The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 03, 1855, Image 3

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* , COMMERCIAL. * COTTON STATEMENT sT’ I§ £j IffO jl &\S “&££!§ W!® I^Mh j &; a) ftf, <:> 2. ,£•’ %sr --H ! on o’ 2 •s *6 o’2 2S : hand week ?-g j U’jSg i 5 - I|_ ~ this ending ?U P s "d. <a. • •? r ;< 5 day. 1854. ’ ;277f! 80(5 J2BO 2140 109 385 584 4333 Sepi. 29 - 1855. ’ 521 4704 7058117622405 2418 4823 j 5578 Colujmbch, Get. 2. COTTON.— Our market presents an animated ap pearance, receipts heavy, demand -active and increasing, and prices firm, at tales a shade better than quotations of last week. Middlingsß to B£, Strict Middlings B§, Good Middlings S£ to S„. Middling Fair 8$ cents. Tribute of Hespect. UNITED RIFLE’S ARMORY, > Columbus, Ga., Sept. 23, 1855. \ Soldiers! Death has invaded our tanks and struck down in the prime oh manhood, our fellow soldier. Privaie David J. Barber is no more, fie died at his residence in this city, on the22d.of September. We knew him as a zealous and efficient member of our Company, a warm and steadfast friend. The widow and the orphan will, long remember him as a Mason. ‘File Beneh and the Bar of this Circuit, and indeed all who have had occasion to inspect the records of .the Superior Courtof this county, will bear ample testimony to his ca pacity and fidelity as a public officer, and the community appreciated him as a citizen. He was but mortal and had his faults; lie had his virtues —no man took less pains to conceal the one or to publish the other—let us throw, the mantle of chairity over the former, let u:s emulate and cherish the latter. In token of respect for the memory of our departed brother, be it therefore Resolved, That in.the death of our fellow soldier, this Company has lost one of its brightest ornaments, and the community a valuable citizen. Resolved, That our Armory and Arms lie clothed in the habiliments of mourning for the usual space of 30 days, and that we, as <t Company, follow his remains to the grave, thus paying our last tribute to him while on earth. Resolved, That we tender to the family and relatives of the .deceased, our deep and heartfelt sympathy, for their irreparable loss. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions he handed to the family of the deceased—and that the same bespread upon the Minutes of the Company, and that the city pa pers be requested to publish them. Lieut. E.G. DAWSON, ) F. M. BROOKS, f Com. Serg’t G. W. SPELLMAN. ) Extract from a letter recently received from A. 1j Mc- Williams, M I)., a practicing Physician of high, char acter ,in Fulton, Miss., under date of December Ist, 1854. Fulton, Miss. Dec. Ist, 1854. C. Williams, M. D. —Dear Sir: The object of this communication isto procure a quantity of your valuable Expectorant, known as“ Williams’ Balsam of Wild Cher ry and Wood Naptha.” I must confess that it excels eve ry other article known to me as a pulmonary agent. Some weeks ago 1 had an opportunity of testing its efficacy in a very had ease, in my own family, and its prompt energetic and salutary effect induced me to solicit an agency. 1 lind, upon an examination, that there is not a bottle in our town lor sale. 1 will take great pleasure in doing all in my power for you.* Y ours truly, septOlrn A. L. McWILLIAMS, M. D. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. tSP* Asa Spring and Summer Medicine, Carter’s Spanish Mixture stands pre-eminent above all others Its singularly efficacious action on the blood; its strengthen ingand vivifying qualities; its tonic action On the Liver; its tendency to drive all humors to the surface, thereby cleans ing the system according to Nature’s own proscription; its. harmless, and at the same time extraordinary good effects, and theaiumuer of cures testified to by many of the most respectable citizens of Richmond, Va. and elsewhere,must be conclusive evidence that there is no humbug about it. The trial of a single bottle will satisfy the most skeptical of its benefits, f For sale by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. ** .1 AS. 11. