The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 13, 1855, Image 4

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Bounty Landl Bounty Land! Bounty Land! THE undersigned having associated themselves ! tho purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND j tho several acts of Congress htreioiore pastd. are uwW I>rePar to make application for ah wbo who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Botnty I-an rants, are, under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an anai tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all ‘the necessary information. _ , . ’ , . We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United 3 ates. f:om our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a 1 claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly and tpeedih adjusted One ot the parties being constantly tn V\ ashingtoo City, will rive the business his personal attention there. OfflceoverGunby &. Daniels’ Store, Coiumbtis, Georgia. MICH A El. N. CLARK, .wfctwtf. A. B. FAGAN. LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICK AND AGENCY, FOR THE PURCHASE A>D SALE OK REAL ESTATE OF ALL DESCRIPTION. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON RANDOEFH 81REET, Opposite the Post Office, Colnmbns, Ga. 11l AVEdelerminedto devote my time exclusively to the LAND BISINEsS. and hope, trom iny knowledge of the lends in Georgia, to be able to give en'ire satistbetion to all wh may entrust me with business 1 am prepared to either buv or sell, perhaps to belter advantage than any othei person ii. Western or South Western Geo gin. If you have lands to set I, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will And v.>u a purchaser. If you-wish to buy, cad also, for I h ive raa'-y valuable lots and settlements of lan i to sell, tmm my extensive knowledge of the ow l ets ol lanes. I am prepur ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of laid iu tlie rotate If you wish to have your land valued, you nuy relv u p m correct information. ‘ p n reasonable tiro s. Deeds, M orl gnges, and other lnotruments, drawn c* r rect v and at low rates. Agents wanted to sell Bonner's large map ot Georgia high per cent.given. One thing is certain,! am paving New York and Washino ton t itv I'rk-es for LAND WAR it A MS, tl.owing a small commission. a H iving als > made an arrangement with cneo. the best nrim iu Washington, I am pr p*ml to r niy lor Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and wi 1 charge but Five I)< 1 sirs for each ij pliea tfon—to In p/iu lor when the warrant arrive?. I ring in youi claims soon. . , . As 1 intend to n akethisa permanent bush es*, and give it mj undivided attention, wiih a i el- rmii ation t- give satisfaciioi . I ho ie to receive a 1 b.-ial sf are ol patrol s-ge li*>tn m\ irieudi and -hecommunity generally. •‘"V K. 11 ‘ N N f. U , j ly 3l w l v Land * ’ffice, f'o uml us. RAGS ’ RAGS ! TUB R°CK ISLAND PAPER MILLS \RE paying < liree and a. half cents calliper lb forcio m*i en and otton Haas, in q unities o one hnn drrvt pounds and upwurds, and 3 cents lor quaiititus undo 1,0 iim. W >oli n Rags not wanted. • Mfl,se ii fr<: tof PALACE MS’ I.S C.duml us.Ga , JTjij 9, !& r 5 wXrivtt. PRICKS STILL LOWER. EXT tA FAMILY, per hb! $ 9 00 Double Kx r do. •* lor pastry ... 10 Oo tfuperflne b OH Ge>rwia Mip*riine, 7 mi Georria Mills fi 00 All inciU ling sacks. Usual discount when 20 ha> rels are tahei at <>ne * mj. Our Lxtra and Double Lxtia cannot be eur tassea Aleal p.-r bushel SI 00 Hi uts, per hundred lbs $ P 0 Brin ‘ ,fc “ ... $ (V) j d>2B—wlm-wtf WINTF.FV p\ A< f VII Lff. GROCERIES AND REAL EsTAlh FOR SALE. INTENDING to cl >se my bus y v ss by the T3ih ®eptrmber, vil s.-li my -j ®tock o G- odi, r ’ 81” I have *n >er or o Brandies, O l, H uni, WliinFy, Madeira,' r, & P jrt Wine a. iimsi. ill these ail cn a tia o neeti os liana net r > i*vo.,eaift trial., i g them not oi l. let eon acc *>‘ii of age, nut they cost muchu-as then ’•than they would now.