The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 19, 1855, Image 3

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WE are authorized to announce R. T. SIMONS a can didate lor Sheriff ol Muscogee county at the ensuing elec tion in January next. dec 11—w&twte. WE are authorized to announce Maj. EDWARD J. .IIARDIN an Independent Candidate for Receiver ol Tax Returns, for Muscogee county, at the election in Jan uary next - decs—w&twtde WE are authorized to announce A. S. RUTHERFORD as candidate for Clerk ol the Superior Court of Muscogee county at the ensuing election in January. dellwtwtd WB are authorized to announce J. 15. Hides a candidate for the office of Coroner, at the ensuing election in January next, dec! tw wtd try Syphilis, Scrofula and Diseased Blood. For these terrific diseases, Carter’s Spanish Mixture is the only specific. w. The proprietor have in their possession p over one hun dred certilicutes of the most extraordinary cures effected by it. We refer to the certificate of Richard Adam°, late High Sheriff of Richmond, Va ; Edward Burton, Commission er of the Revenue for Richmond; General Welch, of the Mammoth Circus; Dr. Hendly, of Washington City; Mr. Win. A. Matthews and C. B. Luck, E-q., of Richmond, Va., and a host ol others, who have seen cases ol the worst description cured by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. They all certify that it is the greatest purifier of the blood known. Foreale by: THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, FORTII & NA G EL, decl9 —w&twlm Columbus, Ga. The following testimonial is from Dr. S. W. Haugliton, of the highly respectable firm of Haughton & Decherd, Druggists, Winchester, Tenn. Dr. C. Williams— Dear Sir: I have U3ed your Pulmon ic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha with great success in rny own case, and would not be without it in my family for any price. I consider it one of the best ex pectorants in use for coughs, colds, and difficulty in brea ih;ng. The firm of Haughton & Decherd, (of which I am partner,) have succeeded satisfactorily in the sale of the medicine during the last year, and could give ample testi monials, from those who have used it, of its pffieacy. S. W. HAUGHTON. Winchester, Tenn., Feb. 28, 1852. by all Druggists everywhere. See long ad vertisementYn another column. decl'J—Jm Worms! Worms!—Various theories have been started relative to the origin of intestinal worms, and yet the question is still a vexed one among medical authori ties. Os one fact, however, all are informed, and in which all agree—the fatal nature of the influence they exert on children. At this season of the year, the attacks ol worm are most frequent as well as most dangerous. We take great pleasure in directing the attention of parents to the Vermifuge of Dr. M’Lane. ft is one of the most extraor dinary medicines ever introduced to the public, and lias never lailed of success when tried. Purchasers will please be caretui to o*k for I)R. M’LANE’S CIiLEBRA I'KI) VISUM (FUCE, and take none else. All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. l)r. iU] Lane’s gen uine, Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Diug Stores in the United .States and Canada. OP*Bokl by alt the Druggists in Columbus, and by one agent in i-verv town. ( 1 ec.7— wM w‘w PERRY DAVIS’ IN INDIA. [Extract of a letter received from Rev. B. C. Thomas.] Tavoy, November 18, 1853. Messrs. P. Davis $ Son—Dear Sir*: ****The Karens have no more confidence in the charms of their ancestors- They desire rational remedies for the sick. By various means, principally through the agency of the Rev. D. L. Drayton, these Karen people have become acquainted with your medicine, and their demand for it is to me very sur prising. <> I now have by me orders for more than fifty bottles, but 1 have not got one bottle; 1 therefore wish you to send me a quantity, and 1 will pay you through the tieasurer of the Missionary Union. I hope weshall be favored with some of it as soon as possible. There is no medicine which stands so high in the estimation of the Karens of these pro vinces as the Pain Killer, and 1 feel willing to gratify them, as 1 entertain a very high'opinion of its worth. D. G. THOMAS. Providence, R. 1., July 7,1851. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son: Gents—Before 1 left Mer gui,both Karens and Burmans had found out the value of your Pain Killer, and 1 could readily have disposed of a Jargo quantity of it among them, it seems particularly efficacious in cholera (porous, bowel complaints, and oth er diseases, to which the natives “of Burmah, from their unwholesome style of living, ate particularly exposed. It is a valuble antidote to the poison of centipedes,scorpions, hornets and the like. I have been twice stung by scorpions and in both cases eased the most excruciating pain, ana en tirely prevented the swelling by applying the Pain Killer. On our voyage homeward from India, the Captain of the ship was taken with vomiting and purging and other symptoms of cholera. 1 gave him a good dose of Pain Killer with the most immediate and happy results. So en tire and speedy was the relief, that he assured me he would never again go a voyage without your excellent medicine, if he possibly could procure it. Respectfully yours, - R.v. ). BENJAMIN, Late Missionary to Burmah. Calcutta, Nov. 4,1853. Messrs. Perry Davis Son: Dear Sirs—Confirming my lespects of the 4ttv all., (duplicates herewith) 1 find it necessary to address you again,as my most sanguine ex pections have been more thau realized. The eali for your valuable medicine is increasing so very rapidly that 1 tear I shall soon be unable to keep pace with it, as 1 have only about one hundred bottles ol the supply per Union on hand, and hope that long ere this you have despatched me another package, ot which, however, I have not yet heard trom you. I rejnaiu, dear sir, Yours sineerelv, J. L. CARRU. For sale by ROBT. CARTER and DANFuR’iH &. NAGEL, Columbus,and also by Druggists and Medicine Dealers every where. dect— “We come with joy to greet you.” LT* £L VEI £OO. Of’ HOLIDAY GIFTS. I. a. STRUPPEK, F.audoJph-street, \T’ILL, on the earning Christmas Eve, open his display ’ ’ ot everything n.tdiul for that giia season. Presents for lit.s rich ,pour, and the ol Jjwiih fvtPS KRINGLK’S Budget lor me young, be exhibited in profuse abund ance; and die whole human taunty, reganlfess of age or cex, heavy heads orhglit ones, ioi g fades or merry ones, mat rich or uimfanied—all are invited to come and s,*eu their eyes (if not their pusses) on such,an array of >ptendor as was r.ev-r bo ore surpassed—at S I K L ITER’S. decJ'J-twfl on Randolph street. Wanted for the Year 1856, FiFTV aodiKD: NEGRO MEN, lay Hack ori ihe Mohiic add Girard Railroad. Terms X sl*) pet annum, wtih good tecbrdV- Ad* r ITLLSBURY Si CO. id tv. 3i w 1 Columbus, Ga. CEBISTM.AS AKD NEW YEAKS’ G-irt Lottery. rpHE Prizes are one Fine 7 Octave Piano Forte, worth SSOO, Gold and Silver Watche?, Gold Chains Gold Bracelets, do. far Rings, Breastpins, Pencil Casas Finger Ring-, Watch Keys, Fine Flutina, Oil Painting and many other articles, too tedious to mention, worth in all $950. 190 Chances, at $5 each, only—B6 Prizes The Drawing will take place at rny Store on the 31st ol December, 1855, at 61 P. M. All orders for Tickets, from the country as well as for the city, sent to the subscriber, accompanied by the cash, will be promptly attended to. Address T. IT. VAN DEN BERG. decl9w&twtd 76 Broad-st , Columbus, Ga. IMPORTANT NEWS! JORDAN L. HOWELL HAS REMOVED HIS STOCK OF BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C-, &C-, TO the store formerly occupied by W. W. ROBISON and G. E. GAGER, nearly op- Dosile the Union Bank, where he will he plea t&sti&d&kFed to see his friends, and all who want valu ble presents for their children 1 he Auction Sales will be resumed in a few days. Columbus, Dec. 19. w&twtf. DAWSON & CHAMBERS, A TTORNE YS A T LA W, Columbus, Ga. Office second story rear of Threwitts, Holt & Cos. HUGH B. DAWSON. JAMES M. CHAMBERS, JR. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 18. w&twtf. philharmonics! TIIE THIRD COOTCSMT OF THE SEASON OF THE PHILHARMONICS, WILL COME OFF ON THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, DEC. 20 Dec 15 tw2t J. WASSEMER, (Dale Profesror of Music in the Fort Plain \ ema ' e Institute, N. Y.) offers his professional services to the citizens ol Columbus. V^ S Orders lelt at VV. B. Carter’s Music Store will receive prompt attention. decl4—twttm GET OUT OF TIIB WAY! SANTA CLAUS IS COMING!! STOVELL, ON RANDOLPH-ST., UNDER THE OGLETHORPE, npAKES occasion to notify the young folks of Colum- JL bus and vicinity, that he is now receiving, and will continue to receive for a few days, from OLD KRIS, one of the handsomest and costliest stocks of CHRISTMAS & HOLIDAY TOYS and Nice ‘1 kings lor Children, ever offered in Columbus, and which he will warrant to please every variety of taste. Children, remember, and when you start out on your Christmas rounds with Pap, tell him that STOVELL’S CORNER is the place where all manner of pretty ‘l'oys and Goodies are to be had—from a Slidiu’ Monkey up to the nicest article you could wish. ALSO, A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, FRUITS, AND FIRE-WORKS, There will he a Display of Fire-Works in front of STOVELL’S CORNER, on the evening of December 24rfi. Col. HOGAN will assist in the Display. Come out, everybody arid his wife and liitie one3, and look free of charge. Remember the place, STOVELL’S CORNER, dec!2 -t.wtil2sthdec Oglethorpe House A. M. HULL, Grocer & Commission Merchant, AT TIIE OLD STAND OF I) P. ELLIS & CO., COLUMBUS, GA. Highest market prices paid for Hides, Cotton and Linen Rags, Wool, &c. dec 12—tvvtf. Corn! Corn! THEPalaee Mill's will pay the highest market prices iu Cash lor Ctrii, in lur<eor small qualities,shtlied or in ear. VVe will furnish sacks to parties selling us sheiied o<>rn. nov.2Bw&twtl G W. WINTER, Pres’t. STOVES FOR THE MILLION ! 11l AVE on hand and am daily receiving a large and fine assortment of Cooking, Office and Parlor Stoves, AMONG WHICH MAY BK FOUND THE IRON WIZZARD, IRON WITCH, IRON KING, YOUNG AMERICA, EA S TER N P REMIUM, EA GLE PREMIA! UM, PARLOR COOKING STOVES, and many others. These Stoves are warante 1 to work well, or may De returned at my expense PLAIN AND JAPANNED TIN-WARE, and general assortment of ju?e furnishing Goods. Hoofing and Gutteringd<. ae on short notice. St>re ou Randolph street nearly opposite the Post Office. R. M. ALD WORTH. Columbus, On.. Oct.? 0. w&twtim. JUST RECEIVED BY MARCUS & CHAFFIN, PICKLED and Smoked Tongues, Fulton Market Beef, Pig Pork, White Beans, Splot Peas, Onions, Potatoes, Salmon, Pickled, Fresh *fc Smoked, Mackerel, in Barrels aud Kits, Hominy, Fresh Crackers, Fine Fresh Goshen Butter, by every Steamer. Columbus Nov. 1. wtwil Temperance Map'es, Adin’x. of 1 scire facias. Nathan Maples. f vs. f Early Superior Court, Stiring Scarborough. j October Term, 1815. To the Sheriff of said County, Greeting: W I ERE AS, liereioiore, to wit: ai the August Term of the Superior Court of Early Couutv, 184*', Nathan Maples, t-en in life, commenced his action of debt against the said Stiring Scarborough; and it further appearing, that at the February Term of said Court, 184 i, Judgment was confessed to Plainufls Intestate for the sum ol Four Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars, with interest and cost of suit; aud lhat on ttie 18th day of February, 1841, Judgment was duly entered up for Plaintiffs Intestate against‘the said Scarborough tor the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Debars, principal debt, and the sum of seven humlreu and ten />b-100 Doliais for in terest, and the sum of Eleven 12,J£-ll‘o Dollars for cost j audit also appearing that said Nathan Maples has departed ibis tile, and that Temperance Maples is the duly appointed Adni’x. oh the esiate of ihesaiu Nathan Mapleo; and it further upt-eir iug that said iSciyborough has never p iid the said Judgment or any pari thereof, either to the said Nathan Maples in his lifetime, or to the ‘said Temperance Maples, as Administra trix as atoresaid, or to any otiier person lor them, or either of tLem, but tiiat the same is still unpaid, and iias become dor mant, and that the said S.iring Seaj borough resides out of said Btate: Ihe su'd ftiring Scarborough is therefore required person aily, • r by attorney, to oe and appear at our niperior Court, to be held in and lor said Coun:y, on live third jVonday in April next, then and there to sh> w cause, if -<ny he has.why the said Judgment shou and not be received and tieri faciasissued therron. Witness the Ho mrable William O. Perkins, Judge of stiid Conn, this Dec 4th, 1855. deci8 —w3tn TIIOS. B. ASBtUiWS, ('lerk S. C. Sarah A. Hightower, 1 libel rtia . ivorck, vs. In Earty Super.or Court, Arnold Hightower, ) October Term, 18.5. IT appearing to the Couit, by the return ot the Sherig, that the oaid Arnold Higiuow t rs oeiendant, docs not reside in tuiscouniy, and iuurther appearing ibft the defendant does not reside in this State: It is,s*here'ore, *• motion ot Counsel for the said Sarah Hightower, piaimiflV'ordt i i and by lhe C'oiiri. that the deieudent appear and answer, aitiie next term ot tiic Court, or said cu tsc |te ojbefeere*'-itt detault, and that said Libelant beailov * and to pro© oil, aud that this oroer be jmiisueiliii the* loluaihus Touts aud S *:u iue-Loite ol th.