The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 05, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME III] THE TIMES & SENTINEL. 4 TENNEtfT LOMAX & aOSWELL^ELIJS^ EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. fflß TIMES & SEA’TIXF.L • .iijiHiah u tlv'ri.iV >Vhllj yfFS H 4 Y and FRJJjjj ) MuKJ\- l tT t ami V i rumtJt Y FFKJV'IJh'G. T<l <si W E,ai eL*, k 11 itifis &, SENTINEL published every TdkstJJi Y MoRJYIJVQ. Office on Bandol] h street, opposite.the Post Office. 4 3? • fRJ- Wrf ‘i v4r, (’ ,vo per annum,in advance. /* l vert* ie q i ,u ? <>ii -picuouslv inserted at >n* Dollar p i/square, ii>\- the lirstiOsieiU ,u, aud r;r rv csKTsfor ever) sub I io ik tils/,rt,io:i. i * i'a! 1/ jJaction villhe made for yearly advertisements. ’•ale* ’rhand and <e<roes .v vdnmiatrutwra. Executors.or * l ir iia- is, are required oy aw t,' he ‘ieil <tn the first ruesdaj 4 > a mth. between tho hours nt ten in the orenooi. and * l -aiu the Uternooni, al the Uourl House in thecouut) hi which I *® pn party is situate. Notices <> f ?.hese sales must, he idven in ii l <OI , i Z ette forty days or-vi>u- to tne day of sale. **'•’ .coi f>r the sale of i*er i:t Property must he given at • c<i lays previoAs to tlie day of sale* * t. jet / Motors t/ii creditors o tan Estate must be publish- j t' ,, l forty day a. i >tii i.h it iwdication will be madeto the Court ‘ Ordinary ! tor leave to sell I.and ir Negroes, musi be published eekly for j > two months. j htiti.ii* for L •tte'-s of Vlminist ration must be published j forty l\ys -for uissiou from \dministration, monthly via I ninth -f *r >is aissi n ‘ro n Guardianship forty dnye. •111-is o • ’oreclos'ire h 1 irtgage must tie published monthly j ip four ninths -for establishing lost papers, for tire full spact ‘if three nitthk —for com lolling titles from Executors or Admin- j ’ ist'Ators. where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full j *v <cr. if three months. P ihlicatl'ih*willaiways be continued according to those,the ; j• il-o juirements,unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CARDS. piiNTnfG~Ajro¥coiriSsiNG. HAVING connected with our Printing Office, a full and complete assortment of Book Binder's tools and sloe* and also'added to bur Prit ting materials, we are now prepared to execute, in good style and with despatch,every kind of work in either branch of the business, on the best terms. il Ij VVK WORK, of every description, with or with out orbiting, made to order, in the neatest manner. WVIt V. H - MTS K PttlS rIN fi , Receipts, Drafts. Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &e , executed neatly and promptly, and hound in any desired style RUL t \!> WDSI’ELtIIIOAT BLANKS, of all kin Is got up.with accuracy and dispatch tSiti R.-i N, t’anN, Circulars, Hand BsJls, Poster*?, Programmes, &c., &c., printed in tne shor test oo’ii> and in the best style. ’.(lagfteine and Pamphlets pu* up in every style o bmdiii ?, Bookso all kinds rebound strongly and neatly. LOMAX & ELLIS. ‘Columbus, April 15,1R5L DU. T. STEW AST, o HAVING returned to Columbus would reepectfullyan ""vftf 00,,nce he has resumed his practice of Medicine , and Surgery. Columbus,Ga., Dec. 7. f854. w&.t.wtr jprjgpfc* DENTiSTrkY. J. FOB IE, 8.8. 8. Office on Randolph near Broad Street.’ Columbus, febl—lßss. w&tf. ROBERT Iff. HOWARD, ATTO RN E Y A T LAW 7 , CRAWFORD, ALA. September 8, 1855. —tw&wif. ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GCOIIGIA Office over E. Barnard’s &, Co.’s Store April s—wtw Iv JAMIiSHAMILTON. VVM. F. PLANE HAMILTON & PLANE, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Geo. Will practice in the Courts of the adjoining counties u this State and Alabama. decs—w&twtf. DEffrOST & PHILIPS, A T T O U N E Y S AT 1 L A W. ILL Practicein the different courts of Russell count} AU>airii. ADORES.