators and a host of others Each package contains four different colors— black, blue, green and red—with lull printed instruction, for ail to use, anu will last sutilcUutiy long to ob tain the hundred distinct impressions. It is put up in beautifully enameled colored envelopes, with a truthful like ness of the proprietor attached. • Each and every package warranted . Price..s2 a dozen, or live for*!, *?iDgle packages, £5 cents. Address, post paid, N. HUB BELL, 107 Broadway, New York. Ori.vivxs us Tin: Pin ess. Uußßstt’o Magic Impression Paj kh. —Wcrcfrr ourread crs to the advertisement, in another column, setting icrih the merits of'thic'plcaeing and ingeuiolis invention The chap ntf* (should induce ail to five it a trial.— Philadelphia Jlcrck’t. It unsurpassed for neatness and utiiify, and should lUfcei with the tale it r-o richl) deserve*.—* rr*Jiist whawthe public i.mir desired, and recommends it =lf to every individual of ‘ctlncmtLt and taste.— Journal and Grov-riLr. inlySfe*.—w3i.t GEORGIA, Early County:! Court qf Ordinary, August Ttnn, 1b55. Rule Xt Sl.—Tboiofls L 5. Andrew®, adnrai*Trator oa tie es ate oi buns’ v r .Jon**a, dec’d, having made a tim. . • turn and sppiied ter I afters Dism -sor;.: It is order* and, Thnt si pereo* c mcerued fhuw cause, j* am they-have, v* hr'aid letters Us y not be vraua-d said adminis trator at the March term beii of the loii tof Ordinary for said county.’ • * A true tramcr pl from the miru’esof &a id court, August 7lb, 1855. septl— v tioj ‘S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. T'VVt > Months after date application will be raa e tq th A < Cart of ordinary of Larly county, lor leave To *a t ii lb Rea! Estate Leiougiug to the estate ot f>ra\ton jßlackbur ‘ daceistd, by J(>HN J.BUilt, Adai’r. y, Ga. Sept. 7tb, IgsSb. scplo.vilai r\VO months af. or publication *of this notice application will be made to.thcOourt ot O of .M3„c<’goe c**en *y for leave toe'u all the real estate *ancl Degrees ot Dr. PbilO H tViidtaan deceased. sept-: j—wlTu HENRY HURT. AdmV. ♦Tii if bfcicr’* 1 i BiJTttm ReliPf, £nd* tsg. a. [ lniuwcUoD. rot urn able %>. Chat- H'&is f&ffc er, i-othert: ) fetioxbee'Superior Cour*,Kov ■Tt-rm, lead. * £T appearing to me on the at 2 lavit of UR CompiatnanU in the ••fwxve Bill, Mary Baker, ihaGcfoeof^fefclt&tendant* therein, Willis p Eakor, reside* beyond the limits ot this State, It ispr derei thatthesaid WilIU t* appear and plead, acsw er or d .mSreto'sajt? f ’Ftl! at tli the said tmrt, and that oupic&tton of thtis order be made, -s service otsaid pill on VYnigF., la .one of the public gaieties JPtbc city cf-Cclumbuc. mce a mon'h for tour neoiithe. W itccss my • ffitial tisnature, this thejbffc day cf May. 1555. janlß—w'tn4ra. EDMUND H. WC'RRfLt., j. s.c. c-* . DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MONTGOMERY, WEST POINT l OPELIKA BRANCH RAILROAO. On and after the 16th July r PRAINfc qn this road will be ‘ g,v ord by the following A SCHEDULE: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery ; SL n. in. Arrive at Columbus #1 IP a. in. Arrive at Wesl’Pdiut A II 4* Leave t olunibus ... 8.4 b an. Arrive at Vontg. mery g.4fi'p. ni. Arrive at West Point!... t ...i If .45 n.Ta. NIGIIT TRAIN. Leave Montgouu ry . * Bit> p. in. Arrive at Columbus ; 24'* a n*. ** West Point .......... 2.: o. iu. Leave Columbus. A... 11 :U> p. ni. Arrive at Montgomery.. 