The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 26, 1858, Image 3

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HOME AFFAIRS. The Weather—Crnpn—Trade Ae. The weather in this vicinity has oeen a little fail-like da noc the last few lays- The nights and mornings are cooJ and pleasant. It is, however, tempomrv. and we rear we are not yet tirough wuh the heat and hurt of the <*ity. i ie crop* in and around Columbus are not so lbvorabie as heretofore. The com crop is plenum! and remarkably tine, but the cotton is fail of boll-worms and rust. Some or ’he farmers will not make the third of a cotton crop. Potatoes, beans, peas etc., are doing well. Upon the whole-, the arnser has no right to complain. r ie trade is getting a little bn.-k in the city. The ooitnttvrnen are coming in wuh their wagons, bringing produce, and receiving in return, 40011 sand groceries. 1 iie ; aii dry goods of some of the merehants are being received, and the ladies are examining the advertisements tn search of -acti articles as suit their taste, and the bouse to tind them. A tew oeaux and lovers are returning from the Summer resorts, gaded with the *ontinued round of games—and are warmly greeted by their cam-get-awav friends at home. This ends our home-talk. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL of the STEAMSHIP CAHAD A. COTTON UNCHANGED. Halifax, Aug. A—Tlie Brnisn and North Amencan flhjyai Mad steamsmp Canada, Capt. W. J. C. Lang, ar rtved last night, rom Liverpool, with bates to Saturday, afternoon Aug. 14ih. Commercial News. Liverpool Cotton Market* —The Brokers Circular re- j ports the Sales of Cotton, tor the week were 45,000 bales , of which speculators took 1200 and exporters took 5500, ieaving to the trade 38,000 bales. There had been no dis position on the part of holders to press sales, hut quotations were nominal. The sales on Friday were 7, 000 bales, of which ‘-pecu lators and exporters lock 2,tXMJ bales, and the market closed dull. The authorised quotations were for— Fair Orleans ....7.7-Bd. Middling Orleans 7d. Fair Mobile -7 7-16d. Middling Mobile 6 15-Ifid j Fair Upland 7i-d j Middling Uplands and. The stock in Liverpool was 634 K)0 bales, ol which 555,000 were Amencan. State of Trade. — Manchester advices were favorable prices were brm and the demand for manufactured goods were encouraging. Harvest Prospects. —The weather tad been very avo rabie for etops, and the harvest being well advanced shows the yield of wheat to be good. Liverpool Breadsturfs Market. —The circulars repoit the Flour trade very dull, at rather easier prices but quo tations are incnanged. Wheat was very dull at from Id. to 2d. decline. Com was buoyant and ail qualities had slightly advanced. The quotations were 58a. a 60s. but holders asked 625. per quarter. Liverpool Promston Market. —Beef was dull but prices steady. Pork was quiet, but the market was bare of ! American. Bacon was steady with an improved de mand. Liverpool Produce Market. —3ugar was bnovant'at an advance oi 6d. a Is. Colfee was firm. Rice was quiet and Carolina quoted at 17s. a Ilfs. 6d. Liverpool Naval Stores. —Rosm was stead v at from 4s. 2d. to 4s. 3d. Spirits of Turpentine was steady at 40s. London Money Market. —Money was incnanged.— Console were quoted at‘.46l 003 3*B. The bullion in the Book ol England had decreased £102.000 sterling. Havre Cotton Market.— Orleans Ties Ordinaire was quoted at 107 francs. General New-. The steamship North Star reached Liverpool on tie 13th mst. The political news is generally uninteresting, Queen Victoria was visaing her daughter at Potsdam. Louis Napoleon was continuing his tour througn Brit an ey . The rumors of an early resumption of the diplomatic niereourse oetween the Western powers ana Naples was doubted. Austria has determined to concentrate troops at ffie Daimatain frontier. ’’here had been -even riots at Kilkenny in Ireiandi aausedby the introduction ot agricultural machines. The military were called out and order restored. LATEST. Liverpool. Wednesday Noon, Auq. 14.