Newspaper Page Text
Bnptfet gsmuj’,
Is published every Saturday, at Atlanta, Georgia, at the
subscription price of three, dollars
Friday, April 24, 1863.
The Delegates from the Associations of church
es, composing the Georgia Baptist Convention*
assembled in the Baptist Church of Griffin, pur
suant to adjournment of last year, lhe Intro
ductory Sermon was preached, at 11 o clock A.
M. by Dr. W. T. Brantly, of Atlanta, from the
107th Psalm and seventh verse.
After the sermon, the former Moderator, Dr.
Meli, appointed brethren Crawford, Evans and
Tharpe a committee on credentials, and au
journed the meeting till 3 o’clock, P. M.
The Delegates assembled pursuant to adjourn
ment. After singing, ami prayer by Rev. N.M.
McCall, Dr. Crawford, chairman of committee
on credentials, reported the following list of
Delegates composing the Convention :
Apalachee Amoc»«L'o«.— J. L. Blitch, B. S. Sheats.
\V. L. Mansfield, S. G. Daniel, AV. N.
C’haudoin, R. Webb, C. M. Irwin, J. Davis, G. T.
Granberry, T. IL. Stout.
CVidruZ.—Jol.n B. Walker, D. E. Butler, T. J. Bur
ney, S. E. Bmoks, E.W. vVarrcn, S. Boykin, A. Sher
wood, G. Baldwin Smith.
Columbus.— J. 11. DeVotie, M. J. Wellborn, J. (<
Johnson, J. Harris. C. C. Willis, M. A. George, AV. D.
Ehenezcr.— H. Bunn, G. R. McCall, AV. D. Horne,
Washington Tharp.
Flint Itiecr. — J no. I. Whitaker, AV. G. McMichael,
J. If. Campbell, A. L. Moncrief. John Dodd, J. J.
Kimball, I’. A. Lawson, A. E. Cloud, D. L. Duffey, J.
IL. Hartsfield, A. Van Hoose.
Georgia.— Thomas Stocks, P. LI. Mell, N. M. Craw
ford. 11. A. Tupper, AV. R. Cullav ay.
Hepzibah..— Geo. AV. Evans, E, R. Carswell, E. J.
Panncl, W. 11. Davis, M. P. Cain.
Houston. — Avncr Burnam.
Middle.— M. N. McCall, AV. Cooper, J. M. Robbins.
Hehoboth.— B. F. Tharp, G. T. Wilburn, T. S. Shar
inan, AV. C. Wilkes, E. G. Cabaniss.
Sarepta. — J. AV. Johnson, T. B. Moss.
Stone Mountain. — JV. Thames, A. K. Tribble, T. A.
Sunburg.— S. Landrum, D. G. Daniell, A. D. Cohen,
AV. F. Willis.
Washington.- AV. J. Harley.
IVestern.--H. B. Teague, J. Rainwater, AV. A. Calla
way. J. E. Robinson. *l. H. Callaway, J. 11. Hall, AA .
C. Baines, .1. V. Davis.
Atlanta Second Ifaptist Church.— W. T. Brantly,
S. Root. V. A. Gaskill.
Augusta 11. C. Miss. Society.— J. .1. Pearce.
Antioch Haptist Church.— L. Edwards, AV. Ed
Lumpkin llaptixt Church.— J. 1. • larke.
Madison Haptist Church.— J. 11. Kendrick.
Macon Haptixt Church.— R. D. Mallary, J. AV. Fears,
T. J Lane.
G feenx/ioro. — A. B. ( an pbell. I’*. A. Steed.
Care Spring.— S. G. llillyer, J. AV. Pullen, A. J.
Mairdtdown. — 'I. B. A\ ilson.
LaGrange Ladies Miss. Society.— J. 0. Screven.
Brethren Wellborn, G. R. McCall and Davis
were app inte l a committee to collect the votes
for Moderator and Secretary and to report the
result. This committee after counting the
votes reported that Dr. P. 11. Mell. Vice Chancel
lor us the State University was elected Presi
dent. Rev. E. W. Warren Secretary and Rev.
C. M. Irwin Assistant Secretary.
The President returned his thanks for the
favor conferred on him. and said that he should
expect ns heretofore, the forbearance and co-op
eration ol the members composing the body.
Ho then declared the Convention organized ami
ready for business.
On motion of Rev. .1. 11. Campbell. Reporters
of newspapers present were invited to seats on
the Hour of the Convention.
