Newspaper Page Text
EVluch in Little
I % especially tree of Hood's nils, for no merit
cine ever contained so great curative power In
sa small space. Iliey are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al- at H ■
1:,factory; ways efficient, prevent always cold sat- EJ Bp pi™ y g g ^
a m
or fever, euro ail liver ills,
siek head, elie, jaundice, constipation, etc, ace.
The only Fills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
The Cleveland Cornier
Oii'.eU. ili-jfiin of While county
Geo. S. lyyfcle, Editor and
Knlercd at e,INvi-'ifl't'. *- at Chivrhiriri
•io.cond-cln».-i Mail Mn'.-lw.Jio).
(’i.KVKI.A.M), (i A., Dec. 18, I Hilt;
This is not a hatch of news
from your reLnihir Lopd.sviIli
correspondent, for what ! am
going to say U not a matter of
news to the renders of the Cot in
eh, hut I'nther the rceomtlimr of
some fnets that everybody knows,
1ml knows “quietly.” H seems
that those who have mentioned
thiouirh the columns r>f the Coc¬
kier anything concerning the
iiiimml outrages against ('in i t inn
civilization that oeeur at this his¬
toric, spot, have dealt very easily
in the matter, and left much mi
said that ought to he made pub
lie, as they see lit lo mention il
at all.
First, f say—and I speak ad¬
vise:! ly, for I know whereof I
speak—there is a great deal “that
is rotten in this little Denmark.”
it is from this source that arises
all the stench that offends the
nostrils of all healthy Christians.
Thotcut-hoklers ofl.midsvilie who
presume to make unto themselves
“laws,” led on and encouraged In
an over zealous orfunalieal mints
ter, will find that all these di.-
tnrbancH’H, these trampling down
of rules, these open violations of
the law, even lie under their own
'i lie rule made i.tsl eamp-niei'l
■■ '.-uJkmHngslixv.<5ev< fi. tjB#Glt
together was a slap in the face of
modern rlvalbeit ion, ,aiid an in¬
sult. in fact, lo the purity and
chastity of the hundreds of good
women who attended theservi :<w.
All** the tent-holders, I thank
the Ford, were not so morbidly
diseased mentally, as to endorse
such views, hot tlup were so far
in the minoiity as lo he utterly
unable In help matters to a hot-'
ter state. Then the appointment
of the “special police” or guuids,
was another and the longest
stride yet, tow ard confusion and
ho devil. If you had searched
the country over it, would have
been hard to find the same number
of men, with the possible excop
lion of two, who were more ob¬
noxious to tli > young element at¬
tending the eamp-meoting, than
the four leading guards. One
was the boss Tom Cat of the luck
yard; another, the man who got
Kiletl, and •‘Held-on*' till he was
knocked out: another, the young
man who al wavs hughes to the
line marked out by his boss; and
another, the merry descendant of
the old time jolly fellows known
as Monis-daneers, who danced to
the Tern Cats call, there were
others, but those made themselves
move obnoxious than they would
have been otherwise by trying to
com pel observance of " Loudsville
law. Still 1 am not sure they
are so much to blame as some of
the long faced I'uriians who en¬
couraged and hacked
itnns w ith a prefix to their names,
who are yet uncertain of the t
reel version, and a true concep¬
tion of Our Lord's prayer. Send
them buck to Young Harris,
the study, to the prayerful
—anywhere until they leant the
great lesson our master taught
white on earth. And l want to
say here, that while all m\ early
religions ra-odcctions associate
Loudsville camp-ground with ail
that religion really stands for. I
had lather see it IT,tied off the
map uf \\ hite county (not burned
by mcfi.'diai'V) , than
nil to witness
u repetition i>f tiio scenes that
have of recent years ,untie it no¬
torious. and a mark for the .-coffer.