* St. DKNTO.V, JOHN M PHILIPS,! Columbus, G.i. Crawford Ain Sept 15, 1851. w&twly. | PEYTON h 7 COLOTJITX ATT OK Mi V a 1 LA W , CO UJIBUS, GA. ryomcein St.M try's Rank BniMiat:. m r*‘> • ‘ ♦ wtf. J. M. iiUSSKI.L, ATTO St X * V % T l. AW , if See aMwesent. wi>h*Q K. T E-o awr * R <dd &Ci Uroatl Slrcet-.Colnmbus. Gear a. U* ii i. .pi i4. K>i. w&twtf TEA, O” the ties* q ’al ties on band and for sat.-by auril iw.ti* m D \P< *l} r?| fc V\fJT.Tb WOOL CAKliii) A N D M A N U F A C T URED. WO it. Car led at t,!l <r 10 rents pi r tb. Manufactured into >o spares v.i one halt.or ti teen c ntsperjii. .oliimons, may 2t>. WIN I EK PACTt HY. TtIK FINEST LOT OF BAC OIN II VVI S Ever offered in .this market, tor sale by A. M. ALLEN, 117 Bioad street. Cnlnmhu'j,sept ‘27—tw&wtf i H VaiGING AND BALK HOPE. ■4 AA Bales India Bagging, i V/V/ s\h) t'otla Ro^e. pot sale l>v GREENWOOD At GRIMES. Columbus, Sept 13, 1854—tw&wlf BAOON &. FLOUai just Received. •iaa AAA r ‘ ; UN L)S s K.XAESSRE^BACON, lOvlol/o 100 Sacks Tennessee Flour. i j tJnls. tioward Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted S’oek oIK*KOCK)U£S which will be sold at th. lowest market price Bv andrevvs,ridgway & CO. Columbus Mv 2U. 1 >■">.*, wt.nrif NO iTCB. OiJlfrlanle an-t pa'rona are hereby notified that cireum da ice-* iCiik9 it abaolu e'y necessary that we should have a Ren on over* horse boarded at our stable by the month or year. ’ w’d thareiora, hereby give notice, that our right of den JviP eater into and becoraea part, of .every contract .-for the f,; ‘ OT beard ot horse* at our e‘£bieß, and that irrall ca*eß we right to id pj TT g i “THE Union OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES. 1 ’ RICHARD HOOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHATTANOGHA, TENN. W J!A^i pronipti y t 0 tf, e.Prcliase of COUNTRY n. or any other business entrusted to his care. May 13—twly 100,000 POUNDS RAGS WANTED. \\ ’ K ws; l nai rei.t> pound tor hundred tnousaud ’ ponds clean LIN IN ANI) Eu”T , t \ u.vGd, in q unti ties ol iU.f p m.,di an 1 over. „, t ; Col iml us. r a Feb. 15, !8..5. LUMBER, LUMBER. r F* BR undersigned are prepared to furnish Oak, Hickory, I Poplar, A.-n, Beach and Pine Lumber font their Mibat market pi ices,delivered on Rai road or in Columbus. Per sons wi-hiHK lumber, will leave their bills at the Auction Room of Harrison, Austin & McGehee, where they will be prompt]\ a net and to. dec 23-twif. WHITTELSgY & BRO. I>K. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE .11 Eli IBI'LIFORD'S OS BROAD STREET, CSiTTXSB'aS. GSOK3IA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. J. A. FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office! in fcst. Matys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. liLFEKEiNCES : T LOMAX. ESQ., MANLEY & HOBOES, DR A STANKORD, R RATTEN. Columbus, Oct 7—twly WM, PEREY, ATTO RN E Y A T l, A W COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. \\7 ILL practice in this and adjoining counties, particu lar attention paid to the securing and collection of debts. Office with Col A. MeDougaid. deel-4—tw4m. ROPE,” FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Just received and for sale at the Alabama Warehouse by J. I. RIDGWAY. Columbus, Ga., May 4—xwtf NOTICE. OUR Store was broken into on Ihe night of the 2d inst, and ail our notes and papt rs taken iheretrom. All persons who l ave executed sr y noies i aval le lo up or to A. S. Hays, or who may know the tact of our holding their note-i or obligations, are heiebv cautioned agait st paying them to any person except J. VV.Sappit gton or to us. j ilyS—twif i>. P. FLI.IS &CO. Weekly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy twice. Brs. BROOKS & CARRIGER -4) IIA VINO associated tb emsel ves together in the various branches ol their profession, they will be enabled there bv to give more general satisfaction to all who may favor them with then confidence. I)r. Carriger is fully prepared and willgive special attention to all cases of tiURGF.It Y entrusted to hiscarc. Office in Winter’s Bank, Building. Columbus, .lan. 14 —twtf EAGLE MANUFACTTJBXNG CO. COLUMBUS, GA. THE Factory, now being in full operation, is able to supply (on their usual terms) promptly as ordered, the various styles of their Manufactures, which consists of the following variety: YARNS,OSNABURGS, 4 4 SHEETINGS £ SIIIRT -ING, Cotton Stripes, of great variety of Pattern; CtITTO V A piCS, embracing many new sttyles; Negro Kerseys <fe Pine Knot Plains; Plantsrs’ Casimeres, Truck for Trowsers. Sewing Thread, Shop Twine, Mattressas, ‘Batting ,&e. To Cash purchasers inducements will be offreed. ctec2B—tvvtf. J. R.BROWNE, Ag’t. qjpSa MUSICAL. J**SC u “ M ■ SAROJVI would respect- <1 *ll fully infoitf his friends and the ‘citizens ’ C- liimhus that he will return to his duties nor abtir ti e 30{li of S>epUr. He would a add that he will brii erwiih him a ami splendid assortment of New and Faeh ouable MUBI-, Voc. 1 as well as iiistruiuenta’. . aug 8 iwtf NVAi 7 X( . s j-si HEKIWETHEB, COUNTY, GA. gj TH 14 delig tl'ul Walermg Place is uow peu lor the reception ui visiters. •TiineSl—tw f J. L. MUSTIAN, Proprietcr. M .nun me y f'mri at copy. FOR RENT. Gsill * : ■ :. THE hone near the Market in Columbus, known astheCll’Y HOTEL. Apply to Pn. Gitn-nger or VI. B .rsiihli. augl4—twtf. Enquiiei and Corner Stone copv. FOR SALS. MdL THE HOUSE formerly occupied by MR. R. H. TO SaM Vi IS. wiih 5 Rooms, Kitchen, &c., on reason* ub e terms Inquire of „„ Hug3l-twlm. SAMMIS & ROONEA . ’wanted, EMPLOYMENT bv a Book Keeper, folly competent, having had 7 years experience. Apply at this ornce, or by letter to Box P. O, Coluiitbus, Ga., July 01, 1835 tvvti. THE HOWARD FACT ORY Is now selling D o rues tics and iarns, Attha Usual Rites, 10 Per Cant off, FOR CASH. * nr t f ftelninhin*.fla February <M- CHARTER OAK LIFE INiURiNCE COMPANY. Capita 1 , andSurp’us $400,000 Takes risks on Lives on very moderate terms, Cos urabu>, ju y h—t3m J> IIN MUNN. An’i. CAUIION VT U ve. hereby cautioned r rom trsdir g, buying, r r neiofatimt i” ainnner. lor any real or personal pro n ,lv rum J. W. VVacW, as the r al or persocal property wnich he miy auumsontrrtl, is nJ-owu,and held iu tny own id no otherwise. WAOASFR •tirar Vm , Jutyat -twtm b w marine AND fire insurance BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, • rTTlLl. receive Deposits —acdCbecko for gale on New York >V Maconand Savannah. ’• > ttfv April-24—tw t f .MLHA RP PATTEN . ‘ - “OLD TOM” GIN. TOST received a Huperior-.firticle of “OLD TOM’* GIN in RoUl6&—a roo*t -article I for medical narp>B3p Alaou Superior 6rttc]e.9t iCang. Jiirtia —twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1855 TRX-WEEKLT. RIDDLE’S Fashionable Daguerrean Gallery. r pHR Prop'ietorhastbe largest neatest, and roost P*shiona 1- bly arranged GALLEI< Y lor the Ait in the Sta.e. 110 uses tftiebest material, and allows not Ling butfird clas Pictures to leave his Ro< ms. 8o tor vet not. ye levers < f the Fine Arts, w hen ye saHv f wtl tn obtain those impend able petrp, to cell on itIDDI.K. 11 1 will give you a Handst me P"c*'ire*rd a Good Daeimrteo ’ for takin ’ chi Ids* , ('am ly gro* ps Bteii-coj es. out ii’or views, he deft ■>* anv Artist itith<- con trj to ’i>m. Ro - son Broad Street, over C. Mygati’s Iny Good S on) ( olumhus. a. m.