— 1 also off. :r tresh Fort* r, Ab.< larret. Ghainpag ie. S,r ps an Bit rx; Cigar*. obacco. Tea, Coffee, • an’its. Boap,Macker el. salmon,: Pickled Pig, P rk, l.ard. Oil,l Vine ar Pot As t, &., Ate..ailoi the he'it quality and for sale t coat on accuin in i lating terms. I w h also >li city lots, Nos. *3Bl, 282,441. 403, 598, IS. and apartofNo 19, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3,with a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on liie Feiuato Academy square, a most desirable location, beiiiQ convntient to the female Academy, to the Churches and to business. Als* fraccon No. si). containing about 10 acres, adjoining Wm. B. Miicheil Mr.* orar, and the lauds ol Col. Jones, not more than on and a half miles from town. Apply to P. A. CLAYTON. N. B.—All who are indebted must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed iu tLe hands ot an officer, augi—w&twif P. A. r. New Books! New Books! ABBO FT’S Life of Napoleon, anew up- Travels in Chinese Empire, by M. Hue; Beil Smith, Abroad;, The Conscript, by Dumas; Tri'Colored Sk**t*:hes in Paris; Waikna: or Adveutures on the Alosq iito Shore,bv Sam uel A. Bard; English Orphans, or Home in the New World, by Ma ry J. Holme-; Commonplace Book of Thoughts and Fancies, by Mrs Jameson; “’ The Winkles: or the Merry Monomaniacs, by J. B .lone*. A Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol, by R. C. Mc- Cormick, Jr. ol New York. Clt-ve Hall, by Mrs. Sewell; The Iroquois: or the Br.giit Side of Indian Character, by Minnie Vlyrtte; Heiress of Haughton: or the Mother’s Secret, by the au thor ot Aubrey, Sequel to Aubrey; Constance Herbert, by G E. Jewsbury; Missing Bride, by Mrs. South worth, Just received by J. W. PEASE, auglS—w&twtf. 92 Broad Street. BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. lAA AAA P °UNDS lIL\ .\ ESNFE .BACON. 11/vll/ull luO Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Uhls. Howard Street Flour—a Superior Article. Together with a well assorted Sock oIGROCEKIES which will be sold at thv lowest markot price Bv ANDREWS, R IDG WAY vY CO. Columbus Ga., May 29, 1555 w&twtf. 8A30A.! ~ will sell for of th** year, tlxeUest Q,'aalit> of Tcnnes ® BrtCOll! <HI Rt |{. V lilch’lvb Al Co’s., J*ilH SLj Boa S reel. * ailumbu? G ,an iat lb<* store <>t o. I.amer.Gi r ri, Ala. A reduction in price wll* toe made in favor of Mi r . r *•. VV. A l. X AN U LK, julyl9— w&twtf. J. U.JuNiS. Just Received on Consignment, *) fl/l l f, eiine t, see New Bacon; Hog rouuw J- fkj -f iOUiJ ibs. *• euthera. * .Vi Kojw Prime Fresh Lard. r:> B )4 t -xesa id B >xe* b t Virtini’ Tobacco. 1 1 n > .ir n r,;uessee leaua. t,:ttean for Oaah mar-24—tf lift!,?,. PR I KK'S* *\ * • o, Sulohur Medicated Vapor Baths, Ko, 2:4 Uroad-t. Opposite tu luiun Bank, COLUMBUS, GA. v a ~nr fumecat’* n- ur- id w ‘> be hrd as above .•*. ey have been leste-t in t*r 4 y ( -ars; in Loidm ini \e York torniin. years, and are higS y esieeiu dby ;h in o cal facti-t}, t,, r th.- c. ir - oi vurioi 3 dt*eases>fa 1 <>b tfnit n mire, such as Rheumaiic ass ctioi a, Dyspapm, Krauieaiioi i D ,r) ,rrtm ,u trysi| i las C*.i sumption. Bum c.ll is, in seas, sot th e Ssiu. Neuolgia, Swi-ilinto, &.<•, &c ,U( V ,i ‘ la t,,re re creacr sos the highest e c <l. be hail (ro'ii r rrw'Sfi v. ho have taken thes* mens,to b. so nat He room up stalls. Briiti.S-twtf wr vppTng and news rarer. OF ALL SIZES AND QIiALIUES, FOR Sa LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF FALACE MILLS. TERMS CASH. junel6—w&twtf NOTICE. t 0 K \ c i_ F,ew enep A Cos. will please Dee 15— tw&wtf * tLL. PRICES REDUCED’ COTTON YARNS FOR SALE At 80 cents per. Bunch, “Cash.” July !V"W WINTJOi FACTOEY. Notice to Cotton Shippers. rr? FROM this date all applications for shipment o’ SSLCotton, must Ire registered at the Depot, by the part} making the application. ... . . mik. Dray receipts required before sWpptng receipts w w given. B. E. WELLS, fcupi. Office Muscogee Railroad. > Columbus Ga Sept. 25,1855. \ |wlm ‘ FOR RENT, THAT large and commodious Brick Building on Oglethorpe street, opposite thi Oglethorpe House, will be for rent on the JIPUIJM Ist Oct. next. For a private Boarding Hr use, there is not a more convenient ot eli obi*- situation in the city, having all c £ nv ® n, ?