But just so long as the line of ac¬
tion now being pci stud is carried
out. ju-t so long will there be
lrouble. Ifunmn nnture ><i the
young is uatursi ISy viotou*, mu]
“like FiiH'.s like” fails mi.-;erub!«»
when rdniinwtered to a crowd of
boys. Kind trcstuieiit will catch
the boys every time, and every¬
one of them, who violated
■‘Loudsvtlte hivv” durinii' the h.<t
meetHiij ini.- my wannest. sympit
* m ti
flm sooner the schools are re¬
moved from the churches the bet¬
ter it will be for the schools. The
schools frequently have to give
atvity for protracted meetings,
and other causes. There is not a
church i mlding in the county,
where fim children can hnyc
warmth aiid light when they are
needed. There is no protection
to books and stationary, 'll.we
is seldom a blackboard, nor an
out building of anv sort to aim h
children can go w hen neece.-.sitv
requires. About th e matte s
parents Ji ye been oblivious and
neglectful. It. is 1 a be hoped that
the legisl.-.t me will pass some law
requiring school houses to be
built liv taxation, subwr'ption,
or in some postive way.
’i he above is taken from the
Dahlonega Nugget. Wo think
the Nugget is right on this quo
lion. Schools ought not to b.
taught in churches. Chmvlie.
were not. made for*-school hou-ics,
they do not hate the
that a school lem-e
should have. It ia not .veil to
have books, charts, black-boards
arid school apparatus til a church
house for children and mischiev¬
ous boys to destroy. Schools
should be taught in school houses
built off the public road, if possi¬
ble, and let the teacher leek tie
school house door every night am!
the key home with hint and
hack to the school house next
morning and have the house
swept out and a good lire built,
fov the children to warm by when
they come in cold nml probably
wet. Is not a tasn^MWs'n ptvbhe
he. not pre-,
pare to do the b wt jhi-sittb;
in the best possible maiXiief? If
this be true, tlion it. de\ol ,j, es up¬
on him to see that the aehoo!
house is eonifortiible. The peo¬
ple pay the tendin' to look after
their ehildiTii, and to see that
they nre not run over or abused
in any way. Then the timelier is
to look after their physical .is
well as mental welfare.
GKOIIOIA While cvtnty: Ta ttioieRal
vptfivs of Town Creek tlie 88C1U difttrict,
(«. M.ofsaul coniiiv. Viiu arc litTcVty
by notified that a petition sitfnotlby l. r >
iron holtlors’ inia Vh-pu tiled in my otticn,
nuking* tuv an election in in the said diB
ti ict , on the question of “fence or stoc k
law,” At the expiration of twenty days
an election will be ordered noicas lepil-■
ly prevcnt{ i :|. JVc. hth.
.blS. F UK EM A I-i. Ordinary.
...................... ............................____________________
OICORGIA White county•
To all ny hum it may concern;
•lann*s V, Ni . k ’ .ving appiied tor the
guard* et . porr.ona and projier
ty < : * N f a*, llie U, Mary K. Carrie
C. Nan h i', . ttanuah H. 15hick minor
ehddjvu t i ■ raUM. black, late of 8 aid
county* doceaued. Notice ia g'iven that
Svid application will be heard at my
oltieo at o'clock a m. o.t the first M« n lay
in January next- 18127. This December
ah !NM, J. it. I ; UK KM AN,
Ordinary and ex-tPicio Clerk* C. O.
