The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 13, 1858, Image 1

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TRI WEEKLY. By LOMAX & ELLIS. VOLUME Vl.] Cirrus uni Smliiul. IHEißLWraifTlMffiiSmroEL la published every TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENING. THE WEEKLY*TIMES A SENTINEL Id published every TUESDAY'CORNING. Office on Randolph Street , opposite the P. O. TERMS: TRI-WEEKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,m advance. XSgF Advertisements conspicuously insertea at One Dol lar per square, for the tirst insertion, and Fifty Cents for every subsequent insertion A liberal deduction will be made tor yearly advertise ments. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Adminisirators, Execu tors and Gnardians, are required by law to be held on the tirst Tuesday in the month, between the hours ot ten in tbrenoou and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in tiie county in which the property is situate. Nostices of t.uese sales must be giveu in a public gazette forty days previous to the day ot sale. Notice for the sale of Personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Or dinary for leave to sell Lana or Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—for Disraiesion from Administration, mommy six months —for Dismission from Guardianship,forty days. Rules tor Foreclosure of .Mortgage must be published monthly for four months—for establishing lost papers for the lull space ot three months—tor compelling tides trom Executors or Administrators, where a bond has been giv en by the deceased, the lull space oi three months. Publications will always be corftmued according to these, tiie legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CAiiBS. FEINTING AND BOOK BINDING. HAYING connected with our Printing Office a full and complete assortment of Book Binder’s tools and toe a, and also added to our Printing materials, we arenow prepared to execute,in good style and with despatch,every iind of work in cither branch ot the business, on the best terms. , . . . , a L YVK WORK, of every description, with orwith cut printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WARE HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &e., executed neatly and promptly, and bound in any desired style. RULROYO YND STEAMBOAT BLANKS, of all kinds got upjwith accuracy and dispatch. Bill leads. arils, Circulars, Hand Bills. Posters, programmes, i,e.,&c.,priatedi!i theshox aat notice and in the best style. Magazine and Pamphlets pur up in every style o Hading. , . . Books o all kinds rebound stronglv and neatly. LOMAX A tiLLIb. Columbus, Apr l 15 ici-) B. Y. MARTIN. J. J. MARTIN. MARTIN & MARTIN, Attorneys at Law, eextnsOTTS, ga.. Office on Brand Street—Over Gunby & Daniel. Columbus, Jan. 9, 1557. wdttwly. H VniLT\ & PLANE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CO .UMBiJS, GA. THE above firm have renewed their Copartnership, and will devote the most assiduous attention to the pro fession in the counties of Muscogee, Harris, Talbot and Chattahoochee, in tins State,and in Russell county, Am. Office, front room over E. Barnard’s Store. January 39,1357. w&twtf. M. B. WELUJOK z XEK2 N. WTT.LIA.TfS. WEIiLBCHN 3c ‘vYITiTiTAMS. attorneys at law, Clayton, Alabama. W T T L. -livearomnt attention to the collection of all claims j 1 entrusted to their care in Barbour county. .ct 4 wtwMn j MARION BETHUNE, A TTO RNE Y AT LA W , TALBOTTCN. Talbot County. Ga. l >ctober 24th, 1850. w*wtf. —— W. 3. JOHNSON, attorney at law. CUSSETA, Chattahoochee Connty, Ga. •Jives his satire atientionto the practice in ■ tiatiahoochee sdioinimr counties. aaitl —wtwly* ROBERT 21 HOWARD, attorney at law, CRAWFORD, ALA. September 8, 1853. twAwll. S. A. MCLENDON, attorney at law. Fort Gaines. Ga. TTILL promptly attend to ailbuainess entrusted to his iV -ire—parti cal., rly Collecting. novcwtwiy PEYTON H. COmUTTT, attorney. t law, ooLt nurs, GA. Office, ap stairs, over Col. Holt’s office, Randolph sl nay *1,1855 wttwtt 3ATTGH & SLADE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLCMBCS, GEORGIA. rTT* LL oracticeiaw in M uscogee and iheadjoininuco untie* \y of tJeorgia and Alabama. o®ce over Bank >f Columbus, Broat. street. aoßaav saitaa. 