The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 10, 1855, Image 4

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Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land! IMCK undersigned having associated tlieihrelve* tocether for the purpose ol'Jlrocuring BOU NT V LAND hnder the several acts of Congress heretofore passd, are now prepared to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Hand nar rants, aro, under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office canget all the necessary information. „ . ... , . Weare also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. F:otn our long experierice and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a 1 claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted Ono otthe parties being constantly in Washington city, win give the business his personal attention there. Officeover Gunby &. Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. MICH Alii. N. CLARK, feb24..w&twtf. A. B. RAGAN* LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, FOR THK PURCHASE AKD SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON RANDOEFH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. lllAVEdeterminedto devote my time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, from my knowledge -of the lands in Georgia, to be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may entrust me with business, i am prepared to either buy or sell, perhaps to bettor advantage than any other person in Webern or South-Western Georgia. if you have lands to selLeall upon me; if Ido not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for I have many valuable lots and settlements of land to sell. From my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, I am prepar ed to ascertuiivthc owner of almost every vacant lot of land in the State. If you wih to have your land valued, you may rely upon correct information, upon reasonable terms. Deeds, M or I gages, and other instruments, drawn cor rectly and at low rales. wanted to sell Bonner’s large map of Georgia— high per cent.given. One thing is certain, \ am paying New Vork and Washing ton City Prices for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Having also made an arrangement with oneof the best firms in Washington, I atn prepared to appiy for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion—to be paid for when the warrant arrives. I ring in your claims soon. As I intend to make this a permanent business, and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, I hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from my triends and the community generally. S. R. BONNER, july3l—w&twly Land Office, Columbus. RAGS! RAGS ! THE ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS ARE paying three and a half cents cash per lb. . for clean Linen and ('otton Rags, iu quantiesol one hun dred pounds and upwards, and 3 cents tor quantities under 100 lbs. Woolen Rags not wanted. Office in front of PALACE MILLS. Columbus, Ga., Jffay 9, 1855. w&twtf. PRICES STILL LOWER. EXTRA FAMILY,'per bbi $ 9 00 . Double Extra .do. * “ for pastry 10 00 (Superfine 8 00 Georgia Superfine, 700 Georgia Mills 6 00 All including sacks. Usual discount when 20 barrels are taken at onetime. Our Extra Family and Double Extra cannot be surpassed. Meal per bushel SI 00 Shot ts, per hundred lbs S B 0 Bran “ “ \ $ (50 july28 —wlmtwtf WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. INTENDING to close my business by the 13th September,! will sell my j Stock of Goods for COST! f have.superior old Brandies, Gin, limn, WhisEy, Madeira,Sher ry Port “Wines. Most of these articles have been on hand nearly twoyears.making them not only betteron account of! age, but they? cost much less then fthanthey would now.— I also offer fresh Porter, Air, Clarret, Champagne, Syrups and Bitters; Cigars,) i’obacco, Tea, Coflee, Candies, Soap, Macker el, Salmon,] Pick led Pig, Pork, Lard, Oil, Vinegar Pot Ash, &c., &c., all ol the bent quality and for sale at cost on accom modating terms. I will also sell city lots, *Nos. 28f, 282,441, 466, 468, 598, 15, andj a part of No. 19, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3, with a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, a most desirable location, being convneient to the Female Academy, to the Churches and to business. Also fraction No. 56, containing about 10 acres, adjoining Wm. B. MitchelEMr. Comer, and(the lands of Col. Jones, not more than on and a half miles from town. Apply to P. A. CLAYTON. N. B.—All who are indebted must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed in the hands ol an officer.'< aug2—w&twtf P. A. C. New Books! New Books! a ABBOTT’S Life of Napoleon, anew sup- Travels in Chinese Empire, bv M. Hue; Bell Smith, Abroad;* cript, by Dumas; Tri*Colored Sketches in Paris; Waikna: or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, by Sam uel A. Bard; English Orphans, or Home in the New World, by Ma- ry J. Holmes; Commonplace Book of Thoughts and Fancies, by Mrs. Jameson; The Winkles: or the Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B. Jones. A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by R. G. Mc- Cormick, Jr. of Now York. Clcve Hall, by Mrs. Sewell; The Iroquois: or the Bright Side of Indian Character, by Minnie Myrtte; Heiress of Haughton: or the Mother’s Secret, by the au thor of Aubrey; Sequel to Aubrey; Constance Herbert, by G. E. Jewsbury; Missing Bride, by Mrs. Soulhworth, Just received by J. W. PEASE, auglS—w&twtf. ‘ 92 Broad Street. BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. |AA AAA POUNDS TENNESSEE JIACON. IV/U)UUU K ; 0 Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbls. Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted Stock ol GUOCKRIES which w ill be sold at the lowest market price Bv ANDREWS, RIDGWAY &’ CO. Columbus Ga., May 29, 1855. # w&twtf. BACON! WE will sell for CASH or on a CREDIT until theFnll orend “ or the year, the Best Quality of Tennes see Bacon! Call at It. A. Richards fcji'o’s., James Ligon’s Broad Street, Columbus Ga.,and at ihe store <>f O. Lamer, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of’Mer chants. G. W. ALEXANDER, julylfl—w&lwtf. *. J. R. JONES. Just Received on Consignment, ‘)A AAA ÜBS. Tennessee New Bacon: Hog rom.„ 1000 lbs. Feathers. 50 Kegs Prime Fresh Lard. 75 Boxes, X Boxes anil % Boxes bed Virginia Tobacco, loot) \ ardsTenessee Jeans. Cheap for Cash ™ ar24 — ts HULL. FRIERSON fc GO. Sulphur Medicated Vapor Baths, No, 33 Broad-st. Opposite to Union lfauk, COLUMBUS, GA. ‘T'UOSE Vapor fumeg&tions are now to be had as above. , ‘ ney have been tested in Paris fr 4<t years; in London and Nev York lor many years, and are highly esteemed by the medical luculty, lor the cure of various diseases of an obstinate nature, such as Rheumatic, affections, Dyspepsia, Eradication ot .lfetcury from the system, Errysipelas, Consumption, Bron cbnis, Diseases of the Skin, Neuralgia, Swellings, &e., &c. Numerous testimonials here and reterences of the highest character, can be had Pom persons who have taken these baths, to be seen at the room up stabs. sept!s-twtf WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER, OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, ;for le at Kock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. I EKltfS CASH. junelG—w&twtf NOTICE. F ARSONS indebted to A. c. Flewellm & Cos. will nlease niaket m m edi ate pay men t. Their accounts ma\ befouud t the Book Store of j i now pi i bus. Dec 90—tw&wtf PRICES REDUCED. * COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” July 11- twtf. WINTER FACTORY. Notice to Cotton Shippers, njT FROM this date all applications for shipment of sMiCotton, must be registered at the Depot, by the party making the application. Dray receipts required before shipping receipts will be given. B. E. WELLS, Supt. Office Muscogee Railroad, ) Columbus Ga. Sept. 25,1855. $ twlm. FOR RENT, THAT large and commodious Brick Building on Oglethorpe street, opposite the wgja a ■ S £ Oglethorpe House, will be for rent on the Ist Oct. next. For a private Boarding House, there is not ,a more convenient or eligible situation in the city, having all convenieneies suit able for such use. Apply to R- A. WARE. Enquirer‘copy. septlß—twtl. Is now put up in the Largest Sized Bottles , aud is ackn edged to he the best Sarsaparilla made , ar is certified by the wovl derful cures it has performed, the original copies of which are in the possession of the Propiietor. Remember , this is the only true and Original article. Scrofula, Syphillis, Merculial Complaints, Cancer, Gangrene Rheumatism, aud a vast variety of other diseases are speedily and perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. Read the following Certificate : Tallapoosa Cos., Ala., Jan. 2, 1852. Dear Sir:—l send you this to certify to you that your Ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has performed one ol the most wonderful cures on me that has ever been effected on mm. I have been afflicted for forty years with eruptions on ray legs aud feet; in 1848 they got so bad that 1 t-bad to go on crutches, and In 1849 1 had one leg amputated above the knee. In about nine months after my other leg {broke out in large eatingaod running sores from my knee to my foot, anu dis charged a great deal of offensive matter. My groin aico Droke out in large biies, which discharged much offensive matter,and at tne same time my left hand broke out in large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery that I have suffered for the last two years ! can not desciihe to jou. I was in such agony that I never rested day or night. In October last my eon brought me one of your bottle wrap pers; I read it, and found record of some wonderful cures performed by your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla” 1 sent and got two bottles of it, and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my great astonishment, my sores all became ea sy,and I could sleep all night, a thing I had not done for two j ears- When 1 had taken six bottles, my sores had nearly all healed. My sores got well as if by enchantment. I have now used in all eight bottles of your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and now consider myself well. 1 entreat all of the afficited to try this medicine, fori believe it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside all prejudice and just try it, and proclaim ([its great worth to suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. JWy case is well known in a large portion of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and if any should doubt the above cure, I invite them to call on me, and I will show them the scars, i cun be found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, one mile from Stoe’s Ferry. RENAJAH HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for females of delicate health, resulting from irregularity of men strual discharges, and other dieases peculiar to their sex,— The proprietor has in his possession ®f ‘a great number of cer tificates of cures, performed of the above description. V\fe assure the affheted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott’s Ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those difficulties aud renew the natural energies. up in quart bottles—price SI per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Scovill & Meead, Chartres Street, N, 0. General Agents for the Southern States, to ‘whom all orders, must be addressed. ALSO SOLD BY David Young, Colnmbus k Ga., J.