0BORGIA—While county: Chas. Rob
KobertH ot ai*have made ai plication for
1 tv change in the j d-Lf read» known ae
; the Cnicoy t L.p Hoad in the Chattahoo
! chee district, said county from a point
near the J, K. Dean f rd taking: the hurh
ground above the river to where
has been done on the He? ton branch road
and foiiowb ; - ihe i w road works round
by Chattahoochee meeting* h< u^e, con¬
necting' with the Cleveland public road
near said nun-ting house, and eoidiiuiingf
along- on the best cia und to a poiet on
the river near flee, foot-leg* now across
said river, which has been marked out
by the Commissioners a chi report made
on calk Ay them, vll per.-eiis are noti •
that said change will In* ..ade in said
on and after the second Monday in
181*7 by the Cemmiasioners of
and Revemu’s of said county, be
ally granted if no new couse be shown
the contrary. This 7th day of Decem¬
18 %. \Y. R. FOWFR, Ch-ik Com
Rea l and Revenues. 1
c~zi 3?X2&mS!$ah i
Mortgage joreemure u..:> j
land Receiver,
RoHei-h'. atel Stovall eta!, vs The
PI. ‘.tfshui-y (iiiMi.if.-g SfilH.ijrCompany
Petition tofoi-clese mortgages and ftp
plication for a receiver etc. Yfoiito Su
pHi-io;-Court of a, Ortoljar t-nn
To u'o’in 'I • Davis, Allan VL Emery.'
flrth.-tr-l N. Pern No uni Edwin II.
H of Pl.tttslmr!' New V .,■!■:.
Vnii and each of yon Ivr/'.y r,»
fpilrod to Ur andiipjie.;,)- 1 , i'.ids Imree
.1 • .1. Kiciscy Jildg.! of tli: ,. ifl'irioi- Coin
of While county CicvcLwl White Co
oil fiie 14tb duyof.iuntcu'y 1897;.n:l shew
Wicsie if any you h: va >.vhy.yon should not
lie inail" a to the above -tilted case
and the case pre-'e. S as justice ra.ty a;>
pertain: Witness the lien J. J. Kiwsey'.
Jodf' of raid court, This N'oy. fo-l 1 hr .
W. R. r'OWMP.. (!, 8 . O.
fi:,'i!iO:A, Wan"! Coe. tv:—I W. ft.
Power Cgerl; oi tliu Sujsa-ior Court of
said county do hire’)/ certify bat the
f ifipc.iiig is a true eyir.ict from the Mr >
ords at file in my office. fJiven under
my hand and 1 Niriii! re. This 11,
day of Novfiiitier Jliif.
'.V. R. PO'A'JvM. V. >i C.
notice to mm' o;cs
> ('/libDiTOIifj.
<-}rORGl\ •-;.i iiu-. (o i'jty*
Aii {)<• ■.-totri having 4f':nf‘n4£ ngainBt
t ilD f. fitfD (ft- < .'■* Wil Ji;> Into cf n:\Ul
t'sY .\nty -mnJ t are *:hy 11.*tifjtnl t<-*
ivTid'H-;n 1h ii* deimindH to tlie- um!»;r
•:»{■!•«.«! >r • ; to j.fcw 3 n-u«l <iil |»t
uuit’-M-fttl to fufI lire ivqni)'e;l to
Dittl- • ini id * • jbiYDiCnl, Th:* !. Hz 17.
is;-;. J A. Rif.^urc/'ON. aduOnkU'. -
to;* -'*f T. C, \V iiflit;; ■ h iIlvfi lso !,
■ i>. Vi . \V. Sjbifi--;, drug cicrk
with J. W . M< N'limdl, j j: ; ri i u i r -
Ihi., H:tvs: I wil. Mit iiii nigh
la-t wintiT iiu.<I foTi ractetl it -if
v<-rc cold. I w.'is h >;sr.-t: for a
w 1 < oil Id 1; tl- . «!»!•:• k.
Knmving how well »'twtt*nH*rs
of our s*tor ■ -Sjuiki- of f.’-lmiiifiyr
Inin’s Hough ih'im'tly, I cotieiu
tlcd to try iI. (hic-half of a b >t
t If cured use cutirel v,”
■I. A. Vim V.".l/nh, HuglK’.-ivilie
i‘a., sitys: tlliMlilierhiit.'sCough
Reniedy has iiriivcu s,i valuable
lliiit 1 do not lic-itat.e to recoin
im'iul ii to any one.” *
Dr. F. Wbi'jvr, Fohrata. Fn.,
says; “Mr. .1- D. Kline, a cigar
maker of this plsico, reports a
voe.-pb lc cure of his cough wit I
it -d cent bottle of ChantberhinY
Cough rciftsly aft. r is l^irtrtfd
q!lietri which ll.ty y iiHtt'tl."* iiHi-tl. * F K(U 01
~r<y A- HitTrSrr.