—A1l the mar kets lire reported quiet and unchanged. The sales of col- \ ton to-dav were 6,000 bales. FRANCE. The papers teem with accounts of the Cherbourg fetes, which Pad concluded at a banquet on board Le Bretagne. Napoleon, in proposing Victoria's health, made a very amicable speech. He said the tacts proved that hostile passions, aided by a few unfortunate incidents, did not suc ceed in altering cither the friendship existing between the two crowns, or the desire of the two nations to remain at peace. He entertained a sincere hope that if attempts were made to stir up the old resentments and passions of anoth* or epoch, they would break to pieces upon common Pnnce Albert responded, expressing the most inendly sentiments on behalf of the Queen. He said she was happy having an opportunity, by her presence it Cherbourg, of ;oimog ia endeavoring to strengthen as much as possible he nonds of iriendsflip oetween ’he nations —a friendship based on mutual prosperity, and :he blessing of Heaven would not be denied. He concluded by proposing a toast to the Emperor and Empress. Queen /ictona left on the sth under a triple salute. The fetes were continued on the 7th by the inauguration of the Napoieon dock aud the launch of the man-oi—War Yiie de Names. The consumption ol gunr waer curing the fittes was enormous. It was rumored that Napoleon will return Victoria's visit in a private, friendly way, at Osborne,during the Autumn. The Emperor had ordered a pyramid ot granite to be erected at the head ai the new dock, to perpetuate lie Queen s vmi. The ietea terminated on the Bth with the inauguration of toe statue oi Napoieon First. The Emperor delivered a n&citic speech on the occasion, saving it appeared to be a part of his destiny to accomplish by peace the great de signs conceived during war. He said the Government would not wage war except in defense of the national hon or and the great interest of the peopie. The imperial visitors amo&rkea ior Brest on he Bth. Changes in the dimomatic corps were again much talk- ed of. The Emperor had definitely decided on the construction ot a commerciai port at Brest and also the improvement of the port of’L’Onent. The Pans Cora market was dull and drooping. Tile negotiations between the Government and the rail road companies aid >een concluded by the Government guaranteeing the interest at H per cent, on the amount ex pended on the new lines, provided the dividends on the old lines are reduced in a certain proportion. The Pans 3oure was tirin under the peace!ui miluences of the Cheroonrg demonstration T!ie Three Per Cents closed on the 10th at ti9h SPAIN. Reports were carrent of ministerial changes, owing to Gea. Rose de Olano having been summoned by Giion to mees. the Queen. Saragossa had been declared a fortified place of the first class and new fortifications wore obe raised there MARRIED. Tn Putnam countv, Ga., August 10th. 1858. by the Rev Wm. D. Shea, Mr. Samuel Dance of Oglethorpe county to Miss Virginia Howard of'Putnam county. At the resdenceofCapt. Henry Wilson, in Telfair coun ty. on the evening of the 12th ;nst., by Cal. W. W. Paine. J. L C., Mr. .Mark Wilcox Miss Elizabeth Cravv. DIED. At Marietta on the 24th uit., Mrs. Caroline Martin, wife of B Y. doit in and sister .0 the Hon. Henry L. Ben - mng. NEW BOOKS. TWO MILLIONS, by Wm. V Pen Ostler, am thor of Nothing o Wear. Marv Derwent, bv -inn and. Stephens. author Fashion and Famine. Memoirs e Madame De B History oft he Origin. Formation and Adoption “of the‘fon- Hittuion of the U. 3. by Geo. Ticknor Otutis. TheCmiseof the Betsey. r a Bummer Eamhle among he Fosatiilerous Deposites of be Hehriiiees by Hugh Farrier for Beptemoer. Godey’e Lady’s Book for Sept. Knickerbocker. Just receivt i by J. W.PEArfR at CLARK. ■■ Goiombus, Aug. 26.