Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, March 05, 1897, Image 2

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He (Mini Courier. Organ of Wlute County. F>*aok NiX, Hditon '- and P ufa tishcr. C4.*TRtiKf), (r a. March 4. l8 ! J7. A foul umihIw wiih committed near Harmony Grove last w. ek. For weather, North (Jcorjjiu’H just lead ing ( nil; There is i «in ami snow ami Kthigmg stwf *But there's a change of time—and it's balance at!! And the weather forgotten in the shuf¬ fling feet. --J, H. G, A business firm in Stanford, Ky., always opens the day's bus¬ iness with prayer—proprietors, messengers and porte/s .til kneel¬ ing together. The foreman of a printing house ‘one morning received tho follow¬ ing note from the wife of one of the men of Ills employ: “Please to eggseuse my husban’ for not eomming t.i day. lie is ded.”— Parson’s Weekly. An exchange is responsible for the following: Breathes there a h man with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said, “I'll pay, before I go to bed, the debt 1 owe the printer?” There are some, wo know full well, who never such tale ean tell; but they we fear, will go—well the place where there’s no winter. i j I INSURANCE. Tly Jogh Billiniffl. I kum to tho concluoion Intely thill life WIIS 80 uiiBiirtin t haL fair' lho J only way for me lo stand « chance with other folk* was to get, my life insured, *o I kallcd on thengont of the Our ion Angel Life Insurance Coni|tauy, atitl uu~ swered alio following questioits which were put to me over the top of a pair of spectacles, by u slick old fellow, with a round ffruy head on him as was ever owned: Are you a mail or {email? if so, state how long you have been so. Had you a father or mother? If so, which? Are you subject to tits? And if so do j you have more than one at a tune? ..., A\ hat . . . htm water is >our precise Did you have any ancestors? And if so, how much? Do you have any nightmares? Are you married or sinjle, or are yu a bachelor? Have you ever com¬ mitted suicide? If so, how much did it affect you? After nnswer int tho above qucstio .18 like a | man, in ttaoaffermntiv*, the slick J j , , , f old .. feller, AMth . , it J?olt spectneics op, suit! I was insured for life, nnd probalily would ve¬ in a in so for years. mining Tews. , There has been one of t he richest lend- o|»encd upon the ;,->ng Sheet pio|ierty he last few weeks that has been discovered in tliis section for years. ’l*he vein is eight feet thick illld is prospecting fine, and there is u fine location for a mill. Thereiis plenty of ore in siglu io justify a compauy to cotn iitcme work, Cnpitaliitu would 1 .1 wdi to coine and oxuuiinc .as property that is wanting to ; a vest iu mining property. We claim that wc huve as good uiin lag. propctly as there itt th* Blitting belt. 1'ho vetu it> being opened up by .f, 1. nor and A. If. Henderson, and . tine „ shape , to , be . examined, ;ui , m we are satisfied that it will stand the test of • /» t any mtutttu There are also acres and acres good , placer , mining . . <m tills ., . erty, and good fall for mining . and water . plenty i , ," for r .. ..... giants, The property ia nmv owned R. T, Kcnimer and <\ii bought at alow price for such KHwpoct a« there arc now on 11 opcrly. M EXECUTORS RA.T,K. GFOltGIA—White count : Uy virtu . , c the third item cf the will of E. S* son. Will t.o soil before the Court House door In Clevelandi said county tho first Tuesday iu April next, the legal hours of sale for cash the lowing properly to wit: Part of lot bin 1 No- 113 in the second district said county containing . t. acres more, less bequeathed in Jos. A , deed, riinin life eat unit life. Uy said wliicli Includes tins dwelling 1 and buildings. Said land has 2 acres of good bottom hint on it and very good orchard Bold as the ty of K, *S. Davidson deed, for tion among the heirs Match 3rd i W. 1. fiintl’HHikfj. Executor, XO’l’XCE. OKOlttilA—White county. To tvhoiu it may codeorn: .1. A. having applied for the ^uatdianehip the person and property of Mies Richardson, a lunatic, and is now an in mate of the State Lun tile Asylum, Notice in hereby jpven ihat Hiiid cation will Iks heard at my office at O , Clock, , , a. m. on the hint Monday April next. Thia March 2nd 18.<7; J.U, Freeman, Ordinary and ex tTcrh C 0 rittullu^ »>| I'orrftooa, Qor.STiov.~I* there no way (hat I car. Utilize my terraces? I have a Rood tuauy, and 1 1 been thinking that some tliiufi rabbit be planted on thorn. Answeu, -Of course you 0.111 plant Sour terraces in various crop*, au-i yon B,ro wasting .some (food land if you are not doiiift so. Some farmers plant their terraces in fruit treos, p irticn'aiiy plums, but I thiuk thir u p i >r plan, as the tree soon branches out and prevents BUmdiif right up to tho terrace, with out; iuJuiT to tho trees. Whoro terraces Ire near tW Mute) I have seen fine stxavfUnM* M*w i up*n them, and I tirad wlM>S be excellently adapt Oti%i> growing KtapbirriM or binnuber ' rho »aots t»f any ot ll'ltt&ft fruits xue*ld be useful jn littuliilf r»e terraces (tad ffltDi prokrAine lli.jfi- washing while thly would not interfere. I think though that ou tho whole, sor¬ ghum, or cattail millet, or Clrickou corn Would be tho best crop) to put on the eauracoB. The roots of either of these Would offer great resistance to any ten Amicy of tho terrace to break, and any cf these could bo cut green for soiling cr could go to maturity for seed or grinding, anti In botli cases their roots would bo left in the soil, rendering it difficult to break the terra cos With even very heavy rains. 0f conrse Routing of tenaoco is 1 * 8 ? * ,nfl *«/ old, Thfin th#y iU , 0 bottoi . lut ulom) auy , di.-turbauco in th« way of cultivation would only weaken and injure thorn.— Stato Agricultural Department. Harm. Sinlgrln;; I ruin H.-hvos Qubstiox.—I have a tine young horse which baa lately developed a short wheezing cough, and when driven out of a very slow gait. Booms to breathe with difficulty, life breathing then being short and fast. AVliat nils him, and wluit cun I do to cure him? Answrr.