mei‘ch. 111 !. ! TtfveliHtt
Tl! K B mr FOR CM l k'DKKNd]
4 *I believe Chum'icrlainV. Cough H.coh‘ 4
dy is the bast Cor vhd.iron T ever usedl
For croup it is unoquaPe.l. .Uusnsph-n
did seller with im. -T. M. Bckies.Ph, t->..
Mannp; ?• Vfamptim Pharnuu-y,
Pa.” When used as soon jvs the iics'
symptoms appear, that B no xonri as the
ehiill l>eoomea hoarse or even utter the
eroupy cougn h\ • av-poa'-cd* it Wilt pro
vent the attack. Thu m.lhers of or»*upy
e.hildren should bear tida in mlml nnila!
ways keep the remedy et h u. 1. It is al¬
so the best medicine in the world for
colds and whooping couj^h. For sale at
25 and 50 cents per botUe by A, H. Hcu¬
ll ersou general merchant.
j By arr-u’.g'-euev.ts with t!,e r,ml ltidilisherr
wo can oiler the PBOGeess thrice-a
! woe]«; New Vork World f«,r f 1.05 ?t, vear*,
d’lie World cmidcs thi'oe ti.ike it week and
| /vivos the foiviyu news. Thf* threinKss
| homes once a week und yi\ es the home
news. Four papers a wick with all th
no w o of t he world for ,L \ do.
nsver such .world valoe known for has m
.' - -- *.{*TA ’ e coa.ernoa st the Wf«<*t eartli will Wholesale do for mer
u » c>3. Grat:ufated SL'xj&r. .j
tux Ss£3*c*d Rio Coffee..
Lr ids* Hals m5...........
v. «*?3. Ccliforcis ?toikj©____
L>-*can Pofvdcr
b So??. 6r'd SR Papper
C t>; Ses:pJ' Nixed Taa...
C‘ itis, C«*oliaa Kico______
3 id». Celled this..........
i* Wis. taaorfry Starch______
6-ar. Lottie YacifSe
rP N® Ni« IUN Y' u mon ’ 5 ’. not only on
Ig J ta cny catatogui an J
Sr c S f SSS";K shortly)? M pnc
i-oiae wm be sent free de.xdy
DrparttnJnt CUr Wfa!ee4!e i ;
fitoiissw^ar 1 or no3e »
A. M. Rothschild & Co.
State ar.d Vsr. Sarsa-sts., Chicago.
rSttc^» 8a * LOtf; “ Bopor ‘ snk ,¥rlte for I
“S i-iE MOST rcmar&ablo cures on
3 record have been accomplished by 1
Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled
for all BLOOD SfiSASSS.
Ptiv ustvStal U O
? Laandrc
HOMZK Guincoville
_lidry. W. Loon, pro¬
prietor. Gloss <’• domestic finish.
thq yiysyAfl hlluAnd won, e-tFir?>nteefl to be
prices always right.
Dr. C i. KIBES, Dentist.
m ■ r ■
Fir-sf class dental work of alt
kinds. Crown and bridge work j
a speeiad v. loss the exciusive j
use of “Afelt under” for fiu> pit::’.- :
le.-s extnu tion of teeth.
& 3 l Cos-^iioner,
Mumifut'litrt'r of ILmie-timdc pui
(iisv, v-y*0vt!vr- for brtxui
from iHit of town plncLM
pn-mpFy (IN' ;J.
HHf? T7 uA&Ef
i\ 1 ' i Li Jj *
attorneys a 1 1 .AW
( N-'Vi-hiiicl; • »a.
AH ho : • I'l-i'Fi '< l rf our jmntip'.
