The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 12, 1855, Image 4

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. W\~ . 1 *’“*<*’ *° , *''l -, . 4 ■’ ‘*'** + Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! rfMIF. u.ideraigoed having aeflocinted tbeiwelvee together for 1. the purpose oi procuring BOUNTY LAND undf-r the several sets of Congress heroimore passd, are now prepared to make implication for ah who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land vt ar rants, nre.under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and By calling at our office can get alj tbo necessary information. We also prepared to prosecute Pension ar.d other claims against the United Slates. From our Umar experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a'l claims entrus ted to our rare, will bo promptly and speedilj adjusted One ot the parties being constantly In W aehington <tuy, ‘Will give tbe busbies* hi* personal attention there. Office over (juuby Sl Darnels’ Store,’Colutobus, Georgia. ” * MlO |-i A Ll* N • CLARK, foht?4..wictwtf. A. B. HAGAN* LAND WARRANTS, LIND OFFICE AND AGENCY, rR TIIE PURCHASE AND SALE O F RE A L ES TA T E OF AT.L DF>CR!FtIO>B. CONVEYANCES, &c., &e., ON RANDOLPH BTRF.LT, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, (la. 11l AVJK determined to devote mv time excurively to the LA N’U and hope, irom my knowledge of the ian-ls in Georgia, to be able to give entire salisleeuon to all who, may entrust me with business I am prepared to either buy or sell, perhaps to t-eter advantage than any othei person i;> tVesmm or &Wuth Waste (it Geo gin. It you have bind-tosell, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will fi. and yuu a puroKa*er. II you wish to buy, ca l also, h r I h ive m.i l y valuable lots and settlements of lan ; to -ell. t rom my enle/imve kiidwledge ot The ownvr* 4d mm's. I urn prepar ed to ascertain ihe ow ner of almost every vn ant lot of laid in the <Mme If \on wih to have your land \allied, you limy rc'v np.correct’ ‘iid-rn* jinn, < p n n hm i,PI> e t no. I;*-1h to or 1 gngcs,ami other inttniments, drawn c< r rt <M ¥ and at lew rates. 2 ‘eats w Hitied to sell Bonner's large map ol Gcorgia lii h per cent given. One ihiugis certain, I atn pfuin? Nrw V'ork and Wasiiino- ToNt.iiY I'KpKs tor LAND IV All BAM S, Uowuiga stubi commission. il tVing aU r made, an arrangement with rneol the best Ctm in Washington, i am l<> ar piy lor Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes. and wi 1 charge but Five Ih 1 ars lor each applica tion — io'ne p*Hu lor when the warrant atrjves. 1 ring in yotfi cl dins soon. As I inters to n akelhisa permanent business, and give it my undivided ntteniion. with a r et rmination t< satujfaciioi. I ho,>alo receivea l beral share ol patronage, troin mi riends and hoonmmimjty gentrally. 8. R. B ‘NNKH, ;j I>3l- w&twlv Lnfid Office, Coluralus. RAGS ! RAGS! THR ROCK ISLAN l) P A PE R M ILL? AUK paying three and a half cents cash per. lb forcletn ‘.i ,en and 1 otton Bags, in q iantieso, one hun dred poll ml a and upwards, and 3 cints tor quajititns under loU Woolen Kags not wanted. < isl ;y in fro. tof PALAOR Mll LS Colunthus.Ga., JV&y 0, 1855 w ( viwtf. FRICKS STIII LOW Ell. EXT i \ FAMILY, per hb’ $ f) 00 l> > itie Ix r do. •* •or pastry 10 On Huperfloe H 00 fk< >iuia tip* rfine, 7 to Georgia Mills t; 00 All i in- tiding sacks Usual discount when 20 barrels are tafcei at -ne t'tnj. our rixtra Family and Double Extra cannot bt surpassed. idea’ per bushel ,§1 ro Flints, per hundred lbs ; $ HO Bran “ “ * ..$ GO july2B—wlm'wtf WINTER’B PAI ACM Mil L*F. GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. INTENDING to close my business by the 13th September,’ will sell my -j Stock o*’ Goods tor > iST! 1 have super or o and Brandies, Gin, Hum, Whisky, Madeira,Mier ry <fc Port Wines. iViost of these artichs have been on hand i.eany twoyears making them not only beteion aocouiu of., age, but they coal much b-asthen *thaiHhey would now.