The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 06, 1855, Image 3

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Ad a Spring ami Nftramer Medicine, Carter’: Sp,tm-ry vl ixture stands j r<* eminent above ail outers li angular y ethcacrous action omhe blood; its strengthen tug and v.Viiymg qualities; its tonic action on the Liver; it tendency to drive al. humors to the euilace, thereby cleans ing the system according to Nature’s own p’Oscfipt'on; ilt ha a n u ,ffi * a 'i a * ea,,Je time extraordinary good effects and the number ot cuics testified to by many of the mos resp ctable citizen® of Richmond. Va. and el.-ewbe-e,musi be conclusive evidence that them is no humbug about it. 1 ue trial of a single bot'le witi tats y the most skeptics’ of its benefits. For sae by THOMAS \l. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS &, CHAPM AN, „ D u\FORTH & NAGLE, Sept6—w<Sr,tw2m c ninmbus, Ga. McLane’s Worm Specific! Z:S&~ The following from a customer shows the demand which thit great medicine has .created „ wherever it has been introduced: Blcssbcrg, Tioga Cos. Pa.. March 30, 18*0. Gentlemen —ln consequence of the gieat consump’ion of your “Worm Specific” in thir place and vicinity, we have entirely exhausted our stock W© should feel oblig ed by your forwarding, via Corning. New York, 20 ddzer. with your bill, on the reception of which we will remit you the money. Fiom the wondorfwLeffects of said Specific in this neigh borhood, there could be sold annually a large quantity, if t. be had, (whoLale and retail) from some local agent.— If you would compensate a person for trouble and expense of vending, 1 think I could make it to your advantage to do so. Yours respectfully, WM. M. MALLORY, Messrs. J. Kidd & Cos. Per. W. Porter. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for BR.M’LANE’S CF,LEBttATF.I> VERMIFUGE* and, take none else. All other Vermifuges. 11\ comparison, aru worthless. Dr. M’Lanes gen uine Vermifuge, alo his Celebrated Liver Pills, cau row be hid at all respectable Di ugStoresin the United Mates and Canada. by all the Druggists In Columbus, and by one agent in every town *op2s—w&t w2w. Extract from a letter recently received from A. L. Mc- Williams, M. I)., a practicing Physician of high char acter,in Fulton, Miss., under date of December Ist, 1854. Fulton, Miss. Dec. Ist, 1854. C. Williams, M.’D.—Dear Sir: The object of this communication ‘Sto procirea quantity of your valuable Expeplorant, known as” Williams’ Balsam of Wild Cher ry and Wood Naptha.” I must confess that it excels eve ry other artiele known to me as a pulmonary agent. Some weeks ago 1 had an opportunity of testing its efficacy in a very bad caee, in niy own family, and its prompt energetic and salutary effect induced me to solicit an agency. I find, upon an examination, that there is not a bottle in our town for ea'e. I will take great pleasure in doing all in my power for you. ‘Yours truly, septfilm A. L. McWILLIAMS, M. D. by all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. MTHE House and Lot at present occupied bytheeub serther and situated on Forsyth street; convenient to business and in an excellent neighborhood. Apply lo JORDAN L. HOWELL, Columbus, Oct. 6—twtf Agent. FEMALE SEMINARY. * MRS. MABLE’3 school will re open on Mon day Ist day of Oct. next, at her residence on For -B>th street. Columbus, Sept. 24 twitt HAYGOOD’S Semi-Weekly STAGE LINE, RUNS in connection with the Mobile & .rorTfflTGirard Rail Road on Tuesdays add Fridays. ocifi - twtf A. IIAYGOOD, Driver. BY HARRISON•& McGEHEE AUCTIONEERS. VALU ABLE REAL E STATE AT AUCTION AT 11 o’clock on the fir-t Tuesday in November next, we will sell at the Market House, in the city of Co lumbus, if not previously disposed of, the Plantation whereon George G. Ben'on now resides, lying seven mi‘es south ea-t of Columbus, on the St Marys’ road, containing 455 acres of Pine Land—l7o cleared and under excellent lence?; every field watered with never failing stieams. On the premises are anew framed gin house and screw of the first order; a good dwelling and all necessniy out house o , all in good repair, with two wells of water. Terms ono half Ist January next, balance Ist January 1357 with notes and approved security. Mr. Benton will take pleasure in showing the place to those who wish to before the day of sale. ALSO. At same time and place; that very deniable place known as the “Catania House,” together with the plantation lv ing on the stage road bom Colum'nu, to Hamilton, I4i miles from the former and 8 from t ie latter, containing 555 acres of land, about 225 acres o’ woodland, the balance cleared and a large potion in a high s-lat© of oultivat on. Tlie plantation is in good repair, acid the location as plea-, saut and heabhy as any in the country. On the premises are a large two story dwelling with 8 comfortable rooms, a Urge new store house, a Kitchen, with two house, negro cabins, gin house and screw, good staples, and a well of a3 g >od water as there is touih of the Pine mountain. Terms on dly of sale. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 6,’55. tw3t&\vtd DISSOLUTION. Til E firm of J. ESN 14 & CO. is this day dissolved by the withdrawal oi V. R.TO.VMEY. All persons indebted to th, Into tirm, either by note or account, previous to the present year, ara requested to ca lat the old stand and settle up. J ENNIS. Columbus,Ga, Oct. 1, 18.55. V. R. TUMMEY. PARTNERSHIP. TTEFirm of J. ENNIS kCC., will be continnedat the'old stand ny thß undersigned, who have this day entered in to Partnership, lor the purpose of carrying on the HARDWARE TRADE, under the name and firm of J. ENNIS &. CO„ and where’they intend to ke^p*constantly on hand a general assortment of Hardware* CMtSlery*, Ac. Thankful to their friends and customers for past favors, they would solicit a continuance of the same. They also invite the public generally to give them a call. *L FNVtS, J. A. FRAZIER. Columbus Ga.Oct 1,1855. wtf CARRIAGES. aneneb WEhave now on hand a large'and varied Stock of Vehicles, embracing every style of Carriage in use, such as Caleche’s (finest finish) Ooachvs, Rockaways, (large family and small one-hi rst) and Barouche?, Together icith a Complete Assortment of Top ami No Top BUGGIES and WAGONS, of every known shape andfinish: all of which we arejselling at very low r ites, lor C4SH OR sIPPROKUD CREDIT! The fact that the weil known and highly esteemed work of Jas. M. QuiiiUy &. Go., as well as that of other makers of the highest re mtatioli, can be fouud only at our Douse; and that all our Sock is made inder the personal direction of Mr. H.U. JlrKee, (whose long experience guarantees its qmlty) enables us to offer better work ainl at lower prices, than articles ot the same quality can be sod at, oy any other dealer in this country, aud quite as low as they can be bought for In New York. Ia • roof of which, we respectfully invite all who wish to purcbiso to call and see. We always ask our Selling Prices, and warrant all articles ‘o be as represented, so our customers, an i strangers us well, uiav rely upon being h >norablvand fair ly dealt with. McKEE & ROBEUiS, <;arrige Kipository, East side ; Oglethorpe street, between the Pe ry House and the Oglethorpe House, and opposite Temperance” Hall. Be sure jou get do* right place and then—walk in. N, ivmg the only revular set of Carriage Workmen now employed in.this ci y, we are prepared to execute He pairing of every kind, with the utmost despatch, in the best manner and at low rates. Me A. & R. e ober 8 wgm Executor’s Sale.— Agreeably to tbe las-, wiJJ and tes lament o! Benjamin Tarver, dec’d. late of Washington co. (ia , wnl ue sol i oehwe.the Ooiirthouse door in Blakely Early conmy, Ca., on the Ist Tuesday in December next* LoVof land No.*2T, ia tne 3 b dis rietot Early county, as belonging to the estate of said Bei.J-imin Tarver, deceased. Sdd tor the bene fit of the legatees. Terms of sale known on thedav. Oetobor | sl , ih *5 ocßwtd jnSt'PH SESSIONS. GKURGIA) Muscogee county: Court of Ordinary, October Term 1855. ORDER. N.3t.-John VlcKiy,Guatdian tor Mary W EDy,. orphan, having implied tor dismission Bom said Quard ia ship: It is Ordered, th&tall persons concerned shew ciue, j | aify {hey have, wiiy sud guardian should not bed smlsstd, at ti e fc>>. riof Ordinary to be held in and Idr said county on tbe first -Monday in Ue- mb’ ‘’ and thßt & co I 7 of this.or der be published weekly in some Dublic Gazette in Columbi a, for to'ty daysan*erior o paid Urm olsaid court. A true transcript from tbo minima of said court. October 3d w‘tß - w led JNQ. JUUNSON, Ordinary. nnn & tii t imi u COLUMBUS, GA. eH WE removed to their new and entnmed'’ ou%St >re. 3 Doors Below their o:d Stand, on West Broad Street. We are and offering at Whole sale and Retail prices, a Slock of DRUGS, MEDUINES, And all other articles pertaining to our busi ness, which, in