The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 05, 1855, Image 3

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Jjrr—’ and salutary effect induced me to solicit an agency. I tmd, upon an examination, that there is not a bottle in our town tor sale. I will take great pleasure in doing all iu my power tor you. Yours truly, fMim a. l. McWilliams, m. and. Kfr bold by till Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement, in another column. LIST OF LETTERS. \ LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Poet Office xjl at Columbus Ga. Oct. I,| 1855, which, if not taken outjby Jan. 1, 1856, will be sent to the Dead Letter office, A Allen, JohnW Aldridge, JII .Adams, GW Amos,“Mary Allman, Morris] II .Brady, John Bin?, Christopher llßoland, II Baily, Richard Brodnax, Ga. A 2 Boland, Martha Bullard, D Brooks, John Belk,LD Bandy, James T Boland, Wm Brush, Mrs R Blome, L T 5 Bussay, Marg’t Brodnax, Sarn’l Brown, F R Bench, Sadie Brooks, Mary A 2 G Copeland, Lucy.A Cohen, Henry Coleman, Jas M Connell, Edmund Coleman,Robt Cariway, 11 B Cunningham, CobbColquitt, Nelson Coleman, Emily -<fc Cos. Collins, Matilda Crews, Jas F Cotton, T V Cortens, Lorimer Dans, Howell Davidson, Ann Davidson, Stillman Davis, Thus’ 2 Davidson, Larkin Dunkin, Wm Dean, Wm F Decrow, James Davies, Mrs LJ 2 i: & v Edmunds. T T Flemming, John Frost, Maria Fletehei, Julia Ford, E N G Gowen, Drury Gray, Mary Jane 2Gibson, H A Goodwin, Mrs E Griffin, Edward Goodwin, H Gowvau, John Giloert, M C Gwerry, A V il Iltnegan, J II Harris,. W T Henry, Joseph Hard, Jack Hull &. Spencer Iluffj C .1 K Jones, W S Jones, Alary Kent, Francis E Johnson, Jimmie Jones, Hiram T Kelly, J W 2 Johnson, L S &CoJohnson, Chas L Lockhart, T J 3 Lester, Missouri A Lester, Benj M Mosely, L P 2 Mullen, John McKinley, J R Miller, Thos C Morrell, Cyntha McCanty, A B Murphy, A W Milton, Sarah McGee, Sarah Mullen, Angdine’ Maumzer, N R McGlary, Sarrt’l Marquerum, MissLAlalone, Susan McQueeu, Lewis Mecahorn, Miss N McKinney, N J Mcharty, Charley Mills, A j McKee, W G McLane, L A IN O Nutter, J A O’Keefe,* Mrs O’Neal, J H Nicholson S A E I* Payne, Mrs Phillips, AD 2 Pace, Aieanah Persons, Mary Pickett, Geo E 2 Proctor, Hollis S Pitmon, Eliz’h AGParneil, Laura) Pruitt, Martha E j PierSbii. Geo S Pope, Elizabeth J Pitts, John Wj it Rheinhard, Ben Robinson,B H 2 Reynolds, John D Roberts, Wm G Rustay, FR Riley, Henry Rotlgers, Nancy Remington, Jas II Rodgers, Emily C Roberts, Nancv S Stewart, S W Shivers, Arthur Stevens, Mrs M E Sten house, Allen&,Srnith, Ann Simpson, Beoj Co.j Smith, Mary C Smith, Catharine Scott, A M Sparkes, Win Stembecker, B Smith, Martha Shotwell, Dilly Souls, Wm Simmons, Ozias Stewart, David T B T Thomas, II Thrivet, Col Turrenffne, Harriet Thomas, A G Thompson, Mary Thompson, R L Thomas, Janbates Terry, Frankliug Threalueld, J W Taylor, Wm & CoTant, D K \\ Wadsworth, Jaue2Wiliiams, Alfred Winter, Moses White, Jas \V West, Caroline F Wingfield, W S j W.uLwoitn, W F Williams, Mrs AHWisham, Joseph Woodson, Caroline Walker, S Williams, Eliza j Walton, Elizabeth Wayne, Hester Welbur, Aaron Wright, Beuj West, M G Wright, Win Williams, Bowl’g 2 Williams, But-v Wissell, James j Willis, LK Persons calling for any of the letiers on this list will j please ask tor advertised letters. U. C. FORSYTH,r. m. ! Columbus, Ga. Oct. 1, 1855. Notice. IJERSUNS indebted to G. E. Gager, will find their accounts in my hands. Juii.n I'hAIiUDV. Office over Gager’s old stand. oct4-tw3t. JOHN PEABODY, A TT O 7! NE Y A T L A W . COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. nr*Otfice in Warren’s Arcade. oct4 —iw3m. j Eor Sale. A FIRST Rate Saddler and Harness Maker, 27 years of age, of good character, intelligent,sound and healthy. Appiyto A. K. AVER, f oct4 —twtf No. 131 15road Street. BROOKS & CHAPMAN COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE removed to their new and commodi- JjfeA ousStore, 3 Doors Below their old Stand, JseWT on West Broad Street. v —v We are now receiving and offering at Whole ftL.,,.. sale and Retail prices, a Stock of DRUGS, MEDLINES, And all other articles pertaining to our busi jsfi jjj C uess, which, in point oi quality and variety,are equal, it not superior, to auyaver before offered B£|i |H in this market. Physicians and Merchants doing UK business in the Country, will find it to their in terest to cr 11 and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as we shall be enabled, through our facilities, to oiler our articlejupon very low terms. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT, In this important branch of lhe business we have made ma ny desirable improvements, to which, we particulaily call lhe attention of Physicians and the citizens ‘.of Columbus. Fully aware ot the responsibility attached to the (. OJSII O L A DJj\ r O Ob’ MED tCIM TS-Saml the precaution tiecess try to be used we are determined to give it our personal attention; which assu rance v/ith our known experience in the business, will, we trust, secure ter, us a continuance oi the libeial patronage hitherto bestowed. . . , , Physicians and those who wish to bo served after the usual hour of closing at night, will find us in the back room above the store, which is accessible by a flight of stairs iiom t the front. JMPORTUD FRENCH TOILET ARTICLES. They are also receiving and will continue to.keep on baud a good supply of the above; consisting of a great variety ot Soaps. Lubin’s Hdkf. Extracts & Cologne, 111 Cut and beautiful Bohemian Glassware Bottles; also, other Fancy Articles, to which we respectfully ,'invite attention. ” of the Negro and Mortar. .ioHN vv . BROOKS?. oct3—wfctwtt S. CHAPMAN. MUSCOGEE BUILDING- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. rjVHK I4‘.h monthly installment, of one dollar per share, X lel payable on Saturday next. Tne association will meei at Concert Hall oft that evening, at 7 o’clock. ocM-twlt ST RULING F. GRIMES, Treasurer. Talbot Sheriff Sales, WILL be sold bofore the Court House door in the town ofTalbollon, Talbot County, on the fittd Tuesday in November next, betweeu.the usual hours of sale, the ioi* lowing property to wit: Two buy horses,one sorreil horse, two black mules, levied oa to satisfy three tl tas iroiu Talbot Superior court in favor o’ - Bates & Mitchell vs J CAt VV A Douglass, Wilmaus fc Price veJ C ;& VV A Doug,ass. Wiley Banks *l (Jo., vsJ Cat VV. A. Doufflasl, levied on. as tho . pioperiy, of J. C. & VV. A Douglass—property poiuled out Ly i evi B Smith, Plaiut.ff’a Also, at the -saute time and place will be sold, two pur nnith’s bellows, two anvils, one drill, three pr tongs, one vice, one desk and book case, levied on to sati sly one ti ta lrom Talbot riupeiior Court, in favor ol‘ IV iu VV McNeil vs Kobert M oriant at Vv in Caraway, levied on as the jy-operty ot W illiam Caraway—propefriy pointed out by Wm A/CNeii. , wtd f, if.JIARV tl , Dept, isli IT. Will be sold at the same time and place 6|x negroes, AthaDa uud iter children, sopbia, Henry, Dick, iaom.aiid Isabella, levied on as the property of Jauits I'ergu son, to satisly four fi las from the Justices court'ot the ePKb JUistriC, Georgia Militia, of said county of Talbot, hj tavoi ol William Bond vs James Fergusou, James Bond and P. Baugh, and on* fl fa trora said Jjpstice* court in tavor of Wtu. Bond vs James Ferguson, James Pond and P. Baugh, security and the five first u imed negroes levied on .to ea'iafy oiietilu from 6,iJ Justices court, in Invor of win. Bond, Jas ttoud and VVtu P Baugh —said property levied on hv James? Robinson, a cou rtly ot widen nty, oh the 3d day ot April, ‘B4-, and by biro iv t lined to the fo-roVr sheriff of said county At Talbot, itT- wul F.II.HMiVKV, Dept.Bh ir. J. A. FOX, attorney at law, COLUMBUS, GA. WILL attend punctually to a’l criminal and civil cases en- V trusted to him in any of the courts of the surrounding counUesofthUgtateand Alabama. ■* mice on corn&r of Broad and Randolph streets, over Manlev Hedges. REFERENCES— Iverson, i Temrabt Lomax, Columbus, Ga. Hr. Stanford, S Samuel F. R ice, V Montgomery, Ala. Columbus, Oct. 4. -w&twtf THEHATSTORE, eg IS REMOVED TO 142 BROAD STREET, (In Part Occupied l>y J. H. MERRY.) VyHERE may be found, asAt-ual, all the latest and best styles of HATS <fc CAPS of every variety, quality price and size. We guarantee both a fit and satisfaction to’ ail who may give us a cal!. Also a choice lot of Walking Canes and Umbrellas. Repairing and Manufacturing to order as Visual oct2— w&tw3w F. LAN DON. MANLEY & HODGES. ARE nowin receipt of the most Elegant Assort ment of GSoods they have ever offered to the community. All are dnvited to cail and see us, for we .are confident we can please in Style, Quality and Price. oot2—wtwtf A SPLENDID Line of Ladies Dress Silks, of entirely new styles. Finest French Printed DeLaines. Embroideries of every variety. Richardson’s Pure Housewife Line ns. oct2—w&twtf iMANLEY & HODGES. ITHne Pure Slialcer Flannel. Silk Warp Superior 4-4 English “ oct2—twtf R 1 4NLEY & HODGES. YJarsley’s Takle Damask. JL) 90 to 108 inch. Best Linen Sheeting, Napkins. Towelling, &<\ 10, 11 &. 