The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 12, 1855, Image 1

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fie times & BmimtL VOLUME III] THE TIMES k SENTINEL. mS&WI LOMAX & BOSWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. TUB TRI-WiSJSKIiV TIMES & SENTINEL 8 published H'/ERV >Yi. I hlFiDji Y and FRIDAY MO HJV i Y(i liiui sji rua j>ji y k v KjYisyq, T j{iG urSBRuY TIbTKS ifc SENTINEL published every TVESJJA Y MORJfIJYG. o£3ce on Randolph Street, opposite tho Poat Office. TS&KMS : TRI-WEEK LY.Fivk Dollar.-! per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, “'vo Dollar ; per annum,in advance. ■iT vdvortifi : neotsconspicapudly inserted at One Dollar p .rsqoare, for the first 5 riser lion, and hfty cents for every gub , 0 ~aeot insertion. ’ rured deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. - lilies of i.and and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors,or Guardians, are reqairod by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in Die forenoon aud till ein the afternoon, at the Court House in the county'ln which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazett o forty days previous to the day of sale. Woticos f>r tho sale of Personal Property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale* Notice to Debtors and Creditors ofan Estate must be publish ed forty days. Notioethat application will be made to the Court o for leave to sell Candor Negroes, must be published * eekly for tiro months. dilations for Letters of Administration must be published thirtydii)3 —for Dismission from Administration, monthly six Ml) ntis— for Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must bo- published monthly for four months —for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three uont.its — for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given by tho deceased, the full tpice of throe months. Publications wjl!always be continued according to these, the requirements,unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CARDS. piSfT^O~AND^OOKBii£mG. HAVING connected with our Printing Office, a full and complete assortment of Book Binder’s tools and etocA. and also added to our Prilling materials, we are now prepared to execute,in good style and with despatch,every kind of work in either branch of the business, on the best term*. IJLANK WORK, of every description, with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WARE HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts.. Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &c., executed neatly and promptly, and bound in any desired etyle. R VILRO ID AND STEAMBOAT BLANKS, of all kinds got up with accuracy and dispatch. (till Heads, Cards, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, &c., &c., printed in tne shor test notice and in the best style. Magazine and Pamphlets put up in every style o binding. Books o all kinds rebound strongly and neatly. LOMAX A ELLIS. Columbus, April 15,1854. BE. T. STEWART, f HAVING returned to Columbus would reepeetfnllyan nounce tliat he has resumed'his practice of Medicine and Surgery. Columbus,Ola., Dec. 7. 1854. w&twlf ygsvyffijTfrh, DENTIST FIY. J. F0 6LE, D. B. 2. Office on Randolph near Broad Street. . Columbus, febl—lßss. ■w&.tf. ROBERT m. HOWARD, AT T OENE Y A T LA W , CRAWFORD, ALA. September 8, 1855. —tw&wtf. ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Office over E. Barnard’s & Co.’s Store April s—wtwly JAMBS HAMILTON. WM. F. PLANE HAMILTON & PLANE, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Geo. Will practice in the Courts of the adjoining counties n this State and Alabama. decs—w&twtf. BENTON & PHILIPS, A T T O E N E Y S AT L A W . YV ILL Practice in the different courts of Russell county, Alabama. ADORES. - * K. WATSON DENTON, JOHN M. PHILIPS, Columbus, Ga. Crawford, Aid Sept 35, 185 i. w&twiy. PEYTON H. COLQUITT, ATTUIt NE Y A T LA W , COM'JUBPS, GA. rr* Office in St.Marv’fl Bank Building, mnjgti w&twtf. _ ,T. M. RUSSELL, ATTOn Xl i Y A T I. AW , ihlice at present, with G E Thomas, Esq., over J E hfdd & Cos ilroiul Street —Columbus. Geor.'a. Ovlu'ii > is. April 9, l(*sx wfrtwtf OAT STRAW, THE Rock Island Paper Mills want to purchase 100 tons of CLEAN INSIDE SHUCKS and 50 tons of OAT STRAW, lor which will be paid Slo per ton be paid, delivered in bales. Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1855—tw&Avtf. DISSOLUTION, THE firm of IIALL&. MUSKS was dissolved on the first oi January, 1855, by ibe death of J. 1. Moses. HERVEY HALL, Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersign.d have entered into the H.IRD-li'S. .£ B USI.YK&Sy under the firm at and name of HALL, MUSES & CO. HRRVEY H \Lb, ISA A ‘ I MOSES, J \COB P HEVRIPKS VVI Li.l AM A. BEACH. Fehniarv 13. 1855. wfctw** 1 S V KCIA LJV OT ICE. IN order that our eustojners may understand the terms on which we Made, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time, payments will be required twice a year; say Ist and IstJ muarv. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shall claim and expect intere-t until paid. 1 ’ £. BARNARD, & CO Columbus, Jan. janll—w&twtf. BAvtGING and bale rope. i A A India Bagging. JLUU 500 Coiis Rope. For sale by GREENWOOD JL GRIMES. Columbus, Sept 13. 1854—twArwtf NOTICE. OUR friends aad patrons are hereby notified that circum stance? make it tbsoiu e*y necessary that we bhoukLhavea Iten on every horse bo&ided at our stable by the momh or year. We, therefore, hereby gUte notice, that our riebt of Hen shall enter into and become a part of every contract for the keep or board of horse - at our stables, and that Id all cases we r* erveth* rtght ro nr Mid IJet.eif Dece^srv. BATi HKR & #> iTT*?, “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” RICHARD HOOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHATTANOGHA, TENN. j WILL attend promptly to .the purchase of COUNTRY ; PRODUCE, or any other business entrusted to his care. 1 May 13— twly 100,000 POUNDS NAGS WANTED \\T K will pay fiy t cents per pound for one hundred t housand T> pounds clean LINEN AND COTTON RAGS, in quanti ties ol 100 pounds and over. JEFFERSON fc HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Feb. 15, 1855. LXJMBEE, LUMBER. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish Oak, Hickory, Poplar, Ash, Beach and Pine Lumber from their Miil at market prices, delivered on Railroad or in Columbia. Per sons wishing lumber, will leave their bills at the Auction Room of Harrison, Austin & McGebee, where they will be promptly attend to. dec 23-twtt: WIIITTELSEY & BRO. DR. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE [OVER MDLIFORD’S OS BIIO.ID STREET, COX.T7ISBT73, GEOHGIA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. J. ‘A. FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office in St. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. REFERENCES: T LOMAX, ESQ., MANLEY & nODOKS, DR v A STANFORD. R PAT'i'EN. Columbus, Oct 7—twly A wm7 perry, ‘ ATTO RN E Y A T LA YV COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. VyILL practice in this and adjoining counties, particu ’ lar attention paid to the securing and collection of debts. Office with Col. A. McDougald. decl4—tw-lrn. ROPE. FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Justreceivedand for sale at the Alabama Warehotjsk by J. I. RiDG.WAY. Columbus, Ga., May 4—twtf NOTICE. OUR Btore wae broken into on the night of the 2d lust, and all our notes and papers taken therefrom. All persons who have executed any notes payable to us or to A. 8. Hays, or who may know the tact of our holding their notes or obligations, are heieby cautionedagairst paying them to any person except J. VV. Sappingtou or to us. jnlya—twtf I>. P. ELLIS H CO. Weekly Enquirer and Corner Stone copy twice. Drs. BROOKS & CARRIGER. HAVlNGassgeiated themselves together in tne various branches of their profession, they will be enabled there* Olg by to give more general satisfaction to all who may favor them with their confidence. Dr. fJarrigcr is fully prepared and willgi vospecial attention to all cases of SURGERY 7 entrusted to his care, er Ofllcein Winter’s Hank Building. Oolumbus.Jan. 14—twtf EAGLE MANUFACTUiING CO7 COLUMBUS, GA. THE Factory, now being in full operation, is able to supply (on their usual terms) promptly as ordered, the various styles of their Manufactures, which consists of the following variety: YARNS, OSNABURGS, 4- i SHEETINGS t SHIRT ING. Cotton Stripes, of great variety oi Pattern; COTTON ADES, embracing many uew.sttyles; Negro Kerseys & Pine Knot Plains; Planters’ Casimeres, Truck for Trowsers, Sewing Thread, Shop Twine, niaUre**,**, Batting ,&c. To Cash purchasers inducements will be offreed. J. R. BROWNE, Ag’t. 91. BAR ON 1 would respect fully inform his friends and the “citizens oi Columbus that he will return to hia duties 'n or about the 20th of Sept*!’