point of qua iiy and variety,are equal,i. not superior, to any e ver before offered’ in tl>li market. Physicians and Merchant* doing business in the country, will find it to their m emsi to otnl and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as we sli til be enabled, through our facilities, to offer ->ur ait • le< upo < vey low terms. INSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT. In this important branch of lht business we h ve made tra ny desirable improvements, to wi i. .. t , u .i ~.Ja>ly call il e at entiori of Physicians and the ctizens ui uolumhus Fnllv aware ot the responsibility attache. Ij me COJUPOUJSTD /v-.j O p MEDH /A 72*and the precaution necessary to be u-ed we are determined to give it our personal attention; which assu rance, with our known experience in the business wtH we Luhert5 C be r s°towed? 8 * COnti % ance libera?pa,ro’nagS Physicians and those who wish to be served after the usual Wo f c 10,1,,, at nlrtt, .111 B,d in .he hack room abo” i front C,WhlCh 18 aCCeMit>le by a fiighl of ,tairs from .the IMPORTED FRENCH TOILET ARTICLES. They are also receiving and will continue to keep on hand a good supply of the above; consisting of a great variety of Soaps. Lubin’s Hdkf. Extracts & Cologne, In Cut and beautiful Bohemian Glassware Bottles; also, other Kancj Articles, to which we respectfully invite attention. of the Negro and Moriar. 40 J'HN W. BROOKS. oct3— wfc*wtt P S.CHAPMAN. J. A. FOX, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GA. WILL attend punctually to all criminal and civil cases en trusted to him in any of the courts of the surrounding counties of this State and Alabama. ° n corner ® roa< d an d Randolph streets, over Manley REFERENCES—Hon. A.lverson, j Tennent Lomax, > Columbus, Ga. A Dr. Stanford, S SamuelF.Nice, Montgomery, Ala. Columbusjgjy , waawtf W th!%at IS REMOVED TO 142 BROAD STREET, ° c ]p | d by J. H. MERRY.) YYtdLKli. rny be found, as u ual, all the latest and best styles of II ATS <fc CAPS of every variety, quality, price and size. Wo guarantee both a fit and satisfaction to all who may give us a call. Also a choice lot of Walking Canes and Umbrellas. Repairing and Manufacturing to order as usual. oct2—w&,tw3w F. LAN DON. Notice. PERSONS indebted to G. E. Gager, will find their accounts in my hands. JoH.\ PEABODV. <tfficeover GagerVold stand. nrt4-tw3f JOHN PEABODY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. in Warren’s Arcade. oct4—twSrn. Eor Sale. A FIRST Rate Sidd'er and Harness Maker, 27 years of age, of good character, intelligent, sound and healthy. Apply to A. K. AYER, oct4--twtf ■ No. 131 Broad Street. MANLEY & HODGES. ARE nowin-eceipt of the most Elegant Assort ment of Dry Goods they have ever offered to the community. All are invited to ca land see a<, for we are confident we can pie se in Style, Qualify and Price. oeW—wtwtf ASPI.f NDTD Line of liadies Dress Silks, of entirely new ityies. Finest French Printsd Del-aines. F.rabroideries <>f every variety. Ri'-hardson’a Pure Lousewile l.inrna. uicti—wit-twtf MANLEY fc HODGES. IT'iuc Pure Shaker Flannel. ’ Silk Warp ■* Fu eiov 4_4 English “ oct2—twtf MANLEY & HGDGE3. Baroley'* Table Damnsk. 9* to iOrfin-h eteit Linen Sheeting, Napkins. Towelling, fee. . 10, II &. 12-4 Best Bed Blankets. A superior lotof Negro do. oct2 —twtl MANLEY &HODGFS. \7'clvet Hrussclls 3 Sc 3 ply Carpets. ’ Oil loths soand Passages. Cheneile and Velvet Rugs. ooU -twtf MANLEY & HODGFS. Ladles CLOAK CLOTHS ot various.colora and Trimmings to match. Waite in 1 Colored Mirjeilles Q iUts. oct‘2 —twtf MANLEY & IIODGFS. Enquirer copy. remoyalT CUSHMAN* D C NTI3T* *—l—> Removed across to No. 48 nroad Street, over Purnle’s Jewelry Store. oct2- wtwtf. SSO REWARD. * RAN A WAY froni the subscriber, rear Fort Browdi r, Barbour Cos. Ala., a Negro jl/an named Bob, 24 years of age, weighs about 140 pounds, to 5 feet 7 inches hi_h, dark complexion, hag the peculiar ac centaiion of the low country. He is supposed to have •daw- changed his name, and to be lurking about Crrtumbus —probably harbored by someone. He is dobiless in posses sion of a pass, as he is known to write a little, and may en deavor to make his way North, if taken up about Columbus, he cun be easily recognized by application at Greenwood fe. Grime's Warehouse, where the reward will be paid, or by my self. sept27—wtwtf S. OTT. NEW FILL GOp: .1. rffcf-BT® ML'W'.BL.JES TAKE pleasure in announcing to their