12—4 Best Bed Blankets. A superior lot of Negro do. oct2—twtt MANLEY & HODGES. \T r elvet Krussells 3 fc 3 ply Carpets. Oil Cl iths for *■ ©oms and Passages. Chene le and Velvet Rugs. oct‘2 -twtf- MANLEY & HODGES. Ladies CLOAK CLOTHS of varicus,colors and Trimmings to mafeh. While and Colored Marseilles Quilts. oct2—twtf MANLEY & IIODGFS. Enquirer .copy, Mgmk REMOVAL, CUSHIvIANID c ntist* , Removed across to No, 48 broad Street, over Purple’s Ji welry Store. oct2—wtwtf. SSO Eeward. I WILL give the above reward for the delivery of the Notes and other Papers stolen from our Store in June last, and no questions asked. D. P. ELLIS &, CO. Enquirer and Corner Stone copy ts oet2—wtwtf “FARMERS’ & EXCHANGE BANK” Os Charleston, South Carolina. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS. TOILLSon New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, . J Savannah an and Augusta, discounted at customary rates— Sight Exchange on any of the above named cities for sale. E. T. TAYLOR, Agent. Office next door to the Post Office. Columbus, Oct. 2,1855. wiiutw2m 350 REWARD. Y It AN A WAY from the subscriber; rear Fort Browdi r, Barbour Cos. Ala., a Negro .Van named Bob, OSJX 24 years of age, weighs about 140 pounds, 5% to 5 feet Zj? 7 incites high, dark complexion, has the peculiar ac centation of the low country. He is supposed to have changed his name, and to be lurkiug about Columbus —probably harbored by someone. He is dobtlessiu posses sionof a pass, as he is known to write a little, and may en deavor to make his way North, if taken up about Columbus, he can be easily recognized by application at Greenwood &. Grime’s Warehouse, where the reward will be paid, or by my self. sept27—wtwtf . S. OTT. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! WE ARE REQUESTED TO ANNOUNCE THAT JONAS SMEETONX YTTILL return from Ei'ropk on or about the tith October VV next, and will open at his oid stand, Broad st. Columbus An Extensive Stock of First Rate GOODS, COMPRISINO English, French and Belgian Cloths, of the best quality and latest stjles, selected by himself from the Emporiums of Fashion in the .principal cities of Europe; besides ;i complete assortment of /Gentlemen's wearing appa rel, such as COATS, PAM, VESTS, t SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &c Wait and give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, Columbus, Ga.,Septly3, w&twtf. Enquirer copy. “ NEW FALL HOODS. .■ . w TAKE pleasure in announcing to their customers and the public generally. thattheyUiave just completed one ofthe most extensive and choice slocks of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, For the FALL TRADE, thathasever been exhibited in Columbus, many of the articles being directly imported by themselves, giving them an opportunity of offering to their customers, inducements heretofore unknown inCclumbus. Os every description manufactured expressly for J. & .T. K. All kinds of EMBR OI DERIES ‘rora Paris. Rich and Beautiful SILKS “do do do MANTILLAS &l CLOAKS of eery design, direct froin Paris. ALSO, A WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF WO OLE N DIIESS GOODS, embracing every new and desirable style. A HE AV Y STO CK OF Negro Blankets, Shoes, Hats & Kerseys, and every other article fin theirgliceat Very Retfnccd | Prices, call and examine. I Columbus, Ga. [sept2s—wtwtf CLAYTOiX & WILKINS, Auction, Commission, Receiving AND for WaRD IN li MERCII ANT S. THE undersigned, having formed a Copartnership to do I a general Auction, Commission, Receiving and For- j warding Business at the. old stand ot AYER & WILKINS, Will give their personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. We are prepared to make liberal advances upon ail articles ot Produce and other Goods consigned to us Special attention paid to the sale of REAL ES TATE, N EGROES, &.e., at Auction, r A CLAYTON. F. G. WILKINS. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 15,1855. w&twtf BY lIiRRISONJ: MgGEIIEE “ REAL ESTATE AND NEWROES, AT AUCTION. 