1 ■ J - slad*. Columbus, ‘ia. March *27 1857. wtwtr SAMUEL H. HAWKINS, ATTTORNEY AT LAW, AMERICI73, GA. WTT. I. practice in the counties of Sumter, Webster, i Terreii,Lee, Baker, Worth, Randolph and Cai houn. REFsaaNCE —lasi ram, Cravrtord & Russell, Coiutnhufi. Col. Henry G. Lamar, Macon Ga. Mr. W. L. Johnson, Americas. May 12,185~—tvoti “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” SSffiItFSMS EINSL THE HALLOTIPE PICTURES! ! A. J. RIDDLE, HAS purchased of J. Garaev, of New York, the exclusive right for taking Hailotype Pictures, which is a little ahead of anything m the way of Picture taking the worn! has ever seen.’ There is nothing to which they can be c. apared in the art of Photography, but bear a strong resemblance to wax rig ares, for sot tnes Hand beauty of light and shade. Ladies and genttemen are invited to call and examine specimens. Artists who desire to learn this new and beantiml art. and secure rights for other counties will please cad on A. J RID DLE, Columbus Ga. Julv2s— CARD NEW’ FIRM. G. F. NEUFFER, 1 Successor to H. E. DIBBLE, HAVING purchased the stock and leased, the ;""j3 Store lately occupied by H. E. Dibble, in the. HAT and CAP BUSINESS, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has made arrangements with a New York house where by he will be supplied with a general assortment of the latest style of Hat3, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sags, Misses’ and Children's Goods. Also a tine assortment ot Gent/s Furnishing’ Goods, ! For wtitch a liberal share ofpatrcnage is solicited. C. F. NEUFFER, At the atm of the Big Hat, Broad st. Columbus, Ga.. Feb. 12 1838. ECONOMY ITSELF! I WOULD must earnestly call*the attention oi the public to the use ot this well tried SOUTHERN REMEDY for all Bowel Diseases, in any and all’of their forms, Flux, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Chronic or Accute; the result of Mea sles. ie.,or Children Teething, or any derangement of the bowels. As much hnmbuggery as there may be in the world, l know the citizens of Columbus and vicinity have used this I medicin-.-time and again with more success than any remedy ! nowin use. My neighbors shall make the verdict. I only ask a trial; that will tell tor its merits. Please call at Gunby k. Co’s. Corner, or at my residence by ; day or night, Sunday or Monday,and I will take great pleas ure in stating to you such facts as will satisfy any unprejuA j ced mind ot the above facta With fevers or iaflamation. no danger. Innocent in itsua : ture, itleaves the system aid bowels in a healthy condition, and leaves no bad results o follow, I am oniy asking the peopieto give itafairtrial I onlyask you to used and use it freely,aa thereisno danger in it. it isthe cheapest remedy in the world, at leaat in this country. Liberal reductions made to dealers: orto any one taking it oy thedozen. Ail or ? ders will meet with prompt attention. Very Respectfully, JACK SMITH. -it Gunby k Co.’s Corner,Columbus, Ga. Mav 29, 1857—w&twtl CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have this day associated themselves together under the name and style of AYER & GRAY, Auction Merchants, and respectfully solicit a share of business—pledging them selves to a faithful discharge of ail business committed to their care. Liberal advances made on consignments. A. K. AYER, RICHARD M- GRAY. Columbus, Jan, 1, 1857. jandwtwly Real Irish Poteen Whisky. THE subscriber is now manufacturing the real Irish Po teen Wh:sky, at hisplace one and a half miles irom Columbus, which he warrants to be pure and genuine, and equal to the best Poteen Whisky manufactured under ground :n Ireland. Apart