customers and the public geutrallyu that they have just completed one of the most extensive and choice stocks of staple and fancy DRY GOODS, For the FALL TRADE, that has ever been exhibited in Columbus, many of the articles being directly imported by themselves, giving them an opportunity of offering to their customers, inducements heretofore unknown inCt lumbus. Os every description manufactured expressly for J. &. J. K. All kinds of EMBK OI OERIKS <ri m Paris. Rich and Beautiful SILKS do do cio MANTILLAS &i CLOAKS of eery design, direct from Paris. also, a well-assorted stock of WOOLEN DItESS GOODS, embracing every new and desirable style. jJ HE.IVY STOCK OF Negro Blankets, Shoes, Hats ’& Kerseys, and ever? other article [m at Very Reduced Prices. Call and examine. „ . 4 A . Columbus, Ga. [sept?s wlwtf CLAYTON & WILKINS, Auction, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. THE undersigned, having formed a Copartnership to do a general Auction, Commission, Receiving and For* warding Business at the old stand ot AYER & WILKINS, Will give their personal altentioa to all business entrusted to their care. , ~ XSsf? We are prepared to make liberal advances upon ah .articles ot Produce and other Goods consigned to us Special attention paid to the saleot REAL ES TATE, NEGROES, &c ,at Auction. „ TTT _ T . T _ P A CLAYTON.™ F. G. WILKINS. Columbus,- Ga., Sept. J 5; 1855. w&twtf J. H. DANIEL IS IN WANT OF MONET, A ed to him are earnestly mq e-ted to make immed ate paymeDt. sepi27—wtw3t FASHIONABLE daguerkean saloon. ‘J HE proprietor of this p’easant. commodious, and first cits s&iot >i of Fine Arts, has again return*d to resume his bu sines* lot the sea-on. Mr. udLehas had a pr crtcebi ovei eight years, which rarjes him one of the most succesa'ul •*pe ! a'nrsin the protessio?; his i icturcs are altar, white, hand same and admir< rl by all. fall aid judge tor yours.lveß- Rooms on Broad S reet, over C. Drv *':nod’s Sjtore A J RIDDLE. _ , Proprietor and Principal Operator. Columbus*, Fept. 25—w&twiL TO THE MUSICAL WOULD GS&SSsissMf THL under.-igned would respectful'y in iorm the citizens of Coluinlms that he has re ! I S I X I timed from the North and will resume hi lesson* on, Monday Uet. Ist He would be obliged to those who wish to avail them-elves of hie-services, to make an ea’-ly application as the number of hia. JmpiL will hi limited. , MEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC. The undersigned offers for sale a large assortment of New and Fashionable Music. It has been bv himself, during his recent visit to the North, and forms the best assortment ever brought to this market. A large discount will be made to teachers of music, and to Principals of Academies and Colleges. Rooms over Merry’s Clothing Store.” Broad St. Col mt bus Ga. sep2stwtf H. S SARONI. Land for Sale! THE subscriber ftffera for sate hU aalnable rlanta situated on Chattahoochee-river,in H;my co'iuty. , twelve miles below Eulau'a, c Sixteen Hundrt and Acres, more or There are one hundred acres of uncleared river bottom that WtU produce a bag o cotton to the acre. There are on, tLepremit-es s fine dwe liuf twelve frame 1 ne'ro houes, a good well of water, and a nevei ‘ailing spriht; a fine gin carried by water power. With littL expense a good mid could be put in operation. All of the fields have running water in them, supplied by unfailing springs. Forpi-ityof water the springs’cannot be exceeded iu the Sauth. The lan lis productive and the titles indisputa ble. To those who a--e disp >sed toseetbo place, I say c->me. ands am sure you will embrace this opportunity of acquiring agood farm. 2. C. WILLI IMS. sep‘.29 tw3m. “fashionable CLOTHING! WE ARE REQUESTED TO ANNOUNCE THAT JONAS SMEETON, YT7ILL return from Europe on or about the 6th October VY next, and will open at his o and stand, Broad &t.Cclumbie An Extensive Stock of First Rate GOODS, COMPRISING English, French and Belgian Cloth?, of the best quality and latest stjles, selected by himself from the Emporiums or Fashion in the principal cities of Euroj e. besides a complete assortment of Gentlemen’s wearing appa rel, such as COATS, PINT?, TESTS, SHIRTS, DRAW! Rl, Ac, Wait and give him a call befo.e pirchasiug el.