4 T 11 o’clock on the first Tuesday in October uext, w’e will sell at the Market House, qitv lot No. 607, and improvements, situated on the corner ot Mercer and Fulton streets. Ou the premises are a dwelling with four rooms, a good stable and crib. The place is well inclosed a strong lenee and beautifully shaded. Terms— One-third cash, one-third 12 months, balance two years, with notes and approved security. ALSO, 5 or 6 likely negroes, men and women. 1 good two horse Rockaway audjtaraess. 1 good buggy aud harness. 1 new two horse dray—and a large lot of FURNITURE, GROCERIES, Ac. Ac. E. J. PINCKARf), Auctioneer. Sept. 15, 1855. w&twtds. J. H. “DANIEL IS IN WANT OF MONEY, AND those indebted to him are earnestly requested to make immediate payftieut. sept27—wtw3t FASHIONABLE i • DAGUERREAN SALOON. r rilE proprietor of this pleasant, commodions, and first ciass : _ Balocu of Fine Arts, has again returned to resume his bu ; siliess lor the season. Mr. Kiddie bae had a practice of over eieht years, which ranks him one of the inost successful oper -1 atorsin the profession; his pictures are clear, white, hand -1 same and admired by all. Call am! judge for ymirstlves.— Rooms on Brood Street, over C. Mygatt’e Dry Good’s Store. A. J. RIDDLE. Proprietor and Principal Operator: Columbus, Sept. 25—w&twtf. TO THE MUSICAL WORLD. THE undersigned would respectfully in y-^'A~ v fxi * orHl citizens of Columbus that he hasve- i * X 1 • turned from the North and will resume his lessons on, Monday Oct. Ist. He would ho obliged to those w ho wish to avail themselves ot his Jervicos, to make an early application as the number of his pupils will be limited. NEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSI 0. The undersigned offers for sale a large assortment of New and Fashionable Music. It has been selected by himselt, during his recent visit to the North, and forms the best assortment ever brought to this market. A large discount will be made to teachers ot music, and to Principals of Academies and Colleges. Rooms over Merry’s Clothing Store. Broad St. Colom bus Ga. sep2stwtf H. S. SARONI. Land for Sale! 4ggs THF. subscriber offers for sale his valuable planta "jjigSitioii situated on Chattahoochee river,in Henry county, twelve miles below Eufaula, containing Sixteen Hundred Acres, more or less. Thereare one hundred acres of uncleared river bottom that will produce a bag of cotton to the acre. There are on the premises a fine dwelling twelve framed negro lioues, a good well of water, and a never failing spring; a fine gin carried by water power. With little expense a good mill could be put in operation. All of the fields have running water in them, supplied by unfailing springs. For pii ityof water the springs cannot be exceeded j in the South. Tin? land is productive and the titlesiiidispnta- ! ble. Tothose who no disposed to see the place, I say come, and fam sure yon v embrace this opportunity of acquiring a good farm. Z. C. WILLIAMS. sep‘.29 > tw3m. WYNNTON male academy. T APT will open schoolin Wynn- I ! on Oct. Ist,instead of Fine Grove,as previous ly announced. Scholastic year will close last week of June. Termsfperyear y4O. twtf. INSTRUCTION IN DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING. THE undersigned intends opening a class in the above nam ed branch in the city of Columbus on the 10th day of October next. Those who wish to avail them-etves of th is favorable opportunity (so useful to every merchant,) can do so by leaving their names with the subscriber as soon as possible. T erms S3O: tor one course of twelve lessons. At the “close of which a thorough knowledge s guarantied or no pay ment required. Or iers left at the Music Store of T H. VANDEN RERGwill receive prompt attention. E. F. YANDEN BERG. Columbus, Bept. 25. twtf DANCING ACADEMY MR. C. 11. CLEVELAND, VVrOULI) most respectfully announce to the citizens of Columbus, that he will commence the exercises oi his Dancing Academy the first week in October. All the genteel and fashionable Dances of the day will be taught during the session. Terms of tuition made known hereafter by circulars. Sept. 20-twtf. A CAK D. THIS Paper is manufactured at Hock Island Paper Mills, Columbus Ga.