-ir II -t * tlm. foesaleT II WING rt? rovjd to my p’fluia'ioTi I ofT> r s o Ia > sa c 1 1 er< sid i ce. j sou h <•* my fa*hi r” (Maj-’r John 11 II >waruN) ad est of the Mi.m o gee Rail Kod iepot. It is one of th • mos’ dsp ••side homes in or about Columbus Mr GoemLiu W’U show tlie p'ace to those ncJU./ wish ’o pii* chase. Communisition addressed to meat Eulanle. * ‘a. iim - twtf. K R II iVVARP. FOR SALE. a THE H"USE AND l.<*F at present occupied by the subscriber. Poscessiou given imroediatelv. H. r. HALL. -k-JLrl, Ap-il 20 1855—twtf KEW” CAliPE'l STORE AGENCY. THF, subscriber is Agent of VV. H. Gu on. New Carpet Store Savannah. Ga., who has nlwnyson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Engs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Laco and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Eods, &c. Samples and pricesof all qiulities of Carpeting and Oil Cloth maj be seen ai my store, 62 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., anjl any of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpets cut to rooms free of charge, aud made, If desired, for stnancompenaation. by an experienced hand in Savannah, will bo regujarljsupplied with ne\v patterns fur the coming season, F. A. CLAYTON, 82 Broad Street. Columbine,May 3—twtf AUitnaMim Insurance society of London. U. S. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. \?7 ILL lake Ris;a on Dwe ! lin?sand othe- property in town V V and count, y. up >u very reasonable terms. Lo-s from Fire by Lightning made good. JoH V M (JNN. Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, & Cos., Colum bus, Ga July 19—twXm ~ MIDWIFEIIY. MRS. JAMB M'GINTY offers her professional servi ces to the people of Columbus and vicinity. She has had thirty years experience in the business and flatters herself that by strict attention she will merit the public patronage. She may be found, when not professionally engaged, at her residence on Jackson street, just below the Methodist Mission Church. [marlS —twti. OAT STRAW, THE Reek Island Paper Mills want to purchase 100 tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS aud 50 tons of OAT STRAW, for which will be paid $lO per ton be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1855—tw&wtf. DISSOLUTION, THE firm of HALL & MCSFS ‘was dissolved on the first of January, 1855, by the death of J. i. Moses. IIERVEY HALL, Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE*. THE undersigned have entered into the HA HD- WjiRE li USIJVESB, under the firm aid name of HALL, MOSES & CO. IIERVEY HALL, ISAAC 1 MOSES, JACOB P. HENRIDKB, WILLIAM a. BEACH. February 13,1855. w&.twtC SPECIAL NOTICE. IN order that our customers may understand the terms on which wo Made, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time, payments will be required twice a year; say Ist Prlay and Ist J inuarv. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shall claim and expect intere-t until paid. E.BARNARD, & CO Columbus, Jan. Ist,’ss. janll—w&twtf. MIO WANTS ifcsfcfiSa TWO Plauiatioig? one on Upatole, reven js s s miles S K. ot Go umhus c imaiiiing 500 acres, with 2-0 c eaivd. overee< r negro and girt houses, €23£tßSSSllk t;i i screw.&c ; tha < tin r tour miles uort east o (Jl mm , con n nuig three numbed acies, wiih oiiehundied ad 1 >y c sao and; well-improved, oicharu. gaulen. got and love dwcl lug o ith mse*! imod water. —wed ■ nil sj rii g. -\is imy h i uea ii loti'i th ■> city. Fur.ii ure, .'•uper or Pi ano.’ Ihi-i t, •hi • 1 in, an l silver U T rtr.-, }i U supenor quality and vv ti he sold v r. Ter .ns eisy. SipliO w&iw2t IHI .IP T. 3< IILEY. BRITISHPERIOD iiALI EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEON ARD SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to re-publish the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative ) 2. Tiie Edinburgh Review (Whig) 3. The North British Review (Free Chyrch.) 