Gpisr p]egn rid!] MLS! Pants 1
PKffTA* LO N F M .vY F'E :
1>LCK1\ L\<>.
f! cheapne-s does
inuke real saving of 11 . 011 ;'
r k »* p
jtetf-i-... .*■ e '
i iT,
l o
* '*■
;i, .1
r# .
land v eheapn; '■».
fluai ,f'- an 1 at fair
• ece.anay.
Q ; lg dfcfeo ■ ru h ui w . Ihho
f the thH r i Xf ioiriAtioIe...
f- ji iia-wri Itoriakqp It "it giver.
hem the V :. ft) i * ' Hi'fai l»« in r.|ir.
Tic# i vis vVN'fsn
;>fu t'AVrieeG. I®'Scad foe c.ala
0.5* !ve. 'At hi res a
y Vim:p tin u CO,
TiiU umm'V AV'I'H v fMNXKR LdLL.
Uooilhi Pills aid dig***.-! • e*. p:*i«v
.• t linjf of t il»u*gvs oj- 11 is.::i^s and ',»t, v
yt i tdfectivolv assist in tli*« us^iDdlati.. :
aiid d'lgvcd.ion of t i- d. They h«> not. g-rtuc
or pain and they do not weaken the, L d \.
On the contrary ti cy have a sirenyth. d
irig amt s'dn..uhm*;g t'T-eC T!n*.t
the lives, jwfvoot Fieknes-Majul cu. * si' L
hea tiurhan Uo*uPs Pills aip purely veyc
table, perfectly linrinlw-and may I <•
used saivly by delicate v,*o:vcn and chii
c o iX \ i 1 J i» -J r T I i x\
1 K A « d «T H FK £ a MAlMi!
i mi A tl. S v IL Li
HERE’S FUN ]••• )i; (: •EE Fi IRON IN WHAT Till." AD E i RLA.l) 111.',
-■ - ;
AEOU r ghoaeui: A LOUT DS. t Ii rs line. k. y ' *y tr> ■ ~ f
: > a fnL Kne of HR iLu
X ; niy deater in yvne: •:;! N etbrnu. PuktHb r the,^ r
ISleek is comphdc and varie
i'* ^1 i •} hest grown. AIKIIT on
MaU;;:,; 1 Her.ran Mite l - Seed Corn ,
Feed Wheat, Wire., t h vn. I have inhlets to td\ sti ;• tin
n. -■> ii ('lover. Seed F.-vley. surpassed lubrituiing* mn
hippling- ck.Ytr, Need O.-its. Orclmrd wbi v:Li .vt:,n* alt* nM- u
• rafN". Fnio, ]>h?o Oi*ass, Oricai Golden Mrebiuo Oil.
>cis, licinlL xMraFu, Turnip Het.tL;, Tiiu National Knginc LL.L
by. Naiionr.i ( \ Sin.b ••
0 A DDK \ S’ .ur.s_ Sewing: T*I:g- hi Oil.
-ienu Melon Sccd>».^y.' I -'ll-
8c«As. Bill 1 *11.' >.rii::er‘s ?.-.!• K- i
N- tols, ]LL ; .
• 1 iSecuA, ALL N.«vf gg Ami
By Fate’s decree v.e »H nu;oi oat, and ' La. m\ cr I have r«r»t in stock I will Like )E FENDINGS
tin.-e we lniist. si;usH over treat our r -fft pleasure in ; ecu ring* for $< any
stomachs well a!I du" rosy eel. and nnth- I ads miking
iiijr o. tlicir needs mgv'. l'ui am • elt'ort to t i
o l". ; ecr- A1U i i ]•: i i headquarte foi* shu
ies the K'st of iieine. i
are me for
i’.ake Spscia of Fot •d St*:fib yu-.,r—
a TV Leather.
