The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, November 16, 1855, Image 4

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CIGAR MANUFACTORY, CRAWFORD STRETT, Door* below Rankin'* Corner. THE aubecriber keens constantly on hand the finest HA* VANA CIGARS, and offers them for sale at the lowest prices, by Wholesale and Retail. A good lot of American Cigare. Also, every variety of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff, and all the articles usual ly found in an establishment of this kind. All goods sold by me are warranted genuine and free from defects of any kind. Orders from the country care fully and promptly attended to. augl4—w&twly JAMES ESTEVEZ. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land! THE undersigned having associated themselves together for j the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND uDder the several actß of Congress heretofore passd, are now prepared to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, under a recent actof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all he necessary information. Wcare also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United States. F:om our long experience and gen ral success, we can with confidence say, that a'l claims entrus d to our care, will be promptly and speedily adjusted ‘Jne ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will ive the business his personal attention there. Offlceover Guuby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus,Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, foh24. .wAttwtf. A. B. RAGAN. ‘FARMERS’ & EXCHANGE BANK” Os Charleston, South Carolina. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS. X>lLLSon New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, .J Savannah and Augusta, discounted at customary rates — Bight Exchange on any of the above named cities for sale. E. T. TAYLOR, Agent. Office next door to the Post. < ifflee. o*l utiVu O:’. ?, tSii. wlmtw2m AYER & ECTOR, General Agents, Auction, Commission, Re ceiving, and Forwarding Merchants, NO. 131, WEST BROAD STREET. PARTICULAR attention given to the keeping, pur chase and sale of Negroes. Administrator’s and Ex ecutor’s Sales attended to on reasonable terms. Columbus,(fa., Oct. 13, 1855. twtf. A. M. HULL. H. C. BRADLEY. HULL & BRADLEY, Grocers & Commission Merchants, AT TIIE OLD STAND OF D- P- ELLIS & CO., COLUMBUS, GA. Highest market prices paid for Hides, Cotton and Linen Rags, Wool, &c oct9—twtf. DRS. SCHLEY & DAVIsT OFFICE OVER ST. MARY’S BANK BUILDING, oct27—twtf UP STAIRS. Land for Sale! THE subscriber offers for sale his Aaluable planta -4®s{fiktion situated on Chattahoochee river,in Henry county, pjHMkAla., twelve miles below Eufaulu, containing Sixteen Jk—- Hundred Acres, more or less. There are one hundred acres of uncleared river Ibottoin . that will produce a bag of cotton to the acre. There are on the premises a fine dwelling twelve framed negro houes, a good well of water, and a never tailing spring; a fine gin carried by water power. With little expense a good mill could be put in operation. All of the fields have running water in them, supplied by unfailing springs. For purity of water the springs cannot be exceeded ii the South. The land is productive and the titles indisputa ble. To those who disposed toseelhe place, I say come, and I am sure you will embrace this opportunity of acquiring a good farm. Z. C. WILLIAMS. sep',29 tw3m. TO THE MUSICAL WORLD.”" 7 ” . THE undersigned would respectfully in- the citizens of Columbus that he hasre -11 x X I * turned from the North and will resume his lessons on, Monday Uct. Ist. He would be obliged to those who wish to avail themselves of his services, to make an early application as the number of his pupils will be limited. NEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC. Ihe undersigned offers for sale a large assortment of New and Fashionable Music. It has been selected bv himselt,during his recent visit to the North, and forms the best assortment ever brought to this market. A large discount will be made to teachers of music, and to Principals of Academies and Colleges. Rooms over Merry’s Clothing Store. Broad St. Colom bus Ga. sep2stwtf H. S. SARONI. By Authority of the State of Georgia, FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber having accepted from the Commissioners the Agency and Management of the FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established the prii cipal ( fllce at Atlanta, Georgia, ana intends conducting the Lottery on the same plau as that of the Southern Military Academy Lottery , of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR NOV. Class 9. t3T To be drawn Nov. 23, 1855, in the City of Atlauta, Ga„ when Prizes amounting to Will be distributed according to the following magnificent Scheme! remember every Prize is drawn at eacti Drawing, and paid when due WIIHOU f DEDUCTION! 