. He would also add thatdm will bring with Dim a large ami splendid assortment of New and Fashionable MUSIC, Voctl ak wellaslust-vumental. aug2B—twtf WARM SPRINGS, MEEIWETHER COUKTY, GA. THIS delightful Watering Piaee is now opeu for the reception of visitors. June2l—twtf. J. L. MU ST I AN, Proprietor. Moctguomeryil onrnal copy. FOR REST. IYIJzi THE house near the Market in Columbus, known as the CITY HOTEL. Apply to Pn. Gittenger or M. Ban?hall. ( augl4—twtf. Enquirer and Corner Stone copy. FOR SALE. THE HOUSE formerly occupied by MR. R. H. S A AIM IS, with 5 Rooms, Kitchen, &c., on reason able terms. Inquire of aug3l—twlm. SAMMIb & ROOMii i. WANTED, EMPLOYMENT bv a Book-Keeper, fully competent, having had 7 years experience. Apply at this office, or by letter to Box 26, P. o,_ Columbus, Ga., July 31, 1655 twit. THE HOWARD FACTORY Is now selling Domestics and \arns, At the Usual Rates, 10 Per Cent off, FOB- CASH. Columbus, <Ya February 19. __ ; w ‘ CHARTER OAR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capita 1 , and Surplus $400 : 0G0 Takes risks on Lives on very moderate terms, Columbus, juiy9—tw3in JOHN MUNN. Ag’t. CAUTION 4 II nersons are hereby cautioned from trauiLg,.buying, or •V n -otmt i’ auv manner, for any real nr personal p.o ----n rtvuroia ti.W, Wacaser, as the. real or personal property uve^which he may bourne control, is in tact my own,and held in my own name, and nos otherwise. ... , r . vt-rj Girard, Ala , July -4-twlm ERA.NOTH W ACAb~K. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS,^ WILL receive Deposits—audCbeeks tor saleon New York Maconaud Savannah. Apr! KM—twtf RrCOARD PATTEN, “OLD TOM” GIN- T ÜBT received a Superior article of fci CiLD TOM ’ GIN in *| UoPles—-a delicious beverage, end a most excehentaritclf for mei c-sl nnrp ses Also a Superior article of Potash in-in <•*. jHoW-twif. p.A.GAVTCh. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1855 TRI-WEEKLY. HENRY W. VERST!TIE, Commission & Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, R E F E R E NCES: Hon. John \Y. Aadersou, Savannah, Ga. Messrs. Ilolcqmbe, Johnson & Cos. “ f iop: Henry XV. Mortgomery, Aia. Maj. !oh;i il. Howard* Columbus, Ga. Dr. Henry Lockhart, ** k * E. B. Young, Esq , Fufauia, Ala. junlSwtwtt J. C. RUSE, J. 11. DAVIS, W. H. LONG. “ EUSE; DAVIS & iiDNGr, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING AGENTS, S AVAN NA H, GEORGIA. WILL purchase and sell cotton- and other produce on com mission, and strictly attend to‘forwardinggooda anti filling or ders irom the country. Ruse, Patten,& Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be uiadeon const gninenls either to or through ue to our friends in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf LOCKETT YsNELLINGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the selling of COTTON and all kinds o PRODUCE Strict attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, 11, D. SNELLINGS. Savannah. Ga., Sept. 1, 1854 tw&wly HUDSON, FLEMING &, CO., SAVANNAH, GA. HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., CHARLESTON, S.'C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MEKCIF A N T S . RENEW an offer of thirservice'? to Planters, Merchants and Dealers in the sale of Cotton and aii other country produce- Strict’aittention will be given to business, and liberal cash ad’ vances and facilities afforded customers when required. JNO - *• lin)So: ’ i ’ ! Savannah. \V. It. FLEMING, l. Hopkins, Augusta. jobn j. cohen, Chaileston. Aug. 4—tw&wtf ANDREWS, RIDGWAY &. CO. DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS, &€,, &C. (Four Docks below Hill & Dawson’s old Corner) BROAD STREET, COLUIBIAS. (A. Columbus; Oct 15, 1853.