Newspaper Page Text
Weekly, (fifty Nos.,) per annum, invariably
in Advance. - - I 3 W
Money due the Office, may be sent by mail a
our risk—always mail it in presence of a friend
(other than the P. M.,) or procure a friend to
mail it foryou—never register.
Contkibutors should write only on one aide
of each leaf; and number the pages, 1,8, 8, Ac.
The Editor will be responsible only for his
own articles. ,
Those wishing papers changed, should give
the Post-Office they wish changed from, as well
as the one to be changed to.
Those forwarding names of subscribers or re
mittances, should always write the name of Post
Office, County, and State, in fall.
1 M O . 3 Mo. 8 Mo. 6 Mo. |9 Mo. ! 1 2Mb.
IsquakblTSOl 5 00$ 7 00$ 8 00 sl2 00 14 6b
3 SQ’BS 500 7501000 13 00 18 00 32 00
3 sq’rs 700 10 00 13 00 16 00 24 00 30 00
4 bq’bs 900 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 86 00
5 sq’ks 11 00 14 00 17 00 24 00 34 00 42 00
6 sq’ks 12 50 16 00 19 00 38 00 88 00 46 00
7 sq’ks 14 00 17 50 21 00 82 00 42 00 50 00
8 sq’bs 15 00 19 00 22 00 35 00 45 00 54 00
9 SQ’BS 10 00 20 00 23 00 38 00 48 00 57 00
10 sq’bs 17 00 21 00 24 00 40 00 50 00| 60 00
A Square, is the space occupied by ten lines
ot Minion type.
One Square, one insertion, $1.30; and SI.OO
for each subsequent insertion.
Professional and Business Cards, not ex
ceeding live lines, $3 per annum; each addi
tional line $1 00. •
Special Notices, fifteen cents per line, for
the first insertion; ten cents per line for each
subsequent insertion.
School Advertisements.— Our charges for
School advertisements will be the same as for
others, when not paid in advance. When paid
in advance we will deduct Twenty-five cents
in the Dollar from our regular charges.
Cash for Advertisements considered due, and
collectable, at one half the time contracted for
insertion, except yearly advertisements, due and
payable quarterly.
The Banner.
We take the opportunity toappe&i to our
Banner friends. As you know, it has been
a hard struggle to keep any religious paper
going these war times. But you, your
neighbors, and soldier kindred, need The
Banner. Money is now plenty all over the
country, and there is no excuse for Chris
tians to do without a religious paper.—
When the war is over you will still need
it. Now then is the time to send on funds,
and to exert yourselves for its greater cir
culation. Come, brethren, sisters, friends,
he up and doing ! W.
The following brethren will act as Agents
for the Banner, and will receipt for money
paid for the paper.
Elder J. S. Munaow, Traveling Agent.
“ F. M. Haywood, do
“ J . 11. Stockton, Thomson , Ga
M Taos. Musk, Cuthbert, Ga.
“ Robt. Cunningham, Macon, G a.
“ Tuoa Aldridh®, Millwood, Ga.
“ W. W. Odom, Valdosta, Ga.
G. F. Cooper, Americas, Ga.
M J. H. Campbell, Griffin, Ga.
“ W. J. Speairs, Peaks P. 0., Ga.
“ John 11. Clarke, Henderson, Ga.
“ P. A. Lawson, Gaifjin, Ga.
“ William Lowe, McDonough , Ga.
Da. E. R. Carswell, Waynesboro', Ga
William Robbrts, Byrumville, Ga.
Correspondents of ttie Bonner.
Elder N. M. Crawford, Penfield, Ga.
“ B. F. Tharp, Perry, Ga.
“ W. N. Chaudoin, Albany, Ga.
*' Ft. J. Mats, Florida.
“ A. E. Dickinson, Riclnuuud, Va.
“ VV r . I). Mayfield, South Carolina.
M G. C. Connor, Thomasville, Ga.
“ J. 11. Campbell, Griffin, Ga.
