The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, November 02, 1855, Image 3

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Abolitionism the Disease of which Know Nothingism ho New \ ork Herald, (Know Nothing,) in the extract below, candidly admits that Know Nothingism took the Abolition Fever and died of it. Heiir >’A. Wise in Virginia, the ceasoi’ thft e commenced, and the present suc- Sdomi J y l? Pennsylvania, is the result of the same the wheel in thflnml r °- ltle new American party upon is the Ahri.i!^ 6 om,mo D- The first of these causes Northern SftiiS?. a tl ,a i! 10 “ 8 li)e Know Nothings in the H . n another is the unconstitutional doctrines proicn P Uon against the Catholics and aliens; 2" 0 * h f‘ ,s tl,e wrangling of the old purtv hacks that have C ,;o 1 ” a tnen .* ravenous for the public plunder; and t- 1 1 another reason is that the original mysteries of the K. i. • Councils, m being brought to light, have lost the attrac tions of mystery, novelty and invincibility with which they opened the ball. The results of the late? Georgia election on the one hand, prove that the Abolition and Free soil association of a large portion of our Know Nothings have damaged their party all ov*r the South; while, on the other nand, these a,lti slavery coalitions, even in the” North, are ‘ proved by this Pennsylvania election to be equally di'as ! trous to all concerned,“under the sober second thought of 1 the people.” b Heavy Damages.— Mias Mary E. Asberry recovered a judgment for $4,916 against George Swarts in the Nicholas [ Kentucky) circuit court last week tor slander. A trial tor breach ot promise in the Fleming (Kentucky! court last week resulted in award to the plaintiff of $6,000. More Nuts for the K. N's. —Yesterday the State Road i paid oft 2r Bonds—sl,ooo each—due 1861 —Atlanta In - | telligencer, 27 tk. A Good Idea. —One of the Boston hotels has added to > its other attiactions a library ot 300 volumes. This is to furnish iheir boarders with amusement, without the necessi ty ot going abroad to find it. COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. a£! if P3 ! Stock s- a i w S ® S rr 7 '*s',< 3T 1-5‘H on §£! 3 2.! 2* 2. r- j•§‘g i 13 2. hand week •*•§! £.;§ li.§ : |&.-iILg. !§ ttiia ending j iT !*< ! j* day. J854.J 27711 2243,! 0175, 8418 1082 : 2743 3825 7364 1855. ’ ! 524 475627063 31819 2329 12857 j 15186 16420 Columbus, Not. 1. COTTON—Our market lias been active t )-day and notwithstanding some uneasiness in reference to the com*’ plexion of steamer’s accounts now luily due, in some grades a shade improvent is noticeable. We continue our juotaions, Mi idlings to 7g, Strict Middlings 7j, Good I Middlings 7§ to 7jf, Fair 8 cents. What do the Physicians Say? t 2& y ’ 1 isten to the testimony of an eminent physiei an in favor ot M’LfO'.o’s Vermifuge* which is now universally acknowledged to he the best in use , even members of the medical faculty (who are so often opposed to the use of patent medicines,) cannot withhold their approval of this invaluable remedy: Lind, Stark Cos. Ohio, Jan. 8, 1819. I have used Dr M’Lane’s Worm Specific in my private practice, and am prepared to say that the unparalleled sue cess with which I have prescribed its use, both lor children and adults, induces me to say the most in its favor of any specific or patent medicine ever before brought to my no tice. The mode of administration, the smallness of the j dose, and the certainty of its efficacious effects, give it, in j my opinion, a decided advantage over any pother medicine , of the kind before the public. Purchasers wilt please be careful to ask for DU. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, andj take none else All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. l)r. At’Lanes gen- j nine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now j be ha<l at all respectable DnigEUoresin the United .States and Canada. by all the Druggists in Columbus, and by one agent in every town. oet25 —w&.t w2w. From the Ministry. The following evidence is from the Jiev. IV*. D. F. Saw rie. Presiding Elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the District of North Alabama. Dr. Charles Williams, —Dear Sir: I take pleasure in giving mv testimony to the virtues of your excellent ‘Pul monic Balsam of Wild Cherry.’ Having used several bottles in my family, with decided advantage in every ease, I can recommend it as the best and most pleasant medicine I have ever seen. W. D. F. SAWRIE. Tuscumbia, March 22, 1848. 83?” Sold by all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. octll—lm j A Secret for tlie l,adici*. How to Preserve Health.—Don’t use Chalk, Lily 1 White, or any ol the so-called cosmetics, to conceal a la ded or sallow complexion. j If you would have roses brought hack to your cheek, - a dear, healthy and transparent skin, and iilo and vigor inlused through the system, get a bottle ot Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and take it according to ditections. It does not taste quite as well as your sweet meats; hut, it after a few dosea you do not find your health and beauty leviving, your step elastic and vigorous, and the whole system refreshed and invigorated like a Spring morning, then you case D hopeless, and all the valuable certiiieates we possess, go for naught. It is the greatest purifier of the blood known; is j>e!'lecily harmless, and at the same time powerfully efficacious. For sale bv THOMAS M. TURNER &, CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, G&. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, Da i\ FORTH & NAGEL, Octll—w&twlin Columbus. Ga. Married, In Girard, Ala., Tuesday evening, October 30, by the Rev Dr. Pierce, M Van Marcus of this city, and Miss Hattie E., daughter of the late Col. E. W. B. fcpivey, of the former place. In Gleifhvile, Ala., on Thursday evening 25m tilt., by Rev. Mr. Andrews, Walker Richardson, iv<q. and Miss Lizzie Sanford, daughter of Col. A. M. Sanford all of said place. Advances on Cotton. tixub subscriber is prepared to to make liberal advances on A Cotton an other produce. ... • Oflice hours from 0 a ro. to 4p. in. W arren * Arcade. novi wtetwtf ~ JUST RECEIVED BY MARCUS & CHAFFIIN, I)ICKLED and Smoked Tongues, Fulton Market Beet, Pig Pork, White Beans, Splet Peas, Onions, Potatoes, Salmon, Pickled, Fresh & Smoked, Mackerel, in Barrels and Kits, Hominy, Fresh Crackers, Fine Fresh Goshen Butter, by every Steamer. Columbus, Nov. 1. wtwtt Rare Chance for the Million! ClllilteT VIAS GIFT TICKETS $5 4 T 2 o’clock on Monday, the 24th day ot’December next, will he drawn, in’ trout ot our Auction Room, a ] -of Magiiiricent Prizes, consisting in part, of the follow ing articles, viz: 14 FINE GOLD WATCHES, i (j(, set with Diamond*! 2 Fine Silver do ; Dia- j moudPnis and Kings; (old Com, $5 to SSO 1 ieees ; Stiver Pitchers, Tumblers and Cream Mugs; fcilver Forks; (fold Pins, Kings and Far- Cola Chains, Lockets, Crosses and Bracelets; btuds, Necklaces and Sleeve Buttons; Silver Mounted Castors, Pilchers, Forks, Spoons, ‘Pea r l rays, and Candle Sticks; l-o and 1 tumbles, Pen cils and Tooth-picks: fancy Work bus ke f - De-ks, Cigar stands, and a great manv Beautiful Articles too tedious to mention Four hundred and forty one numbers will be placed I m lh ! Wheel and one hundred and u ty-fivc drawn out. The a ,1 I,inking Price No. 1, and soon until the prizes Jre all drawn- Tho artic!es can 1,6 fieen at ° Ur * UcU ° n ut a distance who wish to purchase ticket mUatovf Srnendul Scheme,can be aceommouated by enclosing Us 1) "“h a PRISON Si. McOEHEC, Broad Street. VT . 1 IRS') w&twtd. Columbue, ha , Nov. 1, MUSCOGEE building and loan association. : ‘fllK Dth monthly installment, of one dollar per share, at (V,m.^ a u M <)n Saturday next. The association will meet ! s Hmll oi evening, at 7o’clock. 1 novl-.twit STERLING F. GRIMES, Treasurer. AGENCY BANK OF HAMBURG, S C AT FLORENCE, GA. I AM prepared to Discount Drafts and furnish Exchange at j >he usual rates o.’ other Banks or Agents. ; „ A. VV. If ILL, Agent. <rdnce, Ga.,Nov. t, 1851. w/ttwlm. 