1 Prize of. 10 000 Prizes ol 2,000 are 4000 3 “ of 500 are 1500 11 “ of 250 are • 2 709 10 “ of 110 are 1100 17 “ of 75 are 1 ’275 43 •* of 50 are ’ 2150 84 “ of 25 are 2 075 500 “ of 10 are 2.000 530 of 5 are 3,150 1,000 Prizes amounting to S3O 000 Tickets ss——Quarters $1.25. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communications 6trictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21 td Atlanta, Georgia. JjL . JOHN MAY Agent. Office nearly opposite the P. O. Columbus, Ga. NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. THE subscriber is Agent of YV. H. Guion.New Carpet Store Savannah, Ga., who has alwayson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, &c. Samples and pricesof all qualities of Carpeting and Oil Cloth may be seen at my store, B*2 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., and any ot the above articles ordered without delay. Carpets cut to rooms free of charge, and made, ifdesired, for sraallcompensation, by an experienced hand in Savannah, will be regularly supplied with new patterns for the coming season. ® P. A. CLAYTON, Columbus,May 3-, wl f 82 Brol ' d S,rMt ‘ BACON & FLOUR. JUST RECEIVED. |AA AAA f°UNDS TE.\NESSKE(BACOJi. 1 \ vrV* ICO Sacks Tennessee Flour. 40 Bbls. Howard Street Flour-a Superior Article. ‘t ogether with a well assorted Stock otGUOCICRIES winch will be sold at the lowest market price Bv Colnmhua Ga.. RIGA CO. WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, ’ ;POR Si: LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TKKMS <^ Sn * junel6—w&twtf “OLD TOM’ r GIN J Hrticle ? f “° LD TOM ” G ™ in for medical purp v **'aKe, and a moat excellent article Cana. 4 P |unlT a bu l>erior article of Potash in tin .tuiu.-tTvtf. p A CLA ytON. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. GEORGE KIDD WILL go out from our Nursery to lay out Gardens anywhere in the State of Georgia, or the adjoining conutiesin Ala brma. Address Moses A Lee, octal-twtf KBQUELINF, HILL NURSERY. Athenaeum Insurance Society of London. U. S. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL TEN A MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WILL take Risks on Dwellings and other property in town and count, y, upon very reasonable terms. Loss from Fire by Lightning made good. JOHN MUNN, Agent. Office over the Store of Messrs. E. Barnard, & Cos., Colum bus, Ga julyl9 —tw3m SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS X. ♦ To be drawn Dec. 10 th, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and paid when due WITHOUT DEDUCTION! ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. I Prize of SIO,OOO 2 do of 2000 are 4.000 3 do of 500 are 15.00 II do of 250 are 2,750 10 do of 110 are 1,109 17 do of 75 are 1,275 43 do of 50 are 2,150 83 do” of 25_sre 2,<75 200 do k .of 10 are 2,000 630 do I 3,150 In all ptizes amounting to $31,000 £ Whole Tickets $5; Halves s2i; Quarters sl£. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN. Agent and Manager, Sign ol the Bronze Lion M ontgomery, June 29, twtd KT” All letters will meet immediate answer if addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus. Ga. GROCERIES AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. INTENDING to close my business by the I3th September,! will sell my 4 Stock of Goods for COST! I have superior old Brandies, Gin, Rum, Whisky, Madeira,Sher ry & Port Wines. Most of these articles have been on hand nearly two years,making them not only betteron account ofj age, but they| cost much leas then Pthanthey would now.