* G. T. Wilburn,
M. W, Philips, Edwards, Miss.
All Baptist ministers and others, in the
Confederate States, friendly to the paper
are requested to act as Agents.
sr Oar terms of Subscription, $2 00
per Annum, always in advance.
The firm of Wood, Hanleiter, Rice & Cos.
was dissolved this day, by the sale of the
entire concern known as the ‘Franklin
Printing House,’ to Mr. J. J. Toon, recent
ly of Charleston, S. C.
We respectfully ask our many friends
who have so lfberally patronised us since
we established the concern, to continue their
fitvors to Mr. Toon, whom we recommend
to our friends as worthy of confidence and
a liberal patronage.
John IT. Kice, one of the firm, can be
found at the old stand until our business is
closed, where he will be happy to have his
friends call—during which time he will also:
lend his experience in the business to his i
Wood, llanlkiteh, Rice ds Cos.
Atlanta, July 8, 1862.
Frashlln Friiitlng 11 onto,
Having purchased of Messrs. Wood,
Hanleiter, Rice & Cos. their entire establish
snent, favorably known as the Franklin
Printing Home, we would respectfully ask
a continuance of the patronage heretofore so
liberally bestowed on them, and promise to
use every exertion to render entire satis
faction. Our facilities for the printing and
binding of BOOKS, and for general JOB
WORK, it is believed, are equal to any
establishment in the Confederate States.—
A reasonable stock of Printing and Binding
Material now on hand, and will be kept for
the purpose of suppling any demand.
. , „ J- J. TOOK & CO.
Atlanta, Ga., July 9, 1862.
Special Notice.
Letters containing remittances
—iho containing articles for pub
lication, or other business connect
ed with the Paper, should be ad
dressed to the “Banner & Bap
tist,” Atlanta , Ga , and not to
the Editors by name , /'>*■ they are
frequently absent.
the c4sh"System.
regularly discontinued to all mail sub
scribers at the expiration of their sub
scription. We can make no exception to
this rule. A printed slip is put in the
paper of each subscriber two weeks pre
vious to the expiration of his subscrip
tion, notifying him of this fact, and so
liciting a renewal. The times absolutely
require that this rule should be rigidly
adhered to by us.
Notice to City Subscribers.
The time for which many in
the city had subscribed for the
Banner, has expired, and we re
spectfully solicit a continuance oi
their patronage. As we intend to
adhere to the
we trust all who have heretofore
favored us, will come forward and
renew T their subscriptions, and
thus enable us to sustain the pa
Aug. 10, 1801.
All letters containing remittances, or articles
or the Paper, should be directed to the Banner
& Baptist, Atlanta, Georgia, and not to the Edi
tors by name
Back Numbers.
. We shall be obliged to any one who can
send us numbers of The Banner covering
the time from the first number in March to
the last number in May, 1862.
Georgia Railroad & Banking Cos
Aitsusta to Atlanta ... .171 Miles—Fare $8 50
GEORGE YONGE, Supsbtntbndskt.
Morning Passenger Train.
Loave Atlanta sally at 7 00 A. M.
Arrive at Augusta at 8 55 P. M.
Leave Augusta daily at 8 30 A. M.
Arrive at Atlanta at 7 15 P. M.
Night Passenger Train.
Leave Atlanta daily at 7 40 PJM.
Arrive at Auguataat 5 48 A. M.
Leave Augusta at 4 00 P. M.
Arrive at Atlanta at . 2 05 A. U.
TUI* road runs in connection with the train* oi
the South Carolina and the Savannah and Augusta
Railroads, at Augnata.
Macon and Western Railroad.
Macon to Atlanta 104 Milk# Fabe $4 50.
ALFRED L. TYLER, Sufwuntwidhst.
Macon, Georgia, July 30,1860.
Os and after Sunday, 4tk of August, the trains will
be run as follow*:
Leave Macon at 10 00 a. w.
Arrive at Atlanta at 4 00 p. at.
Leave Atlanta at. 6 00 a.m.
Arrive at Macon 12 03 m.
