The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, November 16, 1855, Image 3

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Franklin College. —The Trustees have restored the former times of vacation. The vacation will, after this year, commence on the first of November and continue to the middle of January. ar “ J- j.j .u. U ■■■... ■< i——■ mmmm—————m COMMERCIAL. cotton Statements! j 39! g*|l 90. I§rjsf§ rji j££ I?fcock s-£ \%S I on o £■ :g£ hand week ■&.§ JjiSg ; 4c. fj.® §2- this ft a. <a. . j* << **- - day. N' 854 * 10 2771 4056 4576 15632 1703 5305 : 700811395 Married.’ *?> D t l lß 4111 lnsl - hy the Rev. W. W. Robison, Mr. Jas. V. B. Calhoun and Miss Rachael Hearn, all of this city. On Wednesday evening, the 7th inst, near Girard, Russell county, Ala., hy the Rev. L. Pierce, Dr. James G. rreeney, of Mount Meigs, Ala., to Miss Martha Lewis, daughter of Judge Ulysses Lewis. on the Hth instant, by the Rev. Mr. Shea, Mr. Henry V. Horton and Miss Courtney I. Jones, ail of this city. . ln Wynnton, on Wednesday evening, I4th instant, by jj pm, Speer, James M. Chambers, Esq. and Miss M. r . I hrewitt3, all of thi3 city. On 1 tiesdav, 13tlfTMovember, by the Rev. Mr. Clark, at bt. Joho’s church, Savannah, Mr. Edward Padelford, jr., and Miss Kate Steenbergen, both of that city. Liver Complaint. I he only remedy ever offered to the public that has ne ver failed to cure, when directions are followed, is Mc- Lane’s Liver Pill. It has been fseveral years before the public, and has been introduced in all sections of the Un ion. Where it has been used, it has had the most trium phant success, and has actually driven out ot use all other medicines. It has been tried under all the different phases oi riepatis, and has been found equally efficacious in all. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Liver Pills, and take none else. There are other Pills, purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. /M’Lane’s Liver Pills, also his Celebrated Ver mifuge,can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. rfotd by all tlie Druggists in Columbus, and by one ageatin.every town. novl6—w&tw2w. Old Sores, Ulcers, and all eruptions and diseases ari sing from an impure or depraved state ot the blood. See the extraordinary cure of Wm. G. Harwood, a highly re spectable citizen of Richmond, Va., hy Carter’s Spanish Mixture. He had ulcers and sores of the worst descrip tion, and finally got so bad, he was unable to walk except on crutches. A lew bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, the great blood purifier, cured him, as it has cured hund reds of others who have suffered with rheumatism, bad ef fects ol mercury, and pains and ulcers ot the bones and joints. For sale bv. ’ THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, DAN FORTH & NAGEL, novlG—w&twlm Columbus, Ga. Florence, Ala. Dec. 19, 1849. Dear Sir:— l take the present opportunity ot bearing testimony to tiie medical qualities of your Pulmonic Med icine. The Rev. B. B. Barker had a cough for about three or lour weeks. It not only was distressing to him self, but such was the severity of the paroxysms that all around him sympathised with him. I advised him to try your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Wood Nap tha. He did so, and took one bottle, and it stopped the cough almost immediately, and has not since returned, nor has he had any symptoms ot it since. 1 have used many cough medicines, and have tried and seen used all the balsams and nostrums of the present day, and I verily believe that yours is superior to them all. 1 remain yours, T. J. KILPATRICK, Principal of the Florence Male Academy. hy all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisement in another column. novl6—-ltn WE announce ISAAC MITCHELL a candidate lor > re-election to the office ot city Treasurer. Nov. 16, 1855.