< ; T. Reese, Greenville, Brooks & Chapman, “ “T. J. Hunt &Cos Whitesville Danforth & Nagle, “ ‘B. H. Head Lumpkin, Ga. Robert Carter, “ “E. YViilis & Cos., Talbotton, J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton, G. J. Briggs, Buena Vista,Ga june2B - w&twtj THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ELEVENTH YEAR. THE Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful publica tion commences on the 17th day of September next. The “Scientific American” is an illustrated periodical, devoted chiefly to the promulgation of information relating to the various Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Man ufactures, Agriculture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering, Millwork, and all interests which the light of practical science is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patents granted are also published eve* ry week, including Official Copies of all the Patent Claims together with news and information upon thousands of oth er subjects. • The Contributors to the Scientific American are among the most eminent Scientific and practical men of the times. The editorial Department i3 universally acknowledged to be conducted with great ability, and to be distinguished, not only for the excellence and truthfulness of its discus sions,but for the fearlessness with which error is combatted and false theories are expleded. Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chemists, Manufac turers, Agriculturists, and people in every profession in Life, will find the Scientific American to be of great value in their respective callings. Its councils and suggestions will save them hundreds of dollars annually, besides af fording them a continual source of knowledge, the expe rience of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. The Scientific American is published once a week; eve*- ry number contains eight large quarto pages, forming an nually a complete and splendid Svolume, illustrated with several hundred original engravings. Specimen copies sent gratis. 03- TERMS. —Single subscriptions $2 a year, or Si for six months. Five copies, for six months, $4; for a year SB. For funher.Club rates and for statement of the fourteen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific American. Southern, Western and Canada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscriptions. Letters should be directed (postpaid) to MUNN & CO , 128 Fulton Street, New York. Messrs. Muon & Cos., have been, for many years, extensively engaged in procuring patents lor new inven tions, and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. aug2lwtw BRITISH PERIODICALS. EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEON ARD SCOTT &. CO., New York, continue to re*publish the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative ) 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render these puhlicationsunasuully interesting during the forthcom ing year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations,and flying rumors of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the Jiving interest and excite* ment of the great political events of the time shall have parsed way. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well estab lished literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are now-permanently made for the receipt of EARLY SHEETS from the Brinish Publish ers, bv which we are enabled to place ALL OUR RE PRINTS in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with foreign copies. Although this in volves a verv large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore viz:— Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews $0 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine .. 300 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 0(T For Blackwood ana the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current iu the Slate where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the abovo pri ces will be allowed to Glubbs ordering four or more eop iesof any one or more oftho above works. Thus: Four copies of Blaekwood, or of one Review-, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Black* w-ood tor §3O; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns. these works will be delivered, through agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent hy mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-Four Cents a year for “Blackwood,” and Fourteen Cents a year for eac.i of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always be ad dressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. i jan9—twlm. 54 Gold Street, New York. Use the Magic Impression Paper. for writing WITHOUT PEN OR INK. (COPYING Leaves, Plants, Flowers, Pictures, patterns for J embroidery, marking linen Jindelibly, and manifold wri tins. This article is absolutely the (best portable inkstand in the known world—for a small quantity folded and placed in the pocket, constitutes a traveling inkstand that cannot be broken. No pen is needed, lor any stick [sharpened to a point, writes equaLly as well as the best igold pen in the universe.