* Three and a halfecnts peril), will be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton ItAGS. Printing and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW PRICES. Coin us, Ga. July 17. w&twtf NEW VOLUMES OFjTfLE i FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS j NAMELY, * EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH, AND LON-1 DON QUARTERLIES, AND BLACK- I WOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, (MONTHLY,) Commence with the North British jor May, 1855, unit the other Reviews and Blackwood for July, 1855. j Terms of Subscription: Any one Review of Blackwood, S3 a >ear. Blackwoodand ! one Review—or any two Reviews, &5 The four Reviews and Blackwood. $lO. Four copies to one address, S3O. Postage (which should be paid quarterly in advance) on the four Reviews and blaokvvood to any post office in the Uni ted Suites, only 80 cents a year. Namely: 14 cents a year one each Review, and 21 cents a year on Blackwood. Address, Si. SCOTT & CO., Publishers, septß 54 Gold-st.corner Fulton. N. Y. CORN WANTED. VI/ E will pay the highest market price for Corn, of old or , new crop, in the ear or shelled. Cash paid lor any quantity from 1 Bushel to 1000. sept2G—wtwtf WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. Wheat Wanted ! THE Palace Mills wiil pay $1.50 per bushel Cash for Prime White Wheat and $1.35 Cot Prime Red. nug2s , wtwtf TROY FACTORY WARE-ROOMS, EAST SIDE “BROAD ST. —NOS. 14 k 86; R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. j STUB above establishment vW re-opened its Sale and Ware room, with a full asssortment,^”- rn comprising die following articles of rceent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from four to ihirty dollars. CHAlßS—Cottage, Bodon Rocking, Office, Writing, Nurse’s, Children’s, and Dining. • TUBS, BUCKETS, —Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper | —brass and iron bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass ; and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washstands, Tables. Besides many other articles for house furnishing and do- j niestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed G Jefferson & Cos., Jrom country merchants and others, will be promptly attended to. The Factoiv is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, Pine, Ash, Poplar, China, &.c., tie- KICHABD Ct JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Sept. 1, 1855. w&twfim. SITUATION WANTED, BY a man well acquainted with the mercantile business i Address T. W., Columbus P. O. septlßtwtf , - _ To Farmers. Owl! ACRES, first rate land for sale, 220 acn s freslt* open OU laud, that will pr >duce from MW to 12C0 lbs jottonper ! acre; well watered and perfectly healthy—four ruiies rent l Gleunville, Barbour countv, Ala. Enquire of septb—twtf BENJ. SCREWS. NOTI (JE 4 LL persons indebted to the late firm ot Alloy Sc Will- I xjL helm, in the Gas Fitting will find their ac j counts in the hands ot D- B. Thompson &, Cos., to whom ! ail payments must be made. JEREMIAH. WILLHKLM, WILLIAM ALLEY. Columbus, Sfept. 18. t‘-v3w t •J, * FOR SALE, 7 AHouse and Lot with % acre ground. The house hue 4 rooms, double kiUhen, brick smoke house, opposite the Court House,occupied laA ;ear by Mr. Torbert: . Terms one half cash, the balance in one and tyro years, hearibg lesal interest. Apply to J. B. HICKS, Bro.ail st.’.Bi the Tin Shop! Possession gtveninunodiaiefo'. If not sold will be rented. wpt2o fwfit. ATTENTION EVERYBODY! •ajp?--- IUAVi: REMOVED MY STOCK OF ggyt J3OOKS, STATIONERY. &c. To the Auction Store of HARRISON & McGEHEE, No. 60, west side Broad Street, where I shall be pleased to see my triends and all Who want to buy Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles 83* IT COST, FOR C,1511!n I still have a number of valuable BOOKS and a good lot of STAFLL AND FANCY STATIONERY, which lam very anxious to dispose of, as I desire to quit the business. 