I car;y constantly a foil I'-ee of staple 0 ;»11-dllj.Vfd jnJ.Ve • hulls.
fancy groceries. They o' fla-ah, nuv,. Lay in bales, Aw is. Thread. I’.
a: siim-ks i
clean am: .visit’.- me. and at liv— bran ci'ushed ieet] , }ier.s. ? FINALLY.
i-rlcce. :
I tnur, liatKS. molasses, soap, meal, ba¬ DRY GOODS. Your cash < tar at n. i
con, vinegar, rice, sugar, laid, I i
s.xbt. jumper, * ad*led to mv sleek a general line
coffee buUer, crackers, eait, cigars, of tl st styles i*1 staple ib thy good values, You will have lit n.
, l , l,aoco PicGes, ghosts:
' ' O' canned goods. g”C id can j .-lease :uy customers in reaimeni. ,
C ° lile to IJiggresst IwITUri^lE: tdcre OR "Ineav lilt?. |
In !
(.truer t\ ash -ton and Bradford tr
■Si ft'USSfll' j
Jib s A TUj :
di ARjiaui .
T%* mim liM
1 iiiO
1 am P wm
Wjil i i IvvOs
80 Unmdit ad ' «>vc>ltiF«, t:t rough ciiVt-i-, worth , 5Cc,
7a", vi and -m.2*>
27, jmvas i.iad; ' i^ni;-d .Nov- i ! ' in .Mi»ha;v ami Mohutr «.:(
W1; a'IF to o2.
18 gtves Aiiicrii'i'.-.i Xovi'iii-'-, in colors, worth l to i'Jv.
Largo lino now style Snitii gv, worth S5o.
Freni vs! thing.' in Hhcpk.w.i Flaid.
ire h imported French Serge, all tvool, 2~>‘
■t-> incii Sloiiii Serge,-til raw and S > i: : - -;:, wt-igoi, ■>■ e.
Kvcrvihieg to !>e de.-ired in plain Dre.-s i.jootl-, black a id eolrus.
Wort ii J: f to ?T.5d
!)HK • I Usdi MIXG 6
! Ills department has ,■ || ;-c new things in V civets. Sitks, Parse
litviilet !!•', Button. , Jfr.tid . J<", , licitvv Laces. Chiffons, <■;. ;
i'hnoioi ici'ic.s :snid Lnieii sja.rt:—new lot jus;, in,
Lur..'est and best line we have ever had in Clot him ■. Sbnr-r. II:
Overcoats, shirts, Underwear, Suspenders. Nee k w
Cnort S or.. Vt :>. I .fcaos j.jC. : j
Big lot ,1 cans i , c to 38c.
4,000 yards heavy yai'J wide Sheeting nt ‘<v.
In our grocery room we ra w he c Po-F !. - 'Elegant” Fi.
! iUi'J everything else needed in the grocer*.
n m ^ L** fC A
: ft,- *•'"* A g:D - i -
■ .
w% Cj . i.Li :■ feks ‘t* s x a 1*1 Ut 'Ur In .
11 M.iiN LI'FEi.i'. i'ELKi’ilONE 9.
\ j
fiol If cl Lulu
xfil 11 ■ ■ vjd i ui j j. i if! Vi U J j
— a —s
! F. C. T Oil ^ * T HR.
■ Fr opr I 5 i v.. 0 iy>\
usos um
A thoroughly tested Remedy
FOR all
This Ftandard remedy has been tried and
not b and wanting, for forty years, by an
emu: nt physician, who has used it with cer¬
tain and unvarying success for ail diseases
for which it is recommended. It never fails
to benefit from the first all dose, disease quickly and
effectually driving without out unpleasant germs
from the system any or
injurious effects. It i3 not the result of ig¬
norance or superstition, but it is founded
edge upon com man sense medical and a thorough it knowl¬ effect¬
of modern science, blood and
ually purifies and enriches the
brings health to the sufferer. As a general and
building-up tonic it is without a rival,
in its analysis of health-giving properties it
is absolutely beyond comparison with fith any an
remedy . V ever offered . 1...-A.I to ».. tl.a the mitriii' public. It It is lo - a
panacea for impaired vitality and all ills re¬
sulting from impure and quickly impoverished
blood—the current of life; cures
Strefcla. Ulecrs, Eeien:a. Jikio Dis*
aud Eruptions. Catarrh. Dyv
pepsin. BlieumailMp Liver, lildncy
cntl Biadder i)i9pas*s,l>mal«Weali*
nciK, Nervous Diseases, etc.
array of certificates of remarkable cures,
from the simplest to the most virulent dis¬
ease, after all known remedies had failed.