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DANFORTH & NAGLE, SeptO—w&tw2m Columbus, Ga. McLane’s Worm Specific! &3T The following from a customer shows the demand which this great medicine has created wherever it has been introduced: Blossuurc,Tioga Cos. Pa., March 30, 1850. Gentlemen—ln consequence of the great consumption of your “Worm Specific” in this place and vicinity, we have entirely exhausted our stock We should feel oblig ed by your forwarding, via Corning, New York, 20 dozen with your bill, on the reception of which we will remit you the money. From the wonderful effects of said Specific in this neigh borhood, there could be sold annually a large quantity, if to be had, (wholsale and retail) from some local agent.— If you would compensate a person for trouble and expense of vending, 1 think I could make it to your advantage to do so. Yours respectfully, WM. M. MALLORY, Messrs. J. Kidd &, Cos. Per. W. Porter. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for HR. tVJ’LANE’S CELEBII \TED VERMIFUGE, and,, take none else. All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. i)r. iVPLanes gen uine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can l.ow be had at all respectable DrugStoresin the United States and Canada. Sold by all the Druggists in Columbus, and by one agent in every town sep2s—-w&tw2w. Married. On the evening of tlie jJOih inst., by the Rev. Thos. B Slade, A. M. Brannon, or Columbus, and Miss Julia A- Fuller of Chattahoochee county. “FARMERS’ & EXCHANGE BANK” Os Charleston, South Carolina. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS. X>!LLS ou Ne w York, Bos’ui, Philadelphia, Charleston, . A Savannah an l Augusta, discounted at customary rates— Sight Exchange on any of the above named cities for sale. E. T. TAYLOR, Agert. Office next door to the Post Office. Columbus, Oct. 2,1854. wimlw2rn MANLEY & HODGES. ARE r.dwin receipt of the most Elegant Assort ment of Goods they have ever offered to the community. A!1 are invited to call and see us, for wo .are confident we can please in Style, Quality and Price. oct2—wtw If A SPLENDID Line of Ladies Dress Silks, of entirely new Myles. Finest French Printed DeLaines. Embroideries of every variety. Richardson’s Pure Housewife Linens. oct2—w&twtt 1 ‘MANLEY & DODGES. Pitre 5U a Ice r Flannel. . Si'K Warp Buuerior 4-4 English “ oct-—t\v; f MANLEY &• HODGES. Bai'sley’s Table Damask.. 9> to 103 in -h. lest Linen Sheeting, Napkin**- Towelliiur. &c. 1, ll Ac. 12 -4 Best lied Blankets. A superior lot of Negro do. . ocl2—twit MAN LEY*& BODGES. \ velvet llrussflls 2 & 3 ply Carpets. Oil Toths for on his amt Passages. Cheneile and Velvet liugs. ot-Pi -twtf MANLEY & HODGES Indies CLOAK CLOTHS ot and Trimmings. j to match. VV o'e tni Col tred M inoilles Q Hits. te-iwtC MANLEY & HODGLg. Enquirer copy. REMOVAL, CUSH MAN’ D NTI'T* X-l J ,1./ K moved U. No. 43 oread 3i!e‘*ovcr Purple's> S'.ore. oct2- wtwtt SSO Reward. US I WILL give the above reward for the, delivery of the Notes a'itd ollutf Papers stolen I'rbtrvOnr Store in June last, and no questions asked- R-V- CO. Lnq'drer and Corner Slone copy if oci2*-wiwtf THE HAT STORE, • tig FS REMOVED TO 142 BROAD STREET, THK' , ?n Pt Occupied by J. H. MERRY.) W be found, as u-ual/aiQhe latest and best j .• ies of IIATS He, CAPS ol every variety, quality, price, and size. We guarantee both a fit andfeatisfactioo to ail who may give us a call. * Also a choice lot of Walking Canes and Umbrellas. Repairing and Manufacturing to order as usual. oci2—w&tw3\v F. LAN DON. >J. IF DANIEL IS IN WANT OF MONEY, AND those indebted to him are earnestly requested to make immediate payment. sept27-~wtw3t SSO REWARD. Tgif RAN AW A Y from tlie subsciiber, near Fort j JSziSb Browdi r, Barbour Cos. Ala., a Negro Jtfan named Bob, j 24 years of age, weighs about 140 pounds, to 5 feet i 7 inches high, dark complexion, has the peculiar ac | centation ol the low country. He is supposed to have 1 changed his name, and to be lurking about Columbus I “probably harbored by someone. Deis dobllcss in posses | Sion of a pass, as he is known to write a little, and may en deavor to make his way North, if taken up about Columbus, he can be easily recognized by application ai Greenwood & Grime s Warehouse, where the reward will be paid, or by my Ben- sepl27—wtwtf . S. OTT. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! WE ARE REQUESTED TO ANNOUNCE THAT I JONAS SMEETON, WI LL return from Europe on or about the 6th October next, and will open at his old stand, Broad st. Columbus An Extensive Stock of First Rate GOODS, COMPRISING English, French and Belgian Cloths, of the best quality and latest styles, selected by himself from the Emporiums of Fashion in the principal cities of Europe; besides a complete assortment of Gentlemen’s wearing appa rel, such as COATS, PINTS, VESTS, .SHIRTS, DRAWLS, Sc, Wait amJ give him a call be foe purchasing elsewhere, Columbus, Ga., Sept. 25. w&twtf. Enquirer copy. NEW FAIL ROODS. -* - erJT. riYAKE pleasure in announcing to their customers and the X public generally, that they have just completed one of the most extensive and choice stocks of STAPLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS, For the PALL TRADE, that has ever been exhibited in Columbus, many of ihe articles being directly imported by themselves, giving them an opportunity of offering to their customers, inducements heretofore unknown inCclumbus. 32a 013 S3* Os every description manufactured expressly for J. &J. K. All kinds of EMBK Ol PEEIES J-direct ‘rem Paris. Rich and Beautiful &ILKSS do do do MANTILLAS &i CLOAKS of eery design, direct from Paris. ALSO, A WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, embracing every new and desirable style. A HEAVY STOCK OF Negro Blankets, Shoes, Hats & Kerseys, and every other article fin their jjlirie at Very Reduced Prices. Call and examine. Columbus, Ga. [sept2s—wUvtf ATTEN TIONEVERYBODyT • 1 HAVE REMOVED MY STOCK OF j&j&JL BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c., To the Auction Store of HARRISON & McGEHEE, No. .69, west side Broad Street, where I shall be pleased to see my friends and all who want to buy Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles cr AT COST, FOR C.tSHUa I still have a number of valuable BOOKS and a good lot of STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY, which I am very anxious to dispose of, as 1 desire to quit the business. I have fitted up a part of the store expressly for my ac commodation, and the ladies are particularly invited to call and examine my stock. Come soon, if you want bap gains ! 1 am still acting as MAGISTKA TE, and will be plea sed to attend to the collection of claims and all other bu siness connected with the Office. JORDAN L. IIOWELL. Columbus, Sept. 25. w&twtf CLAYTON & WILKIAS, Auction, Commission, Receiving AND FO R WARDIN G MERC HAN TS. r FMXE undersigned, having formed a Copartnership to do J. a general Auction, Commission, Receiving and For warding Business at the old stand of AYER & WILKINS, Will give their personal attention to ail business entrusted to their care. £3*° \Ve are prepared to make liberal advances upon all articles ot Produce and other Goods consigned to us. Special attention paid to the sale of REAL ES TATE, .N EGROES, tSz.c., at Auction. P A CLAYTON. F. G. WILKINS. Columbus, Ga.. Sept, lb, 1855. wifctwtf BY HARRISON & URGEi[EE REAL ESTATE AND FEUROBS, AT AUCTION. AT 11 o’clock on the first Tuesday in October next, we will sell at die Market House, city lot No. 6t-7, and improvements, situated on the corner of Mercer and Fulton streets. On the premises are a dwelling with four rooms, a good stable and crib. The place is well inclosed a strong fence and beautifully shaded. Terms— One-third cash, one-third 12 months, balance two years, with noles and approved security. ALSO. 5 or 0 likely negroes, men and women. 1 good two horse Rockaway and harness. 1 good buggy and harness. 1 new two horse dray—and a large lot ot FURNITURE, GROCERIES, &c. &e. E. J. PINCKARD, Auctioneer. Sept. 15, 1855. w&twtds. MORE OF THE HISTORY —fjffnkmt Napoleon Bonaparte, by J. S. C. Abbott. The Hidden Path, by Marion llarland, author Clave Kali, by Miss Sewe’l; Cine, or the Human Comedy, by John Esien Cooke. The Escaped Nan, or Disclosures of Convent Life; Olie, or the old \Yest Room, by L. M. M.; Light and Darkness, a Story of Fashionable Life; The Adventures ol Amyes l-.igh, by Charles Kingslei: The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs; (new supply.) A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by Richard C. Me Cormick, r., (new