— I also offer fresh Porter, Al, Clarret, Champagne, Syrups and Bitters; Cigars, tobacco, Tea, Cofiee, Candies, Soap,Macker el, Salmon,| Pickled Pig, Pork, Lard, Oil,J Viuegar Pot Ash, &c., &c., allot the best quality and for sale at cost on accom modating terms. I will also sell city lots, *Nos. 28r, 282,441, 466, 468, 598, 15, and; a part of No. 19, near the Bridge. Also lot No. 3, with a comfortable dwelling and outhouses, situated on the Female Academy square, a most desirable location, being convueient to the Female Academy, to the Churches and to business. Also fraction No. 56, containing about 10 acres, adjoining Wm. B. MitcheiPMr. Comer, and Jthe lands of Col. Jones, not more than on and a half miles from town. Apply to P. A. CLAYTON. N. B. —All who are indebted must call and settle their ac counts or they will be placed in the hands ot an officer.!! aug2—w&twtf P. A. C. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MONTGOMERY, WEST POINT & OPELIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. On and after the 16th July SPRAINS on this road will the following SCHEDULE: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5% a. m. Arrive at Columbus 11.50 a.m. Arrive at WestlPoint 11.45 a.m. Leave folumbus...., 8.40 a. m. # Arrive at Montgomery 2.40 p. m. Arrive at West Point 11.45 a. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.50 p. m. Arrive at Columbus 2.45 a. m. “ West Point 2.30 a.m. Leave Columbus 11.30 p.m. Arrive at Montgomery 7.30 a.m. *• West Point 2.30 p.m. Double Daily Connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta and Nashville, and daily to Knoxville,Tenn. Daily connections are continued from Montgomery to .Mo bile by stages and steamboats. Passengers taking the Night Train from Columbus, are re quested to purchase tickets of the agent at the PERRY HOUSE between the hours of 10 and 11 o’clock p.m. jul 26. .w&.twtf. S. G. JONES, Eng’r.fc Sup. Change of Schedule ON THE MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD! OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MAIL! On and after July 16th, THERE will be Two Daily Mail Trains between Columbus and Macon—arrival aud departure as follows : Arrive atColumbus 7% a.m.and 10% p.m. Leave “ 4% a. m. and 1% p. in. Arrive at Macon 10% a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Leave do 2.10a.m. and 3% p.m. BOTH TRAINS Making a complete connection between Montgomery, Ala., and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington and Charleston: also, with Ceutral Hail Road to Savannah, and Mi Hedgeville, and with the Macon and Western Trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. Also, connecting at Columbus with the Girard &’Afobile Railroad, for Eufaula. But one change of Cars between Montgom ery and Augusta, between which places are running ar efui Baggage Masters under heavy bonds, who will check baggageand follow it through. B. E. WELLS, Columbus, July 17 —tw&wtt Engineer and Sup’t MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. Jud |K? ON and after Tuesday, 16th October, the Passenger & Freight Train wilhleave Girard at 2 P. M.daily, (Sundaysexcep ted) connecting at Silver Run with a daily line of Stages to Villula, Glennville, Eufaula, Fortfiaines, and Marianna,Fla. And on Tuesdays, and Fridays, with the Stages for Uchee, Olivet, Enon, Hardaway, Chunnenuggee, Midway, Perote and Union Springs. Leaving Silver Run at 6%, A. M., daily, (Mondays excepted) arrive atGirard at BA. M., connecting with the Opelikaanu Muscogee Trains. Round trip, tickets good for four days can be purchased at Girard and Silver Run, at less than the regular rate. Atr All freight must be paid before goods will be discharg ed. YVay freight must in in all cases be paid in advance. R. A. HARDAWAY. ectl6-w&.twtf. Engineer. HAYGOOD’S Semi-Weekly STAGE LINE, RUNS in connection with the Mobile & Girard Rail Road on Tuesdays and Fridays. oct6—twtf A. HAYGOOD, Driver. WANTED, UNTIL Ist next, a faithful and trusty servant girl, as nurse. Apply at the Oct. 13-twtf. TIMES &, SENTINEL OFFICE. NEW VOLUMES OF |THE FOUR GREAT BRITISH REVIEWS namely, EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH, AND LON DON QUARTERLIES, AND BLACK WOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, (MONTHLY,) Commence with the North British jor May, 1855, and the other Reviews and Blackwood for July, 1855. Terms of Subscription: Anyone Review oi Blackwood, $3 a year. Blackwood and one Review— or anv two Reviews, $5. The four Reviews and Blackwood. $lO. Four copies to one address, S3O. Postage (which sbonld be paid quarttrly in advance) on the four Reviews and blackwood to any post office in the Uni ted States, only 80 cents a year. Namely: 14 cents a year one each Review, and 91 cents a venren Blackwood. Address PCYiTT & CO., Publishers, ®eptß 54 Gold-st.corner Fulton, N. Y LAND WARRANTS, LAND OFFICE AND AGENCY, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE OF ALL .DESCRIPTIONS. CONVEYANCER, &c., &c., ON RANDOEFH STREET, Opposite the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. IHAVEdeterminedto devote roy time exclusively to the LAND BUSINESS, and hope, from my knowledge of the lands in Georgia, to be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may entrust me with business. I am prepared to either buy or sell, perhaps to better advantage than any other person in Western or South-Western Georgia. If. you have landstosell, call upon me; if I do not purchase, I will find you a purchaser. If you wish to buy, call also, for I have many valuable lots and settlements of land tosell. From my extensive knowledge of the owners of lands, I am prepar ed to ascertain the owner of almost every vacant lot of land in the State. If you wih to have your land valued, you may rely upon correct information, upon reasonable terms. Deeds, JM ortgages, and other instruments, drawn cor rectlyand at low rates. 13'” A gents wanted to sell Bonner’s large map of Georgia high per cent.given. One thing is certain,l am paying New York and Washing ton City Prices for LAND WARRANTS, allowing a small commission. Having also made an arrangement with one of the best firms in Washington, I am prepared to apply for Bounty Land Warrants, of all sizes, and will charge but Five Dollars for each applica tion —to be paid for when the warrant arrives. 1 ring in your claims soon. As I intend to makelhisa permanent business,and give it my undivided attention, with a determination to give satisfaction, 1 hope to receive a liberal share of patronage, from my friends and the community generally. S. R. BONNER, july3l—w&twlv Land Office. Columbus. Manufacturers’ & Mechanics’ Dank, ) Columbus, Ga., June Ist, 1855. } THIS Instittution having been re-organized under new Di rectors and Officers, as a local Bank of Georgia, is prepar ed to receive deposites and furnish exchange on New York Savannah, dontgomery and other points, at the usual rates and will take paper for collection. E. T. T AY- OR, President. J.H. Fonpa, Cashier. jn3n—wt&wtf Is now put up in the Largest Sized Bottles , aud is acknowl edged to be the best Sarsaparilla made , as is certified by the iron derful cures it has performed, the original copies of which arc m the possession of the Propiietor. Remember , this is the only true and original article. Scrofula, Syphillis, Merculial Complaints, Cancer, Gangrene Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other diseases are speedily and perfectly cured by the use of this medicine. Read the following Certificate : Tallapoosa Cos., Ala., Jan. 2, 1852. Dear Sir: —1 send you this to certify to you that your Ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has performed one ol the most wonderful cures on me that has ever been effected on man. I have been afflicted for forty years with eruptions on my legs and feet; in 1848 they got so bad that 1 9fi a d to go on crutches, and in 1849 I had one leg amputated above the knee. In about nine mouths after iny other leg {broke out in large eatingand running sores from my knee to my foot, and dis charged a great deal of offensive matter. My groin also broke out in large biles, #hich discharged much offensive matter,and at toe same time my left hand broke out in large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery that I have suffered for the last two years I can not desciibe to }OU. 1 was in such agony that I neverrested day or night. In October last my son brought me one of your bottle wrap pers; I read it, and found record of some wonderful cures performed by your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla” 1 sent and got two bottles of it, and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my great astonishment, my sores all became ea sy, and I could sleep all night, a thing 1 had not done lor two years* When 1 had taken six bottles, my sores had nearly all healed. My sores got well as if by enchantment. 