7.:w> a in. •• West Point ft 2:50 p m. Double Daily Connections yre continued jdrom WoH Point to Atlanta and Nashville,and daily to Kr * xville. Tenn. Daily connections are continued from Monigoifh-ry to .Mo bile by stages and steamboats. Passengers taking the Night Train from Columbus, are re quested lo purchase tickets ot the agent at thePERRY lIDUSK bbtween thehoursof 10 and II o'clock p m. ful 21*. .vti wtf. S. ft.JON PS. Ki’c'e k Sup. * * Change of Schedule on tiil MUSCOGKE RAIL ROAD! u OVKR WHICH PASSES- THE GREAT SEW YUhK AM) NEW OKfrfis MAIC! %* m • # On and after July 16th, THREE will be Two Daily Mall Trains between Columbus and Macon—errivl umidepmlur* $s follows : ArriveatCo.uinhus7li atni.unu l 1 '!- p*jn. Leave •’ -Its a.r . arid •'}< pTbi. Arrive at Macon io and *su pV* in. Leave do ~ Ida.m and j.if p. m. lIOTII THAI Tv .H Making a complete connection betweei Moiilgpmery, Aht., and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington and tia n<‘?toi: also, with Ceutral nail Road to Savannah, and Mi Hedge vilie* and with ;bo Atacon and Western Trains to Atlan'a, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. #**. - Also, connecting at Columbus with the Girard At .Mobile Railroad, for Kutjiula *** But one change of Cars botvj?Ji !Hoiiigont cry anil Augiutui betweeu which piacos min ing c.arefui bavgnue Masters under licavy dolot, who. will check baggageand follow it through. B. H WfcLl S, ‘nlumhiiß Jniy 7—twArw tt Liiginuei aid Sup’t CHANGE OF SCIIKDUTF MOBILE ANT) GIRARD RAIL RO^D. A FT flit .Monday, luth Se]>ttinbcr, flic Passonger Train will leave Girard ai 3'j P. M.daily,<sundaywexce|*♦ tedi connecting at Silver Run .with 4t dailv line of stace* to Villula, Gleimvil'lc, Enhnila, Fort Dailies, bn<i Marianna. Ha. And on Tuesdays, and Fridays, Olivet, F.non, Hardaway, < ‘huiinenu .'gee, Midway, J’crote and Union springs. - % * * LeayingSilver Run at A. M., daily, i Mondays arrive atGirardat BA. M., connecting with tbe*Up>tikaami Muscogee Trains Round trip, tickets - good for four days can be purchased at G irard and Silver Run, rit less than the regular rate. K. A. DARI)A WAY. septß-wfciwtf. H*>iiiu-x;r. t Knquijter copy. _ * S Medicated Vapor Baths, NO) Ft Rroad-st. Opposite to Union Bunk, ****” COLUMBUS, T lAIIOHL Vapor fuiuegat'cns :;>•** new to be liad ss above. . They have beou ib?ied iirPtris 4i Vears; hi London ind No v' York formally yours, aud are highly-cgje-*nc;d by ihe niidica! faculty, for the Cure of various diseases ot an i* tnihio jiaturo, Rheinni tjc affections, Dysp psia, KiroUcntioh of ,>/oi/'*iry Irom ilit f-ystom, Lrry3ipc!as. Coi -i {iJptioi.. b>on cbiiis, Disease? ol the Skin.’ Neuralgia, Kv.cdijiv.-s . fcr. Numerous testiraouinls hero and rqif rer.ce.-4, **f the highest character, on. be had Hon. persons who R’ taken th* so baths, to be to. n at thermyn up stains. s< ptLVtwtf Notice to Cotton Shippeis. S FROM this date all applications for slriupunt of Cotton, must be registered at tin; Derxß, the party making tile application. * .* ■ Dray receipts required before shipping receipts will he given. B-£. VV Supt. Office Me-oogoo Railroad, t * Columbus Cit sept. 25, { POE RENT, • tE m -Site* w* r-JdS&d lk THArT large anti; cornnrodipuH Crick fPftiTj Butfdiiig on Oglethorpe street, opposite th> 5 I B M, Oglethorpe_fiou*e, wtl! belor ictrt qn the jgiy^p— 4L||B Is* Oct. next Icr a private Boarding SSaafesSssSs®*, lho)e is not a more cfenAcnient or eligible situation in the ■'cityf haviug all suit able foi such u.