— 1 also offer fresh Porter, Air, Clarret, Champagne, B>r Bitters; Gigars. obaceo, Tea, Coffee, Gan lies, Boap,Macker el. Salmon,! Pickled Pig, P rk, Lard. Vine-ar Pot As i, &c., fee., allot the beotqualrty and for sale., t cost on accom inndating tern's. 1 wdi aiso sell city lots, Nos. 28T, 5182,441. 40fi, 4(38, 598, 15. and a part of No lit, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3, with a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, a most, desirable location, being convneient to the 1 euiiile Academy, to the Churches and to business. Also fraction No. 5<3. containing about 10 acres, adjoining VV'nr. B. Mitchell Mr* t-otner, and the lands or Col. .lones, not more than on arid a half miles from town. Apply to P. A. CLAYTON. N. B.—All who are indebted.must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed in the hands oi an officer. aug2—w&twif p. a.o. New Books! New Books! ABBOTT’S Life ol Napoleon, anew ?up- Travels in Chinese Empire, by M. Hue; Kißell Smiih, Abroad; The Conscript, by Dumas; Tri-Colored Sketches in Paris; Wailcua: or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore, bv Sam uel A. Bard; English Orphans, or Home in the New World, by Ma ry J. Holme-'; Commonplace Book of Thoughts and Fancies, by Mrs. Jameson; ihe . Winkles; or the Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B. Jones. A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by R. C. Mc- Cormick, Jr. of New York. Cleve Hall, by Mrs. Sewell; 1 he Iroquois: or the Br.gnt Side of Indian Character, by Minnie Vlyrtte; Heiress of Haughton: or the Mother’s Sec ret, by the au thor ot Aubrey, Sequel to Aubrey; ‘ Constance Herbert, by G E. Jewsbury; Missing Bride, by Mrs. SoulhworUi, Just received by J. W. PE ASE, augH —j v twtf. 92 Broad Street. BACODJ & FLOUR. just received. | an AAA POUNDS iMJ.NA'KssrF: JJUON. *• \/vl -./vMy lf'O Sacks Tennessee Flour. I r>;|s. !owa:d St root l'i>>m—a Superior Article. Together with a well aborted .S'ock ot (iliOl GKIES which will he aojd at th. lowest market price Bv ANDREWS, It lUu WAY & CO Cnhnn'ois Ga . May 2'.>, 1855 w.Vtwif. BilJOlN! AV'E will sell f>r or on nCREIVT until tPe F p ore’ ri ” or th*- year, Iheliest Q,uhlHj of Tenues. • Macon! <ai al r>. A. Rich >rds At o’s., Jann B'L.igotiV ttroa 8 reel, < .<ilunbus G:>.,ami at the store ot (J. I.ainer, <i nr l, Aia, A reduction in price will be made in favor or Vtcr,,,”- 0 _ ~ * W. A I.X ANuLit july 19—wAtwtf. ,t. h. s. Just Received on Consignment, ‘ll 11(1(1 I,KS - New Bacon; Hog rota*. J 1000 lb*. Feathers. ’ yj Kegs Prime Fresh Lard! 75 n xes, X taxes and % Boxea be t Virsintc Tobacco. I•mi v ;l rd ? r*uessee Jeans. Cheat. tor Cash nr2i—Hf HTLI.. FRlFKftnv <* r o. Sulphur Medicated Vapor Baths, Xo, 2:3 Uroad-st. Opposite to I’nlou Bauk, COLUMBUS, GA. T ANARUS, S 1 * E Vapor fnmegathn „ r * w to he had Rs above 1 I ey have he’s. te.-ltM In P, r s ‘r 4 years; in Lot and ini \e ‘rman years, and are higS y esievin- d‘ h\ ih in and onl 4a. n.t , .-r tin core of ar l( ., s dise.,seßofa tob tun,', nature, Midi as Rheumatic ass r.tioi a. Mysnnpei-t, Kraateaiiot ot A/e c try iron, lu rys'em, , rrj j. t, sumption. Hr >, f <hseasts ot the, Net&lgta, SwedimV £• 1* N..m ~ t. li.rai,<i „ .renew c, “ii.e hiilSS &.**• WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, ? ;for Sx le at Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. 