supply.) Christie lohnsen, by Charles Reade; School of Life, by -Vnua Mary Howitt: Leaves from a Family Journal, by Emily Loavestre; Maud and other Poems, by A bred Tennyson; English Orphans, by Mary J. Homes: New Hope, or the Rescue, a Tale of Kanawha; Chemistry of Common Life by Johnson; Land, Labor and Gold,by William Howett; Sociology for the South by George Fitshuigh; Henry Vernon,or the Durum; by a Georgian. Just Received by J. W. PEASE, sept 14—w&tw 92 Broad street. tPINE GROVE ACADEMY. THE Exercises of this Institution will be resu me<l the Ist Monday in October next. ’ JOHN ISIIAM. Sept 25 tw&wtocl. COLUMBUS FEMALE ACADEMY #TtIE exercises of. this Instilutym wili be resu med on Tuesday Oct. s*l.and cohtinded till July *56.; Tuition S”G and S4O. m . p. W. CHAPMAN. teept. 25—w2(w3t FASHIONABLE DAGUEft RE A N SALOON. I BF proprietor of this p’casant,commodious, and first etas Fine ArUs h t| a ?^ in to resume his bu Y , ’ r tße sea-on. Mr. toddle has had a practice of ovei eunt years, which ranks him one of the most successful ope atorsm the profusion; his pictures are clear, white, hand same and admired by all. Calf and judge for \ounnlves.- Uooms on Broad Street, over C. MygatF? Drv Good’s Store A. J. RIDDLE. ~ _ Pr&prietor and Principal Operator. Columbus,- £epb. 25 w&twti. TO THE MUSICAL WORLD. THE undersigned would respectfully in -inform the citizens of Columbus that he has re * * f t I- turned from the North and will resume his lessons on, Monday Uct. IsU He would be obliged to those who wish to avail themselves ot his services, to make an early application as the number ol his pupils will be limited. NEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC. Ihe undersigned oilers for sale a large assortment ol New and fashionable Music. It has been selected bv himself, during his recent visit to the North, and forms the best assortment ever brought to.this market. A, large discount will be made to teachers ol music, and to Principals of Academies and Colieges. Rooms over Merry’s Clothing Store. Broad St. Col >m bus Ga. sep2stwtf H. S. SARONi. Land for Sale! TilEsubscribereffers for sale h’n valuable ptanta situated on Chattahoochee river,in Henry county, twelve miles below Eufaula, containing Sixteen Hundred Acres, more or less. Thereare one hundred acres of uncleared river bottom that will produce a bag o! cotton to the acre. There are ou the premises a fine dwelling twelve framed negro bones, a good well of water, ami a never failing spring; afinegin carried by water power. With little expense a good mill could be put in operation. All of the fields have running water in them, supplied by unfailing springs. For pirityof water the springs cannot be exceeded in the South. The laud is productive and the titles indisputa ble. Toth M3 who are disp sed to see the place, I say come, and s am sure you wili embrace this opportunity of acquiring a good farm. Z. C. WILLI A VI g. sept 29 tw3m. WYNNTON MALE ACADEMY. MR. II.II, TAFT will open sehotolin Wynn jPu ha >on fot,iiistead of Pine Grove,as previous iv announced. Scholastic year will close last week of June. Termsjperyear >4O. twtf. INSTRUCTION IN DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING. r FMIF, undersigned intends opening a class in the aboVenam- I e l branch in the cdy of Columbus ow the lOtli tiny of October next. Those who wish to avail themselves of this favorable opportunity (so useful to every merchant,) can do so by leaving their names with the subscriber as soon aspos ible. Terms S2O: tor one course of twelve lessons. A"tthe close of which a tuorough knowledge *s guarantied or no pay ment required. Or lers left at the Music Store of T 11. VANDEN BERG will receive pr>>nipl attention. E. F. VANDEN BERG. Columbus, Sept. 25. twtf DANCING ACADEMY. MR. C. 11. CLEVELAND, YXrOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens of Columbus, that he wiil Commence the exercises ol his Dancing Academy the first week in October. All the genteel and fashionable Dances of the day will be taught during the session. Terms of tuition made known hereafter by circulars. Sept. 20-twtf. #MRS. BRICE yiLL re-open her School on tlie first Monday in October next. September 4,1855. twtf. A CAK. D. rpnts Paper is manufactured