—td MANYVOTERS. i IHF"WE are authorized to announce the name of F. G. WILKINS as a candidate for the office of Mayor, at the ensuing election in December ’next. novlO—td O’” WE are authorized to announce N. N. HOWARD, a Candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Chattahoochee County at the enduing election in January next. oct22—wtd .Tames G. Cobli announces himself asa candidate for Sheriff of Ohattahooche County at the ensuing jelection iM January next, and runs as an Independent candidate. Cusseta, Oct. 18,1855. oct22—wtd GEMMAS IS COMING !! AND if you want something that will benefit your children and friends, please attend ihe Auction Sales now being nightly held bj Harrison &- McGeliee, of Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, and very many Nice Tilings suitable tor Christmas and New Year’s Presents. TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS. We have a large lot of School Books, of almost every kind, which we will sell at 11 o’clock, a. m., on Saturday.the ist,Bth and 15th December next. Call examine them. To the Ladies & Children! At the solicitation of several ladies, we propose to have one or more sales espaciaily for their benefit. {Notice will be giv en of the time and place of sale. JUKDAN L. HOWKLL. Columbus, November 16. w&twtf PATENT AMBROTYPE PICTURES. J. S. WOODBRIDGE, ARTIST. TS. WOOOBRIOGS has returned again, and may • bo found at Willard & Depew’s Daguerrean Uooms, and is now ready to take Ambrotype Pictures, the most beautiful of all pictures and resemble sioel engruv ings. The term Ambrotype, by which these pictures are designa ted, is derived from the Greek word “ambrolas,” signifying durability, everlasting, &c. The is taken upon Ihe best of Plate Glass, over which is placed a c‘*rrespondingglass, the two being united with an indestructible gum, enabling the picture to retain its brilliancy for rfies. These pictures are brilliant and in 'tone, with a gradation of ligtu and shade unsurpassed, and may bo seen in any light. Mr.’ Woodbridge is sole proprietor of the Ambrotype pro. cess in this country. The public are invited to call auu exam ine soecim-ms. Instruction given in all the processes. Woodbridge, Artist uud Operator, novit)—w&lwtt WILLARD & DEPEW. A OoJTCI. HAVING returned to Columbus for the purpose of ta” king Amhrotypes <fc Daguerreotypes. the sub scnber would most respectfully invite his old friends and customers, who may wish his services or not, to call upon him at the Palace Rooms of WILLARD &, DEPEW, where he will be happy to show them the beautiful new style of pictures, from his well known reputation and lug experience in the art, he leels confident that he can mopt assuredly please all who may wish an Ambrotype, Daguerreotype, Photograph or any other style ot Pictures taken in the United States. novl6 —w&twtf. J. S. WOODBRIDGE. COLUMBUS building and loan association. rj’MtK Thirteenth installment, of one dollar per share, is i. payable on Saturday next, 17ihinst. The monttvly meeting of the Association will be held at Concert H ill ou that evening, at 7 o'clock. novlti—ißss. —twit. STERLING F.GRIMES, Treas. forTrenl A Dwelling Douse situated on gssjjT Church street, nearly opposite the Court House, at occupied by Mrs. Ann Adams. For fur ther jwi.eulars. apply on the premises. noviSiwtf To Columbus Merchants. rpHE MERCHANTS and men of business of Columbus, to their advantage to advertise in ibe “SOU THERN .NATIVE,” published in Eufaula, .Alabama. The ‘Native”has ag od circulation in South-Eastern Alabama, which is beginning to trade largely with Columbus. Specimen numbers sent to address. Letters addressed to 11. H. GOODE, Proprietor, Nov 16— twlm Eufaula, Ala. Brick Yard for Sale. FOR SALE on liberal terms the Brick Yard at present owned by the subscriber, containing 9 acres, together with wagons, moulds, &c. For’further particulars apply to [novl3—twtfj MRS. ANN ADAMS. ~ VALUABLE SERVANTS FOR SALeT HlGli PRICE! THE family consists of a woman and four children. The woman is 27 years old and one of the best house ’servants in Georgia. She is a good seamstress, washer, ironerand pas try cook. He'-oldestchild isa girl, lOyears old, sews well, is a good nurse, neat, active and handsome. The next is a boy, 8 years old, well nrownand every way sup erior. The next is a girl, five years old, aud the youngest is a boy 2 years old—equal to any. These servants are offered for no fault. The owner is una ble to keep them. He wishes to purchase hands lor the farm, lie prefers having them taken on trial for one or two weeks. Apply to [nov6 —tw lin] AYLR & ECTOR. BROWN’S WASHING MACHINE. THE Inventor in introducing his new Rotary Washing Ma chine to the notice of the public, does so with the confi dence that in all cases where a fair trial is given, they will be, as they have been by those who have used them, pronounced to be the best Machine lor washing now in use. and capable of performing more work in far less time and with far less damage to the clothes than any other Washing Machine now made. He claims for this Machine, that it will cleanse the clothes from dirt In 15 to 30 minutes aud leave them entirely