The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 29, 1858, Image 1

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TO iinifs $t Sentinel. TRI-WEEKLY. By L OMaX a &LLIB. V >.,U !.; Vl.] Clines anD Sentinel. niiTiMVEEiuT^ U published every MJK'DIY, THURSDAY and HU'dKDIY KVBMXi. THE WEEKLY TIMES& SENTINEL Is pu dished every fTI|£*D4Y JIORftINH* Office on Ramlolph Street opposite the P. O. T H KM a: TR.I -WEEKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance WEEKLY, I’wo Dollars per annum, in advance. . tsr Idvertiseinents conspicuously inserted at One Dot lar per square, lor the first insertion, aud Fifty Cents for every subsequent insertion A liberal deduction will be made tor yearly advertise ments. S ilea of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execu tors and Guardians, are required by la a to he held on the first rue-nlav m the month, between the hours ot ten in forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in thee unity in which the pro.*erty is situate No.-tices of these sales mu tbe give i id a public gazette lorty days previous to the day ot sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be given at least ten dav* previous to the dav of sale. Notice to Debtors and creditors ot an Estate must be published forty days. N dice that ap jlic ition wil I he made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell Lan . or Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Lexers of Administration must be Dubiished thirty days—for Dismiesion from Administration, mommy six ninths—for Dismission from Guardianship.forty days. Kales for Foreclosure of Wor gage must be published monthly for four months—for establishing lost pai>er> tor :he tall space ot thr -e months—tor compelling titles Irom Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv an by the and -ceased, the foil space ol three months Publications will always be continued according to these, tne legal requirement?, unless otherwise ordered. tUJSIN tiSto OArtiib. PAINTING AND BOOK BINDiIvG. If i YlNvi connected with our Printing Ottie* a full £1 tad complete assortment ot Book Binders tools and toe*.and also added to our Prating materials, we are now prepared to execute,in good style and with despatch every kind of work iu either oranch ot the business, on the best lerins. BLANK WORK, of every description, with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WUh tI*>USE FAINTING, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &c.. executed aeatly and promptly and bound in any desired style. tUL*>Y > AND STEAMBOAT BLANKS, of all kinds got np,with accuracy and dispatch. Rill lead*, ards, Circulars. Hand Bills Poster*, Programme*, &c ,dec.,printed in thesho. est notice and in the best style Va; uin >> and Pamphlets pu* up in every style c binding. Books o all kiodsrebound strongly and neatly. LOMAX A ELLIB Columbus Apr I I-* 1 !*■•* 8. Y. M \RTIN. J J MARTIN. MARTIN & MARTIN", Attorneys at Law, eOX-TTMUTTS, CA. Office on Broad Street—OverGunby Si Daniel. Columbus, Jan. 9, 1857. w&twly. HAMILTON & PLANE, aid Counsellors at Law, CO .UMBUS, GA. riNHE above firm have renewed their Copartnership, and 1 will devote the most assiduous attention to the pro fession in the counties ot Muscogee, Harris, Talboi and Chattahoochee, in this State.and in Ruell county, Ala. Office, front room over E Barnard’s Store January 28,1857 wtotwtf. M. B. WtLLBoR £ JERE.N. WILLIAMS. WELLBORN & WILLIAMS, ATTORN EYS AT LAW, Clnyton, Alabama KTILL give prompt attention to the collection of all clairm Vf entrusted tot heir care in Barbour county. ■ ct 4 wtwtin MAKION BETH UN E, attorney at law , TALBOTTON, Ta*bot County, Ga t Ictoher 24th. 1856. wtwtt W. S. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CUSSETA, Chattahitochee County, Ga. I'vwMt -mire attention to the practice in ’nattahooche aliening counties. ap26 —wtwly # ROBERT JM HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CRAWPORD. A!• A. f ipiember ft, 1855. twffwtt S. A. M’LEiN DON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fort Gaines Ga. \TILL promptly attend t ailbuaines* entrusted t© btt *? care—partieul r 1 \ Collecting. * novftwtwly PEYTON H. COLQUITT, A TTORiNK) T LAW, €OLUMHUB, GA. Office,tip over Col. Holt’s office, Randolph st. mtf 9*.W# w<t-twtt BAUGH & SLADE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. fTT'LL iractieetaw in Muacogeeaud theadjoinin.counties vv >f i(.tra and Alabama JP” idlce over dank and Oolumbus, Broad Street. aoaiftT B\rsu 4. J. ,UPI. Odn n > in, .a dirch i7 1*57. wtwtf FOR ‘ALE. THE Subscriber has on hand a few BTH.LB for vantut A ring Pcacla Brandy or Whisky, which he wi) r’ -#ry n*. tLSO, Tin, Sheet Iron and Japan Ware, •very leacription. which can be bough at th* lowef rater. <a j rp nRoVg ycFhi tenT one o a t notice and on libera iwau J. B. HICKS,Ageas, ihtlii % t Hcxt stesmaiew “baas oauai” ar4-t 11 1 H i UNION Of THE SAHS AND IHt SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ 1 A ©AEffljffl, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. ONE DOOR WEST Of RANKIN’S CORNER. NEAR MARKET - COLUMBUS GA., GUNS and Pistols, c Pouches and Powder Flasks, ZdKnrkT Repaired. Cabinet, Desk, lunk and Door Keys, of al Nip description? made and fitted. Patent ‘I runk 11 i Vali Locks Trunks repaired- Beds, all sizes a r and tones— Fancv Bell Pulls. Pat*nt Bell cariage?, and wire—with which 1 will hang B Us, ad warrant ih-m to keep in or der Andirons arid Brass work ol ail ?orta repaired. Terms cash on delivery jan7 tw3m A CARD—NEW FIRM. C. F. NETT F FEE, Ssucc*****’ r to H. E. DIBBLE, HAVING purchased the -tock and leased the /"“fc Store lately occupied by H E Dibble, in the HAT aud CAP BUSINESS, Would respectfully inform hie iriend? and be public that he has made arrang mentswuh a New York house where by he will be supplied with a general assortment of the latest style of Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Misses’ aud Childreu’s Goods- Also a fine assortment of Gent’s Furnishing Goods, For which a liberal chare ol patronage is suite red. C. F. NBUFFER, At the sign of the Big Hat, Broad at, Columbus, Ga., Feb IS 1858 CO-PAKTOEKSHIP. THE undersigned have this day associated themselves together under the name and Gyle of AYE it &, GRAY, Auction & Commission Merchants, and respectfully solicit a share of business—pledging them selve- to a faithful and scharge ot all business committed to their are. Liberal advances made on consignments. A. K. AYER, RICHARD M. GRAY. Columbus, Jan, 1, 1857. jan6wtwly LIVERY & SALE STABL I '. * THE undersigned having this day pnr 4as chased the Livery Stable now occupied by S. Hart & Cos., and formerly owned by k&mißuSmm Hatcher Sl Pitts, will continue the business unueiiDe name and style Or IVEY A IV ILKIXN, and bv giving their personal attention to the same, hope to re ce>ve from the public a liberal share ol its patronage. J. R IVKY, July 16. 