—w&twtf. HAIR RES TORA TIVE. The demand tor this unrivalled nreparation Tor the hair and .skin in is beyond the possibility of a doubt, and its -aie is greater than any other Hair Restorative that has I over been oelore the public. Tens of thousands of persons who were oaia and gray, and aiders whose faces were I covered wuh unsightly blotches and pimples, are now, with tdeir glossy flair, and wuh faces eomeiy and air to look upon, -seen fai'y promenading the streets of ail the principal cities ol the Union, and by their influence crea ting the tame of Wood’s Hair Restorative thougnout the civilized world. But the trial of one bottle is more con- I vincmg than all we could sav in a whole Newspaper col umn. It does not dye but gives life, health and beauty to the iecav’ng, tailing and dead, restoring as ifby magic, that vhich was supposed to be rrevocahiv lost. Heads near y oald and others nearly white, are daily being changed j to their pristine beauty, and faces covered with pimpies ire rendered as smooth as an infants and blushing is a rose —ail by the use of Prof. Hair Restorative.—St. Louis Commercial List. Sold >v ail uruggistsm this City and by druggists ana dealers n medicines generally everywhere. August 21,1853. —w<fciw2w. Dyspepsia ami Debility Cured. Theodor? Frank, Esq , of theP’ttsburgh and SluDenvrile Railroad Office, says— “ For years I have been an invalid from Dyspepsia. With j a hope of relief, I resorted to many advertised remedies but failed ;n deriving the benerit sought for, until I tried your Holland Bitters, -he nappy effeets of which upon the digestive organs, and in restoring a debilitated system cau ses me to recommend it coniidentiv to ail suffering rom ; Dyspepsia.’’ See advertisement in another column. aug*2l NOTICE ALL ‘he acsounts and notes belonging o LOMAX * ELLIS, have been placed'in the hands of J. J. BLADE, Esq ‘or cohesion. Those indebted to the Times Sc -Semtnel office j for Job Woik and Advertising, done prior to let July 1858 | will confer a favor on the late Proprietors, by promptly rt spomting to his calls. illy 31—wtwtf. FOR REIT. TENEMENTS—one on Broad Street, O eligible as a Boarding House, jj Aug. 19—twtf. L. TANARUS, DOWNING. Land in Cliatraiiooenee County. The subscriber offers for sate Lot 103 in the 7th District, and fraction Cl in the :?3d District >1 Chattahoochee county. For ur'her particulars onquireof L. T. Downing, Coinrc us. Ga. auipil—wlm wlw) A. J. MILLER. Ailm’r TO REST OR LEASE. A Chartered Female Coileve with all ‘thenec buildings and other conveniences. \ gen tleman, wiih a wife competent o teach Music. —oMIMJ* could make handsome salaries. For antler particulars appiv to Bev.T. C. STANL/SY, Flat Shoals, Mem wether county, Georgia. August 21—w.:w4w. Bouthern ‘Christian Advocate ana Bavannah Georgian copy weekly four times and-end bill to this office. To Rent. FROM ;he Ist Oetobpr next, ‘he Store at present occupied by B. G. <fc 3. Stern, n Warren’s Arcade. Enquire at .this office. July 31—twtf. Scientific American. PROSPECTUS V OLDIE FOURTEE N BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11, 1858. MECHANICS. INVENTORS. MANUFACTURERS. AND FARMERS. THE 3< lENTIFTC A MERtCAZ4 has now reached i is four teenth Year.and wiilentenpona newvoinme on the llth September, it is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued n t his country, and t has a ve*y ‘extensivrf'circul&t’on in ail the States o( the Union. It is not, as -orae might sup pose from its title, a dry. aosirnse work on technicai science: on he contrary, it sedeals with the great events going on :n the scientific, mechanical and industrial worlds, as to please aud instruct every one. If the mechanic or*artizanf wisnesto know he best machine in is?, or how to make any substance employed n his business —ifthe Housewife wishes to zeta -eceipe ior making a good color. Ac.