1 have lifted up a part of the store expressly for my ac commodation, and the ladies are particularly invited to call and examine my stock. Come soou, if you want bar* gains! I am still actiug as MAGISTRA TE, and will be plea sed to attend to the collection of claims and all other bu siness connected with the Office. JORDAN L. HOWELL. Columbus, Sept. 25. w&twll MORE OF THE HISTORY &/Wfgkmg Napoleon Bonaparte, by J. 8. C. Abbrtt. Hidden Path, by Marion llarland, author niMlKHtkJw Oleve Hall, by Miss Newell; Mlie,or the Human Comedy, by John Eaten Cooke. Tne Escaped Nun, or Disclosures of Convent Life; One, or the old West Room, by L. M. M.; and Darkness, a Story of Fashionable Life; The Adventures of Amyes Leigh, by LTarles Kingslei: Y*®. .inkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs; (new supply.) A \ isit to the Camp before Sevastopol, bv Richard C. Me Corinick, Jr., (new supply.) Christie Johnson; by Charles Reade; School of Life, by Anna Mary Howitt: Leaves from a Family Journal, by Emily L. estre; Maud and other Poems, by Alfred Tenuyst : English Orphans, by Mary J. Homes: ‘u w e or the Rescue, a Tale of Kanawha; Chemistry of Common Life by Johnson; Land, Labor and Cold, by William Howett; Sociology for the South by George Fitshurgh; Henry- Vernon,or the Deram; by a Georgian. Just ‘Received by \j. vV. PEASE, sept 1 4 w&fw 92 Broad street. #PINE GROVE ACADEMY. THE Exercises of this Institution will be resu med the Ist Monday in October next. JOHN ISHAM. Sept. 25 tw& wtoe I. COLUMBUS FEMALE ACADEMY #THE exercises of this Institution wilt be resu med on Tuesday Oct. 2d,and continued till July 1850. Tuition §3O and £4O. C. VV. CHAPMAN. Jfe, MRS. BRIBE WILL re-open her School on llc first ‘WW Monday in October next. September 4, ISoS. twtf. A CARD. HAVING disposed of my entiro stock of Drugs Meu i( ines, &.C., to Messrs. J. S. Pemberton, & Cos., I cheerfully recommend them to my old fiiends aud custom ers. Thankful tor the patronage bestowed upon me, I would respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same to my successors. It. CARTER. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 21 1855—w&tw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., &c. J.S. PEMBERTON & CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, AT THE SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, COLUMBUS, GA. fVV E have purchased the entire Stock of Drugs. n Medicines, Chemicals, &c., of ROBERT TER. and will continue Hie business at his old Stand. We aro now receiving a full assortment ot - hoice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, In struments, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &,c., suited alike to the tastaof the city and wants of the country; which will be sold at prices that, will not fail to give satis faction, Wo respecttully invite our friends and tho publie to give us a call, and we pledge ourselves to make it to the inter lerest of all who may favor us with tlieir patronago. From our long ex-periuce as Druggists, and with close aitention to bu siness, we trust that we shall not fail to give entire satisfaction to all who may honor us with a call. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24. w&twtf CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CRAWFORD STRETT, 23?^ Two Boots below.. Hankin' s Corner. npHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand the finest IIA JL VANA CIGARS, and offers them for sale at the lowest rmcES, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot ot American Cigars. Also, every variety of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, and all the articles usual ly found in au establishment of this kind. All goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free from defects of any kind. Orders from the country care fully and promptly attended to. augl-I—w&twly JAMES ESTEVEZ. Partnership Dissolved. THE late firm of R. M. Alt!worth & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm must be paid to R. M. Aid worth. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R. M. ALDWORTH VI7 ILL continue to carry on the business at the old stand ’’ on Randolph Street. Work done in the best style and at the shortest notice.* 11. M. ALDWORTH. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. tw6m. By Harrison, & McGehee, Auctioneers. PLANTATION FOR S \LE THF. undersigned will sella bargain! .us Plantation lying 7 mi'es south east of Columbus, the St. Marys’ road, containing 455 acres of Pine Land—; VO cleared aid under excellent iences; every field watered with never failing streams. On the premises are anew framed gin j house and screw of the first Qrder; a good dwelling and | all necessary out houses, all in good repair, with tw’o wells | of water. Apply to G. C. Benton on the place, or to Har~ j risoa <fc McGehee, at Columbus. Terms accommodating. Sept_l7 twtf Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. x [By Authority of the State of Georgia .] Macon, Ga. ats >SS CD a CD CD CD C I. A Xfi F. WILL be distributed according to the following graud and uuprecedeiited scheme, in public, at t’oncert Hall, Macon,tia., under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Juebet, Esq. ) The Manager announces his determination to make this the [ most popular Lottery iu the world, and challenges comparison I as to tne chance to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize Hdrawu at each drawing, and paid when due in l'u.l without any reduction. TO BE DRAW* OCT. 15, 1855.; 1 PRIZE OF .515,000 I do 5,000 ! 