at Rock Island Paper Mills, JL Columbus Ga. Three and a half cents pr lb. will be paid lor Clean Linen and Cotton RAGS. Printing and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Coin ns, Ga. July 17 iv&twtf NEW VOLUMES OF |T 1J E FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS NAMELY, EDINBURGH. NORTH BRITISH, AND LON DON QUARTERLIES, AND BLACK WOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, (MONTHLY,) Commence with the North. British Jor May, 1855, and the other Reviews aad Blackwood for July, 1855. Terms of Subscription: Any one Review of Blackwood, s:ta vear Blackwood and one Review—or anv two Reviews, 65 The four Reviews and Blackwood. $lO. Four copies to,one address, $ 50. Postage (which sbonld be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and btacbwood to any post office in the Uni ted Srates, only 80 cents a year. Namely: i4 cents a year one each Review, and 21 cents a year on Blackwood. Address, 1 J.. SCOTT & CO., Publishers, septß 54 Gotd-st.corner Fulton, N. Y. CORN WANTED. \V7 E will pay the highest market price for Corn, of old or new crop, in the ear or shelled. Cash paid for any quantity from 1 Bushel to 1000. sept 26—■wtwtf WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. Wheat Wanted! IaHE Palace Mills wiil pay $1.50 per bushel Cash . for Prime White W heat and sl.£s for Primeßed. aug2s wtwtf TROY FACTORY WARE-ROOMS, EAST SIDE ‘BROAD ST—NOS. 34 & 36. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. -J THE above establishment re-opened its Sale and Ware rJPgfczroom, with a lull asssorimont,®(fiJ” comprising the following articles of rceent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from four to thirty dollars. • CHAlßS—Cottage, Boston Rocking, Office, Writing, Nurse’s, Children's, and Dining. TUBS, BUCKETS, —Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper —brass and iron bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washstands, Tables, Besides many other articlesffir house furnishing and do mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G Jefferson & Cos., from country merchants and others, will be promptly attended to. The Faefory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, Pine, Ash, Poplar, China, &e., &e. RICHARD G JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Sept. 1, 1855. w<fet6m. SITUATION WANTED, BY a man well acquainted with the mercantile business Address T. W., Columbus P. O. septlßtwf To Farmers. aOii ACRES first rate land for sale. 290 acr* s fresh rpen iOl’ land, that will produce from 100.’ to 1200 lbs cotton per acre; well watered and perfectly heallhy—four miles .rom Clennviile. Barbourcouutv, Ala. Enquire of sepiS—twtf BENJ. SCREWS. NOTICE.. A LL peTsons indebted to the late firm of Alley &, Will xY helm, in the Gas Fitting Business, will find their ac counts in the liatld- of D B. Thompson &, Co.*, to whom all payments must be made. JEREMIAH, WILL-HELM, WILLIAM ALLEY. Columbus, Sept. 18. tu3w FOR SALE, A House and Lot withacre ground. Thehcusfehas 4rooms, double kit*ben. brick smoke house, opposite the Court IJonse. occupied tsM ye: r by Mr. Torberl: Teirns one half cash, the balance in one and two years, hearing iej-ai interest. *■ Apply do J. B. HICKS, Broad st. a* the Tin Shop.— Pos-essiou gi venifttroedtaU ‘y. l! not ?oh| wifi be rented. scptVU * / * tpß*, A CARD. HAVING 'disposed of my eftliro stdfck of Drugs Med nines,&,e., to Messrs. J. S. Pemberton, Cos., I cheerfully recommend them to my old fiiends and custom ers. J hankful tor the patronage bestowed upon me. I would respectfully solicit a continuance ot tbe same to my successors. R. CARTER. Columbus,Ga., Aug. 24 1355 —w&lw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., &c. J. L PEMBERTON & CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, AT THE SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, COLUMBUS, GA. f WE have purchased the entire took of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., of ROBERT CAR~£*24 TER. and will continue the business at his oldY]G Stand.