1 have now used in all eight bottles ol your “Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and now consider myself well. 1 entreat all of the alficited to try this medicine, for I believe it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside all prejudice and just try it, and proclaim (its great worth to suffering mankind aud entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. JV My case is well known in a large portion of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and if any should doubt the above cure,l invite them to’call on me, and I will show them the scars. I can be found in Tallapoosa County Alabama, one mile from Stoe’s Ferry. SENAJAH HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adaptedfor females of delicate health, resulting from irregularity of men strual discharges, and other dieases peculiar to their sex, — The proprietor has in his possession ®f a great number of cer tificates of cures, performed of the above description. We assure the affl'eted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott’s Ex tractor Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those difficulties and renew the natural energies. |3T , l >ut up in quart bottles—price $1 per bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Scovill & Meead, Chartres Street, N, 0 General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. ALSO SOLD BY David Young, Colnmbus L Ga., J. T. Reese, Greenville, Brooks &, Chapman, “ “T. .T. Hunt &. Cos Whitesville Danforth &, Nagle, “. “B. H. Head Lumpkin. Ga. Robert Carter, “ “E. Willis & Cos., Talbotton, J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton, G. J. Briggs, Buena Vista,Ga jnne.2B w&twtj THIS Medicineis prepared by a regular bred Southern Phy sician who has practiced hisprolession for vhe last eight een years in the State of Alabama. It will be lound upon a fair trial to be the most prompt and effectual remedy for all diseasesol the Chest and Lungs ever discovered,and when every other remedy fails this is sure; to give relief. The greatest care has been taken in its preparation, being compounded on the most scientific principles. In its composi tion is embraced a combination of the most valuable and effec tive Expectorants , Anodynes and Sedatives which are known to possess the highest repute with all intelligent members ol the Mcaical Profession. No fact can be more self evident than that this preparation has already acquired high reputation and great popularity wherever it has been introduced. Assuming no extraordina ry pretensions, but relying solely upon itsownintrinsic virtues, this valuable medicine, invented and prepared by an experi enced, Southern Physician after many years of practical inves tigation and application, has at length secuied the most un limited confidence, wherever it has been introduced,as acer tain remedial agent in all diseases of the respiratory organs. Jf the unsolicited testimony of skillful physicians, profound lawyers, and eminent divines, together with others of high character,learning and discrimination, ca>’ be any evidence o f its intrinsic superiority, certainly it has a claim upon the gen erous confidence of an enlightened and discriminating com munity. A train oi diseases so desolating, so withering, so general and fatal in their results, has at length met with a rem edy that never fails toccrk, unlessby long and criminal neglector injudicious disease has completelyun dermined the constitution, and nothing has been left to rear the fair fabric of health upon, but its ruined and desolated frag ments. A remedy therefore! that canberelied Jupon, ‘that will YIELD IMMEDIATE RELIEF, THAT WILL CURE BEYOND A DOUBT,if the directions are faithfully lollowed, is priceless, forhealth is paramount to all earthly considerations, and by far the most inestimable treasure this world can afford. Dr. Boon, a dis tinguished physician of Macon, Ga., says, “that in every in stance he has found this preparation a safe and prompt reme dy for all pulmonarv diseases, and* takes pleasure in recom mending it as a reliable anodyne ‘expectorant.” Dr. Tennant, of Marie'ta, Ga., a physician of ’decid’ dly high reputation as I an able and experienced practitioner, t iterta.ns and expresses the same opinion, and recommends it extensively in his prac tice. Dr. P.M.Cohen, of Char eston, S. C., the senior partner in the exter sive Wholesale and Importing Drug House ol P. M.Cohen & Cos., recomtnendsit in the highest terms,and says this preparation has the highest character in that city,and that he usesu altogether in his family with invariable success. Dr. YV. A. Booth,of Memphis, Tenn., expresses the most exalted opinion of its efficacy. Dr.J. B. Ellis, of Ripley, A/iss.. re commends ithighl7,nnd prescribesit extensively in his practice. hi addition to the above, the inventorand proprietor of this Medicine has an almost innumerable number of testimonials of its efficacy and high character, and is daily receiving more. • dbi al * wholesale and retail Druggists everywhere, and in Columbus hy Messrs Brooks & Chapman; Danforth &. Nagle* Robt. Carter; Robert A. Ware, and David Young. Brice Cine Dollar per Bottle, or Six Dottles for Five Dollars. KJT Caution.