—if the inventor wishes to mow what is zoime on n the way >i mp'ovements—*f *he manufacturer wishes to keep posted with with the ‘times, and to imrpioy the best facilities in his business—if the nan of leisure ami -may wishes to keep himseil amiiiar with the he progress made n he ahemicai laboratory, or n he con struction oi mietfrapns. steams nips, railroads, reapers, mow ers, anu a thousand other machines and appliances, both of oeace and wai—all hese desiderata can he mund n theSei eniific American and not elsewhere. They are here presented n a reliable and interesting orm. adapted to the comprehen sion oi minds unlearned in ihe higher’ branches of science and art* TER US. One Copy, one vear J i Ont Copy, six months.. 1 Five Copies, six m0nth5.................. ........... 4 Tea Copies, six no mbs .......... a Ten itopies. twelve months 15 Fifteen Copies, twelve months 2 Tweniy Copies* twelve months vS The money must u ail oases be paid in advance. • Specimen copies -ent gratuitously tor inspection. Aouthem and Western money, or Postage Stamps aken for subscrip tions. Letters should be directed to MUNff a- GO.. liW Fulton Street. N. Y. |3P"">fes9rs. Mtinu * Cos., are extensively engagea nprocu ring patents ‘nr new Inventions, and will advise inventors, without oharge. in regard to ihe novelty of their mprove menti. auspil—twif dissolution of Partners Mp. r T'H£ rirm of IQNG ic rioRSBYis this day dissolved X by mutual consent. Those having demands against thesirm .is well as those indented to t. wiil please cal! am B. A. Sorebv for settlement, it tbe Aiaoama Warenouse, who is hereby authorized to settle rhe same. JOHN W. KING, me 25— wtwn. B. A. SORSBY FOR SHE, AT A GREAT BAR G AIN’ THE ate residence of Dr. Tavior. comprwncr a |j weil nmsned louse ot ax rooms, and wide ball n eat a, oesiaes eiosets ano cellar; amote ontbuiidings. including stauie and carnage house; in acre of ground running from Broad to Front Street, with <ris tem, dry well, large garden and leauuiui front yard tilled with diroui ind rlo worst— one oi the rest improved ana most desirably situated residences n the city. Titles ou disputed. PdaseasioH given :in*t <t Oeioner. Also, the store house oeennied by Messrs. Redd. Freer it Cos —-me of the best locations in the city tor a neavy i grocery nusness Also, two vacant lots adjoining and aorth of the last above. PAUL J. 3E.MMES l 15-June, 1858—wtwtf FIFTY NEGROES WANTED. f HAVING made oar arrangements for the Fail trade, we desire to purchase or Sixty Likely Kegroes. ol good naracter. consisting of yonng men, wo men, plough hove,and giria, tor whom the highest market once will be paid. Persms having negroes for sale will ind :t to their interest to give a a eall. We will receive and sell Negroes on Commission and no efforts will be -pared to make satisfactory sates, for i hose who may place their negroes in our charge. Liberal advances always made on Negroes when uesired Call at the Auction and Negro mart of Harrison a pitta aug2l—wtwtf 50 St. 61 Broad Street. ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. GOLOIBUS, G-A, A LLEN St. CAMAK having purchased the merest of j L\. 8. A. Sorsbv m the above well known Fire Proof : Brick Warehouse, would be glad to see their old nenas I ana patrons at their new place of business, where they nave torfhea a co-partnersmp wuh J. W. King, anaer the | name and stvie of KING, ALLEN & CAMAK. for the ransacuon of a general Storage and Commis sion Business. Special attention paid to the Sale of Cotton and Pro'* I luce, and the Receiving and Forwarding Mercnandise consigned to our care- Liberal Advances made on Cotton in store or for duo nem to our friends n Savannah, Charleston, New York or elsewhere. Bagging and Rope furnished our customers at mamet prices. We solicit a share of public patronage, and pledge our selves, by close attention to business to merit it. J. W KING. A. M. ALLEN. THOS. CAMAK. THE ondersigned. in retiring rom the Warehouse busi