-e.r Apply to U. A. W’AUII. .Enquirer’copy. ! *scp<lß—Wtf. GT EORGi A, Taylor county—Whereas, the estate,ot J Jueißird, Jafc of said county djs um(presented. These to cite and admonish sll and singular the kindred and creditor- of said deceased to be urd appear at iny olhee on the lirst Monday in November rfb.xf, to show cause, ifuny they Imxx-, why letter* oi’admiiiT-tiabort siiould be granted to the Clerk of the Superior - r.lnterior L C->urt, or tome otherJit person. Given under my hand at office, this iiyai uav m September, 18S:. . oct 2*>a Iffg. JOHN SrUitDH V ±XJL Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. VXTILLbo sold in n irsuauce of an’ order of itife- Court ..f V i .Ordinary of the craufy nt Cbattaboocuee, on tlx first Tuesday in Novensbernfcfrt, at Cusseta, in fnl Cuun y, tho follow iag lands to wii: Con* numbers ‘J south half oi 10, north bi's r.fil. lotsl9 ( '2U, 45, 4d,5:t, li half of lui, and lot number iOf>, in tho ,fifth d'.-.irTCt i<f. said C'>untj : also lots i uiaber and, U. 10, 24,v0, 40, 11, and s*. in ibe sixth district of said county. Also lots number 217,104 arid 2ti7. in the tbntii district of slid county. Also lot number i79 m the th rty second district, and lot uumber 13 i the thirty till id district of said count),as the property oi the.cstate ot Joshua R. McCSok, late of said • coux,ty’ deceased’. The laud nay be-(es! ned to the” widow as her dower in the above di oirtbed lands, will bo designated on the day and.reservci, ri*m sale. * .*'* . ■ -Jf * Also, will be soid at Buena Vista, on-the first Tuesday iu Novembec next, the fodowi. g jai.ds # UT wii: Lot numb* r 9tt, in the *hirty sec ad district, lot uurobt m the 4th dirir ct, tnd.36 acres, off tae south hailiqj number 121, n tenth ois* trret, aii iu tho county ot viantm, ibe property of said dte’d. sjutnbergoii th**.Tuesday in November next, -viil be so and, ot uuiuber jJOS, mhie seventh district o! itai.- iolph cuiuity. ihe-propeiij u, said and ceased Terpas.—Twelve.mmitho credit wi 1 n,-g vpn.&nd notes with .-ood pe Sonal security required: Bond lor'tmd* will bcgiiy nto the purchaser. . 8.1). < ARP m ( . Ht .. . , lIL-NItY J.*KNO. l Ad . * -eoi i / 1n.,~> • so(V4.. w td. Barbour County Lands for Sale. I'ilL subscriber offers lor sale 640 ac es first rate Colton Land, ohtvhich mere is Iqur nutulred acres oak and Li< k >ry, and tho balance nuuiV*r one piwe land, with one hund red and City acres cleared aud. in a high state of culuvat on. ♦itisboutitully wftii never iaiiiag tprints oi pure, tmd cool water The ioculiiy is ver)f btaltby, ai din a fciKobprU£qd> which ia certami y an ?>:ceptton lor high moral.* cd orbod tociety. _ul outtuilctngs and cibinr the place new and in good repair.with a of the firms'. kinckFt t{M it trees; and is situated < n tbe road, lead;lit frnru u- Clayton, Harbour county, Ala,,and tn,ur jTiicsnorth Wqr , of Eutauia.’ Fertoiu wishing o buy. wonhl do well t- calcie 1 examine the place before pur cijfewh* rt P*it furtherptrdcularu,#*.drees tic jnder!gnfd at Fyfaulu, Barbour county, ATabaosa, ETLhWEN Bi DS<>LE. ;e024 ’ w4i* ‘NOTICE. r>EELO2aiS iudebt*.*d *t<> A. C. ricwsH :n i (A*, will pleat* L xneicimujcdiSl-jpay cst-nl. Their HuccuMta may bafoued cf Bonk Store of J. L, IIOIVELI., Columbur*.Dec I‘>— t .wAwti (NUMJMR 118