The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 05, 1858, Image 1

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Che Cimes & BeuttneL By LOMAX * ELLIS. VOLUME VL] Ci mts aniJ Snduul. rSTfSi^E^^ U published ersry TUEsftAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY EYESISG, THE WEEKLY TIMES 4 SENTINEL Ispablisinad every TUESDAY MORSLSG. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the P. O. T ERMS: TRI-WEEKLY, Five Dollars per ianam, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,madvance. Advertisementsconspicuously inserted at One Del- | lar per square, for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for every subsequent insertion A liberal deduction will be made tor yearly advertise ment*. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execu tors and Guardians, are required by law to be held oa the first Tuesday m the moath, between the hours of tea in foreaooa and three ia the afternoon, at the Court House in the county to which the property is situate. Nosuces of these sales mat be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day ot sale. Notice tor the sale of Personal property mast be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate mast be published forty days. Notice chat application will be made to the Court ot Or dinary for leave to sell Lana or Negroes, must be published weekly for two moaths. Citatioas tor Letters of Administration most be published thirty days—tor Dismiesioa from Administration, moumiy tix months—for Dismission from Guardianship,forty days, j Rules tor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly tor four months—for establishing lost papers for the full space ot three moaths—for compelling titles from Sxeeators or Administrators, where a bond has been giv -3H by the deceased, the foil space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, tne legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CABDS. PRINTING AND BOOK BINDING. HAVING connected with our Printing Office a fail and complete assortment of Book Binder's tools and toe*., and also’ added to our Prh.ting materials, we are now prepared to execute, ia good style and with despatch .every kind of work in either branch of the business, on the best terms. BLANK WORK, ofeverydeacription,with orwith out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WARE HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Lading, Jcc., *!kc., executed neatly and promptly, and bound ia any desired style. R UtßOad and stearboat blanks, otall kinds got up,with accuracy and dispatch. , Bill Heads, Cards, Circulars. Hand Bills, j Posters, Programmes, Ac.,dtc-, printedm the shot eet notice aad ia the best style. .Magazine and Pamphlets pur up in every style o binding. _ , , . Books o all kinds rebound 100 q>l Columbus, Apr l lb —a B. Y. MARTIN. J. J. MARTIN. MARTIN & MARTIN, Attorneys at Law, eextraißiTS, ga. Office on Broad Street—OverGunby A Daniel- Columbus, Jan. 9, 135”. witwly. HANLIIiTON Sc PLANE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, CO iCHBIJS, &A* THE above firm have renewed their Copartnership, and will devote the most assiduous attention to the pro fession m the counties of Muscogee, Harris, Talbot and Chattahoochee,in this State.and m Russell county, Ala. Office, front room over E. Barnard's Store. January 28,1357. wxtwt*. n. a. wxLLfloa* jsas.N. wtt.x.um3. WELJLBOR3T A WILLIAMS, attorneys at law, Clayton, Alabama. WILL rive prompt attention to the collection of all claim* entrusted to their care ia Barbour county. Act 4 wtwom MARIOS BETHUSE, attorney at law , TALBOTTON, Talbot Coxmty. Oa. fatober 44th. 1356. wtwtf. w. S. JOHNSON, * attorney at law. C U S S E T A, Chattahoochee Coaaty, Ga. gtfM hi, iiitire attaotfealo the practice in > adiotaing coontiea. *B-* *l*o ——— | S. A. M’LESDON, attorney at law, Port Gaines, Ga. TTILL promptly attend to aii business entrusted to hit W core—portfcol-xtJ Coileccug. aovSwtwij PETTOS H. COLQUITT, ATTORNEY T LAW, <7O LI*.RBI'S, GA. Office, ap stairs, over Col. Holt's office, Randolph st. auir 95.