These certificates testify with no uncertain the
sound, that Botanic Blood Balm is best,
cheapest, quickest, greatest tusd most pow¬
erful Blood Purifier and health-giving rem¬
edy ever ka wn to the world. It beneflto
from the timt ioae.
PaiCE—ifi.UCf per bottle; for 6 bottles.
B. S, B. Pills are a mild and effective
^ a n argative dAo tl 'rrice. and Liver Kegqlator. One dressing Pill is l
H. B. B. Salve is a superior
and Cure for all kinds of sores, burns, erup¬
tions, etc. Price. 60 cts. per box.
12. B. 15. Snaff. excellent box. for These colds, ca- $
tarrh, trrh, etc. Price 50 cts. per mav t
be • used, used, wl when necessary, with Botanic l
Blood Balm.
For sale by druggists; if not, ?*n<J to us.
Address, BLOOD 3AL fA CO., ABanla, Ga.
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r^-i not b© ftccfclvod by aJIurtoff affvertiwnuenta and
tuion you can r?et tbo best mode, anestdlriish, end
deaiiux. lu Hitxrha-d.ia] Thoro is nono In the world that c*
ports, of construction, finish, boa durnhiHty of work'Scif tn^
no«s ly in apr. earn nee, or
as many improvements as the aM E W H Oft ? e
Tie wstre for circulars'.
Sew Home Sewing Macbina Co.
Obaxgk , MBostost, Hass. 88 limes Kquare, tr.Y,
Chicago, Iwk. Fzaxcixco, 8 t, Louis, Mo. Damuls. TexaI
fas Cal, Atlanta,Ga*
R. ’j, .. ,.o x-.. soy.
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St:*v h.:;-*.n-;--rPs>?c T'U~ modem i>y Serving '■•wt'A 1 g“ ..Ii
lu-jirc? voia c-n%A4
o, .Ar lie iOUfgTSTHE BES 1
t l ri . » vc'/ • r*AW'.« ••.aM'*. nb!:«n Hicitt
fJXi—: yc»*r A ? -lm “ •«J fiiftko
c&SttyM jiiioiis.
K-.wiasne, (U.
:««*«**■ 4 5?~N ytcil. ‘j*p-sr-7y$f
fill IIIL ciAvr 1 Vt i I
will cock ary HI c- '.“.TV as
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Oa it . 1.
Bak«. Roast, ! , sr.dd»it*U I
v, I herd :.• :h:g :i .. ; r hr u \
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msii« it sacUi. ‘
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For tls ,T
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NR eOt^jn-sy, ....... I
go ■ ■ ,n: cl ELZT, 10T5i. «
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The fctc-jss E.-king and affiertir-g inef
di-t to ecic-Tna, ti-t:- r,,ar.-i olisv
di-f roc:' of the skin is iaEtsntly allayed bsin 'ey
,»p: f : '.mbericin’* had Eye itove or.U been
I ; ;, Ma.:y very ("•.(.
•. • cared by ii. Jt is equally
'.firlent for itching piles a favoriterem
. for sore i:.:'j.rm: choj : ee hards, chil
b'airo, frost bites, and chronic sore eye*.
Fo r sale by druggists at 25 cents per bos. ;
Try Dr. Cady’s CmuHiiort Powders, badcoudi they
SR just what a hors? nccis when in
don. Tonic, blood puri'mr rud vermifugs.