—tw& RIDDLES Fashionable Daguerrean Gallery. r rllE Proprietor lias the largest, neatest, and most feshiona- X biy arranged GALLERY for the Art in the State. He uses the best material, and allow a nothing but first class Pictures to leaf e his Rooms. So forget not, ye levers of the Fine Aits, when ye sally forth to obtain those iinperishable<geuW, Vo call on RIDDLE. He will give you a Handsome Picture and a Good Daguerreo type. Aia for taking children* family groups, Steriscopes, out door views, he defies any Artist- in the country to surpass him. Rooms on Broad Street, over C. MygaU’s Dry Goods Store, Columbus, ua. mar3l—tw9m. FO R SAL E . a THE HOUSE AND LOT m present occupied by j the subscriber. Possession given immediately. ! H. T. HALL. April iln 1855—twtf PERRY DAVIS’ ‘ rye rt re,,r^rwr m. „ j OPINIONS OK THE PRESS. j YTTE take pleasure in referring tbe reader to tbe testimo- VY ni Is of our prominent druggists and well known ciii- : zc-us to the virtue of DaVis’Pain Killer. We have used the articie and found it valuable. The sale of this articie in the j United States is beyond all precedent, as the books of tbeot- ; fice will show.—Cincinnati Commercial. Dams’ Vegetable Pain Killer. —Wereferour readersto | an advertisement with tbe above caption, in the advertising columns of this morning’s Eagle. We first heard of this met;- j iciue during a recent visit to tbe New England States, and be- j mg struck with tko novelty of the title, we were induced to ! make some enquiry about it, aud were surprised to learn that j it was kept constantly in the houses of most of the inhabi- j iants ot the cities and villages where we stopped, to be used j in cases of sudden attacks of pain, bums, scalds, kc., and we heard it spoken ot in terms’of high commendation by both j druggists and physicians. Tmß much we can with propriety &a\ favor of thoarticie. —[Philadelphia Lagie. j Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Kil kr. Voluntarily, ; cou-cienciously, and with much pleasure, we recommend *o j our readers the above named medicine. vVe speak from our own observation and experience when we say that it removes : pain as it’bv miaic from cllpartso; ibe body, and i: one of j i thebest medicines:n usefor checking Diarrhoia, and tor re- i ! moving tbe premonitory symptouipfi ot cholera. It is applied j j bothinteraailvand externally, with thebet effects, ann non • ! who have once used the Pain Killer would willingly be w tih ■ ont it constantly in thei” houses. —[Cincinnati L\e. Nonpareil. . ! Davis’ Pain Killer —This article needs no comment from i as, but the real ,rth of so valuable a compound, compels us j to give publicity to it, in our Transcript. Alt. Perry lj3\<s.tbe ■ 1 manufacturer and inventor, is a gcu’lemar lor v. horn we enter tain the highest respect, and any articie he should ofit*r to the , public we should have the utmost confidence in. Tbe Tutu : Killerwe ke p constantly on Is ir.d, and have done so for a nuro ber of years; and have administered itiorailsof all descrip— i tions both external and internal, and have eve. found it to bo I toe best remedy extant. We well rcoUcct its first introduction • i for public patronage; it was then sold in e lew shops in thu* ; cite ; look at it now. the world arc its patrons. A few days ago w,‘p >bli<-hed a certificate from i urmah, and we have often • seen them from the most remote habitable regions of tbe globe. 1 | Reader, if vou have not a supply on hand,; we trust yea i • have, as it is almost procure it at once* aud Dev jer be without itagiiu —it will save in a physician sbill. ; Providence Daily Transcrlrt. ! E. rsal® by ROBT.CARTER and DASFOBiHk >A r n,L I Cclambus.and also bv Dro,rgMe and >-ttliciPe Dealers ev*w>- I nber*. ’ Wp-w|itwV. Sale of Creek Indian Reserved Lands in Alabama. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affaire, August 31,1855. I)UBLIC notice is hereby given that, agreeable to the . provisions of the first section of the act of the 3d o! March, 1837,entitled “An act to authorize and sanction the sales ot reserves provided for Creek Indian? in the treaty of March twenty-tour, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,in : certain cases, and for other purposes,” the several pieces or j parcels ot land hereinafter described, lying in the Coosa and : Tallapoosa laud districts, in the State ot Alabama, will, at : the times and places designated, be exposed for sale at pub i lie auction tu the higiiest bidder, for ctsh,in separate pieces I or parcels as described, the same to be patented to the re j spectivo purchasers upon tire payment of the purchase mo ; ney, viz: i On Wednesday, the 2(Hh day of December, ! 