from :ts being a headtiy and pleasant beverage, it is an excellent remedy tor Colds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &c. For sale by the bottle at Brooks & Chapman’s Drug Store, at Brassiil & Co’s by the drink or otherwise, and by the gallon at the disttilerv. mart) —wtwtf A. BRANNAN. A Medicine that never Debilitates DR. SANDFOED’S IN VIGOR ATOR, OR LIVER REMEDY, 13 N ARTICLE THAT EVERY BODY NEEDB WHO IS uoi ia a perfect slate of health, for the Livens second oniy to the hear, in oar human economy, and when that ,s deran ged ae whole vital machinery runs wrong. To And a meoicine peculiarly adapted to this disease has been the study of one of r ne proprietors, in a large and extended, practice ior the oast twenty years, and the result of his experiment istlte Invigorator, as a never-failing remedy where medicine has i any power to help. Asa liver’ remedy ii aas no equal, as ail ! testify who use it \ iadv writing from Brooklyn, savs: -Wou’dthat T could express in this short letter the va.ue your invigorator has been to me fn raising a large ’amily of children, for it has never failed to relieve ail ail affections of the siomach, bowels or attacks of worms. If mothers had th remedy placed w.thm their reach, and were taught how o use it, a tearful and untoid amount of agony might be saved. One of our prominent bankers says, “Five or six years ago 1 found my-elf running down with a liver difficulty; resorting to v,ur invigorator, was greatly relieved, and continuing lor a season, was entirely restored.'’ A clerz’ man called at our ‘dice the other day and said he had given*a ooor woman a bottle, who was suffering very bad ly from the Liver Complaint, and before she had taken the whole ot it she was at wora earning bread tor aer lamuy. 1 gentleman, recently from t e west.says, while at Chicago, he w s att eked with a “ slow, lingering ever. *hat baffled the skill of physicians, bat the invigorator cared him in a few days. Oneof our city merchants said, while on a visit ’to Tmy. a few days sinee. he was attacked with boweil and st mach disorcers, so as to coniine him to his room, he sent to the drug store tor a bottle of Invigorator. took one dose, which relieved him so that he was able to attend his business. An acQttaintancs, wnose business compels him to write most of the time, savs he became so weak as to be unaole at times to hold his pe*n. while at others sleep would overpower him bat the Invigorator cared him. A gentleman from Brooklyn caded on us a week or two since, looking but the shadow of aulars. with his skin yeilow. pale ana deathlike. lie had .‘eenfbr a long time suffering thorn Jaundice and Dyspepsia, and unable to attend to his bu siness. We saw him asra.n to—dav a chanced man. and to use his expression: he has not seen the bottom of the Srst bottle, and farther adds, “it saved my life, lor 1 was fast going to a consumptive's grave. Amonc the hundreds of Liver remedies now offered -to the public, there aie none we can so fuily recommend as Dr. San- , ford’s Invigorator. or Liver Remedy, so generally known now throughout the Union. This preparation\is truly a Liver In vigorator. producing t e most nappv results on ail who use it! Almost innumerable ceniflcates have been given of the *reat virtue of this medicine by those of the highest standing ~n society, and it is, without .doubt; the beat preparation now before the pubiie. 8 \NF*'>RD fc CO. Propreuirs. 