1857. F. G. WILKINS. HAVINGaoId our Stable, a? noticed above, we take pleasure in recommending to our friends, all drovers, and the public the new firm, and solicit for them a continu ation of the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on us; believing our successors will anticipate your wants and attend to them personally, iulv 17—wtwtf. C. S HART & CO. Black*Smithing, Horse-Shoeing, Wagon and Plow Work, &c. f | l HE undesigned have started tne above business on Bry -1 an Street, opposite the Perry Hotn-e, and by strict at tention to business hope to secure the patronage of the public. Jan9twtf R. B. PIERCE Sl CO. — ©©mnnaaKis issw* THE HALLOTYPE PICTURES! A. J. RIDDLE, nAS purchased of J. Gurney, ot New York.the exclusive right tor ak’ng Hal’otype Pictures, which is a little ahead ot anything in the way of Picture takim, th world has ever seeu. There is nothing to which they can be c paredinthe art *f Photography, but bear a strong resemblance to wax figures, for souuess and beauty of light and shade. Ladies and genttemen are invited to call aiidexamine specimens. Aitist? who desire to learn this new and beautiiul art, and secre rights for other counties will please cal. oi A J RID DLE, Jolumbus Gs. Julv°s— Medicine that never Debilitates DR. SANDFOBD’S INVIGOKAIOK, OR LIVER REMEDY, IS N ARTICLE TH AT EVERY BOOY SEEDS WHO I’ u<*l ua p rfecl state of health, tor the Liver is second only o the heart in our human econ >my, and when tha> is ieran’ ed the whole v.tal machinery runs wrong. To find a me icim peculiarly adapted to this and sease I as been the study oi one >i ‘be r>pnetors in a large and extended prac ice >■ the pas twetn y years, and the result of h s experiment isti.* Invigorator, as a never-tailing remedy where medic ue ha any power o help. Asa liver remedy it has no equal, as a., testify who use it. A lady writing from Brooklyn. savs: “Wou'd that I conld -xprea- tuthia short letter the va>ue your nvigoraior ha.- bt-en to me fit a large tainily ot childrt-i, lor it has uever taild to rtiieve all all aCecitons of the sto-nach, bowel or attacks ol wor-us. If mo.tiers had th remedy p aceu within tbeir reach.and were taught bow o use it, a teariu and uuto.d amount oi agony might be saved. One of onr prominent bankers sat a, u Five or six years ago I found niysel- running down with i liver difficulty; resortm*. to ye tr inv-gorator, was greatly reiiered, and continuing tor a seas* n. was entirely restored ” A clergyman railed at our * ffice the other day and said b< had given a nor woman a boit.e whs was suffering very ba* ,y irom the Liven omptaiat, and before she bad taken th whole ot it she was at worn truing bread for ner laraly. A gentleman, rec ntly fin-m t e west.says, whi eat’ hicag*.. hew sat eked with a slow. 1 tigering • ever, that baffled the s**ill ot pbyatc&na, but the Invigorator cured him in a few days. Oneof our city merchants said, while on a visit to Troy, e ew days sinee, he was attacked with bowel I aud st enact disorders so as to conflue him to ois room, be sent to the drut store tor a bottle ot Invignrator.tnok one dote, which reliever, him so that be was able to attend bia business An acquaintance, aose business coropeis him to writ* most of the time, says be bee am- si weak as to be unable at time* to hold his pen, while at other* steep would overpower him but the Invigorator cured him. A gentleman from Pr oklyn called on us a week or tw > since, looking but toe shadow ot a man. with his skin ye low. p&le at u deathli e. He and een for a long time suffering from Jaundice and Dyspepsia, and unable to attend u, his bu sines* We sew him again to-day a changed mau. aid tom* his expression: h< has not seen the bottom oi Uiefir-t beu e. and further adds, “it saved my tile, tori was faat going to a consumptive’s grave. Among the hundreds of Liver remedies now offered to th* ’ public, P ere are none we can so tolly tecommena as Dr t*an i ford's 1 1 vigorator. or Liver Remedy, so eet erally known now