Dr. Crawford said that he had understood
that theie was a Society represented here that
desire.l to be admitted, into the membership of I
the body. There might be others of the samel
character, lie would move therefore that an j
opportunity beatforded to all such as wished to
unite with the Convention.
The motion was carried.
Rev. Mr. Gwinn said that be was present
from the Rome Baptist .Missionary Society.—
After listening to the Constitution of that Socie
ty on motion of Dr. Sherwood, the Convention ,
agreed to receive it as a member. The Presi
dent then gave the applicants the right hand ol
On motion of Judge Stocks the President was
requested to appoint the committees on Finance,
business and Preaching.
The President appointed the following.-
On Finance.— Brethren Root, Granberry and I
On Preaching.—Brethren Van Hoose, Camp-i
bell, Hoy al. Walker, Evans, Robinson.
On Bl sinf.'S. — Brethren Stocks, Tharp, M. !
N. M (’all. Mansfield, S. G. Daniel, D. G. Dan-i
iell, Gwinn.
Judge Stocks moved that the Convention now
adjourn for the purpose ot giving the Board of
Trustees time to make out their rep rt.
Brother Chaudoin moved to amend the mo-|
tiou bv adopting t e resolution ot the Conven
tion of last ve ir. which was carried.
I'he resolution is as lollows:
/; , I, That the Convention will assemble
at A At. ami 3 I’. M., ami adjourn nt 121 ami
5 r. m .
B other l.imjrum sai 1 that Rev. A. E. Dick
inson " is present as a r presentntive of the
Foieign Mission Board, with a letter from the
Secretary, Rev. James B. I'ayler. which he
would nsk to be read.
T. e Secretary then read a« follows:
Rirniioxp. April 15. 186.’’.
To tAr ILrptist Cotttrntion : Bnihnn: Kenu: unable to attend yonr annual
meeliuc. to be Lie’, i ;(griffin. I haw requested K«' A.
K. Dt ki' '« n to rvpre'. nt the interests of the Foreign
M’.-oui li.inl on that •<,- asion. Although we have
: ut .i it htlieult to transmit funds tv our unssionaries
until within a brief yerio.i, it is graUtyiug to b* able
to state that, by loans secured and other means they
have been relieved from suffering duringall this period
of painful suspense through which we have passed.—
AVe shall have heavy liabilities to meet when the ob
structed channels are opened, but God will provide.
May the Divine presence be enjoyed in your antici
pated meeting. Affectionately,
Corresponding Secretary.
On motion of brother Landrum, Rev. A. E.
Dickinson was admitted to a seat in the body.
Brother Landrum also moved that Rev. M.
T. Sumner be admitted to a seat on the floor as
Corresponding Secretary of the Domestic and
Indian Mission Board. The motion was agreed
Brother Sumner said that, as a representa
tive of the Domestic Mission Board, he wished
to state to the Convention that it was the object
of the Board to increase the number of its ap
pointments in the army. More men were need
ed in the army, both to preach and to do the
work of the colporteur. lie therefore invited
any who wished to be instrumental in this good
wm- ! ’, to hand in their contributions during the
session of th 2 Convention.
Dr. Crawford said that he was reminded that
he had a letter from Rev. Asa Marshall, bear
ing on the same subject, which be won id like
to be read.
The letter, which was a private one, referred
to the destitution, inthearmy, of chaplains, and
proposingto receive communicatiotisat the head
quarters in Virginia of the 12th Georgia Regi
ment, from any who might desire to enter the
army as chaplains.
Rev. William Huff was recognized as Agent
for Army Colportage and invited to a seat with
the body.
On motion of Dr. Sherwood all Baptist Min
isters in good standing wore invited to seats
with the body.
The invitation was accepted by Brethren
Cain, Conner, Abner R. Callaway, Joseph E.
Carter, Willis, Emory, Dickens, Goodman,
Tumlin and Barrow.
Dr. Crawford submitted the report of Execu
tive Committee which is as follows:
REPORT of the Executive. Committee of the
Georgia Baptist Convention.
The committee present the fallowing report
of their operations during the past year:
Os the beneficiaries mentioned in our last
report, brethren J. L. Biitch and William Sin
gleton are pursuing their studies in the Theo
logical department of the University. Brother
J. W. Pullen the Hearn School, and
brother J. S. Coil in the school of brother Moss
irf Lexington.
Brother XV. T. Chase graduated in the The
ological department of the University, last;
.summer. Brother Cowan left at the close of
the Spring term, and has been since engaged
in the work of the ministry ; and brethren T.