1 do |,oio 1 1 do >.... . I do g,OtJ i 1 do 15.00 l do 1,100 5 Prizes 0f.., 1.000 50 do 500 101 Prizes in all amounting to ,560.000 Tickets &10 ; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50. * TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. * The chances U; gaiu the Capital Prize in the old combination plan isl in 76,076, in this l iu 10.000. Drawings sent to allordering tickets. All orders, rely ou it. etrictlv confidential. Bills on all solvent Ranks take*) at par. Registered money leUers at my risk. Prizes paid when due without discount. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager july M— wU Macon, Ga. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON A PLANE, ATTO RN E Y S A T LAW, COLUMBUS. GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HAVING made arrangements at War hi** to* City, by which all business entrusted to them will be prdtnptn ait- nded to.thcy are enabled to procure Bounty Lmul War rants, Pensions, Ac., and prosecute Claims*against , the UniUd'StaUa eithert>cl*r© Ctmisres# or thescvcial I>c • part inept#. are also prepared to purchase Claims, &c, against : tin- United States. Pay required until the Land Warrant #, (.hum#, kc. i are-proeirred**, . JAMKS HAMIbTON.* * WM. F. FLANK. April7th.,lßss. wArtwtf Bounty Land! Bounty Land I Bounty Land ! I r TMI E undersigned having associated themselves together for JL tbe purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under ! the several acts of Congress heretolore p&ssd, are now prepared ; to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, umiera recent aetof Congress, entitled to au addi | tional Bounty of Land, aud by calling at our office cun get all thenecessary information. VV’eare also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims ! against the United States. F:om our long experience ami geil \ eral success, we can with confidence say, that a 1 ! claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business hie personal attention there. Officeover Guuby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus,Georgia. , _ MICHAEL N. CLARK, feb24.. w&twtf. A. It. RAGAN. LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, rOR THE PURCHASE AKD SALE OF REAL ES TA TE OF ALL .DESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., OX* RAXDOEFU STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. Ilf AV E del erm i ned to devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, Irom my knowledge of tbe lands in Georgia, to be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may entrust me with business. I am prepared to either buy orsell,perhapsto belter advantage than any other person in Western or South-Western Georgia. It you have lauds to sell, call upon nre; if Ido not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for I nave many valuable lots and settlements of laud to sell. from my extensive knowledge ot tbe owners of lands, l am prepar ed to ascertain tbe owner of almost every vacant lot of land in the State. IPyou wih to have your land valued, you may rely uponcorrect information, upon reasonable terms. Heeds, At ortgages, and other instruments, drawn cor rectly and at low rates. Ski?**Agents wanted to sell Bonner’s large map ot Georgia— high per cent.given. Une thing is certain,] am paying New York and Washing ton-City Prices for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Having also made an arrangement with oneof thebestflrms in Washington, 1 am prepared to appiy lor Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion —to be paid lor when the warrant arrives. I ring in your claims soon. As l intend to make thisa permanent business, and give It my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfactioc, I hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, lrom my irieuds and tho community generally. S. R.