throughout the Union. I’hi preparation k is tni.y a Liver in rig iraior, producing t e most happv rer-uitson ail who us it. Almost innumerable rerVficab'S have been given of th* rrsat virtue of this medicine by thoee <t the highest standing in society, and it is, without .doubt; the beet pr paratioo now before the pubhe. ’ AMPifBD k 00. Proprietors, 343 SBroadway. New York • 4 by Pernhema, ImhlH *#, and by DuJhnkt fWflOi wh-sktsku COLUMBUS, GEORGIA THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 29, 1H;8 TENNESSEE BACON AND LARD. WE are receiving on consignment large lots of Sides, H •**, ‘-boulder.-, and Lard, iu Casks,Box es and Cans For sale by april4 —twtf KING Sc SORSBY. BEDciL & WEE Mo a Wholesale and Retail GROCERY DEALERS ©©ILiEIIiISS, ©l®. VVILL keep constantly on hand a well selected “took ’’ comprising all a tides m their line, which are - ffereo to ih-ir tnends and the public generally at the LOW hS • MA RKE /’ PnlcES. Give us a call. U>cK WbEMS. A O. BEDBI.L. Coiumhu (a Dec. 22. wt < I A Teacter Warned. AGENTI RM AN fill y competent to teach the highei branches, for which a liberal salary will be paid.— Theschool issiiuated in Ku-ell countv, Ala., lomteei miles Irom£olumt>us,ai and wdl number fifteen to twenty pupils. An ext erienced teacher would be pre’err. and and references. Address. J R JONES, Feb9—wtwtf Columbus, Ga. The Southern Christian Advocate, at Charleston, and Cirist'an Index at Macon will please copy three times, aud foiward account to Time? A Sen nr el office MORE BOOKS r THE Life ot E. K. Kane, by Wm. Elder Bayard Taylor’s Northern Travels in Swe dell. Lapland and Norway. IflHwiOß Barton’s Lite of Aaron Burr, (new supply.) Dr. Livu gston’s l ravel? in S- uth Atrica. VVhite ? Gardening for the South Spurgeon’s Sermons 1<t,21, and 3d 6-^rie’. Inquire Within, or 37u0 Facis tor the People. Just received by J W PEASE<St CLARK. Columbus, Man h 23, 1858 —wtwtf. I. N. CL \RK, Murfreesboro’ J. BRA<’E, Marietta JJ. SS.SILMI& m, Wholesale and Betail Grocers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MURFREESBORO TENW. aienlion ariven to Grain, Bacon, Lard fcc. &c„ on all order? enc'osmg remitta; cee. References, J.R. Wilder, Savannah, Char'e# Gampbell, Macon. T.P Bt.o veal I, Augusta Gol. R L. M >tt, Cos ambus. Hugh,Peter?& Cos Atlanta. Th man Jo?eph. AJouicon-'y •Jol J. R. Gloven, Marietta. I-aniers. Philips, Nashville, Wm.-penc*-, Exchange ask, Murfreesboro’Teun. February 1.1858 wbm. ~THE LAST CALL V MONEY WANTED. “r*HE subscriber having purchased the entire interest oi 1 V. R TOMMEY, in the Notes and accounts otthe late firm otJ. EN NIS Sc CO .(which firm wasdissolved on the first Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store ol J Ennis Sl Cos , and settle the same,or they will find their Notes and Accounts in the hands ot an officer ‘or collection. J. ENNIS. Coiumhus, Oct. 18, 1856. wtwti P HO TOGBAFH7. B. F. POPKINB’ (FORMERLY WOODtfRiDGc.’S) PHOrOGRAPFIJ GALLERY OF ART, 19 AGAIN OPEN TO .THE PUBLIC/ rHE undersigned has just returned r>a ‘e* York with aillhelate improv ments In Photography, and is uow prepared t * execute likenesses, Irom mu.i&ture to life size, in a style superior to anything ever before introduced iu this cuv PHOTOGRAPHS, which for durability, brilliancy, clearness aiddep-b of tone, are unequalled by any other Pictures extant. AMBRTYPS3. SPFEREOTYPES. MBLAINOTYPES, D AGUBRREOTYPB S, \nd every desirable style ofpicture known intue Art, exe cuted in the most skill ui and perteit manner. Instruction in the an given < n ..ost favorsHe terms |3F"Gallery over the Drugstore, No BroadS'reet B F. P'-PKINS. Colnmbus.Oct ‘5.1857. fwtwtfl FOR S \LE. ®lam now offering for sale one of the most desirable , residence.