J. Beck and J. A. Garrison have been employ
ed most of the year as Chaplains in Georgia
regiments in Virginia. We have received no
new applications.
It will be seen from the above, that only four
young ministers are studying under the pat- '
ronage ot the Convention. AVe reported, at
your last, meeting, a difficulty in collecting the
interest of the Educational Fund, and that we
had been reluctantly compelled to dismiss
some of the students. Money is now abund
ant, but the aimy has absorbed our former
students ami pr< bably most of those who, un
der other cireumsta>ice.s r would have applied
for aid. Believing, however, that there may
be young brethreq in the State who would
gladly avail themselves of the advantages of
the Fund, we most earnestly urge our minis
tering brethren and the churches to bring all
such to the notice of the committee.
Rev. S. G. llillyer has been called to the
charge of t his School. His successful manage
ment gives great satisfaction to the trustees
and patrons. The Female Academy is tem
porarily connected with the School, to increase
the salary of brother llillyer. There are thir
ty-five students in the male department, ami
the prospects of the School a;e represented us
very encouragin r . The Treasurer reports as
sets in hand 86’591,60 in cash and solvent
notes, exclusive of landed property and build
>llgs -
Our venerable brother, Jesse 11. Campbell,
has been laboring, during the past year, as
Colporteur among our Soldiers on the coast. —
11 is gratifying to state, tha*’ his labors have
been blessed of the Lord, and that the breth
ren have coiitrilmt' 1 1 liberally to his support.
A\ e need only urge a continuance of coutribu
i tions to this most important department of the
I missionary field.
n \ ATI xs.
Venations of hooks ive been made to breth
ren J. H. Fortson and (>. M. Campbell, amount
ing to $5,00 each, ami a set of Hebrew text
books was given to 1 iher W. T. Chase at his
gi aduation.
Our stock of books is ent'rely exhausted, and
: there is no hope of replenishing during the
war. From the smallness ot the stock, we re
gret to say that we have been unable to fill
I several grants, reported at the last convention.
The various items of appropriations, during
the year, will appear in lull in (Tie Report ol
the Treasurer.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. E. Willet, Secietary.
On motion, ti e report was referred to a select
committee. The President remarked that he
would announce ttie names of brethren compo
sing the committee, to-morrow morning. For
the present, he would ouly announce, as Chair
. man. Dr. Brantly.
Rev. A. A an H use Chairman of the commit
‘ tee on Preaching made the following animunce
-1 ment :
To preach to-night (Friday) in the Baptist
Church Rev. J. K. Kendrick.
Io the Methodist Church at 10J o’clock to
morrow (Saturday) Rev. Mr. Gwinn.
Brother Stock' made a motion that the Con
vention adjourn which was carried.
The Presi<lent then called on Rev. E. B.
. Teague io < tier prayer, after which service the
j Cenveidicn adjourned.
Saturday, April 25, 1863.
After spending a half hour in prayer for our
country, the Convention was called to order by
the President, Dr. Mell, at the hour of 9 A. M.
Prayer by brother Dickinson.
The roll was called, and the minutes of the
preceding day read and approved.
Brother Stocks, Chairman of the Business
Committee, submitted the following report,
which was adopted.
1. Renew invitation to ministers of our de
2. Cull for correspondence.
3. Report of Treasurer.
4. Appoint correspondence.
5. Appoint Delegates to Southern Baptist
6. Report of Trustees of Mercer University.
7. Report of Committees, viz: Nominations.
Education, Deceased Ministers, Missions, Spe
cial Committees.
8. Appoint time and place of next meeting.
9. Miscellaneous.
10. Special order: upon meeting this after
noon, elect Trustees of Mercer University, Ex
ecutive Committee and Treasurer.
In carrying out the report of the business
committee, the President renewed the invitation
to Ministers of the Baptist denomination to
seats with the body. Rev. T. S. Allen accepted
the invitation.
Brother Brooks, of Milledgeville, moved that
Rev. F. M. Haygood be recognized as Agent for
the Colporteur Society, and invited to a seat on
the floor of the Convention. Carried.
Rev. M. T. Sum ner announced himself as the
correspondent of the Alabama Baptist State
Convention. He spoke of the excellent meeting
of that body, last year, in Selma. He express
ed the hope that, at their next meeting, on Fri
day before the s cond Sabbath in November, at
Marion; Ala., a larger number of correspon
dents from this State, than heretofore, would
be present.