This train connect* with Central, Sonth-western,
and Muscogee railroad* at Macon.
Western 4k Atlantic Railroad.
Atlanta to Chattanooga, 188 Miles—Fare,...|s.
JOHN S. ROWLAND, Superintemle*t.
Leave* Atlanta, nightly, at 7.80, P M
Arrives at Chattanooga at 4.10, A M
Leave* Chattanooga at 0.05, P M
Arrive* at Atlanta at 8.8)!, A M
express freight and passenger TBArar.
Leave* Atlanta, dally, at. 4.00, A M
Arrives at Chattanooga at 8.40, P M
Leave* Chattanooga at 4.40, A M
Arrive* at Atlanta at 4.80, P M
Thl* Road connect#, each way, with the Rome
Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee
and Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville
<fc Chattanooga Railroad at Chattanooga.
Atlanta and West Point Railroad.
Atlanta to Wect Polst $7 Miles Fare 18 90
•EOItQE G. HULL, Supesistekdent.
Leaves Atlanta, dally, at 3.00, A M
Arrives at West-Point at 7.80, A M
Leaves West-Point, dally, at 8.00, P M
Arrives st Atlanta at..... 6.88, A M
This Road connect# with the Montgomery and
Wsst-Polnt Rood at West-Point
A System of Modern Geography.
Compiled from various sources, and adapted
to the present condition of the world, etc
preset# for the use of Schools and Acade
mies in the Confederate States of America.
By John H. Rica,
We have examined this work and are
prepared to pronounce a favorable judg
ment upon it. We have detected a few
typographical errors in the production, but
none calculated to hinder the usefulness of
the work.
The plan upon which the Geography is
gotten up we think an admirable one, and
teachers will doubtless avail themselves
of the advantages it offers by introducing
it, at once, iuto their schools. This is an
effort at Southern independence, in the right
direction, and we hope the compiler will
meet with such encouragement as will
prompt others to emulate his noble exam
ple The work can be obtained from the
publisher, at the Franklin Printing House,
m this city, and, we presume, from the
principal booksellers throughout the South
ern Confederacy, at *l9 &> per doaen to
schools or classes.
Those wishingfurther information will
address Gen, J. H. Rick. Atlanta, Ga,
Tract Depository.
Brother A. E. Dickinson has established
a Tract Depository in this city. Those de
sirous of distributing Tracts in our hospitals
can obtain them by applying at the office of
The Banner and Baptist.
, Macon, Georgia.
To Christian Ministers in the Confederacy :
The watchmen upon the walls of Zion
should cry aloud against every violation of
the Divine law.
While we are rallying our Churches to
invoke the Divine benediction upon our
arms, there are two palpable evils winked_
at by the authorities—drunkenness and
Sabbath-breaking. Either ofthese is enough
to bring down the Divine anathema upon
us. Can we do nothing to arrest these
evils, and avert the anger of our insulted
King? '
Our good President has called on us and
our charges to humble ourselves before the
mighty hand of God, and by fasting and
prayer, beseech Him to bless our land and
prosper our arms. We have done so.—
Now let us call on our wise and Christian
President to dismiss every irunken officer
who will not abstain from the use of intoxi
cating liquors, and to put an end to all
drills and reviews on the holy Sabbath.—
So long as the former continues, the de
moralization of our armies will place them
out of the pale of God’s favor and protec
tion, as well as unfit them for the trusts,
saored and holy, which have been commit
ted to them. The latter is placing us as a
nation in defiance to the authority of Heaven.
I would propose that every Minister in
this Confederacy, of every name and order,
who is willing to sign a petition to the au
thorities at Richmond to have these evils
removed, send their names to Rev. S.
Boykin in this city. Let us act, and act at
once, and the evils may be removed.
E. W. Warren.
Sabbath Hails.
j As fast as a petition is filled up, let it be
! forwarded, by mail or express, to the Editor
!of The Banner and Baptist in this city—
j whence it will be sent in connection with
i others to Richmond.
Petition to Congress.