(555 wiriwzi BAUGH & SLADE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMECS, GEORGIA. rfTTLL practice law In Muscogee and theadjoiningcoonties W nf Georgia and Alabama. ry office aver Beak * doiumbos, Broad Street. aoaeaT sairea- J - J * IUB1 : Columbus. Ga. March 27 1857. wtwtf MOBLEY A FARLEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, H AMILTON, {GEORGIA. Hamilton, Geo. Feb. A 1858. wtwy SAMUEL H. HAWKINS, atttorney at law, AMERICTJ3. GA. Wt£ssZj&'X& tsass'^rsE Ray 11, WW—twH “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” J* FOGLE A SON, DENTISTS, Office on Randolph Street,near Broad, Columbus,Ca Coiumbus, May 9, 1367. wtwtf WM. F. LEE, D. D.S. 55H&OENTAL SURGEON. OFFICE corner of Broad aad Randolph Streets, Columbus, Georgia. Decernor IT, 1-s*s—wAtwtf Baeon! Baeon! WE have newonhand and willbe constantly receiving. • • Prime Tennessee Bacon—Hams, Sides and Shoulders, which we will sell attheiewea*. Commiseion House prices. Vf * r-2il—wfctwtf E. BARN AMD A CO. TO THOSE INDEBTED. rrTE hereby give notice that all claims due us. and not paid V V or jatls actorily arranged, prior to the next return day of the respective countiey in which the pa ties reside, will be sued. None shall be slighted, mar 20—wtwtf. E B ARN ARD k. CO. MOREBOOKS! THE Life ot E. K. Kane, by Wm. Eider. Bayard Taylor’s Northern Travels in Swe- Lapland and Norway. Bartoa’a Lite of Aaron Burr, (new supply. Travels in South Africa. Whfte'a Gardening for the South Spurgeon’a Sermoas. Ist, 2d, and 3d aerie*. Inquire Within, or 3700 Fact* for the People. Just received by J W. PEASE & CLARK. Columbus, March 23, 1358—wtwtf. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ! THE] EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO, OFFER their various styles of Goods, comprising OsNABURGS, YARNS, FASHION (or stripes,) PINE-KNOT PLAINS. NEGRO KERSEYS, SOUTHERN LINSEYS “TRUCK FOR TROWSERS.”COTTON ROPE,fcc &c. AT GREATLY REDUCED FRIGES. They invite the’special attention of the Trade to their Stock which ia complete in every respect. J-RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Columbus. Dec. 5, i357. twit wtf BEDELL & WEEMS Wholesale aad Retail GROCERY DEALERS aiiiifflijTja, as®. YVTT.T. keep constantly on hand a well selected Stock comprising all articles in their line, which are offered to their friends and tne public generally at tne LOW ESI JdJ REE T PRICES. Give us a call. LOCX WZE3J3. A. G. B2DELL, Columbus Ga. Dec. 22. wtwtf. FOR SALE. ®I am aow offering for sale one of the most desirable residences in or u**ar Columbus. It .is situated just outside of the East Common, near the residence of Maj. Joh- H. Howard. The lot contains six acres. For further particulars, appiyto me at Upatoie,or Charly.J Williams at Coiumbus. June 2 C. B. HOWARD. Selling Off to Gait the Business, Ad I Snd it aa up hill ba; uess selling Furniture MejSff in Columbus at present, and being anxious to chanya something that will pay better, I now offer my SZSBentire stock, consisting in part <>f Safes, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Bareaus.Bed steads. Dio in g. Work, and Ronad Tables, Writing, ttasiaess and School Desks, Book C ascs, Ac., with all other articles usually found Iv a Furniture Store. [ have also oa hand a lot o Wamrobe Varnish. Hair Cloth kc. which I will sell by the lot rin small quantities. fcThe above articles l offer for sale at prices that will insure saies o th se who wish to buy. whether It be at or below cost. I offer for rent the store that I aow otcupy. Posses sion given in April. J. H. SIKES, So. 26 Broad Street. February 10—twtf. NORTHERN MARE WAGOffS FIR Two Horses, with Iron Axles—with and withcu Bodies. For sale by KING & SORSBY. apnl 4—twtf. TENNESSEE BACON AND LABD. YTTE are receiving on consignment large lots of Sides, V\ Himu, Shoulders, and Lard,ia Casks,Box es and Cans. For sale by apnl4—twtf KING & SORSBY. Black-Smithing, Horse-Shoeing, Wagon and PJow Work, Ac. rp HE undesigned have started tne above business cn Bry* ; * an Street, opposite the PerTV House, and by strict at- j i tention to business hope to secure the patronage of the public. R. B. PIERCE A CO. THE LAST CALL ! MONEY WANTED. THE subscriber having purchased the entire interest of V. R. TOMMEY, m the Notes and accounts of tie j late firm of J. ENNIS