4. The Westminister Review -(Liberal.) 5. Blackwo -d’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render : these publicaiion-unasually interesting durtnsthe forthcom*. | ing yrar. They will occupy a.middle ground between the ! hastily written news items, crude speculations,and flying rumors of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome ot the future historian, written alter the living interest and excite ment ot the great political events of the time shall have pa sed way. It is to these Periodicals that readers must ’ look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of j current events, and as -uch. in addition to their well estab lished liierarv,scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. vsr Arrangements are now permanently made for the I receipt of EARLY SHEETS Irom the Brittish Publish ers, bv which we are enabled to place ALLOUR RE PRINTS in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with foreign copies. Although this in volves a verv large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same Ideates as heretofore V!Z; Perann. • For anv one of the four Review5..............h3 00 For any two ot the four Revj we.............. 5 00 F<r any three ot the tour Reviews... 7 00 For all f<ur of the Reviews....... 8 00 For Blackwood’s Vlagazine .. 300 For B'aekwood and Reviews 9 00 For Blacßwood ann the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the Slate where issued will be received at ! par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above pri ces will be allowed to Clubbs ordering Jour or more ‘-op ieeof any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Black t wood for S3O; and so on. | P O ST AGE. ..In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be j -delivered, through agents, FREE OF POST AGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-Four Cents a year for “Blackwood,” and Fourteen Cents a year for of the Reviews. Remittances’ and com municatib ns should &1 ways be ad dressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, # LEONARD SCOTT & CO. 1 ian9—u-vini- 54 Gold Street, New York, HENRY W. YERSTII.EE, Commission & Fcrward’g Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, 11EFERE X V E S : Hon. John W. Vnderson, Sivannah, Ga. Meisra H lcombe. iotitir-oii iit'o. - Hon II -nry \V. Hilliard, ‘to toniery, Ala. M tj. ‘ohn H. Howard, C< 1 im!us, ta. Ur II jin Lockha-t, • “ E. B Yeung Isq , * u r an!a, Ala. junlSwtwtf J. U. RUSE, J. 11. DAVIS, W. 11. LONG. ” ruse; DAVIS & LONG,” COMMISSION MERCHANTS a y i) SlllPn NG- A G E-NTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W IT.F. purchase andsel! cotton and other produce on com mssioii. and strictly attend to forwardinggoods and filling or lersfrom ihe colintry. ‘ , Ruse, Patten & Go., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be madeoti cons-gnments either to or through us to ur nemis in Liverpool or the North. July 9, .1853—w &twtf LOCKETT &, SPELLINGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the selling of COTTON and all kinds o PRODUCE Strict attention given to Receiving and Fur warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, „ • 11. D. SNELLINGS. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 1, 1854 tw&wly HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., SAVANNAH, G-A. AND HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION M IRCDAN T S . r> F.NFAV an offer of thir service® to Planters, Merchants and L Dealers in fhesaieof Colton and all other country produce Strict’atttenthin will be given to business, and liherui cash ad vances and facilities afforded customers when required. JNO. li. HUDSON, ) c, , ’ > oavaimah. W. R. FLEMING, l. hopkins, Augusta. John j. cohen, Charleston. Aug. 4—tw&wtf ANDREWS, RIDGWAY & CO. DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, &C., &G (Four. Doors below Hill & Dawson’s old Corner) BROAi> STREET, COLC/MBUS, GA. Columbus, Oct 15,1853, —tw&wtf Are You Sick? TH EN you can’t, be cured too soon. Don’t delay until your complaint Is incurable.and then mourn when it is too late. Four tilths of all the diseases which people the cnurch yards.might be cured by Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, il taken in season. Don’t be dragging through the Spring, taint, sleeoy'and listless, because your blood is loaded wi.h bite. — Don’t wear the head-ache, heart-burn, and their kindred dis orders, because your stomach Is. foul. Don’t parade yo irge!f around the world, covered with Pimples, Blotches, i leers, Sores, and all or any ot .he unclean disease of the skin, be cause your system wants cleansing. Don’t show yourself about, lean, haea-d, all caved in, because jour stomach and bowels reed slrengthenii ginto healthy‘action. Ayer’s Dills set these things ri .-ht, as surely as water q tenches fire. They purity the body and ulood, and restore their functions into healthy activity, which you can feel as quick as they are ta ken. T tey are the one great medical wonder of this cognizedby all who know their virtu- s, and ,mar.y thousands know them. Tike the Cherry Pectoi; 1 t'ra Gough, and the Pills for all derangements requirin a Purgative medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. U. Ayer. Chemist, Lowell, Mass, and sold by Danl'orth & Nagle, < tolumbus, Geo, T.S. Hradfleld, West Po.nt, “ W. W. Wilson, Talbotton, “ Dr. J.F. Woodbury,Hamilton,” fbaimopy Kn'si lt-r. Tiisk*gei. A'P, peril’'p7>v&.tw2m Use tlie Magic Impression Faper. F RWHI'IIMi WITHOUT PEN OR. IN'K. COPYING Leaves Plants Flowers Pictures patterns for embroidery, marking nuen iimelibl), and mantt lu wri tine. This art cie ia absoitiiel) the lost portae e Ji k.-tat din tte known world—lor a small quantity f.lded *aj.a placed in the pocket, constitutes a traveiirg mksuud that cannot be bioken. No p nis needed, >or an) stick fsbarj ned t. a point, wri es rqus ly as well a-t the hest g >ld pen in the uii'v. r~e. — For craw u.; it is indispensable. iris indeed I lie win F* aito< dr.i ving amt p umimt —taught in one lesson. An> 1 a', plant, or can oe transferred lo the pages of with; rm. Kite ami distinct re;n.blance i1 nature VVi:h •qu il facl i y pic uresfli and embroiderj pattens orre taken, aid nave r<- ceived tlehigie t eutogi ms o’ tie ’a r sex; and indeed a mo r e tst fnl pr sent, lor a lady could not he pr dluced. Tnis magic | aper w ill at omatklii en and other at licit s so as to remain p rttc-ly indel ble. All the washing in tl e world fails to t rum Unlit. Any child can me it with perfect ea e. With this magic paper, one or four r.ipiee ot ever’ letter written can he secured without in y adoitien a’ blur vbat*ve r . mi knit ii the -’heat est and most c<>i vei ient srtic eex ant. It is used m g eat ad vantate bj reporters ot the public pre*B. telegraphic operators and a host Oi others Each pickage contains lour iiff'relit colors black, blue, green anel r-d—with toll primed ins ruction, ur all to use, aim wil last tain five hundred oistmci impressions. It ‘s out up in beauiituily enameled colored envelr pes, with a tnnhfu. like m ss o’ the prm r etor attucl ed. 1 ach and ever\ p ickage nted Price. .$2 a doz-o. or fivelorsl. Single packages. 25 cents. Address, post paid, N. HUBBELL, 167 Broadway, New York. OPINTOJVS OF THK PRF.&S. Hi'bbell’s Magic Imprkssion Papbr—W e refer our { ers to the advertisementiu another column, setting terth the i meritsoftlns oleasingand ingenious invention >he c tap- ; ne c s should induce ail to give it a trial.