To the Honorable Senate and House of Rep
resentative* of the Confederate States of
The undersigned, deeply realizing the
truth that we can neither ask, nor hope
with any show of reason, for the favor of
God to our loved Confederacy, or Ilis aid
in the deadly contest in which we are now
engaged, while our Government shall de
liberately and persistently continue to dis
regard His laws and require the violation
>f them by officials and soldiers in its em
ployment—do earnestly petition you to
sake such action as will repeal all Jaws re
quiring unnecessary mail service to be per
formed upon the Sabbath-day ; and to enact
>u< h ns will secure our soldiers from un
< ci ssary drills, reviews, or other labor
upon that day. And as in duty bound
your petitioners will ever pray.
Headquarters, i
Military Post, Atlanta , >
May 14, 1802. )
General Order, Xo. I.
in obedience to orders received from
j Brigadier-General A. R. Lawton, command-
m t ’ Military Division of Georgia, in assu
ming command of this Post for the purpose
of guarding the Government stores, to pre
serve order in and around Atlanta, and for
the protection of all loyal citizens and the
puhishment of all disorderly conduct, the
following regulations will be observed :
1. Details will be made daily to protect
the Government stores and propeity, and
guards will be posted at different points in
the city for that purpose ; also a scouting
guard, day and night, to preserve order, act
ing in concert with the city authorities.
2. Sentinels will be posted on each rail
road train to examine and arrest all suspi
cious persons pointed out to them ; and to
make this order effective, superintendents
of railroads are requested to instruct con
ductors to cooperate with the sentinels for
that purpose.
3. Owners of all cotton, hay, or other
combustible material, are required without
delay to remove the same to such points of
safety, distant from Government stores, as
may be designated by the commanding of
ficer of this post.
4. Any grocer or other person selling to
or furnishing any officer or soldier with
spirits or wine, which is prohibited unless
upon the order of an army surgeon, will be
arrested and dealt with by the proper mili
tary authorities.
5. All officers, soldiers, or citizens, found
drunk or otherwise disorderly in the streets,
will be taken in charge by the guard and
sent to these headquarters.
0. No officers or soldiers will lie allowed
to remain in and around Atlanta, unless such
officers or soldiers be furnished with a per
mit from their respective commanders.— I
And all commanders of troops stopping
over in Atlanta will report the fact to the!
officer commanding this post.
7. No slave or free person of color will 1
be allowed to walk the streets after the hour j
of nine o’clock p. m., either with or without!
a pass, unless accompanied by his or her
The officer commanding earnestly invites
the aid and cooperation of his Honor, the
Mayor, and city authorities, and all citisens
in preserving good order and sobriety in the
city, and specially requests of all persons to
report to him any improper conduct on the
part of any of the officers or soldiers under
his command.
By order of Colonel Commanding.
Fast e-board.
All who have paste-board boxes, can turn
them to good account by sending them to
ihe Franklin Printing-House, Atlanta. Ga,,
to be used in binding Testaments.
I¥. A. llornady,
tsr Office over Lampkin’a store.
Particular attention paid to calls at home, and
also at a distance.
Forsyth, Ga., Jan. 10,1862. feb 18 ’6*
Crawley Ac Amoss,
(Franklin Building,)
Robert L. Crawley.] [Benj. B. Amoss.
Pease An Davlr,
(Winshlp’a Iron-front store, Peach Tree at.)
P. P. Pease.] [L. B. Davis.
Ant business entrusted to us will receive prompt
attention and returns early made. We ask our
friends to give us a call when in our city. Any Pro
duce consigned to us will receive every advantage
our market can give. Also we can make purchases
to the very best advantage, as we are always pos
ted in reference to the market prices.
February 15, 1863.
J. J. Toon A c Cos.,
All kinds of PRINTING and BINDINU neatly
executed, on reasonable terms.