-twhere, Columbus, Ga.. Sept. w&twtf. Enquirer cony. DANCING ACADEMY. MR. C. H. CLEVELAND, . . YI7OULD most respectfully announce to the citizens of Columbus, that he will commence the exercises ol his Dancing Academy the first week in Oetober. All the genteel arid fashionable Dances of the day will be taught during the session. Verms of tuition made known hereafter by circulars. Sept. 20-twtf. A (J Alt D. THIS Paper is manufactured at Reek IMand Paper Mil’s Columbus Ga. Three and a lialf cents per lb. will be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton lIAGSS. and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT LOW prices. Colu 11s, Ga. July 17. w&twtf NEW^VOLUMES - ~ OF THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS NAMELY, . ; EDINBURGH. NORTH BIUTISTI. AND I ON DON QUARTERLIES. AND BLACK WOOD S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, ; MONTHLY) Commence with the North British jot May, 18*'5 and the otkrr Reviews au l B .ackwmd for July, 1055. Terms of Sttb^edptien: Any one Review of Bac-. wood, >ar Blackwood and one Review -or anv two 11 *vcvs. § The four Review# am Blackwood S O. Four copies to one address. $lO. Postage (.which should tie.paid quarur'y iq advance) ot the f >ur Reviews an l black wood to any post - fflie in the Uni ted Sates only p 0 cents a j ear. Namely: 14 cent* a t ear on* each Review, ana2i cents u tear on Blackwood. Address, L. SCOTT <fc CO , P iblishers, septß 54 tto’d-st .corner Fulton. N. Y. CORN WANTED. E will pay the highest mailcrt price f>r Corn, of old or 1 * new crop, in the. ear or shelled. Cash paid lor am quantity from 1 Bushel to 1000. scpt26—wtwtf WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. Wheat Wanted! THE Palace Mills wiil ppv $1.50 per bushel Casl fn- M llie White t\ heat and $1.25 Tor Prime Bed. aug2— w*wtf TROY FACT ORT ~W A RE- R 0 OAI S, EAST SIDE “BROAD ST.—NOS. Si & 86. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. THE above establishment has ,fL re opened its bale and *KSlSߣgfsd. &E3B!m room, with a full assortment comprising the following articles of rceent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from four to thirty dollars. CHAlßS—Cottage, Boston Rocking, Office, Writing. Nurse’e, Children’s, and Dining. TUBS, BUCKETS, —Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper —brass and iron, bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washstands, Tables, Besides many other articles for house furnishing and do mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware room or directed to R. G Jefferson & Co.*lrom country merchants and others, will be promptly attended to. The Factory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Waluut, Gum, Pine, Ash, Poplar, China, &c., &ci ‘ RICHARD G JEFFERSON. -JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Sept. 1,1855. w&twfirn. SITUATION WANTED, BY a man well acquainted with the mercantile business Address T. W., Columbus P. O, sept 18twtf To Farmers. OQD 4CRESjlrstratelaud for sale, 290 ncr<s fresh <p-n ZOU land, that will pr‘duce from Hoto 12(0 lbs cotton per acre; well watered and perfectly healthy—f ur miles rom t.lennville. Barbour countv, Ala. Enquire of septß —twtf BENJ. SCREWS. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late firm of Alley &, Will helm, in the Gas Fitting Business, will find their ac counts in the hands of D B. Thompson &. Cos , to whom all payments must be made JEREMIAH. WILLHELM, WILLIAM ALLEY. Columbus, Sept. 18. tw3\v FOR SALE, ” \ House and Got with X a-re ground. Tbe hou : e h: g tv 4 rooms, double kiubtn, br ek i noke bouse. op->o,i e tbe Court House, occupied la.t yerr by Mr. lorbei - : Tries one half cash. the bal mce in oue aid ito yea r 8, nesrin r lc* al ntrrest. Apply'io J; B. HICKS. B*o id at. cttheTm >hor Possession givenipomedistelj. If nat sold will be rjnted •sjuVO twdt. ATTENTION EVERYBODY ! 1 HAVE REMOVED MY STOCK OF Jggyt BOOKS, STA'i ION Eli Y, &e, fy frir To the Auction S:< ri of • HARRISON’ & McGEHEE, No. 69, we<t?ide Broad Street, wi-ere 1 shall be ph a = ed to see my hwnde and all who want to buy Bocks, Stationeiy and Fancy Articles Cf IT tIiST, FI,R IISII! JX I still have a number i*t valuable COOKS and a goo lot ot staple and fancy stauonlky which lain very imxioua to dir|o eel,as i deme to qui! the business. I have fitted up a t a r f of the store expre**ly for n y ac commodation, and the ladies are particularly invit'd lo c-all and examine my tt-ck. Come soon, it you want bar gains! 1 am still actins as MA'SrIS f R t TE, and wiM he plea sed to attend to the collection of claims and .ill othei tu tineas connected with the Lffi< e. JORDAN L HO WEI.L. Columbus, Sept. 23. w\ twit MORE OF THE HXsTCRY JFfJfTsyin LP Napoleon Bonaparte, hy J. ,s . O Abb tb w The HiGdouPafi, ry .