A CO.,(which firm wasdissclved on the first Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebtec to said firm, either by note or account, to call at the store ‘> oi J. Ennis ACo ,and settle the same,or they will find j their Notes and Accounts in the hands o fan officer for! j collection. J. ENNIS. Colambns, Oct. wtwtf 1 UPHOLSTERY. THE undersigned wood say to the public that he is j prepared to execute all orders in the above line. Spe- i eiai attention will be given to UphoUtenng Chareii Pews, j Tete-a-tetee,Sotos, and Chairs. Repairing done neatly J H. SIKES. ECONOMY ITSELF! I WOULD most earnestly caliche attention of the public to sue use erf this veil tried I SOUTHERN REMEDY for all Bowel any and all'of their forms. Flux, , Dvsemery, Diarrhoea. Chronic or Accate; the result of Mea : he., or Children Tee thin*, or any derangement of the bowtla. As —chhambfiary as there msy be inthe world. 1 know the citizens of Columbus and vicinity have used this medic: n- rim* and again with more successthan any remedy i nowin use. My neighbors shall make the verdict. I only ask a trial: that will tell for its merits. Please call at Gunby fe Co**, orner. or at my residence by da or night. Sunday or Monday .and I wil 1 take grea: pleas ure in stasiasrtojousaeh Ssctaaa wiil satisfy any ced mind o* the above facta With fevers or inflamatiom no danger, laaocent inns na ture ttieavee the system at and bowels in a heaitay condition, and leave*ao bad results to follow. lam only taking the , peepieingire itatoirtriai I only ask joa to aseit and nse - itfreely.aa thereisao danger in U. It Uthe cheapest remedy la the world, at least in this country. Liberal redactions made to dealers: or to aay oae taking it by the dozen. AD or* ‘ 4 "NSSiuSSJ£ST**— jack na Ad Gunby * Ce **er,we : *mbae. G COLUMBUS, GEORGIA SATURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 5, 1858. TRI-WEEKLY. PUNTERS’ WARE-HOUSE. THB undersig&ed have this day purchased the 14 i -SiWarehooae property of BTBWART, GRAY k CO., will continue the business to ably and satiaiac orily cendacted by them) under the firm and style of DILLARD, POWELL Sc CO. I® soliciting a continuance of tne patronage so lib £jmmmeraliy extended to our predeceasers. e taxe occa- to *e that no labor will be spared by us to sub serve toe interest <>f our customers and we shall at all times Ik p reared to extend them usual I'aciliues. F.W. DULLARD. S. H. POWBLL, N.J.BCOTT, ADDTSt N FRAZLEB. WESLEY WILLIAMS. Columbuiylaly Ist, 1357. The above will inform the public that we have sold our Warehouse propertvto .Messrs Dillard, Pnwei I ACo ..and w e take great pleasure in recommending them aa every way ; worthy of public patronage, and solicit a continuance ot the patronage of our former customers and tnend for the present concern. ATLW A AT, &B.A Ylt CO. Juiv B—wfctwtf. FONTAINE AND LOWELL fire-proof warehouses. HUGHES, DANIEL * CO., riflS H Having aaaociated with tnem W esley C-|—M-sf l Sedges, and taken the Lcweii in addition to HH4 tne l* onutiae vV arehouse, aad having rreatlv increased their storaaecapacity, will eoatinue the Warthsms, Re ceiving, Forwarding, and Commission Bn. linen, under the Srmnameoi HUGHES, DA.VIEL & CO. OFFICE AT THE FONTAINE WARE-HOUSE- Our particular attentioa will be given to the sale of Cotton and other consignments. We are prepared to afford all far ciiities usual in our business. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton,m store or for shipment to other points Bagglug. Rape, *., will oe furnished our customers at rurrent rates, and ordersof every descripticn, will meet with prompt attention. Thankful for the liberal pa tronage of last season, we hope for its continuance. WM. H. I UGHEB, WILLIAM DANIEL, jno. a. easts \m. *ll 1837—wtwtf WESLEY 2. HODGES. AUAliawlA IffAiiZ-Ilbyg** KING A SORSBY, WAKE-HOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COLUMBUS, GA. PARTICULAR attention given to the storage selling of C>ttoa. Liberal advances made. aad Rope supplied at the lowest market prices. JuiylT—wtwly. I. W. ENG, S. A. 30SS3Y. AUCTION & COMMISSION Business. NEW FIRM; THE undersigned would, inform their friends and the public that they have associated