£ c J e p r, ult ab - I<’ such Apply to K '±,lß- t f Enquirer Icopy. eepiia-twtr. It now put up in t<tt Ltrgeat Size! BottUt, audit ■atkn edg'd to bt the beat Sars ipariHa made , at is certified bythe voi i derful cures ithii perf rated, the original copies of which cr. in tuc p'*ssession of thz Prop t ietor* Hcw.tmbCT % this is the uiui true ana original article. FcrcCu!-), Sypbillis, Mercnlial Complaints, Cancer, Gangrene Rheum iiisra, and * vast variety of other diseasesare speedily and perfeci ly cured by the use of this medicine. Read ths following Certificate: Tallapoosa Cos., Ala., Jan. 2, 1852. Dear Sir:—l send you this to certify to you that your Ex tract of Yu.low Dock and Sarsaparilla has pi-rform*rd one o the most wonderful cures on me that has ever been effected on , m n. I have been afR cted for forty yeaia with eruptions on mj levs and ie*T: in 184-s they got t-o bad that 1 ‘ had to go on crutches, ami in 1849 Ihr.doue leg amputated above the knee Iu about nine months altifer my other leg ; broke out in larg<; e-itmgaud running sores from my knee to my foot, and dis charged a great deal of offeiisive’matter. My groin a*'.* oroki out in large bites, which discharged much offensive matter,and at tnesame time my lflhand broke out in runmug soret nearly to my elbow. Thu mise-y that have suffered for tho last two years! can not describe to >ou. 1 was in such agony that 1 iieverrested day or night. 1 n O tober last my son brought me one of your bottle wrap pers; 1 read it, and ioiv.d rec >rd of some wonderful cures performed by sour “Extract of Yellow Dock and 8 irsap irula v I sent and got tv. o bottles of it and commenced takinglt. Ii two we* ks, to my gieat astonishment, rt y sori-t all lx came ea ty.and I con’d aleepjtil night, a thing I had not done lortwo ie:ir&- When l had taken ?ix bottles, my sores had nearly all healed My sores get well as if by enchantment. I have now u ed in all eight bottles o your “Extract of Yellow Dock &no Harsapardla.” and now consider myself will. I ent eat ail ot the afficited to tiy ‘his medicine, for I believ* it wit) cure any known disea e in tho w* rid. Lav aside al I*r- j'ldire and j tst try it, nnd procla’m itsg=eat worth t* suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, lor it widcur. them. Jly case is well known in a larre portion of ?outh Garrdina. G>eor * a and A abuna.ati't il any should doubt the abov* cure,l invit*- them to call on nm, and I wi 1 shov. t em th< scirs ca*> be found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, on* mile from Hoe’s Ferry. BEN A T WI HUGHES*. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is p ciiiariy adapted sos fenrCes *>f delicate h*-alth resuliing from irregularity ot men strual discharres, and oiherdi ases peculiar to tleir sex,— The proprietor basin his p m-ession of agrent number ol cer tiflcAtes of mres. perf rm*d o’ the above description We assure the cte<t, thata otle or two oi Dr .Gi ys'ti’B Ex tc-act of Yellow Dock aid Farsaparilla will at once those oipies a id renew the natural energies up in q- art boiths- priced* ptrbottia, Hold ‘Aholesale aid Retail by FcDvill & Meead, Char trap Street, N. 0. G ne al \ge i‘s for the Southern Spates, to whom ail orders must be adJre&sed. also sold by David Yonnff. Colnmhu-vGa . J T. Ree***, Greenville, Brook* fa Chapman, “ ‘ F. J Hunt &, Cos Whiteavill* “a ifo th -V Nagle, “ ‘B. If Head Lumpkin. Ga. Rohe t <'art, r, “ *‘E. Willi* & Talbotton