— "PhiladelphiaMerest. Ziff it is unsurpassed for neatness and utility, and should meet with theialeit so rich!) deserves,— Tribune* ffT?” Just what the public 1 >ug desired, and recoinmenils it self to every individual of ‘efinement and taste. — Journal and Crovrier. iaiii!".- w3n GEORGIA, Early County:J Court of Ordinary, August Term, 1855. Rule 3ft Si.—Thomas B. Andrew", administrator on tbe es'ate of bner W. Jones, dec’d, having made a flna, turn and applied ler I e.tters Disroiesory: It is order* and, That al> persons concerned show cause, i f any they have, why said tellers may not be granted said adminis trator at the March term next of the Lou t of Ordinary tor said county. A true tramerp’ from the miru'esof paid court, August 7th, 1855. septl —vCm S S. BfAKFORD, Ordinary. TWO Mouths after date application wiil be ina e to th Court ol Ordinary of Early county, lor leave :to hsell Real Estate belonging to the estate of Drayton fßlackbur p deceased, by JOHN J. BIRD, Adm’r. Blakely, Ga. Sept. 7th, 1855. geplf>w2m TWO months al'.er publication of this notice application will be made to the Court ol Ordinary of Mu cogee coun ty for leave toseli ail the real estate and negroes ot Dr. Philo H Wild man deceased. septat—w2m HENRY HUP.T. Adra’r. Mary Baker 1 Bill for Discovery, Relief, and vs. Injunction, returnable . to Chat- WUUs P. Baker,St others. ) tahoocuee Superior Ttrm, i855. IT appearing to me on theaffl lavit of tbe CompiEinanf, in the above Bill, Mary Baker, that one of the Defendants thefeir., Willis P. Baker, resides beyond the limits ot this State, It is or dered thatibe said Willis P appear and plead, ansa er or de mur,to said Bill at th next term of the said court, ad that pub! catlorf of thisorder be made, > s service of said bill on said WilisP., in one of tha public gazettes of the city of Columbus, nce a month for four months. Witness my official signature, this the 30th dav of May. 1555. jnolS—wmim. EDMUND H. WORRILL, s. t.c. c. c. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. JgggjgjreSg? jpg MONTGOMERY, WEST POINT & OPELIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. On and after the ICth July I’R \l v Bon this toad will be; gov erd a by me following SUItLULL: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery ?\ a. m. Arr ve a Cos un.bus |i 4,0 a in. Arm-© at West Point... Leave * olumbus 8.4n u in. * A rave at* ontg. rain -.'.4p p. m. Arr.veat West Point'. n.4j u> , n- NIGHT TRAIN. Lerve Mon’gomin 8 ro p. m. A/riveat wlumhus ~'.24a b esi I'oint r... 2. sli a. m. Leave Columbus n DUp.u>. Arrive at VouUtomery n;! *• Wes; Point 3u p m. Double Daily <Vnm piioi s ere continued trout West Point to Atlanta and Nashville.and daily to Hi xvide. Tenn. Daily connections are continued Iro.u Montgomery to A/o ----b le by s aves and Benn>boa'B. Passengers taking the N ght Train from Colnml n. are re quested to purchase tickets-ot the agent at the PERRY HOUtsE between tlebonrsof 111,-mid 11 o'clock pm. ni'°r> f S G. -IQS ts. Png’r. tz Pup. Change of Schedule ON THE# MUSCOGKIi RAIL ROAD! OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT mi I (IRK AMTKEW ORLEANS MAIL! . On and after July 16th, THERE will l>e Two Dally Mail Trains between Columbus and Macon—* rrivtl auu departure ns toilers: Arrive atGo.umbusa m. aim H % p. m. Leave ** 4>£ a. r .and p. m. Arrive at Macon a. m. ni and R ."w p. tn. Leave do -lnji.m ;>d 3V p. m. BOTH Tit AINS Making a comj letecomectn-n betwtei Montgr m< ry. ’la., ard Augusta, KingsviJie, Y\ iinib gtoii and 1 hsilcstoi: a so, with Gehtral -ait Road to Savannah, ami M 1 Hedge vi lie, aid with the Macon and West rn