—Y our animal undoubtedly is suffering from wind is called heaves or broken wind. This disease is caused by ruptured or enlarged air cells of the bmgs, and is consequently incurable, as **° medical science can repair these burst-od ceils. The best that you can do ie to lessen tho evil, by paying strict attention to the food of the nuimnl. Don't givo large quantiti,': uf hay or fodder, but feed liberally .>( ts with a smalt quantity of feducr The idea is to distend the Ktoma- ii a lirtte as pos¬ sible, as to do so in such ra ,> = is always harmful. Always dampen the oats and fmirier before feeding. Bran mashes m" aim good. By feeding carefully as t««Mo will be to some extent alleviated, ana the auimal reu dered more Bevviceab’o, though you cau never hope for a cure.—State Agricult¬ ural Department. i'nbt> «g j !*!«•<?!». Qokstios.—E nclosed find some worms and a moth which produces them. The worms have seriously injured our cab buges aud turnips, eating oft' the tops. Please name them and give a remedy against them. Answer.—T he iusect is called the Cabbage Plusia. It works great- injury to many garden crops, hut especially to cabbages and turnips. Tho female moth Rray in color, with a bright spot near the middle of each front wing,) deposits her eggs either singly or in clusters on the upper surface of the cabbage leaves. The eggs soon hatch. aud tho young worms begin at once to devour the loaves aud to bore small, irregular holes iu too cabbage hoad In this section there are several broods of thts destructive insect each season. Tho moths usually fly at night, but may sometimes be sees flittiug about during a cloudy day. To get rid of them, dust upou th® plant* pirethnjui, (insect pow¬ der) mixed with three times its bulk of flour. They may also be destroyed by Agricultural Dep artme nt. Everywhere wo sec evidences that they 1 1 fro taking Wold of this work in earnest, nut it cannot ho nr. : too o:tea that no corn crop should be •■laid by’’ without aowingpesM, middle* either the l. >i;.lca«t Iraki. or in Also, the : Over cut ire j work over the wheat amt cat stubble* l cml *°w ,!l ° P eftB I;r or if time and other work are nr . -ittir, runoff tns ; tows about two ami one-half or three feet apart, p!u«t rim peas ami break oat ' “o / niimuos later, as opp irfumi.v <»• .curs, cnvs if practicable sy.'i) y equal parts ’ of Joiitiit and phosphate at, the rate of about 2C0 pounds t» Hie i -h*. This will increase the growth :uci w e of the peas iiml I hey in tarn wid gather j ply of nitrogen * ami n-j.jias. i wo most j | important hard-run up<l agents t.rmuxrtj in ret nr! Iranis. wntiug Besides >.v.t these two itnp slant otli- >•! they servo to shade the land and k j- ;> down tiie weeds. In our;) ba: i lands moodily retrograde. Tim alter,uno bii ; - tertng hoot and was!,in:; rains tfer.r.v them of untold ana unc.ffeu at -a jiajounts of plant fool. Any err 1 which will cover tin- land will servo t i arrest this steady dial:!, but for ike ! abovo ret.s ujs l^iitju.mus crjpi aro h. ^ ’ | is « beeenim;; IR L vn: caor ' 0i " iatpts-tnnt : 1 ?viA uni - c:;;; in a it very ti ! ? ur fuU tr ” fle ' *’“ n \ ‘ {«*» neretoioru , buo/i jcivoh, I or •>. un.ivaUou, planting, teniaziug, cm. W-.