1855, at the land oi office tor the Coosa Disirict, in Leb : anon, the following described tracts, which have been de ! tided as unsold : Those of range six [6] east. The touch half oi section twenty iivo [25,j in township eighteen (18 ;) and We.'t hait oi section seven [7,] in township twenty-two ! f‘)>) 1 ! L-—J Or range seven [7,] east. ; The west half of section thirty-one [31,1 in township ! thiiteen [l3,] and : West half of section twelve [I2,J in township fourteen ! [i-i.] ; Ol range nine [9,1 east. Tho south halt of section ten ]lo,j in township eighteen : 18,] and ! South half of section twenty-one [2l] in township tweu | ty 120. J T'iie north half of section thirteen [l3,] in township twenty two [22,] of range [lo] east. In township sixteen [l6,] of range eleven [ll,] east. The west half of section twenty-nine [29,] and west halt of section thirty (30,) And the west half of section twenty two (22,) in town ship eighteen (18) of range eleven (Jl) east Also, at the same time and place, the following descri bed tracts, which have been claimed under alleged purcha ses irom the rosorvees, their heirs, or otherwise, but which purchases have not been perfected by the payments of the ! amounts of consideration respectively alleged, or the pro- ! duction of evidences of such payment to the proper parties i in interest, will be sold in the same manner, unless such ! payment is made or evidence thereof adduced, in accord- i ante with the requirements of the government, through the ; office of Indian Afiairs, by or before the 15th of*JNovem- ; ber 1855, viz : , The east half of section eight (8,) in township twenty (20 ) of range turee (3) ea--t. Us range four (4) east. The east half of section twenty-two (22) in township nineteen (19;) and North half of section eighteen (18,) in township twenty (20 ) The west Jialf of section thirty-two (32,) in township seventeen (17,) of range six (6) east. Os range seven [7J east. The south half of section thirty-four [34,J in township fourteen [l4 ;I and South halt of section ten [ 10,] in township twenty [2o.] The east half of section twenty-six, (26*) in township sixteen, (18,5 of range eight (8) east. And of range ten [lOl east. The west half of section twenty-seven [27,] In township : sixteen [l6,] and north half ot section thirty-one (31,) in j township seventeen [l7 j And on Wednesday, the f)ih day of January, I | 1856, at the land office for tho Tallapoosa district, iu Mont- ; gomery, the following described unsold tracts of land, viz : ; _ The south half of section eight (8,) in township twenty- ! three (23,) of range sixteen (16) east. The north half of section thirty-one (31.) in township : twenty-two (22,) of range seventeen (17,) east. Os range eighteen (18) east. The west half of section fourteen (14,) in township nine ! teen (19;) West half of section twenty-four (24,) in township nine i teen (19;) East half of section six (6,) in township twenty-three (23 ;) | and j North haifof section seven (7,) in township twenty four ’ (21.) | Tlie west haifof section thirteen [l3, i in towuship twen- : ty three [23,] of range nineteen [I9J east. : In township twenty four [24,] of range nineteen [l9] east. I The south half of section eight [B;] i North haii oi section nine [9 ;] j North half of section ten [lO-;] North half of section seventeen [l7 ;] South half of section seventeen [l7,] and North half of section twenty one [2l.] The south half of section thirty six [36, j in township eighteen [lß,] oi range twenty [2o] east. In township eighteen (18,) of range twenty one [2l] east. The west half of section thirty one [31;) West hair of section thiity two [3i ;j and East half of section thirty two [32.1 j In township twenty [2o], of range twenty one [2l] east. Tho whole of section thirteen [l3 ;] and the South hall of section twenty mne [29 ;] The west half of section thirty two [32,] in township twenty one [2l,] ot range twenty one ,[2l*] east. The south halt of section twenty two [22,] in township ! seventeen [l7,] of range twen'y two [22] east. The west haifof section thirty lour [34,] in township eighteen [lß,] oi range twenty two [22, j east. The north half ot section thirty one [3l,] in township seventeen [l7, j of range twenty three |23,j east. The west half of section twenty nine [29,1 in township eighteen [!s,j of range twenty tlnec ,23] east. The south haifof section three [3,] m township sixteen [lO J of range twenty four [24] east. The no; th half of section eleven (11,] in