taemseives together underthe name and ityie of HABBISO3 4 PITTS, at the old stand Nos. 59 and SI West side Broad street, for the purpose of transacting the Auction* Coßuniisios, and Xe?ie Business, and solicit their patronage. All business committed tothei* care wiii he promptly and faithful y attended to. They will rive their personal attention to the sale of Seal Estate, Ne xroes, Jferchaadiae and Produce. Having houses fitted nx> exprseiy ior the purpose, they are prepared to board, to pur chase mi sell Negroes on Commission. Liberal advance* will be made as usual, on Negroes aad Merchandize. Administrators aad Executors’ sales attended to on reason able terms. J3F“From 30 to 60 LIKELY NEGRGOES of allciosses will be kept coustaatly on haad. CKAfL S. HARRIaON; GEORGE l. PITTS. Columbns,July 23,1357. iul723—wtwtf WARM SPRINGS, Meriwether Comity, Georgia. WILL EE OPENED THE FIRST OF JUNE. ■; Volume of Water 1400 Gailoas per Minute —Tempera- ture SO Degrees. THE subscriber having taken charge of the . above named Springs, weald inform his ffai | a | m fr ends and the public generally, that he has tegjj | |]B entirely renovated;he buildings, reconatruc- JBynKßS&ted iad improved the baths, ornamented the grounds, aad made it, in all respects, *a place to please the taste and insure the comfort of visitors. Bis preparations for the table are on such a scale as must insure satisfaction. A full supply of competent servants have been engaged, and every arrangement made to render the Warm Springs so attractive, both to invalids and persons in pursuit of pleasure as to render it unnecessary for Southerners to go Ntfrth to spend the summer months. The War” Sprats are situated 26 miles from Geneva, and the same distance from LaGran a e To liiese points the access ;s by Railroad daily: thence to the Warm 3-rings, daily hacks with good h<irse, can be had at moderate rates. Persons in Columbus or Griffin, preferring to go by private conveyance, can i—ach the Warm Springs in a day’s ride mardO —wtw3m JOHN H. DAYIS. i ha.-ieston Courier, Savannh Augusta Constitu tionalist. Georgia Cltiseu and Montgomery Advertiser and -Wail copy 3moat he and send bill to this office. Beady for the Season! I VERY RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO MY Trends and the public. that I have asp endid supply oi the GREAT MkITHERN REMEDY I mean JACK SMITH'S SOUTHERN CORDIAL, the reraedy tor ail ciasees ot Bowel D’seases, Flux Dys eateries, Diarrhoea, carcaie or acute) me re-ait at Mea sles, Typhoid Fevers, Ac-, aad m met all Spring aad Sum mer Complaints of Children, aad Children Teething. It to the most remeev, north, south, east, or west— notwithstanding the worid a diaeusted with harabuggery I am a Georgian, and have lived :■ Columous tor the last stteen years, and never expect to leave it. I appea. to my aeignoors fera-i theev decce of the above acts, that the Scat hem Cordial has no equal for the above mention ed diseases. lam for the worst case in Georgia,— and it I toi to care it, it snaa not cost the parties one cent. Oh, it the world couid know u I know, aad is my neigh bors know, how many sufferers woai.l fiod reiief jom ana cordial; but oh, how great is prejudice! Down with yocr prej* dice, oae Line; and try file Soutnera Cordial It is a remedy adapted to this climate; it to innocent m its na ture and reliable m its medical properties. Please caii at the Planter's Hotel, where I will take very great pleasure in satisfying aay unprejudiced mind that it s economy itseitior any and every tamiiy to keep a nook at home. The demand to loereasng daily. Call and give it oae tnai. JACK SMlTH, Planter’s Hotel Apr:; 12—wiwficn Cos lambus, Gi- FOR SALE. TH2 Subscriber baa on land a few STILLS for manna, tin ring Penck Brandy or Wklaky, which he wil •ilvery low. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Imn and Japan W*se. everydeecripfion,w set can aehcaghrat tael: wearaiea. U *TT 3 * * - eoooo ib n mtXr JllMral&snM. J. B. HlCKS^Afent, futylS M Mess leer below “flui keoat” Rreeto-v NEW SPRING STOCK MANLEY A BODGES 4 RE now m receipt of aa elegant assortment of AsPWNG dt SUMMER DRY GOODS, to which they reepecti’ully invite the attest ion of customers, consisting in part only of Elegant two and three Jape Byadere, Robe a Quiile and Bvadere SUMMER SILKS. Do. do. FRENCH J ACONETTS. Plain Bareges ot all colors—Luom’s rnanaractore. A large lot of Figured and Plain Jackonett ami Lawns at low prices- Edges aad lasertmgs wrought oa Irish Linen. Fine Linen Yokes —a beautiful article- Nainsook and Mull Muslins. 