-in or n**ar olumbns. It is situated just outside ol he Fast Common, near the restdei ct of Maj Joh- H Howard The lot con'ains six acrv. For further narticulars, apply to me at l’patoie,or Chariy J William-at olumbus luneSO—twtl C. B. HOWARD. DFAP AND DUMB. rHE Board oi Commissioners *-f ihe Ceoreia Asii'mfi'r Dea> and Dumb, recently anpoi tiled by his Excellency, lesire to call the attention of those iat ores'ed. to ihisnstt* union, as being now in readiness for the reception o pupils, fbe enla gement aid repairs of t v -e bn id mg. provided tor by the'-egislamre t Iftaft. have been entirely com.-leted. and the whole ediflee, being well arranged, and happily a lapted to the e-'ucation ot this urf*r ni-ate cUss. presents a rm>t tasteful appea-ance t'omoriable accommodations ran now *e I'urnis'ed for over one bundled pupils. V\ ill not the riends of the Institution in ever j con lyinthe -t-te. under whose eye this notice m y fall, urge the parents of all indigent •leaf Mutesto send on their children and avail themselves of .his hoblechari y which the State has generously provided or their want-? We particularly solicit the aid aid r.o oper ati*n*of all ministers of the gospelof every denomination in behalf otthe Asylum, anl request them to ascertain the rvmlenc and “-'st <~fHce address of all the p irents of Dea Mutesin the ft tate. and inform the Board of the same. Those who mikeappli ation as bene’c’arics should br.ngs rertifleatesignet! by two oi more Justicesot the I fenorJourt ottheeountv ih which such applicant resides certifyi g that he or she is over seven and under twenty four vei indigertcircumstai ces.and unable to educate themselvesjree from immoral coi duct, or an- contagious disease. Pay ff *75 oerannnum, everything furnish and. By orde * of the Board. GEORfJE W. THOMAS, President. R. W. WtasTkk,Secret ry. January fi.ift.vs—3m. MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTEBS. THE beat family medicine now before the public for tbe cure of Scrofula , Ulcer*. Scum, or Eruption* ol the Sirin. Fever and Ague , Dyspepsia , Drrpsy and,if fact, moat ail diseases sooa yield to tbeir curative proper ties. It has been computed, that during the last twenty*fivt team,upwards of four million* of persons have been ben efitted by ihe use ot these medicines; a fact which speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties—a single tria will place them beyond he reach oi c- mpet tion in th estimate of every putteot By their use the BLOOD IS RESTORED TO A HEALTHY STATE and/reer from all impurities The ‘V>tem ig not reduced dorinf tbeir operation, hut invigorated and they require do re straint hufiineee or plex-are The afflicted have in these medicines a remedy th r, will do for them all that medicine can postiUy eftcl Prepared by W. B. MFFAT, M D .Nsw Yoik, pad “ i# Columbus by Rohan A. Wart. \ ittftj IM7—-twig. FONT AIN l. AND LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. HUGHES, DANIEL A Cos., , ffTf) aHHHS| lavii.g associated win ti ern V\ eeley 1 W\\nl dodges, and taken l.e I ovteli in addttioi tnHtSw me t arehouse, and having v-eatly in reaaedih ir •t *ra.ecapacit jr. w II c-ntiime >he 1A ar*hont, Ke eeiwtng, Forwarding) and Comml.alon Bu siness, uiderllie firm utm> ■ HUGHES, lUNIEL & CO. OFFIOK AT THU FONTAINE VV\RE-HOUBE* >ur particular attention will he given tothe sale ot'Ootton tad other consignui. nts. V\ e are prepared t*> afford all fa nlitie? usual iu our business Libeialr'asb Advances made >n r’otfon.iu stor. or tor shipment to.ther points Bagglug, Rope, halt