1 L’R3IS CASH. jisnelG—w&twtf NOTICE. J>ERSONB indebted to A. c. FlewelleD & Cos. wlllnleas* . J l l hsr^ Wß,enu ■“"?? KWs*S PEICES SEDUCED. COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” July WINTER FACTORY. Notice to Cotton Shippers. |7T? FROM this date all applications for shipment o! SlMCoUon, must be registered at the Depot, by the party making the application. Dray receipts required before shipping receipts will be given. B. E. V* ELLS, Supt. Oilice Muscogee Railr n ftd, > Columbus Ga^Scpt*t23,lßss. > twlrn. FOR RENT, THAT large and commodious Brick Building on Oglethorpe street, opposite the * aS® Oglethorpe House, will be for rent on the Ist Oct. next, f'or a private Boarding House, there is not .a more convenient or eligible situation in the city, having all conveniences suit ab e for such use. Apply to R. A. WARE. Enquirer *copv. sept 18—twtf. /* nnicput.up iriths I*arfrt*t Sized Bottles* and i eckn to bt the ‘best Sarsaparilla made, tie is certified by the void dtrf al cores it his ptrf r aid, th'. original copies of which art in the possession of th* Proprietor . Hcntetrtber, this is the only true, and original article . ScroAiM, Syplifllis, Mercnllal Complaint*, Cancer, Gangrene Rheum uisin. ami a vast variety of other disensesart- epeedily aud perieedy cured by the use of this medicine. Rsad the following Certificate : TAtiLAroo* *. Cos., A la., Jan. 2, 1862. Dear Ajr: -1 send yon this to certify to you that your Ex tract of Ye.low Dock and Sarsaparilla has performed one o the most vonderiul cures on me that has eve* boon effected or m n. I have been rliVc'od for forty yea with eruptions on my It-r and iei t; in 184-t tftey got so bad that! to go oi m utches, ar>d In 1839 l had one tevr amputated above the knee In about pine months alter my other leg broke out in largt e iting'and running sores from my knee to my foot, and dis charged a great Oeaiot offensive matter. My groin ai'j nrok out in large bites, A hich discharged much offeutiv*; uiatter,ani : *i me same time my iefthand broke out iular'jj running sorei nearly t‘> try elbow. The m so y that • have suffered forth;, last two years I can not deyc dye to you. 1 was in such agony that I never rested and; y or night. iii o toiler last my son brought me one of your bottle wrap pers; I, and loimd record of pome wondeiful cures lier brnied by your‘*Extract of Yellow I.*ck and 8 trsapiriila” i se> t and got tv.o -bottles pf it and commenced taking it. It two wVi ks,tomy gitat astonishment, n.y sorer all hecume ea ry.and 1 coiibl sl< ep ail night, a thing I bad not done lor two lean-’ When I baa taken ?ix bottles, my tores had nearly all heated. My sores g*-t well as if by. enchantment. I have now u c ed.ih all eiglit bottles o y ur “Extrtict of Yellow Dock anti Barsapanll3,” and now consider m r . Beit w* 11. I entreat ull of the afficited to try this medicine, for 5 believe it witt cure any known (iieea e in thr world. I.&y aside a! pD-jndice and just try it. and proclaim itsgseat worih U suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, lor it will cun them. Jl/y case is well known in a larse portion of Bouth Carolina. Geor/ia und A abtma, and ii any should doubt the abovt cure,! invite them to call on me, and 1 wi l show ts tin scars. can-be tomid in Tallapoosa County Alabama, ont mile from 8toe ? o Ferry. 3EWAJ VH UTJGTIEB. The Yellow Dock and Farsrtpnrilla ispeculiftrly adapted for fema’es of delicate health resulting from irregularity of men Ktrnal discharges, ainl otherdi* ases peculiar to their sex.—- The proprietor hasin his p rs-ession of a great number oi cer tifleatesof cures, pert ran dot the above description We assure the afil cted, that a bottle or tw oor Dr Guysott’s Ex tract of Ye*low Dock and FatsapariHa will at once regulatt those liffi uiPdes and renew tiie natural energies Put up in quart bottles- price .