J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton, G. J. Briggs, Buena Vista,G? inne2B * w&twtj COMMISSION BUSINESS,- At O ho, A'a-, on the Chattahoochee IJiver. THE U’ dersigned takes th’** nvthod of in'ormirg ZtimM ! erch*oit,s a-ni specu ators iu Groceries, Facte- Do<ne?tlcs') ail k: ids. Furniture of ai, and >v - y ‘Oie*’-i*tu;t in thea’ ie line, will bi Rcccivcti and Sold on Commission by the undersigned. For farther par.iou,ar- audresstiie un dersigned at 0t..0. JAMES J. DAVIS. [septlS—w'tf.j CIGAIt MANUI"ACTOIt Y, CHAWFOHD ETRETT, Dkjis beloic Eankiris Corner. ,^32 r pH E subscriber kerp< constantly on hand the finest HA A. VAN A CIGARS, and offers them lor sale at the lowest pkioes. by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot ot American Cigars. Also, every varie y of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, and all the articles usual ly lound in an estaidishment of this kind. All goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free son defects of any kind. Orders Irom the country care lully and promptly attended to. augl4— WvVtwlv .TAMES ESTEVEZ. Partnership Dissolved. THE late firm of IJ. 31 • Aldwoith & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ail accounts due the firm must be paid to R . M. Aid worth R VI. ALDWORTH & CO. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 31, 1855. Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory. R. M. ALDWORTH \A7ILL continue to carry on the business at the old stand ’ ’ on Randolph Street. Work done in the best s-tyle and at the shortest notice. R. M. ALD WORTH, t olumbus, Ga., Aug. 31, 1855. twGm. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS ! LINSEY r S!! WE call attention to the fact that our Linseys are wi der, by 2or 3 inches, than those usually sold here that they are made of psirne Georgia Wool, and weigh lull 10 ounces to the yaid. If Planters consult their in terest they will buv of our goods. They are the best in Georgia. nug3lwtwtf WINThR FAC TORY. To Farmers. GQ'l ACRES first rate land tor sale, 220 aer< fresh rp?n mmOJ land, tha will produce irrfin liO’J to 12* 0 lbcottou per acre; well wu'e e>l and per ectly healthy—i* ur miles rom Gleanville. Barbourcouutv, Aid. Luqui'eof 8e t > 8 twtf BENI SCRF.VVS. A CARD. HAVING of my entire stock of Drug 9 Med i, ines,&e., to .Vlessts. J. S. Pemberton, & Cos , I etseersully reeou mend them to my old fiieuds and custom 1 haiiktul tor tite patjonage bestowed upon me, 1 * chi Id ren.eciluily solicit a .•ontinuauee ot the same t<> my hh'.*hin K. CARTER. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24 1855—w&tw2m. Choice Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., &c. J. S>. PEMBERTON 4 CO. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, A T TU£ SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, COLIJMj'IUS, GA. rt WE have piuroi asi-a the euiire f-tnek of Drugs, n Medicines, C euiic.UF, it* - , of KOI iKT i AK-Kla \% Ti'.ff. ami wi I t out line the busii<b at his >ht Hand. V\'e are no* r-eeivmga 01> as.onment > i.o rx tfruga. Medici, Chemicals, Im itrvuientH, Puifamery, Fancy Ariicle,&c., uivo aiiKe ioihtat>ie)* tliecity ano wants oi ttie cu t ny; v 1 b will b elt at prices thai il n* t fail to give gnu-- action, U'ererpectuii) invite our in* nils and tie pubticto • vu., a cad, in i w-. pie lg- o rae’ves-to m tkn ittothj later ari-gi ot at] -be may ‘v*>r us wit. iheir pair ua*e. Dr*ra ur .tag ex peri nee a Druggists, and wijjj logo a nation to bu i aai.we traat that we shall not fnii to give euitre satisfaction > at) who m-iV honor us with a c It. Goiumh*** Ga . Anr. V 4 w&twtf NO T l C E. VliL personsl deSted ti tho late firm of Alley b. Will helm, i- tho Gas Fitting Business, wid find thi jr ne •ou its in th huid-ofl) B. Thompson &Cos, to whom ill payments mat! be made JERF.MIAH. WILL HELM, WILLIAM ALLEY. Columbus, Sept. 18. tw3*r TROY FACTORY WARE ROC MS. COLUMBUS, GA., JAN. let, 1854, ! FROM