1 “ ‘ ■ —— —— Public Sale. Plantation Negroes will be sold at public outcry, on Thursdaypi2d of November, at 11 o'clock, at Mcllen, on the Central Raiiroad, (79 mile station.) THIS gang of Negroes were raided in Screven County, on the Plantation of Jefferson Roberts, and are well known throughout the county as good plantation hands, accustomed to the culture ot corn and cotton. The men are among the most expert and skillful timber cutters in the State To those desirous of purchasing Negroes for plantation purposes, unexceptionable in every respect, and ot established reputation in their neighborhood, an oppor tunity is afforded such as seldom occurs. lilies undoubted. Terms cash, or citv acceptances *or information apply to THOS. W. COLLIN S, M aeon. Ga., or WILLY &MONTMOLLIN, novl—w&tw2t _ Savannah. Ga. GUANO. Twenty Tons, for Sale by GREENWOOD Sc GRIMES. Columbus, Ga., NoyM. w&tv.2m. STOVES FOR TIIEMILLiON! IEI AVEon hand anu am daily receiving a large and fine assortment of Cooking, Office and Parlor Stoves, AMONG WHICH MAY B£ rOUSD THE IRON WIZZAIID, IRON WITCH. IRON KING , YOUNG AMERICA, EASTERN PREMIUM , EAGLE PREMIMUM, PARLOR COOKING STOVES, and many other*. These Stoves are warante 1 to work well, or mav ue returned at my expense PLAIN AND JAPANNED TIN-WARE, and general assortment of house furnishing Goods. Rooting and Guttering done on short notice. Store on Randolph street nearly opposite the Post Office. R. M. ALD WORTH. Columbus. Ga., Oct. 30. w&twGin. Merchants & Bar-keepers Attention! FINE CIGARS & BRANDI ON CONSIGNMENT. |AO OAA FINE HAVA A T A CIGARS, 10 yi Casks tine French Brandy, 5) a Casks “ “ ALSO , 50 Boxes Tobacco, Choice Brands, Which we offer at reduced Prices. Call and sample them.— HARRISON & McGEHEE, Columbus, Ga., Oct. SO. w&twtf. FOR SALE OR RENT. A Desirable Place in Wynnton, a CONTAINING Twenty Acres with a good Dwelling on ft. containing five large rooms, a kitchen, smoke j house, Dairy, Carriage House, Stable, and a well of { good water, all in first rate repair. ALSO, I A COMFORTABLE House and Lot in tbiscity,up town, and in a good neighborhood. HARRISON &McGEHEE, Auctioneers, Columbus. O a. Oct. 3(1. 2w&.wiw. FOR SALE. A LIKELY No. I Family of Negroes, consisting of a wo- JAI. man and six children, 4 boys and two tfirls. A bargain can be had. Call and sec AYER fit ECTOR, Auc’rs, oct3U—wlwtl I3t Broad Street. PRICES ADVANCED"! j DOUBLE Extra p*r Barrel 12 OP j EXTRA FAMILY, per bbl $lO oO | Superfine 9 OP Georgia Superfine, Q OP i Georgia Mills 7 OP j Usual discount when 20 barrels are taken at onetime. octSO— w&twt.f WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. ; STATE FAIR, MosnaoMEP.v & Wkst Point Railroad, ( Moutgomsry, Ala. Oct 23, 1555. > STOCK audatl articles intended for exhibition at the State Fair, to beheld in Montgomery on the 20th of November, will be passed over this road free of charge, and [parsons hav ing such will please give timeiy notice to the Suner ntendent, so that the requisite cars may be in readiness at the several stations. , Persons making themselves known as visitors to the Pair, will be passed at half the regular fare. SAMUEL G. JONES, oct27—twtd Eng’r. &■ Sup’t. HOME AGAIN! I TAKE this opportunity of informing my friends and pat rons that 1 have re-opened my CLOTHING tSTAKLIrH &IENT and would solicit an inspection of my very choice and superior Stock of GBods, selected by myself from the best au*d most fashionable Marks in London and Paris,consisting ol Black ami Fancy Broartcloths, Cloths and Cassuneres, Doeskins, Delivers, Tweeds and Vestings, Suitable for the ensuing season*. My HOSIERY DEPARTMENT is perhaps the most com plete choice and fashionable assortment in the State, having been selected irom the most ceiebrated inannfactoriesin Brtt i uin and Continental Europe. . . . Parlit swishing to purchase will see at, once the propriety ot ; giving me a call, as tny goods are fresh irom the original mar ! feels and fashionable to the last degree. j My Light and Fancy Stock Comprises Fine Irish Shirts Ar Collar*, Silk, Lawn, and Linen Ilaudkerchtpf*, Suspenders, and Gents Ltubcsseu Leather Betts, And an elegant assortment of NECK TIES of superior I 6 {yles andsliades. They are untouched and unmatchable in ! th pers 0 on 8 l wishing to avail themselves of my styles of cu<- ! ting and making, will find them superior to anything hitherto i nresented to the public of Columbus. i p j. SMEKION, Merchant Tailor. , oct2'-tw'Jt P.road Street Columbus,Ga. Just Received, a Consignment of BBLS. Northeru Appltw OU 10 0 Bbls Potatoes. •■in ** “ Unious. At the Grocery Store of HULL &. BRADLLA . Columbus, Oct. 23. S% ‘ troy FACTORY GOODSi Cottaee Chairs, Buckets, Tubs, Beadsteails. &e., &c-, &e VP WHOLESALE AND UR PAIL. W- K HARRIS HAS REMOVED HIS W A R E-R O O M One door above E- BARNARD & CO , Wit VK K mav be found the largest and most vailed stocl “f Tmv S'orv- Goods ever offered in this city. all of which Tro) rao orj ...tail as not cbespor,than W> b IW. CMJ. they can be 901 , hl „' Hre ; liv ited to examine my stoat. be 9 ' l yr *d fitbr u ll Ailed- . nation with the Trov Factory N. B. —1 hive had uo connection “uo \ v K k AK RIS. since February I*4- tw3tw3m Oct. C 7, 185-1. _ 9TlPcm THE trading public who have hitherto |a.routed TROY FACTOR Y, -ill plMf, take culce lhal W. KvUhifc, fisss&ssass •xftss- £••**■ | transacted exclusively with “JJ** & t<o „ n. .