— For drawing it is indispensable. It is indeed the whole ;art of drawing and painting—tanghtin one lesson. Any leal,plant, or flower, can be transferred to the pages of an'album with l minute and distinct resemblance if nature. With equal-facil ity pictures and embroidery patterns are taken, and have re ceived the highest eulogiums of the fair sex; and indeed a more tasteful present for a lady could not be produced. This magic paper will also mark linen and other articles so as to remain perfectly indellible. All the washing in the world fails to bring itout. Any child cau use it with perfect ease. With this magic paper, one or four copies of every letter written can be secured without any additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient article extant. It is used to great advantage by reporters of the spublic press, telegraphic operators and a host of others. Each package contains four different colors—black, blue, green and red—with lull printed instruction, for all to use, and will last sufficiently long to ob tain five hundred distinct impressions. It is put up in beautifully enameled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness of the proprietor attached. Each and every package warranted. Price..s2 a dozen, or five forsl. Single packages, 25 cents. Address, post paid, N, HUBBELL, 167 Broadway, New York. OPINION'S OF THE PRESS. Hubbell’s Magic Impression Paper.—We refer our read ers to the advertisement in another column, setting forth the merits of this pleasing and ingenious invention. The cliap ne c * should induce all to give it a trial.— Philadelphia Merch’t. s*t is unsurpassed for neatness and utility, and should meet with thesaleit so richly deserves.— Tribune . what the public long desired, and recommends it self to every individual of refinement and taste. — Journal and Ceourier. iuly2B.—w3in THIS Medicine is prepared by a regular bred Southern Phy sician who has practiced lnsprolession for ihe last eight een years in the State of Alabama. It will be found upon a fair trial to be the most prompt and effectual remedy for all diseasesof the Chest and Lungs ever discovered,and when every other remedy fails this is sureito give relief. The greatest care has been taken in its preparation, being compounded on the most scientific principles. In its composi tion is embraced a combination of the most valuable and effec tive Expectorants , Anodynes and Sedatives W’hich are known to possess the highest repute with ail intelligent members ol the Meaical Profession. No fact can be more self evident than that this preparation has already acquired high reputation and great popularity wherever it has been introduced. Assuming no extraordina ry pretensions, but relying solely upon its own intrinsic virtues, this valuable medicine, invented and prepared by an experi enced; Southern Physician after many years of practical inves tigation and application, lhas at length secuied the most un limited confidence, wherever it has been introduced, as acer tain remedial agent in all diseases of the respiratory organs. If the unsolicited testimony of skillful physicians, profound lawyers, and eminent divines, together with others of high character, learning aud discrimination, can be any evidence of its intrinsic superiority, certainly it ha?a claim upon the gen erous confidence of an enlightened and discriminating com munity. A train of diseases so desolating, so withering, so general and fatal in their results, has at length met with a rem edy that never fails to curk, unlessby long and criminal neglect or injudicious treatment the disease has completely un dermined the constitution, and nothing has been left to rear the fair fabric of health upon, but its ruined and desolated frag ments. A remedy therefore that can be relied [upon, that wile YIELD IMMEDIATE RELIEF, THAT WILL CURE BEYOND A DOUBT, if the directions are faithfully followed, is priceless, for health is paramount to all earthly considerations, and by far the most inestimable treasure this world can afford. Dr. Boon, a dis tinguished physician of Macon, Ga., says, “that in every in stance he has found th-is preparation a safe and prompt reme dy for all pulmonary [diseases, and takes pleasure in recom mending it as a reliable anodyne [expectorant.” Dr. Tennant, of Marietta, Ga., a physician of (decidedly high reputation as an able and experienced practitioner, c iterta.ns and expresses the same opinion, and recommends it extensively in his prac tice. Dr. P.M.Cohen, of Char eston, S. C., the senior partner in the extersive Wholesale and Importing Drug House of P. M. Cohen & Cos., recommendsit in Hhe highest terms, and says this preparation has the highest character in that city, and that he uses it altogether in his family with invariable success. Dr. W. A. Booth,of Memphis, Tenn., expresses the most exalted opinion of its efficacy. Dr. J. B. Ellis, of Ripley, Jffiss., re commends it highly,and prescribes it extensively in his practice. In addition to the above, the inventorand proprietor of this