-ru ■ j I does the potatoes, not care to order take the U M< trrubio sprouted f > ho i in urn : IFfpL T ’ 1j ioUont Moauiaiu" fur Uithes a . nir:- iy wlihdi is tar* to ;,r aury u jL'',.. -rmd. ! ! is sr-■ • ’I adapted for fad planting, i. -d ; - n .u; . ttbuuciauuy. ewK rr potatoes may be sot oh: during ihnc:iti"a rii pv'.iduco using cultiu;. ■ I'nm tlui via .4. v/nrte | the *iir KiduMt best t ii c tiUons. Tho euttiutfa »l'or.h: n r bo i long, three eyes are nidi •i' , ut wr r.r : wofiusj. Tin loiiuor cufUtKe, i pr > duce a firealcr uacibcr or imt u „•., ,, tho quality and sir/, v/i,, r-s-r. Fit bovrd a xi> Don’t pof ctf fllltil l’l J I'l oieni, I gov-'iny oats and thru ha im- .a ' pi'ilic tally scratcii mu -.viir-.i n . • •>. \ ell others Ins jtroveii in s.t vahriMo t , I tho farmer. The present y, ,ir ir.s or uo , Illustrated Cue fact, thc.r tho s;>.i;;y j gov/li crop cannot be re.i • I on, ! (he fall crop, if propm-iv p.cp for find sown oaixy enough, !< mm r | tah). Prcjrov tiro land to >:■ ,u ,:ly to bo ready to begin sowing ir. Scptoiahor. j i’h° food value stock of rye a< a renovator, a grata for lini'inyr I he winter in nit hr.. and an accr.piahitor of Imran i is not peiiorally fully appivciatoiL Wiiila not nn valuable us peas, if sown on the. pod stubble it will take hold of th„ wm-k Where tho pea* leit off and eontiiiU) it ; tnrougn tlio whiter. It h a very Inmiy j crop, ami if sown in l Ho out tun fields clous much to prevent tho ami I washiiiR of tho cleanly cnltivutnd soil. | fto:«:ara ; may still be planted to iutvan!n-o. T!:a Early Amber is Wt for the li.t plant. Jugs. It is exeeiitionaliy go - i for fa; teuing hogs, and if cat before th« s/uds fully form may be fed with pu.Ut to nil aiato farm aniualc, only being eni'cfut to rog tho amiraut, ns like nil other gi-oea foods, It is injurious if t.vou iu uuiim Ded quantities. PAST ORES often fall at this season and white the hot, dry weather may unm auffHout reason to many for this fniinre, very | ! often it is the vi-milt of too c'nwn grii* lug. Tho stock, are turned on day after ! 1 day indisorlminatoiy, r.urt no thinmht is I : given to the fact that any plant will at ’ last fail if it* foliage is oonnua dly <i •. stroyed. Tho grass is (riven no ton ■ to repair tho is, daily damage and tho e.mso quenee that bolug oaten off an fast a* It tries to put out a fresh growth, it finally gives up the fight and our mid summer pastures become brown and j bare. It is here that the green crops n; ; sorghum, forage corn, p 'as, flow conns : in ns a most valuable supplcnneut, and if fed systematical:}- will save tho : i pastures and in tins fa 1 the abundant j growth, which has sprung up on them ’ Will givo tho animal.-, good start and a save tho B30 of muidt of the stored win tor food n T Nusutrc, ixTEMTi.v.vr, Avrinux. | When the disnas.) is tukoa into )!: syst.iia through the alimimtniy can) I it is termed A„lhrnx and i usually produce! hy spires which a-' •Wallowed with ike food cud drink.' Second, KEEP YOHJI i 0 IS£ ; ON THIS SB AGE FOR ii. i A. Jarrnrd’sadvertisement. .Inrrard’s is the jiiscc lo buy cheap ffoods. When you me in town •* call on Mr. Jarrard and c\ amine his goods. :ES! j iaced i ; | J j 1 j p [ . notice . lYLjJo.