— None genuine. unless there is a fine steel en graving on the outside, with the sac simile of CUAS. It IL- I. /AMS. .w. />., eugraved thereon—also, his name and the name of the medicine are blown in the glass. Be sure to ask for Dr.C Williams’ Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, and let no other be palmed upon \ou “12^. ™ a >’ depend upon your caution in this particular, “jf or uer for this valuable medicine should he addressed to Wilkinson & Duryee, Huntsville, Ala., who are my general agents for the Southern States. ... C. WILLIAMS, M.D.. augustli—w&iwly Tuseambia, Ala. SAMMIS & ROONEY HAVE REMOVED THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCK OF TO TH'EIR NEW FOUR STORY BRICK BUILDING, {IRON FRONT,) Nearly Opposite their Old Stand. WHERE they will be happy to see their old friends and customers, and show them some thing brilliant and inviting in the way ot M UNI 11 RE. ar p ad* Our Ware-Rooms are unequalled in Beauty and our lurmture rcchcrc i . ‘ . vantages to purchasers, furnishing their Houses, throughout, in a task u int ’ having a branch of our business in New York City, where the Senior partner Manufactures, der his own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. W e have on hand Furnituie sui a Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Room and Kitchen, Os Rosewood, Mahoeony, Walnut Pine , sc., sc.; and as LOW as can be found North or South. An assortment of CARPETING and CT will also be on ham t lat no fail to please. Call and see. Our Stock consists in part ot ETARSHAS, TE I E A * ARM CHAIRS, WHAT NOTS & SOFAS of Rosewood. Brocatelle and Mahogany for parlors. BUREAUS—Dressing, Marble and Mahogany tops. SIDE-BOARDS, Marble & Mah’gy lops. BOOK CASES of all kinds and SECRETARIES attached. TABLES-Centre, Dining and Extension. BEDSTEADS—High and low post, French & Cottage. Enamel sets for bed rooms, all colors. Walnut Setts for Bed Roorlts, Mahogony do. CHAIRS—an extensive assortment of all Woods. LOOKING-GLASSES all sizes in frames and out. CARPETS—Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, &c. CURTAINS—of Brocatelle and Damask; all colors. SHADES, Gilt Cornices and Curtain Holders. Columbus, Ga. Oct2s-w&tw3m READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHING TO ORDER & GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS ! f® 8. BJUSXSH ft SgtllAis, HAVE now in Store a large well assorted and carefully selected Stock of Boy’s Youth’s and Gentlemen’s Fashionably Cut and Well Made Clothing, of their own Manufacture. A Beautiful Assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, THUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, &C. ALSO, AN EXCEEDINGLY LARGE STOCK OF C33si33^o.Odessa sirndd Which (havings upplied themselves with the best mechanics that can be commanded in the City of New York,) they are prepared to manufacture in a style of cut and finish, never before known in this city. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 23 1855. .ii w&twtf. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. 1 I. A. BROKAW &€©., 1 Have now in Store a Complete Assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We think those wishing to purchase goods in our line will find it greatly to their interest to call and examine our stock. GOODS MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to cut and make all garments in our line with despatch, as DANIEL KOWE AND GEO. H. BETZ Will give their entire attention to the work entrusted to them. A. Takes this method of informing his-friends that he is now permanently located at X® ’ A® BBtSßlf ftfsisO f i t Where he will be happy to see them, and pledges himself to give his entire attention toall who may desire ELE GANT FITTING GARMENTS. Columbus, May 26, 1855. w&twtf Are You Sick? THEN you can’t be cured too soon. Don’t delay until your complaint is incurable, and then mourn when it is too late. Four fifths of all the diseases which people the cnurch yards, might be cured by Ayer’s Cathartic Fills, if taken in season. Don’t be dragging through the Spring, laint, sleepy and listless, because your blood is loaded with bile.