-Ga zelles ol this Slate, once a mouth for .our ui*>'utl>s T pae'fuus io ik - . 1 uexf term of fins Court. A true extract imiii tile Minutes ol RFrlycui'erlpr Court, * r cS*hei Term, 1800. doc to —w4m T!U>H. P. ASfU'EtVPj Clok. ■ ■■■l MWIIHI . ji——gga— ‘ PERSEVERANCE KEEPS HONOR BRIGHT.” THE WHEELS of business will lock without advertising. This is a galloping age. and a man must keep up by avai ling himself of all ihe facilities within his reach. He must have railroads and telegraphic wires ;i him—the real Young Arnericau go-ahead ativeness, or he will {find himself in the back-ground, a consummate old fogy. To the businessmen ol Columbus,who desire to make themselves “known and read of all men” in EaA Alabama—a prosperous and wealthy section of the world, the AuBUNR GAZETTE affords peculiar advantages, a* it (er.jojs a very large “and in creasing circulation in that region. IIOLIFIELD & SLAUGHTER. Auburn, Ala., Dec. 7,18.35. w&twlm Rare Chance for the Million! CHRISTMAS GIFT TICKETS ®5. AT 2 o’clock on Monday, the 24th div of December next, will be drawn, in front of our Auction Room, a list ol Magnificent Prizes, consisting in part, of the follow ing articles, viz: 14 FINE GOLD WATCHES, 1 do. set with Diamonds; 2FineSilver do.; Dia mond Pins and Rings; Gold Coin, $5 to SSO Pieces; Silver Pitchers, Tumblers and Cream Mugs; Silver Forks; Gold Pins, Rings and Ear-Rings; Gold Chains, Lockets, Crosses and Bracelets; Studs, Necklaces and Sleeve Buttons; Silver Mounted Castors, Pitchers, Forks, Spoons, Tea Trays, and Candle Sticks; Gold Thimbles, Pen cils and Tooth-picks: Fancy Woik Bas kets, Desks, Cigar Stands, and a great many Beautiful Articles too tedious to mention. Four hundred and forty one numbers will be placed in the Wheel, and one hundred and fifty-five drawn out. The first drawn taking Prize No. 1, and so on until the prizes are all drawn. The articles can be seen at our Auction Room. at a distance who wish to purchase tickets in the above Splendid Scheme, can be accommodated by enclosing us Five Dollars. HAP s RISON & McGEHEE, 59 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 1,1855. w&twtd. NEW DEE STORE, KIVLIN, THOMAS, & CO. DRUGGISTS AND APOTII KCA Hi ES. THE undersigned have the satisfaction to announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have taken the large and eligible store on the west side of Broad street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Redd & Johnson, next door above J. Ennis Go., where they offer on liberal terms, a large and well-selected Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES AND DYE-STUFFS, together with all articles appertaining to the trade. Mur entire stock being of the latest importations and selec ted with great care, in the most reliable northern markets, its purity and genuineness is confidently recommended, P resc ri ptio n I)e part me nt; This most important, branch has been organized with the greatest care and attention mid will be under the immediate supervision of A. O. KIVLIN, whose long experience in this responsible department, in connection with the leading Dru.- gistsof the city, and more recently with Messrs. Brooks and Chapman, is tendered as a sufficient guarantee that the inter ests of our patron-will be duly subserved. INSTRUMENTS. The attention of Physicians and Dentists is invited to our complete a -sortment of instruments adapted to their respect ive professions, all of which are of the latest an 1 most appro ved pattern ami manufacture. Perfumery, Soaps, Fancy Articles, &c. To our Lady riends we confidently offer our varied stuck in the above fine as being unusually complete and desirable, and respectfully solicit a shared their favors. Practicing Physicians and others requiring our services in the Prescription in partment, will he promptly