Brother Sumner was recognized in his official
The Treasurer, brother T. J. Burney, sub
mitted his report, which is as follows :
REPORT of Treasurer, embracing receipts and
expenditures from 15th April, 1862, to 15th
April, 1863.
April 15. To amount on hand, $32,165 27
“ 18. To dividend on Ga. R. R. stock. 250 00
Oct. 28. “ “ “ “ 300 00-
Dee. 20. To Henry McLellan, estate, leg-
acy, 422 28
“ “ To interest collected on notes,... 1,898 48
$35,036 03
April ?6. By J. E. Dawson’s note sur
rendered by order, 163 12
“ By expenses of beneficiaries, as
per orders of Executive com
mittee, Nos. 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 19, 29. 30, 33, 885 53
M’eb 10. By interest paid on Confederate
bond, 15 12
April 2. “ “ “ 7-30 Treas-
ury notes, 16 40
“ 15. By proportionate part Treasu-
rer's salary, 190 00
“ “ By balance on hand, 33.765 86
$35,036 03
' 1862. ORPHAN FUND.
! April 15. To amount on hand 3,221 61
“ 25. To Alabama and Florida bonds, 30 00
. July I. “ “ “ 30 00
I Oct. 24. “ “ “ 30 00
I Jan. 9. *• •• “ 30 00
J “ 26. To Radford Gunn, 46 67
$ 3,388 28
i April 15. By proportionate part Treasu
rer’s salary, 18 00
“ By balance on hand, 3,370 28
$ 3,388 28
April 15. To amount on hand, 2,271 97
■I “ 18. To dividend on Ga. R. R. stock, 10 00
, j Oct. 22. “ “ “ “ 12 00
, .April 2. To Malcolm Johnson’s estate,
legacy, the interest to be di
vided between State, Indian
and African Missions 400 00 I
“ 15. To interest collected on notes.... 112 54
j $ 2,806 51
April 15. By proportionate part Treasu
rer’s salary...* 14 00
*• 15. By balance on hand, 2,792 51
$ 2,806 51
April 25. To Ga. Baptist Convention,..*.. 1,400 02
“ 25. To “ ** “ for
African Missions, 321 90
May 28. To J. G. Polbill, by C. S. Gaul
den 2 50
•• 28. To Jordan Tucker, by C. S. Gaul-
den 1 00
“ 25.« To Win. B. Bennett, by C. S.
Gaulden I 00
•• 28. To Mitchell Jones, by C. S.
. Gaulden 2 50
“ 2S. To C. S. Gaulden....* 10 00
28. To Bently’s Maria (colored wo-
• man.) 1 00
, “ 28. To colored congregation, 300
I Oct. 20. To Georgia Association 458 06
•• 20. To •• “ for As-
rican Missions, 105 50 1
_ “ 20, To Georgia Association, for Li-
berian Missions, 20 00
' sTseHs
L 863. CONTRA.
Meh 17. By J. B. Tavlor. Cor. Sec’v. No.
34 2,326 48
April 25. To th. Baptist Convention, 238 07
“ 25. To “ ” « for
? Indian Missions, 1,177 55
“ 25. To Ga. Baptist Convention, for
J. 11. Campbell, 288 55
“ 25. To Ga. Baptist Convention, 4'or
Hepzibah Mission, 95 80
“ 25. To Ga. Baptist Convention, for
Bibles and Tracts for the
Army, U 6 00
May 28. To R. S ruggs, for Indian Mis
sions, by C. S. Gaulden, 5 00
“ 28. To James Harden, for Indian
Missions, by C. S. Gaulden,... 5 00
“ 28. To Jordan Tucker, for Indian
Missions, by C. S. Gaulden,... 1 00
*‘ 28. To John Polhill, for Indian Mis-
sions, by C. S. Gaulden, 2 50
“ 28. To Wm. B. Bennett, for Indian
Missions, by C. S. Gaulden,... 1 00
f 28. To B. Bently, for Indian Mis-
sions, by C. S. Gaulden, 1 00
‘ 28. To B. George, for Indian Mis-
sions, by C. S. Gaulden, 1 00
2». To Mitchel Jones, for Indian
Missions, by C. S. Gaulden,... 2 50
“ 28. To C. S. Gaulden, for Indian
Missions, 5 00
Oct. 20. To Georgia Association, 628 11
“ 20. To “ “• for In-
dian Missions, 508 52
20. To Ga. Association, lor Chero-
kee Missions, 450 00
' ‘ 20. To Ga. Association, for J. 11.