township eigh teen [ 28,’ of range twenty four [24] east. The south half of section fourteen [l4.] in township twen- i ty four [2l,] of range twenty-six (26j ea-t. I - The south half of section thirty one [3l,] in towuship fif i teen [ls,] of range twenty seven [27] east. The north half of section thirty one [3l,] in township j eighteen [lß,] of range twenty seven ]27J east. j In township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty eight [2B, j east south half of seotion font [4 ;j and | North half of section eight [8 j And the south half of section five [s,] in township fifteen j [ls,] of range twenty nine [29,] east. I ! Also, at the same time and place, the following de i scribed tracts which have been claimed under alleged pur- ‘ i chases from reservees, their heirs, or otherwise, but which ; purchases have not been perfected by the payments ot the • amounts of consideration respectively alleged, or the pro ; duction of evidences ot such payment to the proper parties ; in interest, will be sold in the same manner, unless such ! payment is made or evidence thereof adduced, in aceord ■ anee with the requirements of the government, through the office of Indian Affairs, by or before the 15tii day ot No i vernber, 1855 ? viz: ■ Ihe south half of section fifteen 15, in township twenty- j | two 22, of range sixteen 16, east. i In township twenty-two 22, of range seventeen 17, east. ] The east halt of section seven 7 ; West halt of section seven 7 ; and West half of section twenty-four 24. In township twenty four 24, of range seventeen 17, east, j j The north half of section twenty-tour [24 ;] South half oi section twenty four [24 ;] and • East half ot section thirty six [36 ] Fractional sections six [6] and seven [7J in township nineteen [l9.] of range eighteen [lß] east. The west haifof section five [SJ in township twenty [2o,] ! of range eighteen [lßl east. i The we.~t hail of section one [l,] in township twenty four [24.J of range eighteen [lß] east. The south half of seetion three [3,] in township nineteen , [l9.] of r-..nge nineteen [l9] east. I The south half of section twenty-five [2SJ in township j seventeen [I7J o! range twenty [2o] east, i The east half of section twenty nine [23,] in town* I ship nineteen [l9,] of range twenty [2oj east. *. Jn township iwfenty-on# (21,) of range twenty (30) ear*, the south half of section twenty-two (22,) and the south half of section twenty-five (25.) In township twenty-two (22,) of range twenty-(20) esst. The east half of section nine (9;) and West haifof seetion nine (9.) In township twenty-four (24p of rarge twenty (20) east. The north half of section nine (9;) aud West half of section twenty-two (22.) The soudi hall of section twenty-six (26,) in township twenty-one (21,) of range twenty one (21) east. The north half ot section thirty-five (35,) in township twenty-two (22 ) of range twenty-one (21) east. The west half section seventeen (17,) in township twenty four (24.) of range twenty-one (21) east. In township seventeen [l7,] of range twenty-two [22} | east. j The north half of section thirteen [l3;] and ! East half of section twenty live (25.) The south half of section three (3,) in towuship fifteen (15,) ’ of range twenty three (23) east. j The east half ol seetion twenty-nine (29,) in township i seventeen [l7,] of range twenty-three [23] east. The west half of section four [4,3 in township eighteen, [lß.i of range twenty-three [23] east. The north half of section two [2,] in township twenty [2o,] of range twenty-three [23] east. The east half of section fifteen [ls,] in township twenty two [22,] of range twenty four [24] east. The north haifof section seventeen [l7,] iu township, [2o,] of range twenty-five [2s] east. Tho south half of section six [6,1 in township twenty -two [22. j of range twenty-live [2s] east. The west half of section lour [4,] iu township twenty one j2I,J of range twenty-six [26] east. The south half of section twenty two [22,j in township eighteen [lß,] of range twenty-seven [27] east. _ The north half of section thirty-three [33,] in township twenty-one [2l,] of range twenty-seven (27) east. The south half of section twelve (12.) in township twen* 1 ty two (22,) of range twenty-seven (27) east. The west half of section seventeen (17,) in township eleven (11,) of range twenty-eight (28) east. Tho south hall of section thirty-one (31,) iu township eighteen (18.) of range twenty-eight (2-S) east. The west half of section four (4,) in township twenty-two (22,) of range twenty -eight (28) east. •The east haifof section nineteen (19,) in township eveven (11,) df range twenty-nine .