- We are now receiving a full assort mem ot hoice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, In. strnmenti, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, & c., suited alike to the taste of the city and wants of the country; which will be sold at prices that will not fail to give satis factiou. We respectfully invite our friends and the publicto give us a call, and we pledge ourselves to make it to the inter terest of all who may favor us with their patronage. From our loug experince as Druggists, and with close attention to bu siness, we trust that we shall not fail to give entire satisfaction to all who may honor us with a call. Columbus, Ga.. Aug. 24. w&twtf CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CRAWFORD STRETT, Two Doom below Rankin's Corner. <^£"3 Til FI subscriber keeps constantly on hand the finest HA VANA CIGARS, and oliers them for sale at the I.OWEST prices,by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of American Cigars. Also, every varie’y of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, SnuiV, and all the articles usual ly found in an establishment of this kind. Ail goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free from defects of any kind. Orders from the country care fully and promptly attended to. angM—w&twly JAMES ESTEVEZ. Partnership Dissolved. THE late firm of JR. M. Aldworth & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm, must bo paid to R. M. Aldworth. R !YI. ALDWORTII & CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. E. M. ALDWORTH ILL continue to cany on the business at the old stand on Randolph Street. Work done in the host style and at the shortest notice. li. M. ALDWORTH. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. tw6m. By Harrison, & McGehee, Auctioneers. PLANTATION FOR SALE THE undersigned will sell a bargain in his Plantation lying 7 miles south east ofColumbus, on the St. Marys’ road, containing 455 acres of Pine Land—l7o cleared and under excellent fences; every field watered with never failing streams. On the premises are anew framed gin house and screw of the first order; a good dwelling and all necessary out houses, all in good repair, with two wells of water. Apply to G. C. Benton on the place, or to liar risen &. McGehee, at Columbus. Terms accommodating. Sept 17 twit SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS V. To be drawn Oct. 9th. 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN hRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICEN T SCHEME! remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing sand paid when due WITHOI T DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. CAPITALS $52,000 “ 5.00 U “ rt,ooo “ 2,000 44 1,50;,* “ 1,200 44 1,100 44 5 of I,oo* 44 10 of 40i In all ptizes amounting to $5U,000 Whole Tickets $8; Halves §4; Quarters $2. Rills on ail solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign ot the Bronze Lion Montgomery, June 28, twtd JOHN MAY, Agent,Girard, Ala. RT” All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Ceorgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber havinspaceepted from the Commissioners the Agency am! Management of the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, lias established the principal Office at Atlanta, Georgia, ano intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the- Southern Military Academy Jittery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR OCT. OIASS B. be drawn Oct. 11, 1855, in the City of Atlanta, Ga., when Prizes amounting to Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! &nd remember every Prize is drawn at eacti Drawing, and paid when due WITHoU l’ DEDUCTION! 1 PRIZE OF $7,500 1 “ 5,000 1 “ 2,000 2 “ 1,000 3 “ 500 10 “ 800 15 “ JOO 78 “ 50 120 . : 25 Tickets $5; Halves §2 50; Quarters §1 25. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS'! Bills on all solvent Banks at par. Ail communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manages, April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Aeademy Lottery. ,[By Authority of the Slate of Georgia.] Macon, Ga. ®<X>s>CD CD CD 0 CL A S S F. WILL be distributed accordingto the following grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at ‘’oncert Hall, Macon,Gd., under tbe .sworn, superintendence of Col. George .'.'