and after his date no geode will hasold at tha ; afove establifihmatU accept for CASH ! WALTON Jt RARjUS. I r HIS Medicine ie prepared by a regular bred Southern Phy sician who has practiced hisproieaeion for the lbbt eigln en years iu the State of Alabama. It will be lound upen i fair trial to be the mogt prompt and effectual remedy lor 1 tiseaseaot the <'het aud Lt ias ever difccuvired,and whet jver> other lemedy iailn this la sure to give relief. The greatest care basbe ; *n taken in it* preparation, beii f rompounded oa the most scientific principles. In Us cr mpoci tton is embraced a combination of the most valuable and effec live Expectorants , .dnodynts aud Sedatives which are known t* possess the highest repute with all intelligent members ol th* Metrical Profession . No fact can be more self evident than thatthie preparatici i iaa already acquired high reputation and great popu suit} wherever it has been introduced. Assuming no extra* rdina ry pretensions, but relying solely upon its own intrinsic virtues ‘.his valuable medicine, invented r.nd prepared by art experi enced Southern Fhjsician alter many years of pcactical inves igation and arp.icalion, has at length seemed the most ur dmited confidence, wherever it has been introduced, as a ce> tain remedial in all diseases of the respiratoiy orj. at s. if the unsolicited testimony of skilitul physicians, profoum lawyers, and eminent divine?, together with others ot higl character,learning aud discrimination, ca be any evidence o 1 ts intrinsic superiority, certainly it bar a claim i pon the gen -rous confidence of ail enlightened and discriminating com munity. A train of diseases so desolating, to withering, * <eneral and fatal in their results, has at length met with a rem -dythat nevkr vains to era*, unless by long and criminal •legiector injudicious tr* atuientthe disease has completely un iermined the constitution, and nothing has been lett to rea* he fair iabric of health upon, but its ruined ru ddesolated Irag nents. A remedy therefore that can he relied ,npon, thatwili YtXI IM MSPIATK F EUS?, THAT WILL CURE BUYOSS A DOUBT,I ■ • he and rections are iaithfully lollowed, is prictless, tot health i paramount to all cart fly cor siderations,. nd by fer the n<*-s aesti liable treasure this world can afford. Dr fcon, a die iuguished pi ysician of Macon, Ga , says, “that in • very u> < ance he has tound this preparation a sale si.dpiompt rente ly for all pnlmonar v diseases, and takes pleasure in reton nen'iin? it as a reliable anodyne expectorant.” Dr. Tennant >f Marietta, Ga., & physician ol decic’ dly high reputation a in ab e and experienced practitioner, < mrnns aid . xpresset be same opinion, and recommends it extensive y in his prai ice. Dr. P.M.i'otien,of Lhar eston, 8 o.,the senior partnm n the exte* sive holesale and Inportiig Inug House oi 1 1, Cohen to Cos., recotunier.dfcit in the t ighest and ea> his preparation has the highest character In that cify.aiidtht ie usesii altogether in his fam’ly with invariable end-ess. Di V. A. Booth,ot Memphis, Tenu., expresses’he most exalte ipinion of its efficacy. Dr. J. R. FHis. of R p'ey A iss.. r* •ommends ithigh!;,and prescril esitexteneiveiy in hisj ractic. In a*ldition to tbe above, the invi ntorand proprie <r of thi Medicine has an a’most innumerable number of test m mals * ts effleary and high charact* r,and is daVy reefi'in no ip. Sold by all wholesale and rets. 1 Druggists every * hue an* ■nColumbus by Messrs Brooks & Chapman; D: ufo th & Nagli Tobt Carter; Robert A. Waie, ar and David Yam f. Price One Dnll&rper Rottlc. or Six D*tt!es to pp e Dollars. fr^'VACTioM.