ness. takes great pleasure tn recommenaing to bis friends a continuance of ttKir i&vor and patronage to the pew riim. (Signed) B.A.SORSBY- Coiumnus, July 6, 1858-wtwrim. KREXTtFOOD Jfc I.RAY. WAfiE-HOrSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, G-A. - j partnersnip under the above tirm for the ‘ransaction of a general Ware-House and Commission Business :n this city. From the long experience of Mr. Greenwood in the iate firm of Greenwood St. Cos., and Mr. Gray (in the late rirm of Stewart, Gray Se. C 0..) they flatter themselves they wiil be able, by giving their undivided and personal atten tion to all business entrusted :o their care to give gener al satisfaction. They will be regularly supplied with the atest toreign and domesuc meiligence, whreh jiwnil ai wa vs be at the service ot their patrons. The lsuat CASH ADVANCES will be made, ana Bagmog. Rope and other goods furnished wnen desired. E. 3. GREENWOOD- W. C. GRAY. Columbus, J,jiy 13, 1858—wtw3m. A CARD. HAVING withdrawn from the tirm of HUGHES DANIEL &. CO., I cheerfully recommend them to ail our former patrons, and the public generally’. JOHN R. EASTHAM. THE Subscribers wiil continue under the same name and style—a general STORAGE AST) COMMISSION BUSINESS, AT TTIE FONTAINE AND LOWELL FIRE-PUOOF WAfIEHOTtSES. Thanklui for the past liberal paironage of our friends, we solicit its continuance, and pledge our individual cxer tions to please all who may outrun their business to us. We are prepared to grant usual tacdities to our customeis. HUGHES, DANIEL * CO Wm. H. Hushes, Wm. Daniei,, ♦ Wm. C. Hodges. Aug- 5, tf Land and Residence for Sale. MTHE ‘uosenber oilers for -‘aie 320 acres of goo * Farming Lands, hree and a half miies south west of Columbus. Ga., in Russell county, Ala It is on the road leading from Girard to Gen. Aoercromoie'3. There are about one hundred and forty acres in cuitiva mn, he balance leaviiv timoered with mixed growth.— The resmence is anew framed house, wuh ax rooms and lour tire places. There is a good overseer’s house on the plantation,.md a very tineseiection oi fruit trees at boih settlements. This is every way a desirable place for a man. wno wishes to do business n Commons and keep bis family in the country. For binder particulars, see me on the plantation. July27—wtwtt E. A. THOM. FREEDOM FROM FEVER AAB AGEE. TUnriCPHAXT SUCCESS: THE GRENADA ELIXIR, OR South American Antidote tor Malaria ! Is a sure Cure and Perfect Route to Ague and Fever, Chill and Sever, Dntno Ague, and ail Bilious A fee lions ! IT has been thoroughly tested in thousands .i cases, some of years standing, wnere Quit me tud ail :he most popular remedies of the day had aiied.but rhe Eliur ias met with the most mumpnant success; never faded to cure the most obstinate cates. The manure us estimonv of ail wno lave used or witnessed its operations, declare it to be the most extraordinary medicine ever discovered for the quick and permanent cure of Fever and Ague. It operates as a gentle Tonic and stitnul mt. gradTiaily but surely; eradicates every vestige of disease, ano restores the system to health and vigor. It repairs new vitality to the blood, ana will soon induce the glow of health *o return to the paie and swaithy complexion. The advantage of this medicine therefore is, that a cure must be radical and complete; not -impiv ireaking the Chill, by producing a “new impression” upon the nervous without reference to the iperatums of the malari ous poison, which ia allowed to remain unchanged and renew ta attacks, immediately alter the nervous system has ceased to fee! ihe art'rieiai disease—induced by Qui nine ana nany itht- r preparations generally resorted :o.