\l_ri u liar.and,author ‘ilwfiiiir Clevrf Hath by Miss Bowe t| •"•Hie, .r .ue Human Comedy, by John Hr on Cooke. T u Esc iped Nu i, or r> sclosuresof Convent Life; O.i©, or fie el l West R *om, by 1.. M. M.; L’<nt and ILrknejs, a Story of t a - -hionahle Life; Toe Advr >tuic 0 f Amy* sI < ieh. 1v < I hrl s Kit gele % ! Tt\ ini 1 s, or the Meriy Mono n&niacs (news i.ip'y ) AV Litt . me Oaxp before Sevastopol, tj R.ciiarJ C. Me Ctr nick, r.. (new supply ) Cbmiie >ohnsu, by c.har’e? R°nde; Sehool of Life, i y Vnna Mary II >wiit: Leaves from a family -Journal.t v Emily Loavestre; Maud and otlur Poems, by Al re | Tentiyron; English Orphans, oy Mary J. II mes: Ntw Hope, >r tie Rescue, a du e of K mawha; Chemistry of Common Ei ‘e Uv lohnsou. Laud.’ Labor and Go’d, by William Flowett; Sociolocry for the South bv Georye Fitshu gh; Henry V.r lon.or the DJr.ioi; by a. Georgian. Juet R ceivedby j. v\\ rEAFE. sept!4—w&tw 92 Broad 8 fee*. #PINE GROVE ACADEMY.” THE,Lxcre'Fe9 of this Institution wl.l be risu med the Ist Mont ay in October w. • a ei *. 25 tw&wtocl. COLUMBUS FEMALE ACADEMY^’ #THE ixeici-esot this Institution w L be reni med on Tue day * c’. 3d,-iud continued till J, 1 iroti. -Tuition SC6 and $lO. C. W. CHATMAN. Sept. 25—w2tv 3t WYNN TON MALE ACADEMY". ®f®’fbn,TAPT wiil open s-hoolii Wynn- SiSsf-SSL. ion i >ct. ist,instead of Grove, as previous- I* nntiotiiictd. ’ Hchoiaatic year will close last week of 1 urn*. Tritms per year <p4(b twti. A CARD. HAVING disposed of my entire stock of Drugs Med iiines,&c., to .Vle-srs. J. S. I’emberton, ifc Cos , I eheurluUy recommend them to my old f.iends an 1 custom era. I hankful fir the patronage bestowed upon me, I would respectfully solicit a ••'‘utmuance of the same t< my successors. K. CARTER. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24 1555 w&tw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., &c. 3.1. PEMBERTON &CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, AT THE SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, COLUMBUS, GA. S WE have puroi ased the entire .-took of Triur*, n vr edicin.*, U emu-ais, &c . ot hi-I 1 ltT ‘-A h- Tr.'R. and wi 1 lontnue the busii**s at his dd YJ2 stHiid. We are now r*i'*dv mz a i l as** r'meni CSi •i no <*.e Urutrs, tiedlciuck, Cliemlcala, !• drnments, Pei f imery, Fancy ar.iuieb, dtr M uiled uiiKe to me tanteof the cuy unn ,-wibo. me c > t i y. wLi h will be B*ll at prices that yib not la 110 faction, We respectiully mvit** our frt* mis ai.d il e oubiicto : Vdaut cad, an lw i pledge o rie vest m ike it t the inier :erest oi all who may mvor us wit i ih-ir pair mate 1 r.m nir long e<}erince av Druygists, and with -lose it it ntn n i.o bu i jess, we tr xr-t that we shall not tail to give enure sati&faeiloi. o aii who may honor us with a c li. Oiliiimb is, *I i . \ V 4 w'Vtwtf SSO Eev/ard. SWILL gv> sea ‘ov* reward 1’ r th* (Jiirpry of the • Notes a-id oth rPa ersstolen i•>n on .-■laa- m .Hue ast,an ino a.-Kccl. DF. Ei.iol -i() Euq .irer ai.d Corner bione co; jftf m-i’J vTiwtf “FARMKBS’ & KXCiIAKGK B vNK M Os Charleston, South. Carolina. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, OIL ‘S o t N-3 v V >-k, 11 13 ■•-i, P ii! ilx j*v i, > 111 r e ton J S ivaunah tu l A’t mna, dia ; > xntel at ci >t .m i.-> rne> diiht Mxj.u.ije oa anyOit’te a ,vo mnel citie* I>. - bde. I.T TtVI.nK, Age t. Odlce next and tor to ti.e P<>; t 1 lßce. Columbus. TcL 2.’855. w m'w2m CIG A(i MANU iA C IXALi Y, CRAWPOED 6TRETT, Dno'S below Rankin's Corner. rll f', builder her k rps constardiy on hand the finest I] A VAN A CKtAKS, and offers them lor smle at the lowest Pnicts, by and Retail. A goop lot m American Cigars. Also, every varie y of Chewing and Smoking To! acco, Pipes, SeuH’, and all the aitides usual ly lound in an establishment of this kind. All goods sold by me ai.e warranted genuine and free f oci delects of any kind. Ordors Irom the country eare litlly and prompilv attended to. agl4 wStwTv .TAME? ESTEVEZ. Partnership Dissolved. THE late firm of ff. 35. Aldwoith oz Cos. tbs day dissolved by mutual eonsetit. All accounts one the firm must be paid to R. M. Aldworth R VI. ALDWORTH &, CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31. 1555. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R.M. ALDWORTH VfrlTjTj continue to carry on the business at the old stand on Randolph Stn et. Work done i t the best style and at the shortest notice. R. M. ALDWUrtTH. < oiumbus, Ga , Aug. 3], 1855 tw6m. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. ,[£if Authority of the State of Georgia ! Macon, Ga.. <© CD S CD CD CD CLASS r. WILL be distributed accc rdirgto the lollnwinp grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at ‘’oncert Ha l, .'I icon,tin., under the sworn superintendence of Col. George AI. Logan and James A. Nisbet, Lsq. Tbe Manager announces his derrmi nation to make this the most popular t.otterv in the w.rld, and compirtsei. a9 to the chances to draw Prizes with a y oiler Lottery Rmnemfcpr, every prize i-drawn at each drawing, and paid when due in fu 1 without any reduction. * TO BE DRAWN OCT. 15, 1855. 1 rit ZE OF $15,001: 1 do o/Ht l do 40 l l do 3,00 t 1 do 1 do 15 (Ml l do I.MI, 5 Prizes of l.otn. 50 do S(U idl Prizes *n ail amounting to 0< U TFN THTiUSAN!) MJMBFRS. The chances to gain tbcC phi Pr.ze ix, the old combination plan is l in >, in this 1 in 10.000. lirawingssent to all ordering t ck‘i*. All orders, re y on it. rtr.o.L co .oriental. Rills on all solvent Rank* t&k. n at > ar. Rigisteed money let* erea’ tr y risk. Pr zes paid when due without din-our*. Address J.L.U&3 F. WINTER, Manager. Julyn-t—wlf ilacon, Ga. BOUNTY-LAKD WAFBANT Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & PLANE, ATT OR N EYS AT TAW, COLUMBU3f GEO. ‘Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. BnmardV Store ) J jT A VINO mule •tr’-angementf at II a*hinj;ti>n ( ity 1 y whlc h * 1 iU o ißineß< tru-t**d lo ilee *i>’ !>• p • nj.'.j ui. i did ‘o.i* y n** • i|(-! t pn.e'ir*- Ilonnty I aim Wat* rtnL, Pi nhmt, tr , hii*! pr .*• cult l Liu la,niil if fnu J l.iiu, t t‘i < ut'ioj l il ikiMiui. J r partm > n £-Ti hi y :!>• i,lsoprejar ti> Clainii, L a< lh* I ’;UT. <; S hi, IT l’af required until the I .and Harrantt , Claims te. •irr procured j*Mr ramilt-'s. wm. r puk>. \ , •• • • Bounty Land ! Bounty nanu! Bollij Lunu ! j HK u id. rsurntd lißvii u. p h i 0 u,i t< r l ibe purpose oi proeuriuf BOUNTY LAND ui and r the oi i; i e*- u.i.n t a- ii, u t i. w prijnnd to mat *■ n( p icst •r:tr rl v l.e v. h>> *re 1 1 ii*d . I'tffii'iiJ *hn have hermoiure receiv, it lenity land War rr.i'ts. a recent actor < ntncrt-K', e.uUtii U to an HUdi ootia’ Bounty oi Land, and by eadh gat our Bice cun net all the necessary inf r-uHtion. We a e aLo pr. p red ‘c pr. si t iiti Pension and other clain n 83ainBt thi I’ni'iHi 8 att < • ■ o*n m.r ii :.c exp* rtci ce ai.o nn erul siiceesH. we can witn cwiuideii* e e- j. thai :C1 c mni- ted to our .-are. wiil bej rompl y and -p eoi!> adju cd Uno ot the parti, s beingciv.stantJy li> U asidi city, will xivethe busuie'i hiß • ttentoxti thire. Offlceover Cuuby it liunleli 1 B‘.or*j, t'olurubua.Get>rfrla MK.'HAt'i. N.tLAhK. t<n24.. wfctwtf, \ H. RU. *A. LAND WARRANT^, E VND OFFICK AND AUKM Y, for tiik pc nr has e a; and SALE O F Ril A L ESi’ AT E n F AIL DF.M’RiI TIO S. COXVI.YAK CEE, &c., &c., OX RA.VDOEFH !<'l KELT, Opposite the Post Office, Coißnibns, (<st rll \ V Kdefe-raindtu devote my tine i-xcuLtly to the I.A v |,i SIN K'S, and hop-, rum niv ku.,wn cge* itl limb ‘n ii'i cn a. lo tie able to pile en’iie sails > c;i i. t s|| -He* no.y eidrist rue with tmi? ess I am (->C|>ar dlo <u:ir •uy or-ell. peibjpsto e ter advantage than hi \ otlui ,<icn i. Wes e i. or .M Ulli Vt csled g.a. [( you Lav, I nil-tos3i|, call non me: ifldmioi iirilu-e, : will iii and y .it a p irc'aaer. Il yu w:s‘i to I uy. ca 1 > 1 o. o r 1 hive ipa y vuiu-ibl Jiotsand MS-tltian to e.i. • i. m uy extei.Bi\ c K<ij.e ill lit i, v lit- ot i, s |„ ,i |.iipir id to ascertain I lie .-w fei-•! slm. i-t *vir \u ant ui m , and •utlie Ma e 11 you wih to h'e yoi.r laud valued you m_i -e v ‘i;v correct int. ; r* !. n.** p’n na. 11 I. e i.;? *. He* da. . os t gage*, a. u other ii.du.mab, dii-wi c i reci \ aim at low itiet. /VK. i.ts v. iii eti to sell Bonner e large map oi < eo*gia liiili per c t.t. actve it. One thing is certain,l *m pavitig Nkw York and V’jshimi ionLitt Pkii.ka nrLAMJ WaRUAMB. akowiisgu u.|] eominisbiiii. H ivuik also made an arren!?eaM nt with into the beti films m Wa-hington, I am prt|u u tw t r p y t>r Bounty Land Warrants, ->f all sizes, and wi 1 ortarire nut Five [>. l rs tor each ai p'ica— Foil —to be p?iu lor wl <n the warrant ai-r.vtv. 1 rii gin jour cla'ms soon. A* 1 intei and to n akeihisn peimpnem busires*.nni* wive it mv undivided attention, with a et-i mi nation t. Btisfcii*T, l hope to receivea 1 bcial i are ol jialroi nge. In in mv iriendt and'hecorumuuity gem nily. S. K. H'^N’hll. J: lytll— wXitw ly Land < ‘ftice, ( u uml o. Maunfacliireifs’ & 3iet luni< s’ if ik, > Coi.uwbus. Ga , June 1.