*B<NNER, july3l—w&twJy Land Office, Columbus. iManiilacturens’ <fe Mechanics’ limit, J Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. J r FHIB Instittution having been re-organized under new Di -1 rectors ami Oflieeis, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New York, Savannah, Montgomery and other points, at the usual rates, amlwilitake paper for collection. E.T. TAYLOR, President. J.IL Fonda, C<*6hicr. j'ine3o—wt&wtf WO months after date application will be made to Ihe A Court >1 Ordinary of Sumter county, for leave to sell tho real estate of Richard B. Huff, lato of sard county, deice au and. septß—vSJm JOHN A. HUFF, Adrn’r. PRICES REDUCED. COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” julv 11-”-twtf. WINTER FACTORY. TROY FACTORY WARDROOMS. COLUMBUS, GA., JAN. Ist, 1854, FROM ami after litis date no goods will bo sold at th© above establishment except for CASH ! janll—twtf. WALTON K. HARRIS. wnmß FACTORY, Commious, Ga. YARNS, LINSEYS, WRAPPING TWINE’ SEWING THREAD, for bale. WOOL Carded at one fourth toll or ten cents per pound. LINSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. per yard. All Work done Promptly and Warranted. MONTGOM ERY IRON WORKS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines, Circular Saw Mills,'Grist Mills, Shafting, or any desci iption of MJtCJUJVLR Y. Also Rich’s un rivalled Water Wheels,the best in the world. Lynch, Page & Cos. Whiftlesy & Cos., Woodruff & Goetchius,on the Muscogee Rail Road,and numerous others, testify to cutting JOOO feet of Lumber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Baw Mills oioneSaw. G. W. WINTER. marJ2—w&lwlf Agent, Columbus Georgia. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS! LINSEYS!! TATE call attention to the fact that our Linseys are wi V? der, by 2or 3 inches, than those usually sold here that they are made of prime Geotgia Wool, and weigh fuil 10 ounces to the yard. If Planters consult their in terest they will buy of our goods. T hey are the best in Georgia. aug3jwtwtf y INTER FACTORY. DISSOLUTION. THECopartnership henhofdre existing under the firm of Ilarrisuii, Austin & McGehcc, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Persons holding claims atainst ihe concern are requested to preset them without delay, and thoseindebted to it will please make immediate payment. C. S. HARhlri'.N, WM. AUSTIN, Columbus, Ga., July 23—wtw2w A. C. McGEHEE. COPARTNERSHIP. r pilE undersigned having purchased the interest ofMr. WM. AUSTIN, m the Ann ot Harrison, Austin & McGebee, will cont.nue the Auction & Commission, Negro Brokerage, & For warding Business. under the name and style of HARRISON & McGEHEE, at the old stand, Nos.s9a:id til, Broad Street, and respectfully so licit the patronage ol ibeii friends and the public. CH 48. S.HARRISON. July 30. -wfctwtf. A Lf.EN-C. McGF.H EK. Wanted A fall UAd ION, by a young man aged 17—a good penman, accouutan t, and wiII i tig to make himself generally u-e 01. Address Box 179, P. O. stpiri—twtf. Cedar, Juniper, and China Wanted. VITE wish to pureba-e quantitie&of Cidar. Jui iper and l hi tt na. Apply at the! roy Factory VV’are Rooms. Columbus, Ga. [septß wtwttj R.G. JEFFERSON &CC REFORMED PRACTICE. I . DR. WM. T. DROWN, I ! HAVING permanently locatsd in Columbus, Ga., can say to tho afflicted that he is prepared to treat al forms ot disease, both acute and chronic. He would partciulariy call the attention of those iaborlng under chronic dis eases of every character, as his success in the treatment ot this . class of diseases has been such as to warrant hun in saying ihat ! ho can give relief in almost every case, tits treatment for Consumption and other pulmonary diseases cannot be eurpas i sed. Those desiring bis serjices may besureof receiving on | ly Sanative Medicatioii, as he is thoroughly ci nvinced that tho loug hstof poisons used as medicinal agents do more to e*i gender disease Ihsn to cure it. j An assortment of valuable medicines on hand, such a? Antt-Billiousi AEti-Dysijeptic and Ague and Fever Pills. Also hig Bpec Acs lor Gonorsl >ea which he will war rant to cure in a very bI ort time. Office over E. Barnard & Co’a. Store. Dr. Brown can be found nt night at the Q House. julyl4vrtw3o>