$ ■ per bottla. Fold Wholesale and Retail by ScDvill & Keead, Chartres Street, N. 0. ‘Gene -,al ‘(.rents fbr the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. ALSO sold by David V oung, Brooks & Chapman, “ “T. J. Hunt &, Cos Whitesville Danforth *Y Nagle, “ ‘B. 11. Head Lumpkin, Ga. Robert Carter, “ “E. Willis & Cos., Talbotton, J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton, G..J. Briggs, Buena Vista,Ga june2B w&twtj COMMISSION BUSINESS, At OMio, Ala., on the Chattahoochee River. [VV\~YX\ THE undersigned takes this method sos in r orming lere bants and specu ators in Groceries, Facto* sJaSsisiry Domestics of ail knds. Furniture of aii Kiuaij, uiidavrt y itneu tide in the Mercantile line, will be Received and Sold on Commission by the undersigned. For further particulars address the un dersigned at Otno. JAMLB J. DAVIS. [septlS—wtf.j ~ CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CRAWFORD STRETT, Tiro D wis below Bankin's Corner. a £trs r FHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand the finest HA -1 VAN A CIGARS, and offers them for sale at the lowlst tkices, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot oi American Cigars. Also, every varie y of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, and all tiie articles usual ly found in an establishment of this kind. All goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free Con defects of any kind. Orders from the country care fully and promptly attended to. angH—w&twly _ JAMES ESTEVEZ. Partnership Dissolved. npHE late firm of R. M. Aldworth & Cos. is this S day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm must be paid to R. M. Aldworth. R M. ALDWORTJI & CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R. M. ALDWORTH Y/V ILL continue to carry on the business at the old stand ’ V on Randolph Street. Work done in the best style and at the shortest notice. R. M. ALDWOKTU. t olumbus, Ga , Aug. 3], 1855. tw6rn. TO plahters7 LINSKYS ! LINSEYS!! YYTE call attention to the fact that our Linseys are wi der, by 2or 3 inche®, than those usually sold here that they are made ot pome Georgia Wool, and weigh ‘ml 10 ounces to the yard. It Planters consult their in terest th y will buy ot our goods. They are the best iu Georgia. aug3lwtwtf WINTI R FA TORY. To Farmers. ♦JQA ACRES first ratel,at l (or sale, 220 sens fresh rpen *-0, fha will irntn l< 0• to 12i 0 lb* cotton ( ,cr acr.-; weilwa'ie e.i and perectl> healthy—h nr mites rum cienitviile. Barbourcountv, Ala. Buqui eof se.eH twtf BEN) SCREWS. A CARD. HAVING disposed of my entire stock of Drugs Meu i. ines, &.C., to .Messrs .1. S. Pemberton, &, Cos , 1 eheertully recommend them to my old fiiends and custom s*. i har.klul ior the patronage bestowed upon me, l .voirld respecllully solicit a continuance of the same to my .tors R. CARTER. Cuiumbuf, Ga., Aug. 2i 1855—w&tw2m. ; Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., &c. J. L. PEMBERTON & CO. | WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, A V TM£ SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, COLUJtIfIUS, GA. *j WE have purot asr u the eutiie .'took of Drugs, W.‘A4 Medici ms, <J enncais, Arc . ot UOhi.lxT lAK-Ojf Ti'.tt. au.l will outline ihe husii tss at his ->!d *Jlai stand. We are no* receiving a ‘uli sr<meut - *none Urngß, Wedictues, Chemicals, ln itvnmenls, Perfumery, Fancy Ar> Lgies, &c., NUiVsi alike io the tasteo! the city; and wantsoi the co.t ny; •vLt U ill be gi*L! at prices that wilt not fail to give salts , fuefjon, ■ We respectfully invite our friends and the imblirto ’ ve ut a catl, ait 1 we pledgr o .rsetves to make it to the inter erest of alf who may tavdr us with their patronage From *ur U.'ig experince as Druggists, and with close attention to bu .'i.wss, we trust that we 6hall not fail to give entire satisfaction p all who may hoepr us with, a call. Columbus. Ga., Amr. 24. ‘ * w&twtf N 0 T I C E. VI.L persons indebted to the late firm of Alley &, \Vi ll - helm, in the Gas Fitting Business, wi! 1 find their ac counts in the hands of i) B. Thompson &. Cos , to whom ail payments must be made. JERF.MJAH. WILT/4 ELM, WILLIAM ALLEY. Columbus, Sept. 18. tw3w TROY FACTORY WARE ROOMS. COLUMBUS, GA., JAN. Ist, 1854, and after this date no good? wi!l lie sold &t the above establishment except for CASH ! iaalV-twti. WALTQN R, HARftl?. THIS Medicine la prepared by a regular bred Southern Phy sictan who has practiced ImproiessioD for ihe latst eight i ‘ion years in ihe Ftate of Alabama. It will be tound upen a fair