— The GRENADA EIHXIR acts direcily upon the Liver, Stomach. Kineys, Pores of the Skin, and produces a rad ical cure. It contains no ingredient the least niurious to lie sys em.ana can be given to an niant * ih perfect satetv. — It is warranted to cure every case when taken ts directed. AJI wno need suca a medicine, will do weil to try .he Grenada Elixir. lits not only the best out the most oco - aomicai medicine ever introduced tor Fever and Ague and is a Southern Remedy. * FSEPARED OkLT 3V J. S. PEMBERTON &CO . Chemists and Druggists. Coiumous. (Georgia. .And by ail respectable Druggists u the city and country. July 24, 1858—w^ RELIGIOUS LIBRARY. Tnumpu over Death 75 Living to Christ... 85 Methodism a Earnest, the History of a Great Revival - 31.50 Light on Little Graves 75 Lighted Valley 75 The Guiding S< nr. G 5 Marshall on Sai.viuicatiou. - . 75 The Martyr Lamo stl Dying Thought 50 Meditation? on the Lord's Prayer 50 Storv of < Grace. - 35 Thought torthe Thotigmioi . 50 Jli*onary ‘? Dangnter -....* 35 UhttMian Praver 44* The Hannan ? ..... 44f rrermture Portions 85 Last Hours of Christ. 44* Plain Thoughts. The above, with many other valuable looks.’.or ?aie by msvL3—wtw't J. W. PEAHE fe CLARK. OCR CUSTOMERS VI-HO “iortt like to be dunned,'’ will please ave them* ” r selves the mortification and js tbe trouble and ax 3ense, by paving up, or we shall me tut our -utims, and ‘lose all ousmess connections with such patties, did oeiieve ?onr promise. Now believe ours. REDD, JOHNSON A. CO- Coinmtius, Ga., Aug. TANARUS, 1858. wtltj&n twlm. 1 J. FOGLE &301 T. DENTISTS, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Columbus, 6* a Loiumous, May 9,1867. wtwtf i WM. F. LEE, D. D.3. S!®DENTAL SURGEON. OFFICE comer of Broad and Randolph Streets, Columbus. Georgia. December 17, 1856—w&twd TO BTRTI. 4 Negro Man who is a good Hotel Cook. A Apply at this office to B. R. FOLSOM Or JOHN BASS, at the Ogiethorpe House,. I TO ROT, MFROM the La Octoner next, Front Room in j Warren's Arcade. Apply at this office. July 29, 1858—twti FOR SALE, CHEAP. THE Desiraoie Residence on Forsyth Street near Bry an, owned and occupied by Rev. A.S. Borders. II applied tor soon will be sold low and on liberal terms. July 27—?w4t U. P. ELLIS. Atmi nismf or’s saie. MMtTILL be sold, on the bra Tuesday in September next v * at the lsuai piaceot sale in the city of Columbus, a House and Lot east at said city, near the residence ol John H, Howard, belonging to the estate ol the late Geo. T. Howard, deceased. Said lot containing about tfve acres. Terms made known on the day ol sale. July 13—twtd. C. B. HOWARD, Adm’r. D. P. EUL.IS, Auctioneer. TO RENT. FROM the first of October next, the City Hotel, near the Market House. Apply to P. GITTENGER, July 3—?w3m At Rankin's old Stanu GREAT BARGAIN! I WILL olfer privately between nmv and tbe first ol Oc tober next, TWO PLANTATIONS, on the Chatta hoochee River, immediately on the Girard and Mobile R. R., within twenty minutes nde of the city of Columbus.— The two tracts adjoin each other, both containing about ‘hree Hundred acres of River bottom, and the rest well timbered. There is in each *ract about 750 acres. It ;s without doubt the nealthiest locality in the South. Each piace has buddings lpon it, with excellent mineral water. One place can be purchased or both together to suit buy ers. Tarmseasv. Those wisnmg to purchase wiil do well to call eariv on the subscriber—tor the premises wiil not be tor sale after the first of October next. Both places are n a high -rate ol cultivation. Apply to W. N. Hutchins in my absence. May 25—wtwtf J. A. FOX. E. BARNARD & CO,, COLUMBUS. GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS, UAVEon hand, and will uonstcntly keep, a large wellselected Stock, embracing every article in line, which are offered to their friends and the putdic, at the lowest market prices. Come and see us. Columbus. Sept 29, 1857. wt;wtf. To our Customers ! FROM and after the first January next, we nail adopt, as ueariy as possible. ;he CASH SYSTEM. Nkcksfitt compsl.