servedat any hour ot the night by A. G. Ki vlin, who will occupy rooms in the Store, with special reference to this important interest. A. O. KIVI.IN. T. S. TUGGLE. J. W. THOMAS. Columbus, Dec. 7. tw2mw3m New Eooks! New Books! JUNO CLIFFORD by a Lady ; Beechcroft, bv the author of liurs of Red The Old Farm House, by Mrs. C. B.Faing; The Japan Expedition, by Spalding ; The Escaped Nun; Crotchets and Quavers, by Max Maretze k; Klosterheim: or the Masque of DeQuincey ; Maud, by Tennyson ; Widow, Bedott Papers, by Francis M. Whicher; Estelle Grant: or the Lost Wife , The Song of Hiawatha, by Longfellow ; Scenes in the practice of a New York Surgeon, by E. H. Dixon, M. D. Winnie and 1 ; Private Life of an Eastern King; Wager of Battle, by H. W. Herbert; Bittsof Blarney, Shelton Mackenzie; Twice Married, a Story ot Connecticut Life ; Henry the Eighth and his Six Wives, by Herbert ; Hue’s Travels in China ; Prime’s Travels in the East; Fifth and Six Volumes of Calhoun’s Works ; Sparks’ Lite of Franklin ; Southern Agriculture, by Beatty ; The Contrast between Good and Bad Men,by Spring. Just received by J. VV. PEASE. Columbus, Dee. 7. w&twtf CLAYTON & WILKINS, Auction, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING MERCHANT S. r undersigned, having formed a Copartnership to do JL a general Auction, Commission, Receiving and For warding Business at the old stand of AYER & WILKINS, Will give their personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. We are prepared to make liberal advances upon all articles ot Produce and other Goods consigned to us. Special attention paid to the sale of REAL ES TATE, NEGROES, &c., at Auction. P A CLAYTON. F. G. WILKINS. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 15, 1855. w&twtf PRICES ADVANCED! DOUBLE Extra pr ’Barrel sl2 00 EXTRA FAMILY,per bbl 10 50 Superfine 0 50 Georgia mi per flue, 8 50 Georgia Mills. 7 50 Usual discount when 20 barrels are taken at onetime, dec!—w&twtf WINTER’d PALACE MILLS. ATTENTION, MERCHANTS ! COTTON ROPE. WE are now making and shall keep constantly on hand a supply of Cott m Rope, .suitable for Plough Lines, Bed Cords and Well Rope. Ii is much superior to any Northern j Rop<\ aud aspleudid article. declw&.twtf WINTER FACTORY. | A PROCLAMATION. Georgia By IIERSCIJEL V. JOHNSON, Governor ol said State. WHEREAS, official information has been received at j this Department, that a murder was committed in the countv of Jefferson on the 12th ult , upon the body of ; Michael Wall, by one Hamilton Raiford, and that said Kaitord has fled from justice: 1 have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, mv proc- j lamatibn, hereby offering a reward of Two Hundred and I Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery- of the ‘ said Raiford to the Sheriff ot said couuty and State. And I do. moreover, charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Raiford in order that he may be brought tet (rial for the ed* nee with which he stands charged. Given under my hind and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol, in Miiiedgevilie, this 6th day of D eember, \ in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred aud fifty five, aud of the Independence ot the United States of Amer eu, the 80th. KERSCHEL V. JOHNSON. By the Governor: E. P. Watkins, *€ Scc’y ol State. DESCRIPTION. Said Raiiord is 45 or 50 years old, about 6 feet higa, dark complexion, hair dark and slightly £rav black eyes, forehead, stern appearance, afei quite digaified in manners. dec 18—w fir Merchants & Bar-keepers Attention! FINE CIGARS & BRANDY ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 flO Hnfl PlffE iiava na cigars, JL’ ‘'AyAvJ'J 10 X Casks Sue French brandy, 5 Casks “ ‘- “ ALSO , 50 Bnvgg Tobacco, Choice Brands, Which we oiler at reduced Prices. Call and ?amp]e them,— HARIOSON & MoGEIIEE, Columbus, Cs., Oct. 30. wfetwtf. MUSCOGEE li. kT STOCK Y A FEW SHARES FOR SALE BY HARRISON & McGEHEE. Columbus, Ga. Dec. s—w&tw3\v. Muscogee Railroad Stock Wanted- WE have six or eight very likely Negr,es and a very plea sant dwelling in the ujiper part oi the .city, which we will exchange for Mueogee Kail Road Stock at tin market prices. Apply to [dec 12] CLAYTON fe WILKINS. TWENTY PIANOS A WEEK. rrf-ts —, ALTHOUGH it may appear incredible, ye tfj|S^rl;.’ is nevertheless true that Liglite, Newton & \Lftf***jH7 i!ra<^ur y turu out 01 Ibeir Manufactory it) vl Sc u * Pianos a week; ttiis beimr a ..,uch larger nuui ber than any other Manufactory in the country prodn, es, and being conclusive evidence that their Instruments are moro ea gerly sought alter than other-. Ttie undersigned having made ai rangements for the sale of the above named Pia-os, has how in his Wareroom and will continue to keep a large assortment of their Instruments of various styles and finish, embracing every new and desirable pattern, fiom the plainest io the most elegant. The above Pia* os took the'first premium at the World’s FaG and at ,he Fair of the American Institute in 1833. T. H. VAN DEN BERG, 7tl Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Nov. fi.—wfetwtf Negroes! Negroes! FIVE” Likely Young Negroes, Mecharics and House Servants, for sate ior Cash or Muscogee Rai I Road Stock. dec8 —wtsvtl AYER fe ECTOR. CIGARS! CIGARS: THE subscribers have just received direct from Importers’ hands, a full supply of choice II AVAN A CIGARS, of the most popular brands, adapted to this market, Including among other styles, “Regalias,” ‘-Pressed H 0.,” ‘-Conchas,” “Lon dres.” fee., all of which are offered low, at wholesale and re tail. KIVLIN,THOMAS fe CO , dec7—twlm 9J Rroad-st., Sign of the Golden Eagle. French and Spanish. proses so i: iH a<;n et , (Os the Georgia Military Institute,) Offers, during his vacation, totho young ladies and gentlemen of Columbus, his services as an Instructor in the above Languages. Fiis terms for a course .of 24 Lessons are S3. Persons wishing to take Lessons can leave their names with Mr. J. J. Jshara, or at Mr. Pease’a book Store. December 14. twtt WAITED ‘.TO HIRE, ka Able Bodied Negro Men, to work on the Rail -01/ Road, for which sthe highest price will be paid. For terms,fee.,supply at my eflice, on the North Common. JOHN D. GRAY, or docS —twtillstjan J. b. CUNNINGHAM. FANNY FERN’S NEW BOOK, Q3a@l££ i D3.£. Just received at .T. W. PEASE’S BOOK STORE, ('olumbus, Dec. 14,1855. twtl Wanted. TWO good Shoe Makers for the year 1356. None need apply but men of sober habits. Cusseta, Ga , Dec. 14—twtl. T. A. BRANNON. MRS. ELIZA TORRY (LATE MISS ELIZA DICKSON.) HAS removed to No. 33 Broad-street (up stairs,) where she will resume her Class in Oil Painting, Water Colors and Sketching, in their different branches. Broad Street Columhu3 Ga. nov£B—twtf. WATCH REPAIRING. an MY friends and patrons are hereby in.ormed that I have permanently with me two of <lie Test i 3* Watch-Makers in thelJnion. AJI workprorupt i y executed in the best manner. No pains will be spared to give perfect satisfaction to all. All kinds of Jewelry repaired. Watches and Jewelry at reduced prices for cash. Gall and see A. H. He WITT, olumbus, Ga. Nov. £B. twtf FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! EOR A FEW. DAYS, #MR. BEE, has just returned from the North with a stock of rare and beautiful piants, consisting of Camellias, ./?zelius, Jasmines, Roses, Cedars, Rhodo dendrons. Amur)lds, Gladiolus, Tulips, Hyacinths, and various other rare tilings, which we will dispose of at very reasonable terms at 34: Broad street. nov‘2B twtf MOSES fe LEE. A Good Black-smith for Sale. AVERY Superior Blacksmith can be bought cheap by ap plying soon to AYER & ECT >R.^ dec8 —tw Lin 131 Broad S.reet. 49V Wood Lot for Sale. IN one mile of the City—Cheap for Cash or on Credit. Apply at this Office. dec7— . tw4w “TIMELY HUTS TO ALL.’ 1 FRIENDS. —Reader, it you have a valued triend, in whose welfare you feel an interest, that friend will prize asa precious memorial your Ambrotype or Daguer reotype picture —if taken in Woodbridge’s peculiar style. TO ALL.—How many have lost a Father, a Mother, a Sister, a Brother, or an innocent little prattling child ? and have not even the shadow of a resemblance to look upon. After the separation, some little toy or a trilling ar ticle, is citen kept for years, and cherished as a token of re membrance. How much more valuable would be one of Wood bridge’s perfect Daguerreotypes of “the loved and lost V’ PARENTS.