Campbell, 271 00
20. To Ga. Association, for J. H.
Campbell to buy delicacies
for sjldiers, 25 00
20. To Wm. Dallas, to buy delicacies
for soldiers, 20 00
$ 3,842 60
April 26. By M. T. Sumner, Cor. Sec’y,
No. 3, 1,820 17
“ 26. By J. J. Pearce, for Hepzibah
Mission, No. 95 80
Oct. 20. Bv M. T. Sumner, Cor. Sec’y,
‘ No. 23, 1,610 63
“ 20. By J. H. Campbell, for salary,
No. 26, 271 00
“ 20. By J. H. Campbell, for delicacies
for soldiers, 45 00
$ 3,842 60
April 26. To Georgia Baptist Association, 5 00.
April 15. To amount on hand, 12,014 00
April 15. To interest collected 1,020 11
$13,034 11
1862. CONTRA.
Dec. 9. By James Sanders, Treasurer,
No. 28,....' 140 00
Jan. 2. By James Sanders, Treasurer,
No. 31 220 46
Feb. 9. By James Sanders, Treasurer,
No. 32, 234 80
M’ch 18. By James Treasurer,
No. 35, 360 85
April 15. By proportionate part Treasu
rer’s salary, 78 00
“ 15. By balance on hand, 12,000 00
$13,034 I I
April 15. To balance on hand 826 98
Oct. 20. To Georgia Association, 224 65
$ 1,051 63
1862. CONTRA.
Sept. 29. By S. Boykin for E. W. Warren,
clerk, No. 15, 75 00
“ 29. By S. Boykin for printing min-
utes, No. 18, 425 00
April 15. By balance on hand, 551 63
$ 1,051 63
April 25. To Ga. Baptist Convention, 88 20
Oct. 20. To Georgia Association 158 75
$ 216 95
April 26. By F. M. Haygood, agent, No. 2, 88 20
Oct. 20. “ “ “ “ 21, 15 00
“ 20. “ “ " “ 25, 113 75
$ 246 95
April 25. To balance on band, 141 05
“ 25. To Georgia Baptist Convention, 22 30
Oct. 20. -To Georgia Association 5 00
$ 168 35
April 26. By James Barrow, No. 1, 25 00
June 2. By Wm. Richards, No. 5, 25 00
Aug. 25. By “ No. 16 25 00
“ 25. By Mrs. James, No. 17 25 00
April 15. By balance on hand, 68 35
$ 168 35
April 15. To balance on band ..*.... 390 50
' •* 15. To interest collected, 21 45
“ 15. To trees sold, 3 00
M’ch 31. To Thos, S. Wilson for lot, 185 60
Balance, $ 600 55
April 15. To balance on hand 2,200 00
“ 25. To interest collected, 154 00
Balance, 2,351 00
April 25. To Georgia Baptist Convention, *lO 00
Oct. 20. To Ga. Association, Index and
Banner to soldiers, 143 50
“ 20. To Ga. Association, (army of
Potomac.) 91 20
“ 20. To Ga. Association, colportage
$ 619 95
Oct. 20. By S. Boykin, ed. Index, No 20, f>6 Oq
“ 20. By A. E. Dickinson, ag’t, Nc.22, 505 92
20. By S- Boykin, ed. Index, No. 24, 40 00
“ 20. By H. Hornady, ed. Banner,
No. 27, 37 50
$ 649 95
Permanent Education fund $33,755 86
Orphan fund 3.370 28
Permanent Mission fund, 2,792 51
Southern Baptist Publication Society,.. 5 00
Hearn Legacy, 12,000 00
General Purpose fund, 551 63
Indigent Ministers fund 68 35
Town Lot fund, 600 55
Christian Index fund, 2,354 00
Aggregate, $55,503 18
The foregoing amount consists of
Notes at interest, $39,705 47
Georgia Railroad stock, 5,200 00
Alabama and Florida bonds,. . . 1,500 00
TERMS — Three Dollars a-year.