10,11 aad 12-4 Linaen and Cottoa Sheetings. Emboid ered and Lace Seta, French Collars of late style. ap3—wtwtf MANLEY i HODGES. LIYEKY & SALE STABLE. THE undersigned having this day pur chased the Livery Stable now occupied by JbC S. Hart dc Cos., aad formerly owned by H,i r* hor Pitts, will continue the busiaesß unoer me aame aad style of IYEY A: H II.KINS, and by giving their personal attention to the same, hope to re ceive from the puouc a Lberai share of its patron ige. JR IYEY July 16,1357. F.G. WILKINS. HAYINGsoId our Stable, as noticed above, we take pleasure m recommending to our friends, all drovers, and the public the new firm, and solicit for them a continu ation of the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on as: believing oar successors will anticipate your waat3 aad attend to them personally, inly 17—wtwtf. C. S. HART fc CO. THE CARTER FACTORY CORN HILL, IS now in full operation, turning out the best quality of Meal. Bring on your Corn. The highest market pnee paid for good Com. Meal always on hand and for sale. Feb. 11—wtwtf HAMILTON BOLANP CO-PAP.T^EESHIP. THE undersigned have this day associated themselves together under the name and style of AYER Sc GRAY. Auction & Commission Merchants, and respectfully solicit a share ofbneine*—pledging them selves to a faithful discharge of ail business committed to their care. Liberal advances made on consignment*. A. X. A\ c.R, RICHARD M- GRAY. Columbus, Jan, 1, 1857. janfiwtwly BED-STEADS 4 LARGE lot of very neat low post Bedsteads, as low as $4,00. For sale by J- H. SIKES, Columbus, March 4. 36 Broad Street. Land Warrants Wanted fin HE subeenbersare payingthe highest market price toe 1 Land Warrants. Call and see us. J”. ENNIh A CO. Columbus. June 37- wtf. THE LIVER PREPARED BY DR. SANDFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY .FROM GUMS. IS one of the beat Purgative and fLiver Medicine now before the public, that acta aa a Cathartic, eaaier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not on !▼ a catnaruc, but a Liver Remedy, acting diet on the Liver | to elect iia morbid matter, then on the Stomach and Bowaia tj carry off the'matter, thus accomplishing two purposes ef fectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in die operation of moat’Chatharacs. I; strengthens the system at the same time that it purges It: and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusua. rapidity. The'Liveris one of thef ~r; principal regulators ot the human body; and when i '( ‘**’ performs its functions well, he powers of the system ares folly developed. The stomach is almost eniirely dependent} *^{on the healthy action of the Liver for the proper .petbrm-} of ita functions, when the stomach is at faulttheooweLj^tare at fault, and the whole system *uffersin co asetj’woctv ■of oae organ—the Liver— having ceased |to do its duty !.*}For the disease of that or gaa. one Jof the fproprietor; w ■ has made it his study, in a practice of more than twenty t years, to dud some remedy wherewith to counteractth*i I 1 many derangementsto which id is Liable. s a ‘ To prove that this ‘remedy isj .at last found any persontrou bled with Liver Com-’ any of its forms, has but to try a -.bottle, aa<i(T";conylction is certain. These gums remove “ai morbid or bad‘matter ftom the sv9tem.sappiying in their} place a healthy : flow of bile, i’vijr'-'raring the Stomach * {causing food to digest veil, purifying tAe blood.} ,{riving tone andhealth to the w bole mach aery, removine} TT ; he cause ot the disease.