Ac., will be furnished our ;ut >.uer- at current rates, and orderso! evert description, ii'meet wjth prompt attention. Tbanktut ‘or the liberal pa ronage ol last season, we hop< t< r its continuance. V\M. H U HKH, WILI IAM DANIEL, JN<. R LASTHAM. ■ --11 1857—wtwtf WKBI FY 3 H f ‘DGEB. Mi&Mm mss-SEBisss. KIM. & SORSBV, WARE-HOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COLUMBUS, GA. k\W^PARTICULAR attention given to the storage jyMHflbnd selling of Cotton Liberal advances made. Bagging and Rope supplied at the lowest market prices. July 17—wtwly. J. W KING, B. A SORSBY. PUNTERS’ WARE-HOUSE. S\ THi5 undersigned have this day purchased the sWarehouse properly of STEVV AHT, GR4 Y s. i 11., land will continue the business (so ably and satlsfac >rily c nducted by them) under the firm and style ol DILLARD, POWELL &, CO. vrvv'<\ in soliciting a continuance of the patronageso lib rally extended to our predeci e?orr *e tase occa bßHwl.uii, mHt that-no labor will be .-pared by us to sub nerve me :niertstol our customers and ir end stand we shall xi all times b pr ared to extend then, usual facil'tiea. F. VV. DILLARD, R.H POWELL, N.•. -tUGTT, ADDIS N FRAZIER. WEsLLY WILLIAMS. Columbus, July Ist, 1857. The above will inform th. public that we have sold our A arehous* property o jWessrs Dillard,P< well &Co*,and we take great pleasure in recon mending them as every way worthy ol public patronage, and solicit a continuance of the oatrou&ge ol our former customers and friend for the present concern. STLWA/iT, GRAY A CO. JulvH wfetwtf. AUCTION & COMMISSION BUSINESS. NEW FIRM; THE undersigned would inform their friends andt’ e public that they have associated themselves together unoeitbe name and vtyle of HARRISON A PITTS, at the old stand Nos 59 and 61 West side Broad Street) for the purpose of transacting the Auction, Commission, and Negro Business, and solicit their patronage. All business commit ed ic their carewillhe promptly and faithful y attended to. They will give their personal attention to the sale of Real F.siate, Ne groes, -Merchandizeand Produce. Having houses fitted up. exprs-ly for the purpose, they are prepared to board, to pur chase an i sell Negroes < n Con mission. Liberal advances will be m de as usual, on Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’ sales attended to on reason able terms. (jf"Fr m 50 to fiO LIA ELY NEG RGOES of all classes will be kept constantly on hand. CHA$*. S. HARRISON; GEo.vGE I. PIT I S Columbus. July 23.1857. iulv2S—wtwtf WRAPPING and news papek OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES, FOR Sw LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, (N FRONTOF PALACE MILLS TERMS CASH. iunelfiwtwtf DR. S. BASS, a uvs on.iiud au office ovu ihe •*t'ai K of Columbus. for the practice oi Medicine and Surgery* \Jf Rcidence.Niirtht.asi or ier oi Forsyth mi ssl.Clai Z3h <tree'*,near the Female Aca< etny. Uoiiimbas, Jan 24.1857 twtf. E. BARNARD & CO., COLURnBUS aA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G°tiiCEKS AND IRoViSION DEALERS, HAVE on hand, and will constcntly keep, a large KpiPTjrfand well selected Stock. embracing every article ii thrfir line, which are offered to their friends and the pu tic, a> ihe to‘-e-t marKtat prices. Come and see us. Coiumbut-, Sept 29, 1857. wfctwtf. To our Customers! F 'ROM and alter tfedrst January next, we ehall adopt, as netrly.ns possible, the 1 ASH BYBTIM. Ntcts.-t y counts p* to tius course From that day all articles wilt he .