trial to be the raoet prompt and ejfu tuc.l remedy for all disease* o? tbeCiiisT aud Li ngs ever discovered , and when every other temedy tafia this is sure to give relief. The greatest care has been taken in ita preparation, being compounded on the most scientific principles . In its ccmposi lion is embraced a combination of the tacit valuable and effee tire Expectorants, Jlnodynes and Sedatives which are known to possess tiie highest With till intcli'gcnt members ol the .Meuical Profession. No fact can be mere eels evident than that Una preparation “.as already acquired high reputation and great popu urity wherever it haa been introduced. Assuming no extraordina ry pretension?, but relying solely upon its own intrinsic virtues, this valuable medicine, invented affd prepared by an experi •need Southern Physician after many years of practical invea igalion and application, has at length seemed the most un limited confidence, w herever it hsa been introduced, as .acer rain remedial in diseases oi ire respirrtoiy ori an*. If the unsolicited testimony of skilliui physicians, profound lawyers and eminent divines, together wiiit others <d higL character,leaming and discrimination, ea be any evidence o< t* intrinsic superiority, certainly it ha* a claim upon the gen rous confidence of an emightem-d and diecriroiiratiDg coin munity. A train of di*eavefi *o dcsolurirg. to w’lherir-g. * reneial and fatal in their results, lm* at length met w ith a rem dv that sever vails toccse. unless by long and criminal leglect or injudicious tr. atmr-nt the disease l>a completely tin e-mined the constitution, nr.d nothing hns been lelt to run ho fair fabric ol health upon, but it* ruin*dm ddesolated (rag nents. A remedy therefore that can be relied jitpon, that win YIEI D IMMEDIATE RET.tvr, THAT WII.L Ci’RE HEVil'B A DOUBT,ii the Erections are laithfully iotlowt-d, is prictJe**, tor health i oaramountto all earthly coreldciation*,. nd by fir the dips nosti nable treasure Shis world can afioid Dr Peon, a di? -•inguiahed physician of Macon, Ga., says, ‘‘that in ‘ very ir> i unco he has lound this preparation a safe and piompt renu Jy for all pulmonar w diseases, and tnkes pleasure in lecom ‘nendinr it as a reliable anodyne expectorant. 1 ’ Dr. Tennant <>f Marietta, Ga., a physician of decic* dly high reputation si ui ab e and experienced practitioner, <, iter'a.ns aid rxpre*** the same opinion, and rt commends it extensively in Ms prt\e rice. Dr. P.M.Cohen, of Char cston. 8 G.,the senior partnei in the exte> aive Wholesale and Importing Drug House ol F M. Cohen & Cos., recommend sit in the 1 igliest trin?,and sayt , this prepitration h&sthe highest character in that city, mid tha< oe usest'. altogether in his i'am ; ly with invariable success. Dr ;V. A. Booth,or Memphis, Tenn., evp-esseethe most exalte< tpitiJon of it? efficacy. Dr*,.T. B. Fliis ot K'pley. A iss.. re fommends it highl ’,and present csitex'wnsiveiy in bis | rHCtio* - In addition to the above, the inv* ntorand proprie <r of thi Medicine’has an abDoetinnhinerable number of test m Dials c its efficacy and high chF.ractrr.and is dai ! y receivin m< it. Bold by all wholesale and retail Druggists every where, an* MiCoiumhus Brooks Chapman; Dtnfo.tb &- Nagle: Hobt Carter; Robert A. Waie, and David’Young. Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six l'<“ H e Dollars, n in aution.— None genuine, unite* ihere ii a fit e steel en raving on the outside, with the fac-rijnile oi CHItS HU J.Mills, JM. 1) . engraved thereon—also, hia came aud the ■tarno of the medicine are blown in the gla??. Be sure to ask for Dr C Will sms’ Fnlmomc Balsam of Will Oherry and V\ ood Naptha., and let no other be palmed upon you as your life may depend upon jouh caution in this particular All orders for this valuable medicine should be a ’dreated U to Messrs. Wilkinson fc Duryee, Iliuitsvii'e, Ala., are my general agents for the Southern States. O.WILLIAMS, M. 1).. augustlf—w&tw ly Tuscurnbia. Mu. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ELEVENTH YEAR. ! HPHE Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful publica* i X tion commences on the 17th day of September next The “Scientific American’’is an illustrated periodical. ! devoted chiefly to the promulgation of information relating to the various Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Man nfactures, Agriculture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering, Millwork, and all interests which the light ot'practical science is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patents granted are also published eve ry week, including Official Copies of all the Patent Claims together with news and, information upon thousands ofoth | er subjects. The Contributors to the Scientific American are among the most eminent Scientific and practical men of the times. The editorial Department is universally acknowledged to be conducted with great ability, and to be distinguished, not only for the excellence and truthfulness of its discus sions,but for the learlessnes- with which error is combatted and false theories are exploded. Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chemists, Manufac turers, Agriculturists, and people in every profession in Life, will find the Scientific American to ..e of great value in their respective callings Its councils and suggestions vvill save them hundreds of dollars annually, besides af fording them a continual source of knowledge, the expe rience of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. The Scientific American is published once a week; eve ry number contains eight large quarto pages, forming an nually a complete and splendid volume, illustrated with several hundred original engravings. Specimen copies sent gratis. TERMS.—Single subscriptions $2 a year, or $1 for six months. Five copies, for six months, $4; for a year $8 For further Club rates and for statement of the fourteen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific American. Southern, Western and Canada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscriptions. Letters should be directed (post paid) to MUNN <fc GO , 128 Fulton Street, New York. Messrs. Munn &, Cos., have hes?n, for many years, extensively engaged in procuring patents for new inven tions, and will Advise inventors without charge,jn regard to the novelty of their improvements. aug2l wlw FOK SALE. II WING removed to my p'anfation I offer feu jI * i Pig gale my l ire residence, just- sduib ot iny father 1 !- JJj KM (Major John H. Howard’s) a> and east o’t the Mt.sco gee Rati Road Depot, it is one of th • most. deo ablte hoinea in or about Columbus. Mr.'Gnetckiur will show the place to tiio.e who wish to pufcl'.ase. Commmic to moat Eufstula, A'a. iiinit —t l rtf. H k H *VV ARD. NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. rllK subscriber is Agent of W. 11. Ga on. New Carpet Stor Savannah. Ga., who has a) way son hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rugs, Drugged, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain StuSh, Stair P.cds, &c. Samples and pricesof all qutlities of Carpeting and Oil Cloth may be seen at my store, 82 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., and any of the above articles ordered w ithoiit delay Carpets cut to rooms free of charge, and made, if desired, for smallcompensation. by an experienced hand in Savannah, will be regularly supplied with new patterns for the coming season. P. A. CLAYTON, 82 Broad Street. Columhup,TVTay 3—twtf A.thenffium Insurance Society of London. V. S. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. : s\e on Dwellings and othe’ property in town \V and count j. optu very reasonable terms. Lo-s from Fire hy Lightning made good. JOHN MUNN, Agent. < >ffice over the Btore of Messrs. E. Barnard, t- Colum bus, Ga ju!yl9—tw^m - MI DWI FEIt Y . MRS.JANK M’GINTY offers her professional servi ces to the people of Columbus and vicinity. She has had thirty years experience in the business and fisHt-rs heraeli that by strict attention she will merit the public patronage. She may be found, when not professionally engaged, at her residence on Jackson street, just below the .Methodist Mission Church. [tnarlo —twtl. WOOL CARDED A N D M A N UFACTURE D. Y\TOOL Carded at tall or l 0 cents per lb. Manufactured f V into Linsey om shares of one liaif, or fifteen ci-nts i>er yd ( o!umbu“, rnay 26. WIN TEH FACTORY. THE FINEST LOT OF BACON HA\l S Ever offered in this msriet, for sale bv A. M. ALLEN. 117 Broad etreei. 9T—-tw&vrtf PALACE DAGUEBREAN BOOMS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ("CS3 cr^; cts* CSilSAidli ‘CL'ALLcS* PALACE DAGUERREAN ROOMS OF WILLARD & DEPEW, On Broad Street above Brooks & Chapman’s sfew Drug Store, and two doors South of Savannah Bank. THESE Room* were built and fitted up expressly for the Daguerrean Business to our order, and far surpass any thing of the kind in the South. The Sky-Light Operating flail cannot bo excelled anywhere lor the arrangement of light, size or comfort. .. Tietures taken in this Ha!i in one tenth the usual time of any other Gallery in the country. :■ s /m_a b:h„ b-2 Bring on your Babies and Depew will make their pictures before they have time to kick. We have not only Light and Instruments in our favor, but an Aitist that cannot he surpassed. So say the chief operators in New erk. We most respectfully invite you ;d!— cveiybody. Como from the hill tops, valleys, mountain*, meadows, art! the whole surrounding country and we’ll give v>u something that will plea-eyou The rich and the poor, halt and blind, come ard see if you never could before. We charge nothing for looking. Our arc always onen for inspec ion. Come and see whether you wish pictures or not. sept29—w&twtf. READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOIHHB TO CEDES & BESTS. rOBHSHHS GOODS! f. a* sAiisi & taniAi 9 Dfi.22BS3B© EBraS.Oya.B3 gm r JBTm HAVE now in Store a large well assorted and carefully selected Stock of Coy's \ outh's and Gentlemen's Fashionably Cal and Well Made Clothing, of their own Manufacture. A Beautiful Assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, j HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, &C. ! : . __ ALiSOt AN EXCEEDINGLY LARGE STOCK OF QLiLsadl Which (havings upplied themselves with the best mechanics that can be commanded in th City-of New York,)’ they are prepared to manufacture in a style of cut and finish, never befor I known in this city. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 23 1855. w&twtf. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKA W &CO., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to their interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE T© ORDER. | We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as | I* A A lEL IS OW JK AN I) GE O. 11. IS ET Z Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. j£k. Oj&iJEBJO. e3-'®raL®< “jasEuraK,, Takes this method of informing his friends that he is now permanently located at I* A, 1 m&EMM & f®*i, I Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attention toall who may desire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. w&twtf NOTICE. pEORGIA, Early County: —AH pei’SODB having I LT demands against the estate of Vtiiliam Harrell, Sale of I <aid county deceased, are hereby notified to present them iri | terms of the law, or this n< tice will he plead in bar of them, i those indebted to the estate wil make immediate p.tymem. | August 27i.h. 1b55. BI 9REI.L iiOllJ;Rf>, Arim’r. Btpti w4(d C'l KORGI A , Early County:—Two months after X date application tWli be ma<.e to the Court oft rdinary tor said county, lor Jea eto seif the Land and Negroes belonging *o the estate of John Kelly, deceased, for distribution Aug. -JTfh, [ epl] E. K. SPENCE, Adm’r. GEORGIA) Early county: Com t of Urd nary, August Term, 1855. Rile M Sl.