— If you are still blessed with parents, and no artist has or can trace the lineaments of his or her familiar face or form, you may well act the part of Milton, to advise or persuade them to visit, without delay, the pal ace rooms of WILL AKD <& DISPEW, and have their pictures taken in WOODBKIDGE’S new style. For a Holiday Gilt, of all the rest, A type of yourself is the best, Then h ; e for Broadway No. eighty-two, And get your picture ct Willard and Depew. Nov. 30—twtf. FOUND. —A small sum of money, which the owner can have by applying to dec I—twtf WILLARD & DEPEW. MAGAZINES FOR 1856. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR HARPER’S MAGAZINE, KNICKERBOCKER “ GRAHAM’S GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK, FRANK LESLIE’S GAZE TTE OF FASHION, “ - NEW YORK JOURNAL, BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE, LONDON EDINBURGH, NORTH BRITISH & WESTMINSTER, QUARTERLY REVIEWS. J. V* . PKASK is agent for the above Magazines,and will receive fUbscriptioDS until first January. Columbus, Nov. 23. twtf FAMILY GROCERIES. MARCUS &. CHAFFIN. NO. 77 WEST BROAD STREET, HAVE opened, and are receiving complete assort* meii u o f FAMILY GROCERIES. Received to-day, Moca and Java Coffee, a superior qual ! ity oi Greea and Black Teas, Fu’ton Market Bt-el and ; Pork. Dried Beef, Beef Toutfue*, Cigars and Tobacco ol I best OiQiiiy, Sardines, ? Fwsh Rabin% uaj Figi, Cracker* I pt an kinds; I Nov. ai~t*tt FASHIONABLE DAGUEIIRKAN SALOON. I 111-I >ro prieor of this pleasant. commodious, and first class Sakxn or Fine Aria, has again returned io resume Ms bu siness tor the season. Mr. Kiddle has had a practice*.*! o\ r eight years, which ranks him one of the most successful oper ators in the profession; jhis pictures are clear, w hite, hai <!-■ some aud admired t>y all. Call and judge lor jourulves Rooms on Broad S.reet, over C. MygaU'a Urv Good’s Shore. A. J. KIDDLE. Proprietor and Principal Operator. Columbus, Sept. 25—w&twtf. WHITE WHEAT WANTED! AT PALACE MILLS ! WE Will pay Si per bushel Cash, fi r Wheat, t i (well cleaned,) and tl tk) ior Red, Farmers, avai! yourselves of this chance. novti wfetwtf . XV. WINTER,Pres’t. AUCTION k COMMISSION as:B:ikr.aL£SiBi£s ‘"PUE unde?signed having purchased tlie interest of W.M. AUSTIN, in the tirm ot Harrison, Aushu A. McGe hee, will continue the Auction, Commission, Nrsro Brokerage aud Forwar ding Business, under the name and stylo of HARRISON & McGEHEE, at the old Stand, Nos. 59 Sc 61, Broad Street; and pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all busi ness committed to their eare. They will give their person al attention to the Sale of lieai instate, Negroes, 31 etchant! ize Ac I*roduci*. Having ample facilities at command, they are prepared to make liberal advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. Particular attention given to Administrator’s and Execu tor’s Sales. CII AS. S. HARR l SON, July 3!), —wfetwtf. ALLEN C. MeU EHLE. Enquirer copy. Apples and Potatoes. A FINE lot of Apples and Irish Potatoes, just received and for sale by [deci2] AYER fe ECTOR. .J§g|P A Fresh Supply of the above Seed, Together with WHITE & RED ONION SETTS, J ust received and for sale bv nov27wA tw3m DAN FORTH & NAGEL. THE trading public who have hitherto patronized tho TROY FACTOR Y. * will please take notice that W. li. HARRIS is no lon ger connected or a’ >ciatedin any finanner whatever with iho business of the establishment All business hereafter will be transacted exclusively with ourselves at our W art-rooms. R. G. JEFFERSON fe CO. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 23, wfetwtf T. 11. VANDJ3N BERG’S Depot of Fianofortes and Musical Goods, NO. 76 EAST SIDE BROAD STREET, CObiMUUS, GA. ■??!**> —i Will-RE can at all times be found a largo selection of Lignt, Newton fe Bradbury’s world reuow ~e<* Premium Piano Fortes, i ‘J “ 32 1/ * get her with an assortment of Piano Fortes Irom the best Jl/anufactones in the IJ. States of all styles and prices. ALSO, Melodccns, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamboiines, Flutes, Fiutlnas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Clarionetts, Flageolet!s and Fifes. Also, all kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BAWDS, together with Bass and Tenor 1)i Ua;B. STRINGS of all kinds, and the Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC for all the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. tlif” Second hand Pianos taken in exchange when newoncs are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones. JVg?” .Second hand Pianos for Sale or Kent. Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, and all other kinds of Musical instruments tuned and repaired in the best manner, and at the'-hortest notice, ami warranted to give entire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will be promptly attended to. T. H . VAN DEN BERG, 7G Broad Street,Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle. Columbus, Nov. 6,1855. wfetwtf. BROWN’S W A SEIKO MACHINE. IMIE Inven'or in introducing his new Itotaiy Washing fila . chine to the notice of the public, does so with the confi dence that in all cases where a lair trial is given, they wiilbe, as they have been by those who have used them, pronounced to be the be t Machine lor washing now in use. and capable of performing more work in far less time and with lar less damage to the clotl es than any other Washing Machine now made. He claims for this Machine, that it will cleanse the clothes from dirt In 15 to 20 minutesand leave them entirely clean, ready for boiling and rinsing. grit will thoroughly rinse clothes in from r* to It) r> inutes *lt will do an ordinary day’s washing in asi hour, and dors vvt wear the clothes inure than one Until as much as uhen wash ed by hand. Jus adapted to-washins from the finest muslins to the coar sest cloths, Blankc's and Carpets. It can he worked l y women or even a 12 year old boy, and is so simple in its conwriicti--ii that almost any one can repair p,—j) it should ever need it—and will, with ordinary care last from five to ten ytais One of the great mrrits of this Machine in. in addi tion t*> the facility -n washing, is that ihc clothes are not worn out by washing. By the ordinary processed washing, clothes are more injured than by wearing. ‘I his advantage, together with the laci that it will do ten times the work ol hand labor, should induce etery Hotel, Boarding House, and family to have one. *<-+r+ These Machines are sold for Cash only, delive* ed at our shop prior v-BC Directions lor using sent with ev* ry Machine. Mainnactured by CI.EMt NS. I IP AVN & CO. ’VYe refer lo a few of the many who have bought and used the Machines, viz: Gen. J N Bethunc, Columbus, A G Slappy, Fort Valley, Dr. A Pond, ” C< 1 A VVelibornv Meriwether, A M Allen, Eiiisha Trammell -•* John \V Hurt, “ George T Hurt, It issli county, John Hudson, firm ot Charles A I eabody, „ Threewits, Holt be Cos. “ Ilopson Smith, ~ Thomas DeWolf, “ A Lowther, „ Charles Wise, u James Terbut, ~ R E Dixou, “ B Whitehurst, „ Dr J A Urqhart, “ W A McGruder, „ f A Clayt n, “ George McGee, „ j C Brewer, “ Walton B Harris, „ Tame? R Jones, “ Wm G Williams, „ Charles P Levy, “ D Bullard, J Ennis, “ RN it Bard well, Tuskegee Wm Matheson, “ J <■ Hale, Auburn, ’ J W Thomas, “ A R Beli, Vlontgoiix ry, Jaine- Comer, w Jomi (.ill Shorter, Eufaula, Capt J B Davis, “ B K Fcr- wu, Macon, | Owen Thomas, “ Female College, “ ID Williford, Stewart county, Geo T Kogere, “ j Rev. J W Talley, Oxford, nIV Massey, u |yj \v Persons, Lnou, Ala. W S Brantley, “ Nelson Clayton,Chambers co. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 8. w&tw2m VALUABLE LIVER PLANTATION FOR SALE. r |MIE subscribers offer for sale the Plantation and de taehed pieces of land of the late Major John Caniey, deceased, lying iu Russell county, Ada., immediately upon the Chattahoochee river,twenty miles below Columbus Ga. The mam plantation contains about three thousand acres ot laud, perfectly level aud free from freshets; about 1800 acres of rich river bottoms, balance first quality pine lands, 1100 of which is cleared and in cultivation. This plantation is unusually well settled, having all the necessary buildings (framed) lo accommodate two hund red negroes. It is well w atered and healthy, and in point ot fertility and location, these lands are*not surpassed by any in the State. The plantation is very susceptible of di \ision, and will be sold in a body or divided to suit two I purchasers. 1 r rms will be made libera!, as the lands are I sold for a division. Persons wishing to buy are requested to examine the | place; and any further lfMbrmatiou will be given by ad | dressing eitli-r of the subscribers. , JAMES CANTEY, Ex’r ofJohn Cantey, Columbus. Ga. JOHN CANTuY, oct2—wtwrrl |sti*n Ftjnvtpn S C* guano. Twenty Tons, for Sale by GREENWOOD GRIMES. ColuirUi*', Ga., Now. j, w&tw'<im>