—None genuine, unless’here i) ffe steel en rsvmg on the outside, with the fac-s'TC le o’ CEUiS It’ll LTJiMS, M. ID . engraved thereon— jls . his name and th* tame of the medicine are blown in the i?!sss, Be sura’o ask for Dr C \Vi l ares’ Fi lmoi cPalsam of \ViI •Thijr'y and W ood Naptf’a. and let no other b‘ pa n e*l upon >oi u your life may depend upon your caution ir tl is p rti* ular All orde v s for this vslua’ le med’eine shov’d he a ’dressed t* ‘o Messrs Wilkinson ft? Duryee, nuntsvll’e, Ala., .who are my general ugentsfor the Southern Stutes. C.WI? IIA M M D.. auffusfM—vrsrtwly Tusctiinhla JHa. TIIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ELEVENTH YEAR. THE Eleventh Annua! Volume of thia u c eful ptiblieo tion commences on the 17th day of September next The “Scientific American” is an Elastrated periodica! levoted chiefly to the promulgation of information relatiin to the rarioiiß Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Man tinctures, Agticuiturs', Patents, Invention?, Engineering Vfillwork, and all interests which the light of jractica; science is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patents granted are also published eve ry week, including Official Copies of all the Patent Claim together with news and information upon thousands ofoth er subjects. The Contributors to the Scientific American are among ‘he most eminent Scientific and practical men of the timet. The editorial Department is universally acknowledged t* be conducted with great ability, and to be distinguished not only for the excellence and truthfulness of its discus sions,but for the fearlessnes- with which error is combuiteo and false theories are exploded. Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chemists, Manufac turers, Agriculturists, and people m every profession in Life, will find the Scientific American to .e ot great value in their respective callings Its councils and suggestion’ will save them hundreds of dollars annua'ly, besides af fording them a continual source of knowledge, the expe rience of which is beyond pecuniaty estimate. The Scientific Ame.rii an is published once a week; eve* ry number contains eight large quarm pages, forming ah nually a complete and splendid volume, illustrated with several hundred original engravings. Specimen copies sent gratis. 03“ TERMS —Single subscriptions $2 a year, or SI foi six months. Five copies, for six months, $4; fora year§B. For further Club rates and for statement of the fourteen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific American Southern, Western and Canada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscriptions. Letters should be directed (postpaid) to MUNN & GO , 128 Fulton Street, New York. Messrs. Munn &. Cos., have been, for many years, extensively engaged in procuring patents lor new inven tions, and will advise inventors without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. sug2lwtw FOE SALE. HAVING removed to my p'amation I offer fo’ *! l]||j sa'e my late residence, j’Jst souih ot my father’.* M - jgwS (Major John H.Howard’s) a< and east ot the Mi.sto /.JjJLpaa gee Rail Road Depot. Uia one of th > most desn able homes in or about Columbus. Mr.Goetciiius will show the place to those who wish to purchase. Communications addressed to me at Eufaula, Ala. iunli—ptf. i’ t HOWARD. NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. rHF, subscriber is Agent of W. H. C.u on. New Carpet Stort who has alwayeon hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Hugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Beds, &c. Samples and pricesof all quslitiee of Carpeting and OH Cloth may be seen at ray store, 82 llroad street, Columbus, Ga., and any of the above articles ordered without delay Carpets cut torooms free of charge, and made, Ifdesired, for smallcompensation. by an experienced hand in Savannah, will be regularly supplied with new patterns for the coming season. P. A. CLAYTON, 82 Broad Street. Columhua.lVTay 3—twtf Athenaeum Insurance Society of London. F. S. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILD take Rs\s on Dwe lings and otbe property in town and cou’it y. lp > very reas> liable terms. J o s from Fire by Lightning made good. J<>HV MUNN, Agent. Office over the Btore of Messrs. E. Earuard, & Cos., Colum bus, Ga ju’ylO—tw3m ~~ MI D W I FE K Y . MR*. JINK M’GINTY offers her professions! serwi o-*s to tbepe-'ple of Columbus and vicini y. She has har thirty yea rs experience in the bush ess and fla.ier* h< rel ih&t by strict attention she will the public pitronage. Sbe ma> be‘bund, when not professionally rngaged.a’ he* residence on Jackson street, justbtkiw the Mstnodlst .M’tfioi Church. [marl.5 —twtl. WOOL CARDED AND MANUFACTURED. WOOL Carded at % toll or JO cents per lb. Maau'actnrer into l.insey on shares of one half, or fl- teen per yc Columbus, may 2b. WINTER FACTORY. ~ THE FINEST LOT OF BACON II AM 3 Ever offered in tala market, for sale by A* M. ALLEN, 117 Broad street. Colamlwaj **pl 37—tw&wtf PALACE DAGDEEREANROOMS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CSJcssiesao susdO. S2Tc©*^y PALACE DAGUEREEAN ROOMS OF WILLARD 9t DEPEW, On Broad Street above Brooks & Chapman’s Hew Drug Stcre, and two doors South of Savannah Bank. THESE Rooms were built and fitted up expressly for th Dasuerrean Business to our order, and tar surpass any thing of the kind in the South- The Sky-Light Operating Hail cannot be excelled anywhere for the beautitdl arrangement of light, size or comfort. Pictures-taken in this Hail in one tenth the usual time of any other Gallery in the country. k ej-B Bring on your Babies and Depew will make their pictures before they have time to kick. We have not only Light and liwruments in our favor, but an Aitist that cannot-be surpassed. So say the chief operators in Now YorK. We most respectfully invite jou sdl—evetyhody. Come from the hill tops, valleys, mountains, meadows, and whole surrounding country and we’ll give vu something that will plea eyou The rich and the poor, halt and bin and, come ard see if you never co> Id hefo e. We charge nothing for looking. Our Robins are always opm for ion. Come and see whether you wish pictures or not. sept'cJ—wA twtf, READY MADE CLOTHING, GLOIHIIB TO EBIEH & BESTS. FBHKISKIKB BOOBS ! a.e. wmtm&tmm&s, :ia.isssc) @ss r 'Jßr , HAVE now in Store a largo well assorted and carefully selected Stock of Coy s A outh's ami Genllemen’s Fashionably Cut and Well Made Clothing, of their own Manufacture. A Beautiful Assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET DAGS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, 4(1 ’ ‘ AZjiSOt -AN EXC % KI)ING i. Y LARGE STOCK OF 22ill<2D , 2I£l£Ss > I Which (havings up lied themselves with the best, mechanics that can he commanded in fill City of New York,) they are prepared to manufacture in a style of cut and finish, never befell known in this city. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 23 1855. w&twtf. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BBOKA W & CO., 1! Have now in Store a Complete Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. | We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to thjß interest to call and examine our stock. - GOODS MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as ! DANIEL UOWE AND GEO. 11. BETZ Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. jERt® sssfarae: ; 9 Takes this method of informing his friends that he is now permanently IccatcTj’ z. a. smmsm * ®#*t s *• ; -v Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attent toali who may desire ELEGANT FITTING GARMENTS. Coluinbus, May 26, 1855. w&twtf NOTICE. CIEOUIffTA, Early County*— All persons having X demandsagainst the estate of Vv liliam Harrell, iuie of idcounty deceased, are hereby notifitd 10 present them in teroj? of the law, < r this notice frill be plead n bar of there. Those indebted to the oblate wi i make immediate p ivm?it. August S7ih. 1*55. BT RtttLL Uuiil R t Adm’r. 8* pti w4tti GEORGIA, Early Countyt—Two months after dateapplic ition wilt be n;a e to He Coart oft rdinary *or