.Logan and James A. Nisbet, Esq. The Manager announces Id's determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the world, and challenges comparison as to the chances to draw Prizes witn any other Lottery. Remember, every prize isdrawn at each drawing, and paid when due in tu.l without any reduction. TO BE DRAWN OCT. 15, 1855.1 1 PRIZE OF * $15,000* 1 do ...- ... /.. . o.Oth t do 7 ! 4.0U1 1 do :*,ooo 1 do 2,000 1 do 15.00 1 do ..* J,HHt 5 Prizes of T.tyOO 50 do .TOO 101 Prizesyiali amounting to .§OO f*,o TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. The chances to gain theCepital Prize in the old combination plan is 1 in 70,070, in this 1 in 10.000. Drawingss.-atio all ordering tickets. A I!-order*, rely on it, strictly confidential. . Hills on all solvQpt banks taken at par. Registered money let’ers at my risk. Prizes paid w Iren doc wjfhect difrcoqrt. *.* * Address JAmKSF. WINTER, Manager, io'v* f wtf Macon, Ga BOUNTY-LAND WABRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON k PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LA W , COLUMBUS. GEO (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HA VING made arrangements at Washington tify, by which all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to,they aie enabled to procure Bonaty Land rant*, Pensions, die., and prosecute Claims against the United states either betore Congress or Ihestveiai J-e ----partmrnts. £ They are also prepared to purchase Claims, fee*, against the United States. a Pay required vntil the Land. Warrants , Claims. k.c. are procured. ’ JAMES HAMILTON, YVM. F. FI. AX K . ,A nril 7th. 1 HVS. w£- Iwt f Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! TMIE undersigned having associated tin insehes together for the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress heretofore passd, are now prepared to make application for ah who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received bounty Laud War rants, are, under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional bounty of Land, and by calling at our office cungei ail the necessary information. Weare also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United Sates. F:otu*>ur long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say. that a'l claims entrus ted to our care, will beprompUy and speedily adjusted One of the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business his personal attention there. Offlceover Giuiby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus,neorgia. MICIIAEI. N.-CLARK, feh24. .w&twtf. A. H. HAGAN. LAND WARRANTS, L4NI) OFFICE AND AGENCY, FOR TIIK PCRCIIASK AND SA L E () F RK A L EST AT E OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON RANDOEFtI STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. I HAVE determined to. devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, irom my knowledge’ of the lands in Georgia, to be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may entrust me with business 1 .an prepared to either Ouy or sell, perhaps to better advantage than any othei person in Western or South Western Georgia. It you have lands to sell, cull upon me; if I do not purchase, l will find you a purchaser. s It you wish to buy, cud also, for l have many valuable lots and settlements of lumt to sell. I roni my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, I am prepar ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of land in the State. If you wih to have your land valued, you may rely ftponcorrect information, upon reasonable terms. Deeds, W orfgages, and other instruments, drawn c< r rectiy and at low rales. tNT Agents wanted to sell Uonncr’s large map of Georgia— high per cent.given. One thing is certain, 1 am paying New York and Wasiiino ton City Pukes for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a spiull commission. Having also made an arrangement with one of the best firms in Washington, I am prepared to appiy lor Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion —to be paid for when the warrant arrives, f ring in your claims soon. As 1 intend to makethisa permanent business', and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, 1 hope to-receive a liberal share ol patronage, from my friends and the community gent rally. S. R. BONNER, july3l—w&.twly Land Office, Columbus. Maiiulacturers’ & Mechanics’ llenk-, > Columbus, Ga., June Ist. 1855. \ r CIIIS Instittutinnhaving been re-organized under new Di -1 rectors dud Officers, as a local bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on Isew York, Savannah, Montgomery and other points, at the usual rates, audwilltake paper for collection. E.T. TAYLOR, President. J.H. Fonda, Cashier. jitne3o—wt&wtf TWO months after date application will be made to the I. Court >f Ordinary of Sumter county, for leave to sell the real estate of Richard B. Huff, late of said count v, deceased. siptS—w2m JOHN A. HUFF, Adm’r. PRICES REDUCED. COTTON YARNS FOB SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Ca3h.” july ll- 4 ’ twtf. WINTER. FACTORY. TROY FACTORY WARE ROOMS. COLUMBUS, GA., JAN. Ist, 1854, FROM and alter this date no goods will be sold at the above establishment except for CASH*! janll—twtf. WALTON K. HARRIS. WHIM FACTORY, 001X3.33a.13-O.SB, Ga. YARNS, LINSEYS, WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, for sale. WOOL Carded at one fourth toil or ten cents per pound. LINSEYS made up on.sliares, or 15c. per yard. All Work done Promptly and Warranted. MONTGOM-KRY~IHON WORKS, MoaTCSiME il ¥, A S-A. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY QTEAM Engines,Circular Saw Mills. Grist Mills.. Shafting, Oor any description of MJH JIJJVJ hi. Also Rich’s un rivailed Water Wheels, the best in tlie world. Lynch, Page &. Cos. Whittles*- & Cos., Woodruff &Coetchius,ou the Muscogee Rail Road, ■m l nunitrous others, testify to cutting HKXi feet of Ltimbiy per hour; each using oih of our Patent Circular Saw Mills ol one Saw. ’ G. W. WINTER, _jnarl2—■w.vtwtf Agent. < ‘ hu= Ceoreia. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS ! LINSEYS!! AATE call attention to the fact that our Linseys are wi V V der, by 2or 3 inches, than thine uftially sold here that'they are made of piime Georgia Wool, and weigh iuil 10 ounces to the yard. If Planters c<y> suit their in terest J hey will buy f *f our goods. They.are the best in Georgia. . augSlwtwtf WINTER FA< TORY. DISSOLUTION. 1M1 E Copartnership herctofr Fe ex'Mine under the firm-of . Harrison, Austin & McGehee, is this dy dis solved t y mutual consent. Persons In lihng claims against tiie concern are requested to pre9e< t them w ithout delay, and those indebted to it will please make immediate payment. O S. HARRISON, WM. AUSTIN, Columbus, Ga., July 22—wtw2w A. C. McGEUEE. COPARTNERSHIP. f PHE undersigned having purchased the interest of Mr. WM. x AUSTIN; iu the firm of Harmon, Austin &. McGehee, wiilcontinuetbe Auction & Commission, Negro Brokerage, & For warding Business. under the name and style of HARRISON & MqGEHEE, at the old stand, Nos. 59 and lil, Broad Street, and respectfully so licit .he patronage of theii friends and the public. CH\S.S.F[ARRI.sON, July AO, -wfctwtf. \ I.L i'.N O. McGEH-.E. Wanted \SITU ATION. by a young man aged 17—a good perimaii, accountant and wilting to make Ldmselfgenerally use ul. Aduross oox U 9, P. O. sepift —twtf. Cedar, Jumper, and China Wanted. W 1 E wish to purchase quantitiesof Cedar. Juniper a.;d Chi* ? r na. Apply at the ! rpy Factory Ware Roc-ms. Columbus, Ga. [septS—wtwtt] JEFFERSON &CO reformed practice. DR. \VM. T.* BROWN, do HAVING permanently localsd mColumbus, Ga., can Jsay tirthY afflcied that bet's prepared to treat al forms [ of disease, both acyte am! chronic, uewould partciuiarlv k call the attention of those laboring under chronic dis eases of every character as bis success in thv treatment ot this ciass of diseases n.-is been *nch as u> warrant him in saving ibat ho can give’relief in almost every case. Ihs tientmenf for Consumption and other pulmonary diso is*'* rarnut be surpas sed. Those desiring, his services id $-y b j sure of receiving on ly Sanative Medication* as be in if < :< -or c<-nviiced that the long 1 isi.o t poisottfc used as medii- agents do more to en gendor disease ‘.’dsn to cup-tt. An assortment of valuably :u ciacs on band, such as Ami-njUioasj t'fj Ague ami Fever Pills. A iso hts -pec ucs tbr Gonorrhoea mm-- philis, which he will war rant te iirw very snort tmo L(Leo-oyer J3. uarnard A, to’.*. *;p> rc . Hr. brown can be r °'\f n ’~ h * • b,; lo ’ l n House. July /tv. tw 3m