> wA,tirt*‘ Columbus, Ga , Oct. Z.t. I AYER &, ECTOR, j General Agents, Auction, Commission, Re ceiving, and Forwarding Merchants, i NO. 131, WEST BROAD STREET. PARTICULAR attention given to the keeping, pur chase and sale of Negroes. Administrator’s and Ex ecutor’s Sales attended to on reasonable terms. Columbus.Ga, Oct. 13, 1855. twtf. CLAYTON & WILKINS, Auction, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING MERC HAN TS. THE undersigned, having formed a Copartnership to do a general Auction, Commission, Receiving ana For i warding Business at the old stand of AYER & WILKINS, j NVill give their personal attention to all busftiess entrusted j to their care. EST We are prepared to make liberal advances upon all | articles ot Produce and other Goods consigned to us ! Special attention paid to the sale of REAL ES ! TA l’E, NEGROES, &c , at Auction. P A CLAYTON. F. G. WILKINS. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 15, 1855. w&twtf AUCTION & COMMISSION Mf*Jhxiv r undetsigned having purchased the intere-t of WM. X AUSTIN, in the firm of Harrison, Austin 3c MeGe hee, will continue the Auction, Commission, Negro Brokerage and ding Business, under the name and style of HARRISON & McGEHEE, at the old Stand, Nos. 59 & 61, Broad Street; and pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all bus-i ness committed to their care. They will give their person al attention to the Sale cf Heal Estate, Negroes, Merchandize & Produce. Having ample facilities at command, they are prepared to make liberal advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. Particular attention given to Administrator’s and Execu tor’s Sales. UH \S.S.H ARRISON, July 30, -wfetwtf. ALLENC. McGEHEE. Enquirer copy. Daguerreotypes, Sterescopes and Vitriotypes, THE PALACE ROOMS ARE daily thronged with visitors. Some come to see the beautifully arranged reception parlor; the fine Sky ■ Light Operuting Hall; the many lino specimens of most ail the distinguished ladies and gentlemen in this part of the country; the superb stock of Cases, Frames and Lock ets, and many come to have a file like Likeness taken. We have just introduced several new styles of Pictures never before taken in this city, to which we wish to call the attention of everybody—as every day brings some thing new in every kind of business. Remember that Pictures taken in cloudy as well as fair weather, in every variety of styles, in clouds, illuminated and fancy back grounds, crayon, Sterescope and Vitrio type. Family groups taken with great facility and accu racy. Particular atttention paid to infants and young children. A liberal discount made to families. Views taken without reversing. Daguerreotypes and Portraits accurately copied. Sick or deceased persons attended to at their residences. We are thankful to all who have thus far patronized us, as also to those who have honored us with their calls. — | Cotne and see us again, everybody. We ere always hap -Ipy to see you whether you patronize iis or not. Our rooms are always open. Don’t forget the place, over Brooks.&, Chapman’s Blue Drugstore. oct20 —wtwtf WILLARD & DEPEW. \ dmlntstrator’s Sale.