(29) “"east; and the south half of section thirty-throe (33,) in towuship seventeen (17,) ol range twenty-nine (29) east. These sales will commence at the hour of 12 o'clock, nt., of each day above designated, and continue until all of the lands then subject to sale under this notice are offered. CHARLES E- MIX. Sept 18—wtilil.Tan. Acting Commissioner. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MofSIIIERLAVEST POINT & OPELIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. On and after the 16th July DRAINS on this road will bofgoverd | by the following - 1 SCHEDULt: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery ? s*i a. in. Arrive at Columbus 11-60 a. m. Arrive at West’Point 11.45 Leave < olumbits 8.40 a. in. Arrive at Montgomery ...2.40 p. m. Arrives! West Point . 11.45 a. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.50 p. in. Arrive at Columbus 2.45 a. m, “ West Point 2.80 a. m. Leave Columbus 11.30p.ra. Arrive at Montgomery 7.30 a. m. *• West Point 2.30 p.m. Double Daily Connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta and Nashville,aud daily to Knoxville, Tenn. Daily connections are continued from Montgomery to -Mo bile by stages and steamboats. Passengers taking the Night Train from Columbus, are re quested to purchase tickets of the agent at the PERRY HOUSE between the hours of 10 and 11 o’clock p m. jul 2ti.. w&twtf. B.G. JONES, Eng’ Sup. Change of Schedule on the MUSCO'GICE RAIL ROAD! OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT SEW YORE AND SEW ORLEANS MAIL! On and after July 16th, npHERE will be Two Dally Mall Trains between L Columbus and Macon—arrival and departure as follows : Arrive at Co.unibus 7V 4 a. ni. and Leave a. r . and ‘/Jy p. m. Arrive at Macon 10y-( a. in. ai dBSO p. ni. Leave do vjlOa.m and 3.if p.iu. DOTH TWAINS Making a complete connection between Montgomery, Ala., and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington and Cbnilestdi: also, with Central Kail Road to Savannah, and Mi Hedgeville, and with the Macon ami Western Trains to Atlaida, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. Also, connecting at Columbus with the Girard At .Mobile Railroad, for Euiavils. But imr change of Cars bet ween Montgom ery and. Augusta, between which places are running careful baggage Masters under heavy bones, who will check baggageand follow it through. B. F. W LLI 8. Columbus, July 17—twstwii Engineer and Sup t chaxgeOf’¥(:hkdulk MOBILE AND GIBABD BAIL BOAD. ,\ FTER Monday, iuib September, the Passenger and Freight Train will leave Girard at 3J£ P. M.daily , (Sundays excep ted) connecting at Silver Run with a daily line, of Stages to Villula, G lean ville, Kufaula, Fort Gaines, and Marianna. Fla. Andou Tuesdays, and Fridays, with the Stages tor L'chee, Olivet, Enon, Hardaway, Chunnenuggee, Midway, Perote and Union Springs. Leaving Silver Run at G*£, A. M., daily, (Monday s excepted) arrive at Girard at BA. >l., connecting with the Opelikaanu Muscogee Trams. Round trip, tickets good for four days can be purchased at Girard and Silver Run, at lees than the regular rate. R. A. HARDA WAY. septß-w&twff. Engineer. Enquirer copy. WINTER FACTORY, Columbus, Gra. YARNS, LINSEYS,’ WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, for sale. WOOL Carded at one fourth toil or ten cents per pound. LINSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. pei yard. All Work d&ne Promptly and Warranted. AIONTGOMERA - IRON WORKS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. Hi LL FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM F.n> /lest Circular Saw Mill?,'Grist Mills, Charting, or any of M.ICHI.S Also Rich’s un rivalled \Vs‘ er Wheels,the best in the world. Lynch, P? ge & Cos. Wnittlesy & Cos., Woodruff & GoetcMus,oe the Rail Road, aod numerous others, testify to c Alting lOmi feet of Lumber per hour; each uting one of our Patent Circular ftiv* Hills ol one Saw. w WINTER i Agent. Columbus Georgia. U/heat Wanted! TF. Palana Mill* will pay P? tushel Cask for Prim* “ beat and Sl*fo* Prime Red. fcn .iwtsrtf [NUMBER 122