—Stephen reacoch. administrator on the ea -1 tn’.e ot Kadord Peacock, deceased, having applitd for let 'ers dismißs<>ry: It is Ordered, That all p rsons concerned show cause, if ary they have, why sa-d admii ! rtor may n<t be dismissed in in *&i<l aim nie rite n at H e court of ordinary to be held in and or sa'd county on the first * ondav in M< rch next. A true transcr p trom Ihe nuro t aot said court, August ~ih t**ss au-'Hi wftr,) £ 5. r\pki!-{ n,>rd. \ dminlstrator’a Sale.— Atrctat le 10 an orrii r o ti e 7a. honorable the Court 01 Ordinary f Chat ahoochee Coun •y, w 1 be sold atthe Court House door in the town of Ousseta, n said County on the first Tuesday in October next, between he usual ho .r* of sale. 250 acres f land, m >re o le-3 lying in ■said County four miles south of Cusseta, helm ging to the eS afe of Stt p l ,n Part er, iaie of aid c *untv dee. as and. well irn iroved wi:h about 70 acres of open land, mos v fresh iandl l>- ing on the waters of the Hichety Creek. Terms made known on H e day f sale. aug. 14 ids. ISAAC 11. WEBB. Adm’r. •lAKY M. POWELL, 1 Mbe! for Divorce in Randolph > Superior court, Term, 4ENDERSON POWELL. S IPvA. £r appearing to the Court, by the return of the. Sheriff, that the said Henderson Powell, defendant, does not reside in this county, and it further ai pearing that the said Defendant ioee net reside In this State. It is therefore, on motion of lounsel for the su'd Mary Powell, Plaintiff, ordered by the toun. that the said Defendant appear and answer at the nex Term of this Court, or that sa'd cause be considered in default uni that sam Libellant be allowed to proceed, and that this odor be pubhshed in the Columbus Tiroes and Sentinel, < ne and the gazettes of this State, once a month for four months ircvioue to the neitterm of this Court. WILLIAM C. PEEK I VP. j. s. c. a. w. c. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. £>. JORDAN. <l, IS-53. ynfrlift JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL LKGIKEER A>. M'RVI IR, COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. ARCHITECTURAL Desi- ns and Working Plan* for Build- Jugs furnished. Artificer’s work calcuiato, Purveys of land made, and Tnpograpical plans furnished with accuracy, neatness and despatch Office over Col. Holt’s Law Offie* I'olnmhiiß, Feb. 24. wJbTwtf. SETTi E UP. A LI. persons indebted toihe Hte firm of WIT/,1 *MS k. fl FEUGUSOJf are hereby notified that unless their Note* uad Accounts are settled before the flrstoi June, they w ill have t> settle with someone else. in:i\ 17—w&twtf STOVES & TI N WAKE. \TTE have on hand a fine uFsotroent of ( OOKJA'O \ > s ’'UVEs .1 V, TIN-WAR E. ‘or al Cheap. Roofing *md Guttering promptly attended to and Wairani rd. m;\ Ift t4m V?. M AI IHVODTJI. * O. ha 1 him; this. Hip, Sponge, and ShQwer Baths, for Sale, And made to order of Copper, Tin or Zinc, may 19- tw4m. R M. ALDWORTH A* CO. FOR” SALE. “ A FIRST RITE SAItm.F. IIORSK. Apply _ to_ augS —tf LOMAX <fc ELLIS. GEORGIA —Randolph County: Court of Ordinary, June Term , 1655. ORDER LD, 1 hat all and singular the parties in.e.e-'ed.fhew cause 011 or before the next January Term ot this Court, why Aden James, adm’r . and Barab Butts, adm’x., on theee aU*. of Fpyrua Butts, dec’d, should not he dismissed lr< m ‘.heir said administration, otherwise ll cy will thin he dismissed. Hiven under my hand the tilth day of Jn y. 1?55. jniyT—ufiro O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. I dminlstrfttor’N Sale—Will bo sold atthe court ,x h >use in Cnssetn, Chattahoochee count'. Ca. on Leftist Tuesday io October next,between the usual hours ot sale:— •ot ot land No. two hundred slid seventeen (21 7 1 in the bth lislrict of originally Muscogee, now f hatiahoei bee county, iold as the pr. perry of ! Jessy Nelson, late of ttl d tdt ceased. for the sf -tb% giifs.erd eicdiiorv 1 raid de:'d. s>iglk~ w 444. M. D. XV A LL. adai’r.