—By virtue of an order of the Court of ordinary of Sumter County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House in Tal botton, Talbot Cos., Ga., lot of land No. (31) thirty-one, in the sixteenth Districtjof said County. Said lot of land lies near the Muscogee Railroad, and is valuable for its timber; to be sold as the property of Richard B. Huff, late of Sumter Cos., deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Oct. 24 1854—w&twtds JNO. A. HUFF, Ad’rn'r. CIT Y RESIDENCE FOR SALE. bgs-rJfL WE offer on accommodating terms ono of the most desirable residences in the city. The lot contains a full acre of ground,situated in the llgjaffppr upper part of the City, in a healthy location convenient to the churches. On the preni ses are a first rate dwelling and all necessary outhouses; also, one of the best wells of water in the place. For further particulars apply to to HARRISON 3c McGEHEE, octl6—w&twlm. Auctioneers. LAW NOTICE. rpHE subscribers have united in the practice of the law •*- under the style of Wellborn,.Johnson & Sloan. They will practice in the Courts of Muscogee and the adjoining counties Office over the Drug Store of Messrs. Danforth 3c Nagel, No. 107, on Broad Street. MARSHALL J. WELLBORN. jamks Johnson. THOMAS SLOAN. Columbus, Oct. 2- r >—tw3tw3m —_ VALUABLE BIVER PLANTATION FOR SAFE. r- pHE subscribers offer for sale the Plantation and do | JL taclied pieces of land of the late Major John Cantey, deceased, lying in Russel! county, Ala , immediately upon the Chattahoochee river,twenty miles below Columbus Ga. : | The main plantation contains about three thousand acres I ot land, perfectly level and free from freshets; about 1800 acres of rich river bottoms, balance first quality pine iands, ! 1400 of which is cleared and in cultivation, s This plantation is unusually well settled, having all the ’ necessary buildings (framed) to accommodate two hund red negroes. It is well watered and healihy, and in point of fertility and location, these lands are not surpassed by any in the State. The plantation is very susceptible of di vision, and will be sold in a body or divided to suit two purchasers, ‘ierms will be made liberal, as the lauds are sold for a division. Per>ons wishing to bay are requested to examine the place; and any further information will be given by ad dressing either of the subscribers. JAMES CANTEY, Ex’r of John Cantey, Columbus, Ga. JOHN CANTEY,^ ! oci2—wtwtillstjan Camden,S. C. For Sale. V FIRST Rate Saddler and Harness Maker, 27 years of a ;e, of good character, intelligent, sound and healthy. ‘ Apply to A. K. AYER oct4--twtt No. 131 Broad i. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. GEORGE KIDD xt t ILL go out from our Nutsery tojlay out Gardens anywhere j V ill the State of Georgia, or the adjoining countiesiu Ala bama. Address Moses &. oel23—twtf EBQUFXINF. HILL NUREWV._ FASHIONABLE DAGUERREAN SALOON, j ‘I'HE proprietor of this pleasant,commodious, and fi r a t class | * Saloon of Fine Arts, has again returned to resume his bu- J siness lor the season. Si r. Kiddie has had a practice of over eielit vears, which ranks him oneot the most successful oper ators in the profession; his pictures are clear, vbPe, hand* j some and admired by all. Call and judge for yourselves.— | liooms on Broad Street, over C. Mygatt’e Drv Good’s Store. 1 a. j. Riddle. Proprietor and Principal Operator. Columbus, Sept. 25—w&twtf. Early Sheriff Sales, -*TTILL be sold before the court-house door in'.he town of Blakelv, Early Coun’y, on the first Tuesday In December next, between the usual hours of sa'e, the following property, | to-wit : The Ilouse and Lot on the vves: side of the Public Square, i in the town of Blakely, known as the Corbitt and Smith store ; house to satisfy two n t as from Early Superior eourt, F. J. Condrit fie Bolls, vs. Corbett & Smith, and Cailin, l.caviit &- Cos., vs. Corbitt & Smith. octß7 wtd E. B. STRICKLAND. Sh’ff. ” sl*2s REWARD’!"’ ■g> RUNAWAY or stolen from the subscriber, * negro man named Anthony. Ha U> about five l'cei ad a half Jff “ high, weighs 140 or 150 pounds, of dark complexion, /fit has a very notable long flat bead. 1 will give sl2> reward for the thief and buy, with proof io ceavicr ! JLm the thief, or I wiii give twenty-five dollars for the boy euvered to me at my rlsotation. near Girard Russell county ’ d'* ,-or his lod-meni in sny rate iaii so that l Fan ge* him. .% >*27-w3 * FHINEH fEARY. MANLEY & HODGES. ARE now in receipt of tbe most Elegant Assort* meat of Dry GoodLs they have ever offered to the community. All are .invited to call and see us, for we are confident we cau please in Style, Quality and Price. ‘ o-t2-wlwtf 4 PPLEITDIR Line of Ladies Dress Silks, of IjL entirely new styles. Finest French Printvd DeLaines. Embroideries of every variety. Ri ehanLon’s Pure Housewife Lint ns. octS— wA-twtf M ANLEY fc HODGES. Ij>ine Pure Shaker’Flannel. Silk Warp “• Superior 4-4 English -* oct2—twtf MANLEY & HODGES. Barnsley’s Table Damask. 