Trains. to Alluu'a, Ghaitai ooga, Nashville ard Knoxv lie. Also, connecting at with the Girard &. .Mobile Railroad, for Kntaula But one change of Cars bet ivren Montgom ery and Augusta, between winch*are inning carelui ftaygaLe Masters ui tier heavy bonus, who will cl eelt baggegeand follow it through. ‘ B. E YVKLi S, <'olumbus. Jif’y (7—twjswtt Fsujrieei ardbup’t CHANGE OF SCHEDULE MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. \ FTEK Monday, Hith i?epttn.ber, ihe Passenger anti freight Train will leave Girard ai itjf P. ‘l.daily, (Sundayse>cep. ted) connecting at Silver Run with a daily line ot stages to Villula, GJennville, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, and Mariannh, Fla. And on Tuesdays, anti Fridays, with the Mages lor Uchee, Olivet, Enon, Hardaway, Cnunneuuggee, Midway, Parole and Union Springs. Leaving Silver Run at 6?£, A. M., daily. (Mondays excepted) arrive at Girard at dA. At., connecting with the Opelika anu Muscogee Trains. Round trip, tickets good for four days can be purchased at Girard and Silver Run, at loss tfan the regular rate. It. A. 11 ARD A WAV. Bej>!B-w&dwtf. Engineer. Enquirer copy. Barbour County Lands for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale 640 acres first rate Cotton Land, of which mere is lour hundred acres oak and Ii k ory, and the balance number one pine land, with on<* in nd red and fitly acres cleared and in a high note of cultivation. 11isbbiitilully watered with never i&ilii g sprints 01 purr, sweet and cool water. The locality is very healihy, ai dtn a neignborl uod wliich is certainly an exception tor high morals npd good society. All necessary outbuildings nrd C ibinsareon the place partially new and in good repair.with a variety of the finest kind of Irint trees: and issituaud < n the road leading from Glennville to-Clayton, Barbour county, Ala., aud four miles north we*t of Eu'aula** Persons wishing o buy. would do welllo call and examine the place before pur chasing else w hi re. For furiher p irflculars, address the undersigned at Fu f rula Barbour county, Alabama. STbi-uLN B 1 DS >LE. Sepl24 w 4 SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS V To be drawn’ Oct. Oth, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN iR'XF.S AMOUNTING TO 308g*©MB*® Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! And remember every Prize fa drawn at each drawing and paid when one WITHOt T DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. CAPITALS $12,0)0 “ 3.0U0 “ 2,000 “ 1,50 J “ u 1,2(0 “ 1,100 * “ sos .... “ D* Os 4(H) In all p : as -s amountin'’ to $50,000 V\ hole ‘l’ickets 98; Ha ves S4; Quarters $2. Bills on all solvent bai ks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign ol the Bronze Lion Montgomery, Jure 28, —twtd JOHN MA Y, Agent, Girard, Ala. £TT“ All letters for irrjm<-diate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Georgia. PORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted lrom the Commissioners the Agency en*i Management ot the FORI GAINES AG A DEMY •OT 1 1R V, ha estaoti led the pri-cipal< fiiceat Uianra, Georgia, am intends con ducting tie Letter) on the ame p!au as that ot the {southern Military .dcademy Lottery, of Alabama. - 9 * GRAND SCHEME FOR OCT. - Class e. be drawn Oct. 11, HSS, in the City of Atlanta. Ga., when Piizeeamoumir gjo 5! oSSff SS3SZSVgtI. Drawing, an.l paid when due WllHu’jf DEDUCTI’ ‘N 1 1 PRtZE OF ~...57.5'0 t M S.MK) <j u 2,bbo 5 • •• ‘-t Is o ‘l> 7b - ::::::::” t;;;;;: ‘S “ -• . 25 Tickets $5; pj a i ve6 5-2 50; Quarters $1 25. ONLY ‘ fEN THOUSAND NUMBERS ! Bi.lsonal l solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly con .jpntial. ~ SAMUEL SWj|N T s Agent and Manager, “if — td Atlanta, Georgia. [NUMBER 119