THREE COMPANIES to fill up the late Thirty
sixth Georgia Regiment. All the Staff offices to
be tilled. GEORGE A. SMITH,
Lieutenant-Colonel commanding
Regiment and Post, Fort Gaines, Ala,
School Notice.
tsr Alias ANNIE SMITH, a graduate of a
Southern Female College, has just opened a
School, for girls and small boys, in the base
ment room of tbe Second Baptist Church in
this city, and respectfully solicits a share ol
public patronage.
For testimonials of scholarship she refers to
Prof. U. W. Wise, Pres’t It D. Mallary, and
to Rev. H. C. Hornady.
Atlanta, June 6, 186*.
President—N. M. Crawford, D. D.
Professors—S. P. Sanford, A. M.,
J. E. Willett, A. M.,
Win. G. Woodfin, A. M.
Theological Seminarv. —Professor N.
M. Crawford, D. D.
1. A college course of four years, e.jml to that
of the best colleges in the country.
3. A theological course, oi three years, design
ed for those who nre preparing lor the Gospel Min
3. A scientific course of four years, including,
with some additions, all the studies ot the collegi
ate course, except the ancient languages.
4. An academical department, embracing all who
are not prepared to enter college.
The Commencement 1* held on the second Wed
nesday in July.
There are two vacations, dividing the year iuto
two term*.
Fall Term begins on the first Wednesday in Sep
tember, and closes on the 18th of December.
Spring Term begins on the fourth Wednesday in
January, and closes on Commencement day.
S. LANDRUM, Secr’y Board Trustee*.
July 36,1862. ' Savannah, Ga.
rpHE FALL TERM will begin the l*t MON
JL DAY, in September.
Parents desiring Board for their daughter*,
can apply to Prof. J. F. Dagg, or the President.
JKatSr Confederate Bonds, taken in payment
foi Tuition fees, &c.
R. D. MALLARY, Preildem.
August 8 1801
James McPherson A Cos.
HAVE opened next door North of BEACH
& ROOT’S Store on Whitehall Street, a
new and select Stock of
Together with an endless variety of fancy arti
cles, such as,
URES, Ac., Ac,
Their Stock of School, Miscellaneous, ReM
fious, Medical and Cheap Books, is not surpassed
y any in the State.
All new publications received immediately
after their publication.
Foreign Books imported to order.
Teachers and Merchants supplied at Charles
ton prices, freight only added.
iSTPicture Frames made to order.
Remember the New Book Store of
jas. McPherson & co.
Arrival per TJ. 0. R. R.
Soap ! Soar*! I
Rock Potash,
Concentrated Lye,
For Safe by ,
MAiSEV At LA\9tiDl9fJL.
Oct. 19, 1861.
For Sale by
Two Thousand Gallons Train Oil.
2,000 Gallons Cotton Seed OH,
For Sale by
Massey & lansdell.
Confederate Government
President Jefferson Davis, of Miss.
Vice “ —A. 11. Stephens, of Ga.
The Cabinet. —Judah P. Benjamin, of La.,
Secretary of Slate.
C. G. Memminger, of S. C., Secretary oi
George W. Randolph, of Va., Secretary
of War.
S. R. Mallory, of Fla.,Secretary ot Navy
Thos. 11. Watts, of Alabama, Attorney .
John 11. Reagan, of Texas, Postmaster*
"I he Senate.
Alabama— Win. L. Yancey, C. C. Clay.
Arkansas —Robert W. Johnson, C. B.
Florida —J. M. Baker, A. E. Maxwell.
Georgia —B. 11. Hill, John W. Lqwis.
Kentucky— Henry C. Burnett, WiHiaro
E. Sims.
Louisiana —Edward Sparrow, Thos. J.
Mississippi —A, G. Brown, Jas. Phelan,
Missouri —J. B. Clarke, U. L. E. Peyton.
North Carolina —George Davis, W. I'.
South Carolina— ’Robert W. Barn well,
James L. Orr.
Tennessee —Gustavus A. Henry, Lando*
C. Haynes.
Texas —L. T. Wigfall, VV. S. Oldham.
Virginia —R. M. T. Hunter, William
B. Preston. *.
House of Rt-preentatlve*.