-ulors, county: Whereas.'B. represents to court in h5»r petition inly tiled nuo on i .siorl, that b- * lac id IN ad firs-Candice Aio-ader'sestate. Tills is therefore to cite all persons iiitd, debtors a:i l f o.redito'to cause, if any ilii-y can, why said should not 1st dtsebsreed Ins r ludrliOeatKii sad receive of dismissionthe iirst Monday May I8J7. J .11. KREKMAX. Ordinal v. ISOTiCE ft EORH l &—V hit e cou ni y. To thefeftal void's of the721, M. of said coea'y • You are hereby Hied (hat a petit;,.u of 1.1 {reefe biters a been filed ia pipy ofliee aflriig’ for election in said district .m the ef fence or sio-hlaw. At the u of twenty deyr m. cJaeiidi l,cordered nnh ,. ! pdp. ) v vc i .d. K‘Iiy, 8th. ' , J. If. b REHM . o. or - — Mi. Vi . 17 . SjiilJen, drug ehwk ,). W, MeC'i Inteli, {KiiTnissqs Pn., kcvs; l was Hit;, ail night winter and corttrac!ed it ret ere cult!, i was h >ar.-.-e fot a ’ . o ' ! could liiitijy speak. hew well our store spoke of ('!; 'tnlier iuui’s ( oi gh i’eun dy, I fo try ii. One-half of a t lc cun (I i)K» cii 1 ire! v.” J. A. V an Vdlzali, I lug hesv ii !c Pa., Says; (.'liamlx rial'.’s(fotigl) Hciflcdy inn. pro', an m) valtlahic Unit I <!<( tint hesitatu to il to any oik*.” Hr. i . i\ inger, Pplirai.'i, Ba., 't,vs: “Mr. .1. I). Kline, ;V cigar of this place, reports a cure of In* cough v. it Si 50 cent hotilp of Uhaiiilv rhiin > ... ou.d, remedy nflcr he had e.-i ti } ms winch had failed.” Fm *2u aiKl jBO cents |km' lV ’ \ ’ [I ’ I [owlci^nn ( levcland, , On. IT If! t3| FT what we say but what ■ Mood vA tfsaparilladoes that tells the story ofiiM acrit. Whenin need of med¬ icine renwtVier HOOD’SClfHES .. -. tv F.Wf?2i ! | 1 i LO 3 reachh*ce St Allan la, (ia. ! PRICES cf «4, MANOS kJ . ii". 1 g ^ IB vt ii WS #-*<5 ^2, NFl, gS> 6 , a so. - $50, up. 4 C? ^ ' % e ii £ v fl ii % I i 1 4% L ‘:*t '•'‘A/A& CP # U $ C’i.-'* O ^ *s>. £5F 8 v. 7 , , >S£/ a <s> Fa . f 8 1 -‘4 Q 3 e? B a AT€l 3 s 1 C « U IT A K 8 C-* to *r< & Q&> x lars. Write ioi* price list and dffsfripjib:! 8 8 % ■■■ V-s\ 50 4 ID ns. * &J& X i . , i •Pi S r i 25 ,to fe fl Q>' % '4 % MAST ORDERS MEi t ' i-j $? a P T if T k'j PROMPT AfliaTIO^. Aiilohat*ps, yaiijos,CiriBitai‘^it!t<' Flutes, Files, Flageolets, Meto : lecordeons, Drams, Blow Aeeoi* strings, Trinunln^ and eases for al Music Molls, Music Stands ^ Folios, Ocarinas, Music Boxes. Harpsfrom 5 c* to 81 85 eaclt. 8 IFFT rmmn lUH \mm QT liDIF UF DRIffi min siBU UlUI Write for Lists to Y. T. BAR 3 iWELL I ' 118 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Cwa.£ ; ■ tj a !es < Ii | 1 AT a f 11, s |mn|*a i» J j < j{ | S-. r a fin ST l! In a f< w week I will -tart to the Hus tent Marke’.-; to lay i:t tlu- !it gc-st stuck of goods of every desrri jitioil i.hut !r;s ever brought In Guliie.-vilie uiifl in order ! ii make roun.i hi my store for t inv-e : jirojioso now to begin u (.'UT-HUCE HALr'. M< ::by will will h- jiut down to cos;, and it great loamy tilings w ill In; soil!:;! less than t'D-l . In f v.'t, t iir cot of U gc* at nutiiv I thitigswiil have i.ot litog to clo wilti the ,ei! tig JifKte.C.s t iir.V mu-1 tie ele.