— Don’t wear the head-ache, heart-burn, and their kindred dis orders, because your stomach Is foul. Don’t parade yo melf around the world, covered with Pimples, Blotches, Ulcers, Sores, and all or any of ihe unclean disease-! of the skin, be cause your system wants cleansing. Don’t show yourself about, lean, haga~d, all caved in, because jour stomach and bowels reed strengthening into healthy faction. Ayer’s Pills set these things risrht, as surely as water quenches fire. They purify the body and blood, and restore their functions into healthv activity, which you can feel as quick as they are ta ken. They are the one great medical wonder of this age. re cognized by all who know their virtues, and fmany thousands know them. Take the Cherry Pectoral Ifor a Cough, and # the Pills for all derangements requiring a Purgative medicine". Prepared by I'r. J. C. Ayer, Chemist, Lowell, Mass, and sold by Danfortti &. Nagle, Columbus, Geo. T.S. Brsdfield, West Point, “ W. W. W ilson, Talbotton, “ Dr. J. F. Woodbury,Hamilton,“ Chauncey Fowler, Tuskegee, Ala. septlsp7w&tw2ra JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, Civil) ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. ARCHITECTURAL Designs and Working Plans for Build ings furnished. Artificer’s work calculated, .Surveys of land made, and Topograpical plans furnished with accuracy neatness and despatch. Office over Col. Holt’s Law Office Columbus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. SETTLE UP. ALL persons indebted to the Hte firm of WILI.IJ3MS & FERO C/o'OJV.are hereby notified that unless tlieir Notes and Accounts are settled before the flrstof June, they will have to settle with someone else. mayl7—wfctwtf FOR SALE. A FIRST RATE SADDLE HORSE. Apply to augß—rf LOMAX & ELLIS SEED WHEAT. A LOT of choice White Wheat, just received and for sale at octll—w&.twtf PALACE MILLS?. Sulphur Medicated Vapor Baths, No, 22 Croad-st. Opposite to Union Bank, COLUMBUS, GA. THOSE Vapor fumegaUons are now to be had as above They have been lestedm Paris for 40 years; in London auu i New York for many years, and are highly esteemed bv the Numerous tesnmoumle here .mi , or g ,be hlehtti i h.S“o r be a .eeu.Mh d er M ' ,m *"">"*’>'> t.heu fbe'i I oaths, to be -cen at therein up stans. sept!s-twtf A CARD. THIS Paper is manufactured at Rock Island Paper Mills Columbus Ga. Three and a half cents per lb’ will be paid for Clean Linen and Cotton RAGS. Printing and Wrapping Paper for Sale AT low prices. Columbus, Ga. July 17. w&twtf COHN WANTED. Yl7 E will pay the highest market price for Corn, of old or new crop, in the ear or shelled. Cash paid lor any quantity from 1 Bushel to 1000. sept26—wtwtf WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. WOOL CARDED AND MANUFACTURED. WOOL Carded at toll or 10 cents per lb. Manufactured into Linsey on shares of one half, or fifteen cents per yd. Columbus, may 26. WINTER FACTORY. WINTER FACTORY, Columhus, Ga. YARNS, LINSEYS,* WRAPPING TWINE’ SEWING THREAD, for sale. WOOL Carded at one fourth toll or ten cert* per ponnd. LINSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. per yard. All Work done Promptly and Warranted. MONTGOMERY~IRON works, MONTGOMERY, AL.A. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines,Circular Saw Mills/Grist Mills, Shafting, er any desciiption of MACJUMF.R Y. Also Rich’s un rivalled VVater Wheels,the best in tbe world. Lynch, Page & Cos, Whittlesy &. Cos., Woodruff k. Goetcbius,on the Muscogee Rail Road,and numerous others, testify to cutting 1000 feet of Lumber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Saw Mills ol one Saw. G. W. WINTER, roarl2—w&twtf Asrent, Columbus Georeia. BACON! Wf E will sell for CASH or on a CREDIT until the Fall or erd D os the year, the Best Quality of Tennes see Bacon! Call at B. A. Richards &. Go’s.,James Ligon's, Broad Street, Columbus Ga.,and at the store of O. Lamer, Gi rard, Ala. A reduction in price will be made in favor of Mer chants. G. W. ALEXANDER, jUlylO—wfrtwlf. J. R. JONES. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to A. C. Flewellen & Cos. wil? pleaee makeimmediate payment. Their accounts m\ b found Btth* Book Store of J.L. HOWELL, Columbus,Dee 36—twtwtf