clean, ready for boiling and rinsing. git will thoroughly rinse clothes in from 5 to 10 minutes It will do an ordinary day’s washing in an hour, and does not wear the clothes mure than one tenth as much as when wash ed by hand. It is adapted to washing from the finest muslins to the coar sest cloths, Blankets aud Carpets. It can be worked by women or even a 12 year old boy, and is so simple in its construction that almost any one can repair it—if it should ever need it—and will, with ordinary care last from live to ten years. One of the great merits of jthis Machine in. in addi- the facility in washing, is that the clothes are not worn out by washing. By the ordinary process of washing, clothes are more injured than by wearing. This advantage, together with the fact that it will do ten times the work of hand labor, should induce eveiy Hotel, Boarding House, aud family to have one. These Machines are sold for Cash ouly, delivered at our shop —prico sl3. Directions for using sent with every Machine. Manufactured by CLEMONS. BROWN & CO. We refer to a few of the many who have bought and used the Machines, viz: Gen. J N Bethuue, Columbus, A G Slappy, Fort Valley, Dr. A Pond, “ Col A Wellborn, Meriwether, A M Allen, “ Ellisha Trammell 44 John W Hurt, “ George T Hurt, Russll county, John Hudson, firm ol Charles A Peabody, „ Threewits, Holt & Cos. “ Hopson Smith, „ Thomas DeWolf, “ A Lowther, ~ Charles Wise, “ James Torbut, ~ R E Dixon, “ B Whitehurst, 44 DrJAUrqhart, ‘ l W A McGruder, “ pAClayt n, 44 George McGee, 41 J C Brewer, 44 Walton B Harris, 44 James R Jones, 44 Wm G Williams, “ Charles P Levy, “ DBullard, 44 J Ennis, 44 RN R Bardwell,Tuskegee Win Matheson, 44 J C Sale, Auburn, J W Thomas, 44 A R 8011, Montgomery, Janie- Comer, “ John (Jill Shorter, Eufaula, Oapt J E Davis, “ EE Brown, Macon, Owen Thomas, 44 Female Co’lege, “ J 1) Williford, Slewart county,Geo T Rogers, “ Rev. J W Talley, Oxford, O W Massey, 44 N W Persons, Enon, Ala. W S Brantley, “ Nelson Clayton, Chambers co. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 8. w&tw2m NEW JEWELRY STORE, 81 Broad Street. WILLARD & DEPEW f HAVE opened a fine Stock of Jewelry, to which they wish to call the attention of the public. Their goods are all new and will be sold low for “■►cash, andw II be found what they are represented.— Fair and honorable dealing is their principle. MR. A- INGMIRE, who is well known in this community, is connected with this establishment, and is, without doubt, the best Jeweler jobber and Engraver in this eountry. He is also superior to any in setting Diamonds and Mounting all kinds of Hair Work, Jlr. L. Gutowsky, is also connected with this Store as one of the best Watch Repairers ever in the city of Colum bus. Those who have not already received the benefit of Mr. Ingmireand Mr. Gutowsky’s Work, are respectfully invited to give them a call. All work doiie a* this store will be war ranted, and all goods sold at this house warranted to be what they are represented. We again Invite you all to giveusyour patronage, and we will suit you if possible. Remember the place, next door to Brooks <S- Chapman’s Blue Drug Store, No. 8L Broad Street. novßwtw3w T. H. VANDEN BERG’S Depot of Pianofortes and Musical Goods, NO. 76 EAST SIDE BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. WHERE can at all times bo found a large £3!Bselection of Lignt, Newton & Bradbury’s world iPSrenowned Premium Piano Fortes, to -1 Ugether with an assortment of Piano Fortes from the best .Manufactories in the U. States of all styles aud prices. ALSO . Melodeoixs, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamborlnes, Flutes, Flutinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Clarionetts, Flageoletts and Fifes. Also, all kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BAN OS, together with Bass and Tknor DRUMS. STRINGS of all Ktxns, and the Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC for all the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. f3f° Secondhand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones. nr Second hand Pianos for Sale or Rent. Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, and ail other kinds of Musical Instruments tuned and repaired in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, and warranted to giveentire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will be promptly attended to. T. 11. VANDEN BERG, 7t5 Broad Street,Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle. Columbus, Nov. 6,1855. ~ w&twt,f. GUANO. Twenty Tons, for Sale by GREENWOOD & GRIMES. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 1. w&tw2m. Bare Chance for the Million! CHRISTAIAS GIFT is: e® I rmo © TICKETS $5. AT 2 o’clock on Monday, the 24th day of December next, will be drawn, in irontof our Auction Room, a list of Magnificent Prizes, consisting in part, of the follow ing articles, viz: 14 FINE GOLD WATCHES, 1 do. set with Diamonds: 2 Fine Stiver do ; Dia mond Pins and Rings; Gold Coin, $5 to SSO Pieces; Silver Pitchers, Tumblers and Cream Mugs; Silver Forks; Gold Pin 9, Rings and Ear-Rings; Gold Chains, Lockets, Crosses and Bracelets; Studs, Necklaces and Sleeve Buttons; Silver Mounted Castors, Pitchers, Forks, Spoons, lea Trays, and Candle Sticks; Gold Thimbles, Pen cils and Tooth-picks: Fancy Work Bas kets, Desks, Cigar Stands, and a great many Beautiful Articles too tedious to mention. Four hundred and forty one numbers will be placed in the Wheel, and one hundred and rifty-five drawn out. The first drawn taking Prize No. 1. and so on until the prizes are all drawn. The articles can be seen at our Auction Room. . Persons at a distance who wish to purchase tickets in the above Splendid Scheme, can be accommodated by enclosing us Five Dollars. HARRISON & McGEHEEf, 59 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga , Nov. 1.1855. w&twtri. Notice tolltovs & creditors: —All persons indeb ted to the estate of John Singer, late of Stewart county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands againstjsaid estate will present them properly attested. J* G. SINGER, Ext. octtLs w4Pd * dmtnistrntor’s Sale.— Ry virtue of an order of the A Court of Ordinary of Sumter Comity, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court. House in Tal botton, Talbot Cos., Ga., lot of land No. (SI) thirty-one, in the sixteenth District£ot said County. Said lot ol land lies near the Muscogee Railroad,and is xaluabte for its timber; to be sold as the property of Richard B. Htifi, late of Sumter Cos., deceased. Bold tor the benefit of the heirs ot 6aid deceased. Terms made know n on the dav of sale. 0ct. 24 IHoi—w&twuU JNO. A. HUFF, Ad'tn'r. TWENTY PIANOS A WEEK. ALTHOUGH it may appear incredible, yet is nevertheless true that Lightc, Newton & J dbury turn out of their Manufactory 20 u li Pianos a week; this being a much larger num ber than any other Manufactory in the country produi es, and being conclusive evidence that their Instruments are moro ea gerly sought alter than other.-. The undersigned having made airangements for the sale of the above named Pianos, has how in his Wareroom aud will continue to keep a large assortment of their Instruments of various styles and finish, embracing every uew and desirable pattern, from the plainest to the most elegant. The above Pianos took the first premium at the World’s Fair, aud at ihe Fair of the American Institute in 1853. T. 11. VANDEN BERG. 76 Broad Street,Columbus,Ga. Nov. 6.—w&twtf Advances on Cotton. rpHE subscriber is prepared to to make liberal advances on -*- Cotton and other produce. R. J. MOSES. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Warren’s Arcade. novl w&twtf JUST RECEIVED BY MARCUS &, CHAFFIN, PICKLED and Smoked Tongues, Fulton Market Beef, Pig Pork, White Beans. Splct Peas, Onions, Potatoes, Salmon, Pickled, Fresh & Smoked, Mackerel, in Barrels and Kits, Hominy, Fresh Crackers, Fine Fresh Goshen Butter, by every Steamer. Columbus, Nov. 1. wtwtf AGENCY BANK OF HAMBURG, S C AT FLORENCE, OA. I AM prepared to Discount Drafts and furnish Exchange at the usual rates of other Banks or Agents. A. W. HILL, Agent. Florence, Ga.,Nov. 1, 1855. v&lwlm. STOVES FOlt THE MILLION! IH AVE on hand and am daily receiving a large and fine assortment of Cooking, Office and Parlor Stoves, AMONG WHICH MAY BE FOHND THE IRON WIZZARD, IRON WITCH, IRON KING, YOUNG AMERICA, EASTERN PREMIUM, EAGLE PREMIMUM, PARLOR COOKING STOVES, and many others. These Stoves are warantel to work well, or may be returned at my expense PLAIN AND JAPANNED TIN-WARE, and general assortment of houpc furnishing Goods. Roofing and Guttering done on short notice. Store on Randolph street nearly opposite the Post Office. R. M. ALI) WORTH. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 30. w&tw6m. Merchants & Bar-keepers Attention! FINE CIGARS & BRANDY ON CONSIGNMENT. IflA non fine HAVANA cigars, IUIIUUu 10 % Casks fine French Brandy, 5 Casks 4 * “ “ ALSO, 50 Boxes Tobacco, Choice Brands, Which we offer at reduced Prices. Call and sample them.