345 JB roadway. New York. 3 * i bv Pemberton, NuckoDb k Go. and by Danforthk •tage; .olumaus. marh*—wk;w3m. VOTICE to Dwbtors and Creditors:—Ail person i indebted to the estate of Aqutlla Cobb, deceased.late ot Chattahoochee county. Ga- are, requested to make immediate pavmeut and those having detr anas against said estate are hereby notified to present them to us duly athenticated with in terms of the law. otherwise they will not be paid. JOHN 3. DUNCAN, t . - JOSEPH COBB. L March 16,1858—w4ki COLUMBUS, GEORGIA THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 13, 1858. PL A HERS’ WARE-HOUSE. f=f=*=f\ THE undersigned have ‘his day purchased the \ f y a rehouse property of STEW ART. GRAY * CO., will continue the business (so ably and satisfac orilv conducted bv them) under the arm and styie of DILLARD, POWELL & CO. v'.Ty-w. In soliciting a continuance of the patronage so lib- extended to our predecessors, we take occa- IgHg-.on to 3£ ? that no labor will be spared by us to snb serve the interest of our customers and irienda.and we snail at ail times b- pr snared to extend them usual facilities. F. W. DILLARD, R. H. POWELL, N. J. SCOTT. ADDIS’ >N FRAZIER. WEBLEY WLLiAAMS. Columbus,July Ist, 1857. The above will inform the public that we have sold our Warehouse propertvto .Messrs. Dillard, Foweii atJo.,aad we take great pleasure in recommending them as every way | worthy of public patronage, and solicit a continuance of the patronage of our former customers and friend for the present i concera.’ STEWART, GRAY &.CO. Julv B—w&twtf. FONTAINE AND LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. HUGHES, DANIEL Jfc CO., Having associated with them Wesley v\ \ \\a Hodges, and taken the Lowed in addition to jti.'yac.. the Fontaine Warehouse, and having greatly increased their storage capacity, will continue the Warehon**, Re ceiving, Forwarding, and ‘Commission Bu siness* under the hrm name of HUGHES, DANIEL & CO. OFFICE AT THE FONT AINU WARE-HOUSE- Ourparticuiar attention will be given tothe sale of Cotton and other consignments. We are prepared to afford all fa cilities usual inour business. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton,in store or for shipment toother points. Bagging. Rope, Salt dfce., will be furnished our customers at current rates, and ordersof every description, will meet with prompt attention. Thanki'ui for the liberal pa tronage of last season, we hope for its continuance. WM. H. HUGHES. WILLIAM DANIEL. JNO. R. EaSTH AM. ‘—ell 1857—wtwtf WESLEY J. HODGES. KING & SORSBT, WARE-HOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COLUMBUS, GA. ARTICULAR attention given to the storage selling of Cotton. Liberal advances made. Bagging and Rope supplied at the lowest market prices. “ ~ July 17—wtwly. J. IV. KUfTG, **7*. SCSSBYV AUCTION & COIDIiSfcION BUSINESS. NEW FIRM. THE undersigned would inform iheir friends and the public thatthey have .associated tnemseives together unuertfae name and stvle of HAERISGI * PITTS, at the oid stand Nos. 55) and 61 West side Broad Street, for the p nrpose of transacting the AnsUon Commission, aad Negro Easiness, and solicit their patronage. All business committed tetheir care will he .proinptlv and faithfully attended to. They will give their personal attention to the sa.e of Real Estate, Ne groes, .Merchandizeand Produce. Having mouses fitted an* exprssiy for the purpose, they are prepared board, to pur chase and sell Negroes on Commission. ,J e Liberal advances will be made as j Negroes and Merchandize. Administrators and Executors’sales attended to on reason able terms. •rijp* From 50 to 60 LIKELY NEGRGOES of ail classes will be kept constantly on hand. CHA3. 3. HARRISON; GEORGE I. PITTS. Columbus. July 23,1857. iulv23—wtwtf J. N. CLARK, .Murfreesboro’ J. BRACE, Marietta ~L HL SIMiIS & m Wholesale and Retail Grocers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HTOEFBJSES3OHO TEHCT. atenlion given to purchasing Grain, Bacon. Lard slc. &c., on ail orders enc’osmg remittances. References: J. R. Wilder, Savannah, Charles Campbell, Macon. T. P. Stoveall, Augusta. Col. R.L. Mott, Cos .ambus. Hugh, Peters & Cos. Atlanta. Thrmas Joseph. Montsrora’y jol. J. H. Glovem Marietta. Lanier* Philips, Nashville, Wm. Spence, Exchange ank, Murfreesboro’ Tenn. February 1,1858. —w6m. FOR SALE. THE Subscriber has on hand a few 3TILL3 for manuu. ftu ring Peach Brandy or Wliialty, which he wil 1 eli very low. ALSO, Tin, Slieet Iron and Japan