-rtl out ‘ii some price to imtkc rmtlll for Itiv spring stu x. ,,, ,. ) : . .. .«I.,j . . . . ., .riu . ! . .. . la • < ■ i w 1 •. Jf,,,. ns>iu spit of i 'bdh t?, - dls eVt’fVwlit f.5 *10, ti %y will h<- sold for V5, Aindiicr suit, 'the best t.'hcvi, t : .jjjj,; tLnl sold for b'H, will he f!o -eti oil! In this S lit' u - long US t hi t j. if l jj jy ] },, suits will Uo sols! :.t «2 SO, mid the $«* s ilts at i'2 iYK lip- is of (oats muj Vest that sold ::l I'-), you eau get now at and the jd'ii-e will be i*jiii down ft- ii i«T, Nice (Mssimcr iTiiiis worth muti fi to ri will he closed at 7.7 emits to *». dean ■ 1’ ui.- worth fiae, will go, at 4Re, and the t! kind at Sii<>v is ■ > i imu a st. i r m rm “*** THE 'i?EABEST AND i IFF! >Hui .4. f will -ej! tliiili's who'e stuck, II! Shoes. ( i . -; ij ;( < > Mil ;lt ic.-t 0 Ilia flic kind tfirt-l ii - .•! ' 1 lo 7 .77 i y, ill sell now f.<: 85«‘, U 1 me whole slock, (iisiiioAvjiSti make, tho kind Unit seiU for V M. v iii go liow at title, Hoots at less Until Jjv«t co.-t. BEST BUiUlvT Will sell ihei-cst .old in (i.iinceii ie for the nuqicv. Unis v. ii]; wijl he eUi/ai osu in thin Nik’ : i dec, t-.suJ so un all .lu'ough the Hut stock, 3a*i; n DE-itw a n k—iadj e.v a n d g en r.Q ■ » V’eii's : ml H/dieie ru are, ,ii;d .Men’s Over.- III:!.-. will lie pit: J.t li J; tluiil ill'.' tiers! eiv!. Hid BlnlllO't worth "7i- will ■ c* clos'd Olll at one; the r i slid ■?! .27 kind':;! tUic. U iil scB a good .-month vini wide .‘"•hcct.iiig. the 7-" kind for 4c per yard, t'hec.i,-. ;,t ?. 1-2c per yai I. Ds'es* (i-.inti.* will he reduced in puce nil along the line. BLOCK HUG Vk AN!) (’OFFKE. Tim :> 1-2 pousi-1 Un’/ii ('• u ■ 1 will -o'! m, ) H pounds In (In* (Jojlaf—as oi.ih! u- anyliotly - -> poti-id < ■ he . Brown Sitq-'ir 27 His io tin; t|:iiial‘, and ill" ?7 per Hf»l Eiotir wdt Im sold a i i .<sy. big Lor \ i n.n v.'t'ti One if t 111* 1)1 si ill. I m \ m la ij-t' IS n lot of Five p •d i-ics (j on! v. it hjJ -M N : ;ih 1 Vosit.ii f:o ;<*vy* •id it at ii I il). i 1 i i t V,nv, < I < »•! I ti 70C pcV ! itiid. 1 I 1 ' ■ j -< 3 I > V 4 , i. a . M cM. H d • r .!/!:• (j’lat'e (.iallic-t (in. BOTAHXO U 9 BALM A thoroughJy tested Remedy for all BLOOD and m DISEASES, This standard vaoi*fi? has been trie I and cot *unvs* Valias', tor forty y*ar«. ’ ae t vith <*c i _______________ tdod. ft stiver iaiifl to UrX-tfit froift tb* liist tluso, quickly ar.i cBeci. Rliy driving out *11 oisekiw germs froia tbs ey(it«2a witbout &uy «Q.pi.;aaaut or iujarioas offecu. It is not the roault uf ijf rwrance or suparstition, but it is founded usonrOHiBK*a SRodorc mc-tllcul a scit thorough it koowi •*iye of cce. bfood «cd r.z,\y puriftas an4 ©nrichca tht^ getarai hriiiii health to the sufferer. As rival. a »n<f Vniluiag-wp tonic it it witUtmt h. U it* absolutely kuaiyais beyond of braith-giviog cotuoanson proper; tv it*: i-s air it re wady ever offered to vitality vitality tli*t public. and ail It ills is a panktea infctja for impaired paired and a imju'vorisked --------.— i« sultintj from impure of if'*: quickly Idsy.i Idcod — — 1 »* cisrreji ut * ftfeia euros !