— HARRISON & McGEHEE, OoTumbr*, Ga., Oct.? 0. w&twtf. FOR SALE. A LIKELY No. I Family of Negroes, consisting of a wo man and six children, 4 bois and two girls. A bargain can be had. Call aud see AYER & ECTOR, Auo’rs, oct30 —wtwtf 131 Broad Street. Trices advanced! DOUBLE Extra pr Barrel 12 00 EXTRA FAtMlLY,per bbl $lO ol) Superfine 9 00 Georgia Superfine, 8 00 Georgia Mills 7 00 Usual discount when 20 barrels are taken at onetime. FASHIONABLE DAGUERREAN SALOON. f T"HE proprietor of this pleasant,commodious, and first class * Saloon of Fine Arts, has again returned to resume his bu siness ior the season. Mr. Riddle has had a practice of over eight years, which ranks him one of the most successful oper ators in the profession; his pictures are clear, white, hand some and admired by all. Call and judge for yourselves.— Rooms on Broad Street, over C. Mygatt's Dry Good’s Store. A. J. RIDDLE. Proprietor and Principal Operator. Columbus, Sept. 25—w&twtf. __ CLAYTON & WILKINS, Auction, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. THE undersigned, having formed a Copartnership to do a general Auction, Commission, Receiving and For warding Business at the old stand of AYER & WILKINS, Will give their personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. fgpF’ We are prepared to make liberal advances upon all articles ot Produce and other Goods consigned to us. Special attention paid to the sale of REAL ES TATE, NEGROES, &c., at Auction. P A CLAYTON. F. G. WILKINS. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 15, 1855. w&twtf AUCTION & COMMISSION THE undeisigned having purchased the interest of WM. AUSTIN, in the firm of Harrison, Austin & McGe hee, will continue the Auction, Commission, Njgro Brokerage and ding Business, under the name and style of HARRISON & McGEHEE, at the old Stand, Nos. 59 & 61, Broad Street; and pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all busi ness committed to their care. They will give their person al attention to the Sale of Ileal Esiate, Negroes, Merchandize & Produce. Having ample facilities at command, they are prepared to make liberal advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. Particular attention given to Administrator’s and Execu tor’s Sales. CII\S.S.HARRISON, July 30, —w&twtf. ALLEN G. McG EH EE. Enquirer copy. Havana Plan Lottery. LOTTERY!LOTTERY! LOTTERY! Jasper County Academy Lottery. ( [By Authority of the State of Georgia .] Macon, Ga. SJ3 S3s2. a CD CD CD =. CLASS H. WILL be distributed according to the lollowing grand and unprecedented scheme, in public, at Concert Hall, Macon,Ga., under the sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nisbet, Esq. The Manager announces his determination to make this the most popular buttery in the world, and challenges comparison as to the chances to draw Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember, every prize indrawn at each drawing, and paid when due in tud without any reduction. TO BE DRAWN NOV 26, 1855. 1 PRIZE OF 8,000 1 ...2,01.0 5 of", 00 2,500 20 of 100 2,000 120 of 25 3,000 lPiizeof 5,000 2 ot 1000 2,0< 0 10 of 200 2,000 78 of 50 3.000 18 Approx’n r, OO 356 Prizes in all amounting to $31,000 Whole Tickets $5; Halves s2>£; Quarters TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS. The chances to gain the Crp : tal Prize in the old combination plan is 1 in 76,076, in this l in 10,000. Drawings sent to a'.lordering tickets. All orders, rely on it, strictly confidential. Bills on alt solvent Banks takeu at par. Registered money letters at my risk’. Prizes paid when due without discount. Address JAMES F, WINTER. Manager, j uly24~w if Macon, Gg. 100 Likely Negroes for Sale, ON A CREDIT OF 1,2, AND 3 FEAfIS. IN pursuance of the Will of Solomon Siler, deceased, his Executors will offerfor sale, at his residence in Orion, Pike County, Ala., on Monday the lOita day of December next, UN E HUNDRED NEGROES ; embracing every variety of age and sc *~ a H having been reared'principally on the plantation of | Ba id deceased,in Pike county, Ala. The sale will continue | from day to cay, until the number above specified is disposed i of. Terms —Approved notes, (with two securities and mortgage on the property,) made’payable one-third in twelve month?, one-third in two years, and the remaining third in three years, each note bearing interest from the first day of January, 1850. J.O.G. SILER, ‘l NORiMANSMcLEOD, J. M.THOMPSON, > Executors. ALLEN FRAZIER, | I. A. SILER. J Orion, Ala. Oct. 25,1855. oct3o—wtd TROY FACTORY WARE-ROOMS, EAST SIDE ’BROAD-ST.