Ware, every iescription.which can be boughtat thelowesrates. zU = I-Li. one ou sn 1 notice and on libera , terms. I J. 3. HICKS,Agent, julylß ■ vt Next doorhaiow “sans >onci” Rrrad- fPSPrp 7 LANDRETH’S NEW CROP OF GARDEN SEEDS just received and for sa;e by „ BROOKS & CHAP ALAN. Also, ONION SETS of various kinds. dec 10—wtwtf w & - w Landretli s New Crop Garden Seed, Just Received at janJß—wtwtf. J. W. PEASE’S BOOKSTORE. ADMiyiSTRATOR’S SALE. WILL bo sold on the drat Tuesday in May next, be fore the Court House door in Taibouon. Talbot county. (Ja-. the following property to-wu: The undivided hair of thirtv six acres of and off the South hail Lot of land aurnbei one awmlred and twemvoue. in the 17th District otornrn aily Muscogee, aow Talbot county—iSoklfer die benefit >t tae heirs of Josnua R. McCook, deceased. , Terms made known on the day of safe. March 16. l- i sa-w4*K| ~AMUBL D HARP liar. E. BARNARD & CO., COLUMBUS. GA. WUH OLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS, HA YE on hand, and will oonstantiy keep, a large i EFvafUand weil selected Stock, embracing every article ta iino, which are offered to their friends and the punhe. at the lowest maikat prices. Come and see us. CoiumDus, Sept. 29, 1857. wktwtf. To our Customers! FROM and after the first January next, we shall adopt, as nearly as possible, the CASH SYSTEM. Nxcxssrrv | compels usTTOTHis cnuss*. From that day all articles will | be priced as cash. Where credits are given i whieh will only ’ be extended to those whe have promptly paid ua s an addition will be made to the price named according to the time requir ed by the pueckaser. E. BARNARD &CO. Dec. 31, 1857—. MACKEREL. -f iN/N PACKGES, Halves, Quarters and Kits, all num -IUU bers, ior sale at small advances for Cash, by Jan.i'i—wtwtf £• b.m?iAitD & >O. PLANTING ‘POTATOES -i /~\/~\ Barrels Pink Eyes, for saleat small advance for Cash by Jan 19—wtwtl L. BARNARD &■ CO. LONG AND SHORT SWEETNING, -i •’A BBLs. and half bbls. Choice Syr.p. lOU 30 Ilhds. N O. Sugar, ail grades, lor saleat small advances for Cash, by JaalB — twtr E. BARNARD & CO. FANCY ST. LOUIS FLOUR | /~'v BARRELS Planters’3 Extra Union, and Diamond TW Brands, tor sale at small advance tor Cash, by Jan 19—iwti E. BARNARD CO, PALACE MILLS - "FLOUR. Y CONSTANT supply kept on hand, and for sale at Ujl Mill pncM, for Cash by Jan. 18—wtwtf E. BARNARD & CO. CIGARS DIRECT lEPORTATION. i,i i BOXES Havana Cigaaa of various brands for sale at XUU small advances for Cash by Janl9 —wtwtf E. BARNARD & CO. WRAPPING AND NEWS PAPER 1 OF ALL SIZES ASD QUALITIES, FOR S-fc LS AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS.*CASH- iunelSwtwtf gi thing, Hcrse-3iioeiiig‘, Wagon and * Plow Work, &c. THE undesigned have started the above business on Bry aa Street, opposite the Perry House, and by strict at tention to business hope to secure the patronage ot the public. janDtwtl R. B. PIERCE & CO. UPHOLSTERY. THE undersigned would say to the public that he is prepared to execute all orders in the above line. Spe cial attention will be given to Upholstering Church Pews, Tete-a-tetes, Solas, and Chairs. Repairing doue neatly and at moderate charges. Feb6-wtwti J- H. SIKES. 1000 ACRES OF 1 Elver Lands, for Sale. *3 undersigned being desirous of winding up business, offer for sale;-on any time to suit pur-1 a vain able settlement of One Thonsand Acres of Land, lying oa the West side of the Flint River, ten miles north ol Oglethorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds. Two hundred acres of tnis settlement is number one pine land, the balance (800 acres) entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to beinnunndated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to 80 bushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to-2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres oi pine land, and 15 of Swamp cleared and i in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South Westerr Georgia. Apply to COOK & MONTFORT, Juivtl —wAtwtf. atOgiethorpe.Ga. Ccrrintha A. Hargis, i Libel for Divorce, vs. / in William Hargis. 