Alabama: T. J. Foster, W. R. Smith*
J. P. Ralls, J. L. Curry, F. S. Lyon, W.
P. Chilton, David Clopton, J. S. Pugh, E.
S. Dargan.
Arkansas: G. A. Garland, James M,
Patterson. (Incomplete.)
Florida: James B Dawkins, R. B.
Georgia: Julian Hartridge, Charles J.
Munneriyn, Hines Holt, Aug. 11. Kenan,
David W. Lewis, W. W.Clark, Robert P.
Trippe, Lucius J. Gartrell, Hardy Striek
land, Augustus R. Wright.
Kentucky : (Not yet elected.)
Louisiana : Charles J. Villers, Charles
M. Conrad, Duncan F. Kenner, Lucien J.
Dupre, John L, Lewis, John Perkins, Jr.
Mississippi: J. W. Clapp, Reuben Da
vis, Israel Welch, H. C. Chambers, O. R.
Singleton, E. Barksdale, John J. Mcßae.
Missouri: W. M. Cook, T. C. Harris,
Caspar W. Bell, Adam 11. Condon, G. G.
West, L. W. Freeman, lly er.
North Carolina: W. H. Smith, 11. R.
Bridges, O. R. Kenan, T. D. McjJowelJ,
A. 11. Airington, J. R. McLea.., W. S.
Ashe, William Landor, B, S. Gaither, A.
T. Davidson.
South Carolina: John McQueen, W.
Porcher Miles, L. M. Ayer, M. L. Bonham.
James Farrow, W. W. Boyce.
Tennessee: Joseph B. Ileiskell, W. G.
Swan, W. H. Tibbs, E. F. Gardenshire,
Henry S. Foote, Jr., Meredith P. Gentry,
George W. Jones, Thomas Mennes, J. V.
Adkins, John V. Wright, D. M. Currin.
Texas: John A. Wilcox, 0. C. lier
bert, F. W. Gray, F. B. Sexton, M. D.
Graham, B. 11. Epperson.
Virginia: M. R. H. Garnett, John B.
Chambliss, John Tyler, Roger A. Pryor,
Thomas S. Bococke, John Goode, Jr., Jas.
P. Holcombe, I). C. DeJarnette, William
Smith, A. R. Boteler, John B. Baldwin,
Walter It. Staples, Walter Preston, A. G.
Jenkins, Robert Johnston, C. W. Russell.
Government of Georgia.
Jossfh E. Brown, Governor.
N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State.
John Jones, Treasurer.
Peterson Thweatt, Comptroller General.
E. D. Brown, Librarian.
John Billups, President ot the Senate.
J. M. Mobley, Secretary “ u
Warren Akin, Speaker of the House.
L. Carrington, Clerk “ “
J. B. Campbell, Secr’y Executive Dep t.
11. 11. Waters, Private Secretary.
J. S. Rowland, Sup’t State Railroad.
Jamee A. Green, Keeper Penitentiary.
T. T. Windsor, Book keeper “
Supreme Court Judges. —J. 11. Lumpkin,
of CJark. Charles J. Jenkins, of Richmond.
R. F. Lyon, of Fulton.
Times and places of holding Court . —First
District, composed of the Eastern, Middle
and Brunswick Circuits; at Savannah on
the second Mondays in January and June.
Second District, composed of theMacou,
Southwestern, Chattahoochee and Pataula
Circuits ; at Macon on the fourth Monday*
tn January and June.
Third District, composed of the Flint,
Coweta, Blue Ridge, Cherokee and Talla :
poosa Circuits ; at Atlanta on the fourth
Monday in March and second Monday in
Fourth District, composed of the West
ein and Northern Circuits; at Athens oa
the fourth Mondays in May and November.
Fifth District, composed of the Oemulgee
and Southern Circuits *, at Miiledgeville on
the second Mondays in May and November,
The Banner and Baptist is published ev
ery Saturday morning, at Atlanta, Ga., at
the price of three doßars per year, always
in advance.