—NOS. S4 & 16. R. 0. JEFFERSON & CO. THE above establishment has AUSsferoom, with a full comprising the following articles of rceent manufacture and of the very best materials, viz: BEDSTEADS, of various patterns, varying in price from four to thirty dollars. CHAlßS—Cottage, Boston Rocking, Office, Writing Nurse’s, Children’s, and Dining. TUBS, BUCKETS, —Common Pine, Cedar and Junipet —brass and iron bound of various sizes. CHURNS—Common Pine, Cedar and Juniper, brass and iron bound, of various sizes. WELL BUCKETS, BOAT BUCKETS. Wardrobes, Washstands, Tables, Besides many other articles for house furnishing and do mestic purposes. All orders left at the Ware-room or directed to R. G Jefferson & Cos., from country merchants and others, will be promptly attended to. The Factory is situated in a section which affords an abundant supply of Oak,Hickory, Beach, Walnut, Gum, Pine, Ash, Poplar, China, &e., See- RICHARD G. JEFFERSON. JAMES HAMILTON. Columbus, (la. Sept. 1, 1855. w&.twfim. TO LAND BUYERS. ® THE subscriber offers for sale his plantation in Macon County, Alabama, containing acres of land. It lies on the Middle Gowikee, is perfect ly level, and embraces five hundred acres of hammock, capable of producing fiteen hundred pounds of Cotton per acre. It is in a fine state of cultivation, and in pom, o*‘ eligibility of location and good water, cannot be sur passed in tnis country. The improvements consist of a fine, newly built framed dwelling house, with the necessary out houses, good gin house and screw, and 500 acres of open land* It is situated within three miles of the depot on the Mobile and Girard Railroad, 36 miles from Colum bus and 4-J- miles from Enon.on the Chunennuggee R’dge. Price sl2i cash. If desired long time will be given by adding interest. For further particulars apply to A. D. Cleckley, at the Store of Andrews, Ridgeway &. Cos., Co lumbus, or to the subscriber on the premises. Oct. 20—w tw2m JOHN L CLECKLEY. VALUABLE RIVER PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE subscribers offer for sale the Plantation and de tached pieces of land of the late Major John Cantey, deceased, lying in Russell county, Ala., immediately upon the Chattahoochee river, twenty miles below Columbus Ga. The main plantation contains about three thousand antes of land, perfectly level and free from freshets; about 1800 acres of rich river bottoms, balance first quality pine lands, 1400 of which is cleared and in cultivation. This plantation is unusually well settled, having all the necessary buildings (framed) to accommodate two hund red negroes. It is well watered and healthy, and in point of fertility and location, these lands are not surpassed by any in the State. The plantation is very susceptible of di vision, and will be sold in a body or divided to suit two purchasers. ‘Terms will be made liberal, as the lands are sold for a division. Persons wishing to buy are requested to examine the place; and any further information will be given by ad dressing either of the subscribers. JAMES CANTEY, Ex’r of John Cantey, Columbus, Ga. JOHN CANTEY, oct2—wtwtillst.jan _ Camden,S. C. CITY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. p... n? WE offer on accommodating terms one of the most desirable residences in the city. The ail fgjs* lot contains a full acre of ground,situated in the upper part of the City, in a healthy location and convenient to the churches. On the pre iri ses are a first rate dwelling and all necessary outhouses; also, one of the best wells of water in the place. For further particulars apply to to HARRISON & McGEHEE, octl6—w&twlm. Auctioneers. COW FEED! COW FEED ! ONE DIME PER BUSHEL! For a short time, in order to reduce our File !! VyE are selling bran at6o cents per hundred pounds, which ” is less than 10 cents per bushel, and Snorts at 80 cents per hundred. Keep your cows fat. No excuse at such prices.— Where 1000 lb? at a time are taken, we will sell at 50 cents lor Bra i and 70 cents tor Shorts. Meal 70 cents per bushel. nov6—wtwtf. Winter’s Palace Mills. WHITE WHEAT WANTED! AT PALACE MILLS! WE will pay $ J per bushel Cash, for Prime White Wheat (well cleaned,) and $1 60 for Prime Red. Farmers, avail yourselves of this chance. novfi w&twtf G. W. WINTER, Pres’t. TO PLANTERS. LINSEYS ! LINSEYS!! WE call attention to the fact that our Linseys are wi der, by 2or 3 inches, than those usually sold here that they are made of prime Georgia Wool, and weigh fuil 10 ounces to the yard. If Planters consult their in terest they will buy of our goods. They, are the best in Georgia. aug3lwtwtf WINTER FACTORY. THE trading public who have hitherto patronized the TROY FACTORY, will please take notice that W. K. HARRIS is no lon ger connected or associated in any ’manner whatever with the business of the establishment All business hereafter will be transacted exclusively with ourselves at our VYarerooms. It. G. JEFFERSON & CO. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 23. w&twtf BROOKS & CHAPMAN, COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE removed to their new and commodi ous Store, 2 Doors Below their,old Stand, on West Broad Street. We are now receiving and offering at Whole sale and Retail pi ices, a Stock of DRUGS, MEDCINES, And all other articles pertaining to our busi ness, which, in point of quality and variety,are equal, it not superior, to any ever before offered in this market. Physicians and Merchants doing business in the Country, will find it to their in terest to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as we shall be enabled, through our facilities, to offer our articles upon very low terms. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT, In this important branch of the business we have made ma ny desirable improvements, to which, we particularly call the attention of Physicians and the citizens of Columbus. Fully aware ot the responsibility attached to the COM TO UJfD LYO UF MEI) ICINRS and the precaution necessary to be used we are determined to give it our personal attention; which assu rance, with our known exneriencejn the business, will, we trust, secure for us a continuance of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed. Physicians and those who wish to be served after the usual hour of closing at night, will find us in the back room above the store, which is accessible by a fiigbt of stairs Irom ,the front. IMPORTED FRENCH TOILET ARTICLES. They are also receiving and will continue to keep on hand a good supply of the above; consisting of a great variety of Soap3. Lubia’s Hdkf. Extracts & Cologne, ! in Cut and beautiful Bohemian Glassware Bottles: also, other Fancy Articles, to which we respectfully ’invite attention. ’ of the Negro and Moriar. .jSyJ JOHN W. BROCKS, petli—w&twtt F. S.CHAPMAN. DR. CARRIGER fiIAS removed to the house fomerly occupied by Col. Lee; east of the Presbyterian Church, and on the north east corner of Crawford & Forsyth streets. novlO ‘ tw4w Just Received, a Consignment of BBLS. Northern Apples 100 Bbls “ Potatoes. 50 “ “ L T nions. At the Grocery Store of HULL & BRADLEY. Columbus. Oct. 23. twlf. WANTED. AC.IRr.YET MAKER . also a CHAIR MAKER, for which liberal wages will be triven. K. G. JEFFERSON & CO Col urn bn?, Nov. 3d—twtf STATE FAIR, Montoomkry &. Wkst Point Railroad, { Montgomery, Ala. Oct 23,1855. \ STOCK and all article* intended “for exhibition at the State Fair, to beheld in Montgomery on the 20th of November, will be passed over this road free of charge, and [persons hav ing such will please give timely notice to the so thatthe requisitecars may be in readiness at the several stations. Persons making themselves known as visitors to the .Fair, will be passed at half tne regular fare. SAMUEL G. JONES, oct27—twtd Ene'r. & Sup’t. For Sale. A FIRST Rate Saddler and Harness Maker, 27 years of a e, of good character, intelligent, sound and healthy. Applyto “ A. K. AYER oct4 —twti No. 131 Broad Sire t. DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. undersigned offer for sale the House and Lot oc copied at present by M. Woodruff. The house 1 con tains 8 large rooms, 6 tire places, and a Dairy underneath. On the lot are a kitchen, with live comfortable rooms, a smoke house, stable and carriage house, and a well of first rate water. The improvements are all new and in good order. Negroes will be taken in exchange for the place. Apply to HARRISON & McGEHEE. Columbus, Ga. Oct. 23. wtwltn. DR. LEE, DENTIST, ( HAS returned and will resume the practice his profession on .Monday the 15th inst. Office coiner of Broad and Randolph streets—over Mygatt’s Store. octll—w&tw3m REMOVAL, CUSHMAN? DFNTIST* I_r Removed across to No. 48 broad Street, over Purnle’s Jewelrv Store. oct2— wtwtf. 