- us m Tnif ‘-(ivies. From that lay all articles wtil be priced as cash. Where credits are given which will only be extended to those whe have promptly paid tisi an addition will he made to the price named according to the lime requir ed ijy the purchaser. 3. BARNARD at GO. Dec. 31, 1857—wflttwrirn . MACKEREL 4AA PACKGES, Halves, Quarters and Kits, ail num -I*7* J here, for sale at small advances or Cash, by Jan.l9—wtwtf E. BAttaaitO <st CO. PLANTING POTATOES- X /''W'N Barrels P’nk Eyes, tor saleat -mail advance IUI_/ forCasii by Jan 19—wtwtt &. BARNARD * CO. LONG ASD SHORT SWEETNISC, 4 Ti\ BBL3. and half bbls. Choice Syrrp. La! 30 Hhds. N O. Sugar, ail grades, tor sale at small advances for Cash, by Janl9—twtf E. BARN J.RD <k CO. FAICY ST. LOUIS FLOUR. 4 BARRELS Ptantersa Extra Onion, and Diamond T:\_* Brands, ior sale at small advance lor Casn. bv Janl'J—iwtt E. BARNARD t* CO. PALACE MILLS TLOUE. 4 CONSTANT supply kept on hand, ami for sale at Mill prices, for Cash ay Jan. 18 —wtwtt E. BARNARD Jit CO. CIGABS direct ieportation. -JAABOXK3 ,'lavana Oigaas oivanoua irands ivr -ale U riv -maii advances for Cash by Jani9—wtwtf S. BARNARD it CO. 157 Bay Street, Savannah, Gfeo. MTH.IS long-established Hotel.situated .n the nuaness centre of Savannah, oilers now to the traveling public better iceoraroations than ev er before. We are confident that the house wiil be found n a better condition than tbas been .n for years. The Proprietor assures his counirv pa rens and the puoiic at .arge, hat aoelfbrt will be -soared to watcn over their interests and :o provide tor them every desirable ‘-omtort. JOHN CA3S, Proprietor. SuotrNn VitTKFHV, Superintendent. N. B.—Carriages for ‘he City Hotel -attend the arrival of every Tram and Steamboat. may 15.. wtw3m A GREAT BARGAIN ! THE Sunsenbers. laving now purchased the entire pto* perry of the Coweta FalJa Manuiaemnng Company, oifer the same ror sale. It ;s oceol the pest situations tor Milling ana M anuiactunng purposes n the wnole counirv, and will oe -old on long credits, ana the most bberai terms. Titles of W arrantee will oe made. SEABORN JONES, PAUL J. 3E.MMES. JOHN L. MU9TLVN, June 10,185? —wtwtt JAMES W. WARREN. MTTSQOTO NETS. I. Portable,Elastic t.anopv Frames and Na’s or proiec ion against Musquuoes. Flies, Sfe. Fortaleat various prices hv May 13—-wit DILLINGHAM fc DENSON. SWAN ft CO/S LOTTERIES! THIU3BFHAJST! swanTco, ; CONTINUE TO DR.IW AS USUAL WITH OUT INTERRUPTION. SWAN & t'GS LOTTERIES ARE LEGAL. - AND ‘ !, Amhorizetl\, by the State nf Georgia. THE LATE!ATTEMPT TO INJURE OUR FIRM HAS SHOWN THATJOUR LOTTERIES ARE DRAWN FIAHLY; THATfcOUR PRIZES ARE PAID PUNCTUALLY; AND THATIOURISCHEMES ARE J MORE LIBERaL-THaN ANY OTHER LOT TERY IN THE WORLD. The following scheme will be drawn by 3. Swan & Cos., Managers of the Sparta Aeaaemv Lottery, in each of then Lotteries for August 1858, at AUGUSTA Georgia, to which city they have removed their principal office, under the sworn superintendence of Commission ers. Class 27 draws on Saturday, Aug. 7, 1858 Class 28 draws on Saturday, Aug. 14, 1858. Class 29 draws an Saturday, Aug. 21, 1358. Class 30 draws an Saturday, Aug. 28. 1858. ON THEIPL A N OF §I3GLE S ÜBBKIIS, bO.tiOO TICKETS. 5,485 PRIZED. Nearly one Prize to Every nine Tic&ets. 3r-A(43riyi€E3TT SemsaXX. TO BE DRAWN EVERY SATURDAY IN AUG. 1 Prize of. $70,000 is,.. §79,'if* I “ ... 30,000 is 30,006 I “ 10,000 i5.... 10,000 1 “ 5,000 is. 5,000 1 “ 4,000 is 4,000 I “ 3,000 is. 3,000 1 “ , 1,500 a IpOO 4 “ LbOO is. 4.000 4 J00are............ 3,600 4 “ “KKlare 3,200 4 44 TOOara “2,800 4 “ dOOaro... 