9o to Ida inch, (test Linea teheeting, Napkins. Toweli up. kc. 10, II & I*2—4 0 si Bed Blankets. A superior lot of Nigro do. oct2—twit MANLEY k. HODGES. \7elvet Brnssclls 3 &• 3 ply Carpets. Otl luths ftr Kooms and Passages. Chenelle. and Velvet Ruga. oct2 -twtf MANLEY & HODGFS. Indies CLOAK CLOTHS oi various colors and Trimmings u to match. White and Colored Mir>eil!es Q lilts. octa—twtf MANLEY SHOD iES. Enquirer copy. brooks & mtnm. COLUMBUS, GA. ICI HWE removed to theirnew and commodi pj j ou*St >re. 3 Doors Below their old Stand, on West Broad Street. \ We are now receiving and offering at Whole* rate sale and Retail prices, a Stock of DRUGS, MEDCINES, And all other articles pertaining to our busi ill!!! <* ness, which, in point of qua'ity and variety,are equal,ii not superior, to any ver before offered |jm[ in this market. Physicians and Merchants doing Liiii* business in the Country, will lind it to their in terest to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as we shall lie, enabled, through our iacilities, to offer our articles upon very low terms. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT. In ibis important hranch of lhe business we have made ma ny desirable improvements, to which, we particulaily call the Mention of Physicians and the citizens of Columbus Fully aware oi the responsibility atiached to the COMPOUNDINU OF MEDI( IMES&aA the precaution necessary to be used we are determined to give it our personal attention; which assu rance, with our known exnenence in the business, will, we trust, secure for us a continuance of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed. Physicians and those who wish to be served after the usual hour of closing at night, will llnd us in tbe hack room above the store, which is accessible by a flight of stairs from the front. IMPORTED FRENCH TOILET ARTICLES. They are also receiving and will continue to keep on hand a good supply of the above; consisting of a great variety of Soaps. Lubin’s Hdkf. Extracts & Cologne, In Cut and beautiful Bohe nian Glassware Bottles; also, other Fancy Articles, to which we respectfully invite attention. ’ jgjriign of the Negro and Morlar. JOHN W. BROOKS, oetn—w&twtt F. S.CHAPMAN. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS ! LINSEYS!! WE call attention to the fact that our Linseys are wi tier, by 2 or 3 inches, than those usually sold here that they are made of prime Georgia Wool, and weigh fuil 10 ounces to the yard. It’ Planters consult their in terest they will buv of our goods. They are the best in Georgia. aug3lwtwtf WINTER FACTORY. DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. r pIlE undersigned osier for sale the House and Lot oc copied at present by M. Woodruff. The house con tains 8 large rooms, 6 lire and a Dairy underneath. On the lot are a kitchen, with live comfortable rooms, a smoke house, stable and carriage house, and a well of first rate water. The improvements are all new and in good order. Negroes will be taken in exchange for the place. Apply to HARRISON & McGEHEE. Columbus, Ga. 0ct.23. wtwlm. TO LAND BUYERS. ~ THE subscriber offers for sale his plantation in f||*[ 31aeon County, Alabama, containing r IOOO acres land. It lies on the Middle Cowikee, is perfect ly level, and embraces five hundred acres of hammock, capable of producing fiieen hundred pounds of Cotton per acre It is in a fine state of cultivation, and in point of eligibility of location and good water, cannot be sur passed in tnis country. The improvements consist of a line, newly built framed dwelling house, with the necessary out houses, good gin house and screw, and 500 acre3 of open land. It is situated within three miles of the depot on the Mobile and Girard Railroad, 36 miles from Colum bus and 41 niiies from Enon.on the Chunennuggeeßidge. Price sl2i cash It desired long time will be given by adding interest. For further particulars apply to A. D. the Store o’ Andrews, Ktdgeway & Cos., Co lumbus. or to the subscriber on the premises ot. 20—w tw2m JOHN L. CLECKLEY. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted lrom the Commissioners the Agency and Management ol the FORT GAIM.F ACADEMY I OTTERY, has estaLii-l ed li e prb cijalt flee at A nanta, Georgia, ant intends conducting the Lottery n the same plan as that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, ol Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR NOV. Class ©- 23TTO be drawn N v. v3, D55, in the City of Atlauta, Ga., when Prizes amounting io Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! And remember every Prize is diawn at eacn Drawing, and paid when due WITHUU f DEDUCTION! 1 Prize of. SIO,OOO 2 Prizes of 2,000 are 4,000 i 3 “ of 500 are 1 500 11 “ of 250 are 2,709 10 “ of 110 are 1,100 17 “ of 75 are 1,275 ‘43 “ of 50 are 2,150 •84 ** of 25 are 2,075 ‘ 500 “ of 10 are 2.000 ’ 530 •* of 5 are 3,150 1.000 Prizes amounting to $30,000 j Tickets $5 — Quarters $1.25. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! | Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21 —td Atlanta, Georgia. TROY FACTORY WARE-ROOMS, i EAST SIDE “BROAD-ST. —SOS- 31 & J 6. E. G. JEFFERSON & CO. THE above establishment has , re-opened its Sale and Ware ciSsferooni, wi'.h a full asssortment,“sf*” r comprising the following articles of rceent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from tour to thirty dollars. CHAlßS—Cottage, Boston Rocking, Office, Writing ; Nurd’s, Children’s, and Dining. TUBS, BUCKETS, —Common Pine, Cedar and Junipei —brass and iron bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washatands, Tables, Besides many other articles far house furnishing do mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G Jefferson & Cos., from country merchants and others, will be promDtly attended to. The Faetory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, Pine, Ash,“’Poplar, China, &c., V c . RICHARn <?. JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Ccl .mbus, Ga. cept- L wflitvrAnv A. M lII'LL. m *U. C. BRADLEY. HULL A; BRADLEY, Grocers & Commission Merchants, AT THE OLD STUD OF D P. ELLIS & TO V COLUMBUS, aA. Highest market prices paid for {lidos, Cotton and Linen Rags, Wool, &c. oct9—twtf. DBS. SCHLEY & DAVIS. OFFICE OVER ST. MARY'S BANK BUILDING, oct‘27—twtf UP STAIRS. . “attention EVERYBODY ! I HAVE REMOVED MY STOCK OF jjiyS. BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c, To the Auction Store of HARRISON & McGEHEE, No. 69, west side Broad Street, where I shall be pleased to see my fiieuds and all who want to buy gp Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles AT COST, FOR CASH! -co l still have a number of valuable BOOKS and a good lot of STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY, which 1 arn very au.xiou> to dispo.-e of, as 1 desne to quit the business. I have fitted up a Dart of the store expressly for my ac commodation, and the ladies are particularly invi’ed to call and examine my stock. Come soon, if vou want bar* I gains'. #’ 1 am still acting as AtAGtSTR 4 TE, and will be plea sed to attend to the collection of claims and all other bu siness connected with the Uffice. JORDAN L. HOWELL. Columbus, Sept. 25. w&.twtf Land for Sale! THE subscriber offers for sale hi** sal liable pianta situated on Chattahoochee river,it Heniv county, a , twelve miles below Enfau'n, containing. Sixteen Hiindn and Acres, more or less. Thereare one hundred acres ofuncleared river bottom that w 11 produce a hair of cotton to the acre. There are on Ihepreuihes a fine dwelling twelve framed houes, a good well of water, and a never (ailing sprint; aline gin carried by water power. With,, little expense a good mill could be tut in operation. All 6f the Adds have running water in them, supplied by unfailing springs. For purity of water the springs caunot be exceeded in the South. The land is productive and the titles indisputa ble. To those who a-e disposed to seethe place, I say come, and I am sure you will embrace this opportunity of acquiring a good farm. Z. C. WILLI A *lB. sep‘,29 | tw3m. WANTED, UNTIL Ist January next, a faithful and trusty servant girl, as nurse. Apply at the Oct. 13-twtf. TIMES ft. SENTINEL OFFICE. DR * LEE > dentist, HAS returned and will resume the practice of his profession on Afouday the 15ih inst. Office corner of Broad and Randolph streets —over