>riced as cash Where credit* are aiven (which wilionly be extend*dto those wt ehave pron pth paid us; an addition will bemide to the price named accord ii g to the time tequir ed by the purchaser E BARN ALL fcCU. Dec 31, 1857- wattwfim. MACKEREL. IAA P4CKGES, Halve?, Quart-rs and Kit?,all num IUU her?, for sale at small advances tor Ca?h, by jau.iQ—w.wif E. b.MOAKU at CO. PLANTING POTATOES- Barrets Pink Ejes, for saleut small advance l\_yV_/ forCa>b by Jaii 19 -wtwtf L. BARXAtD h CO. 10N T G AND SHORT SWEETNTNG, i ~ A BBLS. and halfbhls. Choice Sy* p |*)W 3* Hhds N O Sugar, all grades tor sale at sniaL idvam-es for Cash, bjr Jaul9—twtf E. BARNMRD&CO. FAN* Y ST. LOUIS FLoUR. 4 B 4RRELS PUnters's Extra Union, and Diamond TV ) Brand-, for sale at small advance for Cash. bv Janld—iwtf E. BARNARD if CO. PALACE MILLS FLOUR. \ CONSTANT supi ly Kept on hand, and for sale at Mill prices for Carh by Jan 18—wtwtf E. BARNARD A CO. Cl GAPS DIRECT IEPORTATIOS. IAA R TP 8 Havana igma oj various braada fur sale a: lUv small advance* ter Cash by Jaaie-wiwtf 1. IARWARP * M PEYTON H. COieum. loner. AIUSUOGI.E RAIL ROAD! Change of Schedule. l.ictiOl and after thisdatt ihe l>ay or Expire- ‘lran will a leave the depot a; 4.oti P.M. and arrive at Macon at 10.-8 P At. Leave Macon at I 3d A JV. arrive at Columbus at 8..'2 A M M'rniugor Accommodation 1 rain wi il n i > • a.ifiA M. and arrive at Macot 85bA M* Leave Macon at 11 30 A. M. arriveat Columbus 6 1-3 P. M J. L. Ml STlAN.fcupt. Columbus. Nov. 14—tw&wtt CHANUEOF SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SEE VICE. MUiNTtiOMm & MM lOliN'J B. K. CO., MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19, 1b57. ON and after this date the PASSt.NuLE ThaiMJ on this road ... De governed oy tue hi hi FILL DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.30a.m. Arrive at West Point 3.3 U p.m. Arrive aiCjiumbus V.hnp.m. Returning—Leave West Point 9Mi a in. Leave olumbua 10.00 a m. Arriveat Montgomery 4.(0 p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p.m. Arriveat VVesi Point ..Udx a.m. *• ceiumbus 1.t.0a. n>. Returning—Leave west Point 7.3i. p. m. Leave Columbus 7 30 p. m Arrive at Montgomery 2.3(Pa.m. Througn tickets can be obt&iDed pio Double Daily Connec tions) to Atlantaciiatianoota andNasnv.lle, and daily con* unctions to Huntsville Memphis a’.u Knoxville. rt.G.JONES Lng’r & Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN ATLANTA AND COHIMCIS. Bt an arrangement betaeen the Kaiiroao Con panic, com posing the two routes in m Atlanta to Colon.nut-,coi c u ded at their Convention at Savannah on the 1 bib instant, it was agreed that the following rates beiwien su ilt *lu Co lumbus snaligovern,taking efltct lun. iLthisi uay u> jiay lao7. VIA WEST POINT. v Corn per bushel, lie Wheat •2. Oaisß. Bacon, Whisky Flou’- in sacks or bairels,pt r •Ohlbe. 35c. baggng, Rope Card in cans or bbls., per mo lbs 45c. Coal, Pig iron, Ly car load, per ton ot sono lbs. 83.75 VIA MACON. Corn per bu*el 14c. W heat Inc. Uats 10c. Bacon,Whis ky, Flour in backs or Bbis., per H 0 lbs, 44c. Bagging. 80, e, Lard, in cans or bbls- |er 100 lbs 55e. Coal, Pig Iron, by carload, per ton ol 2000 ins. 84 b 8 J. MUSTIAN. President and Superintendent Muscogee R. R. • GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent Southwestern Railroad. E''EhS‘N Fc<TE, Superintendent Macon and w estern Railroad. Gbo.G LULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange B. B. SAMUEL G. J(N 8, Engineer and Superintend*m M.&. W.P. Railroau. May 30. 