2.400 50 “ oOOare 25.000 50 “ 300 are 1,500 100 “ 125 are. 12.500 •230 “ • LOOare “23,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of S4OO ipprox ting to $70,000 prize are §I6OO 4 *• 300 “ 30,000 “ moo 4 200 “ 10,00(1 “ 800 4 “ 125 “ 5.000 “ 500 4 “ 100 “ 4,000 “ JOO 4 “ 75 3,000 “ 300 4 “ 50 “ IpOO 200 5,000 • 20 100,000 5,485 prizes amounting to *320,000 Whoie Tickets §lO ; Halves $5; Quarter*. $2.50 A Circuiar showing the plan of tbe Lotteries will be sent to any one desiring to receive it. Certificates of Pacaages will be sold at tbef ojJowin rates, which is the nsk: Certificates of Package of 10 Whoie Tickets SBO “ 44 10 Halt 40 44 44 10 Quarter 2L. 44 44 Eighths 10 In entering Tickets or Certificates, Bnclote the money to our address for theTlckets ordered, on receipt ot which they wiil be lorwanted by first mail. The List of drawn numbers and prizes will heiorwartled to purchasers immediately alter the drawing. Purchasers will piease write their signatures plain.anu ive their post office, county and Abate. Eememher that every Prize is drawn, and payable in mil without deduction. All prizes of one thousand dollars and inner pairiimireril ateivalter the drawing—other prizes at tb*> usual time. 30 day# til communications atnetly confidential. The drawn num bers willbe forwarded to purchase™ mmediatelv after the drawinsr. PrizeTicketscashed orrenewotl in other tickets at enthe ffice. Orders for Tickets or Pick ace* can be addressed either to 3.3 WAN jc. GO.. Augnsta. Ga., juiy 28 wdttwly JOHN MAY, Agent,Columbus, Ga. A list of tbe numbers that are drawn from the wheel. with the amount o’ the prize that each one is enti tled to, will be published after the drawing in each of the toilowmg papers, _Wm Orleans Delta, Ylooiie Regis ter, Charleston Standard, Sasnmlle Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, yew York Weekly Day Bank, . avannah Morning yews and Richmond Despatch. tawtLAA il hi ii tHi THB CELEBRATED HOLLAND ASHED Y TOM BTS>SfHi, DISEASE OF DIE SIDNEYS. LIVER COMPLAINT", WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEYSR AMD AGUE, And the various alfectionEconsequem upon a diseased STATE OF THE LIVER.: Z Such as Indication, Acidity of the Stomach. Colicky Pams. Heartburn. Loss of ippetite, Deep* ndcncy. Contruw. Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Bbenmauc and Neuralgic Affections, it has. in unm*“ us distances proved aigtiiy i>euehciai.:indin ithers affected a decided cure. i’fus is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific pnnciples.aiter the manner of the celebrated Hot anil Professor. Boerhave. Because f ;ts great .uccess n nostofihe Saropean .-stales, it utroduction micthe United ■Hates i nienueo more .-specially for those of our Huber ,and scattered here ana tbere over the iace of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among hem. I now u erittothe Amercan public, knowingtbat its truiy wonder ful medicinal vTrtnesnmst*. be acknowledged. it is particularly -oeomnieivod to hose persons whose constitutions may have been mpaired by becontinoons use of ardent spirits, oroiher lorms of dissipation. Generally in namaneouein finds its way iirectly to (he seat of life, drilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping-pi rit.antt. in act,, musing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE- tV hoover expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed: ditto the sick, weak and mw spirited, it will prove a grateiui aromatic conLai. possessed ol singular rem edial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of thisdeiightfui tmma bw induced many mitations. which the public should guard against pnr maswiz. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you nave given Boernave’s Holland Blttersa fair trial. One Kot tle will convince you bow nhuitciy superior ,t is to ailtbeee nutations. CF'Brddattl.UO per bottle, or six bottles for #5.00 by the SOJLE PROPRIETOR*, BENJAMIN PiGE, JB. St CO., AAffTTFACTTTKI*f6 Pliannaceuists and Chemists, PITTSBURGH. PA Porniis m. Columbus bv Brooks 4 Chapman. ■And Druggists Generally th.oughout the State Mav 13, 1858. wrw3 it TO REST’ £a+, FROM tlet !r of October next, >he arge and “' e - aal •' 5 FORE under ’he Masonic Hall, at pre iUt-* -<emoccupied bv the Novelty Work? as a Furniture 3*ie? Room. Apply to J VMEF W. EVERITT. ...Aug 5,!