Mygatt’s Store. octll—w&tw3m ~//SSm REMOVAL, urN#eh CUSHMAN. d‘-ntist i_JL_r Removed across to No. 48 broad Street, over Purple’s Jewelrv Store. oct2— wtwtf. NEW FILL GOODS. mW <0 a@Lz mJB o TAKE pleasure in announcing to their customers aed the public generally, that they have just completed one ofthe most extensive and choice stocks of STAPLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS, For the FALL TRADE, that has ever been exhibited In Columbus, many of the articles being directly imported by themselves, giving them an opportunity of offering to their customers, inducements heretofore unknown in Columbus. Os every description imanufactured expressly for J. &. J. K. All kinds of E MBit Ol n ERIES f rom Paris. Rich and Beautiful SILKS do do do MANTILLAS &! CLOAKS of eerjj design, direct (rom ParU. ALSO, A WEI.L-ASSORTED STOCK OF WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, embracing every new and desirable style. A HEAVY STOCK OF Negro Blankets, Shoes, Hats &\ Kerseys, and every other article fin theirfiiueat Very Reduced Prices. Call and examine. Coiutnbus, Ca. [sepl2s—wtwtf ATTENTION FARMERS! SPLENDID SEED WHEAT AT PALACE MILLS. <H7E have for sale a lot of Pure White Wheat, known as VV the PLU GS WHEAT, raised by Jl/r. Nelson Clayton, of Chambers county, Aln , equal to the best in the r-tat, eol Al abama or Georgia. We { lodge ourselves to pay 2.1 c. more per bushel D r wheat ot the next crop rrsed (unmixed) irom this seed than for the besi Red Wheat then in market Price 582.50 per bushel oi 7>c per peck. This wheat, wasre cleaned and prepared for Planting o(*M7—wutiwtf WINTVR’S PdI.ACF MfFI.B --SSO Reward. IVV ILL give the above reward for the delivery of the Notes and other Papers stolen from our Store <n June last, and no. questions asked. L> P. ELLIS &. CO. Enquirer and Corner Stone copy ts o t2—wtwtf “FARMERS’ & EXCHANGE BANK” Os Charleston, South Carolina. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS. OILLSot New York, Boston, Philadelphia, < harleton, _> Savannah anl Aurusta, discounted at oust -mary rales Sight lixchauge on any of the above named cities for sale. K. T TAYLOR, Age t. Office next door to the Port i fflea. Coiutnbus. Oc ‘■ -ti i wlmtw2m STEVENS & KIDDER'S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE, For the Purpose of Splitting, Shaving and Jointing Shingles. THE Machine is simple in its construction, but strong and durable, and not liable to get out of order. It will make from Fifteen hundred to two thou sand Shingles per hovrJZ) ol superior quality, and of auv desired uniform thickness or taper. The timbi-r is led to the Machine as cut from the Log, without steaming, boiling or drying, in bolts of no required thickness or shape. Two hands only are needed to attend it. A two-horse power is sufficient to run it. The Ma chine can be attached to any kind ot motive power, whe ther run by Horse, Steam or Water—to Mills, Gins, &c. The undersigned will dispose of Rights for the States of Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana. A. S. NEWIIOUSE, A D HILL. The Machine can be seen in operation at Union Found i rv, on Oglethorpe sttreet, above the Perry House, fora few week=. oct9— wtw6m WHEAT! WHEAT!! WHEAT!!! PRICES ADVANCED. 1 WE will pay $1.75 for Prime White Wheat, and SI 30 for Prime Red Wheat, delivered at octl7—w&twtf WINTER’S PALAC* MILES. West Point and Atanta papers copv one month and for ward bills. Cedar, Juniper, and China Wanted. TTTE wish to purchase quanti ties of f edar. Juniper and Cbl n ua. Apply at thelrov Fact l rv Ware Eeoms. Colunibua, Ga. [septß wtwtl] R.G. JEFFERSON &CO Valuable Town Property for Sale. a THE large and commodious fresidence of the late Walter T. Colquitt, situated on the corner of * Randolph and Troup streets in the city of Co> luinbus, is offered tor sale on aecommooaticg terms. The house is of brick; contains ten rooms; is supplied with gas, and is in a state ot thorough repair. The lot is large; runs through an entire block; contains one acre; is surrounded with a brick feDce, and is supplied with hydrant water. The kitchen is of brick and contains four large rooms ; the other outhouses are large at and substantial. _ I For further particulars enquire of F H. COLQUITT. Columnar, Ga. oetlS-twoawfiawt’f.