said county, tor lea eto sell the Land atid Negroes belonging l o the estate o*’ ‘bn Kehv, deceased, t<*r distribution An?. lft% [ eoil E. K SPKN< E, Adm’r. GKUUGiA, Early county: C"U>t of Old nary, August Term, ISoS. Ri le R t St—Stephen eeac-'cli. administrator >? the es tate of Kailord Peacock, deceased, having applitd lor let ers and smissory: it is Ordered, That all p rsons concerned show cause, if ary hey have, whv said admioisirator may in t be disusicMd from •aid aim nis r ui“n at H-e court r.f ordinary to be held in and ! or ffi'd coumy on the first A ontiay in Mi rch m xt. A true tranacr p trom ‘he mua t.sot said c< ri. August “th ‘*A5 nu-'ln -wfini 3 <. -4 P V ‘Xi'-t 5). < ‘rd. ; \ diuiuistrntor’s Sale.—Avreeat !e o an ridir cube . eje honorable'tte court ot Ordinary f Chat ahooche* fjoun* ! y, w 1 be sold at the c'ou t House door tn the town t'usseta, i n said t’onnty on the fre’ Tuesday in Ociober next, between j hr usual ho rs of sa'e 2.>0 acres <•(’ land, m ire o 1 -~s Ling in ‘ .aid Oiunty tonr mins south oi ('nseeta. beloijging {--'"thees- I at of stp en Parlor, late of aid c *m tv dec m <i. weil im • rr.veil with about 70 : cre of open land, mr>a y land! L- j ngcei the wa ersof the iiichety Cr.ek. Tein,e made known ntl e dav t sale. aqvr. 14 tdf. T'PAAD H AVF.BR.AdmV. • AuV M. P >V\ ILL, ) i.ibe. f r Ibvorce in Bai doV v* uri*rior coi.rt, Atrii Term tENDERPON POVVCLL. ) BV> 1 W ‘ [f appearing totfeO urt, j the return r* tl <* Sheriff, th* the said U-’ortersnii I rweli, defend q , doer n t r* s de u nis county*aim it fur her a p<; Fnf U;at the said Def-ndan oes not res d-im this tnte. It is th refote. on motion n onnse! f< r the s. and Vary Powell, Pstnfl. ordered by th- Vine, that the eai*! Pef* n;lant upper rat and never a? tl e m>> Vrra of this <'nort, or tbatSH and cause be considered tndef*-'’- nd that sa'd I.ihrl at t s lowed t<* j ceed. and t! st hi 1 r der be published in the Colon, hus Times at and & ntireL k f tb“ g iett-s o* tMs “ttite. once sj rnoD'.h fur lour monti.r rerious to the next term of tfci- Out WILLIAM C. PF,FKf v P, _ J. B. C. 3. W. 0. A true eatrmct from th# MJautee of c&id Court, t- . Lb JORDAN. JbA# t, 1854. n>4m JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL LNdISEEK AND hUHVI \t)R< COLUMBUS, EGOKGIA.. A RCIIITECTUK AL JDesLns arid Working P)ro>“ i r f-1 xV ings furnished. ArtiScer’s work fcaicifla ec, *urvt I land made, and Tnpograpical plans furnished wr.h acc uealtiese and despatch XZjf“ Office over Col. Holt’s Law Offic* I'olumhiis. Feb. *24. wfl* 1 , SETTiE UP. \ \ LT. persons indebted to the firra of I k FKHGUsttM” nre hereby u.titi**i that nnless and Xceoums are settled before tb first of June, !*•*•> *’fT i > set 1 * wi?n s-.rne one ulse. tnav 17— “STOVES & Tl \ “\V ARE. WE have on hand a tine si>Mment of ( OCK -J ) .I S'-t) TL\~- tVAIi hi, tor sal Cheap. Roofing ami Guttering promptly attended to W arrant <l. ’ii:tvid— tu4io p AimvorTtf k 11A I him; TI BS. Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths, for Sa- And made to order of Copper,Tin or Zuic. mvl9-*tw4 n. V M. AIiDWORT I * * ( f FOR SALE. A FIRST R\TE SADDLE IIORVF >■ f \ to LOMAX A -rhOhGfA — Handokj>h ( oun'tj: Com tof Lrdinaty, June Term, J£ss. ( \RDEI l l). i hat a 1 end the r ail c line *■ * ca ise on or bes. re the next Jarttrv ‘, rrn n b’ l * vhy Allen .'am* s a< in’r md Faraf lid 5. i( ,r ’ : •v<- OI Spy;us f u’tS, Oec’d. vt oulf tot b at-rdruO til aioiiiii; tratioti, otM rwtse tl j jll tits Ciy.ii undfr m\ hand the hilh day r 1 Jr y. • 1 <l>7-ufm .r. BfAl L. jL y dminUtrator’* Swle.—Will be sold * ! L V h use t’i i ;vseta. i*bat ahno.’hew ronnt . needay.ln •cro >r next, between t ‘to’ land No. tv o bum r< ds and m-vmkfn (21*- I ' rr l3*rictof origlmliy Muscocre. row < hatta 10 /r^ id B9the pr p?rtv of Jessy Nelson, late si f*id cr . ~ .=eaMd for ti e beMfii>f th# heiis and creditor* *f !a , w 484. M. D, M’ALJ* ***