“ Confederate- 8 per cent, bonds, 4,000 00
Cash on hand, 5,102 71
$55,508 18
1362. April 15. Dr.
To cash on hand, $ 898 21
To interest collected, .- 2,233 14
To interest Hearn Legacy....; 1,020 11
To Permanent Fund collected, 8,256 18
To Alabama and Florida bonds, 120 00
To Foreign Missions, •. 2,326 48
To Domestic and Indian Missions, 3,842 60
To dividends on Ga. R. R. stock, 572 00
To Bible and Colporteur Society, 246 95
To Soldiers’ Colportage, 649 45
To Legacies, §22 28
To Trees sold, 3 qq
To Indigent Ministers, 27 30
To Southern Baptist Publication Society,... 5 00
To General Purposes, 224 65
$21,247 35
1862. April 15. Cr.
By Domestic and Indian Missions, $ 3,842 60
By Foreign Miasions, A.............. 2,326 48
By Hearn Legacy interest...... 956 11
By expenses Beneficiaries, 885 53
By General Purposes 500 00
By Bible and Colporteur Society, 246 95
By Soldiers’ Colportage 649 45
By Indigent Ministers, 100 00
By Loans, 2,306 91
By Confederate bonds, 4,000 01
By interest paid on bonds and notes, 31 52
By Treasurer’s salary, 300 0C
By balance on hand, 5,102 71
$21,247 35
This certifies that we have examined the
foregoing Report of the Treasurer ; that he has
exhibited to us vouchers for the various pay
ments embraced in it; and also notes, stocks
and cash, covering the aggregate of the funds
amounting to $55,508.18.
N. G. Foster,
April 20, 18G3. J. R. Kendrick.
Brother Landrum read the report of the board
of Trustees of Mercer University which is" as
REPORT of the Board of Trustees of Merci
The Board is gratified in being able to repo
to the Convention that during another year
war, Mercer University has been kept open tc
the patronage of the denomination and thecoun
try. The arrangement made last year has beer
carried out, though it must be confessed v itl
no large results. The number of pupils offer
ing for education has been very small. The
following extracts from the President’s repo
will show what has been done in this respect;
‘ Tbe degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred upon
the members of the Senior Class., eight in number, last
July. All of them except one who was under age -mt
mediately entered the army; and two of them very
soon died of disease incident to the camp.
In the fall term of 1862, we had in attendance twe
theological students, ten in the academical department,
making a total of twenty-two.
In tEe present term the attendance has been some
what larger, viz. Theological 2 ; College 12; Academy
21 ; making a total of thirty-five.’
The Treasurer’s report showed the. following
state of-our funds on the 4th July 1862 :
Recapitulation of Funds.
University fund, $75,604 89
Central Professorship, 18,400 43
Mercer Theological Fund,... 21,492 48
Sanders Professorship, 14,456 15
Jane Posey fund 2,206 66
Interest account, 9,553 39
Rc»l Estate, 30,000 00—5171,714 00
Recapitulation of Items.
Contribution notes, $ 9,771 17
Loan notes 36,248 14
Georgia Rai road stock, 50,000 00
Central Railroad stock, 18,500 00
State Bank stock, 10,000 00
Georgia 6 per cent bonds,.... 4,500 00
Ala. and Florida R. R. bonds. 3.500 00
Confederate bonds 5,000 00
Mobileand Girard R. R. sto-k 500 00
Interest due, 2,244 13
Real estate, 30,000 00
Cash on band, 1,450 56—5171,714 00
The great advance in the prices of living ren
<lers the salaries fixed bv the Board a year ag
wholly inadequate. The Board has therefore,
increased the salary of the President to $2400,
and that of the Professors to SIBOO, per annum,
and these rates to be reckoned from the first 01
January hist. The salary of our Treasurer has
also been increased from S7OO to SI,OOO.
Finding that the University needs a Profess
of Languages, and that our fundswill justii
his employment, the Board on yesterday elect
Prof. U. W. Wise to fill the chair.
Mr. Wm. Sanford, of Baldwin county, Wu
died on the 12th of December last, bequeath
to Mercer Institute five thousand dollars, tobj
paid in notes within twelve months of his decease
The period for which our Board was elected
in 1860. now expires. We have nothing to add
but to express our gratitudeto God, for His good
providence over our cherished Institution, in
the recent trials and perils through which our
country has thus far been guided.
S. Landrum,
On motion of brother Stocks the report was
referred to a select committee. The chair an
nounced as that committee brothers Davis, Steed,
Clark. Pannel, Harley, Webb and Stout.
Brother Crawford moved that the orde.- of
business be suspended for the purpose’of in
structing the committee on preaching to set
apart to-night (Saturday) for listening to the
claims of the Domestic and Missionary bonds
Brother Mallary moved as a substitute tha t
Saturday night be devoted to the claims of tbe
Colporteur Society and Sunday evening to the
claims of the Missionary Board. Aconsilera
ble discussion ensue 1 which-was participated
in by brothers llillyer, Campbell. Mallary
NO. 24.