>!*• Srrsfkli ia, ,VI ITwin 81»*:=i*3. ■ 3v s»**l Sk'i«F»' 8 i 2 v Lltpr. laJarye, 2€i4u«y PUXAI&, etii, S'oiiuale W t«k* asttf bm», Xvrrotxa etc. INVEST!AATC FOR YOURSELF. tor our Fr«i EmU ef Valuable la&rmatfttKx togsther with * woaderfvl arr*y cl eertificetM oi rwraarhatde cures, frora th# ts> tu» meet vhaF-’ul Uia-. •a»a, -tftsr all known rc**fiie3 had failed. These csrtiffcRtw testify with no uncertain scqaJ, that Bpt&ttie Blood Balm ie th« Lee*. eh«aW»t, Blood quickest, Purlftar greatest ani heaUK-g'vins end pow trfnl world. Ft beaj<s44» rem¬ edy tvar known to the ; $J.OO tor $ bettlot. M. ». M. f»ii!a ar« a mild and affective purgative and hirer Regulator. Otto Fill is a does. Priee. 26 cte. f>cr box. S. ». *- kind* is of a superior karns dressing and Ours for all aoret, > erup¬ tions, etc. Fries, 50 «ts. p*r box. E. f&. K. 1 ttrrh, etc. he uee.l, ' Blood Balm. For sal* by druggist?; if not, se»d to ua. Address, BLOOD BALM CO., Aitaftia, 6 s. .'•SOS7 ROfUkAR SCWiiDO MAOH'MR for a. a Lav riot* atn* ' * Bay B*y tn#a ufcctit-» js<s gfiSJablw * »M*fftg»EWra u. - uisu^. t 2 Tax. is fe r8.y Ja Vic* by v*»rid hoa<*< ' atwrtanrf cq»ar«» ?' t*>n# c*r». i vs«.-,l nisuiMh’. «! ci'in»9r*c«lr»». du('ability t»f vtorliis hi. fl: Iraproveiaettsoa ri» ; M of fiuusii, hb#usy ia npp^urenc*. or l WRITE FOR CIRCUI.AW8. Kef Hosa Sewing Machine Co. MA33. Boarov, U>UJH. Mam. 28 Uioon lmo» amt, ».Y, Chicaoo, “fflS III. ftUVCUKto, LL. br. Ft, Ix>pw, Cal. Mo. Ho. Atla-nta, Dallas^Tlx^jl IHLLA*,TZ Ox. 2 L&S. C3R SACS ev t-OX . i. i»»,a,... ,.k or ,THE I ! “IIMSir 1 r * ti .‘A A e *ii 4r- & Hi i ^ 1 c : . ; ;a ,7 gfc,- Iff stmmi ft — -a. *K L far \f fm m rj A strL-ilv litiph-gradie ‘Fair.Sly iTotiera Sewlag penaeASlms, ail U:, *:tipr*jvc«»w *. Eiijal to the Best ti’U'v* v#»r y pi?i5jSoaa.>Ie. Obtain rbem froiii > oi>r local tlenler anti uiake coniparfsoas. ELBREGSC fiAHilFADTURilS G 3 . BELyiDERE, ILL. OIL STOVE will cook anything in any way as well as the best coal or wood stove. On it you can Boli, Broil, Bskc, Roast, Fry, and do it all wilhoikt heating up your house, awl v.iib Ft smoke or sme!!. of air do not affect its bar:u;:-j, nor make it smoke. 14 L OFFER, For tke parpo c of iniroflaeir.^ every-.v'.:ere, •wewill r.-.-li one sta-ve s&ev.r rngaE>r whab rjy v. F , a::J dcUvcr iks-3 of dtc.’ . Fv.yrL.r flics o'* above sto- , v hk oven and i’ - .ii ir, £ J. i priest L3T s> >,20, Civ’tV •-sd. T - - is male zi tnrt iron, with ! i-uwijro-i oi’ and : U t : " 5 1 . Cl* ; .« : v.: 1* or.e gallon of oil, r:':id: •• Fl b irrs ten hours. S<se4 for (rat*:.) R. t idea Company, CO L vif trr STREET, NEW YORK. 'OH,58' -lai&ited «S40 «»K! DISEASSS OF THD SHD4. The intense itching and smarting inci¬ to errer: - \mut, k mlt rh5unj,ar.-I fiber of !h» .riK iaeta,:;;/ allayed by Cbarahoriakis Eve and b'fcja ’dasy cured very bed cases l:a-e been by it. It U equally for itching nipples: piles cud ?. favoriro rem¬ for mrb char,; -1 ’ ’ , diii frost bites, sad cl;:r c-yes. sale l>y druggists at ce: az. Tryllr. Cs£j- yeuditlo: they just what a horse needs - ondi Tonie, lile x! puriSc r ge. r -. lc by l.snt.Ch v<-