Medicine has an almost innumerable number of testimonials of its efficacy and high character, and is daily receiving more. Sold by all wholesale and retail Druggists everywhere, and in Columbus by Messrs Brooks & Chapman; Danforth & Nagle; Robt. Carter; Robert A. Ware, and David Young. Price One Dollarper Bottle, or Six Dottles for Five Dollars. J^°Caution. —None genuine, unless there is a fine steel en graving on the outside, with the sac-simile of CHAS. JVIL- IjJAMS, M. D ., engraved thereon—also, his name and the name of the medicine are blown in the glass. Be sure to ask for Dr.C Williams’ Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, and let no other be palme 1 upon you as your life may depend upon your caution in this particular. All orders for this valuable medicine should be addressed to to Messrs. Wilkinson & Duryee, Huntsville, Ala., [who are my general agents for the Southern States. C.WILLIAMS, M.D.. august!4—w&twly Tuscumbia, Ala. PERRY DAVIS’ Q£,QaaC£aESSXlo OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. WE take pleasure m referring the reader to the testimo ni Is of our prominent druggists and well known citi zens to the virtue of Davis’ Pain Killer. We have used the article and found it valuable. The sale of this article in the United States is beyond all precedent, as the books of the of fice will show.—Cincinnati Commercial. Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer.— VVe refer our readersto an advertisement will) the above caption, in the advertising columns of this morning’s Eagle. We first heard of this med icine during a recent visit to the New England States, and be ing struck with the novelty of the title, we were induced to make some enquiry about it, and were surprised to learn that it was kept constantly in the houses of most of the inhabi tants of the cities and vil'ages where we stopped, to be used in cases of sudden attacks of pain, burns, scalds, &c., and we heard it spokenot iu terms'of high commendation by both druggists and physicians. much we can with propriety say asjournalists,in favor of thearticle.—[Philadelphia J.aglc. Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Kil'er. —Voluntarily, conscience<msly, and with much pleasure, we recommend to our readers the above named medicine. vVe speak from our own-observation and experience when we say that it removes pain as ifbv raieic from all parts of the body, and is one of Ute best medicines in use for checking Diarrhoea, and for re moving the premonitory symptomps of cholera. 11,18 applied both internally and externally, with the best effects, and non who have once used the Pain Killer would willingly be with out it constantly iu their houses. —[Cincinnati Eve. Nonpareil. Davis’Pain Killer. —This article needs no comment from us, but the real w orth of so valuable a compound,.compels us to give publicity to it, iu our Transcript. Mi. Perry Davis, the manufacturer and inventor, is a gentleman tor w hom we enter tain the highest respect, and any article he should ,offer to the public we should have the .utmost confidence in'. The Pain Killer we ketp constantly on h-tiid, and have done so for anum berof years, and have administered it torails of all descrip tions, both external and internal, and have ever found it to bi tne best remedy ext:yit. We w.TI rcollect its first introductior for public patronage; it was the isold iu a few shops in thh city; look at it now-, the world are its patrons. A few days ago we published a certificate from Burmsih, and we have ollei seen them from the most remote habitable regions of the globe. Reader, if you have not a supply on hand, (we trust you have, as it isalmostlndispcmabie) procure it at oiiQe,and nev .•r be without itagain—it will save maiiytt physician’s bill.— Providence Daily Transcript. For kale by ROOT. CARTER and &, NAfiJJL. <'oluinbuß,and also by Druggists and jHicine Dealers evej V where. septll— w&twtt. , i; FALACEDAGOEEREAKROOMS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Cgj crn nm PALACE DAGUERREAN ROOMS OF WILLARD * DEPEW, On Broad Street above Brooks & Chapman’s New Drug Store, and two doors South of Savannah Bank. THESE Rooms were built and fitted up expressly for the Daguerrean Business to our order, and far surpass any thing of the kind in the South. The Sky-Light Operating Hall cannot be excelled anywhere tor the beautiful arrangement of light, size or comfort. Pictures taken in this Hall in one tenth the usual time of any other Gallery in the country. Bring on your Babies and Depew will make their pictures before they have time to kick. We have not only Light and Instruments in our favor, but an Artist that cannot be surpassed. So say the chief operators in New York. We most respectfully invite you all—everybody. Come from the hill tops, valleys, mountains, meadows, and the whole surrounding country, and we’ll give you something that will please you. The rich.and the poor, halt and blind, come and see if you never could before. We charge nothing for looking. Our Rooms are always onen for insp©o ion. Come and see whether you wish pictures or not. sept29—w&twtf. READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHING TO ORDER & GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS ! t® s® Mam & m§mm and | HAVE now in Store a largo well assorted and carefully selected Stock of Boy’s Youth’s and Gentlemen’s Fashionably Cut and Well Made Clothing, of their own Manufacture. A Beautiful Assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, THUNKS, CARPET BAGS, YALISES, UMBRELLAS, AC. AN EXCEEDINGLY LARGE STOCK OF sisaidQ. S ® f ©saamg's<. Winch (havings upplied themselves with the best mechanics that can be commanded in th City of New York,) they are prepared to manufacture in a style of cut and finish, never befor known in this city. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 23 1855. w&twtf. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKAW & CO., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to their interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as DANIEL ROWE AND GEO. 11. JBETZ Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. A CAIRO. gk-jes®®.. m &> BSE’T'aK^ Takes this method of informing his friends that he is now permanently located at 1* ’ A. BROK.&W a* CO’S, Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attention toall who may desire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. w&twtf NOTICE. GEORGIA, Early County:—AH persons having demands against the estate of VViiliatn Harrell, late of said county deceased, ? are hereby notified to present them in terms of the law, or this notice will be; plead in bar of them. Those indebted to ihe estate will make immediate payment. August 27th. 1855. BURRELL ROBERTS, Adm’r. septl w4od GEORGIA, Early County:—Two months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for said county, tor leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging io the estate of John Kelly, deceased, for distribution. Aug. ‘27th, [sepl] E. K. SPENCE, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Early county: * Court of Ordinary, August Term, 1855. Role Si Si—Stephen Peacock, administrator on the es tate of Raiford Peacock, deceased, having applied lor let ters dismissory: It is Ordered, That all persons concerned show cause, if any they have, why said administrator may not be dismissed from said administration at the court of ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in March next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, August 7th 1855. auglO—w6m S. S. STAFFORD, Ord. Administrator’s Sale.—Agreeable to an order ofthe honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chat ahoochee Coun ty, will be sold at the Court House door in the town of Cusseta, in said County on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale, 250 acres of land, more or less lyinr in said County four miles south of Cusseta, belonging to'the es tate of Stephen Parker, late of said county deceased, well im proved with about 70 acres of open land, mostly fresh landl ly ing on the waters of the Hichety Creek. Terms made known on the day *.f sale. aug. 14 tds. • ISAAC 11. WEBB, Adm’r. GARY M. POWELL, 1 Libel for Divorce in Randolph HENDERSON POWELL, te™ IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff that the said Henderson Powell, defendant, does not reside in this county, audit furlher appearing that the said Defendant does not reside in this State. It is therefore, on motion of Counsel for the sad Mary Powell, Plaintiff, ordered by the Ooitrl. that the said Defendant appear and answer at the next Term of this Court, or that said cause be considered in default and that said Libellant be allowed to proceed, and that this order be published in the Columbus Times and Sentinel, one oi the gazettes of this State, once a month for four months previous to the nexttcrm of this Court. Jfe# WILLIAM C. PERKINS, JSCS w c A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. T _ IQ D. JORDAN. June 5, 1850. m4m JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. ARCHITECTURAL Desiens and Working Plan* for Build ings furnished. Artificer’s work calculated, Surveys of laud made, and Topograpical plana furnished with accuracy, neatness and despatch Office over Col. Holt’s Law Offics Colnmhus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. SETTLE UP. ALL persons indebted to the Hte firm of WJT.EIAMS k FERG USOJY.&re hereby notified that unless their Note* and Accounts are settled before the first of June, they will have to settle with someone else. raayl7—w&.twtf “STOVES & TIN WARE. WE have on hand a fine assortment of COOKING STOVES AND TIN-WARE, for sale Cheap. Roofing: and Guttering prflmptly attended to and Warranted. maylP—tw4m. _ R. M. AT.THVnp.TH. Ar < O. BATHING TUBsT Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc. -mayl9—tw4m. R, M. ALDWORTH ft. CO. foiTsale. A FIRST RATE SADDLE HORSE. Apply to augß—tf LOMAX & ELLIS. GEORGlA—Randolph County- Court of Ordinary, June Term, 1855. ORDERED, That all and singular the parties interested,?h* w cause on or before the next January Term ol this Couth why Allen James, adm’r , and Sarah Butts, adm’x., on the es tate of Spyrus Butts, dec’d, should not be dismissed fr< ni their, said administration, otherwise they wiH then he dismissed. / Given under my hand the fifth day of July, 1855. juiy7 —w6m O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale.—Will be sold al the court A house in Cusseta, Chattahoochee countt, Oa , on thefir-t Pnesday in Octobbr next, between the usual hours of sale- Lot of land No. two hundred and seventeen (217) in Ihe tt< district of originally Muscogee, now Chattahoochee couiif>i sold as the property of (Jessy Nelson, late of said county de ceased, for the benefit of the*heir* and creditors< f said dec a. auglß—w4od. M.D.WALL, adm‘r-