1W mi GOODS. TAKE pleasure in announcing to their customers and the public generally, that they have just completed one ofthe most extensive and choice stocks of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, For the FAIiL TRADE, thathasever been exhibited in Columbus, many of the articles being directly imported by themselves, giving them an opportunity of offering to their customers, inducements heretofore unknown in Columbus. Os every description {manufactured expressly for J. & J. K. All kinds of EMBROI I)ERIES [jdireci *'rotn Paris. Rich and Beautiful SILKS do do do MANTILLAS &: CLOAKS of eeryj design, direct trom Paris. ALSO, A WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, embracing every new and desirable style. A HEAVY STOCK OF Negro Blankets, Shoes, Hats Kerseys, and every other article fin their gline at Very Reduced Prices. Call and examine. Columbus, Ga. [sepl2s—wtwtf STEVENS & KIDDER’S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE, For the Purpose of Splitting, Shaving and Jointing Shingles. THE Machine is simple in its construction, but strong and durable, and not liable to get out of order. £ It will make from Fifteen hundred to two thou sand Shingles per hourJXi of superior quality, and of any desired uniform thickness or taper. The timber is fed to the Machine .as cut from the Log, without steaming, boiling or drying, in bolts of no required thickness or shape. Two hands only are needed to attend it. A two-horse power is sufficient to run it. The Ma chine can be attached to any kind of motive power, whe ther run by Horse, Steam or Water—to Mills, Gins, &,c. The undersigned will dispose of Rights for the States of Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana. A. S. NEWHOUSE, A. D. IIILL. The Machine can be seen in operation at the WINTER Iron Works, Montgomeiy, for six weeks. Nov. 7. oct9— wtw6m PERKY DAVIS’ OPINIONS OF THE PRI£SS. VTTE take pleasure m reieiring .ne reeuer to the testimo- W ni .Is of'our prominent druggists and well known citi zens to the virtue of Davis’Pain Killer. We have used the article and found it valuable. The sale of this article in the United States is beyond all precedent, as the books ol the of fice will show. —Cincinnati Commercial. Davis’ Vkgstable Pain Killjcr. —Wercferour readersto an advertisement with the above caption, in the advertising columns of this morning’s Eagle. We first heard of this med icine during a recent visit to the New England States, and be ing struck with the novelty of the title, we were induced to make some enquiry about it, and were surprised to learn that it was kept constantly inthe bouses of most of the inhabi tants ol the cities and villages where we stopped, to be used in cases of sudden attacks of pain, burns, scalds, Ace., and we heard it spoken of in terms “of high commendation by both druggists and physicians. much we can with propriety say asjourualists,in favor of thearticie. —[Philadelphia Eagle. Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Kil* kr.— Voluntarily, conscienciously, and with much pleasure, we recommend to our readers the above named medicine. vVe speak from our own observation and experience when we say that it removes pain as it bv migic from all parts of the body, and is one of the best medicinesin use for checking Diarrhoea, and tor re moving the premonitory symptorops of cholera. It is applied both internaliv and externally, with the best effects, and none who have once used the Pain Killer would willingly be with outit constantly in theD houses.—[Cincinnati Eve. Nonpareil. Davis’Pain Killer. —This article needs no comment from us, but the real w orth of so valuable a compound, compels us to give publicity to it, in our Transcript. Mi ‘*erry Devis.the manufacturer and inventor, is a gentlemanfc whom we enter tain the highest respect, and any article he should .offer to the public we should have thejiitmost confidence in'. The Pain Killer we keep constantly on band, and have done so for a sum berof years, and bave administered it torails of all descrip tions, both external and Internal, and have ever found it to be toe best remedy extant. We well rcollcct its first introduction for public patronage; it was then sold'in a few shops in this city; look at it now. Hie world are its patrons. A few days ago we published a certificate from Burmab, and we have often seen them from the most remote habitable regions of the globe. Reader, if you have not a supply on hand, (we trust yeu have, as it isalmost indispensable) procureit at once,and nev er be without itagain—it will save many a physician’s bill. — Providence Daily Transcript. For sale by RUBT. CARTER and DANFORTH & NAGEL, Columbus,and also by Druggists and Medicine Dealers every where. septll—w&twtf.