— effecting a radical cure. , _ _ Bilious attacks iri( {cured, and, what is better, prevented, bj{*“*;tae occasional use of the Liver lavigorator. (*■ ; .. . , One dose alter eating issuf * . iaent to relieve tae stomacn and prevent'the food from} prising and scnnng. Only onedose taken before; prevents Sight mare. Jrif ... . . , Only one dose taken at , mtnt. loosens the bowels gentlv, and cures Cws-N *;tlveaess. One lose taken after eacfc( • > meal will cure Dyspepsia dose of two tea-* <*\* {spoonsful will always relieve Sick Headache. ( } . . One doee taken for fe- J„ > male obstruction remove me cause ’of the -lisease. ancj i makes* per ecscure. Oniy onei*>se immediatei; ? n*r} relieves cholic, wh e One dose often repeated Ist a sure care for Cholera Morbu*,andapreveßtaiivt( -ofCholera.l gg- t nly -me bottie it* * weded to| ikww out of the svstem the effects of medi }. t *ine after a long sickness. 1 *Gr One bottle taken for) —• * Jaundice removes ail sal fewness or unnatural the skin. One dose taken a ahor . {time before earing gives vi xor tothe aopetiteandmakes {food digest wail. One dose often repeateej ; lures Chrauie Diar rhoea, in its worst form .} while STM. HER and Bowel complaints yi elc # mm ’ almost to the ffrstdoee. One or two doses cures it-} tv { tacks caused by W srutm Chiidren: there is no surer.} > safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as itfnever fails S’ > few bo&les cares} DrupeJ, by exciting ±e absorbents. } -{ ... We take pleasure in recoin ; • wedding this medicine as a preventive for Peverfaad. , A ga*. 1 hill, Paver, and all Fever* of a Bii-< — fous Type, I: operates wttbeertaintyjmd thousands* ;are willing to testiiy to its wonderful virtues. * . A3, who aae it are giving their unanimous testimony in its fhvor. . Mtx water in the mouth with the lavLgoratoi tad rwaJlaw both ;*>gether. THE LIVER IHVIGOH 4TOR. ts a sclent:2c Medical Discovery, and is daily working cures simoet too great for belief. It cures as if by magict even the irstdose givtag benedt. and seldom more than one bottle is required:© cure any kind of Liver Comp : aia f . from the worst jaundiceor ijspewsia to a’ common headache, ai iot which are the result ot a diseased liver. Price On# Dollar per Bottie. SANFORD JkCO. Proprietor-. 340 Broadway,Sew York. wnoLiaatz isms. Barnes A Park Mew York: T. W. Doytt A Sooa, Philadel phia: M. 8. Burr ir Cos. Boston; H. H. Hay A Cos. Portland: ioha D. Pirk,'Ciacmaali; Gay'ari A Hammond, Cleveiand; Pahnstock k ‘Davis Chicago; O. J. Wood k Cos. Bt. Louis Geo.H. Kayser. Picsburgt 8.3, Haace. Baltimore. And re adied by all Druggists. Sold WkaUaaU xnd Re toil if J. 3 PEMBERTON Sl CO.. BROCKS At CHAPMAN, DAN FORTH A NAGEL, MaviSO—wtwly i DrJgfg^- PBYTOS H. COiaum, Editor. MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD. Change of Schedule. and *Rr th* Dt.*i Lipr>-.* Triin w : leave the depot a; 4.G* F.M. and arrive at Macon at 10—8 P. Of. Leave Macon, at EJI) A Jf. arrive at Columbus atSJSS A M Morning or Accommodation Train will leave ai 1-33 A M. and arrive at Maeou s.3d A. M. Leave Macon at lIJO A. M. arrive at Columbus 8 3a P . M J.L. MUST lAS, Supt. | Coiambas.Nov.l4 —twAwtt CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MONTGOMERY 4 WEST POINT R. R. CO., MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19,1857. ONT and after this date the PASSENGER TRAINS on this road wm be governed by tne lotiowing SCHEDULE DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 8.30 a. m. Arrivea* West Point i jp p m Arrive atCoiumbus iJW p. m . Returning—Leave West Point 9.30 a. m. Leave Columbus 10.00 a. m. Arrive at Montgomery 4.8 Q p. m. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5,20 m . m. Arrive at West Point 12,50 n.m. 44 Columbus „ 1.00a.m. Returning—Leave West Point 7.30 p.m. Leave Colum bus 7JO p. m. Arrive at Montgomery Through tickets cun be obtained (to. Doable Daily Connec* tione> to Atlanta Chattanooga and Naanville. and daily con sections to Huntsville Memphis and Knoxville. * 3.G.JOSES Eng’r.A Sap. FREIGHT ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN ATLANTA AND COLUMBUS. BY an arrangement between the Railroad Companiescont poaing the two routes from Atlanta to Columnus, conclu ded at their Convention at Savannah on the Itfth instant, it was agreed that the following rates between Atlanta and Co lumbus aaali govern, taking effect from the first day ot Jft; 1857. VTA WEST POINT. Corn per bushel. lie. Wheat 12. Oats 8. Bacon, Whisky Flour in sacks or barrels, per 100 lbs. 33c. Bagging, Rope Lard in cans or bbis., per too lbs. 45c. Coal, Pig iron, by car load, per ton of 2000 lbs. #3.73. VTA MACON. Corn per basel I4c. Wheat 13c. Oats Iflc. Bacon, Whis ky, Flour in Sacks or Bbls., per 100 lbs, 44c. Bagging,Rope Lard, in cans or bbls„ perlOO lbs. 55. Coal. Pig Iron, by carload, per ton of 2000 1b5.