7 Meriwether Superior Court IT appearing to the Court by the petition of the Sheriff, that the Defendant does not reside in this county, and it further appearing, that he does not reside in this State: It is on motion ordered, That said detendant appear and answer, at the next term art this Court, or that said case be considered in delauit, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and that this order be published in the Times & Sentinel ,a public newspaper of this State, once a month for four months, after the adjournment of this court. By the Court. GEO. A. HALL, Attorney for Libeiiians. A trie extract from the .Minutes of Men wether Supenor Court at February Term. 1858. WILLIAM A. ADAMS,CIerk. March 2d. 1858—w4m. DR. S. BASS, a H.V3 opened an office over the *‘Bank of Columbus, dßtyforihe practice ot Medicine and Surgery. ‘'M Residence, North East Corner of Forsyth and Bt. Clai uk streets.near :he Female Academy. Columbus, Jan. 24,1857 —twtf. NEW STOSS AND ITETW GOODS. JACKSON & REDD, Dealers instable & fancy drygoods Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. <fcc., 86 East side of Broad street, opposite Redd &. Johnson, Coiumbus.Oct. 6, ‘s7.—t£ D. C. Jackscin. J. J. Redd. LAW BOOKS, THE Complete sets of the GEORGIA REPORTS. ALSO, The 21st Volume of Georg’a Reports,by Martin. For sale by JfW. PEASE & CLARK. March 6, 1357—tf T. LANDON, HATS: ijSgf HATS J GAPS! jMK. GAPS. 10*2 Broad Street, Columbu*. Has on hand an elegant assortment of Sonne and Sum mer Hats, embracing SILK. CASSIMERiE, and SOFT HATS, ot everv variety, color, size and shape. For sale CHEAP. Columbus, Ga. March 4, 1358. w&twtf THE CARTER FACTORY CORA .HILL, [S aow ji full operation, turning out the best quality oi Meal. Brine on your Cora. The highest market price paid for good Corn. Meal alwavs on hand and for rale. Feb. 11 —wtwti HAMILTON BOLAND. PETTOH H. COiatTTT, Editor. MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD! Change of Schedule. FROM and after thiadate the Davor Expree* Train will leave the depot at 4.041 P.M. and arrive at Macon at 10.28 P. Jf. Leave Macon at 1.30 A Jf. arrive at Columbus at 8.52 A M Morning or Accommodation Train will leave ai 1.55A. M. and arrive at Macon 8.515 A. M. Leave Macon at 11.30 A. M. arriveat Columbus 6.33 P. M J. L. MUSTIAN.Supt. Columbus, Nov. 14—tw&.wt t CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SEE VICE. MONTGOMERY & WEST POINT R. R. CO., MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19,1857. ON and after this date the PASSENGER TRAINS on this roud wI,, be governed by tae loiiowiau ccHELCLE DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8510a.m. Arriveat West Point 3.30 p.m. ArriveatColumbus 2.50p.m. Returning—Leave West Point 3.341 a. m. Leave Columbus 10.00 a. m. Arrive at Montgomery 4.M) p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5.20 p. m. Arriveat West Point 12.50a. m. 44 Columbus l.oua. m. Returning—Leave West Point 7.30 p. m. LeaveOoiumbus 7.30 p. m. Arrive at Mfintgomery 2.30 fa. m. Through tickets can be obtained(.io. Double Daily Connec tions) to Atlanta Cbuiumooya andNasuvdle. and daily nections to Huntsville Memphis and Knoxville. S. G. JONES Eng'r St Sup. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN ATU.VTA AND COLISBI'S. BY an arrangement between the Railroad Compamebcom posing the two routes from AtlaniatoCoiumuus,conclu ded at their Convention at Savannah on the 16th was agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Co lumbus snail govern, taking effect from the first day 01 May Lss7. VIA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel, lie. Wheat 12. Oats 8. Bacon, Whisky Flou’- in sacks or barrels, per J4K lbs. 35c. Bagging, Rope Lard in cans or bbls.. per 100 lbs. 45c. Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per ton of 2000 lbs. 83.75. VIA MACON. Corn per busel 14c. Wheat 15c. Oats 10c. Bacon, Whis ky, Flour in Sacks or Bbls., per 100 lbs, 44c. Bagging,Rope, Lard, in cans or bbls.. per 100 lbs. 55c. Coal, Pig Iron, by carload, per ton oi 2000 1b5.84.68. J. MV9TIAN, President and Superintendent Muscoiree R. R. GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent Southwestern Railrtad. EMEBSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad. GEO. G. EULL, Superintendent Atlanta and LaGrange R. R. SAMUEL G. JONES, Engineer and Superintendent M. A. ,W. P. Railroau. May 30, 1837—wSttwif. MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. m is 7§^gj=3S CT.: 1 war ■ :• hi THE Passenger* Freight Train will leave Girard at 2 P M.daily, connecting at Silver Run with a daily line o Stages to Villuia, Glennville.Eufauia, Fori Gaines, and Marl anna,Fla. And at Gueryton daily, with the Stages for Tehee Olivet. Enon. Chnnnenuggee, Midway, Hardaway, Perot and Union Spria s. LenvingGueryton at 4 A. M., daily, the Cars will reach Girard at 7 A, M.. connecting with the Gpeiikaanu Mub cogee Trains. Receipts mast accompany Freight shipped. 13 F* All freight mustbe paid before goods willbe discharg Freight delivered at the Depot before 4 o’clock P.M. will be shipped the following dav. Freights for stations No. 1 (Fori Mitchell,) and N0.5 (Pe aoas’. must be preDaid. Way freight must in all cases be paid in ahvasci. JOHN HOWARD, mar2s 1857-w&twtf. Enainee; <fc Sup. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SAVANNAH Jk CHARLESTON STEI3-PICKET LINE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE North Eastern R. R. of South Carolina. THE SPLENDID AND FAST ’ RUNNING STEAMER GORDON, F. Barden, Comman ler, l^v® B Savannah for Charleston every and Wednesday aftenuntns at 3 o’clock, and connects at Charleston with the morning train 0/ . the North Eastern Railroad, going North. Returning leaves Charieston every Monday and Friday night at 8 o’clock, ("after the arrival of the carson the N. E, R. R.) and arrives at Savannah early next mornings. By this route passengers can obtain through tickets to and from Savannah, Ga. and Wilmington, N. C. Having a througn freight arrangement with the Central R. Road and its connections, all freights between Charieston and the Interior of Georgia, consigned to-he agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. J. P. BROOKS. Agent Savannah. E. LAFITTE &CO, Ag’ts.Charleston Jan 15—wfittwtf FOR SALE. MI am now offering for sale one of the moat desirable residences in or near Columbus. It .is situated just outside of the East Common, near the residence of Maj. Job” H. Howard. The lot contains six acres. For further particulars, appiyto me at Upaioie, or Chariy.J Williams at Columbus. June 21)—twtf C. B. HOWARD. SORTHERS MALE WAGORS FOR Two Horses, wnnlron A*ies—with and withou Bodies. For sale by KING &, SORSBY. aprii’ 4—twtf. TENNESSEE BACGS ASD LABD. are receiving on consignment large lota of Sides, \V Hams, Shoolders, and Lard, m Casks, Box es and Cans. For sale by aprH—twtf KING & SORSBY. GREAT ATTRACTION ! Bargains ! Bargrins ! Bargains ! TOM* WISHES to inform her fnends, and the public generally of Columbus and the vicinity, that she •Sc*- is now offering tor sale a complete assortment of GOODS, consisting in cart of— NEAPOLITAN BONNETS, from f2 00 to *2.50. MISSES GIPSIES tI.OO BLOOMERS, from 37ic to sl-25. Handsome Ganse RIBBONS, ’2sc per Yard. And a large lot of Swiss Trimmings at 20c per yard.— ; Cali and see. Cheap tor Cash. July 23,1857. wdttwtf. Notice to those Indebted. * LL Persons indebted to the undersigned by note or an ! A count past due, are once more earnestly requested ;o COM 2 FGEWARD AND SETTLE. T AKE NOTICE—AiI claims for goods sold prior to the first of January 1857, if not paid bv the Ist day oi April nejtt, will be Sued, in their respective counnes. by the first return day thereafter. J. H. DANIEL Jk CO., 1 niaifi 18S8—wtwBw 123 Broad Street. [NUMBER 58