-t, 1855. { , I"*HIS Instiitutien baviiur been re < rvan’zeo’wi.dtr n< v I'l* 1 rectors and i fli e s as u local Lank of <*ei rvie. is |•* | ar id to receive and p.sil.B and tuii* ah excObiive oi. hew Ymk. Savam ah. oidki rntr* :id tl i r pointl, at the u<ual ratts, and will take pi per U r colliribn. E. T. TAYI.i iR. Fresident. J H Fonda, C shier. j me.'lO -w t&wtf ‘PVViim ‘ii hs a'ter date appiicaiion w II be made to ihe 1 Court f i ‘rdinarj’<<t c untj. t rl* avi to sell li e real etale I Richard It. Hull, late ol saul co.|oj. dfc- a <VI. s.p:B—w2.ii JOHN A IIUFF, Adm’r. PRICES REDUCED. COITON YARNS FOR At 60 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” .11*1 v H- 1 ’ twtf. WINThR E.AG'IOKY. •iROY FACTCRY V7ARE RCCMS ~ COLUMBUS, GA , JAN. M, 1854, IT* BOM and after hi.-date n<> good.- will be sold at tho above janii—nvtt. walton k. Harris. ~mtm FAMOM, 0 : GSr&bm YxiViXy, U.a'LYSS, \MIAI PiNG TWINE 8E W i Nfi Tl I;(E A1), for sa ie. V\ GOi. Card and at one fourth toil or ten cents per pound. LINSEY r S made up on share**, or 15c. per yard. Ail Work dune Promptly and Warranled* MO.\T(SOM CRY IRON WOKKS, M OAiTCiO3SERY, A.E.A. WILL BURNISH PROMPTLY Engines, tlin-u ar .-'aw UHls. (iri-t M ilh, Phaflirp, or any Hisciipiioi. oi .v.-i( Hj in. Ain, i.ich’s un rivalled VVaier V\ best in the \<< r and. Lynch, 1 a-.;e &. Cos. \V hiltl* sj A,- (Jo . Wo- druff & Go* tchiiis.on the Nius<egee Ra.l Rood, ami no no rou othei a lestFy to a4r itiner ltm;> feet ot i umbel per hour, each u-iug i lie r.f our Patent Circu ai 8.-. v. M.ila o. oni Snvv. G. W. WINTrR. mud?- w4*wtf Affenl. ‘ oho* hn f\f-r rgi TO TLAITTER?. - LTNSEYS! LI.Nsi.YS!! call aueivtion to the fai t thntonr i-ii s. v? arp v i V V del', ny 20r3 ii ch* e, than tho.-e muaily so and h**:e that they are made ol |u,ne. Geoigia \\ col, :J v •gb : uil 10 ouncts lo the yard, ii Flasders e. i-idt t! en in l.-res; iln y will bi.v < ! <<ur go< ds. ‘I h y r • H e b< st in Georgia. au; 31 w*i WJN'j. K U ‘ ‘H'RY. DISiOLUTIOitf. rl-IF C.->p*t *ierhip h* re'ovr** *x--t ; * r vd<r lie f-m of Hants* n, Aumlii <w JiiGehee, is ini-dny ct* s'* veil ty ii.iin.ii. coi.suni. Fcit.n>*>’ i.i.,., i ie concern me r queMid in p tee*! tl. m v iibri.i ei**j. m and hose indebted iil wi.l please, mak nnmedia epa incut. C 8. H vR. L-* TANARUS, W M A l m: 1 -, C >1 imbu?, Ga , July 2J—wtw2w A. C. Mc iEU lE. COPARTNERSHIP. DUE nndrs’gned hivingp i.- hate i the n’.er. s’ o'M-. \VM. 1 AITS'I'J, n tie ci ii.irri oil, Au-lt.i & Mcu.htt* ill com i.u- ihe Anclion & Commission, N gro Brckrage, & For warding Pnsiucss. mder the name an ! rt >ie >t HAKU 8 N &. MGKHLK, nt me old sia and, Nos 59and *il. Broad -i* T e and r.- p-ct u v so licit the patr*uage ot iheir fr.eiidb and W rmo c GH t? II t i:i i> J . ’rr >n n l-*T*f M.f.i V*'. .1,. , Wanted 4 SITU ATION, by ayoi ig nia taged 17—a good penman, *4 act oa iiaiit. and- tiling t > ma-e lim elf, e.ns. , i e ui Addr ss x .79, P. (>. npH-un. Cedar, Juniper, and Cliina Wanted. VTTE wuh to nucha t quant F fo i mdsi ji.j pn t , j.. y y na. Apply ai the r> i scto*y Ware R . in.-* Col im mi*, *ia. [<epiß—wiwt ] R.,; j h Fr’.A.soX Jk o r, REFORMED PRACTIC’D. DU. WM. T. BROWN, nAMNd permanently locals ! in Colnir bus. Ga., can S-Wsnv to ihej-ffl eted he i prepared to trei t al t.-ro s LAC ot dtsea.-e n.;,h acuts nr.d chronic hewou'd i art. su ar y --lit the attent on of those lanori g uiirt< r ro* cd a* eases-it e-ven character a* nis snet • esu tb ti ainuto is c a*s >i ds.sease.shas been -> ch as b> warrant him ■> s, yip Hat he Cin give in almos’ every c3e. 11.s tor Jons imp!inn and other pnln.r-i.ary disi ss-i •m> <i! * stnt as* sad. Those desiring his s r-ices may he sure of receivti. on y lA tnative Bli dication, as 1 e is thoroughly c iivieced -hr’ tt e i-.ngie* cm used as medicinal agents do more to eh* gender th- n to curelt. An assortment of valuable medicines on tend, reek ss Lntl-Bipi u‘* Ai U-T)\ pti. and At ue si and Fever Pills. i|,o tis p c fi.-s or fioiiorr: Syphilis, wt ich h, ul 1 ur* p aut ‘. cine in h very sho t time ‘>S5 c oor U. Ksrnord a Co’s. Fiore. Ur. drown can ba found at night at itoe Og'ttha.-po House. ju’jJ-4wiw3xn.