#4.68. J. MU3TIAN, President and Superintendent Muscogee R. R. GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent Southwestern Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad. superurafirefet* \-.uinta and LaGrange R. R. SAMUEL G. JONES, Engineer and Superintendent M. A W. P. Railroad. May 30, 1837—wAtwti. _ GERAiD~aAiI~KOAPr THE Passenger A Freight Train will leave Girard at 2 P M.daily, connecting at Silver Run with a daily line o Stages to Villula, Glennville.EafanJa. Fort Gaines, and Mari anna.Fla. And at Goerytoa daily, with the Stages for Cehee Olivet. Enon. Chunnenuggee, Midway, Hardaway, Perot and Union Sprin s. LeavingGueryton at 4 A. M., daily, the Cars will reach Girard at 7 A. M., connecting with the Opelika an u Mua cogee Trains. I-"#*” I iplicate Receipts must accompany Freight shipped, or All freight must be paid before goods will be diacharg ed. Freight delivered at the Depot before 4 o’clockF.M.wtlf be shipped .he following day. Freights rbr stations No. I (Fort Mitchell,) and N0.3 (>* sons’ > must be prepaid. Way freight must in all cases be paid is apvasc*. JOHN HOWARD, marii 1357-w Atwtf. Engineer A Sup. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SAVASSAH k CHARLESTON STEia-PACiET LISE. RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE North Eastern R. R. of South Carolina. _ Jg* THE SPLENDID AND PAST 1 RUNNING STEAMER GORDON, P. Barden, Comman- Leaves Savannah for Charleston every ■ nm -n,iiin ,m<i Wednesday aftemaam at 3 o’ciock. and connects at Charleston with the morning lrain#:tbe North Eastern Railroad, going North. Returning leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday mgdt at 8 o’clock, {after the arrival of the earson the M. E. R. R.) and arrives at Savannah early next mornings. By this route passengers can obtain thro ugh tick eta to and from Savannah, Ga. and Wilmington, N. C. Having a through freight arrangement with the Central S. Road and its connections, all freights between Charleston and the Interior of Georgia, consigned to the agents of this line, will be forwarded with despatch and free of charge. J. P. BROOKS, Agent Savannah. E. LAFITTE A CO, Ag’ta.Charleßon lan 15—wAtwtf 1000 ACBES OF Flint River Lands, for Sale. THE undersigned being desirons ef winding ap kdte. ne;r business, offer for sale, on any time to suit pnr-l pfjjuß:baaers. a vaivahTe settlement of One Thouiand Acres ef Laa4, lytn?sa the West side of the Flint River, sen milesaorth of Oglethorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds. Two hundred acres of sals settlement rs number one pine land, the balance , rOO acres > entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to bemnanndated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 6* te H) bushels of corn per acre, and from Isofl te 2DW lbs of cotton. There are 8® acres of pine land, and Jsof Swamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South Westerr ‘leorxia. Apply to COOK A MONTFORT, j n!T lT_wAtwtf. at Oglethorpe. Ca. A CARD—NEW FIJUf. C. F. NEUFFEB, Successor to ’H. E. DIBBLE, HAVING purchased the mock and leased the HM Stote lately occupied by H. tl Dibble, at the HAT and CAP BUSINESS, Weald respectfully inform hie friends and r he public that be has made anansrmeots with a New York boose w“*re by he wiii be ssppLed with a general assortmeat 01 tae at eat style of Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Misses’ and Children's Goods- Abo a fine assortment of _ . Gent’s Furnishing Goods, For Bkh a liberal share of patronage At the ssi of the Big Hat, Broad *t. Coiombos. Ga.. Feb 12 1858. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. JACKSON & REDD, es'staple a fancy wiy gooes AJBoots.Shoes, Hats,Cape,Ac.. , , ... 86 East side of Broad street, oppeette Seed m Coiamboe, Oct. 6, *ST.— _ D. C. J ICRBCS. *’ [NUMBER fi7