1837—watwii. MOBIUS AND GIEABD KAIL EOAD. SS SSB—SSir* I’HE . a.iscu|<ti St Preiglit Trail. wil. leave Girard a. it P tVl.dailj, connecting at Silver Run with a daily line • Stager u Villula, Gleunville Eutaula. Fontaines, and Mari anna,Fla. And at Gueryt>n daily, with the Magt-s lor Ucbee Olivet Enon, Chunnenuggee, Midway, Hardaway, Perot and Union sprin a. L tying Auer y ton at 4 A. M., dally, the Cars will reach Girard at 7 A. M., connecting with thv Opeliki anu Mui cogee Train a GF* Duplicate Receipts must accompany Freight shipped, cr All freight must be paid before goodb willbe discharg ed. Freight delivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock P.M. wil] be shinped the following dav. F'eights for stations No. I (Fort Mitchell,) and N0.5 (!-*•- sons’) must be prei aid. Way freight must iD all cases be paid is advance* JOHN HOWARD, mart. 1 ) 1857-wfctwtl.’nei A sud. CHAMJEOF M HEtil LE. . SAVANNAH & CHARLEb.ON STEAM PACKET LISE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE North Eastern R. R of South Carolina. THF BPI UNDID **D FAST BI'NMhG , ?THA>iEi- GOKDON, P. Harden, Con,man leaver Savaimai, for < bariesion nry rnKrSmtmxnndaii and Wednesday afternuvvr at 3 o'clock, and connects at Charlesb n wi.h the mirniig tiainol the North Eastern R ilroad, going North. R- turning leaves Charleston every Jhunday and Friday vipht at 8 o’clock, (a ter the arrival ol the carton theN.E. K. R.) and arrives at Savannah ea. ly next, n ornu 11. By this route pastel gets can obtain through tickels to and from savannah. La and W ilmingti n. N.C. Having a ihrouab tte'ght arra i.niM wlib the Central R. Road and its connections, all freights b. tween Cbarlt moi id the interior of Georgia, eonsignd totleagentsoi this line, w 11 be forwanted with despatch and freeot charge. J. P. HROi>KB, Agent Savannah. E. LA MTTE A 1.0, Aa’ts Charleston Jan 15—wfctwi f UPHOLSTERY. THE undersigned would sav to the rublic that he is prepared to execute all orders in the above line. Spe cial attention will be g ven to Uph4.-termg Church Pews, Tete a-teteg,Sofa-,and Chairs. Repairing done neatly and ai moderate charges. Oltr _. a Feb6- wtwtf J H. SIKE3. 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands, for Sale. THF. undersigned being desirous ot winding up €*Kft,their busineai-, offer for sale, on any time to suit pur-1 iTflrfL rhnirrr n —f- r ul ” **** ■” c* One t houiand Acres of Land, lyTmTon the Wea, side oi the Flint River, leu mne-north ol Oglethorpe, and ten miles south oi Seynolo* Two hundred arresof this settlement is number out pine lard, the talar ce (HOI) acres) entirelv swamp The swamp Jar dis ltrs 1 able to heinnunndated by the River than any lands on said Rner in Macon counly, and will doubtless make tod Cl to >0 bushels of corn per acre, and tr<m Isi 0 tu2t(Mi|b* ot cotton. There are 8n acres o pine land, and lsof Hwamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South West err Seoriria. Apply to COOK A MONTFORT, Julvll—wAtwtf. *tiethofpe.t-a. NORTHERN MADE WAGONS FOR Two Horses, with Iron Axle?—with and withou Bodies. For axle by KING &. SORSBV. april 4—twtl. Corrintha A. Hargis, ) Libel for Divorce , vs. > in William Hargis. ) Veriwethef Superior Coort IT appearing to ’he Court by the petition ol the Sheriff, that the Deiencaa does not re-de in the* c.uittv, and it further appear og. that he does not reside in tb a htate: It is on motion ordered. That ea and defendant appear and answer, at the n-xtter nof this ‘o rt •* ’ that said e a -e N> considered in d*daot, and the pla*ttn allowed to proceed, and that his order he polished in the Times fit Sentinel,* public newspaper of this State, once a month for four month?, af'er th* adjourn meal of this coort. By the Court. GK) 4 HALL, Attorney for I iheMi*ns. A trueeitract from the Minute* of Meriwether Superior Court at February Term, 18W. , A. ADAMS,CM. Hanh Id. IS&6—w4ol |M MRI It 52